iiiMiiiiiiifiiT iiiiiiTTinTr THURSDAY.. . .August 7 1S7D. LOCAL: All advertisements must be handed .in by Tuesday of every week, in order ti be inserted in the issue ot that week. New AnvKimsitMiUiT. Ort. W. L. London presents to our readers an attract ive advertisement, to which their attention ;ii specially callid, where you will mid, Ooodsslill lower, At London' Cheap store. j An Esi.i.isii P.vrKlt. We are indebted j to Col. Waller Clark, of B.iloigli. f.ir a i copy of t'no Chatham Observer, a ppper . published at Chatham in KngWiid. An R fellow Chathaniito we t.uk a peculiar pleasure lu reading K. Ofkeh Pki'I.isi'.d. Our young towns man, Mr. Janice S. Mauning, has declined a very complimentary offer of a School a? Harrisonburg, Virginia, preferring li try bis fortunes in tho school which bo will open hero on the ls-.h Insl. i MAimtAc.iw. From nr obliging Itegis- , terot Deeds wo learu tlmt during 1 ,st j .month be issued eight marriage licenses, I nix to whites and two to negroes, which in ; an improvement on busiaiss in that line, since the mouth previous, j As Ol.n Oll.VTH.VMn tt Wo had the J pleasure of meeting, a tew day ago, Mr. J. H. Burns, who remove.! from thin coun ty to Alabama in 1S2S. lie is now on a short visit to hi relations here, and seemed to bo pleased Bt once again Heading bis ''native beuth." IlAII.tWV.n .tsSKSsMf.ST.- The two P.ail roads running in this eo'itity, the 1! .' A A. Ii. and ibe Capo Fear & Vadkin Valley, have been assessed for tas.iii m r.t two thousand dollar.1 a mile. Then-are l"i mile-, of the former and 7 iii'dr ot the Infer road iu Cbutham. s- their combined valua tion amounts to $ 1 1 000. rr.r.BOX.vt. We are pha-ed to know' that our townsman. Mr. Hubert 1!. Ciwun,' has accepted tho position of travelling, ng'-nt and correspon lent o! tho Kalci.-h Observer. H in a ready writer and wield a facile pen, and will doubfl. si prove a valuable nnpiisition to the stall' of our es teemed contemporary. ; HKl.mtOl a. The Baptists of this pi i will hold a protracted meeting ic xt Wi t li, coinuituclng on the :! !,. In the absence of any regular l'mtor of the. church here, the services will l, c m luc.te ! bv the !! v. K. B. Gobh. of Kayetleville, a '-isle I ;tr..ba- J l,ly by the Uov. Mr. D'.xon, ot Chap. 1 II i IT , ' and perhaps others. j TlTK dor. Front all sections of the county we bear most ene luriiainjf reports f the crop, so jrroatly have I li.y been benefitted by Ibe recent r.iius. I'.irn that i was thought to be beyond help, nlnwM ; twisted up, has revived w.-ndeitully. and promises now to yield well. It is surely a great cause of giatUude. for until tie- raincaiueourcropswerei.itll.il indeed. j Mail OoXTltvt ton. Mr. Frank Fureli wan the lowest bidder, ail has obt:iitiel th contract f r ciriyin tli" m ii. r re No. iW$, which is the iie.v ,i::ii: r nt from here to Uellv.iir via Hyniim' i";e torv. The route will be opened oa the first of October, and the nuiil will leave here every Saturday at I) a. nt , an 1 return nt 4 p. in. The contract was t ikcn at the rate of forty-nine dollar a year. j OCR SmEKTs . Wi; would reep."ct 'ally . call the attention of our town commis-dou. r to the disgriic. fal coudiiion it' oar atreets and si.le.wa'ks, which should a: once be worked, otherwise the next urnnd jury will doubtless take proper acti'.u in regard to tliem. l!y thu-wny do our com- t misaioners Inteud ever to meet nir.-iiii ? II j not, and their artious seem to iudioat.1 this, JiaJ tbey uot better lti(,'ii ' M.voisTitvrKi) MtfTiNii The Miyi tratoa of this county nssi u.bled hem Inst Monday in j iint session with the c unity commissioners for the purpose ot levying ; tbe county taxes. Twenty eiht of tin ir number were present out ol the thirty eight in the county. Alter considerable . discussion as to the financial condition of tbe county, tbe amount of money needed, ( tbe iudebtodness tif the county, the cons:i tutlooal equation of taxation, etc., they (iu ally resolved to levy a county tiuc ol thirty ; four cents on property, and one dollar and three cents ou tho poll, and iu addition thereto a special tax of elht cut on property to pay oil' the old debts of the county. The total ta theu, int! inline both Slate and county, which the citizens, ol Chatham will pay this year, iimmui's to seventy four and a thiid (Ti 1 !'