ra&.-y-t.HfaarMi'y trird. H. A. LONDON, Jr., WinMI AKU rKUI'RlMX). TERMS Or SUBSCRIPTION: BATE9 OK ADVKltTJHING 'Tie vijti.tr, n litrti'-n, 'in- i,ntire , ?. i is-ttOM,- - f !U -V'T. t i !,, - fl.00 Om en V, mif .'.''. . Onf-oopy ,.l, Iti.inths -tue ropy , thiif ini.nlbv . l.npi VOL. J I. ITlTSlSOK CHATHAM CO., N. ( .. MAl.( II is, isso. NO. 27 Kt Ut-rm 'ivii!inrnit lHii(l - nri i 's ill mm G T. A. WILET, CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK, ki.i:k.ii, . J. D.WILLIAMS & CO., Grocers, Commission Merchants and Produca Buyers, FAYET f EVILLE. N. C. JOHM Kt. MORINC. Attorney at Law, M'nrtnvilli-, hitilinni ., N. 4 . Al.rRR A M-HINd, Of Oraugs Of Chatham. MORINC & MORINC. A- ttornoy n. t Zja -x-. Il KIH II. . I . All business intrusted to them will receive proBD4 attention. THOMAS M. CROSS. Attorney at Law, riTTHoit(r, . -. Will wraotioe la Chatham aud anrresai oimtlns. Collection uf clain r a specialty, ding J. J. JACKSON, AT TOR N E Y -AT-L AW, J'TTISIIOJIO', x. v. MfAU Imaiuw, entrusted to him wills a'lentlou. lOO Buggies, Rockaways, Spring Wagons, &c. made of the best rnati rials ai:d fully warrant ed, to lie .old regi-rd'era iff coat. Iart.ua iu want will consult thtir own interest by xaai imug our stock nul prices bi fore Imyinit. -we aro iloterumied to mil, and linvt cut ilowu onr prii-n to they riniint Lome! lv anv other house iu the Hut.-. Alio a full etock of. Ilnnl 3IiicI HnrnesK KRPAIIUNO done at bottom prices, and iu best maimir. 8cd fur preen and ruts. . A. Mi KKI HlN . S(iN. N. ('. H. A. LONDOri, Jr Attorney at Law, I'lTTIUOKU', X. '. JXf" Sfiwi'ifil Attention Pjiiil t Col It' I HQ. Certain and Rliabl! HOWARDS ISFaLIdnLE WOULD RE nowsr.n liFiip.nr for worms If now for tal by W. 1,. Loidin. in Pi'Mwrn All linutiio ar annoyed wi'h those Ph-Ih ara artiel to .all and gt a package of thin valuable remeily. This eon'i.nuad i. no huui buf, but a frrand snrciss. Oae ssut wanted in Try town iu t!. Btate. For partieo'ar-i addiens. en"'nsiif I r.nt 'atp. Dr. ,1 M UOWilD. 31'. One. Wayne conutT, SC. NORTH CAROLINA STATE LIFE INSURANCE CO., OB1 RALEIGH, . CAR. t. It. CAMERON, 'Vrttvlmt. V. K. ANI)KIif(N, I if Vrtt. W. II. NICKS .V.'v Tha only Homo Life Insurance Co. in the State. All IU fundi loaned out AT IIOtIK, and among our own people. We do not Fend North Caiolina money abroad to build upotlirr Bute. It S one of the most !i'-oe?ful coin panlca of it at;o iu the United ft.it.. It ncta are amply aullieieiit. All loe9 paid iromptly. EiKht tlioiiMiud dollars paid In tlx liut two years to families in Chatliaui. It will cost a man aired thirty years only live ccum a day to Insure for one thousand dollars. Apply for further information to H A. LONDON, Jr., Gen. Agt. PITT6BOUO', N. C. W. E. AN OK U son, 1'rwsldHut. READ THIS. North Carolinians and Others! THE CELEBRATED LIQUID ENAMEL PAINT ! MANCFACTURED BY NEW JERSEY ENAMEL PAINT COMPANY Has beau sold in your Stat F.1G1T TF. KR Thoiaandi of gallons hayinft been dispiaed of. Iu o case ha. it fi 1 M ;;iv nati'factinn. The finest p:iblio bull Jin; in iultimcre are painted with this elegant I'airt. the cnrt'u.ToN irm.t.. THE NFW AMF.KICAN OFKICR. TiJE AR.MsriiONO, CATdR A CO. a KUII.DINCr. THE HCK9T. PI'RNEi L A CO S Ill'l I.DING, THF. TIIIMTr U E. CMI'IUIH, (HOCTII). And elegant I'lUVATE RESIDENCES all oyer the eonntry. Mixed Ready for Use. Hample car by mail on sppl ealion. C. P. KNIGHT, Sole Ceneral Agent, AND MANITACU'RERS OF luxirix'i I'M pit, ncii.ntsa rAi rn, and roufino cemeni". 