CP pipw H. A. LONDON, Jr., BATES OF ADVEItTISINO. EDITOR AXI rnoI'RIETOK. One Hii;u i', uin Insert Inn. one prt,an, lu lnsertleii-,- One fcti:iri', h-- iii"it'h, - II.OB - 1.60 TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: On fr y. one j ca r, -Due ropy .sli iihuiIIih -One ropy, three uumtlix VOL. II. lTITSIiORO CHATHAM CO., X. C, JANUARY 22, 1880. NO. 19. To the Bereaved I Headstones, Monuments AND TOMBS, IN THE BEST OF MARBLE. Good Workmanship, and Cheapest and Largest variety in we mate, xaras corner morgan ana Blount street, below Wynn's liver; stables. juiaress an rommnnication to CAYTON & WOLFE, Raleigh, N. 0. Steamboat Notice! Tbe boats of the Express Steamboat fJnmna. ny will rnn as follows fiom tho first of October nntu runner notice: Bteamcr D. MOtCM-CX. Cant. AIonzaGar. rison. will leave Fayetteville every Tuesday and Friday at 8 o'clock A. M.. and Wilming ton every WeJnesday andSatu.iJay at U o'clock dimmer WAVE, Capt. W. A. Bobeson, will leavv Fayottiville on Mondays and Thursday IlKrl'ji'' 4 M .,) U'iWl..!.. f - days and ro.ciays iMn clock P.M., connecting with the vVestern K-iiroad at i'ayettevuMe oo Wrdneadays and 3a'.ur "ays. .T. D. TTil.t.I.tytSA- t O. Agents at FayettevUle, N. C. 65 BUGGIES, Pockaways and Spring Wagons At Prlrr. t. Suit the Tlmri, Hade of the beet materials, and warranted to give entire eatisfaction. COXSCLT YOVR OUX IXTEHE8T, By giving ns a call before baying. Also, a foil lot of Hand Made Harness, A. A. McKETIUN SONS, ocMno3m Fauetterillef X. C. JOHN M. MORINC. Attorney at Law, .llnrlnuKvlllr, f bnllnim Co., N, t . JCUS M. JKBISil, Of Chatham. ALFRED A. MOKIKrt, Of Orange MORINC & MORINC, Attornoys At Iiaw im iuiam, n. c. AU basinees intrusted to them will receive prompt attention. THOMAS M. CROSS, Attorney at Law, riTTSIJOKO', N. C. Will practice in Chatham and enrronn eoonties. Collection of claim a specialty, ding Certain and Reliable! HOWARD'S INFALLIBLE WORLD RE NOWNED REMEDY FOR WORMS Is now for sale by W. L. London, in Fittrbwo'. AU those who are annoyed with those lVtn are advised to call and got a package of thin valuable remedy. This compound is no hum bug, bnt a grand success. One agent wante i in every town in the State. For particular, addiexs. enclosing 3 cent stamp. Dr. J M. HOWARD, Mt. Olive, Wayne county, X.C. H. A. LONDON, Jr7, Attorney at Law, riTTNKOKO'. c. JwySpecini At'oii'ion I'ui 1 t..l-. NORTH CAROLINA STATE LIFE INSURANCE CO., OP RALEIGH. X CAR. F. n. CAMERON. 1'rnMmt. W. E. ANDEK80N. Vi.e Pre: W. II. Hit Ktf, Kre'y. Tha only noma Life Insurance Co. in the State. All 1U fund loaned out AT IIO.M I'., and among' our own people. Wc do vol send North Carolina money abroad to build up other Btates. It is one of the most successful com panies of Its ae In tho United Btates. It nit Beta are amply sulllcient. AU lossis paid promptly. Eight tlioiiMind dollars paid !n tbi last two years to families In Chatham. It will cost a man aped thirty years only live cents a day to Insure for one thousand dollars. Apply for further information to H.A. LONDON, Jr., Gen. Agt. PITTSBOKO', N. C. J. J. JACKSON. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, riTTSliOlKV, X. c. t9AU business entrusted to bimwlllra. eel ve prompt attention. W. E ANDERSON, Prutdent. P. A. WILEY, Ca.hier. CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK, OF. RALEIGH, X. C. J.D.WILLIAMS tCO., Grocers, Commission Merchants and Produce Bayers, PAYCTTCYILLE, N. O. UN Birthday. It is His birthday-His, tho Iloly CL.U ! And inuoceut ohildkoad blossoms now anew, Under the dropping of celestial dew Into its heart, out of this hcavouliir F.ower, That penotra'os tin lo vl e-it roof-troa bow.r With fragrance of an eden unsettled: Oh.hap; y cbildrtn, praite Him in yom mlrtb The Hon of Goi born with j ou ou the earth 1 It is Hie birthday His, in whom onr youth Becomes immortal. Nothing gorid, orsweot, Or beautiful, or needful to eoniplue The being that no charts, shall suffer blight, All that in ni His Father can delight, He paves. He makes eternal as His truth. P.