tins ne ymwim wrtm dhafhjtm Record. Chatham U BATE8 or ADVERTISING. H. A. LONDON, Jr., EDITOR AND IMtorillETOR. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: Ont square, one Insertion, Onssqaars, two Insertions,. Dn square, one month, . fi.oe i.au 'iso fn rnj y, one j-wr, -Oue ciipy , Uirco wuntti., PITTSBORO', CHATHAM CO., N. C, JUNE 1, 1882. NO. 38. Fop larger s4vorll&oineuUilleraI contractu l) ifififiaittWililltiftai -I VOL. IV. The Ebbing' Tide. Flowing, flowing, evsr flowing, Slowly outward ebbs tlio tul-. Hero tlio shoal sre sniall an. I narrow, There tho ma nius deep and wide. Ebbing, ebbing, ever outward To the rolling, boundless aca, Wave on wave in auch snoce-";u Scarcely ia a vacan-y. Flowing, flowing, in -iu 'i numbers, Can any diffnrenco be In their form, or hue, or motion, An they flow to the same sea Ay, some waves rifle from their eomi ados, Flowing enward to the strand ; Others froth iu wrath and anguiHli, Break in nmai.in to the rand. On the oci an of ferr vr. Some will sparkle in the light ; Others dwell in depth el horror, In the sea's daik, raj less night. And so pass the generation. Moving outward to the Hen, Out on the ebbing t.de i. tunc, Flowing to cteriiitv. PROVING A FRAUD. "Bemico Melrose yes, that's a very pretty noino. Bu' w hat's iu a name?" And Mr. Welton. senior, shook his he ail reflectively. "Tlio idea of a een fible young man, with plenty of money, marrying a girl without a cent! II ever I many again, it will bo a woman with plenty of money, and one thing is cer tainyou are not going to marry that girl with my consent. Thut's all, sir." "We shall get on without it. I tell you that it is I who will have to live with my wife, if I have one; so I intend to have a voice in tho nutter of chous ing." This w is Guy WeltoD who spoke, and ho was just like his father in one respect as to having his own way. 'You'll make a pretty tlgnro taking care of a wife without tmv help from mo." "I think I can tale euro of the littlo girl who loves mo." "Of course you think so." And thou Mr. Welton beguu to argue. Then ho got angry, and words betweeu father and ton weru hi t and lively, and neither gav.i war. "You are very iooli-h, Guy, and you'll regret it somo day; see if yon don't. But, si o here. Tukirg it for grauto.l that she is lovely and all that. I'll wager the deed to my new houso that sho doem't earo for you in the least. It is yonr money she is after. If somo other ehup would come along with more money than you have, your chances would bo nowhere." Gay smiled. This last argument of his father's he thought too absurd to givo a serious thought. "Sho loves me not tho wealth I may possess. I would trust her heart against all the money that can bo amassed." "And would you be willing to test her?'' "I have not doubted her yet." "Do be sensible, Guy. I've lived in the wcrld a great deal longer than you Lave, and I know a great deal more about wemen. I never knew of many true, loving women, and one of them was your mother. But few women are to be depended n. I have a min 1 to try and see if I can't get ahead of you. Come, now, what do you saj? It s all for your good. I don't want ycur hap piness ruined, my boy; and, if eho proves as true as you think Lor, I will withdraw my objection and give you a deed to the new bouse." "I shall huto to have my littlo girl think I doubted her. And you will give us your blessing, father, when you are convinced that sic lovisnjo for myself alont? ' "Yes; when I am convinced of that, jou may marry her with my consent." Mr. Welton was a fine-looking man of polished manners and great wealth, and altogether was regarded as a very desir able admirer bv many of the fair sex. He considered himself a very clever diplomatist, and when he started to prove Bernice Melrose a fortune hunter, be had no doubt of his ultimate success. Elm Grove was a cosy country town, and it was hero that Mr. Welton came to see and to conquer, believing that in such a small place ho could easily, by chance or design, make the young lady's acquaintance. As Le was driving through the country one day, he overtook a lady walking leisurely along tho road, and asked her to take a seat in Lis phaeton, and as fate was propitious, she did. "I wonder who she is; she is deuced pretty, any way," thought Mr. Welton, as they drove along, He soon found out that she lived in Elm Grove, and she being of a com municative turn of mind, Le asked her if she knew any one there by the name of Melrose. "Melrose? Why, that's my name," aid the fair stranger. "Bernice Melrose," Le asked, inquisi ' lively. "Yea, sir, my name is