(Chatham troni THCKSIUY, . .July 21 1379. .- -.- ,.t.;lgln wj,v tliov should not. The H. A. LONDON, Jr., Editor f)(,.ncr ,,,.;6UT .m. tj. ,,t .-- j.-. j ()f (j,,,;,. .lt0 (.ijjve, vciiv THK NEGRO K.UE. to extend to tli. tti a Uymi: lwu'd in their necessities, ami they in TYeN'Iiovctliatir. Xortli I'Hmli- turn havo ii warm atta.-hinent. for tia there is now vA'nj( A letter their ohl masters. The two ra.vs nii.l more kinl!y frrli.tjj between are mutually doi-utidetit .-.ml cmc1i i I he white snd l.ia.-ks than at any neees.siiry to the other. The Ul timo since the vm.wiati;.n of the '- Iweoiiimjr latter. Ami it is a matter of puh'.ie equals of the lal-oring class of con-rat ulati.m that it is.., for it will :tny country, nn.l indeed superior promote their mutual interests, in. to v-mo. They are infinitely mv nvasetlsc i.ros.erity of both, ami ferable the "heathen Chinee." redound to their common -rood, "i'liey iW gradually mctiiiiv.l.itiim; The p.ol people of hoth raees, property, i.wmiij; an i-fe--. -t i-, th.' tWe who wi-di well to their feU ' ''"'I lMV'Hiinjr useful c-iti.ens low-men, will .lotihtio ,b all w.:!i TI"-V 'l;,v, W" .to'-." v"1 !,s'' in their power to continue and in- in not joining in t!ie wi'.-l em'-nt-crcaae tli's kindly feeling. When " niovetnent that has bror.-lit wc take into consideration all the distress an.l sulleriny; upon many rireutustaneea eonneeted with the l,eir more Southern brethren, rmnnei nation of the southern slaves.1 for we believe that they are. and it, would seem but natural that the wiU ,,l, il 1,,'tu'1, eonditioii in prions anil prejudices of the two every respect in North Carolina races should have been excited and than they could be anywhere-eNe. illfeelinffs etiirottdcr'.-d. The. whites liad, after a most bloody and gallant struggle, lecn defeated by superior numbers, and while still smarting under the sting of defeut their slave roperty was taken from them and many reduced to novertv; ami then in addition to this an odious IVeed- Lfi (1;p-inail tlie VOfiiti,n. Ti.rr tbn nian'u lhtreau was cetabli.-hcd in ,.'t t.ted lb .-. Dr. Wn kl r, Ala'i.aiaa, o:ir n;id-t. the former masters were an j10 too tlciUoI the honor. Oa deprived in large number of t''e the 10th insr., the trnsteennain met, elective franchise, and the right to : anil iuRtedd of agaii seeki.ig a 1'res liold oflice, while both were thrust ideut from another S'nfe they realised upon their late -daws. We do not llm fact that onr own State could eay that all thi-t ju-tilied the whites furnish a fit person fir the position, in entertaining a bitter feeling and nnarjimous'y elected the Hev. j'gaiust the blacks, but it certainly Dr. Tntchard, the beloved pastor of was natural. And the neeroes, whol11 -....om-.v hire:! Ilay t-.t-t CU-.-.rch had nil their lives lucn staves toil ing for otheis gain, when suddenly eiu.incipated and clotiied with all the rights of freemen, naturally (hut wc do not think justly i enters t. lined a bitter feeling towards the whites. For several years this fee! ing was aggravated by designing men of both races. Secret societies called tlie I'titon League and the Ivu Klux Kl.m still further .l"o:i.-ed their i'lt'eeiing.J and animosities, and the oulrag.s roniniitted by law- h-ss men disgraced our civilization, The negroes were told by many of their leadi,; - not to trust the white people, that we would take away ihv'ir t ights under the law. ami if jvKsihlo would again redtu-e thet . to hhn-ei-y. Thousands believed tin's false as.cr;ioii, ami it was nat- unil tliat they should, ignorant and pveiudiced as thev were. Hut we are '.lsed to know lliat time am net d experience is dispelling (his false impression from tlteir minds. We have control now- of every de iartmcnt of our State iovcrutnont. and of the Ligila';-c - the law inaking - (lej'arttm ut we have had control for nearly ten years, and yet uo riiiht or privilege whatever has been taken front our colored p"pn lit;t!i, but in all resju-cts tho j'.icos stand (ijual before the and are equally protected. And