-a se Iliui for oueauotber, loyal frioi.ds! Tno friendship If a awakens, never ends. It is Hia birthday and this world of onrs Is a new earth, since He hath dwelt therein, Is even as heaven, since One L f e without cin Ma le it a home: II in voice is in the air, H;s face looks forth from beauty everywhere, His breath is sweetness at the sou! of flowerc A'ld in Him-joy beyond ail joy of thete Man wakes to glorious posfibilitiia! It is H i birthday and onr birthday too? H'imanity was one long dream of Him, l"..tiirie came, with fl .ful glow, and dim. The altars heavenward smoked from vague desire Djipair half stifling aspiration's Ore. Ho is man's lest ideal, eViuiug through TLis life of ours, wherciuto lljwctb Hie, God, inttrblent with human dcetinics. It is His birthday His, the ouly One Who ever malo life's meaning wholly plain. Dawn is He to onr uij;bt! No longtr vain And purposolues our onward struggling years, The hope Ho briugetb over-flaodi our fears: Now do we know the Father, through the Son! Ob earth, Oh heart, be glad oa this glad morn! Ood is with man'. L'fe, Lifs to us is born! LlJC'T Labcom. The Story of a Granted Wish. Dullerton was justly narao.l, for it was tJio quietest, cleanest, dreariest country totrn in Eoglaud. I epent three years there with uu old aunt, and hopo I may ntTer visit the place agaiu. There was nothing to eee, not'aiug to do, nothing to think ob-mt. I wai too thoroughly a oocknoy to oare for country pursuits, aud. besides, wo lived in a co.iutiy town, not village. Qero I lived -or vegeUted for three years. Aud all that time I was sighing for an alveuture somothiug to happen, something to break the monot ony of existence. The reader shall hear how I gained my wish at last ami learned to indorse tho truth of Pope's woj.ds. To know tho misery of a granted prayer. We bad a fiuo old church nt Dallor- ton, almost us large as a smnll cathedral (excuse tho Irishism). It was rich iu brasses and fiuo tuinbs; indeo.l, I really believe there were more male illlgies ou the tombitoues than young moa in thn town. The clmreh though vory tine was sadly out of repair; but one goDj thiug it possessad mi exaellout orgiu, whijh had been loft the pi ica by n native of Dul lerton. I wa9 passionately of music, and when our good eu-.y vicar gave me curti blanch'; to use this organ, I found life at Dullerton more endurable. As an artist's daughter I could not be insensi ble to the beauty of the church itself; and botweon practicing on tho orgaa, sketching the interior of thocharoli, and making myself intimately acquainted with tho tombs and brasses, I spent a Kreat pirt of the day in tho sacred edi- fljo. One cold, wintor afternoon I remombcr having a peculiarly dismal fit, having been in doors for two or three days in oonseqnenoe of a ki'avy fall of snow; and when, late in the afternoon, it begui to clear, I felt I mut go out, if only for an hoar. Spite of Aunt Anne'B mildly -expressed astonishment, I went out, and felt I must try just one chant upon that deir old organ. 0-illiog at the vicarage for the key of tho church, I went on my willful way, little thinking how soon my louging for au 'adventure' was to be satisfied. It was growing dusk as I unlocked the heavy door and stepped inside the ouiuo'j; so dusk, in fact, that I miBse 1 my footing at the step iusije. and slipped", falling against tin door in my efforts to save myself. Tho dojr slammed to, leaving tite key on the out side. So here I was a prisoner. The door, like everything else, was out of repair, and depended ou the key for opening it; there was no latoh within. I tried to tarn the key through the koy- holo, but ouly saocaede I in breakiug my nails. Then I ramemberod reading how some one similarly situated bad rung the bell. Bat, alas, our belfry was ap proaobed by a flight of turret stairs, terminated by a door, which I foun 1 looked. The church was about ten minutes' walk from any habitation and no one was likely t.) pi it, so l might have shouted forever without attracting ntteution, even could my v-iioa hava penetrated through the nt u! oaken don-. I once thought of escaping by thi windows, but thoy were all tjo high from the groan 1, anl even iu this emorgeuoy I should lnvo he.Vit ttdd at breakiug a pane of the rars old glass. My only hope was tnit A fit A iuo woul I bsjome olirraei aul miss ta I h promised torotriu ths ky at tho viowago as I Wi)ut horns, but it was doubtful if my uon-appar.no'S that ovenln would ex oite anrprisj. Mr. Sjt, our old bach elor visar, wis one of thn m:?t absimt of men, and, if he was immsrsel in his book, had probably forgotten th key and myself by this time. My only hope of rescue lay in Aunt Auno. As I rose from the step where I had been sitting reflecting on the situation, I began to feel that alveuturcs, aft.