(Olltq (Sjjkalhaai Record THUUSD.VY, Much IS 1SSO. H. A. LONDON", Jr.. Editor, 'N. Jr.. Editor. DISTRICT CONVENTION. On W'odtuwihry, the lit!i d.iv of ,T'iiu? lv, in the city of ILileiph. a ( invention of the 1 t"iin Io Conservative jiam in the Fourth ( 'otipivs-iottal District w 1,1 for the purpose of noiiiinatinir their candidates for Con-ress and for Presidential Elector, r.nd appoints inp two dclep.itcs t atiitil the Democratic National Convention. T.y older of the Executive Com mittee of the -It!:. Coiipres-iotial Di-tri.-t. .II. A. LONDON'. JR, ( 'll ll:l in. THE I) 1ST K 1 IT CONY K.N T ION. As w ill he seen from the above announcement, the 1 h-uio -ratic Con vention of thi Collu'lVS-i"!l:lI Iis- trict vi!i be held at Uiieipli on me loth day of .June. This day was selected be.MU-o t!cj State C.mvon- tion w:.: tiiei s ime eiry. :u fr m tiiis Di fot'.Vi-tltiotlS . r the ner dav in the 1 tints tile deleir.ite. .rh-t can attend h-th :i the -a.m. trip, which i; iT to t i -: 1 1 i:i time will be a - ;vi: to ''e-m i:i and liMf.ey. It i t;ie s.im, th.it our Distri.-t Convent!" lield f"Ul- Years a-.', ami we time i was doubt p. it that the ' i.imittee's .ic: ion will -Ive rei:e:.i ratisfa, :i..n. T!:e duties ,,f thcConvciiiion will be. to appoint two deh-iMtcs to at tend the Na'iop.a! Cov.n::..:! 'i.ar meets at Citu-iutiat: "ti tite Ji'tid of .Tune. T" !i":i.:::ate a e .11'. elate to ivi'iv.-en; ii. l:i the torty-sevvi:: ,i Coiiu'tv--. and a'-o a e i:ni;i!ate for Piv-identia: L'kvb.r. Thus far we l.ave heard tm t;.m.es -i ed a- itc- to tl.e Aate !ia! I oliveil- t:o:i. It i or than p'.' :1 I Itl.-i-tit. for a .s, whi.lii: .',!..-,!.',. . ,te pays amount llis CNp. : I.M S. tit Ilo lm-o!;sii :i.i tin:, and so the sought after. to any person pl.ii-e is l.ot eaii'''i'y and is lii'.eti oft line who will accept w .1,, ut much iv ii!o:is. Now. eli'Miiy wrouir .1. ll prae m the poop e i the choice of L'.ird t i his ,pi:,:i:; we think th:;t thi-i-: and shc.i'd he c.u-re ticaily takes away fr any voice whatever their Prc-idc! District C.-nv the?o deie-Mti as tiieV ilo tie. r. Kvery Slate ami ntio'i. that appoint. . should select them ; various candidate- for t'.ie hL'hc-t office v : i 1 1 a one rea.-i! to t true.- -an.; then jiav their epoii-es the .National Colivelitioii. If'!:e "oilVi ntioii. do imt pay the cpc.".-e-of tln-e dele irates then only men of we.dtli eati attend the National Conventions, and poor men can have no voi.-o or vote in the selection "f thiir I'le-d-deutia! eatidi lat". Is tmt this true t Ii we are :i"t mi-ta'.en, t:ie expeti .sesofall '!. -legates nttcudiinr Na tional Meetiti.-s ,,f .-di bodies i ivli--ioii- and seeul.in are al.vays paid by the iio.'.ic.s m toli: iT them The various eh.irit.thie. .; liii.tat i ni. MiehasthcOd 1 1-V::.. vs. Knhrht-of Honor iV c, and the .liilerent church es pav the expv:i-es "f their d.ele e'.ites whom they sem! to ivpresetiT tliem at their National Coum-il-. AVIiv lMt political panics do iike w i-ei Ye may say more on this subject hereafter, simply i,.c.v throw- in-j out ti.e surest ! what it mav he Woii'i. We will a Id. ! iwev- er,'th:lt With our Eepuhiiem friends ' . , .' , t lie masses or tueir pan no mu even pretend to lia e anv voice in thcnotuhtiitiim of their lideu- tuil ciindidiite. lhey arc not con- suited lit all in the appuintincnt of delepat s to their Nutioiiitl Conven- tioiis. lo prove this wc nei thl u-e need i.'i'v cito the recent action of their Ex. Coin., (so severely deliouaeed hv their own nancis . and t their ,, ... ,. I,- ,: . t . I unnuitteo tor thl, l,.-tiie,. Let ,tll note this dilTeivnce he. ween the iction of tl.e Executive C mittees of the two paittes in North Carolina the Democrats bavo called con ventions of their party so that the people niipht thetn-elvcs appoint their dclepatc-, wliile the Ih puhli eiiti ( 'oiitmittci-nieti without allou - I .l.o l.'" Jf.l'i"' th..,,, .K-..- ti; t l power and in many cases liave ac tuallv appointed theniseiie.