tiii'jisiuy., oi.T. si,1!;m. - "" " JI. A. LOIIlOII, Jr., Editor. ; l'OS; I'ifi'.SiDKM': .wihfld s. nmmz, Of 1mi:isv!v;i:u;i. for viciM-:n::i".vr: WILLIAM 12. Lil4SL!3nf Oi' I n. 1 i:ui:i. rok v. :.m. : THOMAS .1. i AH VIS, of Pitt. Fon Lin rns.wr c.r.vi ::n u:. JAMES L. KOlilNSON, of M;tv'i'n. fot: sre!'!v.r.v v -. iwrv; : -"WILLIAM L S.U'M)i";ilS of v..a. . Tvu; T'-: : ;: : JOHN V.. WO Kill, c: Ib.mu-h. v. roi: at i o;:s i v e ":v:. : T II 0 31 A s s. k N A X, i-f W:I-:e::. re:: .u : : : William p. uorr.iiTS, et dates. poB srrEiaxT32SiiN r or rr -i-i ivr ;;v no: : .JOIIN C. Si' A 'd P.l) HO I (rll Oj Jt'lfiSStOl!. for jrrnj: o?" -Jt:: u i : ia: iic. v., .JCB.1E ( V T.'IEOIi: il i Zw'AI. : 1ST , J..O II N A. G i L M 3: 11 , of Giiilfor.h ros coxorr veu.:rr:r r;-;' K'T: WILLIAM .11. COX. ot Wrdce. l.Tn,,,r.,r,.,, T!tra?t. and capable in every potion, jDOumi Tsn sk;.t:c :c ou :rMvr;:A-r:ox 'lt 1 !'Ial to -At. -...-r,i iu .. , -of r-n ---v. ' -V -L-i-.Tin ' There is r.o good reason whatever j slieiliian ' ithat sliould ir.du.e any right thinh-, 1 irrg man to vote agaiiist him. The A BAP A-r:r,.M.-.ii.. t . pucstion is ;;nply this, TI Jarvis We have hHv-o:ore r.-lVired to't,, a ps, (iovermr T If he the proposed Sm; hr::-::t to owv z.. nYeit:l Um : br.t if be has State Cjiist-'tuti'-r. !: regard t. tl support of the :;:-.;::o. ai d deal am! dumb and blind, bur on :uv .u:;t of its nnper; .nee and oce;.us. it seem so generally iu!su:;derstood we will aaln allmie to it, ;ard would ask every voter to rive it i ery voter to give it senou..; isideratiom nx a lew uavs tne -.. 1 , r4 Xr ..'1, T' ! .Hi.' .mi t v. ' oplo ot .V. nh L.;iob!:.i .niM o... . on this amcmhnent.hem-e the n. - eonsiderat! C0pl upon cessitv of dis?iH?ing it. for of course they shtul l veto itdeliiently air; frith a full knowledge! if its cuecr. Whenever an anKndment to the'.,,., l) j,,,,,,.. c,Vi v c,;;:nty to give Constitution is irooo.-vi.t l.-i- tne jratitication of the ixo'e. irs ai va cates should how i'.s tree-: s dry or propriety, and unless il c do. it should he voted do-v;;. Now. what .argument is urged for tne :?d,..pt:on ! of thi a-nenttm.-nt I T.he -:dy otre that we have hoard i t i i : - : to giv the LcgHi'.ture tire v.--n- to nuke f the rieli ins;.n., and L:d :;!id dumh and blind support thorn -vivo ;. Tai. is the o:dy re.-ison givv:i for this .ainend-oent nd it L grive'y stated . this would he its only c-iie-'-t. Ihii ; tliis is surely a nu-tahe. Vt'e un liesitatingly a-sett without fear old euccc.ful eon tradition that the cf-; feet of tlie rio. c l amendment, if i adopted, is to leave ic option a:, witli ; every Tdshttire to nrovide for lv;,;;n ',(1,d..-,,i: ANY (rich oi po r; in:uie.oi oealaiid dumb ar.d blind. Tho question j then is, do the peonlc of North Car-! olina wish the ; r unfordnuate ami afiiictcd feilow-citi.ens to be place;1, .at tlie mercy of any Legislature? L they do, then vote for this amend ment ; but if they do not, then vote against it. In order that our tea lers may see that our construction of the effect of the proposed amendment i correct, we will again give the words of the Const ttm ion r.s itn w cxUts, and of tlie pro'posed i-mendnient. Sjc. lr of Art, XI, reads as follows: ''The General Assembly smaij. provide that all tlie deaf mutes, the blind and tin; insane- of the "State shall be. cared for at fhechru L C .of the Slate." The amendment strikes out this and inserts instead the following : "The General a.