gam KATES OF AO VKItTISING. H. A. LONDON, Jr., FiMTKit ami ri:iri:iiri(.)H. Out- niuure, urn- in-,, itl.-u, oiii- Ki'.mre, iwv li.ri-rtu,- OiU' SIJIUUV, "Hi - - 11.00 . 2.60 TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: Oimcopy ,slx iihuiIIis ...... Onocopy, tUn u muuttiN - VOL. II. JTITSIMm CHATHAM CO., N. ('., flAM'AK V I, Ishi. NO. 10. To the Bereaved I Headstones, Monuments AND TOMBS, IN THE BEST OF MARBLE. Good Workmanship, and Cheapest and Largest Variety in the State. Yards corner Morgan and Blount street, below Wynn's livery stables. Address all communication to CATTON St WOLFE, Raleigh, N. O. Steamboat Notice! Tbe boats of the Express Steamboat Oonipa Dy will ran as follows from the first of October until farther notice: Steamer D. WURCHISOK, Capt. AloDBaQar risoii, will leave Fettovilie every Tuesday and Friday at 8 o'clock A. II., arid Wilming ton every Wednesday andBatm-.'ay at ii o'clock I. M. Etiamer WAVE, Cant. W. A. Raboson, will leave Fuyettiville on Mondays and Tbunidayi at 8 o'oiec- A. M. , ai.d Wilmingti n on Tues days and Fridays n 1 o'clock P.M., connecting with the Western Hulroad at Fayottevilie on n runenuays ana dJiur ays. d. iru.t.i.t.wm- vo. Agents at Fayottevilie, N. 0. 65 BUGGIES, Rockaways and Spring Wagons Al 1'rlrrs lo Suit ihp Tim, Made of the best materials, and warranted to give entire satisfaction. i-oxtni.T rorn oir.v ixtehest, By giving ns a call before buving. Also, a full lot of Hand Made Harness, A. A. McKETHAN BON'S, ocS4no3m t'ovettriUlp; X. f, JOHN M. MORINC. Attorney at Law, .llnrliiKiolllc, t'liiilliiim Co., N. (', JCnN H MOHISO, Of Chatham. AI.rBKD A. MOIUfOt, Of Orange MORINC & MORINC, Attor noya At Iiaw w iumi, n. . All basinoss intrusted to them will receive prompt attention. THOMAS M. CROSS. Attorney at Law, FITTHOKO', N. C. Will practioo in Chatham and aorroun eonntiea. Oolleotion of claims a specialty, ding Certain and Reliable! HOWARD'S INFALLIBLE WORLD RE NOWNED REMF.Df FOR WOllMfl la now for sale by W. L. London, in l'ittslioro. All those who are annoyed with tboee Pests ire advised to call and gut a package of this valuable remedy. This compound is no hum bag, but a grand snecens. On agent wanted in every town in the Htate. For particulars, address, enclosing 3 cent stamp, Ir. J. SI. HOWARD, Mt. Olive, Wayne conntv, N. C. H. A. LONDON, Jr., Attorney at Law, PITTSHOftO", X. '. JisY-Spocir.i A!'i,n,i.n I'm: i-C-.1. NORTH CAROLINA STATE LIFE INSURANCE CO., OF RALEIGH, . CAR. T. II. CAMERON. rrr$Urnt. W. E. ANDERSON, TV, Vrt,. W. JI. llU'Kri, fir,-'y. Tha only Horns Life Insurance Co. in the State. All Its fund loaned out AT IIO.Tf I'., and among our own people. We do not prnd North Carolina moncyabroad to build upotlior Btatea. It ! one of the most successful com paniea of Its age in the United Bul k. Its as set are amply enlllclent. All losses paid promptly. Eight thousand dollars paid in tha fail two years to families in t hntlmin. It will rosta man aged thirty yearn only live cents a day to insure for one thousand dollars. Apply for further information to H.A. LONDON, Jr., Gen. Agt. PITT8BOKO', N. C. J. J. JACKSON, AT TOR N E Y-AT-L AW, PiTTsnonw, x. v. f-9"AU business entrusted to him will ro. eelve prompt attention. W. t. AHPIRIO!. Prmldsat. P. A, WILIT. Cat alar. CITIZENS . NATIONAL BANK, or KA LEIGH, . '. J. D. WILLIAMS t CO., Grocers, Commission Merchants and Produce Bayers, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. Love and Time, The archer boy went forth ouo day, Heart-shooting, toward the north, tl:r y say, Though some say south, some east, seme wei-t: Few know the points bo likes the ten'.; But very likely 'twill be found Love took the wide world iu his round; Where'er he went 'twas all the same, Earth was his covert filled with game Male hearts, nnat eahy to be got at, And femilos, exger to bo shot at. Of all the days in the year, the day We speak of was tho firat of May, Which all the world duelaro, with ronton, The opening of Love's shooting siaiscn, When every blessed thing of life And nature's heart with joy is rife; Ho there was nothing else to do, But shoot ahead the