jjjFhq Ojlhafitam Record. dItaffam mL Y Of m H. A. LONDON, Jr., editor and riroi-KirrroK. TERMS OF S-J2SCRIPTI0N: One cit. ,ni ',,;,r- " Onucot'.v ",,'"1S - $2. CO 1.00 .SO SAYK1) KV Tin: liOC-TOR. AN AI'rr.Vl.IN A!YK.'Tl'i:i: Tlu emsode i am viownz to reave cecum d i.t far from the town-hip ; of Uoivliam, YirtoriM, Australia.! Where the exact locality is I hive l!o inu-uti"i: iif divulging ; but if any of my renders are nequainttd with' the ji irt of the. world 1 ret:r to, they wid n ni inbt r tha' there exists one; of two l:ir,;o Mie;im vvilltin iho wide- radius I haw named. Jeidt-? one ol these rivt is jt tS.rrev:isslai.dnjr.aUu',si.t ll0I.a ,.13 . ,4j twenty yars a -o, a hut l;''"iti1()1,,lll.ewaSoutA" known at the lloimsl: ad as Ihe jep; iJti,;u .:, i- -1Q niu va tai-r Pinion; ami u wu m in iu.u iny lot placed me as a h.-tkeeper. 1 . ... . i :i. ... . . 1 .... il. .4 men at me i'vep rai.i tuition ioi two vtars. If re: r.J of t'nft following slow wish to kintw win) I am, 1 will '-ra'i f'y their cui i i, it v ( Jar as to 'state that I was leu :i i:i tho i orth of Ivig laiid. M f i!h i u'; i n-t'i '. Ur.idcs ir.an. 1 1 gav- un a far rdueu i n, lint I su-vi r t':i 'iV.t d lit;' expectation formed of : o T.:is niht while I writ I -: tt ;! v.v.xhi thi4t 1 tu i'i uec. i .U.e. ie. I -M ;!' Jiutliin:' to prove t i e world. I am a p- ot !; . 1 -xiite!ice. and with a v. il ! dt i' and work i;s 1 oMeli (!.u i of my f' ri:nT t : l; 1 hUii; f a:: much lit-- . vt r; I biiiihght .-"I"' : t ree.' ; 1 i.i.i; ''; w iii v- v i .- t h" i-i'tt tsi In;. - a 'lact.iiie 1 ru..'i liaj .;Iiul' t W.IU- ,r ; i. a th . .. , .!; tr i m1 M'eiie .:.c'. 1 like the v i d j'iait.s as the j;lovv of the g::ariid fitei li'..'f ra. -. on the il ..i iy -raijS of lii 1-ht. s' il; moon : from t o.vii; I ii:;t, ".;:!' f;!ia,) r near io whitt - -ii.t . a'.v . i.fc, t-, ; - :ia like An-th- t!u! wi lu i i r y ''ri n;: l- ); iwclv' xearai ul'o.s hiir.tti'.l; , li.'V: wi-h lit t .. 1 M!ov,d aojd eiij Vi d my I j K lit, l'. i tr:!'. . ! a tit re. A ' I ;i: t V I'j v v. hi i wrirr, i- i'i my loe.i.-.', :o.d t AO-ll h OA' I o it it. li.i: uh 1 -it W l: :1 hav. .':i ..i-.-n i l sil'lW .1 o.vhiv., !U-li t- t. !i 3e W ;..0:f t V.a'k- -1 il ol i.o: - i 1 h. (; i . I l.'u-v 1. e.: i . ! 1 door io a'.v. .S , li..- o vii' ga:iopi.-d io i lal "tJo.d v.; llt.ua! cai.c it;i H tl a;n th:i ;:, . "I eai.t .v.a 1 Bill," in- ; li 1 jt; ttk- u:i ; about i-g:iin. I oi lit-r. J; -. i,:: i-al i i sl.i;;njt. ;ha e lie fcvr- I;: 1 I hi ' I . !iul as f I W:i!l 1, III i t. i :! vs are .;t;;i in ;n v.i -a ;ier or let d ?" "We i.v.r quit,; ".! till M l? i i i .o uii t-.; t :ji M.m'm i:iih, ; i i.'v en v.- I STplud. i)..t tliereV io UiiiuMW. .i ev iot: ; Jmi! ; 1 h' II lit; iiOIlic ' -; 1 .-. iw t hem Mi c on;).' , .shad o.v of n or, aud Mat en- the J.' t !;'. in a i trirli i.o; fior :V r vt an h i pa-S (1M O'-k If ;!.- At this iii -t r; n. cnan dark :: ! thf; teivd. 4'(m:o1 evenii g, to Mr. S -ai.d ;!. quietly !dd, -Tne dH Ci) t 1 --iiin l.o:n; ; a J'i w i;ii-;.:i,.' (: is : the oaw if.::-.'' You'l! Mat," rep; led ; i or. I) v, then '1 : ; iji-.i oi l.'iy markei d i a;j t see two of them up to-morrow, the MiO 'g, pleasant o;ceof tiie Kpi.-iit. r. ' Dili -fiyyou ve nongh powder and ku.d. The blacks sire alioiit, do you know tha V" 1 1- . . . i. uiinout w.'tiiin' lor an answer Mr. S nroivtded to uu!o his horst .....l l t i .,!.-.. ir .i iiU'lill. I'l i.i'iillll. lieil t'who an guess you L;id American) said: I belter atop to-night,; nr. "Why?-' "litjum: is il,sf up. One -'f tho fthe p i .o::.-'..e of v.as hpe-iie..." "1 h'-iiid ic were bhic!; Miows ab-jiit,'" null Mr. -.S , delaying to mo n. ' h.-t i;,m jj ::if(. enough; ',1've got my ri:! s riih im." "'lhc re too rloso,'' responded the shepherd, iii'u,- liiiiu u panikin of tea, nud coidr.iry to his custom, standing his o;:.- ag-dmst it: table. We lookul at !nm iiKpii'ingly. Ho knelt his re wandt-riug over and arottiHl th., Ji.udcs ..vhde hu cxplaiucd: "Wat , vi,.. K;,. ....... .p.;,' .i.f. pear-uoi.iI on ih crawier, I look "h(ut me purJy s! a,p, mt myui see iKithin' till L v.: h ieaviu' the belt th iv, when j M'M,tc,i ollc o tlC v.u.. ijnids unA; j;,' ihruugh the grass Jile a Hiidv'j. I was oiu' toL'ive, him .. . : i i pi.i, i). ii. i saw another wriggle in i n Ms wai-e, and then suioUier; ontiii,i(ct tho narrator, with and," some- iln ... . .... rp j j i ' J .1 II t l.U .Of HOW, 1 reckon. flow oi exi ('.'r.itioii wis .1 ;-.t the .,f n... ; .... ,.