0fj (fcaiham Record THURSDAY.. . Ajgtst 2fc 187U LOCAL HEWS: Scbool-Aim. Dkcidkd Tt Supreme Court liaajiut.ili.clpd t!it the Speaker of ,the House and llie JrVsident of the S.-naia j had no riirl-t to r.jrn ,(:e hotinoi im ". the adjournment of .ihe leH.slature. So Mining was rijjUt after all -i PKAD We regret to hear of tlm eeatli j ol M r. Alei. Durham, u.lhie.couu'v. This id the gentlemen who .cut bis thigh in get- HUB ver a leuce aiM.ui a momii ; juentioned ihen Vy tle KewmP. aod Jroiu .which li jury he died on the 20ihiat. I , 1 ' , . j j.i.Li ii.u Li"" I' I . . 11. 1 : S. Manning, haa been .unanimously elected K . , I Tutor of latin and mathematics at the; jLVivernity. Tliia hih honor waa eiecial-1 1 i: . I 1.,,.. l pm uo.ected.,.d i....Uglit. Not KscAl'En, The Durham Plant, iii , its lam iisue, nientioju a rumor iu that ' limn '.bat Hofwell. the murderer from .Orange now ronGneil in our j had tins' Lia eeratie. We ran assure our eate.euiei' ejiteinporary that he ui nave no leara M ny rriH..iu rec:ipin(f (mm our jail, and that Hoawell is stills, cure. Jtix-.E Kl.KU-We regret to learn that this jrentleman has returned Imine but bl- lie improved by bis visit lo the Virginia Springs, whither he bed tfojie in m anli "1 J lieal'li. He will banlly he al),e to Hold I any of the Couits of his District during tli im year, whiili will Jntitlese be a sourp tif much rejjre; to the people il those couu rt. rtEMoiors The Iev. William tini. ofdraham.l.asbeen boldintc for several , ' l it.ri nut nuite tn liiterealinir tirotracled ineetin,, at Hank' Chapel, three Uli ..tl. east of Ihi. plice. Other llieeti.ura have recently been held lu different j)(lrU of the county, ol which i.o accounts have, rescind us. JVe jf ill awas b pleasi-d to publish any coticea of reliiotti meetinga t lint ti.ay lie rent the htXQt:D. aud we iu vilo our friei.ds to send them llKA.vy Hajx. Qn lie afternoon of '.he SJ.tiuat.. abmt flye mii". soth of this place, occurred the hiavlest rain-atnriu pver known in ill's si-vilon. J'he rain fill, hut a short time, but it seemed as it the yety laittom had ill'0pd out of the clouds, i.llllo sinatna, not six inrhee deep, and in deed dried up at many points, became swollen, raging, iiiipntmul,!-! torrents, that scattered fences, as il msde of stuaw, and greatly iijured the (iroivinr; crops. fllATUAM 1,11. SdliS AXI I.K.MOXB ll.y persona wiil tloublha bo auipriaed M hear that our county, atn.iMtr i' other ytrii-d pnslucts, can aUo produce oranuen am! 1- iiions. and ypt such is the case. Mr. Thomas C. Jiix.in has a !amni tree and an online tree on bin ur;n, both of whii'h yield aa pice fruit aa nnv raised iu a more tr.ipical clime. Mr. H ili. rt (J. Kjbtii.k )thtf leeently broiifjbt ijs a specimen lemon frmu Mr. Iix 111V tree, and it i a very urj;e one, weighing aeven and a hall pilliCea. T!aI KH.U AiYKhViSKMi:.NTS. Among pie bu.-il.eHH m-n of Kalei'i there ia proli. ablv no one who handles more cotton, and o ofl'er better terms .pie. than J. J. Thorn fertaiidy no one w! to hippers of that ata as, K-q . whose fair dealinj; and long ex-i jveii.-i.i-e make blip so popular. Iti-a.l bis ad veniremen t, and rive him a call, and j you will be wi II treated by him and bin . go a head clerk, our clever yni'.U county-j man. U. W. Thompaoii, Jr. j Thi-se clever yoiitij; men, ( Ihrlatophers & j Sorrel), have increased tlp-ir biines so much as to rouder necesiary a removal toj that latge and cp.mtiiodlous store opposite the rear of the uiarkt't, where they wi l be j glad tn see their friends and give them j ir.m.l Wirain. Their eneriv deaerves eu- couraBre.t.ent. Mr. J. V. 0illey, ni b our polite county. I man. Columbus (5. Hand. I, as his chlel i pletk, still offers at Ilia old stand, the best of good at the lowest prices Ilia "I'eatl shirts'' are all the raj;e, and should be Worn by every r.n Uai.EIOU in 16o3. For the benefit of pur ltaleigh friend wa pablish the fl! I , 7 ... . . ' hiwiug reference to their city, taken rro.u (hs Kalelk'h Ueglater of June "Ouil TiTT.