1 f. ..Lf i aianirymr-nrTf USe; - i ifTt 2ft it 1 (Uiinc yi'munara imra T TH U USD AY, . . October t, . : ' rrrr r-rrrrrrrr H A. LONDON, Jr., Editor, - OKU INDIAN POLU'Y. .'That there is sotuctliinpf radio illy wrong iu tho management of tho In dians by the (ic.eral Governuunt must be admitted by all persons. Wo continually hear of battles and bloody massacres ami tliere is always t..rv (,f t1) , i..n.x Yadkin V.d Bonio troul'te arising on our eshrll ley U lilv.ay, a committee p.ppninto I li-ontiers boh, ecu tho white settlors . by tlm Poard of Director.! f..r that , t.. i 1 i ii, I'liriio.-c, in i.Meseiie(! of .Julius A. and the r.r,Li.c JiHliau. oust at tl.n j, ' T , , n ....... . .. ( Ir iv, rresiili u!. -John P. llliai ;s a time th-iro is great cs-itueul in con- 1WUV iuhl T;.,1S S- r.utfer'oh a Befjuoiico of an outbreak in the north-; t,-usteo of tho forim r iu..i t-,"ie, on western corner of Coior.ulo amors: tho Utes, a wariiko tribe inhabiting that remote section. It has arisen from tho same old cause, that lias hceu tho fruiu.il sourco of so many Indian wan;, ar.d t hat is the cmnvach ruents of tho white i upon t'm-i:' reservations. Tartu"', of miners in vaded tbe ccui.try of the Ufcs Mast June in search of the precious metals whereupon the Indians l.y way of l'Piuisal sallied forth anil commitli .1 depredations upon tho whites. These Indians are consider d the wards of the nation, and it is the du ty cf the ir.nenmu lit to pi'.fi.-;H tln-m from the depredations of wliito men. but instead of d. ir.g so, t! ey sen.! soldiers to shoot them for trying to protect themselves. So in this case, soldiers vero sent to v. It:p out these Utes, but or, Ihc h of Sept. they had a battle, in wh eh !oty soldiers were killed and wouiided, and the er.rvivors forced t jrtre i'. It is now foiv.'cd that a easily and ll.ody I'.aliau war will ensu" The:-o onibreaks ,u.d t'lf so wars are of yearly occurrence. Our Irentrm-f.t of thr- Indian is a disgrace t.iur civ ilization and chri iSianiiy. at. I dis creditable to cur stab s-uav.ship. At cr.D thue they are tr-atcd a quasi foreign nation-', then as rebell ious subjects, and then again as pen sioners upon the bounty of the Gov ernment, just as it suits the conven ience and interests ( f tl.c strongs r Tower. An Indian Mesas to hive no right wr.it'a a white man should respect. How differently has the ( iovernic.cn t treated them ami the egro : And v To. Hat? i-i rta'lv entitled to mora ntm.iderati.m and heUev t;-eatr.iei-.t, for this whole eoun iry oneo bt iotigi I to thsi nice, ai.d wo are trespassers upon his lands. Not satisiied with ( JecLsng the In dians from their possessions in the fetates East of the Mi s,;V ,-pi river, and forcing them to tie- v. i.d regions of the Western Tcrrimrus, the white man follows them up and invades iheir last refuge, ami If in ih -pair and desperation the p.i. r Indian iurits upon liU pursuers he is she! down like a hea- t or carried away Into captivity. Indiid there arc many persons who think ati Indian is akin to the wild beast.-; nn.l sh-.ai'.d be treated in like manner, and that their savage natures oat: net be civil ized. Put actual experu nee h is proven that with pn per treatment the Indian cau.be b;-th civiii.v.'d and christianized. Tin re are now (uite a number of Indian Mini-N rs of the mgs ei-men w'.o have b -c n educa ted under eki-uian in;l:ienc who arc zealously preaching to tio ir b-aight.-.l race, r.r.d are an hotmr to mankind. 1 Iktc arc-t-n4 i;-e c ;.:mt::: it.ies of civilized and :.'..r..-:l;'.mz' '. In dians in dili'jrent . (di. us f our Western country, whtro they an just as moral, industrious, and peace able as any white community. Only a few years ago about one hundred of tho most dci-p'. ra'u Indian brave were carried for kt epitig to a fort in Florida. They w ax brru', blocdy; rxnd ravage iu their di.-p.osi-tious, ami ruacnibling w:.d beast as closely as tr.en could, and yt t thtoe desperate characters w re so mana ged by the oflh it in :emmand who happdied to bo u chr;:4:,-.n g'-ntk-luati) that they Boon A the r savage nature, becatae ciiange l icon in every res)cct, and soino id them arc :tcv students nt thcoI"gictd seminaries stutlying f"i' the holy ministry! It is not true then that the ladiau c.