battle rl;e lC'.h day of May ISm. just here we cannot refrain fr.un The members of this committee ap ei.pving a jtortion of a recent well- Point? trom Chatham are II m. written editorial in the Journal of Joho -ai''dc;dS. W. 0. Albright :,. fi'.bwtt-f n ,lu, t.i: i ...i :.. Ilugh W. IXxon and the Ennoi: of (. , rr, i '11 UH?IIC' I III, Ualetgh by two intelligent and ed ttcated negrnes, who wore liorri ami raised in onr midst, ami whose ef forts to improve their race are high-, ly commendable. Head what they In h Hfc-rd of the ICth i ist., pav : ' was tho simple announcement of the .v it- .t drowning of tho four daughters of e believe that the Nejrro re- . x , ... 7, ;,., . ,,,,,.1. , i ,. " , Mr. Apph ton OaksmitU m ar renu- ecies.'is nineli consideration, and enjoys as much lila rtv in North 'rt, on the dth of this month. 1 h Carolina as lie is likely' to receive -'u11 Particular-) of this most di.,tres.s- or enjoy in any part of the conn! rv. ing catastrophe are furnished in a His citizenship is acknowledged. Utter written by the bsreived f.-ther and his rights undi'i-the law accord- to the editor of the Xiwbernian, d htm: .its edu(-;.tiouaI facilities are from wllich we C0Ty the fouowin ,: qtial to those of the whites, so l.u- ...f . . . . , . lif.t, . ,. , , Jiy agonv is too great, dwell :-s State provision is conc'riie'l: he .u t " - . .. (. i m i, ' u.on tbe h;.rrib!e oeeLe, but justice Mts .m jury, votes as he pleases, to my ded daughters compe b me to and tn iinuiy nnjH.rr.mt particulars, urnke the effort, and to sav that the is far m advance of the race in any report yon send is entirch" erroneous, other Southern Stale. Throughout I will state all that is essential now onr borders the best of feeling Pre to know. All the facts are kuowu ails. no far as u e kt:or. The only to God and myself. I was the whites are chcerfnl'y aiding i-verv only r.no in th boat who eoti'.d -ITort which we are niaking for our swim, or who bad ever before con edneiitionttl. moral and material nonted peril and death. Hem-e 1 jirogress. Of this condition of was not Pa,-ic t.ricken, but had a thing we fed proud. It ar-ues ' dreadful realization of all that was the dawn of a brighter and lmmtier ""J111",? .T' , . .. , , . dav for our whole iieople. We , "ti' ,tb? T n l sIk'iuJJ, I,y every meani in our Juggle was by my daugh- t i o r tere Bessie and Corr.ne, who lost power. ft,Tto the friendly rela- lhcir live9 ia Leart-renUieg .iT.rts tions u Inch are jiiv-duemg such to save their two younger sisters, gratifying results m all jtortions of Whatever I did was ray plain sim-' ur State. Let lis make our land a pie dutv, and God kuow I feel Jand of peace, prosperity. fre-doiii that I did it poorly enough. I had in I happiness. Let as nuke it our the responsibility of al', and hoped homf." to the last to t..ve th?m all. The lr l ii i i saving myself never entered my W e commend these Umely -mid tniud? mv' whoIe thon(,bt Wfw Kmim.' wuitk k the eimsioerafivn uy chilUieu, cud I say it wath sub- ood will ,1 tUVllMI the tl f.nd kindly fcvlins be twc'LMi the two race will coiit Imu to fow, nnj et.oli lie disjv.-oti to aid tlio other. And there is no A Wise P.Kttioii. It will be remembered that the . trustees of 'Wukc Forest College, ; several weeks aqo, tlecteit llev. Dr. McDonald of Virginia to the Isi ilenrv ofth.it iimtitntion. anl that at lia'eigh. Tin's selection mint be 'iibuitted by all to be a most w isl and proper one, and will donhthc-s be of great beiiellt to the eolhge :i trusttd to his charge. Dr. I'ritchard .lest-rvedly oecupiea a high raiik in the miijistry of his denomination, ac.l will r.o doubt add to his repnb'.tior. in hia new f:tld of labor, for wis are leased to hear that he has ao.'epb J th tiositlo.i. It steins to be char- nieiistie of o;;r Xnr'h r-r!::.