Record f H U US DAY, February ,1SS0 31. A. LONDON, Jr., Editor. THE 1H1S1I FA3IIXK. The people of America frequent ly complain of tin' liarl times," and bemoan their lot in li'.', where :is in fact they have loss cause to re pine than any people in the world, for above all other nations ours is most blessed with everything that c;iii contribute ro .nan's happlne.-. J i,t at this time tU sufferinjiS of tin." starving: J c-. j lc nf Ireland arc i'c'.r;iiic n.e m nipauiie oi n.e im- ilizod world. A iint i.-rievoiis fain- ... .1 ..l : i- .1 . iae has 1 .. fa:L-ii that .iifoi tui.ate country, and th'Uisand.s uioii thou.--ands of its tiovcrtv stricken inhabi- tanta arc iw sl..vly death, and ti e daily cry li lilVol.lill'' lliul'.- j'i. '-.'! starving to of il'.-tl'es.-s and wide- spread. Nj iant;-niu can .scnlie the r.iiia!hnir privations and tin tit ter destitution that new pivvads. ami which is , uniy; .-till worse ,t.iv bv ill v. It is ,-tated tl.iit al- ivadv th hittidivd sh. g a lingering ti-.iia le:ul are d i fl'o'.ll .ta: vat. 1.0. and caii alive by superhuman art of their f. :!.. . er lily be k.'l't .'forts 011 t!ie aiinvs It i- liviii" ;ud that i-vnie ot theiu are :i one a d.iv, and that c'ii fi.-ti:::; eiily of turnips 4 : : 1 i ceil lusr u't'l s a liaitMi ;!. The people try, who are so hies abundance of c.eiyt! cannot rea!i;:e the terri pot:!NHS ..r! y ex f tlii.- conn ed wirii an i'lg to eat. spread Iridi. The jietl to t'u 1 ii..!i i:,s K.r 1 ,ar:i v ut !p...! 1 , ("litiall ! laio in t':lS l.i r- great nii.-l'ortiiuj. Alreelv :iioim! h.i e been contri'aite.l . 1 fo-.v 1 from the. lii;il Mates, but ti I t:. .-r c eues. over l!u . at.-r Go -end New ti bread York Her Tin tin ,f Ameri- icati j'iu:-:iaii.-U!. litcd the princely ii'i .1 tho'.l: rm l 11. has ai 'tie contrib :mi ui' one hiin '.1 .. . a: d i.-a.-ti lv soli,-i!i;i;.r eiettrilititioiis othei to aid i:i this ehai from v. There are huvhvls of tiiou.-.ttid- of Iri-hmeii H.i::;- .u Annriea nud thev, with the wann ht arted gener i.-iry eliar.-ieterl.-ti'' of their r.e-e. an ... . . ... 1 rerpomiiiig tioeraiiy ro tne apt of Jieir .-tarviug . rvinetn The lioMe example of the II. -raid is hav ing oi! e'i-jct' all over tlie coun try, and ;.n iunneti-e atnottnt has til ready b !. r.iise-1 tiifottgh it- a..e!i ey. That p-iper has promi-cd to re -iivo and . !.:! b. Ir-liud a!! eoiitiibini. ti- that may be sent, and pub!:.:..-, daily hi its chumi- in nanus of a!! w!a contribute and tie sU.n, , :.(.!: !.:. .. The !tef:o'i !.:. so si n; Sii.-e:-:it;o:i l-i to all and has sections of the country, tii-n-o'tg'.ly org.tni ity. Already its e I more money t! nil other persons, combine 1, and foi deserve the than il- Untile ar .!;' irts h ive rais an the efforts ,,f or org.i:ii: itioii.-thi- the Herald :s of the i harita- ble world, and reiliH-ts the highe-t lintior upon American joiiiintlisin. This i., an apt iilustratioa of the power of the Press, and .-hows, what a wonderful iutlueiice even one new.-paper can exercise Contributions left at the Knvoun'u-e will be torwarilci to the Herald and the names of the donors published. A lu'iiiurkahle Incident. Nothing more plainly shows the Wonder1 1 1 changes made in the past few years than fin incident that recently occurred in the Supreme Court of the United States. This tribunal ju.-tly considered the most aiigr.i.' body of men in Ameri ca, being the he..ln t Court of near ly lift y millions of pc; ph law- yef can be admitted to practise at its bar. unless he is le.lltie it: tin- law and his character is vou.-hd! f-.r i . . liV fjOillC olnel' iwyer in goti.i sranu- in.'. The inei.kiit ...1 ; 1. ,,.,.,1 to Mhlcli luil'.', took place last week, and was the admission of a negro lawyer upon the motion of a woman! Tni-s was not icinarkahle becau.-e the lawyer v:u a pegvo, f- r there have been live of that .race a.'