--n-aot be reclaimed ami hecon-a a g-)d Ditizen. The Canadian Ci-u evt-t.'.cut ir. nvach xaoro snrcossful v.iiii tiu-ir In. linns. They expend tmiea less mote y, in proportion to (he number vi Indians, and never have any wars. 'J' "r treatment of them is firm yet bn- entire vein a.mio live miUs long, to nnine. Tho mat warri.n. hittiii.''Kcl,!'r wi,n :5ru ftr' of l:l"d. and llttll who triive our Ciovcrmn, nt. so WUCll iromue, massacring iiiegaoatiT. busier uii.i ii is ciiui ciiiiui.titi r, , .i . ..ii- .... 1 . l in 1S70, now that lm is in C inu la, is on quiet and gives no tn ubleat all. The trouble with us ia, tUt our I-.- i dhin wars tiro caits-jd by tho ilopru - Nations of white men on tho Indian (reservations, and incited by specula - 7c-., i W " t0'l tl;ltcout,llt;U,o, Mirkory5rountain Temperance So- j 4. Ag a finam.iai in(.olno to the' The Second lh.ptist Cmnroli in Wil-''- ; furnishing supplies to tho army. eioty, and is published at their 10- ! government of tho lnited State.; miugton bus h:ul an accession of 109 ; If tho Government Would only j trout tbe Indians with common jr.s- ', tice, ami also eompr'l its citizens to re- "I"" i l" j so often called upon to mourn the loss ot gallant oineers and iueu bla.u in thesa t'loodv battles. !.:ui-liu rn iiir- A. A. McK.-than and A. P. Hurt, Director and Jnhn M. I! so, Secro- tnluy last, nurueil tm ti ,l hon.is ni rao western lia tma.i, viz: .! OOO.rtH) of bonds isMmd to the Slate, prior to s.;i, a' 1 .if'O.oao ,.f .same issued dnriii',' the war, ma!;:a tin total issue (if the S'.it-', and 'which b. ill Is v.ere celiat!'.re bv lb.- State with (he compinv ia 1 f.-r vtock, and aUn ;'". iK'i I of l';i'-,t nir.i'' -gage bonds i.nue.l by V'ldiew .i Jnues, Tivsideut ill ISl'o, h.-iug all t'.K issue (:;. pt .-sA.i.HMl which the company h ive n.'t yet 1 n a'. In to g' r eon', r .1 nf, 'l'hcse hoti x are the lu.mts whicii the c Mepuiv have bei a suing e-r in the cruris nf N utli Car olina, .Vv'W York and th- i'n'.t.-d States and have cost i igbf ears of litiga ti'.n and n.-rhaps ss:i ,( ,.f ,.,lf,t and aMnrnev's i'ees, th;'.-. fn eiag tho e; :r pany of all itvu'iihraiice lAeept 'ii judgments whit h v,-er.' . .v cer tain gen'le'.iieu in l''avette llle, aad for wLlCil the. State at the last se-si m "f the Le'isl i'ure n:a le pritvi-si.ms tn pay, but which h is imt yet been arranged. A new mnrtg vz has bet n made and new bonds will be issued to procure thi1 iron and lliii-.li up the Road which is now rapidly b. -ing graded between Ore lliii an 1 ( iieenshor i. - V'avt tt.-ville li.iz. tt '. Chaiity a:id Extvava. nuce IY-:i ! Wl'.i.ia:.-. ,i !: M.-v. H.w Me-o-l )ot! Oil" I lomed to , a.'d th" : ag-my fro r the d u:a otm-s h-.rb"ied e.i'iei itig ! 1' ior joining country, the plague ami u bind to the IS stU. 1!1 veste!',!:. 1 In' d ih. sttm of si.b ei-iptions he Ohutvho, O; :e vear ai'd up at wer the streets an I in the bar tlir-mghent this :!'.S, ef- V'.V'l roa.i lan.l. to l..v leir.liv uti t land. eitisbei;:g male for th-- relief the pn ir sutb-rers. Pen .,' are tire 1 f giving; th'-y can't ulVu-d it. ft is really t.vi much of a Uk upon their iv nri' s. First, tic Peunfori lh.cn the li.nl fund t'ltel so uliuitnm. l'nt tr-ivelling .1 tlu titrie-ih draw good house i aed i'i-.'-iirs and tobacco nve coust.-,i,tlv tot . sum- !. im , wiiisK. v nn. t la- gt r beer c tlres'a s (if c Iv ma le up with lino t 'rttirs to be drill,!;, si.k -i'y material (xpeiisive re worn and costly hats imis and ftathrrs arc ill seen iu the churches, l'.e.t then. II 1 ut then, wind ? Why, we sup iir it is the way of the worl i. Alasl at it is mi. )io(,; c Mi:i (iohl Mini g i'l Moore eotinty is . li with co.'l-i h Table o'-l and well known hi-h h is bri t: leased Oelllg e, -liec. f.s. C-.gl-- m i-v tl.,.t n.. milv f..r ' s.dl t - I'. ('. (Hvrtnn. of N w York. I he vein proper it is understood, be proposes to put in the hau ls of a .sfruig com; -a. v. while, what is known ns Red Hills, h- will wmk and is e.coy erv for tha' N-nr bet , All'ord mi;: l!:'"f "i' as t . i i -, i ting up hi is maeiiiu- tiie Ibirtss 'it of iium-nse i i iii- le t as i iei, it a Latid-some .; -ros-i t: o crc-i k from this is the n.