ihit Ophafham Record THUKSDAY, NOV. 18, 1S80. H. A. LONDON, Jr., Editor. THANKSCUVING DAY. It is eminently right and proper that a Christian people should set apart some particular day in every year for especial thanksgiving and prayer, and thus properly express their appreciation of, and grain into for, all the blessings vouchsafed to them by the Great liuhr of the Universe. It must indeed bo an ac ceptable sight in IILs eyes to behold a -whole nation laying aside all secu lar pursuits, and uniting together in Bongs of praise and rendering thanks for His great mercies. It is a time honored and highly appropriate ens torn, and in accordance therewith our civil authorities have appointed next Thmsday as a day of public Thanksgiving, on which day they urge that the churches and other places of public worship be opened, find the places c: business closed. Thanksgiving Day is peculiarly ap propiiate at thi; Siavcn of the year when we have gathered in the fruits of the earth and the harvests have yielded their bomi'-iuil stores. f'Here iu the poMcn hu.h of autumn days. Earth softly pausing from her summer glee, Likea child wh sleeps amid his iliiys. We bring, O, Lord, viir thankful song to Thee!" The people of the United State3 in general, and cf North Carolina in particular, hive especial cause for thanksgiving thw year. Our country is enjoying an unusuaVdegrce of pros perity, and abundant harvests hare rewarded the toil of the husbandman. "While famine has prevailed in other lands, our people have lived in plenty, and every man is free to enjoy his own undisturbed by war's rude alarms. "While pestilence and dis ease have destroyed thousands in other count l ies, we have enjoyed a remarkable degree cf good health. Should we not, then, duly acknowl edge our thanks for these great bless ings "Tes.ce, ir."?-.rrity. and la!;b, Private Mis und j-uMlc wAilih, En jwitvise. vi-.h t: pia-H'-nius streams, Ture Mid"ii's u i'er Loam : Lord, tvr tl te c-ur .- u:. Ual! raise Grateful vow an I solemn i raise." But while vre acknowledge our gratitude for the blessings bestowed upon us, let us not omit expressing in a substantial manner our sympathy for the poor, the suffering, and the afflicted. Let us, on that day, give them cause of thanksgiving and re joicing, by contributing to theii wants, alleviating their distress and receiving their necessities. By so do ing we will test the sincerity of our gratitude, and render our words of praise and prayer acceptable to Him who has ho blessed us. AlOUNTl'FAIR. We arc pleasod to learn that our suggestion to have a county fair is meeting with so favorable a recep tion, and that our people are bestir ring themselves about it. -We thank our esteemed frieud. C A. Rives, for his timely and encouraging letter, which we take pleasure in publishing, and hope that other farmers through out the county will give similar pub licity to their views. Let us keep the ball moving, and determine that Chatham county shall have an an nual exhibition of her products. We can have a fair that will do honor to our old county if we will only make the proper effort, and we ask our far mers if it is not worth the effort ? Already the ladies are taking a lively interest in the matter, and seem anx ious to do their part. We p hall not attempt to enumerate or discuss the advantages that will accrue to the county by holding an annual fair; they are too apparent, and are admit ted by all. Thn why not have ii ? We should discuss tho most feasi ble and practicable way of making the fair a success and its permanency se cure. Tho county seat would natural ly be tho mos appropriate place for holding the fair:--, but of course that can be selected after due considera tion of tho claims and advantages of fered by other places. We doubt not that the citizens of this place would contribute liberally towards securing suitable buildings and grounds, but first let us resolvo that we will have a