l'nUlir'.uiioii .i Xiilfv. 'Iiih1 mas. e would call tin rtten.ioti of !i put. ' Oti-y two week Ih-fore Christmas! 1 m, who at ny time ;;.!iy .W.re. to tile There will ho no pneer issued from tliim what is culled a "mechanic r-r luborer'n ott'.ce ' hristuias week, no that our ueit TH L'li.SD VY l)cC.JJjb(.r 11 .lTfS'J. ' Hub" to that section of the liiw (see li,.t- iwue wii: be the last ilurin this year. ' tie's 1,'evisal chapter '., wt. :.!, which di- . " reels that notice o! at.le must be adverti, i d " tor wo weeks in the county :; aper. "" '" mii. ' old colored mp.u Let all nersjus ma:-e a nits of tLiw, a:'.! ,,HRr "" ':HC:' , n'"v'1 "nw ""L "l u advertise as the lv directs. Win u ny mle is to be made r."',icp of it should he publish u in the cojnty pap. r lor thereby tl e 1,'est publ'city will I.e Riven to it, for a notice nt the c urt house door and three or I'.uir more on trees al out SV.I.1."V i.'l iVi;iiTJ.SK.ME.NTS. LOCAL RECORDS: r-aj AH caertipements must be bunded ii bv Tuesday of every week, in order to bi insert ol it) the issue of that week. (Ireat rebicion in ci.rpe.s at London cheap wore. If yon need o:,e caii and en- , ju ,1,,, c,)Uniy ive but little publicity, and quire the pri table oil clot In A henu'ifui ;i.;e 'ji .'. , very cheap r"o!' properly thus sold ii often sacrificed. I.-iit- unsu re ere :r..d W'e hear ', it fe'.v .b:ys a.i cf a vine in this c.i iii'y, uptMi Vch t! .ne hundred ai;d forty-nine g' squashes .Mnii' I - i inn. 'I'he Oram! J. i fo o! Masons km in Fes iioa nt hnliiiih !-'. wei-lt. H.-o. V. H ('ox was re-e!ecte ' Ct.-.tid Ma-ter a de f'l veil c-isi J i" ni--1 1 1 to ;.n i Uli-lent oiii .er. i:n:rlc root. Mr. Ad Ibl'IM h olli-e ulle ot the ! Jimi), a -i d its daws weapons., "neii". it ?ud ol oiii to b; ! i if left tt the Rr.'ulMi t of ibe eale k;ib-l by are dangerous ' 'i-kiii"; j - vi-ii iiioln s iroiu the f tlIir. new advertisement lTi'itlisiivJ Sk IjV If.-te!l" ' to th- of this en-e-jirisin.; linn, it will b si en that tln-y 1 1"' r to our wa;rnerB tree unar ters for theinser. 4.11.1 tetL:. wbieli of course will be duly appreciated. You cut nil ! a' I. "I: hu:'s rlic np store tbe finei-t, laitest, sn.l rlieiij.st lm k of iroo.ls I low 'I'll' ! lUljJi'K I llV-ll. n reading the t-l-t v iluiiie of N. lie. , port.-(contiiiiiiint the defi.-ieiis rendeitdat ' the last term of our iicreme t'ourt) we I ad the cnriosUy to in tice how the dilh-r ent Superior court Judaea land, that in how ma ii;. f their dieis;i!iB hnd been t!- f 1 and how may reversed. We find t! k Judder wf. 1 1 1 - !i.o"t fortunate of all the ju l;es, he loiviny 11 c ises ullinued an ! 3 reverseii; next to him comes Huston i;h ' Ulllriue-J and leVefM'd, tlo'T UeareM with 4 to 2. -'cvniowr liH the largest uuiiih. r (12) atrirme 1, but linn S reversed; and Kire has 11 iiillriiie.i ;i:id 10 reversed: his tuxes In th" iiVivM befw.en the while Scheuck stands T to 'i. McKuj and time A levy and ibe day of stib'. the arti- Kerr each have 0 ntUrK.ed and 5 rever-ed, clea were left i:i tic possesion of tlie de- aud Graves statds even, beiny to 2 lii.i'nent (I.e pr"iuiiiitr to have them fi.rth- I'here wni only one appeal (i uji Avery. ':omin when win, led) and so on t!i d iy i;lid ho wa iiftrm-d in thst. appointed, lust we.-k, th" i lii vr with a There were r pedti.,!: to rehesr cases umiilier t.f ejpectni.t biibh-rs went to Ham- heietcdore d'spose.l of, of which were m ik house to have the sale, but "Sid" dismissed, while 2 were successful and i ihe former ju ltrment : modified. f.L y..tt!i2 helf r, whi 'h reai tieared last sisnuiier tnuch to bis J y. He had uo idea where his heiii hud b en U'dil a lew weeks ant. a butcher in liajK'l Ili'l. named ( retde, came and ile::ianded it aa his property, staling that be hal bought it last year from oiib Nick. Tl.cmpsoi' (a noted '.hjef in ibis place) end that lis