wholo day through, And bag the spoils of Love's battue. Returning home from his excursion, Pleased with bis opening day's diversion, Love saw an old man pass the way Who on hie path refused to ety; TwasTime, who never stops his flight For god or men, by day or night; At him the boy let tly a shaft, The last of all bis quiver left, Which the old scytho-man deftly parried With tho well-tempered blado he carried, Crying cut, "Sad boy, j on do uot know The difference 'tw;xt frieud and foe; You seem to kuow but naught about mo, How ill soe'er you'd do without me. Without Time's aid too toon yoa'd find Love would bo booted by mankind, Your follies all exposed by reason, By truth your fickluuoss and treason; And learn, vain fool, that here below The tears that from your victims flow Are, as they drop from sorrow's cup, By Time, tho comforter, dried up'.' JOHNNY'S WISH. A I'AIUV sTIHiV FOK Till! II I I.UIt l . A flnicu-baired, freckle-faced boy was Johnny, with blue eyes aud lips like ripe cherries, llo was the grandBon of a email farmer, his own father and mother being dead and gone, and laid in God's acre. Grandfather was un old man, yon may be sure, and perhaps he was a little crots, Johnny thought so at all events, and fancied that his own life was very hard. When Johnny was taking care of the few sheep that belonged to his grand father, he would sometimes see the young lord of the manor tide by on his milk white pony, with a servant-mau in green and (.old riding behind him on a chebt nut cob. Then Johnny would pout his cherry lips and the tears would come into his eyes, and ho would Fay to him self: 'Why was not I born to htve a milk-white pony aud a servant iu green and gold? I am qtuto as good as he is ; I am bigger and stronger and ju&t as good-looking; who is hr, to ride, when I have to walk ? Ah, I wish' And there Johnny stopped and fell into a reverie wlr'ra is sometimes as bad as falling into a mill pond. Johnny had cften beard talk of the fairies, the good little people, light as thi.'-tle-down and beautiful as innocence, dwelling in the bell-flowers, drinking dew nectar, and happy, aye, as happy as the moonlight night was long. One night Johnny made up his mind that he would look out for Ihe fairies. So, in not the bi'fct of tempers and the very lowest of spirits, Johnny came to look out for the fairies. He lay down on the grass and kept very quiet till the village clock struck twelve; then he heard a rustle and a bustle and voic?s not so loud as the buzz of the blue-bottle, and laughter i oiroely so distinct as the chirp of the crii-ket but he knew it was the fairies, and his heart went thump! thumpl thump! Presently he ventured to look round him. Tho moon was shining brightly, and by its light ho saw the gayest com pany of miniature beings you can pos sibly imagine, dancing merrily. Time would fail to tell you how beautiful they all were, how gayly dressed, how ojnr teons to eacb other, and how graceful in every motion. Johnny rubbod his eyes and faccied he was dreaming; he streh-hed out his hand and ran it into a lot of net tles, and that quite convinced him he was wide awake. The smart sting made him cry out, and instantly the ball bo il ime a rout. The fairies fled iu mad haste, seme hiding themselves under the leaves, some burying thomselves in bell-flowers, all escaping except one, and he got his feet entangled in a rpi der's web, and ojuU do nothing but wriggle and cry out. Jolmuy cime to his refrue, but oo- fore releasing him bogged a boon. What will you have?' said tho little fairy. 'Speak qu'Vkly, aud got me out of this horrible web, I want to be as well ofl as the little lord of the manor.' Tush,' quoth the fairy, 'you are bet ter off.' 'If you say that you know nothing about it,' said Johnny 'and you may stop in the web till the spider finds you. Why, he has a whito pouy aud a servant in green and gold, and 1' 'You are a healthy little shepherd boy, without a care.' 'I am worn out with care,' said John ny. 'My grandfather is cross; the black bread is hard and riot too much of it; my j cket is patched, my shoes almost worn out; the sheep mtrary, and the dog obstinate. Cmie, what will yon do for me?" 