fir somewhere in the county. Col. Rives suggests that a public" meeting be held here in January, but in order that such a meeting should accoju plieh anything, the farmers of the county must take an interest in the matter. Thoy should at once organ ize their neighborhood clubs, and then organize a county club or Bociety, and this society sho'uld obtain from the Legislature a charter, so that it could hold property and have all the rights of an incorporated body. Tho suggestion of holding a public meet ing is a good one, and we do hope that it may rot result in mora talk. We bayo known public meetings behl in this county whero eloquent fepeeches were mads aud slirring reso lutions adopted and nothing done! We trust that wo will bo mote fortu nato next time. Let us first determino that we will have a fair,, then let us organize a society : obtain an act of incorpora tion ; t elect the most suitable place : er-ct cr buy tho proper buildings and then hold our fair. The "first st- ps Fhonld be promptly taken, to that everybody may know thai we will have a fair next faU and begin to prepai e for it. Shall we have it ? THE NEXT LEGISLATURE. From the Ealeigh News and Ob server we learn that the next General Assembly will be composed of thirty eight Democrats and twelve Eepubli cans in the Senate, and iu the Hoiue seventy six Democrats, forty-two Re publicans and two Independents, so that the Democrats will have an overwhelming majority. Wo trust that they will use their power to the ; good of the State and to the credit of : the party. THE INSANE AMENDMENT. It is thought that the " Insane amendment has been adopted. The vote upon it was very light, in some a l.-i i-i. i: counties not nan uio peopte vouug upon the question at all. This was owing to the fact that the amendment was not explained or discussed at all by the campaign speakers and by on- ; ly a few newspapers, and thoroje the people did not understand or know anything about it. But, as the j Wilmington Star very truly pays, ''wherever the people understood the meaning of the amendment it was re jected." For iu stance, that ablo paper strenuously opposed it, and the coun ty of New Hanover voted against it almost unanimously. We regret that others of our co ternporaries, who since the election have opposed it, did not see fit to do so beforo the election and when their opposition might have done some good. We sincerely trust that our : fears may not be realized, and that the support of our afflicted fellow ereatures may not enter into every political campaign. Tote for Governor. We have received the official vote of several other counties, in addition to those published last week, which is inserted in the following table, from which it will be seen that the majority for Jarvis is 5,713 in the counties officially heard from. Enough has been heard from the remaining counties to inform us that the major ity for Jarvis in the whole State is G.500. Jarvis. 1447 792 , G12 . 1C32 , 1027 , 1717 , 118S . 1278 . 702 . 1025 . 1074 . 1405 Buxton. 1277 37o 170 OOo lo:i2 17;: 1721 15:jo 800 1556 81(5 105S Alamance Alexander Alleghany Anson : Ashe ! Beaufort j Bertie ; Bladen j Brunswick ; Buncombe ! Burke I Cabarrus j Caldwell j Camden j Carteret J ! Caswell ! Catawba j Chatham , . . 971 410 j '960 705! ... 144G 1790 ! . . . 18G7 G19 . . 2159 1888 . . . 747 0 13 3GG isi . . 1G91 544 . . 1577 922 . . 1189 2S02 ... 2079 210-2 . .. 992 200 283 203 . . 1745 18S7 j 913 80S ! . . 19G3 1214 I , . . 1723 3470 i ... 17G5 17tx; ! , . . 2034 1998 . . 1097 1127 , . . 1009 508 , . . 2831 3142 ... 863 950 . . . 2251 2248 . . 1775 2426 995 715 959 440 . . G4G 848 . . 959 1131 .. 235G iG03 .. G5G 215 . . 20G3 1707 575 706 . . 10S8 1370 .. 902 7G3 789 267 . . 937 1089 ... 13SG 1295 . . 771 578 . . 3289 3205 497 953 G95 808 .. 1452 1307 .. 1556 1367 ,.. 1359 2349 ... 1215 2041 . . 1035 530 . . 2225 1914 . 684 386 .. 673 1062 . . .... .... 993 1217 1308 1103 . . .2228 1771 .. 