am Mttoi. I IV II 1 H. A. LONDON, Jr., EDITOR AND I'KOPBIETOB. OF ADVERTISING. One square, one insertion, Qn square, two insertions, -One square, one month, - - 1.00 1.50 - - 2.6 TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: ens orr, n year' - - UfcaeoW .slxuionUm - . 2.00 1.00 Jo VOLUME 3. PITTSBORO', CHATHAM CO., N. C3 DECEMBER 2, 1880. NUMBER 12. For lamer advertisement: Hberal contracts will- J made. w 1 I I I 0 W' WtW Railroad Schedules. TIME TABLE Cape Fear & Yatlkin Valley R. B. To take Effect May 9, 18S0. LeAvcti Fiyettev!llo at Arrives at Oul at : Iavn Uult at Arrirou at Fave.tTill. Daily except Sunday. 4.00 P. M. : 7.35 r. M. : C.UO A. II. : : lD.'iO a. si. I- C. JONES, Sup't. Carolina Central Railway Comp'ny. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. OlTIf E f.r.Ni:RALSrrERINTEXDKNT, w.,v.:r,.v V . Unvll.lSSO. I 0 ,K ami after May is, lbtt). the following schedule, will bo operated on this iiauwuy: l'AKSKXGKIl, MAIL -VXD EXritESS TRAIN : Slave Wilmington at 6.00 P. H. Arrive at Uamlot at 1.27 A. St. Arrive at CliarU tte at 7.00 A. M. ilave Charlotte at 7.25 v. M. Arrive at Hamlet at 12.32 p. v. Arrlv at Wilmington at 8.30 p. u. "So. 1 train Is dally except Su inlay, but makes no connection to Ualeitth on Saturdays. No. 2 train is dally oxce pt Saturdays. Sleeping-car accommodations on through trains to and from Charlotte and Wilmington. Tbcro will al. lm through sleepers run to and from Charlotte and Wllnunu. q J0nNS0N may S" tf General Superintendent. EaleiEli&AiipstaA.-L.R.R.Co. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. Brrr.niXTENPEXT'S office, I IJaU'k'li. X. C, June 3, IV.t. f OS an"l after Frldav, Juno 6. 17. trains on the Kalelgli k Aujrusia Air-Iln Itatlroad will run daily (suiiuays exeopwuj ua iohowo. No. 1 Loavo No. 2 Leave m Raleteh. 8.00 wm Hamlet Cary. Apex Sew mn Merry Oaks Mnneuro Sanfurd tfemoron Manly Ulne" Keyser X 31 p m Hoffman 8 M p in Kfyflr j it p in Blue's y U'i p in Manly 9 50 p m Cameron lit 17 p in Snuford 1M 41 p m I Osi-.hmI 11 ;I7 p m j M-m-uro 12 u; a m I Mt iTV oaks 9 14 a ra 8 3T a m 5 si a m 4 13 a m 4 5C a in 6 41am C. 02 a m C 2- a m 6 42 a m 7 oo a m 7 23 am 12 a m New Hill 12 4- a in Apex 1 14 a m Cary Arrive Hamlet, 2 t a m Arrive Raleigh, 8 30 a m o'.t am Railway f.T Charlotte and all point m;h. Train number 2 n.muvt at Raleleh with tho Raleigh. & Gaston railroad f-r all poinis north. JQ11X c. WIXl'KK. Superintendent. Raleigh Business BScn. H. T. HOBBiS & CO., GllOCEIiS and COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Raleigh, IV. C. SOLE AGENTS FO SOLb-BbE SEA ISLAND GUANO AND BALDWIN AMMONIATED DIS SOLVED BONE. tbi btosewall. cottox ilow ato atlas Tckn Plow. FARMERS SUPPLIES. We have in store and to arrive : 1,500 Bus. White Corn. 800 Bub. Choice Seed Oats, 600 Bus. Chulco white Boltod eal, 25,000 lbs I'rimo Fodder, 25.000 lbs. Prime Timothy Hay, 20,000 lbs. Bulk Clear Rib Sides, 2 Oar Loads Chol-re Family and Extra Flour. 1 Car load wheat brand an 1 other goods to Dl out a mplete stock which we offer as low for cash or on tlmo as can le bought anywhere. Call and se us before purchasing. Will make It to your advantage. Very respectfully, febl2-tf 31. T. NORUIS k CO. 10 HE Mill fF CHATHAM AND ADJOINIXa COUNTIES. W Ma Ma a Waaaaaadakw are now offering their Fall Stock SILKS, SATINS, VELVETS AND DRESS GOODS, IIICH BHOCADED SATINS IN Newest Designs and Colorings. A mapnlflcnt lot of Lalios Cloaks. The largest ?iv-k or ?n?n's wear, cioMs, Cassimeree, Kerseys, and Kentucky Jt-ans ever exhibited. And large supply of Domestics, Plaids, kz. 4-4 Ltonieaticn. fcuiUiblo for Hour backs. MaaiM, MWWaM & fcJaU WaSi Ida, The LarKvst Stock we ewr had. Carpetlngs and Rujrs. All gol3 sold at the lowept possible prices. WUtKB TUCKER, O T Raleigh, n a BOOK ANyOBJRIlflm. IT la rarcaly neeesBary fer us to nay w ar bet ter irepart-d tor work in this line than any offlea in tho H-,at., for our work is known throughout Korth Carolina, nut w wish to call attention to theta;t that our Utilities are euch as to enable us t. cornicle with any house North or Boutb In g'lod work an'l low prices. We have Thi Heat D.ok an'l Job Presses, Tho Largst Variety of Material. The most Comfloto Assortment ot Taper, Employ tho most Competent Workmen, &nl therefore rarely fail of giving our patrons lrfect hatlHfactiou. U-hhi d Manufacturing. a rbtnl books of evry kind in the neatest fctylo of tho art. BOOKS f't eviry lzc an! quality mado to order on short noti.. Vu huvw n comploto bindery in charge of a thoroughly wnntvUMt uxixu. Jtecori Ii.ks, IM-fc.,te, Indes Books, Ledgers, Day Books, kc, &?. MADE AT NEW YORK PRICES. K-ud us your order, and we will give you satis-ia.