-,.,:i..t . x i... w 1 ... . s. , .States, and over a million mninritv nf i ui;iu Simple , . ' .....w lul(;. vu L vw. v.as m -Ki n oy any oi us; onr .sole tie- , : . -, . , r 1V rt tnmr oi fl,;,.,,. nr r ;. I i no ... . i. :-.. i.n- t..o co.u- ... .... .a...., M,i ..... i,..(J ,.. , ' t ..A .same verdict: and lastly, havimr fair- v t0 knmf an thlliS of Imx ,( !,!; j'hv was- , r t, Vl..,V 7 ' Z ...i V. . i:. T f.'r ' Hua lv considered the chapter nf ffcir. the management of ..:;: a v.y o , i .! !:.-.:; . a t;i:l(jH;. -i.i ckiv on ti e ..round !t..i . ,,A fi-.d .... .n t neid, all betouled with his own cor . . . . . , . , i-ii i ;iti!i uia not soon arrive it was eer-: a . , ... : . . v . : ii.lU- o. -..m ..:. ' -:, m.!..- 'I'.au ii.x e.v s! ' .said M it. f.;i n... ! h d.-nmu-s wh.t uvr trvi Ui -.j- - - - In t, o.J-r: ' J hoi S - whcl Md ; ConstitutiomdGoyernmeut, his patri- Jjrean apication for a vforto v... w- : i.- ... . in- tuv i i;.'s;. !!i:u.i,vu..!:,,. f... .1 ........ t; .... i -. . .. iiaucoeii s fiiamctfir. ma nevntion t.r : " : : J.- L' a Patriarch -..ivustiu. uo.-. th. i.i-"""v juc xr,..!toChaP : ,.::.PV7'' r . 1 rlh,r thia aia-kc.fthoimtigess. Bid,sick; t '. Jue i nr(zi,cz, : tvd rb : Vi " . - . ; ' - .-": uiy Xd on hi u iv cabl age tree oa a pillow, and ' l" .a W "me io ure:K rancs.; ; r;'"; r.nVv b melting ...a-, r :. . ;..-. ... atej!y.,u i.i junt g) out and bid ; ' l" .wJ. n " i " j 1 qnantity of gly , . , . . i v..w. u'mc uu coiiiu id uifiii t'o'M evwiinj;. i;oui oar tu ,,,v . -o uMt. :,.t ..n.nwii iu shade. ltv.ss ;o.i r i.i'." .-.I...' i. - i . .'. t.it: fla.vh :: ar.' 1 I: a.r. of ih- tthei. I,, f . l, l, iuuu1 't J1U- your back. Here Doctor.' Vr :- ' f''-aV d'"' '-"ds.nick, Tho messnffe waa BCrawled, an r k..o.. 'U-c;ieStvatheuoubdi!filst(,ncJloDoct ft littlo '11'. li'lfl ' L- 1 ' V 111' 1 . VOLUME 3. , .Oreo to drive him to tho extreme end .of the hut. At the same instant a : spear whizzed through the open door , way, ana quivered m the slabs be i hind. "15 v gum- Moro remarks were drowned by a loud quivering snort fro n the poor horse; a moment afier, and he rolled heavily across the hut door, eoiuplete ly blocking the entrance. Matt muttered away: "First rate for us coons ! Ye'd better bar the door, B ill D ctor ! doctor! doctor lt ! Ist !" Th dnr 1nnr,fl.l nil fl.A ; cou,K)i,enug through tho loopl : 1e hld ltjt dowu lhe wiudo,v iholes. aud was preparing for action as unc-on-cerne ily as the shcplierd. T!:ese ouiyt bravj men inspired me with couJi.lence, and I remember thiukiUjaK 1 threw water on the lire, so a. 4 to extinguish ail light that the black fellows had met with their mitch. Uy this time the moon was up, and the light was gradually grow- j u;g on tlie lanutcape. At iirst we c.uli dihcriu tho outlines of the tret.'H,aud then, as the night withered, j tlie white seared gras bctwe.n the ; shadows. There was a long time of i fcilence.-M.it. Mr. S ami mvseit ! - ' w' u.m.is imuiiyu uic ivi'iim-; es and were closelv waichiug for anv i ;: j.:;t .t.ti..A Tno convulsive - ii..d our lurr.ls ihioimh the oonnol-1 .-hiuiderings of iho hoivo had ceased., i und there was a paiuJul bileiic., ihe j pia.ier ami Mat weio like two stat- ! ues, aaa notwithstanding the. quiet bieat hitig of the dog alii the croak ing i f ihe fr. gs along tae li-.er there seemed to be a frighliul significance .n i he silence th;t was brooding above tlie.-c bounds. Every instant I was e:;pec iug a rush from the outside, but there was not a s-vjn or sound lo betray the presence of any enemy lhe shtep were camping quiedy ioun i mo hurdles. tiiene the t.