(jjFfy djjhaiham u:crc. THURSDAY, March 11, 1SS0. H. A. LONDON, Jr.. Editor. T1IK STATE CONVENTION. On "Wednesday, 3d inst., tlie Kx- where 1 v a law p.i-sed in 1 '.". i il v ecutive Committee of the 1 Vino ' while per..n-: were declared cliuilile . cratic party in North Carolina held ' io cei-ve tt jurus. A tie:;To lu inr a meeting in the eity of llaleigh. for eonvieteil of the murder of his wife tho purpose of sulc-ctiih' the ti'u' appealed to ihe Supreme Court, al- and place for holding their next Icin;; that the law exvhiilin lie State Convention. The meet in;; roes fiom juries was in violation was largely attended, every section ,,f the fourteenth amendment to of the State heing represented, and the Constitution, and the Coiut so its deliberations were conducted ; divided. It wmiM no doii'ot h ive with the greatest harmony. 'y an 'greatly startled the i" nimhr of the almost unanimous vote the seven- IVde!;:! I i . : n , h.i.1 they I'i.ivmcu tecntli of June was selected as the that :i .ovo';:n State w.-.iM evt v he day, and I !a h igh as the place, for t.rhi!.kn .-ay w h. siiei.ld mtvc ludding the Convention. The ineiii-. i;.,n 1U. jmiis! hers of the Committee wore nr.ani-: Another case v..i- from Tct!iis liious in the opinion that the State 'see. :.nl invo'ved the riht ef the Convention should he held he fore ( Federal ollicers to have their iv.- the National Convention, which lVmoved to the lnited St.rtes eoiw l ; meets at Cincinnati on the -'id day ! vion charged with an rt'eiieo com of June. They did not desire tu,uitted while in the I i-ehaf.ro of assume tho rcsponsihility of ap-' their duties. The Supreme Cnnrt pointing the dclcgatcs-at large to the ,,f X,,rtl. Carolina had .h.id.d tl.:. National Convention, nor did they point two year-. ago a.- many i f .mi wish to put the people to the ex- loader wiil rcmeiiiher. and now penso of attending two State Con- the I'nitid Siate- Suj.rci'ie ('..tin ventiona. They did not appoint an has sustained that deei-ion. so that earlier day in June, because the now a Kevetme otli. cr may mm dor Commencement at Chapel Hill is any citizen, and by stealing it was during the first week of that month, hnie in the diseha rgc of his s.T;.-:..I and tha commencements at Trinity 'duties, have his ease i -mow 1 from find Wake Forest aro during the the State Courts, and tut- -frou-eecond week, and any day in May , times escape punishment, would be too early. The third ea-o was from Vi'v'oia. There was but little diversity of ;m,l was ;K1 indictment again-; .Ind-v Opinion among the members of the Coles. Of that State, for ov!;;d;M Committee as to the proper place. !ls jurors certain col.iivd m.n. ' at which the Convention should be the laws of Viigini.i ': di. rim!:.a lield. Their desire was t' select a t'w-n is made on account ..!' eo! place, to which the largest number and the Judge is re.juire i to ! . ot of delegates might come at the !ea-t ;,s jurors ue!i . itiens ;: h. .-lu'l expense, and where also the great- think we!! .pi;i!:!icd to rve as j.t est number could be comfortably nu-s," and because Judge Coles re entertained. They did not select fused to select any negroes ho was Raleigh from any partiality to that indicted in the federal c..: rt. city or in the interests of its liti- In all the-o ea-es iii...-i nting opiu Zens, but in tho interests and for ;,,,1S were tiled by Justices I'i,:,! the comfort of the delegates who ' :U, Climu-d, v. ho refused t concur would attend the Convention. "While with the other Judges, hi the last Kaleigh is more accessible to that mentioned case Judge Field h !iv large section known as the "Centre." 01V( ;l ,,.. ;1,!e . .pinion. He held it is also much much more accessi- that a State Judire is rcp..n-iMo ble to the people of the East than , ,M1 v to the State whose t.t'.leer bo is any Western town, and much more ;llu who-o law he is lu:i.d to en accessible to the West than any freo. and said he could r.ot f..i! to eastern town. , view with the gravest aj'prehcii- Anl yet notwithstanding the n!