330 429 . . 1976 1834 ... 1340 1739 . . 2257 1934 . . 23G1 1503 . . 1979 1359 1204 1218 .... 873 606 ... 1180 9G6 . . 1370 957 392 2S4 . . 1481 880 . . 4280 4644 . . 1354 2690 . . 621 950 . . G72 552 .. 2340 2233 . . 1480 1548 .. 1573 139 .. 922 1163 G79 418 115,719 110,006 Cherokee Chowan Clay Cleveland Columbus Craven Dare Davidson Davie Duplin Edgecombe. . . . Forsyth Franklin Gaston Gates Harnett .... Jackson Johnston. . . . Jones. ....... Lenoir Lincoln if aeon McDowell. . . . Mecklenburg. . Mitchell Moore Nash Pamlico Pasquotank Perquimans ...... Pender Person Pitt Polk... Randolph Richmond Robeson Rockingham Rowan Rutherford Sampson Stokes .... Surry . , Swaiu ..... Transylvania Wako , Warren Washington., i. Watauga ...... Wayne , Wilkes , Wilson , Yadkin , Yancey CLOSE ELECTIONS. The importance of one or two votes was illustrated in several iustances at , the late election. At this place the vote for Governor was a tie each candidate receiving 211 votes. In Guilford county tho vote stood 2251 went in our history has become a for Jams and 2248 for Buxton. In ! , North I Sou tli ! No language can express to Wako county Mr. Smedos was electod ycm thc Tiww j of tllis event for to the Legislature by only 17 majori-1 evil. It can have no logic if con ty, in a vote of nearly ten thousand. tinned but disruption into several In Person county each oi tho two leg-1 monarchies or the absolute consolida . , , . v -, , . -i I, tion of all States into ono Empire. lslative candidates reci-ivcd exactly T , r.rfirmnl Al i e i t n In either event our Constitutional the same number of votes. In the ! , M1 c e -n, , , mi ,i j 1 1 ! svsitem will ia.IL town ot layettcville the countable i iiT - . nc. .vo , , i j ... "In mv opinion, the time has come, was elected by one maiority. . 1 , - J . , i when tho one groat question tor leal There were many more instances i . . , -!, o,wU . . , ; Kta'csmcn to consider is, Jiow spceui- , . . , . , . ! , Y 4" , ,' l nope win no remomoerea. , 7 T. , Presbyterian Synod. The rresbyteriana of this State held their annual Synod lat week in the city of Raleigh. From tho News and Observer we copy the following relative thereto: "The Synod of North Carolina has fto Presbyteries. 22(5 churchos and 18,850 communicants. Of the 220 churches, 101 have contributed and G5 have not. The total contributed to this cause in the Synod is $2,300, or about 12 .1 cants per commuuicant. The Synod includes in its bound 9i counties. Of these there are 20 eounties with no Presbyterian church i ni0,:js on -;heir reserved powers. Tho whatever, and 24 with but one in 1 Henaio h tho crroat Federal featuro each, making 53 counties with wide ;0f our svsiem, and was expressly so areas of destitution. For this vast j orpmixr-d to represent and protect field there are two evangelists em-! the Stab s as equals, ployed for all their time, aud five for i .'.j m0Yenjent to make an is about one-fourth of thfir time, and :ElV) OP vo :ui n Xow York, with a these ohi-fly in old occupied territory, v;f,v. (e'e:it Gruiill in tho count and not in purely missionary terri- ,y Congrof-s. There would bo great idaMjei of ibis but for one fact, and The report on evangolizution of ; tiwt one fact is the South will not colored people also elicited consider- j countenance it. The poor, divided able attention. From this wo learn h1) -o1 '-'ouib if nces:wv will thattl 'era are in the Synod one color - j mor? f-v tho country from a ord licentiate, four colored charphex j rc.vo.;tYMi. and. an before, will cc'tiio five Sabbath schools for colored peo ple taught by white members, and that one white miiiister gives one fourth of .is time to preaching to the colored p?ople, while many of tho white ministers preach oe?n-ion- T Vcsom"" V1; msn ouou 10 "PP",nc a committee ; ou trie state ot the chnrcu was, on ; iuiniu.i, mm on 4,1!?; t;iu.r. The committer on the Unim The ological Stminavy rcportecl the pres ent craiifvirg condition of this be- ; loved and iripuitant intitut'on t '. the church. The Synod cf North j Carolina appoints twrlve of the twen j ty four directors controlling this sem (inary, exercising thoivfore half th. i control. Tha following whose term jrf oflice hal expired, wero ro-ap-hpivinted: Rev. J. Henry Sa.iih. .D.. Rev. II. G. Hill and Dr. F j Nyo Hutchinson. Tho repoit mcn i tioued thrt pl.