Ojihathnm 3 7 I ISi BATES OF H. A. LONDON, Jr., EniTon axii nioriuKTc::. ADVERTISING. One square, one Insertion, Oae square, two Insertions One square , one month, TERMS OF SU3SCR!PTI0N: 1.S0 2.90 'One copy, one :", -One copy, six numtiis - m 1.00 .SO VOLUME IY1TSBJR0', CHATHAM CO., II C.s NOVEMBER 18, 1880. NUMBER 10. 'J. For lareer advertisements liberal contracts will made. ft u v Selectee Story. p i r i.' 'r . !.!'. ftV TIW- YtLAV.K . !' T i,r..-d-n aIiosaiore ' V...;; ;,n. 1 a-omr-lbb-' , , , . then sov. n eiv. iiad ths sain? t ii-ed to l.ang ar Ol t;K S U!l I th i.:i gate ftftcr l:irk. at.'d stu! I ikf ni uiitMt.-i of blissful and s.irrt piliio js ooiiverse through the rad'.og v. itli tbc objiv-t. of he r jd t;i:vi: in the garden. Old ibettv, wh- ai2.v.c-e l I o gat' b?ll I bare no d mlr. t;!-:ied a very pretty ennv bat wo l.y co!iTcriMg n i th !u:;J an i cret mi 4 lven tha jo ;ns e you, I don't ("ierie -C:i of !r teliiu:' vou doreo ont .4. jiinl spoa : lro;a j'. : ." m i i t.it-se things. 1 K'x cu'y of wha' I ht ar !. Th.? fann'esi. ivX: of thong! i. v;m i iit K.11 jo;, aiist iell y-.K:r.'o t (hat. Professor Kilijow o i th 5 prof, s:, ir oi :h.j h t -i that k"nd. afiau. I kii"w. v a a d ; hil ologv, and )i wa; c -rtrii::h r.am d, fm a mnre sour and :u-sbri ous !o .king ir.au you ne-cr t aw. lie wann't half as b .d a-". L- i;y.;( d tnoiiL'ti an tu hietiy oa H,con:.d of the ho rid and ; abbilhT Rt,ffhotted t tca.-t us. : na e mm. c The proftf.nor bad o:ie hobbv. Mil that was "at:iU ti s.' lie bad one of the large rcv.;u in the hrver h ill iittcduoaKa museum, an i here he v.j Ai . . .. n ... i . r ... jiau me i:i;isi:o.ii oi.tco ihi'iiuu oi eient arms and o t -t y. and tapestry, and basr-li.-fs a-.d what not, that you ev r came acj-oss in your lii'e. It w.ts just like an a icti n l -om. and he used to taks ;h histo.y c!..s . in tm-re vnce a we.-k. and lecture to them on iho "cu-e'orni e;!H-a.ier" an) the "'ago o? 11 -m? rs," a." ii' any of a car jedhow 11 ita'ueses va:!. or whether iho uaa anr chsrac-t r, "cune.orm or rOtl Dowr the hcim. all on batt'e in iU 1, vnd. It wa;s iv i :ia i'li r.:': and if you -.veie :o -; expectedly ou a inoo: just 1 tic life ;ii to iooi; a ; ii: lijlh' me;u,..a. . ' wrote to me T ' Black Warrior, cautiously emerge, ! i " VCi"v onWw; f f ao I il Ruri'iw I reflect much r;M . , ., , U... - . i 1 bv Col. I'oker, and went in. A look Swditoi thai Uitu ton. Mod of' , lhe down her eye ; Litiug i f.;et as though twenty- d the tiejit mtis?fie(1 the doetor at i,uo th to wa.-. KPcrt lu trving to , dja.d srvd ; , pound weight wao att bod to each, ut m1oment tll0 pali,nt v,as co ?Jr i rt .tudv..' and lavSas1 A k !f tt ttl 7st.y armor ratthng at every rtUvcly doctor of.sx.u. .iu i n, i . vo, lint that vo'.v maht alter the aP- I could no longer restrain , . -., . A i, rt u0i. milch fun v isjb'e. ji'id 'ho e v.vie , , , - , T .. , .on'.. i i i i i m ima u-iil sco ion. oepan to cnat II,lIcri 11 ! J ' , .lwit lights were out, win-is I slipped out . Sally s terror, and she shueked with ; t , -n ; , , , . i)od n;anv o -' '"jfl-i tu'-e a no , . , 7 , . .Ai., i n i , , m: , at)ou. tne vvcit-ijci. a no patient iook- ii 11 - 1 ,rtft uf th'j back door and went to tho jar-; all her niiiilit. The prufeKBor sank , . . 1 -, . n voi f , , 4 , wtit thi)U,r i lhe ct-u: se on the satoo , . ,. n T t , ! i n i t eii at tue aocoi maiathev bewilder . ' r.....: t ..... dengflto well, really. I diint meau i tlown npon the stairs, psde iw n.-hes. :,,,. anA n , , .w :the xv.rsf .u t"-e ioc, liiidtlie di.-scpJuv r .i. 1 ! l,. i . :..i I business bi ought him thcie. Utt there didts't improve any of im a hit. ! .T." F'.,"' . V,. 27, t ! rr ' 7 " i: :i com-so the doctor couldn't tell tho 1' JuHct lbe'i.Cw would all hive ! :tUo lu liU:v w r,h,u BU , Lf VV "7 f l',1 ? 7 truth, and so aid he had just come j u jhc t. i no i a - v- Ui l 1 ; bars or no!, so you noe't ask me to staggered back against tho wall, lhe . o J uenveo ie irr i miue j.uviu u uuvji , r . - i r ... ,.c . i i. ii -i i i i . . ... I. v . As 1 v'as saying 7uen l went ont 10 pitncu oi unuu, unn, wuiuu ue f.oolnfl.