(folium ccori THURSDAY, NOYEMBF.li IT. ld - " " LONDON. Jr.. Editor. 51 H. A. (JUITEAVS TKIAL. Tho trial of Guitcau. the :;ss!i.-!n of rrcsidont Garfield, was beun at Washington, on hint Monday, and will be one of the most ivL'.niliaMr trial in criminal annals. It tuH doubtless bo quite a protracted trial, , consuming probublv two or three months. Tbc plea of insanity will w the maiii ground of defc'iii-e. Mm fn' eVideneo of numerous experts n. he a valuable contribution to medical jurisprudence. A host of witnesses have been summoned on Loth s iks Guiteauis cr-r'wnly more hisai.e than many criminals wh'.un Northern juiies have acquitted of murder on the di-v Of insanity, and his conviction may put a stop to this further tiilintr with justice. The same justice that is meted out to other murderers should I e meted out to him. uiul ti c honor of the American people lc ' mauds that his trial shail bo liioi'o;i;,h. fair and imparl ial. BAPTIST ( ON V KMT ON. The North CV.rolira Ikiptist State Convcn!ion held its tifty-ihst scw'uii fast week at AVinston. as-i -niHiii;.' "ii fho 9th mid fl'Tinni-iiii:;; on t!;-- llli. There were about one handled ! gates inattenilar.ee. a; id the .-o-s'en was most harmonious and plea-aul. The introductory sermon was punch ed byKev. r Skinner, of i;:-l-:li Rev. N. L. Cobb was reclnud i'lvi ilent, a pitting compliment to a niosi excellent gentleman and claim nt di vine. Tho reports of the t:ii;ou committees snowi .i .';ii erx-ouniMiy increase in the several hramhi-s of the Church's work. Tho report of the Sunday School Hoard ho-vel hat sixty-seven new schools have been, organized during the y ar. :u:d that the contributions to this voik amounted to $7,300.01. The -ii. of th? F'.n.ratioii lioard for ti.e yar amounted to .d.4G5.03. being a much larger sum than ever before received i for this purpose in a sin'lf1 yen:-, and it wa9 resolved to inaLo a faithful effort to increase this to ."?3.00't du ring the next year. The next session will he lull at VCitnenton, on AYednr-day after the fii'ift Sundav in November, bs-J. XOWill CAROLINA AT TiiT ATLANTA KXTOSITIOX. "We ore very much gratiiie l to hrar from so many soure-s of the vory rreditjtblo exhibition that is i;::ulo pur State at the Atlanta Kxpo.-ition It not only pratities our State pride, but it inspires us with tin- leq ' that such an exhibit of our pro.!'.: I-. oui woods and our minerals wd' bo th" meaus of attracting mn 1. ..pital nn.l immigration to aid in t'.oi.' ilov. lop meut. and in building up the mao i i:'.! prosperity ot ourejood old State, i'ia resources of North Carolina i:, .-.o susceptible of development :h.i:i tlio.-.o of any other State, but it has sooiiud impossible licretoforo to call public attention to them. The outside v. oi '.d has now, nt last. caitL'h' a ;:li i.p'-e i f our tinto'd wealth, and begins to ap. preciato the possibilities of our Sta'e. Tlie pepl and products of North Carolina have not been appreciated abroad, and we may add. nor at limne. Ye aro antral population, there be ing no largo cities w ithin our b. r.h i s. and our people tiro pet (V.fiitati.a. ?Qtd jiroitd of t-isipleys. and our li;;h! has been hidden, as it win. un.l.-r u bushel. Our peop'e have boo;, too well content to plod n'ong in the old ruts, and tootauch wedded to the old ideas. We have two exhibit-- at Atlanta one made by our Stato A'ioulturnl Department, and the other by the Richmond and Danville lhiiho:. 1 Company. The laltir's ixhil it con tains specimens of the products, woods and minerals from those coun ties in this State through which tin ir roads run. Tor making this exhibit that Company is entitled to the thanks of all true North Carolinians, for Trhilo it will benefit the Company yet it will also greatly benefit the Stat" We aro plaased to lce-.