93 W. Lombard St.. Baltimore, Md. WILL YOU SELLTHE FARM? j Chapin's Farm Agency. I.AI.KIGI I. N. ( Dr. A. B. CHAPIN. Manager. Noftni CAKOMNA JIRNCH OF .i; H. CHAI'IN'rt FA JIM AGKXCY, rosTox. MASS. Special attent;on eiren to tbe iale of Sorth ! Carolina Rial K'late. No chargo n.a,le until i a rale la effi-otnJ All proniriy placrd in onr hand' for ! will be ndverlinod in tho popu j lar work, Tlij 8,.u:h ll.ui-tratid, firo of i l piiice. Tho Ciiarlenton Niwa and (' .urior h: F,verbii(lv lia bBHrd of ieo. H. C'hapin'a farm agency, aud f-w are unacu,m.inttd with the uoo'hk w'lioh ban aitouded iteopi'iatioi:..' The Naw Ku(ilauit Farmer iayB: "Geo. H. ('!: ia btHad'citi.crl Iiih farina to the amouut of i5(),0(i3 during the pat year. We conimeud him to our read. The Aiken. H. C Iteriew nyu: 'Ho one haa done mr ra than Oio. It. Chapm iu the can e of Southern in ni'pratiou. Oar ti1Uk II. routed wi ll Northern people iu iiaroh of Southern In nun, nil pood Klt' are beiiiR mnde. 1 he 'puulu Inuitrated' n doiag a great work for on.' Tl e New lork Trilmno. tke lioaton Hvra'd, Journal.Trav.hr, ti ol. aud Adrartieer Hpo:.W iu the hi); licit trrniH of Chapm" Fatiu Ai;hicv. N. H.-SMAM. FARMS (paiticularh ) are wanti' l at once. tifll 'e Fisher Building. RAI.F.IfiH, X. c. T.H. BRIGGS 1 SONS, liriggi Ruildiiig, Raleigh, X. C. HARDWARE. WAGON & BUGGY MATERIAL SaKH, 1 'OORH, DI.IDH, TAIXTH, OILS COLORS, 1 I T1Y, WINDOW OI.aS. .Stnni Knrinc!" I telling. LIME, CKMICNT, I'LVSTCR MILL SUPPLIES. Correppondonce rol cited. JCOHA S. , PKFD A WATHOW ef I'liatliam. JACOB 8. ALLEN I CO Building Contractors, and manufacturcis of Sash. Doors. Blinds. Mould ings. Brackets. utlil nil Lili.U ,.f 1 lrnumanl.il Si-rnll nn.1 Turijf j Work; Window auJ Door Frames ma i to urder. W Oive in a call before ordering. Shops located ou Itirriuztou atrecf, where it crosses tho Raleigh and Gaston Rtilroad. Steamboat Notice! Tie boat! of the Expreia Hteamboat Oomoa ny will ran at follows from the first of Octobof untu rarth.r notice: Steamer D. SU'RCHISON, Capt. Alonza Gar rison , will leare Fajetteville eyery I'nenday and Friday at 8 o'clock A. M., and Wilming ton eyery Wednesday andtfatuKay at 3 o'clock P. M. Bleamer WAVE, Capt. W. A. Roboson, will lea. Fayatteyillu on Mondaa and Thuradayi at So'aieek A. M., and Wilmington on Tues days and Pndayeat 1 o'clock I' M., conneotiDg with the Western Ituiromd at Fayetterille on Wrdneadays and 3atnr iays. J. V. WILLIAM S- CO. AnU at Fayetteyills, N. 0. Any One Can Apply It. In the VYIutor. In the winter, clearest jasper O'er the loucly valley smiles; In the winter, hi i Id with nmie Never flood tho woodland Hisles. In the winter, down the hillside (iaily eoasla theReuiler sex, In tho whiter, o'er the sidewalk J I tint the ulster ior an X. Ia the winter soltost sky-dowa All the cedar pennons tips; In the winter, the pe Inxtriuu On the coal-hole cover slips. In tho winter, on the window Keenly shines eneh lro9'y gem; In the winter, ton I l.eander lavee his gill at 'i r. M. In the winter, to the opera C. AukubIus Minnie takes; In the winter, Georgians Slushes o'er tho buckwheat rakes. In the winter, silver ileijrli-bells Jingle sweetly, mile on mile; In the winter, d.iih the snow Ui'.l Elevate tho silken tile. In the winter, beggar-sparrows Round the githles chirp aud prank; In the winter, doth the pliiuiher I'ut some shekels iu the bank. Iu the winter, shrill winds whittle Through tho lover's summer nook ; Id the winter, there aie other Things enough to nil a b.iuk. H . .1. Crttfut. THAT BROWN DEESS. " I tliink it's uhout time I had a now tin s..'' said Mr. Torrey to her husband one day, when he- was counting over the money he had just brought from town, whov ho had sold a load of wheat. " Suppose you Kive me one of. those new bills, John, next time you go to town, and let meijo witli you." The I'uaxins miie she gave him failed to have its desired i fleet, however. "Anew dress!" exclaimed Mr. Tor rey, evidently as much surprised as he had ever been in his iife. " Why, Sarah, I thought you had plenty of good clothe. I don't see what you can be thinking of when you plan to spend money these hard times, on new dresses, when you have more now than you know what to do with." " I don't know what you're thinking of when you say that," answered Mrs. Torrey. I have had just two calico dresses in a year. I have the enormous number of six dresses, at present, in dif ferent stages of wear. One calico is quite good. Two calicoes are half worn out. That old brown dres has done duly for two years as my good dress, and this one" holding up a