1 ,t .V) !cv.nm-Uof lust week. T!.is lvu.il is u'l.nv.-.l to see i-itors. T'.icie is 1:0 Ohhz (Lh atan Ji-UCOrd '...upose.ioi ti.it.v-r.vt--liiu a inn.-, a.ui't t....t Lo win b i...h.i im u., , .1 ' C ,.....,.- iv-ruliirlv eiilistexl in !. Ni.'.rine 3;tli. On lust Sun.lay. for the first ' TiiT'lf !! Y TiF lTlSS' ' u'o!Ts..rtl.o.'uvy. ... it in u.l t.. K- i:m,..lu.in.nsi!.ti.lUo:l!l1nviii.ivai.hcr iUL1--t ' ' . l,.-,t ; ri.itf.1 St at -s. to visit hiiui.ii.1 pray with lum. utul K " ALOl. HON! Jr".' Editor. ' Tin y pr.:v.nt Xv.U- a Ik.!!,.'..,,-, sc. -i.e'xvus much a!lVeto.l. thiw ehow.t,-that ' ' wlu uiil.iyin;:, 'ill .hvssi j in .v.i'.s lu at l:it iviuiz.s his uupi ii.lui A"VISIT TO WASHINGTON. like so Mituiv !':oi.kex, with .'.lit.ly l'.nn. Ii.it we will dol-r s;-. akin-i.f H-ivin--P-ul Urt 'vk ut Washing-. quiiM. ww.rii.jf I.!.,!, hats w ill. fui.ey ..tlur matters ..f interest until next tonCitvwc no.v purpose eix it, i,,r rUmies, un.l every .a n carrying u week, ami ,,,.xv xle ..u .he our v.s,t to rpaaerst!,.oMK.:e11cc.ofabm-kwooas1swo1,l. On last Sut ur ,y v-e , ,r. I vniNox. i Mitor on his lirst visit J., tl r:,1lal thou, p.:,.;. i hu in fr--,t of As exc,y cx.,,.. M.iho,,,, an us, , 6f the nation. Cur people in ! th, Whit, 1 ..two. :.! h, s,,,., W the o,l, of U.ttiotuet. so o, hi even the backwoods of Chatham u not l.ty re,..i,-,l,,l u - .t ,1,, oilier,,,,.- 1,,- V-ArMu- Amwu x,.-i th, tomb , LlbohownoarthovarotoWalurg- Ueei, a U-ruhlh-an ami M.,,:uv!...l W.,.!.,,.rt... ami Mt. .n.uW xx, . Ion, for th.vcuu uow travel to that form , gov,,-,-.,.,,:,.. Ilu...l...ls of t.,,:i,.l th, M,c,,..t Amciciiu dtuasshatimeasth-yfornualv poop. of a!M,.nvs ami ehar icters gums ( n oM,r-, w, coul. no vh, oonhl travel!., Kideigh-.Ving only w,r, ,ut ml thi ,v. wall.i a'-ou. . cly of ,Itfto.t a u m, s,;1 , atlav's jouruev. Th, ruilroaus with or Mllm; ,,, th, grass,, ' , tu-ir ih, o.. tuiu.y ot hIuI. . tlieit- iroubamls ar, ecmc.tmg th, ,v yu l.amt th-r, -ate! on- t!m ""'.- ami ,,-aahy wl,. ,. v.; cud .lo Union more ,los,lv than nnythi, l' uvh ami ac-os,:!,!, , , tlir m al' - uml r s,h , ,a.u,. ausp, -a c.lK,,nfforai,Ks.u-hm1.i.l-omnnuu,a. thv l'r,.-i.h,.t. uml with m. insignia of t. h,. Assom,,,, tionU.tw,,nth,tV,,:.al a.Hlall!,,- rank to dMi..M. him ft !:, IMmvau.a. lUu., tionsof th,l..U,dSta,saml thus muhuu.h, MV vtw v,ra! h.;l, t.:r',, ammd-vmr mn to U a ,,;.,to , at am.vingsaUH,nr,rtoguU,rason, hluu :u, h, .nvi,,! t!,-m tn, U ,l our a, h-m.r i?r- ,o,i, NV, !,ft ritt.OH.ro- in th, with k-ami as phanfy as at y tuna!, ,mm;;h M m m, th, a,u:uu . , . ,,,. . .li,.r .