-tory au.l pi-ii-tB. EdWAKDS, BltOTJGHTOX & Co., 11 Raleigh, N. C. Poetry. HOW THE GATES CAME AJAR. Twas whispered one morning In heaven now the little child angol May, In the shade of the jreat white portal, Bat Borrowing night and day ; How she said to the stately wardou, lie of the key and bar, O auKel, sweet angel, I pray, Lt the beautiful gates ajar. Only a little, I pray you. Let tho beautiful gates ajar.' I can hev my mother weeping ; 6h is lonely, she cannot sco A gliMmer of lig?it iu tho darkness When the gates shut after mo, Oh turn me the key, sweet angel Th splendor will tsbluo so far.' But the warden answered, 'I dare not Let th beautiful gate ajar,' Then up rose Mary the Blessed, Iwttt Mary, mother of Christ, Her hand en the hand el tho angel She laid and her touch sufficed. Turned was the key in the pertal, Fell ringing the golden bar, And, lo! In the little child's flngors Stood the beautiful gales ajar. In the little child angel's fingers Stood the beautiful gates ajar. And this key, for further using, To my blessed son shall be given,' Said Mary, tho mother of Jssus, Tenderest heart in hoaveu. How never a sad-eyed mother But may eatch the fiery afar, Since safe in the Lord Christ's bosom Are tiio keys of the gates ajar, Clese hid in the dear Christ's boeom And the gates forever ajar. Selected Story. KATE'S ADYEXTCKE. I am Kate. Of course I can Ml mv own adven- tures a deal better than any one can glad when at last we came lo the cool tell them for me. That stands to na-. shadows of the lied swamp, where i ture. I'm not a practiced writer, and the birds wore all silent in the noon 1 1 don't know how to produce wh it ; heats, and the sweetest of odors came ! the fashionable authors call "errand floating ur from the tangled recesses pen effects," but I be'ic-ve I can make vou understand how it was. And ! that is all that is nccesya y. Leeman had sprained his ankle that's mv brother and he could not co to town with the load of russi r apples mat was already piled into bar rels, and stood waiting under th.3 big red shed. "It's too bad !" said he. "Those ; russet apples are worth a deal at this ; time of the year and wo shall miss 1 tho market day !" j "Can you ask Neighbor Hntton to take them V said my mother. j "Neighbor Hntton is a deal too! i . , iu:,. ' I practitioner for me, ' said ' "It's a hard thing to sav I Leman. about a neighbor but I cant trust ! his honestv. :Mr. Hnll?" "H.ill would bo casting it up in my f tee, for the next six months, that I had asked a favor of him," said Lee ncan. "No. I'd rather lose the ap pies than lose my independence. But! it is too provoking that I must needs have slipped on that'picec of orange J. A. A. l I 1 H i li 11 i peei, now oi au times m tne worm. I hare been saving up thse all the winter with a special apices eve to this particular market day." "Leeman," said I, "I'll go." "Nonsense !" said Lcem -.n. "But whv not?" sdd I. "Old i Pomp is as gentle as a kitten, and I know every inch of the way. "But there are the Red Swamp I woods that desolate s'retch of three J miles, with never a house on eith'-r j side of the way, except the desert od cabin where the old negro hanged himself, twenty years ago," argued my mother. ""Who cares for the Red Swamp woods ?" said I, valiantly. I never was afraid of frogs wills, and I'm not and whip poor-1 going to begin j now. ljii, wul vou go out and neip ; ! me harness early m the morning, and "Oh, I wish I was going too 1 Can't I go, Kate ?" cried Lil, mv i i hoyden younger sister, with her blue! eyes glittering with delight at the j idea of anything unusual. ! 