...rfH .. ...- !... .-a. imrmirriiiM iMii it, , .. '' THURSDAY. MAY . issi , . H. A. LONDON, Jr.. Editor, , Or.. JitlltOl. )NYr,NTION. - ii y. i- ii t North Carolina Press Assocm - Id their tenth animal Meeting i. i Tia...i..ai. nu.. M- ,M,.;iiHiiu in. tivmiv hcin nhp ti) itltcul ui.il h-ait un m-rasian kuc'.i .Wrof ourlnvthrvn of . litter lui.uix-r .f 1-aj.cus tt a than i't r.nv rrcvions was rppresonU'il tuan r.ny I've intptit!r. Mid. as is j-liarai'ti-rUti.' !' rttir conventions, all its irw.!it;v- Hit cuiivemioii. an us 'inn vore markea with the ul mt hanmrv tnJ courtesy. The ronv.;,;i,m assem 1h,lonWe'h,es,!:,v,.i,hii.,lh,:;,ys lietxtiV. which ha.1 b,-.-., hi-.!.;!,.- rU.-..l wore ruul Mod tllPlltiV. at our thsi'osa!. ami w.is ra:!i-l t Wilcr bvCai.t. S. A. Ash... t!u- i..-e .i - if ,,f n... t-.vt ,..-..v..!iti...i. "Vfr 4 Wnller Tool. ii. h.-half of tlieeiii.-.-n, Of the t.w. made an address fwel. ,-01110 which was responded ! by Cm . Asho. Mr. C. l .1, s r.a.l a jioem ii-epaved tor the ....as'mii by Mis-iT.iseUelUrnlaiin.andtheamimil nddrss was .lelivered bv Mr. I'. I., C. AV.u-.l. A laro audience was in tilteiidance and mncli t-njoyt-d the yoniti; h e.; rc!--e.s. N'et m.'itn:' ihe poi-umc'i: r..ceedcd with the Iectlon ol it- o'-mrrs. festllti;.- in the election of Mr. II. S I'.ra.Kmnv :ia presidetit : Messrs. Cji-.-vy. rowt-il ami (Jo.,leii as ice m -I l. nts : M,-. JoruWi Sto::t' as secretary and trc.-is nrer: and M.is. A-he. Lotidon. luMiiiisoii, Ih-um r and D. al.c as the S'li-iitive C'-m mitt ee. We wi re ho:: ored by h.-in' el. cied the t-r:-:-i f t!o i:e:.t convention, ;;ud Mi-s UcIktch- Cttjirron was rcin-tf-.l t- .-..iiti-ili.ii.-i a noeai. ():n- .i the mor.i - - i cutertaiiiiii;!' a.s wv'.i as t!:e :.i-t in Htrr.etive. features of il.es.' a.mu... moeliiiL's i. the lealm-' of e-.s.iv- yren. hi sty pr ..wtal by iti Juhers ap- noii.tPii i-v ti..- t.:-.,;.l..n At the meet tut,' timre wtie (ho i'olh.v. : . , , ,. "Oil Matl-Ucs ol taeMaMl.d In- ress of the .State by Mr. J-i:n 1. Cameron, "On 1'i.di Inter, n by Mr. IX. ii. Creecv. and "On M:itit::iei-.:r. of the .State' 1v Mr. C. II. d-ties. An . . . , , , , . invitation was a.'c. p!c.i to h . I to-- next convention at the White Sulphur MHIH.'S near uailicsv....- im: , . luihs wc.-t of Aih-'. il!e. S i li.at. oi;. .'.VEVeiiti vi is he 1 one y.-u- i.. a:- the sea shore, and the n. t v. ar h.yom! the r.hie Hid;.'", thus a:V H'di. ti.e ,r .Iiemhers of the press an opp .i tim::y to brcome well aivpiaiut-d with every jiortio:: ' 1 the Si. lie The c.ti. i.s sf Uliabeth City iu 1 their ent; rtainment of the prcs r'.iuy well sustained their far famed r. p :t.; tion fir hosnitdirv. m-l est. -nd- 1 every emtrtesy within their power. Thii d-h--htf .il I. ill and itmptll ---.l- iianquet were esji-cial!..-e'.:ioyi-d. and will I..:,-be rem.-mh. r.-.l by 'ml wl... 'vrve so for! i : : rite as to 1 aith-i: a:- ..... . , i .'.i thenim e v.-n- ent. rl.ime I at th- "Alhr..urle JIoi--. wh-rc e,-l;- wmfcrt was ;.:c.si pi, -s.mt'y p:-o id. d This was our lirst vi-.'t P. thai p.at;.):. .f the Stilt'', of which we ha I la ,l;d ho much, ami we wore i:-'-t i-.' .'-t-.b imi.r:':is.;.l tli'-rewiili. h;.'..U-:h Cily U plnasantlv s-ituaie-l "!i a h-.iuli.ul is..',. , , , oemi oi i ne i'iis.:i an a i sv. r. wt.t.-!i ,.i,i , i , 'it tliat place is verv de. ; n: d wi ! . 1 , is distant t'.v-(.iitv miles tr m. .v. hi'm-iiie bound, eoi.tams :l pi.p'da'.mti of be tweun t!-.ren :rid four t!.,.siii.h and liastniinvlian,h.om .p;1i! p-:;. 'oi-h , , ' , . lias roee-iMv brivmi ott a m-w com house, wl i.-h will ln na- if p r. la, ! Ho:il"st ill ill.' Si !':. a:. 