am Mttoxi THUKS1UY, DEC. 2, 1SS0. H. A. LONDON, Jr.. Editor. POLL-TAX QUALIFICATION. We notice that several of our ex changes are urging a poll-lax qualifi cation for voters. For several years this has been urged and is no new question, but no Legislature has yet been found willing to propose such an amendment to our State Constitu tion. Our legislators; seem afraid of it as much so as of the dog-law and are not willing to risk their re election upon it. "While no doubt a majority of the members-elect of the next Legislature are convinced of the propriety and justice of this measure, yet we do not. believe that they will Aoie for it. We do not un derstand how any fairmindtd man can oppose it. Voting is a privilege conferred iqion and not a light that belongs to the citizen. It does not seem jnst that those who do not bear the burdens of the government should enjoy its privileges. "We aie decided ly of the opinion that the man who is liable to poll-tax and does not pay it, should not be allowed to vote." Of course there are many persons not liable to poll-tax, or sjecially exempt ed, and tbey should be allowed to -vote as heretofore, but when an able bodied man is called upon to pay his poll tax and refuses to do it, he ought not to be allowed to vote with those who do pay. This seems common fairness. According to our existing laws, one-fourth of the taxes collected from polls is applied to the support of the poor, and the remaining three-fourths to the public schools. All of us will admit that thess are worthy objects j and tu-e entitled to all the money that ! the law intends them to have, and j yet, because so manv persons do not pav then poll tax, our paupers and j r " 11 puonc bcuoois ai-c aepnvea oi a large ; portion of their revenues. If this I poll-tax qualification for suSrage was enforced our paupers and public schools would receive every dollar in tended for them, for every man's tax would be paid. TVe believe that this qualification would not disfranchise anvbodv, but would insure a certain collection of the poll-tax. The tax oi every man wouia be paia no man would be deprived of his vote and our paupers and public schools thus be greatly benefited. Then, why not adopt bo beneficial a measure 1 THE NATIONAL LIBERAL LEAGUE. This is the name of an associalion that should receive the condemnation of all God-fearing and decent people. Their last annual Congrees was held in the city of Chicago daring the month of September, and a copy of their proceedings has been sent us. This League is conrposed of both men and women, of Infidels, Free thinkers, Free-lovers and all such characters. To give an idea of the purposes of the League we copy from one of their resolutions the following: -That aT laws in regard to marriage, which should be a civil contract, and in regard to divorce, births, and burials, should be placed on a purely secular and scientific basis, and have their justification only in their use to society." Suppose such sentiments should prevail in our land what would be come of the country ? And yet such are the avowed sentiments of many of the most enlightened and best ed ucated men of the North : we say "of the North because as yet the South is "solid" against all such damnable doctrines. Prominent among the speakers at the late Congress of this League was the notorious infidel, Bob Ingersoll, who was recently intro duced to an audience in such compli mentary terms by Henry Ward Bee- j ciier a pretended Preacher of the Gospel! We trust that our people of the South may ever remain "solid against all these"" isims" that prevail bo extensively at the North. THE SPEAKERSHIP. The names of several gentlemen have been suggested for the position of Speaker of the House of Repre sentatires in our next General As sembly, and among them we notice that some of our exchanges have mentioned in complimentary terms the name of our distinguished county man, Hon. John Manning. "VYe are authorized, however, by that gentle man to state