-scmblv may pro vide that the iNinr.KN'i deaf mut es, blind and insane of the S.aie fchall bo rated for at the charge of the State.' It will thus be seen that the chan ges proposed are two; chang ing the won! "saiair into "may f and second, changing "all" into '-in -dicent." Ifoidythc seord change 1 proposed then there might 1, -i-nflPOll for the aiiiLnwuKu , . fn nrovuie lOi ino iU- 1 iOi8lt 1 rlnnf mutes An rimrt ,rik',,, ont til0 i'10 ;,; v 1- thoo i'avorin- the proposed amend-j cvillce sl commCndablc interest in opi nion t ; hut, as the proposed uniend- j Sate fairs. Their exhibit is always ment also changes, ";sh.-ill,v into ; :ldnired and retlects credit upon "may," and thereby removes pro- j Lc-ir taste and sldli, and ibis year it teetion iVoui am. the insane ice, ar.d ; y.a j isoiue bettor than usual. The piact..; all tho:-o' alll'cled fellow- creature r.t the n.:iyvy of sujy ami . every L "hdaturo, wo mind uru j ...... ,....! .- i; vnt.ol.Nf ...ok! IL.I'K i IV-' "Ml. f. ,, I ..... lieu ion. fortunately there is no m;;J:,m1 sio-iiiiii-ance .attached to this , , 4l i ... ; ..., 11. in. .nf -mi I k. it ' I i"!Mll." HIS .l.i.l lllil.ll li : . III. il m and republicans may vote for or against it wuhout acritieiu;r any , T 1 1 j party j THK ipie. Ij t t!ie irood men oi ooin partus .::.. umte ! Uv0 f eaturo t? the fair. Maj. Bing j their opposition to an amendment hjsa tuviiei out in fu force with, the jthat removes the protection n v j 4..ui0ts of hi.- Luned school, who at- .-riven to the.-e unfortunate fallow- j nut;d much attention, ami excited i I ei::;: ; who!:, il d has ; ee:i tit to so : iheVuvvdu all the boys vh did not ! -jrijvou-Vi aliiiet. j wear brass buttons. Tlie attendar.ee ii-ir 1 Thomrs .1 flarvts ha - brown;. am:.- ;f to !v one i-f the vrv best ;(ioveinor. t!:a we h.ave evi'i leu). ; ; ai'.d his jr:dh.'iou and atbuiraijle :'.df:!nV,ration oi our S ate j i a ih.irs deserves a ill lit:. en-h;-se-' : sueut and ivctg!iIt!on from tlie pi'j i p;e of .irth Curolm. 11 has ihownby repoatcd aels th:-t he i ; dvive; n-'i' of tlie whole people. : :':';: and white, and without re ! ;:ard to iv,.rty, and that ills highest isisti is to pronu-to the prosperity of; ::d! the people ot "tl:e Old Noith State." His successful eifort in re-; :ievi:ig the taxpayer. of so great v. burden bv Ftlling the Western N. , CKdlroadclnld of itself favors ! bly foinni-otul liiiu ( every voter. ' He has proven lum.elf true to every ; ti-.'t. thou turn him out. We have no d.uht h'W tlie ieoio f North ..r,i;i1,;MV:pl answer this epiesth.n. for of course every b. dy r.dtnits that Jarvis will he ebvted,, and the oniv u-nbt iaMoldsiuaionty whether . it vjn t:. nvo;)tv or th:rtv tlmu j : T, , ., . , , .x whiio we -crdortain no tont.f : .,, (i t;,0 ci0(.t:o!: t,f (b,v. Jarvis v. t . we desire to uru'.' tn.'n all demo- r:rts the in.p rt:i!;!-e of eli :ig vo- tes lor hnn. Tin.'-io is a ?L-hish rea iinr as :arge a vote a j.s -ih!e. cau.e every county s gn-KtU m our next nominating e;nventions wiii he bared upon the vote that thev will this vear edve or Jarvis. t c"n:i : hear in mitui that the ku-ger the vote that is given for Jirvis, ti:e ' great i-r vi!! hj their strength in the next bdate an i i!-f rict inventions. Tit- a:a:rr or t?jai. by jukv, th?; ;-:.r.i:.'s ooin-rs, the libei'.iy or -ptn? Tan i'nuKJ-.r or ser:i r;. tuk nrvi. iaouxs of i-iii,..;,:;:-; a: tup. :uo:iT-8 or paoi'LiiTYi'ST ::k rir.SERY.si.' "iIaneoek' isuh ;i;ma Order. THE H i' ATE FA m. Vd- h;t'l (:c pleasure of attcirding U - ..!. - n,. ,,i;wi i r..:,. r vi: u i V the !s. C Agricultural Society, and weie truly gratincd to find it such a great success. AVe had feared that ambl the e-eitoriout of a political ! can-paign our people would not ti-.k the proper interest in the State fair. out we wore agreeakiv rmipiii-td, ior , i ". i " it i m many tleoartmonts tl'cre was a; niuch better exiiibit than there has : ever been. Li Machinery Hall tin-' exhibit was particularly attractive, for th?.