Bernice Mel rose. How came you to know my name?" asked Bernice Melrose, as she coldly regarded Mr. Welton. "Why, yon see, my friend Guy Wei rpn has spoken it so often that I fee) ac quainted with the name, at least," ex plained Mr. Welton. "And so you are a friend of Guy's ? lie is a friend of mine, also." "Then we are both friends of Gnj's. Well, there is my card;" and Le handed her one on which was written tho name of one of Guy's most intimate auquaint ances. "I am pleased to know you, Mr. Estey ; I have heard Guy mention you often. The boy seemed to regard you very kindly." "The boy I humph I The idea of call ing Ler promised hnsband a boy I Wonder what Guy would say if he heard her ?" It was a pretty cottage at which the lady alighted, but it was neither Insu rious nor splendid. "Do you live alone, Miss Melrose ? ' asked Mr. Welton, politely. "Ob, no 1 I live with my mother." Of conrso that settled all doubts of Ler identity in Mr. Wtlton's rniud. "And so that is Guy's girl I" muttered Mr. Welton, as Lo drove along. "I supposed sho was a chit of about seven teen by the way he spoke of her ; but she is twenty-five if sho is a day ; and she called my dignified son a boy. Sho doesn't care very deeply for him, that's plain. I don't see Low it is that somo men will lose all tho sense they ever did have on account of some woman. Now I flatter myself that I understand the fair sex pretty well, and all this Bernice Melrose's deceit is perfectly plain to me ; but G ay is clean bewitched about her. Sho must bo the same per sonfor the description tallios exactly. Lot's seo : graceful form, milk and roses complexion, blue eyes and lovely golden eurls only eho wears golden braids, now that Guy isn't hero. I expect tho curls made her look younger ; but in spite of beauty I can always seo beuejh the surface, and this very charming Bernice hasn't lust her heart ; mid jet my misguided son thinks rbe loves him." Tho" next day Mr. Weltou renewed this chaueo acquaintance by calling on somo pretext ut the cottugo. "Sho is kind to her invalid mother if sin is an accomplished coquette," ho mused, as ho wended hm way home ward. "Sho is tho Bemico Melrose, sure enough, for her mother called her that ; and I wonder who Burnio is, whom the old lady was wishing for?" Now that Mr. Welton had begun tho siego he kept it up in real earnest ; and by-andby ho was uu almost daily visiter at tho cottage. "I'm half tempted lo fall in love with her myself," ho thought ; "but it is too bad for Gay, ho seemed so much in earnest; yet it is butter for bim to have his eyes opened before it is too late." "What an agreeable person Mr. Estey is I And he reminds me so much of Guy," said Bernice, in contemplating her admirer. Nearly a month had elapsed before Mr. Welton had matured the plans he had laid to prove tho lmworthinesa of Guy's affianced. "I'll write Ler a proposal of marriage, and Ler answer shall be the convincing proof I will take to Guy. Ah, women are fickle creatures ! ' he sighed, uh ho sealed a note to Bernice. It was with somo impatience that he awaited Ler answer ; but be bad not very long to wait, for soon it came ia a dainty pale-bluo envelope, which bo hastily opened and read : Dear Mr. Ehtev: The avowal con tained in your note surprises while it pleases me, and if you love the under signed as truly as you profess, she will be only too happy to accept the honor you have oflered Ler. Yours wholly, "Beiisice Mklhose. "P. S. I Lave an explanation to make which 1 sincerely trust nil! not change your regard for B. M." "Well, well I WLat shall I do now ? If Guy were not my only cLild I would just drop tho matter where it is, for knowing as I do the treachery of Ber nice, I would give as much as Guy to feel that she is honest. But I am cer tain sho is older than Guy, and I should make a more suitable husband for her. But I won't marry any ono wbo would deceive my boy ; so Bernice, you have lost both of us." Mr. Welton wroto to Guy, saying he would leave for home next day, and that he was sorry for him; he would ox plain when be got home. He must call and tell Bernice wLo ho was, and then she would understand why Le went away. Very beautiful was Bernice Melrose wben she received Mr. Welton that evening, and she didn't look like a de ceitful perssn in her white dress 'and violet ribbons. And wbo was the lovely girl with her, who was tho exact coun terpart of herself, only so much young era child almost in years? While Mr. Welton was conjecturing as to the identity of the beautiful crea ture with golden curls, Bernice said sweetly, "Mr. Estey, allow me to present to