it n tl so fine a hell er I.e ha i imt but: hered it. but kept it to raise, and afli-r beinj; with bi n several months it hud esi s-d an I he ha 1 Traced it lo its oi l home. ;f cieirs-, niter learn-', ine; thiil the heifer had been stolen Mr. t'reeledid not cliim it, but hal the thief arreted and bound over to our next Iu!c rior Couit. Deputy s'O'rifl'Spnce 'lViylor, s metiuie a'o, levied upon the ji-rsotinl 'idiin del"' ' of a well-knovn rharncter in this com-, inimiiv, name, ! Sid llmimi k, and adver tise.l the same to be aoM for payment o! Little O'tndie Martin Bon-it-tiuif fiince bti iillotved n nee lie. It wa imt ktiovvu at ll;e liiiiif tlmt she bail HwaUowoJ it. On J-it Sniulrty lie eonij.laiiicd that Lit ne-k hurt ami on examination the iii oille was fimiitl to have wui'keil its way through the skin ut the bad f h(-r in ck. Jr. T. V. ll.trns was calh-J in ami cut it out. Little Hhtiiche is now all linlit aii.l will be more caiful l.crc-.i'tcr with j. ins auJ needles. Chapel Hil Leiier. Effects of Liquor. 'i:w JKvkx. i-Vn.n . li-cmber 4 A IIIMII llHIIled I ptoll a- l.rri'Sleip ye-terdav in Ai.Miuiii f ir i'-ius!:! t'e- dea'h ol bis in t.i'it A?( ordilio; to i;,s wife story, he e!iie h me dr.tik a few i,i'it njo, and n i iri'-n;p with ln-r. hurlef a Jifhled luiiiiMit hi-r, which fell into the cradle and s. t Cre t o the cloi'.i nu ov. r the child. In her endeavor to extint! lis'i (he fumes, her own c'othiiii; caught f.'re, nod she i) j ml, lb!, die. 'Ihe inli'.nt live', a few b oil's only, t pton and :.re have bee-i uar:ed two j ears, and liave hi.herto lived happily tojfctlu-r. Wild Baasts at Larje. ST. I.oris. P cemher o li.-niifi faroitr, iiHine.f Ifere.y I jiimi kdled Oil edlie? d iV, ll'-tr llell I. seven lllib ll'lth o t 'li lonillfr 10 th? lot aon. wa ll .rsesle.,. c'ty. by on ci:oi Tiiis vo'iiine d l!'-por!s is leuii.rkub'y well jjot'.en up, and riflo-ts erem credit both upon Ihe Itepmter and the I'ri: t -r. nliich eseoed trim theenrs during colli. ioii aboil' a week a; i, and have t ince he roiininsr ' hiou'i lb" w,,o is in I bet vicinp v Yest.'i hiy a lit ' i.'irl. nam - 1 Li Hie D.-nni, aii't a colon-1 ohm. niime Unkuou-n, Li.'mI by th bhi: iihimiils. t'rea: er- Citellieilt TeVHls tbrollole.llt the Holl'h- w.-siern inir: ot Msdison rciimr. I'ublic vhb too slmrp for them, for he bolted his ' sc'io i!s n re susion l. d . and to morrow a door and ii-f'iscd tie-in admittance. H,A ns -"' 1" "" me'i u:l start on a li'Jiit f'U ;l.e.t It. 'lists. ihe ever seen in 'hi coc.iitv. II vi'ii n gtiod uow Is yi.'jr t i in to buy v.ln.t need, cheap, for all liinds d o.,o,!s are tir. bieher. 1 auv A lMi-riKiint For the pasl hiiteen I. A. Moore litis h. en the l't tist Churi hes in this uu and Kmuiaus. He has rc family to the old "Nettles Ilth:. llie i'-'V. II lor of two Pap May 's I'ba; i 1 i liy move. his place', hIit Life is bill sle olilv 2" VH'ttl tifx I'Vniii II j on the 1st inst , a most ph-asaut incident A n irro, mui I i 1 s f.utterloh, was ur rusiidlhst wok and bound ovi.t to court, .''laro-, J ith sit alin:: a ii.ir ol new shoes fiom i. ii,- of ' !,e j. 1:11,1. ,v at our county poor Jioiise. )id kii i' iy ever biloie l;ar ol eo mean a liiiel ? Vuilisell, When yo;i rend ih'.s j..q.T, knd friend, ask joursel! i; v hi l.n.-e ;.'. 1 f ir it. If not. ;! i". ih.n't delay auv I u -er. bu: ;.ay up at 01.ee. iue or two dollais 11. av not be lutic'i to each su!iscrl'..'-r, but t'. iroui s.-vi n.l huiidi '. would hi' ci.leia'.ile amouiit to au editor. o;ctirreil. I he neiohhor. around, of all ilenominHt' his; house and ;:ave 1 ini t ioned "bouse wariLiiio." , for n:a:.y miles 'lis, pathi-red at leular oh) fie-h-'I I 1 v came hud- 15ul(cri(u I.ilerjti. A -?1 ,oJ) stoi k oa hand at f J. L. Smnl's lU'ei-U X. r. SUtU d;l" 110 ikcoii- Nd-IVlH'l' f.lHV. Ou I'ri 'ay d this wei k the r. !j oirned meeting- i f those favoriu.' the "no fi nc-" ! wi'I be hi l l at I5m i-u's l'a t ry, at which lime Will lie luard the rc orl if ihe conrui'tee, n.peiiiied t the form, r meeting to obti.in the nam' a of .his- who wouid j oil in ti e InuVt met.t. We h aru fm.11 one of :l c oituitiee ihi.t lie y l.ave foui.d only nne '.. t: !