.initted as inetiibers of that bar, but becaii a' it wa ft nogo vo'tchel tor by ii woman law'vef. Truly li this a i I w n Icrfu! 'progressive fire the chatr es wrought by it. H.e idea ot women and negroes pi.iei.. uke 1 orest College, will pay his revolt. 1 saw a Bick old woman who outrage on Immunity, Ihcyieeom i:i" iit the bar of the United States hoard ami tuition, and gradttut' Lint could not atand np without pulling mend the immediute dismissal of tho Ssiu'ivitt" ' ''-"irt ! , in medicine." ! the roof off the little circular bhield-, prcint Leeptr tf the ptituu. Miu-hhte Politics. If the polities of our friends if the Republican party are not rim by a the horrors of the Irish famine we '' - auge i.ounieis, unit ,.,,., . , . , , ,, ... , . answered as wa la. I saw more than "machine, then we me ut a loss to copy the following extracts from let- oue i1()vt;1 in the dcyilhi of tLu bogs understand what ia meant by the ten to the New York lferuld written actually built all over with dripping term "machine politics." The recent ' from different feceiiots of Inland. bog mould, thatched with I action of their Executive C'ou.iuutee One writer Bavs: "a " family of nine w ho had imth- i , ,,,, i i ' . ,i . ,, i i i mg in the world to L'en life in thein m tl.iS State well Utattrate. Low ht- -At he present moment, accord- t HUch i,vj(lkjJl.8 thl.y eouM tie the leaders U that party con.alt tng to the mist ea.vful ca'euh. turn I lu,' JtiUkl the wkhs of the voters. The lead- can make at , r personal visitation, , , ? i 4 , 4 , ,i , 1(1 are sixlv hea la of fannies who , " ... , ers direct what shall be .hue, and the . t, TrfT UMluiug (bor.t knowing! Scrap ot Secret History. n utv does if, just as a well regulated , .. i,. ru Y.,V Aro to git r , , . i i 1 " , , . , , 'win i o uiiv ate 11 uukiMj To show m what high estimation machine docs the will if t!:3 person for their six or eight ehildreu; who , . , . -,, . , 4 ...1i,..n; if .: .:,. ! u.t exist f.on, d,v to day ur-on Gov. Seymour was la id by President t "i. u' ,-. ,.- i.u .,(,vf,,..;1V!po.uh'oi,M. relief or upon the ebnritv Lincoln, although they differed in wetli, there 13 grer.t u.sjiiusiiiction ', . , , , , ' , , . , .... ., , . , . , . . , ,. . ... , of niigbbors only less wretched than publics, tho M ashiugtou Tost pub am. ng t..e to publicans of thia Stale, i tll(..!is,.vi.s. Xh'ey share with one H,lu,H tho folk)win,,. .eca;!, their E.y,M.l,ve Committee ,,,othtr Kke a .hipwreeked erew I ,.T(l UM w, " , i Ucted del. -itea to the National (Jon- have s. en a family of ten .;,pendet . t h;d i1. ,.i:,.t, , 1, ..,... f ., !-. ....! ;,,4,- l f jr their mipDer uniui a little meas- ., . ..... , .. .. of Grant, nor do we bhm.o them for such dits.itii-i'.ictioii. If a vote was ...1 . 1... il.... T i.i: u, -.....y .iuiU..b u.40 l,l;,u, "f North Curolina upon the qms- tion of uoiaiuating t.'rant or 8hi rmau r .1 1, . : 1 1 ... I 4 .. .4 .1. .. the former would rec ive i.ine-teud.s , . , . ot the votes east, and yet by the ac- tion of a few kaders the voice of the masses of the 11. pub.i,,!,! in ,1.wsi:,..1,,l , k:,,,,,,.',!.,,,.! ior 1 ii'mui' ii'v. ne uouoi uui 111:11 -l i their votes will be yivcu for the noin- ination of a mm who ia not the choice of oiH-te,;th of the partv. No m nny ep ulis 1 ii-. ii'.t meei one , . , :. eomfortabh' pair of lil.uikits. J ry lit wonder t.u n aiiimult. rmgi of diseon- f tl fl j,,;,flll 1(.v,,j ,0 tent, and tLat indignation lm etiiigs whiih t!ic people have d. B -end I wh. n tie dtnotiueiug such a perfusion of I tell you of one broad-shonblereil the popular will: but still there will's''""1 wlio ntnriK d from the Kiigli.di 1 .u 4 . l- . r harvest iiehb in 187S with 1.1. in his be no lvvolt agant tne dicta; :ii i f , . , , . , ,. " . ooi'ket, and returned in liJ on n the 'ii.acliine, and the m'is.-i a will '., ,v- r..h..f i.'. .Ira .:,,, ( ,, ijuictly submit, iu they have always done. The r.oe. t lW.hlicon convention y. ars a-o wan y.oii apiece m nur . , . , ... 