'Stuff !" cried I, imperiously. "Of j course you can't. Hasn't Po.p a heavy load enough, without your i ninety pounds of miseliief loaded on? j Besides, vou must stay at home audi take caro of mother and Leeman and ! finish the chintz eurtaius for the west chamber; for Colonel Hav big mav come at any time nowr." Colonel Hay was our city t oarder a gentleman who had been recom mended by his physician to tiy the fresh, pine-scented breezes of the Shawaugeenta mountains, and whom our rector had directed to tke Icy Spring farm. We were not rich, although mother and Leeman had managed the farm economically and well since father's death, and the weekly addition to our income would be something worth considering. The idea of a city boarder was very pleasant, too, and Icy Spring farm was a very lovely spot, although we soldom allowed ourselves to think of that. So, after a little, I coaxed mother and Leeman to consent, and the next morning Lil and I were ur long be fore daybreak, harnessing old Pomp, and getting re dy for the day s journ-, ev By this time the red, level iignt oi the arising f nn touched old Pomp's . m ii gray u a-e w thjr usance, I was driving tKinno-l, t ho if. -hI fiwamn where tne: marletrees from which it took its 1 " ... . li me WCTe all aglOAV Wltll eranson blossoms, and thellniishcsand robins; called to one another with flute-like notes. Well, I managed splendidly. I knew where I was going when I start ed. I sold the six barrels of russets to the man who kept the Park hotel for four dollars apiece, and that was more than Leeman, himself, anticipa ted. "Be careful you don't get robbed, now," said the man, as he watched me put the bills iuto my little leather port-monnaie. "Robbed?" said I, with a laugh "Why, who should rob me f" "Oh, I don't know," said the land lord. "There's always tramps and burglars around. They're a crop that don't belong to any particular season of the year." As I turned away I did not notice it at the time, but it came back to me afterward, as things do come back, like a sudden flash across the dark shield of memory a man who was lounging on the steps looked hard at me. I colored a little, and thought to myself: "Well, he will know me the next time he sees me," and then for got all about it, for I had mother's black bombazine to match and Lil s snriner hat to buv. and some dinner china to select, and the doctor's pre scription for Leeman to fill out at the druggist's so that it was ttell n to seven when I turned old Pomp's head homeward in the suburbs of the town, with a feeling of elation which was quite parduniible, when one con- I siders mv inexperience in the market ing line, and my exceptionally good j success I Tho sunshine was warm and still on the high road, and I was rather of fern and cowslip on either side of the solitary, railed-in road. j All at oiice old Pomp gave a (wise start hi. ancient idea of ' ing and then I saw a man, side-shy-p:iic, on a dustv and tired looking, sitting fallen log, iut outside the road. I felt sorry f r him ; I was like mother who never would let the shabbiest or meanest looking vagabond go p.tst our House vitnout a urangnt ot iriui:, or a piece of fresh baked pic, or n slice of her famous hom-.-made bread cake and without stopping to think. I drow in old Pomp's rein. 'You look ilk' said I. "I am not ill," he said, with a smothered cough. "Only tired v.ith my long walk. I didn't know it was so far to Lenox." "I suppose vou are going for work?" said I. "Deacon Brierh-y has a good many hands just now, in the tobacco factory. 'No," said he I am not going to work I a -kcd no more questions. I did not like the idea of a man s shrouding himself in mystery in that sort of ! way and, as I glanced around once ! more a me. like a blaze of light. It was the same man who had eyed me so knecnly on tho steps of the Park hotel. Then I remembered my mother's words of caution; Leeman's reitera- Hivi.iv 11 i. i iivii'i vuwi - v -j . j ted exhortations, the landlord's friendly words of warning, And, in spite of it all, I had delib erately thrust mv sillv head into the laws of danger. There was only one thing remaining for -me to do logc-t out of the scrape as well as I could. standing, of a Baptist church. I cast about in my mind how to do i '2. The