-i -ht :uuuu tue white tieeces miu W i-.lt. 1--t olii:lgJl j'-i ciudfo ji i, idti r a-io iiermLeiVfxl, ..iui ii.i niiiH Wi.perin tone. ioe next. mo"vjt tiie iii&t raugoui una uiyriad echoes. As itili dcidu hL'jiil followed, ns thy dark fig i:re oi a man leap, d with a sadden loree from th umbuih and fell pn-n-, viUrghng out idood and broken words. '.o-a, bo.s." said Mat, looking out, but fctili rharunsu: "hf-v vards io t!irt iigut of the hurdle." Joos (Mr. li ) changed the di rt elioii of the gun, and fired. The hie' widi the color i.f tue irrass Mnn.rav f,..i, i,.,..ia ,t i majority ol n. :.,!. ..f ! "v " "v AV "" . tt"u dared that Samuel J. Tildn wa, tbnir tend the road to t,r black flie straface; ; J .l . 1": clnice for President of the United I Righ pape s furnish all wuvu..a.... avnr .i uuiin wuicu lime noi. a word , , , . . , - ;i : . i i i.e su u- ,: ,.. .... ;i.i tu' . t. .. P . . , , , the free white voters vptwIm-I 1P "iQUiry li eie among It?. ii..ti.,. . J i.. "J from ihe other two guns, but owing j to, Hiv Silence hitherto, lift Uliljt h.iv. i s'eu ot the opinion tint the portion! of the hut where I Ktoo 1 was uuoccu- pied. For an instant I could not be nothing thiough the smoke, but it. cleared almost immediately. Just as the shepherd sai l: "Don't shoot j again he's fixed," I saw the poor wretch staggering wildly towards the j hut, and then falling" with a dull i Konnd. (jrod iorgivo mt it was very ' . like murder. Tnis was the first life I had ever taken. The next thin - I u . r r. faad nm buU ..Not oae asking mo If "Have you any iu the hut ?," j Not one." Mat informed ns that we were I 'tno'd much in the same way as ho! would ted the overseer that the rx- j iiui)K were short. He quietly pulled i. is gun from the loophole, saying,"I have only one more pill to keep our sliins whole. We'll hev to trust to Doctor." Mat's dog Doctor was partly a Smithfield and partly a Newfouad- I laud. He had been trained by him I to all kinds of tricks. Amongst oth ers, he repeatedly took wriiteu mes i 8ares to the station when attached to his collar, aud I presume this was the ' object Mat had in view when refer-! ring to him as capable of procuring relief. "Mister, dye think you kin rite a uuui.tu Mjjui.j aceujeu iu binu uuwii 1 long Jiiue feiiut ter witn some noise , .so qiackly, so calmly, k helplessly and held up "the dummy. Iu a mo i that i felt a strange thrill of pity. j merit a dozen spears passed through ' lie s fixed, safe as houses; let's ! the aperture, aud I let the window ; phytic another or two, aud maybe j fall, ai though one of us waa mor they'li make Hacks," again muttered j tally wounded. the shepherd, in a tone of surpre-ssed There was a wild shout without. At jjleo. "Cool;, why the devil don't j this time the black fellow who car oti shoot V Squaut round that ! ried the log was within a few yards block to the right of the wattle." jof the hut, and I heard Mat prepar Looking in the direction indicated ling for his move outbids. Looking by Mat, whose eyes setrinod every-! out as quickly as I could, I had just : where, I aaw tho figure of a man j time to see his tail figure emerge be partially visible agninst the ground, jyuud the shade as the but end of his , He was evidently shelterinir hiui&elf ! sun fell crashiiiL' on the head of the missage in the dark, or by the moon- j last bullet brought down the nng lijjht askia' the hands at the Home- leader. stead to come this wav? No time . . t ii. .1 ..! i ., . . . , 01 I.O lUbU.X HtO L11H Utilities UOtlLTmrr ; rounu tne nut. uni, kiiocjj away . i Q.-- f tl,Q r(t o1nl.l,Al,;.7l '- IJ:AV U. HUG IllttU VU1UU 1 PITTSBORO', CHATHAM CO., N. C, jless than a miuute, and the noble ! brute who seemed to know the dan g r, stood anxiously trembling till the preparations were completed. As I before stated, the hut stood close to the stream, and from the rear the bank sloped abruptly to wards the water. The American for the first time seemed affected. When the men fell uuder our shots, there whs not the slightest change percep tible in his voice; but the few words he fcpoke to his dog were broken aud singularly soft. I'll be sworn there were tears in the man's eyes. Every thing beiug at last prepared, he spat upon tho dog's muzzle, held his head close to his cheek for a moiiint or two, and theu pressed him quickly out of the hole and away down the shelviug bank. We listened anxiously for a time, andtheD there arose a wild jabbering for a minute, the next instant we de tected a yelp of pain. 