4 . , pockets, and were, when I ,nv them. 111 1 eiiiisv.'. aula iijm) i!h;.-ih litis ho-v '. , ,. ,., .M 1 , ! Koiiing that tliey vcuhl lie statv the "machine" ceiitrols the party in .jH,ltt ti. ,;1i.i,he of Fibrnary; t oat State. patty tlieie is coin- j.h tily under the control of ) .n : on, and votes as he directs. I In is ibo speci.d ehamp: u if General 1 iiant and is doing all he can to se cure the hate 's nomination. Al tbo'igh the N.i'iuat ( ' nviution tie' nomination will in) U4ade wi.l not mi tt until nest June, yet in order that the action of l'-t:n-v Ivan- 1.1 iaii!.i iiiitaeiice 1 tin r :5tati s 1 am- ,1 eron the e u.vv irieu of that u v! ody wLo looks la ne ith the sar State t 1 he In Id la-t mil;, and in- face to av or write otherwise. M.iht delegates ware instructed to vote for of those who have still Potatoes to eat Grant. S that ! -unsylvani 1 is tl c lii'ft S'ate to dichtie for Grant, and f mr years ago was the tirst State t i uronoiinei; ig linst the thir.l term. and by a Solemn resolution daly passe i declared that no man si,oi;;,l b"elec te.i tV. sM' lit the third time. S . much lor 1.' iiMn-an eoni-;t ncv i (('!'.-:! Eiittttii'fittors. Th-; Saj eiiuteL.'eut of the cnpits has a ciieular as to the manner - t taking the census, from we e i v the f -llou .i g extract : ''A. Inge,.;: id. every to,,,, town- ship, militia di ti iet, "or otl.a- p. 1 man. nt civil division of the e.-untv si .1 l! 1 be (-instituted an enumera tion district, if the estilliated poll! hitioii thereat' exceeds si veil or t ight hundred in'aal itan'..-. '1'he only lea se. 1! V.hieh tiiis cJ.h'H Could rec1g!i;Ze as sii'.iieieiit f r making su, h a civil divisi ni a p u t of a Urgi r enuniera-lio-i ,i st lift would be the impossibil ity of sei-ni !: a e.e..; .-ten! and trust worthy witlau its own iimils. 1. The ( iimiii rati n .li tii.ts must bo made hliiidl elio,l-h to secure th. compli tion of thi' Cinva-oi within the limit .-el by the i -n-a- law, viz. dur ing the ' of June. To this end, supervisors w iii be x licet ed to exert he their best nntginent in goo.l faith. Compli ince w it h the law this muttir will Le liyi dy uU. . . . ILs. ate. 1 . Tiirinv Nc't'oes. t, , ' ' i , , 4- i i Several negroes have ti alined be- lure the Senatorial committee d Washington, that was appointed to. investi"ate the caiui-8 of the negro exodus to Indiana. They proved that the negroes were fully protected in North Carolina unit many of them were accumulating property. There were three witnesses who are partij ihtrly mentioned as follows: "John O Kelly, nf Raleigh, N. C , wh-v was a slave before the war, tea- titled that he was worth 000. Another colored man, from near wav of clotl-ing and nourishing Hie risks of cold makes consumption tx Goldsboro, N. C, aaid ho owua 47" l '..vei- r,.-. I,r,,'.-n ...o t 'nrn t. .ier.. ; .1.. iu ; i ;i.i icres of land, part of which he rents to white men W. W. Arlington, of Nash county, testified that he was a b'.ayj before the war, I ut now he owns olio thous and i.cia-s f land." A Good Ex ant pic. To those of our young men, who complain of tho "hard times," and tl. lit thev iirit not iili'n fr .,,ii,.,U - - IXeir eilUeilllOll, We WOIU.I COIll niellll . tho example of a young man 111 Granville county, aa stated in the Torchlight: -of Indi m-meal 'lent by some less 711 aa agai ust oi in lb77 ami 31 iu "Mr. A. W. Parham, eldest eon of wretched neighbor, and eaten with- 1S70, when the prison wan equally Albert (J. Purhaiu, post-office, Ox-' out a drop of niilk. I su.v a man crowded. Resides these, a I oiisidei -ford, N. C, l ist year cleared new prowling over dug potato fields ami aid iiiiiubt-r died after being par ground, pi ante I in tobacco, made digging them again for a couple of doi'.ed by the Governor aud leaving l,."i)i) pounds, cured it and then lufl forgotteu roota. I saw an infant the prison. The committee also tlnd home fer the f niv.irsity of Marylaud (iiiidicid ) His father baa tuken care oi t lie toPae;o, s;ri pet it and "i p-reaent priee3 win ecu ior ?.iao. 