(3Fh (Jhatham Record THURSDAY, April 1, 1S80. T H. A. LONDON. Jr.. Editor. M Mairistrates of the cuntv iisseniMc , . , . i t i 1M1ITV nitfliMKlTinX. . ,;;, , t .I. .,, eid.., ..rt..nt I.... t.. We l" u a very crow , ,. , , : , the consideration of the one great ":"" V.-,u.v n mt-- . 8 i weru from liJlll" c,,m- 1 r0UJ HU We publish elsewhere the names , , . f ,. ., MM S. ' He Isan "-'U0 kl' '. in"h together of indivi luals who maintain U.,.e of lan,i .,i.iuu-d ui vear with a of the members of the Executive j "U,,JWt bl' "ht'fo'1 ',1,em' ll'.wve npcaker but upon tb. oceasn, , 8H1U0 set pnnciph., and advo-; ,oml)lou wllil0 n,ld t,)r,;, known S: ot the ii emu oi . ,,lrtv were some local laws enacted, ,ch he was not h.mself-h.s re utct ad- th(J M,ie a,,u.iuistr..ti,n of rub- lt, ,Mrse tooth from ,e BLlIpu of it ; Com.mttec of the Demoe at.e .utx ' jR.( r,ui f rful.k t,)ln,:inies,:",?( ?UB Jn,l-": ll,lfl, . Uo aiVdrs? They unite lx-cause in;k(,,.uel ,J0 atbeml tha wUl!U j in this county, ami also tne can ot linii.;i,itiii tin. s.l,- ,f liouor 1 .7 ? V , i this lMno.-i at ic country the minority ; fllUv ,j ail(J their ..;,.,! 0f bM1h1 their Chairman to meet here on the I uul "''""S t,f aud be result of this -ussioa s rul aii, b tbeir mii th,!V u, Jer , - I ilie3Hllll 01),.tellth ' 'J. '... , . , I" eeitaui laces. "W hatever may , decidedly in favor of the sale. 1 he . f h tlv,.,.tai. Dut how .i.,i,! tl,-r. nt i ar. i i;ir ( ; v. was seiecte" i ...... . . .. .... .:..i. .in, mniii: . .. - -.u. .... because it is tne nay on which me oe.ectUico.ncer oi portant ite.n, in onr State's history j L P-P-ty The matter was 'tlT that obtalu- at pr.Vut- y oo jhWIh, or nLrly .alf ! SPECIALTIES. Court, atnl thus a larger atttendance , : thoroughly and ably discussed in ... . .... tl.w,lui,Un(, tL'ether of f. .. i .., n..r- .... ... ... would be secured. e hope that , ; tri Oi.iiulies oi ttie lisiuuu. voters in their respective town- ,). flullJ the Btuiks-tnrown out bv , lu. . . ,. v7 rr , , all number of the committee will : t,,C Xi'i; ' , he J;"11,6 w? l w" 11vn; ' ships in primaries, and U, ting del- j "'farmers into the refuse of the - "", '7XZZUlW? T1 attend who ... po.s,il,ly do.o. Met. i Til K UUAD SOLI). erii to T h"S ho HoL 1-v TrblrKJ'Sl.t burn-3',irl UH 111 OU'-T ' 8 U (i A 11 A X K M A ' 11 1 N K 11 Y . , llt , , ,, . , ,, , L.i , . ot m . ,.i . r KU"11 lmve 1 'rto i.L.l.' nan imt to u,w.-i more pruh table cr..p nti,.t,-m,i c.m wiin.c, ru.i c,4. (.i,.i..i-.. ir.m k i miik u... k.-y it.j,.r, n.i m .ir.-rs. w,wi- who do not intend to r.is'-harge the Hie great and alUahsorbiu; intes-to JI. On hatur.luv atteinoon ,y wisdom they think i...,. i. .a. j,lHli U. ,11 ilm corn K"r inin..ry. i"rn un.t r.nun i-ium.-n.. la.iini: i ui.hh'.,ix suik. i;.....-.. n..r-r.,..r, liram ...... ,,., ,.,,,,.1., L .. .... .... .... v ... 1. Mr. Hest.upon invitation, a ldr.sed ..." , ... hj . . fl.:1 ; ''.'ls Uu ? "u 0 ,ea .; ! 11 1 .. ...... r... hihh.. o..i. not to accept the position, or having ,, ,1, JJulioad u now settled, j ihf,lctorv M)e,.t.,. Ho said he was a accepted ony;hr to resign and give i for the road is at lat sold. The straightforward Imsintss man, and M-av to men who will attend to their! I.c-ri.-laturo, last Fiidav, .asset 1 tlie , ''ad come here to make money, and . ... e . ... ,. ., . ,' , : expected to make it: bnt f .r every duties. I he position of a commit- -.,,11 making the sa e by a very large ; (o'lar h(j muAft f l. Uje StilU. lnittec-nian is not one of honor mere-1 niajui it v, the vote in the Senate bc-jWOuld make hundreds. Twenty years . ly, and is not given sa compliment j. inr 4U to !. and in the House S! to ago he earned a dollar per day as a wmply, but carries with it certain -l. Of course the members jrom ; P;rter within a gui -.hot of wh. re he . I . w i i ' afterwaids coniniaiiilt d hundreds for duties, and the man who cannot or this county votel for the sale. the same tiuij. Whit he was he does not discharge these duties ; congratulate the taxpayers of North owed under (lod to his own hands fhouhl not accept the position. The ; Carolina that a heavv burden