-i :f .Mi).i7,..i r; i,.lf i x jumueipma, ,J'V . : . VV, :. Z' Jtho -ate, soaiobvdy on tho other s'de ! had so signally displayed at theseigei, : ot age. She is ; "indv. , ;VTr bear o- a sudilenly s-piang up to it an .1 reached ot Jerusalem did not ong forsake Tho . : d red years of ae. jjma ict b. i ,i . . jth-ongh the gia i-g. .It was so: htm now. W.tU tuo stamp ot his , , , . , , : ..i i... " ' turcn : I ui ilv knew that it was no ons i utiirte, swung hi uattie-ax a" ouna . , , . , f .. , Abigail Brain lOTwis-. I 111 VV-'" V' mc l) 10 V7 : .n t . . i T. .J : " win shaved. wlr-n tlie landlord came j V""' V"1 V1 rt:1? .Ll,,uul l at ono o-.l of tho room was : scumg suoject, iv.n Annie iviihoy. ; " "V "v , - . , no Pi th-room d -nl -Doctor ' s,x ana seven-eighths years, lhe profei's esp.ee-ai lei. This ' 'o - it n; to m.. ypp-cai-fd to b. u c.u, lu. m ia-mu.,, .,e.,m.-, .k- JlT.,, ...... ..w.,ft oi- n,,(1. -oldest was nmery-iix.and the young- a wb.luu ..iiMsiv.m--1 ar.,or . iu a pc-noet t emor .luiing tite -ntiuv ".l." ?5'4" i.-n : Jk-'s l.reakin-,'fim!ituiv, in the t eighty-two. ?t. ui--:itpj -.; i.au .no i an' i,-ra. ,,1,,? - '-'Wu a u tec,,. ... ..t... .-e:vt rom. ' Ih; doe o:-.stoioed 1plv- - . . indtVeM-oror.aditmomited r d i auU ' l '' " o,l h.nl " h. ctd 'Wt 1 . M ' n!Jt at ? 1 tircd'. said Alio, a fra'n . o i i r b'-n . wi h a l,? ' bii;bt suia excit.-u that I was rea Iv " ;ti,V '.'?-.. .v ' t..- : ot J vlersluirg, 1 a., as she sat down ;m.'ih-dth 1 -hi j.l:e it XVHH JUrt th-3 ti.uil- vo balf out of your wit. aid it ua-i vey v.di::ibl longed to a kiigt,t v.l: in th'i first crusade. ' This, la 'i--?." ho wo: veritable i: .mrc of t ho of Orl-ans. b tics I;lov. the black V"; n i ;r, wl the seig. f J'-a.i al.-.:u. Ti Villi roroor - a'Ul O..0 O; -1 ) L.i,i f juglit .!ld ;-av. :i-; '.lie ; .e in ! fan 10. is J iu hia oiy a-s o i r; ii d at itovr minv of vou ca i j,'' e n:o an ovdl m of tie bis oric even rn m i II ft The e w;;;5 after tluy. a:: 1 i ..j close the 3 k wi h hi m the 'lasij. 0 ut ;a Oh- o vor would I 1 ftl:d dl.'i- 1 io- a s But it wa- nb v..t little Amiio Ivi-1- joy lhat I wan .vl io i :!i ro 1. Ann a was th protVrs -rr i.:c e. S' e en t: red lhe ?o:;;h-a"y (;-;:t-? u::cxpjct edlv in th-j mi l 1 - of the term, and Annie hers h di I not d,nv it, and, of cou.se all our .ympalhieg va re enlisted for her at once, esj)cciallv tm it was jjenora ly understood that the gentleman in the cas3 was a young, struggling lavryer, wlioso poverty wa th sole ground of objection to him. Tt t'll t' e truth, Auuio was a very sweet and lovable li-.t o thing, w;th blue eves and though, for she was not allowed to room with any of tho orber girls, but was assignee! a dormitory in xt to her uncle. The excuse made by the matron wa diat thcr were no vacan cies elsewhere, bn wo all knew that it was because the professor wanteel to kep hat ts closely as possible un der his own eye. For a month after her arrival Annie moped and pined n 11 ,oked the very pictu;c of d'-solati n. The rosea fa dod out of her checks and she came to the reci atio. s with her eyes all red, as if she In.el beeu crying. Suit ilrrd lwm--u, t '.lair. iv.ni'A 1 ho." Cl-uvif and becam:-tho Uitlieat and appar- eatly tho h ip( ie.-t ?.'irl in school lhe chanoin her wars so surprising that a'l the girls noticed it, and we k'.c .v that somehow or other, Anisic had beard good news. Oae day I overhead the professor .. '. L '. " ". , i -1 i i ...1 1". bv anthoritv ot tuo State board, and an ooeu rail oi kerosene winch at the mrm in a. -tPi.- v. : r-ii v iv. -, l" aim..ni- a-n.(,j uw wui;jereii: . ., . : .. . 7 ... ,x , , . ., ii-i - i L "e f "I kniv7 oil ali.m- ii r i.,'r ..tr m the opunou ot many lawyers this once exploded, covering ail the men vVi'th nnlv n v.ded tvi 11 w,.at mo t ot the oti.-s ! x 0.110 .v aa auoiu n. uja t &ay a M1 , , J . , - ; i, ... w. -i ? i; irnom a acquired after thev ca-no thr-tlnt wor'b or 1 n!" r"u TrJlU1 C1VM? 