WOSDEBS IN IM EXTIOXS, Important Illaeovri-lra ol I he I.nal Uremic The last ten years in the history of American inventions huvo been wonder fully prolific in important results. To Bay nothing of the telephone, tho pho nograph, the electric light and the sys tem of automatic- and quadruples tel egraphy, all of which have been so fully described that their principles are per fectly familial- to tho general public, there have been numerous diseovei ies, and improvements which, iu their way, have brought about revolutions in the arts and sciences. Among tho n.ost important of recent discoveries are im provuments in tho manufacture of vul canized India rubber in its various ,y plications, which have resulted in nmk- j iiiir it tint li'.t mi.! .Ouvn.Pvt m ihi-;,i! f..r supirior and highly tiuished con In. These combs, in llexibihty and d'lr.diil- ity, are eijual to the best liorn and shell, ami are now extensively manufactured. Tho principal factories for the making of rubber combs are located in Connec ticut. Tho material produce I by thin iuw process possesses peculiar ipuliti. It is more perfectly elastic than c mi nion caoutchouc, roM-tcd the action of tho ordinary solvents of that mateii.il. is belter able to resist tho wear and tear of its surface and iivservi.s its flexibility at nil temperatures. T .on Mr. Nelson (ioodvear patented a pre cess for solidifting rubber, it.:ikrn-r it tmsceptible to any form of prcce.:'i of manufacture. The next invention of mix- importance xvus a pegging machine. Togged shoes Smide by baud were uiaiiut'.ii tiiie-'l iu large quantities a long time before tho invention of this nai'liiue; but the manufacture was. and is, con lined c'.ief ly to meu's boots and shoes, and to the coarser kinds of ladies' shoes, 1, an. the great center of the manuiac! .;re of ladles' shoes, was never eug;i;;id to any extent in the manufacture of peged shins. Tho introduction of this i m -chine largely inere-ised the pie.lue'.on, and, of course, diminished the cost of i the product. There hae hem many im , provemeiits in the stitching midline, . the product originally of the tuivh ,ni cul genius of Klias fbuve. This ma- chine was first perfected iu Mo. A process has recently been patei.'ed in the I'nitcd JS:ate.; by which si:, t is , made at a low elevation by fnrciu.; a; id rung current of air upon it ns it falls , into the water. Another important te ' to wlr'ch lead ii- put is the preparation of oxide of lead or white h ad as a pig- , muit. lathis brunch of the lead mi duslry this country takes a promi.ieiit j and probably a leading position, as ihe : practice of paiutif.g dwelling Iioiim - is : more common thai: ::i any other c'o'.in- , t!V. The safety drum, anotle-r new iin. n- , t ion, is a mfoty device which ga.ivds against accidents arising from sip-H do raugi nn nt in el. vator 1,1 iehi:i ry, or some ob-triictiou in tlie hatch way, hereby the ropes may bo uncoiled from the main drum of tin- engine, while the car remains temporarily lodged at a greater or less distance from the bottom. It is also a perfect sale- ! gn ml against the t. o rapid descent of , the car, in case the belt or any part of the gearing connected with the engine should give way, or 'f run too fast by the carelessness of t'c oo.-ra' u (Ireat improve loeMs Ii.,ve l.ei-n ma le ! in the methods of construct ion used for j iron safes, making tin ni iiepvcfinible to almot-t any appliance in use by the ' most expert burglars. The doors, which are generally the weak pdi.t f a ; safe, are constructed rf plates so dote- tailed and fi'ting correspoudinaly into i the jambs that the wedge, the mo-t , feetive impli-nu nt use I by the burglar is perfectly powerless against the a, , thile the accuracy with which they tit oilers no opportunity for any erov.ee into which nitro-g'.vcerine or any other explosive llnid can be introduced. '1 ho i body of the safe being also constructed t alternate plates of iron, welded ir.. and steel, carbonized und decarboni.- d j steel and crystal steel, fastened togetlo r i by bolts from the iu.side, ell' ctifi ly j prevents them being forced by sled i,o 1 hammers, jimmies, jack-screws or any other burglarious instrument. Their ; fire-proof qualities are also secured by i a lillingof concrete, which makes them ; absoluVly proof against lire and damp. In addition to the tire pri.oi tilling, tie ; safes are furui.-.i;ed with improved com bination locks, varied for each mto, j many of which are supplied ttiih an i iiutoiuatic rotary movement, and eouso i ipieutly oiv r.ited without any ar'r or spindle passing through th" door in j the lock, rendering it impossible to p'ek them by any pr.icoss yet invented Iu !'., lr. (iathuey invented a method of transmitting power by means of compressed air driven through pipes. Up to ten years ago his application for a patent for this process from the United States was rejected on the ground that it was a discovery and i ot an inveation. Patents have, however, been old lined f r it in P.urope, anil it l ii by mean-! of this method th.it the tiinntl of Mont funis has been w erked. Tlie process was ustd in the work ou the Iloosao Mountain tunnel. In 1872, Vr. (Jatling invented ami I domestic and secular life, nothing but , has to wait years for his money and I ""I"""1"1.' 