frayed sleeve fur his inspection "shows for i'.self. Fro meiiil"d it until there's nothing lift to mend it with, and it won't Imld togethi r much longer." " Weil, that's only five," said Mr. Torrey. "The sixtli happens to be a lawn, which would scarcely be appropriate for winter wear." enswered his wife. "I've worn that brown dress so long that i hate the sight of it. Xo matter where I go, that hits to go, too. I don't believe the neighbors would know me if they saw me away from home witli anything else on." "I'm sure I shouldn't care tor the opinion of the neighbors," answered her husband, loftily. "I always thought you looked extremely well with that dress on. It's warm and comfortable, isn't it?" " Yes, and so is a blanket."answered Mis. Torrey. " I don't approve, of the practice so prevalent among some of the farmers' wives, nowadays, of buying a new dress every tinu' they take a notion into their head that they'd like one," said Mr. Torrey, very impressively, "We've got to economize if we ever expect to get out of the present financial difficulties. If we all bought needi 'ss tilings, the country'd soon be bankrupt I don't suppose ymi understand it Sarah; but it' clr.iva'aiiee that lias made the hard '.mil's." And Mr. Torrey tried to look as wise as a professor of political economy. " Not extruv.Mt.Mnee on my part," re sponded his wife, who was not much impressed with li is arguments. "1 want a new dress because I need one, and there is no extravagance about it. I have earned one, I think; but if you don't think so, you had better keep the money. Mrs. Torrey 's tern per was tip. When ver her husband was in one of his extra- tcouomical moods, be never failed to rouse tier spirit. She knew that she was a careful, prudent woman, nnd tue felt that a new dress and half a dozen new dresses, for that matter had been ully paid for by her economy in little things during the year. Rut if he berrrudged her the money. why, she'd go without, if she had to slay at home all winter. She wouldn't coax him for what rightfully belonged to her. If his sense of justice wasn't strong enough to prompt him to do the fair thing, she'd fall back on the old brown dress, and make that do for another season ." " I don't see much force in your argu ment, "said Mr. Torrey. "If I had six Miits of clothes, or even three, I'd be more than satisled." He folded up the money as if that decided the matter, nnd put it back in the puckotbook. " You poor old blown thing!" Mrs. Toi rey said, next day when she was airing the closet where she kept her clothes, "you've got to lie 'Sunday best' for another winter, anil she held up the dress to the light and inspected it closely. Tl,. f .l.lj r...i.i . .. I .1... trimming was out of date, and it had n ' 1 kind of genteel-poverty look about it generally. " I know what I'll do," she said, witli a twinkle in her eyes. "I'll wear it everywhere, and I'll !" out every time I can, and I'll make him a sick of it as I am. Last winter I wore tli.it old gray delaine part of the time, but siti' e that departed this life I'll have to make tliii do double duty." Next Sunday she came down arrayed for church in the brown dress. " I'm sure that looks well enough for anybody," her husband said. "If you always have as good clothes you won't have tiny cause for complaint." Mrs. Torrey frowned, and then s!:r smiled. Half the farmers' wives at church had on neat new dresses, and her brown one looked more dingy than ever beside them. Somehow, the contrast between herappcaranee and that of her neigh bors stru k Mr. Torrey quite forcibly, hut he was sure it wasn't on account oi herrirrss. That was " good enough fm anybody." Mrs. l'eikins had a quilting Wednes day afternoon, and the men were in vited to tea. Clad in her brown dns. Mrs. Torrey made herself very con spicuous auiona the other ladies during the evening. The contrast between their pretty garments nnd her own wa corsiderably to her disadvantage, and her husband did not fail to notice ii ; but " I'll warrant their dresses cost live or ten