djjkatham ttori FOtt HOUSEKEEPERS. i Xnt. Jam. Peel and core the ap pet cnt in thin slices ami pat them in a preset Ting kettle with three quarters of a pound of white sugar to erery ponnd of frnit : add (tied tip in a piece of mnslin) a few cloves, a small piece of printer and a thin riud of lemon ; stir with a wooden fpoon on a quick fire for half an Lonr. DitiCAf t Cktt. 'Tate half a ponnd of fnsftt f, oue pound of sugar, one pnttftd of floor,- half a pint of sweet milk 6t water, four eggs. Beat the Antler aid sugar to a cream, then told the beaten eggs, then the milk tet water, then the flour; mix all thoroughly and put the batlsrinto foot fan ; sift fine sugar oter the fop, and bake immediately in a mode rate oven. t. Apr lb. Jelly. Slice the apples, tins, cores and all ; put them in a gtone j tr with a small quantity of letter to keep them from sticking ; then place the jar in water and let them remain boiling until perfectly soft ; then strain, aod to one pint of the liquor Add three-quarters of a poqnd of loaf sngar ; boil and clear whites of two or three eggs beaten to a froth. When it jellies pour into the glasses to cool and seal them. H i - fATHER Cake. Beat to a cream one-half a cup of butter, add to it two of sugar find beat well together; one cup of milk with one teaspoonf ul of soda dissolved in it ; beat well to gether; then add one enp of sifted flour with two teaspoonfuls of cream taftar previously rubbed into it ; add fcellthe well-beaten yolk of three rggs, beat the whites separately until stiff, add them and then two more eups of flour ; beat well between each successive addition ; butter two middle-sized tins, put in the cake and bake for twenty minutes or half an hoar in a moderate oven. Buttermilk Brwd. Two quarts of buttermilk, come to a boil, poured over ttfo quarts of flour, stirring it rapidly or it will be lumpy ; then add Cold water until it is thin enough it ihonld be as thin as it could be ftirred); if it is not cool enough for the yeaat lf this time, set the pail in which it is in the watet pail, stirring it all the while, which soon cools it. Then stir in the yeast which is al ready soaked, and empty it all in the bread pan, where the flour is already wanned, with a bole in the middle Then cover it tight, and set it where it will keep warm all night. Scrap Pudding. Put scraps of bread,' crnst and crumb, into a bowl, trith sufficient milk to cover them well. .Cover with a plate, and put it into the Cvetl to soak for abont half an hour. Take it out, and mash the rread with a fork till it is a pulp ; then add a handful of raisins and a many currant", a teacupful of brown sugar; half a cup of milk, some can died lemon peel, and one epg. Stir it np well, grease a pudding-dish, and pour the pudding in. Grate over a little nutmeg, put it into a modera'e oven, and let it bake for an hour and a half. To Make Pumpkix ChipS; Peel a fine pumpkin, remove the f eerie, cut it in pieces about four inches long, an inch wide, and about a quarter of an inch thick ; weigh the chips, and use an equal quantity of sugar ; ue two lemons and one ounce of green ginger to every pound of fruit and sugarj pare off the yellow rind of the lemons vcrjr tnin, and squeeze and strain the juice ; put the pumpkin chips, lemon juice, and sugar togeth r in an earthen vessel, and let them Hand over night ; the next day sc:;ld and scrape the ginger roots, and put it into a preserving kettle with the lemon rind, sugr, and pumpkin; set th.A tfftftlA nror fVia Am UA .UL. and sugar boil until the preserve is deaf, Which will be in about three quarters of an hour, but do Lot bil it until it is soft enough to break; when the preserve is clear, pour it with the yrup into a large earthen bowl or crock and let cool. It may the be put iu tight