-asing fset th-.t au ele gant a;ul commodious libnvrv build ing, built by the munificnt liberality of Mr. Brov.n, ot Baltimore, lu i !t ; 1 en completed and oeeunied. and th fuithtrr gratifying new w :s re ceived from a private f;:ree that a legacy, amounting probably to $20, 000, had boen le ft to ths institution to educate candidates for tho minis try. The following facts were gathered and reported from the statistical re ports of Preshvtericr : 1. Iwo minitfra have diel in; ; byteri( misvc Or 4.. Thcro havo -heon four licon-: tiati's, two in Fajfltpville, one in Concord and ono in Mocklenbnrcr. i ? tbc vear, one iu each of the Tres- ) ? c, 0 co,:';1: P!-,p--s'-';l ; I.K-uwr, rvoy ;::dn a d-fMidaut, fori oxit G o'clock on the eveaing of 1 Napkins and Doyues to mau-n. s 01 Uranjyo and Concons. ; Tj 1 . i . . i i.'-' i if n- .vuk-i, 01 tsie rptrtor Court; AUlU- 111 G orose out in the Special attontion is called to 2. Four ministers hare Won re-; , V V T l vl' 1,1 l, A n-i ' at od the caso and took posss-i nonncrn part ot xNewport, on the i assortment of c-Jiven, two m Ur&nge and tveo in io o , ..1. , w xtl1 , , , . v ). vi r -usm to girenaiJ xtamoaa, ana unaer nAi.irv VTiiminMon. I-. v.l.o woula shox. n.ra hft , j f;i vs alld ()1,Ull the mflucnco of a hi-h wind t.h.J liOSILhl , r .... . 1 10 ;;' He then iroiiospti ifiit . 1 n . , . ... . ' ... 6. 1 wo mmistrrs hovo hr-m dis : t- r. m. -i . ,, v0r' ! J , iuj road until two-tmrae aii sizes, the best variety ever an..,,. " ;inm hts f.,end. aud the Carohman Att('2i:pf to Del rand. j Proved. About 200 families were LNDEU . 1 . I I v i ! I . T" 1 i T - r-. ' -. .-..-....-......., ill I all I i:i I ii I I O'O 1t HA tiMlTV -nwm . i I 5. The pastoral relation has been "'. "u)ir y , - , '. , . ; hfl rrondenian to nun. ilu v wab;o dissolTod nine times, once f ach mi. l i , , . rv.,. 1 : 4i -iii- d-v,n to lourtr onto and d "to soo Concord and Fayt-tteville, twice m..lrt ... n,inryA, m,,. "Wilmington and five times in Orange It has been time s,nnce e luington, three and eilit tim G. Three 1 oranizfd ! cord, and tv in Orange. The statistical report to the Geaer-! al Assenddy is as follows: ! The Synod of North Carolina ro. ! spcclively reports to the General : Assembly of the Presbyterian Chur-h i in tho United States that it comUt. I Orango PrefibyUry-29 mitiicte, ea, 1 licentiate and 7 can - 1 t tm 1 01 ehnrohfis tliflatea. ' I Concord Presbytery 23 minicters, 30 churches, 3 licentiates and 3 can- didrvtea. Fayettevillo Presbytery 10 minis-! 1 rA , . jp--:t'ti visa .iriinijTon, as more Yi'as j m.-j. i 4 4,A '-r 1 t-wi in a vine in achm Concord an 1 31- i - .? :. v. t,- me nisiued man; p.lri- wn.,f t f!. t.,u t-.. t. t' 1 -si ri 111 O' .U DM UMU'llt'd I lit" Mil w,-.,!,-, ! !rllf:-n ! tm.i- l.o.l ' A"-"'U JUiUllJ.il- t nne in r avetleviilc i -i. 4i , , .. ' - :i,0"8u -- V1'l0i hau ; snrar -ro Cr. ,.ji,u(....i- es in Orange. ... ... ' Vl,,- ,'-:':','.K rOxiMins. At, the , low churches ham ho.cu ' , , . , , urs,t iVl l-1: i 'Ov.r iiea ieu, ana m.,: ,w t. ...... 4i.: . , . nu enr- llei, one in Con - n . , ,, , , . Lli- 1 " a new tnai, arm k;M i. u Vi.-a i 1 , , o rone of whi,h i, colored , : toin n tin n went do, to recced, a, e auian do, the u.nnl 0 --o ,1 ' olX M One church in Concord i rll'""1 Y- L T mnour.t of abu.o for 11 .eir attempt to ' L P aidln" ii ii ti s i i'piiv i.rrips strifi iiivi. 1 nnun Prf8bTterie consist in vholo of 115 ! Itimoro, and showed some cards, ministers 227 churchea. having un- i Pwpoa.nlo show how it was done, der their caro 8 licentiates and 10. 