.) cent on the hundred dollar valuation of property, and two dollars on the poll. I.a-ay.ar our taxes were eighty five cents ou the hundred dollars valuation, and the year he fore one dollar, so the tax-payers will see. and feel that there has been a jrieat reduc tion made. We aie assured that our coun ty authorities are disposed to levy j.ist a light taxes as possible, and their U' ti-in last Mondsy shows it. It we ate not mis taken, our taxes will bo lower this year than at any time since the war. N'otwith , standing '.hat nearly tire thousand dollars are appropriated for building one bridge, yet our taxes this vear will bo over twenty five cents, on the hundred dollars valua tion, lower than they were two jears Pfro. If there ever was a time when taxes ought , to be low, certainiy now is thai time, for j many of our people have scaicely enough, to live on without paying any tuxes. j Tbe Magistrates passed a resolution di. : rectiog their clerk to advertise ( required by law) that on Tuesday of the next term of tbe Inferior Court, iu January, a vote will be taken upon a proposition to i!iseon Unuu said court. , ; The ri!int.cTKi ; Moon. The, meeting Mkkti.no. Mits. i nt Mt. Pleasant on the 07ih of Julr. is still iu progress but will prob.udy close t,day. .ml ba be,,, ' eminently successlul iu every respect. Mrs. Moon has been iu attendance every day. and ha labored most incessantly and indefatigi.bly, aud her labors have been re warded with most craiifyimr results.! 'Largo numbers of penitents have every day ; .Mr. X Lohiuh .1. imws nm J'isr. iu oiowdod the mourners' benches, and the eeived a lelt'-r which was written to conversions number more than liny. Hun-', him twenty-four year a-;o, while lie ! dreds were in daily attendance, and the .was ntlftidill"; fehool lit. South Low- I crowds bocarao larper and tho interest ' 1 deeper day by day. Indeed this will long he remembered as one ol the greatest pro' traded meetings ever held in the county, Mrs. Moon will leave on Friday to at-1 tend a OtiakermeetiDiriu Alamance county. ! . ; A Cn.Tii vm Womax l'ltf. vciiKit.-Many iA our reader.. v ill doubtlesH lemetuber the I blind girl, named Sallie F..ushee, who was bom and raised in tlii cot:niy, an.t wnose unlorttiniite condiii-.n excited" such sympa- .l,v ih.it beeamo an ol iect of charily. She was a bright, smart girl and some. tldn.r of a musician ami was well known in this community. We bad not seen or . .. . heard it lnr tor S"veral yi n-s. atni ua i in- died almost forgotten her, when recently tl... I. 1.U..M l.r.,,rt.( into mil. le not ce. ' Wo l.inl seen freonent mention ill tl newspapers, for seveiul liionths past, of thi. blind inkere..s." a Mr. F.iusl.ce. who was preaching with so gn at niecrss in some id oar eastern cmnties and rrea- tli, g piit-' an excitement as a revivalist at reI:;.'ioiis meetings. (il iwipg acc mnts weie puhli died of her fervid eliKii"ncc, her great piety, and ber success in turning slnn-rs to repentance. Little did we think that this Hvangelist was our blind county - woman, and vet so it was. and ar ntten- tin, has been called to tbe fart by recent !.. i..rs ..iibli-li.-d in the liolds'.oro- oaeers. p seems that the (b.ldsbori.' Mail publish ed a letter from l!v. II. A Pattersmi, s.ai- ing that this woman, whore maiden iiauie J. ,S, K'-ri!a;;e, near (Illtlierine was S illie Foiishee and who had married f,:il;o in ( luslo ,v eoutily, lias it rriud Culvin An!res,l.ad been expelled Iroi.i Mt. s'oiio which he cl iiun was tiiado A. tllive Pipti-t (iliurch (in this county) two 1). V.Ylo. Kd ),'v'ts ii from his I'.lher vears ago, bavintc been duly tried t nd con- iu-l.iw l):traiit ullodiM, wh ) i.? over victed ef certain immoral eH'-iiees. The . 