-u that, the State Press Asr'cii:tio;. will piobahly attend the Exposition in a bo iy. The editors can 'uus enjoy a pleasant ex cursion, P.'.d also do the State some service by "writing up" mid ealiine, attention to her exhibit. As an ill iit-t ratio u of what oll.ois have eaid rf our exhibit, we ropy the following irom tho Charleston News and Courier: "Norlli f'aroliiia rlcpHrves prui forms kln(? one nf tlm Nrest and n.iiHt rreilitnlile dtiiplayf of avririiltiiml. niinnml nn.l innun factarinff prinlncm in tiieentiru EHitiun. IarxtuDt ami variety, excel lenceol arrnn. meet and thorough npes nf .reinratiiin, it If an hnnor to tlm Stnt. The ttiHpln; tic mpira one half of tlm weslein win; nt (lie llallroad BuilHina, and bIiiiwh iie Ttt.-t ranir ot ininerU, wdihIh. m il mnl pr.nl ii.-tn oontaind in the Slate the acliievepieni el Hie present and the porai hi lilies o! turn." the lu- 1 Our Vasli iiiicton l.idtee, 'f'r.'.u our !; -uiil-ir Oi: !(.. n.t.Mii. WwilNtil'O.N 1. (.'., NOV. 11, Si- There lire ii great manv mote. (;,,v,.ni!!iciit eletks mi l oilh-ials in "";i-hi!i;tin now than were hero a week ago. I ho exodus it voters from tin' IVp.iitnien' v:is almost m1 great this V''i'ss it lias cur hi t u 111 II l'iV.'ilrllli:il I'li'l; p.t i;ll. Ad t ill- liluvics from Virginia, New York ;u d lYtinsy'.vn'ii vvro st eei dl v fig lin ed to g' honi" and vote, ti'.'l wore ..iv..ii L f.-:i .lnit vunt! ion fitr th:it j,r,,,,Klv N,.lirv very room in most ()f the l)it nrtinents was idiort several .-nuns, ami mo worK. wnien at tins ewm of the your is most pressing. s'.nV. ied in const qiitT.co. lJ.it t:ie country hud tn be savod aain. Ii may as well he nn.h ii-to l now and In re, that the i'ust hus,!i. ss if t'i:s .Vdniinis'r .I on, at ail tinns, will he to attend t poli.ie-j. This reminds me that quite a number of persons hohlit'u lucativo 1 ,1rai po;iioiis in the Sn'ith an' now le re in i s':it i f grcht uni asiin us vt mind. They wore prominent in opposition t Oral. t in I hf i led ion i i di lefjalts to I'liicnuo last v ear tin il now that the Old liuard" is runuii; thiL-'s thty are su.-iicioUs that ail will not be well w I'll them. The nhscotci s on aci'cn'.nt of olitics were 1 et. c.'i: fnu-d to eh rks. l.lvi; ti.e I'rt-i.h tit was ft way sivtid d.-iys on the tvttX of "J i;ito bushes." Win 11 the N i w Yotl; Ii. i;i 1 .v.i' Ssa'e 'nvrntioti im-t in Ni w Yoik :he iinsritit ii law bi:-m ss o" 1'i m di nt A ; f r ; 1 1 : ii.piiied s. wral d:is .I lllL' ;il0t a.-.r-iol!01H laliov to .-(till and el. it i,p, and it U d 'n'oifu: win "her t e Wi lli I have hi oil ao'e to -e'l!.; it lit n!i h;;d :t not hi oil for th-j timolv ai.l fi nil. It d hi;;i d iv an.1. i.i;ht by C.'idditijj. 1. vut i f l iii.. l' .nil t. !! of i'oiinyl aid'i, Ul-.ir of New "I iiuj sl.ii e, . Ii mts of N-.vi.la nnil others who knew j:it what n' tet.tion ;h,- I'm .-idi nt's privite l itsi in -ss alTiiu tu t ded. Then las! work hen his ; oi.t enl ft in:. Is wer- aiiti ;n lit id of i.-ivico, aid he ( !t on at eoi'.'oi'ii !. st apaihy sh. nid i.,iit his oll Mate' to o, lt;.;,iilst hi. partv. th,- Pit '.idei.t discoviT'd tiial a lot. tiioie of his priv.-ito l i;-,i: o s ll'id to bo si !t l.J, l!otwithst:il:lil -f ii s i !';' .1 ' s toil, so it up a mm.' a 'o. M.l.nhdo ho had d..:!,- hire all le eon! I to l.olp M il;, no .s, ttlo r. hi bitsiiiess iiv. r in Yii-oii-.i i. (Iriat interi st was i: aeife.-!" I horn i:i the Virginia el-'etinp. imd ad honit-t im ii n t ii'o-.oo.l in p ihies ii trr.-! tho t;s'-r.ic- w l: to:, ii is Jallcti ur-.n tl al nwoaljli bv the trinmph of il o lb. pub!, can lh j 'eh;;' ' r, Coii'i'ioi:-l-ts. Out la r pioputy owning, t .x-p-iyirg pi oj le, those who haw a real intoi'i t in l.or fntr.re. ate not tisji..ti si! 1.