'Would you c'jBtige plros with the boy you envy?' Yes, of c ) arse I would. ' i '1.3 it co lift me ont of tho wtb.' When Johnty disentangled him frons tho mesh, tho fuiry uttered some strange words whlc'i Johncy c mid never re member, and tho lit Ul of fairies all faded awny, and he was slocpiug on a soft couch. JI woke with a start and looked round him in surprise. The gray light of the morning was stealing into the room, and he saw that the opartment was riohly furuifched. A cUc'i struck five. At that moment the doe r opened and a man in a striped j ticket come in, aud gave him good morning. After this he lifted him into a cjld bath. It was in vain that Johnny protested he was not used to it, and did not like it. The man only shook his head very gravely, and went on plunging him till he was sntisfled; then ho rubbed him dry wilh a rough towel. After this ho helped him to dress, and Johnny had never had bo mroU trouble before. It rcjupied nearly on hour, and when it was over there cime a tap nt tho door, sud a mes sage tosay that Mr. Sterne was expect ing Sir Charles in tho study, 'Who is he?' said Johnny. 'lour tutor, sir, of course.' 'What's he want with me?' 'To prepare you for the day's exer cises.' 'I can get cxeic;se enough without him. Just you get mo some milk and bread, and I'll have a run in the fields.' The mnn in the striped jacket hold up his hands iu dismay. lie assured John ny tho thing was impossible, and with out further parley led him out of tho room, across a pansage, into a chamber with more books in if than Johnny sup posed could ever have been written or printed in the world. Mr. Sterne, a utifl-loofeiug geutlcmaa in a suit of black, gave him good morn ing with much bolrmrity, and then be gan to scold him for being late. Tuere were Latin, English, aud mathemati cal exeic'scs to le gone thrcngt, and they would occupy much time. With a failing heart Johnny took up his book and looked at the psge. Strangely enough to himself he could read it, and when bis tutor took the book and questioned him about it, he could repeat it but it made bis head ache, and he felt sick sud wonry. 'If yon please, may I have a little milk?' he linked; 'or a little woter?' 'Certainly not. It is time, however, that you took your tonic.' In answer to Mr. Sterne's summons, the man in tho striped jacket appeared with a wineglassful of oh such nasty stuff ! and Johnny was obliged to take it, every drop. Feeling very much tho worse for his draught, the poor boy went on with his lessons till half ait soveu, when Mr. Sterne, in a terribly frigid way, said : 'Sir Charles, it is the hour for your constitutional prrmenade.' Johnny at first thought he was going lo have a dose of something more nasty than he had had before, but he soon learned that Mr, Sterne meant that they were to go into the gardens, which he was very glad of. But when he got in to the gardens, and they were grand, beautiful gardens- I can tell you that and would have taken a sharp run, he was rebuked by Mr. Sterne for his 'vul garity,' and forced to walk as solemnly as a mnte at a funeral. Johnny began to compose himself with the idea, when he heard the breakfast-bell ringing, that ho should have some wonderfully nice things to eat. Visions of old partridge aud pigeon pie, and ham and eggs and fried salmon, flitted before Lim; but alas! bow mistaken was be. All these things, and more, were on the table, but not for him. lie had a bowl of bread and milk, and nothing else, on account of his weak digestion. After breakfast there were more k'HsotiB hard, dry, dreary lessous, accompanied with much rebuke. There was a Fieuoh master, and a dmi-'ng master, and a writing master, and a fencing master; there was a musio master also, and I don't know bow many besides. Poor Johnny's head was very, very bad be fore dinner-time; it seemed to him to be made up of plates of rod-hot iron welded together with boiling lead. Dinner! (July one dish roast mutton a piles of stale bread and a glass of water! Oh how Johnny yearued for a hunk of bread and cheeso and a slice