2h$ djjhathiim Record. Ctettem H. A. LONDON, Jr., OF AD V KHTIHINO. EDITOR AM TKOIMUKTlMt. Out-Mjtiaie, om-Insertion, On square, tw iitteiilun,. Our Muart', !; ni'.iitli, S.0 J. VI 2. SO TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: imil 'ir. uiie)''-. -a..sop)- ,li IIIUIllll - oeropy, Sarve mouth, fi.cu l.ou VOL. II. PITTSBOKQ', CHATHAM CO., N. C, APIUL 1, 1880. NO. 2(J. P. A. WILKT Ca.hl.r CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK, OF IllI.EK.II, X. .'. J.D.WILLIAMS & CO., Grocers, Commission Merchants and Produce Buyers, FAYETTEVILLE. N. C. JOHN M. MORINC. Attorney at Law, .llorlngiivlllr, Chut bum Co., N. C. ' S M-HINIl, Of Chatham. A1.FHKI) A. MOBINO, Of Orange MORINC & MORINC, Attor uoya At Iiawi Dill HAM, N. C. All business iutrueted to tbem will reoelve prompt attention. THOMAS M. CROSS, Attorney at Law, riTTNBOUO', .. f. Will praotico in Chatham and enrroun counties. Collection of claims a specialty, ding J. J. JACKSON, AT TOR NE Y-AT-L AW, PITTS no no', x. c. t-AU business entrusted to liiiu will ro. civ.' i'-oinpt a'tentlou. ido Buggies, Rockaways, Spring Wagons, &c. made of the beat materia1! and fully warrant ed, to ho told legar llei4 of cost. 'Parties in want wiil consult thiir own hiterent by cxam iuuiK our stock and prices biforebnyinK.au wo are determined to noil, and have eat down our prices so tin y cannot be mut by any other iiouHe in the Htate. AIo a full stock of, llnnd 3Inlo IlnrncKN REPAIRING done at bottom pri.es, and iu bent rumii r, Ht-Lil for pr.rea am' rnt-i. a. A. McKEiIHN HONS. Kv..r,.ville. N. C. H. A. LONDON, Jr., Attorney at Law, PITTSKOKO', x 4 sWSpaeinl Attention Paid M Coll inci. Certain and Reliable! HOWARDS INFALLIBLE WORLD RE NOWNED REMEDY FOR WORMS I. now fur silo by W. L. London, in rittoboro'. All thmn wlin are annoyed Willi (hone rents rn adviscl to call and get a package of this valuat li remedy. Thia onmpouud ie no hnni bng. but a grand siirei.H. One agent wanted In every town in the Htate. For particular.. 11 b". enl(iinir 3 omit stamp. Dr. J. JI HOWARD. Mt. Oiive, Wayne couutv, N.C. NORTH CAROLINA STATE LIFE INSURANCE CO., OF RALEIGH, X. CAB. P, n. CAMEROV. rrni-lmt. W. E. ANDERSON, Vict Vrtt. W. II. HICKS, S,(-y. The only Home Life Insurance Co. in the State. All IU fund loaned out AT IIOtIK, and among our own people. Wc do not rend Nor lb Carolina money abroad to build up other Btnle. It is one of the most successful i om paniea of its age in the United Blnlcs. lu as. sets are amply auluciunt. All losses paid promptly. Eight thousand dollara paid !u th last two years to families in Chatham. It will cost a man aged thirty yean only five cents a day to Insure for one thousand dollars. Apply for further Information to H.A. LONDON, Jr., Gen. Agt. PITT8BOKO', N. C. W. K. ANDERSON. READ THIS, North Carolinians and Others! THE CELEBRATED LIQUID ENAMEL PAINT! MANUFACTURED BY NEW JERSEY ENAMEL PAINT COMPANY Has been said in yonr Scats EtGIT YE VR1 Thousands of gallons having been disposed of. In ) ease ba. it failod to give .ttiifaotiou. The finest publ.o buildings in Baltimore are painted alth tkia elegant Taint. THE CARrtOI.LTON HrntL. 1HE NEW AMERICAN OFKIOE. THE ARMSTRONG. CATOR CO.'s BUILDING, THE HURST. Pl'llNF.LL A CO.'S BUCf.DINfJ, THE TKIN1TY H . E. CHl'KOQ, (SOUTH), And elegant PRIYATE RESIDENCES sU over the country. Mixed Ready for Use. Bsupls car 5 by snail on application. O. P. KNIGHT, Sole Ceneral Agent, AND MANUFACTURERS OF R00F1KG PtrEIl, BUILD1SG PAIBIt, AND ROOFING CEMENT. 09 W. Lombard St., Baltimore. Md. WILL lOUSELLTHE FARM? Chapin's - Farm Agency, liALElGIl, N. C. Dr. A. B. CHAPIN, Manager NORTH CAROLINA MUNCH OF GEORGE H. CHAPIN'S FARM AGENCY, EOsTON, HASH. Special attention given to the sale of Sorth Carolina Rial Kitattt. No charge a ado until a sale ts effected All proptrly placrd in our u.umb inr bkiu win uo savoriiHea in mo popu lar work, Tuj Booth Illustrated, freo of ex twmsA l llA f'li.r Aulnn K..wtm - .1 ' . . . ... 'Everjbody tiaa heard of Oeo. H. Chapin's uo .uuwm wii-uu uii aivenuua us operations. Cbanin hasadveitised his farms to the amount ji tou.i'ou aunug me pane year, wo commend him to our leadeie.' Th liLnn U n II . . 1 VT V done mcio than Geo. H. Cbapm iu tbo caufe ui uuviunu iiiiui kiauuu, uur VIUBKO m .Miuiigvii wi-.u nuriuera people in searcn or Sonthern homes, and good sales are being made. The 'douth Illustrated' is doing a great Rum lur up. Th. Vw Vftrb IV.. TJ .1 tr 1.1 JonrnalTTravsiur, Globe, sud Advertiser Fpeak in the lunest terms of ( :bapin's Farm Ageucv. N. D.