primary objects of the con this ; and presently, with beating ; vention shall be to educate young heart, I dropped a little paper of bine ribbon into the road. parcel "Oh ?" I cried, checking up Pomp, "I've droped my parcel. AVould would you mind gra ting out after it ?"' "Not in the least, said the stran - ger. and he climbed laboriously out of tho wagon. He h;id scarcely sat his feet on the j ground before I laid the whip on old Pomp with a will, and lattled away ; over the long straight road at a pace ! that seemed marvellous to me and ! Pomp both. So we left our passenger behind. in the middle of the Red swamp coulu see mm standing tnere, oianii and astounded, the sole ngure in the long perspective, as I ventured to Iook back ; but I only whipped Pomp the harder, and never let him 'ba'e his pace until we were well out of the Red swamp. 'Tve out-generaled him," said I, to mj'self, "and I've saved Leeman's twenty-four dollars. I'm sorry about the blue ribbon : but it was only a yard and a quarter, after all, and I can trim Lil s hat with something else." They were delighted at my prow ess when I related my adventure at home. Leeman declared I was a cap ! ital little market-woman, mother shuddered at the idea of the desper ate tramp alone with me in the tan gled wilderness of the Red swamp ; Lil declared that I was a heroine " Wan't it a good idea for Kate to drop the blue ribbon and send him after it ? said she. "Kate was a goose ever to let him i get into the wagon 1" said Leeman 1 1 : knitting ins Drow. "Kate nrasn't go by herself such a ; long distance again, said mother And 1 aranK mv cup oi tef and : rested mvseif, and went out after -i . i tie -I T warn to luu tuu new uiwm ui usnm little chicks, which oM Speckle had! ab sence. I was on my knees in the henhouse, feeding them with scalded meal from the palm of my hand, when I heard mother calling me to the house "Kate ! Kate ! come up at once ! Colonel Hav has arrived." "Colonel Hay?" I started up, looking with blank dismay at my calico dress and the meal stains on my hands. However, there was nothing for it but to obey the summons; so I went up to tire house. A sort of blur seemed to come before my eye3 as I entered the sitting room, and heard mother saying : "Colonel Hay, this is my eldest daughter, Kate." And then the blur cleared away, and I knew the man I had twice be fore seen that day the pale, tired traveler, whom I had so recklessly abandoned in the middle of the Bed swamp. "I I beg yur pardon', Colonel Hay " I cried out immediately. " I thought yon were a thief !" The burst of laughter that follow cd from every inmate of the room ef- i iectually scattered every ment. embarrass- That was my adventure. And Colonel Hay has long since forgiven me that unkind desertion of him. In fact this is quite private and codA dential, mind we are to be married soon, and I am going wiih him to Florida, to try the effect of a South ern climate on his health. That is all. Isn't it enough ? Baptist State Convention. Tho recent session of the Baptist Stale Convention was the largest and most harmonious ever held by that denomination in this State. The next session will be held at Winston. The Rev. Dr. Piitehard has written for brought off tho nest during my the Gulusboro longer tue follow- j Forest Colh and the gnnday nig lut. resling sketch of tho origin, j School Board, also located in Raleigh, polity, and growth of that body, I These boards are composed of promi whieh' we com- : 1 11C11 men, lavmcn, as well as minis - The Xoi tii Carolina Bar-tist Shite Convention was organized in the town of Grcnviile, Pitt county, on the 2 h of March. A. D., 1830. It !was the natural outgrowth of the ; ;Noiih Cas' lina B.tpiist Society for Foreign and Donn'.stic Missions,' wliicli was orgftniz(Nl in the your 1814, and was afterwards called by name of the 'Biist Benevolent So (,-Gj ytL whit rl'l,ie R.