-It Is trulv pratilylng to wanea the animation which at present pervades every derailment of busineas In (iiirtrn. i ue HKurpn niniiiT. v. men a- A large number of aul.sianlial stone and lim a edilices are Id various staffss ol pro jrress, chiefy iutemlad for stores. Keal estate baa raised in value, and promise n ateady increase short, a new impulse lias been i;iven to KbI.'Ik'Ii. which is to be we are CoDflileiit, the harhinKer of belter) pays and ol a more stable prosperity. llesldei me erection oi private otmuinca Roinp on. our new Capitol Is rapidly pro. Stesalnr, under the ...perintendeuce " o. Mr. Drumuioiid. The eniiie louudaon. widen ia of ample dimensions, ia uenrlv laid, and ihe superstructure will be imiuoil- i. . 1. lately eoiniuenced. vacant c inter has r.J T ".loL!M rr.?Vr .r". (aid with appropriate oleintiities. tlionKli nu soeci uu ilar Is IixeU on. we won l.l re- leetfully surest the ensuhnf -ilt of July a. c.nublnintf more advaniae lor so hu - 'Ti ""..Vr H""t.r Tn"' '1 vJ' Oould he writ -rortl.. abov. a wbo 1... Ion sine gone to Itla eler.ia rest u.w v..it his ' inland town' he would not recoKnlH it, so (freat and so. many uiiiveuicuiB uavv urvu inaua. i-iuui muj 1: ..IP.' o 1879 whui a change ! The beat is tho cheauest. Dr. Hu'l's, aby Syrup is s.-knnwlndeed to bo the aalest and linatt reliable lucdiciue for lia ble!. Price M cents. producei! i,T the destruction oi the i apiioi inK f cieri'v INejreaia of I Cir.. I. 1 1, l,ri, haiu think of raisitif.' terrapins ? Aud lsville and Nashviiht ltatlroa.l was nd our suhsitjueut liilsf..rtunps, has Kivi n i hv lev. J. K C. Smedes or Uev. Ur. Suiiili. . ., , ,.. , ,.,,.,....1 ,;,, ,,-, i ,i. r C. R S.v.tt, preaent iidaya at il w.ytoasceneof bu-tli. K apivlij. alio. S p. m -Uuaiuea. Meeting ; yet there 18 a 6.110 ei,o,lKh 'trP'Ve""n . ,l.eS,ra,,.y.du:V.a1 gather unusual for nn ii.l,,.t t.wn. In 8 p. m. Kveuim; Pi ay r. Subject Val farm OU Roanoke Island, belonging ! Aa an a.lilltioiial protection to every quarter of the ciiy, the bum of In- ue of the soul. ! to ft Mr. ClHn, wllich is thus describ- I Met.iphis, Mr. John Johnson Super- o unity reaounus. ana trout morn in pi;ni . i , ,., . ; iniem lelil o, t.,; lai annuo, is in cu- j. w. Ila'.-h, i.re-.enni .1 oi nt ri the busy hammer mates cheerful music. ' For what shall It profit a man if lie 1 ed bv a correspondent of the Aarbor i , ..i ti .-t llt Vl,,,,!;.., -,. ...il., tll4,j..d at .v. a mil.-. j .Hoy TUB MO.SE? (iOK The people of ; I this counltf 11 eure in saying tl.a; ! money was .never so scarce as at the pres- ' ' eut time, and well they way, for it is a j tdubboru (act that they daily real ss. All , ! eouiplniu ql the nhard times" and unusual i scarcity of money, and the question is (ro ; quently asked, "Why in ti?" We think ihe answer U very simple, arid that it i. ! because we aeud out Ifuiu ihe county more j money than is brought into it. Few per. son. are probably .re ol the ..mount of j ,mm i. n!!r ei.t out of this'. C(mmTi ,nil ( B j, u B,.n, We have inoiiiries "'1 I (tone to the trouble ol .unking 1.;. ...... . ,.i.,:;..,r . 1. tics relative thereto, wlilcli we will now 1 lay before our reader. The l'.mt .OHiie l-partment bus -ttli-1 lihhed at this plure a M"iiey Order l'o't j Offii-e, soxlint inteml of liekinir the money it. If jD i, niail. pen. u,H cn obtain Mon- fJ p,, anil thus more 4erurely remit to all paita of the country. 'Hie date and amount, of each an J every Outer ii) record- - ,! t fl.inOrCre nl thr.iu.rli the eourtunv of our olihitnc foetmlatreM we liave a- ' . . .1 renamed lh tulal amount Bent through J" ,1 i, ., ... jf ust 4S78. Our renders will rinubtlvK be m , ,n (li.8 u m .oriu(J j iU? Ur!ti amouut sent by our meicliHots lo paynii nt of their hhU, ir we are i.nCoruied by tin m I , , ' .. .. . ,m that they never n u..t by Money le (alwy.mak,,f lhe.r.b.pot,.utbeHHleifh i, Bank, and drawing on tl i. And in ad- um"ii.i,p. UI" "ru "T a very cnuaiderable amount i annually , ee-it .0 re;iHter.il letter, aim-It Btnount is :,.,,. V... 1 ...,.,. 1.1 I. .... ll.m.al.l ,, cur people ,.ld. is one year. s. ml -ay from hei in Money Orders nearly , Wenty thouaand dollms? Auother treat drain upon our money are the rjori s. lVo. ,. m,,Ii, u.;ii lH..,. .,. ,,. t- ki.l. i - and so at leaat twice every y prihini; mercl.iinta d our c pleuisb ihe.j- stm k'. Yi a. ' " " tuviiinity in our little town we a-e load alt'-r brnd ol ijoods iutf iu until we wonder where does the ... i. .. . .. t - ,i i ri... "" K '"' - l law noyv iiirejL'1,1 ii,mi, on me nrai nay oi JKunary and J ,..y of each year, every luer rl"t hM wil'' l' r ' the amount ol h.s pun-haae, for the pre- Ci dillf six inon'ha. Wehaverec.,tn!vexMipnieniS 01 rillf rtllilH. ' I Riiiiued our Keuiater's books " 1 -i.eiiu.iij U piinha-ed - 1 the amount of bronj;ht iuio tlie c.iiinty ty by ocr im-rohania forthesix moii'.liseti.liii:t!ie:lO:h of la-i June, and find that amount to be 114,. 