11 ' "lc ull"'liuli patented a steam plow, or earth pulver- I Prejudice or self conceit can prevent us ' then he often is onlv paid halfof it, ' she Rai1 wi,h ,ul,l-n fl'''l'ng, "John, are ii g machine, to be propelled by sU am 1 r1''1'"1'' 1' f . t f 1"(,'r,,1,' I especially if the charges were for tt i fou tkinkiog that each one of these i.-i-'is iiiiu uiui, iu eel j'n j i in lj -1 'K u , therefrjre, is unavmilable, that the man ! , , , ha is is like a Pol.len eor.l liin, liner von nnd Htiimal power combined. Tho j wll(1 tLinksit benea.h his dignity to take 8wel1 fnnral- Tbo Prer class are the l1.150 ft ei ,l l,ininK J0" failure of his health ami the low pi ice counsel with an intelligent wife stands , hotter pay. One of tho richest widows nappiness well, no, no an--if ,.,, ,.f tl,,,!. tim., .neve,.:..!!, is ! m his own light, and betrays that lack hi the st ito had the corns,, r.f her bus- sw,'reJ. mt'e wnie.illy, "I was thinking bringing this invention into praeti,-:.! use. li'. (Satiing had devoted his lime aud attention to improving the p un which bears Lis name, and tho success which has attended his labors seduced him from tho more congenial field of peaceful invention. Iuveiitive talent hnsalso been brought to bear upon soap, .Several materials have been avowedly and opculy mixed with soaps as improvements. Tho use . , , , ... , of resm has been utilized. bilex, either as sand or iu tho form of "water - glass" or soluble glass (nitrate of soda), is one of the most common, and soaps made in this way are extremely etlieient i and useful. Modified soaps for various j special purposes are now made by mix ing liniewatcr, dissolved alum, etc., with soap already made. It is a gratifying fact to note that in ventors are taking advanUgo of the great capabilities of iron for be.iutif.v i ing forms, as shown iu its use for archi ! tectural purposes. Its strength makes it suitable for structures and tracery of a light and graceful effect, altogether beyond what is possible in wood or ' " l,lu ..i t.. u ...... .....)., .1. i,.,u. In it can now be rendered both I "'"Tr and the li 'her beauties of i t'"1 (i;tl,li 0,,1,rsi t,u' characteristic iiivues nnu m so iui.;i.ioiis im i . .ine, : no points and pinnacles of (iothie t'e-i-n ami the traceries a::d :iruln-s.iui-s, j domes and pinnacles of the Moi rs. ! Howe of the combinations ncently ! produced by a union cf b'ght cistiicr and w ire or road work iu trellises und j verandas are wonderfully rich and light ; iu effect. . Woman's Work. At intervals ne i; shocked by lead i big of the suicide of some poor woman who cannot tind woik to do, and prefers iha'h to dishonor. 'this is very sid ; but t eed it be? Throughout our bro id l n:d "tiiely there i.. lenty 'f work for ttiiiiuu's nimble lingers if -he looks for it in the right plane. i'ut unhappily .-he m idi m knows how to get her kill mid energy in theright groove. Iu the eities yen tind htu.dii d-i of thousands of women struggling for work n shop girls, hair ilic-ser-;, clerks, milliners, etc., and f iiiiii.-.', simply beeau-e they stay where tin re are thousasida of the -.one trade in competition. If they would go to some village or inland town, where ia.steand fashion i.rebegi li ning to create a demand for their work, and where living isclwap, they could be -are iu the en 1 of ceu. etciioy if not fortune. On 'he o'hev p.d in tliise very inland tonus and fauns y;ui iind hundreds of thousands of o'her woineii, anxious to make a living, send ing poems, lino N, pietnrt s ai d hii'li art enibroj.hiy literally by the f-n for sale into the eitie -, which are already swarming with un-ucc-sful authors and artists ; and blind t the fact that their neighbor t really want a tir-t class milliner, embroiderer, saleswoman or hair du s.-er. (!ood servants, K o, are' neede.l ; but l hl.-e :lu 1 Dri.l;'- t are lh.' ; queens of i-ur kitchotis, and i njoy a com par.it ively ca-y life. whi:o w. nieti who' coull lill their jd.icos remain in the ; cities to starve. Mkimr Micks. To bieat; o'V a bt o'.eh for defensive purposes, a- Cni-oe did on liieb'i ; him self on mi uncrown island, would be one of the first I'ott of jrimitive man. A rude support of this kind would soon b Mb wo 1 by the pik'i bu's stall', fami liar to us ;n pictures of the iutriardis : and from these oariv staves down to the gold headed cane i four modern dandy, i wiiat a vari 'tv of walking sticks have' l been pr id need, according to the fancy and fashion of the time. Winn, in IToit, feicnioii amending gen'leiin li ! tore foi bidden to carry s words, those. pi.irieb.ome weapons weie usually re placed by a porters stall', with a large1 silver handle, as it was then described, thirty w.its later, gentleman of fa-hi.in ; began to discard their swords, and to ' cany large oak sticks with great bends, ! and agly faces carved thereon, liefore j very long, a competition arose between ' long und short walking sticks, some