- -ion for the futu'v the indictment most uuanimoas opinion ef the ; a (.'nited States court of a Jndge Committee in selecting the 17th of ,,f ., State court f..r the manner in June as the day and Raloi-h as the whi.-h he has discharged hi- du'Jc place, their action is thus severely under her laws. commented noon bv the Wilming- ton Star: ' I!cn.,hlu,u IVlilir. "There was no reason whatever There was a meeting of this bn.l.v worth considering whv the State ' ' ytk? afterno..n, for the otli- ,. i ii i , .i . 1 ,, Convention should be callca m earlv. Then again, in bice of the i" ... i ' .t...i . i . AVlsllOS Ol UIO oeo oie ioiu imu , oi. s- of the prcss. Raleigh was selected .M.lS()llr.-, f , ,f o,.,,,,., !. (imh,;,., as the place." the Chairman, i...t being -.nsent. Mr. Doubtless the eighteen gentlemen Gilbert, of this city atted as Sociv whoattetPlod tho Committee's meet- til;)n)inatioIls nf f,i(1ida(. s for on, ing will feel comphmetited that ()f t-10 .j, ,,.l!tS to tjlc. chio on thcir division was inlluouoed bv vention being in order, Co!. J. J. 'no reason whatever worth consid- Young, of Granville, was nominated, ." Would it not bo well for all them to resign and the Star alone compose our State Ex. Com i t Stewart Ellison, of Wake, and r . . .,. . John II. Williamson, of 1'rai.kHn, This Convention, wh:eh wid be wf.,-(; r.ominated for the oth- r d. h hcld at the time :md place before gates. The vote s'.u d: Ellison. 1; luentioned. is called for the purpose Williamson 2; wherenpuii, tho form- , . . , , . .,,.. i er w;is declared elected, of i.ppomtmg delegates to attend rj.,io Ml.,.ilU.H wero 1(ft unt,-ani- the National Convention that will moled as to preferences for rresideut liomimito the Presidential candi- and Vict-Presidiitt. , . , ,i n ... i; ,,.o.tv Mud' A district ci.nvention was call, d to dates ot t ie leiiiocr;ttic pain, and. . . , ' : . meet in this eitv on tho O h of Ju'v, also for the purpo-o ot nominating tll0 pU,.H,.sf;cf nomiuating a can the Democratic eamlidates for our didato fur Congress from the Fourth various State otlhrs. It behuoves District and a candidate f.r elector. , , i c . After which ihe committee adjourned, tho people, therefore, to .0bserver. among themselves and carefully. uonsidor the merits and claims of; .'dortgages. the many worthy gentlemen who It is now tho timo of year when desire these nominations. Within ' a number of our farmers begin to -i . e i . . .(.... ttivo mortgages, and t'uoiivh the svs- the next few weeks meetings will " . ? , , , -t uii.iiv.v .s... 4 torn is to bo deplored, yet it seems be held in the dillereiit counties to tlj.it no t,,.lM;,0 c.m ut fiVeto.l ut appoint delegates to attend the present, and therefore it. is proper. Htate Convention, ami in order, ,'hat a right understanding of the , , ii. , nature of Lien uouds and Luattel thercfotc, for these delegates so ap- jjortguges sliould bo had. pointed to represent tho popular1 It is Well understood that tho voice and to express the wishes of Landlord has a prior hen over every . .. f ,i i... lir,,, .body for his rent, and, in addition a maturity of t o nartv, let tlie poo-. . . ' . ' . . .. "' J ' . 1 the Legislature has given him a hen pie take tin interest in these county ; wver eV(.,.v o!l,(ir t.,.um fol. u,iVilucee. meetings and attend ihcm. In the ' to run tho crop, though good lawyers iTictical working of our Iiepubli-i "rt that when this hen coutjicts; 1 . , , with a itoor.lt.,1 Lien Losul or with a ; van form of government the people. ,,0I)1, Ut!U t.s:Kting at! merely ratify at the polls tho liomi- and before the Landlord makes his; nations made bv their party 'on-' advances, tlien on appeal to the Ku-: ,'.,,,.,.,, ,:.w tl, on premo Court, the act would bo de volitions. UiOsO t oi vi'tiiions .men, i ' . . ,ln" . elare.l uncoustiluUoual as mipairing should by all means truly repre -cul A V( ptU(, and express the wi hes of the Iu a conflict between a Laborei's ticoide. We would then tore ni.ol " "d an Ag. iculturai hen, the one 1 , . which vested Urat will have preced- oarnctly urge the .mi.ortam.' ellt.e in jiyuieut, pruvi.ltitl tho Agri holding full and fair county on ' cultural hen was for supplies to cul Mmtioiii none of your pa. ked can tivato the crop in diapule. uscs and let the oiee of tie.' .os In taking a Chatti 1 Mortgage or cri i"-H pcoi'le bo heard ! Litu Uond, tho Mcitgugtc bhould be i I in port ant Decisions. Tlio Supreme Court of tilt' I'll!'