ycu my daughter. Burnie, this is Mr. Estey, about whom I have spoken to you." "Your daughter? It -ally, I didn't kuow you had a child; Imt allow mo to congratulate yon." Aud M Welton gazed in admiration at tho dainty girl before him. "I am Mrs. Bernice Melrose, and this is Miss Bernice Melrose. When you called me Miss Melrose, I thought it would be amusing to have yon think I was a young lady instead of n widow; bnt had I dreamed of wbut I know now I should have undeceived you before." "Nothing you would do would dis please me; and as I have deceived you, we are quits. I am Guy Welton's father, and when I gave you the wrong card that day I thought I would enjoy a littlo masquerado whilo getting acquainted with Guy s friends." "it mint have been a diamond cut diamond affair, then," said Burnio, who until now had boon a mute listener. "And you are the very dear friend of my sou? If you are willing to have me for a father, Burnio, I am more than pleased to have such a lovely girl for my daughter." "Aud now I must explain my letter to Gay," soliloquizod Mr. Welton on his way to his boarding bouse that even ing. "What a simpleton I was to doubt my Bernice; but love and snnpiciou gc hand iu hand." Tbero was a sort of woiried air about Guy next day when his father greoted him. "Well, I suppose it is settled to your satisfaction. Is sho what you expect j id?" asked Guy, impatiently. "Ahom! No, not precisely. You see, Guy, you seo or rather tho plain faets of the case aro, she is a great deal moie thau I expected, and I am engaged to her mother, and it all came about in this way. I strnck a chance acquaint ance with Bsrniea Mebose-vour lier-' nice, I thought her aud kept up a live ly flirtation until wo got engaged; then she presented to mo tho sweetest gill in Christendom as her daughter, Bemico Melrose. Aud now, Guy, the houio is yours that is, if you will take mo for a father in-law." . "I'm astonished! But to fall in lovo with persons named Bjruioo Melrose seems to be a family failing, so wo had betti r shake bauds on the sul j-et." 'Say family blessing, rather," inter posed Mr. Welto i. "Farther gone than I ami" comment ed Guy, sagely, whilo a hearty haml shuke ended the vexing subject name ly, Bernice Melroso. Waverly Maga zine. GlAss-Malniiig. Ii3t us now follow tho art of glass staining through its chief stages. The design of the window being determined upon, and the cartoon or full-sized drawing being prepared, a kind of skeleton drawing his male, showing only the lines which indicate the shape of each separato piece of glass. It is apparently not generally understood that a window is not one piece of glass, to wLich are applied the various colors displayed, but a number of small pieces which are united by grooved lead, which incloses each individual fragment, and that different color wo seo is tho color of that particular piece cf glass, tho only painting material used being the daik brown pigment employed to detino the mere delicate and minute details. This skeleton, or working drawing, then passes to the cutting-room, where sheets of glass of every imaginable shapo aro put in racks, each bearing a number by which a particular tiut is known. Tho draw ing being numbered on the separate pieces of glass by means of a frame con taining small pieces of every shade, and t ii-.-h uuiubere.l accordingto the rack con taining tho glass of that color, tho use of this frame renders unnecessary the tedious process of visiting each rack in search of the particular shade required; the glass is laid bit by bit on the draw ing, and each piece is then cut to the required shape by means of a diamond. After the glass is cat it passes to the painter, who, laying it over the drawing, traces upon it with his brush all tho dotails cf features, folds of drapery, foliage, etc., as designed by the artist. But as the action of the weather and the continually varying oonaitions of the atmosphere would speedily remove the paint if left in this state, it is neeessay to subject tho painted glass to the action of heat by placing it for several hours in a kiln, under the influence of which tho paint is fused into absolute affinity with the glass and then becomes actually in corporated with its snbstance. After this burning process, it only remains for the different pieces to be united with the grooved leaden frame-work which binds the whole together. The places where the leads join are then carefully soldered together, and nothing remains but to thorongly work over the whole surface with a thirk cement, which fills np any interstices between the glass and lead, and