that, while he duly ap predates the compliment paid him, ret he is not a candidate for thathigh office, and we must add we at e pleased that he is not, for we quite agree with our esteemed contemporary, the An son Times, in saying that he "could do his State more service upon the floor " The legal learning of such a lawyer as Mr. Manning preeminent ly fits him for tho position of Chair man of the Judiciary Committee, and his safe conservatism will render him a moist prudent "Leader of the House." We think without doubt that in tins position he could render his State far greater service than in the Speaker's chair, and we doubt not this is the opinion of all who know the man and the duties of the position": ELECTION TRUEGl LARI Election irregularities some limes j defeat the people's choice, and the pop-! ular voice is suppressed by the negli- i gence of the officials who conduct ' the election. Several instances of j this occurred at the late election,' though fortunately none of them ma-1 termliv affected the result. Wo no-! ticnthatin the Stale of Indiana a i Hancock candidate for elector was ; elected, because in six counties the ' ivnnfiofhiq opponent wis bv some I name of his opponent wa, bj some mistake omitted from the ticket. Of j - , ity. In our own State were several : mistakes. The county of Tvrrcll made : no return of any votes for Leach, the ; a i -r...:u course this does not endanger kar-j the part of the Christian incii of the oao lfly 111 ever v year fipld'K f-loctimi. but such a mistake i State, both for tlie well beiiiir of our I tne worship of God. four vears ago would have elected ocil interests and our honor as aj hat a pleasing si i , ... , I p, onto, to oive their suffrages no Ion- woal ba to the God Tiiuen, as naves nan oniy one major- j - , u f ;o vote for no man. whatever be hijffjwt emerged frora the devasta- can, candidates for elector, so that .. OUH mul )latf0rm, who is not j tion of a civil war; yet our country they appeared for this reason to run ' )0jr a virtuous honorable and torn j is supplied with abundance and to behind then- colleagues. And n.;nm. -.: e ..ontlenian. We would like to spare of her products, and other na several thousand votes were returned 1 .see the manufacture and sale of spir- j tions are looking to and depending as cast for W. A. Smith as elector, Haou liquors restrained and abated ; , on m for a .great portion of their . , , v, x T , ' and v.e aam advi-w the people to;B"TP'"s. when he was not a candidate. Loubr- , , . , mmlWimi nf ih I hilc we as a people are so thank less when the returns of the guber-! rovHtJs of thc existing laws I al for 811 the temporal blessings that j "Mix spirits of turpentine in shell natorial vote arc canvassed many v, ill on the ' subject. There is very j we o so abundantly blessed with, ed corn and feed " Mrs. Isaac Brown i. r ;i .i r,...i.: o i. e ; U UtAt-CUVe' , orewt' additional action on the 1 been slaughtered by the thous-! turkeys, and the cholera was sweep ease four years ago, and we fear will .j1 j ing them awaj, having killed 25, ever be unless such "mistakes" of the J fi,nimft,.ie ,rl1 i,OTUi, Tf ! Enough of that, I did not intend I when she followed this remedy, and re turning oificers are made punish able and an example made of f-ome of them. "We cannot be too careful in con-ectly dctcrminuig the people s ; choiee. 1 Til j J From the .News and Observer of; - ; tieal campaign with m own afVaira, ;w."& G. Railroads in the northwes- Novembcr 27th. we copy the follow- TTo ooiy from tlie advance sheets ! !ilKl watching the political tricksters icrn part of the city, was totally de ing; of tho Census ureau the population and have thu? neglected to look af s'roved bv fire, together with all the " The Board of State Canvassers : met on Thursdav. but on account ot its being n holiday adjourned until yesterday, when it again luet in thtj : House of Commons. The following His ceEencv Gov. Jai-vis, Secret of State W. L. Saunders. Attorney- General Thos. S. Kenan, and Sena- tors clect -Trilos s- Ickhart. of An- " ? "1, The following i? were the secn-tarit JoYm Sjlmnn. H. M. Cowcn and C. AY. Lambeth. The returns for Judges of Superior Court were lirst canvassed, uvA afier wai"ds those for the Congressional election. The following is the ofibial count : FOP. JUDGES Or THE SETETJOK COT"3:T. li. T. Bennett lKUW. (Nathaniel McLean .lOOjiss ..11..