-ro were any number oiddl kinds oj improved allien iturrd m j.lcmcnts ;md ma liimjs. There were. p. .x-ftb?e steam engines, wlioat-tLresh' rs, horse rakes, reapers, water-wheels, v.ind uSh, cotton gins and .res;-.e:;. frviit-diycr:-. which of themselves would amply compensate any frumerfor coming to the fair to ex Ammo. An examination of these machines would enlarge a man's mind, and show him what great progress Ls being made. The slock department was vf.ry endiiak'e, and we la pe tins oi'dt will stimulate our peov.lo to give more attention to their sj;o.dt and improve theii breed. Many f e.dirms of our Stale are particularly weii adapted to the rair ing of s-doek, and it is a sh.nin thut we Should buy so many horsor-. and mules from Kentucky, -o much butter and chcep.o from New A'oik. and so much bacon from Cincinnati. In Agricultural Hall the exhibit was d gra" fu ly hi. all. s . i g that not sulucieiil interest is luani felted by our farmers in exhibiting their pro- ducts. Onr idea of an agricultural fair is an exhibition oi our sgrieull or al products, ud tlms excite a rivalry anions our fanners to rake the lar-. gest and best crops. In Floijil Hail were exiiibited many oeaatii'til and attractive specimens of the skill of the liulies, v.h.o always fruit exhibit, was very good, ami our vonniy prido yas aroused at seeing the uisplay ot Chatham fruit made by John W. iVny. The usual trotting-, racing, glass ball shooting ku took place, and gave- or. ioyiner.t to the lovers of such sports. J i The Trades' procession was not such as it should have been, but was cred itable" to those engaged in it, and we hope will hereafter bo a ino.-t attrae- I was large, and wo hopo the receipts I will .":.":.;.' f: id the Doeniiiarv eondi- - . " , .. ... t u ':i oi : ;io ."loejvi v. Vpo-.j il e wliole the fair wa a suc-c-t'si-'.. a d i: a ueeo.-.-a ia chi ily dae :o i!u kte!!igeai: and undiing ouergy f v1apl. tJie accoiup3isued : iiecreiar of the Society. Co'iirisUsioe v ol Agriculture. In,' i.-oid oi -iiv-tiiiure lienl a nieeihig i;i Ka-righ last Tuesday and; " , ele--t"d Mont ford M"c(T.-'h?e, to the po-1 .iiio i of CvJiiiiuis '.iouer v f Agr'cultare. j Tnis u an exceihrnt selection, and wii dou;t!c.,s give general i-aii tion. SCHOOLS. M"snv of our readers will remem- ber the excitement r-roduced through- , out the South, s few yenrsago, wnen tho infamous Civil Rights bill wa; pencu-g ;:i Congress. It was ! - 1V : Cavcuna. and by many ri'pn.at.ms. : iho cru..- oi our rarlyeaiTy-. in-' tire r-iaie e;eetions i-.i ifti-i . such large majorities. The rcbulie given by an indignant prop: i it,,. hsUo: bi'..; was hooded even bv a Ihel- ical Cer.gre.vi. arrd the i.riginal hill was :uv; passed, bu; one gre::tly !:i-.d- itied ani much less objectionable. .. . . .imong the odious eatures of tire or- . . ,. . M1 :g.n;a ( iv;s iogids mil was one ma- kmgit A SJ.U00 ;h:o for teachers ot common schools, or for any Aeadcrv or iii-h School or Cdloge auth-u-icd hy lav,-, to refaso to admit 5r-ro , , v -i : scholars on an equality with wmto children. T: is wasj.attjctrlariy odious to our people, for they would never onseut to their children going to the i . .i -,1. . . v. - ii vrorud Itt-ivc stirred up si rife in eve-y nc ig:o:rhood. J ho coloied P'-ople th.cmselvos did not ea:o to lane these "iiin"d schools." and t is a matter of public congratulation that this measure v.-r,.n defeated. And ret I (Jen. ("iarfnl-l .' .vored. advocated, and voted for this: In this eo-jr.i-vdlon we liiusi c;dl the attention of iho vders of CriVthar.i . emniy io iv: it.iideni drat o -curred last i i:..;ivm o:v: county canvass. It ; was the tir.