'My God said I, involuntarily, 'the Doctor's speared." ".No, he arn t darn ye!' snapped Ben. "ife's jist touched, aud no Ha 11 do it." more ' He must be quick, then," said Mr. H ; the black devils have struck a light somewiu re, and they're 'oin' to bum us out. Look!" Onn.rM . niiur . ill..r.,,.antd m. - J " IX I lUll J DUtU- I uiii- me moveuienw or tne savages through the litt'e loopholes and we saw i f! imiiKi- iir i.i.t vwi,i'Ti.,!tu.Mi,.u the air, and "scutttriti" spaiks in nil t directions. It fell on the stri bark root above our heads AuoUier i ami uuuiher came, but it did not ap-: tu ; T? ?ima8 a e srcain o1 pear to us that any of them had ta. I years let. him recaU aU the incidents ken eflect. a,ul evei"S of reconstruction ; let hnn By this' time the black fellows had 1 over f" eiJ jeora of oppres gathered courage. Believing that ! 0:1 Jfsrulo corruption ; let onramuniti ,n wU expeDdC man ! re tlprcssive and bulldoz of ihem had left cover, and might be ! 1" an,d "Uve measures passed seen flitting about likesptctres. They ! 7 11 "It2,,f BV let had kindled a fir some distune, n& ' down to lhiG and the C use the and acn jf.s its plain Kh:,dn .,,,,!! constantly falling. 0 me lire urainis were thrown n com- i door after me, mister, bat when I .show them heels open it. You Through the slabs he said binie DW ! .l;-.- t n-i, i. ...,;.. i,' qi When he gits clote to the wattle open the window, and pillow. Take care of yourself." Ah soon as the black prop up the their epeara fellow c&me I to ttjj poiut indicated, I opened the !1 -.e lire bean r. The door was opened a IVT.Lt-. turned it. vnniiv.d Imt nna or two bounds to taice him to tho door, but the savag-s were too quick Ifor hi'.u with their spears. He staff- gercd through the entrance and fell just as he cleared the threshold, "Caught iu the tLigh, I guess," he exi-Jaimed, as ho slowly recovered himself, and painfully struggled to the window. "Don't mind the spear." he remarked to me as I approaced I him; 'it's better as it is, till help comeB." j "If it ever does," thought I. The American's sortie, I believe, ! hd rather a disastrous eflect, for the black feilows seemed to conclude at once that our amuuition was all ex- peaded, and they thronged round the hut without caring to shelter themselves. j In a short time the crackling of I flames on the roof put an end to our ! trouble. The hut was on fire, aud there was nothing left for us but an attempt to dash out and clear the aborigines. I proposed this, but Mr. S would not try without Mat, and underneath the blazing roof, with clubbed guns, we grimly awaited the final attack. The American's rifle rested iu the loophole where he had first taken zp his position, There's the worst of them," Ma said looking along his weapon; he's coming up with a log to stave the door. He'll never do it," and our There was a consternation and a i ...u4: i uuiUBU UUUOU1 lUUU. auci ID liiuao ;oi auout nve minutes, tne wuoieiorce ,J Icicrc vncliod ohn'otinrr rn . . . ... . .i i i our little garrison. A moment's surge ontsido, and the door fell back 'as Mr. S-' gun swung down 0:1 th WJW C .u.y...jj " " I ,w.V.,V1.fc . , , ' r "I- -"- fn ftei. under tl.ia rr.vii Annni. i r k"w w"wu . v ioi uniitriuif oacK mo aaimnisr.raT.ion u ;ubcu i,. reuo.-t ! While sneaking Mat uubirred the : "4 i'-oi.uiau io a oasis oi economy ' T" r;r:.' . .r . , ! glovescan be put on to km & i. - . i j. t i ii ; u 1 1 t 1 1' i iin TirnTinQiTiMn 4j t- hima t . t . . ido( r. H slipped out noiselessly as ' ,U1U i,ul U"S auti resionng me : i - - ," 7 clothes froru being soiled. : . i : . 