-, th it now tie' vein or ; beet, t"Urk, h-s pai-1 If on.- ;.m mini !.. ; :!;' l.i.S I b-. it. r i!:.:u at v tmtie m 1 ho coutttv. the yield so;;io w.-i l;i, w ith ii ten stamp mill, being v7i'0 to ?-.i'i) wur'.e -.fgo'id. There are fe-vcr il otie e uiittr-s that have changed lands hd- 'y, but op- r atiniis have not ye', beeu coi'itm need u thciu. Charloit Observer. t .MiioiY Coi aly (Jriui! ilHit's. -it of J. V.. Taior, Pr; sidi T.tvlor M oi'ii'e.ett-.riiig (' the 11 V West minister. ib'., .11 tots hat h city has vestenlay. Vv e learn ' ipia o mi nu'iia i.im.s inie county, about liv rrv in Moore iioiu ' ' ir stono that -ovealy-tiv!. worked by nitive v.ay, beer, o-.e.- la.ige wh'.eu conb'ins was di.iv overed soiu yrars a :m, ae.d has hern several part i-a .ti a pri some ten i.e.arries hivin.; a!" 1 f ir yt.-ars. The stouc l!U g lid ed ituiie a loerl notoriety as M-mre county grit. It ia a blue cement eolo.red ro.-k tiil-d white lb, t, and it is cl aimed for it that it grinds corn in a manner sup-, rinr to tiie French h;;:';, or esopiuvt. The grit being so mu.h :d.ar,.e; ti at; that i'l tiie onli iiary mi'.istnue maker, a !'me granula tion ius'cad of ;i pasty ot O'ltiry nifal. It is also claimed that it ''finds with muen less power than nuv other. Mr. Tavlor iiurehas-d the i'ils fornl,;'1 a Vv llled Motuo County Millstone Co.npauj, wi,,t.it v,.jij ,,t in M tK I.,,,.... ...cl iiu.cinuery necenRarv to put tl.o stones " the nmrki t in quanliliea. Tho oepostt is saul by nil acquainted with it to be uwbrinst.blo.Charl.Vt.. Observer ; TYniporance Address, j The follow in" address was d'div- ' ,,mi bv jIr, A. J. Clark, before tlio; j (1uest: I "As' Heaven is Ligl.tr than earth, !o is tt-inncrancu esseiiti.il-YWWibso. MutelN ncccssarvt. tho acquisition :oi'manvoftholesirahleaofthis life ,aswil'as a blessed iuheritauoo iu tho life to come. hnl ho i tllal inodet'i ,, i ( Ui,,, 1 ,,.., r i I.,,. .1 titts s and i-as-inns." Wo sec, then, 1 f 1 ., i , . 1 . . t .1 t li.it leii'piraiieo does not mean total 1 , 1 , , 1 . t ... 1 ;t 'H-.'i iiii.i'v 1.", an li.ii u-r ni.iii.i an, I that, tnerelore, a Tenii Society locicty does lint meau ietvn.nl- , ., " ,-, 11 i- , ' . .. tii.'it her finaueiailv proiitanli', nor ii'o- jrieallv speaking) a wvictv of p'i-; , , , 1 ., ' 1 1 , ' , "i .; : 11.. ' tlucliVH of f,'oni 111 anv nluor way: nns who abstain wholly and I'ijji-IIv.. . ., " ., , , sous from the uso of b'tnut-ating drink" , . . , II-,. hn nr,i ti'iMii.-fitii wn. nri null til- i ally m.'.der ite in the uso tvf (. tint in toxicating thinks ahne, but of any thing, whether b eat or drink. Tho man who sits down ami cats tid In- makes himself miserable, pr - nvs headache, i to , is just as much intemperate us he who drinks li'd the wh.-le erea'i.'U b.-'jiiis to revolve he-i-r- bis .-yes. It s-t-i,,, to me ill may be p ar .hcie.l f..r a b.-ii f uigL''stion'i that it would l-o beit.-r, to c dl your socie ty a Total Abstim-nce Society, rather than a Temper nice S u-iety; fir, un b r the prcrvr.t title, your members can go on in that worst of all prac tices, vi; moderat" drinking, as long as they arc within the b :i::ds of tiio lerittiou ; as long ; s they do not beaotne intoxieated. Now eVciyb idv knows th-it 'he w-a-M o-i-r t'uis is th-worst ef all drinking; for it is the sitt-nt, yet s:;i'- etithvoiient of the you 'g i i'o the ranks of drunkenness and consequent degradation. A man mi Ji', it se, ms to me, go on for two or three years, p-. rhaps longer, in ne'dcra'e drinking before your socie ty, under the etymology of the name, eon), I tnueh him. das' so s-vui as he bec.v-ies intoxicated, you can ar ri'ga I'im, but can do nothing short of i iiolsjou, bee n:se be b-is, it may be. become so eonlirmed in the habit of mo.le.-ate drinking, that lit; catinot now refr-du fioai imnmd -rate o-.-ei-simiai'y ; and o irs bring a temper ance society, viit cannot onntinu-- l;is tn-'eber-hip; cms .pu-uf'y ho is 'brown nut into the sea of inte.xica- tj in, never to be reivvero.l, but tn drag on and on from bad to worse ntitil after a time "delirium tremens" ,.. in. and then sat in, with all his lil)s' (.f hide-ais dlj-.cts, marches ,,n,r,n 1 the r-oor vi-tim as if to drive his m le life fiO its earthly him that he f t- li.