-r all, were not without alloy. I thought so still more soni') hour later. Spite of my wrappings I was cold, so I gathered etray pieces of carpot and rugs from tho seats, and built myself a warm nest by the chancel, where I could command a full viow of the door in case ai,y one came to look for me. I was neither a nervous nor a puper stitious girl, hut the weirdnoss of tho church in the fading light gave me such uncomfortable, 'creepy' sensations tkat I closed my eyos to keep out the ppeo tral view. I must have slept somo hours, for, ou awakening, the moon was shining. 1 now began to feel very uneasy. Was I condemned to 'make a night of it' in the chtRch? It was a bte Vug the uoxt day was Sunday, I thought ruefully, at any rate I was sure to be found when Buuu ders came to open tho doors, I lay look ing down the long vis'a of the nave, at a'l the familiar tombs I knew so well: the knights and ladies lying stiff pud still, with solemn-faced rows of children knepling at their side. The white fig ures looked ghastly enough in the un certain light, and brought into my mind all the ghostly stories I had ever heard. I sat np and endeavored to shake off the uncomfortable tens it ion? creeping over me, and told myself how absurd it was to think of such rubbish. As I raised myself my glance fell on a large square tomb nearly opposite. I knew every stone ia tho church and that special tomb was an old eye-sore to me; for though it was clearly intended to bear a recumbent tlllgy, the figure was now wautiug. Yet, as I looked aorossuow, I distinctly saw a figure lying on the slab. Mr. Scott Las actually filled up that blank tomb at last,' I thought, and If strained my eyes to distinguish what kiud of a figure be had selected. Its legs were crossed, I was sure; therefore it must be a crusader. Tho only dis- tiuet part about it was tho crossed legs, for a pillar hid the upper part of the body from my viow. Looking steadily at it I fancied (was it ouly fane;?) that the legs moved! As this pleasant idea oosurred to me, the moon again disap peared; another fow sojonds aud it shone out ogaiu and I ventured to look across once moro to reassure myself. There was no movement iu the rigid form; but tho legs were crossed no longer. O uld I liavj been mistaken in thinking ihoywereso? Impossible! Yet they were most certainly nuoroosed now. Again tho light w.tuo.l, au 1 agaiu appeared. Tin's timo I lay looking with all my power, unable to move or stir. Was I going mad, or did my eyes play me false? Slowly, but unmistakably, did the figure begiu to stir; it moved restlessly upon its stony couch, nu 1 finally sat bolt up right, clear and distinct in the moon light, I can not attemot todescribe the terror that seize 1 oa ra ) at this fearful sight. Never have I experienced mo ments of sush trnntal agony as when I lay cowering umong my wrappings, with straining eyeballs fixed on that fearful thing host, demon, what? moving opposite. Presently it rose aud stood upright in the aisle, looking around as if iu search of something. I tried to draw one of the carpets ever my head, for I could not bear tha sight longer; but as I moved a yell rang through the stilluess, and the figure rnshed at me. How I found power to rise I know not, bnt I havo a remembrauco of a mad flight down the nave and round the aisles, with that fearful pursuer behind on, on, like a vision in a dreadful dream; aud then auo'her fiendish yell, a clutch of cold fingers at my throat, and dark ness and vacancy 1 'My doar madam, I assure you it is only a fainting fit; our dear young pa tient will be quite herself again in a few moments,' were tha flr3t words that foil upon my ear as I opered my eyes to consciousness. I kuew tho bland tonus of little Dr. Gray, our lood Ewu lapias, an I their friendly aud familiar sound was so reusuring that I struggled feebly into a sitting posturo, and looked round to find myself still in tha ch