23. The Fall ptirchaaes ol merclmi!; are nauajly Jarjfer than tbeir Sprin,; pur- rhaatts, so that their purchase I d the next six nv-i;'.! will be gnai'-r than .ir the past. It will thus Le seen that our inerchniita annually Ben 1 out ol this county more than one g nt.lred and liftv thi.inand J.aUra! Beside (.hia many of our farmer do moat ol their Ita liny iu Rileif.'ti aud Fayi-tieville. aiid annually leave iu those tnwua tliousauiia ol d.ilbirs It ii inui.SMble to nsi-(;:taiu the um .11 lit of mon.y annually t I10111 this county in payment of fertilisers, but it ia very con- aiderable. barge hubs (jtuioney are annually sent .... .1 Irom our county in various other way and . , .i.isi .1 fer other .Vj'-its, which cannot be aacr tained. One item we can add ia t'loaui.iunt paid into theSute t-.aiury aa taxes, which la.t yearwaa Wi. Our .eo, dp cm. I'inu come idea, from the ! junior, and eonsetpientiy l'Ji years tweeu the hour.i of inn 1 . 111., iim! 1 altove Htateiiienu ' boiv ihe money j,'oe.i," i old. This old cmiple are now liv n his a. m , will be put in i N. cit. ion nt and what a leari.il draiu ia annually made I on the land of Mr. J. F. Parrot t, ,,nce. Mr John Johnson, Snperin-; upon our couniv. Now, what are we doin;: ibout two miles from this place , ten. lent of (uarant in-, iiMies h s ojli to lirinir ba.'k this itmney ? lor unleat w.- with their y.uiiij,'i:st. son Claiborne, j cl.l notice to this ofl'ect t i-'i.oi row. brii.c bark sa iien h aa we send out. it ii ; who has reached t ho respect ible ne Several Htor.'s have hr'L-u hfolten in- onlv a question ot line, how Irn'it wiO bo ;;'re our c.iuntv will b ."..niiiietek drain- eJ' U" m'""'y " '''' ' Convocat;os op IUl.r.ir.u. This b ily will meet here to-morrow, the SWlh. and j continue it H'Viuu until Monday. The 1 "Convocation i.f Uale'th 1 is liid I'.uiv.ica-. tioJ of llie Protestant Episcopal Church, in the c uintiea surrounding Kaleih. and corresponds tu the District t'onfereiice ol j the M-tli'aliat. 1 Ily req'.iist we publish th- foll.iiii; I rroraianie or order oj eierciac.s o the l,'onvocali..n ; Friday, Anirut 2l:b, Ut A. M.M.irnii'p I'raye.- snU llol t oiiiinuiiion Beru;ou ly Ifu 1- It K I .... i,r Heir (1 Hii'ira. , () m-Killt.-B MeiinC. H p. m. .Miai,mary Meetln Subject, "Laborers together with Uod ' I iinco, I.Kof: ailnuite I ny earn ami; , ,.,.,,' i or.i . ,...) u a7j. total loss leue ;it every d cip e to render , K'H'oreil, J-Jl, lot.lt, 0,.Hft, IOIIU loss rviilwuhUal-nev. I)r. Ilurke,2,7;)8; present unt.iber, 3.G40; mini- :. Stuede. bt,r f loJs m-anied and reiuslat-. n't... n.:o .li.l..l ...n.l. i lie rivin u pi-raonal servie or Itev. J K. S II. The opportunity and method of anch serviee !n tl,e Parialj-Itev. l. IVkIS r liov. J. II. Cheshire. Jr. jjj The urgent claim which tl.n diocese now advan. es. at,d the eni-ouiau-eineiit i f u"a thus far K. C. J. Cu.iis or Kev I'r. MarslialJ. j Baiurnay. Autrtia. uOin. u 'i -M vain the wledn world and li; 0IVU soul ? Kbv. U;. Marshall. II. What (bid has done fur the S".ul Kev. A. A. ueutoii. . . i i i. u - l.at man miial i... Inr it -Iltf .1 11 ....?. .. ,, ,. 1 nesinre. jr., or uev. iv. uusse. nunuay, AK' a. m. -.-i-rn. V.yer an, o ly C .:ymuniVn-ru,ou u 'r0'. A- A- "vuion. 5 p. in. Service and sermon for colored : people, at tho Misaion.-liev. 14. HiKs or 1,... 1 l 1... a . .ilia -art a r ; Uev. j. is., kj anie.ies. ' o triCZ " " rr , Zl r 7 ; p. an. veiiintr 1 ruver, Hub.iec,i-b.." uiiureuce aim careirsoueas iu lue -iiruii.tu j life. i 1 I ! --MV" SU--lr. t. K. U.ch or, n , Tf Til, . Jrw p, 1 ! uuto 7e wilJ ti.rr utoutli aud 'bi.noreil, mo with their lips, but their bean i fr ur"ul'''''WeV' Uf' S'UUU ' lirV" ' 4 rUr ltr ,M" -.. i t .i shait not eicel'."-Kev. Dr. Marshall. Addrersci troiu 10 to 20 uiiuiit in length STATU MEWS, llroke Jail. L. f). Svteft and f our olhoi" prison- . u-s broke jail nt Hillsboro OU l ist Wednesday night. Chapel Hill Ledger. ! : Removal, , . V,mrna Wye. this State! Jndgo Tonro leaves " 0 . , , , ., . .. . ;T .,7 1 1 1 v- vi. Ho will spend a while in New York . 