-'..Mi r opposed, end tl at no doubt a 'are,, sec'lon Hiii a loj.t the 'neil.ij r l.uo i'' stock -1.HV. ed with all sorts of "o;,io.l thioirs", sui'h a hams, pork h"i-f po;-.'ie, butter. l.t-I.ey, sorol.um, en.ire; apparel and nunti t his "ther a'ticles that our t'hutham hou-e wives k : o-s, will li'i.v loorepare. W'lo-ii :,1! had assembled Mr A. II. l'-rry, h, a few neat an ! appropriate retiiHiks, prt seat ed the arii. les as a token of t: e esteem in which Mr. M i i'e was hi i 1 I y Ids neio.1. bors and of the ht a-ty w. lc.iiie that they accorded bis iaiody in th ir midst. Mr, Moore, lliouoli taken by sipprise, relurncf his heartfelt thui.ks a:i I hih appn -. ia'ioi. if this denionstliiii ni, end hoped to contin ue to deserve their lo-.e and esteem, and he has als 1 wiifni ft note reijuesiinjr us to publicly expre. s bis iha'.ks. It ni ;-t in deed be ei.t m ni oinor to a hsr l worked :ii;d eener.illy 1 tiorly .ai i) I'reai her to know that his services are appreciated by Ilia I tslple, an 1 to lee, jve t II'. h sllbrt at. t ill! evi let.ci-s of l iii i r nppn c ation must be truly re11 litntj to ! iiu the i jii 1 j-had 1,0 authority to enter forci bly h" determined mi a regular sii fe. So, u'. ln., .1 o ,.'-,,.. o-l,..r.. 1 .,,,1 I - 1 i - w iu to prohuiL' H. l i-.ot he .i-i :i our en.-r'i t s ot',ir tjuieily Col I at once by 11 .'tun an v, hIp- I. niiTioiisIr e?.:-ectiti!f the hesiei,-d remedy such as to open his door and coin out; but no. hour alter lions passed by ond ritfht lunjf ones they If. list have (.-rti.!l nnd still the f!i er st tick to his p ist, but still no dour was opi ned at I no "Si i" appearel. The sha les (d tiU-ht t ere fast noproachinif, aii'l the ani nt his usual good dinner beau to forcibly remind our yotiii,' frien I that il woul I be more pba-Hi:t f or lrm at home, soul last he ui'hdrew in jroo.i order leav it.y; the besi. i-i i ' master of the tit nation.'' Hut his bii .r had not been in vai't, for he in it day Si 1 came to t ..v:i and paid up l.i-i taxes, ,i w tir.ttiibit.' our y otitic frii n ! upon beii'.;; at last triumphant. L-t i delii.tj-ient taspay.-rs he.-.r i.i mln 1 thai iiothiufT in ' inore certain than ibatii and tax-a.'' and the latter are bound to be paid. Mild We s!i n;l i do all t. Cln-eli a Choi, (ir Id and red:.' le Hii.i's Coiiolj Syrup, a Iwitt'e. ajjvk3.v:.s;;mj;njs. i Aivrj:Tisi:Mi2.NTf. lSrfe mf-jfrA .MANUFACTURED ONLY i$Y jP&s&kS I c ' Mjr --.X. ' "'JJTC 1 I JiJJtHlM,i'.C !?SDPUUBFCAUSIPFiBLF. n I 1 TT. . 1 ! . irr . 1. zi j , bnauiBE nai'iiiJic w oiks, H j tW,i)mW TRASS MAaKTilioMiVA, I t. TKAOE MARK M.ii.h'; ,-t t , ! , -. u:.. ... iSv.o.MvI',,,,, IJ 10.. tN.II(l!II.W I , el'- Iiu I;. ai-1 Vill-. r..n, .eel -. I. 1 M.allli e. , tllil.-l.lii.l- IP.I..-1, I ,il.e... Tori If. V. ur WI.eels. '... 'S t'. W" "!'' f 'VK5 .'ila -hi ' J: . 1, f .i-..,:.- .M.i 1.::, rj . 1 1. -l ) l -. !! ivhcjv You can (it-i ufy -.vi' i,,n; . n., . . ,f ,. i--'i.-itf..!- iitni::i? v i lirtMiiHS jiaclmu's. i;VLi;VTH!N; Yo;i Waiit J -Z. Z - a spk.mai.tv. C??5 TAK!fi3,V:.r,',...?;. V,',':'.rT: TKfi?. !J'lairin4 I'ronij tl.v Carefully -r.- l! I.!i.-,in., . J ';).,. I 1 1 ..I II. Hill W. L. LOaDOa Wii:-x' Paleat 'Spark Arrester, :; .. : ".;.:V: "i l' iiivciit'u ur tV' Aire. I-. . 1 -i. . i -i - ..'...'...v i ya't 1.....,' P I r.-t 0. -r .i -a 't. Ii ! lu'.r IS ;i-:ni.'i Jn .. t;ir.y i,-it;v;iii, :. wi. . i.-.-uni-iri!..-n.i-.. n ....i . i; i,- i- .-i:.-: in -' i: I .. i . M ,i. at: i ' ,u.. o ll i. ,..o. - i. Oi t .'