urcb, but the center of an excited group of all the maguates of Dullerton, together with Aunt Anno and Mr. S tt. It was some days before I was suffi ciently coraposel to hoar the explanation of my 'aiventuro.' It appears that after I bal gone oat, Auut Anne's next door noighbor sent a request that sho would take tea with her, as sho was not well aud wanted cheering up. When she returned at half-pivst nine, sho was greatly alarmed to find I was not in, and hurried off to Mr. Scott to give nn alarm, while Molly, tho servant, went for Jim K ites, our local poliosman. It onsed from his studies, Mr. Scott remembered I had borrowed the key for the purpose of going to th churoh some hours previously, and thither he and Aunt Anno hurried. Molly, on her part, encountered Jim Bites on the street with a crowd at his heels. I was not tho only person who had disappeared that evening. A pauper lunatic in our workhouse, who had long bseu suspected of homicidal tendeceies, hii suddenly eimmittl a murderous assault on another of tha inmates, tni eeoaped daring the labseqaest confu sion. For some hours Jim Jl ttei and his assistants had ben scouring the neighborhood is search of this duugtr ous maniuc, till at last some cue recol lected that Saunders aid his wife were cleaning in the church at the time he effected nis escupe, and thut it was just portable ho had slipped iu there and been locked in. This, in fact, proved to bs tho case. Tho lunatic mutt have betn lurkirig in the chuach when I en tered it. With tho restlessness of an infirm brain, ho had wandered about, mimicking the attitudes of the quiet effi gies around, and it wrs while thus pos ing for a crusader that ho Dnrt att acted my attention. My involuntary move ment first drew his attention to me, and roused him to another outburst cf ma niacal fury. I have little doubt I owe my life to the providential entry of the party withont, who heard my screams and the lunatic's yell, and rushed in just as he bad clutched me. The poor crea ture was overpowered with great diffi culty, and taken back to the workhouse; ho did not survivo many days, dying in one of his paroxysms. It was pome time before I recovered from tho effects of that terrible night; and even now, though thirty years have rolled away, the sight of a cress-legged crusader on a tombstone always gives me an nccomfortable sensation. I have certainly never again wisheuto t nccunt- cr 'adventures.' London Socif.fi. The Scotch Railroad Disaster. The most remarkable disaster that has ever occurred in the history of railroads is that whioh just occurred at Tay bridge, Scotland. The catastrophe by which so many lives were lost, and whicli wa so complete that not a single nuvi vor was left to tell the story of that U-r rible night, was caused by the breaking down of the central girders of tho lou railway bridge across the river Tay, in Perthshire, Scotland, at about eeven o'clock in the evening, whilst a train from Edinburgh to Dundee was crossing over it. ' The Tay is a bolder river nun carries a larger volume of water within its banks than any other in the Biitish islands. At the point whero the bridge crossed it the depth of water ranges from forty to forty-five feet, while tin huight of the bridge from tho surface ol the water was eighty-eight feet. Dur ing tho great storm that prevailed eff the coast of Scotland on Suuday the large girders sustaining the central upans of the bridge suddenly gave wa , and into the yawning chasm thus form ed tho train, consisting of four third class cars, one first-class, one second class and the brakesmen's van, was pre cipitated into the river, and of the whole of the pnst-:engers on Lo .r.l Lot one es caped drowning. The nearest approach to this frightfnl calamity was that at Ath abula, Ohio, iu December, 187C, which also was caused by the falling of a bridge, and which resulted in a loss of one hundred and seventy-four lives. The customary construction of British railway cars in compartments, with the doors locked on the side next to the platform, aud with no access iu emer gences to the conductor or 'guard,' adds greutly to tha danger to life aud limb iu case of accidents from collisions or from sadden immersion in deep water from the giving way of a bridge. That