f en- i tleinen liking them us long as leaping poles, as a satirist of the day tells ns ; . while others preferred a yard of far- : nished cane '"scraped taper, bound tit ' one eud with a w.tx thread, and tipt at the other with a neat turned ivory band ; i-i bi as a siiver penny." ''oi (.' s j Hie .lililL'llients or Miilllell. ! In a conversation we once heldttiih an eminent minister of the church, he ' made this fine otisei vation : "We will J say uothingof tho manner iu which the j sex usually conduct an argument ; but the intuitive judgments of women are often more to lie relied upon than the : conclusions which we reach by an i lab orate procis4 of reas tiling. No man ; who has an intelligent wife, or is accus j turned to the society of educated women, f will dispute this. Times without inim j her you must have known them to le ei le i in stions on the instant, and w ith unerring aceuraev, which yon have been poring over for hunts, perhaps, with no I other result than to find yourself get I ting deeper into the tangled maze ef ; it then It ies. It were hardly geiieions ! to allege that they achieve these facts less by reasoning than a sort of Micacity w hich approximates to the sure instincts oi ine annum races ; ami vet there ' seems to be some ground for the re marks of a French writer, that when a man has toiled, sti p by step, up a (light of stair-, he will be sure to rind a w man at, the tup; but she will not be able to tell how she got there. How ; sue gut there However, is of little mo- mem. ii tne conciusious a wonu n mis , , , ,, L ,, . teiuheil are son :nl, that is nil that con- . , ccrns ns. And i hat the v ore verv apt' to be sound on the nraetical matters of j1-lent wLich L tacitly attnbutes ; (lathering buffalo bono along the ex- ; tension of the Texas and Pacitlc. is an ; ami teams are engaged in the business in i . 1 1 . j,,,, i and the bones sell for 13 per ton. The davs are now very ehort, and a , good many people can sympathize with j them, " I A LONESOME Kl'MXESS. . An I mlt-rinkei stinira nml Mc.llliitluii. ..jL,ia l ewr lmry alm)I10 who WttH )Ulh.0? mUl , lortaker, leaning ugllill8t comfortable -looking black I , , k , , olisililu,off .. llustv lame plato. "Well, no, but I came near it once. It was in tlie winter time, too, and when I pot to the house where my services were needed I found the windows of the room wide open and the cold, wintrv air blotting through, and there was no one in the room with the corpse, it xwis so chilly there. It was a woman who had died a young, good-looking woman, and the first thing I noticed was that her checks were stained with red. This is not uncommon when people die sml- . ilenlv. ami she hail on lv been sick a : fl.w (1uvS( UIill l i.0ngr,itiilatc.l myself . cn tUo ,.,,pr.1,rip.Kv s10 WOu!d make f,,r her Itieiuls to soe. 1 li.pl mi n-sls- j.t.mt luul e phu'ed the eisket on sup- ,,,,1 l,v tlio si.lo of tlu ltil, atul wore just going to lift her in when I diseov- ered that a pillow we needed had been left in the next room. I told the young mill to go utter it, which he did, tak ing the lamp with him und leaving me with the le ad of the dead woman sup ported on uiv arm: he bad sumo trouble iu tiiidmg it and I was ju-t going to cull him when the wind blew the door to and 1 tva alone in the dnvk. Now I am not a coward, but my tir-t t.npul e was to drop that woman's head and run out of the room. 1 actually trembled with nert onsiiess and imagiii id that I could feci a thiill of bfe in ; the neck, which was still warm ; nt : that mom mt I heard my assistant com- ( ing, mi 1 at the same instant a voice , proceeding from the dead woman said; distine'lv iu Midden, sharp tone.-: j " Auntie ! Auntie .' Auntie I'' ! Ihe return f the light brought back part i f my courage, and I looked keenly at the corp-e to see if I could . detect any signs of life, but the rid was ! fa ling out of Ihe cheeks, and the sijn- 1 of death were uumistukeal le. 1 learn ed by adroit qiie-tif i;ing that an aunt et the deceased, ol whom she was very fond, had arrived i:t the house a few moment before she did, and then the j sick woman had oxpirotl in the vain at : tempt to s eak toln-r; my theory is j that the words stuck fast in her throat j and were evpelled with the Html breath, I when I moved her. What else could I i think j Then there was a bi antiful gill who i was engaged t- be uiarrii d, and was suddenly taken ill ami died. I was sent for to prepare her for the grave, al as they lived in ttie country I was ! send out the casket and all of the finishings, it was to bo there hi the evening early, us at lltl. M. the remains were to be taken east. The young man who drove out, with it. ippcd at a way side tavern, became intoxicated, and remained drinking nn.l gambling all night. When at :iooi the next day he reached the house, the corpse was sit ting up holding a reception. She had lain in a trance all night, and but fi r his ilelin juency would have been buried alive. The friends of a dead person are a! ways anticipating their return to life during the first few horrs ; sometimes the features