--ates! V- liave heard no j'creon s of as a candidate for Froideiitial Elector, but would insist th:it ho hi-' a man ...t sueii ability an-l ia;'.mi:y, both mentally and physivoy tlial lie can make an active and iporoiis 'pi ,, ,.,.,,. ..,!, canvas. Ihereaie main pctt.le- men in ihi.s District who are elui- 1K,lt!v ,U:!liii,.a f,,, ,ie position. . tlit wo have no donbt of tin- ( ,. t,,Jr. ",l . . veiitioii making a proper selection. The fames of .several "ent'emen have been mentioned in connection witli t!ie t o!i.-rev-:..n.il iio:i..iiano.i. ,.,.,., tl, i,.iv,. tM.,. marked out f,.-r It is understood ih.it our pro-, nt h,r by a kinl l'rovideiieo. Those fa'thful Kepro-entarive.Hon. Joepii i h asj.-.bits niul eustoms which l. , ., . ni- . longed to, :siid wi re iusi-naral'le fro, i J. Davis, will notal.ow Ins name to come hetoiv the cnvciitioii, an t it is thou-l.i that either Hon. YY. l ( ox. ot u ake, or our own ( ouuty ma:i, 1 Ion. J.'hn M inning, will re ceive te nomination. Hut of tin more ; i . In order tliar this convention may by ir-action prop. i!y epre-s t!:c wi.-he-of the people in this I I.-t ri v t let tiie people of the s.uer d coim ties comp.isin.ir it hold full cunty meetings and appoint delepiti ? to attend it who will faithfully repre sent then. Ample time is ivi n before the convention meet-, in which the jieop the merits ami sons to he -idee can duly eoiiidi laiu.s of the pel d ami thn.s mak judicious nominations. The c".tuties eomposimr this 1 1 i v fourth' Comrres-loiial Dl-rri.-t are Chatham, l'latiklln. tt'-anville. .loh:it..ii. Nash. Oraii-o and Wake. The S.iirisliitiire. The extra session of the l.eiri.sla tniv, culled by tiie GcVeinor to con. si.ler the sale ot the Y sti ru North I'aie'.ina llailroad. la ran on 1 i-t Monday, a ipiomui b-.in,' t resent in both branches. It is sit ei rely to be hoped that our le;c.i-!.tors will i:: their wi-doni ootitim theiust !ve e clusivtly to the coiisii, rat ie'i of the matter for wlm-h they were ee:,i n.-d. and .stuiliously avo.d any attempts at peroral legislation. It is pemrailv tlnvnrhf that t'e road will be sold, thoU'j'i oro'oibly not altopi-thi r on the ten.,- i t!', red hv Ml. IV-t. We reset ctf ally lli-oe ll'iou them to Sell the raid t i tie best advalit lire, without. Uit'aeei ,-saiy delay, and adjourn at once ami p i home. y,Yc copy from the Oh- rv( r the fo'lowilie; account of the ti.-t da's proeeediiis: 'Shortly after voon yes, rd y the two hon-es of t ('"'in rid As-, i . i ' 1 x-. iii I'omjili-inc.' with the call of his P.x celh iicy th" (iovernor, met in special ses.-iou. I ar more lean a ipioiun) was oreseiit in l oih h iusrs. Soon niter assi.ii.PiuiL'. an.! afer the u-u i iiri liminarv bu-im-ss ha 1 b-n dis I osed ot, a oonoi. it'ee of i v-hf, which five were from the ll.u-i' : thru- from the Set a'e, was r-.i md wai'ed on the Govern' him that the two pons, s orpaniz.-d and rea.iy to r communication he wished r to inform were duly any The message was at once sent ia, and with the aeeo-jip in; it: ilocumt Lts, read. In the mes ape his E. :ci Pem-v n- iti ratis nun h that :i' ed in his address to the people. He pr. seat ed u draft of a new bill, pivparnl by Col. Tlios. IPilVm, of Oral ', and II -n. Geo. Davis, of Neiv HaiiuM-r, which these pei.thuian lh:i k will amply protect tl.e State. Ye have not as et seen ii copy of the new biil. A'ter the rea.iiap of t':e IM S sipe, tome other busim ss, pvincip d iy f a l'lutii:" characti r, was irms aeted. A j int ei'iim.i'ti ; of ten Senators mid tiftet n mi-mi i-rs of Pie House was r ii-ed, to wl.icli are to be n ferred all matters relative to the railroad. At 2. p. ni. both hor.se. ndjounied until 10 o'clock to-morio A aborting.'' How J inli' Avery Holds Cutsrt. It was really umusinp to hear a N;ish county l arkey pive an iieeount of the wav .Jilope Av'fv put thinps t'liroimh nt Niish court. Vhe!l the Judpe read out the seubuee, "tw ears in the count v j nl, a man i t,e (.urlH.r I1Md0 :l tiWu runt. ..i- i. .i .i . . . i.. i ' ' . ' ' Wfi P-nii :.f t u , ... :.,,t ,. rtaii" the otheer to the mm, last mentioned. Great. God !" s;ti 1 a tltirit. ftlleriU, take ttnit: nuiu to jail, li'iieateil tiie Jillpc. 