-.t day that Dr. Jhidd. the : republican candidate for the Senate, appeared in ih; canv:i-.s. arel t he dem ocratic candidate (Mr. Tvleirijt) asked him a few e,rxtioirs ro as to define . hia position, lie ak-d hi:u "if ? . i ' Dr. Jhrdd) endorsed Garfield's re w . ' , ' .,c enooiTK-.l j cord." The Doctor ro v:i nghls and mixea 'schools record,?" The Doctor ; 1 . .. , ." '',' J Ait .',ov'"? c:x?1 ; I ',e U r,in,0Mu "!1" i liil:ile for eimor froiil Chatham in : f.ivor of mixed schools ? Surely Dr. i iudd must have ans-.vercd yitliout .' . . . held in attern'otiuj-; to force mixed , , -ci; iti i!p-:ji uie peonio Oi ajuie oouiii. If Dr Ihrdd really lueant v.liat K-: . i lib i -I, i saal, we do not bonevo ho wi:l receive the riiipjiort of alibis own party, and of course, of no democrat. After the Doctoi had so committed himself, ii is said that our '-independent" friends ir ,., -r. , - -i r f .1 -.i;ss!. reason ami .uejiath, felt the ' awRwsuMUOKr, of their position, for thiy had previously stated that they would vote for r. lvidd, and vet rhey could not stomach this mixed i school bm-iucss. Would iiatkor be Ilibt Than governor. At HilM )-;to ontlio 4th itist. Gov. T;iwis wm; introduced by Cob Tbo.. ImMiii, who said that he had not known Guv. Jarvis personally until 'korily before the nomination was muta, and lie was thru thrown into ';lco iutrrcour. with Gov. Jarvih, -n-.l was in a pi hate room wher h fl-as pre sent, and tho sale of tlie Wes tern road was umlr coushlerntiou. A Kftntlfman then Raid, "Governor Jarvis, if yon effect this a!e it will seal your political doom." The G'v ei nor ro.se and said z ' Well, sir flint had never occurred to m, for with this, as all oilier .questions affecting thepovls the only q isstion with j iue s their Gov rnor4 h wlith'cr it is rigid.. In this c ie, thin is the only question that presents itself, and he u-jving this measure to be for the best interests of the people and of the State, I shall give it mj earnest sup port, it it costs iuo tv-ry vote in the State." Raid Mr. lluiliB. Uo.Itel.rUTr,U.,,n I For TUo I:e:ki. St. Laavbaxce, Chatham Co., N, C. October II, 18S0. En. Record: Widi a view to en couraging liiiuh.L.iu boiar eaterpri.se, please allow ma to state thai i ur tmi inal friend J. W. diililaud, furnifr mail contractor ou route No. 13,200, has recently purchased a patent .vaporator ami cany mdi tu MiU, ant is niiiliiug mi aiticto ef (ioincitic ayrup not secon l i;i .;u.dity in any retpect to any timt I have ever seen. Thia ayrup i uoi. only nice in appear ance, hut it iss really so. The wlioh process c-f mamuacturmg being un der the supervision of pcrh .n-s wtm are provcrbiaiiy "not thick under tlie thumb." Jle lias maiio more lliau i,HU0 gailoi;s mid t.-xpcfs to mke 2,500 hnndrod gallons in ll-U:i season aixt his . u.mi pat t of this, su perior ariicio of svrup tie prm.;o-es t ; soil atthu very low price of i0 cvnt per gaiiou by liie l.-anvl. Tins is hi t all that may Lm said for our township ( jlauhews). Mount V i ruoii Sju ins A;'a leiuVj uudr ihi? fllicieut ujunaye-iiital of (ear hiijhiy esir rued ami very wo.liiy yvuij j euiiniyia.t.', 11 ;v. O. T. j.iv.iui, pjoaiisv-s t.) becjiiaO far-iauuo iiim Uau-i..o,iofod.. And in eoin-hi.-ien tuoagh I am uoi a poi.tieinn, 1 muy siy that our township will not bii b.uhin.l iuat:y, if any, m the county in giving a re : ! i ! . ,i i .j i. i r i f ,i- t.ii. 1'i.rv , " " : , M , " vtortnv " je.4ih:iiieu nonon mciI by tnr ctnlt,ervniive party to hit thy vinous oilices of trus.t ai;d honor in couaiy 'i'Hto ami United Stales. ii. ii. S. A tti palfti :ro:n Alex-oniiia ia l'f t.ii; pa.t two Ui.ys s pi ti ' ( p Uom -. :coup ihy of u-:i arfivcvj. ih's arit- v.Sli"rr,j;j, uvi :t .;:.u- to s;iv . their pres-;e to l-Jj isj-j fruiu .North Carouna, n w o, a thev had left their nrvo Smte a .inie McVll,;us on , 0(,.i;:i. io lh;lt lbt v;tUlM Wll, 1k, r,,,irt,(l lo lemain away iroai i;iir i.mttes move ihun a tss-iuth. 