dollars apiece, and I can't afford that," he thought, and tried to forget that there weie such things as divsjis in the world. The next Sunday the brown dress went to church again, and twice during the week it was on duty. Mr. Torrey bejjan to get tind of brown, but he wouldn't say so. He stood it for a month. During that time the inevitable garment was worn no less tlmn ten times. It was a! Mrs. Baxter's soclabi" that Mr. Torrey capit u'aled, and that was the last time the brown dress made its appearance in pubi c. He was sitting iu a corner, be hind two ladies, win n one of them made this remark to the other: " Mrs. Torrey is a nice-looking woman, I think." "Yes," was the reply: "and she'd look ever so much better if she could dress as other folks do. To my certain knowledge, this is the third m :. m she's worn that brown dress." Mr. Torrey felt very uncomfortable. " What makes her stiek to it as she does?" asked the other lady. " You know I've only been in the ncighW hood six weeks, but I've never seen her in any other dress, and I've met her a good many times, too." Mr. Torrey began to perspire fnelv. " It's the only dress she lias that's lit to wear away from home in tin- winter," the reply." "Is her husband poor?'' linked the other. "On.no; only economical,'' was the answer, with a little laugh that made Mr. Torrey tingle to the lip of his toes. ' I suppose be 8 worlh as natch as most of the fanners in Uio n'-igliborlmod." "And she hasn't nnylhing better to wear than that?" exclaimed the other lady, indignantly. " If Mr. Torrey were my husband, and obliged me to wear one dress three years, I'd" Mr. Torrey didn't stop to hear tho sen tence finished. He never knew whether the ladles knew who the man was that made such an undignified dash for the side-door or not, but he has never met them sin?e without getting uncomfort ably warm. "See here, Sarah, I want to make a bargain with you," he said, next morn ing, looking very foolish and red in the face. " I'll itive you fifteen dollars if you'll promise never to wear that brown dress away from home again." "Why!" exclaimed Mrs. Torrey, with a twinkle of triumph in her eye. "I hope your haven't got tired of it? Fm sure it's good enousrh for anybody." ' Is it a bargain?" askc.l her hus band, holding up the money. " Yes," answered she; and then her lord and master beat a hasty retreat to the barn, where he happened to remem ber some work needed doimt very much. The next Sunday when Mi s. Torrey walked up the Isle at church, her hus band was really proud of her. lb r new blink dress lilted beautifully, and the sacque she wore was as neat as any in the house. And the pretty bonnet, with scarlet roses, that she had fashioned at home to wear with her new garments, made her look live years younger than she had done in the o,d hat she had worn with the brown dress. "You don't say you got that dress and this sacque arrangement, and this bonnet, lor that money?" he asked, when they were going home. " Yes, I did," slie answered. " I saved considerable by making thetn myself and part of the ribbons and fringe I hue before. I do believe I like this sir, better than the brown diess." " Hang the brown dress!" exclaimed Mr. Torrey ; " I hope you'll never men tion it again." The mysteries of a baby's toilet were altogether new to a little four-year-old, and he carefully watched the bathine and dressing ol his little cousin. When the little powder Ihx was open nnd the fluffy brush was about to be used under neath the baby's chin, he exclaimed: "Oh. aunty. Id mc see you salt her." A'l.e tlaixn IlcyisU r. Somebody is always making trouble for mankind. Now an epicure saystlmt oysters are not lit to be cairn until they are at least three years old, and we sup pose we'll have to look into every oyster's mouth before we swallow him to see if he has nrrived nt the proper eatable age. Mi'l l'i n Transcript. A Curious Ili-totieal Error. I'li.babiy iiiin ty-nine person ; in a hundred beie c that Sir Walter J tali i- visited America, for it is o recorded in uiatiy books; but a New York p!p r denies that the ill-. slurred favorite of Queen llliabeth ever came to llnse fhores, and makes the followiinr state ment in support of its 11.