.,''. I le l-.::-:i iii' ai.i ... v. j - ,- ,,'! ! ; u ;.. n r.v- .!.' -'. aoi O.i in;- HEW GOODS "-HoticeP" pSSg ;? WIN'i ('..Ml v.l'i ! -i:, . .v. in M ..u i"" ;. -: ... ' l:"l-"-i .!!).-'.'.';',r.'.". !' .'.i,.1','., ' Ii .. ' in- o : i. ii- r- a :...,:..,i..,-. j,i -i.e t.-.-ti.-! tip ?i. It ,.', t a -.e l.-. 0-am l-.o.-i-. aliil-V. L "...i -liy. -u I .v ,, . ..f i. .- i-. i..;... . ., .v. ,.-.;. i i iit..i i ii.. in. Ii . IC-s: 1. 1- r v.-n-o an i ... i; ii... r,,.,-, or u.i. I jjj'...r;.M-. ;.;' .. T.-.o'iu J.i,.;., ',',-,'1'. i w'sV-k 'Arr-sV.-r' re j:; '' ' :ny..'.l .ml ,.-i- ! i-..-. -i-li i an u-.-i r.i'e i. - cl.-u I . r wai. r ..j '- j- v.. TAU..ii!,'!,. r.S. '" I f-t- i : V iJ.i-u .: .' --.r--.:-..- wA rl-- list LAUD SALE! J l v. ii i.i. vr l i :: ! ' ; . , ;.i-,'. vr T-li- " ( ; ii -.I-Th. CHRISTMAS M B3 EXTRA GOODS r i n ri Tl AM Kin!" .a la -1 1 v . Al.t. KlNlejof ll. avy au l Fine (irov-rl. .. l'i .la .ml lotti y t: !if i-ii-.u-iii.- i t in .ii- : I'll -I. ..,', ..ii . .7, rii-i ., a i, v, j i, 1400 ACHES CF LAND it. ..Mi. i .j.,..rv v.u.-.-t: .. il.U.Pi; Tl;.- la '1 1. MSi r ai, !in. in i-; it!, 1 TOYS and FANCY AP.TICLES New KiJlalid : sns an 1 'iViite-a' l'i J. Sji.Ni:. Aee Hii. i.'h N C H. 1 line's Si k and Vii1!niiiiitie sjc cotton. I .1. I.. St 'Nt:. Aoeiit. liab ifh N. (I. ;i. Ma'rio;,. -i n.l d-s'h n.-Cc.-i published fre-, but Obituaries ciiarr--d S"Veu cents a line. r-.r ri nt-, wi:i I.. ESAD7-MAD3 run. :,IN JSmi.L -.; Ju nV . iv.v. tiii: Mn:iv (!ni-;s. It is cstiitiatfl that IS. Oh) glasses -f l.-igiT hi t r tiro ilrii'ik Ijciu cverv il.iv. i;.ili'i:;h ( Ihst rv r. tttdd tit hi 1 tile C'iliVltV II1 in iKsioiK The Hoard held their re-fa'ar U'.eetliijf, on the 1 -t and '21 ins! , inenibers I t iae; resent. Tin' f I " . i a i : accout ts ere oid-red to be j ai 1 : Ja-jier I-'ooi-hee, us Uv. ise.-r of jiiior lions-, ;i l. I lost. .T'i-' 'I'lii'itfi. e have b.-t f' us a co.y of the Vu Ii I'eii i A i U i I'r- -s, i.j which aim. ats an arlicle llioleo l,e l atue of lion. Jesse Turner for Ihe p. siiion of Chief Justice of Al'trt?a. 1 eminent junsi, uorn .o.n I . 1 1 . i r re,an uiH in io.- m:!"" IICJollU l'l('til'l. 1 II iSf'IVCr. oud raised ill this Stae, i.ear tlie present Tvrr.dl'a Cieek. 1! io. . town of 't'rnhirii, atj 1 emigrated out West Ilrasineton ,V: .J. iilin, for repairinjr bridge ii'n ui L". yeais h'o. II.. is a yminer broth- , at Ib nley's Mdi, f :li ,'"). ir of our r. -i-ectei' tewio timii. Jiavid Turn- Dudley & I.sou, for 2) busho'n of rore, ."r. M-- , and we are ,h ased (o know that a $ lo. Ilo.v tar lo el is thoii;;ht ao tiiucli of in W. It. Mitchell, for repaiiind bridoe itcroH New Hop!, at lilatk's, C'j. Isaac II () Imjio, ns purchasing nent for , porr-hoiie. .'(i 67. K lw in Jon. as dntnapi.'s f r horse fall i throuoh iuide at lleiih Cs Miil, ,o. Tin- American lion and Sled 0'onipiiny, for luiiib. r, ol 1 "i. M. '1'. lithiivi.i, for lumber f r New Hope bridge, iT vo. m:iiNK - t ute .1. Baldwin, iii t"n''.. .'Till, lsTU, MISS lu:.;,Y ilCAliNK.iii the 4 ) h year of her a-ii. Siie va f r n:at:v venrs a rotisiste: ( ni"!iib-r ol t ii.. 11 vc is. Church. She liv-.l Ihe life of the r iht-ous. and die 1 ill ti e triuiiiph tf faith, ller bi-t words were "come, Lo.-.i Jtfun, come fj iickly A 1. T. llATJlWtV The ev. Pinniel Haldwiii die I at li s r.-id." ce. iii Ch-i.hatn connly. Nov n.b.-i- Till, lTJ, in the 70;u y. ar ul his a'.'.'. lie was for many iva'e a useful and cm sisteti! Minister of lie It.i-iti-t Ciioi.-h. II lived til"' llleot the righteous, and li-ld lll I is Ii n l in token n! v c .-y only a i-'e rt time 1 efore be In. iiilieii hi- iit. ,1 J . H KI I.INiiTOX. On the vl, inr.t , I.I'. Tllbl'i eldest child of W. A. ntid l! nvau Ul i.li"'. 1:1, i.i the -I' It year ol his noe. THE MAIIKET3. i no. Lilt if is report. ..I to lu a fict !lii-i:il IfiMiorl (li'l.'ic M.tr;t.'