'VI. ij .i 1, 1... .,,..1.1 O... .),;.... K,.i,lloi jj,,, V(Ur hi fore, after he left The Starving Irish. To give our reader some idea of ! !re 1 ",-v ' ",' . i '.!;. " man, wno iui wiiio iicuce, .u ie . i . i i. . i. . :n t . ti: I.: t I.-"... .... lu t,Ui . u: H'l'" '." "T1 week wul add with frightful nmidity to i ne iiun''rv at n.v. iv me neeu- . ,r " , T 'i i-i '41 11 " -uaieu-x .icuoeiau n luu- w 1 .1 i-... n'Seii 10 nie imiuuuu ino-tiiiiiB . ot th, entire ,.opulatiou of tl,ia pari-h -mi 11.! -.144! wi.l be absolutely without the meana " "-''nee -f they are abandoned to f,'V,,r Ue' V" T ,hu"4,r f h,I,,,,-S f HK;l-k 1111 y are wmioui 11 cow, u suet-ji or cvt u a g. There ia not a fi uther bed h it ui.)) iwned outside the town. , thing; of two Ptrappiugxnitiig fi-lluwa , who c. Hue home from Anuiica, two of one i:av ti..iving Inrnier, geiieial- K bi'.ev. d I have 'kej.t a stocking, who crawl. Mi to the priest to intercede for bin. r.'ith a Galwav trader for a I'ag i 'I p.ol.4-!.: at-d S; meal; ot anothei, who was r l-hs-mgs on the Oughter- fers ot Ab rcy for the present of a s.ldiei's tunie. For (i lss;tke, ht not any body hug him sill' will, the notion that these nr. creatines of fanev and not men i j. .sh and blood like ourselves. I am Ku-r-eolonnir iie'liin-', and I dare r..-,. eneroai king upon their seed, the 1 est lie rsel of cargo the hhipwit-ckcd f.,rmer will threw ovi-i'board, uiitl in tl.iee wi 1 i;s v.:Il have none h-ft to encroach up m. At the coiiuii. nee lui ut of Much, at. the farlhsst, tin re will be I f llilllii'S of foO-U. SS paup ers, who, for the following fair mouths must rieeive i xtruuioiis aid or die." From another h.tier wo take the -Last evening ( hfden presonted an m p-dling piel uve. Crowds of rag- g' d faaushel men and w,men throng- ed around the doors of the laeaMtops t c!:uori..g for food. Many had watt- ed un ail through the night in the bitter frost beseiglng the hoix' the ri H' f e.immilfei-. SeVer.d thou sands tl aked iiito town diiriu; the .lay I'eiii-iinling re icr. .n-veiui men seli.ed liKlubel's of th'! coni'idttee, ei'iug: ''We iue starving; wo must have food 1" The police had to be e.dle I iu to clear the liiculshupH of the mill). They gathered threaten - ingly around tin- house where thr re- li. f e imn.iitt e wi re sitting The le v. Mr. Corcoran had t ml lr ss them from the wiii hov, imploring them to give the c imntith e two hours to nr- range. 'Hie cr.,wd di perse.l f r a time. 1'ive hnndr. d leli'-f tii-kets for half a bag of n-eal a.h were issued durinir the d iv. Two hundred more .,.... , I ,1.,,.;,.., ii ; " "'"" "." There wa re still iipplieaii-jiis unpro- vided for. Knots of men and wnnieu remained in the street until mi. lnight, though the air was intensely cold, ,,,. ... .lt. ' 1.111. 1-U141U14' l' e n irsuilii.n mv ii..i i xh oisted. They lire $'')') in l-lt for meal Tle'1 demoralizing iutlneiicu of relief in charity instead of work is dready making itaelf painfull v felt, (,'h n ity has mora than enough to do iu feeding aud clothing school chil- haps, iu cases of escessivo humidity, dien and helping the sick and agd. when the element of moisture, ho po The first day new industrial pchoel tent in producing the ih composition at Ardbear opened over illlt) children of localized tilth, hi comea ii control applied for their breakfast. 0ing ling factor in the K suit. No better 'to the want if funds olilv sev.ulv of tl... snuilio e . ii', et nf n n.i'.l ,.r,n 1U)W be The Sisters of Mercy , ,tre breakfast dailv to lOidiil dien, a;,.', aro doing wondcra in the l"0,lr faiuiliea aro iitriekeii dou in one village. They have no food but w hat the neighbors give for charily." From another suction tf lit land cornea the following: I reckon that six hundred Ltmilieu at the least will in a month have ex- liaustcl their last ounce of food ami I hi-ii' l.tst. fliaiici) of rnisiti.r imv. find that at h ast one hundred families are ti-,.i ,1,- i.i l...