1 tell ou sar" said that, excited tlarkev. ' I hardly biinp my hi. f iu d:tt court house after uat; but wlieit I p..t. tint, uii'i crossea uie oriope over moitv ,i,,M,m U.t j ,nV boots'a sta.upi.ip. atei ,t jumpinp, and a lilfii.-( blishoro M.ol. ... i i .i i . i . t. . . . . Mart of Many OfSces. ;ir m u.e tir..-ni.-f..' luirii.t.) "V,in lini t,.w.. ; i;i...... county, Teiin., boasts a citizen who 11 .' . t....: .1 is i JJllllUSlt J , ,11 iltl'I , vllsl IIB Ut ine Peace. Snmhiv Se'lmol S merit, tend- ,. r.,i,;,'f l Alitor ii.. . m - ic Lo.lpe, Klder iu the Church, lead- 11 er of the choir, cotton speculator, ex- mill anJ die. ' usive farmer, deals hi oly in thor- biiuht as ever, thereby leading to the now with scarcely elotlunp to appear pect.nl ia pet it tps many eases. : owneiis ami I'ltociKioin.. i tlele- ouphbred chickens, imports line snoposiiion that they were old per- decently, much lesscoi.itortni.lv cnvi, liter... are a immi. i ci amines wuo Sailllih' Kouilis ill the Citv. I prades i.f wheat, runs a reaper and sous. Tht iutpressiou id that they perhaps with her limbs and body would wait, a reas.muol leiiptu of 1 j .!..... i... i- ., ... .... i...ii.,u...i;iL,l , liitil., u-ru. iii:,ik.-.l with tl... blows ot a drunken time b.f re trimmui'' up tretsor I lie NuiiuihI evert. hik l "' "i" 'i."l , . LUIIDIll-l. IUK1 l ll MrifleSSlOJiiU IlllltC li'l'l"'" IV.4I,.,, u i..v.w ...... ...... - - . .tl 1 i .- , lM,kt'n Inol.i " V l..t i i... t-iet.1,. Imri.d at the time. Wimbitipton .husband aud sulTerii)'' severely w.tli lookmp about much uuywiiy for the suuarc, iIih ttnent 1 .irk in itie srvin, nnd Our Farms Too Large. r,.ni ui0 wt nop0rt of the IV- ,utiiieut of Aeuicultnro wo coin- llu' followiup in regard to selling otu'.nminir.vn.iss os 'any siii.im is new i i i ' m vy r.i? oi-iTKiii:si. ri t wi: u-r in-isi surplus hnd:. ltKS,lNsm.K N XM1; uvomcanyivo " irth Carolina must nron" from : i.vhiiv autici.k. am aio that it i-.k her letlnu-v nivl keep t,;p ith the ; r - "f- 'h ;' "7 sunonmlmss we have not, . lily much t,.,ni hut. much to t ni.kvin. if w( wnul 1 reasonably hope to secure for mirhiuhlv favored State that cxulb il position siltiom; in r mmi'm w nu n ,,bSoleti must be al'aiidoned, if vi would hive our State, in all in r va ried inerests imbued with that pirit of iiiterprise which alone can win for her the position she should oceupv. P, .enineiit itlMKllL' these is the idi-a ( ln.l to which our people se 'in t idln re persistently') that the 1 si n of laroe bodies of land is nu ele ment and source of wealth. I si tin' d is t f slavery, the exhaustive ii'id destrneiive svstem of farmim' di - maihled a Constant iMilar-renieiit of , , .1 . 1 . lioneim, an. I nence ine imaneiai depi'iidcnee and prosperity ofn firm er was, ui n ''rent ill jjree, leeasurcl bv his landed possessions. Now, m ii... li..lo ,,f vi.r' r.TTv.ri,.ne.. it is almost as sure n tneasure of his tinaneial weakni ss. Who nmoiip our o: i ,,.,;,.l,l,. ;,. ii, . central and ea'atern se.tions'ot the State, cannot p.unt to numbers ,.f m i hbnrs whose lirpe plant itions imd landed estates hav... hnup about tl.elil a- I ,. ill-stone? Imler ur iii w s- item how manv thousands of our '. ople biive heroically wronpht out iheir financial l.iiu in the vain e! de ivor to k. ep tip their hirpe all 1 unwiildv farms? We hav b day in the State in roan 1 numbers ;l.i, tUlO (mil acres of land. Of this, lie-tr-Iv 'Jii.l.P'.i.lHM acres are in farms, iai pfoved, woodlands and nniiiiprovi d. And of this, only about ."t.tuH'.Unl' acia s are i'nieeM.il, or u' out .i i. r cent. And this -J(i p- r cent, is sup por.inp 77 p.-r cent, of the entire population of the State. The re- . i- .r llo.lilti li) ueri'S :ili not ,, illv iioii-uo du'etive lmt an iictuid .i '..oi.t bo o iii bv tin- nr.- .iints fr.-ni the i.lready overtaxed acr. s iu cultivation. Tct us tak" an isola'ed firm of :! o.'H) to o.ooO acres, i f which f.