0 years old, w h ) savs ho can trace . I,. ... I:. i'...,.t. :,. i.;.. : f,ilw...'u ..,,a. i !ibiica!io,i o sacli a leitcr naiutaiiy i.i- dit'M'd no liitln stir, nnd so in tlm last is- ( iie ef the I I'oldiihn'o" Me.-.-e:.ger appears a long communication in her defence, in which are lestim mials of her go .d diame ter bom several citiz'li id liiiatl.aMi. wi!Hti:n rou uti. ,n-:eo:::. "1MM1INJ." Ti v.ot the rinnou's lo,,niii,g From l.er liery throat, I sii g, lt.it the nniileiii art looming I';., of 'booming' ' i vety thing. I're.-i.h -tit "ml candidates. And men who a'm le.-s b-gh, lViwn to petty Magistrifes Are ' bo.iiiied" iac.'ssanily. They ''oootu" the boy from cdle. And the im-.i.l n j ist fr.-m s.'lu To make a show o! kieovledgo Where lllltllte : h twe.l ti f 1. A man who has a share in .1 1 aak, or joint si nek sl.ata, Like Va.i lei biit or I'. triuj 1 ' b i.niliLi ' ud liU'.l .t'ICil. Tin y ' Yes Mav I 'b miu" a man for w al ! women for like thv.I ad I lor tal'urg ii.iein" the l.c.V.T nee 1 "ff. A. H . IV n.. L. 1.. I.. H.ir ciiege a pend, For rea tins tint lacillU Alo.;e can comprehend. ' Oh ! lor a forty parson Power to chant ti.y piuKe Hypocrisy !" ol cai sou u: dyiiaii.iie to ruUi) Theso ' booin, is'' of t'l" pr. ii ; Who, in nnd out of ,111011, Spurt thtir gush to nn t set s lievoud all .I.Mi.j or :e.i-oii." Modesty is a faux pa", And brass uo.v luains out late, Tin.' meiit is below par, il.it ohiiouiing" makes tmc great. ' P.ilmaiii fera', qai taerui:," Was 11 g,io! rule foi ;,i. t h ; ''!o,.iiiiii" now iiiukes ;r-ulueya f.t Any mediocrity. Oli I for tlie quill ol llyron Or piercing shaft ot Junius, In Hades to environ These ' b ioni.'rs" tr,o.'cun1,iin. A Tox SJory. A ctirrespondent of tlio Tarboro Soullii rntr tells tlio following Won derful fox story: About l!S years ago there, was nn old red fox near I'pper Town Creek Meeting house. .1. II. Williams, Jas. Wllianis, '. 11. Hincs and I, who were out limit in-.', jumped lar in tlie forepart of (he night and chased her IS mihs in n dirt ct course on Coky Swamp. The bahir.ee of tho night .-he ran in various duvclioin nnd final y sought cover in tin old well to protect herself from the do;;s. Tho net morning she was found there by (Jahriel Armstrong ami es caped while ho was procuring a stick to kill her with. From then until now, for 28 jears she has been chased every year by the most, (dciilt'u! huntsmen, and best trained dogs in E lecombo county, Mr. John J. .Rattle, Capt. Eobt. Lancaster nnd others, and always without success. On one occas ion she rati two entire days nnd nighis, and during tho necond day ate peisimtuons la I'.iro tho dogs as often us she grew hungry. There have been thirty barbecues and trim tilings (IS of which I furn ished and a barrel of wine) given for her enpture. During this limo bhe was oftcu seen by tho hunter.) nnd others. Iist week she dead in a field, having was louml ;ot m iind being to feeblo to get out. Here t-Le was discovered and recogtiir.eil 1 v A. J. Willford, II. C. Djuuc tu-'d others. STATE NEWS. Tobacco I'm'.). ! . . ... 1 ;' no n W .! V , ;iiuw kiiui iau "'"" short in quality. Winston Sentinel, A Loll!? Iosl letter. ! The Oxford Torelili-lit says thnt ' . It ' ntbly worn l"P round tho worhl. ItV ;A Liifkv Couiity. There are Konie risrlil. or tni thousand dollir.s )f county money in the Treasury now, which ou'ht to be enou;,'li to run tlie county anoiner twelve liio.'lths without, Jcvyilio- any 1 c niiity tiiM's cm cpi. i;,i i""-1 r1"' " - 7 - - -'I llllCiiS lil Ii. Snv s Dr. "W. C. IVmiIiow, in a letter to (in-tilislioro I'iltriof : "If volt will letuove all the iio;'s IVoin tint coutiiy i . .i .. ..4. ...I. l... umi o-ivc mi: i m t e veni s in mho. u too ; ntictiltivateil Jan ls wiiiun its uumcis Wl 1 HUOCII i Will II-lTec lO Till V Jill I lit1 count V au l Mate tax ol t ito entire iiihnblt.u.U for tue