1 . 1 i-r 1 J 1 eilv liefor taking lift final detarturo t,r ijinrr 1 miorritio. nrxi 1 itosriiiv. , . . . t Iiir llllll jni'.-u. .M-n-a. -. . .. Profitable SllCCp. . tj-,,i.,.. .Iir. 11. Mill I iniin, 111.(11 itiiiiii villi, limit ewe that rave birth to twin l inji3 on fie 2:"th of Tin. last, ami tho noiiie ewe, on the 1-tth rf this month, lironht forth twin lambs again. T'onr lamliH in k anil a half inonths! Kill vonr iors nrni raise; 1 .,,. M.Mravilliv Garotte sneep. Jiooresvnm uaz lie. ' '-i ; DailSTd'OUS Pt't. A tame bear nt Mf. Airy, Surry cotintv. Ix-eoniin?: nirarrpd. nftii-ked la littlo lour j-enr o'.'i aauprn'er 01 John Hrowcr who was eiii;au'e1 in f( fi1. hrvHVU her . ( ()th(.nvi iujliritl;? li.-r. T,ief)ft ((, d V),ry we whilo was t'Uiruu'eti in mibrf. but ure nlwavu more or lesw I .,rroU(, wi,eu grown.-Salem ; p 1 " " TO ( ISOllUlIt. ! ('nutain W D (JrilhaiM owner of It.;,.i, i, 1 n.'.,,i;,. IT .1.1 , , , . , ... .,. . .. .... Hioo i. arrived iu n o env esieiun. lie i-tates tlint another hotel on a 'more enlarged iind improved neilt Lv:;t , ct,.,l ,, the .anui s;iot be fore ano'lier Kuniiner season arrives, I that, li -ailfort will have jost none . i t -i - I "er I'.ruier jj.ory im a ',,, ..- . I sort. lie esnill'iti'H l.ie iiisk iiuiii' I the storm at $150,(101) at least. Nowh. The shipment of pino straw from 1 laias uort to New York. luT.-t -fore i ln(.n, j0,.,i ,v ns iB asKiiiniii'' eon.sid - p....!.!,, nroivii tiolis. The Hteanish'li , I,,,lt.f,4Ctor took out VzS b iles on her i1Ht r; ilUll tl,,, R,rulntor will ear - rv out o0 h.iles. Application was j made for freight room for 100 but 1 5() was all she eoul.l bike of tho lot. I l lin; straw is brought bero Icoso j and is h:ded ill the fit V. It i Tl"e. 11 ' as is what in kli iwu us "long leaf 1 pine." The hales are heavy and h f;om 700 to 800 pounds --Wil iniiitou Review. I ..,... j " -Oil JIM . The oldeKt livinp; cotlplo ill this county, and pprh.'is iu tho State, in 1 1 be f. mild in the iiers fs of Mos. h .... ii- ! 1 1 ! lut Held ilt'd Lis wife Hannah, 1 n 1 1 . 1 ... ; (colored). Moses chmiiS) to have 1 been born in August of the ve:ir 1701, j and that he is now I IS year of 11-e, land that his wife is 14 years his I Qf fjj v, ats. It is Heedless to Mi; j ,.,',., lllVeh!d an abst-iuions life ami are eiceedingly anxious to be : oil to Kansas to Commence llie anew. KiJioton Jviurnal. (JoOil Templars, The State Grand Lol of Gn.,d Templars was in session last. we,k at. Wiustnu, and a eorresponde.it of the . ' . .... ll ileieji unserver 'ives some nner- estipp; statistics of tlie pre- ..... f nrtti. State as ditiuu of the ei der in tho ..l..n.,0.l frm tb .-...tort, t.f the sacre- ("ary. This shows that the number; of members of Ihe f.rder in the State , .... c.i i ........ ,.f ,w.v i ' ill (US ll'AJO Ul '.HO illlllll'1.1 IC.w..utA. iprec. din-,' this, was -l."270; initiated I I. . " , ,1 nice, 1,K.)7: ailmiltel oy earn an.i i . .i o-o. 4.-...1 t . I CKIiil i lI -'UL : LOl.ll. O.o I o . i Dim I'raa ed, 3oi number of 1 l.roj in m.od i bTandillu'. receiptH .li-ii.Mr ih.i vear, fl,lii; iiislilirseuieius, ?i,u-o. Gohlsboro Messeuner. A Terrapin Farm, What would our farmers in Chat- J boro' Southerner: I "Ho has a larre terraoin farm, will, over 7,000 terrapins in it. lie em- ploys tiftt en or twenty inen, some 1 others trapping terrapins, ipitn farm," as ho eulhi it, hshin''ani r" 1 liiu "tei-rniiiin , , - - - . 1 W 11 DIlLCH OI 1111 Ilf'-rU UIH I lh 11111. I'll" .,',...,,.... , fe1U0 WaJjJ J lie Ieeus lliese it riapins, iwuu a u . with about four hundred pounds or ; ;H, each time, cut into Hniall pieces. iu iii.il.. i.r nn 111 i-n umi il iihii. I'll- l i...ir 1 It is ouito iuterestili" to see tueni ! as the Cantaiu knocta the t nc. with , n, stick, poke tin ll" heads out of the water Rlul osieil. DOOU lue wituu: Hiirface is covered with beads, and t, U8 he t)f ,;sU nr(j thrown into tho water oh terrapin Hoizea a Jown I goult!tilUP8 0H0od I two or three Others uot H0 hu.kv rt8 Le. Th,.,.0 ia ou ouo Bjae 0f this ' f, arm" a largo bank of sand, i Jut tUero for the terrapins to. lay their eggs in. Numinous little pieces 1 of egg-stiell are to be Been ou the tuir- :. or.. ., . : ,i i ' fiieu i,t l he s.iu.l. ."SiiiS.i u Hilit lis atjtiabes au iuLiud Counte ' lli.Ta." A iiireUnjT of tlio Directors of the if? ape 1'eor &, Yadkin Y alloy Railway Comoanv was held at Greenid n.ro i..:,t week, at which the Protddent and all tho MGnJ.irS of liiu Board wciv present. The tiuio of the fust Rosion was almost entirely consumed in oonstll- tntion uwi ej,eakiti;., several Jir.ilJli- noiit men from the western part of ?b" S,' '." thnm iep;' Hating t!:e interests Ol tl.O IJ' iiHll.' iUOiP' UK-Mllie - .... 