1 t h ' b i;h ai acost f twenty ih..- :h . :-:.. 1 .! '1 1 . ' It conlains.psiie a miaiVna i, - .... , . , and mills, and is I :m ... mavi- tlicllll'.ll-; (own of .'.'li-iin'iliii. i,.. portance. Ther" i:"e y-rul s iv. .nilld. ldanin - n. .!!,. iii.m (Vl,. carriage factory, and a ship yard. .vllicll l itter to our up e..ii!ry edilnfs Avas (puirf ii novel. y. :iiel we w-ie lunch i.ilcr. . sted in io .pi ct in, ,' a schooner thai washeiv,' Imi1! th-reat A leave trad" is earii- 1 on with th -i dilioiia..- e.i if.:...: , -Li.. ih- " " " ' ' .... ", ...io a tTall:il'nr!alio!i.i'.1. hti-sof ste;mib..a's ply re-;iila.'Iv ill ("imiimnicatio!! v. it !. ilion.lh m' lit.;.. .v. only in. uie of commmucii! ia;; withth- outer woild onlil ,is yi a.-, v. In 11 a niilroad wasi-uiistriicted I'; i'-ki'o! I'oii:. It distance of fort V siv; t lib-a Thi 1 road (over whi.-h iv-ira.,!!..!, ., . . , throll-ll aiuoai p-odu-t 1 ve ...miliy. ami lias from (he .mis, ..,n- a l business. The s n l'a. e ..f ti.e count i v Kee.os .,f i-f.-.K- 1. v,l. .,1,...,. ,!.- 1 tub-properly drai.ied. is vveliadapl.d for cultiviitioii. and the soil i , . - fertile, y ielding imineii ao crops i.f corn and cotton, ami it Is to he r - glett-d liiiit itll th-.-e p.-odiic!-' '0 (,. build up a Yi.-ii.i... i.i.bad '.,i a Xoi '.li Ciiioliiiii ciiy , .Ol I II;.. I I.,)' W- spent a lii-ht and purls d Iwo.lavi, -..V r.,,o..I ... ! .. .. iiij city, unit its chief source of si--p!v was ironi .North t aroima. J l -.v i.-.i;.-!- do wo wish wlnt. i.ids rU' ri.::fd o-,i' tol.idi.t m, s,x,. o,H. (:.,-..I,.,.is...i. , "ort I JJiaheth Ci!v is to bs coimiatuLi- 'Tiust 1.0 o.Lcir. jtfil upon lmviiij,' UiH'f si-.iln'xcolltiit ' Carolinian, r.r.d The 'Falcon tin i!;l(Ur 1a;,.v !!,ul to tl,lil l"u d'liotors we tetulc-r oisr thanks for, courtesies oucmti.i. .v uwti wnn """v-.. .v three such paper- h Iwuult., i v. I . '.. w,. i. ,n lii ;( !.,... it ill',. (. . e ie-;ii t. not n.i, s.i' .ift-u .mn.- i , ... . .. . leav o-iv ;..iice m tun- to accompany Ii:-..l l.v. n ( It.,, t. on their i v:vmm t.. th' f:tr famvl iWi.-.i.-s of tlm Allvumr!,.. v,l,i.-h IVoiu th. ii Mh-tions ,nuM huv, W.n .uos . .'njoyaMo. lh-yl.-it l-nu-kan - v.h. to th.- Si-aVnt foa.l ir..vi's t!.c 1:1. vk- ws.tir) t i Moii.liy ;!.: y Jiih:. wi-iv j-La-wstly ami li'.-j it.. ' -- i . ' ei.t.-rtaiuf.l on the sieatnl. :. .. a- !. aft.r a .l-yV .ih' !"wt. i".- ;i-.'. e.niv.,! u!,-,;l X ! : f.e nylit near the lisheii N.-.l .! :!:: -i ''I wiitv.'.-in;:- tin .li - h ;ism. hy tl.i lar.- u hm Ti: s.hus uv !ih..-.!t a mi!.' K . l , , , . ., . , thousand ystros m wi.it... ai;.l tit. dra,t, in by si. am cim and at one- haul faich marly a h'tndred '.housiud lish : Think of that ye u;. eemtry l:!ierm. n '. It i sai t t. be a most .citi.i;,' scene, when these;::- is I awn i:i near ti.f -l:-re. to see su.-h -. m. tl.-li -:''.a-::i! t i-c:. , . . ... . !i-ti a:v ii,-rrii..;s. timu-di ma: y sh.i.i. , ... - , u.i -l"'"; - ' ' Thc.-e ih'i- no are s ml t I- the lar-. s! on the At l.ml ic c ..-i-t. a..d ; . vrrv ret,.uti-ratic to. th-ir ."UM-. who em; -my hui.di. N . I m n :i' women d-ir:':.' the !i-!.m s- a u whi.-h i- fr uu ih--l of M-.r.-ii t th mid ih- i' May. A (;rl! Cnroiitiii t'.M-Initt'. P.- in Wi'....i..,r. ' Kv.cw. A -m- fs-c! 'o f i . ! t ': . w ir S H.u . :v ii-i S .1". ",l , a! i I-:, i ' Hid It'll t t. 1 pi le ii: it . iV i'l '. 'l ii wind cu: I- i -v. I V : hi' U 1' !' i' i ;! s 1 1 'a w I : : a-, a: . 'i' 1. ..' a mi m h. 1! . ai. 1 i: s : :-k- a up I i:'v :.'. i .' ::': ! -v. K- a " ' l" -! I l !.:v lion w , lv:u;. ,..,. .: V :ot y . , ,. I.-.;' . . :. a; d dim Th- cm: ' fr.-m !!.- we-'. Ii'..