priMa'e. Vb- server. mjwm - - lU"-l HIS. Mr. J.I f Jolinst m his a liUIo do that is acting as mot !n r 1 r several little kittens. Shit nurses ll'.i ni and ; ojives tliein as lunch euro as if she was their rightful mother. The . mother-cat driven the kittens off when they eouie near her, and will have not h'uijf U) do Witil til. 11). Wiubtoll Leader. Old (Jrliid-Stmii'. J. S. H' t il :, i)"ar ws- n imii. .u m- i hi i i no " j sion fur nearly 130 years back. The th" howls ub'nil the alleetl treasoti figures lii2.) iiio cut iu tho stone. able purposes of tliedetnocracy which Kins'.un Journal. ' h ivu forun.-d the cainp.aign arguments : i of the republic tr.s since tlie) war." Dei-lh Ijss rait!, lo ivn llief nnr i ,fiiiiil fi'i:1 vo- liable ll-iiii! Comp.inv, tlm North Carolina St.ite Life, ha?' paid to the. heiiij of the l.-.te John C. Williams, of this eity.theamouat of his policy in - said C '.mpaiiv, JJ.nO'). Mr. Wlllin'tits, we are in formed, vvns insured for some- thin" l'l;e jiUti nib), chiefly iu No.-th- " . ... ' . ,x ern and et,:ern coiirptinn s. tnir Home tlont lvinv, the St.ato Life is , , the ot.lv otic that has p , Observer. - j (i.jl.l mining iu Novlh Capjlina j,.,,,,, (,f" i!S u-.'..ti,in; it may be has reciivt-dabtiinnthiit will!)(!l:i:.inl,li.is,Jll,U!...'.d; ?. i:e,-he j'.tc.l oil an long sift f tlm political booms that I ;,.., b.'.-; ! mar have (lefcets li iw go tioUi iiiu g inroti:,-!! t;i j i.ol suii.l.a r air !i :ve !;' ilicir cc'im. The Cl.aij"'.te Observer of ycslerday ttlls n of four prominent New Yoik crs who are in that city looking after . in.;,'. ' ; mtere-t. This is the s-jrt ol I a it, wo ii it U'ji U in', ay froai ru.i Ol;h 'Svnlliiv, t'd a Tfi'.sp;):';!. , Little "Vie," the lilth; d '.ughirr of ' J. M. Siibblette ill On eusb iro Hval- lowed a. t'-y ttttsjvt.ni, p-wt-'r, a ' few days since umi her parents were in much anxietv until the spoon 1 Tl I ....t !... ,-,.,.. i us pv. ' ies in lcm'tli with earveil liamllo an dipper at end. She was standing in n chair with t'tic spoon iu her mouth and must have swa'lo.ve l it us slat iuni nt.-1 fr. nn the chiir. The (ti ion is riu ht black, turned so 1 ten noul in Li r stomach. Jief rarc:it:i have the spoon nnd will preserve if. As for "Vic" she in still jumping. Keids- ' ville Tiittc-A : ' elarri.'il or Single ; A woman raMicr comely in appear- ance and weary of single bf.; fried to get a license, to marry at the Register of Deeds olTieo yesterday. S:u ex- plaineil that her lit'oiier lord h id h it her about four jears auio an 1 thut she "reeiher thought he mihl. be dead." The Regihter bed her that she must be certain of thai fie. She hail no doubt her hu-ib in 1 ought to bn ilead, but whether lie, wiis or not was a horse of nnothi r color. Slie reluetatitlv ncceiited the r.itualioii, but c snphiitied Unit it was a great li'trdship for a poor woman not know wholner she v. as married to or not. Oosetver. Tlie A Fair Slayer. Uetua i j.ist fr un Lue.Itci toii o .' tss Amelia Jjilotb.i.y, Vioo.se t; : .1 for ll.e killing ol'lu.r alicgt'd sedu- ct t 1'. i ward llartln.ui, at a bo' el in La id ei ton la.-t fail, will coi i at tl... t 11 . .F I! dioitn Smuiliir Co.ut, tomcat in November; that she A Family PoiSOUCd. is now in excellent health and spirits. Puriai'-iiriM, Va., July 27. Sat tr Suo io slid in j iil, but has t!u lrivi-)iiv t;veiii:i.; Ca,d.;ia Daniel Dodson.j liges of the prison and leeches vi.si- auditor of the i'eti l.sLnrg Railroad tors almo.il daily. The child of mis- Coi.ipiny, with his wife, live chil fortune to vvhicli she gave b.rth ju-t dreu, two gr ind-chiidreu and the after she shot liartmaii, is with its eook, were made seriously ill by mother, a ml is a, brieiit mid hand- eating ice ere, i:n, a eustartl of which some Lulu girl. Miss l.inkhaw is m,l been boiled in tl briss kettle, represented as ha'. ing never been Neighbors t.j whom somo id" the' l.andsonier th in now. and as onli- ereiini huti In en wml wero alert .kon tleiit of an nctiuitliil win never or ,n ficr eating it. Dotlson has tiuee wherever tier cisit is brought to tiicd. trial. S'.je is lit ten led l)V oinuel W. Foster H'reiK'h, of the Lumber- . t., I..,,. Cli ivl.tflo lllwoever " " "" If y it, m le. t C'."l. healthy f-. i f ,r v l.e.l.i V, vo l shoul i also lo, U lo the m l i, iwir li.ii'V. For ill troiilit,. it ii r v i-hildl, I nothing i- bi tter than t.