-HMALL FARM 3 (pauicularly) are w .11 wi ai uuoh. Olllce Fisher Building, RALF.IC.n. N. 0. T.H. BRIGGS& SONS, Driggs Building, Raleigh, N. C. HARDWARE. WAGON & BUGGY MATERIAL, s.8a, D00R8, BLINDS, TAINTS, OILS, COLORS, rem, WlNDOW-OLiSS. Steam Kngines, JJelting, LIME, CEMENT, rLASlEIl, AND MILL SUPPLIES. Correspondence solicited. JCOBA B. ATjLEN. FRED A WATSON, of Chatham. JACOB S. ALLEN I CO., llALKlC.H. N. C, Building Contractors and manufaotarers of Sash, Doors. Blinds, Mould Ings. Brackets, BDd all kiniis of Ornameut.il, Scroll and Turned Work; Window auditor Frames made to Order. W Give us a call before ordering. Shops located ou Ilirrington Rtrcet, where it crosses the ltaleigh and Oaston Railroad. Steamboat Notice! The boats of the Express Steamboat Compa ny will run as follows from th first of Ootolet until farther notice: Steamer D. MUHCHISON, Capt. Alonsa Gar rison, will leave Faetteville every Tuesday and rrirl.v ! ft n'nlivk 1 M n,l Wiln,inn. I ton every Wednesday and Saturday at 3 o'clock Steamer WAVE, Capt. W. A. Roboson, will leave s'aystUviUa on Mundaya and Thursdays at 80'slosk A. M. , and Wilmington on Tues days aad Fndaya at I o'clock P.M., connecting with the Western iUiiroad at FayettevUle on Wednesdays and 3tm'ajs. J. D. WILLI A MH Jk CO, Agents at FayettevUle, N. 0. Any One Can Apply It. PerseTore. Hie world thou seek'st to kaow la elten dark and drear; Shadows around may tall. Hut persevere! Tke hill thou ellmb'st is high, The price is great and near; Write ' duty " on thy heart, And poraeverel The road is smooth to all Who have a conscience clear; Walk wisoly en thy path Anil persevere I Be Ann! Ii fortune (ails, Lite's burdens do not lear; Go forth with manly pride, And persevere) Few fail who seek to w in, Voue stray who rightly steer. Tains is the prue it thou Wilt persevere! Around the darkest storm The sun's bright beams appear, With light aad hope lor all Who persevere Tke world's tempi iitions score; Let ntlnra wealth revere; atu strong in riht, detest the wrong, And persevere! Then, when lile's twilight fades, The thought will give thee cheer lidtl thou in trials passed Uiilst persevere! Jic I'oi k Evtninj Pott. TAKING BOARDERS. " It w;is a scandal," the neighbors snid, " that Miss Delia should be obliged to take boarders, lifter all she'd been through; and heaven knows boarders didn't help a body to work out her salvation. And so much money in the family, too, taking it by and large. Wasn't her Unele Kben, over at Dover, well to do, and not n rlih-k of his own to care for, except the boy he had dopted, who was no credit to him? It was odd, now, that a man with poor re lations should take to a stranger, when his own flesh and blood was needy; but sometimes it did seem as if folks had more feeling for others than for their own kith and kin. Then there were cousins in the city, forehanded and fasi.ionahlc, who never were worth a row of pins to Delia; and there was her dreat-unelc John's widow a-larkingon ihe Continent, a gambling at Uaden iiaden and trying the waters of every liineia' spring in the three kingdoms, for no disease under the sun but old age. She'd been known to say that her own folks were too rich already, and prob ably she would endow some hospital with her property." l'lainly, wealthy relatives were of no value to Miss Delia. To be sure, she had never seen her great aunt since she was a child, when her Uncle John had brought her into their simple life for a month's visit, witli her French maid and druses, her jewels and fallals, which won the heart of her little namesake. Since then Unele John's widow had become a sort of gilded creation, always young and always beautiful; for, though Delia had re ceived little gifts from time to time across the seas for the last fifteen years, she had neither heard nor seen any thing of the being who had inspired her youthful imagination, and was quite uncertain if such a person as Mrs. John Rogerson was in the land of the living. Dead or alive, she seemed to have made no material difference in Delia's humdrum life. After having Eursed her father through a long ill ness. Delia found that he had left a heavy mortgage on the homestead, and her mother and herself on the high road to the poorhouse, unless they should bestir themselves. As her mother was already bedridden, the stirring naturally tell upon Delia, and she advertised for summer boardeis: (JOOI) BOARD IN THE COUNTRY, BY ' the riversi Ie, at noven dollars a week. I .ir go chambers, bmad