-! people of ail el is -eg anl rum.U to be abvays iguorirg the? chtiia and u'ents of onr f-.lioiv-i itliei.s at.d thrnstlup Louors and o-itluus on citizens of other States. Kattle nf Ahinatice. On the fourth of July the cLizens of the iieirhborhood held a ncetiiio- "ar the place where was fought the -battle of Alamance,' and biaugnra- t ted a movement for the erection of a suitable monument of native granite to commemorate "the deeds of the first men who shed their blood for American Independence." A series of ivsjlutions was adopi-.'d an 1 a co-n-mittte was appniuted, compo-i.d i f i,'entletLien from the eoun'i.-s of Ala uiance, Guilford, namh.dp.i an it'i a -ham, i) soVcit ro-.itri'-n'ioi.s f irtri .- tirg the monument, and to make ar- J of our rt.iJt i, nnj we lioj.- that' two rang.ments to have a nr. 1 c -h.-br.i-law iion on the neit annivi.rsarv of the the lltcoitn. A Su;l Calaaiity, mission, that but for my effort not one .oulil liae been saved. The .-irci.it n oertirred in this way: I was ir ti.iiujj; t.U'- no.it wi'u n . he, now to t.wim; ue never ueior con .....l.i,.... i.-u ....... .......... i .' '..... i .u...:i i u i l.- i.:.. Fort .Mavon and li.mnfoial 1 wildlv, and Icii.i-nstfi the ni .' tu ntv eon K mdolph, 17 vein- . chnn-,' hi n to kvp it th-ar and .villi-1 1 w S:ol. Wlihiiivnm.tr U' fcn we trot ri to 'jibo" I charjrnd him ti "let fly to which he u not entithd. The the nio.iifnt the s dl passed the wind. , crown of heroism bi'loii! to my lie hauled (be sail ff my dun;h- beatiful daughters IV.-ie and Car ters "shifted seats"' quietly the boom u1 wh l perished to savo their lit- B-nn mr Mm u;ot ''liiiiii." flu swtora caught (from wlKttever cause I .lori t carc now to knowt and the bout viiw.-d and eaps'zed. It was all in n "moment. A she went over I o-der- .-d--"liook out for tti f.l.il.lrn each t:ike one and eiintf to tl-o out! 3lv dntv v.ss fir all. 1'evsi. took ln-r sister !liln'd. C rrimm (mr 'ot aa'iful I'miliae. and ll iii.loipli l;s little brotln-r St uiley. It was an iiislim-tive in t. tr-ii !e.l l.y nrst ord r. As llir- Ii vi t ill'ed sbc b, 'o:i i to sink und. r u. -Stit-k to the boat," 1 eri'-il. sti.O: 'o t!ii boat ."' 11' t i this ii'oiiu'lit in v i -Itil u wtrn not p,inic-stiitU,"i, but were bi-autifdly culm evd tpiiet. Ti" boat caps:;:' l on her jxirt si 1e. As shes;'U!e,l in the vati-r. fr.-m cmses now metiers to neouut, Mm. ntll-il con.tilt-iely over, her m ist and nail poiu-mi ier her, which 'lol.l'me that the watt r wis ov r 15 fr( t de(i s she rolle.I ov,r the "iilj w lit out 'of the bo-it on 'lie starbii.-n-d si;ie the two cl.le-t eMfh bohlniir a little sister. 1 went with tlieio, :in l" helped tmiu .. ..., bol.T. ..ti.- i. ..;.. t doleh s ill l'.oiiling Stanley, tell over on ihe port hide, 'and was' rolh-.l un- dir the boat, wnieh be.ug re ieved i f onr weight, cone to tin s-.irfa.-e and li'tll" Ii ti. Ol.i !;t keel up. Tell;i.,r n - sieiin 1 I'liiiin.e t .ii'tit liat ! o-i to tlieRiinw.il', I iv'e.l the b. ul u-. by bev Lei 1, (j;.'t 11 .ml Iph out tm. I it; on to the si. 1 if tiu boat, yiviiiy e-.huute(l b:,t stdl holdlt ji Staul.': cliHi-gcii h-m to m.t let go him. and e'inu' to the boat. I then swam round on t'ne 'iih-'i-si le ()f the boif and fontid ti nt -uy ii:i-i,!il . rs Jiad all lost their !io'l, p.if ti;.. -1. cM' st once nn-re back, telling them that 1 would fro for the iittl.- ones. I wa-. ('linnin-; to t lie stern to yp a breath lor in v jqsk wneii I5es- ie mho i; .rrinne tiirtuj.t r.itjiid and r.nv t f'-ir tin I,, sistus bfintj Rvpt aiv.iv. They ut 'fred oi:e snriek and threw ttienisol vts tl' -'iid j-tmcled 1 1 .:i to them. At this instant 1 re:.nzeil that tlu li.int -am lint' h..d t;,i;ii u the b..- .III ar-d Was lai'ilinjr her. I ktieA- then tint, iitjliss I e..;il I eVt ti)t. iut i-liir- f tier Hiielior, ni asjst:ii:tc:' so hi cam-, Rome uouid be lost. Iputt vo ooat e ratings niid t.vo oars to i.iy d Ol'Tl t-r, v Lo tii 1 h .'cdcd lav voir '. . I toM the li-il- u;.ts to cling to th-I'l-atittgH a u J'.-fHt ai-d '"o-iuiie to p'it loo oirs n:,.;, r th ir i.r.i.s .in.l keep ta-'ids up and atm do vn. ' (MV'iiin1 a'isw. i ed i l:-et !il.ly, '.ih i io i p i pa," an I call 1 o il io tin o'i.rs - I1M hi ins ii-' unu k.'i v o I then s.::ra i.c i:ti t i tl.e bo,v of the hi...t six feet niid.