-oni Jo, i to "'' 1 acres are lin li v eulliva ii e. We bad in Wit over i't,iHM s ;,!. firms in the State. And what is their condition at present? What I r lici-i i:i ef ilnse farms lime im uroved ? Suppose, iu any county in the "s'ate, the ow IU rs of Inn. Is, uf'er resii'vinp to them-elves a proper aiMoimt f"f tinir own use, shoal 1 Mici 1 their sin plus lui Is into h tof ,"o t i !'!'. acres each, and sell every n't. male 1. t to be paid far in ten M ars, wi;h interes, at its pre'ent c'sh value, t i pood reliable, iiahis tdous nun who can estimate the solid wealth of such a county at the expiration of that time ? And what would be the enhanced value of the reie.aii.ii p lots by virtue of their proximity to tlm improved lands? There is scarcely an impediment to f the in i'ei ial pf. press and develop I un lit n' our Sta'o which cannot be traei d d.li - tlv or ii. lireet'v to the f;u. t h 1 1 our I'eeple an en-leavorinp , , 1X,K ,,-,. ;l.i., than they can ut ilize and ma.o. pro!;t ib,e. l..-t them -ill the r surplus lands which tio'.v serve only to clop their prosperity, and apply tin ir vahu , now dormant, to iaiprovine; and euiicLni.p. their farm.--. S ib-tantial improvement of the firn. in all ils d paitieents is what eon-ti'utes the real pro-pi-rity and slieci -s of the owner, Kiel this ?aU nol be d i.e with our pr. sent sy -t in. The pr. most possible diver-ity of in dustries, eonipatil ! with our natur al f ,-.'P i. s f r f isteii'.p them, is the Insis up. :t which North Cal.hu:i n.u -t build ln r prospei ity. To seeuie this. We must invite Cip- itid. em ry. skill and enterprise by plaeii .p our surplus lands on the inaik' t at fair prices. We must se cure a pood class ol liiin-iprtiuoii, iiiiilla .I i thjs we must offer tiieui homes nt livinp rates. lVomlS2i.it) Is70 the total litimher of f uvipn born pas-enpers arrivinp; at our I urts was '.l,o',i,'2'.r.:. Of ties nil'.nbi r tln-re uie It .llJ'J f .liud in North Carolina by the last la.usus. At that da'ethe c- nsus n p 'i ts slew ilett over oU.l.Utltt until! North Cstro- liiiians were livinp in other Slates. All this must be chanped. Our ehiidrcii must be induced to htny at . .i -i,. . . home ,v lmtuessi lir lllelil w.iu H list . .. ..s .1 .,-.! .... t State,' and v.ist uu.x-eupiud douiiiiil must, be ' subj.cte 1 to die plow ami si.kle of tiie t unity HUil lmlUstlloUS miauium- , . , Indian NkCletons. a n fi. Id on Hip noint farm of the .... - 1 .mrai". 'n,n..-., . ........v.. tv. was W ivp plowed last week, snme human I,.. m-s were r.ised. ThU ex - ctinp the curiosity of the owner,, i i i .,.!, Mfhtil Suriimers in Heaufort e.Hin- ' uf f,,ur skVous, supposed to bo aniiiwis.-il lo hi (1,,,,', Imliinri wero fouud alb : SXXT ju one prave and eittiup ia un ' niiii.dit, t.onitioii. with their knees drawn to their chin, aud of immense . o.,tt ;.,ul.. ui,. iJ . .nu ii-ii,,r lnr.ru nnnu.-,..., j' mou-'h to cover the f.tcu of hu oidt- ' i.rv'iii:tii. Tli ft .ih were found to be in p.-ifect eouditiou. but coiibid- 11 HI er ilily worn, the enamel bemp as Ficso. PnEBI.QPnH111.TJ PI?" bUnniioi UiiULiiuri. , . w im.unj.v an. m.mt ononis, -k , iconuY, .Yi , '':. ; -u. v. ANM...MS. ,,N ol, iM;.:..;J1,,,., ..N-,-s.-.v i on Tin: in.eiiim. IhNitMl's Hill.. N". C. March 11th, ISM. Mn. Thrroi;: As I have rea.l s 'Vt nu eonnnuiiie l tious in your exci lh i't p:p. r. on tl very interesting -u'M.-ct i f Teinper niic'e, I thou ilit p- ih ps 'ill wi-u'd tiive si'ic for l short nrti -le on the -.one snbji et from me. M,. purpose is to show some of the evils of I .ti in- p.-raiieo, not that e are so p. siere 1 with it. but that it pr- Vid'a 111 a 1 si ti.,us to a '-reau r or h--s di-rn-e, an 1 w le'n we hi.d imd r.s n d See its ire mah- ravages on everv 1 t exclaim, Wl .lt re H e,.;, ; is t ,-.ii,i. ml we Tnlwitt Ille; this (, in :.:t dellJI'T IS 1 '' , i et .',1'itll, wlliw fo arrive more !' at the truth u r, we shonl ! "i "i-i'" o. l-eUobl tm. yoano man ui.u im the freshness, iiierv. miioceiuv. and purity f youth, j 1st mil ip- P'. fiivi. tin' obscurity of s mi". in- riii' v. m wtiieli In-i :,rii" s' eivsnave b,, i. c! -s. t. d and n whi.