-ue an 1 to assure his. In !! go; tig remarks, I lnv iu lie-it - i a , r, f. rem-.. f..r T .tal Al st !uem-.- S..,--ieti instead ..f Temper- auee r-ioen in s, giving as mv r-.',ii snbsVu ti illy this; that no one is safe from the disgrace, and cons' ipte.it nfivt rtv. nf future tlrnnkenncss but I,,, who touches not. tust.-s n.,r. nor i.-md!. s r.i.'. This, however, is a ina'b r of ter minology, an 1 whether you call it a Tempi rat.ee or a Total Abstinence So. it t m e,l not necessarily f fei t the interests and w ot kings of t he s.v-ii-ty. Sivs a writer: "Of those who have hi rn !o.-t to health, usefulness, hap piness, hoine, ami the pleasantries of home an.l home-surroundings hist to the respect of f Veil brothel s and sisters, and alm. -t scoriu-d by the mother that gave th-m biith." not nn- t y-r supposed, in thi lhidi (if youth, th it h-- would "ill! a drunk ard's grave." " Ami yet the fief that so mwv are are going to d. struct ii.ri, pro.es Innv sadly and surely men are deceived when they do imt listen to the voice i.f u-ason and the romo.se of consci ence, tjve heed to th- sad lessons nf observation ami experience! Some may say "I can drink while I am young while I am "sowing my wild oats," nti-i when 1 settle down iu lif". who.. I hae chosen, mv ife companion, I cm leave off drink ing." Fearful, tb hisive. tlingt-rniis tiiotghts! Young n. in, you are metldii g wii'n Ibe wlcm you think thns. If ev n.any young m- n, as do termim d in life as von or I, h ive l.een hd d niVbv this d'.hisive future oxpec- I'.ion of leaving! tY ! ' lee man who to-day di-grict-s himself by his h-irehamvi.m re' e's. was an innocent sel-nol-bov a f"w years ngi. And tb.e drm.k irds of a w years her.ee wii! be nf tie. s.. who nivs'cho ,1-boya to-day. Then if these b iya diiiik n -, who knows but thut son.e of theui may be those future dru1 'bar -Is ? Then up wi t. your to ted abstinence Hags, tlo-tt tiiein far and wide over tho broad sea of in toxicating dri'ks. Wo might show- some of the nu merous argu -n-nts that might be used iti favor of this cause. Rut p-o;de do not need to bo convinced of the evils that grow out of the use of lupi irs; they tan see for themsel ves Almost every one has seen more or l"ss of them. However, I submit a. f.'-.v of the mr.st self-evident, ad of which e.t-e unimpe iel.a'oie. I give them as ti matter nf luforma-it-n m ire than argument. 1 Tho United States squanders. aceor. I mg t olhetal statistics, ?I1TI,- OiiO.OO:) annually for liquors, ami inesH it.pioiH semi annually (.W.U.IU ' ,v ,i,v.i mn.a, flnt ,,f .,,.- ..;1 .,,.,. on luo multitudinous dockets in the l"ite.l States nine are brought, about eiiLer . irer: v or lii.io'f.erv .v vc ua. " - '.. i :!. V.'. wkey U tho greyest known drawback to the cause of the Chris- tim, rlin-m Tl, ...:;.,... ..-Ul ...it h yo, ftf ,u,y audal , that jkey is tho greatest enemy Hint tlioy 1 UIIV0 oontend with; for, out of it, ; grow till forma of vioo and cumin- i whiskey is a failure. (Statistics show members within tho hist few weeks.--- ! thut 1t,,'e j, como' l,J' '"S'ltmii. is not Observer 5 c,'nalft. tbc an,?nut, txu tho v"- 4,,v, 1M " ' ;ms otlii'ers e.nployed to manage behind Ulf liop. 1 ,m,s,,R'ss' ,,eM U .," ,hllt ,hi. An mmsuiiUy good r.oo crop is he : 'dy ground uj.on wleh ho govern-! ,n? Katlwred on the Cupo fear, and , mem, can urge or coiiiuoiiiiaoo me lUstillel'ies i;I Uiiisuev, is a moilicai - Hunt. 01 wen, wu inis luuiit i am ; uninforiuoii out noon pcileotlv na : ! " ' " '")!' A 1 1 . T 1 ...I.. . .- i: 1.. 