'Ii """P '1 tW"1 B""' I old Mrs. Hats is a lover ; and tha sh. lullisen sunt ! Taut niht, when th lights TOef' uc.pai law. ji r .a toe , ,e mu u . out uuu. , .. p to tho school by hr p -rcntR, aIio I oa5 ' room mte, d Vr"lV, V- V"- VI r.r" 1 1 1' n . Z " IV 7 ! Ped a cen lived at a di taucv, iu ordor t s-i-a--!1;6 u'Wu',ii lUA" 1 Hucadeei to lie , t,.,. . v . . m,l l.n. t., , . i, i teeble and f 0 V.f l::m V' h t0 i f,l?: t! other provision, of the act prohibit- building wove found the charred bo- j elusion. a tieachv co i Ic-siou and a red mouth -just !be kind to j "P m tliC a r v;tilie tl13 c GPt make friends nd to diive 11 tlie ! on the outside of Hm bed. At last, young men distia led about her. I a!,)ollt ?no .,cJock , m, ,tlie morning, Kho,,l , t.oiv tin. a of it. when the bundmg had , come silent taking to h'T in tbehalb j "31 v child," In said, i:it pleases ins ; much to sea that you ar bcomin? i ...... "... centr-nted v.ita your lot hero, and are, ly; but at that moment I lie- door of , mwwie peopie, mo uuusr ei;iy en rega ni:x vwur rood spbits. Shali I i the mnssnm opened, and lv the licht ! cm ere 1 to 2ro to a hotel and take w to your vaienta tint you are en tsrsrl? cuved of .voar fooha wfa'ua-tion ; lor ine young man 01 wiioin tLcy : that 1 esrecied to insot. lie t trcteh e l Ins hand out t me in a wild sort j ..i,.i . I drew ba; aud said, in ft half-: whisper. "Don t make so UlUCil ' uoi.s '. it i not Amue." I be " I-. ..;,! .T ! I th .ught it wan Mi so Killjoy, j i 'or LeawiVs sake toll no o jo that von have ?e3u me." : -Of eoursa Ivo .V' I rsplh d: "fur j I don't kr.oft-you." " "Isn't tlitre anr vrav-lo unfasten . ! this gao? ' i.o aoked, shaking it ini- T'atU'ii'lv. i whcei, and 1 c 'Uipreliendjd tn.' "Mot ih 1 1 know of," I an3wcrcvl. i ujatnng of the vsriiolo uil'air, and tliat "The nntro.i take.- the key out oviuy ; yA t!lat An sue Kiiljoy and her j-rc-lrglit, a .d all tin door.i and windows ! l'ioivt5 '0uug scamp of a lawyer had DX" ! I informatiou wa, ' ou-ht it n;i"h ' ! Thi.-? last piece of gratuitou-i, but I thou iiit rr' hiv.i "YonVi not n bnnd. iv. vmi ' T ; U f f ' e ash turnedlt towftnl m m tho i ..V-. -r- i I -.o ;xm a iawyer. Ou !" ra d I. ' He moved away and put his linger1 . Oil his IT'S. "Alula's the word," he pa;.d, and disappeared in tie shadows. Tii3 next al'ieniooa tlu regular s.-mi-week:y lecture to f ie hisror;.-cla-s to. k place in the mu enm. j think the subject was "The Tro-i".-toric Roots of th. rha-niciaa Alpha bet," or somt thing of that kind, j.nd vo l may 1)3 kuio that v:ers all rr i er.o-.i--.il when a was over "i done be'icv n hcarii wor "d V :vo.;r wa.; sa; m . a::o ev, y tsV iiio avi: s sue vts.u '-wo "' ' ' . n i ii a j suit of rusty ar;ut.,r, and ta-iilok ! around iLi ej-i ;s in a f-a ed ?;ort c--f ' way a? th mgh sh half eij;eetd . fvery luon.eu- f s;- Jolin oi Orleans ra-e his bat'.- a.vl in disgust and s pit-lch the i)i(ii'e.;.;"r and tiie Wko , utcircii alphabet at tim Fame blow, il'jr vyu toe'k that direction po fn OUClii !r that :iffrr wliilw I iioo- in ! leauing teat w::y, :iud aJl aS once i i ... x . i i ' .j-ji i i' i: i'i sn i i" i'i ii l :ti Iu. a :e:i something that m ole my Lei.it ithijovt. hat) cut of rnv boly. Ttii 13;. aiiv-i Ye.-, thre va t :rU!;iv a nuui in lti :'f!,i jf ti iron uii ! T S.l'.V fV-.iJ nl i f t i.rii ) n b.ars of tle" rav viso 5i.i,i 1 !Si', ivmHih.nt .!... , !-.-,. ; VAiii'i it winked. .