--1 rlioii - a Mate mint which will be " iicwk " to many renders ; Every few we. ks we -ee in pi hit -"ine. thine about Sir Wain r Ran ii'h's vi-its to this country, and his m juitrns in Vir ginia, where, indeed, some pcr.-ou have a-.-iuiieil to have his blood tlir.iti. h con nections fortned by him when in tliat colony. Hardly any historic error is commoner than this. It occurs con tinually, not onlv in newspapers hi y and abroad, but in books claiiuini; to have been prepared with care. The cause of this wide-spread mistake !.". doubtless, that Sir Walter did set -ail hither, in l.YT'.i. with his half-brut her. Sir Humphrey (Filbert, who had ob tained a libera! pa'.i tit for eauiilishing a plantation in Ameli a. One of their vessels was iost.ai.d the oiler was so crippled, it is said, in an engagement with a. Spanish licet that tin y put ba- lc without making land. Four years la'.i r. Raleigh, weary of inactivity as a cour tier, used his inllueiiee with Q ii en Elizabeth to promote a second expedi tion to thee shores, l'ri'venti d at the l ist moment by accident from comiiii: in person, he left the command to ir Humphrey, who sailed from ! mouth with five si;iid (June. I",-::), and reached Newfoundland, of which :, took pi 'essioli ill the nail)" o t !,. .j 1- c The voyage was very vi,fi.rMie:i',e i,i many ways; mil (.illicit him-i .f. in re turning home, went down with on' of tho only two vessels he had h-ft. ltaieiuli fitted out olln-r epe ! ,;l..;is t. America, and is reputed. hut if.corre dly. to have named Virginia afti r F. izali' lli. in honor of her supposed i.iai lenliood. Stic herself so doignatnl the colony, and coiifeifed upon her favorite tin order of kl.uhthoo.l for the (llmts . had made to further its pn-gress. ltaicijih, howi ver. never si t foot on or even saw this iand. Still, .n work with so mii'-h reputation and of stn h pretense as Chambers' Encyclopedia" says, in its article on Kalc'udi (we quote from the London edition of l"): "The spirit of enterprise was. h.iwi u r. rest less in the man. and. in II-1, a pa'-'nt having been urai;!' d him to tal.e pos session of land io be discovered by hint on the continent of ...ith Amiri.a. In lilted out two ships at bis own cxpeio." and shortly ache-ved the dis overv and occupation of the teiii.oiy known as Virgi. ia." What docs this mean if it docs not mean that Ita.'i i.'h c.inc over in his ships? The " Cve-opedia " cum. mils tiie same blunder in divi s pla -is, of which this is one: Speai.in.' of tie potato, it savs i! was twice carrli.! to England wiihotit attracting much no. lice, tiii it was a third time imp irt.'d from Annricaby Sir Walt, i 1! i. LI,. If a standard work, raui.ei! as an authori tative work ol rcf.T' nee, nial.i s tiie glar ing mistake, is it s:;-.,;ur.. i;,;ll i.w. papers and hastily-written books should trip on tin- same points. A Most Sitiiriihir Suicide. A most distressitiL' suicide occurred at Stcphcnspiiit, Ky., a small town on the Ohio rivt r, recently. The victim was a very beriutiliil and attractive girl of sixtien years nai.. 'd Mary Kelly, nnd of excellent fami'y and irreproachable character. She lived very happily with her mother and s-t.'p-f at her, and was at all times appan nt ly in buoyant s;i! iN and lull of girlish vrlee. She had inher itcd $2.