-r water, h- 1 :-i:rr I. " l.-r i blc, ami .v. nt down and 'u-d ii-. vale to east it ndrif:. I ha 1 thrown e:V my coat ami vest only in 'he. str-ij-g'e und had no kidfe. The weioi,i of my body o;i Ih - bo v, pu s i down by tlie enn-'-nt. h"re ir far ther do-vu, ntju i felt the b.-a' nga n rolling ov-r. J let eo my holt and Came to ihe surface, stea-Ii-d the boat, again, encouraged my sou t hoi 1 on 1 1 Lisa little bnher an I tie boat to the last, mid 1 oking for tut laughters, saw them itnttlng awi hut apparently sufo. At this ni"- ni' iif w hile i.ol'iji'g oti io the l tn vec-v.cr ni seii. I s ov soiae ci u i s ia' I ii its i-i the lii-ti'ic- npoi:--eii'ly ti-hii.g I rused my since f u i'i. 'J'nc mill appemd to 1 k but d.d i.ot come. Colli -1 I have jo? tie-J ojif eieiT f-o;,i her Clbie in t in-, I lna- 1 c-vii 1 ) -ve snvei my daughters. I was'ed mi.cli streUL'tb in L'l.a'. va-;i e:n'eavor. II iH I not done s i I might possibly hve tfoT thrill t-: the s! ore, but fter tile drifted twenty fc-t from tl.e. Men. : lt was lmjioHsp,. for me Io get either back to the l.,..t. It require I all my s'r.-iigth tnFwim to t.e bow a-: giinst th-r ttrei.t when I luude mi vain efl'n t to fi-re the Ixiat adrifi fo tin-it- rosea-. My agory waa ro great tint I cnld not endure it, and I Ki.i-ted to tw:iri to my dMiighters win re we doubtless should have all perished together, which v.oul." have netm better for me were it not for tho living wli.-Q I saiv tlie boat winch rsKcuedus connn- ro-u,d tne silver discovdiea, 1m Hat was a I have thouht'it donbtf.il if tuerc marsh. Mv i.'.imoi told mi-that the very lively town of three or fo il- wa nuotber cotiatv in tLe Stnte cbnnces for savtn my ,iauk'jteis J),.'w:,p(j" inhabr'ania Six or ei"nt henvdv baid;ued in this r -poet, but : were greater vita my hdlp in that bnudrc d men were to be aten in the iulm-kiu',' o..,r Col. Polka 'Huid boat than out of it, aud I v.iited iu streets, the hot. Is c nild not neoom- B ok'' L find th' t her j are ver-po-ony tnl sue came, u-id diivc-ted mn.lt .11 ..., ...,.1 1.. , ...... i tt.. l..v. mora t ie kind file Is who were iu her where to search known. Tne rest is "We f nud my danjratcra all tlat- a hystem of j.ipes snp'piied water to of your loaders I have copied from, inp except lies-iiP, but. repr where I the town and the wva of proNci- that book the folioivmo; lints of conn siw her last, u Mildrea lying Ida- ity threatened to aw.nup evcrvbodv li-'s. with the nil nb r of bridges in less with her arniH nmow au o.tr. ; with li.-hes. Bat a chauoe came o'er ea li and the vaiua i.iu of ' their real The trath was ve ry plaiu to me Ihe Hpirit of their dreams. The extale. the poor child had lost Ler hold price of quicksilver declined, the' eotsrik. nnirxEs utAi. h-tvtk. upoa tlie ratinp and l -s-ie, my , liable t-ldest'tamjliter.iiad deliberate ly pi vi n up h'r only mipport, put her i(ro.vuiu2 voimper uiater across the otr, a'd uied a- she ha-t lived, from there are fifteen Louses. Sau Fran devotion to those t'ie ljved. ("or- cisco Emrn-r. linne had done thesame thegrafinjj was goie, but close to the .trowniu-j form of tier little hii-I.e.- I'soitine. wi Uorinne's oar while lier bly wa found some distance away. My eyes alone co-ild read all this a- I helped to lift the three innniaiate forms into the boat which rescued us. The wouuuai never been greater devo- ion tuan this Oimv two noole daugh- Hour anl ,11 f If onr anchor had not Pone to the Jo;t.m, or tiie Lo i- which came to our a. J h-id reached ut e-i n.in ites sootier, all would have bi.cn sived. My son KumVilplt does not kimw bold of tio boat, after 1 List dmrtd ; hiri an. 1 Li-i lUtlu brother on to ti-r. I when 1 wbs away from him, hp would ; hiv dtmbtless have H?ri8hd. Ho ; t ul ii cut v. lnt 1,h winliea lin ni-jiMr ; I have no one to blame if there wan miv Luiuhu aeeoimtfibili'v ; I take it ia.1 1 np .n ijivki U. I ha 1 the re sp-msibiitv. anl I benr it n'-l, as I must with Co.I'b i.e'o bear the a ronv 1 and nonow." The Droa.iht. Tiom nil