djlhaiham Record. ftp Cptpm BATES OF advertising; H. A. LONDON, Jr., KDITOU ANI I'ROl KIOTO It. One si,uarfl, out. lum.rUnn, Oiiu sijii are, two lust-rUou,-Olio squaro, one iii.iutli, ' l.f l.W S.M TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: Om corf, on f Mr, 0oiy,(liBionUit OMaepy, Uirwiiiionttu, VOL. 2. PITTSllOItO', CHATHAM CO., N. C, JULY 29, 18S0. NO. in. Poetry. The HI no and the (.ray. Speed of (JoVfl'llOr Jurvis. imjirovoiiiciits. that will 1 ii.oiiiiiiiciit s law to creel u subscn ichl. truculent As mentioned in last week's Ri-:coi:r, ' of our integrity alter we an; dead and military court for partisan imposes. Tuwiu mr mviwM n K"",!- iarge uiuoimis iiavo nccn ap wun me man who commainlcil the Matters were in thiscondilion when others. Not a shade of douht now j pie of Clcaveland county on the liv , Railroad butted uj against the Rlue trumilel the law under mid summer eaiue around. It was lingered in her mind; the proof which ; ing polit ical issues of the day, und , Ridge at Henry's Station. It said the , Hancock, the rejirosciita awiin the "leafy month of .lime," when she had in her purse, with the action i because of the large crowd present1 iud should be completed through to Democratic, pari v. standii once more the famed apostlt f M tlindisiu paid his annual i-ii to White 1 lawn, and every Methodist in was overjoyed at tho rospect el hearing liis welcome voice on the following Saturday higlit in i the market place. Among those who j walked from Islington to hear him I were Thomas Miisgrnvc and Margin--; it Arms) roil''. A small dog beloii'j' ! ing to the former accoiimahied them i Tliu service did not last much overall hour I Musgrove. who had recently begun were coiilirmi'd. that the slayer of her j to use his gifts as an occasional ireach intended husband stood before her. or among the cslcvahs. arrested She remembered the piece of clotli m !.,.,. Maggie's attention. He was a builder ' her pocket. Looking at his coat, she ,. , . . . ,. : propriated and paid out to construct military district of Louisiana and (NotwithiaandinB ruiiowing bcouuf..n..n jn a Uav ol business on his own saw that it was blue in color; and the. , r,,H ") 0,1 11,0 1 ' " "SL' ,u u,lm ,t penitentiary, and 175.0(10 have I Texas, as the rcj rcseiitalise of the u tomiiwr u. ninny rui.rH of thk in-cuiii, w.. : t ;, jIiss Arn.stron.' i,,,,) Jmttons in front, made of brass, were 'ed a sjiecch that we. wish could have , .,. expended on the Western Insane I Democratic party, and who boldly It uow bccauiu) Uii-w 'Mlrtn wli Urn . , , , , , ,f .. . . , .. ., !, , , . . . ., I , , 1 . . ... i i .1.1' 1 r , 1 ' Hi.,. ..,.1 .... r, 1 considerable personal charms, her so the same in sie ami pat Urn us the j been heard by every voter 111 the ; Asylum at Morgaiilon, which, upon proclaimed: Mhe rirht of trial bv uug vogruuv like brotbrco la ihetr .upiiori ut tiiat ' ort't preferences for him were soon 'one on the piece in her pocket. Step j state. For the benefit of our readers! completion, will equal any asyhiin in ; jury, the halxas corpus, the liberty of j front soldlrr wlufleia llaiiixx'k : By the flow of Urn InlnnJ rlvor. Whence the noU of Iron have flinl. Whore the blmle of the emve-KrAHHiiulver, Aaleep are the rank, of tho .Icml ; I'nJur tho .h and U10 ilow, Wa!tlii( tho Judgment day; I'lidor tho (ho llluo, I'udor tho olhor the Ore y. In Uie rol.hiRg nf el..ry, Tlim In tho of dpfi nl; All with the biilllo IiI.vkI ..ry. lu the duitk of eternity moot. Vudor the bmI nml tho dow, WnttlnK tho udi;mi'iit dny; t'udor tho Inuri'l tho llluo, Vudor the willow tho tln-y. From tho rIIoiico of sorrowful hours Tho ihwi.lato mourn. th c.i Io Incly lnilon with fl.iworrt Allko for tin' friend ami tho f..o; I'ndor tho and and tho dew. Waiting tho JudKinviit day; rndcr tho ro.m the llluo. Under the lllllos the Uroy. 60. with an equal Hidondnr, Ttin morulni; sun rnys fall. With a touch ImiutrUally tou.'e-, On the bl.msoms bl.