glass jars, or tumblers, and sealed from the air. Attacked by Hyenas. Yesterday afternoon, Mr. Stanley Catlj the superintendent of the meu agerie attached to Coup's circus, now at the Tredeger Works, narrowly es caped being torn to pieceRby hyena; Slothing but his nerve and presence of mind saved him from a horrible death. The animals, it seems, began fighting among themselves, and Mr. Carl, in order to quiet them down, entered the cage with a club and' attempted to separate them. The lat3stopped fighting and flew at the Superintendent, one, of them wizing his hand and bitiDg off a fin ger. Mr. Carl fought desperately with the. club, knocking them down time and again, but it had very littl effect upon them. He finally succeed ed in getting hold of a pitch fork, and after repeatedly driving the sharp prongs into the av.imals kept them at bay, and ultimately worked his way to the door and succeeded iu making his escape. One of the hyenas, it is said, will die of the wounds received. Mr. Carle wounds ate not to be considered fatal. His hands were badly lacerated. These are terrible ari-nals. Our readers xull remember that in August last hile the show was at Winchester, lb y at Licked their keeper Mr! .tjti.rles Drayton, and he narrow v escaped being killed. Then again, in tiharlotte, N. C, they attacked a rhar. and injured him seriously. ' Richmond Si ate. ' . Dp not trifle with the affecti n of a jrtJung girl; it i worse tha-i trifling with "a bad cold, for this can l e cured by Dr. Bull h Cough 'Syrop. Consolation for Democrats. It was pretty close election after all the one which elected Gen. Gir field to the Presidency. Nineteen States went Republican and nineteen went Democratic: In three of the States which went Republican and gave Gareki seventy one Electoral votes, the combined Republican ma jority was less than 15,000. Four of the Territories were carried by the Democrats Wyoming, Idaho, Ari zona and Utah and three by the Rftpublic&ns Dakota, Washington, and Kew Mexico. The new Senate will consist of seventy-six members, of whom thirty-seven will be Demo crats, thirty-seven Republicans and two David Davis and William Ma hone Independent Democrats. The House will be very close at the time of its organization, with a Republi can majority of abont a h&lf a dozen at most, and very likely less. The popular vote as respects the two lead ing candidates for the Presidency, is almost, equally d;vided, Gal field's ap parent nix jority bt ing something over 3,400 this out of a total of nearly 9,000,000 votes, not counting those cast for Gen. Weaver and ?ther can didates. On the whole, we repeat, it was a pretty close shave. Al though results are such that the Re publicans appear to have got the largest share of the turkey, the Democrats have secured quite a slice of the white meat, which along v,ith the crow, will answer quite satisfactorily until another elec tion time rolls around. Boston Post. The Story of the Applo. The origin of this very widely growing fruit is known, though it has been cultivated time out of mind. As the apple is mentioned in the Bible, it is pri sumed to be a native of Pales tine, although at present in Canaan and the surrounding regiou it is of no value. It is now imported into Egvpt and Palestine from the neigh borhood of Damascus. It was exten sively raised by the Romans, albeit tho Roman apple is thought by some to have been very different from the apple desribed in the Scriptures, Pliny says that his countrymen were acquainted with twenty-two varieties. America produces more than 200 va ieties. Tin apple is very hardy. It grows on all soils free from excessive moisture, except those of a peaty or very sandy character. The tree is noted ifor longevity, often bearing fruit for 200 and 251 years the flu est