TJJ U USD AY, January 8 1SS0 - - larro cil ;cs might constitute a criiu-i H, A. LONDON, Jr., Editor. ju,;K.i,.,i aisfrict with courts of -r exclusive -rini'ii. 1 jurlsdi.-tien. Oui THE LAW'S DELAYS. last Legislature ant hori.ed the cs- ' tahlifhnient of Inferior Courts for In that oft-quoted soliloquy ol 1 the trial of minor olVoiiees. hut the Jlainlctthc "law's delays" is prom- 'objection to these courts is that the inentlv mentioned as one of the presiding ollievrs are usually nut gricvancefl that nukes life intoler- .learned in the law and their juris, ahlc, and never has a more acute diaion is limited. While this is observer .f human nature lived true, yet there can he no doiiht tlmiitl.eiimiK.rlalhajiispouiv. That that t!iee Inferior Courts do ac which was so great a grievance in coinj.'.ish much good, and in a great England three hundred years ago. measure lessen the "law's delays", is still a cause of complaint in this livery case iky try renders tnoiv 'more enlightened age and in this peed justice to the accused than cat American Republic. Poiihs'hy waiting for th... leiui !' the Sn "less there ha- been souv improve- perior Curt, and hy that much ment in the ire-!'.":; i.f Utsve ecu- shortens the latter, and thus gives tunes, and tic. dciu;. s ot the law more time tor more important case may not he as grievous as when We are aware that th.' re;.ou Sliiikospcare v fote, hut yd ever hility of the "lav 's delays" is place ih'mhin'g man must admit that there upon the lawyers and they are s is still great room for further im- vcivlv denouueed it speedy ju-tu TitveiuenT. Whctieve we t imh 'of the delays and amioyauees inci dent to nil trial-in our courts we ire astonished lhat an el lightened and free people wid tolerate them. The trial nf cau-es ih. th ;il and rriminards uft time'.-o ihiued, as 'uiino.-it U. render our courts iisele---- and practically cause a denial of j lice. In a ei i! c; t'.r iii-tas the wealthy si: versarv for ve r e:i a harass his ad- responsible for increasing the "law" and involve him delavs" in our count v. and wh-.-n I:-, litigation year after year, until 'Ids patience or luotiey gi'.es out or deatli kindlv relieves him. It Hot unusual to tiud cases oil our dockets that have heeu tin re for liainv v. a's. Ti:is is true of noiulv oery eoiit. ry in North uro::;i certainly is true of this cur.ty. have known of cases lu re in ham that have'.'ivd doekeis vear after vear lor th e i: it We r tell and even lit teen years, 'AVe have known cases of trilling importance ;o delayed in their trial, that the co.-ts would fai exceed the. anna.!. I in litigation, if a citizen ha.- ben nijiued m his per.-;oii, property or reputation the laws and courts ol his eoiintrv should give hiiu aiup.e r.nd speedy ie, If a ur.u has a just cause of action a'gaiu.-t uiiotii- cr he should not he subjected to un- necessary annoyance and delay in virosoeu'iu' hisactioii. And so. if ti man lias heen iinj i-tly sued hy another, the suit should he tried and determined as ijniekly as possihle. in criminal cases it is e; t eiaiiy in. poriant t'-.-it justice he k 'Iil v ad ministered. I f tho accused is inno cent, it ij a great hardship iip.-ti iiim to keep him closely confined in A loath.-ome pr!.-:i i.i-nth after month: and if he i. gi.ihy s,.ecdy :iis! ice should he nieted out to h'm. nnd the taxpayers not he hurdnied with the expense of Ids impriseii iiient. The eon.-tl: uti n of,ur State savs iu Section o.") of the Deelara- tien of I lights that, "All Courts hhall he open, and e-ery jh-iv-u for an inhirv d"i:e hmi in'his lands, J . roods, m rsoii or reiaitarioii. shall - 7 I , leieo vellledv hv (hie I olll'Se of hlW , . , ", " .. , t ,. i and riLrht and M-tice administered Without sale, denial, or m.r a v." Now. we is this elan-c of our constitution j raetically oheyed '. poes our sy .-tn n of Courts cnahle justice to he aduiiiii.