. Oil . States has recently rends-red thrt-o decisions that have elicited much lisi'iis.u: and provoked much i i iii cism. These decisions were upon iMii.-titiil i.mil ipi.'stiotis arising ; under the fourteenth :iiiicih1iiu'H1. ( ite cast' was from t Virginia. f 111 I'lut'i.'cuni'j.s oi which si lee e ;ii i .... ,t , , not be made. Tiio meeiing t place at the Yarborough Hons ., a 1 I ... J. on.. I! and, thers being no other name hi fore the committee, he was tloctesl by acclamation P'irticniar to have sunicieut deaerip-; lien made n.i to the property. i Wlieve the norsonul lnvnertv mort gaged is tlfscribed only by certain ; piiiliiics, ns so ninny head, of cattle, horses etc., there ta'iug no reference, to tho ownership or locality of the ; property in tho mortgage itself, it. will not be com pet out to supply this, de feet by parol testimony; but where' ihere is biieh a reference, by niciuis win reof tho spei'itic property can be: idciititied. tho lmrol moof will be : uilowed to till tho ilefictive ilescrip- j t ion in tho mortgage. ; Tlien again niuli-r tho net of 1ST'.' del'ming 1'also l'ri tenees, a mortga gor hhould ho very cautious in sign-' iiig any agieeiiit lit which ho docs imt. expeet to follow out to the very teller. If ho represents in writing that lie has certain property and ngives to deliver that properly for uOvanees, and will'-.illy fails so to do, then hu is liable to bo indicted lor obtaining goods under false piott-ii-ei s. It is a disputed question whether ill A;:li'.'ul:iiral lieu would hold gjod as a sec irity for any permanent ad vimi'eii'.ent such as a horse or a cart: for the Supreme Court has decided that it would hold only for advances1 to be made alter the contract is e n tored intj; that these advances must lie m money or supplies; and that, tiles;' ildvutioos must be expended ill making thu crop. A lilt-r.l con st motion of the law would make the hen good for any advances uaed in laakae; the ci.ip, without regard to Ik- ir evanescent quality, and it.is very M.ib;.l !e that our Coin la would sus tain a li. u to prelect advances which v..:v iieeessaiy for the cultivation Oi tue i ron. Kinston Journal. Tb.e St. Got hard Tunnel. .l"r :n iv Now Y .rV.H'-'iil'l-; T will be seen from our cable des patches that tho tunnel of Mont St. Gothaid. the greatest engineering work of the kind in tho world, has i : . lie. n tlnished. The obj.-et of it C. to eo n.'ct the railroad systems of lii-rmany, S.si'.zetl and and Italy, an l its construction was deemed :;-ics.-.i'.y in order to olTset the com men i.-d advantages that were acuilir d by 1'rainM in the building of the Moid t'ei.is tunnel, .and Austii.'i with her road ii toss tho Semim-rieg. ssliich are the eomn'cti!!!.' ruilroad links for th.vo tv.) counnies with ti e siime portion of Ec.roio. The .'.a'.ef v.i rks of this kind ;.: the work! ii iv four hi number naimly, the II o-.:u' ami th.' idiov.) mentioned, he Moid ::t. (i . th;.rd the longest all, its length being more than ei:':t miles; the 'iat.'o is the shortest, being lets thi-.n four miles. The ih .sii tunnel is l.To miles in !ei:j;tli and the Mont Ce::is about seven miles. All cl'lhesegreat works have boon c. .n -.trueted in the interest of trade and commerce, and with the Atlantic cai !e, the P:ici!ie railroil'ls, tho Sin . I'.iiiiil mid the Panr.iua Ca ll d, when it shall have been built, ssid bo among tho gr. at industrial iiionuiiieuis of the century. If the tunnel l. tsveen Prance and England is over built ii wi'l of course, surpass any thing of the kind ever attempted. Our own No! ill ll'Vel woik, if pll-dl-ed to c inpl. ti.iii, ssill hold no in.