kinds of apples coming from trees from fifty to eighty years old. The orchards of the republic occupy about 1,500,000 acres, and their pro duct is worth some $16,000 000, most of tho product b?ing apples. American apples are the best in the world, and have a great reputation abroad, commanding large prices in Europe. A Chinese Bed. The most novel, as well as the cheapest bed, that we have ever heard of, is prorided for beggars in China, md is thus described: "In Pekin there was long since es tablished a phalanstery, which in Chinese was termed "the House of Hen's Feathers.' This was a large building upon the flo r of which was a thick layer of feathers, over which spread one immense ,coverlrt. provided with innumerable holes each large enough for a human head to pass through The lodgers meD, women and children buried them selves indiscriminately in this mass of feathers; eac'i thrusting his head through one of the holes, and each paying the value of a tenth of a cent for a night in this dormitory. Iu the morning the noise of a tam-tam af forded tho Mcnal for lifting the cov erlet by a u 'ey suspended from fie ceiling, ann for stai ting the mendi cants each upon his way." A BullFight. An eye witnoss re!a es a most ter rific encounter between two wild hulls on Swift Creek is'ands in this county. Cattle rdim at large in tluse Kwanips and crow fat on the luxuriant growth of reeds, their original owners never or seldom seeing them. They are very will and flee the presence of man. Our relator was snuirrel huntirm when he heard the angry bellowing, a short distance away in the reeds. Mouutinc the limbs of a Rtnnt tree he looked over the reeds and tus socks and saw a large brindle bull and a black one of the same ra Their horns were long and sharp and when meir snaggy Hearts came together it resembled distant thunder. Fir long time the equal contest waged, uotu working lor vantage. The reeds and bushes were broken and mfutherl like straw. At last the black caught ms cnance and plunged his horns un der the flmk of his adversary ing the skin aud evoking the note of detent. 1 he victor was too tired to infl ct further itmiry and allowed his enemy to walk off. He says he nevetj wiuieKseu so ieanui a nght. Tar boro Southerner. The Chinese Giant. The Chinese criant. Chano-. ceutly arrived in New York, is un questionably the largest man in the woiw. we is gigantic. As he sat smiling and nodding his thoroughly Chinese face looked fully as b-oad as an ordinary man's shoulders mid n long, if not longer than a flour bar rel. His cheek bones bulge out, and are largo as a fullsized or.mge. He is 33 yers old, is the son of a weal thy silk and tea merchant in Pekin, where he was born, is well educated, spraks, reads and Elites English, Gerinat:, Frouch. Italian ish, and is thorouorhlv courtnnn n.nri gentloujanly. He is quile nine feet mgu. He has a number of presents tivi n him by downed Ikr.Is: .m tunn ajwatch given him by Queen Vic toria, which weighs two pounds and a half a"d has a chin nine 1 which barely reach -s round hia ucck mid down t- his vest pocket. Horrible Murder. A Mr. Canaday in Clarendon coun ty S. C. left his house in charge of his wife with a small child whilo he weni over to the house of his father-in-law, near by. When he returned he found his wife lying dead at the gate, the top of her head having been knocked completely off. A mob of cne hundred indignant citizens soon after arrested three negroes a man a woman, and a boy-charged with the crime, who subsequently made a full confession. The man struck the deceased the first blow on the back of the neck with a hoe. She begged for her life offering them all the money she had ($10) to spare her. The negto woman cursed Mrs. Cana day and told her that the was going to kill her, whereupon