-tered without "delay" '. Experience has proven the contrary. Two terms of the ('Superior Court a year iucaeh conn-h-are not sul'ih'ii'd. The interval hetween the courts is too long In stead of having a two-weeks tern: twice a year we think it would he hettei' to ha e a lerm of one week three times a vear. According to ;mr present Code of Procedure if a ytato Contentions of the repuhhean man hrings a suit, he tih's his Com- party that will thou lie held to plaint at trini of the i Court, appoint delegates to tho National whereupon the defendant iiles his Convention. This Convention will Answer mid a trial cannot pos-ihly l.e held at Chicago on WcdiH-sday bo had i. ntil the i.ixt term .-ix 'he 2nd day of .Time nest, at which months distant. Life is too short time and p'r.ce the repuhlicm cam!:- for a man to spend h much of it iu dates for lVtsident and Vieo-IVeM- lrivin-his wrongs redressed in tho.Jet n h" """duated. n , I i ' . '.' " ". Courts of his coiintiw I i r-" - " J , Titk iivrn.K o? Nuv Oiu.kaxs was Again, we think it would hehet fH,vut j.i-y-fivc years ago to-day, on tertohave civil and criminal cases ,il0 0f jannarv, lfc15. This was tried hy dillercnt judges and in sep- ,no of the most celebrated and hlood aratc Courts. If a judge- could de- less victories ever won, and rendered vote all Lis time and attention to General Jackson so popular in Amer criniinal law alone, or to the law ica. Every Aiiuiversary is duly oh covcrning ciyil causes ahne, he served in nil tho prineipal ei'iea of would become more proficient and the United States, and tho memory be better enabled to discharge hisf old "Hiet r" appropriately hen delicate d ut ics. ' It is well known that a good wi.y let .ir Uil,v Millsr ami r!.ii. criminal lawver is not always a ' 'li, l-n a bottle ot d,. i;ir IVd.r s;. run (llinm.u M.'o .. at fliovH ii und tffect a ciro. . rood civil l.uvvcr and vice versa, itico ceuia a Uu'.;. ami so it is with judge-In nearly ; all the large cities of this country theie nro special Courts fur the trial of criminal case alone, and so scvcial counties (u herein are no is not uIiiiiii:steri'.l. au.l vet it the- law vi conic; 1 that courts should I'requenrlv t ; ; - v are I toi' wi-'iiug to e O i the I'.Vi of thi- l.e held more again detio'iii' ehe litigation -,i:o!it i the Magi-tr..? tllli ly w ill vote ii or. toe .iiie-ti,.i abolishing our Inferior (.'.art. if ;hey should do so. then the le of Ch itha'.ll will ku w!io 1 the time of Super!.. occupied hy petty crimii Court is cu.-o- !.i s the c.vhisi:.;) i f impi r: . Who euu-es we wi;l Uie ihelel'or. Tin' Main- Mtiddh'. The ( xcitec.f ::t in Main.' h i, in n ; i.' .' isare, rhated, an 1 it is jio.y thought liu-re wii l.e no !... .ishe 1. Tin' ( 1 it't rnor I the arris in the Ars-nid at Hanger lvir.o.vl to Au gusta, without ;eiy lv-i-t nee hi in.: made. It will he lvnieiitbere-.l that a previous attempt to remove them was prevented iy a luob. The (1 a mor, at the solicitation of the lead-he' re- j,,,!,!,;,.,, seihmilied to the Supreme Court of Maine certain epusti .f Hw in ivnii! to his dutv iu issuing eertie Taev deci h d tint it is competent for tl.a Governor and Council to correct tho defects in tin- returns, so that doubtless tho Legis- lataro (ivlii.ii met yesterday) will promptly seat the luemhers who wi re "counted out" on account of d?cct8 iu tho ret urns of their (.Lotion. It is f-ai 1 that several menihirs, to whom certilicati s had lu eii i-sue 1, will not claim thuir sea's. If ma joiity t f votes have be. n legally for a candilafe, his orpownt should nut cla'iu the orac, ultl.o-ih ih fe - ive (h e'.ion n turns may tech nically give it to hi'u: an 1 therefore we coamund those mf inheis w'.iode- ehne to take seats in the I.e;;isl itare to which tho people .h 1 i:..t i l-.