renders the "rbolo panel per fectly water-tight and weather-proof. Since the report has gained currency that Dr. Mary Walker has been tamper ing with the males at Washington, there has been a big stampede among the Con gressmen, j TIIK AITOCIUT OF THE FAMILY. The Hul en n HI. I.nnu .llnn Required III Wire la Hnenr ia Obnervn Whllu Vltililns New Yolk- Tho St. Louis Globe Democrat prints the long complaint in tho suit of Mrs. Alice Davenport for a divorce from Ler Lusband, Benjamin 11. Davenport, of that city. Tho parties are natives of Georgia, but were married in that city September 2 1, 1878. The wife asserts that t wo weeks after their marriage Ler husband, without cause, began to treat her with suspicion and mistrust, and to assume toward her a cruel and tyrani cal attitude, declaring that sho should subject herself iu all things, even to the most minute and trivial affairs, entirely to his arbitrary dictation, direction and command ; that he forbado her ever speaking to any gentleman, and that, sho being ill, he refused her permission to go to her mother in Savannah, Georgia, and finally only consented to her meeting her mother in this city after she had taken an oath faithfully to observe certuin rules which, a gross iudignity to hersolf, he had written out as follows ; Rales for tho government of my wife's conduct while away from me, June 1, 1879 : 1. Not to speak to any person or allow any person to speak to her on the car, except tho conductor and porter in the discharge of their duties. 2. Go directly from depot in New York to Mrs. Height's house and occupy room with mother and sleep only in her room. ;i. Speak kiudly and politely to Mrs. Haiglit but not iu a friendly or familiar manner ; say to her that you do not wish to meet any ono in the house ; ask for a table to yi urself, with only your family, or go somewheie eibO. I. Never bing in tho parlor or sit in the parlor, or sing in your room whin any person except your immediate family bo preseut. "i. Never leave mother day or night for fi.-e minutes ut a time for any reason whatsoever. 1)3 not walk, ri le, or go anywhere without her, even with your own brother. Ci Do cot call ou any person whatso ever, and allow no one who may call on you to seo you, unless they bo your brothers or their wives. Do not speak tc any person you nny meet whom you may have known in the pa"t. 7. Dj not permit yourself to bo in troduced to any per.ion whatsoever, and if you are, refuse to speak to them. 8. Wrilo evpry night to me a full, truthful, and exact uojouut of every thing yo.i have done, where you have been, with whom you have been, t whom you have spoken, and whom you have seen. This must bo done every night. Let nothing, sicknesH or death, pre vent your keeping these rules, for I will excuse no breach on any account. Do not leave New York, even for an hour, without my permission, except Brooklyn or Harlem. If my wife cannot keep these rules, in word and in spirit, I desire never to see her again. Benjamin It. Davenport. The Globo-Demoerat says : "Mr. Davenport came to this city in 1873, and at onco gained onsiderablo promi nence in the practice of his profession. Ho has tho management of several largo estates, and is iu receipt of qnite a respectable income. Ho is a genial, sociable gentleman, aud has always been regarded as above reproach. Mr. Davonport entered his appearance, thus obviating the issuance of a process, and instead of being returnable to tho June term it is returnable to the present (April) term. It is understood that Mr. Davenport will not contest the case, but will allow Mrs. Davenport to get a decree by default. A Hanging Experience, "No," said oar host, "so far as the punishment is concerned, hanging does not amount to anything. I was bung onco until I was insensible, and the feeling could scarcely bo called pain. ' Tho bystanders thought that he was joking. "1 am in earnest," he continned. "In lSGr, just at the close of the war, robbers came to my house in search of money. As a precaution against such visitors I bad given two watches and six hundred dollars in gold to a trusty colored woman to keep for me nntil times improved. I was lying in bed crippled. Several men entered tho room, and, without saying anytLing, put a rope around my neck and began to pull. I told them if they were going to lung me to wait until I could get my crutch, so that 1 could walk to the hanging place. They took me out on the galb ry, and, throwing the rope over a cross beam, asked me for my money. I told them I bad none. They drew me up. For a moment I experienced a slight choking