!s. ii.:. il-t FAi.rc-ly f.r I :.). l:i. .ill., ny CLOTHIIKt. z:tJ;l IMS km Mm . !:. I'.ASKIX. A. 11. M..IC.1.M1;. A.E.RAKIV&C0., Sn'.li r..-t Crner Mark"! Sei:-.re. F A Y K T T J: VILLE.X. C. i s '.r.-. s (JJJOrKIUKS Ai l'KOVISIOXS. -i"-'--i -e'j wwi HOOi' IKON, '! (iJACt'O, LIME NAILS, .v. J. EEST YARiiSaM SHEETINGS, -AXli btALU iX- GENERAL MERCHAHDISE! Will Tivy Cotton ia the Seed or Xint ! n L--t i! - ir t ..tiiii. .1 h-sirli: i' -1 r.: tl.c ir Unit P. - Mr. .1 . .-u a.l i,.,-:i.. Sam A ( iiii .s i' Mr. Set it t 'J'uck' r, lo-iilin foar tin.l a Lull luili k ::urtlr.vest .f this itity, out liiti 1. ft nr.-n ir.uijht in liis ;;iu Kriiluv nft.-ri o ni, an l t!io tL-sL w.is torn in shtvtls, s-i tir.f Lu ilie-1 nest uioniii'r. Ii!ei.'li Ne'.v.s. s,.:.-i, iii fit '..-r l.oNii i llAKoMNS - a 111 l llis 'S niP.M' r- i'i ill!', i,- I'ui'N ry in:, .i:.:: sow is Tin:, i imp. to insii;e Y i;u' l'l'.iji. rty Ai,' iiii:t Five ! I.i' 'Vise an l Insure in Time ! A i!ini.i: l . n: a 1I::ink. It is stu'i il as a fit.'t that n Col .n il juv.'p'li' f :t .l iy ur by.) iiffo I:iwii(t.l ii I5il.li; tit it ,:iv l'.jtini for ;i 'iliii!;. It si ci m tan stiMio'o t. In- tile Stat"' n ,U adoj (loll. II lil the UrMf's ( 'lot lies. In th" !:st of "..ai pv oii. m" (iuh!ishel in ia.f 've. k's Ii.t ..i;:.i. wloun n.iirriiire ; licens- s ha 1 been ia-u .1, wart one collide adu mania j dl I not take place. It ee.'ins that t lie lather of the ixpe. taut bride vft'.s so much opposed lo the match, that be bid her clothes, so (hat when the nntiioUH ('rooiii (that Van to have been) came for her, she ivp.s not ready to meet bin', and the mai rhi";e waa iudeliui'uly jat lamed. They do iblltss have tho pyinim thy of all f ii nils. jti vji n'' iu (,'o( (on. Kor several weiois pa.-t the price of cot ton has been Hti -a -lily ad runcinir, until now it is more than !i 'y per cent higher than it was this time hist yeur. That is, the :enie iimoiint of c .ttoii that last year aobl for one dollar, will sell )..r mote thnn a dob . Jir and ;t half. The sam. thiny; is trim of' flour, ho that we hope our farmers will not be so crumped for money, hereafter. Con-' sl leriit"' that tlie price ol cotton and floor ' lias ini ri Hs.- l filiy per rent , i .iht we no' to inci. ase the prlte of the Kl.i .MtliV Hut IV; we. will not, we will only urjjB upon . our subscrlliers to aid ns in ent t: lino; its circulation by ettinj their neiolibora to Buhs'tiibe. An Oiii lim.P. 'i'liti IJ.iWiiii lio- fil in, nsfil in the fri'iiiitl WLi": ri ti in Su!i-4iur. July Ilii, lii!, w.h turn tn ( ici-es on SitliinLiv l ist, uinl will lu re ;fti:r live (ihlv us tint on tit lm lv ()f tint nittol's ' M f that ilov live, in ih... nieinoiv of T"'"' tlionirviviir.s. - S ili-lt irv Wiiti'liumn r.l. dc CO., Uulei'h, X. C. Ueceliibt r iih, I ".;.. t'.llTOX .'.iai;ki-.t. He li ve X.IW i)S USU Sl'I.KM.'IU STut'K Furniture, V, L. London's CIZ2A2? S?rOR3. -i.r..', n. r.. nc-.-nrii-i- ii:ii, is:..i. if It ml iittle to insure una lire ia a EL. HI. li. Mi: in- i i: - l.'M.hli.ll, learl.ll oe. ' i H i: ..i:;i :i cak.ii.ina AN. ll l liMPANV id will j j . -- .j r. - ymr 1 1. "1 1 ini'. I'u in it uie. lor M:!l, or . i n -i-bull. lino-, at tl.e lowest ra'i in i I'll ii it l.-irus. This .'..in any hi oil I, in ie.-s than a yen.-, !..! Tlil:l.l. buih i:i.' hi,n:t in tih.'.'hii o. V'.uis ii". be then- .".tody foriiou line.. .i il.A. l.t.i.M). .N. iii . Aii.sr, i- -.' i tt l'.tt;.. i .', x. c. Middiin-r. S'rt.t l.ot Mildliii'', i.ilioif (f Matket Bteadr. 1'.",' IMPOKTANT SALE Si,,,,', S.iU,l Bfil Kiilt ish, N. ('. S. U. STREET & EON, rW.hl:s )mi I'ltuI'll.Tiills. IN CHATHAM -iVKlilO!; I'Ol'liT, I )n- inn Inmana - About lifty ui u'r.ios li ivo luft hen tbis; v.cek f. r l:i.i:tiiti. We learn from ft cuiiiliietur on liie Wiliiiingtoii .V' WfLlull KuliKll'l Unit nvr tivt Sjiei ce Taylor, Jail fees and wo. d for liuinlrcil li.i vo Ji 'ssial over tlii-s roul Ci.U'ee, Wllul.KsM.! I' our, N. ('.. ( lorn, li .rii M ai, I i icon. N C . II .j.' Ib.ti it ii-. n. X. 0 . II mis, Ibil:;, C e:,r l.'i i S:de i, iblik. S'll 'll lelS. .Noitli i.aroi-ua 1 on;. I ll V M ItlM'.l's. $7 IHI to 1. I. .