-nulnc for all; I'ador tho wkI and the dow, Waltluetho Judgment .lay; 'Hroldoro.1 with g..d the llluo. Mellowed with i;..ld the lirey. do. when the Hummer ralleth, On fonwt and nvld of grain. With an e.unl murmur fulleth The dM.tlni; drip of the rain; I'uder tho Hod nud the dew. Waiting the Judgment day; Wet Willi ruin the llluo. Wot Willi rain tin' Orey. ftadly, but not with upbraiding. The generoiM doisl was done; In the at.irin f the yearn are fading, Ku braver Iwttln was wmi; I'ndor the h.k! and tho dew. Waiting the Judgment day; I'lidor tho l..a,w,lilH the llluo, I'udor the garland I lie tlroy. No more shall tho wai"-ery never. Or the wlndluic rivers l e red. They banish our anger forever When thoy laurel the graves of our dead I i'ndor the and and lie dew. Waiting the Judgment day; 1a. re and tears fur the llluo, Teara and love for the Orey. ". E. V. Finch, lu AUanile Umithly. STATE NEWS. I'liivcrsily It. R, It in thought track laying on the University road will bejin tho first week iu August. Durham Recorder. sanction ! mill poud. This is the Becondcase his feet ; drowning in that pond within a ttive of the years.ii leaner. lis 11 Hell. ' . of the dog, coniuccd her that she j ho felt that the people were beginning J Asheville, and in the redemption of tinel on the watch tower, upheld the; ropulution of A 1 alliance, was right. So. seizing him by the to take more than an ordinary inter that pledge, to-night, when the engine law, and attempted to preserve the ( TJ,e population of Graham is 378, collar of his coat, and looking hiiu:cst in the politics of the day. He 1 stops on that road, its whistle will be ( constitution. Chi-civ. 1 Comiianv Shops bl 7, aud the county steadily iu the face, she exclaimed iu was glad to suy he had come to talk j heard in Asheville. These are per-) Tho Republican parly has always 1 1-14 The population of Alaininco a loud voice, -ljichard Drunskill, you b the people about their own affairs. ; nianent iuijiroveineiits, which shall j claimed and claims now to be tii; in's iin-rea.HHil 2,710 in the last tea arctliciiiiirdercrofThoniasMusgvove! .Slate and national, because he should last as long as the nioniitaiiis of North friend of public, education, und when ' vciirs. In IS70it was 11,874 onlj See, the dog accuses you: and this; talk about the government of both Carolina shall lilt their heads high they were in power in IrSliS tlif-y moro thmi in 18G0, when it was piece of cloth too rises up as a witness j the Slate and nation, and both be-; into the blue vaults of heaven. lectcd huiidi'iiLi of thousands of dol 1 ,t 4()S more than in 1850.-Alamance against yon !" Saying which, she took longed to the people, purchased as! Under Republican rule in lS(i.S and lars from the jM.-tij.Ie for that purpose. ! Gleaner, the rag' from its' keejiing place and, they weic and inherited from the ! 1K(!!I, and until the jicojile of North j What did they spend for that cause '. ; held it 1111 to his .aze. isires of the men who drove Fcrgu-. Carolina arose in their mi.dit and res-' I defy any man to show me where 11! . t.i. ice did not last much overall Rriinskill shook like an asjien leaf. I son's men from King's Mountain. He cued the Legislature of their State in single pciuiv was spent for that pur! ,. ' " . , , Mr. Wesley wished to me. 1 His fa. e became ashen pale; and fall-' came as the imostle of North Carolina 1870. all was darkness and despair. , nose in lhV.H. itnd for an answer 1 1 Tho water supply at Durham ie bad the country ollicials that he might aid ing backwards into the arms of one of Democracy, which had for its object To-day, from where old ocean leaves now challcnvt' all their candidates and a9 t0'luallf.V ami inBUtncient an IO : them bv his counsels. As Musgrove the many who had by this time gath the jieace and jdosjieiity of the whole the shores of Currituck, to Cherokee. ; stumj) sjieakers. In lHCil they col-! 'luautly; 101, lverr. n.a8 t)ee , I was one whose jiresence was reipiired ered logi Ihcr. he said. -God won't people. Having been renominated as1 everywhere in North Carolina, there : ha ted over .S'iOO.OOO for educational luted by the coiuniifwionera ol tU at this gathering, and as it was not let me escape ! Iain guilty of the : the candidate el the Democratic party in pence and prosperity. Content- ; jiurjioses. and exjic:idcd only SIKl.ttUtl. ; own to K? ll'oro Rml mnKe a Biirref 1 certain how long he v.oiill be d-laiu .hath of Thomas Musgrove! I am by the State Convention, held at Ral- mcnt al,d haj.j.iiiess sniile uj.ou the Thev were friends of education in to nscerUin if an abundant supply OI jed thereat, he d.-sircd Mug-ie to go willing to die V eigh on the 17th of June, he came as jieojilc. There is 110 confusion be- collecting the money, but very lln good water eannot bo obtained by ar- hoine with the others, observii..' A constable, attracted bv what was' the candidate of that party, but if tween the whites nml Ihe bl.u-ks. fii..n.llv in i.,wl.