1 a. dressing tlio met ting, lue i.oaru . .. -,",. ,1 ,. o,..,,. . 1 ... ... deeiil, 01 to locate till; 1 ..lla i. 110 I'd . ., ,, . i . n :.... i. li-n luli'-H mix si'ie ui . .n itween th it poiut an l (ii ti L-liro-: mi what will be a c:;iumon line hi; twren Mt. Airy mi l (!rt"!iM.oro, h tlio Wnllint . ISoMte, t'.e Ki l lHTsville llmitu mid the Winstun uu 1 Mo tut Airv ISoiite. Fif v eipnvic! will lv lmtOn the roail from Mmtiit Airy tovvsi ils Greeiif-luro iiiitneli;ttiy, e.tiil thern will be no 1 -1 iv in the work. l'uvetk'w'le (Ja.eMe. ' . l I Justice to Governors, i IiiTixas.Gov. Roberts has beu ' eeiisnired by pnblie j mrnals f r .r.iiit iii' pnrdoiis to priiniti-ils. In isorlh : Carolina, (Jov. Jarvu is blamed for i n0t rraii'iii'' pardons. Yv'unbl it Lot im more just 10 leive hucu iiitiuis m the hinds of tli" sworn lures ami ; Mh.ers ( f the law, ami wit bin tin , conitot . diserelioil of tlm Kw t.nlives? We li-ver eetisllled Gov in the hands of tli" swoni inrii s ami Vance in our nniw r when he wa , ,.hare.l wjlli ''l Hlttili!,' to ) imm v pal uUhoivh we (li I not ftl.itr.ive ' . ' . i M ! disposed to bl,m (b.v. Jarvis for ! ,.t "lain in" ni n e lull. ! HH than he ' lo.'K ' We don't know as lunch .ilmiit. the ei'.m s as we l;l s l-uu he I l.i ,,, 1,;,1V 1 1 ivri'iiins ...-. v.. ...i... have u pretly U.ir I tini" to y'vo en tire satisfaetiou, no intt'.ter how they net. (.'harlot !e 1 einniTat TELT5GHAK2G. j Grant In China. Six Fiunvhco, Ati!iist, 2:5 Thf j steamer CLitiii arrived today. Ad j vices from Yukidnuua up to July '2'jth renort that en!i l taituneiit j iu honor of General (intnt continue tj occupy ! imblic attention. ! Great e.n it mi nt v:, paused by the ! hi eak ii.ir of tho i.uarantilie by the ' German Merchant ship 1L speria, : aid inrr under tho order of the Ger- ' M1an Minister and Consuls. Au op-! idemie in railing in the rotlthern ports ; (f the Empire which the majority of the pby.iicians t oi.o'inec Asiatic cholera. Tlie d'.labtv of its fatal of- , fee h none doubt, ('lai an' itie a' i Yol-.dir.iija is fully respected only by i the L'nittd States envoy. Poox Iileiuphis. I . u.i.i.-iu Apmi.l '? IST'I '1'ln j ruicH adopted by the Slate Hoard . Ueallh. at a b.eeliiiU leoenllv held a Nashville, fir the fovennneiit nf( , Meunihis and other in feet 0 I dis'ric's, , . , , - 1 1 .1 1 .11 1 which also incliides the in!e that- I 1 1 11 . t I prohibits; all parsons not eii.t-.'e'l 111 iho cave of the sick or 'li tho execu- t;ou of their dtttien us i lll-ers of the ! i nw from be in-,' 011 lh streets be- ; to ol late bv bill-'-l.t I s. l.tld sc ilc(;l v ll tll,lt ,,1HS,.S bt sidle depreda.' ion is ! j committed by Ihievin,' .n-rocs, who j j,lst now seem to abontnl in this i.f 1 1 i ted 0 ty. Many private resivlen -es I have also faillered at the ban la of: .marauders. Every lire tint occiirie.l within he l't week w.is the work ...f it.ee., - . "''' I'" ntiuost v..l ,nc on " " V t '" vi.t. tiiib.d lo ibs.-ov.-i thu authors id . - - . . . a" UU se lines- -It u-iti. uie rejunu , ,ne r'-tol U heard every fi.v; mill "H on tllfl oillhhll is oi ,ne cii.v. am, not safe to -e out after dusk. , : now from lawlessness than from the! u'v.''r Vl. . . . ! Tl.ij n.-.11.,itl.'.n nf nU;iit-a 1ms ; . . i oi-omiited the ore-aniza' ion of a Willie r . , ... prompted the oraniza' ton of a white I " ..,, i;,, 1,.,u military mpauy. A n.eetiu- has I'f vUl for all the youn- inei, i - " .. i : WllO remain ill .Melllpllis IO lisseiuiM at tue armory oi me .nun tii Gravis to-morrow afternoon, when lollieors will be chosen, and Iho tMin ! panv wiil at once be placed on u war footing and will be ready for ae'ivu duty. Already thirtv-llvo nauiea have been secured, A daily mail rerviiv? over tho Lou- -non .f tho State Hoard of Health, look b'rt toward the eiiipioymeiit of l;fly mounted p ilrolnien who can not ' .1... 1 ..kit. ,.f .f ,.. 