she struck the defenceless woman the death blow. Their intention was to rob the house. The murderers were hung by the mob to the nearest tree. Wilmington Star. Oxen. A yoke of oxen is always profita ble on the farm- It matters not how many horse teams there are, oxen are the best for certain kinds cf work. A good ox should have a long, lean face, and bright, hazel eyes, whieh show a capability to receive instrua ticu and a disposition to obey it. Large nostrils denote the capability of the ox to work on a hot day. Very largo horns at the base denotes lazi ness. Full breast, straight back. ' wide ribs-by which is meant the ribs that round out nearly as wide as the hip bones and wide gambrila, are evidences of strength. Straight knees, broad toes, pointing straight forward, show an ox that can travel on a hard road, or pavement. They should be well matched, especially in disposition and speed. Minnea polis Tribune. ' Divorced and Re-married. Dr. J. Burr Williams was married ' Miss S irah Black the second time, at Su lbyville, Ind., recently. They were married eight or ten years ago and lived together nntil within a 3 ear or two, when they separated and were divorced, Mrs. Black having the custody of their child, a little girl six or seven years. Since then ho married another lady, who di d almost before the honeymoon wat over, and finding that it was better that his family should live together than to be strangers to each other, he proposed tho second time, wa ac cepted, and last night, before their friends were aware that old differen nces had been forgiven and forgot ten, they were married. Quick Work. The President's message was put into the bands of the compositors t f the Baltimore Sua at two o'clock Monday afternoon, and tho euti e seven and a half colaunns were set up and in the hands of the pressman in exactly one hour. Six y-four men were engaged on the work. Ten tmuntes after reaching the prese-room the message was on the streets, and the large edition was quickly dispos ed of. Such achievements as these make ns feel wonderfully small. Raleigh Star. Tho Methodists. Reports at the recent Methodist Conference show that tlure are now in th Conference 214 local preach ere, 66 146 white members, 220 col o.'ed members, iufr.nts baptized dur ing the year 1,658, adults baptized 2,337, Snuday Schools 745, Sundav School Teachers 4,787, Scholars 38," 993, number iartonagei 79, number of Churches 794, valued at 753,510. TV. A. Titus, 62 Ashland Avenue, Toledo, Ohio, says: My wife is now as strong as erer, her regained health being directly due to tho use of the Excellsior Kidney Pad. We can heartily recommend it to all kidney troubled persons. See Adv. S. H. Irwin, of Ute Creek; Colfax, Co., New Mexico, says :-My wife hss been cured of cough of thirty years' standing by weaiing an "Only Lung Pad." See Adv. A Baltimore clergyman recently preach on the subject, "Why was Lazarus a beggar ?" "NVe suppose be cause he didn't advertise. Burling ton Hawkeye. It is as natural as life that women should like rilbons. Because, you see, the first woman was made from a ribbone. Why is the letter D like a sailor? Because it follows the C. Ci J. SHAW. J. D. HARRIS. SHAW & HARRIS, WT. nre determined to build up tho trod of llvtsboro' by offering roods an low as they can be bought auywhoro, and by taking country pro duco In exchange for them. We have a large stoc k of goods, and wo aro do ternilned to sell them. Our stock of Clothing x oes that of any other ever offered In lltteboro', and WO Will Sell at th lnwaat nrloa l)....i f.n , ' ' Wll (AL kU examine our stock and prices before buying. YOU WILL SAVE MONEY by buying from us. W have Just received 3000 Yards of Beautiful Prints The best at t cents. Wo call tho attention of everybody to our stock