-.. in.'r if. nff.-v it tt.n-: tcsiun borings. He Will, accordUlgly, I he would not fail to give her a call on going on iu the neighborhood, drew elected lie would be the Governor of Farmers were painting their houses paid to the sherilVsby tho people. 1 to t"ly- ' his ret urn and sin-nd an hour or so near iu t as the wretched man had the whole peoiile. and not of a party, and their fences: and all were thriviiiL' When the Di-moernts 'ot into nouir! wiih :t r. The d ig Vil er went with uttered I hese words, and took hiiji in-1 In the discharge of his duties as and lirosperous. The giver of all in the Legislature in 1S70, its records - Lost II is Hat hini. to custody. Afterwards he was tried ; Governor he had not and never should good had jiermitted these things to w ill show that ,17-1.000 were spent ! A countryman was iu town Friday and condemned. 1 know white from black or rich from be brought about through the bene for edtical ion the lirsl year, and even real down right mad. Said the last r.rui'skill made a full confession of poor, but equal and exact justice had ,'icent government of the Democratic more has been sjient for this jiurjiose time ho here two weeks ago his crime before Lis execution. He 1 been and should be measured out to party, because the jieoj.le were sovcr every vear since that lime. This is, he gave his hat to a man to hold, said that when he got to know that all alike. No man who was worthy of , cign". and they had asserted their sov- the record of the two parties on this 'while ho licked another fellow, and Musgrove had gained t 'no place that the oilice of Governor of the great ereignty. The jieojile were the mas question. Which shows up the bet- that ho was holding on to, it yet, as When ten o'clock arrived. Maggie I began to listen for his footLIl. J!nt it came not. She grew anxious: mid 'as the linger of the clock rose towards ! eleven, she went to the door and look Musgrove had gained t 'no place that the oilice of Governor of the 1 ed down the road. Concluding thai ' be once believed he had in Margaret State of North Carolina could allord ter; the ollice-holdcr was the servant, ter .' h h.vl not Reeu itaince. Sav hat to , Thomas had been detained sigaiii.-t his Aruisiiong's all'ections. and seeing no to subordinate its high functions in The Rejiublicun party had reversed The Rejuiblican jmrtv lias been that mau and he Avill get all over you , will, she was about to reenter the chance of sujilanting hinua dcejroot- the interest nf unjust partisanship. this rule, and the consequence had driven from jiowt r. and there are two like a nest of wrathy hornets. Win house and go to bed. when Vijier ed I. a red was begot ten witnin lain:' He said the Republican party also been evil. In all monarchies the gov- ways to restore it to jiowcr. First, ft on Leader. I made his appeal a!ire, whining dismal , but he never felt tempted to take his , claimed the oilice, and with the object eminent is upheld by the bayonet, but vote to restore it. w hich I am sure .' ; ly. Surprised at this, she sjiokc kind life till the night of the murder, and ; f securing it had put up a candidate in this country the jiowcr of the gov. you will never do: and. second, re-; 'fv to the poor beast, and asked him then resolved that .the deed should be ' to be voted for at the November elec-, eminent must rest in the hearts of store it by liegleclin" to vote ic-iinst ! t tlccte.l in the oMquarry. On reach-. Hon. lius necessitated Uie drawing the jieojile. and here the sovereign it. bv observing a criminal apathy on ing it he hid behind the' stone stoop of party lines, and in any remarks he ; will of the land was the ballot-box. the ilav of the election. .1 the gateway that led thereto, ami t nugui nuiKe lie would deal w 1111 par-; und 11 its decrees be enforced, it where his 111:1 -id r was. The dog look ed uj in Iter face wiih a scared, un easy ejiresio:i: and iu gazing n;to his face i-he saw that he had something in his mouth. "What have you got there. Vijx r .' " she a-ked. holding out her hand for Ihe article, which the sir Ladies, make vour 1 : 1 1 -,1 in 1 . it mi to in a short tune he heard the loot tall ; ties, and not individuals. It were stands between the jieojile and tyr- the ballot box on the 2d day of N'o I gacious creature laid in her palm. It I was a piece ol blue cloth Willi a brn Little Dutch ( retch on. Little Dutoh tirot.'hen eaine oer the sen Willi an aunt In rlnroof her mother, "Aa like." bo Utile Duteli (Irvt. heii told me, "As like aa one iea to another." Little Dutch Oretchen fell si. k on tho way. A-anlllnir upon the water; Tliecaptaui came d.wn to the eat. In oaeh day. And called uor his imllcut Dut. h dniiKhier. I.ltile Dutch (ireteheu tiK.k prelzi la and b.