(m;'J 102.-02 John A. Gilmer. Jamea H. Headen. ror, coxar.rss rir.ST ii-?rr.irT. L. C. Lathan , . . . . Cyrus AY. Grandy . Latham's majority SECOND DLSTMCT. Oando Hubbs. Win. H. Kit chin Cicero Green, Hubb's majority THTKn DISTRICT. John W. Shackelford W. 1. Canady H. H. Ivomegav. Shackel'ord'a majority, rorETH DISTRICT. ..14.7M . .14;200 .JO. I&n ...14.305 , . . 104 ... 4.05-1 .15.01-1) C47t 1,3.19 ' Win. R. Cox , .Moses A. Bledsoe,.. . -, . . 17.557 10.211 1 Rl l Cox's maioritv. rm-ii LisiiiiCT. I. Scales 13.557 Alfred Thomas 11. Keoirh.. John IL "NYinston.... Scales' majority. 1,031 SIXTH TlSTr.ICT. Gemcnt Dowd 1 H.401 Win. R. Mvers . 12'3G: Dowd's mnjority. SEVENTH r.'ISTiaCT. Robert F. Annfield David M. Furches . lllfi ifTTa nrtrt til lOn-Tvcs nf b! 28th PlVfiS thA fnllnTrt-r ni?t;ftB,l . I " lilt; IJJii CtUUiLiUiilil . I The Board of State Convassers yesterday resumed its work of can Mcoinfr w t t i4- fl rassing tne returns of the election of ' . .. . -- j.vmi iivtuiu iv .i , pensions mnng me ye.u- mi -jj,-; r ;,ri -! o , , o .v -l i t" . ' . I; ' , v.........v, . i posed, it it naa been Killed and clean- eighth imcx. ; quarter an uca U,h , eimtthat .t n qm npwavJ , it wonia ,,ave w.eig,!eJ aV,03t 4S iiooert, x. vance 1-1 U f.t "u A Wi ."ai ; ot iU,UUlKUU'j to iuy iuo puiisiuus i . ...... 4 i -j- n . i.-i .i i: ' ' ' 1 Aatt Atkinson CK'2H : cruci tung pam, me loot ai umes ; for 0 current ye;ir. Samuel L. Love 1,330 1 seedling to three limes its natural I size Then it would swage down, 'Spotf Slide Vance's majority 7S55 ; the pain would leave and she would J B 1 ' Stat offiprq Tilfl ww; ruifoot or rather the ps.m was there, j nffloTol vlnif'. foxing the ; WitM1 th0 lMt fflW d sbe ias official result: Governor : T. J. Jarvis, 121,82 It- P. Buxton, 115,590. Jarvis jority 6,237. ltl3i5o fir TV SS ? v l i - 1 "Uf.8 ?! 115,018. Robinson s majority 7.117. j ASL0t ?r iC AiV r v SaUU; ! ; ,lhc!mTt yi; nt I i i . i n t t Lta1; Riley H. Cannon 1H.7S3. Roberts' j sy"'K" ' 'm bu-uang; mTreatsyurerJohn M. WorShl22,- Tho Demand. Sudden Deaths. H5 ; Aaron D. Jenkins 114,572. The colored people of New York j Lucius Hotchkiss, a retired mer "Worth's majority 7,573. ' j are about to issue an address, which chant and banker, of New Haven, Superintendent ot Public Instrac-j will be sent to President-elect Car- j Conn., died last Sunday very sud tions : John C. Scarboro 121,905 , j field, asking that he recognize the deuly. A few minutes before his Archibald R. Black 114,705. Scarbo-j colored race in a more substantial death his wife, who had gone in to ro'a majority 7,200. I way when he assumes his position in J see him. on beiu informed that ho Attorney General : Thomas S. Ke-1 nan 121,737; Augustns M. Moore I 114,552. Kenan's majority 7.1S5. J The official returns fail to show ! any votes cast for Attorney General ! at two precincts in Union county, j The votes were doubtless cast, but ! were probably overlooked in tran- j scriomg me returns liom tuose pre cints, or, it may be, that the tickets were cut so close that the Attorney uenerais name was not on them. , This accounts for the small votes the candidates for this office received in that county.'' IJapHsts on IntMiiporancc. At ilu ir late State Convention the ; Ptiptists adopted a resolution to peti- j tiou the next Legislature to prohibit j the distillation and sale of ardent spirits and the Biblical Recorder in , alluding to it says : ''The resolution instructing the j Board of Missions to memorialize the j Legislature in reference to temper-! .J: X:! ... i it . 