-t them. It is 1 tha: the decision of the Supreme ('.curt is exlit-nu ly partis in. just as were the derisions " the Electoral Coina.issjoii e.f S to 7 notoriety, hut still the American pe i i i .. . . t ... ii . i ( -- decisions of tho Courts that they oloy them however ciroiii J. th.y may he, mid so wo presume every thing will quiet down in M ii.,o, Gkm.i:u. Giiaxt passed through this State last week on his way to rioridn, and from there ho will to Cuha to spend the winter. His journey through North Carolina pro duced no great excitement. lie trav elled hy way of ( Ircenshoi ' sue! Charlotte, hut did not tarry a: either place. After spending the winter in Culm, he will return to this country, wheu graad receptions will he ten dered him in all the large cities of tha North, so as to huhictieu the Important to Farmers. From a recent circular i-saed by Col. llk, our very etlieient (.'ominis soner of Agriculture, we the following: "Iu 1S0, wo had in farms, im proved, woo. U, and unimprove 1, It) s:5."".,::iO acres. Of this, .VJ5.-..7 pi ii--ivs were improve d, over onenii;!i n acres l. sj than we had in lsi'.O, r a'oout 'J'i per cent of il'-e whole. T this may ho ailed lo.ouO.U.K) acres wild lands, making an area of :.V O.'-0.0(M acres in round numbers. Tiie averaire si ' of our larms at that date was t12 acves. We h id at that date a population of lalTl.: C.l. or about 'Jl U) the square mile. Of '.his population only -l-" ci nt over t. n years of n-jfo were at work, the r. -mainin g i per cent, doinj.' nothiir-r. : We had at ill it time I'.ilT.i'tii North C.;r..liiiiaua livin..- i.i oilier 'States, vhile we ha 1 li'.ing i: our own midst o'dy i 'v-- -iiiens of f r . i-u birth. In IT'.1 I th" lir-t census was tali.-n in our Nate, h n. in peiut of p -pa! I'.i.m, we i.t 1 llii'd i'ii the list .anion our sister Slat-s. ill l'",i) ihe eeie-us placed US loUl Je, Mill on the li-t. l.liuei-i. who-e tirstt census w.i tah. n in 1 SID, s )-iii stepped to la front and tool; po-Von a- lie fourth onl'.ie list, and i.o'.is il to-day. Dei v i.-e first iMi-u.s was taken in l-.Do, -oou stood third on the list, mid has hteadilv maintained that position. .V. i t h Carolina, :n before si de l. hm '.'l inh.M' .ie.s t) tho squire ;.i le. uhile C i.:.. .-tieut Ipik 1 1 h M-i-s-iehmeifs ! :.;. New Jtr-ey b--, and lih '.!e 1 land loo. Twe::t v-six per ei nt of the l.m-l-s Improved, wo-i.i lands and uu improved iu cur S;ate is supp.irtim.,' seveii'y s. veu ji.t feiit of the eirnv j'opu! i ti a. ( ).hi i- ci, 1 e , i i'!y iu.o riaut fu rs mi-.'ht be dev- '...p- 1 be il... h i ;;e of l!'u; es, to ilomocsi.-ale lea' We' hive been e.i ii- I,t w.tll a po!:ev th o eave us a im re ( xi;ei;ee, iu .t ' ld of:!. ai aoressive en;-i'"l i':e iCiarie-leii-tic ef tin;, s, wh.'eli h.e dore s f r the p;o.;, ii'y an I e co.'i'i of .i in-!' S: a'e-.; C;'.r- ilea e il 1 e i-ily -.i; ri a p i-iio-i at I a-' . i - I ii-.i s o;ir a' eu'.,o- r, an ! -:. . .1 ! 1 I, : 'i iu a, :';.. m (rk. 's i.i the w, rid by h r sac t.his or lu a rch u'i uc il ai; 1 man uf ici':re-l. l-l-ie I 1 .-1 im, -:t .:.: e-v-fvi'uite,' f-om a ::a:cie !-h ,u il-' !- a .,::i-r !;.:i::c. we .-'ion:.! be in I- I-:-t in thu 'via'il; of e,r r. - nrc-'s, ,...! b 'p t I f e 1 .1,1-1 , 1 t .-ti..- WO'll ,. ,;!s. We a;,-, and !uU-t of neie-i:v e i;i:n.'.i' to !)-, issetitiab iy an i.gricalt era! people. Iu this li p-trtmei.t f ear iu-lu-tries, tlr-n, measures of r, ;'-i-m sii-inid tir ;t b-insti-u i -.l, wi'.h lie- I irun r---wr h the 1 nid-owu. rs. The ei'.at triable is our yy st . an of f inning. I'.ei thit -v-.teiii be lil'iti I i :',i i'Uproied while' ear fanners attt ;ept t euhiva'e site'i large and liU'.vieldiy areas? Can it iie improved when each horse or nmV on the firm i : reiprre.l to eul tiva'e f.-om twenty to f. r'y aer s ? Will tins sys'em l! c'.iaueed so lo :g :s the firmer ee.vas lu.d ile'ilsands of acres of forest land, where he may have n-. w acn s to take the i'';ie.; o! tli "ise K wa-b fully and reel;!. -dy run e 1 by our exhaustive svstec.l? Ween our lal'ol W des troyed, eiir i.iri::. r-i. a'mo-t uiiii lv, atti niptei! to keep tin ir Ojieia li ais np t i tie ir f rue r proportions. Alld where ( Ue h:is S e ie.I, seel'eS have nit wi'h disist nuts, min ims felure. If we v. oukl iner-tase i h 1 1 r- tits of 1 -b -r, bud I up maun f ,e-iiius, n.uhip'.y oe.r in hi :r;e-, de velop o:ir -I -'. n,l. 1 r. ' ence ., e;ih i:ie. the'.e of mir !lil;-, pio Uo'e t!;,- w. a'Ui of the S'a'o. and make Nonii I'lr-i'iaia lngi; seh r of a depen h ut buyer in the m il'ii- I e! tin; w 'ild. we iu l't pat our surplus ludsou tiie la u let an 1 secure a tiuifiy, iii bi-t i i eis, ,u!,. t re rial im migr.iiit popnhi'.ioii, to occupy an 1 impi'oe them, 'lii if arc o'-and ui:d magi.itiiant'.iti" e before us, but the pos-reiitics imply not on'y the e X' rei.