-cr, Uoolnc the so. .11 would be UMor: And at last when the end uf the Journey, ' though he W ished her to go with hi 1 11 Dutch Oretchen aeut homeward a letter. solnew here. Tm better," Dutch llre'.dieu wrote Hist on Ihe Kxciled and Jierplcxcd. she awoke her father and told him the eirciim stances. At daybreak Armstrong aroused a neighbor, and telling him what he knew and feared, the jiairset oil' on the re:; 1 to White Haven, pre- f his unsuspecting victim. Taking a ; better that there were two parlies in annv through tho silent ballot, which decji drink of rum and grasjiing the the country, because out) would watch 1 fulls as noiselessly as does tho snow hedge stake wiih which liehad armed ; the other, and to reach the acme of flake. The dav' the people of this himself as soon as the young fellow , success that . purty would had lavor in country sun-euder its power, thev reached the .VafiiMous Chicken. Mr. J. M. Bell, of Carteret county, has a th icken of more than ordinary sense. He has learned tho differ ence iK'twei-u crnnsbs from biscuit ! and tlne of corn bread. If you give him cTuiubn of corn bread lie vcinber. as a duty thev owe von and! von. cnuuien 1 nere are Uiree i.oxos wjn u()t ifk n gj le crnmh. hut winch are said logovern this country ; u cnmAtS yA(,mlt ore ar0p,)e(l to r 11st . the earl ridge box, which means 1 1.:... i. : ..: 1 .1 '"""' 'J ei"-' -..-ry l- me, .1..,. Iviiiulin .To.niiinl lK. "Aud my aunt Is aa kind as my mother, Dut never a .rla..ii hlrd, shut lu u eaco, IxinKvd uioto to Kiva one (or tho oilier. I .. 1 'l 1.: 1 il.ii .vi.u i,t 1, iimiuIii i.-l. i.1. o.l. 'l ... 11... 1..... 1 it... 1'. it 1 e .1 1 '"" . r. 101 mini: wni 11111. " ..".. r...i., ..... ..v .... nm iimii'i 1 ne utr.t mi ler 1 mil. si ;uit is iiieriueoi 1 lie oavonci : ; 1 '1 1 1! 1. 1. t her.i x 1 1 .... . 1 1 t., . 1 . 1. . i ;, . . . 1 1 1 mi. 1 1 1 1.1 .;,,i..w..i 4i. 1 ,....,.. 1... i... 1 11 . - i 1 .1 , , , , , . ., ... 1 laem. jviusion tiuuioiui, : iniiioii!iu;iciien. .:ie iookci 1 ;n u. won ne soiling up 111111 ixineii n 11 uio .. .r.. mi .11.7 . ...... .... .i,.. netw eeu 1 uein anil uie aiiiocrai. aim oanoi oox. wii'cii means the civil 11 1 mmmm, i del ing where the dog had got it and on the back of his head, after which ', the best men of both parties would : that party which attacks the validitv ertv jmrchased at King's Mountain ,. . wr" what it Mghiti.d. At a glance she saw he dragged him into the quarry. The bear watching. The closer people or the integrity of the ballot box j .reserved : and. third, the band box. 1 M aBfrMf 6 lie. ; that it did not belong to any garment dog he said was almost wild with rage, watch their ollicials, of whatever name hhould be denounced as the sujijile which means everything, because it is' Col. Hicks, Warden of the peni- jthat her betrothed had 011 thai night, but he was not aware until afterwards -r parly, the better would the laws be tool of the tyrant. In 1SC7 the Re in the hands of the ladies, who con leu.'iary, received a letter yesterday ! and so far she w a-: at, ease. Rut on that a j'iece of his coat had been torn administered, and the more secure j publican party disfranchised -1(1.000 of trol the men. , from gentleman. 3fiying that he(th ; watching Vi.( r she saw that he be away by the animal, nor did he ever would be their rights under the gov-; the best meii in North Carolina, and The Governor concluded by some understood that there was a. : came disturbed and anxious, for he susj-ect that it had ever been found erniuent. He had been the Governor ut the same time, without authority of remarks coiiijilimcntarv to Ihe ladies, woman in Ibe f etiitenliary that. ran about Ihe house and to the door, and treasured up to bo a witness ; of the State since tine 15th of Fcbru- law. enfranchised the man wliose 'amid loud and hearty cheers." ; would bo releaspti', provided a man ' looking earnestly at In r the while, as against him. ary, 1N7!, and during that time he duly had up to that lime been to black -m- could be found who wonld inarm had jierhajts made mistakes, but God . boots. Judge Shijp