1 'tie i.'ii"i e -1 " . "-i.'".w.., ... tpi'tratit ino regulations of tho State ' lf'l und of special policemen, llus .,,M ,.l,h. Hi - itt'niiiii tuidiiui inc iliiluo: iuts it) t:tin -".--..-- - - - i centrate the rcyular pollRO within the I moiit )i(.,l v bailed portion, of the . . ..... m4,.i,h ,,f ii1M . A".- " '' ul" , 'y tional hoard of ll-altli, nppioves of ,,1 ....,...1 ....4....1 r........ ' lllu uuoiuiun imiv, ,.,-. ! Memmh Atigust 2:5. 1S71 The MtMiitts, August "o. IS i'.V- ruhMiitid regiilalions of, the State niiaiu in in:,uui, nmwi imimihoi. uu persons frteu venturing beyond their t liietnises between tlio hours of nine P.M.-".id six A. M-, go ;nto tll'ect to.u.,lt Tll0 tVu.0 ,mVt) beou itl- struoted to. rigidly enforce tUeso reg- ! ulatioiu. This night is such a di -a- greenblo one that nobody but a luua- tie would think of go .ig uLroad. U has rained hteadily nil the iifternuou, and 'lure are no iiumediate lUMipccIs f ..i i Vi... a ctntPire in mo weiiiuer. liieiuer- moiueter, to-d ty has ranged horn! ; 7'i to to. SeVelitviU Hew ca.-es. were re,.ortul to the Ujanl of Health ! to-hiy, tn rf whieh wero coloietl. j Tlie Howard Ass-ition to-ky itsnirfiie.1 twenty uihliiioiiiil nnrsi k ( tc duty. Their ie)' 'ft for the Week Khoiv'tlieV have IlUlwa Oil duty Ult'euli::" hiek falliirteS, lit of wlumi an. while ami 0 , i ci.loi e 1. T lit e they have cared for 4iJ lie. Tho Mt'ltipltis Cesei ves a whit'.' liliiitul -vt;.)UJliiuUV:o:npied of thirtV ,. 7 ;., . 1 ,1,;' iec voiiii! inon wit (.riialiWca lliis o "ft'-riioou. Dress IVIakiag ! Mm. Julia Overby n I s'oters are en - efir.-l in the DiiKsn M.vKtNo luiMinei-, a-ui : will tfuarimi'i- jrooJ ll:, and nea', b'oI an I chean work, v;-- u. .uynui u ,r,j i .i nit Miidi : ' 'f lir-. Mal.li;-, im J the iiiiMi.'. Kill iS.i dr l.-iLe tin ph:i'"l.ii.:'! f , - a r, :lHy. lw":v- J i . lit tlie lie iln!.r.' N. .. A '.until 51l 1. T'J.-at. J 3IAKI1IK1). A'lhe ReaMeneecif M iri-i" Enu.ka.nn the l:! h in-t.. by '. K Johns . Mk. W .11. I'l.i rV, to MlbS XtU.lE !! iiiiiiOKS Ail ul (.'I nl liam. THE MARKETS. Ollli-lal Heporl of the Markets. r..:n..l I Hxprenly f..r TilK lit: iUl. 1y rvi. t. noniiis CL CO., i:ixi .a, s. ?., Aujusiso, Mi i 'J; STI I I..W MI'MlIlM, 11 I.-.W Ml ! I'l:..v 11 - s.n.-i o tl-.l'li -.1 ordinary, 11 t'liifV. ...!'.' Mi.l ! 'i. .il:n. " ' Ij.V ! Iiiii-', S'.lini. I'i i n v M:i.i-.n-iHei,i:.!,B rci r. Kl ..lie. N t'.Ii Ciir- liisa, -' "" : 'III 'Uell.1, ('.HI M.-l. I'.i N. "!., lt"i r. nii t, V .I' ll I :ll-.ll' l llH-l.-. ll.dk ll-U'e. ele.-ii ril, -i i.v;, hmk M H . ih"i,i I.T.i, N..'" !i I '.ir-.lili'l l'"l k, ('iTee, ,rlei.' Kl", I '..IT- e, u.... I. evi-iii. su.'.'U M.4...n, l',.! llt. I.1VT" Su-ir, white, Siii'l", .'!. Il l.-!i i .iii' i-i l: i'l . .'iit...- ;i..u-c t , X..rt)i Ciu'.'llnii, .. iev l f Ijii sw um : I'e.iN, KiV ADYEHTISEMENTS NOTICE! V,;,' ITS Z 'l ' " 1 , u.w m w u () a, , thi. c ...,,. , i-,,uiN.r., ,. ; Tii.v-d.-iy, tie-.'n 1 Jiy ..r s.'..eiii.er ihtd, f..r the 1 j.in-e. -revi-m and h.-.irlni; .ill l.'IX-liatH "f arlld l-.U'ltv l.je.-tillj t'i llie vjilual i-l ..f their property, ..r t. the ,un-.u:it ..: tux eli.-n ve inrnln-t thetn. . Auii-t -s:h, i:u. :r I!. Si' ITT, Chnlrnein. ATTENTION, ' FSFIIIS ' , . ..,.. . . Ilavlns nv.ve I lu:.j n-.v M.W sToltKmi nlliutiiR- .. t" St fuel, near Maritn, where I Liivu hu'ter liwlll- f"r M"'ln my ' 1 ,rU'tt l m"1 "M' '" ' ' ' '' -m cn!1 me. Dun m..y en.,, t.. r.-.i..uh. AS I SI'.M.F.II Ol" CVJTTOX, 1 I tit-ike the i.ii."..' Hi.- ample a srti'l.il.Tt. and a-.lie- i H ..I'.itiM-n. -nta, an I up..it any e.itt.111 t..r.i wt'lj i II-,.., 1 W ill ll.nk." I.ini:il.lt. I A.M1I AI.VAN 'K-i-1" ra'u 1 if Intor-V. 11.1l miiill elmrsn f-.r a:..rag.". I HAVK IN i'K ASH AUU1V1NU : I inon hundlei Xew Arp.w Tlea, M l I. mi. II. 'a S.l.-p I T..vi nil Arrow lU"kl., SO.iki.) y.-irdi lliu.-lii(! hnlv.u and wheio ri.ua, Tn)) I.llll.N Uiteelng Trt'lne. 10.M yiir 1.1 Hue Piiii.I'H" l!,tl:ii,'-f..r liat Blteeu. i -mah rct.i.aT.i.-K ..- ' jaj; jc.lt Molasses, Suar, Coffee, 1 -lotd, Co,,,, Ac., 4e., ... , wU, wl( ul!Clu. TUtlt, :ui oa:( tn. lml vxyweKUE. J. THOMAS. Km. 0, W;iinUij'..iu Streot, Jjile'.S l. X. C. Financial Statement Otlh'o Hoard Co'iiniissioners, Chatham County, N. C., l'lttsboro, A'ir. "2S, 1S70. In -i-'- .r I'm '." wt'h s..'tl n l'.i ..f f'hapier S! u! ll.,:il..'i lievlsul, tho f..U..wlui; stntenieiil fc. pnh. Ib'ie.l: Klein S 'i.ti-mla r the. 1..', U.'s, t.. li.'