- for i. i ho- teid en .lit of the result Ui.uigs to ProMor.t Ai'hnr ind ! is i.nder o;li '-.ils, who pia ti n dit:g to bo . : ally sol upnh .ll.' reg-.r-din. the countrv's I "nor, have tid.io into ei. so c iiomiit ion a party of re u '.i.itois. Thu Ci.eoii ignorant, .lii'.orato n. T.it s voted tho tn kit in obo. hence to instructions from thi city, a'i I Yi'-oinia must submit t tin n.oi.grol A linit.ist: a'ioii v hioa .r thur, Mai'., no and that M'ti '.i.is ... hcf.rl. .1.1 ,!;;, V 1 t.l;, r.,. 1 the Aihti'ton for the wmtrr. and ass'im. .1 ohu'L'e of the Tivo-nr l.-p:.!tui( nt. The i tli.-al ga. I tin' v.iii fall with (ni-i.h-l oii -o!, it is ltiidoi-!,-. !. j;, a short 'i:n:- much to the advaotioe of iho I oo i;-( ... ot.l 1 lid of blood. W il! It g- T!ur. is a h-,1 . ft 11: t. ..; I'.. i ley a v (.;. t -i real i.-vi ni. p-.iiMj: otV ot the ; at pio-.oiit I !,, :!!;iii ittoliti.pii in t! is n ot :i: .1 : r ! .;:..!. lo. .,.t ,..r,o-.s a'is..,!, h 1 i t h. r 1). -d- ot bur. -.us p-irtm: nts 'l'i are aho ld ," so': ' the them i:i !l. ir ho in tt'oir r w.i: finb .h .t.dit o-,. ;' - Pr- : 1 :it :i: C o...'!! ti, SiV!.o .f t!o: ure quite j rot ami i -:;.fss sa'.b-.idina'e e to olabi.i ate views .f th. i iti- ids th'..r:o. ir own. Who. ho f. :in:ii. Mi M.l! Tr. ur r. f !.iri!,o his X, lepiots loni U!:'ll fu-c!i..iis matt,;- of s ill and t! pi- I the tho ot tho maii :::' ai v ti i 1'ii 'oiiimend it;, us to (' ,ii im.Iv Sooi, taty bri-t' W rt ) it lltol Oil on,, ooivi- pmi uiul An ; 11 o'lc ho. s the f.ng -pun thei rios in llSO.'.Ol '.. -ion t, oL hi all throiioh the prtsoici i'lSt li U'Oo.l i i Spinner, w ho I a. , i his re, , rt. The Id entloman was in lignant, but. his .oort .-.via thereafter Mint, tl as ii d.l Iv of th" tralisiM'tiolis of his otVloe. M (riltill-ui b is in 1 is toiiori for tins year taken up fom-id.Tahio sj lot with a somewloit prude di-eussion f abstra.'t l'iio.nci il ipiost .uus, and there IS liiil:'!l curiosity lit ih" Tl'eas ury to 'pi. uli tt Iho h -or. tary si!l do a'.oiit il. 'i ho !; etion of ii Totr.o 'r ilic n:f i::- r of Hie Tools., .it li-prosi'iita tiveo fmm tin ( voiith N.-w Y.-rk district ib-s-io s tl o ni-ijori'y nf the .straight out lb publifins, find tbev will only be nb'.o lo muster 1 P! vrt s, .mo less than a mnj u ity. Th" hV pnhlic ins here nre u it vtryinucli eonceriie 1 over this, ns 111 'y express no d.iibt of being able to pick up lh ore vote to-pu-ite to eoiibt.tiite a majority i.i!h".t much trouble, I liey have mi.e ( ree. (backers, two ,. . . . ... ... ...j.,.. .,,-i, York Independent Ib-pubiieiiu to recruit, from, and tlo ir eah illations nre, therefore, bast d ou good f.nn- nations, lei. ii most., twelve mom- bers, who lieng to neither of the regular orgnniz -.1 ions, where to com bine tiny could tiietiitu their own terms. Phono. Adviei s from Cipe Coast Castle stale tlnit tlm Kin;,' of Ashuntee has killed 'Juu yoiin; girls for the purposo uti'"P their blood for mixuii; inor- tar for tho repair of a Statu building. ' A l'atiil Calastroidic. A ilisjuitch from New York, dated Mih, si.vs: "A frioliiful cil'introphe, lesul'ing in the death of t-oveii jiersons, as far as mceii .lined, and t he serious injuiy of odino, occurred at. the corner of Soiiih I'i'iIi iivctiuo and lirand street this morning. Tvo brick biiildiugs. one a U nr -stor rtniituie ou the o, reer, an. I thootler a three story house ii.lj oiling, on (band street, fell witii aMid.hn crash, bun ing men, ..:ncn mid children in the ruins, Pl.oi'o .vote altogether some twi nty .seven persons living in the two build ings -tip eon in .the one and twelve in that adjoining." I l ot! Works Hunted. A dispatch from Uichniond, Ya , dated 1 ! th inst., says: A t in bn ko out early this rn-rn- ing in lie!