direction we receive ac counts of niii cedent. -d lrv we it her: A bite despiteli frem U'clnnoad, i;i. HH the i:ro:l2"it is : t!cft:il'v ei o - ii'iiiini 'O.r, M my nnall n- .it l.nye ::re J-ikietf silch a re t in ter i ros-.' have entre'v lineil t,., VieM in l!v welfare of the li-in thi piojile in t"me i-.ise- b-ivinjj t tfeuera ion I ur a yoittti mvseif, ' d:iv the'r ct'lle a l -n di ine for I ea.i loylily enpreeiute their wise water. number t mills in the ins: rm-t i. hi their kind a'txiee. ami i;,m-ni-iii'i ep",il,'t lis '"' cc unit of the acarei't ".f '"!',t''''. J;li:,es '"' J,lst ab,,ve '"is city, in ko Iw that, it r an berross 'lt y'a"nu i u f tot, w.thout wetlitio the hoes. , A lespateh fr.im Augmbi, C, ea.ys, 'there lia.s been uo r-iin in this see- ti.iu to do juv LMoil to t!i -i- ins f.,r t,v" ni.iiilis. t'..iaiu miny .'aee., htei!ul luotied up end will not average a fourth i f a eroi. Cotton is - iy lunch l hiud and the weed . iy wiiiii , A u is irtiitin.' wen fiir the slzi! of tl:. tllk. This ba b;:ei t!iLh ti.st and diiest wim'Lk r .si'iie VOX A corrpsp. :i.leiit of tlie t ):ise-ver, writing futai A-hviiSe, sa-.s that so stop m ino-iieo, a i l e.n. i k-r what ;iiij.'tliy a p-. rlvid of dr. -nth l.aa not kind of hii ii-flaeii. e yo.i are, rxert heoii kninvii in many jenra, n-.t, i ! i".:' " die nd if it. e for ftet Mure W. The'coi u has tsuf-" vii. ()M ! think bow ninny of the fer.d especially, nd fo irs at o enter- rising (-em-ration, th-o ih yo(v ili aiae.l that till':-impoitant. oroj. has ll n-i.ee, wfd be bal to p .verty r.ml rieeiveo sen ins injury. As I liave Ivfotv ineiitioie-d the tobac-co nop Uhs beu lrreparablv daoiatj'.-l. Tut: i'er in the streams was lower thin for veins, aud 1 a n t .ld that the lYtnch lima i in bhailower ttiau ever before k-.M-.vn. A letter tothe X"s f nn II irn -It con'i'y s ivs, th-.t there ha- bee'i no raiu m s v weeks. Crops bnrniti tp. With th'-most f ivor.thle sc.ison lli(-corn crop r.oii.o-- exceed a half crop. Tie cot 'on is a In i rnilfi'iini.', and not inure than half a c;o: 13 pieted. Fc-Ioral Soldiars in the War. A slat. m-id has beC-.' i-r.e-l bv tl.e War Dcpa.riiiif-.it giving th I'vuber of nu u f.iroishtd tlo- I'ni -i--.il liy cac.i Mate :.ml J fii-.'(ir an I the jJ stiet of (o)tnmbit from ,.rillj ImM, to tho cl.se of th ' a i- . f ilie rein -llion. li shows tm'.t t:." total numb' r of v duet-jers was J.'tTS'.ttiT. divided lis fo'lows. M ii;;e, "-.111; -w ir.mpshire, Cti.tij:1; V r tnoi t, :;...Jt;2; :.!u.sa-l.nse ts, olsi; r,;.( .... isl.m i, -21 i":H-;C iiiiifc cut. o7.;tT:t;Neiv Y uk. -I'jT.'IIT: N'fW .J-,sey,si,(iio:r, i..,sVlva-iii,:jnG.107: D.-l.iw-ire bt.C.To. Manla-i-1, .'lO.aii!; 'V-st Yiriua, :i.t(,.S; Dl.-iricr of Cobiiii' ia. 10 S72; Ohio, :5;:i,i'.."):; In .ban-i, Dm. 117: Illinois, 17; Wie'ogoi, S'.t:!7i!; Wi-cocsiu, i'1!, IJ1; Mil niM.'ta, -."..tl.VJ; lou t, Tti, :tr.: Missouri, litO.l 1 1 ; Keinuck., 7.1 tri-v Kii.s.-t-, 'Jillal; TerniesA-e. :il titlj; A'-kaiisas. S -Js!); N (-.,,. , ' Una. :!.Ioli; Cdifoi-nta. 1 " 7J N - v .d i. l.tisi); 0.-eifo:i. is u, W-i.!i-i,! ton Tcfii-or., lllil ; A 1 1 r i ska Tei ri- 'i v, "i.loT; Colo:- nlo T. rri'orv 4 .'..:.; Di'kofa T.-riit ory. rJ.itl: .Sew 'M vro Tei-ritorv, tliCl: A' i'' ima, -J .""!: M ri la." liDd; L .nisi in , H -111: M's...-pp!. ",1.; 'IV'-is. 1 '':;), mi l t'ie In. i.. i,! nario i, o'l.tl.t-'l 'i ne Iro p Mllliished by tile South ill In-.t.-s were, wh u esee(j-.io;j i iiios.j .j 1. .1. . . . fit r . Loiiisiat.fi, ti-ar;y all hite. Fl-ni 'a : lat iii-bed to regime, it a of caairv. A.I- nb.i ma one white i egin:ent,'Mist.i'-i(i,i IU, i. .ttalioti and Aorta Cirnlint two regiments of cava.'iv. N. Y. Herald A Deserted Town. in regard to the lr'- rmmber of P.ne Fl.tt, Sonoma conntv, is a D.iblie brides in Cha'ham o.ntn'y. ' o d exmji!e (f a deMerted mtTtiiift Th taxpayer think m are very nti town. Five orsix yetirs mjjo, wir i; fo.t'.itmie in havino; a many lare thin part of ilie country was nil ex- nt renins' in t bis county, over which ritpiilHtlt. itn ILOi-itirit .if tl-ta r. . . t ..!.