.i nii..-r tli 1-,-. Hi.- 1.V..1 11. aid w. r.- III i-.i-l.in nine dnya. The t..;i. .'. in;: la the nunil er i.f d iys each iii.'ini.er win ire.i.'iit. III.' iiiiitit.i-t- .t nill.-a trnvellel Ly each, and the iMiiiiK-.-ii.-.ii-.it audited t.ieii 'h: I.. II. Ilynuiii, present s day at tj bu inli. s ;i:iM-t:...l ul ic. a mile, till ml I no T.itnl iitii'.iiut au ll'.i - I, IJUUU tl&UU ii in mil.", tlsiU a in S'.'il 70 tlS IM r. m .tul aii..u.it aiidi'.i'.l. .li..m;ia i'r.-.s. pre-'nt y .lavs at li ilk", nill.-.i lmi. li. I at V. a n.lle, T-.l.il niii ..nil au.lile I, tu.m W. P. Wr.1.. .r.ent SI days a! M tis 00 ;kii) n.ll"j lraellil ai io. a mile, Is" I 'J'.nul ani'.uut nu lltcl, t-'M in The f..l..wln Ik a trim statetn.'iit "f tlio number j .it .lays th.'lt Um tireseiit ILhild wein 111 a.wsj..u i fi..ni ihe Unit M.ntiy in l.-.-.-iiitr. is;. .. ihu present time, the nuiiii" r id drtya en. li niemlau waa iinwut. ihe nuinta-r of iitllea travelled by taeli. unl th" ii.inp.'iiitl..it audited leivu-li : NiimU.r.t.l:kj --thcli.ird n-ro l, esui was lw(.llIy. C. ll. Heoit, proeent IS days at M tif.no iSll; a.u uill.-a Imvelinl at .V'. a lull'', On I'lniiui'i' V uwuiliu' .1 days, toiiil iiiiv'iutt uudited, I. H Clej;. .r.-s. nt t days at M ;...l miles IravelU'd at 3.'. a tulle, Ou finance L..iiiiiiic.ii" J days. ..; ii i tin mi t:i ir. 0 no 'A'oial nniiiiiat au-llii-.l. Mark llytium, 'ti.-ui xl day. .'in mil. s iruii lle 1 at a nl tl -r't1'. iiuiki l.i to 'f"irJ au'..uut audited, Ii. R. EX LINE. a.t''.-'.f Civili vl the Bo.ud. N E V ADYERTIS E .MEN XS . 1 : : mi -p. fll:vf f I Alio i 6311 Kjlllit i The nmuufa-lur-ra of the 8!IIltT deolre . t.y il,i mi-lti"i l-itiiank tli puUiefc.rtlielraiiire- j i.i:. u ..f tin. viei.rHU,i ria.-.u. -evm.iw uy ;,j!lliUKlJrv)lll ul uwillI1,mlhl. ut tlkll3r,n ,,.. Tlie b!iai.r'l f material, fit nn.l workmniinlitK ' III l: atrletly ir.tiiiii!iu-l, uiel In a-Mlileti t" "tle !er liupr-.Tements lierc:..f..re mivle. the I'E.VKL KHIIIT will iv.w I lined .t.. tlm fn.ul, thus , , ... renJerliiK them allll lo iredvrabli.'. j lri;o, 1 .VT45. j -CC. ?. CJTLLSV, i LtAtra jx staide and Fancv Di v Goods, o- tious. Hosiery, Hand Made P-ocrta and SSh ies, Hats and Iteady Made Clothinsr. ouWt-tf Rili'tch. X. C. "HIlMOVAl, " CHRISTOPHERS UJRRELL, WJ10LKSALE GUOCEUS COMMISSION MERCHANTS, HVST M KKKT, WH.MlNiiTOX STUUET, In nrdiT l,iiTHi'i'iimii la.e"Ui nlrndy lura.-' mid lii'Temlna trade, we Imve lemul l.'fn ternn i enri. I he iii.'ei.nn Si.irt ll'.u- "ti Wiliulnifiuu SI , r nil! iii-t' t e '"" ; we will keep a Ft l.l. STlH'K Ml iu whl.-li - W.".vWiJj..iJ!J) ilioots, Shoes, Jj'iL'cin and Tics, StiulY, Tobaeeo, Sole and Upper L'-nMier, l'isli, MobiiHi's njl prades Bulk Meat X. C. Ivieou. ivc, Ac. -We irnv t. Arrlve:- ; 4Vi Sn-ki Manhnll fc W..r:liliijl.ai Sru', im.) lii.-h-l- l:i l. n .n l a : e. M.-..I, r-n l!.iiln li lil.e k and Wid e i una, l n 11111I..1- wiii e mid Mixed o.i n-.ill ..f whi'-lt e.u-r4l'v'."..!i'nri'lviil. ' ' W.-Bl.haie ra.'illiieii f"r hiin lllni; nu t a ..rlns f.itt..ll. t'. the wile ..I Wl.l.'ll will u'lve eur ! .r..ni.'. utten'.l. n, im I nuu.e 111" r.il 11 Imui'A'3 Iu piinliMi w.aMln . ai..r". j CHRISTOI'HKISS & SOMSELL. GREAT REDUCTION DRY GOODS ! , T'i maki' r . f..r my Kail Si 1 an t illler U1I1 .lute. M il . k, I will, tr. tn . nl oI..iit9blnKly LOW PRICES!! au Huiit w.-iciii c.s.siMi:i:::s, Tvi:ns, i.iskx um ins AND COTTONADIS ii' fp.lll 'l lo tti -r ll'llt. I..W.T IhVI "U eau l.liy tll' lll elu-wliere. I And al..w in -1" any. th.it all ..-r-.iw who are In ' ; wiur. "i ii.M.da 1-1111 1 SAVI3 Monsv ! 11 V IVMlSO TO ,! CREECH'S. i As Tills Is A Kare Opportunity. Twenty tluuaaii.l yard ..f new ninl Iwinlai.me alvlii FALL PRINTS. BSX- Do Not Forgot A. CRSECII, Kalei-h, N. C. Ailjtist 21 at, 1879. 2t "7C0L At mv mil1, on llnw P.iver, four miles east of' Piiiaboro'. I am prepn-nd to do wool. CAIIIUXO 111 the HKsr inunntT. (Inod w.dk jiuaiai.leed, when tlio wool ia prop erly prepared. STKl'HRN III'.NI.Y. July (th. IHT'.I. -'tn. THOMAS M. CROSS, ATTORNEY-AT - LAW Ishoro', '. C Will practise in Chat'iain nnd surroundina rotinties, C.illectiou ol chiiius u specially. jv21 if i ST A I K Ol'' NOISI'H CAUOl.l.VA. Cor.vrv oy Chatham . M. P, Williams, j i li. W. Y"fk aud I ! I'. M. Mason, ; vs. 1 .Mens Stono Al.l.ei,i Stone, Marl. .1. Sloliu and others. Iu the eSuperlor Court. J 1 In iiitrsiianre ol an or b r. in ihe a'mve eiit'nled i a-. nude at Si.iio:- Term l7ll. I ' .will sell for t.'ASU. at the Omul Ibuise j door iu the town of Pittsb.iro', on Monday j I the I'-Vh dsv ol September next, certain; real estate situate in tlie county of l;liat-i ham. on the water of New Hope, Sin,: ! tl... n.im. lun.ls oonveved bv J. l Stim.'