- i in tl '-' iii' room of NY. K. Tail Co. s Motn.i.olitan lion NYorks, I ' and hi fore it could be brought under oontiol iho machine and pattern sin ps and saw mill wen- totally de sttoM'd The loss is not vet known, but i; will amount to c usi.lt rably oior Sl(i;)tnnl. The Metropolitan' Irmi Works wis o in of th oldest st ihli.shments of the kind iu Kich nioml, and gave '''nplownent to hIioiiI J.'ii men. li.isiiu ss was xeeedinglv bii-k in Iho wi.iks, there being over olIO col s a hie inn. act ingniis iu course oi motion. A snious loss, for i Cue is to ade.ni.ito con. pen- i, i- tin dt 'triioli. hi of ti.e funis ins mid n.aohiiit i , son e of cai:l:.'l be li placed inside ol tSnr Tov.tis in I MM). i i i s ondoiit of (le N' .hi inglot, i : s m ilk n a It lit r from NVjibIi i Ci'y, iu which he jtives the popa.al;. t.. i;s as in tie ; oui iosity ;iud theil M tg, n . f our North (.'arolina ii J .ii ti d ill the census taken , ar 1 '). As . matter of w c p .l li.-it the lit of towns po 'tla.io!! us f illnws : .Mi. loi'; A-h.ville, IIS; I .!: .. Inton J: K.i h.tf-.r on. .ii ; ; U ak- urv. ;!"; ifutitsviMe, fo-d. (7 ; ( ii I -mailt, w ii. -.;oni, .. I; Slat, 1: liethanv. !e, !'."; Con- o .id. :;:! Chail..'te, PJ'J: I idversitv. J'll: lhil-b oiomjli. 174; l.'aleigh, ttf'.O, ' II .lifax t n, NYair. nton, -LN; ' Pitts'; or.. noli. !;!."; Hawood, SI; I. or.i-buig. ."r,; railoioiioh, .""Jit; Wiiii-im-tiui. His; K'entoii. I,:i(i2; II. i-i f r.h '.'.i; I'd. ...ill! Cilv. 1 :VJ ; ! Mm fro. sboi, ugl, NYiiol-or. IhlT; I'o-hrain, 11; Plynouth, 'J."7; New P.oi-i', J .1(17; I'u nioti. Pd; reanfort, t.".7; W isl.motoii. COI; Unh. I Oil; (in ci;i.le, 17!; Kiuston, 107 ; Wil n,ii;gtoti. 1. ''!; l.uiiibe rton, 173. T-.!:.l. 1-J '.IJil 'l iio Si ,to, at the date of this cen--us, toiraim .1 17s.lii;! inhabitants. liloct ion INot. -pitch from M'-rtdian, M";:s- A 'i rj ays: Tiles On lllesd.lV l ist, wli ile the State ssin.', at Marion I'll Itarrift, an i '. d. :'( ! i n was p 1 1 I ili.S ( 'i'.tV, do- Al.it. havii.o j ot d, I bv a t:. oi- i ill In 1 his mm to r b f r:i-- s"lt It, with a b'.-v. S im- s'v he il:e-.v vi k on tl c m ti sti I,.-. mioM.er .! hi, son. sh..' h o P., fore he caild i .-o r i, n.ri cd Frank ii i wi'h a pistol in the i o.-!;. kit ing bun almost instant y. ( i. urge .1 huson f doii d j formerly a ile ot P-m: i'l rui.sirr, tt, an op to defend his :1 w as sunt bv a l.egl o, oin t ! it- ; ;V ot t f which he di d t" . . arid a :;. !.t i;d :li ioting amo: g :o t f-n cs thou c inii onced. Tin l.i'i s w i re all unarmed. Will N'mci-. a white lb j.i.blican, is : ai l In have induced the negro, s to 1" ;.i i ii.-ing. As soon mm the news i . a ht i Mi i id: in, Sheriff llomh rson. 1 with a pos-.. t.f 7" no n, l opare l to the -oi l e I ho nt grot s had all left. A arty of twenty men Went to the hoiist! of 111 Yuiiee, a white Ilepuh iicsn, and approached 1. i tit with war rants of m list. They dollimided his sum ml I', mi l were replied to by Yiiu-o tilling them to go to hep. Tie.y were ti.eii tin-d into and repul se I. I'.y I'vt o il. ok in the :.ft( riiooii r. li.-f c-it'ie, and the Kherilf, with his nun surronndod the hmisd. The -hel ill' . died ollt to ths(! insidn to sin i . odor ali i a w hile ti ig was pre sei t.-,l nt the door. The sheriff met tin. In.. o-..r on liulf unv .'in 1 in,,; on ii pu-.n.i-e that he 'won hi protect N unco and all in the house, a surren dnr was a-reed on The sheriff drofe liis buoov in, to tl o ..,.t to inko i.. I ...!,.inr tin. vtr.l llldiciivi .ii-ir no dano. r John Vatic, at that . "f V".,u ,,h nl1 ,V'rt8, "''''TT"' m-f, was .,-., i a Mooping at- i'!"1 1,1,11 11 b'utio bulwark of the t it'l l Im hit d a com. r of the Mabl. s, ' """ i.oiir bv, wilh r. L'tin levelled on the " . . p sm-, but b. f ue hoc mid tire he was lliimignition Statistics, -hut dead. At the same instant. The immigration reports show vh I" A. (1. 