1 1 i-ii.i.i'iiss in i in: ni: in hii alarmed at the amount of intemper-! anco anions the people, and mortilied j " fc tho display ci tlliri among i.. of houo . , j- , oom.icfinn on n.v i it nidi! rf intmrmn in fa 1olc mrtttol. ,nv 'bo summed ! r RO f.u. ns wo understand it, as a i 1 .... ..' i warning to the i -olitical parties, and in, iUM-nrrmmi on our part henceforth Ti; flo reison to cither wait for ; remain at home and refuse to vote I fovinteniriorntp and immoral eandi j dates, tin-ii the parties will nominate m ho thQ ex : licriinent has been tr'ied." ' . . 0 m4 fo0v,ir!!Y counties : ; T1 . Ajaie.lemale. coi'XTir.. Alamance.. Cnswi ll. . . . . n.-ii- o...'.- i.n-A . lT.82r' 8.050 8,875 ll -i"27 12.C20 S2ih'm iVXX 10.398 ' Davidson' .' Davie Edyec - . - mlu .11.007 5.300 5.7tH : .t;.lii 1,UL'. J..U.)4 .1S.!!70 8.832 0.23s .20.820 10.200 10.5.3 ... i , TYa?;k m Granville ( uliit 'I'd . Halifax. . Iredell . . .?'.)Miir..n: ..3l.2s5 15.557 15.72 .23.5S4 n.:;20 12.-J04 .30.300 15.211 15.0S0 .22.072 10.S77 H.71'5 .23.402 11.5Si n.SSO .17.731 8.777 S.05-I ..20.032 0.022 10.110 ..i3.f.0S 3 11.910 .1S.719 0.003 7.020 ,2.s3 10.051 10.7S5 . .21.7U 10.772 10.072 ..19.017 0.505 10.322 .15.3.-3 7.554 7.700 JS,2(10 24.'Os 2MH ..22.010 11.-35 11.3S4 N.-li ''No1. ha: m'on Oram ill: St "Ices, W:l;e. Warren . no .. Witson . ....--1.040 12.:'.0' 12.0 i: ...ifi.o i (.'.!? h.lOii A Tory Popular IJemo mt. The result -f the election of a mem ber of Conrc-t'S in Fri; cr-nr-.ty is 'ir-prif-ii;g to oiit aiders. G(.r fu-'hl c.-irried the cor.nty iy about o,fi')l m:.j riiy, whil" Jv)-j:th,-:n Scoville, the Demo cratic ear.duiate for ton:?rss b .-at Mvivr. V. Rush, did ate, by about tl-e Tb-nnbiic m can- ('0 yutes. Each of these ntlcn-ien is imir.cnfcly wr-rd thy, and t!:e elc-cti.m ws midojibfedlv an eriiii:entiv l-tir tft of th.cir relative popularity lr. Sc-,ville's -liberal treat u.-nt of the workmen in his em- iiioymrit tlnrii5j 1 lie hard turns whii'M b-iran in 173, fir.d his cxten- sive cnunncs. lornied, no -lioubt, the secret ef his rr.cerss in overcomiusz !ac ciioriuons maiority of the Kepub-; 1,fan 1 :tl' ltC! ,on "Vtlfr f" ' .. 11 ;-: --"i-"''iei.- ii;iou.iu. iMiu-ft it..:! yt.ia receiving pensions from tn. ..." o'; l!ron,1,:OTjtly 1)eforc tije Public eye; GOTOrm.,,,nt,, The pensions average . and, if he should prove to be the103r4 e.iCi., nmiliallv, an fl-;reg:ite circumstances naturally brings him posse-sor oi aiuiiues enuai 10 ine situauon, we snail be nUeiy to hear . of him hereafter iu connection with ' : ot her and perhaps greater posts New York Sum Tliirty-six vears ao Mrs. L.nzabeth J - r " r t 'YO r t!ir 8 yfcai She has been j 1 1 - 1 L -l f !? ? acco?P: 1 ll.for i 'fix months at a time Last summer I the point of the needle was in the il A, i.. Yesterdftv she made an examination of the place, and to her great delight, found tbo needle point sticking out l 1 The point is a little rustv, and looks as if it had had a hard time of it. 5 the "White House. They auk, on be-1 half of a million and a half colored voters, that one of their representa- j tive leaders be chosen as a member of ! the Cabinet, inasmuch as the only! colored Fnator, Bruce, of Missiseip- j pi, will retire from his position next ! March, and that the colored people ! Urn-held that witnout tne colored ! votes, 30.000 being cast in the State of NtiW York alone, he could never have been elected President.- . 4.035; The Travels of a Needle. ! .......... J. .;.)! fi.ii ( lit?. WHO JITfc'S till .HUUH , s;inr.U V I V ! hivmcf 1 lu- I a.ST. 11 sf'.rl . . 11.3M . nne. between r.ast and Swam strec-K ; nn ..tol m,nf rnl -!t. f.