-ig-i.illcimt lacs' be:.i le the w. iks v.e have :i.eiitione.l; m,r in such an run loot :;! . n sli .illsl out rt at bridg-s, like those of S;. Louis, Niagara Pal's and i'roo'.Jyr, be forgotten. Ii .ssorlis of pr. ea i ad utility mere has been accomplish, .1 in the nincict nth century th in perhaps in u'l the ceii turis.s th'.t hiise i!'eceded it. Tho Eell-Punch Lr.w. Tl,e M .lV-tt. 1 e!b,um !, la-.v lms he-en repe iled in Virginia by ii'i al most uiia'iiniou-1 n!.', 1; raised over a half million dollars the llr-t year, and it w:is not half enforced. Jf it had been executed g. neially and thoroughly it would have placi d in the exhausted Tivasuiy of Unit State iiearlv or iiit.' one and a half mil lion doll. us. Hut from some cause its exeeulioii became m..ro and liiore inellieiont, until i very where it was ; "more honored in the breach th ill tho observance.'' I; revel hd r. fdr chance. The Strife tiud can i xr- 'ciite it fail !y and fully will tind a boiiiitia. Yihu:i.g.oii Slur. JIumhugs. Eel a vt ek or two there has been an individual about in the co'.:n:y calling himself Dr. Roberts, but I t t !er known as Cole ll. Ke has In en peddling various aiticles, am o'g tl: in "-'pectaelos. He professed '.o be able to cure about all tho ills f!o.sh is heir to, and by his pretences he taiccoi'ded in gulling cpiito a number of peo.h'. On Saturday he was arrested f"r ob taining money under false preteie'es and promptly refunded small amounts he h.td obtained from credulous ne groes. Il is surprising that people will patronize rank strangers, of whom they know nothing, in tlie vital matter of lluir health, when thev might apply to their neighborhood doctor whom they know. Rut so it is. People like hiimbuggery notwith standing, their protestations to the contrary, or rather they very fro (jueiitly becomes easy victims of those w ho try to humbug them. Alamance Gleaner. A Dark Horse. Jildgfi McKoy, now presiding at our tr-uuerior (,'ourt has frupiently been prominently spoken of as the "dark horso" for lho democratic (Ju bernatori.il nomination. Ho is an a ble, learned and upright gentleman, and if l'owlo and Jarvis got into a " tangle" lio may come to tho front. The section of State ho comes from lias not had a Governor for nearly half a coutury and has gome claim to it. (Jlurlotte Tress. CO RRESP OHDEHCE: ,,. wk wn.i. in-: I'la-isKO to uneF.i vk coVmcm.'xt.onson aw s,-.,n-. rs that mav iiK ok ixTiatKsT, ra r wk mi sr insist on a liKsi'oNsMii.n nami: AocoM iv n v i Mi l-.VKKY AHTICI.K. ANI M0 THAT IT UK . Wlil lTI'N IM.AINI.V AM' MM.V ON0XK SIHK' OK TIIK CMMai. Till'. 11HITOK Is SOT IIKSl'ONSIIII.K KlMt TIIKVIKWS AXIlOIMX- oss oi eoiiti:si'iis'i)K rs "ri-S; 1-011 tub 11:. OlilV SritAiTs, CAitri uK.r Cocnty NT. C. Maidi 1th, lbSO. 1M it. Eiito: IVibaps it will not lo uninterest w to some of vour I'l.iders t hear something of tho eliaraeteristies of the country, habits uad occupation ol the city to spend their week's earn the people, nud something of "Old ings. It's unnecessary for mo to at O.van." Not that I have tho pre- .tempt to givj you r. 'sketch of the sumption to think tl at I can write n : wickedness and corruption of this description that will 'ie with olhf-rs : -it v. Its true there are thurohes that may have i;ee:i these objects, hwv of nearly every deiiomiuiitiou J lilt as many of our pe.q.'e laive nev- i,ut tl.t ir patronage is poor, ir seen them (and the ooser.rity of. I am lure, and o.'uet to stav for ho author often cuist -s cn ariic.e to , bo lead I thoUijkt tliat it le.igiit . . .. . ,' prove interesting to .l eca to re.l.l such a description in '-Tito Ric:i:;i." ! This county, like most of or.r oasti in counties, is level, sai.dy and