- ' -' '"'' a-'''iyc ui--. C , : "'; i: v- r t.c n.-i . yi.i. i . : ii..- n.l was - a j ,' li.f. :. ,.r p, ;. ; ....,,,;, . . s- t... . i !;,. ,. s;:.-:s" li.e w;mi i...!. uav-.;-., m:;.. i..e . i. ' -i! "" . .' 1-. A II i"..-s. I i wi!:.' .:'!. i :. !.. !'. Mr-. I ' r . C -'.vta iv ! y h'i :;.;r h-r vi'".. - u I. :-',.- I. i : I- h. I- " . T M -. i. : .' . I.. wi was l lll V .I'lUI '" I. i': 1 as a.. ! w :: d-n. s v. i i- !: a :i ,n i I the fiii.i' :::o an I ; vn ; w- r. .k"li t!j bv ?!t. v ii. .1 n-. 1 e 1 1 ii ,. f,;. i ',' r "so !:is I . ,1 -; ti. :" fi "' " ' C vv is f .- ...I a I. ,'r i 1 li - ;.flt 1 lie a!- '" 'JT,)'.,!.,!,' . f p v, r :.. .,. w , , ,.:v ,. . , . i ;. . , . p. u-is i .---'.'v t.. l- -d-t 1 -.-er in 'I: it !v:v' 11- ' !;"'"- " ,n 1 '!-. ' i'-i s 1 S .v . 1 i v . r wv" -v : -d - -.I I..- :, .,..,,.,. j. t;) ;,y ., ,j ,. k.iii- i.; .-l . ' m. J..- el Mr uie,., ; ! au-ve pa' il'. I.V ;. 11 ' s ' 1 1 1. 1 1 f Veil !. I 1. 1-1-. . la r. At i. -. north 1 1 ;1 is i-;--'. i ; ti h w:- Id ua ti.e -niv 1 ..s . f hv i.c.-ir!. .1 tl.-,t v.. : ...... ),',... . .. i; 'I. i ;.. ., '" ' ' 11 " " '"'' ' " ' etil.-.r-.l s-ih m ,t te-cr I ': : , , , ""'' at .1 mi '.- u i oi sai. : i p, ,. j ,, , . ,('.'-. : p. M :ty IP I. u: and lie' it .i,,.i '"''' b".. wa .!.. n ai. I !!.. ; : .' :" b- , i :-t. A b.bv !: -;. 'Alili'i.-. w !...!. 1 U f.hli, i ; , , , . . o. I -. '. v. "ii 1 1: ! I - .; . i ! i V- ' . . '. pr, .,. M'-. .1 s i : . , .v i. .1 ... i .. 1 by t,.(- , ... , ;' . li -d a;i-.. M 1 ; 1 ''' ' ''V'- v '! -.;, i ami t i t . o-im mo-., i ,.,v ; ... A ,:, ,.f wt. i,l -vti ..-ail. f..i.r I. .'. rhe d.v. 1 :;. I.w.is. ...f h .-t,-n . ''run elc . :u .M . mi s I). mui l P. II te I, Win. I' o 1 .- I'laiil; S in. has v. rs e -inpii ti iV ne !..-- i. Mr. I'.n 1 "s lai a- iv.s ohovi i,u' .o i n ,-m k i in 1 nu n-d ..v.-r a haif miii t ,l v" Mr. Tici.. Wd ..ci ji -i a .. saw inil! was !...wm n.r .0 I ih- inneiiii.i t v -m-vv iia! d i'ii-:-i d. I '.- truck .1 ll.e fcl, t n. v. as : : tee 1 ; is S-Ut!ll uf ii.-o-.i-.A , i.i, i .ii.t im:, 'i'.ii,'! was mit. ie.mi-;-l. .s 1 eros - ,..t li Wi!- ,. .... V .... r, - ,'- , i ,10 !i 1. 01.1 Ha. la- .i .vvii. : f ..- ......la ti.i !-i !o li.iocl th. II lv.siuth m d , vvit-. u. ; : '"!l "''d' ' - .WI! i:p la !;e.s !"" ' ! M:, " ' ' "!'''" u :" 1 w,! ll b. in-., n.-i 1..-: , .. p, .. ,,,,, ,,f ;iu.;. pn.H. Tii- t-'.-, P-m-n ,.' ..-. W .) P.i,,m ,.v u over mm laap. is.ui, I hr- ' i"H"o .-......-.ii. J.:e,V w.ie ex: II- B1.hll , ,' uv v.-rv seii'ii, iaj Ti,.. f.it m rou .'ii v.-hi !, i, .slu passed was badly dan. e;e,l. - Tl"' i-ii.-r.al ('. .al-ia lie of t! M'-lnodr-t lip,..-.,,,:! h..r-h 1, lliru'll Jil. -1. 1 III iniiiv, ;,i .1 .1 i.ii'l I! :' VJ.., - , ,,,1 I- I . I s ai e o .ai.d w- lei..- ih I ,, Pa... ,, .. v. 1 1 v ' 1111. 1 ! 1. - ' l: - riiit s Uise.ise el 1 t stidtteys. P. l.aM'i's. N" dmm-r fn.m th-e .11 if '"' '.so Hop 1 inters; l)et,:d-s, b, an- dm h st f.iniilv me. hci.i- LVar iiiad- Our Washington l.otlcr. -t- m ur Ii.-euiur cu!v....i-..i-iii.) vsii.':t..s. 1. C Apiil J'.hli, 1.SS2 ; p-pe-elms lately Uw tmiotluiiK I l:e tl'is lately I'll'll t-olllet lilim fitM ,hl:C,. ,,, met ,.l,u tl.V !l,I ll.l!:,-St1.. out,,rlls,,-u.ia,,sau, -i.ii. . i i ,. . i ll .1.. i i I !'.; i r- lt -ms to loo1. :u tlnni-li ... . ii . .il l!!!' i t tin- compil .tot s ( i f i:Ki' i ( i..iii,h, j,,,, t.vj.l. i..-f '. . . .". ' .. .. .n I..:.. - , . i mill r:i vi.i iini;;i"i rui u. t I., 1.:,.:. sx,t I i!u-.v is .-a'l.v ; cl j K "J ; K ':;;t1;;;1 , y, . , ' ,;,;t iu wUh o': i-iivumt1it;i'. . Ihr f . ! . :i, ! i , m i i "us .l. ul't 1 it i. Hi.- inti utioii or iis:i.. i . v .,;;. .r.