'x m- :p.k-sn:n ot I'anv 1:1:1 inor?ri:ti ;- i n man frna the .North eanu- i, s.;rl' -i'lioliiM iJn-n: mvw.,;-, -um -.! m.. u i.;i::ii.,-r v nrvn' n7 work in : present and v:e hopv that. he b-.' of In,hai,a, pn-mii-ing to pa,- t'r.eir lail- '-'jd- r Wtd I e ro.m : v( d. S cd: ro;d faie to that. 5tat th.,t th-y Y,.!':!'- :i" ;r5:jS "K ! :i" lh:! ;'xv'"r :? vv, !t to ln,!:"e i end we si tioned wdl t:d; :-.cn ::la it --mo c-oc.iv. A ! u1 l" A""-m i .n.i u., m. i.o .oi . . in a ci.-nntrv district, where tm-v : w51s ot hoan; bo e.-.im-. ; votV,ljlit. Itbrln tickei ! very solemn m.nrnra-.d pe d- -,.ct rMr.1i..v f,i-!ivmLv i.ivLM w!K) in-u shont-i taite . month's hhv: thai thev bad bt-en- grated n furbmgli upon h0 r,m4is.t. ' ivturu :a ,o ,ds. l,;,th par n - seemed to he l-mra:t oi tile pur- t f!5r.whiehV!l-v h.-el been t:a.s- ,,.1' to iZh. nn'i xv ro d!ed "at ; manner in wired they h;:d h i. ud. rno d !y gehth-men in inoi-ttin 'bat tiu-rn .v:is work in tied St.;- fo: all :h; c;uhi bring .idi them A t:dc;4r:tui fr-.ni Sm:cms', Nw York to ;no Jlerwid, dtud ik LS::; it: st., y.-: ! ?.- t :: : ?n !!! t-r s-ek marly ! 1 f t-t ri 4 p :ii in S?rvn- iiiiv ii.i i nil :! ! ?.; oi.e tira!1. h sn'w tc r.o com d onmu e ,t. All tr-un-v ., , ,i , ... . U.r:r 0rirs oi,r ,4 !roi,i tne WefOor. fin N,,w .,rk C-n-1 s.,nl ry t,, ,.(t M)l:v; j;..!jtVi5 ,(l ti:dr.n.l He.d-,.n Hi ve- r ,bro-oi wi :i e , .., v . ,t w, jn i....!V4, ...p eov-rod itn sy.V, l-.M-n.rirM f'-"ft ' ftu 1, lic, ,:!... t i.,.v., r;,.-.Y rj..t. to t -r:oiro;i 1 i i-.;, , u-iu d fn oiM-i.-m u r,.., , . ..., ... ;f ?. of n .r m-r-.nd.ie j-t:i:e of ; -tdus. n ttii v.O'd- rn ihv:-a.'Ji oi tne ro:vl. rM-..-. v.est (.f Ib'chca!.' r were .ijhtyed n:i.! blockaded bv a -nov Kiorni wbicb rv:td da ring tlie nild. Xr lsk !.: r: fifteen inches ot fll in Ibdodo. The ruorning i-scnger 'r.'ins ias', ottwt -.n iuiibeo and i.o.-!!fttcr, were He.-on-'oneii a !'u-e nueuUr of irtunt tram-- were -trbcd. The speeed Nw Wk press was nook- up m ii .."m- and -ieT ur . . - '-- 1 ,ea:,:o :mou ,i. r.-ro. i io ioi . d.ated tbidu rnoon ami the tm.ks , were cleared to an extent that per-- taiited the. two Atlantic's to come through ail ri;ht tins evening. Tim ! cond Athmtic wms an hour late. In- 4 loMioition rcceivtti Irom i:.it:ivia tUesita thud tbe wouther w.ts very j otntemdal ohss-rv!i.e.ct h-u-it. Thur.sdav. cold and that the snow fall wnspn., r(1i;(. ;s tnfetw,, L-,;' t 'u-avy. increisa looi. n snow a,: t!ic wiv fur-i ea;aua to Biia'.i - and 1,u"1 A " J1 ,u me liitojirt ii r. mumw-'i ;u i.m uiitun: to move as tko endues ar not pro- vided with sn-.;w I'loi'ijhs. 1 ; Ccilon i'i'm BuriKHl. I Just, before ' o'cb !:. ves-erd.y af- tenroon, the lire alalia was soumhd, j 0,1 cl,t of tlift hunnng of the gm i iiouso of JIi'. J . V . Ik Yv at so 11, about 0 , , -f fi. , ' , :a mile t;outh 01 luo city. J-fc was too Ulv asvtxx (or t;!0 t.ui;iu's to bo of snv -rvice, so tuey oi l not go. no . ... 1 r?l uibling was euiuely a-s?roytdt with i? conU'lits' niong whie . was mx lheusuud pounds of seed cotton lnu i.eaiu eeyiii's, wmc-u ;ia 111 .to other building was saved. .News! and Observer. : m r- X.C Experts. 'I'he North Carolina Spoke and IliOidlu factory is now fdling orders for hnudles and spokes to be shipper! to Europe and South America. The reputation of North Carolina hiekory stands number one, nbroaii, as well ay in this country. GrceusDoro Pa triot. Dentistry and Demoem tj We understand that in on of onr wof-tern counties a local dentifit .;oe? ?rt?uud with the county candi date, u. i-her the speaking makes pi-oCiititiations that he will pull4 free of charge, the teetli of all persona who, having heretofore been Hopub-lii-aus, will consent to vote this year for Hancock imd Jarvis. Ho has lib; hand - i nil at every r.j.pojnLment, ar.d in f-oeie cftses a rivalry js gotten up -between the changing 11. -.publicans for who shall have the nioul teeth pid'n-d, nd as a cojiRfcqut-.nje whole u. iini)ovic.ods are nit almost eutire- Welt ,1 gli;.