-e of f-U'eth udit an 1 s i ijaeity, hut arucot, patient, wi ll di rected effort."' A Woman's ilevenjre. ( m il..- X -w V--:-i ll -ril I.) On the 1 ite.t , as J bt, if. M r r. in, sen (if S ii iinr Morgan, of Ala Ii.iiiii:, wtis walking !iloiu a strict ii; Washington C'ity wi'h a fri'-nd, '.le v we-te met by Jvy W. li. H irt-.n, e ho sudd ady drew a revolver wh; u she pa ed and shut M..rga'j ihrou; ii the shonld.-r. li -for" she coll! 1 lire a second time Morg in turned an I si i. -d the weapon. The i not dan;eroii :, alt'unurdi he r h-ih'y o'.i'i s iiis i scepe from d. atli t ) Ml-s lf-irtou's iuieeurary ef aim. The h ...tiie,' is at 1 1 i': u!e ) by M r"iu' fiiehds to de'.-etitia f.n tha parted his a s lil tnt . Mis Horton b. ean a suit against Morgan l.i-t July for hi each of promise of marriage. Since then she h i- 1 i ,t h- 1' t, ')-it;oii i i the I'rec.sary I ). p u'tiu. ut and has been generally unl'orlunate, and she claims that she lias been persecuted. She 'iiaint- litis that her assault on M ugaii was iii;pieiue,'.it i'ii and I heir meet ing UlleXp I't. d, IlltllOUoh she 'X- re.-se:s great regret that shc ehd Hot kid him. llobbino; OraVw-3. It has becrmie kuo yn that ghouls have been nt work exhuming dea l bodies by the whole-ale from Oik wood Cemetery, situated in th.) etut orn sub-aba f liiehmoud. It is known now that over forty bodies have been stolen since the cool we itli (r Fef iu, and it is supposed that they have b en shipped to i.e-lie-d iimii til'ions in elificieut portions of the couutiy. I ymir iite werth 'H") c,-tir 1 it it i.- 1 not learirct a f'm'i r I'eM. Iran Ir. Hull'8 (eiuh s'nii .it inn.' aiid 1U tu.-J by lUul aevur laiim reiueJjr. Dreadful Disaster. A most terriblo 1? ailroad accident oecnrieel in Scotland, on Sanday night, the 2Sth nit., which is thus described iu tho New York Herald: "The last Sunday train which left niiiihtireh for Dundee on tho No;th British U lihvay, just- at dusk on a winter evening, and lvuehcd the so ldi hank of the l'rith ne'-r 6even o'clock, started to traverse an iron bridge twourlesl mg and .lis tppcireel iu the mid He of its course. The moon was shining brightly. There was no unusual commotion of tho weather except, in the wi ld. Tint was blow ing with extraordinary force, but none of the re p rts hint ttrat its tut . vei iy caused u sngevstion from any of the railway oiliecrs that the truin should postpone the crossing, id t lon jli the pe-ib.l,(v i f sin-h ixeh l ty .-.ems to have b -en .lis -il-seel am mil; r. .-idens in I'oifashire. At nine : minutes pa-t seven the figinil was ..iveii from the l'lfedhre lhat th.' train ha 1 en: civ 1 ! bridge, -"oal..' i f the r. sidelil- had gathered il the' uortii i lid to await its arrival. When it. erew late an 1 they e eiise.l ; . i . , i i i v to her made' e'.hy it did riot eo, ue it was f .mi 1 telegraphic coni ' iiioii was iuterrapicd. A mul :i:ule of iinreir stiick.ii people, was wis soil :;athe:-.d fiom l)indee. I'ii. n t ,vo of tiie railroal ofie'ers crawl ! out along the iron spans f hre.'-quu! tars ef a lush or an 1 c am" to a y.i.vmng abyss mil.' w id ', at. t he bolt" n of w.i, l! levi'lL' tile' tide' of the in; ire, h df a wliieh LViih. i e.. -third ul ihe whole stnn-iui had fallen. Ciw.v!i;i,' back with bleeding liuti-N they reported what tle y had W it!., ss ed, 111! t thi'll It W is r e'lllled ih .t ..: ab mt the' time tie- i rain must have been near tiie middle of the to iii:; a straiiej app '.nance h id b. oh ., rve 1 of !l shower of li'V hurled downward at that point, which w is p '. h ips, the' contents of ihe fitru.iee-i of the locomotive dashed iu its f. arfu. career from the level of the hi idee to the Wlt. r. IietWeell the man wii-. ii id signalled the io oiuning of the p.isigc f.'