-.r . .x , , f ,v . Kt.'i i.i, i.i-. '"tL' "V! i: :. icomr purchased it trom . j be en complaining of a sharp, severe j trembling, and m an instant tne siwo j county lost a gray mare in town here ' . - - : 1U ...oi ouun, Wm iui u wuu iwi, ""jj x riuay iuur, unacr peculiar circum niieic luo in j uuiih juuis uw wuu v. i mo iracK ior uiuuicc u u, stances, x tie itQ Qsin been iiea m i nave never nan, iougu mey are en-1 tau nom uie omenu leuun nom ; uft( by careful selection year after j titled to, a Cabinet position. The ad-1 every state in the Union of the late j vear imnroved hi ra1 onm until ha drcs?, it is said, will inform Gen. Presidential election; Garfield 4,439-j had worked it up to 24 26 and 28 cozntESFORTDissrcz: - - Bucklin, Linn Co., Mo., November 25, 1880. Editor Record: To-day is the day of national thanksgiving-, on which we all are by proclamation of the Executive of our government asked to lay aside all our secular affairs of life and assemble ourselves together in our respective places of worship, - an tlier offer our oblations to that Go(1 frora whom all our temporal and spiritual blessings come. It is eminently ri-ht and proper that we should, as a christian nation, have set aside for ght it certainly i of the Universe to look down from his lofty throne; aiKl behold a nation of fifty millions of people offering up their sacrifice! "V i l! 1 1 No nation on earth has greater rea sons to be thankful than we. H iv- l' - now i no puy tne rut Kevs wmcu intrude on your patience or space?, ! when I commenced, but merely to - nsk 3'ou to Pardon me for my neg- j me square on your list. . Herewith ' please find one dollar which please ; i.u-h ui in v crrcdir. jviy.umo ; ter this matter. I am glad to see ; ; that the olt JNorth btute aqaui cast . :,iervotei for the ol(, time honored I principles of lJerooeracv. i!ie ray laly united with the old hate-U-s in tlii onr tenth, Congressional district. flTltl (ccteJ a radical ren. ir-p!e to Congress. I bhish w-3 when Xsav t C ilc or iho a t,-'.1A ,v..r; ;;rr;tti partr eh cie-:l ;-ree!ib-!ck-deiinifr:ii c c dt JH !- t Wi'.s di - feated and a rebt.-l-wciiTirr ;t-tadpr);e-radicH.l-greenb:ifkrr v; :is t)-.- ted from the tenth Missouri disirict. Yurs, S. F. Peuuy. - - i City Tuxes. A corresponded of the Rukich St:u sf.yf. "In the te of Yirinla, where 'inci.rci arion" iuv?.r.s s.o:i(-t.hir.f, no iticorporatt-d cily or town is cn pelled to pay couidy taxes it is only citv and State t:ixcs thT "oiv. Nor nrv farnurs luade to pay city taxo? up.h-ss ttu-v rcfide ui the citv. Towns ;n Yiivini i utiiiACrt i'le 'to pav onii r ;a-: tl'-ited nr iifl ; : Oi m fi :,:'; y t d ) v lh ( iiieorpor.'it- in Yirii ia has nethi?-r ilee:ii-.j4 city iixes; each i Citv C'l ttWU ll':S its OVVi: ! heriil WtiX cnnnol a bill be j.a,sed ' m U-.f, couuv-iz iist;re to all.w incorporated c;iieS .na t--.wn m mis . tale to '1"Vt 5u;ir Mit'niJ . Ve" a S l!i:-v t!o m rfi''Oa?..Tli4 l";t-' sl'm A:?., as ; iff of l:inviif, Y:i., is the sarae as our constahle hire, oidv the const a hie here, does nut cillect the taxes. What bay our people aud ! g ii ;tors to tho r!an? It only a suggestion. Our Pensioners. The annual report of the Commit s;oncr ,,f pensions hows 1hr 30:h of June last 25s;s02 Tt Oil tile ' persons ..n noil r l -. n of ihp arrears tii garments for the- rt rr fi irt l S SO 4f I which $12,1CS,1UL'20 was acccrucd pension in the new cases. The pay mr-nt of arrears was bcm in Mny, Ii70. There was raid in M:v and .. 4j iw vea H - r3:V:5,S(l (1 . and .Millie OL llli Ttii. ..i! ,..1.1,.. i.v..), dated Nov 27th says sixty laborers j iu a snow slide yesterday j 1-5 WCr d near Chelk Creek; on the Kokomo extension of i -o m the Denver & Jtio ; Grande Railroad. About li ociock , AiM., hey n,lticetl tbe pine trees j quarter of a mile and burying j one of the stalls a Messrs. H. Weil sixty men. Johu Dine, was kill- j Bros', wagon lot, and in somq un ed, and nineteen men badly injured, j accountable way the rope had be and eleven others slightly. Tho slide j came entangled, and in her efforts to carried the track over the heads of the men, aud most of the wounds --uriosi-Improbably caused by the iron was dying, fell dead on the bed upon j which he was lying. He was 78 j years of age and she was 72. m , AnliiM Vntft nf tli a Tin Inn. m ., . . , ..1 The Chicago Tribune furnishes the following statement of the majorities j 41 o; nancock; 4,4do,ui-i ; weaver ; 305 729; Dow 9,644; scattering 1,7'J3: total 9,192. 