will suddeuly become life like, und a slight color Mill suffuse the lips, ai d fioojUcntly a l-oad-like perspi ration will appear on the forehead. To th t-eof our jirofi ssion these signs are sure tokens of death and decay. I have known people who would be strick en with a pmie a few hours after the burial of a friend and insist on disin terment. "How is it when post mortems are held, or embalming takes place 5'' 'That settles the question definitely; there inn he no doubt in the case of I'rsident fiartield, though the embalm ing process was a failure, or at lea-t ail tho undertakers consider it so; but un dertakers are not einhidmers ; they leave that branch of the trade to men of science, professors of colleges of medicine and such. It may be impo-si-ble to avoid diseoleration as in the eao of President Lincoln, but the tissues ef the body should bo thoroughly pre served ; Vice President Wilson was per fectly i mbnlmed, so was the lute Mr. lbigley. The best case leer knew was that of a young man who flied in I' li ver and was brought to lie'roitfor burial. After a three week-' trill he was as natural looking as if he had ju-t ! died, and it was in hot wvither, t in. ! Tho trouble with the lato President's e is,i wan that it was too hurried; hi should have been put on ice for two ; days previous to embalming. The I family did not feel as anxious about it as the people. A good many are mu. di dissatisfied." " Folks think we haven't any senti ment," said the undertaker, "und I ' wish sometimes I hadn't, but wheu I seo tlie Iittlo ones taken awav I almost forget my duties in sympathy for the friends. The other day we took a baby a little two vear old to Elmwood. 1 This casket was just filled with toys. und one little silver bell rang every time it moved, and that made tho 'her , -. , , ... . ... , . clnlilren err again ; it s a lonesome sort . , . , . . , ,, . .. of business unvwav, and there tun t . -. mn,'u money in it eithor ; un underlnker 1)rtll;i tflk.,n Jown cellar and sat nP till j ! night funning him to save ice. Death reveals ipieer traits sometimes, and there ar0 lot of j.eople who mourn over th.-ir 'V'11 whe lhJ UZ , 'iera n va,,1!- I thev never could forget them, and i ' ,.rv ,,,ttm . ... ' ! suit. Here's my card 'j : . J " if VOtl Should I need anything in mv line c half pi ice." hrtroil Vie j'rets. Children ; . . ...... ...... . ... FARM, (J.YRDEN AJI) HOl'SEHOLI). Rerlpra. Lapy Finof.rs. Four ounces of sugar, yelks of four eggs, mix well four ounces Hour, mix again; if too thick add another whole egg, a half teaspoon flavoring, lieat whites to a froth und stir in. Scptocz;! through a funnel made of writing paper into pans lined with but temUpaper. The e iiro used for Char lotte russe. Oaspirp Oiian.iR ri.i.t,. - Cut the fruit . into quarters lengthwise, t ike out tho I pulp and put tho peels into strong salt j and water for two days, then take them . out and soak for an hour in cold water, i after which put them in a preserving ' kettle with tresh cold water, and I oil ; till the pee!s are tender, when they slioul l lie put oil a sieve to arum. ; Make a thin syrup of a quart of the ' water in which they were hoilo.l Hiid a ; pnuii.l Ol sugar, ami Mlillilt I' tlltx peels j iu it for half an honr, when they will look i-K-ur. ior the reels and nvriii) I into a bowl together to stand fill the next day, when you must make as much sirup as xxill cover them, of the proper- tion of one pound of sugar to a pint of water, boiling it till it will full from the spoon in threads, put the peels into syrup, boil half an hour, then take them j nut, drain on a sieve, and us the candy ( , hies tiansfer them to a dish to finish j in , wuim place. When dry, store them , f,,r u.s,.. 'H,is receipt is useful for nnv i lemon, orange or citron peel, and per fectly wholesome. 4 l ll t, 1 1 hi tltlliliiK, The manner of milking in tlie Chan nel Islands, the home of the Ahb rney, i is peeuli'.r, und has the merit of clean- ! li nets, iit least. Milking und straining j the milk are done at one operation. , The i.iiik-m.iiil with her tin p.iil, linen I i strainer and mm shell proceeds to the pas'uie. Seating herself beside the I cow, she thus completes her arrange ments. The strainer is fecu'ely lied j oViT tho nar. ow mouthed bucket, and pi icing the lal't,'!1 shallow shed on Uie I -trainer she uor u-ly directs the ' str, urns into the -hell ; ovet llatving the shallow brim, the milk pusses through the strainer into the receptacle beneath, the shell being tiseil simply to pn vent wearing a bole in the linen str.i'ner. Intlirring anil lorini Appli". In gathering apples from the trees to store away for winter use, provide your self with a strong, light ladder, sotrt two ftet wide at the bottom and taper ing to a point .it top, Ihe two ends to be beveb'd together and pinned ; this style of ladder Icing more easy to handle and place among the topbruuehes of a tree than the ones commonly used and not so much danger of knocking oil the fruit. A half-bushel basket, made of white-cak splints, with single handle extending from side to side, and a strong hook fastened thereto, to hung up by on the limbs, answers tlie purpose best. In picking, take hold of the apple, and by a gentle tui-t of the hand it will separate reidilv from the tree! and .,till rdain its st.'m. It should be , " 11 I gently laid (not eareles-lv thrown) iu I the basket, the contents of which, tvhetl ! , . . . I tull, "liouhl lie earefuli, emptied upon: a table fixed for the mimeso. th. sum., i to be covered with a blanket plilt, I te prevent bruising. This table should I mil. :. itte-le.l in the f-pt-t ily uiel perina , , i , , , ; malt cine of llieir Stuck, nii'l they cliully j be about si feet long and throe feet j a.ino,.,,.