over the Tay was two miles long and of eighty-five spans, and so great confi dence was put in its powers to resist any strain to which it might be subject ed that no thought seems to have been taken to keep watch over it. The o n sequence was, as the dispatch states, that 'some time elapsed before the na ture of the dibosler was ascertained.' When it did bcoome known all the pas seugars were drowned aud the wreckage waB floating ashore. An AaVpt With the Pistol. In addition to his excellent qualities as a criminal judge, Recorder Eackett, who died in New York on Tuesday, wus one of the best shots living with a rifle, shotgun or revolver, lie gained his expertness in his early duys spent in California, aud constant practice in later years made him a marvel of accuraoy, After any sett cf game Lis bag wus always certain to be the largest; but it was what may bu called fancy shooting with the pistol that Lis feats were espe cially marvelous. Plenty of his friends had such confidence in his aim uud nerve that they would allow him to shoot apples from their beads or small coins from between their fingers, and he never hurt any one in these risky exploits. A story told by tho Evening 'out is that years ago, in California, some cf the people who were to witness un exhibi tion of this kind given by him, provided the boy upon whose head the upple was placed with a clot of vermilion paint ai ranging that cs the the I was fired he should whirl around, clap the paint to his forehead and fall to the ground with a groan. All this was done, it being supposed that Mr. Hackett would rush forward in remorse and horror to the relief of his victim. But when he quietly sat down and proceeded to light a cigar, the practical jokers realized their failure, and Mr, Hackett had the laugh on them. The professional crirai nals of New York often threatened to do him harm, bat none of them ever had the pluok to faoe hia deadly weapon, Napoleon's Disastrous Pride. One tif !hc nio.-.t interuhting episodes recounted iu the memoirs cf tho lute Piiueo Mctleruicb, just given to the world by his son, according to the will of tha prince, which provided for their publication twenty-five yetira after their author's death, is duiib'.lesf Mcttt mice's own account of tho momentous interview which took i laee Lxtncen himwlf aud Napoleon I. ut Dresden, ou the '2G;h of June, l8lo The priucn, on tho part of Ausiria, olkro l a mediation with a view of closiug tha war, but meanwhile was conducting the negotiations which led to tho qua hnplo alli.iujc, nid ultimate ly to Napoleon's defeat ut Loipsic. The iuterview was nin3 hours lonj, uai it took place at N ipoleou's quarters. Af ter some preliminary eouveirsation, Met teruich put the pltcruativo to the em peror, Tho prime minister stu'.ed the situation of the hcur, lie said: 'The world aks for peace. To assure that peace you must withdraw wituin the limits that are compatible with general tranquillity, or you tons' cuccumb in the otherwise inevitable struggle. To- lay yoa can still conclude a peace; to morrow will be, perhaps, too late for you to do so. Tho emperor, my sover eign, al!ows himself to bo gui.leJ in his conduct solely by the voice cf his cou scieaco. Lihten, sire, now to yours I' Well, but whut is required of me?' rejoined Napoleon, hastily. 'Tuat I should dishonor mjself? Never I I hall know how to die, if necessary; but not how to cede one iuch of my terriloiy . Your monarchs who are born to thrones can allow tnem elves to bo ueateu twenty times running, and then return to their capitals as if nothing had hap pened to them, I can not, bee .-we 1 am only a parvenu of a soldier. My rule will not survive tho duy upou which I shall no longer bepowtrful and terrible. made a great mibtake in omittiug to calculate whut un army cort me the finest ever seen by man, I can light uguiust mankind, but not agaiusi toe elements. The cold hat vuuqmshed, bus rtuhed me. in oue single night I lost 3J.00O hoi'nes, froZiU to death. ludeed, 1 have loct all t-avo my houor uud my 'oui-eiousues of what 1 owe to a valiaut people, which, alter these uuheui'd-ot alamities, has given me new proofs c 1 its devotion to me, of its convctiou thut I alone am fit to gt.veru it.' Death Kofi or the Old Year. The