-h h.s ,'ne- idle mmd h cs be. n t.m-'it and l'e- pressed with t.'ie importune of ir- me l o ll m piec. pt am, exan,... . i t is w :e s .m is . . u ii :i nr pr.i'sewort'.y .iunm. ;.:i ' .n-mp po.. and of aciim u: .' t lie ti n n.!-:iip an. I love of lis I i- i' how-er. at'H s. mi 1 h h aps iiit tie n. iv and s,:U.;..iis arena, hounded oii'y by tho ll.'iui',i. with all tiie ex l.t it'.ivi, with a'.l tl.e anima tion, with nil the nudi-pnise.) senti ments of h ecpi'.ess, so peculiar to those j ist iiit.linp their eir.tr i. life, an. I wit i priucipii s of the most correct ciiai icier. His fiieii.ls p.-rc. ivo in him only the talented, th'. lear'ess, the r ons, the iiob'.. , the elidenriie; xoti'li, and thev best iw uooii him their lev. , th-ir prd- . their illld their as-'.stam.' ei.e iMi'iip. luei t And hi- j ar. n:-. Wiv.lt p'eastile. w!i it eee.!i le-. , v.Me.t iinriv t'.le.l ia p a iti on liave tie ir idol v.mp hearts ! a f i-'oed f .r him; ob serve, while '! youMi's vi'-U'-s are spoken of and approved, h the f ille r's eves sparkle. !;ow his whole f. atnres li.-c ine iihi'iiin i'e 1 with the teeli'.ips et his soul, how animate I he appears w h.le the blo..l rmh rapidly ihro'i'h its various ema!-; and how t! e tender mother's b is. i'ii heaves with i tuimipiioiis em eiou i f ioy, while (1 tear of deiipht s; rie .'s Unbi l lell fr.'ill its S. Cl'. t fo lt.t im, and sits in the corner of that maurn al eve, a dear and sacia 1 p m, far ii. her than the purest di im eid, tir lovelier than the most m i-ni:',c i t works of a; t. This i-the pi taro o! tni" ma'ih'iod in 'hldinp temp.-iam-e. prnd-liee, ai d all the virtues which It is our Jil ivih pe to possess; but li t us f, U. e.v this y, nth up a littl" f ir thi r and we tiii.i him iMrronn led by his friends .or pr. t-oded frieti b. and the r.ldiallo'.v. d .! tss is pa-se l around, and is pr seated In him, h" liesit.ttes. for the .-mius of teinp. r aiice whispers, an I forbids him. lie dees lmt nerd the vile stimulus, for already he has hed'h. sp.rit., and vivacity to exc ss. :5,e.ii:p thr-'mr'n his svstei! ; lie p. r. eives th" smile ll ivii p upon th In s ..f Ids friends. Tin y lauph, they him, lit.' lalier--Tiii-s is the fu -t "' inp tasted once, I, pelsllasiou to Midi M-cond, and Cm I or lab r we find 1. !;, t'.cy lidii-ule ; 1 is eoi.'piered I ... m-vai ,( st. p, h av - needs but little . hie: to try it a lint", a 1 1 s 'oner I .-HIT -Ulliled bv his pretended fi i'-nds at room, where 1. is ti.e smut; bu liio of the Comiilliy, Ills 1"K' S ni(. nie nesr, n.s !l tshes of wit iivi liest, ami his diso siiioii the h.t pii si .oiiieii. tin in. lie can now swallow "1 .ss ef er yhiss ol th" pei niciuiH li.piid w ith his fri, n In and us he is et noie to ply for his dl inks, he is C died ll eleVer whoie sonh d fellow. This is the 6 -coiid step downward, im l as i' woitl I t.aue up to j miieii space to foil, e.v li'm th oueh l, t us po on to t le- last s'ep, wh- r.. wo lind our yout'u iu the miry putter, or reeling his st,-is ho'iie,v ird, his s ii.tl-tmed, his f ,ee swollen, ami breised, and his whole ilpieaialice iudicatinp extreme wn tchedness. There i.s not!, it. p to be observed h a- ever, which ivinets any f.-i linp if the inner man. Ye', the n.ind of that man ruined us it is, sull'-rs to mi iu- tense deprce. he knows 1 is condition, .I...I. 1... :.. .1 'iiui uo .i. 1,1 . .. .i, iind lump ties ll,, I Ii.. i.i.vo oi lie ii-eon V. ceivi-il iuto that throitph his folly the w ife ot Ins bosom, nud lu.s lit.le inimcciii cuii- oirii niv not uu ii.s...v ..... .