of Kotions, nosiory, Gloves, Corsets, Scarfs, Collars and Cuffs, Rlblwns, Hats, Ruchings, Edgings, Shirts aud Underwear, Cloaks, Blankets, Flannels, Casslmeies, Jeans, Bleached and Brown Domestics and Sheet ings. Boots and SLoes, Trunks and Satchels, Bridles, Col lars and Halters, Hard ware, Tinware and Wooden w ire, Crockery k. Groceries and Confectioneries. SHAW A HARRIS, Nov 4 Pittsbouo', N. C. bRSt It sj PERRY DAVES & SON, Providence. R. I. Proprietor. D. T, JOHNSON, OF CHATHAM. J C K Xtf S O km, Mm Wilmixotok St., 2 Doons North or Makkkt. j Manufacturer agents for Hie CELEBRATED DELTA COTTON TIE ttGADY FOK HOOKING. 1 rv lv-.1 ""A" I (.HS?if-::rS;v-r-v':" -:.. - ---- J , vw.;;w; HOOiii:i;. Baker's Standard G.irmo and Hyma'i fc Darcy's Premium Phosphate. i-!!. j I FOR PLEASURE, y W.T.BijickWkll 5; Co. ta AMuranTLittm n iiv rv flDOAIIC 2i :oi); toMs;. MAN t'tf!'. Aililrss. s; DANIEt. F. li:.TTv, Wa -UinKt- n. X. J. Hill's Social and Business Manual, I-iwn of Kii iufMo, and .-th'-r !;i! ahl iMMiks. llosi AtpntM wnnirsl. A-l-lrcs. W. n. SHEPAHl. .H Fult4in Street, Ni-w York. dtv9-4v CHEAPEST BOOK-STORE IS THE IN WOliLll. 1T.W72 Manitl.'li J gnus Juvrnil K.ooUs, Snjie I KiM.kH .ilm. given a way. Dt ii;t l'o"l;s . (Jor Kit anl Travel" Or: I - -ildny Oaia- ; logue free. XEGGAT BROS., 3 nF.EKMAJf St.. opr.. I'.-ft-om.v X-w Y..rV. ''eriw Xew and Vorv At t vac t ivo Stvl os li V. M A SO X AND IIAMLTX ORGANS. Post Cabinet, or VarU'f Orcans in the .ild. winners ul hirli' est lis1iiie'i-n at every grea-t world s exiiii-Uten tv.r thiri- eti I' years. Vrt'-es r.'d, f"7. ?t"t". .ft, 18. tM f it an 1 npward . For e,-i- jiaymeiits, ;.".:;s a quarter and upward. Cata logues free. Mason & lla uliu Orgnu Co., V Tre TlloiH ptrei't, Huston, li" i'.is- t I'll S r- ; :, it'll l !1 S uiare) New Yrk. 1W Wa'uas'i Aveit ie. .'liieago. "HOMES IN TEXAS." 1STHET1TI.1F Illustrated A New I "1 Mlll'l lOt - , and tributary to Descriptive of tho country lore the lino of tun Xiitoi'iisitionnl fiil Ori'tsif Xortlirnr Railroad, and contains a good county map of the Stae. it ilso eoniaiiii the names and addresses of Farmers ttnd rianvcrs in Texas Who have FARMS FOR SALK OR REXT, and those who w ill want Farm Hand for next ; year. A copy of this book will be. mailed free to j those who desire reliable in formation about Texas, j upon application by letter or posial card to j alx.v mccoir, j Qen'1 Freight and Pass'r Agent, Palestine, Texas, j . Roaftinnat RAsilafisnel Plnpiitinni i """"'a'" "v,'Lt"""wft IHHI Nn iO NOW READY. ! UourtCStruioi., rnnaucipnia.' j This nmntier l tiniformvrith the Partes, and contains sn ctlter Hi'XlRKl splen-liil Ie-luinntion iii l Jii'Uill.-iiis omiiininf r-cntimenr, wrntnrTi t'ainos, jtnmar, irun. ISO pp. Price, SO ct8..":'Icilfio. SuMliy HuokRcllora. Every boy h niaikKi piopo.i. nvory mmhrr of a Lyceam Who vr'iii omclhinjt Ken t ret-itt'. chonld Oct tho Whole tret. Uubrau-. au I Full o CuntentP Freu. We also have ThrcoBcokaof "DiALOarts.'l.SSeiwh. GEORGE PAGE & GO. Mannfsictnreni of Patent Portable Circular SAW MILLS. ALu Stationary ani Psrtatlo STEAM ENGINES. 5 N. SCEE3SSER ST., BAUTIMsjaE, AID. Grist and Flour Mills, Water Wheels, Wood Worktng and Barrel Machinery, Shinfrle Mills, Circular Saws. Mill Supplies, ota Send for CatH lojrite. Certain and Reliable! HOWAUDS INFALLIBLE WORLD RE NOWNED REMEDX FOR WORMS li now for sale by W. L. London, in Pittboro. AU those, who are annoyed with thoe Posts are advised to call snd get a package of this alaable remedy. This compound is no hum bug, but a grand Bncoes. Oce agent wanted In every town in the State. For particulars. addiApR. cnolosing 3 cent stamp, Dr. J M POWARD. Mt. OUta. Wayne county, N. C. ill li w VEGETABLE m mm A PURELY VEGETABLE REMEDY For Internal and External Use, fs a SURE