was here jaunt Kill i llir Too M lich. 1 her, thai her fat'isr tvotthi g:e said bearing him witness, he had dis-1 td out as one w ho was disfranchised. While we call Dr. Tanner the "fast man $,O0O as 8or,j' 3 the 'marriage naigi'ti ins nign ami resjionsiiue tin- and some one suggested that the ing fool, there is much truth iu what eeretnony was perioymHl, and ho le ured to know 11 sncli was tfce case. This was news to the Cblrnel, and he- aecoi'tlnigly wrote the gentleman; 'There' a look, nnd ft lom and a tenderer way, A hoftoin more Kculto U. lie ..u; And, mother, a love that will never jfrow gray. And a heart that la Ucesud to die ou. "Ho, mother, I've eald to the eniialn h.-ultht. To Bremen, I'll hhII hack moid Kindly, To tell you. If clinoRlng oiie'a motlir la riulit, lt'e a trade that will cheat a child sa.ily." And lltllo Dutch Oretchen went h. .ui over the sen. And cave hack her aunt r..r mother; "Tor they're not all U10 ainue," said hutch llrel. h en to me, "Though like aa one pea U. aiwUier." INew JlcriiHideui M.v.Honpr. ceded I iy 1 ijier. 1 hey li,'.. not gone 1 above a mile when the dog. leaving the high road, n.ade fir an unusi.! stone ijnai iy a little oil' the highway, and standing on an eminence which Hanked the 1 iiarry. set up a haul and dismal howl. They now looked around and saw the object of their search cold, stiff and A .Mammoth Hotel. xne .i'W ioik correspondent 01 :,. in t ... ..t.,n.i ..f iU.ii. .n,.i t...i.. .. .1... ; . .' ., , , v , ., V ' """- '""1 Mi.igew.stooxoMugiu 1 nan mie o,1(1 m.entlv said about persons eating theltaleigli News thus describes a . 111 tlieu- interest alone. ; vote, which caused a ripplo of laugh- ' 1 mammoth hotel : The Democrat it; and llepublican ter throughout the audience. In the 00 111111 1 : "The "rent "Kot kawav IVadi Hotel " l'idlies, both in the State and nation. ' county of 1'itt. where the Governor 1 "I 'H von." said he. -there is more now nearly linishcd. is'the largest and w're on irm tlie verdict was to ! then l'ived. for some f. ity miles sijuare sullet ing to day I'm;,. suierabun. lance 1.....4 i..i...i 1 !? :.... bo rendered next. November. Goes- only one liolliiiL' l'lace was oneiied in of food than from the want of it. '.-.I I I .I II .111.1 lll.'l, l I'll! l llll lll" that if any offer had been made he was not aware of it. Haleigh V isitor: Selected Story. THE 11KASS 111TT0X. 1.. 1 ...... ...1 : !.. :.. ii 11 t.ions ot Sl.ite !:i. imtioiiii no i.-v I.-.. Hie coiintv. inn some of t he neoi, e 1 1 iiii-ius ;t t.t x is s.iecr nonsense. 11 lutiucu i'c;nnu; uoici in inc tuiiiii. , i -- - i i T . .. .. .. . . It is t reeled bv the llock'iw'iv IJeoeh i to be met hv both, and the i.eoilo of rode twenty live miles to vole, and J ""ii not a lanatic on this jHunt, but Improvement Company at a cost of the country were the jury which was then marched up to the ballot box be more than S 1.500, OIK), and is situated ''.v the case. Professions and jiro ' tween files of Federal soldiers, with .... (I... u,.ii. 1, ...... .. r ...... T.i.,...i fessioiial liicn were all ''ood in tlieir lixed bavonels. thirteen miles distant from 'the Cit v . l'1'" 't tittvr all the farmer j-aid ; In South Carolina and Louisiana K'hig the enormous loads we pdo Hall. New York. The building has a -t was he who was per- the Federal arn.v. as the willing tools into our stoinachs. leaving our moral frontage of 11M) feet on the Atlantic. I lial,!i "-" i'-stercsted in ex- of Grant, in a gilveriuneiit established m"'1 '",.('ll,','l";il1 "'eing to starve, this i 1 1 1' i i . lieiisea ilou-n to 11. 111111111111111 liiiiiloril 1... Al'. .. !.;,...... ... t .... T :..!.. 4 1 i.lll.iei in related an mice-, mid detied the will of tl te ncoiile as ho physicked for 1 expressed at the balloi box. But. as feet long. Two hundred rooms, the uI1' ,ho preacher who prayed for all, if to crown the climax of infamy, and I know we all eat too much. ' keep the entire machinery of our or ganization at work l;i;ht and dav di A Monster Cat. Uncle .Tack Loftin tolls us of the' killing of a huge varmint some 'time ago by I hivid Williams. It resembled! a wild cat and was so called, but dif fered considerably from tho regular covered villi Mood, ins clothes near ly loin from his body. King near by. .Jamaica liay,.wit')i continuous piazzas j f II'l't, Governor n It was evident that poor voting Mils on three sides. 