-..v reduced to want. Ho compares his r ...1 i i l ..n I iritiei wiin nis pri'seni slant uii'i an thosi) thouphN so harass mm that he hastens to the bottle to sih iice them, to lury lu tue lt.saiiit ol men- n," 1411(1 " Is M"w 111:11 iue : ,. ,i , wife and children stiller clllel tre.it- that everytlt.up hateiu and nmunable is eseutet ,.. Up m st.als. or iiiurd -rs, or pet tonus Mime :''!' "uich ent.als a iu.uk of shame i.n.'o hioi tui.u.n - infamy upon him and hia elm- dreu thrupli life. i It in not the man who does tin se thiupR, it is the drunkard, tlm man 111, neiiou-d and niettimoilViOsed into . - 11, r o .i -.1 i 1 mounter by alcohol, ilieu think bors for their attendance, witli Uieirj of this iioor uiioifendiup wife who once saw better timts. who smiled ut tiie gol.len prespeetsj oi me i.iuue, 'the paia ari.sinej from tiiciu, bits mule 'nd ! etudes, t.r the fountuin of lu r ! t,.:lt!. OUii .,. become thui . She h:u do.m all tint woman, nil that wife, all that mother could do! to reikiim her mirerabhs partner, but, m vuui, on he t,'Ocs. One tiling n fter , .mother ooes for rum. Oh, imupine .p. ,..,,, ;,: hi ni t-rt iuliii" tliou'bts . ,.xist j . ,. ,. S1nvlyth.M. - - aryofh,.1utrovovtv; would be bliss compared to this, ami this is in more titan this ponderous, weapon of the iLvil will do. Yours trnlv, j. a. ii. ' A Timely Letter. i As the Legislature is now in fes-: siiin for the mrpo-e of eon--idi ! in.i; the ipli'stion of seliin;: the v.Yi stern; North Carohna Uailreud, we publish i he foil iwin' timely h t! r addressed to the Gov. riior, from the p rus d of ,-l.ich our leiii-lateid may profit, and learn a moial ; Hon. T. J. J w:is, P.:.u; S:u:- I a::, both ered, imleod I am in n "close ohie e." Mv situation is this: I have i fine hiru-e horse that cost me ?l,(t. I bouu'ht him P. carry enrn to be ',,'rcu'id at the mill fir my imie;hbor-iio-d. and brine? hack the meal. I ll ive h id him for some years alld I V- ri'ib idv is iittaehed to him. He is m ov m rv ni ir and thin, and thonpb I st.e'id ad I can -pTe to f. ed him he still plows th:u and weaker eVeiy dav. en I Ieami.it iy h"-.v 1 in; he .il! live. A -t i a apt r e.t'ne a'oii p tl c other d iv a: d . T -' - d to Lu him. I 'o! I ih- strarper that I ow.d ?2 t on the horse ai d to s e'-re th- debt I had e-xecMt. -l a m .rf:,l.;n oil him. I ii.- str iu .'-r sayi he w .l! p i.v off in- moi l-.' i.,e, relieve in" from the debt. :. 'o I tatii ti tie- horse ami k p him in the r.t i-Vhorhood, and h-t tl.e n.-i .dd'ors n-i. him as tin y to.ve al v.'axs d te' aii 1 upon the sump tern s I i:-e 1 to ip." tie m. It 1 do not -ell him, hi lore G 'd I believe lie Wld I.. ..n t.iv h .mis, an 1 I will h ive to i-'l i.iv firm t piy ih" mortu-ipt . Wli.it 'sh:.!! I do. pi iy till me? Suae f i, iv pi-i iii -nds and netphbors say sell, "i t out . f d b- ami let the stral, .' r s rv" in as u h ive done; oth eis. who don't care much i.bont me or t'e- h ovs.- . itii. -r. say don't piy. uw.tv a line horse for nothlnp, "why, ibiim it, soil your f irm and keep your old horse and 1- t !,i"i die aud be demned, The Laws' Delects. F-.r the pri'-poso of p..'mt!np a moi d, we propose t-i im ntio i two c is. s 1 1 ii d oil t In- t'iiinind 0 e'.et ' in Na-h wee!; Ii..f,.re last. Pet-r, T 1 1 1 1 to. a ca'eb s-i lo .kinp colore.l m m, "f more than ordinary sie and a.bpos... in o-ib-r to wreak yiuv.'.-nee on an th-rcii e ed m.ti liann d lfi.d Yick. "ti X:eas niL'ht la-t. c tll.-d Yick to i he door.sla' inp his n nni' w is ( irav ; :.;i l w'.. n Y-ck surround, d by his' xif-- nu 1 children i 'twas early in tlmi nhrht ' stool in the d .or, obeli ntlv i to the call, shot him down mid ran off A'ic':is left nrni is parali.-d for bin life w hich, for sometime, as ,les-: ;i tired of. he n.e.v e ti rit s in his body forty -hoi, iiin! he is htticfuth a fei b'e inva'i 1. Sevt ra.l shot struck t; .' wit-' and the door posts were till ed w.t'n shot, buried out of siphb His piii'.t was pi im ami the jury promi-r'y c. evicted him, and y. t the lev di 1 let permit the Court .Tudpn Av. ry'i to semi him to the S -ib-'s l'li-oii. IP; e.in oTily be eniilh.e 1 in the county jail at th..' expense of in iio" nt tax-pay rs. H- iir.V lb dpepth, ll whi'e m ill, either h .viiip a s-pite apaitist Win. Yick, .".uotlu r whui' man, or hired, nt the mi Inlpl.t hour, took h.s pun, wi lit t ) the stable of Yi' k all I d.-lib-tfa'e'vsh.ot do ,mi his oulv mule. Link by link the chain of circumstantial evileiic-' tiphtetied its coils idmit him. endinp in his cotifes-i m. 'Je was also cottvict -i by the jury. It was a .