595 ; Garfield's plurality 3,401. ' STATS NEWS. Fond of Tobacco. We have one man in Lenoir, Tom Danghety, Esq., who sleeps all night with a chew of tobacco in his mouth. Kinston Journal. A Warning to Boys. Willie, a little son of Mr. Charles i Bradshaw, was badly burned about the face and eyes by the bursting of a tov cannon which he was firing a few days since. Charlotte Press. True as Preaching. A Bible and a newspaper in every house, a good school iu every dis trict, all studied and appreciated as they merit, are the principal support of virtue, morality and civil liberty. Lincoln Progress. Hood Farming. A colored man in Barton's creek township, named Thomas Gill, has made this year 53 barrels of corn, 15 bales cotton, 2 stacks of oats, a good garden and a plentiful supply of po tatoes, working only one mule. ; Raleigh Visitor. Remedy for Chicken Cholera. :w vune. cumuij uu uiuyb ui ivu not another one died. Kinston Journal. This morning about 3 oVIock, the work shop of Messrs. Eiliutou, lvovsier tv tjo., siiuateti on me con- material and machinery. Raliegh lsitor. A Lively Corpse. H:irdy Scott, colored, who was ar raij:ed lcf rs tie Federal Court, at Greensboro some time ajjo for illicitly sc 1 ing whisky, and who was :(, i;h.-i'W!i' ds 5.1 be dead, his cloth'.-s .'tii!g l.rt-u f-".i!id on the barkx ,.f ft ciiek, has been arrested nr-;u Apex, by AY. S. Jeiiks, Esq., and Kvigc;! in j.iil.. Scott did not rnn at k!i like a tk'ad man when discovered. H- is reported to be a great stamp. Kaleigh Visitor. Co:7oiind i n ir Felony. Y- heard of two or throe cases, s-f vt r-t1 : d;iys aefo, where parties in 'Kiiis'.ji: ii.-id eeiaiiii'tevt larceny and forgery w.i 1 the t.lieiise had been co:.dciif-d and the prosecution ceased o.. payment of damage. The pari if s eoiict rn-sl ought to remember that i there is snch an offence as com-j-onn li' g i 1'Uiy, and that they are subject to ij.dicttnent for their acts. IiHilan Relk-s. Vv -'. orl f. ia rfRim n, nti,w Kws f ai:in r y . h(lA ben collected in fi.H,,'jou imt wt.vo einff sen" X-.rih. Would it not be well to form Ne-rth. Wonld it not be well to forn - soeioty in connection with the pub iic Jii)rMiy and collect these reues hik! l:e-ei'i them in our town ? Now a museum that will in after vears be ;an oinamcut to tho place, I News. A.sht-ville I Death from a Oncer. j VorwUrne past. Mr J. L. Har- ! UK-it: (tuyii'ii, iu -xcim tve county, 1ms sniiertc from a can-en- on iii-; leg. Last woeh lie rode oft somewhere in tho neighborhood and did not get back until after dark. Next mominjj he was found do id at his .q;ate tho artery of his h- having barst and he we .diened and licd from ! Ci M i vfehoro Ee.piirer. j FrO:il:lble Pork. : t ri.s.,.. ti. r i.i i v 4 r , t1 i i. . h.-ri .-it i iimtivv iivr rt mu r 50 pounds. Five hundred pound of pork added since that, time makes a pound and a half per day. As near as can be ascertained it was a day old for each pound it weighed. Who ibials this? Let us hear. States- ;fsT u"fr Vill LaudmarIr: ilOrsu Strangled tO llcatll. Mr. Robert Hood, who resides in the Mill Creek section of Johnston free herself the animal was strangled to death, and was found the follow ing morning hanging by the neck, her colt standing by the lifeless car cass, faithful unto death, and im willing to leave it Goldsboro Mes senger. Im pro vitia? Seed Corn. J. M. F. Rhodes of Jones county sands us an car of corn only 5 in ches long, with 1,300 grains on it. He has been carefully improving it for several years and now his corn will shell a bushel to 70 ears. He seems to have adopted the plan followed by J. N. Shute, of Jones, in getting a 1'trge number of rows to the ear. The Mflrfl ra i . in or i rows on them, but Mr. Shute ror.a and the more rows on the ear tho more corn would it shell. The plan is worth adontin TTinsf nn Tonmal P wn WANTED. 