.in fite- shile ll'l.l th. so who W.liti d .elt'O.ile l i i. t r li I of s Veil C li s had Willi -hod, ';, a I fr- m th." rails, t-U'ir t ii f. ll J. ii tie- ol- 'il !'ra: aeevo, I; of til -pin .1 'l 1 p'.l ljo.1 i.ia.ty f it el-ivnwaid into 'h s. 1. t'r-b.'oly tile p 11,'elt- v. all l.vl.e 1 iii their e-.mpart-neies, a- is on in (ii i! lir t iin. A seirch was m i h- about the bridge i'l Slil.lll 1 e b It. Il l tl'acel of 11 1 . V survivors cud 1 be found. S.x b ' i- ies Were subsequently receiveled. Tueio wei'-r n.any three hundred p t-s ie," is, b 's.des tuo company .--servants, a 1 d whom are beheveel lo have pe iislcel. The seeru at the broken bri l.;e next morning was a most pal I. ..'ti.' on., w iv-s, brothers, hnshaii lsau.1 I. iw ra all broken heai t e 1 ami de-paii h:g. No sadd'T spec tacle could l'j vvi'Mjsse'.l ill (iod's world, 'file gip in the bridge is about half a mile long, c uuprising . h v. n of the longest spans, each - h" feet in leiioth, and one spall of 11") fe. t ill length. T ie bridge was only opene 1 for trafiie iu M iy, IS"!). Ii wa-i considered a tr.u.iipli of engin , e-iiig skill. It was about twe inllos he.;; and had cigl:iy-:ivi- spins, the widi.-t of which was iMo feet. At ihe hi.oliest point it was 13J feet above high water." Singular War Relic. ; 111.' N"'f V ":U lieraia.l Tifr. daui's Conner, ot Newark, h t ji -t co no into pissis-ioii of a r- ;i n k ib; war re lie'. It is ;i pair of bullets ll.attelied eiut llllel j i.lied to tlu r. One is of Aai' iae in make ;: nd the other of jhi'.ish. Tho bul le's :re j 'im d togeih-.r Id;" a pair of s .i-hred li.itto: s. and have pieces p. taut, t ie whole being a mina titiv lesembhinee to the liows Worn at the breast by lad: - s. This re neiilcabh; and most interesting relic .I" the civil war wa- f mud by a gen tleman residing in iliehuio.'i 1, and, together with some twelvo or thir teen tons of lead, was gathered up , .ti the bittle tii'hls h t ,veen Peters burg air. I Uiehmoiid. The two balls must have siruC'.c mi hvny between the' di-eharging Mil -s. the cone peints e'vi leiiiiy being p iut to point. When picked n the Yankee ball was f. .ami on top of Johnny Hull's pro duction. Woiiclorfal CIioss Playing:. ;i'r 11: -.In' N"W V ii ll 'ral'l.; All iule'i'e-ting cl.e.-s took t l.iee n! the ro iins nf th'j Manhattan t'ni ss ('!",b 1 i-t eve iiieg, when Ci t 111 (binge II. Maekeli.ii! undertook to J.l.i V lliaillst twenty ojn Ulellt-S 'l'.:e l l'.te r ne le! seated at tables, while the (.'ajihtiu walked around making lii-. 1.1 iv, a in rotation on tho different b nr Is. One of the contes tants lost Lis game in the early part of the evening, mid a', his request the (.'1111:011 C !! -eofl'd te) piny II H 'COlld, this iu .king tw. iity-011.) games ae t'od'y played. Out of these Captain Mackeiiie w.ui sixteen ami lost three, the rem .lining having been drawn. The contest which lasted about three hours and a half, was the fourth and lust exiiii.idon of tho series inaugu rated hy the Minhattau Chess Club prior to tha Fifth American Chess Congress about to bo held iu this i-'ty. Patricido and Suicide. A terrible homicide and suicide oc curred at Lvons X. Y., on the 3rd. Miss Franco Ilotdy, a ?ery highly respected young hi I.V of this phiCe?, euli red the store of her father, a h it and far dealer, ami, iu a fit of eup poscd inutility, si'iot him, the bad peui trilling the left teiiip'-o and pro ducing inatant elealh. Then reload ing the pistol, .she went up stairs and aliot heii'-lf iu t'-ro same place. CORRESPONDEHCE: r.-ry ' we wii.i, mi rr.f.AsEn to kkckivki eoMMCMCATIelNS ON AN V Sl'll.IKe't'S Til VT ! YZZTsl Aea,;'; KVKIlY AIU'ICI.K. AXI Al.sel THAT IT f.K Will I'l'ICN 1M.UM.V AMI ONLY ON ONIlSII.i; ul' TIIK I'.Vl'lUl. TUB KIllTOIl U NOT UKSIMNSUII.K KOI! HII-: V1KW ANUuI'lN IONS Ol-- COlllllCSI'OMILNTS.'S'S. for i ne nr.i oiin- Hu r ky's ru.i.s. N. C. December 28ih, 1S70. jIu. F.iitir: I had the pleasure of attending a meeting of the Pleasant Hi 1 Tein- P'Tanee Se,cietv held :it , Svlvun A end ti. . . ' i ... rm... ii ? ,r , -. J .