-e 1 ll.-'.. rt 1. " 1 i., II, -ll, . .' .ui on mi. jail, ijoO C W. llyiuin., f..r 2 bids, of flour, $!.-. I W. Whiieh.ad m.d W. U. Ali riht, nut of public pchool fun 1 in Ili.-tri.tt No. (i. Albri'it's townsliip, a-0. Thoniaa 1! I'arrar, J. I.. fees in case vb. I'atriiit ni Hini ethers, 1 l'i. W. C. I'alict It, Wllr.es. ticket. .! 10. lim ing t!m p ist wee!,-, wilL Iiiilianii IIH tlit'lf ol.jeetlVf ! ollit. lLsoll Au VIUH'C. A II i wii I )i:..Ni !i. All x"liatit.'e tit'ls of a Kinjn1:ir oc (lii rcne.t in Wii'iioi e.i.iiilv List week. A ben wit on t Ii-.! r...if a li tt'ivl 1U!cm1 au Suoar II ut-'e Syrup, Cid ll Mo liss. s, Liverpool Silt, Suar, IJoi'nii Hii'mtj, t'ottoii Ties New, CoMim Ties S.diced, llidl I'ot.ll ..-S, Sweet Potatoes, -Sh-lied. Hynuiii, Toe and I'.laiid, balance due for with Vat"f. A Lawk, Seeing tbfS lit'll, "'-h''" .' b-.b building oridjre, $.!ii7i Hi. swonjie.l ilo-.vn ftti l Klruek lit llel' V.ii'.l 1 Hyniim .V lb a.len, lor supp'ies. for poor- lli.s t'a!eill;.ti.m wiih iiie.inoitt, atl.l Ie;,s p -r Iljshel, hiuse, K','s (i'l. iliisMlle; tLu f.iwl, ho J I tl 1 1 ff-! into tint l'l, I-mc ill. I'U-i!)!, for fiO lbs. of beef and li'iri'i-l of wutel' ;ll:il was ih'owueil. Huiler, .1 I, ...I . t e,,r I.., ,,....el..i... -el V. ( Hwi rvof L:1KS I. I! Kiliue, as (ib rli lo (he i'.otiid, etc , . ij.'oi. Siu.no Kx.mks. - f!!,,'r- 1 roy., O.dire.1, That lilo Hi be i.l'owed to' Amoi'f' t'.io fxn.litcs who have L ft Coon, in to 11 1'.' io lo 'it. 7', o (o II 3'j' to .1 r to is 0 to I I 11 to .'t fV ''! ' I . ' . 1 - an ' ,,. i I.-.,-. I . i at .1 -!-. .a la 1 .ll "1 I'll.- . a- , II I'm si iy, the (iib of J inu iry Is i!io ..)i ,n -i v-ii 1 1',;.. n -i! -i.ve : is. "ii I ; i I '- ,.. Hi - I to .nl , au l Ui!c I tu I mi oe. to .i do io .VI -l'i ;o oil :i io i 90 to l on l'i to hi 1 j to :ii ! p'JlvlM-." a, "le-.. J. u 1. JOHN MANNING. .-! Jlth, livT.t. 1" -l-ll r-.aiiii.-i .ii.-r. N 'ion (Mil a. I'. Hit MAItlillT. The uii il tjuief of our town was did 'iilbetl a few days ajto by the abiniiiti.r rry of ' fire !" and in a moment the Court House lu ll was riiisjiii;", men, women and children were ru-h'niu ihroioli tbe fleets Mid the oreatest excitement prevailed, iid til it wrii soon as 'i : tained that there whs Iiu ihinn'- r. The small lions", just east cf the Iv.iiBLonal li'liiircli and occuiiied by a liegn. fauiily. ca iobt on file in boiiim uuac- SherifT. with John McC. KUinloii, John -.iuutble manner, but it was fortunately M8tininf, .1. J . T.iylor, l. ll Ihrie, and Ju- discovered and extinuishea befo e any ie- '" Alston, as sureties. H I:i.iii. s do.ie ft would have J'-k i'iiie, as KeMiBter, renewed bis been a in ist iinf.ii t itir.ie tiniii for a fire on account of the n-ut srnrclly ol water, eo in any of the wells beiij d-ry. llynuni. foe and llluiid, lori.Mra w ok on fur Itiiliaiirt, is Wih y WLi'lieLl, a lii- luidie at llynum's 1'nctory. ( I h'n amouiit Untie; who Las Loi ti sii!iiii te.l ftt tL; included iu the pnin above im iniom d.) COUllty ( X)ellS. f .r poini- tiliKS I.e- Tlie f illowinjr are the Jurors for the In- Hoir . Hliit thtlH H iVus per year, feiior fiourt, that meets on the :l 1 Moiirhiy a'.lil Iuiliatnl fiiii.s a votiT. About in Jaruary : Alfitd Hoodwin, James sevenf y-fivit lupines L ft IiGratl-e lirlflln, W. X. Siriiuoban. Allred tinnier on Aloii.lay for Iikli ilia. un.l otlitrs I. II ClwIliiM. I...y. John Iluckuer, 1110 pit'iiariu- to bO. iiillstoU Jjtir- Xa-M-I 'uX-'e lii'l'.' J. W. l'.tiy, A. J. Il.