-hock ot tho discovers was fo! JL i it r r,;i.Ll:n tba-t I ouj:-po.e I would uive j ei Had j 'l, if I a a not mintaken, there ! S iuties for sale without autnor ! will be a negation in this acadoi&y ! J luw rem 'm ia ial1 Iorcc aai b;fe morning. For my part, ICJect lia nt "o to bed until I isee it out. and I adviso you, if you want some fun, to s:t up with me." Sally looked at mo wonderingly, but refrained from asking any epu-s- iou?, and we kept watch alternately untd ;;ftor midnight, one of us sitting as the grave, I heard a door eoftly open ttiid close, and tho rus'le of a woman' dress i i the hail. This was followed by a thumping noise on the floor below, like that made by a per son walking ou stilts. r-m m 1 1 1 Ihere w. s a cianiiiug eounu, anaj,lUTcharges proven beyond all more mumping, and then I heard the prof-ssor's door open, and I thought it was time to awaken Sally and run into the ball. I rost the professor on the stairs. "There are burglars in the house !" ,1J-V hau1 ou hcr m:)Vllh a,ul stoPPyd 1101 "Jl liiero arc l said mere is no need to frighten everybody in the house." n m They ae in the mu'eum, said tho professor trembling. I have he exclaimed, in an evident quivei , corps would have induced them to of excitement, at whi m information ! screen him if possible. What a Sally attempted to shriek, but I put dreadful example, especial' v to the been listening, and run positive th'-y are in the iiiusonm." "Let u cto and see." I said, brave- . . ? .. ' of the hall-lump, which had been left burning dimly, w saw, oo looking over trie o tmsiers, u.e ngure 01 me j front door, demoii-med tho lov.-k v.-i ! Ii quick blowd of his weapon ai.d ""'n1'" ' ijkiuii; uii; lyiiiac )iU...-.yi: i ctmld riiul hhi voice. Ax t.H! IrnN-tih ; imrvl ifT iidn fhn darkiirs th ero was nuctiic-r rttsn from behind the d or, and I s.tw. thought no prolessor did not, the whisk of a woman's skirt vaiiislil;; in tha warriors it sin. Tiicn cams tay :nnd oi n lhr sniath "at the gtiKi-.'.'i-gaie tnul the iieavy roll of W conr ,1,,!, ,n.l,,l Ut cenrsa tallies shrieks produced ffreat co:nmoiioa. and tie whole was in an uproar foi- tho r.st of the niht. In the morn: no- wh f ,innd lb i l.v-k hf i -ilfn,euS:lte "l3M broKun' ! f V',. ... i .a v . ... 1 . 1 januug, iiuo '.noi y unaine 10 ait. -mi li !iu- reekaii ous that d;tv, so our ilSs wns taken in hand by tho prin ; cipal and a precious mess he made of it. I mink the professor prievc-.t : uioie for that lot oi rubbishy ol 1 iron than h did for his niece. : HoWiiVtr, on the second diy after ' .va.-.l, ht ivcciv.-?d ti letter from Annie, ' which he .-ho v. d io her cbisc-.maU'S, auho'iiicii'g iicr mairi:ge to "Fred," ! aiul bc-gi.'g her unci s f-rgiv..ij-s-. '1 hee via-i a pjtscuipt at the botrcm ; by Fred himself, to s:iy that, aliliongh John of Orle-ni s cloihiuir tilted hi rr-Uiin)Uia .lu-jpccu in nan-as. 1) l .'l !1! 1 ' . . . A . .1 . -5- ifticicr.t retnr-is hive be-:i le- ceived :--':ow l: eonsiiint r,..r,. .d ame;idme:;i roiiioi inu1 cue n-au- ufa.du has be and ;.,i!o oi litpjor i?i ad' spied bv at lev-t i-:am.-i 2 KtaSO maiontv. ih'i triemls ot te!ii?)c"-ance . .. i,. 1 ..iv ... .. . u ... amoudmeut ou ,-leeiioii day, that b ing In- jninciral ejueslion in most locali ies. In ail the cities:, and manv towna. ihol .du-s "etioneeied for the cause of temp- ran: c, lad temsd - uncheis spread in tho vieiuuv of titt polls, which voters partook of freely, thsoiily con-siderr.tion being a aq to vote for the aiiioudment-. I The opponents f tbo meaure made 'no eiioit to defeat it and will content : tbemselvos with devising means to ! eva-ie us openuion and si-ynounr with such leidf-lativo. en-icimentrt as lvnar ci 110 The vhen 1 amendment will sro ia'o c-itOv'L Pitiable Spectacle, Mr. E. J. Hale Sr., in a recent let ter to the Charlotte Democrat, thus speaks of Garfield's election : "But what a spectacle doss the couniry present to the world ! It has rejected a patriot and statesman who had rendered the most impor tant services to it, an el in whose char acter tho bitterest political opponent he has no personal ones has nev er been able to find a fikw, and has selected one who is daubed all over with charge, by his own party pros es ?ud officials, of bribery and per- j fchadow of doubt ; so proven that j even a committee of his friends in ! Congress declared Mm guilty, in spite of personal attachment, of daily ; association in Congress, of his admit j ted talents, and of that esprit de ; young of the country! It bre-.ks : ilown all barriers asrainst corruoti . declares that integrity and truth are ; Gf no c nsecpienee and of no value, j and that the b.v est of mankind may claim and receive the honor of man- j kind. It is pitiable." !!U' IWVld flUi o re Vc. I! .1 lift- . :- " i and so c.iriouslv t-id l;o i " '.i-. -i . i i. - 'snddenlv ocer.rrod t xuei.