-. If ull' llaliv Sv rap. T ct W.i a be' lie. fiiieech Orn ! Ewin,-. tho Democratic camlidato i-i t i for Governor of Ohio, spoke ns in.- lows ill regard to the amount naved Ly the dcMnoerats in Congress, which 3l,onia 1,Q carcftilly rc:ul ly a!l tax- payers: 'The rninlilican ;nvf y enfeva the canvass (laiiiiiui; t'1 liavo ndiiihiis- ten .1 tlie tiovern.nc k economical y, , reilueeil f 10 interest en tlie ntiiilie, debtft.nl established specie pay nietils, ! 1 . c l , 1. 1,, ami conn letII lamai ;is n iic Jtase of power u ft public benefactor., Let us see which ef ho two groat ; cities U ntost en i led to credit, for ; conomy ,n pttb!,,. expetnl.tnres Hie democracy for four year, past ; unsheldlho lionet' ll,T'''''! (.(., jw fives, winch controls mo ni.i.roprin- nous t.'i puiiiic homo , uioi m uiai lime the appropriatiotw fir flic x i tinmen of the "OVCfllliU'llt, CM'lllsive f interest on the pu'olic. debt, have been i.u'.M.-ilW.tlll'. J'of tho four yenrs ptecedilipf iluiii'.'; which the i iooili i. mm iiiivt v eotilrn n il nimvo-; i - ( ' ' , wn i . i n " l" V"""."-'",'""'! '" trol of ono brunch of (' uiirress bv the deinocracy f r tiifs) f" ir yeais h.n savi d thep-oplo fSl.TJil O'lit, bein' : an :iv(-ra;;o uf nv r !?Jl,il!ii,iK:i) a your. Since June oil. l'lfi. tie people have! paid l.oll.tM.:) (iiitl in ii-dornl taxes. and out of first va-4 an but $,VJS,-; OUO.Ollt) have been applied to the principal of the public debt. If the republicans lnd been as economical during tho nine years preceding; l'iT.i t as the democrats have forced them j to bo sinco til Mi, tho public debt vvould have bee:i re.iuc.t l three hun dred and fo;l;-:ivo niillion.-i more, without impoMti.; one doll ir of ad dilion'il ta.'Ci on the people. Tit-- !-21,0 ,0,000 a ye:tr s tve I . i ;.-. s7." lv ti'tt deiaociT.tic H, ai.se have been saved iu s; ito of tic most vehement aiid deterniii.t il sn '.isf::!u-3 of the a l lainisttati nt and iln S tiate, anil it never w it!d have !-. 'cii save. I at all had not tho tu o'tlo at la.t disregarded ; '!'!. ti'ii. .iel on. nl oS' i o..i.. H i- 1 , We rejoiced when o-u- Legislatm-.i inaugurated tho Agricultural Depart-; meiit, for it was 11 step towards the advancement, of that Lrandi ef m- ililslty i'i which almost nineteen- twentieths uf our jiopulutiou depend I for a living. Now, as every ono rue-1 . : e .it., ii... ; r t ... . ogin.es i.i.m me i ;i ..i.hth m tcii'ig our itgt i uii.ur.d inler. sts if, i ' only nee -isciry to s-ty m:u. tins new ; i J ):). ulme.nt is infeii.lt!. I tn Iteuelil ng- ricullure, t.) h:.cm-,' for its e .fab!i:di- meiit ti favor., L!o eiqisi.I-.r.itl.ia. .NT iw. il ui.tv fol iu resnect to tin.' m 1:1 I'.iitide of navt: but. :;T ' f-tcf hi) lie. !;m-.vlei!gi-.l, that the iJi p ud moid, of Agi'iciiiliiro ought, in Ncah Ctro to be regarded one (!' the most imp.if ant of on.' S'al.- i.i .titu t;ot s. Jl-iviug cst'iblis!:L.l if. v.vc.Ul not ttlT'.u'd to take a ntrograd-i step and abolish it. If it bo deb-. l Ive, the defects ought to be remedied; bri the institution ought to bo sTieiigth tied latiicr tlian weakened or dt troycd. Lt.t tho abuM's, it any exist, hopnint-i ed out an 1 correcled; but 1. 1 us net impair the iih-efahv.-s of (his only do naitmet'.t org.mi. 'd for tho special I'twiiuiiu 1 uilvaue.no: our f.irniuig iu our f irmiii' server. .1.;,,..i.. ,)! "Why Hot Union Bi-igr.clicrs. ; The. foolirdi erv abotit "r. bel brig- i ieliers 'is like1. v to have an t !!'( t which 1 1 iu lvp.itiiuuu p:..K)c.,i:is wno imim it litte! oxp-et rt has a;-iuse,l lov. rl!:,. X-.th.' "Why not. Un- the Union sol hce; a'l who ask thciaselvw. 