-.-..I I. . -.. v.o,' 1 1 .lo'io tan,, ot son,, o its mrt'U'iTS W, Wrf, nior. m' ami arrtv,,! ;t iislnnirton 0- !"-' "u" 1 - ' ' ,. . tH.f.,r, lr:t ::,m. ,nmn, Ihd- - ,U,,,'!V, W,th :l SXM-u. lVt,rshura,ul Kn-1, - -till it, -i-u, :,t d w ill .vn, ,iu m, t a;vi;1:q,my t:..M to .ut. Nun,,. tm,nd.,na.u.t,ha.1,i.,tf,arsb):w,.,,, - -nl ,!,, 7,1, .hv ..fJ.dy. av W tt W a-h.t n at l. a n, ,n W.-1.1 u and Whi.,0,,. Uhat an I-ibly I -r. Of ,..,. x,Mt,d t!., sa.... r 'v or.-..,.-.., m, hnpro ,m,nt on th, ,11 davs of sta-, th, S,:,.t, ami f l- ' .M-nta- Wa l u .i. i- m o,, j ctKU-hcs wh,n davs wvre sjuad In a tiv,s and wat,h,d th.-ir l'f.v.v.hn-. ' ' ':;,' fatigiiMir join t. ,v ! ?tl Wa-hitmt :i ih, :s'.t-'f natis with all sorts and ,ond:.!: vs of m. t: from t veiy Stat, and i-out tiy 'i h-r, we s,e the hk'h diui-'taru-s of lit, land thu I'lcsident. m. in!. rs :' his C'abim t, Senators. K. juvs. l.tativ. s and th, Mitdstors frotn f i. : ,n ivmn tn'os all honored and known to mm, : and there also ma b, sr, j , vt l ty in all tm iu..:;d wr'-trl : !:a -s. 1 ,rim inaks of th, most .h J" rab-eharaeter. Kvcry day may b, -. n i.-.tors iVo.a all parts of t!m 1': " -e.itij; the sights of th, ("a i!al ..i.-li will rem,,. I j nt'te. v o-o"! th, rel!io;...-t -.eeti !! The t it v h..- m. ... d .' vi..':eh in i)Optl'-itio!i w ithin if'..' p.; . !! vt .ifs now ei.::tai:.it!s,' Ired and lifty t.Otaud i: habitat. t-. a;. 1 .'m ta-iterial , imi'twi im i.t has 1.. en aiaio t ma'.'iea! Tim pnb'.i, biiiMii.L-'. ar, ..i raef..,; mat ma- '.'''eel;t -WiTliy t ' ' e ;:Teat est nation on tin- p 'be. V. wnli.ot now attempt a de-eiipiio.n f them, roserviiij; that f m v,."-'-. Th. 4r" "? W11-hi-.-t. snrp.- s t!.oe of at "('... r i llv in At a. a. -1 i oniisx ivania .m auc. . : ei u i;.e apit.il and th, Whit, Ibm-.. . i- j'tob this 'itTm. :,'.!.! '.. ,t in th, world i: h i- t! ,:io-s" Shephi rd ol uii:;,' ('lal.t' reign) mi!'i--n-i f d-.l-avs v,r, ,-. . t.-l ,d 'n lev. :!; ai.d ; ;t;- th.- -et-M V-i.-hi;mto:i. an-1. while fcfh. j '..rd ilas h-i d "ti in;.: ''vial !e !io.''.-ty On a. -ittt.t of the va-t -ma-- a!' o-.-.i to k'a be. n stoh-ti by !.m;. v.t 'a-spent- ..o.leli on the -IreeV i-i ;o.hiee Mm publi, to eond-.n, hi faults, a' -1 the -e-oi.d that he ha.- done wiil ' , ll't'r him." Thes, stree t-. ,.