(100 from I. er father, which her step-fatLcr had lost by a bail invest ment, leaving her penniless, except as the step-father supplied her wants, which he always did uiadiy to the lull extent ol his ability. She apparently cared nothing for the loss she bad nnd. One Sunday Mary went to one of tin drug stores of t he town and purchased a dime's worth of morphine. The drug gist asked her in a jocular nianmr il she intended to kill In rs. lf. She re plied with a laugh, " Yes. that is what I want with the morphine." She '.hen went home, and, reiirini: to her room, took the poisonous drug. Fortunately her mother soon discovered what the cirl had done, and inom iliately called a physician, who applied the proper rem' dies and her life was saved. Dur ing the week, still appan m ly in !roin spirits, she attended a revival r.i ctitig ia progress in the town, ioing two oi t hree evenings. On the following Thursd.iv night she remained at home, and whi e al. ne in her room cut her throat with let father's raz n", ii, Hiding a terrible trash but not severing the windpipe. M di cal aid was summoned, the wound dressed and the physician staled that with propi r care sic would recover The next night, how-vi r. dining:!,! brief absence of Ic r ni ;hcr from her In dside, the girl deli rmiln d oil death, tore open the wound ki her throat and even wn in lied op'-n the windpipe, dying before morning. 'I be suicide isa most remarkable one The girl was pirfeclly sain , a! no time manifesting tin-slightest symptoms of insanity. Shi was of unusually happy dispo-iii.m. She had no lovealViir. she bad in v. i had the attentions of any man. Tin loss of ln.r money never seemed k dis turb her and was never referred to by In r. Ijovahii' iii Icr disposition, sweet in temper, and beloved and n spected by all, what could be the impel ing cause to her suicide is most rc.il ivl.ab'e Tin-case is one of tic inn-i .-intrniar that ever occurred ill that part of tie country. It's an ol 1 saying that you an't fool time, yet the jeweler sells hi-ii. - If '.;', r (, (Hi-m'tr. The Veiiciable Doorkeeper of t lit Nmy Depart nielli. At the ih.or lea dug into the room of the - i-rtarv of lhc navy, tin re stands an on! colored man. tail, straight nnd di g ii ilii d. 'i he capiliiary covering of his venerable In ad is geiting. gray with age His name is Lindsay Muse. For liftv two years, without int'TmisHon. h" has swung to and frn the doer of the secretary'" ot'.i. e, and every one of the 3ii.' days of the year, rain or shine, finds him a! hi-1 post. Lin !- ' Muse has known almost every officer ol the army and navy, from g'tntai and admiral, down to lieutenant and en-ign, who have had liiisini s- with the navy depart ment for half a century. He was born In Northumberland county, Virginia, in the year I-'Ti. Iteim; miT" fi rtunate than some of his colored brethren he made his way to Wa-hington wh' tl iiil'e a youii lean, and, having worked about the ri'tcy ''I'partmi lit at different '.inns, bis fi.i.-lity and i'n'ti-try made him many friends, who had hirn ;ip soiiit d assistant nu s-. ngcr under s. c-r-tary SalnM-i L. Southard in l-.'-. Since that time l.e has heen on continual duty, and has m rvi d umh r the fo. low ing secretaries; John Brunch. Lvi Wooiibti'-y Dickcr-on. Janu s K. I'aiild ing. ( leorge E. B uig. r. Abel F. I'nsheer. David Hctishaw, Thomas MV. Comer. John Y. Mason, (icorge II nn roft. Wil .i.uii Bii'ard Fiesion, William A. (liahain. John J. Kennedy. James C. Doidiin. Isaac Toil.ey, (iid. on Wells. Ado 'ph E. Ii .lie, (ieiirge M It . bison, tin pn , j,t secretary. It'n hard W. ! letups-in. .f Indiana. The color, d ican has oiitiiv d:.l. of tin - ii nt 'cnidi. except two, vi.: (icorge Jianeroft. the eml:n nt historian, and (ieorgc M . 1! -de -i n n. iul er i f Congress from New J.r-y. At the time this o"d -ervant first ap peared on duty. .1 din Quincy Adams was IV. -id. t t.hii; Lin Nay stickswhetherthe administration is J), tnoerat. Republic-it', or atr, ilctig el-c. lie le ver voted in hi- life, and is a tinu advocate of the civil ! service rule-i. A'mo-t evry secretary j when leaving the olVaa- has thanked thi-.'.ooi k , per tor his failiilul and in ! tc'.!'g.-:.! p r.'o: iiiMicc of duty, and have j given him an .autograph n it' r te-tih ing I to his high regard for him. These 1. 1 i t r Mr. Mu-e ki ps lock-'d up from human yes. but brought forth one for I the T;,,u - re; oi-o r to look al. H" savs ! i' i--i fair s-.!;,..l,. ,,f thi m ail, T!c (..- lowing i- a . . v of : he letter : ' l.ll'-vi Ml : I cannot leave ',!. i p irt n i t without cxpri siiig to yi.u j in;.