( : nut II. 1 len.p, ranea Society was or- ; .,in,.ed ahotit. my years ago at a church name 1 1 leas mt liul, in tiie, western part nf Chatham county. When it was first, organized, there were very few who could be induced to sion the pledge of total ahstinenee, but tin y soon saw the evil of s'ronu drin, and the s x-ii-ty has steadily lncr.'used in the- nu'iiln'i- of memliers, and to-day it has id) tut ItiKHI names on iis roll; but a great many of ilmm have elied er moved away, which has l-edlle'ed tint lllliuber te) about, loll,) live, active, working members. The soeie ty rnee ls at Sylvan every Chri-t-mas, an 1 trausieis the business of the society, and appoints a commit- t e to watch ove r those who nro like- lv to ;-) ii-itr-iv. The rne'cting wu-- dl'd to ord' r by Als-n Lineberry, I'n s!d ait. Jam s A. Turner, Secre tary. Aft r the business was over' speeches we: e called for and several respouih' 1 to the c di. Among those who u 1 lr.ssed the lil'-.tin were, Kev. Ishini Co, lh v. John Mel'iier soii, and littht Lidd Henley, who was so sin ill that h.i h i 1 te) be put on a table te be heard. When he arose t speak, a death-like silence reigned over the house every one bent on hearing what so small a boy ' .... l,n .,,,0.1 uie ..-I 111. i u:i!,;,,et of ' .'-,, i , 3 tenipei'iin.-i.'. Jjiidd is a bright an.1 prennwiiief lau, una mas i nt- to m ine his mark in tho world as an orator. I'll' ll'Xt te) Speuk wis Jon M. Dixon, u I. iv lib mt 10 ye'irs old, who is a si rung a Ivoca'o of t 'luperaue'e', ami made' a most exeell'' it speech. And hen sum young 1 idii's, wh mo names I will not mention, ifor f.-ar tln-v would bhisli i sang a V'-ry prel'y s nig. which sailed the ov.i-i nr. And hist but Iet least, wis the speech id Mr. d'iios. 1! ibiusoii, a very jiro'iiising veiling man and a zjahius workea1 in tlio ti'iupeiM-iee cause. 1L spoke j iloiit thirty minutes and showed the . v i I of sttei ig drink in its true light. Mr. Ilobuisoii is a young man, and has j.i-t, started iu iif and has ma ie :i g o 1 le ginning. There nro very' few young men who will take sileii a stand f a-h"iip 'ranee as -Mr. K .h ias'in haw, bat s ir.-ly ho has seen the evil of ihe intoxicating bowl nmirgt lis comrades, and now ciuues to the : front to warn them I would to (i )1 that sucii z ' iious worucrs as oiu young friend Kotiitison. ; Tin' manufacture of Alcohol begin about fix or seven hiuielrel yeirn, ago in Arahi i, mi l it has steadily -H lined e round up te a few years ago, ; miel i' see'iued as if it was about to I engulf this beautiful laud of ours, i and wis ruining thousands of our be'sst yeiiiug men bo lv and soul, nud eriishi'g wiel'-siue il ruin and !ts- trueii hi ; but thauks to iod i". lias; bee'll iHTC.ste-l in its wihl im 1 ma 1 i career, and iu a few more years we hop to see it driven fr un this broad land of ours Just link at. tho evil; it dues in a community. One inanj in 11 ueighborhooel dealing in the; deadly p usoii can soon sink it intoi degradation, woo un I misery. I If the people in the United States' Would spetid the nioii"y to-war.l building school hou-csuiid church, s; that thi'V spend for intoxicating i drink, it would huil 1 a school house . an I church on every hi 1 top in the wo'ld, and give th ar otiilelreii a good e I neat ion. If wo eoull drive ir fro 11 this country of ours it would; make this beautiful land of ours al-j most, a heaven h -re below. Ntw in i ilie lie duiiiti'' of tho new vear. let . us put our shoulder to the wheel and ..ivi. t us 1 re.11 e 1 lneinster one tiual push and try and sink it never to rise ngiin. .Tast us long as we allow it dealt out to our follow 111:111 we need not expect to prosper. Tiie gr at poli'ie d cry in 1 S7i w is 'reform." 1 think we could use the word reform in the temperance cause to a troetd effect. If w.i seo a man so low as to take the iittosi- c itilig hei'vl, let's try to reform hilil. i-:i-.. u-el l'iii -.'l'l.-. ' The people all over tho world 8:-e Vnxi'miVl'w.ii.! ""ki".' what a gr-'.'it curse it is to the couu- i.'.uii-!. n,i A,,i; ,i. .iii.', p.. . . 1 l'..n."l T.,iii;ii". lui'k. y ninl Uu. k, tl'V, lltl'l it IS Ulgel tllllO to try auel in,r,ri.