1,1 il'1's. tao V" nr d Wade. ' 1 1 impt'ju very rst d the Senate, when point! counted tho number , I t!,..,,, counted thenumber of U Cmfeder- ate oliicers in taat bod T believe the best nnd ubletd. men. North and South, entered the armies and lough! in the war. We iu the S ci:h are surely not lo blame if u, s. a I our hi st men to t. on.;re..s v l,y tto you ef the North n.it si-ad your soi.'.iers, too '.' Voti ought to, but y i!o not. and it is a ini.-tal;.- thai, you leave them at home." (1 .uer.d Hampton was riirht, aud his ofinion finds echo in tho meetings of tho (Srand rmy : oi the Republic. At a tne'ni held at Ithaca a I!' r.dd e irrespon dent . n norf-', while the luetntit rs iblt 'red m politics, there was a unanimous de termination to lvijuiiv both parties to select I ir public olli -o tll.'e t.l II from amtvig ile.-.e who tlis'ii.g'ii.dte.l tiiemselve.i in the war oc ll.e I'nion, aIl a feeling thai the politicians had better take bt' k scats 1'vf n whi.e. ;(.w V, ; I. - V.2t'GE.&2Z3. - - - -' ' " "- Tcariul Mortality. RoMitw, Aug. 2. Tho (Suzetto says it i st.tt. '.t that t lie city of S. r- iniigu ir, the Capital of ( !.is!iu.civ, t -r-dinarily coiitainiu.,' t'lloo huieii,,! thoiisaiid ittliabil auts b is only thirty thousand biui'e. tu.- !.trnu.. Tn Lis recent erca Cholera in India. i London, August, 1. Thin evening i ' tlio Olobe says: "A private telegram ; received in London states that cliol- 1 ?ra " "!in ''"'""I a,mon-' trwps returning to inula irom )luistni,. The Tenth Hussars JO men in ono day, unci tho Tout l'J". men." The Fever. Memi'M?, August 2. Six new cas- j es were reporteil to tho .board lTonltb tliii IOiirllinrf 'lvn buv0 0l.currC(1 iuco hwl i,,ut. mi .... r.., m,!, , 1 Tl 70 aro .Melli.ti.-. now. lunto wno lire in tho jJUV( ,JO ,lVlM1U0 (,f (rt.ss. T. , t y f tho outer ., , T, , t ,.(ful.a. ,iasl,ollRor tl,liu ,ft 1;lst ni llt ,7 tIC !Loui8WHe 1 a NllhUvi0 JUivolll. Emails, ftf0 m.;ivC(1 fmiu tho W(wt ,uul K,8l ! ad none are ex-n,M-led until Tu..sdav. expe ill bo nf.xti wilon wjH , iiiauijuratGd th plan of tri-weekly in til service oi j :i. in uos roiiinv, on i ni- i ;Mi 01 j my, in,. it'll I'.ue i.. iji-.r. i ioieii, iniiioi. ei'ii 01 II. ('. and llebvci a Pearson, at I rik year mi I tiv i nion: is. y EW ADVERTISEMENTS. STILL LOWER! n wtn in-3 .1, He will for the next J8t c1ii-m ofl t . extra inducement to ':ir!i cuHtoiuor to ' make room lor his Kail Sieck. He is olli-r- 1 ing a g.eat many goods at and below co.-r lor ,asIi. V ni can save money by giving HIM a CALL AT oNCF.. lie keeps the L viair.-T and !K-st Assorted Stock of tloi.d in the (. out.ty. Fnriiie's. reinein'ier, nt Lon I in' you can g. t tho I5K.-T an I.CIIFAI'FS l' Plows; let has a 'I'U'jn slock of K !i or.se . Plows mi band, and all kinds of p liut, &:., at the I.OWKST PlIb.'KS. 1 lie caa furaU!i yoa with tho "1 Navansa Airaalel Gnaao," la P rfec.t pert i a r f-r wheat) either for i ' km 'i i i i,' Also, " I. ,., 'Couipleli1 3IilIlMl"'. A!!i),M W MWm M itdr.UUli or Chemicals for miking Harris Cumui II,. is just receiving a full supply of IUUA, NAILS, GLASS, TL'TTY, OILS, TAINTS, tNC, His CEiiT IMTCO UUJtt 1 t-ll is still all the go : his six'.ii e'lti.) L.irg, II i.i now ,k; can I deZ ii Kpon! C.tton I ;r o centil. as ti l.A!I!i!: LOT of S.'.-d Oais Fur S:;!e ! st'.l! buying WOOL lor CASH i r ' He trade. He Ta.vs the II Kill EST Market Prices for Drietl Fruit ! You would do we!', to call aud see hi SEWIN It fore buy iie; he will save you money. Cull at once sad see tho bargains r.t W. L. LONDON'S Cheap Store, Pittshoio . x. r. JyVST CALL, O.i the 10. h day nf August nest, t shall proceed tit colieet by IM0' !--ss ,if .tv nil claims duo O S. Fee. All persons iml-bt-ed will mve CO Ti by paying mi: he. ore that day. JOHN' MXXlN'i. July 2:1.1 STtJ "t, Trc.