( 4.1X1,.( l I "v,'v S.'.-Mal-v -f . . .1,;;,.,., NMil'Coien in. e. i ami llra.ly .1, , U.lnm s I. , er a m.mu tl.j.hu s ht'twn-u , ', "..' 1 1 1 . ' 1' '1 ,'.i I . 1. 1 ,i-vi il, ami l.o iloalit .III- in leliee f , . : . 1 .. . ..I ,.,,, .1 : .! t ie! 1 .-..sis, I II to I'M!. ; 1. out i . ... .in . ., il,!,, - . , i i .. . v: . ;.: ,t le.iy or ... -i i.o. U S-;- uZlllZ ..''.'im. v, tli.utf;h tin re mu-t I..- a t. and it is not iiiilik. lv tlmt l'.iaa, wl-.w politic tl pM'i is net ho pr..mir.t.t will luvet . "-o aeeu w i: Ii t i.e M.ia i Irv rue i.l,' i . a o; .! i s .a v.. pi. il i . 'at., i. i:i.::i as much a ms:eiv i ev.r. 1'. i i, 'i uuiii. !y li.at . i: ie s, -!! the las! . f him II If, thoU.h -o' . .1 r. i '"'' 1 1,11 ' . I in ma v- at ; !' r a l:,,:i.s. ,.r v,.:is. ,- it is evi- , , ... t;..,.,. w.is shr.-w.hy j.'-iii- m .:, and as ti.e t i i nm. i,t !'!' r oniy a pa.uy .'. '.i lor his e.n.ie t pim ui,.,, esc-ipe me t.iiiir't in ii.- i i M. i.i" i - t . i ' -u :-el.- .v.ieu. I!:.! I..- w:.. tail! p '' tl.:s pt-b..e.ity ;IS ' " ' :1' t:.m a. t... -t.ah.ws ,:. un. Ion an n-.-l-vu' iu r -r- "1: ' t " ;""" I' ' llnie ; ''' ' -I-h.-t-.- -r i ! I ' : : , I 1 ! 1 1! ,' c-.a-.s a ;:'.,.,. , :,.. :.t Ii. lav -.'if sir S' 1 "A 11 ,M1 1 '-f-'- ed v..y ur -:, at If.:,, ti.e .-rt.ti.fi'. by a I.- p. Ml u i-t Ii " ' e;.p:l:.;. pn.ii'.h y I,, cai.se we l.avc ... .:.,:, Iv l, :"'v' "' " '';, f'V' '"',' !" ' , 1 ,! 11 1 -'" "'i 'I' "l.i-.-su,. "l'M' ,! ;: ''! "' " '. ; :' ' 1 b: i iv. t;.. t . I-.- i .: .. - an I vv ii.n :. . ..I v I....- ni-iere!:..!- xv,',!' 11 '"-" !' !' 1 ""' v.i- i : i -y win. sod. v,i :. i -lid I-s . . t a-vav. -a vv i - a i .. -t i .'v a:: w a . ; I r ' -; II.. V v. . . . I c .'.li i.i ii. 1 ni. .:i. lak- this vt . .. I li. j, .vol ::!., pi.'H l.;r; ;' a I ! s. at..! si. a s, on -on . i .I' . i f i. i a i II: ,'. e lii- -e: .; u f !!. 1 h la ' : V1"" 1,1 1 "" 1 ' I:- 1- I ;.s la-. :i la-'le cu: . si!v ' i' . u 1 1." ; .' I;u. to ,t. M i i " ' ' ' " . 1 R ' . . i-.-, ,te 11,. l:os!-li. i at He I , I, t. of ,i.. I, .: iV I i e i.i o w i ks , f ait a ! e.ll ... i c; a a : I ic if t ' I a .. A - :, a .-. : ku mn h !. i i, - e i ' .- ;I i 1 .! I i.i ( : I.;.; y I i:.y. --..I - I lm Mi: . ' .'is t'i "dim "M.i : i.i ... . it . : ,:i - d a' I!. i,"' ii' 1 1.: '',;'.' i'i i., . . p Y. for;., i.- n '1 :".;: i.i :':'. to -t, .: nil 1 1 1 1 i A';. ,. ,. I . I ., a.aa : m v. . u i o- i. : i .d t . : I v ..1 ...ir r.-i i s. . f ', ti..- . .j I :y . I- la ': tt s..:., : .-i i t'a .'. ' : y e.im- to I ti.e . f.i ... i... ..v.l -f ii:c 'i r v. i ,. i.: i a i . ' i . . -i . '. !!.'. t . i ' .; e - '" v a : a-l o e . j - ..la i 1 o '-. - , '. a a.. i i f !!,. a I' h . ... i. v i ,i I a1 t el a, .u r- ' l' .. 11 li. i : 7 .' a , 1, I ... c ; i v.-... : " - ' ' .., ... 1.1 - I... i :,; a-. : I.. ' v a- -a ; . 1 ' " n ..i, aa 1 j : in i '. .1 .11. .-lii '' ! (i.:; iita.j Ih- M- ! :- ah '.si'll I ! 1 1 -a 1 1 ' : el- .ft.-! v. ly 1 1 : ; a. v h a I. b .! ; ;.: e 1.1 1 v ! i'l a- 1: -Ip-I- : :. vvhethet I I' ll' h...t 1. md .V :!: sa -. i .: .... lli,lz'l.ll:l Si'1,1,1,! 'itll'llCil. . and :, iVI . 11 I. ... M . j . ; .p.:, , . ,' " "u( 1. l.li r.i ... a, 'j. an. tl - 1 iitl.e a'ld '.'. " : i.is !.. a .. id. .-,!. ;.a ill -. a:.-1 iai.a . Noith . a! . la - f t t. vo .' 1 '. l I V I ai lii in : 1 : , ,. - ..f Cd. i;..:.-rl I'.: i. a!. !'!.- 11".- ,,,'P,: :. : . . f .. : !!.-,-;. 1. i'l. 111. dhe lliaie.. at :U a. m. A h "hi i:a a i':d v 1 - I1 w 111;'. whi.-li f : a d i - ''. '-"-.' . i- -s.1 ri i- : . . 1 1 i- : v i ijii.t. 1 lie ipt.irl. a 1 -a. lets v-.er- ill wooden biiieh. .:-y i.i h. !;'ii!. and h.iili 0.1 -id. . ..I' a --a. at ria.e. Th. 