of onion. There were moro lessous after dinner, and after that the pony. But by this time Johnny was so sick and weary he begged hard that he might be allowed to go to bed. Mr. Sleruo could not hear of it. Sj Lo mounted the white pony, saw a little girl, as tired as himself, on a cream-eolored pony, was escorted by servants in gol 1 aud colors, aud felt most miserable. As Johnny rode by the pastures where he was wont to take care of the sheep, he saw his own very self lookiug, oh so happy, among the sheep, with old 'Brownie' that was the dog full of his gambols. What would he not have given to jump off the pony's back and be himself again, but he could not do it! A he rode on Le began t ) say to him self, 'Why should I be stint up iu a big house, and made to do this and that and the other? why ah, I wish,' and then he fell into a reverie. When the ride was over bo w ont back to the great house, and with the little lady who bad ridden with him, was ush ered into a state) room, where a lot of entlemen in white waistcoat-s were eat ing fruit aud drinking wine,. He had to stop there for almost half an hour without speaking a word, aud was re galed with one small bunch of grape.", At the end of the half hour be was taken away by Mr. Stirne, iu whose presence be purtook of a cup of milk and water with a piece of dry toast. Then be was sent to bed, as miserable a boy as could have been found within the four sens. In his sleep came the fairy to him. 'Mortal child are j on pleased with the change?' 'Oh no, good fairy let me be my own very self again. Brownie is a good dog. I love the dear old sheep, aud I so loug to be with grandfather.' 'But what of the white pony?' 'I don't want the white pony. I like to be myself ; I will never euvy any body again. Good, kind fairy, take me home. ' And when Johnny awoke be was at home; and did not he enjoy his break fast! and as he went after the sheep, with Brownie up to all manner of tricks, did he not say to himself, ' whh (ah! that sounds ilaugerous, but it was not) I wUh mat mvtr with to chnnyc my lot ayain.' MaM'iiliue and Feminine Morality. I could never understand the opposite system of weights and measures which have been established for ganging mor ality amoug meuand among women. The strictest amoug us allow that a young man should sow bis wild oats; but who ever admitted the same neces sity in the case of girb? We say that man should have bis amusement bis clubs, cigars, horse-races, flirtations and liquorings; but suppose our women anil girls came to us reeking of tobneso? Supposing they addicted themselves openly to nips of grog and absinthe when their spirits were low? Supposiug they sat down to quiet rubbers of whist orecarte, gambling away their house hold money just to while off dull hours. We demaud so much excellence of our women that the worst of them are still bettor than tho average man. I have known some women who were social outcasts, and who, in point of heart, conduct and general moral recti tude, might have furnished stuff for tho making of very upright gentlemen in deed. They had fallen once, it is true, but what a fearful penalty they had been made to poy for one slip, while, by com parison, the kindred penultiea of men are so slight. If a young man gets mixed up in sonio disgraoeful entauglement, breaks a heart, and thrown a young girl upon the streets after haviug ruined her life, people say of him, ompassionate ly, by-and-bye: 'Be was eo young when he did it, aud now ho has turned over a new leaf;' but if an inexperienced girl, a mere child of sixteen or seventeen, comes to harm through a moment's weakness, born of too much love and over-confidence in her betrayer, who ever thinks of pleading her youth as an exctiBe? Who ever urges seriously that a girl 'has turned over a new leaf?' llomr. Journal. Conundrum on the Rail, The fat passenger, who has been puffing and panting ever since we left Boston, trying to fit himself into a Wagner chair, baa at last sighed him self into contentment, and remarked: 'This New York express reminds me of our modern American life.' 'Wha' for?' asked the cross passenger. 