-. ,! their experience hy w,.r, of ; wide, and have a strip about two inches ""' '' riit-lle pre--, until onlay nil... ..1 1 ll .1 1 ! lAHMKliS llll'l I'KAI.EIl-, SluCKMKN ASH ..i.i. ,i,i,i. ii in, aioiiiiu wio euges, to i keep the apphM from rollir.g ell' I The rting and packing may now commence, in doing which it is bo.-t to make three grades of tlie apples-the one of perfect 'ruit, another of rather infi rior .pmlity und the third of Buck as are ill only f jr cider or to be fed to I fanlifu! iliuul'. creatiin -, nml pnonle Mr the stock. Jn placing the first two I ""'ir w 1,11 ,;""1 f'""' a'"' r ... ' h , " uti.l for their health l.v n eon-taut nipply sorts in harr -is, lay a mbcU course on ei r. l xi mis i m . - the saiest a:l si nv-i the bottom steins d ownward, and so prin t ed until the barrel is fall, excei't I I that the last conrse should be jihiced I wi:h stems upward ; taking cut e to shako the burrel well a time or ttvo during j the proo s of filling. Tim much care i cannot be taken iu the above respect, i for upon the careful observance of them : all success in the production of first class fruit depends and without which ; a man had better sell his fruit for what he can get, rather thin ntt-mpt to keep it for a better market or more satisfae I tory prices. The barrels so filled mav then be headed up and set away in some cool I place until the approach of winter, I ul i, l!,..v -l,,nl.l l.. ,.!..., i , ., .. .11..- ! l ('iu, . il, . liinu, ; the temporal lire of w hich i-t never so Cold as to fret .e. If one wishes to put up a few barrels of choice apples for f ile, their preserta- ; tion is not only greatly enhanced by wrapping each apple in paper, ns a further seeu'ity against bruising, in j ea-e if transportation, but it gives them a more attractive appearance on being opened. An Iown piper fells of two lovers who were permanently separated by the in- ! terposition of a "cold cloud of realism." Doing freely interpreted this means probably that they were not kindred souls. The circumstance recalls the instance of a romantic! young lady who had a very tine head of hair. Ouo eve ning, wheu her alii meed stood gn.ing what a cico niosipiito net they would make." PlOi-itlt'Ilt ( i:it tic 1.1'h twirfnut, irt Ifi 1a placed upon the live cent international llgo letter stan,,s. j iiuiiKaiiis in maiilirs liave nml oi--asl'in to irv ll.n nev.r f.il.... , .,,..1111. .a ,.f t.. 11., If. (,,,,.., St-run. in. I lli. v nil ,,il., i tl... of this wniiilerliil pr. nerij.tiou. WORDS OF WISDOM. To discover a truth ami to separate it from a falsehood is surely an occupation worthy of the best intellect, and not at nil nnworthy of tho best heart. Our good derdvi i urely cause much gos sip among our fellow-citizens, lmt out evil ones leap immediately into noto riety. It is better to meet danger than to wait for it. He that is on a lee shore, and foresees a hurricane, stands out to sea anil encounters a storm to avoid a shipwreck. Neither worth nor wisdom come with out an effort ; and patience, and piety, and salntary knowledge, spring up and ripen from under the barrow of a mic tion. Hoports from more than one hundred lighthouses and lightships have shown that tho migration of birds of one species or nuother aro almost continually going on, although the great migrations occur in the spring and fall. Vast numbers of birds are killed by flying at night against the ghws protecting the lights of lighthouses, being, while in migra tion attracted by (he bright glare of the limps. No less than six hundred were destroyed in this manner iu a single month at one liuhthonse. Pleasure is very seldom found win it itiss.nht. Our brightest bhi.vs of gladness nre commonly kindled by im expect d sparks. The number of cattle reported in Texas for Idsl.is 1,4,1 l.blH) head.valued at c.'!:,'.H,:!'JO. The Philadelphia f.Vv .. mentions Mr. ,1. A. Walton rf 1 24." N. Twelfth utiet't, that city, as on enthusiastic in dorser of St. Jacobs Oil for the relief and cure of di-eftses of horses. Ms. Ir. Tidinage has a liible class of JiMI ladies. IShe is said to bo a very bright, intelligent woman, nml a very line Bible teachi r The T.enisVillo ' nit i"i tl cites flu ease of dipt. Chas. N. (tort', of that city, who was cured by St. Jacobs Oil, after HUlVei'ing for years with rheuma tism. I o;7, (S,l..')ltiuh;i-vn. ,Ti rr.t s Vi ir. of St. Cbiilsvdle, Ohio who was assaulted by his son, died. The deceased was for a long time a member of the b ir in llelmeut county, Ohio, nnd had si rved three terms iu the Ohio Ijeglslature, Vi I.,.,.. ilm s lint .tl' i ive llivah.l- Mite tal .e .'iiL-m.U' an I el, anng a ti. Milieus iiit ii i-i- iialnrti in i lertriii: ! "I mil puril'tiiik' the whole Ht-nin, l aehiig Itie a'ii !C cr:i.h'.u!lv to , i f-. t lienlth. A Milwa ukee cii iuMiiiiii sais : ' Is ij i.rei.i r I'l iiiiMieiaUnii tn smiuil tie -il. ru' .