death-roil in the United S'ati s for 1879 embraces n number of conspicuous names, rue ileuiu oi .u tuumo isuua- parte, which occurred lut.t spring, occa sioned probably more widespread inter est and couiuicut than uny other, exempt a member of the sumo family, Prii e Louis Napoleon, who was kilie.l by the savages in Zululaud. Among the other distinguished Americana who died with in the year ure Caleb (.'ashing, (Ku. John A. Dix, Ei-Gov. William Alieu, William Lloyd Garrison, Elibu Burritt, Commodores Oueft, Thomjfou and Parker, ll-ar Admirals Parrott, Oodon, Uoarmau, Kilty uud Ryuolds and (lens. Shields, Hooker, Jeff. C. Davis, Hood and 'D.ck' Taylor, all of them line sol diersaudgallaut meu; Z ichariah Cliaud- ler, Senator from Mieh gau; B. H. Data, the venerable pout ; Henry O. Carey, tho political economist; W. M. Huut, tho artist; Caurles Fechter, the actor, and among our wealthy and prominent busi ness men Asa Pucker, of Pennsylvania; Dauiel Drew, liichard Schell aud the Ooelet brothers, of New York, and John S Qittings, of Baltimore. Four bishops lied during tho year Bishop Foley, of tho Catholic church; Bishops Odeu- heimcr and Wuittiuglium, id the E:n- copal churo'a, aul Bishop Ames, of the Methodist churob. Abroad, tho obituary record is also crowded with coaspicnous names among them tho Ameer of Afghauis'.au, Biron U)tbscb;ll, heal of the great banking house of Kjthsehilds; Cardiuals Autouuooi aud GuaJi, Abd-el- Kadnr, tho famous Algeria-a ohiel; Es partero, tho Spanish politician; the Prince of Orauge, the Couutessof W aide- grave, Von Bulow, the German btates mau; Sir Rowland llill, the great postal reformer; I.-aao Butt, tho Home-Rule Uader; VilUmessau , the father id 'personal' j luruulism iu Fraue.-; t'aeva lier, tue French economist; Mac'astoue, the actor; Mrs. Cuarles D.ekous aud Hepworth D.xou, tho author. It is relate ! of a well-known merchuut f a neighboring city thut, after making his will aud having a lure property to a trustee for his sou, he called theyoting ninu iu, and, alter leading the will to Uim, unked if thei-i was any alteration or improviineiit he colli I suggest. 'Well fattier,' said ths youug gentleman, lightiug a cigarette, 'I think, us thing! go nowadays, it would bo better for me if you left tue property to the other r, llow aud made me the trustee.' Tl old geutlemsn made up bis miud then and there that the young man was quite competent to take charge i-f his own inheritance, and ncra'c'aed the trustee clause cut. The well-known philanthropist, 'Sir Henry Drummon 1 Wolff, member ef pirliamont, writisto tho Thnr, stilting :ht he has received letters and tele grams from rhilippopolis, which show that unless prompt help is given to th destitute people in Itoamelia thousand aust ptriih from cold and starvation, ADnrhess' Sari illec for Love. Oiive L igau writes as follows from Paris to tho S.tn Francisco CaH: 'Some times in this ultra-practical wr-rld of ours there occurs a romontic episode oa beautiful as snjth'ug in Tennyson's pot try. Even here in greedy Paris such charming events do occasionally take place, and when wo lear of them it makes us feci ns if there were some dis intercede! creatures in tha world after all, uud us if life were worth living a proposition even when we are iu the en joy rucLt of a good liver we ore often in clined to doubt. Ooly think of her grace, the duchess of Newcastle, making up her mind to lay down ber proud title avd take, instead, thut cf pluin Mrs. Tom Holder! Only those fumiliar with the enormous sociul barrier which fetces out the whole rest of tho world from the sai-red persons of the higher grades of Euglish oristooracy can con ceive what a marvelous concession to the power of love this is. The duchess, although she has a son, the present duke, about fourteen years old, is still very youug and excessively handsome1. I suppo.