iV and brain. He had before accom- . .. .... , , , , . plished works relatively of greater proper organization ot a pa tj can-1 thus iv...ove.l; we congratulate the u:l,,llUlule Le t..taiuiv hll L.,th not Ikj maintained unless the van j people of the traiisnumtane section the ability and the inclination to ac ous executive committees attend to 1 that their beautiful and productive complish this. He said it ha.l never the duties assigned them, and prob- i count, v will thus be soon opened ntto Lis "'i,ul to r,,liKlJ r . ' , i i ' i i i the Ducktown route as thev regard ably the most imiortant of these1 to the wo) hi; and we congratulate it of luore importance than the other, committees are the "Township dm- j the Democratic party that a source, and that it would ultimately become initteert" of the several cunties. of discord is thus averted from their tlie luost valuable railroad' property itii i i t' i m t i e south of the Potomac. He said he Ihcy should always 1 con.po,ed of .ranks. To (.overnor Jams ,s eh.et- iUJ uot tQ J!V(,ve ,is active men and earnest workers, !v due the credit of effect ing the , ia words, but would let his woukm who will tuke a lively interest in olling the full vote of their town- ' "P- . . i ii. , , ,,.:ii liill prooaoiy boiiiu juisoin niu.oi llie ri;iif. nay what is the use of having any. Although the sale was opposed . .. T ii ii- . party organization? In reply t.. by several ,f our prominent men- this we would say that organization :g :t-'i as Merriinoii and Dortch yet isaW.utolvessettial to sucos in 'by far the largo majority heartily any undertaking whatever, and as , long as there arc parties in any gov-, eminent striving for supremacy they must be organizetl or fall to pieces ?s v like a rtije of. sand. I'ut it may still be asked, wliv have parties at all? To this we would rvplv that cut, in all ages ami'. in cverv jjovcrnnicnt, III uu cui..u., t,.v liave any voice whatever there have . ami their motives so unjustly called business by his persisfeLtly disorder- been, rtill are, and always will beim question. When will our people' cnduct He was brought to the . political partie,. And'it is best land papers be ...ore tolerant of the on 1 .1 ni i .i I . ? . ., ,.,r .. ... .sion, and lecencd a repn maii.l -.nai u:it; moui.. or, n.i. ........ er tiiey are to oeing equal in power . the better. If one party should j gain supreme ascendancy in a gov-- eminent without fears ot a rival,; that partv is certain to become cor- ' runt and'eud u.-er the liberties of 1 lupi aiiu cim.m.rii im. i the people. Il.sU.iy-teaches this, and, u. eAper.t.-,.,C o. o... o,u .......j nas proven n. nun iw o pa. i ics neat - ly equal each will lw a check upon'nous0 and Lia diordtirly conduct the other.and whichever controls tlie! goveniment will be cautious in its ' i . i t it i, ,,ii ndm.n.strat.on lest it should give ground of offence, and be supplant- ed bv its rival, which being ever .n the alert will be quick to seize and take advantage of any error it , may commit. With two parties cf nearly equal streti"th the one tenr- r.,...lK- I.. . Ill ill,,.,,.. l, ,, ,.,, ,. :,. ,, .n,,; ,o poi.Uly in power will always oe on, ?7'J "i-'ivrriS'nrS'.!'" ntP.I then tint b. the I'mfcl i grented then that in the Illt ' ' htates there will always be ... the : f,,t,... ni tl-m liiv.i ,n. lu.on ill ! .. v . it lit .uul Mm-, iri'll'lt Il.illtlli.il parties striving for the vontrol t : the goveriiine.it. ! Wo do Illlt lloW 1liri0SC discUSS- .... mg ine principles 01 mo iwo gie.-u tiurties flint now ovist in this eoiin- i trv, hut only desire to urge up,.,, ' J n , .i. t .1... .1 .: the importance, vea the absolute no- cesiity.of perfecting and preserving iiitHctthoir party organization. With- l.:. .1 ...t n.,.i ..n......t 11. b linn, .11. Y II...T.. UOL ...... . .... 1 mm 1 1 nope in miccclo. 1 no iqqiioai-iiuii; ,v-"ll v - ... . . campaiiru is one 01 the most liiioor-, t .i.nl.i.r b w ,.v,.i- c.iM.bu h.d . ... ....... .. .... in tins cou.ur.y, nn.i 00111 political ; parties will do their utmost. It be- hooves our democratic friends, therefore, to begin to prepare them- selves ami thoroughly perfect their ...i...;.tl.i IL. .