'aiia d llllv '.a- ri .' a as. I'm, :! r " r. ..':. - .tell fmaddf i la "i .ti-; ' . f r four ead' 1 .. v i . I. e.aiidim t-f !:, Id o.ilv ( , , A s si 1. 111 a. the the Wi. : di , 1 t!i' "'''I "' ' 'r oi- tie- ". -h I tic '.'l,,'s und r nuii.ri.d ..." ' ! m--l 1 ...... : i.i v ' !'. ,ro..-s.e 1 - 1. 1 the Work of a ivilla' -.'op: 1 1 Ml' V, rilia M Ciiapiii li i f !, Is i i:- water -in 'pi,' .1 iin: 1 I. tin :, boro, h is r. cov. r-. a i-rdl. t o! i:i;;- ,,;.:v Par. - well and 10 Ihe aj paiatu . v. . . . 1 li.md. P- .,..'; f savin (I,., oaild,,,.',. whi.-li w, re si 1 sit i:al --d ihalth- lire .n.ilv, . .;.....! f t. .... r, was s .on lo..i;d , , be h .p h-.-, ' and all cner-ies were, hcnt on tin-; work of pivseriu their contents. ! The j'C'i-siniiil effects if tin- cadets ware nearly all saved, but few lieiiip; destroyed or injured. Negro thieves eameoutho scone mill bo;,an to steal. Imt tin' boys soon ; . , . ,, ;e : ' i ! a 1'"hI t. then- sex cm l'f '' nurau,!,-. s r.w:ij l-:'v.,,ei wounds from the -muds w ho wen Will vi.'u.ft.i, iioiii me -unit... iin" wen- , ,. , wal-lum,' tin- pr.p. rtv. t 'm- m-;;To iiT w.is severely woiimh-d. 1 Im ca.let worked like heroes, l.-.tt . , , . . V;:;.1:;';'1 'P'in S' w I..If,1'l. ,Vf (-,,1;,,,. s'. (., ,,.'. (l. .lnrityon !!!,, ,,;,, to ,,,:v t.;.:t.-. lor uua. t, -i-s. 1 1,-m- mc:v Mr 1 a ' .,,. -, , .. tll ,: . 'I 'I;, vo were in kit-racks at the time of III.' tire aliout 1T" ea.1. Is. I'a.lei .ie!t. :i i:,i'..rms us that (' " '-i -.1 im"ii u 1 ' l::i':llU ill 1. lunhl the M-l.ot.l a ;u''1 " :l '" ",('1, !" ,l ' f;.. , We hMiti th.it all the ca.l-ts 1,mm refinasl to t!: ir homes. ai!,l Mai. ... ... 1 1 I ; : -I i n s! ids (h-it tlie lu-w btul, .,, , , , , , m v. ul he tr. 1 ana r-'i'ly lor use I in the m'i'iP!U' il the liet s. .n o,;,,,' jIVl. t ' -'-'- The l?t'Hhlican I'lOirraillim' un- i.iM'iiiim t'i uie in -.i s.-uiii. .-..,..., ,,,. ,,ra!ix ;. c ,1 J J;,. Y.-i'-. n meml'.r ,,f the j,,,; i.,..,,, st.tN-' Kv cntive Commit- t. ,., i:. t a -p. cell in th- Com ,,,,, ,si 1 , , v ,, , , i n:i . n.-.-m i '.eailv f..-t sha.lose.t the io'r.cvi f lns p.illy Hill' Hf,' the c.imtll i-.ti.-I inn Ih- w.i.s Hvsh from tnem.it- n. l. s C mm; t.a , !,. : in Ii d. .-.M ... ,, ,i. i kl . . i , a.i;l,.'i:tv of that lm.'.v. 'i . c i n el !h: . .liv aj.p Mi'sm e f C ! Ik. iip nlii.. stioi p was a il uli'i -.ii li-wi laei I :!:' lu l l f rlh.- r: li im , f .,,,,;,,.,. , ;l l.,,,,!,'.,!, mt.mc. .-l t. l,:iml,,f VU hi th" I'i.'.I h J: .,,,, ticket the mai.amr-. o! , .:i. (.,,,.,, ih-tcrmm,,! to pit ;i. ,,,.,. ,f (w,, V!.....,-Ul. , 11S ,i.:,s iv;:, C.,1 Ik- an ,., ,. .:;;i:v,f atp.aiii:- ,1 I , ct ! v to h (. (. , ,1. (jUs .j f D p .,tv. ...! ,!,!:..,,.. i-:jj hi t i --v . as to ih- l-::ev . I hi, ,,,tj ,. .,.;., t;.;, l.;i,.,r :, ; ni ...,, Aiiiwlia. !. snid -hoii! i he read J(l ,.,, , .v ev.-i v 1 ).-;., er at who -u.p -sc. I.- has cause f ii h.i,.. a.;.!.-! !.;-. p.ttv. Co!. V :::- t ok ,:,.., ',1,1 I , t-, , ; i . J u-;.,i:i:. i !h.t ev- -d aud dbci.Mi-el ...... U. .... j .,. j ... p. j,..!,;!,..,., ...rly. Thv , ,;,.,.,, t,v,,ni.,,t . !..- S'..ie ,".':,. from do - .n-ii-.l i) ..,,. w,i:.i ,. ;,I;:.,,,V . , , , .. t i ...... i , i . ,. , r... v;.. 1 .-im:. wo.i'.d he li... H.iiiil ii N -r-1. C ,i, '.: .a !P. ;,-!;;,. I ),,,,.,.,-,t vv l.o f m-d :a'l I i.is p l!v I, el l.o vv - '. i ;: ill I", iato t I li-i llb'i I II !.-, '.il ! to ' II il h- ' IV" a he. , vv : :.,. ll:s :: vv : h V t i t i Mil Vtenil ! to c.ea ir. ill tho 1 a. a r.il "' i' ti. li . : le V I I l ll.V .1 I!..,' te 1 I lilt t i." i ; - pablii aiis oi I i.o chain-- of s ; a i -.s :r.l. .s tl.iy c a: I f ii 'ii a co aliii.a vi'li ill s i! ;!'