-i-il,l,. Ji-,t Tt,. ,., ; - .r." " ,""" t., ,4,e.., nw.,,,u ,,,, vlll .i... ,, i,,..k. .;,, t r " ,Z'f.J.... A .,'. food- t.J.o.J 4 V 1,4 , 444-7 I l.nj, 4l)l,.l one meal a dav. and that a handful gnawing a turnip and eight little bi others and siatera about her with- out a rag oi uuuerclotlmig. i saw oena oi siones au: Beaweea timr, n tli4.v in nnv nil..... ef the world, would raise humanily in ing made of Boda of bog mould,' which she beisedf had constructed would defeat him for the Republican nomination, he locked about for a p.iti iotie un ! popular leiuoerat for , tlw, .i - ,,... ...i. , ministration could, in an emei-.-m-v, ,w llir,)Wn. Ml, ,.;... ,11)t 4l:jv .. . t T,, .,, , . iii.-triiKeii ,lii(h'o ( haw a h ''htv to , , , ..:..: , , . , , ,.-..M .... 1 V. i x r. I t was Known to have t nisseil to a mw U r o h.-MuU ,0 npiiri.i1L!I18io.IH j,, ,!a. L.v..,llof bis l-einj da -ed in the Km eutive elmir. Mr. Lincoln, the, f..:, , wroto to Mr. Seymour, who lias it now in his pos session, a long letter, in which the propo.-itiou was made and uiii-,1 ii)on him with great force and logic that he should Income a candidate f.r the 1'resideiiey on us high a pai l v plane as pos.-ible, o that ho c. .ill 1 leciive the support of such lo pnb i calis us Colisi h red the succe.-s of the I'niou cau-t i.-araiuount in impor taiiee to the schemes of mi re politi cal tr.cktteis or Southern haters. Thia su'.ieitati n id Mr. Line iln's was joined in by S. eii taiy Stanton, nu 1, as may be readily inferred, the rea sons given for s. k iting him ware of the most colupiinientiy character. Mr. Si-ymntir leceivtd the sugges tions with I.i.; usual mudi.-siy. but de clined in tx most pereiupt'.ry manner to onsi.lcr it, urging tint his duly ... , 1.. ., tl... . . t V.... Vo k t " 1Vtl t;, Hl.rvo llt;i),' ,,n:l ils iov,.,,,,,,-, uni p,. c!ud,,l his i -, . .. , . ,1, ,. 1 to be imp. si d iipan him. To Mr. Seym. tin's Mr. Line. In re plied in a second letter, urging that , the statesmanship then l'cipiiu d de manded a higher doty loan ('ally CllUsi lei a'ioli or State pride, and re iterated tae Ciintideuce of tlw people ia Mr. Seymour's honesty, loyalty aud fair dealing to all classes and in terests. Mr. S'Mimnr wis proof ugaiibt all these solicitations, and it was upon his ii. flexible 1ah1s.1l to be come a candidate that Mr. I. ncoln : a.hlresseil hiniseif to the task of se curing the re-noiiiiiuitioii of Ids own party and b hating Mr. Chase's am bition. Then- are gentlemen in this city to whom, under the iaa.1 of cou li ience, Mr. Seymour has shown these tlVO letter.-, all i it is SUppo.-ed ihitt thev wiil ;i:ilv be giv.m to the 1'nbhc when his reminisienses of the 'ar period, which it w understood, .na.l be l-ni.islie.i. - - Tho Weather and Mortality. Jl r..4i Ui" X' w V i k ILm-aM. As manv are diseii-sing tho proh- i it -et ot tne noiii winter on tlo- jiuljlic health, it loay be Well to call at tent ion to a vain tide iu.esi igatioii of the eminent Sc t:i-h nn t orolo- gist, Ruchiin, bearing on this point, This scientist hs made a cartful comparison of l'.iiti.-h meteorology and mortality, en ring a pi rio I of thiity years. Tne best sl.itislies show that spells of e- Id weiith-r, with diyne.sin winter and sprine, increase the mortality from in my diseises of the nervous system and skin, while cold snaps, with tie ordinary amount of humiditr, have an enormously in- i f....n.. f- n n. .,t ' " '""- """. ......... ... ,, ... feeiioiia and of I he respiratory organs treiif rioly. 'i im inerease of tin; d ath rate in sc triet and typhoid fevers, during periods oi unusual ,, .,, , " 1 . ,, , com, liu liuiljpi.l'ss, is Itpilltiy mil A- ; cd. Rut the coniparis in, though d.