-t noot t ...... f 1 1 e a-- lev 1 aad : .. tl. .V- a I'.-- are pave 1 v.!:! stota-s i -,v ! -. iad --l . . ' ila l'i f. . a tl depth of li.-ut a foot, and ..n that is a lay ; .. ; haham j , 1 t -. t! tllieklii S , f thlee ..! I . -ill" i:; ,., Tl,1 str..,t-. !' very v. ' !. ( i: IVlilisy lvai.ia Av.-ieie. ;i..-!t!.. -j j. walks arc eot-isjvoi.dit.oly wi le and tli ': f-.K ! Ti. 'have 1, , , planted oil ea.-il :..le of the Street-, and will, w heli they ;-r. .v, i . vr. ate 'fit a lnot refiv-hilar -ha.h- and add nilleh to the b. aut v of the eitv. 'I h.-ic tiro mi, hop hi- i i.i !;e j-'i!-..-. i,!id iti most ot tm-ta are laci d !at'i. - of distllm'llis .1 Alia iiealis. This eitv is , ,. , ' at tne iii.ilM - '-. Iv too. th. r Unlike mo-' eitie. ill tii are not crowded too eh.-. i III' WMe str.-l t :ili,i I. lMe;-,,,- ,-u les .lllowa fix i eio-nlat' ' f '!:' .);'. .uei 'l,asant hre. , , eo,.i th.- -hue that ill other eitie.-. i.- .so o.,iv--i.e. i o cars rut. ..n matu of tia- -m . ts and ri i ... tii'i."d v i . -. 1 1 - ijt ai. d vi- I'erv ehi a i, ....r i . . . ma : aj;,t,-i l 'i' .' :,.:! i ., .- ,,i ... .-.. ..... t. . ..... lie IC Ot ii:" t. -mi n I- liol't'-Ul o! . ,,. , . , i -. . .... , , of ! --v i ,th d;-i' ;.-t. -.i, 1 w e a, t unite -'a.'m' at vi.-l.i!.t.., . (on,!, wi th. . it v to iinot!:er. 1 he t.ue on the 1 ,, , , , - , , ., , , , , .... . :i i iiieli.-i- of j I.,- v. h . e- S i ,1"o ii 1 t eoiii-l l.,.t S ! : ! ! l !: ' 1 l.ol.elt 1. I . e. strt -t ear-; is from t v.o t.. iiv- ..i.t... 1 x"" 'tml diev run nil day and until laid t'vlr , ruinl are nsimily .iiit.- eiov.-d.'-l. hcih.. prUroni.Vil by ...th rh h and poot. In th. same ear mnv often be ., , ., . . seen, Sid-by side, some uKtni-iiished , . ,? , t one -essmtiti and a nr'io in his shirt- K1....V o fl.O .. ..... .... . - . ,' , ' . .' ' " -ei'lneo .". truly ih.iaocra'.i,-m.-.t; a; ion. Washineton is wel! -upplied with Hotels wlnehareqiiitennm.-riius. 'mmtcessanlybetlm -,: i order o accommodate the many ihim,, who constantly throng , iia eify. a.i.l ''luite a remarkable faet that the hotel that is considered the hemhumr irs tor ti:o -ini l.loo.K ,s owned hya tire,-,.: MC ref.-r to the far- "" -?- . oi 1 1 m 1 1 i.-J s-tay.-tt th. Metropof ... uher- v - don-ed ..! found . to be all tlau c. n'd oe desired, and we checrnl'v ti 1 w 1....' . - r . , o .... 'v.omiiiei..i u to any oi our rea.ters ivho inav viit Wa.