'Constant strain,' replied the fat pas senger, in the tone of a satistled man. Everybody looked amazed, but no body said anything, aud presently the silence became oppressive. The fat passenger looked uneasily at bis audi ence. 'Oh, no,' be said, suddenly, 'Oh, no; a fast strain, that's it; fast dtrain, fast train.' The cross passenger grunted. The tall, thin passenger said it was more like v'ie knot in the hangman's rope. We a.l looked "Why ?' at him, aud he committed himself as follows: Beciiise it's the last strain.' 'But this isn't the last train,' said the cross passenger; 'there's two more trains this afternoon.' 'It's like a Lrghorn chicken, then,' said the passenger with tho sandy goatee; it's the best strain.' 'And it's like a sun dial,' said tho fat passenger; 'becaime it gets through by daylight.' 'And it's like a cross dog,' observed the sad passenger; 'because it starts at one.' 'Yes,' said the tall, thin passenger; 'but the train goes after it starts, and tho watch dog doesn't.' 'No,' observed the passenger with the saudy goatee; 'but the man be starts at does.' Ihirdt tto. 'Do you understand tho nature aud solemnity of an oath?' the judge of Yundalia asked a witness who had come up from the lower end of the state. 'Well, yes,' tho witness replied, after some study: 'I reckon I know the nutur' of an oath, but there never appeared to be no powerful amount of solemness about sweariu' to me. . It alius come kind of nat'ral like. Mam sworo a little when she was riled, dad was a boru ensser, and Tarson Bedloe' But the court exoased him without further pedigree. Baltimore's New Water Work-. The sc-vcu-mile tunnel of I! iltiruore's water works 1ms successfully progressed until it is uow opened tho entire length tho alignments proving correct. Tin's tunnel has been nnd- r construction siune April, 1870, an I its successful completion is regurdo.l t.n one of the grout engineering nohiovonit r.t'j of the day. It run- iu a perfectly straight 1 ue for nearly its wholo lcutli, oud is twelve feet in i!i.imct r. trilcH of the tunnel were cut through solid rock, through tho devices of which springs of ice-cold water gush forth in many places, until their conjb:ned volume forms quite a hrtte t-treaui. Two miles of the tuunel will lie bricked up. Fif teen Khit'ts in all were sunk, some of them as deep as .TK) leet, aud au evi dence of tho skillful engineering done on the work is tho f:ict (but ul! the be-adings met on a straight line, so that the interior of the tuunel i eveu throughout, Althongh tlietuuu. 1 is now cut clear through, it will not bo fully completed for about truo nioniln, as much masonry work still remains t be doue. Mr. It. K. Mtrtiu, chief engineer of the new water works, s iys ho does not yet know the cost of the tunnel, but it will probably not fall below SI . oOO.OOi). When completed they will be thu most complete and largest water works in this country, aud the vi-itor along the line can not but bo impressed with their magnit.ido. Xew Method of Execution Bomaiided. Dr. Park Bsji.j luiiu, of New York, who is one of the most earnest advocate of electricity as a substitute for tho haug mau's noose in eases of capital puuish mc nt, says an apparatus power u1 enough to kill at a single shock more men than were ever executed together on one scaffold, could bo packed away iu a moderate-sized trunk, so arranged that nothing but theconuocting wires and the discharging button should protrude. A the time and place Used for tho execu tion all tho sheriff would have to do would be to attach the wires to the base of tho bruin, or each sido of thu spine, and press the button. Tho victim woiil 1 literally never know what hurt him: for as it requires ouo-teuth of a second for tho nerves to transmit a sensation to the brain, oud electricity tnveli, t.n thousand times fuster than human sti: sation, it is elear tho muu would be dead before tho nerved could register any pain. Mr. JJei j imin mentions, iu con firmation of this statemeut, ;hut the Stovens institute, at Floboken, N. J., has an electric CMil which yields sparks twenty oue inches long, that will pene