- " From et.-. i t in.- th.. i tV. ll'nll the le 11 1- ill o.. la!it. I lie fhri w 1 Pltlslmriilii I's :;l Ili'LIXr, ill o.lel i. il eXtril-'t M' in the Yier.l a of l...ir,.l inn it ihe hi IS-. aim it ! vi ry I ' tii- t 1 trd.-imi. ilu I- tlie only article th.it ill lie hue lew hair HrH-lliigN, Keni'lti'M. rats, catH, mice, nuts, tins, insects, c1. hu il out hy "liutigli en 1,'ics." l.v., iln kk st. It i- Hot tin lintel'iT n( fuel- lie KUelVH. hut lietf much .' tr.cl In is hiins It, that nrof -th.. mini to ni: hoi.it ,tr At ction. These familiar tionli rcejill to tin- fartu T uinl oiivis inn-ret! il, the unfortunate iu-. i s- kill of ttimttlll.- i'.-iioi ri.l ill' l.i..f 11.. if I not otluru w sai.ii.i,. onaccniiit of Mem. If ",, ""l" r,7"'""i' ;'"lrovo upon tin-m. iho.l. n.v -lion im: liow to restore your slo-k to t!r-t-eln eo;i,liti,,n. I- tho plan 1','r' u"" pn'ente.l. The siun.l hetietlt of Hi. i.ri nt i e riiiini lieiiicih to iiiaiihiii.l very ivn-ouiiniy in.lue.,i its nrplteatioti to the niiteriiii:- tniil iillineiits ,.t t!io ilumh crea- tnnl It w. re more than surpri-nl hy Its ra It. Hi I i, h.ii, .. M ill. 11... 11.. r,. I'...,,.)., ,,-lt.i I iii.i:i'Eii,the i "i s i n y ovi n.nre ii-Iiic.-t .Iacoiis nil. xx i : 1 1 ilel'-ht. s.iii-faetioii .-tn. protit. Tlie others who mistake of ff!La'"s0 their til, iikini: that Stock tiy a suit I liinu- n-fl-v iiuseraMe i f f.n etmiitli ' II fort lit .eon. lor a Ilor-e nvjl niy. There I- tmt.li- l.y ar,. others Ul... I. .,!.. .,..' II... ...ir.. ..t ,l...lr ii f lor I u-t-ases of I lorseM ami stock ever ,l:c .v. re.. Whenever then- appears any ivi. I. ne,- Mhai-oexcr of ilisnisc or inlury iiIiiohl: Aiiiiiiuts. Iliey slioiilil have the lic-t 1 ,,iv.ille treatim in, lis It never put s to 'li fe attention to snick. Itia-iiiiicli. lin n, u it le the pin t ol common pniili-ncc to use the MireM curative tjieann in the l.enlnnimr. every stul.lv. 1'iirin nml Slock-ynnl shouM he nl'iiiiiiiintly mpplle.l with St. .Iacoiis "II.. xvlncli Is iim-il Hint recniiiiiieii'leil l.y tin- lust llortcmeii in tlie country as an ar ticle hieh xi ill relievo inoio proinplly nml ccrtainlx the miliu ms of Hint liiiunis to stock tlinn nny other retueily luiown "i.r t-.avill, ltiti(;liolie, Wtllil-ttttll. l'le-ll- tw , . ri YtimnilH Btltl ltnll 3flRO of all kimU. I'iiII- l:vll. Splint, Sut-ll-huz. TtmiorH. lrUtu- ln. l.anit-nrft,Ht!t1'ht. ('rumii- uf the Mirn fle. Arlitt- nml C'liroiiie I-i.tiiiiter. Muiige, Ci.riiit, Wliitl'iwa, llrnken Klieen, 'uf. t o lie. Sort. Throat. Ill-temper, nml liniiiy i. tiler I unease, espcciully 1'iMit-Kot III Nliet-p, sr. .1 ai'ous I ii i. HlTonlx iiuUiint relief ntnl a sure cure, anil .hisu hut Kicty C't.N'I-. rainphlets coiitaiiiini: full .l.rei-tioiis for Inline treatment of ill-.lises of ilollicstii uiiiiiinls, eenl upon applientimi, hy Jl VC3E1EH & C:., Ealtiaine, Hi. C.nOO AJKNTM WAMTKI TO SE1J. TBI LIFE OF GARFIELD ! hi tap'icstruivlpfur Lid1 . umii-rful mt'diijU Uval iurnt; !Jnl-MnnuHinr. n-iuoval tn Kltf mm . ilt-nth. U' Vwfy iHHJumtrt. H Uibltct imrtrmlt f tnrfl'-t'lTil W!f illi'l fji'-UltT : twviie uf thf fliootluf ; thslrk 'iuuiilr:Ontt'im id hi iLI . thuntivwu. tml tin I'Bl'lliet. The ly avmplrlr met authmt m-rk. Thfr ii f'rtun oT.iri Aftinth A rrk thiib-k Oilltit Mh-. Sieak iili k. ACdls-i Ul liUAHO lilius,. ,uil u,luul Ol.. I u.ia.icii m- Free! Cards! Free! W will iMid fw hv mull a rai1 't f our f r man. Krin'h. h'iitlh and AuuTH-n fanr raniK, Willi a i ri-i' ' i "VtT a hunlr ;l .litWrnt iWn.'!i. on n i-cipt i( a xUini for Hwtaifi. 'l'lifv ar tint ail Ti-rtuMiiKt'fcMa.lnit livr, ftiic n lurtM lin-ui" rar.la, n tfolii. ilvr anl liiitfil (rnuii'lf. I'Tiiruc t ti tliit-ft r)lle. M"n in th wtTlii. W will aim fti-!- a ..iiii.l- iiil i rn ul our lartft and mimll dim urn" AiMn-iw h'. til.KASON k CO.. Mi H.iuinir Ht . ltiMtoii. MaNM. GARFIELD S wanted f-.rlafe nt PiwtA- Oarrlcl'l. A c,ii:,..e. Tftttll ii.r tn.in cr,le t.,ifrve. I.v the ,-iiiiiii-iit t.i.(rri-htr. I'nl r,.iiw.-n. It. Vw l) r'A.I. Inr .leiiverv. All Heyaiitll lllil-tralcl vnllime. Kinl"r.rl edition l.llwr.il l.-ruii AKenltlnliceriler. fur tr-.ni i to Mt ee-l, il.iiv. OlltellH ftitv ntlier beck ten ti. one. As'i-iiiH never m 1 1,- ninney en fMt. Tt.e IM.k iti'll Itwelf. Kx eri II'' not lif-ese.rv . I'.ilure nnkiinwii. All inAhe nun e me prerite. I'rt tkie tertiu Irvfl. UiuitusSrisiius &Co., 1'ortlAui Mi lNiiioKtmos, riTsrapsiA, nervous prostra- I Hon Riul all forma of general lehilil' telieveil I by taking Mknsman's I'i eTiivizi n lii'rr Tosio, the only preparation of Lrt-fcniituiiiltiK its en- j tiro liiitiitiinia properties. It oniitaiiiH bluml- I making, foreo-Keu. rating an.) liic-mistHiiauK ' properitl M ; is invaiuul.le in all i nteclileil i-nll-iiitiiiiis, xx hetherthe result nt exhaust ion, ner vous prostration, ox envoi k, nr iiciite ilie iiho, partieithirly if resulting r,-,,rn pttlaiauary enni iilaintM, 1'anwell, llaiiarj Co., inipt"ieti.rs, Now Yolk. IttM'l til) .'IIM1 IM'.ITII. William . I. t'niiu'lilili, .f S.iiii. rville. M.i., mivs: In the fall,. I ls7r., I was takin xiith i i.riaiiMi ok 'iiik i.i mis felloiii'ill'i asin n c.,i:-h, t l. -ti.o ap iitii.