-4t,ae,viil0 There is a man in 'Union couuty, whose name iR Melius 1'V.dins Julius W ins Alius William Wsrd Williams. Is that name enouidi i kill h'hn V Mooresviile G z.t i-e. Sninrl H(jy. Mastcr Oonni Adams, five vor j old son of Pro. L. IT. Adams, picked j cut kmds ; and especially for a whoic out 100 poua!s of cotton in three ; sale and b:uto:mg fciore, Mid tu, d ivs. Beat that little men if you i waggon ar.d eavriaege factory o! can. 13 ; bl ical I t word sr. The Epizootic. The epizootic seems to be firrad :ng among the horse in v.niou- ; a :i . jc3usic dm'I. eonmiy . it is oe pvl-ts of the cous.try. It is s:d.i ihnt tve'-.i Tia-v ami Deep Rivers, is heal Ho lrv weather has s:?:iit:t!;iiii- o dt.- i i-hr a. d l.rs fir.o water. Lots can be with it. News and Ob.ii-rver. , CO A Bridal Shror.a. Miss J- hanie M.iskett, of NiKonton, N. U , died last week, ;;g d . k-hlee.' , atil three v, r. krf in luivap.ee of bei we.Id.ug. Th biiiial th-:.ss tierveu for a shroud. Fanner an-.i Aieeh.-iit-ic. Eye Cut Chit. A m vii m.mcd Dulin, from tin country, in an- t-Hra-j on Coh!.'. -.tivet tiiis lUternooa, I'm-1 tho suifi t'oiiune to lose tin ye. Hi-? ;-n'.g.; n st, with, a Lmfe. iite. ;d:y cut u out. Ciiaj-1. t'e i're-'. Prompt i.ayiui';:f. The. iu t:(!ii-!j of VV. TL Arriuiton. of Cast.-db, Xiissh eo m.y, v as burn-'? n th.- V'nui ihii iiionih. .ii llih She lo.iso.s h i. l i -i i- p ia by ii insurance eo:iip:i.:iV i'i vS;n!i it v;a insmeu. Tiin.t S-in; Ho ?;;. 1 Liicliy AcciiU'Sit. lim I'.itieis 1 1 e Mur.'.l, ti-: a p .- nl iu';u- Old 1 In:i !c tl on I Vhiii V o. hiiu w.m;, in .(ire ho m.i !(. i t :n::.- avnv witii i-:, mi i in !; ?!:.. an hoar af?t-r t.:e t: f;. w.-s e -:!i i . tf pi-.j wis Pi .u'all c di ;ei; ii in his :)cl:--t ;t l tbt' b:t!i . :;t. r v!!n tbich, ii.ilii-'ieg a serious wimu.i. Ht i b,nt ti'h'-c'-r. y. rs of ;ge. ihckin.h:im Spi .i. Ua:;ging in i'.ninw b:i. C;tt:l -vba will wii !;: her :-,t -;m;-. -ing nent Vri-lay. Jb-nry Wi-li s :.!l-o (nar;ey .L': :iV.t:n is i!:e ;;!;,, ' a:'d '!(' win w; e:;.- ;;rc;J n-ro.ic!'-. A . . o. noi ::n un::r cr.-wd v,..! b ui..-x- on i .-o.-; -rv-e. t v ...... a, U-.. V. a I:mc.v!e n-g:-o of ?!;.,-, ?ov,.-i, v'rs iV,"k',! .v m w " ' !l : -e in . :a? su:':ro o ;.:.' l-n i b:e;i i-"b;-;i-u by tb.eat for ) :: i'tiv-f j.-. an.! sid:i-dv)n r:b tb. I ::i -er:i;"e : ely. do oil- by b. ;. i --.n ;i for ti;. uva-s o: rb-e n;..o. ' ).;h,cr ii' .!.u ; o- r.:: v : . ; -d f :!k- '.-::ibir. bb.:od b! -p. ;-. Old eoiiy'o-d kiui io : i" iii - ! ii.n'.s-- awnii tn.'d- -Lai:iiro..r ib.u r- i'i e;-'-i-! lov -b :f v.-br-.. ...1 ..4 .i v,. . .- 1 n ; -d'u r -r eld'io tick. :-:r a -.. b::t- they on.rri- ,!.''. i to throw ; bir -az -!, vvj..--n tie id t!;c;u odd uoi do )-; :m ti;-,. -wid ; :-r- cf t in- o: ii: r strnck bin. on the h; i:;d und f )Ur it open, ijoai vb'iea n died in a iY-v nio-ui nt.' Too only r-civn v?bo g.-i'.v the a'- vs- tie- Ikv v;ho ;;.! e.v tb.e axe, a:id 1 up,,u di-:-ovorir.ir what be b:. 1 dom-," tm: oil and told t'n- i!r:-i. ,vr iMJ1 p0 Th(; 0,r,ir.HJs p,i V SOJ1 i;0 Illfl. CoroIUU S V-iV S(i:t t!l, yrTt v.ll!!f. I !ViK; t, K .no:a 4rri, tl j,i...r..l..!l 7K,n,;r.cr. - Hoyc: Jitiunary KWk a romanti-: relic of Cowpcns baitV was sli;nvn 5)V Mr Yvhl iani J. lhm-: m-dbiinh :d. Kh.-rV. !bM!?0 .b;-;. t!