-..' ... Wo repeat then tho wish that our township committee-men will at-, 1 ... l, l,,.t.l .... 1 1... lUlli fciiV iL:WLJ(IL V UV in".- oo.l .,f Mnv and consult together ' r .. . 1 of the part. e lor IIIC coon 01 ine p.uif. i.e iiresume tiiey will call a convention lw bobl nUiiit the first of June to DO lieni niM ir 1.1c nr.i u j to appoint delegates to the Mate mid District conventions, and hold tho County noniinatin" convention , . ,, , ,. nt a later day, for there is no nuu of iioiiiimitingoiireounty candidates until after the first of September. 1 I THE LEU1SLATUBK. j j The Legislature having disposed i if tho business for which the extra. .. i 11.. i .1: i ' ' ' aojomnuu at 12 o'clock on last Mond ........... i i two weeks from the dav it convene unci:... TheiX' was little or no general legis- . , , , ' latum, tile members verv wisely ' ... r,.M.,iii. It n ..f b ivnur " " , T . r i lone i wo Mim uiai win lorin mi Sale, and ho is justly entitled to the thanks of the taxpayers, the peo ;ot tne est, anuot tne i democrats of the AVest, and of the Deinocr e .i w. . () n favored it, and we are pleased t know that what Tun kEoki h ihad to say upon tli-. subject has been (so favorabl v ivceivcd and pleasantly I spoken of. ' W,? regret very nine!, ; 1 -ii t .i :t have notice ! that good men who have favored the sale, and g,,d lu-n who opposed the sale, have o, en so n........ .. .., .. e,. . .j ..n ni. i r.t if. iv 1 1 f i & in Lf fiiiiLHii n reifiv. .. . - . .... 11... t i:.. ,..,.v, v moo,- u.i... n. "Mi,jrjui inc. optymt-r. inn, it uui mm tnem ; Tin ner Expelled. The public generally will he irtilv : , Pl)rove 01 lU actl0U 01 ,u 01 insulting manner when he was called RePreseutatlve, in expelling Joe to order. He refustd to submit to Turner, and the only wonder is that 1 the decision of the Chair and Lewa8not lel H.s,wouM uot. bo alrJ. Tne Door-; oft j via,ion 0f a1 decorum, hU reiterateii in81lts ....i ... .1,,, lO tne uave ou a:uce deserved the sum - marJ unuishinent of expulsion. ie , ii ii i . . t. , was dually expelled hist Inday nu-;pcl der the following circumstances. He began lo make a speech, but was us- ing such improper language au l be- having so disgracefully that the speaker called him to order, where - ,lt)0U ue tlj0 Speaker and re- fused to stop. A resolution was at l i . ... . .unci, w oiuii, icwiuuua nits Ul ... lU'6 Wa9 w,lu"niwn UUJ anotl.er reso- ulution pa.8C(1 orJeri Liiu to be arrai , ftt (he . . and be publically reprimanded by ..... . 1 lutioa was passed Turner spoko length, abusing the Speaker and the iroilf.P iin.I llllPArnnioiiionalv ln,,lr l.io tieparnire, wuercupon a resolution of emulsion was iiiniii.li:i.'.. v ititro.lnn..,! ; . -- and adopted. j 1 Tf ic 01. , I. .f T,.., i.. .. 1 eargerly that he 1,8 ollfl iue - rin that he '.:,. . t .. , .1.1 . ..... . (Ulite welcome to all the "eariitar that . ... ' """"" T.T" .. . . n r siurnuai taiiamaies. Many conjectures are being made .an to who will be tho Presidential candidates of the Democratic and Re-: publican parties this year. Quito a. unmber of namps are snnlten nf . L - , Rinnnir Hi npllli.er.llu u,Kil. il nan. ' rally believed that Grant, will be the ! U' publican candidate. The Raleigh ' Observer has recently had tha mt.ni- - -J " bers of .,,r Le'H,'i,ure interviewed ! as 10 rneir oreierence lor tne 1'resi. , dcntial nomination. Thurn wnrnni. ; .lential nomination. Tlmrn wrfifiev. 1 i .:. . 1 11 1 self. r.ext day .turner sued out a were ten neavv two norse loaos, ami v....,-... - o- ; , rLArifltLo : desiring to be expelled, so: 1 t..;..i, 0 ....r.. .;i.i .,r . il... 1 pluce Lieut. JJell lives, aud the editor ; r l.lintUO . might appear as a martyr, and Hssaillt ,mf, lmtterv. The case was , pounds. Horse., cows and sh. ej. f the Democrat opened a correspon- WARPS who had been persecuted by Uied before Justice Rarbee. Turner '. love it bettor than any forage I ever dence with (.em Hu.itou the result n ' . ... ... . .. . 1 1 i nf u-Iiie 1 was tho ru urn to him til Dmimuc CiltnQ yvuim-lii. 0ihm PI ig , and wo ar truly rejoiced appeared as nis own counsel ; (..'ook'i 1 raised. , . T . ua aud fnn.