-- feetive as respects the positive effect of mild spells, apparently eutublishi3 their mitigating imlaem over all the above named diseases, unlet;.;, per- winter on piihnom.ry diseases eau be found than the ii,i!dvinter climate of Egvpt, win ro immunity from the dry air of Algeria. '; Cruelty to Convicts. The Legislalive Committee an- poiuted to investigate tho manage uientofthe Kentucky State prison have made its report. The commit- ten Ihul i.i.ti.ii.r ..ihi-r tlii.t-.u llmt duiinu' the vea"lS7.. out of a thoua- I i.,i. "1 ,.rn ,J., 11 . r""""' "- , i ,u, iie-on.ent im se.o.v, noiueeo i. i..i ...i ;,.tn;..:.... , .Za 1' Tt 7 1, 7 ' L'l.a II ,4 .11 4 , 1 ij U1C1 '"I ItCUl V UlS'lltSe. The death list in that i ear rau no to t hut the practice of flogging prison- era ia carried to a erml estent; that oeos ana he.l. Img are lusullieient ami in nam coii.iiiiou; mat ventiiaiion nn.l ,.. ,Unl i o... .,.,.1 C... ally, that such eontinenient is "nu CORRESPONDENCE: lli' ' wn.i. i ixasi'.d to iikckivk riiMMl'MCAl lO.NS ON A N V SIT..! KITH Til AT may iik ok I :;t i; u m v wi Mi-riNir ON A ItKsI'ONitir.l.K NAMB ACCOM 1'A.N Yl Nil F.VUUV Aliril'I.K. ANIi AI.MI THAT IT IIK WKITTK.N I'l. V1NI.V AMI OM Y ON OM:nlllK i'l' TIIK I'Al'KU. '111.: UlUTOll IS NOT Itr.-il'ilNsim.,.- Foil TIIK VIKV.U AN 11 ol'l N IO OK iMKUtSI'ONIIKNTSli-T HOB TIIK lift nun Men Lies, N. C, lYbmary 7th, 1KS0. i Mit. KniTon: ! Having a few h isuro monicnt, I will dro.) you a few lines as to what ia fjoino; 011 in this section of the eoiintv. Woik on (hit Cape Tear ami Yadkin Valley It lilroa 1 is Ix intj rap idly pushed forward, and is now graded nearly to I'oe's. J A. Lonj.', Esi , of Caswell coun ty, has sent his r-hitiv 8 in thia neighborhood tobacco need that they may cultivate the plant aud grow rich, if they wish. Several young gentlemen in this eopimimity will nuke an exit tj u diriiia to get rich soon. Our nurserymen are doing a large businuFri, hut might evi ii do better, if they would only advertise in the Ur.coni. and let those in need of trees I 1 1 1 41 H know who and wla-ie they are Una- iiiesH ne. n fihould advertise and not have to sav in future "We In. k--l uk un nn owl, iliit w, ir . k- sre fully n.ljuntt'i1, We refiixi-l n !tii-- vim nee, Aii.l iu u year r liti'-!." j As your eorrespo'ident is not an! aspirant to any i Hi o within thei gift of the people, be may say a : word on a political status. - Our people bilieving our distill miishe.l and el.ieieiit It prcselitati-e ; iii t', Hon. J. J. Davis, will not ask to i i present tin m again, are 1 ijovv iins ous that H 'in John Manning be tLe next ineuiubiajt veibuui sal J sapienti. ; The low fao'orv nf Mi s-rs Cole,' Molli t & to., l ilow Columbia, on the Deep Itiver, will soon be ready: f..r m ichii.ery ; thia l:rni deserves; gre.- credit. " j We may n ot h iv nn opportunity I to vlsi your eohiiiins ngatu soon. I theiifirc, in bi l ling you vale s.'d ; ii. ui semper, with hearty good wish-' cs, we are, Truly mid siuenrely, ; f. I,. EnwAiins. IiiceiKliarititi. j Tin re were f, nr ntt. nij.ts made last S:l!idnv ni 'lit to burn the eitv of. in ,.l ' 'i' a. t ... I .. . (hailotte. 1 ne lir.-t was by setting lire ton Pale of h..y in the rear of Wuds-.voidi's livery st. tides at about S o'clock iu the evening; the second attempt was made t burn the same i pleiuises i.lioul half nu hour after wards: the third w is al out two hours j 1 iter, i hen a l.:d" of hfiv on the prein 1 ise.s uf Capt W. E Stitt. was disciiv- 1 eieltobeon tire, and at about -1 ' ii'ilo- kon . md.iy m-. ruing, 11 lire discovered underneath the rest-' ih-nci! of C.ipt. M. Jordan, l'ortuu-; uti ly, they were all discovered in ; season to lie extingui-hed with but little lois of propel ty. After the1 sec. ml ill il lli the pi np'e beeaiue v-ry ' much exeiled, and the Mayor 1 r b r-'' e.l out the military tii assist the fire d. paitinent in protecting the prop ertv of tint eitis: 11 n. Two enlored taivs have been arrested in the ineeii- , den ies, mid t V I V cifcum-.tance, as we'll us the partial coiifeshioii (.f one of theiu, point i to them at the guilty . pari ies. t 'harlot te O .servi r. Cooking Colfiv. The Winston Leader, in its vtory of ' (ifei n D'.tkeCookit g Green Tea," in U ill 'i r il lltll.. n.ivi'd llnl- cotenniiirarv t vj.lei. tly reteia to H un Duke, the father of Given, who, bv the wiiv w is not tt peculiar fellow, .... 