-aden, II. IS. Scott, .!. "'"' II. Hrii-bt, (i. J. n iVi.z, V. K'lint'toii, J, f We rattier tliii.k thr y ttro ail crazy, I '. Johi son. (iriu nbiiry Iluiiis, I. K IVny. ami that WliitlitM is not (Le only lit James Ib.ss. -r, Tiioiuas 1'. Clark, A. .1. Ves- ,tttWKoiMK tolmliiilltl.- F.I.. UejUU. tal, V. II. Ilar'.er, M. II. Stevens, .1. S. , Oreeii. J.q Ioe, W. J5. tiilmore, Thomas NKW AUV I'.H'nsi'M i'.NTS. Nohlil i viiol.lN . I In mi: Si I'liui. ui c.ii ur. I'll 1 1 it u o 'IN 1 .1. t W ,.i.i k, a- A liiilni- t'.i'oi' ..I w. l. I'ys ui, ; '. W. II. lll'.ltl.l- I 11. 'Il-l'l--il' iiiiswer or -ui, an I - mi. I'l- "ii ir i. thwi.ta .... nun, ii -. Oil- fOl '.il- -f l 01, "I eomil.t.i-- ill u- i; I. II. O..I A'loi ii.-y I. e.-S. I lias', to untie r.v.l . -ia;. : Hi A l.ii.ii.-.i-ai .r. !.: ' - irr. II an I w it.- l ii-.in !, I e, all I Ci.ille rol'W.u'.i all. I .".niiiaiiu ii-ov ..ii ill.- in a t.-i- Hie ei.ii-.i'i..ii i. i-. -lie: il. -a in I.- I ill Ihe i-1. W. F. 1'ot SH i ll. v out(;agi: sale: hi M W Mi . is;.".. 1. 1 .". .-. i ' i .Hui"i. ,ii. i i , lle- .l ill i:. ..I l. mi. Monday, the ."tit of .Tainan", Is .!), i' "le l -.or- ll-ii." I ii, 'Ii- I' ,'.'.ii.. I lnl..r..', MY GOODS, A IS I ) CHEAP GOODS. wk iinn ij ji -r i;li; i;m.i. ;ri;oM the IJortlisrn Markets, AND II AVK .sr.LKCTFI) WITH lir.i'.AT t'AIii: ONK Oh' Tin: .Aios r iksii:a!;li: stocks ok (iooD.s i; 1:1; i:hii;- ITEJi IN TI1I.S .MAKKKT. Ollf !.,. of I) l K S S GOOD S i-.,Ui!e v.ui.-l, cu-i-'ins: of lilack id.! i oiorcd ( iislimcrt's. A Splendid Line of K.uady r.Iady Clothia? Mens', SJo.vts, an. I Ladies' Hals. Tie Liolit Mm Sow Home 1- r..n -.. nr. I f. tie- t'.iti:;ei - tl . 'at.-t .r-sluc. ti-.ii ia. - Ii.-i!i. ..I -u, I - a. .. .. ..i ioiat: I.i;. Ill lie- lii.-.liuia into ol Sell,!,; .Mi,..-. Simplicity, Durability ana Capacity. I: i.- He- lvi'lccUon ..; M.-cliauii-ni for llllMMi.N.., I I1I.I.IM.. lil.M I.Mi. i'1'li:., ;i;.l..t., -i.AliIINi., wrii.n.vi.. ihkim,. hakmm;, l iu.'vi.iN... i;ri i i.ini.. t;Aii!i:ici.t., lillM--U!i IIINi:. Alt'. UT'IIii ry Mn.-I.me Vm : i,t. .; .1. I., muni:. Stat. .,a.i,!. liai. iii oiy a..- an 1 r;ai. X. I'. NOV OH EXHIBITION ! An I iiciiiidlli il Ass!i ti:ifiit of I'nlisL, FifiicL and Domebtie Dress ST'sbrics, Silk Velvets, Laces, Trimmings, Underwear, Hosiery, For Winter, ToMlur Willi All Tin' l.ale-M K 0 V E L T I E S - IN S. i'laiaiilT. l'.-e. ii, Is .I -, ll l I a: th. 23 wn iii sis:- i.i i i. ..;t, ill I'.li'.wiiu' n W I. . V. Mofes,.!. ('. liuuter, V. J. Smith, I.u I"" " lI-h. ther OTeosi, A. U. Marks, F. A. Siler. In ISO!) or lhiJI Tlioimm Troiikinf, John W.Taylor renewed hisoHlcial bond, H)lkili's C'liii.i-l, laiscil four leil- f s ni coiton. .M that tuiiu cotton wan worth Ol. Ho LcM on to it for N'oliTII ftltoi.lNt, i is lint Si-i..,i. ui i 1'lia'li i-li r ..le.lv. j le-elllle'i- l'j:i J. A. v.,i,i..k. us I I'.lhlie lllliu r "I I mwi.'i i'i;.Uiu. ! vs. I 1. Mary l'i.klu. Ja W- I Minis au I wlie lal'.lta, l His. ! lot A-r. - of I .an I I - -Iiij; l.a-a. a.j..iiui.' 'In- l-.il I- "ll lUic-h Iii" III-, I lull.'!' Ill s-l 1. 1., Mol .tr iitis For Ztlen, Buys, Ladies and IIisses. I fliMITIil'. Il-i r I ware, ttiavy an. I Wna,.n Mil I. l i.-.l, r.-iiiii-. oo-, an I le.e-slii!T-. We would here H!jrjeet to our townsmen the importance f hr.viti.; a Tire ()oni.atiy, or at least am ie kiti l ot hii orani' itinn, jirovided with ladders, hooks, bucket etc.. for extiiiuis!.iiij 'ires tl at may occur in our to.vu, but we . resume this suttees' ion will he acto I iirsui w hen t ; i I. '.0 af'.'T town is bullied ll,). I bond, with Calvin Watson, K. II. Hrynn, V. (.' r.uiei-tie, J.-hn M. Moriiiij au-l John II Harris, as sureties. Other bonds were j;iven by ('. K. Hrown, a Coroner; Win lUithco, k, as Siandard K. eii. r; and X. M. I'erry as Counal.de, in I la.' let s Township. Sutler ll .l ill-ai.oliiltin-iit hy t in il. . i n ii further rise, not n!ono for thu rise, I. ill llO 1V. I.fl-O.l ,f I... L.,,1.1 llOl.lO.I.I , , , ... . . . I A-liiilniHiriilor, lo licit" real I'll roUUtiil. Jitt Keiil nil WalUllirailil Janes. v. vims mi l wit., wi'iui ml C'ttOtl Ollllliellltcl 111 lilt). THIS is a spaelal il lll.c, on tl.c mn. f.iwa.