sensation and theu I be canio iuseusible. When I became cou scious, after being taken down, I was sitting on the steps. The sensations while regaining consciousness were very much like, those experienced during a nightmare." An Offer of MiUTintfe. This is an actual conversation fioru real life, and ttrictly on the half shell, between a f emi-swt 11 but altogether spooney couple at the opera lust Mon day. It was overheard by a yonng lady in tho seat in front, who had sworn off ( for this occasion only) from her Gains borough hat. Moral Girls, go and do likewise. At a perfectly obvious part of tho uhow the young man consults the libretto, as an excuse for bringing bis head nearer to Ler's. She "Ob, mj! whatnice finger nails you havo " He (tickled to deutb) ' IVhaw, now." She r"My niter has nice nails. Sis ter has the hand of the fumilv." ne "Your hacd is jnst lovely." She "I don't like (littery. So yon can just hush." Gerster has been singing, aud the interested and interesting tulkers aro interrupted by a burst of applunso. A recitative follows, Tho young girl don't cntch on any too kindly to recita tive, and presently resumes: "Oh 1 1 wrote such a long letter home to day seven pages." "Ho -"What I seven ? ' She ' Yes; and the postman didn't come, and I opened it und wrote seven more." He "I wish you'd write me u letter." She (tenderly) "Why, what could I write ?" He "You needn't write but three words." She "Three words ? What can th:v be ?'' He "Three nice littlo words." She "Oh, my I Ain't you st ranee '! ' This knocks the yoing man out of t;me for a miuute, and during that period the mir-ic bud a chance. J'.nt ho comes up agaiu smiling, a little dis figured, but still in the ling. He "Oh 1 you know." She "No; indeed I don't." He "Well, IM tell you s.nue otinr time." The chorus omo.s down toward the foot-lights nith unmistakable intend to howl, and during tho preliminary lid dling tho not too-eurious-lmt ju-t-cnough youug girl says, with a sweetly shrinkish timidity : "Can't yon tell mo while they're sing ing ?" Then a fiendish yell from the chorus breaks off shorter than could possibly be anticipated, and his voice is heard with startling distkc'us : "I love you. 0 mid n't yon write that ?"' "Oh ! my, yes, and ever so much iDoro." And then the tenor clutches theprium donna by thebacklmir and yelln bloody murder into Ler right eyebrow, und the yonng man and the youug woman lean so hard on tlo arm of too oiehestra chair that Ler vaccination mark blushes like an aurora borealis. Washington Chron icle. Higlily-Spieed. "What is ono man's moi't, is another's poison" is a truth otten proved, and iu nothing more than in the details and condiments of cooking. Yon think the French Canadian smells too strongly of garlic aud eats too much pork ; but if you were to dine with u Greenlunder be would treat you to his favorite di h of whale's tail, with a bumper of tiuiu oil. In China you would have roasted dog ; in Burma!) red ant stevs ; in Africa fat, roasted spiders. Gj to Australia and get kangaroos' tails ; to Btazil for par rot pies, and in France the frogs aie fo "highly-Siiieed" as to be said lo resem ble veal. Is it then any wonder if the inhabitants of a country that comprises many nations should have varied ideas regarding their food? Tho seasons, too, have a great inlluenco on our needs, for in the torrid days of July we do not require the carbon necessary in January. Cool salads, fresh eggs, fruit and well boiled wheat grains, or corn, or oat meal are more wholesome for the summer weather, whilo the hot coffee, the savory bacon and pancakes, are not so hurtful when tho thermoniet r reaches zero aud tho body is to bo actively employed afterward. How many men whose wives wish to introduce a table according to the hygienic rules find their attempts interfere with cus tomary usige, and kiv, "I must have stronger food, H is all very well for women folks." Yet by analysis the fact onld be easily ascertained that half the usual articles of food are not really nourishing. Having a few friends to spend an evening lately, my attention was arrested by the difference of taste ia regard to tlio 'oysters we had for sup per. One gentleman, altera eoiiousj sprinklo ot lilack pepper anil a dash of cayenne, remarked that be could hardly get his food too "hifLly-seaoiif d." Another could not eat nt, all after he hud put in a slight sprinkling of ciy enne, but had to exchange for a plate of fresh stew and did not add any pep per at all. This little ciicumstai i e proved to me how difficult it is for any cne to properly judge the quantity for seasoning. THE