'airtn,ofthep iste, was snie curious facts. It is l.Mh. r i l ' -'gii.g !.!. i lion to the females , sui .iisuig that out of the half mil d ances family, he was shot throiioh )in strangers that came loour shores the head by some one from inside l ist yt ar only foi ty-six weto luwyeiv the house mi l instantly killed. The Clergymen tire rmher more nu'mer Sh.iilV and Hardin Jones, of the po-se ons, and dm ing the year 2('.'.t anived, weie a'ightly wonn l. d. K.l. Vhiicc seventy of them from Englmid and espipi d. S-ver-d tiegroefi wero seen the samo iiumU-r from In html. Of to tiro on the possu from tho house musiciar.s tliera were ;i!)0. and straiiL'o and run t tf. No in ltocs me known to b. killed ; four or live aro wounded, Will Va...v waa biougbt to M. iidian by the Sheriff iu a buggy at night ' Hnd lodged in jail. No harm wfts enoreii nun. loung i.ii. mice, a bov of 17, was eaplnred but was al- 1 .wed to remain at home without moiefda'ii.'ti. Yesterday a party t.f t.fty men went under diiietions of .hn:.!.,. r.ff, iu sea. eh of Ed. Vance end (.'hers eotiferned in the not None. wer found except, a negro iiuiik .I .r..ltiii Mfillom. wlio tor.L mi - ac'ito n ut in the riot, lha is now hi j 'il- 11 Senator Anthony, of Hhode Island, lias heen cntitinuonsly iu the Senate , for twenly-tvo years. 1 From ii I'liiillianuto. Kkh.inc, Tens, Nov. 7th, 1SS1. ,, iM.-roi! liKcotm : Thero tie fo many North Carobnt- art coming West nider the uilliieuec of deceptive hopes, that I feel it my duty to submit a few thoughts to them, through tho coluun.3 of your vibiahle paptr. 1 lmve, tiavelled over a largo per- t ion of the South and West, a id I must conlVss that, genemll.v speking, I lmve seen no country that will com paro v.idi Cluithaiu county: nor um I .iciiiminted with any conn try where the ministers of thu Gospel and school teachers are moro heeded, and less cared for, than h re. I haro not time to givo your readers a full a,v count of the West and of the habits of the people, but, in short, I can see no advantage for North C.iroliiiiutiH to gain by coming West, and if the West does possess any advantages over t:.o East they are on rbiilanccd , by disiidviiitnges too nuuieions to 11 ll ..l.l..' mention. XI tlicse who iii B:re special inf.. rimition will write to mo, mclos- ing a post-ige stamp, I will givo them all the information required. If any one of your readers will come West let him be sure to brim; fiiough money to carry him back home, for I feel sure he will wish to "turn to ortn i.sroJinii. Aortli Carolini ins can best spprecistc the wealth an 1 prospel it y of their native .. 1 f... . Tl- I,- i'"'. "oeu uu Kmn power of Ninth Carolina is far supe- rio- to that, film West for manufac- luring p:ii.ses, and in point if s il and cliin..te she is by no means in loner in u.o nisi, mm umst) aviio do not belit o this, have only tt) go NYcut to be convinced. I'lu'ii ivliy li nvi- her peaceful lios.mi, lo r r!.-!i an. I I.Tiile soil, l". r mi KI.I oriel i (or gi.hl M ilig sn.l t 'i! '' All' lie. p li-r.i-nth lier surlncu lit'tti iimny a lii'l ten "re, llifli jri.l.l as ?j.liir or C'aliforniR'a rlinre. The tide of immigration is now be ;inning to llow into North t'aioliua, and, vith the incteasp of popul'ition the : ice of i and will increuse. There fore 1 ask you, young nipn, rot to sit .lo.vn on the road to success to wait for a free ri le. If you do, you will be loft. Seize (lie present oiitiortu- inity and s. cure a home for vourself ;lt once. Opportunity R are like llow- ois that fade in a nijjrht : seiu them ih. rehire while they l..st, and do nut wait until the immigrants have bmioht all the land nronn ! you, and voii ate driven by necessity to the NYest. liny land now while it is cheap, and secure a home, or vou may sell I r a large sum at a day not far distant. I hope the Unoimn may largely in crease ils subscription lists, for it do serves the hemty support of all true sons i f Cha'h.un. John NY. F.i.mu;k. Developing the South. t li'vi-liiinl hit.) Tr.!i' lievicw. Not