1 Ho fr mn coa: on ground and rnndidnf rent at it a very bungling war, The fcws.OOchurchos. 2 HenntififtaMd IIV""1 money tiown. candidate, Wilmington Presbytery 1G min ister.-, oj churches and 1 licentiate Mrcklenlmrg Presbytery 2S min- isters, A7 churche?, 1 licentiate and ! 5 candidates. The next stated meetins will he ! held in the Firbt PreBbrti iBbjterian church Sisbnry, N. C, Wednesdar, Novem bea 2, 1881, at 7 p. m." A Heavy Loss. Tha ttiTclerions loss of a UraA nnm ' of money, amounting to over $20,000, l occurred at Arnold, Constable & Co'a i dry goods tore, on Broadway, on j the 9lh inst. A lady, w!l known in ' the store as a regular customer, en- ' tered to do some shonnincr. After ! passing ironi one counter to another! until she had completed her purchas es, Bho left the building. A few ruin ntes later she returned in great hasto, saving she had lost a. package con- taining the amount above stated. A i a nian ompfy a hogshead of wafer close search was at onco instituted, wi-h a eap'oon, but both aro decid but tho nioney could not be founl. ! edy tedious undertakings. wane.. 'i uiva' Loiter From lien. Hill. Senator Bon. Hill, of Georgia, has written a letter to a prominent New York republican, from which we copy the following : "Well my friend, the most anxious lv to break up tins sectional solidity and organize parties altogether on I othor issues. The Democratic party j is hated at tho North, and therefore, it tQ ho aisl)a,a Tho Ko. L,i,i;pan lw.tv i1:ltfili af the South. and, therefore, it ought to bo dis banded. Whether this hatred is just or not makes no difference. I would be iilad to sen a fyreat National Un ion party organized, for I believe that the Government formed by the Constitution is a Nation. True, it is a limited Nation ; but within tho powers delegated to it by the Consti tution, it. is aa much a Nation as anv on tho globe. But there are certainly j Bomo u;:lr0a Federal features in the j Government, and these features wero 'interpolated to onablo the States to . l)rot0ct thom-elvo4 from encroacb- credit for it ! T!:p Reoublican partv II t;ikc I'residencv peaceably. t'li an -e South will it. aiul at the next e!octi'-:i the leaders of that par ty "will tell th'"1 pooplo from every stump and I'iiiin't in the North that tho South luu.t not be trusted! NVa-nhcbv-. we s! all avert all rovo- 1, lio to Y,;51 republican praise hui-n. not to v.-ii! RopuMioan prais. ! or to avoid Rvpa1 li.-an al:io -for ! t-iihr-r is i;:::---?h!oh.n kVW ho r.:u; it is vW'd. and wo ara dcit v-; coutitrv. ll.,.v Ion.; Luman i.vur-. ci4H o-jr.r u.m I not kuovv. Iti-ii rr, (. i"iuii r,vo.r:dlc.!ed, and JjW m the that oil-Id la cover tho ortii w.tis A'TIirt J.itilo (-aiiio. Gco.-io K. Ra.d.v. of No 1, (!:: in -.' Vi vry ti-ial. havinura Ii 1 1 It U1V, t.:.)K "'onr'.ls. aii.i, cv.r.f- in 1 lie ctvjro nr-ii a vittiv- , 1 .li;' : to Ito a ?ir:;li!j! r. :!:;: from (hiv-:i-. Ti:c How 1 audited that ha had ana to VOMijCr ipfi. lu. " ( J do to Wrts'i.ing'ton" b vt-1. savin tho hotel clerk had ad vic-t l::!-i liot to employ a my of t ho j citv i(a: as ilnw v:oiud char 1 f nun do;:ble prieo and not show l;ii s j f:.nyti:in;4. ito ciaiaietl lio! to Lno.v j a'ivmt the city. ;md. boin dv-.i. ; rill lie could couui ro afon.T fr.i t Ii. v w md visit ihe art j:al'ery. In front of the War department thoy met the party ho aimed as 1)1 friend, and introduce!"