-' iv. fiva f .riH..l i ,v 1 u t i t it olif I .ri. I eft. 1 nf n '. lin.li i, - d' lloiies were put tip in a day, caovMs not ho wealthy. Xninkiti;; the tte teuts Ktood iirmn everv available sttot. meiit i:iirht ba of interest to uiiUV . wave nf pto-jieiity s:ibsided toacalm and then lece-t.-d, until to-day, by ci u-d count, tiicre are two and one- half houses to each inhabitant, aud ' Washisotox, JuW 111. A tele pm fr. Ii M..Jn,M run. phi-, received at the National Board of Health last night, declares the cily to be dangerously infected. Auother' ciispatch received at noon to-tlay re- port six rew cases and tLu disease spreading. -'-- "" L,u , iSS' Bn;, ,eltMb rrpprMion fr nine, Prire Wi rum. Corrcspoiidciice. TOR THK hrvoiiD. il r ll',A-Ar uatsiam Co., t... Jely 11th, 187'J. '"iTor.: It ulf ir.l.s i-.im Rrcnt ; I'1 n"lX,'t' to pern, ibe inUrestinK " "JO', ii l very inteiestitifj to me to read the Imida bb corresponlfUeii from our own dear con ity. I thii.k Mr. E.litor that your paper is a :ood thinp, it tillH a viicmcy m onr comlv that sn-m11' ie i-wg since Ivm occn- ' P"' '- e prcsnaie f-o this tht there are otne r impiov. im ills, thnt ,ci.u yet b-i male in onr r nMy, and; 1 Vr,"M "y. mat the eiiiz.-i.s of t'hntliH.:i are de. jv inttrot -d in ' iinpiKvinK their part of th woild. ' ! that is, tlicv li.'lve been -iviii inuch ! Attention leeent y, to the ruii'iimr T iiiul iiiiiery, to tin- nv:-tioi of brlil.'es. to tilt ir h l'i ioii of t.t'ou,f drink ami to the .Inc 'ion of the vonnc. I em li i-.pv to lfii-n thai the peo- p.e in t n'ltli. iM, ion! of t'ie jo'l-t'V wu.n.... i-..,,, mix ni reifiuo. to their es tmples. J?. it hIus! manvof: tU i,o are partienl tr in th-ir; ad ire to the oniij;. tire very c ire. loss as 1 1 the 'nature of th example' that, tbev srt for ns to follow. This? i'es u l ineio.leaii,no,Ti,raareiiiaiiy f tin? I'V-s-nt (.vnt-ratiop, whose tiisrh -.hi. iu li.V I fer we wi 1 lu e-imju'en of tiiline; but. are ma1 y, I sbu nler to say, ex i-upl s are worthv not even wh. a s;va.;- to follow. I lUmieht s mi- of n mi lice -.ill" 1 8-!isted at I lie b id e.ii:lt1e s?'t. ! elore US, Vet there nr s m? who will be b d astiay by ;h- tn. l1i-o;v of thepre--ii t "ueration, weevtren- of voil to eiu t; tains or i;i-e e wno-n voti win sen i to prison, tliink o: the awfiii f ,ct thi'. you may send s e;ie dear' one To the. " dlf.-. n-id Oh! for ( l's ke think of tin enn.'v tha' you wi 1 drag ia'oa Ii ui!!:-.id'sirav(- f aai li-ippv t klo v ill A t'ie p o;i!c of Ceulro T(wn3,i') have set us a g -o.l example in deciding, at the hat lot box, that, iiitoxic.tiug ljjiors .Iih'I no- b s d I at nr c.i.iiit . s- at, "veeie it w.nil.l s. tid in eteiy.l rection its Iiimi f it ii;fl-i -ncc, spre.-el-erime and poverty ov.-r our whole t '.-mnty. Tnls is what we term a' goo.t f on .. i-tlier to vi. ships ' sh..n!M-i ik-wise. I Mij.le sboii't-1 be very eir ful in 'llpir tied .f life, I--S". the' eX'Tl a i:c:.o aliio-j -ell i- ! in tl f ir con,- mtieitv. ii'i l if Mi-y one s'lonl I d.-f'-r.ni-ie v. itni-i h'- sef set a bl !, x u ijii!'-. We -VMU'd nolitc'v nli ill til !o :vinru i! ji! m f.r as his advice to I s is fotn fllii d . W'm do dcsi.'e the ad.iee of hoaesi, straight for ' if 1 peO'ile. but Wi: do Hot desil--' . :t)C. n tvice of hypocrites. O i! kind an i ioii:-g patent, we 0. etkl; ask yo.i .,tver to turn ns !oos. until v. a-- a!l sufTcieiitK tra.tu-d t slfin all the p'-tus of toe devil; give tis nil the iiitrie-li oti ami ndvie-tti'it will be b. te !i.- al to us, au 1 l;rayG l to iih s-i uli -r.rrs for go iImt we msh'v We tn mble at the tho:v'ht lh-.it, ar sotne firure time, we will hive to eirry on lb j business .0 the 'Tofl i ll! i!ie Youii .' friend, ht its r."-!i fir wis do:u a id ii-i.ovl.'d e. 'a we -may be carry o:i (lie wo k of o ir great ir.J goo I men. not m.-nly a-, it is, o:.t lei .i sl i ive to HI IliO III ill1loVe t -. i r otl ll'.i tilings e-t toli .lied fir' ti e adv.Oe-" lie-It J' civili ttioll k.i-'-e !-' an I el. rift unity, casing o-.