. i a . il'.Si'o.-.li i.u ,i I ' '. .Is. We '...ii.- ' v. i v ) ii i era' v. 1- ::;;.' 1: :v- cm- to thi, k th it t ,. I .. .! i'l - p-.rtv is - !i"'.- .v',,-0 :' sh a! I b" I .'p . Im- up : a I ,-.; i. If. .-..:; li t: ,i , " : I -i 1 by C ;. V .IK :'. ' i. il 1 .if. 1. i'lii i : i. 1 1. ! i i i - ii ca a.;. ';" Geneva! Zows. 'rafi ' r th-' th" p..h . !-.:!. f ( a V. ,-: !. .. J I- I .. il. I:' h- is -: ry. ."o'li- of Pi- :.. or. i s -: o -d i' '. ill at P..:, . .- i ;.,-! i ... n.:: ..... i r. tin d i i-i i i. i liv, . ! t!.- m v. ;;' d io i ... y ... s' i u :!, :. d si- uie r M i i n v. 'ii'- o:i -i , Uili i l III'- ." ; . : :,t I- 1 lief in : i' i a: C- 1 : : : i a. S. '. ' , i a 1 o-l I'd i !.1V, l.idii..; and i..ll: a I'm : :x P ' ' in N vv M, i .. . s an 1 P., It n I .v I. lie' o its ai.d ': I.I. - soldi, is M, :, koled i.ll 1 1 -li. s ! ii i w ,::. 1. I. A laii'i uf m 1. to d m-n, i t (ir-iiis-1 lad . to ',. f,, a, th- j ,, i.'.a;l a lie:!! wh had In fit iiaoi..!!. I .- ,.01 ac.ty in a :..u; hr and lou.;' ; d h. in' to a :i. e. An all. I. -of Its made ho t S itu" I .y . :.;i.' W. It Va'id- ll.tit to,.' Cvl.i i '.V '. I.I. of N . w V ..!.-. .v '-a !a ;' tb- a . ;,!o !v .s li:i-.l;.li t;,' Io I 'I t I i .:. i.e' V. i;. 1. ai: u. ili: any .! . , d a- lb j a'lii ' .i-s in C--lii; i'i - have I.. --.1. li-a 1 w .,k .d iihsVii.l; deiii- ' '",'"' !":- " - Hi. i-t ;i -.'.!.! v (i II. ( :I.I.S.i is. "' M-i-s:; pi ",is . ...... I. an I . ll "l ''' l" ,l 1,1 -' " !'-o'"' ' l-.Mici. A siin.tai tii'iir o-ciii:..! l.asl Sit :r, V ii! ill I. IV, X. C, b l.vi-a ai.m 111 I -eva-i-.o I 'i; m. 11 . '.. ll .we, il m il 1'i.i-h al.d C .:-li-.s le-.ve v.il- lio . t!ic two tii. t llano, r ut-iv. ldv.i l.vst .mist.-, win a: -o .ic.-id iitai: v wonudi .1 At Lake City, ('..l-iado, l,i-:t Tiiilis 1 ;-, . n- i 11 idled m ido.l 1, . v. 1. ti.'.-ieil li: ;, an I to l." ft..... j ii i.;c li lt, ami .Ii-'i l!:,i 11. vvl. . sh I am! Li'P.,1 Slier. IV Campbell .vi, !" ..lii nip mr t ii.i-st tl.em. li.eia.ili i.m.o tiji, jvvn m.ii liaitu lii- bud In tl-- Sii-...i-;.,i-C .urt .d N". w A' .ik lis V, llll i M Ciiapiii li i f ti .hls or 0, his r. t-iiV' red a -rdi. to! S.;1, 017 "it iioi!ii.st the rii.eiiix Nation;'1 IJ.nk i.l th t c:iv, fur tl.ev iim-if Ih amU'.-ck .'f the bank c... li- - .led dm in ; I ii" ,,r 1-1 the -ion!, i tlu.l f.!:t- W isfii 11 il. tv the "iilnl- hon. A moh iiM'teki'.l a Chinese l.oiiso in ('tlifori.il, o;ie 1 1 y lust week,1' tllMtti'i tin- i tt 111:1 S-s from tin" self .11 .1 story win. low. 'I'll Chinese tre bully hurt an. I t will jiidlmhly li v Si v 'i :i! o'hei s :'fi iever ly in jllt eih 1'lie m.il) aie lllli h III ilh-.l fit , Jiieselil, 'fit t!:e ci'i.i ns ih nouuce tile alt tek lis a ili imeful i lllli:;.'. The rii 101. 1 from Wolf (Viek to Pn : lit r '':. i n the !'i m -'-ee hralieh ftlli- ! 'I'ei-n- -see. Vililli.l ami (le.ii a i!i:! oi !, v i. eo iioleted lis' I '1 i liv, ei,i 1.1 .-tin..' ilii' Wes'ern North Ciii'lina llii'i ia.l with the Tenm ,y-.ti m ,.n,l j.:i.inij imotli CI' line I'n 'in t: e Se l li iai.l tlirnll'll he Uiiljju M..U!,!:iins to tlltf W.st. (Kll'Till t: Iiiva!i.!s. l'iolisl.'il Cn!ii;i;e is 'luleflll to invalids. I 1 em-.;. 11 i 1 i-i In shii.j wi:h .ill the ;-i. !i-::i:ir; , il'ect of most lu r 'ilm. s. A i'tiii!i!i .11 is alii1. 1.."; Hlil.e th" mi. take, f confolim Ii'...' a remedy -f imiit with (jil.iek meilicin.-s. We Sj e.ik fr.'lll X).-li-i.i-i .' i n uc s -1 - tli it I'. ilk. i s (iiii ,'i r i'.mi:' i- a s t ' 5 ; 1 1 Inailh lestor I'lVe uhi.-'i Will d ' l "hat iscl.t'lll' il i; We l.av.. u-. 