3 ; Constitution as it came from the hands the Seaboard road in building the ex ltii. t .!T lie Luuoi ii' ii.u ino hfiiiuiiee. , : gun swung crow ling savages with terrific force, felling the two foremost like-oxen. I remember a wild struggle with our guns and fists. Mat and the squat ter towered above their opponets like giants, fighting with terrible energy. The black fellows had forced me to the ground; one was shortening his grasp of the spear to drive it through my body, whn I felt a gush of blood spouting over my face and chest, just as the savage fell on me mortally wounded. Then I remember a hur rah outside and the cracking of ri fles. "That was a good back-handed blow," said Mat, faintly, "I guess the cook's got another squeak. D'ye hear that? Hooray! Knowed the doctor i'd do it, said he, with renewed ener gy; "take that;" and I heard the dull sound of another blow, and a low moan of pain as the station hands rushed in. The doctor soon recorer ed. So did Mat, who is now one of the richest men in the colonies. I well, I have a large scar across my breast. Think Well Before You Bolt. JWllnUngLoo Star) ' , f emucrai, uegins io j feel hke breaking ranks before the j November election our advice is that Whenever a Democrat begins to 1 s r . ,L ! uire?ces of the last hfteen years. i Let hnn go back to 1865, and bring quietly ana reuect upon tneoc 1 "it B , . UP efoTe hi,n the Pcise condition of the foiinf.rv o.f fhsif. fiiriA lt Ytm 11 outn as sue sto defeat- bVOHet to determine elections; let : him turn to the vote of that year - 1 A1, when over a Quarter of a million'1116 m Raleigh, a resolution was the free electors de- runt evil iWd. and fb.-n cnnwilriiwr ,. , ' , .. i:....;,. " i , .t Tr , f PfPie.t( name ine i resKient oi tne united States ; 01 l , Is"nprs Pfennig mtact all amendments thereto. This is the r i i . ii ..... work to be done. The.ie are the ! facts to bs considered We think you j will conclude it is much better to stand firmly by the old, true, tried lmrt to 8 off after new fiods I and new financial will o the-whisps In your reflection turn to North Carolina and recall the daj-s of Can by and the carpet-baggers, the times of Holden and the Kirk war the days of debauchery and robberies and wastefulness ; and then say, will you Drean ranKs now to Help elect sucn fd1nwa aa T?.TVr- nnrl Toii-i !- rVr - - - .v stood by consenting to, if they did . t a. i i . i i i b - t - in iiiii ihi'h i ii f i r iiiiT rno ii-i 1 i-xvaiapais . not nai-t.ip.mAtA in f.h onmou andifl,. . ...k:..i. ' ' outages; such felloTvs who was the paymaster under Hoi den when the Kirk cut throats were aDusmg, cursing, tnreatemng and im prisoning the eloquent and pure Judge Kerr, the estimable Dr. Roan, the de fiant Joe Turner, the excellent Mr. How, of Yanceyville, and twenty or thirty others of the best citizens of that portion of North Carolina ; such fellowsas Dr. Norment, whose speech-1 es are said to teem with violence and! vulgarity, and yonnff Moore, of Eden- ton, whose grandfather, Judge Au gustus Moore, would have died soon er than be found cheek-by-fowl with the crew of plunderers that robbed and degraded and persecuted the old State. Think of these things, and then resolve that come what may you will be true to your mother, true to yourself, true to the pure principles you have espoused hitherto, and from ,uuifflHyumiuujajum, now until November 2d ends you W1U battle for the Democratic party on j whose success we beheve mour heart j depend the safety and perpetuity of , oar republican mstitutions, mcludmg j the nrht to vote as von nlease. and i o f- ' - joy both civil and religious liberty. J . The Republican party has departed so far from the true Constitutional paths of the fathers that they are ut terly incapable of even understanding what those principles are that give safety to the citizen, perpetuity to ci vil freedom, and local self govern ment to the States. In France, in the last century,they talked of liberty J 1 i 1 S Tfc w;nen tne streets 01 iraris were run- mng with blood, and the most cruel ana remorseless tyrants were wreax- uig weir vengeance upon uuo nuy hated. So now, in this land of the upon those they free, the Radicals prate of a pure bal- lot when thev are constantly, pertin - acionsly, deliberately corrupting it;' and tlk of liberty and law flippantly and eloquently, when they are des- j troying the one and trampling the : other under their remorseless feet. OCTOBER 21. 