-idtid Its id ihirig.- iliteli tu.i '.o a'l laoee tiie cau- of i .oi . is-k-.-, nipff st.lioi aiii til. devd. and S'-ttn.g 1. (1 i 1 examiih.-s fir the vein ration that wiii fol o v U-, should liuie coii- fjiin lours mo.-i truiv. Foil THK IlKI OlIO. Ni:iv Hoi f. TowNm:r. I July IStb, 17'.. Mti Eoitor: There Las been n preat deal Raid' tn ... r-Luti.-.o n..1 nniri .f tlim ,-,,mbeliad Mwr-, Anaoo, 3'. ;; Ml 6 4'l 4.1 47 Ml (ji $ 1 4:;,'iis ;-.' TTti -..") 1 3;t 14.1' !kxi. 1-1; 1 ;tt.. wh l kc..i..'):ii 1 .4WI.4''! S.lt.t ti .i 1,41 ."ij" ll-il li'ttt 2. out s;s 1 .4J itrj vV '. 8airifaoo, John .d. Rn. Norl It HtHp'oIl, 'liulltorj, wli, iuI"., ( bati'min. a.i-l S thai frota h alxive statement. it will be seri tl at theie sre twelve wnT,tita ,Lat h ive a CL-atta- numb-r I ' of bridtre, than we hive, and that '01.6, (Xa-h) has uiori, than twica as 7' bT 'l tho waud dollars less real estate. B. N li V O VEliTIK Mi:X IS. White Goods! White riiueb, StrijXid, Figured, aud Cheeked, 80MKTHINO PPECUL. A cry Pn tty and Very Cheap. 4a VICTOHIA LAWNS, SOFT FINISH .VAIXSOOKS. goFT FINISH CAMBRICS 'I luii rtino. 1) Eiialle1 for tlir rrvairy iu linn market. A vri.t. I.IJTK OF 0 l ((i h't. Kl .r Cli.ilm. Ture's. (Jl 'ves, I II Miery, M'lts. Cuton-cl Talite lhona-k, a onr. XT nuwAix in 1 4 tV.ii-'e-l ('..tion nt Sr liy the Vinre, an' (I I'tiin iff J,nm or I:ii.Ii!e. Iviitms, Insertion and Laces, A M'Kt IM.i l'T WITH VS. j ri-dtTMsmni: lvwxs, v cts. I'orar'a! Curii' li"! I'er.He '. DIIESS (iOODS! DIKS GOODS'.' (: to $1.50 a yard. j vr.vk.jan. rr.n y & .tones, ACKNTC Kurt Clarks Mile End Spool Cotton, jriO-tl lUleiali. N, C. I have N't'V en tuinl. n Kli;aiit Siock of. DZl? GOODS, NotIttisrl.l liinar.lMts .V Shoos, all tfrjeUn for (t-n's. I.niiea Mi-t-a aial . t'luliiri ii. li-icleiie-nV II in I Made lla'ter , a S :'. I v. Tie-i-elelira'H Il-j-.ten Uiier ' cau'l li- "Civile I, f f f'Tie. cmrfiir'. anil: .'n.a'ii'ity. I liavt- M. STVI fs tx"li liijili aii.i tnw rni iu It 'yileti, J. S. Tiinipr. ('.arli lleisr-r. anit T Mil- :ali 1- tit i fill , !l-t ton Ki'ta nd New l'ort Tina, fur IHilini" Sa'iiaier wear. ( U.-ii.le 'lif :b ivi mentioned (rooila, I( liave tlioiiia idn of art'e'ea very attmctiv. 1 I Imuii'i '" Miiie-reii.. to tnen'ion. I Kvirit , a rull from tny tnanv f'ien'l". find itie pub tic t-i ner.tliv Vrrv lt"i-rtiiill.v. laavia tf Huleitzli. N. (J. W. V. iV A. 11. Slrontu-li, (Jrtx ers, No. 1, Fayettcville. No. 4 Mirli.'i and No Markel Sfinan, Halcigft, N.C. ("i:r In "i" '- t ;U. t tnai '.e price, ' I l-f r.'. o. oit.-. .--z : ;o :o Th tH U!.ver liny. n ir. 111.; H i!h (' It S'-l-". ' Tin lias Wan.- I Yellow Cora, 4 '0 1'iih Mi- H .lo-il M-al. 2il!l l.l'ls I'M a on.'. Fainsty Flour, J.ll II uals S run an.t M.ilaafff, lu.l l-'ili t!o tiij. Msi-ser. 1 aiei M nili-'.a, 0 1 1' X 1 lli-t f "iiiivus-i-it ll.iins. tti iMh'l in- S.nti Sinff .I'l l Hr.ir. ll.'0-lll ill- O. 'li'e n- I Y.-Itnw S I -ST". 0"ll 'nr. Itikinir Icra. I", .i.e V -sii a o a--'". lt a I'.il-'rm ..! M.--i:.a bi-nioni", If.-. I i .1 Yeli.et Kim .s Krewli Hirinii I nts, Ni".- Tiol. 'i I'l it'i's. fh iii-e l(l li I Ati'l''S. ('ii .ire i'at'ls ( irrant. M.Xft aaT I'lam I'tikiea, K i' fa), aiiil .i l.iTirH Clfiw-riloW, l'..nert T tiii-. Turto-y nn.l I.n-li. !ai r 1 ami 0 ..n. hi ie Catsni-s au! Sn-.iref. S n.'h"!. It o'laig n.nl ('a.ifjunjj Hi-cf, iii:iiiHin i'l . o. I aii.ir-e.l nl I) eii--'ii- "Atm. ul, S er i. I'.i'i a mi l Kiriim. -I... U .1 aie I C' -Pl.e.t H'li.-at. Un, F -u r on 1 Horn Sran-li, W w.iii i 'H i (Viiin. I.ii-iria Orina-ii & M.ll'a Fj,h a oie.t Pe Fru , '-ea.-ire( all. I J.-llie, i'IiocmI.c- n-.l Coi-.o, Fr-' aa.t l)irate.t (Vvointit, 1ii:jnr:el ua.l .Vni-rlri-i Minar'. also: F re hue of Iiiixirii'.l mat A'lif-riran t'i.nm, rantruii; in price from $1 C-" to 17.lOT ltKI. Nfivr an l I' aia i.lie.ving TahftTn. from Ss tn i-r Hi., in a.na'.l packagr- juo u). for r.-ta I tr.eie. ! ... nis.il i . y t liit-g iu Heavy nrF-inrr ir iirt I.inH Hend lo us for ( i!ai";;ue a. i t l'nc. l.u". "Saiiij.lra lir mail or ollierwi-" wle tl r-M.