1 !, ,...', ... ll'l,- :a ..... .... .I" PIIIIJ .. follows: Wiiliani Duke, r.f pmchase l'otilit, Wnrreii county, N. O, was n mini of wealth nnd intelligence in colonial times. In one of his visits to Virginia he met for the first time with cllee then littl. known ill the colonies, nnd purchased a bag of it. On reaching home nn n quested Ihh , wite, a uotalile housekeeper, to havei Home for dinner, and without, -j R. H. ATVATER, plaining the process of making it, lie; with rode out to see how his farming op-',. . eiations had progressed i hi at CHRISTOPHERS & SORRELL, Reiiee. On his return ho found the: . 1 good woman in great tribulation.: She could not git the coffeo dine.! Site had mif.fak. n it for a new kind of beans, aud boiled it with bacon, and declared tint tho more she; boiled it the tougher it got. Oxford ' Torchlight. I Sheep Killing. S.iin.i eight or ten dava ago, Mr John Lashmit, living in huulh Fork! ownsnip, ii'-hi ii a gnu nvo, in tne report loud laughing, three negro inn. Ho then Raw ; He followed. but did not ctt dose enough to di.s- , :: -v- . , . com r wno iney were, .noi iieing D,.i;Lr,...i i, ,..1. i b i n, ..i.. n..s... ., , t 4.. ,,.r, where he heard the tiring, and found, h'-Liud a log, the carcass of u sheep1 which they ha I killed. It d .es seiaii , that the fdj ep of North Carolina , have a hard timo of it between the dogs and thieving negroes. Wiuaton Leader. Old Soldier I'u ii nd. Alfred White of Scotland Neck had a brother named Redding, who johd the Confederate army during GENERAL MERCHANDISE ! the lr.lo war and engaged m several, butthta io one of which he was sup- Wm jjuy CoUon in tho poaeil to Lave noun killed and lt was so reported- The family mourned Sood or lint ! him as dead. A few days ago M'tjor' 3-? ((. gtjr., 5 Emry went out to Cii'ciiuuti on bua-i" wss . incus aud found him there, where he I'urn.... , toning 11, ci,n it.-t tie-ir ei.11.1. oimmi had been living for BOmo tilllO. "' ''wHoil i U" uly i.r.tti...'. 01 1 (lie a l-11'S..ry. v cldeti J eya, , n.-ii,.r vtK uvt. u ADVEUTISEMEN MACHINERY W A Y N E ALL C 4) T T , MANUFACTURERS' AGENT, ALL KINDS OF MACHINERY, BEST AND MOST IHrKOYED rAHMJXU IMPLEMENTS; AND . GENERAL rUODUCE COMMISSION MEltClIANT, WILL BUY SELL Oli EXCHANGE SECOND II AN D, MAC! UN ER Y. S r E C I A L T I E S . T.HI..I k S,B l,,H:.v,.,l Kiigli,. 8 n,l lUil.T, fr rq.., ..3, fi,lw M1,K (ilulM1. ,, fc j.,,,.,,,,. Tla-he,,, Hu,e nu.l 'lrt.H?t Turl ii,.- Wat.-r .!., vllnwr- lirillu UrUU Tu.,ua,, Sii..ililiiifllig-r..w-, ei.utiiiii,Hii.l'ivB. Sl'G.AU CANE MACHINERY. Wlnat mi.le.rrn Sfiiii,. o.rn ilii.i e.,h Crnsii, 1-. ih v..i ui. , 1. .. ... . wrk M.i v. iii, ,! i-. i-,.. 1,.. 1 K1111-, e..rn si. .1 1'leiiT- ... 4. aim iii.iin Kvory Arili lu Wiuiiiua . VUllo I M 1 O vZ'i T ' ",l,'1"'",""1"" ''"m-i.-.i r.hi. .,.,.. r h,. ,, iu,.u of ."'"'"T "'l't""'"l'S,ni''"l'U.IIUriUsllLU1.lll1,ly. e.,:lllm:t., luil.1-1,. ,1 nil klll-1- l J ' "'i. "" "' - ; , "u.';:n.iTy.Al!"u"5' "f "' ,K,", M,",u"Mn"rt' "' u'e ,'"l't"1 :!. ' n .,uy u ,i.,u:,n.y ai. M;i.iiii,.-ri,,,mniiii...l ll..r,-..iii,..l ! Will tfv.. n lt.w...iiui,.. T.r.ns. i,uv l.vilii,!,, , Mi.ur-.ui. r. 11. .1 l ,-ea-ien.v alv.-i, a,,.t ri. 1U1I,..I. y.,u shall ,.-iv.- i'.i!e.v ' I. "n .." ... Ir i.i i','.. MANUFACTURED ONLY BY iK Y.T.LJTCKVU CO. S7o h Til iRHfI1M TV C OTHCR.V 1S80. 1880. f , H n ItH Ilalcigh, TJ. C, l'llEl'AHJNtS FOR THE HEW YEAS,! W.! .'T.T f..l - Hrile ii ltu.f Fancy and CaloreJ Dress Mi Xt C.KT AMI LliSS TUIS C.isr ! All Desirable Coeds i H.'