- xv.ii a rnsu no ea: ie-i i ? ; .i , , . - . .. A Mutual Mistake. Dr. Banjo, tho celebrated curer of 1 il - i charge of a man who had suddenly I gon8 mad. He went to the hotel and was shown up to the room act that it o tuo UolOllOl , . Ijis vis: tor was a m.-idman. lie . .. . .....c..;,. i i t..,.i i .a . 4iU.n ,-.t. eu ;u:a a cold h,v.-ao ...l ..n .. .. 1.- . tr i - aid : "My dear air, vou mu-t excuse me. I'vo got to meet an e ngagement." ' 'Die doi-tor mildly but urmly replied, ,"x"o:t i.ms tut go sir. I wish to talk with you.' Tiio Colonel hesitated, Imfc dared n -t offend the madman, j and so sat down. Several times dur ing the three or four honrs they sat Cobiici - f o m ike ixcu---.es 10 out and of course th ! dot'i'or nhiie.fr-VI. A-i.l hfv il.,.- I and talked, each x.i'mct 7ia AfCv 1 ; narrowly, eaeb afraid of the other, j ir.,-,,1 i i -i -. ! wlt to d,, Ii W,s .n .(.totiei neaviv v.-uo. ant! ut ! l3y1 " V" ? Hn v;:l1 s the ; d it no longer, and s.iui: "Ji ally r, you must excuse j J:10 : 11 llSl o1'- Stanod. bin the Colonel c inch,d lnm. Th docl r fell that lie hui o cope 4 h a erri ble foe avid a il? -per:.ite contest took 'n'aco. All ovi-r the room tVv fought. 'i her cried out, eu-li busban diner his breath.. The furniture and their j iU .vears ot 3Se w" phmted, eul clothes were completely wrecked in tivatcvl and dug two acres of pota- he com.) d. lhe doctor, ! owever wa i!i-i-;r l . His:: i !-i ninn nun r 4 inuseular man final! v ud b-ound the Colonel.! overrame. a-ul ill .ving secured the lunatic, the doc-; tor. seoing it v.a-; a bad case, nvoceed- . ed to : ibo C;ionel in a clnir, ami -si-.rtt-d b shave h's b i h the 0lo-! n 1 .!!g Wi.a ie:r, ne-t utUiU ... i 1...: '.1 , A. -I tw . 1 .i-ai. i.'.-iii.' t;ii;:u e ll J e- , , i.v,.m sist. Uee-haif tlie Colonel: yo-i to the wrong room!- The ''ootor reie::s-.a ihe (Jolonel aru tried 1 ) aooloiri;: . but :i rnau who h:"S been mam ;a!u ou )-;;; K-t his ll id ; a cciulb i ;.i to aec.pt an a--ol-He v:n ti::! ma;ldest man in ' i-'t i couuiivs, ana it 1001c iour to !...t.l ! n.n. .1,1..,. i.i ,iw the U ),o::el, win hr Head tied ' f,P yq- Kilk handkerchief, is ca - v,; 1 H over the town, getting :reatly to sue the do tor for ,0J0, , 000 damages. 3fr- 1 liurue.I by Kerosene. 1 that, a terrible accident took place in a i boarding bouse near tbero on the ! night or the 11th A number of men were Mil ma" i'rop.nil a lire, and one to make it burn better, j poured a cup of kero. :me oil on ir. ' Tho remtrhi.s o; the oil in the enn took li s of four oilier men, who at the time of the accident were asleep in an upper story. Fatal Boiler Explosion. On Saturday 23d nit., tho boiler attached to the steam mill and e,in of Mr. J. C. Campbell, near Temper ance Hill Marion county, S. C, ex ploited witn terrific force, killing in stantly Mr. Campbell's son, a young man about twenty years of age, and mortally wounded the engineer, who died tlie next day. The accident oc curred by allowing the water iu the boiler to get too lov, and by pumping cold water in it, generated gas there by causing tho explosion. A sad warning to those who from careless ness, trifle with this powerful motor steam. Robesoniaa. Immense Issue. The Now York Herald claims to have sold 203,500 copies of its issue of Wednesday last tho day after the election. A man iiassino1 a count rv crrave- ! oTave, inquires : Who's d' ad 1 Sex ton Old Souire Bumblebee. Man What compl iiufc? Sexton (with- i nf iiiiA im Ti . pniYinlnint "Pr i everybody satisfied. ABOUT OLD PEOPLE. Juries Stono is a Lousvillc, Ivy., man, 1C3 years' of age, "who has had eleven wives. Mrs. Thomas Adams, of Blooms ington, 111., has descendants to the tilth generation, and is ninety-seven years of age. Joseph Muncy died at Little Washington Pa., just as he had com pleted a century of a life. TVIVs Till!f "Ponbndv rf On?nrxr jlll., was ninetj'-ono when she died, -.v..., v. t T 1 and Benjamin K'.ckey Ten JMile, r, 101. In 1793 Julia "Wilson was a slave md thirteen years therefore one hnn- in Corinth, N. Y. er recently met her I lciitli. by an accident at the age of : .4-.