-,l ana I ii,.rii!iii.iiinlSiiuoo, put 11 stop to it. Statistics show that l;hK;;!r""","l,'""1'1'""! Un't' tiOtt.000 men till drunkards' graves an- iaii.' ana iiMiivsti.-onini.'oi, ! nuully. Is not this large number "kK',!::! w,,.. that is siiikiin' down to hell nniiuallv . m..-. ri...irnmi e-m sinr.-n, - , . ., ,, , , .,, . 1 N.lw.11 .liCsVlli'llltlll. enough to ruako tu6 bloo.J clii.l 111 i,,.-.iai oruiunix miii-h iwi, our veins? For the Bible says, that V.,rV"'rVl'an.r.Miins, "tie) drnnliarel can inharit tho king- ei. .-.inti' ana eu.'".'i, dowofCiod," iinel I think tho men ft;',;,', who iiianiifiu'tiir.. this deadly poison f Im Ampr,,.nn will have to answer at the day of rilll..Kin.ri"'ri..H..iH'riiio. tin daeconut for nine-tenths of the; . crimes iu the world, for the grossest ; traa... 1 I . 1 ,.. 1 if v .iiwlslinnvtlili'.lln ll.uivy or Fancy On. Crimea on record liare been (tone w 1Uv, M,n,t ( t..r (-inii'iirnnnii'i I' while meu were under the influence .iuii'i.uwby m--oi eif lioiior. Now in conelusion, I.' ; would nrgo every oun to lond a he!)-i 'ing hand ami try and free this laud; 1 of ours from such an evil. J. w. c. Execution of a Cannibal. Xue Indian cannibal, S.vift Hun tier, was executed at Fort .S iskeiteh eeviir 0:1 tho 20th lilt, this hciug UiednBirCr'kT..wi!ii..knwniiiho''ii.iU'r.n'' fust legal execution in the North-; 1elRn w,u ,,,, ,u f ,.,, aM tt,r,,s. west territory, llo was conricteel ou TFM!i,,11P.,1ir,l rnh. ..n- in u ana 1 ... ...r : ... r i...;..., l-,ll.,,l ... . .. .1... n....,it.a, i,,i,,r...i r-, atul ( aten his mother nud seven chil- IIIM U1VU UUUlt:?.s.ll Ul li.l.ll.y B.i.c. dien dining last winter. ADVERTISEMKXTS. j.wrru raSSiTiS iuwoKiTilEiBSlH, PETTY & CO., I'll 0.Vr In I 0e ries, ContVetionnries, Boots and j SUOCS. CONSIONMCNTS of COTTON SOLICITED. Criu'ret llilwliurn niul Sill-I.ui y Sir.Hj'.a, llal.-li;!., N. C itrvrt" rnmp Ld i.mi sailihu ami fnnip -Ulre it Cull 1 vl Uitllll INortl State MSton! Tiro Largust, Heaviest, l?e-st arrd '--u,'l"''a Cheapeh '.vory Oik Alway "il imii I, ft H 1.1. STOCK er Hardware, Tinware, Heating Stores, Crwkt.rVi Ll S)0Vt., H(l(.K Ua 'rinVtk.' tt'ml (Si,ot, and HOUSE - ITUNi SUING C.OODS nt all kinus. )M,9.3l on'iUrLl'vMs. c pnnTCini.nDTTprj'cl 0 CJflTlDFTT LlliliO i U 1 UJli & OUIlillhLL, wiioLiisALi: (jiH - AX! .Il JeJieJi 111 ,iiU.ici'l 3 W, LAST MMIKLT. WII.MIN.iTON si'iu:;:t, N.'ll.'iitll. N. C. In ,.r-..'r I,. Li'iier u-'o.inin-'l.i nriiliv.'i.y lurs" nii-l ln.-r.'ii-la,' nit le. lnov l.-.i.-i-l i..r :i i.-i-ni , r v.-.ii's. II." -..i,',,us s:,ii'i- II- . i 1 1 Wiliiilnrit..itSi., nv.-ieiv ... i iii'ii l i.v It. y. J.-iu-M t C.., Iu wlileli we will k" e a Kl I.I. Sl'oei; "t .n.--. - -.wj-idsj, ; Hoots, Shoes, ISngging and Ties, ; Tohacct, SniitV, Solo ami Upper; L-atber, Fi,h, Mol.i-ses - ail grades ! Pi!!; M, :i. N. C. r.acii). kv.. Ac. W,.Uav.i Arrive: (it S.-i 'k M e-shall k W..rUiliiu''-n s.ili, lii ..I Ha-li- l- 111 !.;,i i.-l .1 M.-el, I vh H'.i-ii -I- l;i .- U aa l WhC' i w..i' I li.-. . I, rill ,,f ulil ili mi l Hi" I'.il'll,' i-ill I" .-1 i.,nv in ih,. ua l (i,"ii.'.'.l'.l., t.ii ai-rlval. We aii l.iive rii-'ili;l"s r..r lian 1 1 1 1 ; I . Ihe salt' "f waleil we lr..:iijit ii'i.'uti,'ii. an-l ina-e libfiii l'rili's wisliln I" .-..iie. ien-1 H'orln ul ,', ti Ivau-'Ow u. Tha Pearl Shirt ! Tli" nmiiiii'Miir.Ts .'I ill. i.y ua- n. - -ii,i i,.iii niu n.. IT. MIL S1II11T .l.'-lre ,iil,,',,rili-'irai,r.'- u ..riu 'iii. a- i-viii-'.-i i.y e. iii I. n- w. 11 a-. t'V ihn Uui 'lii'lis ( .-a:ls:a,.".i"il ih" r.' i'ly Iii-'i'e.'i-hi .'.muiei il r.--s'i: ..r I wi'h :ti" s-'i'ii.'. Tli." -em 1 ir I ,if iiT, l ei. IH il'l I , I. .i:i-l i.i i ..i:i,l',' ina-t" -rk.iriu-tiU. wiil Iw-TI ' ly maili'iu i, j -ii; -.'oe'.-lil'-ii:! li",'". sail: I' :'l n -w I'" mi' ri'ii l.'i'iiiri '.li"iii s ill in-'i l'riee, $l.-. F..r ; to W mm W w mUtMiji n f . is Staple and I'ariey Diy (lerols. No tions, Hosiery, Haml Ma.le Itoots Utld Siloes, 11 its llllel lh.'llilv- Mado Clothing. llS-tf llHl.'lnll.N.C. l 1 1 1 T. I. HMI & SO!!, iia Uuil.tinj;. lt.ilcife'li, X. 0. iWssJIARDWARE.! sash. llooKS, iii.inhs, VAIN TS, (- !.!: rirry, WlXlleiW-OI-ASS, PITHl Jul I.IMK, CKMKNT, VI. A ST i:il 1 A N I IrlZLL SUPPLIES. 