--il ,'itl'l mis w. nt tin. . I.-I -, Ilia-. flllilH. l.lllllli;, nnir lo Urn lllllil it. relU'llt'll 20, llll.l HO Oil lLWU wmnu li.-r He. exi.lr.nii.n . ilii, i,ui.ll. s . , , ,i , . . Iloll, the relief dctuau lei Ui sai.l e.!i.i.alllt wii to'J. lillt till. I'.lttotl llOOIll H'Hltl'll Imeruiilel. W. r. I OL'Ri I I.U. Lini, iitiil L Lroti'-Lt Lis LuL-s to T-; w""l:l,' , . , ., , "... Allorn.-y f..i- t'lniutir?. .leeiinv town 1 ruLiy, I wo Kt-lliiio; for 11 7-H un.l two for 1 1 il I. Taking tlie priitc sq , (N 1 for tLi-year it was r.iiscl nu.l atlilin-r i IIDIIC bcXIC ! Suller n 'l .ilsaioi in uii-iii by 1 niploy 1110 t he KltnttW ilitl Ifl-t it Hlil 111) Keen ftN SVI I Uli VV. Tllll r.l il U ok im.-liMlltn. too tunny ' cir.s; but for the disci..- of .. . , ,. . ,i Ul-:'. it on' !. -p. 1 v. ill s. i -.,.. au-.n, liiMiu-v us- Ur Hull.! r.il.y Krup which 1 ut 1 i I 'J -.vitio it Hot moio tliall ,..,...,....,.",.,.'. :.,.,k,. i.. !Mi.ry ,.-'. l, V, r ill-Hl'li .11 's, ai d CO. tl -..ll) t.' ) eeiilri alltlllt . I,8C.I Oilt Oil LlH tl'illiS'tCtlUll e i ml - le a lln l. ..a l .r l'. ..iiiiu' lie- -.1:11. i-".ie. ' .of four Lukx -Kill. i'L News, '"'''i.'.T.-'ii, i.?i --.-i wu i mm kihhh 8 ALE OF L1'I). IN OlIKItrKXCK TO AN OKIM-ol OK I Court, on Mon. lav, the Tub of Jan- It . ' III;. l it 1 ilWlN't! M l-tll ofr. jti.n vj.nv l.owi i va wl.l.-h nary n.-xl I will sell at public auction at the Court House door, iu I'lllsboro', the tract of land whereon the late William titillin reside.! nt the time of his death, ad joiniiiK J " HfMsinj. ion and others. c..ii taiiiiutr 2 J-"". a.-res, so1 j.-rt 10 w idow a dower. Tenua o! sile 4 l'i. c.mh on diy of sale. Iliilant r on a cretin ol six months. Hornl beartni; int. "est from ila'e wi'h jomd se. e.iiiiy, an I liile rejer.'.-l till all the pur eha:.e monev is paid. Hoc. Nt. lsr.l .1. A WOMAl K. .1, -l is U! r of Wn'. ; liit'ii. ! i.r...ii- arc f.-i-e j.iii-.-l.a-iiii;. I.uyeii., at l iilnl. i-.. , s . ( V i.leMt.- I 0. e,-, fl.,,1 r.. S,.r, I.-. I I, III", in, a'. ,, I S1I lli MM .V tiru.i -V M N. l-ln iii. Store. , Oclolier 2:1.1, ism. it ckktiix Axn n 1:1 1 ini.t: : 1! .-.'. l!' I li.ti, llli.l.. w ell removne l 11. 0111 ,h f..i- Worm- is 11. I-i .-il.-l.v W. I.. l.,,.i ..i. ', 'ilt.,l.....-. til Iii.".,- Ulio III.. a,.,l,-. Hl'll U.ese I'.-t- an- a-lvis.-1 I 1 "ail 1,11 I el .1 fle-klllfe ot Oils .i!o.il.. r.-ai. I-.. Tie- eoi..,oii l no l,ni. I. i.u. I IO a LO-ui-l Ml I as.-iit waii'e, III every ... 11 ill tlie Hiu-e. I or isiiil.-iiiars, iel- .-,-- l h.....i. .1 . oil! . l,.,,).. Ill- I. IIOWM.H M. "".' Wad:..- c .i!C S I- .., ir MM M Wi l li lri;SlN, Ixi H, Jtl ANtsE AND O i'u 1 11 Win. i i: i si ..ns an;i C01.01:;, Koli ( i W:Ni i i i:-, J l: l-l-.l: v AND CoMHIS 1 ioN (,'OS I'I Ml S, riiihovicil Uiiirailc and Sat in Sti inl - M M), I J 1 T rl- A !-i , ran.-y, I'.-.-n 1 10. t M 11... n.l.,.! novel patlemn lull. Hal, roil in!, oi-iai; ui, ..l...iiir, oval, Minnie an. I 'llan . I -!.iii,.i paiiii.-l. In . vniislie cl. .riiii;s, r ,:l ini. ml ai. i i iii-eil i..-n;i I.AI.1IV l.ol.M NS A V I Wli.MH, t'l.'.JAKS, 1-Ni.I.lsll WM.KINll JAl Kh t'S, AND l l.Ml IIS, .-illAWl.S, KOII l.Al.II.S, Mlss;s ANP 1 Mil IU;ES. Nllst-1 h' 1'l.lllliS AM. l l.STIHH J'V'tt .-l eu an l r. ,-ei..-1 ilally. kSs.l l l. es I.I lilt ct l.ll clils.-es of li.irein. r.-u W. II. MS. S. Tl ( novia-tf It'i.i-Kiii, N. C SAPOKA MILLS ! Have Your Grinding Donu at the "Sapona1 (or Silas Burns1) Flour and Grist Mills, -AT " ! mm ? " " "i 1 r."'l'hli Atill i in n.- i . ;.;ti . I I WolS UK Ik .loll" In ih,.

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