! tL? cnuivh Hftvo3 attend-i, as tli 1 rt.c, v.nio y.tvii. i no i;ittv"r von u hc? P 10 rn71f:V 'l ban of vrxrich t-r vynhrod un. d they met a party T cim" 1 0 ll.e a Kentucky rattle 1 ' via.who Ul(ir "J ? !h? d;pct T 10 Kentuck- !iai Ciaiiue i nn nati lose money m hwt-T mfta(1 Bomo !ittio bc,s anJ thf,n ! PrpPOSf; IJr. Bafrby should try. At j thi po-.nb tho Utter began to realize I that, bo wac in iVA Tinnrla nf eli o vtiot-o P'nl; the Utter boffi !J,,afc 1,0 wa ia the hnncls of sharpers, !.nu V1 to put on a bold air. keep Ins suspicions to himelf and t1 ""-velopmenta. Ho Recording- and Relucting- the riofht card, won the talc. Imme diately the alleged cat tle driver knelt down, seized tho Tri0np. ut it, mliia pocket. Quick Rs t,1n-,ph.t. Dr. B gby stepped back, an b'r,vmg a fleven shooter from his P0'' - - 1. ordered the man to restore tho money before he rose from his knees. As if thiasceno wa not dra mafic- enough, another appeared with a shot gim, and proposed to arrest the quartette. But this scene did not work, and Dr. Bagby threatened ghoot each one in succession, un lcsr' no fjrnds wero given up. The catlle dnvr at once gave up the monc.Vi cl tho party quickly with J1rew, leaving Dr. Bagby victorious, rnft latter c"ie to tho city and not:- uei 1118 P011ce. wasnmgtoni'ost. A Proper Comparison. A merchant may manage to drag a - ng without advertising, and so mav ; nr- 1, r w , .m-.tii . ciU'.iiz-M U16 iJoilf-OIl ft!U i - i:ti 1 !i .hi 1,1:1 1 - u t . .1 l ; .1 . . ; 4-lit.;. l l j , . 1 Thanksgiving Proclamation. SrATE op Nor.Tn Carolina, Executive Depaiitmest. Custom, law and gratitude alike require us, before the elose of each year, to devote one day of giving thanks to Almighty God for the mer cies and blessings whieh He has be stowed upon us. In obediencs to thsse just aud proper requirements I, Thomas J. Jarvis, Governor of North Carolina, do iisue this, my proclamation, salting apjit Thurs day, November, 25th instant, as a day of thanksgiving and prayer and do earnestly request all the people of North Curoiiua properly to observe the same. Let the churches and olh tr places of public worship be open ed, and ths places of business ba closed. L t tho people resting from their labors, spend tho day devoutly, .jts becomes a Chripthin p'ople who have been peculiarly bltssed during the year with abundant harvs -tr, tranquility and prosperity On that day forget not the pocr.ths widow and the orphan, bat remem ber that to givo to these is to lend to Him from whom all theso bless ings come. I specially commtnd to tho gf.nerons consideration of the people the Osf.rd Orphan Asylum. ami bg tuat they will ihow their grain mle nr this year of unexam-. grat pled pb-tty by suitable gifts to that nohlt charitv. Doue at our city of Raleigh, thirteenth day of November, in this m the year of onr Lord one thousand elrht hundred and ekhty, and in the year of American independence t'.ie one hundred and fifth. Thomas J. Jakvis. By the' Governor. G.L. Dudley, Private Secretary. An "Intimidation" Case. Ytsterdvr Uniu-d States Commis si r,ner Purm-11 tried a somewhat no- vol case, in fact, what may bo trmsd iv uuftfinn caw lor ma prosecutor Vrosecutor and veritable example of tho "biter bitten." The prosecutor was enn James Whitah, a rather sharp look- ing mulatto, who charged aIt. II irdy Kurt and Mr. Jo.sfpli Goodwin with intimidation in that at th late eke- 'on, in jxu'khorn township, they con ?"A f ,voie' was not al- !,Ti l h,T tLat h.'! V' 1 :"c? .tlU not I ': ! M ,xxt&- " j 'r 'W' A- K Jouti Hairy ... ... , e . . "VV iii 1 ' '-):irt tb.i :i f '. ci'Ar, 1S77, j I'.J' lit lit i. t ini'j : lil i.!Tint hAi a! i'-rrn the Juiy fonnd Lisa : , " 17 ii 1 1 V . i il;i .r:".;t, v:ien rr.;y: in.;- bit 1 it r c t'l-d arid fr.iifd, I. a rin it: ! .St"t.. i ir cHr v..s m thn next spiral tcpHu-r to deprive him of his The famous Ldbr pa, n bmld vote tor 1 vevy.to i of these United ; ing ustd during th w&r for Statin. WLiUker bing. examined j the confinement of Fe h -vl ---o -.-ded that he went to the i ersof war. has hi; lur-n :-nld r.ni, I cM-iled tlVf ' 1 V ' , 1 ! cha 1:ind sixty milea west of R.ch coimVtedof f d, proteuees in tl I ! I 1 H , I matte r of 8orr.o ivliv iWo budicla V ,n,mn ? h :;iofc,Uon c,i. i'Ui); of SzurX X ptlT to hat?h thei tl0.rt Ur.