-y. Ctftt l,.t nr.;fi,l L inlaml Mai. Erwin for the Doorkeeper. On the loth of October I sowed on he sword and g untie s Lieut Bel ; er J absent and several would express saa that be will be aide to cure him ' no preference; iu all there were ten if Mr. Bryant oan remain with him, 1 m 16o;hnt wbi,ho j. exceej;ni. : ,vho expressed themselves stood as , kind and attentive, and is doing a follows: For Seymour 53. of whom charitv oractice. monev ia uetnled to '. 38 expresse 1 themselves for Bayard as second choice; for Bayard 43; Til-. , o. irun.i, q. Thurman 2; Field 1; for Grant 31; Sherman 1 1 ; Blaine 4. 1 Our ltaleteli Letter. IIalkiuh, March 29. Editor Recohd: J. lie UlSCUSHlOIl OI ID6 lIcHl TfTOV .7. .. .. . . ' , osiUtm was continued in ana ont oi lof the Bill on Friday. On Monday . , , ,, lllUUb VVI. jtiiiiii uuii v-v. L,Tvis gave very clear aud satisfuc- torv explanations of the provisions oi - . , tied House. ." "r ". . " . . . . "'ml. HVd. ,0 gi . speaK for him m the future, ami that . leti8- Ml, uu8t is ftll eldr ia the u .1.... i a. i l u i reuui leiinu c.jiiicu uuu nan jno- duced a good impression on our leg- lslators. It has been said that he llU(U W0OlU.a ,,,. This is not so; at least if it be wooden it has the mos' excellent hinges in it imaginable. I he meet ing was further addressed by . Mr MeOehee Lt. (,ov RoOmsou. Mr. Cooke and Senator Caldwell, the lust most eloquently. I pon th ' lust most eloquently. Upon j Uwle l,lie eut.-rprist had a m 'st hap- exlleThumo" ' !Pt ,se1,"!1 nosi excellent, numor. uu rrhiay quite a scene occurreu in the II iiisc, caused by the meinter ',m. """'f ' Jj.81ttl1 J ur,jrr- . e caUSC.l n.UCll Uelliy IU tlie public nog.ol. Friday evening he arose to question of personal privilege, and was ponrmg out tus wratn agumst I .a Vn.iuL'.ii. an t ia iii.,inli'i3 . u "C" , " n TJ" T. .!! Z-. vidual.y and collectively, in tbe most uu... - uiunm to j irent email from Oraiiire. aiinroach- , -7 i . ' , , ,ed and took him bv th roll. :r. when Ir. Turner yelled at the top 'of his - - , i . , , . i ; voice, "rolice." police;: police!!; . L" at sensatioi.. J ' A resolution was in roduced to ox- Xurner for ,lihordcrly l.on,,U(;t. Turner Raid he would not be uiorti tied if the resolution should be pitssi d unanimously ; he defied the House ; SXZ JZ ; tho consideration of the subject at night, when a resolution was passed .1 I ..... .I.. .1. .1 f declaring that the gentleman from -."n .n, K..... . ....... jiU. n,..,., ,.;it.. ,.t . cuius aud detiaut conduct, violating the rle8 of tha ()USL. jn a wilfiil und disrespectful manner, ami that he - in urn. ., ,il tl.o I..... ..III,.. II...,..., , . " 7, V -, MAJ4 .,URCl lift PULU 111 in t 11 ii 1U I . iv.io tl...n .UUUn.l a n,Aul .... .1.. ,.v,i ,i,.,. r. .1: 1 .1... .1.- u .?..'.; lb uui arcill IU IUO lUllllllC. Jl.UISi: could not have done otherwise than . ... . . it Out. Turner forced it nixm urn. yiii .... n.u iuui aet uer. . 1 ho case was ilisnilsseti at tlie costOI . . . . . . .. . . .... . . . . - . the plaintin. I hear that, Turner lias a warrant nL'aiust Speaker M'lmur. :0f conrse it wi.i amount to nothiiitr. i T;v the why. I urn sorrv to lifiur that Mr. Moring was quite sick on ' yesterday, and that he will hardly be ; alle. to ttt1trml the session of the Leg-, Mr. J. O. Brvant a Confederate! unlHW tm.n on,, .,.....! ;u ,. ot '. j.v.u jvf... .v.u...j, an ni n nH' il... Il.. :.!.:.. :... : nitiable condition. Ho ificoivd ft I wound iu the leg which only partially ; Ti i,.rt,.mo.i anA m.w uaw iiiiiiiuiuti iua I he has now been flat of his back in : !. fnr n na wL-a .m,ir ih t.aat. ..a., f n, ut ti, ni,.-' nunl f Dr Kinn ..... u w ., . - - ' ' . V. . . . . .. V. v... V. , pay board, and this Mr. B. has not. 1 Auything the kind citizens of Chat-1 i,.m ,.. ,.., .. 1 u n,,.,.!.. ' fully receivi.l by a Buffering man. Democuat. oiiu-iriiii riiu Tuia u'imi,i tnt in Ki' i r i . , . v-nv. ii - v mnv w-wiv " - r ; nil,! i(-k k . 