pmezaji, fine views, hemes and new milk. One mile from the slutiun. Address DELIA KOUEKSON, CrolUborough Maine. "Cheap enough!" commented an elderly lady who happened upon it. "Delia Rogerson. An old maid I sup pose, obliged to look out for herself. I've a good mind to try her broad piazzas and new milk. If I don't like there'll be no harm done." And so Delia's first boarder arrived an old lady, with a false front of hair, brown, wrinkled skin, faded eyes, a black alpaca gown and a hair trunk -Delia made hi r as welcome as if she had been a duchess; lighted a wood fire in Mrs. Clement's room, as the night was damp, and brought out her daintiest cup and saucer, with the fadeless old roses wreathing tin m. " Wonderfu'ly kind," ie fleeted Mrs. Clement, as sho combed out her wisp of gray hair and conlided the false front to a box. "Wonderful kindness for seven dollars a week! She's new to the trade. She'll learn better. Human nature doesn't change with lati tudes. She'll find it doesn't pay to con sider the comfort of a poverty-stricken old creature." But. in pite of her worldly wisdom, Mrs. Clement was forced to confers that Delia had begun as she meant to hoid out, though other boarders came to demand her attention, to multiply her car's. The fret and jnr of conflicting temperaments under her roof wna a new experience to Delia. When Miss Grcsome complained of the mosquitoes, with an air as if Miss Roger son were responsible for their creation; of the flies, as if they were new acquain tances; of want of appetite, as though Delia had agreed to supply it, along with benies and new milk; of the weather, aa f the had pledged herself there should be no sudden chnngeg to annoy her boarders; of the shabby house it nil its nntiiiuated furniture, "too old for comfort and not old enough fur fash ion" then Delia doubted if taking bonrdfrs was her mission. "What makes you keep us, my dear?" asked Mrs. Clement, after a day when every thing and everjbody had seemed to go wrong. " Why didn't you ever marry? You had a lover, I daresay ?" " Yes; a long time ago." "Tell me about him-it?" "There isn't much to tell. He asked me to marry him. He was going to Australia. I couldn't leave mother and father, you know (they were both fee ble), and he couldn't Btay here. That was all." "And you you " '"Now nil men besides are to mo like shadows.'" "And vou have never heard of him since?' " Yes. He wrote ; but where was the use? Iteouid never come to anything. It was better for hi 111 to forget me and marry. I was a mil stone about his neck. I didn't answer his last letter.'1 "And, supposing he should return some day, would you marry him?-' " I dare say," laughed Delia, gently, as if the idea were familiar, " let the neighbors laugh ever so wisely. I've thought ol it, sometimes, sitting alone, when the world was barren and com monplace. One must have recreation of some kind, you know. Everybody requires a little romance, a little poetry, to flavor everyday thinking and doing. I'm afraid you'll think me a silly old maid, Mrs. Clement." "No. The heart never grows old. The bkin shrivels, the color departs, the eyes fade, the features grow pinched; but the soul is heir of eternal youth is as beautiful at four-score asat'wcct and twenty.' Time makes amends for the ravages of the body by developing the spirit. You didn't tell nie your lover's name. Perhaps you'd rattier not." " I Its name was Stephen Langdun. Sometimes Captain Seymour runs against him in Melbourne, and brings me word how lie looks and what he is doing; though I never, never ftsk. and Stephen never auks for me, that I can hear." Delia's summer boarders were not a success, to be sure. If they took 110 money out of her pocket, they put none in . Sho was obliged to eke out Iter sup port with copying for Lawyer Dunmorc and embroidering for Mrs. Judge Dorr. One by one her hoarders dropped aw.iv, like the autumn leaves; all but old Mrs. Clement. " I believe I'll stay on,"shesaid. " I'm getting too old to move often. Perhaps you take winter boarders at reduced rates. Eh?" " Do you think my terms high?" "Hy no means. Rut when one's purse is low " "Yes; I know. Dostay at ynur own price. I can't spare you." She had grown such a fondness for the old lady that to refuse her at her own terms would hav" seemed like turning Iter own mothirotitof doors; besid- s, one inoulh the more would not signily. l!ut tw found it hard to make both ends meet, and often went hungry to bed that her mother and Mrs. Clement might enjoy enough, without