trate glass bloekri three inches thick ; aud that one in tho po-session of the 11 yid Polytechnic inslitu'e, iu Loudon, pro du?es llghtuiug flashes twenty-nine inch es in length . American Aristocrats. Twenty years ago this one made cau dles, that one sold candles and butter, another butchered, a fourth carriel on a distillery, another was a contractor on canals, others were merchants aud me chanics. They are acquainted with both ends of socioty, and their children will be after them, though it will not d to say so out loud. For ofteu you fiud these toiliug worms hatch butterflies and they live about a year. I -nth brings a division of property, aud it brings new financiers. Tito old geut is discharged, the young geut takes reve nncs aud begins to travel toward pov erty, which he reaches before deith, or his children do if he docs uot, so that, in fact, though there is a sort of money ed rank, it is not hereditary; it is acces sible to all. The father grubs aud grows rich; his children strut aud use the money. The chil irtii in turn in herit pride aud go shiftless to poverty. Next their children, reiuvigorated by fresh plebiau blood find by the snicil of the clod, come np again. Thus society, like a tree, draws its B.ip from the earth, changes it into seed oud blossoms, spreads them around in great gl"ry, sheila them, to fall to the earth again, to mingle with the soil, aud at lngth to reappear in new dress aud frish gurui turo. The Infants of Spain. A foreign corre'spoudi ut iu Madrid writes: Children's costume here is very cheap aud cooler thiiu the cln c t late, aud very much more chiss e. The best people) prefer to have the ilenr lit tie ones trot about unencumbered with the fashions of diminutive IWimju la dies and gentlemen. 1 suppose 'uuturo's dress is loveliness,' as Tom Moore says about Nora Creeua's costume; but then there is such a thing as nr iahl nimi.i, A little of this c mtuiue goes a loug way, particularly if tho sweet bubo is invited to hit on your knee and piny with your watch chain and wants to moo 'wheels go wound,' like tho renowned 'Helen's Babies.' Au oily nude infant on your best black pants is rather impressive, and you come away a man of mark and remark. The anutnl report of tho st.ite super intendent of education of South Caroli na shows that the total school a teud ouce for the ynir 187H 7t) was 122 blil, of which 58,3(')8 were white pupils, aud 64,095 colored, an excess of 5,727 color ed pupils, Immensity of the Dairy Interest. 1'iesiileut Thuibtr, of the) Interna tional Dairy Fair Association, in the course of his speech at tho eipeuing of the so oud annual exhibition of the liBKie'utiou in New York, gave some interesting ttatiHtics concerning duiry interest abroad, ir.m which it uppc-ars thut America bends the list of daily countries, with 1:5 000,000 milch cows; Germany coming in x1, wih H,(i('il,221 ; Franco third, with 4 ,.113, 705; Great lirituiu and Ireland coming fourth, with 3,7i 8 7f-0, unci Switzerland falling bi-t, with M'2-WC, During the year 1 878 thire were niai uiaetured in this count i y 900 000,000 pounds of butter and 340 OuO,0!'O ponuds of cheese; but i f the foimeronly M.9 per cent, was ex ported, as against 41 0 per cent, of the latter. Tho small percentage of our butter which goi-s abroad is due, Mr. Thnrber thinks, to th; fact that the home demand f r llrst-elass butter is fully equal to the supply, while foreign markets ore already over-tocke 1 with inferior grades. Ho notes the fact that while Di omaik's total unijuul produc tion is but 0'U(Xl,0('0 p-mn.V, 3'.,000, ('00 poun "s, or lllty per ceut., is ( x ported to other d-uutries; aud ho sug gests that, with proper care in the manufacture of American butter, our own exports might be brought up to the prominent position which cheese uow occupies in our foreign trade. Mr. Thnrber is a strong advocate of the creameiy system, nud believes that if fjrmi rs intrusted tbe making of butter, us well as chee'se, to these establish ments, there would soon be a marked improvement in the ijrade. It is not unlikely that this, will shortly come to piss. Tho success of the New York ereamirii s has led to their establish ment iu other statis; atd when e.