1 n lit I li F Mir 111111 ll'l 1111 ' l 1. . I ' : Whun I iu n..nrL....iir..i.a n..l.l t . .t nf Sen cm mr ill t int i rv' lul B1"11"" llre 'us AU1U',AI IAim.il ui iiuum..... at . to bring Mr. Turner to tho bar of the weather. After it had wilted I pot 1 p "wo"l Pr ; F0U MKN-S AND ROYS' WEAR. manner, left tho hall. A resolution ' about the mzo of a nail-keg, Knd c,,"-'h 1ftIul tinmug mo name ol ,K T1.,,s,,, CORRESPONDENCE: Our County Organization. n l JL.DITUK urokii The yast and nloUK.ntous cam G ;,...,,, rpKnlt t. ! teuding the same, tender the present ....4-...-.-. . 4..1lir Ilia onmu n .....bt t.ttitl.V .1.1.1 Ol.ttrdlirinl A tllllH! .... , :.i,.: r v r.rmiJ .. , .... lin: (.uuQiMTi.tiLiuu ... ....... v.h i our Cindl-.l", lio Bliall itetnle as 10 dilte9 BI1(, lhe mi)llo ,)f i - : sible and piactic il. 1'iit there are;Kt l;iSi Hf w. (ie (.xtractiuU of the tliou.1 wlui iiDiiiiH,. this moi!e. and we1 ......i. , ti. .iui n,.u . .i J .1 1 1. ...... ..ii i . know tuat uiir g 'O.i oiii I'H"." ''1' ship has receive., sonic u. avy btra.ns m riding the waves oi recent coin en ,;,, VA'li.i oin MiK'i'fKt a liettei tlOUS. WHO C.lll 8n,,ehl utuei plan? here lies the remedy Some propose tliat tne iiciiiociauc 0,.p ,,f , jlc ,,,.,1 States that is, to voters of the county meet in ue tlju r,.j,.,;t(,(j corubtalks-they would ! huge convention, and thus get the ' ,)s U, ,lu.olm. which, within the' true sense nf the paity. The ven ...f pt., often veins, would e. -, idea curries with it (he suggestion oi : tij,llwij uur national debt i impossibility. To asseiuhlo together lucredibie iisthis fact may appear, at the same time and place even , it is diucible from the. product of twenty-live per cent, of the D.mo- ,,,-.) . ....... .1. ,,t h,,:,r 1.l,tii.,.d from! crutic voters of our county would be. impossible; and thus it is clear the plan is iiui'iacticable. Others hold that our convention ought only to ratify the action of State and District ,. 1, t.)irll ,.l(1p llt the averdge conventions, and leave the 11. I I open 0f j joouO UOJ in vulue, and estiuiu as to county eaiididatts. I bis muy ,tlllK tlu, hUi,nr , the stalks at only look plausihle, but let in see how it im;j ,ue vauo of tue corn wltu the will work. Tne Radical party, as we' production of so v isl an aviouut t f ull L-in.ve luis n.ilv t.i iiiliiii' its cantli- . 1 ..n :.. n ...... ....... t,rtte8 .lirol,,h its'Esecutive Commit- rank and l'i!e march to nt i'iikI tlu ir balliit.it liUe " " "" J ' n v tl,e I),. ,, ,- -m...-,. i - 0,.uf jt. party it is tjilite different. k,..,,....,, , M jt does the wor li .......n,,,, ,.t .iw ...nnir it u ' " Hr,! men ever Vea.iv t serve tuo -.'. ar people." With a ,' iXoym e,llJ(ij,'i,ii,Jft on ,' for , one ()U vh) (Jmlb A)t, werc we , Loll, f .i... .,... ...... ,1,1 the Republi ubt the result V ,l, iutQ f.u.ti,,I1Hi thus dissipate their "trtnlh uud un'u,ut ty ' power. N . , ia . tbe ,,re8. ; ,.nt La 0f coiiduc . . - (luc;iur conveiiiions, but with the voter. iters fur not turning out at the primaries. r. .1 1 11... ,1,.. .4t.. ,J ..n. tor to lttf.lld Li!j lM.ilJ1(1,.y( ,1 tut,iv ' j,,;,,, mrt choice and eudeavor to 5,K,,.H ,iJ(.n s,.ir(.led to the Convention ()r) jf l. nri.i8 him-e!f in the minority, . ,,' ,' -.a.irv wl..i. in i ,-i 1 jj,.iuocratic fipirit.'feeliiiL' that in so a.inii ho is advancing the cmse and ; . . - - principles that he tu.lds , f Mr greate. , ' ',!in,. ,., l,; m,.. fofl Cftlldi(Ute8. lll(leeil, no man : , ht to LoW Li uul prefert;nt.,.s j alv(j tbe succ,1(js; of h;s pirty .And - ,jd , tui,)k otherwis. he should re-, inoiiilj. r that wine tiiii- M out of ten, . . ... .. i.. ;i . .1 ... OV O l'l!lg, no noi oiii ruis i.j en ei . : , . ..... n. -i..i... : IHS CIIOIC", UUt llt'lUilllV HIOS lUCCOm- . m .n eiuniy. j iion ol drant, thereby endangering I hope this mat'er will be discussed 'the success of the party, and threat-1 . through your columns, bv our Demo- cuing to subvert the policies hitherto cratic friends, mi l if any practical regarded as saf. guards of our insti-; plan better than the oae now in vogue tu'i jns. j can be suggested no one would le. - more willing to adopt it tbau yom War Relics. ', humble friend, C. T, .. tr..... i ..ti.. ' KOIl I II K l.l.i I'lIU BkaII ClIKtK Pt STOI I KK, Chatuam Co., March 2, '60. 