-tee. SYLVAN ACADEMY! riMlF. .VAIiKM!1' VKAI? K TI'.N months begins Augu-t 't)ih. 1 ,;:. Tu- l board iti.m from .1 t if :i a mouth. io. hi piivi.ln tatuilies from ijti to tJT u moi.tlt. Itooms can lie rente, I an l voung men can I, .nn "intHses" an. I board themselves lor smaller sum. addhjounl ehnr; htsie lessons on piano an l-.o" partieoliils nouress W. V. .M.MI.sllllt llN. A U. Snow Camp, N. .lulv :',' ls.'.i. T!10?,1AS M. ( ROSS, ATTORNEY-AT - LAW, lil t.-tl !, TV. C. Will pract in Chat'iam and surrounding itctiou of claium a spei iali v. -itll'tt les. jv-JI If SCHOOL NOTlfiflf r WILL OPEN A SClU)OL FOR L Rovs and Oirls in l'ittboro', on Mondavi lie is h tiny of August. It will be in v g;e.iti-t cite ill teiu hiiig to a,1opt I h" latest and most improved methods id iiistrut'tiiin, and to use lb" best tet bimk-i. la ii.l.i'ui ii to ibe llalish eludies, I will leach, it' desired. t-j.:.. n,.At finn-.,n It is very desirable that all scholars be present at the opening ef the .school. Ti ru.s :-F.f , dollats for a'l Fng- lidi M'.l i;es. and live did'ars addniotial or each ef the languages, payable oiie-ha' I iu .ohanc.i and bilatnv lit i hi e . f session JAMLS S. MANNING, A. I). . .'an-.- IV h, lSc ' NEW ADYEKTISEMLS'J H. r- 9tli Wonder, BYHDH & IIEADEN S "SLZWAY CHEAP STORE ! i0 addition t.. their Large, Varied, and V!.,..r,.i .m. k of Hoods ibev have added , aTn WoNUKIt OF THE WiHtl.D-a r (i 1. flnrjllfnV 0 U Wit , i.'onviiitlnjr of a great ninny useful article, ! many of them being worth three or four' time the price. All articles it, this depart- ment are sohl for t. ASH only 'all and j ... .. i, ... ' ' rams. vr.it v I.ovv. And in li.et almost every thiiij to be found in a first .class retail -lore. All kinds of lisiler tuki ii lu exchange for ti jods. Wool and Dried Fruit a Specialty. ti.il! and site us ' l.Y.N I'M & IIEADE.V3 At New Cheap Store. I'ittshoro', N. (t., July 2:!d, is;0. STATIC OF No!: I'll CALtil.lN'A. Cm si v or Cit.v; ham, M. D. Wiliiams. it. V. Yoik and T. M. Maoti, vs. Alens Stone Alpheus Sione, Mark .1. Stoin; and other. Iu the Superior Comt. In pursuance ol an order, in tlie above ' 1 entitled cns, made at Sprint Term lSi'.l. I i will sell for CASH, at the Court-House t door in the town of Pittsboro', on Monday I the l.Vh liny of September next, certain real estate situate in the county of Chat ham, on tlm waters of New lloiie, being; the Miiiie hinds c invev ed by J. 15 S:one. de cease.!, to tne a ninitgH'ree. ou the 2"tb ' ol Match ISTtJ, ami containiiis ab nit oSU acres. Jull.N MANXINti, Juiie 12 h, liTl). ta Mortgagee. I bxt !) Iliu:)h'i iariiii llalcigh, N.C. S. II. STREET & SON, am pnopnvrons !.' Sitniple llnotiis In t!ie Uly, .a'l ",ai : be line overl ;. I'nion or Capitol I'nik in the st vi K, and .o l iie nts ol the llulle. a. a itcccr Tlie Gaston House1 Ucw-borno, N. C. j ! S. J. STREET A: SON', Projtr's. ! wr, j. sTltrxr , a. s'lr.utr, sit. innvl If Br. West Harris, AVIXii rliACTIf-KH .PF.XTISTr.Y iu Chatham and Mirrouniline; co.intief t tor :;n years, and teceive I a bh-ral pit nm iiioe. returns iiunuis ami soiicioi a couiiiiu mice n! the same, promising to give ms ii taction ia work uud prices. apl 1 I I'ittshoro, X. ( At my mill, on Haw lliver, four miles east ol" l'itt-liorn', I am prepa-ed to do wool. ( .vuic.Nii m the ni-.sr iiiannei-. Coul u.nk gaauir.teud, whi r, tl.u wool is prop- t ily prepai'tii. ST F. I'll I III'.NLY'. Jm. July Mi. IsM. r 0.) UClitilFS, ItocKAWAYS. and SI'iUXU WAttOXS. at prices to suit the times, Made of the best materials, and win ranted to eive entire satisfatioii. Consult your 1 ow interest, by giving us tt call belore huviu '. Aho, a lu'.! b.t ..f HAND MADE HARNESS. A. A. Mi KETH AN & SONS, Fayetteville, N. C. oct il-iiotl lim AFTER V..i i: llorsr. i- lUi NT it is t o late to wish you had insured. lie Wise aatl Insure in Time! ll costs but leiirlu! foe. lilt! tu insure aud firo is Til NOtntl CUf .UNA B..MK 'NK- am i: t o:i'..NV or i:.i.i:b.n, will insure your DweF.ing, Kuiniture, Store, M.li or ether 1 1. il. ling, "t the lowest rales' tnd c vv it it bums. This Company has cant I. in less than a year, lor TtiliLi: buna- ;nrs liurnt it, iiiiaiiiain. Yours inav be the next! App'y for in' ance to il.A. LOXiaiN, Ju . Aokni j, !) tl I'ittsbero', X. C i NEW A D V ERTISEM E ATS TiiLKOTT l SONS rsurtie MacMuef Hit. HICHMOM), VAM MaaMfactan rs of Portable and Stationary .Kiiu'l - ies nnd Hmlers, Saw Mills, Corn 1 nnd Wheat Mills, shafting. Hangers and rnlleys Turbiuo. Water Wheels, Tobac.