there appearing to be "just a pattern." At Christinas, how ever, came a ray of sunshine for Delia, in the shape of a hundred-dollar bill from an unknown friend. "It can't be meant for me," she cried. "It's directed to Delia Rogerson," said her mother; "and there's nobody else of that name, now your Aunt Delia's dead." " We're not sure site's dead," objected Delia. "Horrors! Don't you know whether your own aunt's dead or alive?" asked Mrs. Clement, in a shocked tone. " It isn't our fault. She is rich and lives abroad. I waa named for her. I used to look in the glass and try to be lieve I'd inherited her b2auty with the name, though she was only our great uncle's wife." She ought to be doing something for you." " How can she, if she's dead? I don't blame her, anyway. Her money ii her own, to use according to her pleasure. Uncle John made it himself and gave it to her." " Hut if she should come baeK te you, having run through with it, you'd divide your last crust with her, I'll bo bound." " I suppose I should," said Delia. The winter wore away, as winters will, and the miracles of spring began in fields and wayside; and Delia's boarders re turned with the June roses, and dropped again away with the falling leaves, and still Mrs. Clement staid on and on. Just now she had been for some weeks in ar rears with her reduced board. No money had been forthcoming for some time, and she was growing more feeble daily, needed the luxuries of an invalid and the attentions of a nurse, both of which Delia bestowed upon her, without taking thought tor the morrow. " I must hear from my man-of busi ness to-morrow, Delia. I'm knee-deep in debt to you," t lie began, one night. " Don't mention it!" cried Delia. "I'd rather never see a cent of it than have you take it to heart. You're welcome to stay and share pot-iuck with us; you're such company for mother and me." "Thank you, my dear. I've grown aa fond of you as if you were my own flesh and blood. There, turn down tl. light, please. Draw the curtain, dear, and put another slick on the fire, pleas?. It grows chilly, doesn't it? You might kiss me, just once, if you wouldn't mind. It's 100 years or so since any on ! kisd me." And the next morning when Delia nnied up Mrs. Clement's breakfast, her boarder lay 1 old and still upon the pillows. The first shock over, Delia wrote di rectly to the lawyer of whom she bnd heard Mrs. Clement speak as having charge of her nll'.iirs, begging him to notify that lady's relatives, if she had uny. In reply, Mr. Wilis wrote: "The lute Mrs. Clement appears to have 110 near relatives. Some distant cousins, who, having abundance of this world's goods, yet served her shabbily when she tested their generosity, as she has tried yours, are all that remain of her family. In the meantime, I enclose iou a copy of her last will and testament, t peruse at your leisure." "What interest does he think I take in Mrs. Clement's will," thought Delia; but read, nevertheless: "Being of sound mind, this sixteenth day of June, 18 , I, Delia Rogers' .-n Clement, do hereby leave one hundred dollars to each of uiy cousins; and I be queath the residucof my property, viz., thirty thousand dol'ars invested in the Ingot mining company, lifly thousand in United Slates bonds. twenty thousand in Fortune llantr 1 mills, and my jewels, to the beloved niece of my lirit husband, John R'crs',n. " Dfi.ia i;;n:-"iN "vf Cri'Jthuniiijh, Mtinc " "'For I was a stranger, ami ye took ie in ; hungry, and ye fed me ; sick, and ye ministered unto me.' "(iuodness alive!" cried the neigh bors, when the facts reached their ears. " What a profitable thing it is to take boarders! Ever) body in town wid be trying it. Of --"rse Steve Langdoti will come home ami marry her, if she were forty old maids. You may stick a pin in there!" Deliadid not open hrr house to board ers the next season. She found enough to do in looking after her money and spending it; in replying to letters from indigent people, w ho seemed to increase alarmingly; in rcei iving old fiends, who suddenly found time to remember her existence. And, sure enough, among the rest appeared Steve Lang don, and all the village said : "I told you so!" "It's not my fault that you and I arc single yet, Delia," he said. " And we are too old to think of s change now, Steve.'' "Nonsense! It's never too late to mend. I'm not rich, Delia; but I've enough for two and to spare." ,-I wouldn't he contented not to drive iti my carriage and have servants under me now," laughed Delia. "Indeed? Then