- an. I It. -li, hi,. I v. us ceiitiie it . ne Id. In Isr; I a I ailiuilt. il n th- I'tisj -tat. 'I ln. ,Ic-,.m I leel a li... 1 In no luiiv- asl itfas I. all aili llar. At nhe lone ur - pen uciit in . nml iliai lii-.l. a.l. I cm-ur I '"i--. I, III a f.l. Il.l t.,1. 1 meet int. XV I I.I.I XXI II M.I. s : Al. I SAM l illi Till: l.t'Ni.S. 1,-i.t iilMtl, . iili. ii t..,i.. anrprin, I ceiiiiiicii.-.-il I.. . i-l l.ein r, in, l I., ,1a. I fi l l li. tii r than Inr tlinat nanin-l, I u r.lc ili.i I le1 I'i Ilk' even "I :Vi. t.-il Willi iiM.;,., l.imi; will I like hit. WII.I.IIM MALI, s ll.M.s X, n, liceli vi!,c. .I lli.tt I'ONSI XII i loN I AS ll:i 1 1(1 .. I, .iti i.i!tlcl ISO II tl.l- l,.llf M 1. other iiu-.h- ice t hai.-i.ile ii ia li.ll-li t -I. tM l.MI Will;! to ) I l lli. ... u,l. ilaii.i il- .a..' ... . S.-H.I l tee l I.k I. u. mal !l,a). et 'I'i I ril.ir. . ".'. ' " ce.., II an all llic O ,. ! I- III -i- kll-- i'i: all l-.i t I 'a! 'Ihe 11 .in !lo Is Hit ul' ilelil rxi8 i)isops I Never Shall Font Me First Dose. "..vS-,;': .1 . a. I i" .- llll I I. , I I p.:t. il n.i le-. Alt. I Ml. ii.: - Li., ! i all . t in . 1 I i Hi .1:-. - i. t il 1 :n-' : !, I, - l : i r. 1 1 ,.i .ar; -I I .1! ti. I e I , I aa 1 I. il l. r. 1 mil a l,. .n: mi ." i...;.-. 1 ! . . al I. an- rel in I.i I .i,.i i iiii-i- ii, e n. i- n .'h. ii.- Ii . it ! e , I I . a. 1 i inn 1 I , I. 1 . i. miiN s si.rr.vii-:. !..t, lain ia,i-, a 'I i'K l Ml: 111 . i - . ! -in 1 l 1 1 .- lit ! i no. l n.i i . i.'l .'i . .- l 11 'I i .'It-' a :.. I I i; ..-i af .1 l:t. -il. I. . c at e if. - ll ..!.. . II., I oi III -lie. Ii.; ''M I. ll .a. I IV. il. !, , .. t. e-. i ' li l i 111. JI.M . U.Ul I. I.:.-' .ll!- lit Vegetine. rtii.i Aiir.i' hy H. R. STEVENS, Bo.-toti, INIi-s. Vcgeline is Sold by All Drugyibls. Ouriirthe ltf-iiNii.il,l. HfitNiiieii .( inc. a l r.. i i-i. k-.l in. ,ii. a !- i- l- Im:. ! r-. I t , iij... in. nt. e.,1 ,, 1 1 ; 1 1 -i,l -. , ',, I,' I : I :, . 'titiritii -I ,. -i , ti.- I;,,l 1. 1.. m . hr.'i,-.- ,,,i-e i"li i-i",'ii...tH.. n:tli II -tclt-i - s.,i,i :.-, i'.:-i I'i- t I 1- i-.il. ll ll nil ivl-i-l,. nil I le -I I'::. --i l .1 II. l- a.-ilinl.i'i .1 l-i ami i .ui -i.- - Hi- - -I- a i-flan. I t -in. an, I cne. Ii . .o-.. I r. ne I Mat a. n. lull..' -ii., rh. ,l i. i.il - 'i . I.'l . I I : I ..r -ale In 111! I n-lli.--l-.l- an-1 I . .ei iv ... ... -a HM Am I riiremi' rurmillvr I'lIU m.,k. Sen lii.-Ti Itl'Hxl. anil ill i-..liiil,.ely elinriii,. 1):n I,,...ii in tiia cut. r' n.l,.iii in tlm-e iiixui),-. An- ..-r-.iii who wall t.ii. ,,ii. .,11 ,..A,'li i, ,(.-1,1 tr,,in 1 t l'.u,-. kM mav lit reM..r .1 le - -am i li.-allli. il eu.-li a ihmz p,.il,!c S-.l.l , i. ri w h- r- ,-r -.-I.I l.y leait e s I.-ii.t lttiiii;. I. f. JOIIXMIX V ., Iliislini. .Muna., nirnit-rly lliiiiuur, Xle. taete HOSTETTE&v FITTERS " St - I - BniEaQTAIIOlFREE ! Survival of the Fitelj A riMllY IHUllflXKiniT HAS HKALEIiS i n.'i'.'l 'i.'i fl allUIOXS Dir.lM) S5 VFV.18J K ; s " " iirfivrniiTiT ivvm xn immvvm CI ; civ wamii mim immi.n cts BA 1IAI.M TOR KVEICV M (ll'XI) Fe f''i ' MAX AMI MUST! IJ HTHEOLDEST&EESTUNIMENTI l,r i; - 1EVU' .V.vriP. IN" AMEUC.x. fi ! SALES LAEGERTIIAN EVER. S ine xtesienn .iiii-iauir i.'.ini.ien' n;i-Kn j s.-iai fur i l.eell hiio.Ml 1 .r Inoie lloi t lull y -III ffi I "a i.KS' veins i s t;..-I.. in nil I liiia.i ul s, Im I , s,,;,!,' flturir i- 1 1 am ever. It cures wli. ii n!'ic B i.ll,ei-4'all, UIl'l )iene;i'at"J shin, luinliitilj 4 : n.i muscle, Ij I'm sl bullc, CuleH Do 'You Want A SPHIXO SCAI.K THAT O IN 11E CAIlKIICO IN TMK I'OCKKT ? TIIF.SR cm AltR m.I. lor Sale by all Drug glut, Stationer and Hardware Dealer jeW Ll s;'iii".l N " jfs'i lyj," It von eatinotHml ana to ;oor tn nl n -IU eeni In nmrntp nl.mfi aifd wa wit! aen.l la aanipli by ii, Ail. linxx tit Ii y vtl. . lii jH lHradw;r. New lark. Jl ilUULJUIII .Mil .1 .1 WJH1I W,"U VMXMLM. 4,W. cmtiJH .WMBSmXSMBBt D. LANGELL S ASH CATARRH REfAEDY. T7..lt.i,ut.e.i tiwMoh:.. i.i .Ir.u, .,n, STHH f M IMIilC, u ' .um.". nt it tnw.rg for htih t rr utt-riaet WpHOtRfUl CUR! ASTHMA r CATARRH." I'i rial MIN'JTIS,"'""!. llo.UIU. -.U ii a i nf..nre.1iMlorlrl.J p-fe MCI Karens H frtrtnr. filr. w.m. or aif T Ilti u tagravlBf nfntnlt tat Lanii la a kMlm? ataU4 STANDARD REMEDY IN MANY HOMES. F.ir ratt.a, f'cl.tfc. Crnm., Branekltts aad al cUrt atfaertr.nii ei id Tlo.m aM I.I Nt;rt. H itauae aar mled tud utturiy b.;ourtKoonip.t!lloa IN CONSUMPTIVE CASES tt arpmWnw m nr a ivs-IV tin. KIc.trOTA AS AN EXPECTORANT IT HAS NO EQUAL! IT CONTAINS NO OPIUM IM ANY FORM I i. N. HARRIS iTcO., Proprlotort, CINCINNATI, O. FOH SALE BfTu DRUGGISTS. ! To the People iv, South, KINiis 1KM TI nml lis IIK.ItOK. l '. a r. lie I.vtlr, li t 7. l.'Mi.an.l tln-pvtila . I - !