marshy, The Swamns are covered with heavy i ... ,1,1 growl lis oi gum, imqi.o, oak, ami asn, and there is also a good deal of iul- inetto and rattans as a kind of under-: growth. This county ia empliati. ;'.l- Iv a se;iiort. county, and I've been in- I .rmed that there la not a louse :n i the eountv lilat e;in not bo tipproacii- ed t within a mile of . bv wider. It lias been said that the placid wafer, and tbi! situation if their country in duced the old Athenian:; to be sailors, and I suppose thi.l is what tempts them here, at any rate m arly ::11 who havu arrives! at maahood estate here i' re, or have been, sailors and nearly every man of much promiu. nee whom you sec here is dn'obed "Ca;.ti;:n." Panning is net curried en to much extent in tins part of the county, r. lew potatoes, w idore.n Lois, iu i tl. er:. U ;'h- r.'deirt i f Mielr fe'- There would perhaps l.o more farm ers but for the fact that a bug irdkd curculio eats ;,p tin ir crop when youi.g and ii it escapes this evil In the sj ring it ..cms t.) bo that the storm may make more iiuti.ln the des;til.cti-:ll in tile latter part of tile Suuiueer. I've Seen a good deal of the terrible o'.'.'. cts of last year's s toria ; it was terrible beyon ! d. .-crip; ion. Tho scenery surjaissps descrloiii n. The water is beinitiful and dottid here and there wilh an island while ever and anon tho white wirge.l s:;i!s, ofthose ilitle beats plying bel svee:i. may bo seen. They pasa mneh more freor.ent'y than do tho wirgons on our "n country" highways. Away in the distance may he s een the white capped waves ef "Old Ocean," f-trng-Lrlii'.g, and dashing, and moaning if trying to pass their ";.pp.'i:itcd Ismnds " The people spend (.agood ly niimbpr of them) a good ileal of their time in oysteriug ami clamming Tiia up country people aro mistaken as to the living i f II. o people i! iwn here. I supposed ! fore I came hire that they lived thiifly on !'; !, hut I seldom ever soe one, and I.l:i r.p eoiiiitiw i"oplo get More than wo do down here. On ,Shackh'sfo!;'s I rinks the peo ple siro nearly r.II fi-her-neii many of th.'iii whalemen. J'.ut as sum" of your re'-.de:s may be ignorant of tlie ii - nie. r oi' hunting and taking whales I'll tell them, ih.y kindle liivs along i n the l ea: h and partie.l cf men stand by and watch for the wh ile's spout. They oltou have pr -athingon the.e l e.nks. On one oeca-eion of this kiml the sentinel, who hid been left to eii ird the shore, shouted "Whale"; and soon the j.rec.rhcr was alone. The whale is lassoed to tho whale boat by moans of Ii ios annexed to the lance which is ti.re.st in his body, when bo rises the s vond time they .-.hoot him with the whale gun, which carries a small bomb, in some vital point and soon the huge iiionf.ti.r is dead. When caught the whale is worth from NUO to 2 ")O0 dollars. There hiivi) been two taks n this year. More UUoll. yours, ,'. O GfTiitiiE Tho following is sin extract from a letter written to relatives i'l this onnty by Mr. Jiimes A. May, who about two years ago vent to the far 'e:.t. iVo publish it so as to give our n adi rs i-omo idea ef that couu- try.! "lam at present located at tho terminus r the Denver South Park and l'aeilic Railroad. My oecm pa - tion is such as I am not pleased with ami yet not such us every one can g. t in this country. I am acting as lnpiung clerk for a largo linn I.eadvillo, with r. s ilary of seventy tivo dollars a m mth. S unelime i..'o I took a trio down into Aiiotm in seari.li of gold, but for "nd crt-rt ,,.,r..r..i. ,.f ;manv more Indians than in: gold, hut still mv scalp was not taken if T ,,e. il...l T SV..U ill ,!,, ...,,. u-tit, i.. . . i., o!.,-..,. r.ii.,.u 'i'l... I leadY-r of our laity' had visited tho ! country l.efo,'. and thought ho knew where om of the richest gold regions was in tho world. J'.ut it was im - ! possible for us to get whero wo want ieiltogumi account of tho hostile Indians. Tho party bee un.) unea-y and uissritislied and wo disbanded; ' some going to 1'rescett, tho capital of Arizona, sonio to Toiiscoa, and others went back to Colorado. 