-diiimt. ii. Jlio I lined Stfl'. lti-rine band "ives an (ipmi air eonccrt ::i th, cnjii- weeks, and d-mln'. - .. miiah. r ..f the tol -I'oiiti.l.s every Vedne--day after- jhr.ors w iil l e boiio-ht in tii .re ent a Tioon.ind in the White Ifoi.-'.- grounds convict hut. The trial is b. in" held in ,v,n-- Saturday afternoon, . .kh ar the same -oom in whi. h (b-itean was . ,, , : enjoyed by ihousaii. Is of iei ons. Worried. e. k-iw the jail m winch this hd the j ha-uix of )t niii.e the two ;ts-;ts-iii is eoti!'u:t I. but he i, not , : 1 1 l : 1 !a ar a:; v la 1. 1 I ii . t" . :.t -i'. i'.-li. a.-' :!: -hi s l1 ' '" l" ... ... 1 : .! .. ...;.'.!;!!. m tli, I .al :.i.j!..t I'.Ii--. Thi-oit-h th, ...mt.-." f C. n. Ikiti sotii w w,n- Hd!,;:t'.d t!., il ! of th- S.aal, a;: 1 it.l s ...h:,. d 1 hi'a t.i.nD.coi.NinM. A:.-: ..' i... :: ail wo ,am!idv t!.-;..J.t that N nh Car-Sinti ha I th, b. -t t :vs,::ta,i and thi Wa-hi: !:ave o! .pitii..n m oi.r..- ; ,' vah :.t ia W'l. '. ..;;.,! S:ati -i.mv of th.ir S.:..-.t.-'- ,.;:ul '" .;'..;:;, v i. .tihr o;., ;' v.: two S-;. at. .r :V.-::i i ...: ar.- .i.-l-to tl, two- m.'.el- f:-ta N -Ith lar..:i.:a: V.', :.axe ;.;, e:m.- : b, .r.,.id..fo.ir Varnv ami our U. atid. i.t.:.L; tia tv tiu- S. :. i- . ............. r. ... ;.N L;!..,"!.'-.,:.-'..-:. ! v,,-.;, j.; i ;.. wh, a .!..!. 1 t th. m .-ar S. m ! ;.,;',. , j! , 'i ..i.i. u-at:ei:,;n J;,:a-o", ".'..s- Si'.'.r,- . pi !:, tie ;..i; 1 it.-:.; t. v.li . w..- .J-. t at 1;. :;;. a::d ! 'eimd th. .a aKeUi.e to t!..i!-,;.:ia. a;..i !...'. ei.ts '1 h. y -;. : 1 d u- . - r :r !, y. u! :,-h' v. i- d ;!.v a;-; r. .:.-.!. -h ..'.. ...!, Ih the ; :Y. ;:.t v hi l:.:iv 1 ! !' th. a , i a L. 1 -ili' l. ' .i;d ..'1 .vt! p-.v to i . 1. 1- ,a- ,!-;: .:.-!..: t. ;-. "' ' " I i !l' l ! i..' u a- !-.' -! beSmve ; wa.s !' !..-.. 1 I t.-rm. 1 the I. ' h M--1- - -th. ta. !, ::-- t ( -. that bo.lv. -ou! lha; ;;.!.:... of am 'bth ;n .: li f ta;. s. 'I h. v .' i i.. t -i rve aay . -,, r i ..1 1' a . V,- hy at: 1 a! i'.l. ih :. .t t! ' i -hand', l . I 1 '.- . :' m- ..:b. , - m r Illftit. :!. . -tan li.: lip. 1, a.. tidr. it-;:' a'"- h !:. ! -a.-ii- 1 v i' a-i:: . ' ! U 1 it It. :.: 1 !''.! ( ".' il ! t.t!. J i t he - in i.. , a ;.;. i.iy. at ti' we e-. ii 1 -..iv ,..:.. : ti.e .... to a eitv l a.!'.' "' --tat ; it. v. m n t!." l.aek.n s. are ma!.;!; a lid --us ,t;t; v. .,h -..f -ha,!:, -sr." a .-1 -i--. iy - t.i.i. '" C:l'iX u' - i v;. . :.