18S0. A Productive County. Rev. Dr. Pritchard in a recent let ter to the Biblical Recorder thus speaks of Mitchell county : "I have been in twenty two States of the Union and have seen no where a county in which a bv ng can be made so easily a3 in Mitchell county. I have been in Buncombe, Madison Henderson, Wilkes, Burke, McDow ell and other mountain counties of North Carolina. I have also travel ad through the mountainous sections Virginia Maryland and Pennsylvania, and I am veiy sure 1 have never seen so fine a mountain region as the coun ty affords. The soil is marveDoulv rich, and I would want no better fer tilizer for many of the eastern farms than the natural soil of this county ; even the very tops of the mountains are as rich as the alluvial deposits of Red River or the Tr nity or Brazos bottom of Texas. I s.nv lands on which had been grown, I was told, fifty bushels of corn to the acre, cul tivated exclusively with the hoe. Bro J. W. Ayers, who has a fine farm on the Roan Mountain, has said that he can pick out ten acres of his land, and if a man will cultivate it as he prescribes, without a pound of fertili zer, and he does not make a thousand bushels of corn on the ten acres, he will give the lands. And there is water Avrvvrrlinvi . if reallv somnd in math t tliemore water I found branches, creeks or small rivers are to be found every few hundred yards, and fine na tive grasses, affording good pastur - age and abundant. I saw boss fat enough to slaughter, running in the woods, and the cattle were generally fat, but of inferior breeds." It. & A. A. L. It. It. At a late meetiag of the stockhold- i ers of tne Raleigh and Augusta Air Past?" aninonzing the directors to Charlotte. The l nothing more announcement. An those most like- the purposes that road fails! fn 1i.nf aiiir i..f.mof;n n ..k ! J0"- " will be remembered that at !M,0Wv0m,Lw OQI!.u, t . SftnMtomiunu ; a; Vi:";CV rll t " tension, which would rive an inde-!" , 7 . r, n eu pendent line to Portsmouth from all ' 7 Lv 1 ' Southern points, and thence to North Ue heao SnS' ? ern cities.-Charlotte Obsei-ver. tnn fc l .? of sweet oil of almonds.half an ounce of spermac- A ('ttriotis Clock. A fine specimen of horological art aiQd add gradually one once of glv has been lately added to the German- j cet ine, aud stir until the mixture is ic museum at Nurnberg. It has been 'cold. The ointment can be scented er-ctd at the expense of the princes j ith any perfume to uit the fancy, of the roynl house, and is intended as i Keep in wide-necked bottle. JLmer a memorial of the Wittelnback jubi-1 lean Agriculturist. lee celebrated a few days ago. Tho j m fc clock is placed at an elevation of 14: Sheen and Wool J 2 metres cr little over 4G feet. It :.. .1.. J '.I. l .1 t ; is tmii. uumeu wiiu ornamental WOrK ! i medhevel stvle. and several gilt S The i.S in- tendc Ho be expressed is that the gemen I iWnriAi. .nW. n.11 b..B m... 1 K. J CAUironUU ID iJllZLtJ LI 13 ces its king, who governs under the 3 flZ- - ? u- i? ra8 . , i i " ea to live pounds. This home nro pro's '.on of God. Above is the sit- i,..,- , i a - , ., 0 . ail duetion oi wool does not more than ting figure of the Saviour, and below ; imir fi,a , . I" ? that of Louis II.. also seated. Around the Saviour ! r-id,r nf .,. are arranged clock bells, others blow trumpets, oth-! S3 2fV f- 5 m. C?u " ftl-. hold a curtain behind the W, 5Zp Tmin 1 nJ ""1 ? 'S" before whom the citizens bow down Z a?L?! iPrt trftde rarcrentlr. An Wrintinn rAem.ds!tca,nb4:evei0Pef The success inscription records the object and authors of he work. ufacture iu California w tht The old arms of the Palatinate arejfofa41 ro -A. . . " set below. The whole work is in the style of the fourteenth century. Freak of a Foreman. Superior Court met in Suow Hill, Greene county Monday. The gmnd jury was sworn in nud sent below to te t TUo foreman WGUt to k wUh a Qn ft botfcle of wUig. k howeVGn IltJ tot M (lrnnk HS a dimsh d aI1 tUo witnoaa. es f tbem th Jt je Wlg runni tba of tbe Coiirt aud ljJit sLe . ,r , . . i stood anjourneci until me next term An,i tmt ,hfeV ii m;Lrhf home and come eome more next time. Tues day our genial, jovial, good Solicitor, Swiff Galloway, discovered that the grand juy had passed no bills and he could not even get his witnesses to answer, and an investigation disclos ed the above st.te of facts. Friend Galloway is a very pious man, but it is said that the scripture he quoted on the occasion was few and far between. The Jud -t