-e we may conclude that her marringo with the duke was, on both sides, one of interest. She mar ried, perhaps, for title he, perhaps, for money. She is the heiress of the great banking house of Hope, and the family country teat, Hopedene, is oue of the graudest castles England boasts among her many such. To make a long story short, they separated, everybody iu Loudon knowing thut the duke's friend for many jeais wus KateSuntley, the blonde burlesque actress who ploy ed iu the 'Black Crook' in New York. There were different stories about this alliuuee, some saving that it was the hike who took theaters for Kate SHUt ey in London, so as to keep her up as stur, and another averring that ho wo poor, and thut it was the burlesque ac tress who supplied him with funds out of her prolCbsioual earnings. Menu- imu the affection which had sprung up t-tweru the duchess and Tom Uohler, he tenor, was also a matter of common ohi-ci vat, on, though ni-t oue of bcaudul, i CMUBO their conduct was discreet and oble. One day lust winter the duke ied suddenly, in his bachelor rooms iu St. James street, and Kate Sintley pa- aded tho streets for a mouth in wioow's weeds. I suppose the wi low's year is ubont to elapse, so that now the engagement between the tenor aud the duchess may iu iiuuuuuc. d. 1 saw : hvra liriviug to- sroihir the other da v. She is lovely, ristocratie, sweet, exquisitely dressed. What prize for hiuil lie is a nice, lesti lookiug Englishman, sings prct lly, aud of course is dis;enitely in love. In ur he is half wild ut his good for- une. tie toiii a un n i oi mine una it was iu every way such a stroke of good luck for him thut he wus afraid to cross tho street lest ho should be ruu ever before the happy day came, Tom Hoh- is the tenor who supported Miss Kellogg iu lxr first L union uigage- meiit, twelve veats ii(.-o. His father is a clergyman, uud I suppose whatever areutal wr.itii may huve ensued on his first step iu life will completely vaLish at tho mai velonslv successful oue he is now about to t-.ke. l ucak) Lies the llsad, Etc. A page of the eznr's diary, if we may believe the Sin Francisco -V wn-Letter, riius as follows: 'Got up at 7 a. m. aud ndered my bath, round lour gallons f vitriol iu it, mil did not take it. Went to breakfast. Tue Nihilists had plac.-d two torpjioos ou the stairs, but I diil u ot step ou them. Tho coffee smelt so stronttlv of urus-de acid that I was afraid to driuk it. Found a scorpion iu my left slipper, but luckily si ook it out before puttiug it on. Just before step piu.r into the carriage, to go for my moru ng drive, it was blowu into the tur, hiliiug coacumtu aud the horses iustant I did uot drive. Took a light luueb of hermetically-sealed American canned ijixtds. They eiu't fool mo there. Found a p iisoue 1 d iger iu my favorite chair, with tao uoiut stickius out. Did uot sit dow.i ou it,. Had dinner at 0! )' m.t an 1 made liarou L dschoiiuowouski tasti every dish. He died bt fore the soup was cleared awuv. Consumer! some Baltim ro oysters au I some Lon dou stout ilia'. I have bad locked up for flvo years. Went to tho theater, ntu was shot at thrie times in the first act Had the entire audience hange I. Went home to bod and U'pt ull ui.;ht ou the roof of the idac.e.' George Sin pl erd un.i Gc-orge Wood, for many years warm friends iu Phihi' deiphin, it. vested in n speenlatiou which involved co iiderablo los, which so af fected th mind of Mr. Wood that he irtiuaii' . S lenherd had been the cause of his ruiu. One uiirht rcccutlv he called at Shepherd's hou.ie, uud pre senting a t iu cup, said be had procured some medicine for hiR wife and asked Shepherd to smell it. As the peutle uinu attempted to do so Wood threw the conteuts, vitriol, in bis face, burn ing him terribly and destroying oue eyo. An apology: 'But, Freddy, how could y n ever think of calling aunty stupid? Immediately goto her aud tell her thet yon are sorry.' Frederick goes to annt aud says; 'Aunty, I am sorry that yon are stupid.' ITEMS OF (iKNl'.K.YL JNTKKEST. (Jiieen Victoria receives $5,000 a day. Batiies will eLjoy 3Cfi holler days in 1880. Virginia Las G75 colored schools and 111 T colored teachers. Bishop Potter, of New York, has con firmed 72,000 persons. It cobts SoO.tOO a year to keep St. Peters, at Home, in repair. A Mohammedau priest iu Constanti nople ho been sentenced to death for ussibting in the translation of the Bible. The record of vital Matistics of New York show that during 1879 there were in that city 28,1(15 deaths, 25,332 births and 8 3Mo marriages. Mr Oliver Amesgaveaone-thousand-railroad boud to each of the employes in the Boston ellice of the Union Pacific