-wnfv il.niirfli Qrttni-i;o1 inn-noTdt. work fir missions. nmdJ j no special provision for minis sterial ts last education. On the first day of its ! moeiing in Greenville, it was resotr---- : cd. without a dissenting voice, Tlw,(- ithifi Sorir tv be tron.fovnied into a i State Convention, to be called the ! Baptist State Convention of North Carolina and the convention pro eeeded to ad pt a constitution. Hie convention declares theprinci- vtinu ad i-fili it woe MfV'iii7n(1 in thn ! ; IMW AVUIV V All" Cti. I AV. itD Ul AVQ VViitJ kUU. I '1. The Baptist Sfa'e Convention l e W 10 aaa"ce ie met; tnat j of North Carolina shall be composed j these people are not a whit behind ! of throe. , envost. .rives from each white a:-.sociatlon in the State, of an jnual representatives for every $10 'contributed to its funds, and of such ' i;r w.,t -'XX mners as nave been, or snail a 1 l,.- ,TO,t r,t t any one tuno to the treasurer, jno one shall bu a member of the conven- v jtion who is not a member, in "ood men called of God to the ministry ; and approved by the churches to I which they belong, 'gospel hi destitute to support sections of the the j State ; to assist Baptist churches in , the erection of suitable houses of ! worship : to encourage the study of i the Bible in Sundav schools, and to co-operate with the Sunday schools, and to co-operate with the Southern Baptist Convention in all its depart- ments of labor. There are three principal forms of church government in the world. I ! First, the prclatical ; whore the gov- i ermng power resides m prelates, or : bishops, as m the Romioh, Greek, English, and some other churches. Second, the Presbyterian ; where this power resides in presbyteries and synods as in the Kirk of Scotland, the Lutheran, and the various Pres byterian churches. And third, the Independent or Congregational, where the governing power resides in the members of each individual church. ! rri. r,,x i n 1: i;.,i- JLUU JJilJJMJMjlS UUU WUxxgieUU"JUiUxlS practice this third form of the gov ernment, though the Baptists differ from tho Congregationalists, in pro hibiting any one not a member of the church, from taking part in manag ing its affiiirs. Every Baptist church, is a little in dependent and sovereign republic in itself, in which the government is ad ministered by the body of the mem bers, where no one possesses a pre eminence, but each enjoys an equality of l ights. The church receives and j dismisses its members by vote it I calls its own pastor retains him as long as it pleases, and dismispes him j at pleasure ; in short, it manages its I affairs for itself, and recognizes no authority whatever, civil or ecclesias - j tie;il, as having anv right to interfere -n "i 1 iwui us sinereijjuy. Baptist churches have no higher and lower courts ; when a church de cides a question there is no appeal from its decision. In cases of much (Hflicuhy, involving grave questions of doctrine or the character of a min ister, it is customary to call together an advisory council, which can exam ine the facts of the case and recom mend a certain course to be pursued, and the moral weight of such coun cils usually cause their recommenda tion to be adopted, but after all, the power that is supreme inheres in the church, aud if it chooses, the advice of the council may be rejected. This in dependence of the churches prevents difficulties, whether iertaining to principles or persons, from spreading and affecting Zion. On the other hand, this indepen dence of each church, does not pre vent a number of churches from unit ing as associations for the purpose of promoting unity, harmony, and the spread of the Gospel at home and abroad, though all such associations, are only advisory bodies, and are en dowed with no legislative authority. If Baptist churches please to unite in associations and conventions it is well if they don't so please, they can exercise their pleasure, and are amenable to no power but God. It is a fact, however, that though, thus separate and distinct, as to their iu ternal economy, t .ej all do unite in associations, and conventions, and co operate in a meastire in the promo- ! tion of all the ireneral interests of Christianity. Each church belongs to an association ; e&ch association is a constituent member of a State con vention, and each State convention is a constituent member of a general convention, such as tho Southern Baptist Convention i "VT lu" T ?, ,.,1 rri, i.; l j.1 -r -i j to the four special departments