ig 8aid would bablv , - u tbe Bid foreman of the grftnd 111.,n,Annfomnf frt .nnrf flrfl,. j "L-.y Exoress. i ExpresSf j r 'tho i Th? Texas Tribune says late 'atmospherie.il freshness' ha? brought on many cases of Coughs and colds, and Dr. Bull's Cough Syr - up is in greater demand than ever." I Price only 25 cents. NUMBER (j. Bees. Any one in the country, however limited his space, can keep bees at a ccn nderable profit, for it must be re collected that they have the whole re gion round theui to roam il and free ly forage for honey, no matter to whom the lands belonj;. Thus those who possess the fewest acres are just as well off for be i pasture as those who possess th e most. Think of the hundreds of fruit trees within a circuit of a few miles around nearly every one's habitation, whose uuinftio is early spring blossoms in vite all the bees of the neighborhood to come and s-p their nectar freely - 1 ill i rw.. miu wuiiom price, men, there are thousaOds of wild flowers ; and soon following, millions of white and red clover heads ; the blossoms of grain, of peas, of beans, and other things during the summer, which ihe eye of man dons not note, but the acuter one of the bees does. Then in autumn there are fields of buckwheat, and wild flowers still lin ger in abundance. What treasures all these combined are for this highly intelligent and ceaselessly laboring li: tie insect to4draw from for the gratifi tion and sustenance of man, the sweet treasures of all of which except for these busy little creatures would go to watite. As soon as cold weather has set in, nives oan be safely removed at any i reasonable distance. Let everv one Jvho ls destitute, possess one at , of ,,se' and as many more a Vau, be wel1 attended to. Women are ' JUfit as caPable fts men to manage bees I ?? eY6n more s0' as the7 en" 1 , liarm' more Pent disposition, and, we may add, a better tact for the pursuit of this light and pleasan home industry. Chapped Hands. The raw winds of the late autumn and winter often produce in the hands of those who are much exDOPed to 41 11. 1 . ,c ' , . T lougun5RS cracking ol i . fnowM snapping, ir no I s , . lrTCU "uil ine V" " 0,,1,-.e,J l? ea.Ta. to" "S? n y ?"Mdn? facta " 7" eeP ana P- 1 t,r" "usKing is iiequeutlv accom- ! . J. ... . " . cusw. i a oin a precaution and core for we nave asea tbe rol benefit ;Wash the face also if it is in- with borax water, and with an ointment made mutton tallow for snet. ally adding an equal cerine.stirrincr the two gr uuiu cooi. j?or me Lands. tllls re can be best applied at i nitrht usinir it freelv and wV-mi w . . ' j ut pair oi the bed- and also ii cm, ami une uracum oi wmte wax. ' uen melted, remove from the stove It is estimated that there arc now A - - - - ,.u,.f onnnonnn - or nnn nr x ! f L 3???0(! S 3 J-000'000, 8heP owumo auuiue annual wool il ?tl0(,.000.000po?nd,. ?r.,e?e ?,,.au?at Pws to A 1 . . I a 1 - I ! "ie sueeP ' ima 18 a.low aTera8. ftnl ! by proper care can be easily increas .j ... m. . J 1 1 n 1 f Kiinvtlv f 1m nraunf lsn a J. A . ! i , ' Liiu uuuiuer oi suffep can oe 1 ! stnnkliwl iriil.Anl - Ji M I u"u wnnonc anyaanger ol an uuuuicu "liumil aUJ UBOger 111 all oversupply withont taking into con- i lt . r Taau 7- " V l j-h uuuiuuu iu iuo iiwu imrsrv wooiea mrge woolen mills, San Francisco and holsery mill uuder the same management, a new company has been organized. It is ; ostimated by able stastisians that in j 1Ss7 we shall need 273,111,448 i pounds of wool ; in 1925 we shall re quire 540,222,495, and in 1963 it wil 1,000,000.000 pounds of wooI to cIote th'e ' u the v ited StHte8 on thfl &Jotiwo di of W(kJ head of tfa u I wiu m Ilire sooo.OOOsheep to i .1 , ' supply tne demand. Bi? Fox. Wm. H. Sutton, of Woodington township, killed a fox last week meas uring four feet from tip to tip. Three feet long makes a pretty fair fox. Kiuston Journal. Lovers of honey will be gratified to learn that DrJUh ugK Sjrap U . much sweeter articles in winter and much better for a cough. j The ladies of London now only use real flowers as trimming for dresses jbut real bird's nests are coming into j fashion. At a recent ball in London j a fashionable lady appeared with a . humming bird's nest, with eggs com ; plete, and the former little owner j stuffed, on the edge, in her abundant hair. Off ADVERTISING. One tfan, one Insertion, One aquue, two JusertloiM,. One square, one month, PM Tot larger advertisements -liberal coutradsnrlS STATS XTSV70 A Two-Town. Troy has two churches, two stores, two hotels, two blacksmith shops, two school teachers, two preachers, three lawyers, one court house, one jail and plenty of pretty girls.