railroal company on Caristmas. Sum Wurd, the great American lobby ist aud after-dinner joker, has been a constant companion of Gla stone iu bis great political tour of Scotland. A bill to prevent and punish the in termarriage of whites and negroes has passed both houses of the South Caro- ma legislature, aud Las been approved y the governor. A Swift Banner Indian who was con victed last summer, upon his own con fession, of having killed and eaten his mother, wife and several children dur ing last winter, was banged on the '20th nstant at Fort Saskatchewan, British Columbia. A curious incident in connection with the Maine business ia that Governor Garcelon and Representative Frye are brothers-in-law, and the governors laughter, an estimable young lady, is at j reseat spending the season with her uncle (Mr. Fiyel aud his family. Horn buttons are now mobtly made of the hoofs of cattle, and not of the horns formerly. Cattle hoofs tell at the present time for about 850 per ton. The products of neat stock are very numer ous, and there is scarcely a particle of the whole creaturo that goes to waste. Messrs. Gould aud Waite, woll known young business men of Cuicago, thought to play a trick on tho latter s porter by disarranging the room us if burglars bad ieeu present, Bnd then hieing m tho closet. When the porter csme in lie was greatly excited, aud hearing Borne one iu the closet, didu't scare, but took a pirtol and fired through the door, kill ing Mr, Gould. Aussin Shel len, on neonut of disap pointment IU love nun uusiueb npeuu- itions, took hiuiKel' to a cave in Leba- uon county, Pa., and spent forty years v himself iu that habitation. It-jcently he was unearthed by a correspondent, who elicited from him the fact that he lid not know who was President of the United States aud hud never beard of Grant; uev.r saw a railroad or telegraph wire. Mrs. Ann E. Garrison, of Scuth Bay City, 5Ihb., has obtainol a vordiot of 1,000 against a Baloon-keeper of that acc who soi l her husband liquor. She sued for SlO.OoO damages, alleging tLnt before her husband e immenced driukiug he was worth 815,000 and had au annual income of 85,000; bnt drink took it all away and made him a drunk en, ebiftless ert?ature, and unable to at tend to business. He is now iu Cali fornia. Mary Anderson travels in a Pullman palace car, on which three cents a milo iH paid, besides tho fares, and one hun dred dollars a week for the use of the car and attendance. Sam Hickey tells the Philadelphia North American that, as it was uot in the contract, ho object ed to its being considered 'ordinary traveling expeuaeB,' when Dr. Griflla retorted that his daughter wos a minor, uud could not legally make a contract. So Mr. Hickey pays the bills. A rather remarkable decision was giv en iu England a lortnight ago. An old man was charged by i (Biers of the in land revenue with selling tobacco, in the shape of cigars, without a license. The defense was that cigars wore not mentioned in the act of parliament bear iug up n the allege! offeusp, and that iu fact the cigars were not made of to haeeo but of buy and cabbage leaves. The magistrates decided to dismiss the charge, whereupon notice of appeal was given. George W. 'rummy, au old sport, who ricutly visited Caioigo for the purpose of raising funds to buy machin ery for a silver mine in Colorado, has ej.nsed grief and lameutations for the gamblers of Cnio ago. He made a regu lar tour ot many of the gambling balls, and bad such au astonishing run of luck that he left with about $12,000 in win nings. He e inimeueed with $100, and Bt oue time his capital was reduced to ?12.50. This amount be placed upon a single turn of the cards, and from that tiroo bis play was profitable. Oa Christmas day R bert Mitchell, ono o! the foremost business men and capitalists of Cincinnati, assembled hia family, consisting of sons, daughters and grandchildron, twenty-six in all, for a Caristmas dinner. The first onursewas twenty-six envelopes, passed around on a tray, one envelope f or enob member of the company. Opening these the as tonished relativf n found gifts of houses and lots and moucy ranging from $60, 000 down, and aggregating fully hall a million dollars,

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