perhaps you have a better match in view. Captain Sey mour asked me, by the way, if I had come to interfere with Sijuire Jones' interest." "Yes? Squire Jones proposed to me last week." " Now, see here, Delia. Have I come all the way from Melbourne on a fool's errand? There I was, growing used to my misery and loneliness, when the mail brings me in n letter in a strange band, which tells me that mydiarlove, Delia Rogerson, loves and dreams of me still, is poor and alone, and needs me me! And the letter is signed by her aunt, Mrs. Clement, who ought to know. I packed my household goode ann came " " I'm glad you did." "In order that I may congratulate S iuire Jones." "But I haven't accepted him. In fact I've refused him because " "Because you will marry your old love, like the lass in the song, Delia!" InCroltsborotlgh p ople are not yet tired of telling flow a woman mails' money by taking hoarders. Miry N. VtscoW, in Indi jH UtlaU. Famous for His Apples. Robert 1.. Peil of apple h.i'.ie is among the recent deaths, writes a New York correspondent, lie was the most suc cetsful 111:111 in this spci ia'ily in the world, and his fruit was not only known in the British iinnkit, but also iu the Orient. As a gentleman farmer he had few equals in Ann tica, since he made liiselegant rural life highly profitable. He had an immense orchard on the banks of the Hudson, whose product was entirely liuiitid to pippins. The fruit was carefully pu ked, the inferior quality being l ulled out for cider. The remainder was then pinci d iu a sweating house, where the moisture was evapo rated, after which it was packed in boxes of an exact size nnd sent to a foreign murVet. Pell found the fruit business the best kind of agriculture, and it made him immensely rich. He owned a fine house in Fifth avenue, which he made his winter home, and it was at this place that he died. In early lite Pell traveled exti nsively, and not only niaiW the tour of Europe but reached the Orient, including a visit to the Troad. This in those days was a remarkable distance and he carefully improved the opportunity. He was a very agreeable man in conversation, nnd as a combination of elegant man ners and agricultural success he had few equals The famous pippins have carried his name to a wide ranuc of foreign parts, and if their culture he propirly maintained it will he a fortune to his heirs. Pell informed the writer that this immense orchard, numbering 20,000 trees, was all derived from a couple of trees which his grandfather brought from tbo town of Newtown. h. I., whence we now have the term " Newtown pippins." The family had devoted itself to this specialty, which made them rich. No wonder, indeed. when Pell's pippins retailed at uineivnu j apiece in foreign market. A Lady's View of Washington. A lady writes from Washington to tin Springfield ItcjnMimn as follows 1 I' seems to me that no one, certainly ne one new to Washington, can come here and seethe eapilol Jbuilding without a thrill of national pride. It is so gtaii'', so imposing, the situation so superb and the grounds about no lovely even now on such days as yesterday and to day, with a real fresh tinge of green in the grass on Capitol hill. InBide, the mar ble staircase?, the bronze doors. the frescoed ceilings anil the tiled floors seem to increase rather than to di minish this feeling, and it lasts unti the eye fulls upon the gigantic spittoon:' that stand in every angle, and seem t the imaginative mind like the corrupt and fiieguous growth which clings dis gustingly in l lie fairest and most unex pected places. I never see them .villi nut a fort of despairing feeling, for they arc such a dreadful blot, and will make one think of everything that is vile in stead of everything I hut is lovely. Togo into the House of Representa tives is to the uninitiated very much like b'-ing let into a ni lingerie, lor the atmosphere is very warm and close, the ventilation is very defective an odor of cigar-smoke adds its I urth 11 to n sensitive organization, and there is an immense am unt of howling on the floor. This is my impression of it all. although I've listened very intently and tried to become informid in the ways of the government of my eounirv. The speaker spi mis most of his time in pounding violently with his gavel, and nobody seems to care whether he poim.ltj or not he apparently do's it for lis own amusement. Thm with a very few exceptions everybody t 1.1I steaks acts exact ly as if lie intended to anni hilate every holy else. I n v-r