of 'work; the Board of Missions, Home ! foreign located in Raleigh ; the i tPrs-t hoseu from .rent parts of j ! e tatP, enough however, residing i ,m th vic.mty ot the location of the j uoam to constitute a quorum, t Thesa boards have the management J of the interests they represent, and ; 111113- employ agents or otherwise, as in j ;r ut they oro rotiuured to make a ;l0rt ( ailmt ?s ne dan year, at each session of the ( then uidginent mav seem best, but lull re- daring the conven- i lAUl1 The convention is simply a large i associat'on, it has no power to lord it over s heritage, and its boards are only executive commiftees in as- i "OUiHloin. J.11U XMtllUSLS UU1U tUtlb r, 'pt. t i.-ii ii-i LJl '' j A" limy ui me piumwve i u "eyit lola m lue itnt, and that they are not at . -1 -1 - I- 1 1 11 . T i liberty to adopt any other, or alter this m any material point. If it be objected that such a form of church government is too weak nrrtmntft nrnt.v nf fn.ifli T Tt I , ana general anu nearty co-operation, W .OTlier aeuominftUOfl in promoting j the interests of any of the great en terprises of our holy religion they I have taken the lead in home and , , . . , Itll ri" II I I I I 1 W(M'k. 71.11(1 : I H I V i , " . ,, ; r 7 v a oi OTJici' ciiurcnes in tna oun i Wot e-ir.I rml frprise, education, &c., &c. And strange as it may seem, eT kave llcvcr felt the need of a (strong church government, of au thorized standards and confessions of faith to preserve their unity and se cure them from divisions and here sies, for there does not now, nor never did exist a body of christians, which has for so long a period, and with such entire unanimity held the same doctrine as the Baptists. It is an extraordinary fact that the con- fessions tlmqp now entertained by Baptist churches. BAPTISTS IN XOETH CAROLINA. In 1770, there were but 9 churches in the State. In 17S4, there were 42 churches, 47 minister?, and 3,776 members. In 1812, there were 204 churches, 117 ministers, and 12,567 members. In 1832, there were 332 churches, 211 ministers, and 18,910 members. In 1851, there were 599 churches, 374 ministers, and 41,674 members. In 1860, there were 692 churches, 374 ministers, and 59,778 members. In 187G, there were 1,442 churches, 793 ministers and 137,000 members. There are now about 180,000 Mis sionary Baptists in North Carolina, of whom not more than 80,000 are constituents of this convention. Twenty thousand belong to the Wes tern convention, which comprehends the sixteen counties west of the Blue Ridge, and the convent on of the colored Baptists of the State compre hends 32 associations and probably 80,000 communicants. The past year has been distinguish ed by mai'ked progress on the part of s the Baptists m almost every depart - j ment of christian activity, and the ; session which has just closed in i Goldsboro. was the Jubilee year of i the Convention, and bv reason of the! ! signal marks of God upon them, was t -l -I i -I "11 -1 . Jl celebrated with unusual enthusiasm and joy. r,f unf. frn-tli lvt- fliA nas earneu iiom leacutn I Baptists in the time of Henry VTII, i ?3,500, paid off the debt of the old j "L ist who began to reign in 1509, and in I homestead, and greatly improved the j p Liter tima of Cromwell and Charles property. She has been an extensive j Brussfielil ill, are almost identical with Fashion Notes. The bordering for woolen suits can be bought by the strip, Shirred fronts appear in the prin cess gown made for small girls. Lace collars are sometimes triple and sometimes even quadruple. Two toned ribbons are to be used for- looping dresses this winter. The fashionable chemisetts are precisely like gentlemen's shirt bo soms. The fawn-colored plushes imported for cloaking exactly resemble fur. Sicilitnne with a wool sack is the richest stuff for black winter gar ments. Worm colors and warm stuffs will both be used in great profusion this winter. The sleeves of waterproofs and dusters are shirred in several rows about the wrists. Black satin cloaks with plush lin ings are the most elegant outdoor wraps for winter. Cloth cloaks with Inverness capes and large velvet collars are shown for rainy weather. The pelisses for autumn wear have ! no sleeves, but have an armhole cut in each front. Deep scalloped plaitings form the flounces on petticoats ; small plaitings are set under them. Full sleeves and flowing sleeves portend full skirts, it is said, and full skirts portend hoops. Rich walking suits will ba consid ed far more elegant than side garments this winter. long out- Ruffs are so plaited that tho edges n l i-.ii , .. rav ;.x fall loose, making little white 11 loose, maKing nine wnito cas-i cades, which are very becoming. ! Lances, bows, horseshoes and; sword belt plaques are among the! nsw designs for belt buckles. Handkerchief suits will be worn by little girls this winter almost as much as those made of cloth or cashmere. Satin when combined with brocade to make a gown should match the figure rather than the ground of the richer stuff. Cordurettet is the name of the new cheap stuff for winter dresses. It is soft and pretty but less durable than cashmere. A Woman of Grit. A woman with a will can make her way in the American world. In Ul ster county, New York, there is a woman of real grit who inherited 14 years ago a large estate, consisting principally of farming property, heavily incumbered with debt. It was the old home stead, and she could not bear the idea of seeing itjwellon the premisus. Fortunately, pass into the hands of strangers and j the water was onl about wai,t deep was determined that it should not. j aml) affcer anowing tbc desperate wo Although then only twenty-four j man to remain in her eelf-imposed years old, and with no more practical j predicament long enough to cool off, knowledge of life than an ordinary I gue was wulled out and returned to country lass, she assumed solo charge of the estate, determined to clear it of debt. Having an old mother sixty-two years of age, the two orphan children of a deceased brother, and a brother in the last stages of con sumption to provide for, this made: her task doubly hard. A little expe rience taught her that it was impos sible to support her large family and keep up the interest arising from the heavy indebtedness of the estate from ! on their way to North Carolina, with the resources of the farm. She de- j a view to making converts of their cided upon school-teaching. She was j abominable faitb. Wc do not fear engaged to teach in her own neigh- j them, however; they will make few borhood at $8 per month, and her converts in this section of country, salary in a short time was raised to and if they will take away with them $40 per month. She has continued ! the few among us who practice some teaching ever since, directing the j of the doctrines they teach, they ean work of her farm, and during the j not do our people a greater service, summer vacations going into the har-! Raleigh Star. vest field with the farm hands to ! , , . , T , nitah on hav. rake, bm,! etc. She A correspondent of the News and school over i stock raiser. Her wheat crop averag - ed this year forty-two bushels to the acre, the largest yield in the county. A short time ago she learned that a brother-in-law living in Pennsylvania was in destitute circumstances. She went to him and found bim helpless from an incurable disease, with a family dependent upon him. "Ban," j she said, " what can I do for you ?" "Nothing, Libbie," was the reply. ' You have your hands full already. We will bave to go to the county house, I suppose." " Never, Ben, as long as I live. Come and enjoy the fh Vl.&AAVSal to V- VU V. V&VA MJLJ AAJ VJ VVmU thi l x? x , me. I will keep vou and vour fami- j cfmt soiau lognonse on tne pjanta ly as long as you live." She says she JMr. J H. Morgan, about two has enough to do now without hav- cllle,s from Lanrinbnrg was destroy ing to support a husband too, which ! f.?' 10f clck b' ?rt. together she might have to do if she wi married. New York Tribune. A Victim of Chloroform. Miss Jennie Payne, of Fernandi- na FJa., was found dead in her bed, at the residence of her brother-in- law in Savannah, Ga., last Saturday morning. She had been suffering with neuralgia, and used ch'oro - form for relief. Au empty bottlo of 1 the fluid was found in her grasp, and j it is supposed that she inhaled too j much, and, becomfng