-liurcli M-nt for ard ' t! aiJil ln-ad froiii u, dork- i of Wrke Cim-i i,ead, . Ti :s tflc-,t ihd uiatter. The de-1 on joint b.dlot, which -i:i bj dcclar n.:s.uis wero dia-har:;?d, it bein j ed to morrow, lovru tiw v had nothitiry ff, ,lo ! . -i An unsucceiy'ul attempt to d--fraud an insurant! company was recently xposed in Louisiana. A man named Y.ickerle had lia life imiursd an t rl hnd hi hi hl - - p l:-...,-,,i .....i tn.i. u:,,) e.ueu, 1. -.a v;(ir...vir.v,.T',;. ,.,: , ,'. H Ira pretendc-t tlii am -unt of i uc on iier xii'.rii'an- i s lire wtufli ; en eat a poor w:uor. At tho second trial Waeliedo was produced in court, pretty well for a dead man, and main ly disturbed atbovn,- brought back to t he benora oi a n;a by v.hom ho w.is of. 1 ho widow donied his identity tr. but the proof v as too strong for her. and t ie company won. She appealed and the appeal wa3 recently argued before the suprome court at Shrcvo port, La. In hi3 opinion, affirming th verdict of the lower comt, the judge said: "Th? tardimony con clusively establishes that Wacktrle, tfesidtntical perron whoso life was insured, is nfcill living, and unmasks ono ot the boldest aud most seanda lous Kchemes of fraud upon the do fen d.mt, the court, and her own counsel, ever conceived and cariied to the very verge of success.' Immigration. Over three thousand immigrants arrivod at CasMc Garden from Europe o!i Monday. Tito total nn inner of iaimir tuts v.ho havo arrived thus far this year is above 290,000 and it is eftiraatcd by .Superintendent Jack son that the immigration this year will exefced that of any previous yenr in tho history of tho country The largest, record of immigration was in i 11 01 ISoO, when the arrivals were 310,00;). Hi the opinion of tho commissioners OI emigration tullv 00 per cent, of al' liable class for the material develop 1 mailt nf tl.o r,.,A. ; -" v. uvy VUUUll jr. Inventors and Patentees blmuld scud for instructions, terms, reference, .F-,,s(,n lir'.li-rs. Soifciiors of 1'alrnU",' ..... . ...,S..-M, y,., TiH.p iiiruiMii ui KH'VM' tVliliom ! ciarj-e. lilson Urothsra la a weii known aud suo ! ccsstul firm Marge csrcrlcncc, having Ucu . j tabliBhcd in 1j0. i w.nt t;.o ysU..-r. The prosecutor A Towa Burnt X Runaway Daughter. Mr. J. E. Morgan lives at Oak Grove, Union county. He offers $100 for his daughter Sarah Ellen, who disappeared from her home last Monday niyht. Miss Morgan is des cribed by her parents as 16 years old, short in stature, red complexion and light hair. Charlotte Observer. Baptist State Convention. The Baptist State Convention met iD the Baptist church, at Goidsboro, this morning, at 11 o'clock, for organ ization and business At 7:15 p. m., the introductory sermon was preach ed by Rev. F. Jones of Yanceyville . The morning and afternoon session of the Convention was devoted to the discussion cf important subjects. Each evening there will be preaching or mass meetings and addresses by distinguished delegates and visitors. Dr. Graves, ol Cjimt, will attend the ; convention and sDeuk on foreign mis sions. The attendance was very large and a very interesting session was ht;ld and will ho continued during tho Wciek. li:deigk Star 17th. o- In Luck. A despatch from Chicago says that C. It. Cummin'?, a rail j Chicago, U said to have w ! m, tb Wi.-m ay man, of won S50.000 on the election, and has given his sister, Mrs. II ailey, of Pkiu, Id., a check for half the amoat. o Cold Weather. Vrry cold weather ia reported from the West. The th-rmomcter gives the subjoined indications : Cheyenne, sixteen b low zero; Denver, six below; North Platte, three helow; St, Louis, fourteen above ; Chicago, thirteen above. CalifoiMtfa's Close Tote. Full o facial returns of the Califor- j nia election show that Henry Edgc-r- 4l,il5 iipai,ii"n, receives 00 more J-i'pu!'ii' Hn, receives &U7 ! votes for elector than does Judcrd ! Terry, the lowest on tho Democratic j ticket, and is elected. The other Democratic electors Lave majorities j ranging from 87 to 11;. c I Llbbv Prl&CJi M.Vjd. lie aactiou for ;J.725. It. has bi j ned Binco the cio-t of tho wr 3 a! tobacco factory, haiimu mill probally put it to th uss. j Ghickcn Fa-m. A novel enterDnfo for our lfind has beou inaUirl ,,lted " n renebmen m ireiuia. Thv onator. A de?p a from AtLtuta, d.aiod In h'.