11 1'iero me us inauv I'li snus cmii" , ... ., . , ' bv whiskey as are k: ,e.l bv 1. - Thi'refore, if this be true, tho govern ment is coi'timiinf- a tiling that but, on tho other h m l, it is killing her population, crippling thousands of lHr I'llterprizes, and ilragg.ii 1 . ... lier citizens into sm and the lowest forms of vice mil degra latioii. Charles Pickens, the celebrated English miv- elist knew well what he Wis doing when he wrote Oliver Twist, ami mad-' tlie In it tie so prominent in the company of the .lew and his band of associates in sill their pillages and burglarious rambles through the city of Loudon. II km-w th it the bot tle alwavsg.es with or pree-eds a'l such vices as are attributed 'o th ise characters. The espei iet'.co of th" world for more than t lOUsaml years cmi-I'u-mcil the truth of tie. text ; -Wine is a mocker, ! I teig .li ink is ragiiie; an 1 whoso Ver is tleceive l thetiby is not WW'." f the many thousands an I tens of thousand-! whn-e pliv-icil frames have hern we ik tie. I, whose senses have been imp iir .1, who ,e h mies ma le desolate, whoM. hv -s remb r. .1 useless, an 1 at last sank into a hot- tomless hell, n t xi: ever tspect- rd such to bo his fa to. Had it n t been for otic tiling, so ciety at this day would imt hive been above the br ttr creation. The man who is now intellectual, could have rattled his brtin in the cavity of a mustard seed; and woman, now ( bl eated ami reiiae l, would bavekno-vu no other i-in l-' th iuaroun I the cook pot and wash-tub, and n . other Mil- rt than that of th" breath of n drnn- l-..,. l. ',.. ..I lf .,1 it ...! I,, .... op.e thing, the great King (f P.-itv would havcloi.g since lluek"d from their sphere I lie r.in.-n ami the b-n thousantl times ten thousand watch stars that now deck the heaven; yea had it not been for this one thing alone, all the world would liae been swept into oblivion; and this one thing, I rej -it-e to say is temperance and the friends of tnopriaiicti. Thanks be to ll-aven that such a band docs exist, and that you are members of such an organization! f.irulill x u, iiu fln ,, ,.v lorriipt spot in the mi. 1st nt every debased pet pie, and there kindle ami b'ane and shed their light all over the ne--au of intoxicating spirits. In conclusion, m iv this society be a shining light. M iv she bo as bright as the morning star when (i.i briel shall have souu led his last trump t call man to hi- timil home; or win", the Angt 1 of '. Sod : shall come firth with one foot tip ui th- land and the other upon the se. i an I ex claim time is, iime w;is; but time shall bo mi mi-re." liingliny. A eorrespou lenl of tic R th igh Ob server, writing from 'a u sboro', on tiie third inst., savs; 1: ,V:ls "The house of Mr. M. V. L entered iv ourgiars tins morning. just before dav, and manv v-tluabie aiti-h-s stolen! Mr Leak" is having some n-pa'ring ibuie on his house, and the burglar" g it on th" roof of the front porch bv means nf tint seaf- folding mid then entered the see . ml storr through the window. On that tl or thev went in'n the rontn occu pied by Mrs. San-ib-s. of R ileigh, ami le r daughter, and to k fr mi it sotm valuable j.-'.veb v. Tin y m-xt pasM-.i on to the pari 'i' sod t-i k ft gre it many articles of iihi ' tl a' were tin r : Thev next entered .Me. R-ak's bed--room ami took fr m a olvir by his Ur.V liCilthor. bdsi b; the i tiM -e .suit ofclotl.es he j Theciirrospomlrnt of the Observer hail take;. otT on retiring, in th ,,-rilint' from Riehmoml conuty. N. pn.-kets were valuable p ip.-rs, a hand roi.c gold watch and eh'in a;.. 1 about forty d .'l -rs in c R-:tk wis altUed l.y tin striking the watch chain nj. eh iir us he was raising I le Kll Mr. burglar ain-t the vest from it, and sp ang at him, but the follow wi;s too ileet f u' him. A g.tod 111011 v things wa re found pitched upon tin- front porch. There is no chm so far. Horrible Mu.ilor, 4 1. ..1 ..t t... f part if the spine wa re driven iu as if tho deceased had been stumped in the back. Tiie evidence, b fore the fiimnpr's itit-v wns that the child ...,ia ,,f,i ..ti, .,... 1 to .i instdo the house only at night ; that it was nev t.r pveu ilnvthiiig to eat, and was often kicke.1 aud InittNtn will, sticks lV tlie Iilllll-r. It would Hog every ...1 1 1,,, f., something to eat. All it got wiiR what it picked up out of d urs witli tin. iimru i juj- i i i mi ; Al.-.l.c-lv nee tr..m MtiIo hihI i..,.-r mf-r-i" '"'. I k.,i n my syr,.,. v':,... . l!t!,!y is r 'ty f.-rtlt- ''l W ""J . ent a esii-lie lent in i:iu iiwon , ,, . , i .t 1. . 1 uillowing rules were adopted: troiu adertboro snys, u negro man " 1 nsined Hal RitlitT has been arrested "X' applieimt. consulered inctira aiid is now in jail here on the oh nge 'h- by the m-dic il olhcersof the Asy of killing his own child, aged three , him shall be admitted ia ft patient vca-s. Tim post mortem examina- i util all who are deemed cumole tion slew,-,! th.it the child's stomach have been provided for. was perfectly empty and the body' No appbe it ion made prior to the was covered with large bruises, passage of the act of ls.