- f ,h.;u.ilied ' :! I ('. liO'l !l el,,.,. ji.t,. li.. . t el, area in !'' .. i , -f t he Spe.il.. r .h -h. eaeli witli a bi!i in i.i- l ami -h-mim at the top "f hi- v.iee. "Mr. Soeakel'.' 1 1 U,t a- th, ha-'loa-a. whip in h and. J 1 ,oldd el V , .-!( ,, oi wonld i;.:e:i:.- - ;. ! 1,-f.v-m .'.i h;' p. i r ;, ,.,!, io 1... the ,.i j),,. .r. ati ! nation ;.. ii,,- wiM! Van.. '-r.,;, i- hod a' w-.ik mve-tij-atii.o; the . i.a! - -. of f,:i'ld ... , .. testtinoliy iius I..-.-H t .Ket! to -ll-.W a .lis -r'l -i lid eo'iihii iii of ii;-- i have it-l Mini, r Mot: ma;..ie! ;i;i i,t. am! fully jnsti;;,- the d, mand for ,l,e uive.-tii'atioii ... ' , , , , We attended ntid wi;m'--ed v.;,.. , . ., ,. "Hi' H ..lie,,-,, ,-.e a Ill III! I. ;..i .. 1 1... ,:. :. . . l. . trial f the -'-tar route" ea-e-. . , . . . war, tort m.:',.. in i";tit:e a s.-at ue ar ,l:i. d. .Vndant s and th.i, how.-,-. ;1 h(,ul,, M.u ,u le...,.. ,p .hu. ),. - .,,,.. hl h , ,hio man. hut U pf.mpt in l.U ruH:, ;.:,.l ,,;,,. We heard -ho, t .pee.-he. made bv t he h l,,; .d HI, Ine-ersolh ( 'hamlhr of S! I i-. aad ,,.,. a..' i.ui-hed ...i,!.l ..f ,1, u-uAw.U. We r!.o v.vAn.i (;,',, ral IJl-w.-fer. wh. . f.l,'- huuwj 1,,,-,, horrible bar.;, w!:, n a ehihl n-n. d, s him th- uK!i -, mm in Aia-.a-a Wt. also ,aw i, n. Jha.h and W. jlM.Vi two of tin eh;. I oii-pirator. and their fa es indi. ated ra-ealil The trial w ill cotitiim, for se.ia! 'mi iu, i . ....... V.;!i.n. Th, 'a,- isowi,,d by an a-- via!; oi la.iii -. : lias, i; ' t h:' l'-"- T!.,i..i. i.-w .-mbta,,.- !' hu:;.h.d a. l. .-. and i . f th, 'i -t b... -U.fid ma.'.s in m,ii.-a. Ti., dw .-- i .-it tut.-d id ' -ut th.v, lotud.'.-d ard . fr.m. !r..:'on a hyh 'oh.tV. a-. ! , ,., ,.a:..l. a v.lu ft i. -v. I: i- -.'..it, a l..r.., hou.-..-. ft a -.. 1 .-'.at-- .! r. -. n;i!:.'i!. a ...i.!.' i-ia.'.'a r ;n;;;:.r it-. t.tiiv fio.-.t with - :' " kit-.- number of t,., a-. '!'!.. i..ot,;s ar, u-aily all f,u: i;. d. many !' t!.. :a h-f- be. ! :i i ih. 1 l.v di.V- r i.t . ' - 'fl.."k.r,;!.. r. in whi h Wwh ".-'" --U'l u' --' j i-t a- it u..s at t!.. time . f hi- d. ath. I'lie . M f.i-h; :.. .1 b. d.-l,ad i- tin I, a'. 1 ad the el I ! 1 .1 ti.e-. li. -:.!, t'.e 1 . w. li ;a. - iv d ai.d ma 1 .!' i : !. :. at. la that t'.-.t.i art t-1.. .v ! ti.e . !. t eoat at. 1 .,.! a:. 1 ..!: .;...!.:. .r, that a-i.::..; t- v. w ! when he ;i. !cd hi- f..rv.i'!! a Mr :...d tie y ale . ma! k.ibly will 1'..- re!. Th. a of fui irf.n,ar. nun !.:-.: be. . ''.a; a ti a a ehair. that i. raid ! . L::,- be. .. b, ...;;.