CURE for all the Diseases for which it is rec'ommcndaf, and is ALWAYS PERFECTLY SAFE in the hands f even the most inexperienced perseM Tt is a sure and jmok remedy for COUG1IS, SORB TIIllO T, CUILtf, and similar troubles; affords ingtant reSrf in the most malignant form Of DIPHTHERIA, and is tllC best kno-nnii remedy for RIIEU3IATISM and NEURALGIA. THE OLDEST, BEST, AND MOST WIDELY KNOWN FAMILY F.1EDICINE IN THE WORLD. It lias been used with such wonderful mtceeM alt 5ar. of the vorht lor CRAMPS, CHOLERA, WI A Kit IKEA, IJYSENTERV, and all BOWEf COMPLAINTS, that ft it contijered an vnfailing cvrt for thes dieoe. HAS STOOD THE TEST OF 40 YEARS' CONSTANT USE IN ALL COUNTRIES AND CLIMATES. tt is RECOMMENDED by Physician BIfsfuoimrfoa HFiuistcrs, Managers of Plantations Work-Shops, and Factories, IS'nrscs in Hospitals in short, by Everybody everywhere who has ever given it a trial. IT IS WITHOUT A RIVAL AS A LINIMENT. Tt ruouM always be used for Pain In tbe Back and Side and brings tprtdy and permanent relief in all cases of Bruises Cutis, grains. Severe Burns, Scalds, etc. NO FAMILY CAV SAFELY BE WITWOtTT If. It wiH annually pave many times its cost in doctor' bills, and its pries bring it wittun the reach of all; It ta sold at 23c, SOc. and 8 LOO a bottle, and can be obtained from all draggisti. T. S. WIGGS. OF WAKE. & WXGGS Merchants and Cotien Sellers, m-mvmmmmmssm caw mm ' HATrilTfi J. Wm. MisTFit, S.illcitor i rnl CM I O i Patents, r17 Sewnth St.. or Box i2S, Wafhinp:n, 1. v.. No fe rviulrcd unices Soatont is obtained. Sin 1 for circular giving tormf, etc. r-siaoiisuea io. A1 n outfit f:r!i!?bKl tree, with full instruc 9 I vt ions for oonduotin the must itrontuhl' uusiiws mat any one can engage in. Tho bued ness is so easy to learn and our instructions are so simple and plain that any one cm make great IrtliH from the very start; no one can fail who is willing to work, women are as successful a men. Hoys and girls ran earn large sums; man? nvve made a', the nusiness over one hundred tlol lars la a single week; nothing like it oyer known , iinore. All who engage are surprised at tho ea ! an I rapid itr with wl c i hey are ablo to make ",l,' You can enga n this husiuess during : your spare time at great protlt. You do not havi to mvest capital in it , we take nil the risk. Tin se v need ready-money should write to us Atonw. All f'jridshed tree. Address Tkue & Co., Augusta Maine. Oi b,1sln( how before the public. I You can make money faster a work for ns than at anything will start you. SVJadaynnd upwards made a' else, capital not remlred. Wt home by the industrious. Men, women, bovs and hills wanted everywhere to work for us. Sow is ho time. Y'ou can devote your whole time to the work, or only jour spare moments. Xo other jbsiness will pay you nearly as well. No one wulu.g to work can tail to make enormous pay by cigiagmg a: once, d-suy outiu and terms free. A neat opportunity for making money easllv and M-ii noal ly. Address Tuck & Co., Augusta, Maine V 1 ",,1,u eeiii it-w iu"sw wuv wish n -i.B.e v w n 'no most pteasant ana pron table bust "oss known. Kvcrythlng new, capital not re ; ituiren. ewui lurnisn you everything. $io a day and upwards is easily made without staying anaj irom noiue over nigiu, no nsK whatever, many new workers wanted at once, many aroma king fortunes at tho business. Ladies make ns much as men, aud young boys and girls mako great, pay, no one who is willing to work falls to make more money everyday than can be made In a week at any ordinary employment. Thote win engage at once will find a short road to fortune, Address H. 1IALLKTT & Co., Porlland, Maine. IIL'I D yourselves by making money when a IS ! gildon chance Is offered, thoreby always ivin-piii povuriy irom your uoor. xiiose who al ways take advantage of tho good chances for ma king money that aro offered generally txcme wealthy, while those who do not improve such ' iian.