!"-lln!ts, W'.ii.T.r....N, I'luikliigi, On. Im.'i.'a, I suitii,K-, ci n.'I.Hii-, A tl It EAT VARIETY of WOOLENS EUR MEN'S AND HOYS' WEAR. Tl..- lftriiesl sti k llli.l irrrit'e.-t vjuin:y .if JT TOWKLM! Towni.Sll ToWl I s.'!. 'S DAMASXS' wiiiiu ie: l e l ire I ever nil w 11 In t!iln Wl:li Ii. i 1. ma'.. Ii !" iii.-iik. FLANiiELG ! llJ M ., SILK WARRS, n..iM-(s' o.a..i. n-n.M.u, op.-i., Hiniuit Is 1 lulu Plaids, f' n ;,r n' 1 .111 flllirt' S III. 1 IWllle liuraliiM In Jal.j;.-U v. . it s. Al l i - JAC03 S. ALLEN & CO., Zlalcigh, 77. C. ami mini rAiTi'iitau or Wil-,''. Itrs, Ulinils, Mouldings, l llfiU'kcfs, J ! ANII ai.i. km i a nr . Oruamsntal, Scroll & Turned Work. and DOOH 2'rames IVIado to Order. 1 t.Oivi. us u rail ltiir.ii.rilerlnk!.'ii ; B"Sli... l ici l nn Iliirrtnaii'ii Sir.-.a wl.i-r.. 11 it.wb..b uw iuu.-u-h & i,i...ii iuuir..i. Jai.:'.i-1) General Conioo HsreM, Zlalcigh, TI. C. l,i h-I 1 1 1 1-.i I., mir alri-a ly largo m.-k Ori.ei-rl.ia, .' 14H' j.lal i.-.'iing : 2.i ll.ii rel- Irl-h l'Mtoi'Mn, l,im.l l.u-l.els linn, I.IKI l.linli. la lll.'lilll.ill,! 1Vi.1i.h1 Mml, l.iimi i.iisii.-is oiiiH. I"''"; I:1"''.'1, '!"V; ,"u""1 ''""n.r, a mi nm. miti ri una niiii.p nturb, I. un Im. O..IT.W all i:r .,ihhi les. S.iij.-ir till iirM'l'f, i ear l-i.-i'ls Ciii,.-4 jii.a C"iii;n..ii Mitss.'A, i .. .r M.ll'nll.lll S.11I. t-"""' '"' "r.' ' 1-t1' ! i'-r. "''! i'"11''-'. Maiiuriteiui-.ii ii'iiviv-. nil 1,'ra.t. mi'l atylt,, Ai..i..rsii I'.m.l. r, Si... I, 4.'. s si.ia hi com! I'rlut'tf ftuj H(tillln ,rw.iri,,, ,.,,, ilU,;U jaii-li tr Ml Misafidsriri Co., II -5. 27 V P Ji 3 7 17 ?, ?. 0 .1F T1II. 1BEST YARNS an J SHEETINGS, -AN O ItCAI.KllS ADVEUTJSEXfENTS. v , i ' "H"' ' '!. . 111 ivii,m, KiOky link. .-, I,.i,. !.,,., ,,. it T ANT! t c. j ji, s. mm, CHOC li 11 s . 1 3 0 0. EA7Y GROCERIES ! EVERYTHING IN FANCY GROCERIES. Carita & Field sssi iui'ot.'k n nii S.-.-I I'..-.,. If y-.ii w'-h elm c.ili .ir w.-lu- f.-r I l .in-t l, ..r ..ii.. l Up l.rl'-f IM. AGENTS -'()R 1 iiieui.., i.'i l Mm i.- It. I. s.--I'll-tut nr. I l-.'ii -i.'.v nlVI. 1 ri l.-l. i f sn..-r. II S i, I i.i.i i i. ii. m & m, Hri0'h-j h'uil.tiiiif, IU!.-i4;l., N. 0. IIAR.WA II Ii. m m mi mm, SA-tl, Pa IX I S, Olf.S, WIMIoW-or.AssT. StCM-Eiiiiiiies, Eciliiiii, 1. 1 MI-:, i:mi:xt, n.AsTi.r: AM) XKXIL SCrTJJE.. ll.irri-Kpniiilenc.' tw.lieiti J . 9 a ot tvt t 4 I 1 I V d.-l 1 rlui mil YOU SELL lie FARM ? Clapin's Farm Agency,. Dr. A. B. Cliapin Manager. Stfqrth Carolina Branch of George ZX. Chapin's Farm Agency, Boston, IVZass. C.-i-IhI ntt.iill. 11 t'iv.-tl I., tl.o h)o itl .'e.ilh fnr- ,1,1 I.i l.l O.l. .1... N.i.',. I, ;,.(. Ml.l,. u.l.. i I-iift.-iol. All era'sriv ilii--i"t 111 .-nr tuina li.r n.ile HI I... a Iv.'i O I hi il..-k..iiIiii- itm t, T1U bealll lllltntriill-l, freeet .'..'l.-.e. i1.e ci..ii-.'si.ti N.wn tin 1 1 ..iii-ii-r s.iyrt; ''livery-Ul- has liwir.l ..I 0... 11. -Iih,.im s iiiriii iiy. n,-y, I. l.., lew lire iiiia.-.iiluliii.-l viu. ll.c sut-eifi. nltk-u lias Hif.'iit.-a lis i.eoei.-iiM." k'll.i- New i:i.4.iliua tar 1 M.' -i: "Uii., II. Cl.ll.- III 111 Ailo-i a.-. 1 hln Im in , t II... Iiluuiilli ..I,. IHi, Hi- im-l yi-ur. Wo i-..nni.... 1,1m I.. uurivttil'T. 'I'lie Alk.-n, K. '. ii... leu hiivn: i'Nh 1. nr. ha II. 'llt' Hl'.le lluill l.e-t. 11 I In. 1 .1 it III Hi., ,,f Soul ihtii muiilKiai 1 -it, ii'ir Mllai:i- I.- Ilii..ii.-a Willi Ni.l-llt. I II .,-..-le 111 h.lll-i h H S .ielH-1 II heilies, HI. I g ti.1 oh!i-i an hi laii ll'ail... 'I'l smith 11 . liistrir." u iloti.ii h ia. hi w..i k r-r us.' I'liii N.-i. V .1 Ii 'I ii.iti.t-. Hi.. It...', ii 11,-riil.l. J.-uoiHl, Tiiiv. l.-r, i...U'. ini-1 A-lo-niti r, himik III lite lili.-li. nl le. ins ..I 41,11,. Iii 1 ..nit ' ii. v. N. II.-S.1I.UX I Al.Ms (U4iili uliii limu 'iuil. ut .-lli't.. I'ltl'.v -riier HhII IIii. lituttu n.u.uou . v. - Jl