.de. . ceined, III me. a Itioitniliree, ou the 2")lh t ot N ircU 1S.U. ami cmiiuioins nii 'Ut u!ii Ht.r.s. JOHN MANNING. June l'2 h, 1S7.I. t Moittrairee. A1TF.U Yon: lli-r. is lb U-M it is t 10 late to wi.-h you had iiiMiied. R,. Yse and Insure in Time ! It c's'.a but. little to insure and, lire is leartul hie. lNlu. 'UU XOKTll CAi:nl.lX. SMK AM i: Oi.MI'A.NV vV .I.I.I(.II, , insure vour Dwel'.inir, Furniture, Store, . ji,pt , t!,',-r buibiinu, at tlie lowest rate' i Bnr pw it it biuns. 'I'his :.inpsny has I j.ald, in lea tli ail a year, lor TllKKB build- int burnt in Ulmi bam. I Your may be the next l Apply tor nemr anee to t. A. I,OMi.Y Jll, aiaiNT, ie'JO tl PHUslHiro'. N. i'i . TUVSE TABLE Cjj Hu k Yadkin lalltj I), To Take Kffeot May fltli, SV Daily Except Sunday. Reaves Iviiyelteville at 4.00. p iu, Arrives at at :.Vt p iu, J,, lives liulf at G OO a in, .rrivea at Kayetteville at 10:20 a k. L. t JUNES, rSupetiuteudeut, XEW ADVEBTBEMEA'TS TA1BOTT t SOS7S SIiociojB MachineWorks, URMMOXD, VA., Mannfapttirerg of Portable and Stationary Kii.'inen and Bii!er.-. S;iw Milla, Com "ul litat aSilld, tsiiaitinjr, iaaaifrera ana Puller". Turbine ater V4iels, Tobncoit 1 Katiiory Maebinery. Wrought Iron Work. Hnita sod Iron Castings, Machinery o? '.very Peacrip ion, .'(Jinn in? A: Tlirosliiiis? Maeluiics. j a spi:;:iai.tv. flciiairiii?; Promptly & Carefully Done. iTaltetft Patent Spark Arrester, I The Invent lot of the Ai?e. It does not destroy the -raft. it diva not interfere with cleaning the -tubes. It will ret id:oke up, and requires nocli aulnp. ireiji ire no direct I'ampera to be opened .hen raisins steam (ilanipern beinif objec- .a il...f in.. l. 1..I1 niwii unit uU , ! w t,, pfeape'.) It requires no wa- n,j m. destrova tlie draft. Uesid'es, wUeit ; water is used, if nejjlected, the i flkiency la destroyed by evaporation of the water, ami I 'he holler la kept 111 a IllthV condition, k 'ii simple and durable and can be relied ! iipmi. Jt caii be r.ttai-bed to any boiler. I No p'niiier should be wiilmut ww.a! i them. liiHiirnnce coinpanieg will insurv ! o .. l...r,,u ul.,.,.. ll. 'I'ull.nlt VlliriilWB ;",?,. i . . , Hid Spark Air.-n.-ra are ued at. same n.to j ,ia rharired fur water or liorse-)Wer. j r.i-Send lor illustrated circulars and ! "at. uiay'J liiu Bjdi HanafactiiriDS Company, I.. It. UYM'M, Asent. MAN U FAG TUREILS besFyamS ! AXD SHEETING S, A.NH DEALERS IX GENERA! MERCHANDISE 1.1.1 ik i-i .ii mi-: SHEETINGS AND YARNS, iii:axiu:i CHATHAM COTTON MILLS II" Vol" WANT TUK DECT! FIRST, AND ONLY COTTON MILL IN THE COUNTY. Enconrap Hoe Enterprise. oct3-no.Mf STJLL LOWER! llAKOAlXS AT I He will for tlio next JSO 1it."M offer extra inducements to ;t!xli ciistoinera to ' make room lor his Fall Stock. Ho i offer- i wg a jr'eat many good at and below cost i lor :ik1. You cau save money by sivi.iK 1UM a CALL AT OXCK. lid keel s the L itaiKST and Best Assorted Stock of (i.Hids ... the (. onuly. I Pariners, remeniber, at London's you can jr.-t tho BUS V au 1 t'HK VPKST Plows; Mot baa a 'j'()0l sl.a-k of 1kisi ; Plows on band, and all kind of points, Sic, !at the LtiWKST PHIUKS. i lie cau furuidh you with iho "Havassa AmiiiateJ Guano." (a Perfect Fertiliser for wheat) either for CASH or on TIM K. Also, fa & Addison 'Coinilo Maiuire," or Clieuiicals for mukinjr Harris Compoat. He is just receiviufj a full suiady of IRON, NAILS. GLASS, rUTTY, uiuj, I TAINTS, Ilia j 5 CENT COUNTER j is still all the jro ! He ia now receiving i his sixth (Hth) Large Stork; can Sell J'uu a j dozen Spisil Cotton lor lioeriti. Helms a L.V1K1K LOT of Seed Oats For Sale I I . asii He is Still buying JUU tur UAIA Of , trade, 1 lip Pa vn 1 1A It Hi II EST Marliet - ; - - - PrieoH fbr Dried Fruits I You would, d.o weU t call aud see his Sewing Machines before buying he will save yott wouey. Call nt once and see Vho liwga'uis at W. L. LODON'H C'Uap Storo VittBboro'.N.Ci