-nce it baa bee-u satisfactorily hown that the? improved maehineiy uow available for handling the products of the dairy cm make cheaper uud bitter butter than can be made at home, farmers will be glad to abandon the ancient handchnru, and turn tho busim-Hs if butler making over to professional-!. It is but another stepiu the specialization of industries. A Sadly Alllieted Town. A carefully prepared report, from (ihuoiser, Mu-f., gives u feaiful reci rd of themon lost iu the uShcries from that port utid vessels wrecked dur ing the pa--t year. The statement, so far as the loss of life i concerned, is entirely unpn c.deuted in the history of tho business. Scarcely a week during tho year but has wituesse-d some destruc tion. Thirtot u v.'ksc'.s went down, 1 IX men were drowned, 50 women were widowed aud 150 children made father less by tuo siua;!" February gale. So overwhelming n c ilamity could rot fail to aw ikon a generous symoathy, aud S'2S,210 72 were contributed to feed, clothe aud shelter the survivors of the lost mariners. Tho February gale, however, furnishes but part of the direful history of the Gloucester fisher ies for lh7'.. Iu all thirty ves-jels, ag gregating 11 Hi I tous, comprising over a tenth part of the uhi:ig tonnage of the port, valuml at SI IS, 78.), all of which were insured iu mutual system for .'..", 1 s5, sailed to roturu no more, an 1 240 lives have been lost, leaving 88 widows and 219 fatherless children. There are two vessels uow absent for which grave fears are entertained, tho Andrew Ligutou and the Harry C. Maeki y. If these do not soon return it will add tweu'v-two niAire to the number. A Student's riisiicee-sfii! Trick, One day, when Professor Sillimau, of Yale college, bal given notice to a class of btuiteuts that he would experiment with laughing gas in the college labora tory, a senior privately informed bis comrades that he knew the effect of the gas exactly. No fellow while under its influence was responsible for what be did or said, aud he should like the op portunity to iuh ilo the gas oui speak ins mind freely, and Professor Sillimau heard of this. When the class men were assemble 1, bo administered the ans thetic to the istuletit out of a leather bag. The effect was terrible. The young man sworo dri-adfnl'v at good Professor Sillimau, aud culled him nil sorts of hard names, and wa going on at a fearful rate, wheu the professor told him he u- ei uot b. quite so irrn sponsible, for up to that time there bad nothing gouo into the leather bag l eept common nir. The youug fellow felt pretty cheap until after the elis got through H'-outing at him. The Post murk Bet raved Her, A lady write to one of the city dailies, compl tiniug it - desecrating the Sabbath by issuing a Hun ay edition, and with lirumi g her mb.-criptioii, as she would not counteuunce such wickedness. Her letter was dated Monday morning. But the remorsedoss post' Hi 'e had printed its pohtmark with unusual legibility, aud the date was Sunday! The woman who was too gooil to tolerate a Sunday paper, wishod the editor to understand thut she was also too good to write Lir note on Suu-luy, but i ho had not atop pod to re-flee t that, although she might try to deceive with a false date, the postoffi',e wouldn't lie for her! This is a queer world. ITEMS OF (iENKKAL INTEItEST. Kansas claims 8i!),t78 Inhabitants, or au iucMuso of 1 J 1,0b7 in a single year, C! d. Clayton, of Asheville, N. C, has a suit ex President Johnson ouoo made him. lvigi nie is r ally going to Zululand to v. sit tho place where her sou was sluiii. Win. II. Ynu'li rbiit and bis sons have begun the e notion of four residences in I'lltt avenue, New York, whi;'h are to cost l,05O OOo iu the aggregate. Iu Cuicago, during the present year, one thousand and six'y- five new build ings., mostly brick, have been erected, at an asgregate xoeue of s?Ci,454,000. The bigirest alin'.u in the worltl was brought into Vic'oria, Vancouver Is land, I'. itish America. It weighol uiue-ty-eiglit pounds, au.1 was fiveand-a-half feet luiip;. Jackson, Miss., is building ft new opera house, capable of sentiug nine hundred people, ai it is sa. that when completed it will be one of the prettiest theaters ii- the South. Ou the day that Senator Biyord was fir.