1,000 BALES OF COTTON, -AT- A. G. ROBERSOK'S Cheap Store, I have on hand one of the largest and cheapes stocks of General Merchandise ever received In Chatham, which will toe sold lew for cash or bar gains, Bring In your Cotton, Flour, etc, and I will give the highest market prices, and sell you goods a the lowest prices. My Hardware, Clothing and Groceries, are all careful S selected and of good quality, A G ROBEESO.S, Oct 7 Egypt, X C (So (So EL&EGlMBSfs Of Chatham, witii- i T Je Pe GULLEY, Kfiloili, TV. C, Will be pleased to give good bargains to his coun ty men in DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, and other articles kept in a first-class store. Call on Ulna at GULLEYTS. nv25-5m LT&, THE M YORK OBSERYBR THIS YEAR. Tlic H.m-ercfitt and I3et ScjkI for Sample Copy Free. NEW YORK OBSEFvVEH, 37 Park Hov, New York. JAMES A. THOMPSON, Of CLatham County, WITH R. B. Andrews & Co. CL0TH1RS ai HATTEfiS, No. 27 Fayc itevire & WiTiiinjjton St., novif-lra 0. S. POE, riTTSBOlio' C Y. T. RAMS?Y BALTIMOKK, MIX POE & RAMSEY HaTE formod a copartnership for can-j-lng n a business in General Merchandise in rttislxwo', at Headen, Bjniuiia & Co.'s ola stand, opju-isito the Old Ramsey Hotel. Thsr have a nice asuonment of DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, CLOTHIXG, HARDWARE, NOTIONS, CROCKERY, CONEECTIOXERIES, BOOTS & SHOES, and Terything else that a farmer needs. We have purchased oar note, for cash, and the advan'age wo Irnve of Daakinff pr.rchapes at the Xortli th -ough the extensive acquaintance of the j j unior partner, w arrants us in assuring our eus j tomers that ve can sell ihes Barpas ia all Lises of Me. froduee of an kinds taken ia exchange for goods. MR. 1UE thar.k his f-rmer patrons for their support, and solicits for his nev flrra a liberal shavo of their trade. pi 1 8m C. 3, SHAW. C. W. HANKS. 3. 11 alVRt S. SHAW, HANKS & CO. iMIC are determined to hulld up the trade ot si VHt :s.ivi..v i,v ,.y.v,.. .. i . . ' ...... ;j n, WUUHJ I'HJ- au m rxdiT.jro ror ihem. We h;vrt a large ntoek of g.-ods, and we are 3e lennine.l lo nU ihom. Onr stoek of aothing ex ceeds that of any other ever offered in litipioro and we will sell at the lowest prices. Don't rail to examine our Mock and r-ricea before buying. YOU WILL SAVE MOUSY by buying from ?s. We kave Just received 3000 Turds of Beautiful Prints he uoucht anthtt an,i i- i.tii, The lxt at 8 cents. We eall the attention of everybody to our utoek ot ! aouons, uosiery, oioves, Coi-sete, Searfu, Collars aud CulTa, lilblwns, Uai, Ruohing, Edgings, Shirtaand Cnderwear, Cloaks, BiankoU, FlAimels, Cassinicreu, Joans, Iilchd and l?r5wn Uomeetictand Stoet lngs, Boot and Shoes, Trunks and Satchels, Bridles, OoU lar and Halters, Hard ware, Tinware and Woodenware, Crockery Jfc 01as ware. Groceries and Oonfectioncries. SH1W, HANKS k CO., Nov 4 TITTSBOKO , JN. C. Zlalcigh Business Mon. B. B. w o o n H T. T. No 3, Martin St&iit, WHOLESALE GROCER Aim omiiussion Merchant. Orders, Corrcepondeneo and Consignments Bo licltod. Mr. T. O. Kewby ia one ot our saleamcn PFfin?i Th.iitHlsi of soldiers and ! r kie -JfJtl W. t.-ir heirs entitled h irtimi ! eiume-i iy lated t, l ,,,,;''t,-Fl'rtferald, V. tioirn Aitoi a,') , iix uSH, Vasliingtn, D. C. ItXiscellaneous Adv'ts BOOK ANUOURfflTINII IT Is scarcely necessary for us to sav xve v tor prepared for work in this lino than anT in the State, to our work is koWn n"e Korth Carolina, But we wih t caU att3hout the fact that our facilities are uci as toV, us to comiwto with any house yon?, or .m ' good work aud low prices. We have U ll The Best Book and Job Presses, The Largest Variety of Material, The most Comploto Assortment of Paper Employ the most Competent Working and therefore rarely fail of giving our patronl perfect satisfaction. firona II II sonfart8 f CTCrykind e neatest sArjzs: boozis of every size and quality made to order on show notice. We lia vo a com plot e bindery iu eliar ,t a thoroughly competent man. 8 1 Record Books, Dockets, Index Books, Ledgers, Day Books, iic.