-e, a r lira , . n- -i cut in )- , unit inn, ii . i,l -I toil ..i-. .-i. r.. Tin- ani,p l.l ii is i . I '! o i.-.. I.I. 0. Ii a - -i . nl im . , ar. ui i;.itn in. i, .1. i. r ll... i . r . i.i. icli i.liiiiiils in -' ne . o- ' .- i ,i .,il'ii..;,',l In r lira, Il his , il i,.t. . .1,1,:. I.. e. ,i,i I .ii', 1 11.. i.-- . . : .l. .,i . ..; . ii in. a i- i n. . s. i i.-r. i'i. i 1 1 1. 1. . . XX il'i i e,i,n.-lit. Mel .a. ell. 'Viiei t,. li.eni. i, a, .11 , ir !!,.. r-. ,.m liinu I" I!,. I.,.. I',-,..:. !,..iil tl,, s ..itli. mil we. -'I.,, i!,,-. , . fi- :li. ;,l . . ..-i .., II, cieii.-ll-. I Vc lit . 1 . ..ii ' ,ii':i. I 1 1;, i.:. ... it. !.. i. I ei. .ii, Tti.iv,.rk . . -.1 ..-, k , , v. ia,.. atH 1. 1 , etl'IMll. liellll,!. i. ii :: -o- I . ... 1 1 hi v ,.i 1 1... ii. r .. aii.t nam r .. . u. , .; . .. s, ii !: ,i, i ,, ;,, ,, r .,.r, n , s. I'rtee. I. iii i - I i . I.-. 1 1 I - a i i :. i r ma- - i M-l .' I ul- ieii,ri ..ii.,.. l-ITlai o I IU l.MSl IN l a' 'i-l,. r '. . 17.. en- . em I i.a i, u " linn n Miiiu.-ii ;..- ,niii-i- ix a .1 ti: ritorv. S. .1 :. i- . ii, l. ii ,1 . ,ii, v. . Pajru'o ActCfTiatic Engines. , rr - -.. j- . i:T . it I X'A '-Tr$Cl 2 .... ". IV IMIiiMr, Pnrable and Krnnomlenl, iell ewx . '. ' i- ncr ire '.j, "vi ai te-iter lAtm i; .-,- .(- ..-lt. . Ottett .-til. aa AulnraalM ! IT S.r.ll lor I'. utrxlel I'.l ! sue " .7" f!W if- "iiU. a tfad J r. a. B. W, TAVKK Ri!NS. B sua, c'ornliut, N. T. NCYCLOPtDIA TIOUETTEsBUSINESS in;. I. le jinl reliable .n.i s,., i Knmia. It .-.li.tiis.il ill... and ii'i'nf .)) is-eailoiia. nine- coi.tnitiiiitr a lr.i l. Ten In Air ta. ,,.1 l:iMii.-l.)ua.I'a. CGDKwaltcr Engine. WW' :.t.l.. i i r lew rices fr In i -'lv'- -0"t I'I? :lll,r.e Poller, iU v. 'd r-.i. ia..l I.UIUTluini,.,r s i.i s. . i'i. ,.-.r e. w pami'liiet. I l l ". A (It.. Mt:ilHfirlU. Olilo. PI XX-! II. x - ! fl A s- . : i .1... : i i .a'.-ur i ii...ii-'.-ii. i'-ui- . P a- airi P. a'. i 11,1 Ui r- Pan , mi 111 It .'r.tl-- I. ',l- I' .: r. .1 I ae. I'e. tut i , p .rao tan.- ' 'ax . .-a i i i'. -1 1 1 mi."..i 'liara'leH .. e , ,1 ii, - -nt Ir.-.-. "n .,, :e, 1 i f SI.HI Kl, ON. lis K. lit. Xi iv irk. itn.-Crnille iothoC.rii.-AiMei n.h J 'A la ..t k., J l. 'nl -..I. S. .-AfnJ ,1,1 Ily llllr.1. CHEAPEST Y1 )OKS IN THE tTTORLD M....P -a-'-K Tame' Hi-t-ry el 15 ' I ;, .... ., U; !:,., ,,.l.l..(lnl- IHf nll'l I p..' i. .,'.. , !:.. i- 1. -in I. ..r H' M ai'i-' i''Hnv.'l'l''!vi..N v. p.ii.in.x 'l.vsn ATTEMTION--ALL ! Cseatcst, Chcapost, Latest, pi.ipi.1 i'v " 'i'i. fix ur t siviais.xi, i. nr.. lii .i..ii'i..s.-.n. is-'i. Semi - I - ll M 1 IV IMZIINAJIONAL It Pi , N. V- :i... ,le I. It X. XI imiaer. K.MIItX's. STIMMItll 'l ltF.. pimp X.c-I.il.l.-Si., ar l,...ilcl Tills. A l ... i i. ul l .- i-.':i..l. P.r I r.vf'ii lllnl lil-'l-M--. io,.l aa .Mil.lllIlL .,a-'-e, I,. i;',,!,!i . M-l ar. er I' .-. -lis el iltiv nt I;, -ei I'r.K. I.Mr, n stahiliiril i . I x e -a ' . V, rh I it- . W II.lv 1 VS. ,1 O. .l.ir M.. Nnv Y..rk. . i- Ine- itti itia i-nii-fl ,,r iiniiii-(- ,a. r 'll a - rtw.iali-.iltl-lllii; 111 at I .ii,)., r. ! - . -i I l.-i r- n. V.-ur X'.-rk. WnT WA8TI MONITI ToawauwM. ,11. "l h.i'r '-n mi. ki... rKiiNi.ruis ! g9& HUH IV -IX U.S ... I". J i.iini. A, SI.M ll'ftt .1 ..l.!,. la, tTR 1 IT mi.'.' I"r 'I !-tr , ur 1hmih ft) mav .ilr.it- iri'in liEv. I'.' iK. I'll. 1. ew $ 7 7 7 M !Alt a. el eXH-nsia to lluint tree. A.Mrt P. kert, AuuuntH, r. . i.i ( .1 .V Weak itrnn, t-! .-i.n i. et-'ii- lelnli;j iew.il te-ii'iv.. Or,-aim. 1l all I)railKiU. Trm .Mleu'k I'l.ar'i v. a 1.1 . ri.t an.N.V. tihI llmkA aim lllhlea. prieea l Irr" 1 ', ' i-i-ri-t. :-ai,.i,a: ,',il. i i. I' ...tA.'eiei.tA -a. ." '."." i 'i VOIiajr. MCll ll '"'l w.-ulil leril Teletfrnl'V ID TUUlMj mtn r th .n.l lie .s.tam of Hitllitta.i,. a..r.--M alciiliiu. tlr-'s.. .luiiefvillc. Wl. PPTWTn? Q " rl'iiletil llutlcr ( iiiii- J, IVill 1 uivij in, .un, ii. i n, em- M.i.ien an. I It X M l-.X. I. Ill lit I.I. . New Vurk. nTXTTfllT I an r- I X"li I'uo .l. Hi cue that UrlUMr.rir,:;;:,1.',,::,. """ hlVuiii I s ii! ate en,t,. ivitli.Mil pulilicit v. beufl -l.en a-th. I.e.. 1 1. I; s XI S ( In,,:,.. IT"r ll rTir1TTT?CJ C.Utoo. Tr. AAirrm, Ruaaed VV A X wXlij J Aiurr.iiW.lir0,Pllikiiriia,Pai jri TTIVf Cj" "vol"era. I'.i.wt". im. Ada, SI7K IIKPRRfBJITATIOMS OK I'fr''. otA' i's ftn -,inA A'LC5 to lit en Bt chWT I wi iwxi.tiii tiririiwo. ia ii I ru-ririt.-u4 k urn ottftll. I (nrtnril- dlaif vrj t iiuh:.iuraMOiAilkM id ip com ft ittll?. Aar ptrmn am mllf iAinA.! m ilMx I I'I- ! He I,. , t -I al'il 'I. . C . H- i-k1. I I i,l.. It. at, 1 I.I. -it ' l.-e- ,,i n. . . iter',, .i: tl:. -an i I... a I : . -:r I - t I'i- I., -I ,.!. .e '. . Xui-nt ilFlril. S. : I '. I . ir Bnvft i Ptf .1. -. r. t, . -t ta-....rl-un 1 1 S.artw A l ie - m -.in I l l'l.-l,r ...' t lr:ii-t .1 Cfa t.'r-l'.'e.ne B u.s. a I x. ciM.i- J mm R K'liSJr! i '1 ol bos tes rioilhriti.it, t-f ix turn Btn. flot od V lawtf II h riiOui -4, t M CHAR3I. dr.iffll Bt B-rp (' rrmH,, ll

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