'J his ; is a wild country nothing but mining . camps, but vtt uotuiug to compare to Arizona. I Iiavo often thought I why a man would leavo such a nlaco ! an tho South, and in fact any of the ! Kiistcrn States to rough it and toub'h it over tliia uln'ost uncivilized couu- 1 try. I know that the press of the country eulogize it to tho skies, but tao last one of them lies, lis true there is much wealth around Lead- .,, , ., . villc, and there aro a grout many riclimitifs, but millions of dollars Imvo boi ii sunk and but littlo l'eiibz- .1 1,'s ,,!, ;.. is ,U;j0 ftllll I believe one ef the fasti st cities in the world for its age. Tho sabbath is no more regarded by the niajoiity of : the people than if there was no sab bath, tiaiiibling houses line thu street frinu 01:0 end of the block to I the other. Prostitute are hero by jthe hundred, and their daneo house 'are e.in every mght, just, as regular . ;is the nighl comes, Sunday not ex Oi i.ti d. In fact Stmdav is the big day far them, vhen the miners go to ., time, but 1 would not have one of biothers with n:e, nnd.r any COU- I .; . . ,, , . J I sitlrl atlOU. 1 Would Hot aiiUsO ativ ; m-m to eome here unless he wants to j s.;.,;i tie' em.ntiy and return. Hut il l he wants to move in tir&t sociuty, let I i.,. l o .s"io ai d have ideutv of . . 1 J i wealill. i he sconerv of the mounlains of Ce'.ofado i: l and, l:ia"nilil!?lllt, sub- . ;i;io nr.d lp:ut of the lb. lho Western i.i composed entire-! v el vv.: ; i;i..nnaius witu nar- ivsv v;il'.;;.s la tsv. en. These v:.lleys lie ( om led ill tilO Slimmer Willi 111 nwe; t ;;!;isn. from which hcr,ls of cait'e grosv rolling (at. The small : r-tia ims that li iw from tho meltiugi .-new, water the vi.lieys, and in thoiiii ari generally f i.;nd a ilelicious fish i known as the i"..:untain trout. It is generally small --ft om ten to fifteen j iac'us long; and fifty miles west of j Lciidvi !e, in August and Sep'ombrr. ! vol, can catch these t'tsli almost as. '- ir st as you eeu take them from your I oit.-n tic.nk ot some nt out 1 ;'f.vj l.-oro' s;. ir!.-eie:.i win u I see so lunch 1 g line th'ou .'li this eouutry. There i are deer, elk, bear, v.i.lf, nnteliipt. j ae;:-i-.i.)i'i;s-, wia.-c.nn, luonutiim lions, na iin'.rin-sh.'ep, Ac. I can take a pony almost any day and r.tart a herd of id. nit, four or live hundred antelopes. II is nice fun to see a ..:rey hound running them, but it ia more fun tocatih jack rabbits. . The 11 j.; . e.vv houm1. is the onlv dog to Cab ll ihe j lek-liil.blt or autiiope. It is but hole trouble to kill deer in the i' d' ','it i-oiii'oet vin' 'ii ti- l li. n morutaui lion. 1 !ioy are very sny, :-.n i it is mt ofti n tl:;'V are seen. IVar are plentiful, but they live in, the timbered hills on the mountains, j I was once travelling down a j.uhh, I ami s'ime across a deer lneigiiig up! by the head, (: the top of a. small, sapang thai had been ben, over for j tho p;ii io-.e of liuing him c-li the j thoei-.m.h Tkcr wero two inouu-j ta:n ll.ms there trying to pull 'die di-cr i! ovt; ; as I approiulierl them tirev ran up a tree that was lunt ' over nc ir bv. and I had nothing to; tthemwhi, but pis,,,!, so i;XEE HEW YEAH! inoiigni i wi.u:,i fearo mem an- now, aiui lliiow son.e roi.;s at tlie:n, l.ut .i !!:ZvJ: o I I'm:-. ! my band upon my lcrgei knife in i :y l o't, and went backward; for s.eiio di tanee, and thoiivrht b' Hiv e if i'' veil will let lnC I'd Ml., I will .. , : vou, an i I bid ?..r. lien good day. I gus y ou would like to know it ' I have na n any ludians-I shanldl say 1 Lave, leu ttiey are all peaeea-, ble, her;'. About (.U'Venty-llvo or a huudri.1. mil s wot of Leadville- llu-y me hostde; the fact, is there are n me ti.ror..,'i mis country a mean through South 1'ii-k. I am going in among tii"m ir.