- ..;.!.. ... "ei-c!giit uar&. wh. uouna uouiger uieu recently . ., ., rxi i . . J in Lhiicothe. O no. ayed mnetv-two. ir.., t t i i? i a-i jand Abraham Stewart at Indianap olis aged 101. Tucson, Arizona, has two ecnteii- Tr 7 V "iz, years oiu, ana James Ohledo 100 years old Mi s. Margaret t Dodeoli, of Hous ton couiiiv, Texas, glories in the ! fact that she has liftv-one meat gnmdehililreu living. . v . . Al Alter livino" niiiet.v-.th roe venvs. (Andrew Slafcr of Alleghany, Pa., j - - vllu A, was strangled to death by robbeis, who entered hid dwelling at night tor y I under. " ,r - Pa., was K7 year, of age on a it Iceni Wednescbiv. j The sixth wanl, of Saginaw City, : iMich., claims a French woman of toes last season. ,r c T ,r ,r ,. S.irali Moseley of Madison, uul-' iS en.l.vll5g -1 visit troni her S(),1 v.dioui she has not seen in forty i5' - veil years. Mrs. Moseley is 111 years o!d. Sixteen soldiers met at Paris, Kv., recently, whose muted ages were 1 . . ,, ... ! f) in her son's house, after a walk of seven and a half miles and she is in her 107th vear. Mrs. Eiglin, a Tventuck" lady of Carroll county, w:is always a great lover of the circus. Site is ninety- - . , ilslu years 01 age, but recently j 1 1 M.rs. Hannah Cox, of Hclderness, X. If., has celebrated her 101th birthday. She goes all about the house witbout assistance, and reads without glasses. Mrs. Rebecca Frost, of Hart county, (bi., tells stories of the Rev- I wu"-"&7 war. one is iu years f and still 111 splendid health, retaining all her faculties When the grandmother of N. B. Doak of Stockton, Cal., was a cen tury old she made him a pair of woolen socks. Sue elieel recently at Wythe county, Va., aged 103 years. servant as companion, j field lives iu her quiet hiladelphla. She has tury in years, is verv - " ' " almost helpless, and likes Miss Miry Walker, of Phillips- burg, N. J., claims to be 107 years age, and says it is all owing to her remaining an old maid. Family a es, she s;.ys are the run of the health of thousands. MiisKegon, Mien isproud oi Mrs. Hoiiora Horgan, wdio is as lively as the youngest, reads, knits and sews without glasses, lias a splendid appe-i tite and walks to church regularly! eaehS indiv, at the ago of ninety-j five. ! , -nr. i i i r Benjamin Fish, of Trenton, N. J., although ninetyfour years of age, was an active business man to the day of his death. lie died recently while eating breakfast. lie was the first man to burn stove coal in Tre: -ton. Troy, N. Y., is the home of Mrs Elvira Crabb, who although over eighty years of age, is still teaching a private school, over which she has presiueei ioi mo ia,t ni j ca. & i -i i . ,i i one n& iauut iuui uciicirtiiuiis ui ,. one ianiilv. Agriculturist Dead. Solon Bobinson. the well-known agricultural writer, is dead. Ha probably did as much to build up the Nw York Tribune as Horace Greeley. Did You Ever ? Liayou ever see a oam neaaea man who didn fc have such a beaut l- T! 1111 ful head cf hair till ."that fever," that something or other took it off. cr Did yon ever sr-e nn old bachelor, bim. The boy was taken to She sta who was no! foreva seeking for mar- tion bouse, where bo remained dur- riage infelicities, to reconcile himself to his lonely lot ? Did you ever soo a small boy so wanting in spirit that one diurnal jj i.i: n i . ,i. . I uo!ui--:ip lurougnont iue summer lSMf ? v?h? im" k-w,..