-!.'.. ' Hiiiv-tf'l t . ,. Banna BAtU 15rL-j;s BuiMini', Raieig'i, N. ('. HARDWARE! nm ffi m mm, in nit:-. lit.lSK. rAIXTS. OILS WtxroW"sf;T...s. 1-lTTY, Steam-EiipBs, Beltlnj, I.IMK, ( KMKXT, A NO zaiLL surrLzss. ('.irrespoiidriiCt" aolicited. 0 (V, TSrl ft ri hill BINGHAM SCHOOL, MEBANV.UJt, X. C. The 71st Session begins July 30th, 1879. A rran-femnta liava tmri mivde by nliicli a I mited nninber of yonng men with suiall meana 00 "MK.Sri" at i per motiili. Boird, witti furnialed ron'ii. iiKItrcrnto $12 per month; Tuition to $"0 per ranion. Tor part'irulara, addreaa jeJ2 ,i MaJ. It. BtN;n.tM. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 1 iu!.iieiL.!i-m arT-trrr C. WALKER WANKS, or S?j W?T A V ww WITH JDIIDS LEWIS & CO, RALEIGH, Z7. C, DEALtr.9 I HARDWARE KVKIIY DKSCIIIPTION. S.s:t. IIimii;;, An Tfapii and Bqiolt Material, Loather aud ltubbcr Belting,1 Paints, Oils, Ac. Largest Stock in No. Ca. jy-3-0ai E T. K0EP.IS & CO., c.itoeicis niKi Ilalcigb, TI. C. SOI.K AOEXTS FOIl ra'nfwci Hunnn nut () ratine Mtntilre, Ston.-wall Cetlen l:ow. Atlas l'lonr, I 'In net, Jr., Horse Hoe end Iron age Cul tivator. W i.ave in atore and to arrii-f 4f0 n.HliHlx White B.,lt...l Meal. 2i (SHI Kb. Bntk Olcir Itili SMea, 1 INK! Pasliel While and Mixed Corn, SOU Hu-lit-l lWt iM-e.i Oa'a. rJ0 .Sntt sad Uariels Faunlv and Kxlra Flour. 40 Barrel- fvijjir White an t Yellow, :-;. B.iatl. tf ea. i! (tr I,oad Molaaae New Crop Culia, X Orlean ati.l S.tj;ar llnuae Sviup. lihi .Suk Mamlialls l.lveriKii.l Fine Suit, 2i Biirrtla Kutl.t liofe lMattH', 1-xm liaiia Pata'psco (JubDk, .'.U H X.'a S w p. Hal K.'tf :-.aii.-. Ami etiier goixJii urceararv to n.alit" up fall i'rk. All of llie al0Ve gin? wen ill aril cl;enf (or ca.-li. t uu time, wi:li aatislailu'T urs ranL'eiiiiDt. S"'a-iiia) ordin, W e are Kt-w-uilullf , m. T. ZJOZLRXS dc CO. dcl2-:im W. C. McMACKIN r.KXKHAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, Kaat rmi Citieon National Bunk, RALEIGH, N. C. Consignments of all kinds of M"er ekaudise und Produce Folicifed. Sat isfrtct ory pales guaranteed and prom t re tirns invarialily made, for luodci ntc comiaishions. tp. Col ton Ilcccivctl also on Storap at Moderate Kates, na Ealeigli Daily Cotton Mmket K jHirts and tlie latest clianges iu New York aud Liverpoi 1 Markets forward ed every day to patrons. Ilcfcrri to Ilaleigb National Bank uiKl tlie business public of the city. OXM HAND: A larcre invoice of MIJdH'IlN Y"A(iOXS for sale at ij-75 each; fcnb Ktanti.d work and warranted. Ol'KX AND TOl BUU-'lES ht JtSO to ?10t each; workiuauhbip and material rrnaranteed. Flour, Corn, Oats, Fodder. Hay Meal, Chops, Brown Stuff, North Carolina 11 tins, Sides nrjd Shoulders in fact idl kinds of Produce alwayg in store. septltf Urn MA NT FA (IT HI NO JEWELER and EBGEATER Al PIC A I. Kit IX falits,Siaiiseds and Jswelry, Silver and Plated lVuro. Ke-e full line nf all art'clra found la a hrat i-la- J" eirv tr. ri.u;: and r.u:cT ?.:::oa Mal. to nrJer mi tbe aliprteat Notice. (Seut lor Patent Ktag t-.T.-.) Hair Jewelry, College Badges, Medals and Seals, Order from a diiUoo aolieited. nonr? aent on a.preval to any jart of the S'te on ratiafaotorjr reterenct-a. IX. SXAZXXXXL, derHl-tf Ralitli, N C Fl. KMTl'RK ! joiix t. stomas Kormerly nf W. II. Morria t'oMucceaanrs to A. W. Krajia, Healrra iu all Kinds n( I'urni'urc. Mttrait. Hprlnp-bVda and ttklii(r tilaaea. Fovp'a (Md Stind. (".orner of Favetteville and Iavie ., Homer below Yarlwironirli Howl. KaMfrli, ft. C I have in atore and to arrive, a nc 1 lection of cliea and inadium (trade ffnda, ubirli will br aold mean for rab. Bnreaua ; at $a 50, $7.50 $S 50 and up 10 $41, ie. Oond cnttnu top mattreaea $;l.50and $10Uandall kindc of eonda In proportion. Hep .nun. pea. $t .'irt. $7 .V, and fit.OU. rarp-rt lunpea ' SS.50. nd $10. Hall and a m-t wnlefor ; pricea nf any kind nf jrv.ta. aa I am dptrnn. Ined lo iwlf at elieap aa tLe rlitaput-t. Re- : meiiibor tlie place and name. mnjKii JdllN T. M0UHIS.

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