-'ittu'oiy l". nee, however, u uii-dciiieahor, and the Curt was b'tr ieil from si it. neiep ,iui t a petii- nti iry term. He is ijow lying in I he county j iii eiit inp up ihe substance of the h irmless t tx-payers. Jidpe A v. rv bemotned t'.o luw p'.'i Veil! lllp !l stimeieni iiiiiisji!iieni . If u mini lui 1 sto e :i shidinp chick eu or n nick'-l, he could h ive beei e online 1 iu the State's prison for i limp t'-rin of yenrs Ts there justice in such di eriminii tion ? Tmboro' Southerner. Khnliii' Out if They Lured Him. The M-upunton Hhide tells the fob ; I : .o. ...... V.. l..e : jlossej,s0ll by R Bpintof deviltry nndcii-l ,i,,sity, wei.t out near hts boiiso ami; t-iu ilowu a I irpo wiuio iiiio tree,, n,j :,,sj ,,H jt ft,, sereineil a few ' . . . ... timt s at the top oi tin. voice, winc'.t Ml:mm.,i ,iH family and neighbors,, who in ten minutes time had tisseui- ! t.lt-.l at the tree. In the ineitnf line : the oh! st tper coiiceiiied lnms.it nti tr , , , , , i- i,v uu. W,lt-U.-1 tl, pro..H-dii. ,lfter the tree had betuj trimi f..r ,lio purpose of tindmp tl: ,odv. the o d f.- ow w.-dk-d linps, and itumed up, il,.. .I..i,l , Up ami I... ,.,.,,,,,,1 that he ha 1 found leiiiitroe'l liiiil in: ui i nniun um the opera! ion tint his wife, family! j and ie iphboru cared somelhinp f him, and he had in ado a half day woik by petlinp the tree Irimme.l up, besides. He t hell t hanked t he lielpit- p tin-killer, camphor, .Vo" The story is a true one, but had rather a dill'cr- -reiit . i-miiny iro n w mu mtp.ii i.u j .old uiau ADVERTISEMENTS. M A C H I r A Y N H A LLVJUFACTURSRS AGENT, ALL KIXDS OF MACHINERY, Bi:ST AND MOST IMPHOVED FA11M1NG IMPLEMENTS .NI (.LNT.IUL rilODrCE COMMISSION ME1IC1IANT, LxJLHj ST C3o WILL BUY SELL Oil EXCHANGE HIX'OND H.VNHJMACIIlr.nY. S 1 K O I A L T I E S . T.illoi ,- s n. I::i; !... 1 r.n -liii-. an I r-'l!,-r. fr i TiUV:.l,i'l'.s, I'll .Ul.Ts an t S(' i-a h Iillej l!aiTiWs, i .hi .lilii-: liarr.iws, i Sl'li A i; O A N E Wln"i' nil ! I' .ni M !'-. ("!! e. I I'rie ),.-, r .i w-'(k M.i'h;ii.-r'. e :, .-it,.! e .n 1 i.iii'-i-.. I;i.l:n. I 411-. I' -11, sin llevs. I',-, I , ,!.. -rs, I nl.-i- Mil! .. 1111 I l'.ver Al'.l.'K- .u ouiu ii. Niilile l.ivi ili ,! li.i.u.ii, I M 1' O II C ,rr..' ii l. ii.-e S..1I (!,-1 ll, .t. -.. Mai-hiiif-v ah i runinni: Inij-li -u ; iMii.-rv lo.rk. i - i - na - -l.i 1 I li e i.i lac .-. ii.-v et Hie I i's! M.iiuli.i. ie.'ii'i. in tin' ..r V i iiiii.-rv. ,11 M. In", t i ... .! . ll ..ICO' M.nuna . inter." Iii -: .u i-.mt.-ii.-i. iv.-h an 1 1.- jiiln-a. - U IMLiClCTLief O ONLY BY VT.lSLJlCKtfELU S: CO. FUSIHTUSE ! c in. r r r... i-ti.'i ai an I i ni,. s i-.-:-, llalei.d,, N. IV, id'.M.p.:: is All Kinds of V'uriiihire, Mattrassit-a, and Spi inp Pe'da. T Itav. ii w In s'..-.. .-ii.. ..f tt;- i . I. r- In o.e Sace. s,t -h --s. fri,-. Cral;.'-. s i i.-.ir-. I! .:: f ai.-l- I--: h -a 1 ii. t. mm u C3 onoor.ns .'.mi C8MBS0H MSSCHA1IT3, P-aicii-h, rj. C. seLr. .'.i-KXH r It - . .oi.r.rr.K ska ist.M m no am ItAl.l'WIN A tku t:- .-(ibVi P It; iNK. r.tr. SreNKMM.t. i - Trex- rt. -w ASU Vlt.Vd Ti iix- l-i.vr. FAbMi-.its M-i'i'i.n:s. W. hivi- In H'.frn an I ! arrive i l.v-i Uus. Whlii' Coi n. l llll! f.vi n,i . fli-.i I' .' I, I Hl, ii -. i'.-em- L l !-. !- i.i 1 1... n-iin" Tur-.'liy Hay, : V"i n-s. i: ir. il-- .r lie. si . I e ir , a I- eii l.-e Family an-l rer-i 11 -nr. I ear I a I i- V t.r.iii 1 , a -1 j i ; -1 - K '.! a- l-.iv :..r.Msli ; ! ' win rn.-.kp -ti ni C lll III: l - Ih. itr a lii.ai.i,; ery r. s. I'lilly. M. T. N' ''.mis s CO., 1880. h ll, rur.rAiiiNG' fou TEE IJEW YEAE! Wi i.ff'-r r-r unit' a line "f tlQ'.l? liltl iU Ulbil.l UJJU Ar t'.sr AX'ii Lis tiias cv i.-t I All Desirable Goods n...'llati,s. Wai Siil.il.. Cl-.lll-. I iN. CI- akin;.'-, fa-slmer.'." (;t;K AT YA UIETY of WOOI.ENS FOU MEN'S AND HOYS' .YEAR. Tli"l.i:'u'.-.t -:.'k iei l u-r.-C'.: vni-l-'yI nr Towi:i.s: t. DAMASKS- e.viu.s:: whim ow-iu.- :i! - nml Cl.Tisl .r shewn Iu this Witli n-.yl niat'-ii -t-i--' mark.. FLANNELS! SILK YVAIH'S, Plaids, s, .l llu falirl an 1 tiiiU'1 1. H.i J-llH 111 jaiiJ'.'