- . Did you ever see a lady who wonldn.t ralher hear her husband praise;! by a lady in the next town than bv the lady in the next house? Did yen ever know a man who ha bitually tell all he knows, who did not everlastingly repeat bim self ? Did yon ever kcow a man who talk ed much of himself who did not have a poor subject for his conversation ? Did you ever know a fool who was aware that he was'a fool ? Did you ever think that you might be thus oblivious to yourself ? Did you ever see another do the same thing ihree times without thinking that he could do it much better? Did jTon ver know a swindled man "nose hurts were not partially heal ed by hearing1 of another man being swindled in like marnar ? Did you ever know a young lady with a new and neatly fitting waist who thought the weather was cold j enough tor a wrap r Did you ever see a man with lare feet who did not declare that bis boots were two sizes too bi that be likes them easy you know ? Did you ever think that men. are the biggest fools in creation, and that the women enjoy the fun of letting Ihem remain unconscious of it? Did you ever pee a man who carried a cane who would not repel the insin uation of lameness. Did you ever see a drinker or a amoker that couldn't leave of at any time be wantcti to ? Did you ever think what horrid chi! dren good people have ? Did you over think what horrid children these 000, rprnlAi mronts probably had. the good presher's sto- ries to the contrary notwithstanding 0 Did you ever think ? Did you ever feel like innr-otating the shopkeeper whose fre9 use of your name made that name seem hateful and odious to vou. STJLTTs Z&35WS. A Busy Town. As we go to press Wednesday eve- j ning. the town is thronged with to-! bacco wagons. I here are no less 'iii r 1 i . i j 1 than four hundred in town and every-' tiling in a rush. Durham Plant. Second Year's Crop. O. H. Kennedy brought us last Sat urday, a stalk of eohton sprouted from an old stalk that had lived through last winter. Th; re Were 25 bolh on it and one or two braucbes bad been torn off. Ivinston Journal. How is It ? Apples are worth more in Greens boro, than in Baltimore, Philadelphia New York, or Ilaleigh N. G. How is it? This is a fruit growing country, and yet it will pay oar people to buy Northern fruit. Greensboro' Patriot A Tricky Rascal. C. B. Jernigan, of White Oak j township was jailed last evening. 116 charged with sehmg a mort- I fc" "iUlu' iia l tuu P?ulJ 1 7lti- O flT -CAilVn find n-. n 4-. have put a rock iu a b:de of cottou and solel it here. Raleigh Star. Run Over by a Wagon. Mr. McKinnis of Montgomery county fell from his wagon near here last Sunday evening anel was severely hurt. Two wheels of the wagon ran fiTPr Ins lvi.lv niifl flie wnmin w-.ie : " v .i hk ioaM wilh lhreo baes . af cotton. Ashboro' Courier. Lttt: ii A Spider's Bite. Ml, f7oB0 u Ive a mth about 17 or S y.jrg of npGj W;ig llitten )y cti.lf..- fit Fridfiv -ntrht find nt.W accounts was having spasmodic fits from the effects of the sama, and was still unconscious. He was shucking corn at the time at Mr. John Cox's residence, and was biitca on the an kle. llobesonian. Industrious Darkey. Ben. Howie, a c -Jored man living in Union conn I-v. informs ns tbnl. ' : fciised seven and a half bales mt Ion ; ou it) ai'if.". nn luaoe coin. i on 13 acres, anl made corn, peas, , tat & e h tQ at ;, Anri,, u,, i.- - jtin. 115 cm Ills ni,u.?i.Qi i.i..i 41,,:- ,.;..i,i.. mmuiu liciijvjti liitrn uciiiuui S, . - 1 " t ) pick cotton, one of his little irls j picking ICS pounds in one day. Such ; negroes as Ben. Howie thrive and ; prosper whib those who spend their ; time in idleness and helping to run i election?, steal or starve or go to the iPeiiitentiarv. Charlotte Democrat. A PitiaMe Sight. Late yesterday afternoon Police- , man Lewis found a b ftbout u ; VQOVQ :n n n t : years eld, in a beastlv state of intoxi- I cation on Hillsboro street, -with a j poor, dilapidated steer and cart near I ing the night and slept off bis de bauch. ltaleioh Star. New Kind of Building. Dr. Hyatt proposes to build a brick , kVa1K ; ViTf novel plan. He intends framing a i nouse aml weatherboardmg with buck j that is, have the wall only one brick i thick. He thinks to make 80,000 j brick take the place of 240,000. -Winston