the hast satisfactory feature connected with the new imbn trial era that is thiwnii on the South is the ratification with which it is viewed by the people of the Northern, NN'. st. i n and Fasten. States, show ing a jntr.t.licgooii willan.l the strength ..t tin- ties which makt) the w hole country one. 1 lie mm. uf:u hirers see Northern cotton in the South a p" 'i lul Con.petU ion glowing lip to then own pro.imti.u.s, not merely as , lUi,tU ho moaned, mid finally lo to I he price but .jiuhty, tho .loe sses i,llni.,i (,, consciousness. to which the tihre. is treated fur t:.nt si ipment bt ing decidedly inju rious, as testified to by the late Cot toit .rowers' Convention. The iron pro lin ing States are ma le awan of vast additional capital bt im; evpelid ed in the ilovelopmnit of Smit'itrn iron mines and the selling up of fin nacos, rolling niiils, machine shops. and tv-labhshiuents in the production of v.nioiis specialties iu iron. J'ohi- ieal confidence heim; restore 1, all the ciip-.tal necessary lor paving eider- p: isi s woul.i seem to bn forthcoming. New York fe Is already the livalry of New lileans in foivign imports. The incisures taken to render the Missis teppi a grand highway by which the pindiicts of Southern mill Western States may most cheaply reach the sea, together with the railways being uilill, will necessarily (livi-i't a vast amount of trade from New York. Now Orleans, too. wiil thrive on her imiwny connuetiou w.tli Mex.eo. Yet w h'ltt ver the interists to bo nlVectod, a wi hfprcad ii teltst prevails iu the future of the South. This interest has a prditicnl as well ns a eoiiit.iel- ial basis. Inste,ad of sunidvinir hos '" elements to tlia iJeilfratlou, the 'utn win Dtp.ime, wmi ner increas activity mid "rowing wealth. iiiiiio"iiioi tiuttcti nit.- ui.-a .... .... 1....I.. I 1... i. n.l f. ..tu-iu.-.. .if iV,i..,, ,..i,,, from Italy; but Whether the bureiiu dfiRsed hand-organs under tho head ,.f musical instruments is not known. There were 21 1 teaoheis, 5t) sculptors, 7 re tMrtn, 1511 artists, ?2 filitoi s, 22 th'liti.-ts, '.)'.) urchitevts nnd 1 fhilotio- tlist. 1-rom the l.irgo iinii.oti r of ha L-.,ra 1). li.it nr..u(,...n.1 tlo.t thev must lmve heard of the imiLMiiti-: cent wheat fields of Dakota and other places, und hmd to lend a hand in turi.iuS the golden grain into biead. , Tl.. 1 .1.. xinio ntiu jiiut.fii i,oi i.iiitieiH iiu- rj,ip, ie year, and of this number 7:51 can.c from (Jtrmariy. There were l.l.'JS butchers, 1,574 cabinet-tuskers, 2,0M iiiasons, 2,131 In.ilors, 1,471 weavers, 5,L'MS miner'', aud 105,012 labour The Local Paper. , . ,,,.' Au old stumer gives the following! his exjurienee of tho Vhluo of the ! ioc., newspaix i : 1n.,i0 pipers me not. of much aoeonut as to appearance, but I never ! took one that did net pav me, in some I Wav, more than I paid' for it. One1 tinman old friend started a little 1 ,l;ir,,,,. .lwnv down in soiithwostf in j O.oigia and sent it to me, and Ii N;Jl,scribeil just to encourage him,! ami (,,,. ;l w j,iu jt pnhii.n .i ;l ,,,!,.,. i int lln Htlministia'or had nn older ... fell several loin at i.nblie .,nt...v. Hnd one of the lots was iu my county, Ho I inquired about thu 1 t, and wrote to my friend to attend the sale and n, jt up )0 fifty dollars. He did so, ,,i,d bid me otV the lot for ;!0, and 1 m,1.1 il, in a month, to a man it joined f.,r and so 1 made dear by . tuk.ng that psp. r. Mv 'father told mo that whi n he was ayoung man he saw a notice in a nai or tint a sob. ml toacher was wanted awav ( (V . .list mt county, and ho went then and got the situation, and a little oj,l p, t to him, and after a I ( while she grew up mighty mvci t and i ' pu-tty, and he fell iu lovo with hu; and marriid lier-now, if he hadn't I taken that aper, what do you reckon ! would have become of me'? wouldn't I I mVo bei n