tan understand what they say, except by snatches, and what I do hear seems to be of very little importance. ; does fecm so ridiculous for a ninn to get up and work himself into a tremendous passiwn swing his arms, poun I on his desk, walk up and down the aisle, grow red in the face and s we. 1 up the veins on his forehead, and end with a grand peroration about "blowing the htiie till it resounds again" all of which I heard and saw theother day while all the other members are reading news papers, smoking outside the rail, writ ing at their desks, chatting with each other and continually passing in and out, while nobody seems to pay any at tention to this exhibition of feeling. They seem .0 take special delight in contradicting each other flatly, insist ing that somebody is out of time or order, and on the whole I've come to the conclusion that things couldn't he much worse nnyway and who knows" if they mightn't be hi tier even if wi nnnl.ail a seat in this august (?) body. The Senate is better that is, they don't rant so violently but seems slow aud stupid, and I'vu found myself won dering several times what it all amounts to, after all. I have bei n able, after giving Hie clorcst possible a'tention for softie ime, to make out that they've been agitating the ques tion of a mud road somewhere in In diana, and I have heard something about Indians, and that's all. lialllotlued at lofd Haivu. It is just ten years ago, day for day, says a Paris correspondent in a recent letter, that the notorious Troppman, the murderer of the Kink family, was exe cuted on the Piuee de la Ruquettc. This morning another convict of the same stamp underwent the penalty of death on the same spot. Prevost, the police man who m nr:1 1 led the woman Biondin and the jewelry dealer L -noble, and afterward cut their bodies upand thiew the pieces into the sewers, was guillotined there at daybreak, ii hav.ng become known last night that his appeal for mercy had been rcj- ei d b the president of the republic, a large crowd began to assemble as tar y as nine o'clock. The executioner arrived at four o'clock and, aided by his assistants, recti d Ihe guil lotine about twenty p ices from the cen tral door of the prison. The guillotine once in order the headsman and his as sistants entered the prison to arrange what is called the toilet of the culprit previous to his death. The Abbe Cro zes, tbu chaplain of the jail was the first to enter the prUoncr's cell. Prcvost started up, gazed wiidiy at the lcverend gentleman, and then buried his head in bis hands, trembling and groaning. " Alas!" said the chaplain, " the e is n.i hope now hut in the mercy of flod." The condemned man then left his bed, but he was too much overcome to dress himself. The task was done by the exe cutioner and his assistants. He was then left alone with the Abbe Crozes to prepare his soul, lie embraced the chaplain several times and wept bitterly. "Tak courage, lake courage," said the reverend gentleman. "Yes, yes," re plied Prcvost, " I will take courage and try to meet my fate. I a-k pardon of the police administration, to which I lie longed seven years " The condemned map, after kissing the eiueilix three or four times, marched ou'. to the gui i lot ine with a firm step and in an instant he was on the fatal lisrule. The spring wa touched and a dull thud was heard, and the next second his head fell into the basket. Alter the execution the body and head of the murderer were taken to the school of medicine, and having been sown together electrical experi ment were made on them, nnd in t!'e opinion of all the doctors present death must have been instantaneous. The Connecticut house of represen tatives contains ninety-four farniT8 and fifteen lawyer. ITEMS OF (JENERAL INTEREST. A negro in Newton county, Ga , Jaims to be 1-Jfl years old. The calculation is made at San Fran cisco, that there are over . 100,000. 