1 it oiif-elvi s with the ! pp..-! ii ulla for Uheil uitis .i tind '.i . ii w iin mit hy woik. S e :i.! . 'i'.nii s. P A T K TS. l r..r S .!!- liCi-a l. r.. .'M v. i. II il 'I .i:.3;j:!...: ;.'w...:...!-!titi he LssiVj 4 .i3.. ..fcvJ, 5..'. m-I J-U 1'. A. WII.KT, Ciditrr CITIZE.S NATIONAL BANE, tC!.I.!;iJ, . v. Buffgies. Rockaways, Spring Wagons, occ. riHil,' f Un! i" h1 ii.nli i.uim aad fuliy WHitmit el. to l e .oi.l r- iii Jli sH i.f i.d..'. I'm li.-i ... v.ili.t vvi.l c.ia-n t t'i. r own ir.t. r. i: I y iam iaii.f! our etoi'l; mil pnoc'. b. fer bayniiT. h :irt- rieii r.aini j to n il. m. l.avo cut dumi onr prii-. .o tin y eaunot bu mul by any other honso in t!e Htat. A'.o ft full .to''k uf. ISsiiid Ttlsiclf I I;ti'iiofSK liill'.'.l l.!N'. duuu ht but to ni priced, and iu bent i.i ..a. r. Scud I JT i't cn and 'itii i. A. licKLl'MAti .X SONS. rayttieolle, N.a j,vr."i Ti mps Ntvncr.. h a v. l-. . . ' i ,- I '-. ! .- . f II. MM- I Ik,.. ii i:. 1 1 1 i . i s. a: 2 s .1. - :-. r; -. : -7, , 1 a 7, s 1 Ill 1- 1 n n It. 4:t--; .1 I ,1 Jj kiiiVi I C ..;,. a--t.'ia a.l. 'ii 11 I 'i.oer. ' S M I'. po-cflaln-ii.-r.t Purp. a-.' ranufaeturrd l -I r i:r;i..i.,.-..-J '. v,ts , ia a .m ic 1 against .H V an.l ill i ..in-. t- C.-T .iy hcliliiiH th .it.. ,t. H-n't yiui f .i ; nutr vf Hits foiiu. mm,m Tie BLATCHLEY PIVPS aro for .sale hy the I e t hou.ci in th t'a e. N..sio ufr ni.iri ..1 .1. int will be furiiuheJ cn p; i..::ii tJ C. C. C!.hTCH1.CY Hinufacturcr, 300 HAItiiET ST., PHILADELPHIA, P4. rtt ii -v v7aa " yJ'?'Bi4?i!!rJ V'rm'.u'" ' - ' '.i 1 i'n .-i1t I- VinuiliMUU. CINCER TONIC In Invi.ii'r-t Mcilicinc at Nrver tntoxicnlct '1 i.i, . .1 I" v , ,: ,, ,n ,f I u'.rr Idi. i.il. Mm. : . t..:. , : : . v t ' m f tl - l-sl f-. . 11 1 -.... , 1 1 ii.ni..fr or (!- ': ', s.. n. I. :,. 1. 1 . L 1,,,,1'j a dji.lduii'-., &u The Ee-t ami Turesl Con Cure Ever Used. ll yon vtlfi f in I '.-ni i'i- (Vippt.iintft, Wn,' ,iic... -. ,' . ', ,.. I J..- tn i,ni Ilvsjiei. M.i. . 1 t . i.y t'.i ... i-r 1. i'n cv. r.thcr' (.ri.rt J.,.,'. li f,,H o.-njlUca Uoui Mid body -l.vieiiC '.1 iTU Ir vui i ti, 1. 100 rJOLijAiin ri-T f'T t; H.- n ic .i.s ( -uiiJ 1.1 iuigrt Tonic i.r t -r .1 I'.ii.Af t I" n i'l e i"C fit 1 l . M .IfM'-oir-r. T-rM MlnkTlre ) r 1 f ; . ir. '.I n t . MiM..k . W..i : 1 Carcfuliy maJ. ALL rf C5i ec mott C..'t.-!(.rltd Ci V.il .abie lariisr. ini?fovementi. 1 ".-SW'j- V,'i,' , .--,. ... ,!y,1i"i"'"-. Miscellaneous OUE STOCK OF Spring and Siniiinei CLOTHING, AND IS AEJD GRAND mUKG OPENING rtT-n In 1 1 1 TQA rr ill iu To which w.' respectfully invite our friends and the public, generally, UEltWAKGEll BHOTIIEBS' I.KAIIINO Cl.OTHIKKS AM) TV I I.O IIS, rayctteville Street. Opposite I. S. 1 ().. HALKIUH, N. C, t ii" Orders sent by mail will receive prompt attention. li A L ivLG 1 1 MA H liLw OB KS. I W. DURHAM, I-'A i KTTi'.VIf.Li: SI., IlAI.IlKiH, X. ('. m m fiii mm m mm mwmi IIKAIKTONKS. TAi'ddVIS. AC Oi:PP!t viio.i,', , v i-i!. !.!-.. iM i sr..- ion .P.I!.NTKKD. ; I'" i vi. I. hi: v. ii.! :. i . I : rim r I :- i vs.. ...r kins FERTILPKKS and SUPPLIES in sitMii: ami daily a i: u i -i n ; : . ,..,ii Ik ; .-, Mi.. I i i 'n i V." -' Coiiucs, Sugars, Ticnr, ZZvv? Cab?, end TJow Orleans IV2iii-.',t:feL;;, an:.I r. fall lino of other goods. T:'" ' .!.- 1 1 : ,. . . .... ... i - -ii i:--,. ii--- ..:-.. m. i ,i i Kiibiiidi... w i-.'lll .. li .. : 1 ! l..!...,.,, ii.. ........ vne , i i . , I i. ..,n . ,in v.-l. i.,..,ii, ,.r ;,. u,r ,.iuBiT4 In lli: li.... n. :. ...I..:;. I , s..i i ::. :.. j .. . t it ii l. vV V ATT TAYPOU. l:a!li, V. t'., V;iv. 1. sr.LDo.M 1:01 Ai.i.r.D: "' ni;vi:i: KX(T.LLT:iVr ALLISON & ADDISON'S f "tU Cs5B, loozi and Tobacco! Xo f-i'l'di.