filt.NTS' HOME. Wl i iv iiplnlii mill Mra. Hale. Find I'lentr of It iin null Comfwrt. Captain and Mrs. Bates,the giant cou ple, are, iu a certain sense, the most prominent people in Ohio. They are pretty sure to be prominent wherever they are. The captain onco went in bathing on the Jersey coast, and he says the fit Lei men put out in boats to har poon him because they thought he was a whale. But this may be a fish story. They certainly form the highest geo graphical points in the neighborhood of thi ir homo itt Seville, Ohio. Mrs. Bates is a trifle the higher, but, as height is a touchy point with giants, she, out of delicate feelings for the cap tuiu, rarely refc rs to this fact, or else attributes it to her coiffure. Their home at Seville 's the place for which tLey long when they are not on their travels. It is not surprising that people nearly eight feet tall and broad in proportion, do not find u berth in a sleeping car conv-.nicutly rcomy or feel quite fafe at ttld' (i'liie cn cane-bottom chairs. Therefore it is that their spirits rise when Lomcwutd bound. As they pass thiough the door of the railroad car at their home station they stoop for the last time be fore they again go traveling. A coach drawn by eight stout Norman horses is in waiting. It is about as bread as the roadway, aud the wheels are about us large as those cn the pon derous wagons used to haul granite or marble shafts. When they are comfort ably seated the coachman cracks Lis whip, and tho vehicle goos lumbering along toward the giants' bouse, a little way tut of the town. Olher drivers on the load, seeing tho giants' equipage coming, take elowu tho fence rails and drive into tho adjoining fields until the enormous vehicle has passed. Au imireuse stone building looms up and soju the carriugo is pulled up in front of the entrance. If an ordinary sizid por.-on is with the giants they kindly give him a boost or two up the steps. Theu they pass stately and erect tlitoiigh a hail ten feet high. The head of a per on of medium height would about reach to tho door knob. They enter a spacious hall, aud go from there to a parlor with doors ulso ten feet high, at.d windows iu proportion. The chairs are so large that e.rdinary mortals have to elin.b into them as babies have into their hih chairs, in the sitting-room tho piano is th'i only pie?o of fuin ture of ordinary bize; but it is mouLt 'd en blocks about three feet higb, so that the k-y board is up iu the uir. Thus the giunt couple manage to escape annoy ance from visitois with musical procliv ities. Iu this room aro two huge rock ing chairs. In one of thorn tho captain deposits his 478 pounds, and placidly contemplates bis wife sewing the seams of.umiiy yards of silk for a new dress with regulation train. On the table is a large album containing photographs cf hundreds of fellow curiosities bearded we m u, two-headed aud four-legged womoi:, giants, tlwarfs, living skeletons, and the like, all of whom the couple know intimately, Next to this room, iu which they take their meals, is their bedroom. Tho beelroora which is the smallest of tho rooms, contains abed ten feet long, and broad in proportion. There is also a bureau, with a glass as la'ge as tho wall of an ordinary room. A!! Hie furniture is of mahogany and highly finished, the giants having spared no expense. Visitors' quarters are up stairs, where tho rooms and furnitnre are of ordinary size, as is also the diuner service', for the giants are not large eaters. The farm comprises 1(31 acres of cul tivated laud, und the captain takes great pleasure in busying himself around the place'. Ho is respe'eted in tho neighbor hood, and noted for his courtesy anil hospitality. A KelVrcnce. "Have you u recommendation, my boy V "Yes, sir." liobert had lx en seeking a situation for almost a week, and now that he bad at last met with something that prom ised success, bi was as nervous as a boy can be. His hand went down into bis jacket pocket a handkerchief, a pencil, a strap, but no recommendation. He emptied another pocket, but without success. "Ah, there it is; yon have dropped it on the floor," said the merchant, who was stauding by waiting, as a bit of paper fell to the floor. "So, sir; that is only my pledge," Hubert said, as he picked it up. "Your pledge ?" "Yes, sir." "May I see it?