70 feet wide, and 1700 'a"tl of the doctor wh rove had been murdered. He had been one l'l On a fine evening in tho summer of had been knocked down, and thin grates s two hundred and liftv rooms asked, is not that parly most entitled United States, and sealed in the hie) 17C(1 two young women, Maggie Arm- dragged into the quarry and disjmteh- have jriate baths ; six hundred rooms , to public favor which best adininis est oilice within the gift of the jieole htrong and Elia 'Wilson, met at a ed. the poor dog having doubt less are sujijilied with running water, nil tered the government? Ten years a man who had been defeated at. the roadside not far from the village of been a heljiless witness of ihe tragedy, the rooms connect, and each has a ago the ltcjiublican party in North polls, and then under the guise of a Difituigton, about four miles from the! Tho murder produced a deep and closet for clothing. Fourteen of Carolina had tilled nearly all the sjiecies of jugglery unknown Id our town of White Haven. Both were widespread sensation. Many persons the stairways are enclosed in fireproof offices in the State, from township fathers, ho rewarded the men who icc:i attacked from behind by so halls, pallors, and all Ihe public poi and tho fanner who taiu for all. which of setting defiance to exjiiesscd ne who had used a heavy blunt im- lions of the building, are heated by , Wlls loudly cheered. i will of the jieoj.le. in 1S70. f his jiarly ilement, by a blow from which he steam : two hundred rooms have lire-j Contrasting the two parties, he ! actually stole the l'rcsidcney of the ' wil.l eat. and Mr. Loftin thinks it to Ihe iqijiftitf -hasfhiihircd '"list have leeu a "Catamount. It us from a race of giants to mere pig inensnre.i lour icei iu lengm ana uaa mies. One of sedentary habits should a tail 12 inches long, and had been no: cat animal food, lie doesn't m ed 'or sometime a great terror to sheep it. and it dulls his faculties. Look at ln Ult' ""iguooruoo.i, deatroy our ministers! Thev all break down sooner or later, j n -t because, strange as it may seem, they worshiji the tleshjiots aud try to study 011 stom achs crammed beyond their natural cajiacity. I have nothing lo live for excel t to do jimmI. and if I can tret ed several hundred of them. It would k.ll a slice) drink the blood and eat a little of the tongue and then hunt for new jn ey. Kiuston Journal. surjirised, if he is faithful, at luiglrfv Jiowcr will has over habit the ind the jieoj.le to think 011 this subject 1 known aa good, religious girls.. I were suspected of having committed masonry, and four elevators run to a ' officials to the Governor of the State, had stolen the office for hini. Such !,('l ',npnsi. more ttian he w ho "The celebrated air. Wesley is in the deed; among whom was liichard juivillion observatory (200 feet, square) jl en years ago ho had stood 111 the is the latter dav history of tho Kejiub ' ' ' "'. . Wiiitt.eti "White Hnveti Mii.rmV "v... Uvunskill. lint 11s the murdered mini on l.m tl.4. ',.tV. .e.lii,,, .... 1,.,. ! I'miiM.nnsi. of ( 'li.uvi.loii.l .... nn,1 lienn niiifv i'n kii.'-Ii imvtv 1... "1;lk( il ' unto luniseU ill regard to m.i.Ul i u.i l.a.1.1 t' Vol 1, of ).. ..ii in l.w ...!,. ,e,i,v . .1 ,.t .'.... ,..1 , : t i c .. i.'...i,.,. p u, .,'.. ' ...,ut.,.i ti... 1.... i ....!-... I i ... ;,. his eating and stick to it. He will hi way, 'and is to fijieak iu the market that fatal Saturday night as indeed The arrangement are ample for 1,-j with the jieojile of the Western por- legrily and purity of the ballot box. place to-morrow night. Will you go Brunskill proved that he had left the ."itiO permanent guests on the Ainer-( tion of the Stale to take their offices and have made the peojile the sub with me to hear him ?" j town alone and others testified that jJan, and for 11,000 " tl' Furo-, out of the hands of the I'cjiuhlicans ' jects of political tyrants by usurjiing 'I will accompany you to Whitteu, Musgrove did not leave the town un jieaii, with entirely Kejuirate aud tlis-.and place them in tho hands of the the sovereigiity oi' the jieojile. Will Tiliza"promj)tly rejilied Maggie. "I've til long afterwards. Kichard was nl tinct organi.ations for each. The i Denu.crals, This-had been accom-' honest men vote lo perpetuate their often wished to see the famed man: so. lowed to remain at large: and Ihe crime drainage s stein is such that all sewer lishcd through the jieojile, and the jiowcr.' Cries of no. no. all being well, I'll get ready and