some other Mhjw, or I may be n..t ut all V ' j ' . i . . . y Ni'-to s Heroism, " " ' ( I' r..n, the iHrm-r i.n.l M.H.nnir. , From ('apt. Sam Webb we learn! the ) aiticulms of u marvellous nll'air ; last t-ii. mnr i.mks. hi Alamance. Logan K'.rkpati iok, colored, went1 down into a well .".'J ft M dot p. It I was full i f foul a.r, ns.tt ho instantly ' wilted. The alarm was given, anil his father rushed upon I he scene so frantic that ho had to be held by mniii f. .fee until a rope could be tml aioiind j his waist, lie then .loseeinlo.l and , r...,.l Q..I, ullli or..,u .....l i..... I ci.oa ea urouuii a cross heam near ,, hiittmu of the well. The unfor lunate youth had clutched the beam us he was loosing consciousness, arid his limbs had stilVi-ned until it seemed iinpos-ible to detach them. In a few seconds the father shout, d to ho drawn up, as he waj fainting. The j rope broke 1 1 nt he had time to wrap the end mound hiswiist, mid was drawn oil!, pt lf. etiy stL.-5olt.-s, hang ing limp, by one arm. j Meant in. e another Colored man ! iiiiiui'l Tiurehlii'e hud boin mukiiig : efforts. lb- Wfiit down, and was; hauled up St useless. After recover-j ing he wont dow n again and made a ' siivnuous i libit to oislotlge Kirkpa- tiick, but was haule I up sense h sm. I liy this time hundred. of persons! from the neighborho d were gather- oil around the weli mouth. A large j bucket full i f lighted pine splints ! was lowered into the well, but was , e xtinoii hliod by the gas eru it got1 half way down. j Aain Tnrrentiue made the effort, and again he f iiled! Ma'ny bravo J men w re thiiv, but the negro's per- ! inacions couriiire could be disCoimtt d )v ,.,.,. When restored one j mmo he made one moif ell'.nt, ami' ,hiS time brought up tlm body of his' Cirn, ,,!,. i coriihe V So i: : s.med; for had Im not b. on tive.p.iujT ni S-WItlOCT IIU Aa piOS hours in that foul nbv ss ? Ihittluro " wt.ro ini.iligent phv stciaus pr-sfiit, o, ii..,e.,l. .1 to b'urn tl. s, i:,.l,-s-. . ,u,n, ,,, the des of his feet. Taken altogether the repcio was the most noteworthy within . nr re collection, and is irtdituhlo to the! AllicilU lllCO. Ouc I'Apt i i.'iicc from Many. I had been sick and miserable so loi.oi.nd had caused mv husband so much trouble and expense, no one i seemed to know what ailed me, tha. ; I was . niplelely disheartened audi .bseoiiraoed. Iu this frame of mind . I got a bottle of Hop lii'tels aud j used tin m unknown to my family. 1 i soon began to improve ami gained j so fast that my husband and family j thought it strange and uniir.tiin.1, but I when I told I hem what had helped me, ! they said "Hurrah for Hop lintel's! long may thty prosper, for they have made mother well and us happv. ' The mother. Home dournal. I PAT J NT S. K A. I'lmmi.n. S-.ll -li..r of Ami.m-I.-hii un l F.ir- j euu I'm. -nil.. Wiiliihs'l.'ll, l. t. Alt l.lillii'hs i-.. 11- -.I. a no Ii l.-ciiis. iv ln'i li.r ..-r..r.- l'Hi.nl I t.nic'..r Hi.- o..-iri, 'i..m.tty ni:.'ii.l"! I... N. ' t eliitri.'i' i.hli'.i n I'liit-iil Is se'-utv.l, s,'ii.l t..r .-Ir- " i-.ii.ii . i..vlrt It ' IF vou mailt to nnr Til Plfn nr- W9 cither rcady-ma.de to orlr, do net I send, fcr our Ca.t m&d Patents for Inventions. E. W, ASllF.USoN. J- 0. SMITH. ATTOltN KYS-AT-b A W, 7M 7lli St., Washington, 1. ('. No fw f"r I'rrMininttrvfxninlnnil-'n. Nnfry in- .fi!oni 1 a.i..oil r...i-M'l" a.-.'li.'V. I. ill unv ..Ih.-r lhf.'nr.,ii. n H.-iit .ti fr.H ..r i-liurUM- lufiTdiivs lunilli... l"i r" - iiovin- ir J"I!N SHSMN.I T. II. W"Ui'K MAMNSMH Pt WnTJaP w AiL,Hii ii PiiB!!M ni I "M iTitSiMYrt l&i llOliJlBUUi. i UiVlt riTTSBORO, n. c. ,, Pr..Tii.i nii.'till..n clv.'it t.. nil Ihhiip rn-tru.-ii-'l u. iln lr oi t . Mr. Mitnnli.it will I..' in Um .fl. .' "i Hi" II""' ii'l thir l Mily " '.-h in. .iiit. mi l tli" s' iit-'lv .im.cIIih(. Mr. W'.ma.'k wilt lie in Hi. ..III.