1 Jorrpsponiieue'i' untie. iti'e! . ' J ' t i '.'I i dec t-liin ; W. ('. k A. lt.SlroiliU'll, (irocvrs. No. 1, Fii.vcth'ville, No. si 31 nr tin and No. 0 Slarkct S iinro, Haleigh, N.C., ZlX'' U"Uir' ' Vr,X' l" r.i. i n Tim iUiynmi n.,v.T nay, . ii.ak- c. 1;. si i. H, 711.1 1.11s wmo-mi l Y.'il'-w Cm, i .i 1.11- Willi,' li..i:.-l U.-al, j 11 hbi-l.x ia an I l.n:;ly Klmir, 'i,ll-l Z-lU Svrup Hl-l M- l.l-o'S. I l l I.Ms l. Tl ih-... M l- k.-ll i UU'l Xtlllll'lH, j.ii-i.1 p. C-'iava-e 1 Hams, li',,il.i,i Ihs slil S;ulf an, I llrall, i Mm Will'.- aii'l Y-il"r Sunr, Jil 1 Haklllt; I'-.w lei's, C!l,,ie' l,'-slliilOl'-lliu..'-', I ora I'.iliTni.oiii I M"-1iik I.ciu.'U9, I .111 I V-ll-ev ll.llialias. :r:1'7.Ki.l..t,,,,', LAI SALE! ; iwir.r.srrj. at I'i' aittkiv, at thh I euri-Unuse) rt.N.r in tbo lown ..f lnibD.uo , un t I Tuetay, lHlh of Mitrrh Xrxt, 1400 ACRES OF LAND ... - -- - - '1' ,Ut I'ScriuiK.u iiu'i .-"..ii,.. -''..' 40IIN M VNMNll, 13, is:?.- m Trusluc i:. J Williams. ADVKIITISEMLNTS. 1! A LI-UK IF, X. C, arc uew crl il.t : mi l "fterliiis l';.-lr ler xalo, (iu 'urn n Iff; m W -t'-i' Ja.liaU Wat SIMD M1S5HKBE AND LATEST H0VZLTIE8 -OF FOREIGN - AND- iDaatS'IIC HAHUFACTUBK ! ('"ini'rl-h'K liryi"ls, yv....t.'ii!.f-iiiy.':!., I,.iis. lie. i'lin; Oo. l''ts, n.-ein-'l-. 11 -I. i'v. e,.:ik-. Sluiive,, Willi U "' I-. liilll'l'-'i'l' l'li'S, Lin e's, T'lk-iims mi l I'r.'.-s In sn-'li viii l. !, ,ii.i!l;v r.u 1 I'.i -u m will mor", lln''ii,'ii niiU lii-i-ivil n "1 all .'l"sf ImyiTH. H. T. K9R3IS S CO., J 1 1 ' 1 5 tun! ' CO !S 13 1 38 ! 0 N S .1 E P. G H A H T S , TI olnioti 7VT C. VaiCIgIl, J.V V. l'ntni -a . i-l li.aiif;.- .Miv.iir.', lr.. II- i III .'.!.- -I Wle:.- i llu- '.'-. .on I.I -. Hi 1.H...I lu-!-. ! W III,.' an 1 Ml H.M lluli.. !' -l s. -I oa' '. Jim S-i,-ks an-l Ual r.'l- I'a'i.i 4.1 Hiirtt If- dlL-ar-Will, .an ! mi l r:ru ri" I ell'-w, Si I'...' :i e'ar l...a,l- M.'l:fc,. - N.-er i-r-i. Ci.l l. U,,ie.' syr.l-,1. ;'.""l 1 i"nii' Suit. N.-ev . iil'M.i- an-l S'ii: K.I.-1.- M.e -.:..::.- V. 1'1,1'iv's i :i, Iy I.V. i l:;,. i'o'h .- N-.0-. -ary in male.' iii a fi; e. ia i. I.-i y li li ii", ie i.n ,j l- i- l'll fc...r.: . nr.- !:.-elecl--'-; j J. ft. TMNMXW, ;I,OTEiIE HI, ami nrAi.r.n in GEiTLEMENS' K. t'orurr !'iiyi'lli'vilU' ninl llaigcK Streets, itfuVu ' S'fi'ilM M"fNci!M On i)lolii:i ihnhjiii'jiril al'Jij mm a fm mm mt tm mt 4 m-m m'm mi W m Wot W uk Tin:- BEST YARliSaail SHEETINGS, - ash ii::M.n;s in-- GENERAL F.VEnSr'ANDISE ! Will Buy CoLlon in tho Seed or Lint ! r, cSl.!LI r &3Z'Z 2 l'lii'.lis .1. -ililiirf It. ran fl '.li.'lr"ii Otiin."l mi l I'a l:'."l nt He.- ii 'V.iy it.'.'.'-iI Oln nir Uett j 1 o,-i,!iVr'.i;ii. is:;'. 'A r.. 1!NKIN. A. n. SI.eie'OMD. ! A.K. KAXK1X &C0., I s-.u'li I'Ji.-t C.-n;.'i' M.eU.'t Siimrr. : F A Y li T X V. VlhLE, N . C . I I'l'.VLKIlS IN - ! GOUHTKY PRODUCE, UaUH I.lMI.S .V VVA) VISIONS, 'noor-inoN, toiucco, lime, ' NAILS, XO. I . s Mr. .liinif. V. Vnr-li in wliti iik, mi l will 1 u. 1 -I.-a-.-a t . m.-. I nii'l wait uu nil Ilia n ie ami ; a.'aiitierari.'t s. j BINGHAM SCHOOL, j mi:u v n i:v 1 i.r.K. N. c. t t. .....p 1 ...... .,.,.. nf. 1,.,-t S',ii:lii-riill"ni'illiik I ii.w frr- S.l.,.,i-r,,r 11,'vs. 'I'lll: lTlsr li,. UK.'. 17X11, lH.'.l. lift''. I..,. n 11 i,.! .i'.,-i,i-e.i.s In tho SO ).ai e.l llio S'l,iH, li-.,'V. Tin: l.'-",. wii.i, r.i: ;N .Ian Mill. 1,IB". l'....-e,l -I J ...r iii,,ii'Ii. 'I'-ilU -a ' C'T Sssl"ii. ..i-,i;iii' ijivma fall i-iu'-ii'iilurs., , .H;J 11 ms.iimil. ,1,',-lMlil Silf-l. 1 8 8 0. I Who Shall be Trcsidcnt ? Who Shall bo Governor ? Take your County then suhseiihe for l'aper, and Tie Ealeirt O'oserver, A HKMex I.'ATIU 2 LWSl'AI'KIJ. " THE OLD RELIABLE, " KAMl IiL A. ASHE, Editor and Owner. I DAtf.y, Yt atinuni, -!Si:Mi-Vi:r.Ki.v, ybv iiniiuin, ' Wkkki.v, 1'er annuiii, - - $d.00. 3.1 Mr - 2.0 IV'tniasters a! owe.1 a liberal new subscribers - . . .. eiilioilis.-ioil oil iiu they may obtain for lut: Ui:si:I;vkk.