000 of hanking capital and deposits in Cali fornia to-day. The life of tlm late Marquis 01 Anglesey was insured in various com panies for an .vgivg ite amount of not less than :i,7.ii,(oii. Creat Britain is a growing country. The excess of births over deaths in the whole United Kingdom for the last three mouths of Jh:u was 'JlHr'J. An English journa ist observes that "every traveler in the United States has h id aba'i l. 111. experience that the American syste'u of checking luggage, supplement! d by tin extire3 agent, is such an improvement upon our system that it is imp i.s .ihie to understand why we did not long a.,'o adopt it." From P-fi9 to 177, inclusive, 194 deaths I.V.I of men and thirty-live of women from lightning are returned by the registrar general as having oc curred in England. But these returns are admittedly incomplete. In Prussia during the same period of lime, witli a population exceeding that of England nnd Wales by only some five per cent., According to a report from the statisti cal bureau of Benin, 1,001 deaths were caused by lightning, ill the forty-nine irovcrnuiert.s of European Russia 4.510 Jeathi are recorded from this cause within live years, and 4,1'U tires are at ribtitcd to the same meteoric energy. An extensive Nevnda lake has nays crioiisly disappeared. Where at one time, says the Eureka Leader, was Ruby lake there is at present not a drop of water. This sheet of water seven or eight years ago was from eighteen to twenty miles in length, and varied in breadth from half a mile totwoor three miles, and was in a number of places very deep. It was fed by springs along the base of Kuby mountain, and was the I n gest body of water in Eastern Nevada. For a number of years it has been grad ually drying up, until at last .t has en tirely disappeared. What has been the cause of this is a mystery. The Ruby" range, besides being well wooded, has been the best watered chain of moun tains in Nevada. A Canadian defaulter played a cute irick. Having stolen and skipped with $6,(100 which was intrusted to him in the double capacity of postmaster and tele graph operator, he stoppid in the even ing at a country village and stepped into the telegraph oilier. There he heard the nica? ige come over, "robber escaped." The operator was a girl, and he told her he was a repairer sent by the telegraph company. She asked him for hel i, as the wires were out of re pair. So lie took the message in full; but. instead of copying out. invented and substituted one saying that the thiol was coming that way, and would try to passhimselfoll'foradcteetive in pursuit of the thief. 'Fin n he " lit out " again and crossed the line, settling in the United States- Meanwhile the pursu ing detective, who never caught him, was arrested and trotted around the village for people to look at as the big thief, till the robbed man came up and released him. At Wilmington, Del., a first trial has been made of the Fish hawk, a steamer built for the use of the United States fish commission. The Fishhawk is an iron steamer of some 5u0 ons, 150 feet long, twenty-seven feet beam, with twin screws, and the hull is encased with wood. The vessel is specially adapted to hatching fish and transporting young lish and spawn. She will be roomy enough to carry some twenty officers and hands, with additional space for such complement of men as may be requisite for securing spawning fish. Tnis vessel wxs contracted for in June last for if fi.Oiio. Willi the present aug mi ntation in tin price of material, she would certainly cost to day some fifty per cent. more. The Fishhawk, equipped as she is for this special work, marks the most notable advance that has yet been made in fish culture, and, no doubt, her plan of construction and methods employed in hutching fish, looking towurd ihe production of fish food in the future, will be copied by other countries. Tlu vessel is amply provideu witli lifting engines, a no small part of her duty will be to work dredging appal at us. The Berlin MVitar-Zetiung prln an interesting paper on the watering of horses, a subject, the writer remarks, to which too little attention is given by olliecrs in command of mounted troop. The practice of allowing horse to drink on iy once a day, and then in the evening, which is advocated by many because it is in vogue among the Arab, is strongly reprehended by the German writer, who points out that while in Europe the horse's ration consist al ums' exclusively of corn and hay, the Arab gives his horse date, a variety of plants, and even milk. Fed aa they are in Europe. ui armies, horses should, the writer maintains, be given water three times a day, and they should be allowed each time to drink as much a they like. On the march also horse should be allowed to drink whenever circum stances permit. Formerly men on the march were strictly forbidden to drink ; but now, on the contrary, especially when forced marches have to be made in hot weather, care is taken that they shall be able to obtain water, aa it it now recognized that the body must be compensated for the moisture it lose in profuse perspiration. A with th man, o with th hone.