-' dull bo Some of the vertebrae of tlm lower eons.. bred utiles the same shall STATU NEWS. , (Joodlv Number. is nringinggooil prices. W Uimngtou Heview. tVcll FrcscrviMl. There r.in two persons 1'uing near Fratdi-i'itiville licarly ninety yoars old Their hair is mil-yet gray, and iii'ilher has a single decayed tooth. .Vshbovo' ('onrii-r. ' f On the 1st inst. ipiite a destruc- ttv( hie oceurreil in ilimngton. consuming nearly fifteen hundred b iles nf cotton, mid a cotton-eon. - press Hi il had been erected at H cost of tflitl.OoU Tux Hivltisl inn. Tim S'a'e ami county ve-.r, is $I.IS on the tax. this( worth of ! pronrrty ami :t.nt on th - poM. I'llis M II retlueti in nf over ntie-fourth from l ist year's taxes. Shciby An- " - M"0 Vi'.lkillg. Wihoii has :i voting man who has walk" 1 two miles in eighteen tninufes ! i We It ivo .-ilso an old 'eiitli m iu wlu , i used to walk twentv-niif miles nn.l; do a d.'x's work tnd return the same j (veiling. Wils.iu . dvaneo. ' - ! Mom! Coiinnnnily. 1 Iu the southwestern part of Pur-! ham townshi: Orange county, ti ; ; populous set-tion, tln-re has not bu n 1 an iiitlietincnt found in the e nirt-i .gainst a single one of its people suteo I lie cioseni rue war. wnserver. Long ('oiiKiii'.nii al inn 'A' responlent sends us M week a coniuiunti'it-...n eios-lv writ U n ?n a Y-' f paper, which by ae- ' bv tivt lurement, is t ig.it fe-t lone inches w i le. 1 le c ills it it short o mru'.iuicat ion. ( 1 reetisbor o North State. Hud the Fever. j Colonel John A. MePonal-1 yes-: ti r lay received a letter from his son, ! Walter M.-Pona'd, who has been living in Memphis for sonic years, j stating that he bad b -en down with the yellow f -v, r for tlf;e-n .lavs. Ib is improving some an i it is Impe l he will recover. K doiid. News, 'i'olmrro Fiirtories There is a move on f vt in Ore. n--bnro to erect a half dozen tobacco factories, to be rented when oomph t etl to the highest hi hi er. Tho C.b-j-ct in vi.-w is to offer f i.-ilit'es for the mannf ictiiiv of tobiccoat that pnitit and mt to reali.o money out of the investment.-- Oharlotte O'oser-! V'T. Killed hy Fntloti (Jiii. Mr. N.th-i'i F.ro.'dc'i, nn enter prising citiz n of Wavne county, a broth-r of i-x ( I lveru ir Cards H. lirogdeii, while gituiing r-ittou last Thiit-sliy, had his arm severed from' his holy by the yiu saws, which eau-e.l I'.i'U to bleed s inueli that he b.-.l in ah nit twenty-four h"Ul'i. (b.hlshoro' M-ss-neer. Healthy ramily. There i-t au nl 1 gnitloman nn.l his wife in Join's ctiunfy with a goo I b-m'thv family record. Mr. John Heath was born in bsil-t i.i- wif- in' IT'.IS. They raised 1 1 children, have had '.IS grand children It! of whom are married. Tiny have lived nil th. ir lives it. Tuck. ihop ( u t r part of J utes nn.l have never taken hut medicine Kinsto'i .lotirnal. i C . on the Kith in-t , says: ''The crops in Richmond comity, except the 0"tt'n crop, nr.' turning, out. well. The weather is very drv;! s.e no of th" farmers below Rocking- n have had to haul their water, wells nn 1 springs having dried lip." - I'lviiie AvliHll. At a meeting last wefk of the Jn- rectors of tho Insane At-x lum the have been ret. owed since ttiat. lime. It. & A. A. L. U.K. At a late meeting of the Stock holders of the Ualeigh nnd U"Usta Air - Iiine H. 11. Company, the report 0f t!H. Superintendent states: t.. ii. r,,,,,.),,,, iii-mtlia end nr . 7 ... . .. ., . . . " were .,,.,,';,.1, i-,si , i'- li-isiiienrrers 5f'7 - ,;;p,.(i,3-' niails tl,l"'i 'M; niiscella- . ..i m m c.o to n. of,. . ,-... ... - - io 'f., ,,., -M- is" tii) .il i,..ivii;.' a balance of (iio.f.T. For , c,,m.s,, iui;, mouths a year ago . . . ", imi'i .l.... Z iAmn: ' XE W ADYEUTISEMKN IS. REMOVAL. CHRISTOPHERS & SORRELL, WHOLESALE UHOCEltS j AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, HAST MAUKCT, Wll.MINlililN hllli:ET, 1Cul ii It, IN. t u ..r.t.'i t.i liett.-rii-t'..iuni.i.lali.itiiriLti'iivlvlHri;o hii-1 in.-n-iisinij ir.nle. .. Iniv.