-' Robert hande l bim the temperance pledge, and ci ntinued bis search for the missing paper, growing more and more nervonsas Lo turneel his other pockets inside out. "I have it," said tho merchant. "Sir?'' "This is your recommendation. I am willing to trust a boy who puts his name to a promise like this. You are your own reference, my dear boy," replied the merchant. The Ti res. Oh the trees, the grand old trees. Whose darkening shadows bring Athwart the deep, cnneealiiif,' eavi a Where swallows built and sunt-'. How oft beneath their outstretched arms In childhood I 1 ave nlayed, And never sweeter rent was found Thau in their peaeel'ul uhudo. Oft, too, I've sat with book in hand, The sweatest dreams to weave, Till night had spread her shadowy wings Aud then was loth to leave. IJeneath their thirk lv clustering boughs My marriage vows were made, 'Twas there I pledged my troth for life. Within their solemn shad". Alas, alas ! their grand old funn Have long since, been laid low. The woodman with hm powerlul Has struck the cruel blow. ITEMS OF I M E II EST. Fourteen street-oar conductors are be ing tried in Boston for beating their bell-punches and pocketing the cash; and yet they say this is a free country. A thief who smashed a Baltimore street jeweler's window to ste nl a watch pleaded wben ho wan arrested that he did it under an Inspiration from Heaven. The will of an old lady recorded iu New Yoik bequeathed her gld specta cles to the highest bidder for them in Ler family a singular instance of ma teruul affection combined with an eye to profit. A poor Bobton woman has paid $4,G80 interest during the past twelve years on a mortgago for f f'..V). The first of this month she, fortunately, was able to discharge the principal. Ex-Governor Slamford, of California, proposes to spend u million dollars em his Vina vineyard iu that state. He thinks that bettor grapes may be raised and better wine made iu California than anywhere el.-e in the world. Iu a large Cincinnati billard ball two men had a fight with pool bulls The mis iiles were thrown with reckless force, not only injuring the combatants, but smashing about ull the gl.i-s iu the place, denting the fine woodwork, and bruising several spectators. Tho repairs will cost $1,2D0. The Women's Sill: Culture Associa tion of the United States, the headquar ters of which are located in l'iiilu lelphiu, has given notice of its illiiigiiexs to buy coeoous from all parts of the country. Many persous in the South uud West have raiseel cocoons, but havo been un able hitherto to find a market for their product. An Omaha man, iu danger of losing Lis house bv the foreclosure of a mort gage, sold 1 is wife to her admirer for the $'200 needed to satisfy the claim. That was two years ago, ut which time the proceeding caused considerable comment. The now couplo lived amica bly together until lately, wheu the orig inal husband, having prospered during his period e f bachelorhood, bought the woman at an advauee of S10. Ill MOKOl S. England will cut down her army. Boston Post. The Indians save us the trouble. - Sew Heaven H.'gister. Toilet art criticism: First lad "Djar me ; I never saw Mrs. Potts look so pale." Second lady "Nor I ; she's probably In en out in the rain without an umbrella." Love's young dream bally frost bitten: " I Ileum's my hand I " he i t claimed in a moment f courage and candor, "and my heart is iu it." She glanced at the empty palm extended toward her snd wickedly replied : "Just as I supposed ; you have no heart." Mr. Dobrn, in his scientific explora tions of tho bed of the bay of Naples makes U83 of tho telephone in commu nicating with the divers when at the bottom of the bay. It saves them from fatiguing journeys to tho surface. Mysterious disappearance : "Is tho neighborhood much bothered with cats?" asked a gentleman who was negotiating for the loaso of a house. "It used to be," frankly answered tho landlord, "but since a French restau rant was opened around the corner there hasn't been one seen." Spring madrigal : Fresh flannels for ne'. neither. New woolen stockings to buy ; Let Ann rebuild the furnace lire Aud pile the real on high. There's ice by all the streamlets, The budH shrink iu tlx- blast. I'm nearly frozen, mother ih'.ir. For Bprtng has eomo at last. A frcBh country vegetable : There was displayed near the soda water fountain, in an up-town drug store, tbo sign, "Bovine Vaccine." A young man ac companied by a young woman, wbo might have been his country cousin or sweetheart, entered and, in response to the enquiring look of the boy who tended the fountain, said, "You may give mo bovine." The young woman's eyea Lad been resting on the unusual sign near the fountain, aud when Ler companion turned to her and asked her bow she would bave hers, she 'aid, timidly, I guess I'll try a little vac cine,"

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