-t elected to the Unite! States Senate, his fa' her, James . Beyard, was re ele'cted lo the same Lody, the only in stance of the kiud in the history of the country. The bell-punch register has e use to be regarded iu Texas as a meru farce. Iu Houston one leading suloon which registered over 1 100 on the malt register for C'tobvr shows only 1!) glaset-s of beer sold during November. The New Orleans J'i-ai:m thinks it would be a wise investment for the peo ple of L luii-iiiua to establish in that city a free hotel for the reception and e-utr-tainmeut of emigrants for a time suf ficie'ut to ouable them to find homcB and employers. The depression of business iu Berlin coutiLues general, aud is daily becom ing more severe. At tho bauks there is little doing, and in mercantile circles tin-re is almo-d hopeless stagnation. Of 7iH) houses belonging to budding asso ciations, not more than oue thiid are occupied. In Chicago, the first week in Dscem bcr, the sales of provisions were unpre cedented 8( 6, OK) barrels of mess pork, 125,000 tierces of lard aud 35,000,000 pounds of meat haviug beu disposed of. These saies are equivalent to 835, (h 0 (Kb) pounds of produce, valued at S23,0( 00(10. By a lire wlre'i threatened the total destruction of the Wesleyuu chapel, in the City road, L nido:i, the main c:iapel was greatly njured, and the historic building, Wesley's moruiug chapel, ww gutted. Wesley's pulpit was saved. The beautiful frescoed ceiling is irrep arably ii'jurcd, aud great doubts sre entertained whether the roof of the structure can be restored. Mrs. Jane Gny Swisshelm has ascer tained from Buckle, a good authority, that for every twenty girls there are tweuty-ono boys born; and, consequent ly, she infers that every woman ought to have a husband, aud every twenty families a goo. I commonstock old bach -elor uncle who will buy drums for the boys, dolls for the girls and take the young ladies to the opera. It is a fact that the Biltimora paves of streets use sand from E jgland and Fratca cheaper tnan they can get Mary land sand. Our exports so largely ex ceed our imports that ves-els from Europe which used to bring merchau -dise a'.nl take back ballast, now ci rue la.leu with sand, as bullast, and return with our products. Oa reachiug this port they givo the sand to any one who will haul it away. Among several curious habits of tho wooi'c ick, its practice of oinying its youug is perhaps the most interesting. The testimony of many competent wit nesses is cited to corroborate the state rucut. The late L. Lloyd, wrote: 'If, in shooti' g, you meet with a brood e,f woodcocks, and the young can not fly, the old bird takes them sepat.dely be tween her feet, aud flies from the dogs with a moaniug cry.' For some time past Chinese aromati smoke rods have been used for perfum ing rooms. They are grayish brown sticks, which are easily kiudled and bum slowly with a bright glow, leaving u rndiiy ash behind and diffusing a pleasant aroma ou the air. They are formed of powdered cacitrilla bark, from which the bitter principle has bi eu boiled out, leaving the aromatic resin. These grounds are kui'ivli'd into a soft mass with trugui'uuth gum and then molded into rod-. A ItcinurRahlc Case. The niedie.ll turn in New Philadel phia, ellno, are much excited at the condition of a child, about two yours old, iu the family of Jo:ji p!i Kinsley. In July last the limbs of the child begun to harden. Since that time the hardness has increased, and has spread over its eutire body. The hands ore drawn shut, aud its limbs are so bout that it has no use of them. The head, neck, arms and legs arc now so bard that not th slight est indentation can be made upon them, nor could auy petrifaction be harder. The limbs of the child seem bloodless, and are cold as marble. It Las some appetite, aud at times tries to talk. A living petrified child is considered ou riosity without a parallel.