1... L'. ........ . ...... . t ..rn. vmir t-..n,1.ra .nm tine : and Colore! Ores Goois that was sowed in corn am. peas. It grew to a height of six to ten feet. ' The corn was roped with the i- inna t r, mi 'I I in ir. .1 1 ll. 1 f o I 11 n tun All d ! -,u , T '. 1 IWIH-ILU W1 " i.7. a i v ull. w.l.-.., I lilt ' ti. wn.i. ...... l .I.-v nd it .i.;...i .,t .. ,.u ...... f......... r i,., ! mini mil im line 11-1 11111 lui.ipi, . .,i.u 1 ever made in forty yei.rs. Afier it fully . 1 1 . . .. . f... . cureil I liauieu 11 10 1110 oarn. inere . .... u .. .... ... .1.1.. . ..1 1 .1 . vniB sbijio 1111 iwo iiiisneisoi tiio Ko.t.-: , ,,. , ... .... V ,-. en cnau wneat, wiiu 100 poumis 01, r... 1 . .. . . . .1 .. 1 1'eruviau cu alio. lue wueui, in .uis 1 liuea to half-thigh high,! ... .-. I,., J.eln if ftll t l.i.iirK time, is fi oin and will make 25 bushels if all thini;s turn outright. I have made this winter 150 loads of manure for the lot. A. DmouT. Wedding ami Elopement. 1 An uloneinmit under unusual cir- 1 nnnulinni,i iiPKiirrait in tliia cnillltv i last week. It seems that a highly respected young lady, whose name 1 wa withhold on account of her reia-1 " ' tives, was engaged to two young men at tue same time, oue 01 wnom murrifid. Tim liext dav the other : . young man accompanied her to a ! neighbor's house, eeteral miles dis-, taut, under pretense of transacting: ccrtupi business, and on the way an elopement was agreed upon. Less : than twenty four hours elapsed be- ( tween the wedding and the elope- ...nnt. which rmirest'iitB orobablv the Ishortest honeymoon on record. j 1 ReidsviUo Times. 1 In I ' I111111I lb t.i.rt ller ' " " b....... .1 1 . . ..i-i.t j.t v iivioiHrrnii 1 1. 11. i.ii u-uieii iiiupi n r .L.i..niMi Sugar from Cornstalks. It will doubtless surprise many of! our fcrniers to hear that sugar can . be in ado from cornstalks, and yet it can Ihj done. We copy the following that subject Iron) a recent article in the New York Herald .. x. ,. . ,r ... , . But the most remarkable results ; . ... - . I ' i ,1 ii.m ii I llf.un l'T t HT IIH-YI I M 111 KillMr I MliiiiiJ'r; ouuiineii oy i rmwun vuuin j . in hi ner iicin oi ma coiuiirv at' Vvt htrii,i.inir Hii.i ..lincHii.T i I o o o i lllllv ' . , 1 . .. practical. h-, sixty per cent.), lnive , ov, a llulntio, flJU(1 for cat' le, j n.onl ( r t leiut nts of Btarch kui! ...... ...o..;.... il.ll . trogell retained. Applying tUlS 'extract of sugar to the Indian com; ,i strtlks of an acre ot lmbm. com. i ia motion to their yield of bixtv- llinu l,asiu.lH t,f good' sliellod corn, Or. lake it in another form. Puttiiiu sta"iksioid and silver to tho amount 0f joo,000,(MJO more than double .1 t .1 l 1 ..:!........ "r 1,1 Ku"1 "u" - iiaeiea 110111 itii our luinea ni-mt-cu traded lroin all our iiniies the Ib ilish Di'iniiiioiis aud M. xioo, mid t -tpial in value to the cotton crop of ull our Southern States.'' Against the Third-Term. A late dispatch from St. Louis says that a convention of the R- pub-: licans opposed to a third term was hcKl in that ciW' last week, and adop- ei1 eM fotr.B I?"0?111 t on to meet, in St L ins M ly O'h, to t! e o:id t int the national organi-' .. . i. .. . ..... i .i i i nou niny im in ru'eieo, mniii 'ii which a prop-r expression of the w ill if the people iigaitist the piincipln of .ft third I' I'mi li-nli il term ,,, ,v l. ... cured, with tlie view of limiting, by constitutiomd anieiidment, tUeexecu- fve!,1ro' c." rf ,U' VV tnotic pr. ced.nt of . ashiugtou ami , his successors, ami thu declaration of .ItflVrson. that "If some termination to the services of the Chief Magia-I trate be not Used by the constitution , i , or supp.iea ny practuie, lis oince, come for life." It crdiully appr -ves , ho d. cl, rations of the Pennsylva- ni Slate Rcpubliein convention in U7.", also that of N.w York against a u:um lerui, an i .i. prei a es ine ev .i...,t ,.f n f....;,... .,f tl,., p. ....... r--c v.. ...v ..... ... v-v. ....i : . .1. ...... i I"""l-'t" 1'"",' iwn.i .in: in : iL-un-f; 1 i.OII. ..M. l. I.O.I. llX I i-l.l-l. L. 1 , : come into possession of interesting j ; war relics under the follow big iater-; ' estinjr circuiustaiiCcs: At tho battle v.. ..il ! IVC of Sail u s O reek, a., April 0, ISdo, , " T ? , ,l"V ''r- !;f ,heI07 ilo thS?"Tul an-l "Iw 'tl OlOIIg 1 110 rollll fin' 1 S.lW il lllllll thrown from a wagon As it Struck eluded to retain tr.cni, witn a possi bilit.v of returning thetu to their . . , . n.r. Recently an account of this ..inuii.le -iih 1111 IiIik hiil 111 Him I). .1110- ' i . . . . - , ri ill 111 ' r lud l:ii uuiiini(iLii:t:B unuci --7--0 j u- l.n-1. 