unconscious, j the bottle overturned and the con- teuts spilled over her. She was about1 j nineteen years old, and was to have i I... "I x xl been married to a 3'oung gentleman in Fernandina next month. stats resvs. About the year 18G0 or 18G1, Dr. Robert Patterson, of Halifax county, averaged more than twenty barrels of good corn on some fifteen or twen ty acres. Star. Mr. J. R. Hughes, in the city mar ket, slaughtered two fine hogs this morning only eight months old, one weighed 255 pounds, the other 285 pounds. Greensboro Patriot. Mr. Wm. Hodges, of this county, raised this year 200 bales of cotton on 190 acres of land, using mostly kome manure. He stands forth the champion on so large a scale. Tarboro' Southerner. "Wm. Cooper, proprietor of the Salem mill, informs us that one night a few weeks since, while the mill was running, something seemed to check its speed, and on examining one of the turbine water wheels, it was dis covered that six large eels had got fastened in the wheel, almost stop piug the flow of the water on the wheel. Salem Press. A horrible fate befell Melissa Willis a fallen white woman, in this city on Monday night. She had been drink ing freely and became intoxicated to that degree that she was insensible to cold, as well as the pains of death, and in this condition lay down where she was exposed to the bitter weath er and was frozen to death. New bein Nut Shell. Maj. Allen Compton met with a painful accident last Saturday, re sulting in hU death. Ho was riding .n' mill. along the road near Joseph Viaceni'd He rode up to the fence for some purpose, and, falling from his horse over the fence, broke his neck. He was GO years old and re sided in Cedar Grove township., Orange county. Durham Plant. We examined yesterday a curiosity in tho shape of a potato which grew through the ring of a key which hap pened to be imbedded in the ground by it. In the middle it is shaped to the dimensions of the ring, while both ends are of the size of an ordi nary potato. The key is old and rusty, as it has been in the ground for a long time. The potato is from the patch of Mr. James H. Durham, Sr, of Rocky Point Star. Wilmington A correspondent at Rojky Point informs us of an attempt at suicide. It aeems that on Monday a colored man named James Brown had a diffi culty with his wife, during which he struck her several blows, when she became frantio with rage, rushed i (vnm flio linn on owd imnn, 1 in in t Vih her duties a wiser and wetter woman. Wilmington Star. After all that our State has suffer ed in the way of political tramps and ! bummers of different sorts we had hoped to have had a "rest," but it seems that the lates nave reservea tho bitterest pill for the last, in that it is now announced that seventceu Mormon elders, as missionaries, are j Observer from Frauklinton, Bays: week seems to have been articnlarly fatal to aged females in s township, to wit : Mrs. 1 Gideon Perry, aged 70 years, died j on the 17th of goitre. Miss Nancy ! Insco, 78 years of age fell and frac- j lured her clavicle; death ensued in a i few moments. On the 18th Mrs. I Barbara Preddy died instantly from j aneurism, aged 90 year. On the 19th Mrs. Elva Fritchie died in two hours from the bite of a bull dog ; aged 87 years. On the same daj Thomas Melville, esq., aged 64 was thrown from his buggy and transfixed by a staks near the road; death re sulted before he was found. Information reached us yesterday till 11 1 1 . , r.u"uwVu,lulu,,?. ulu' . visions, and two small colored chil dren, grand children of JoeMcPhat ter, with whom they were living. It seems that the grand parents were scaged picking cotton about half a naile from home, and before leaving j for work early in tho morniag, tied I the children close to the fire-plaos, ' which a good fir was burning, : The house was firt -discovered to 'be on urn oy ire oki man joa, wno ran as fast as he could towar 1 the scene but ere he had reached it the house v. ;u in ashes, and all that was left of the pinioned babes were the charred 1 it . I T T , hones of their little frames, which j were found near the spot where they t n.,iv. ti .i 1. 1 . t T ! were ti id a few hours before. Larj- rmburg Enterprise.