-xt summer. -No. doubt they will be moved uy the goven nieut by next Spring. I hope ; they will. ! Y.'e br.ve hii.l n orrerit d,nl of snow I ., . ... l li l, .... 1 ...is; is.tos i, l.osi so. iis'.t no... I Yli;':i die thermometer gota down i to thirty degrees In-low ;rro yon may look out for froz.n liugirs, eara and. feet. .Tamils A. May. Wciilher Kt'iollec! ions. A eitiz' i of the county, lifted for I his qualities of memory, remarked last Monday that he remembered distinctly that during tho winter of l.vto there was no more col I weath - . r than then- hai been during ike winter just past cud that yet there ivero rle,-e!i snows betveeii the 1st and tho 'Jiih of JIarcb. Tho ytar, ii whs one ot the best ye.ars for wheat and oats ho has ever soon be- I ' f,,re t,r s;,u:e llo further remarked I that he m v. r knew it to fail that, , w.u there was a very cold snap in I Xovem'-K r as there wr.s tho last' month was succeeded by an . uien wjter. Statesville Landmark. I A t'tuiusily. Mr. Charles 11 Moss of Fair Rlnff, ri, n Usl ",n ,'l,f which ho fouit t embedded in tho heart of uu OiiU III'.) iieni inn 1 1 ciur ij s .,7. xiiu tree was r.nout tour teet in iiianicter, .and it is suposed that tho ring was placed in its long resting placo over hundred and lifty years ago, and , '" !U ,lit r )'" ' ,?1 was a student at the Louis- Dlirg .nan! Acauomy m iio. Loiiisburg Times. ConsiH Hiiiinu'i'iitors. Mr. Ciirdwoll, tho Census Super visor for this district is besieges! with atU'licatioiis from nil parts of his district, amounting seme days to 1 more than lift v. So far bo has some : S00 applications on lilo, and still they Icome. lfo will have to plav his card Well in order to appoint goosl men,! Hud iivo general satiofiwliou. Vin- ( atou Leader. ADVERTISEMENTS. MAOHINERYI W A YNE ALLC U MANUFACTURERS' AGENT, ALL KINDS OP MACHINERY, BEST AND MOST IMPROVED FARMING IMPLEMENTS AND GENERAL PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANT, WILL BUT SELL OR EXCHANGE SECOND HAND MACHINERY. SPECIAL T I E S . Tikllmt k S..11 lniiin)To.l KntiiKM uuU U .lli'i-, I .r KB"li.-.w, Siiw MIIIh, lilniiltis nn.l nil riii '(.w. TUrf!.lii'i's, (Viuipi's mi'l S,.i,ir.i,..i, Tui l'lm1 Wjii.-r Wli.-i ls, FanniT's. Kitvorlli' liinln Orllls, Tliiniu' .Sl.l.Mllllllg Ulll l'..WH, li.Ul.ll lillis Itll.l 1'rcf.M'S SUGAR CANE MACHINERY. Wli.'.n n I c.rn Mills. Cm aiul l...iCrn-liiW, lr..n 1 miik lin.-k-y li.....Ts an I M.w.is. V.,. w..i k Ma. l.ini'ty. e..rn im.l C..U..H n.-inl.TH. la. iin eiil;lvai..rs, suike K.iU. s. u...-s. l'... is. liram y,ul, is.ru sIi.-H.ts. I'.iiI Onuors, ci.i.t MIIK. una nil Imin-..,-.! M.uliiii.-i) u..a l aiiuliiij lii.iiU-nnin. Ls.ry Anu-u- wnuina. viuo iuimm on'una-...i. I M P O R T ANT! r.,rr..si..ii.i.M).-.' s..ii.-ii-.i n.-st i...sii.ii'inf..im:iii..iitiinii.-.iii. rHi.ii..iu...f nnv mi l nil kimt nt M'l,'',,ll,TV lll,i'w,luu's ,ull'l,'ll,Kl i'1'''11''11'- fcu " niri,i.i..ii uii kina.t .i :.ia- t l.lii. ry w.irk. ii.-ivi-ut Uu. Agi-itey ot Hjk lwi Munurncinrliw In Uw Ilavl'iit Uu. Agi-itcy i.f lljt lwl Munufiel..rlif In Uii f M.i' l rv. All Mi.i-hltii.rv fulls- OiiAranteiM an R,nriontr. ! M-iiiuiuvliiivr. lleol .f rolrrruci' glsvu HU'l ri' inlrcil. TH.OC MARK. MANUFACTURED ONLY BY W.T.BUICKVL 2E! CO. PttRHffM.N.C. OROCEttS nn.l CO 1131 ISS10X 31 KC II AXTS , Sol.K AHS1VTS rsn r.-.liiliM iliidii.., S..iii:l... Soi Islan.1 fiunii" nivl Itril ls In limn .;!.'i. I 1 isy. ls-i 1 l!..i. Ylw Cl..iio ssrili C..11..II l i'.s.- mi l AU.'.n Turn 1".. i sns.irrw srri'i.iix. W. h.-.v.. In j..r. in..; in nrrlsv: l.SOil Vnshfla Cm. s.1 l.us. e.ii. .vs,.. o.-ts, (VM Iiim. Cli a.'i) ' WMt.' 11 .l!.'.t V. iil, li.n.'iillw. 1'rlinn K.I It. i'l.-KUl i r....... T..,-..o.i. ir.v ) .! . Ili lk ei.-ftr j nii.fi.iju .s I'lir I. li..l.i Fnmlly imkI r.irra llmr. I C.-sr t. ..il Wn,.n llr.wl nn.l ..Un-r ' nil ..mr. .s.mi.i .t.ssi.H'ii wiii-h w. ..it.t h i..w t.r iiwli r mi Uinft iim lx l.iiirlii iiiyti"n. 1 r.ll'l .' us ..i'1'.r,. I'uruna.ui,. .., ...i.