-i rever intr.i.hic-d has imd-r-oiic severer te.it s. or cone out -.f tli -m wil!i a Pet:, r r. .-, id. than the "Star Brand Complete SIanure, Ti has hie:, in p.- i'l ir-iiiia 1 N..'th Can !iii-i since 1S7.1. and .b.ir in-- that tia., 1 ;m b. ,..p'i. .i io !! i.i: . Is ..f s..il ur.der 1 very Taiiulv of s-a-.:.i. l.-.i I ,;,a: 0 ha-, u :al an 1 -:e,tt siii-faction is found iu the fact ii,:t: 1: .a- , mn, .Pa-p.-j oV-r r.O.COO Tons Lave be. n so!, I ia :! ia t.-ailo 1 .-.',,,.,. ; !t; i :li. i:, h u-is ;m,l eertilicaleii from C.CO'D .VJpnterr- r.r.d LTa.ir-crs ' '" ' "; '' !,; ' N-i I C,- , ,.a,..i. iv la, I a - u.-.-d it ft. iii oil- to eijht voarM all pom,' to , ..-Pa, .h j; a . a ' tV.t. :d! ihimr. coa-i l-red. it i t TJri ir.T ic &:;y r.r.d ffurpa&scd by UtToce. We ,;:, ; i" .via. , , .; ,- al., - f T l!- oil the CoiToS. CoKH B1 To:; .-co eiiip:. to o : iaali 1 iu ! 'J. wi;h Ihe :,s-;:i -nice that it i.f in all les;., ,-. laii . -a d t v. : ; p j. j .,., , j 1 , . K ::, ,iv it o ( n,nterittls v.l, edi e-r,a .ai.. i; . 1 ea; , . a: . 'a. ai.d ciaaafa, t;:i ii ;: it liiider ur pulhoiml sin; . i v i i-h 1 . v,e ri:!f,,t,l'T ' s - C 1' Ti r' n n U ?-:!.; p:-; s rtu o.(a.vDkRD. T! ha ; !, a , c, ami . "' a!! - a:' I'. '.d w i: ii t Id i ( Pialai to juoduce the be-: ; a ::!, . 1 r !, .-. :'. 1 .. . . ; o- ii !e ami we claim that our .-:!. mied i-v.. .: 1 itm.s-.-.l 1, ... ::,- - ..-.! f.e i di.v have t iiabled u to aiipi'.'iich thi, mo: lien !y th-ri i:a . . 1 i.i any :li-r fertilizer with W ni.-li we -t: a ; :as::l -1. Th i-.- : i, 1 hav- P-eeii usi:';j it unite with 11 H in tit- opiaioi, !:,,( U? its Use tfco Oonr-i.m2r Gets Vxo CSrcatcst Benefit zroni Uio fc'inrillc-st Outlay. An or.lh.ary iijip iCad ai of thi-. (oiat: will 'aiisa an increase of 100 to -!;( i--r eei.p i-i qii.-miity -: t th- same time improving the quality and lliliste..i;iff the n.a! .i.'li V of tie- t I.e.. ALI.iO.V - ADillSOX, .Mamifa.! iirt'i N, Uiclnnojii, Vft. For sa'.. ly o--r Ajfe:is at a'! ii..;. 'i t int points nt priefs as low arul on as lili' itd l-rms as any other at:m d.ird lii-h j;rade fertilier. Wo solicit your confidence mid palioiia -aa IV. L, LCHDON, -V'-" .'-. ai Pi:il..u-o'. H-vi-i, yUmnm and M-iry l);s!;s. J. Si F0U3HE, a-.mii at cuii. r-briiai v id. t-1 "J. ! i. AMMONIATED SUPER PHOSPHATE TVDAVIS0I&C9 BALTIMORE Avail Phos.Acio 8 to 10 Total Djne Phos. 2lv30S Povash 2vt2X : I WM. DATISON & CO. 110 W. Lombard St., Daltimoro. Advertisement. COMPLETE OUR I -.1- ," S':.ii.;t". I jiuifsi'ii ..nun... . o -.-! I.- i. ii:l.r.' t hM Vu.illiy Amm"Dllt , 1.. . -:i. k- I '.. : e l i V. I.I !'h'..n'ii. eiinraaiMd :.. I f.h- IHJI.. K-. em, . In il... iuirki, htm ! 11 .1 i i n; . un, '.il s h. !. lii.rl.- Acid I i t. i.s l.iiiini.r A.umi.i.iii..d Iib&lri? I l'-..... p&i MOMl BUY FOR CASH, IMIPIF.VINC; the past season has cob viiu-cil tlie inlt-lligciit class of t.lanlen. that it woul.l be bellir In l.uy for Cab than Cotton option, vie offer this First-Class Fertilizer (l lin ILl l.K TAX I'AIO.) iliro. t to the 1'l.intt-r for $30 per ton ncnt li.ii.l Int.. 1.1-s ijuiintitii'it 12 per tony No Agents. Those only who tan py ' ii.li, ii.cil wiile fur prices. Farmcts' ( Inl.s, tl.iiiieis und .trains arr invited l cat ruir Works or write lis. We lo iat poll .imi manufacture a full line of Agricultural Chemicals, mill as- A. i.i Phosphate, Sulp, Ammonia, Nilrnlc ScmIh, Kainit, &c. All pooil. .il.jcct In analysis of Pror. 1 1 via. v, 1 liit. lor of A.t;. Kxp. Station. u. u..kii..i.n ii. rk yunr ltafcr iiim.iii iih.

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