- oloetic ff United States j..-.'.vrij. xKj. 1: ; the It ouc I5rv?nt 118 1 j rendered noracicsa, and tho distress j is very great, Tho loss is catimated at about S20,000. ! o A Pruuezit Woman. Qu n Tietoiia h;:sju:,t insured her life for a Uvnro emu Thn, T-t- ,.r sum. Ihe find induces hr friends' to put its precopts in practice. Sh-j is a eon- , sidcrable sharboldi-r in one of the 5f AND DEALER IN mmm N. E. Coi'. Fayettevillo & Hargett Sts. Oct 7 RALEIGH, N. C. Steamboat Noticol wim ExPwp?tolmbo,l0,,B1, ny vill run rs followB from Ul first of Octo antil furihtr notice: Steamer D. LIUIicnisON, Cant AlonzaOa naX)' lava Fuyottevilla every Tuesdar . B&camer WAVE, Capl. 17. A. Hoboson. wO 6va F dyetiSviUe On Mund.ira nrf Ti,2j. K. yfitSevUle On Mona.VB and Thnrailava ' , WooclGCit A. M.t and Wilmington on Toe i flaya and Pndays at 1 o'clock T. M. oonoeefiln 1 with thn Wpfitsn '-o'L,- Sr"1! A I. WILLIAMS & CO. Agents at l ettevaio. N. pnr- Raleigh Business IVXen? B. ZS . W O O D E x No 3, Martin Street, WHOLESALE GROCER And Commission Hercliant. Orders, Oon-espondence and Consignment licited. Mr. F. O. Newby 13 ono of our salesmen' FALL STOCK, ?!. H. Wm I IS, BlilGGS BUILDING, RALEIGH, K", C. DEALERS IN Hardware, Sash aid Doers we have th" largest stock ef Crockery and Glassware ever brought to Raleigh. we solicit your enters for anything In the Hardware line, and guarantee THE BEST At the Lowest Prices AND SQUARE DEALING Address, Thos.H.BRIGGS&Sons Mm is Hardware, RALEIGH, N. C. nor 5 157 m w fil.T. .VT) V.7XTER STOCK ' JLSx JUST RECEIVED. Oisr large tstiro Ilcnse Is now filled to He utmost ca;.'4nty with tho ehoi.vHt so'ectioiw of Drs Goi '.h, ni.i. t Gitodd, Siikf, CIoUib, Caesl.ners, Sdit ifS lookins, Kentucky Jeans, r"lanul. Doom, Shoos, Hals, Noiious of all kinds. Our stork of ply I;graius, all at tho leet nitk ! and none but new a .torus, Very attractive ami ohoap. Bleached, and Ujii'ia'.lied and eolorod TABLE DAMASKS, ourrwy attraUr offered her. Our TESTS for men, ladies, misses and children ar unsur passed for quality and variety. Wo buy all ot our goods from first hands and make a profit thereby. Thos who buy of us will save money. Our Wholesale- trade having largely lntirtaasd, we offer ihe most liberal inducements to Mer chants to patronize us. YEAItGAX, PETTY, & Co, oet 10 3m Balclgh 3T. C. T R Y U S I if you wish to know who sells the best goods for the least money. IJ OX'T FAIL to call on ua for any goods yu flit. We carry a full and complete stock of all kind C goodii of tho latest variety and style foreTeryby. We make a specialty of our tremendous stok Clothing, Our Grocery Department is filled irith tk best quality of Groceries of every descriptloB, we hav found H does not pay te keep Wtit goods. W can guarantee our goods to be what w M resent them, and can compete with any l tho State on low prices. Satisfaction guaranteed la Try sal. licltlng a call, we aro, respectfully, COOPER & BTSTVn, DURHAM, N. C. W. L. COOPER, of Caswell. July29 JAS. W. BTKUlf, of CbaUtaa W. C. DOUGIAOn, ATTORNEY AT LAW, fi II ElJOltO, IV . O PPractlccs In the ; Courts of Kandblpk, Ch and Montgomery. Jly 3S If nSORIIO 14 stons. 4 sets reeds, only t6i. ft anos ?1V5 up. Paper free. Addre Oasiei. F. Beatty, Washington, n. J c n nrnpiiT 757 broadwat. k. t., ki Di I flC; HI publisher of first-class acentn. and all Hceklue a c-haniw In buslneM. H- 1... i 1 i. . i m 'ustrated circulars of new books and proof Ibat 130 1,or moutn 18 ailr,i ecnt on application. - EES 2-$45 TO $100 Tor month during fall and winter in wy Jj Interobliug and valuaMo information, wttb fun particulars, free. Addreus at onoe, J. C. McMvauv & Co., PlUladelpita, P. A

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