-v It i.i y.nir Wmimno. i M.ia-tf Yory wi.wifully, M. f. Nomas . co., 1880. mim, m s co, Slalcigb, II. C, niKPAUIXO FOR WV ..AST f.-r Riil n IIiik . aui Cotei Dress GooJs AT C.eT AND TIIA! OUT I All Desirable Goods i:.'..'!lw's. W'.v.'r1.r.i..'s.a.kln1r,Cslmw., siiiunp.-, ei'.tii-. n-n-aiiiiiM, . .,., ts-c- AtlKKAT VA1UMTY of V, COLENfi FOHMFA'S AND HOYS' Vi'KAR. T!i" lum.'rtt rtt... k mi l urmCit vr.rli ly "f tr towt.i.s! towki.s:: towels;!! -"CJ CAKA8KS Wlill R-.vl t..U.reJ Willi ylss to mulch Ixwt evs.r lis.wu la tUla markoi. FLAKHELS ! m. SILK riisnacli. ! 'R'Ar.p.s, DoiiK'W Cilt..i Flnnni'U, oporn Itiuiuols, llala Plaids, I AlloiMni-, ivU fibrl'.-J. an-1 twillcl. HnrfTi'ii In Juu-Jtf-lf Lnnttcr fcr Sale HAVE en li"ii l mi l .'Mi furni-.li at sU..rl oollc. niiis-a Ws-i .,t oru Hill. ' mm w "5 ' k...,u. w .,,,, M,.iry. aMif. walnut. inn.l.'. im l r. . -r.V , i.. r-lm.r..n. he, wlil. li will ..I.i 1..W ..r riusli f..r L.ti -i. OoI.ts w.llrliivl. J.iMbS 1. LANE, Mulilttfrr. r.-bruary 5tli, IfM. it LAND SALE! i wn.i. snr.i. at rcr.i.ic ArrTios. at the C.iiri-li..us"J..r In liio t..rn .. cuwikto , un Tiie.nttiH, lath, of Mnrrh Xcrt, 1400 ACRES OF LAND In Bnnr Creek T .Kiislili., known as the HAIU'ER" Inn.l. Tliolcn.l will l.o M lul.itE .f alxut joo iirTcn TiatMS-Oiipaiilr.l i'h-Ii. ..iiiMlilnl In Hlx nni r.nf-ihlr.1 in tw.'ls-H iiioiutiH, wliti Irarr.'Hi frin ilnln. F..r ,l.iri..lluu nn.l iM.nn.lArlPH ..f Ihp 1..1H. npi.iyt.. joii mummi. Not. 13. 1879. to Truitoo of O. J. Willlums I ,. . STIlCKT, Sit. WM. J. 6T1IEET Sirsst's Hissal Hsisl, Kitlei-l:, X. C. S. R. STREET & SON, OWNEUS and riioriETona. , Jst Sample KoOills ill tlio City , The N'aiionul overlooks Union orCcpitol square, ttie finest Prk in tlie statu, and , alwa;a accosmble to Quoets of tUe Houae. AD VE UTISEM ENTS. T CiiIUhI Miiti'4, I will f n: nl-li . CtilUsi mmi-i, i will furuWi ..niy il. b.wi.iuniiiy will nlvi.tm lti.-iMI,nj.i.ti. T.mw. .-u. i.nv IMbkMn Y..u sli.ili saw m..ii. j ssli. ii y..u l.i.y Ir ini me. fOR PLEASURE, vvmrvKi.ntALir SMOKE THE OLD. 5& 1 r M dRis OTHERS rpnpunw EI-CAU3E RELIABLLi GROCERS. 1 8 S 0 ccsu'Lzrz c?scx EEA7Y GKDCEEIE3! EYEKTTIUXG Ii: FANCY GKOCEKIES. CarScil & Field SEEDS. Pure Htnrh Tr! ! f w! P tat.i If t .h s.1-!i nun turr..l, ..r .ii l.i.i..r.'.l iu.mt!. C.ill s snltu f..r ti'll'O list. agents ron ?. P. S'A F-'iwI Climtta ftu-' Vi :iMry' I'n'ont PupT i. ..-liliii'" uf Llm"-!wiiMr tfi ti'ti r.ii-"ii r.jiifl- hM l-tTi'liT. V.,-,,n r.!'t ,""ii'- t-r l'rkiT'rt rt j'.'ii. '! t !t lui-'Jil . If viMi wi-:t t.i :r.r.. your wn I'tTllllZ'Ts all flM- l--r rm ir.uM tti' t viico DISSOLUTION : rpiiK co pa 'i i n !'!;r.ti ir i;::;:!-:ro. X f..ri -xiiliii;: li'l svieii I. Mailt h ml ll. N. Whit. mi.t.T t'.iH i-i:i !i:'.!ii" . !". S. W nitt sV Uro., ih il::.', s--.. X. Whiit '.Rvli!( unlit inti-ri't in tin- iiim In V. f. Wiiitt, ll.i- liafiiH's v. iM .e I'oii'ini:".! r biin. All jmnit s in i. lt.-il n tin- firm ma reiii"Btfil i.i Hit il.' Rt mi i'l- wi'.h I) It. U'nitt, Hiitl nil billl Hp.iiivt tin' Mi in " ill 'w fi-f.li'J li hiui. D S. WAITT I". '.!(. Kali!t'!i. N. C. Jau. l'i'.i, lSO. Having Mirrlmi'f.l il'. i int. rrst nf (i. X. Wnltt in llif firm i.i 1'. t. Wullt si IJto., I will cintimift the Cloihing and 25r7 C5co3s IniHiiH'CB at tin snnii- nt mil, No. i'ai'lte ville Sirert, lUli ih. N. I. TLanliin mv iiimiv .'rit-ivli for Ii:-ir liN eml I'Hlr.u.HrrH in tlii j.r.sf, I r pni ctTully o.ili. it a ci'iitiiiiiance ut lli h.".i:ih. jair.'!) im 1. M. WA1TT. 0 I mm m OK Til li hi ft and nF.M.rus IX- GEHEHAL MERCHANDISE Will Buy Cotton in the Seed or Lint ! Pirilwt.ifwtrlmr ll, ism ! 'ii-'l' (' .n. ii OlnniKl an-' r.i'LoJ ai Hi" ui'Wly iW.i-J Olu w-nr the l',-try. Ocl..U.r'.h. 1HT9. M 1. 1 n. km BrigK8 Buildintr, Kalcigli, K. 0. HARDWARE. OILS, COLORS, 1'CTTYj WINtiOWxir.AKS, Steam-Enpes, Bcltlnn, I.1MK, CEMK.NT, I'l.ASTKK A NO FJXLL SUPPLIES. (JorreBpon.lenco solicited. b b k a H r VrrWTVW ?

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