1 hev eninii 111L0 lint imssiiHsiou. 1 ------ v . and evmcKhiii'' oleasure at beini! able : --- , ,llv,.,,;ra .kr .,r r" re9ll,re tuo "u"u'l".r" U'euf1 or' tfiul owner. ashiugtou Post. I A Horrible 15 11 rg la 17. j I Friday night last two white men1 , went to the resilience of J. R. Law ' reiico, in the southern part of town, Mr. Lawrence being atiseut 111 Hills . 1111 111 OOrO. KHOCKed at the tlOOr alKl told Mrs. Lawrence they came to deliver; a message from her husband. She arose, dressed and went to the do ir. 4 I I 1 1 aL As r.u as tlio hoit was turned they imuim i vut m u.mU ri"ic" a pistol to the head of Mrs. Lawrence - . ... ... aud demanded her money. She had ; only about three dollars m ,tbe house; this they tot.k, and also a 1 the pro-, visions she had. Before leaving one of them struck her, felling her 10 the 1 no Ht sci How long she remained in an nticou-: SCloUS State ne OOCS HOI Know.' When she recovered the burglars; were gone.-Durhaia Tobacco Plant. ADVERTISEMENTS. MACHINERY! - - MANUFACTURERS' AGENT, ALL KINDS OF MACHINERY, 15 EST AND MOST IMPROVED FARMING IMPLEMENTS AND GENERAL PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANT, m r rr.rK"'Krwr miJ I M P O 11 Oirnif'ii.liMii-c sl.ll-'ltf ! IliM .MI..-Iii:i.rni.-i:l hi fiiriiili. .1. mint v. mwhiiut) nn-i Kriiiint;tiiw;iiM'iiui rumi.-ii.-o pt.nini.v. i..;ima.i-.. iuihi..i .. W of u u. M,ur. u. .u. r,u.,..i , .-, ,u , u.um u m im...r . AU M.-1iIimtjt fully Oi.amnt.v.1 an ll...nwimn. I Win a. ;,,.-i,.nni,i,. t.tiii. n- rhv It..Ilal.l.i Mmiuiclur..r. Ui..lr.iir.u!glvt.i,iKlriulityl. Vu .lull Mu- m..m., wlu-ii y...i l.u ir..iu tn... TH.OC MARK .MANUFACTURED ONLY BY W.T.BiHckWeu s Co. DDRHrTM.lM .C. FURNITURE ! JOSZPI T. MOHRISS, O.riiiT of FnyeltevlIU- mi I li.ivlc Slrwin. Raleigh, N. (!., li.CAl.Elt IN All Kinds of Viirnilure, Mattresses, and Spring Uuds. I lmw n..w In i.'.ir.' ..no. if II... l.irL'l ftinl m-l ii.inilii:. nsn..rim..C. of .li"ni. iii.-llimi. mi l Hint. Knriiliiiri. In ilii- S ic.-. Su -li n- ClininlN-r S.... lVirl-.r S..IH. erii". i iiill.. s ,r;i-. I.iinir.'H, Uu l !wKi"lntlrs. Hull S:.-ui..-. 1'i!.k. Titlili--.. Will.. f..r iri. .-. ..r all I " All lotu-rn HiMWi-ri- l r..i.i,i:ly. lu-miuiitii'i- Hit jilitci. t.iurll-.tai M. T. HORRIS & CO., (JKOOEltS and COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Raleigh, TS. C. !.: .iErw rou SOI.t'AHI.K SKA ISLAND til'ANO AM) UAl.DWIN AMMONIATKD DIS Sol.VKI) HONK. TllK ST 'NKWtM. ClTT iN I"IIW AMI ATL.MI TlllS 1'1IIW. FAHMEIW srt'i'i. i Wi h.iv.- in ntnn mul lu arrive : l,m Huh. win., erii, ti Hun. rii...is.., Oatn. ri Hun. l'ii,,,-i. if hlli. ll.il:o.l M.vil, ir.,(mi) llo. rrlini K.Mit, i-'i.'i lint. lYIm" Tnn.iihy Hay, 2,l. ) II . Hulk n.'iir Ull. SM.-h. 3 c.-ir .N i'li'.l.i Ki.mlly mi l r.:r n.'iir. 1 Cnrl.uvl rl..il li-iui l mul othiT c.l t.. nil .ml it iiimii-"i. i'....-k wlil-'l. wi-i.rr.-r..- l-.w f.iri-ns'i r "ii tin..- .in mii In' UutiKlit uy wli.-re. Cn:: uu I n. iik l..'..ri. iuri.-huiliig. Will make 11 In )our tt liuu,i.K--. Wry ri;ii"-ifii!ly, frltll-tr M. T. NOIUUS k CO., icon OOU. 1QOU. imUl, PETTY & li, Raleigh, W. C, PREPARING FOR THE NEW YEAR! We offer for sale a line of AT OUT AND Lixt TIUS 0ikT ! All Desirable Goods It.l!atil. WitoriipKifa, in.j.Uflijs, CiirtsliniTtst, ' Suulnpi. Cimlm, l--8kliii. DAMASKS- .... u,.D..yiu. " ' to lunifc.n. Flaiuirls, iil.tln Plaids. ! all .nt. plain fabrl.waa.1 twIUaA u-- I IlaivalnH In tl.li.Mf Lnmlisr for Sale ! 