- i.-a-..-. i..- ,-i i..-ni..f I y.-.n-s. tin- si.in-i.Mirt Si..ri- ll.m.,i-.-ii W lliiiliiiuii S;., ! n-.i-li'ly mvii.l...l l.y li V. ,I,.i h K C,,., u wliicli j wii Mill li.-.-i ii H I.L STOCK "I Pilots, Shoes, Pugging and Ties, ; Snutl, 1 obaceo. Sole ami I pper Leather, Fish, Molasses all grades Pulk Meat N. C. Paeon, Ac., Ac. -'V Ifuve lo Acrive: I'M Sa.-'is M.n-.'rill k W,.r:liiiic:.m Kiilt, 1.I.KI llll-ll' U .-. !l..ll l II..II.-.1 M.-Hl, 1 "M liti-h.-H lil.i.-k .-m l Whit,- o.-i's, lim.ilin-h. li. Whii.-au.l Mix.-a e..ni-.-ill ..f wlil -h will I a.-f.-l i.ew I.. Hi.- .rn le, mi l Hi.- iiuiilie K'-iieriilly. "ii iiniv.-il. We ills., tun.- iii -Intl.-. f..i- Imn-lllin; nn.l nimliii: c.iii-.ii, i.i On. n,-tii ..r wia.-ii we will en.1 ..in-.i-..ni'i niti.itl..ii. an.l iniiko lll.i-1-iil ii.lviiiu-i's lo it-.-t u isliluj; in sii.i-i-. Tho Pearl Shirt ! inaniif.i-ni,-.-ri.-f lli" Clt'.lU. sltlltT ..-ti-e l.y IliU m.-ili-a I.. Uiiiiik Hi.- eiilili.-li.-Ui.-lr.-i'.rc- jn,,.t.r,,l.,y w,,, , . I .-..uUlinal iv villi ..t t.-sllm .l.ialM "l KC.WlL'U .11 j weu ih.- winie. 'rii.-stan.iar.l ..r nrc.-t-t.tl. fit aii'l v..rkinfitilil. i .! I..- nt ri'-tiy ni!ilii:aln,-.. i.n.t in a-iaill-t. I..1.U1. (.-I- i'lipr-.v.-ai.-ii'. h.r.!..i'..t.- itui.le. tin. I-r.UU. Slili:T will ii . I..- ICi. l a- r liu- :r-.iit, lints tiii ilii-ui .-.Oil n-.-.r --Inral'l.-. it.- ! - . i:i.ku i - ,ple and Fancy iVv (l,,,k No- otis, llo-a-rv, iliml M i.le Pilots .,,.1 SI,.-; ;. 1I.I......1 l!,..lv. .Mat! Chimin;. liat.-ii.-li, N.o. White Goods ! : White Piipics, Striped, Fi-ured, and C'heekeil, SOMt-TIIINil SIltCIM.. STATIN MM LACS PIQII f, ' - 1 1 J Very Pr. -tt v and Very ('heap. Mll'l' KIM, II N AINsO.il.S. tS')FT FIMS5I That t'aiini li.- ) I wii't. -.1 lor i" oimt-j- iu tlin innrh-i A .'I II. link or Hit M.. 'lis. l-'l.wir Clntlis. Tnwe's. t! .vw ll.mirrv. Mills, Ccltirt'd Tiilile Iniiia-k. A (IliKCr UMti.MN IN ilt-'l" ! t'.-tlnn at S,. liv lli.. Piero, i.l an Flint of Lilian or l.iiis.iiei.. F.ilgiugs, insert ion ami LiU'l'e set:, i i.itv w i rn i, I'FUTHSiUKH LAWNS, i CTS. d.rsfls! C irm tH! Cersets ! DRKSS (SOODS! DRESS COOPS! ' (i'e to $.r,:) a yard. YKA l!i i. X, PK ITV A .TOXKS, , All L N'l'S roll i Chirks Mile Kud Spool Cotton, j to tt i;i. ieh, x c. i 1. 1 m i si, 15.'it,'gs Hail. ling, Ualeitfli, N. O. lARMAltE. M Jil M MATERIAL, lll.l.Nt'S, TAINTS, vim;. iv-t.t.A- BolliiiT, pes, I'MK.NT, I'l. AST! A X I r.iiLi. Grrxias. 1 1 irreijioiKicuO" Mticitcl. der I lint W. ('. A. A. H.SIi'nnaoh, (iriv ors. No. I, IXveHeiiiio, No. 4 Vi u t in atnl No. M arkot S'.i;!:'o,I!aleigh,N.C., OIT.T e. th" .rii'l- I'.-ilay, nl lii.-Mc .,rl.-...vti-... vi: (.".imi j;,- rim . 'hv an.l ei-.-.-.-r Itav, I. i,.oi I'.iiIkH c. 11. si.i.-s. 7.m l.u wiiitc an I Yellow Crn, 4.n I. ii- Wnll" I1..H.-I Meal. y.Ni iii.i r.Kira aii'l I'.unlly Fl.-ttr. 2,.i.i.l t;a;- Sa-.i. an.l M"la l.m I.I.I-. H.-ri-iii. Ma -ker.-l a'i-1 Milt! S.ivt-i His lHm.1" .-I Hams, Ir, nut ii.. sue. snitr an.l Unm. lo." 1 1' . iv-,.ti, Vel..w hiwnr, am n -kltm isnv.i.-rs. rii...i' M.-.-sliia orata;. , F.x'ra l'alenii.. an t M -aia T..-!ii..iifi, II. -..I an.l V.-IU.w Han-ni t-., Kr.-lt -.ara--.t'i C annls, N. , Tui l.l-.il 1'riii.i-x. I it .;.-. lv..!i. ill Vlvles. t h .1.-.- -i,:ra- Ctimtr-s MKt an I -i;.iu l'l.-kl. i. !'H4ll-li .-.l. I At ..-i-i. aii I'tt-.n-.f li..v. I..O.- I T"ie!ii". liek.-y nn.l I'.i.-k. .iiH.ct.-l att-t l..t: tie ( a--up-, im-t s. See .!i-1. Hi-"i:ii.fc- alio cl.. i etui; II.-. :. tin. t. i ''fait nn H air. .1 IkoiiestleOaiii , .. 'rai'l..'-!, atel l aritia. le-1 an I i i-11-.lu-.l wii.-at. Klei". ll..tir an.) C"rti star, h. Nel-i.li H C.. li.-lailli. 1-iieerlal (itaimni.v Mill . F.h.,. Cann.-.l I'le Iruli ' '"' '"l":" ""'l '. 1,1 .1,-111.-4. li'ip !" i anTAim'-i'i. a'ii''.Mi'iiii'r.N, !!.-. r me nit" -i iMi.'.r.e.i an-i .1 ! i. r..-ini C Igar.s, r.nuiiu: i.. i.t-i-e ('-..ra si j.-.ty, 7 - e i'-r 'lu.'!',! tm:ll 'Z' V't'r'rr- w. . ,lnv,,,,.. , ,..,. r P..v ,. ' 'ri' ... ' : .. f.. f7"l . ' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. w. 1 1 1 1 mm llnvn tin-(.lensure nf nuidn auii.hiu'Iiik lo 0. . ill. lit- lluii iln-y m i. r-. eU Inc an iniuituii.ly liu't;4 uiitl tUtiu.