go was laid at the door of "Mime jurson age and refused matter is discharged Democratic party had administered, The Democratic party, iu the jar with vou." or jiersons uiiknow u." and left lo rank through iron pities a distance of four ' wisely and well. Taxes were less than son of Hancock, (pointing to a pic "Will yon ask Richard to come, with the undiscovered crimes. .miles from the hotel. Those who half what they were when Ihe lh j.ub- tine on the wall amid long, loud and We give below a table t.f the j.ojm Maggie!' put in Eliz.1, with eLirac-1 It will be remembered that when have been subjected to the malaria! licans were iu power. During the ' enthusiastic cheers.) oll'i-rs as a candi lation of twenty towns. Some of i eristic zeal an they both lifted the' the dog Viper entered Armstrong's inllueiices incident .to depositing such two years, from lSOS to 1S70, win n ' date for the l'resideiicy a man who. these were not in existence in lsTO. pails on their heads. ! house on the night of the murder he matter in the sand, can ajreciate the . the Uejaiblican jiarty had possession even iu the time of war. was an uj Others hae since had their teriitorv "I judge ho will follow when he had a piece of blue cloth, w ith a brass ( itio exercised at liockaway. The of tho State government, .')17,021.- holder and defender of the rights aud enlarged, and some few have been finds that I'm gone," quietly respon-! button attached, iu his mouth, and water, which is perfectly jaire. and 75 had been expended, while under privileges granted to the jieojile bv cmtaTled ; anion" the latttr is Fay i, i,,;.i ;.. M,.,r.,;,.'u i,..,,.i ti.,v. i... i.. i ' i n n... n : 4.. r... 4. . i... 4:...:.... it.. 1 .i .. -.. .... . vit.i .'iiiiv. 1 ....... ......... ...i.i. ......... in,-j;is nui'piv niiiiisueu irom me mi; ieiiiiuiiiiii- piniv i"i 1111 veins, un- v iiiisiimiiiui. ne iiesetvcii tne eifeville. I here lias oeeit all llicl'easi r. F. V. V. ltuilroatl. We were on tho line of this road in Randolph county last week, and found tho work of grading going bravely on and being pushed rapidly to a conijiletion. The stockako that wo visited is near Liberty, twenty miles below Greensboro and about thirty miles above the Gulf. The aiaietitc. It would kill the patent ,n.ia ,.,, ,-.i.: ; i, ,i;:.. nr medichu' 1'" ie is"lttt.r nalne(1 pjn(.e Rna hflve onjy " "' . live miles to grade till they will meet 1 .T ..ku. on 1.1 inn nun iiuii another division workine in the di rection of Greensboro. Above Liber ty there is a distance of about eiglrt miles, iu the direction of Greensboro, to he graded and that work will lie completed iu a short time. Moore Index. Towns. ;i:.'.l.-iKii oi e. i-v. r.) It need scarcely be observed that girl put it in her purse, more, wiih a company's ow:n works, aro sufficient from 1S70 t lSSi). only !?(;i7.00i! had right of trial by jury in Louisiana and in the jiojnilation of all. having refer ; ihe young man referred to was one yicw of knowing where to find it. for a city of HO.OOO inhabitants. Ad- been exjicnded, and that, too, when Texas iu marked contrast with the enco to the territory embraced" within ' who had for some time past paid ccr- if wanted, than for any other assigna jacent to the hotel will be 2,500 sin- the Democracy came in possession of provisional Governor of North Caro the present limits ;' tain attentions to Maggie, or that 1 ble reason gle and 801) fainily bath houses, each I the executive dejiarlnu-nt of the State linn, who, in l.SOti, when the war end Eliza Wilson was an ardent Methodist. Iwelve months had passed, when supplied with gas aud miming fresh! only from January 1st, 1877. The ed and all ought to have been peace Wilmington.. Saturday night came, and among .business drew her and her father to water." ! Democratic party had adminisli red and quit t. after peace had been pro-' Raleigh" the many who were gathered around the low 11 of White Haven. As usual! , , , ithe State government for ten years claimed ; after our rcjiresentatives iu Charlotte.... ihe enthusiastic little preacher were1 it was on Saturday night, the pay time S!n,.' riifvrfi j for only fjflOO.000 more than the Re-, Congress had been chosen ; alter the Xcwbeni..... .thetwoyoinigxfomenwehavebrought.of colliers and others. As they were U.iP iU0M. IlIOFUluHie, 1 publii-ims paid out in two years, military had been withdrawn, under Winston ... .. before the reader. They camo with crossing a little