-Moore Index. Curious Corn. V?e have in our office a natural cu riosity in the shape of an ear of estn. It is a twin specimen, separating in to two branches about two inches from the stem, aud forming two well filled ears. Moore Index. Gill Burned. The cotton gin of Mr. Sherari Barksdale, of Sampson county, was destroyed by fire on Tuesday, togeth er with about one hundred bales of cotton stored near it No insurance, Wilmington Star. Gin Burned. On "Wednesday morning about 8 o'clock, whilst the cotton gin on Cross Creek in this town known as the Utr ley Gin, was in operation, a kerosene lamp was turned over, the oil ignited and the liquid fire running among the cotton set the whole building km flamee. Fayetteville Examiner. Cure for Whooping Cough. A sure euro for Whooping Cough of one table spoonful of clean pure tar, sne pint of new milk; stir well; let stand twohonrs; pour off the milk; let the child drink it every hour. It will effect a cure in three dys. Greensboro Patriot. Tall Stalk. Mr. E l. Pennington, in this count has a cotton Stalk over 8 feet bigt, which his 9 year old daughter climb ed four feet from the ground. Hm has already picked from it 7G bol! i f cotton and there are now 8'J on th j stalk. Goldsboro' Messenger. A Patent . Pan. We have been shown by Mr. D. T. Carraway a patent roasting and bak ing pan for the cooking of meats, fowls, etc., now on its way to tbe Ral eigh Fair. It is claimed that this pan makes tough meats Under and retnins much of the juices loatiu oth er methods of cooking. It is tbe i vention of Mrs. M. E. Beasly, formis ly of this city. Newbemian. Gin Burned. On October 1st Mrs. Hattie E. Thigpeu s gin house and 30 b!fl of cotton were burned. Besult of au accident, but it is not understood how unless it came from a match cansnally getting in, or friction. Tarboro Southerner. Good Farming. Our friend, J. J. Casey, E-q., of New Hope township, planted 47 acres in cotton. He has already baled 34 bales, aud expects to get at least 13 bales more. Mr. John Carraway of Brogleu township, planted about 8 acres, and h is already gathered 7 ales. He had counted on making four bales. Goldsboro' Messsngsr. Unnatural Father. On Tuesday morning a white nun ! attempted to shoot his little son. He hZ " uisciiarcea the wfraTvin A a .a i. i ... . luck would have it, Charles Crawford stood so near tliat he was able to strike up the barrel and so save tbe boy's life, probably. The man mads several other attempts to shoot tha lad, it is said Yesterday he was held to appear at court News and Observer. Fire in Raleigh. At 12:10 this morning tbs alarm of fire was given, caused by thsbirn ing of the wood houss in the north west corner of the eapitol square. The delay of the engines was rsrj great. The offices next to the National Ho tel eanght ou fire, but were saved b the Chemical engine. It was mors than twenty minutes before either of the other engines got on a stream. The house, with the belfry adjoining, was totally consumed, and all tho treesnearbyere ruined. The eapitol bell was melted in its belfry. With I prumpt woik liniigtH nave been saved. w no a ueiioi remarzabie good tone, and was put npin 1845. Masy per sons carried off bits of it as son? ea irs. News aud Observer. Census and Sieknesa, Mr. Jacob Lankston of ConUntnA Neck, the oldest mm in 4tt M.i. tUinks tbere ig some ! cuuuociion oe- i rw,je tb excessive sickness and Uk- ; h e don't think the Lord want. . 1 , e i,uc vcusu mig year, no sajs know how many people there are in I the countryand he has never known a census year ithont li v -;-v, nes. Mr. Lankston has a Uttle show j of Bible authority on his side in the ' disaster that befell the Israelites on the takiug of the Census bj King D avid. Ktnston Journal