-... tr'dd ring, wuitrh as ioimd on tin Cowpens baib-Mr Id in 1321. Tin inscription rend: "Tiii- and ve giv- : er is j4urs forever, 1722." It, va. presented to n iSritish oJiioi-r by k is ; sweet'nciirt bciV;':e bi;-? departure with ijeid C:ruvfiliis for iiK-iica. The oi'Hccr, w'n;, was killed at the Cw-1 pens, aUo' wore buttons of t v'-ntv: karat gold ou Lis uniform, an i .some at the bniions are still owned in the CftreMnfts. Goo was prevented to General Layf y-t'e i i l;s2f, and oth- crs were eut to Ivtiuland, the cea'-. old arms on them revealing tlie lamilv tu whom they belomuik Kalclsh-s' 0!det 8ioro. Th-'. diminutive store on likst ?d:ir- tin strcet,between I'erson andkbood-, worth, i'i cot, ns claimed, the oldest in the city. Id wan built it seems, ! about 1805. Tbo oldest at ore is ihKi ! occupied by It. W. Peek, at tlm e r- ' ner ot Wilmington and Mo-g:u; streets. It was built by his id tier, ; William reck, in thoautnr.m oi 1?.)S The buihler Iccjif store ther.-j font in-! uouwly until LSol, wiien he ded. ! J.J. i. 1 n;oi! KUCCef Usi ii'Ul .u.wi.i.wai j:i i.-u:iiiie- imire err.T cincp. So the wlaoe hare b'fen a stor for eijii.y years, lenrs ao it wan s Trv afhioaablG nlace inilp.l and ., 1Jlw-"4vyi,w noieeo, alio ...1 . J u. i.. : . it M-nc. 1 1,, 1... . . . establish. i.ent. About 1801) thy build- imr at tne corner ot Sal;sJ--urv fl1,.t Merman streets, novy occnn;Vd bv tin- Jonvnnl of Industry, wres huilfe for -, store by John S. I?abote.iu. It is, therefore, perhftps. tlie nxtoLh-t j-,! the city. Mr. L. W. Peek f f;;,s that at the time bis store vs built ad tli e pnrt of the city south o? ILiru jn-,, Hi-il OI Ji 0Hnt Strtets Was a fdi-Mvi- . f i 1 m'ss w ft;t:' t i ;1-'. many areuia , . , 1 iDU SIi 1 1 'Oi - r..r.n.-s a: : I -.1 i!.. . I.;, lies make as lw fivr f. . 1 . i.cki. AC: . . . . . 1 M,3 to wi fow ll na..4!i.. '. 1 . it. .1 Business LoGation. Moxcui-e, GiuTimi Coxikty N. C. A lleniion is called to the above in- vitiug location for biisirics olf diffcr- togii gvtde. M ncioe is ine central Depot in Chatham coun ty ou the it. - A. Ii. Railroad, and is the mosi eligible shipping point for had on lir, Til terms both as to price and time. J. II. WmssLj ir, Oct l.'ih 1880 1m B. I. Kowzh. Sioiieurc. IT. C. T. 1. BSI80S & BOMS, BRIGGS ETjrLDING, o. DEALERS IN HARDWARE, WACIOX A'D BUGUY MATERIAL, SASH, DOORS, AMD BLINDS, PAINTS, OILS, AND GLASS, LIME, CEMENr, AND PLASTER. Stoves, Kails and Iron, Children's Carriages, SPORTING GOODS AND FISHING TACKLE. Send for a Sample Card of 1?own c Country" EEAD7 MIXED PAINTS. 6 We offer Boat GooJs at Lowect Price. lu II; II 11! i FALL ' . i i JUST KT.X vn 0".r s'ro IT.-u-; t- a.-.v rr ; ;- eir..-k a . is siHi... e; . "... ... :0... .1, 0;;v It;.-!;; I. o I-.irraa.-4. .f W;.' r.-fsv at j :i ''-r;.. S;. I;il .-i.''-is c-.i.-;.-; :r wry .V.tm:"V;vc All :-"j:;-:, U;? Ik-- v.iri.sy ctv uTrt Our ' fi-r n.f!i, in ;.:;sk ;,n l clui-.iren nr unntir- ; ;.:!wsfvl :.r uu-iU y :;:t.i virl.-;.-. i W. lay h!1 f .:;r .;:! ftv.m Jlr.V.. h.m.'.s nr. I ' Tr-!'.-.!- ,-i j.!-. ;';i u t i t l y. j Ti:- s;- v.'iiu '.'-ay ; us vi15 ;;f.vr ill !;.;-. ' o v. ".:: -vil- h:!vi!'i; "s.-irji! :y taTts-l. -r ' ttc e-TtT :'.: !;l-cr;vi ia-hi :;.o:tUi in Mf-r- ; TK AN. & Co, I v?t 10 .l:u l::Ic-i.;h X. C. 0, BiANX&CO. .". 5 K;iru'!! S-., EALKKtM :l C. e.-al.-rs '.a IlO0T:?. shoes. GTiocinni: HATS. WOOD AND V.ILLOW wi:ik :.:C. "1 W. T. IT.-.ial " eii itlii-.-! is -.no 'ur p;v1.m j!ir.i, said wiil to 1 U-uvo 1 1 valt cu his cunty- 1 in. b. n. weans No. IL-u'Un St. lUlfih X. O. Order;-;, correspondence and eo:t siiituenis s;.-?:!-ited. l?JM T. O. Xewb.- i,i one of our salesmen. ! 3 t. 4 ;S '""" -.v nvUiM-r nciwy wf.on a : s U K'.l-'ii.-t,!i.-.-if..T!r..l,ih-i-.-5.vaiwftv.s i ; 1- VV;-V :'"" r-ar n ws. 'a- j j n-y ui.e .in. ..nvnvi nr-r.-tiiy i.-.-.mo' 0' :i,,liv w,,5!r !!j V4rU" "l iwi-rovp sh.-h ; , itii,i!v-.s r ni-im iii v.-.-iv. w,. want manv ai-u. ' ; wi:;ji-h. I...;s -..iv. f,his to w..r!i ;..r us ri'lit in . ; '.!.