- liitrli s, I,.,-ot otir I'nli .i;y :.ml gm d ! loncuct a- nn s., i r of tl,c tiavv de- j pirtmeM. Yotn manner in pel forming I y ur d :tv In- a. ways met Willi my )er- . ct approbation. . Ill In. I II i l.nl-T. j W s;t!,. (ON. ! miM l- I. I-f,. When Mr. Tho'iipsi.n was made sir. j l-'tary of tin- ii. ivy. Mr. It -he-on, his pi ! i-s,,r. brought him out in intro- I da-' him to Lindciy Mus,.. Shaking i io-biinl warmly. Mr. Thompson sai.l : j "(li' Lindsay . -md I don't net d an in troduction, we haveli,..-!. H i, mis for tin- j ia-! itventy y. nrs. " List yar. when ; tl, ..tli . i s of the navy d pai t un-nt were ia niovcit into the new luiinling. Ad miral S. ol t and several olio r gen: leiin n aboii' the i, pirtiiiciit took up a sub scription and pur.'l.asi i! Lindsay a hand some black suit of clothes, so that the departnn nt and its oldest si rvant eouid appear together in a in vv dress. Lindsay is now over s vci ni y-fmi;-years ot age, but he is siil, strong and active, lie says that he ex pects to Ic on guard for many years yd. and that when h" is at last compelled to retire In- vvi.l do so with great regret H,i.o. imj'on ('rr :iidi w'r Cliwityn Times .Mr. Itanisi dim bier's Hat. Mr. It imschncider and Lis lriend August Kileii. ac'.ii j- were out walking, and Mr. It itnschneider was boasting of the iniei.ige;,.,. ol his dog. "See here." he said, 1 place my hat In re. in this f. iiccenrner ; I conceal it under the brush and dried leaves. We will no g- walk on. We p iss dovvi, the lane, we geturnen this corner, we stroll by the woods. I send Bismarck for my hat. See. my friend, he comprehends me; he flics through the woods, he speeds down the lane, lie disappears around the corner, presently he will back gekoinmen before I have time to catch cold in my head." But he did not get it all the same. For just as be flew around the torner a wary though not all'ii' iit tramp, w ho had wall lied the circus from alar, was in the ad ol ap I ropriating Mr. Itanisi hnci.li r's new I. at unto himself, nnd when the dog got up in short range he tired a clay-con! clod, as hard as a door knob, at that laitli'ul animal, with a force that knocked a how! out of him as long as a clothes line, and sent him waiiint' and i i ping back to his astonished master. And when Mr. It imsi hm idcr and his l'i''iid b isti m d to investigate they loiim! under the brush an old hat, that had iiv d in more ash heaps than you con d count in a week, and so greasy and forbidding in its genera! appearance thai Mr. It imschiii idi r wouldn't touch it witli his cane. Far away, beyond the distant li' l'l.-. they saw t lc sunlight hilling on Mr. B itiisclineiib r's live dol lar hat. and the tramp, of the dusty highway was jogging aionz under it. But Mr. ltamschr.cidi r walked home bare as to bis head, which i of the bald, ba'dy, and he hasn't got out of bed yet wilh the cold In' caught. Ihirliwjton lin k. . Ca it.. i nia bov stood an uinbre'la in a , 'li lt, doorway during a meeting. To i his umbrella was attached a strong cold, an end of which the boy held in his h ind. Eleven dill'' rent people are s.ii I i.i have car: i--d lie iimlifella to tpe I. s. "lh of the string. At Minset. Oh! ihero Hre ).il li-n moments in men's li Sudden, uiilnol."1! Im , us the little clouds All Koid, w -Inch suddenly illume the gates i( the loft urn. I Jh, pray tor them' They bring No iucrciue like the guii! ,, sun and showers Silly a luoiiienl's brightness to the earth, Imly a moment's f.'Ieii'u in common lile, let wh i wi.uiil change them for wealth worlds? ITEMS UP INTEREST. The lay of the iand- Eggs. An unpalatable dish- Cold shoulder. The State debt of Iowa is ouly fftnu.noo. There are S-JI dbtinct railroad com panies in (ircut Britain. Virginia has now si,4!''l schools, in structing Iu;,(Cl pupils. Jug Corners is the name of a hamlet in Allegan county, Mich. Cuilford county. N. C. kills and sells jno.ooo rabbits annually. Leap-year is always popular with the ladies. yjkt rs (J r.i IU' A mnidi n effort- Attempt to catch a beau. MnriHfin '! ; titknt. Railroad projects are now heard ot everywhere fron- Maine to California. It has linen estimated that it cost 3ii.iiihi.00d a day to carry on the world. The di Ids of Eng ish towns and cities for sanitary improvements amount to $-'3(1,000.