-Uvu stuck el' all kln.U of DIIY GOODS! MKN 'S WKAU! Huts, Knots, (hitters, Shoos, HansefiirflisMi Goofls, Carpets, j Tho Dross (Joods Pepai tment I Mill .i iipplli.l wliu fa.-.lil'.iml.ii iniilei lalH nm) tin- very l.ti.-M sil.- mi l ii.ivclil.-M, iviitslaiiug ir. lai t ..i ii.c i.iiti.w iit ; ' Dross Goods. OH. MILS Cain. -I'm Hair, M le CI. .Ill, l'. l-.-lail t'-r.l, Cal.l.-l ..r.l, ri.-tt.-lt e.tr.l, (ii-ii il'nrnMV, K.'.h!l .-, ' l',.-..-k i,.r.l.'fiit, I'lum, T k.-, (iarnet, "live, f lui-lii.', I.l'..ll7.e, Lli'., clr. A I'm iir IIih. A.iii.t .1.- el. (Mi In. Mel-Ill. Mar..., M:.ny lull .no iteslfjns ill X.iVt ltkB,. The Ti iiiiiiiing Popart meiif lias r Ive 1 unusual ait. -lit I. ti. iMiil.rarlnc Vi-lvi-is, Sjitln siri..-s. I'.-IOiik. -.t-.-a...x. M.nr.. SIIUs. W..i-,.i.- l mi l suit s-ii.-s, in i-mi.r"l.li-iy,t.wili.-rw III, a tu.-i;.-tillt ''iit ik.K..rt ul ..I tllill..ns, ll.-inl, Hnstli., Willi.w an I 'I i,-n 111.- I'i-Ihi;. M. We .-an p-t ii. a lire-.-, aii'i Ti iiiimins in n. at iy all i-iti!iiiiati.i.H, 111 111".-: il.-Mra! i" slyli-K ali-t In i; I lat.le, all. I llin tnaliy su..-i i..r tn...ti-i.- an.l .It. ssiu:il,.-rs ..f i.m-i-liy . in .in.. Hi fit.- .-.Iia. nn.l nyiiinieii-y t.i llm mat. rial?- In as Mtx I.- aii-1 ai as l..tv ..rit-t-H iti. villi In- .l.'iit In u.iy lalil..nal l.' 1 1 v . W. II. .V li. S. TI'CKr.ll. Our Carpet Popart incut I- run -r i-h..i.-, Otil"k ?-ai.-H, . i-altfriis tiu-1 lt- -in-ill i-r.-it;?.. U at. .. '..-.-. i.ri.v h".j:i urn at. Icli. X. C. h Largest in lis State : SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOKS, i mi " XXZtS,V ' Alfret Wllliani ft Co'i BOOK STORE, i!.i i:tiii, c. .in i'i-,v a e. i.nn: 1-S i ll t, :..ii...-u- Cicil" m-s t.- t"-t.-l:.'!. an.l M.-r.-liants u.' it .-., . a a..'H.'a'l"ii. .Vlilrt-.-s, Al.Vt.KliWII.I.IXMS.v CO.. II.. ll.-i- an.l Sun ..hi.i. ll.il. lUli, X. C. .-.ls am ATTENTION, na a P. r-n"1 ! Ms,8ii3 Giraors! Ui Oj bill. ll.ivlm; tn.. v.-1 In:., my Ni:W sToliEmi WlliniiiK I. .ii Si reel, iniu- Martin, wl.t-n-1 liao- latter tHi-lll-lt. t-r f.-r.liii; my ..l-l li l.-ii-l, tui-l ttie j..l .i.. ..I.-..ft haO.am, I m 111 l.- gla.l t" liavti Until VHlt an I iv nn . ttlu-ii tin y c tia-1.. Hal. Ilt. as sixi.r.i: of cori'ox. I tiiak.' I In-Mil.-.. f tl.c siail.- a l'ti.I.TV, nn.l "ll li .-..ti--ttitn,-iitrt, att-t ii..-n any (mII..h Hl-n-.l wlUi III.-. I Will llllik" l.ll.illM. CAM! mvis. -is lew into. .-t .nu-r.-t an. I Mtuitl i-harp- f. .r st.-riiiri'. I Hvr tSST.it kANIi .MIIUVlM.i: 1-n.l l.iiii.lli-s N.-w Arr-w TI,--, Iiiii iI1-iiS.ii.-, .i Vi.-.-all Arr -w l.ii.-kte, 3H.i y.-ir.ts n.i..-liii: ln.lv.- ati l till..!.- i-..lh, :.it.i p.tiii.N lianti'S I ti ii!.'. I."'.' yaiil 111..- Itiin.l.-e I'.a-liii! f-r lint Mivtt4 --AI.SV A I'l'Lt. s l'.H 'K of Hulk Meat, Molasses, Sugar, CefTee, Meiil. Corn, Ae., Ac, At.!. ..f whl -I. 1 will a tij.u iu i.ir.L'ii.vi. ar. it u van he 1-a I A.wwiejitL. J. J. THOMAS, N... t', W iltiili:..n Strwl, Htitf-js tut ia:.-u;i, n. c. 7yy crry ,"'"?' v-:';?eTT"'ryn'K irw C. WALKER HANKS, JULIUS LEWIS & CO., -ITAI.KIIS IX HARDWARE ol KVKKY liKSfKIPTIOX. Sash, DonUS, ANi Rl.JNDS. apn ana Bisy Materia, Lout her ami ifnhhcr Holt ing, raints, Oils, Ac. Largest Stock iu No. Ca. jr-tl-tiin HI. T. MORRIS & CO., iIJOC'i;iJ ail COMMISSION MERCHANTS Raleigh, W. C. n.ir Ac.vvs tun 1 .-ca. ".-.. tluaiti. an.l luai.gt' Mlxturo, S:.. new, ill e..lt..ii CI..W, Atlas -..w. l iaiin. t. Ir.. II. 're II"o an.l Ir..n nt' C utilvau.r v.- have In Hl.'i-t- att-l t. ai-rlve 4ml llu.liel!. Well.' llxllcl Meal. J.-. ls.l I, Int. Hulk Clear ltll. Sl.l.-s, ..KM llll.-lieli Wl.ltl' I.U.I MiX. tl Ceril, ibHI UlisheU H.-..I SIM..I UaH. .tiiti Sack. an.l lKirrt-U Fuintty nn.l Fxtra Flt.i 4.1 liarrels supir- Willie ami V.II..W, nr. Iiai's c..rr.-i-., :l Chi-; l'a li- M 'isf x N'vw Cr... Culm, (,-tt- Orleans alt-1 Suu'iir H.-usr Syrti.. IiniSa.-k- tar!ialls l.ivi-r.MM.i I'im- Siilt, j". Carrel liirly Uw li.tali.i-s, lei-ii na'- l,anu..-.vul.iuii4.i. ' ii..vs s. in. l l h. -I. ...I'.s. An" "Hi. I nilt n. cesnary to makp up (j, i...-k. All r ti.. r "it l.lH.Vf ...U IVe v.lll wll -lli-a f... :l'ti", well .i.-'.-uetyry !irraiigi-iu-.i.ljt-r-l.rs, Him W " lite l;e..-.-lIulty, ibcl'i-iHU