bridge whom should ' A woman who gives her name as Nothing should interest the jieojile the inspiration of tho Rejuiblican Favett ex ilic. ent.imonts as divergent as possible in they confront, as they reached the Jennie Myers, of lllaekstoek, S. C, more than the payment of the taxes party we see the writ of habeas cor Goldsboio . . . , respect to the jueacher and his preach oilier side, but Richard l?i uiiski'l. who declared her intention to tako her paid by (he peojile, nml if a simjile jais susjiended. the judiciary exhaust Newton iug. They returned one in mind and was about to step 011 tho plunks! The life on Sunday last. She was fonud matter 'of economy should be the cri ed (?) and the ci il made subordinate Asheille heart The result of this change in eyes of Miss Armstrong and his met by Chief of Police Rees ami Deputy terion of excellence, the jieojile should to the military law. Two hundred of F.liabeth Cit v Maggie was that she was cold tojinone stern and earnest gaze: but Sheriff Young, yesterday, sitting on never again agree lo surrender Ihe the best citieus uf the State of North GrcensWo. .'. llichard Brunskill tm tho way home, while they were hcsiialing as to what tho bank of Beubow pond. When State to the Rejiublieans. But this Carolina were throw 11 into diMigeons Durham And unsympathetic : from that hour course each should take, their atteii- they njiproaehed her she jumped iu was not i:ll ; there was something in at the command of the infamous Tarboro he was no more to her than any oth- tion was arrested by something that where tho water and mud was about tho quality of the government furn Kirk. Military courts were establish Henderson..., er youth. The first time he went to was going 011 at their feet. Vijier was three feet deep. Mr. Reese brought ished by the two parties. Under Re- ed iu Alamance and Caswell counties Salem licr home after that night he vvas tiild growling with all his niighl. his eyes her out aud placed her in jail for publican rule, up to 1870, notwith to try men for offenses unknown to Concord! his fate in a mild but tinn manner a ready to leaji from tin ir sot ki ts, ami safety. Shu had been boarding with standing the regular collection of the civil law of Hie State, and men Kinston decision which he received with any the hair on his back standing nj like a colored womau iu the Huhnrbs, and taxes, not a dollar was sjient for the wlio are familiar with the history of Reidsville thing but complacent feelings. the teeth of a comb, pulling at lirun- says she has seen better days. She permanent and lasting benefit of these events know that the courts Hickory But summer had not long given skill's trouper leg. evidently for the is only some IS years of ago. Tho, North Carolina. Under Democratic wire organized to convict. Contrast Slates'ille . . ! . place to winter before a change took purpose of arresting his progress, ln somo old story tiho loved aud was rule a large portion of the taxes col- the parly whose representatives thus ; place. A young man named Thomas a moment Maggie's misty suspicions ; deceived. Greensboro' Beacon. ;lectcil had gone-to erect permanent t lore down the lnuniiiieiits of Ihe civil, Total A Long Fast. Tho present long fast of Dr. Tan ner has caused the publication of every instance of long fasting that has 1SS0. 1K70. ever occurred. Among others the 17.005 1:1.4 Id Monroe (N. C.) Express eayg that 7.700 about teu years ago Miss Margaret 4.171! Aim Stanton started one day to visit 5.84!' a neighbor and was not heard of for 1. CD:! forty-ouo days, which time she sub 4.(i('i0 fisted on the twigs of bushes. Wbeu 1.1:14 found she was lying near the root of :t'2:i a tree w hich had blown down, and 1.400 was nblo to get wuter .which bail !i:,0 lodged in the excavation, and all .... around her iu reachiug distance the .... twigs had beeu chewed up and 'then 1,:(40 sjiit out. There was unmistakable 545 evidence that she had had a uevere 84S attack of typhoid fever, but wan uow 878 convalescent and able to be removed l.lo:! home. Miss Stanton survived thin lermtikablu episode iu her life for .... several years a living witness and a 041 standing monument to the fact that a jierson can live for forty dayi witL- T'J.'Hm; 40.50:1 out nourish incut. 0. 510 7.075 f..4li; 4.4N2 a.72i a.isi) J.-'f-'tl :iu; 2.: loo 2.11ti a, 005 l.i;o:t 1.410 1. :t54 1.-202 1.217 1.-200 1.114 l,oii:t

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