-oH remain in poverty, wo want many men, women, lxys and Kills to work tor us risht in their own localities. The business will n nnr. mau ten times oratnary wages. We furnish an expensive outfit and all that you need free, noone ; wun engages ians to mase money very raaldlr. Y'ou eau devote your whole ilmo to the work, or .'.Us - your spare moments, sun information and needed sent free. Address Stikhox & Hand, aiu e. GOLD! real chance to make money. need a person in everv town to take subscriptions for the lanresi. cheapest and ttest illustrated family publication in the world. Any one can leeome a successful agent, Six elegant Works .f art. given Tree to subscribers. Tho price is so low that almost everybody suliscrlbes. Ono agent reports, taking Via subscribers In a day. A lady agent reports making over $200 clear profit In ten days. All who engage make money fast. You can devote ail your time to the business, or only your spare timo. You need not be away from h mio over night. Y'ou can do it as well as others. Full directions and terms free. Elegant and ex pensive outfit free. If you want profitable work send us your address at once. It costs nothing to try the business. No one who engages fall to make great pay. Address Gkohue Stijwon ft Oi.. Portland, Maine. EH TP! EAT 787 BROADWAY, X. Y., IJa I1IE.HI publisher or first-class subscription books, gives steady employment to agents, and all seeking a chaugo In buslneep. Il lustrated circulars of new books and proof that $100 per month is made, sent on application. DMQny Thousands of soldiers and r L n O I U If O their heirs entitled by lated laws of Congress. Send two stamps for laws ar. copy of Clilzeu-Soldlor to N. W. Fitzgerald, U. S Claim Attorney, box S88, Washington, D. a PATENTS F. A. behraann. Solicitor of American and For elgn Patents, Washington, D. C. All business con iio.nd with pateuts, whether before the Patent ora.'e or tho Courts, promptly attended to. no charge made uuless a jKitout is secured. Send fur circular. ' ddtM2rm.M BECAUSE RELIABLE. CURES BY ABSORPTION! (NATURE'S WAY.) ALL Luxo Diseases, Theoat Dis eases, Breathing Troubles. It drives into the system curative- agents and heallug n.edlcines. It draws from the diseased parts the poison that cause death. Thousands Testify to its Virtues ! Don't despair imtil you bavo tried this Sensible,. Easily Applied and Radically Effectual Remcly. Sold by druggists, or sent by mail on receipt of price, $2.00, by Send for TestimonlrTTr. "nvrv" Tm-,i t. als and our otrHE 0NIA LXJsG PAD "Three Millions a JO., WILLIAMS' PLO CK, Year.' Sent free. Oct 28 DETROIT, MICHIGAN. W. C. DOVGIASS, ATTORNEY AT LAv A8IIEBORO. IV . C PPractices in tho Courts of Randolph, Chatilam and Montgomery. July 22 ly W. I. AKDEUSOS, President, P. WILEY, Cashier. OraZENS NATIONAL BANK, OP RAXEIGIT, X. C. J. D. WILLIAMS & CO., Groeors, Commission Merchants and Produce Bayers, FAYETTEVILLE. N. C. NORTH CAROLINA STATE LIFE INSURANCE CO., 03P RALEIGH. . GAB. F. H CAMERON, f resident. W. E. ANDERSON, Vice Pre. W. H. HICKS, Sec'y. The culy Home Life Insurance Co. is the State. All 1U funds loaned out AT HOME, and among our own people. We do not send North Carolina money abroad to build up other BUtes. It I one of the most successful com panVe of its age in the United States. Its as tats are amply sufficient. All losaes paid promptly. Eight thousand dollars paid In ens last two years to families in Chatham. It will cost a man aged thirty years only five cer ts a day to insure for one thousand dollars. Apply for further information to H. A. LONDON, Jr., Gen. Agt. KTTSBORO', .V. C. 0E8T III THE WORLD ! Impart Bl-Carb Soda Is at m