(111(1. Five years have increased the acreaee of cereals in the United States from 71, 000 (lot) to yj.WMi.lHiO. During the past year there were built in the shops of Aitoona, l'a., fifty con solidated locomotives. The work of building steel bridges in Pittsburg for the West is rapidly br coming a great feature. You can't make a horse drink; but il he will not eat you can put a bit in his mouth. iUm Trmw riyt. Statistics show that eTcry thirty eighth person in the United Mates has a carriage in which to ride. The men who adv -rtie al". tlm year around walk off with the Lon's slmri of trade. SiUu oU r Lutii'icrnian. The president of the French republic receives $1-.'i.nni a year, with a lite sum lor household and other expenses. What's the use of a sea captain telling the truth on shore, when his vessel is lying in the s!r, :.: ? .Vi J'orfc AVk-s. China is an empire containing 4imi.hhi,- 000 food consumers. Nothing that it is possible to eat is permitted to be wasted. The total number of deaths by acci dents on th-' gn at American lakes dur ing the year was PIT, against li t in IK. Ex flow Bagley, of Michigan, gave ?100 in silver coin to each of five chari ties, in honor of his recent silver wed ding. The fifteen car manufacturing estab lishments of the I'nitcd States turned out last year 3T,:i.'i0 pieces of roiling stoi K. It cost nearly .".imi.0iki to light tin city of New York last year. There are 23, 130 public lamps and sl miles of gas mains in the city. It is estimat'd tii.it nearly ?:!!). OoO. (H 0000 vvi re paid during tin- year 1-79 through the twenty-two clearing houses af the I'nitcd Statis. The average lite of paper wheel un-dee-tru' ks of locomotive engines ranges from .aoo.iM'ii miles to i. nil. o miles, and Under dining and palace cars from T'.M,- 01 hi to Mis :;,;(, mi li s. Blue eyes arc said to be true. We don't know bow this is. but certainly there are many lies told about black eyes. Xtw York AY'v. The difference between a man who digs in the ground nnd one who digs in books is that the former digs for hire and the latter for lore. It is very much tin-same with popping corn :ts with popping the q.n-stion. It is usually accompanied by some agita tion and a good deal of warmth. Mr. William Morris, of Creenock, Seotlind, has made a discovery by which he can photograph underneath the water al a depth often fathoms. The United States annually pays to foreign countries no less than $.':!. (hn ikki for si. k, ail ol which, it is claimed, may in due time be savul to our people by proper encouragement of silk-culture. The .'ce.is' says that as 40,(100 ot our -JtiJ. nun Indians can write, and :)o,O0Oare members of churches, the fact is proved beyond a doubt that the Indian is capable of being civ iiized. Sandalwood is found i din fly in the Pa --i lit- islands. The Chinese burn it as nn incense in the teuipli s of their gods. Tin y use i norm mis q until it ns of it, and it isa va.Uid arti. lei.f trade. A wi iow, wlio lives in a secluded part ol Mi. higan. talks v ci y impi rfect ly by reason of having lost hi r palate, and Inr two daujhtus, aged eight and I wi Ive years, ,-an only speak the strange .amniage t hi y have lorried of her, ! hough their voc.i, oi g.aiis ai a p.i i fn (. A Frenchman named Pi. rie Valcour, .vho lives on an amp," income in niodest country dwelling in ar b kport, N. Y . has unbosoiin .1 himself to t ,r editor of the Loekport t'niuii. regarding an iu a iilioii which he is pelle ting. Tills, the uithu-iast'io Cm! claims, vv ill I'cvolutii.ni the vvor, d. Accord ii in bis account, it is a pot table cable w l.ich r:i. h vessel will lei 1 oul as she di p its, and take up as she returns, linn I.', ping lip .-Olis-allt (el, eraphi- Colll- ti'iini. if .m with port dm ing i ach day

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