-.. ' J;rtl,t"ry Macldn.-ry. W rough" Iron Woik v !wruXn "" 'rZTUhnu-hluo. (.f.lllUl-cVT 1.0.1 JnoltUlOs. ASIIAII'V. i Ileiniirint;- Proiaplly A; Carefully Doll! . . . Tl fH H ull A TcSluT. Tlm Invention of the Age. ! It does not destroy tbo draft. Il does . not interfere with rb nnit'.g the t'.ibea. It I will r"t choke tiii, and r quires nocleaning. It reipiires no direct i!ainpe,B to bit opened when raising atenm (ilr.mpers being c.hjec ; liorable, as they may be lelt opini nnd al i low spark to escape.) It n quire no wn- 1 ter to extit, guild, sparks, w hieli, by conden sati m. tlesttov Ibe dn.ft. re sides, when water is used, if Legleeti d, the illieienry l di roved by evaporation of the ., , Ll.r lio'lier Is Kept ,n a lllthy eoielitiou. It '; simple an I tliinible and can bo re'.iuil , upon. It can be attached to any boiler. I No planter should lo without one of thrill. Insurance companies will insure I gins and bai ns where the Talbott Engines jand Spaik Aireft'-rs are used at same rati i as charged lor water or horse power, j '".."Send lor illustrated ciiculars and i price list. n.ayQO (iiu ! BjfBii Maiiiilacliiriiifr Coiniiany, j L. Ii. 15 VNI '31, Agenl. 0, MANL'FA(;TUiri;US or Tli;: BEST YARNS AM) II E E T IBGS, is DEALEKS IN GENEB1L HE8CMNDISE LOOK I-tllt TI I K SHEETINGS AND YARNS, CHATHAM "COITCH HILLS IF Vol" WANT TIILI BEST ! FIRST, AND ONLY COTTON MILL IN' THE COUNTY. octTi-nuij-tf f;!n!isvVo ?f Uilil!iii!:Lfi W Jjtsiii v. Htu t: ! u am) i:::tat:. (Jrecv-rs A; lew.. 'lerthiUits, Xo. 15 Hurgett S:reet, Ualeigh, X. ij. j Ilealera iu Planters Supplies ol Fvery Description. In Store : i 1,'CO Mushel Corn. ! 000 Uiishels r.la.di Peas. sack North Carolina Flour lest : in the city. Cili a Molasses. Sugar, Sail, Coffee, To- bacco. lVieoii, Meal, end Leather in great variety, which vv t!er at the lowest cash I r.ccb. Ti:: e given to ;;ood customers. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS OF FERED TO MERCHANTS. Consignments of CottoM, and Country Pro. duce Ko'iicitedj l'.-oiupt and Satisfactory , Keltirns .Maile. Z '-I",-" We extend to our friends in Chat : liaiii ucd Surrounding Country a beany j welcome w hen they visit llaleigll. ' July Cd, lsV.i. limn Cajie Fear & Y&dkia Valley E'y. To Take KiTerl -May )!h, 1S?9. Daily Except Sunday. Leaves Feyetteville at t;00 p iu, Arrives nt Cult nt ?:."r p in. Leaves Culf at C:00 a m, Arrives at Fayetteville at lO. 'O a u;. L. C. JONKS, Superintendent. Raleigli and Augnsli Air-Line llailroatl Coiiij a;:y. j C1IANOE OF SCHEDULE. .si-pi:i;txTi:Nii:N"i"s offick, i ll.vi.iaoii, X. ('., June ". 1ST!). ) j tin and after Friday, dune li, 1ST1,), trains ton the llaleigb and Augusta Air Line Uail lond will ruu daily vSuuduys tceptcd) us : fellows: : Xo. 1 Leave Xo. 2 Leave ' ; Haleih....S 00 p in Hamlet IJO a m iCarv S :il ' lb,tliiiau...:i 11 lvevser....t 37 llliie's t! 51 Manly ... 4 111 Camerou. .4 ol'. Saiitord . ..."i 41 Osgood 0 C3 Moncure . .(I 2" MerryOakefi 43 New liill..7 (M) Apex ... .7 2!l Oary 7 -".a Anive at lialeigh ..8 30 Apex 8 .-:', New llill...H H Merry Daks.'.l :ltl Moncure . . .! o'i Osgnod. . , Sanlord . ( 'amerou Manlv... Blue's.. . .10 ir .1041 -.1127 " . 13 (Ml a in ..VI 2! ' ..VI W " .. .! U " ...2 0(1 ' Kevai r.. . ri..o....... I . Hamla . ; Traiu Xo. 1 connects nt Itamiet with l C liailway for lliuilig'.on, Chui'olt'j aud a'l pomis rtoui.ii. Tiain Xo. 2 earner's at lialeigh with the llalei -h and t-iaotuii Uuilioad for ail iioinls u:-' Xorth. , , JOUX C. WIXUFIt, Jtitpeiiuteudeut I it uf I' Si ttt" it I? ft ar. a" I