-'.. I t i Ala. lie.: in tie- ei a -b.a;.- I M i ;!-.w. r. a', i ; 1 t- V i-'.;: .t :.. l'.v-iy .-; r to Mt. i a -a i- em -..-d to -d r. ti..'- eh .a . an 1 of pfi!--t: tr-'e w .;;a so :,i a ; a ., bimk I. ii! dit. '. w;:h bii-'k tl. ,i- . . : -t o!- haxe wood, i: '!.- a -id ti e ',. ft i- v i v ,.-i..mo h-Ti.,- d !.. I- -t wo in i,am- b. ' oe -t"i th.-,.- aa I Ill hi pi-'t .: -. 'I ia re ale -e. m! o :t ie .I - - f u' -ei ut.t. ehi. f aliioi:,.' t'.et.l b hi-; th.- "l, th i - h A in-- ..! .! i,. pt .: i :; .; I . .:: ! i- l . .he the ,-i ; - o'l I !!.-. ,bi-t b h.l. I ti kit ! i 'i i- ti.e u !; .;ih it I . :. b . . ..:,d l! v.,f r i - a- .- i a- ai y , : oar t i .:!...: , v. . r. W e m . .- ;. a ru ty . i-i hat- ii t teat i- a - - it. l to be tie v r it ah-, hat.-li. t that ha- immort i!i,e i ( ;,. - ..:!.;. a' 1 w e broil - hi av.av - pi. . of -t.e.e that al -ml to Ire..'- b, i a ti..- foiital.ti. n . I Wa-l in .to!.'-mid data. !h t ..'..;.; he male i !. a: It! ; ivy i . tl,. t..:.,i. ef W.-hi- .to,,. P ,-,i huv l.,h Vl'.dt ab v, j.-r. tl. 1 w ;t li op-. : f, '..;.! u i.i h 's pi', 'led by al itoti L'ate.s.iv. , ' . . , . , Inron-li uhuh .,in I,,--,-. -a the.-..i- . ........ .1 bv al "' l-l..,..'-is. e..i;tail.m-.' W i!-..,;o,.i: - r.-i, 'in -. at.d by the si h- of it i- an '-i'm-l' ;vv 4'!..', ;'.m .-ontainif the j-e main- of V.'.-i-!.it. ton's wii'.-. A m;m " tomb- . nn'o-in-l th- va'ilt. i"'l'd " ' r the i ,t .-- . -f i;.m ,h.-r- . 1 1... m . t a. a.. i, . v, a- ia-ai er n ,e .,iii!ini..i. ! an any : l"-r turn t il mati. an I Imili w.-re ieb.!-! W. r mailed at Mi . '. i n n "ur ye Imnt- ami tm n st.am-, t'a.'k to a-hiti- ton. Unriart' e,.ii , . . .' . 1 i i :i!o:i! t i.re t.timli . -1 r live lim.it - and tie n si. e-. v-v i . .. v (;;; .(., with their wie- and .l.u;. ht-r-. and ... . , u eh-a. j-h-:"-a;.: pait" v .-r, tin v. ' We w. ,,- jd-.d of the op,,., ,a 1;i, v , ,f makin-i h, aim,,nta.,ee of !lial- ()!. I,,,.,!,,,,, ,,f ,h- pr,-s -fron, Xor.h." M.nv of th.-,,. .-iml uh-a, we fo tnd to he th. ..,-!, h-1 i ,m h, u-in , ho e ar. A - tho-e. 1;, -,!,- w- wire indebted f -r e-.;it -!-. W;i- Mi -I. i'. Saas .in. who was a eMli,,,, ,,!,!;,., i,; th- late War. but who .hke nil ''ia..- soldiers', stopped li-htnm ,vh.-n the war wa- over, and he ami Id., ti..- a!I vote the demoe. ati, tiek. t. Ctrd playing is practised in no roiliU V to s ) "real :.iieleiit in ei. Ai! a-.