1IAVF. n lian.l and oan furulub ai alwrt nullcv, i i oiUob W.nl ul Ore Hill. L T7 li S 3 ?. ' m 111 Kill' IS ; Klin IM. pinr ,n.,.i. ..,.,l..r. iM.k. ih.i-hI nf ill kinds: Mn-h ru plno. hlrkury. iwli. wilniit. rximni'.n. .v.-.. wni.-i. win ia ! r c-i. 115 lu.rt.r. Or.lHrn tMHIi-lir.1. JAMES I. LAN K, Mniuurr. February em, ; . . xaRRT, sr. Wt. J. STItliCT ' n ! Tuilf i HiMMHI HflfJ , UL LLU II UIUIUIIU. i.JUb.a atIV IIRII.HRI MVVV. Raleigh. X. C. S. R. STREET & SON, owKKns Ain raorir.Tona. sample i.o.ims 111 ine i ix . 'lUe .National ovrrioin. tmon or t. apuoi aqiure, tUt. fiur.i p.rk In tlie statu, and i,7. .cceMihle to GaeMscl tin- Uouw. ADVERTISEMENTS. " v' 9 m- Os. T A N T ! ni.T mi. I nil kfmN nt I ..ii nil kin.U nr 1n- fOR pleasure: xntVK,ntALiri SMOKE THE OLD THATITl BEARS THE rP0PULAH BECAUSE RELIABLE, Tie Litrlit Mim Hew Home li r 11 hi ii .II I..I I, tli.. l'ul.il.. ii-.....-.ti-t pp-luc li .111 - il tnit sUIII"! wi-kruiu; -1 in.- .J s. h.u .Ma. I.ui.... ll'll 1 Hlllp 111 II lu.ktitiia Simplicity, Durability and Capacity. Iv Ib Hi.. lVr.'.-. '.l. ii "I Mivl.iimsm fr iu:mmim;, fki.i.ino, iiixpixo, f.iltlHM., IIUAII'IM.. SKAMIXO, Villi IN.. Ill KIN... PMINIXO, 1 KIM. ISO. IM I I I. IM.. OA I lir iMM i!l:M - -1 li. lll.No, t'.l'. Vr.vory Mi. liiii" Wiim.nlr.i. J. I.. SToNi:, S nip At'.-nf, h.iwcii. x. e. A Iv. 1I1 ali-r In Orpins an 1 I Inn ... w. 1;. nt iairss. Ac'-n: ni c l;iiiil lii ra.irr. ..-I'.uf TALBOTT & SOZVS ShoctOB Macliinc Work s. RICHMOM), VA., M.vr.ii'.i'-'iin iM..f l'..r:i' I-- n id Smili.nnry riielnif and siov Mill-. .ni . .l ttli.-.-c Mill". Kliainnir, Iliur-.-ri. uu, I I i.l I -v h. r I'll..- Wai. r Wli.. T"-l.ii.-.v. l.-...iy Ma. Ii.i.i-iy. Wri.iiKlit Ii-n W..r-llra-s uud Ifinusiiik'-. Ma.lilii'-iy ! i:v.-ry l).'i, I'lip.l'.n, (Jinning Threshing JIachines. A spi:::i.m.ty. Uepairing I'lomplly Carefully Done. Talliott's Patent-Spark Arrester, The Invention of the Age. p ..-H 11..1 diwiprt- Oi ' dma. Iid.K-s 11..1 Inirr f.T.' mill . li-.inii u' :iie ini-'r.. Il will n,.i -li..k' up hn.' . i.ili-.-. li-. l.al.iK. II I' liiln s im illrrrl .titiiii'"! !. !.. I I ivl.'-n rr.l-.lnu hii'.im (d.nnp- .'l l.-iliK .ii')i-, 0...:il Ii'. Il-Uli'V I..' .-ri .''.-ll Hlld I.II..W :.i;.ll-li. r -ilM ,. II 1. i.lir.'c l. wnli r I" .'MlilVllnll -I'll ks. wl.l' ll. IiV Ii-lli'llll..ll, d. l.- li-.... I Ir.iii. l!.-:-lil.-s, ul" 11 an r m imt'd. If ii.'U'l...-i.'.l, ilm . ni'i. i.'-.v l ii-. i-i.).., Ly .-vhi-i.ri.-lnii ni il'H wat.-r. mid On' U il.-r In k.-pl In a IIIMiy i.lltl.111. Il In Miii.l"itiid diunlil.' and . an p.- relil inmn. li ran i.iik. H.'d m any larilar. So planu r nUi.uld bv wlOi.'iii ... "f ilit.ni. In-Biiriui--.- n.inp.ir.i.w will l.isi.r.. ltIiib nil. I Imrna wli. ii' lln Tail. at Ijibiih-s himI spark Arpitira am u.fid al saiuc raio an i-Laiiifd fur nau-r or li..rHo-p..ivi-r. svnd f'.r llliiHtnCl clii-iiliii-B nnd jrl..t lint. iiiii.'.'.'-i'iu (J It A Y'S S I V.i III C M K I) 1 CI N K. TRAOI MARKTIIt 4iia:AT I n TRADE MARK t7H-.Ii Kt.mo.iy. ifJV. Au in. rail init 5f "a .-ill.' I"l -Mt'liilnal O vTfi? w.-nk .initi.i-rli.-a, 1 11 ' .Unit l..- fll-D.V of Sif-- AI.I1U.' U l.'MJ. BCFORt TAKINQ'f Mm.i.iry. 1 m-UTf TARtH. Twal l.anliudn, Pali. In His lla.-k, Dlmiira. f VWI.'ii, iT.-miioir.' Old Af,', mm. I ni.iny ..ili.r UIh-intf-n t l.it li-fi'l liiamiliy ',r i'i,UHuiiipU..ii, aud a Pi-..i.h: nr.- Omiv... KVPllM piirllrulr.il III "lir J ,11 T : 1 1 .1 1 let . whl.tl wa fli'.lr.. P biukI rr.-.' hy mnll iii fv.'iy cut.. vtL-Tha Km in.' Mi.it. lii.. 1. h"ld i.y nil .liii-iiiKiH ntll nr IMickmi... 'rU 4 k.ii.'. h fur f.", .r nil! be wnl fr. by mull in rr.lpt ..r tin '.i.nii.y I.y oddreabtug iltr. IIH V .vi:incist: ftt, Mm- IihiiI'-k' llii.-k, Ih.teiiit. Mien. ttv'ld In Piitsiuh..' mid uviTj wIit'ro I.y ail ilmi;rfli... o.'TI-ly E. C. HACKNEY, .IS It It OHO, X, V. Prii"tlni'i In lln Supn im- iui 1 I'l'diirnl d nrln nf ilm s. .11.'. Hud On siiHiii..r o.uri. u( t'liathani, Iihii.iiIiIi mid ftinlliird. Ahn lud' Coiiiihi'I ('"I. .fniin-K A. Ori.hnm. 0.4. OihIimji. will k-Kiiiarly ail. -ml il.. Suprli.r Ofitirt. nf Cliaihain O.iinty. mr All. in..... g.vtm hj Ci'lI'viMm In all n .4 tha Stale. l"ta)t M ,iSw

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