-:! own l;-s.livi.-.. Ti.c l.;iiin sH j.ay mrn ' , li.i ii.il ten i!-)?!i;-'i -,- w.iiTt-'.'i r'uvi.it. :.n ' 1 -.M--iastvM.it.i!T ?,. 1 .-a: ;j..-v ,.u i-.--.i ....,. vh . I'liji f. '.ails : lii.ikc v.-ry raoisitv. V'.' : ait iii -v..!.- .. . w:;..:. iifiu- to ti-of 011';- your spare Pi..i.-t irs. i oil I ti i-i:.- ; : .ji aa.j nil ..a: is 1. 1 j-..-;.,, in-o. A,l.!t-.s Stis.x v 0.., lvr'.iau.!. ?.:,-.!iu-. . 1. .v :t outn: KOTit. fiw '.o 0!...c vii" wis'-, to o:iir-...'f. rlianco. rlon lrUtvrH is a ?.-!! km.v.-n n:ut jho d ln ,,w "-'.f1 i''i.l j;u.1 l.-on!a:.!, Lusil rm flrm or i..vw t.xl.orieiKv, having Ltjcw i-im's- ..i.owi. I. .-(:-:, in;r in;w. t-;ij.;;.T.I not re- 1 ' " ifv.iii :iu ;ii:-!-. you ovo:-yii.iis. f-ia a i -la.;. t ti;.v.-i:-.s i, o.-ism'v ni i ; away froin li. .j-.sj, : 1 SSCfiiSS. c. Dl?Ga AS ltl'i !i as ;r.ei!. a:vl yo-jiij; ';;.;, ty,v gir u arc --' j..-y, f. v. ii!i;i-r tu voik iail.-i i :nt e i!'.! t- l -ii'-.v r vry day Una inn ie m i-l.. in Aau::.s ii. i.M.i. i. l,r.l.t:i.'., ilaim-. EVERY CITIZEN Of Chatham County ought at once to suhscrihe to Ids county paper. K VKIiY VOTER ought "to take his county paper, in order to keep posted in the politics of his com it r. THE EECORD GIVES ALL THE LATEST NEWS .FROM THE STATE AND NATION, and particularly from tlie rountv of Chatham 1 1 tm nil, Suitable, to IEX, WOMEN AND CHILDREN, THE RECORD supplies ft want long frit in Chat ham. Every Family onsht to have a ropy .of THE RECORD, for it contains, in addition to the latest new, valuable information fhr the tanner, tlie horekeenr:, aul for children. To Acirtisere aiir. i.E Old) (-iui great diuements. It is the only jxsjkt Jjublishetl in tire reat county of Chatham, and Till CIHSUE W 1880 show tl;nt among the ninety-four eountics of Nortli OrrIi;ra Chat ham shimls the clcveiilh in popida ! tion. The ir( ulation of THE REC jORD extends into . a majori v of jthe Sta cs Hi the. I'r.'o-r, ::nd into every ce;io:j of N ;!! CV.rf!iua. THE CHATIIAir RE 'ORD, Aug. !2. Rithd. e";, N c. i- . . .i-:..: bd '; : : -:d-v b -J l le Vm Mm Vm Ilairs Is v.; i!-.-;:t 1 ::. 1 " ; i 1 ; - a "i.-- l.-ros: ..- -Jtr ;i'in k vit'n.v. !t--!t.-vii-"i! i :;;;.;!.- i v.-rltiu.iC bhii in lt;o )i:;;;iu::t -i u;- ;i st-viai y.tn i,Uk. Simplicity, Durability and Caps city. It h l-.c r-fc.-;i-a ' Xe.-1-.r.nis-.m fr itKMMf.Ni:, Fr.T.!.!N:, UINtUXO, oou;ixo, n?.u5 ;?-;, sr..i.vo, gr!!.TiX:;. TtiKIM;, lAi:?CLc:. yi;!.v;',No,, nn-Ft.tMr. cvniuKixn, ij::t-sTni i!';o;, eco. C7"Evry T.tfi.i-!i:ao Wav)-.i!.tcij. J. L. KTOsK, S-,- Acnt. ?.;il-iiCh. X. V. .M (!i.ilor ii; 0!-;.-.-n:s .nut ri.ux w. n. nriv:, oclla Ajii'iv. a: Ouliiiv.tia l .-n-.i.ry. If youvisli io know avIio sol! 1 110 )0;-i cxnls lor I ho loast mor.ov. 0 OX'T FAIL to cj'J r.:i s f,.r y.u w ant. We tan;.- a fui! ::i." n yfloto r:.m-Ji l all l;ii:l:5 k xmIm of t!-. latf.rt v;ir:c!y uu 1 ,!yhi for cveryluviy. Wo mal;e a &i..-l-iity ;; ,,ur troatcmlf-iw sH:k or Clirthiiut, Our Onw.ry n.-j-.pv:tn,.r,t s ntUxl with Om v.ry ii' p. quatllr or Orci-or'.os ir i-vory s-!-ii)i;i:, ft: w li.i.v.-i roiiml it "l.-cd not jay to krei inrorir V'l -an KHRran!re our g.wxis to I n wtj.at wo rf-rvs-jis. thotn, r.ail -r.ui".c wiili aay h.tiw iri U-.o S:ao n !.v p!-i'T. t.y Sa:isr:i".iuti u,-,i-a'iV. il in -v.-;-y suio. S-Ii-itiisj a rail, wo ai-.-, rosi.oote.i'.ly, DUU1AM, x.a v.". L. COOI'17. July jas. w. r.vxrw. Inventors and Ffxtenteos ' Klso-uh! son.l Tor in.striK-ii.-ti:;. lonn. roV -' I" E-JsUl UrolllOlS, MiliriH-rs of I'atolltH. ... . . ... -asjiing1on, D. C. wh. funiii the satsio witliout ' ta:.-l;sli-l in 180C. ATTOIiXEY AT LAW, .VRlLld'SIOIJO. IV . an.l atontmcry. july2-'1y 9 d d V. ffsa ta i Wi - ' la U ii

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