lightly dirty -white color. It may appear white, examined by itself. COMPARISON WITH CHURCH df CO.'S "ARM AND HAMMER Bit AND will show the difference. See that yow Baking Soda is vrhite and PTJKE, as should be ALL. SIMILAR SUBSTANCES used for rood. Housekeepers rho proffer bread made with Teast, will improve its qualitv, mako it rise better and prevent it from souring, by adding onc-huf teaspoonful of c hurch & Co.'s Soda or Salcr&tus. Be suro and not uso too ranch. The use of this with sour milk, in preferenco to Baking Powder, eaves twenty times its cost. See one pound packngo for valuable i&torma tion and read carefully. With the Anti-Malaria. IlIlliF and Fever, Dy. ?f.lP LlTsrCsn. plalnta, Kidney AHectiona, Neural, srta, Couatlpation. (Sick Head svehe, Female Complaints, Bilious. Palpitation, and all Malarial viaeaaes without medicine. No Doe-lnff-no inconvenience, and a positive cure. r16? "eluding Bottle Anti-Malaria, $.eo. --JSy?one bu ""W latent I. Ivor 2om,V;n a1' others are bulky, nard and troublesome to wear. Tll'S0 I'ails .! ttr l 1 T-... . . Hanks & Sox, agouts. Steamboat JNTotice) Tbft Knfo n T r , . nntd farther notico: Bteamar D. MTTRPUTnv n , - SivTi ave I,aJr6ttvillo every Tnesda; .r 0 Y ciuca a . m and wuming. h Iff. We5nsdy and SaturtJay at o'clock BantAv WATT r.l -mr MSoeioo. A. M., nd Wilaainton on Tues with the Eastern Rtilroad at VaSmiEci Wcdncsdava .ni4 Z.JZZ-l ajiailM0 GSJ j - w'tuii a; o 7. U. TTir.t7J.V9A- Cs. Agents at I ayetteTiUe. N. C LAC3DBETBS MM: SEEDS ft? BEST not sold in your town, von nnthnmhin,il n ; - s s-mnu vara lor Uiua w Ione and Prions. The Ohlett and mt exUmive Sua in the I 'niteH Si,. I, wmnnn CM OF CHATHAM COUNTY, WITH- P-ALEICS, IT. C. DEAalors in HARDWARE Or EVERY DESCRIPTION, L6SMV BOOKS ami fapnani Buggy Material, STEAM ENGINES, LEATHER AND RUBBER BELTING, PAINTS, OILS, ETC. LARGEST STOCK in TVortli Carolina. Jul.' 22 J- 3. PeOBSSTSnr, AND DEALER IN X. E. Cor. Favettelc & Harnett Sts Oct 7 RALEIGH. X. C. FALLSTOCK, ik h .m k IS, BRIGGS BUILDING, RALEIGH, C. -DEALERS 1 Hardware, Sash ani Doors we have the largest stock et Crockery and Glassware ever brought to Raleigh. we solicit your ordrs for anything In the Hardware line, and guarantee THE best GOODS At the Lowest Prices AND SQUARE DEALIXG. Address, Thos.H. BRIGGS & Sons Leaders ia Hardware. RALEIGH, N. C. nov 5 3 CURE FOR BACK ACHE, And all dlscfisa? of tho Kidneys, Dla4dor and Tri- nary Organs, by wearing the Iipyea Excelsior Kidney Pal It is a marvel of healing and relief. SIMPLE, SENSIBLE, DIRECT, 1 AINLEiS, POWERFUL. ft CURES where all else fails. A Hovel at Inn Pornintt.m i.. uli.a x sm pti.m, or direct api.Ikai ion. as oppiwod to un witisractory internal meilk-inow. fs.nd for our i realise ou Kidkoy Troubles sent free- Hold hy orujrglHis, or scut by mail oa receipt of price, 2. AddrosH. This is the I and Genuliio Kidney "OSTLY LUNO PAD Pad- Ask for it. mul I i'r n irrTiua' tt --V tnke noDther. I Oct a8 DETROIT, M1CHIGA. Buggies, Rockaways, SDrlrifi' Wflfrnno Stir taa of the btat material and fnllv wart ant ed, to be sold regardless of cost. Parties to want wiil aonanlt tKoi t a --- -- unu utivrvBk bt iBlng our stock and pnoes before boytoR, a we are determined to soil, and hare cnt down rmi. Tvnkn mt il... . . . ... f y uanuot oe met bt any ouier bouae in the State. Alo a full itook of. Hand Made Hamef BEPAIRINd done at bottom pneaa, and in beat mannr. Bend for prioee and mta. A. A. MoKETHAi; k 60778, - , , FayeteriUe, N. a JOYFUL Xewn for ttoyn sivl Olrfc 1 1 Younir and Old 1 1 A KEW IN VENTION just Dstented for tbria. for Home use t Fret and Scroll Saw inc. Torninff, Boring, DriUing.GrindiiiK, Polhhiog, Screw Catting. Pries to r Hni u esnts for 1U psges. VAX ID I.ANDKliTIl Si 80NS,Phimia..Pa. IWTRA1M ltltOVrN, Lowll. aUa