&j, MADE AT NEW YORK PRICES. Send us your ornirs, and we will give you pan factory jobs and prices. 3 atl3' Edwards, Brougiiton & Co., Nov 11 Raleigh, X. C. iooa. A PAPER FOR WORKINGffiN, A PAPER FOR THE MECHANIC. A PAPER FOR THE FARMER. A PAPER FOR THE FAMILY, FIELD AND FIRESIDE. A PAPER FOR THE PEOPLR, AND AN HONEST CHAIvIPION OF THE PEOPLES' RIGHTS, and a firm advocate of every branch of southern industry. Legislative and Congressional Pro ceedings given weekly. Sub scribe at once, and obtain all tho current news Address, THE RECORD, ! Nov -L tf Pittsboro', N. C. j I fOTT-su" WM. .1. STUKtT Raleigh, . C. S. B, STREET & SON, OWN BUS AND PROriETOTJS. j Best Sample Rooms in the City. j The Nations overlooks Uuion or Capital qnare, the tiurst Pftrk ia the statk, hb1 hIwhvp Rcrfiii-le to Gueets of the llimse. Fotice ! I oft'or for pale on rpasonalle time, -with one pvvl cash payment, a valualiie traet oi laDd on Hl ory Mountain, containing one hundred and thirty eii;ht acres, more or less (he said tract of land heing part of the old homestead knoru as the Nettles farm. It is well adapted to cotton, corn, j vrheat, oais and potatoes, anil contains ome val j uable ttieado-w land, with a good supply of -water. Holl.-.-Kny Kettles, Vho lives on an ndjoinlng farm, tv ill how the boundaries to parties -whn wish to look at it . 1'or terms address, 3. 6. KETTLES, Hov 4 tf La ftrangs, t. C. PRTC!Y3 -t. Wm. Mtstee, Solicitor of H! IR I OtFatenis, H7 Seventh St., or Box p20, Wasiiint;.n, D. C No fee required unless 2eatent i3 obtained. Send for circular giving term . etc. Established 1870. S outfit furnished Tree, vrlth full instruc I W tion for eonducting the most profitable business that any one can engage in. The busi ness is eo easy to loam and our instruct Ions are bo simple and plain that any one c-:m make great pri'tbs fr-m iho wry viart; no mie can fail who is willing to work. Women are as successful as men. Hoys and girls eaa earn large sums; many litive made at. the business over one hundred dol lars in a r ingle week; nothing like it ever knewn before. All who engage art' surprised at theeuHe and rapidity which they are able to make money. You can engage in this husines during your spare time at great profit. You do not have to invest capital in it, we take all the ribk. The who noed ready money should write, to u atOHce. All furnished free. Address TKt'E Jk Co., Augusta, Maine. i I I I J The unrl'-sijrr.osi havino" iulifieJ as A mioigtrator nt John X Watson. dec-Hid, hereb' not ii'-s thp etnitora f hi mutate lo present iheir claims on or before tbeSSih i day of Oe'oucr 1881 sn i ih tlebtdt ot I aid estate are notiiiei lo iiuikfl priit j payment. Oct. 2Stt: 1880. S. OILMOUE, Adm'r. 1 0 tSRTST, SAW-MlLt, AXU OOTT05? G1X.COM- bined, both steam and Wat er-power combined. AR in flrst-elaps order, Will be sold at private sl on tho m-bt reasonalde ngurea, for one-half east, balance on easy time. Arly to or addrees, is. n. cotKciu 8ept,3d Sm Green Level, ke Co.k X.C. lapis and Bmies. I would reenectrully announce to the ubne tk I have gotten up a wood shop which Is rua l ea neclion with my blaeksmith nhop by 3. C. Tie, whose experience- needs ho comment. We expect to put up wagons, repair wagons aad bxteie, fce, All our pricee will be as low a poet siblo. A sharef patronage reBpectrully sollele4 J. A. UORNADAT, aug M Sm Bellvoir P. 0. For Sale! A Tf RIUXE WATER WHEEL, twenty-for inh in diameter. ood as tiew Will be sold cheap Address Tnt RkojrD OChe, w J. R. WEKLCt, Angnm Kl, TatW. Cane Creek 1 0. H. A. LONDON, Jr. Attorney at Law. IITTMKOUO 2. C JtSpocial Attention Paid ti Colleotno. n D H B M l 1 steps, 4 sets rend, only W. . fnn""'","i mi., i .1. " ; DAMr.t, F. PK.tTV, Wnphlngton, . 3. r D TDCMT ' " mtOADWAY. K. t. IS. IncMI tmhlUhcr of tlrst'CJosS I subscription books gives nteaiy ctnpioynieiw btiniuess. II- Pimrated circulars nr tww iKH.ks i $tr,o per nvtWh Is nm le, wnt on ap ami proof thai ppllaHon.

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