-m ut all Iliui'S. i-i'!i-U XtZisccllcncous Adv't. M. T. Nom.m. Of Ihileigh, N. C. Jolt Ot NOKHIS,WYAlT & TAYLOR. Successors to M. T. Norris Jt Co. Mali tars id Coiios Canuni:sion Merchants HAIEZGII, w. c. u-- ti t. wMlink0. Becl.lly. "f:'r v,,ri,"r,"",""1 " "" i " -n r" " ',r, :;: ,,r"pcr iliMlllll), NOllRIS, WYATTTryi.O. ? la H f-Ysg "i lb OS e f? a H ID 5 ? H - rj O Q n jo M 1 3A A TRUE TONIC A PERFECT STRENGTHENER.A SURE REVIVER. IKON ItlTTKItS aro liighly roconiinpn.letl fur all dicnp r- niriii..r a cereiiii natl ellirieiit tonic rpecitlly hulifftttiim, lhtprptia, Inter-miV.-ii.' Frr?i Want of Appetite, lnaof Strcrvjth, Isirk of Eneriry, etc. Knrichea llif Mm hI, strengthens the iniisi'les, uiul gives new life to the nerves. They act like a eli arm 1.11 the digestive tirjraiis, reiiioviiiR all tlysie.tic symiitomn, uch s Trt is the Fn,t, l;.,;'iiii(t. Unit in the Stonuu h. Jliarthui n, fir. Tll only Iron l'ropai'iitioii tliiit will not blnckcii tho teeth or ptvo hendae lie. S.M hv :ill ilnieists. NYritu fur the A 15 C Book, 32 pp. of ll.set'ul uiul aiuiisin rea.lini: fiit frrr. ' 11KONVX CIIlhMICAIi CO., Baltimore, M1. o.ivj.w. ! .iailO OU ajjU pUB !. . T.T.nriMTrTrTT.. OTtl JOI 3I9V UJliI lOiiUEipi pFiB f iiiedQ jouatln .i(i- '.,. . m. nt. ! ".) "O.l .M SOX V .!!- . I A lAV S'dHddOHO M0I1M311V r. a. i-ix.vi.o, Willi WAf. W00LC0TT. Raleigh, N. C. -WIIOI.KSAI.K IIKAI.KIt 1N- '"is) Soots and Shoes, - "tl" li'.. WWW 'Ui CyW. ASH MAM KAl Tl'llKU 1)1-' Pants, Shirts and Drawers. W'llnill.D'l..u ill ! Ilill-tjelt Slll'i'ts. Sliaw Si Harris, Aro ii..w r.siviMK (tii lr lull anj Winter nuvk CLOTHING! Bits M Sloes, Hats and Capv notions, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, 1 III. 'V InvlTf I . i.i-il o , oxrtiulni' Hit prl.t-rt T!n - lilivu Iho lK t , iv-H .nun nt ..f : ClflTinVt J 1IVTS V V I ) llFVTV i 1 Furnishing Goods, (!iy hnv vir k'pt. nibl will nmk th"p a n' y, Th- y hii.f ifit r-'t-.'..ilfti iin- li tn'Hh r Mi nirvlit.jiti: iht Ir Htu.'k. Tticy li;tvt iho lttL In the market, In mlt-rt nn wi-Il.nK Ula- k. wl:h Trimiii:.- Ui inaieJi. Iliey li iv.- hL-o nvrtvcl a , U -.-iilUMl ..iir ,.I Hal. iK n't lull n tivr Hu tu a rail tT any-liiii-' y-Mi w.ttit. rhi y Itit.-i il lofiTrr tlnti p".l.Hiit . !,( lohltlt llie ti4lM l.llii'M. Thankful t"f the i(i:n nii;i' whl-. lite ii..(.lei.f t)ieei.Miiniinlty havo niven lhni Uiey h 'i'" lnvril a amtiuuancy I tit': ttaiuc vcif Yil93S!6L0THIER! ZVIisccllcncous Adv'ts. . NY V ATT, lhi.'cigh, X. C. Phillip Tati.or, Of Chatham. I EXPRESS STEAMBOAT CO, Eteamcr. Schedule. On mi.l after April first nn.l until further noUc lint Strainer 1. Ml liolllsoN, ck,t. Jsrry . ll. l.i ris. will icr 1 syrllnvllld rrtry Tundi; mi.l f rl liii at 7 oV...-k it. in,, an.l Wlluinln' ei.-ry We-liios-liiy nn.l Saitir.lay at Su'rli.rk p. iu. Tli.. Sh'.im.-r W W I., i i.t. W in. X. BiilvwB, will1 li-o i. Fit)..ievill Wi'.lu.s.ln)' uiul Sitturtlaj at T '.-1...-1C a. no, hu.I WilifiH-ttiMi kloiulaj au Tlium l.ijr m a ..'. I... k j.. in j. p. w n.i.i,ais k or, A(iit. ii It tr I'ayiiUiivllle, X. C; XI. II. AXWATEH, WITH , WYATTt I i.tlirHli'i lifr Si.rirli'a Old Stand,' ItALEIGII, N. C. i DEALERS IX j HEAVY GROCERIES, ! Commission fflercliantsr . ! And Agent for STANDARD FERTILIZES, j VtV k'.'. it Urr 't... k r (KK)HSou buduidsn I ilally r.H'elvln rr.-nli titp.lee. i We It..)..' I.. metre. .ur lire if palroun tnm nur Iri.'li.N tit Oluillmm aud 1o1dIii( couMle. ; ilr.l-JIHt ANI liKAI.KU IN Gentlemen's FnrnisMna: Goois. ; X. K. I'.ir. Fsjrrltevill aod JHargstt 8t, - RALEIUH, X. C, P. A. WILIT, Outlcf, hraUeut, CITIZENS NATIONAL BANE. or It AI.F.IGII, K. C. J. D. WILLIAMS & CO., Srocors, Ccxmissioa Merchants anj Prcdnca Bayers, FAYETTE VI LLE. N. O. 1784lPsfll881 kiM mnA Prioi. Th OUU mrnti mum tmtmwimm - ,r,H. r- in Ik l r S1,U, mm 1A V 11 LAVU KTU & S0STulaia.