-U iu. Luiato fir Sals ' . II ll'l ,,ii li.n.l fill 1 'l i 'unil-li at ell .rt ii'.tl -e. It. mill i w..,t : ore ma, W m'm -e 1 1" HI Kilrl-i sll- ll a illl', nu s-.ry. it 11... n un.... , .il ir. mel, ..'-liMill"H. ,X., w'.l.-li will I, ..l 1 l-.w ..r ca-li ler I. e-i.-r. i.r-l-r. -I o t ; i.misi i.v:- m -r F..i,ruary s-.u. nwo. ' ' it " ; V . R. .,rilK,:T. s wm. j. stukkt IJaleiph. X. C. S. R. STREET t SON, IH.OC MHK. BmM al.vnr acciesiblo lo liursU oi tliv Jlouee. 1 ADVERTISEMENTS. N E R Y I I, I, O T T . n -.,rl s, Saw Mill, lilmitt'gaii.l all rurs!iM. hvi t lii- ilialu lulls, Tliumas' M A C II I N E 11 Y i-.l M11K li'i k. l!,.i.i is an 1 M..UITK. W.--k. ll oa'.iis, Sulky lla!..-,, II.hm' I'. w.t-. lii'a'.rl I liiiiirnvoil Maiiiiui iy :ul 1 al ining liui'lriiuira. T A N T ! l. - M f iriil.hi-l. rnint.-ciiisi .if nnv nii.l nil kln ln ..f n.iiil - .ly. U..IIW1....S iiuuSlii-.l ,.ii all kln.ls nl Ma- rultisl amuv, I will f.ii-nl;.'a enly Uio t.ni.iiuiiny ll'll ,.,',. n. I.' 1.1. . T - ...... II. ll. .11.. y.,,1 ..iiaii s.-n,. Hinni y uiii-n y.m Imy ir..ia nu-. . ... . fOR PLEASURE, SMOKE THE OLD 1 1 1 l i mm, GROCERS. 1 8 8 0. HEiYY GROCERIES! HYKllYTIIING IN FANCY GROCEHIES. Dsrflfia & Fiold SEEDS. Pure f I" I-HT..1, ..r ,rl.r int. k Irish I r-.iit..n ui. hull le ,1 l-arrol-i. It jr- ll wl-!i rno Call r wdie ! r AGENTS FOR II. II. S.-a 1' wl Ouin i. nil I !'.r.-,.lli. '- ralrril S,in-r- .ll-.-.-lia ..; I.im. I ....' :i. I. .- t 1 tan s;.-,i,a- H,- I er III ...r-. nr.. a'-. Ac-ill- i.,r I'nttrr'n I'M'li'li'.- I i 'l'..-iil--al-.. ti v.'ii uili . Hi Co- y..rr a l.-iiili.i-r- .all "ii io l'-r (iiiiu'.a .ml t-ri,-H IM. JHHii-lf E. C. HACKNEY, Asuimtnt. Pri.-U-i- In tl.e Ih.. s ale. ai. I Hie ;!i.r"n.- an I 1'.-1 -r.-il C- uriH s.ii.rl r I'-i'ii-i nl Ciia-.l.ar liana. -: -1 . an 1 letilfonl. .-.m-i.ii.- e-.iiii-.-l e -l. .la'ti.-s A. lirnhaMi. c.-l. Oral. am will r.-ial.i. ly ait.'ii 1 llu- s.ij-i rl'.r r.Mire; . .r I tl.C l.am Ci.illi'v. r i!!cti:..ti niviu t..'..l!ivt..n In at! I in.s ft IL.- snc.o.'va t.-I.U-lt I) iileiph and Aniriista Air-Liiio it Kailnmd Company. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. sriM".KINTF.N!KT S OFFICE. ) i: i Kii.n. N. ('., Juue ". l.sT;i. i On timl nfter Friilay, June C, 1S7',. Irnir.a on tin l!l"iih Rial Auirnnit Air b hp Hail, mml w ill rttu ilailv (Siitulayu entri't.ill t felleWi N in. 1 I.fHVl? - U.i!. iirh....(lO p m fnrv H lit " Aei'x m r,:t " New !IiI1...! t-t " Merry i.K.V :'.'i " M-'DIMI If . . . !l"ili ' Nl 2 beftVe Hamlet . . . .2 "0 ft rrt Tl. ttttian...:t 14 " Ki-vser ....:t ti7 " Wwh :i.r4 " Mhi'.v ... 4 t:i " ( ntm rett. .4 .t'i " Santoni ...541 Osit'inrl -' " .Mm, cure . .1! '.'-I " M.rivo. k.-ti 42 " Ni iv'lbll. 7 I'd " A.es ... .7 2:! " (iiirv 7. "ill " Arrive at Kaleiifli...9S0 " t)-p.l.,l... Sllllt'Tll . . ''utn-r in . I 1'17 " 10 It " I I 27 " 1 '.' (i! a in .i:oti 1J-1S " . . I 14 " ..2 00 " Manly.... i ll" . . ! ifniHii . Arrive at llair.M . 'I'rain N". t c -niieftn at Hamlet nitti . ('. Uaili.RV tor Vilmiii)jti)ii, (.lintli'lte :;il u 1 1 .u!tl's Setitli. '1'iain Nu. 2 c innTt at Ha!. i(:h wiili ttm Itnleilt ami i:iatoii Htiiln aii fer all nicl Nortb. JOHN '. WINPER, Hui'eriiitrntlent. Carolina Central Hnilway Co., Office Gesihal Sit't. Wiltuington, N. C, Moy 18, 1H7'J. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. Oil nml nt'er this ilnte, llie ti.llowini; Schedule will biMiiieran-it on t tiia It i'ilua : lVs..in. r, Mail aud r'.;.reHs Train. ) bave Wiliniiipliiii at 7 i n 1 M Nu. 1. ;- Arrive at Hamlet at 2 27 A M ) " t. (.'Iiarlntte at S 20 A M ) heave t'harli.tte at 8 25 I M No. 2 Arrive at Hamlet at 1 :t J A M J ' ai ilininpion at tl 50 A M Clou i ronnei-tinn inad at llamli t with trnius ol Kuleijli A AnafUHta Air bine lUil way. V. Q JOHNSON, i'elilO if (i.-ueral Sii.erititenibnt. TIMS TABLE C-ijj Fear t Yadkin Valley R'j ! To Tuke Effort May Dili, 1S7. Daily Except Sunday. I,eve(i rayetteville nt 1:00 p ui. Arrives at liult al 7:"5 ui. I.i uvea (iulf at It 00 a tit. Arrive at Fayettevillit at 10.00 a in, L. C, JOXJvd, ajperiutouJrul, . Sfeypnpuna bechuse bcliable.

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