Journal. Drowned. A negro was found dead in Lyon's pond live miles from Hillsboro oi Saturday last. He left home on the day of election to vote at Durham, but never reached bis destmation. The manner of his death is unknown, but there is a belief that it was a case of suicide. Durham Recorder. Child of Many Names. There is a child near Rocky River Spiings that has niue names, and, strangQ to say, :t btill survives. This .act, however, is thought to be owiug to the remarkably healthy locality in which it lives. It was named by its grand-mother, who, having given all the names in the English language except nine, to her own children had tacked the remainincf nine on to her first grand -daughter. Anson Times, Killed by a Wagon. A colored man named Mack F03 cuej for a number of years in the employ of Messrs. H. Weil & Bros, as wagon-driver, met a sad death, on Monday last. It seems that be was carrying a load of brick out in the country, and fell off the wagon while in an intoxicated condition, the wheels passing over bis body break ing several ribs and inflicting other internal injuries, from which he died the following night. A Destructive Dog. A man in an Egecombe township was the happy possessor of an irre deemably culpable, mangy cur, This be was urged in vain to des troy, as it was strorg'y suspected oi having a mttuon tooth. Hydropho bia seized the cur, the cur bit other dogs and all indiscriminately bit every living animal with which they they came in contact. Ilesult 27 sheep, 3 cattle, 2 mules, a horse and 18 bogs destroyed and a son of the owner, it is feared, will die from the bite. Tarboro' Southerner. Mole Trap. Our townsman, H. B. Sledge re- cent'y invented and obtain d a patient for a mole trun whic Inch seems to bo complete and destiha fill d to destvov fli mole crop where vea it ia ustd. - -"- Tha trap consists of a cvlinder with boles in the opposite side, anil one enel funnel si' ape. The trap buried in the ground in the track of the mole, anil peanut or piece of po tato or some oilier eatable put in the bottom. Tho mole goes into one of the boles and goes ilown for the bait, anil by another arrangement is pre vented coming out, but is held heael downward until be is taken out. The trap jnny then be placed in position again. Its simplicity makes it elesira bio in every garden. Roanoke News. Good Farming. Mr. Jerry Wat? on, in the naigb bo 'hood of Ptlie'iers mill, has made this year with one horse 175 barrels of corn and 5 bales of cotton. E. M. Foscue, one of Jones county's most successful farmers, will average this 3'ear, on a six horse farm, 10 ' )uI?s of cotton, 50 barrels of corn and GO bushels of peas to the horse. Wright Lassiter, a colored tenant on Mr. Thos. Sutton's farm in Buck lesberry, reports that he has gather ed from a one horse farm ninety bar rels of corn and will get twenty more. From this same farm he has out eight bales of cotton and will get another. There seems to be no need of going to In liana, when a man on a one horse farm can make 110 barrels of corn and 0 bales of cotton. -Kinston Journal. A Drunken 3Ionse. A mouse intruded himself into a lady's chamber, and found upon her i toilet table a small vial of whiskey, " ' I 1, -l.i.T J J .1 . m avuicu it is out iair to say, the Jady used ior the benefit of her crimps. The vial was stopped with a paper co k, which of course was saturated widi Avhiske-y. The mouse nibbled off the top of the cork, and finally succ3odd in drawing it, and then re laxed mmsell with what the paper i absorbed. Under the stimulus .lms sesured, it had made its presence l in the room very evident, and a care tnl search for it, wr insf;fnr.l Tf : .kv.. -, was soon diseiiwred in o Ava-nrA nt a " ' Kim. tm IT J t 1 . m uaiau, stre cneu out at lull Jengtn on a comiortaoie bed, dead drunk. AVhen it wa? lemoved and thrown j uPon tuQ ground, the shock restored j :t partial consciousne w and to a j staggering effort at locomotion. Winston Leader,

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