-s and both M-xes are passionately fond of it. The m inu- f " ' '"' "f l'in.v'"o '''"ds is a r.ov.-ru- "" ,:1''T"ly '."" J ''; ',.lv one tin ' iiv, from whieli 'Jt.liOt) ),ai-ks are Ullll., ul a.iily, or ov.r 7t,mm.oi,o a;i:ii. TUK "I.Illlill A I' (ONYKN 1 i!N. The State eonvtn'ioii of tli, so called libmds" and anti prohibition ists, that was held at Kal,i;,'h on the Ttli im t.. was a miserabl, failure and wiil render the deia vraiic party of th, Stale still iii.il, solid. Ahhoii-'h advertisi-d to b.: a mass convention - :io a i-onvi.ntion of a limit, d numl er of dcloo-ales bltt a eoi.vetit ioli to wlii.h all the people Wel. in.ited ill liia;.c m t it was the smallest coiiVi itlioti in point of iiumbe! s that has b. cii held in this Stat, sia.e the war. Th ereat bulk of tin contention w.te republican-, -,hitea:i l col 'led. with a spiinkliao- of di.-appoint, h o.lic s. . kin(r democrat-, v. iii!, the manipu lators hi hind th, s,. m s wen- all leadni.e; republic i. is. 'Hi- i omm. for I '.iimr. ssmaa al iar... i-Oi.er 11. I o,kery. one of the nio,-t stalwart re-pnbii-.-ans in tie .s'-uth. atid whose nmai. 'alien w.m : :it id. d bv th- le-pub-li -an Si ate coir, , mi-m y. .-ti-r.i .v. in ac coi.Iamv with ti p'.'' io',i.-! all.m-'c.l pl'oiamme. When the .1, ii.oei at ic coto. ; li.'l!. that :.!' ts on the ."it'l of .J.t'.v. l.omitiat. - .hid-,.' Healaat ol' sonic oda r anti j-iohib:f i"ii.s ,as wiil be d-it.e--, no an.i-pi'ohibiti -n di mo era, cm Lav any eci;-e for voting forth, r. t.i'i:.'a:i'cm:.!i.l.:'c. !'..r I '.-.'k-el'V i-. of , ti e r. paoh. -an can di !.... a', i hi- ih-cti -a '... ',: 1 be a rep;. I I; -at. ! iry. 'I".e l.-.a.ia i ai of Coh P, ii. ;' ,r N.ipi. :.a l ai '. a- thiol, i. o ;t as a -..a., u enitcp s mi,-di- ;.:.::. d d. u, -..!.,:.-. ji.-l.a-be. n a r d dc:a.-. .p,io .-Ml'eme ia h. . ieii-. aad w., ; ti.e tV:f. d ; .: .,'.i 'er w :,. inii.t.-.l !,-seiter-i in lie and I .:.'; !, p. i coei.tn s darin ; ti.-- ' r w,.i'. at.. I w i m ti to k ihi! i i ... a (a 11,:. 1 lp!i cemty de- it. t - ..T !' the j.i.i ,it this phi ! l.'.d s!i -! i.i .1 to de .til Witll-.i! I.tlV t . ia; w h -,: . ;'. ( i . . '.'.I -. . 1. - r, ti.i- t.. .i 1 t..-i hii. l.r i. y d I ,,i n i, i .i - i. an fro; i , i ... . i . r Col. 1'oii. it ..-. -t th, l'c ;'a'.al' .l.-acn rati, ci'..h ; '; :.i. t.. :. t "t v ::. ami 1 . ..-!. iy i- a i . lid a;.iia. l'oik i-i.-iii.i.i.tt, i - -( -ly . 1 in ! ... .era i -to .-t. :-.i 1 ' .. I, ry. i .r th. r- pabii-.-ia - i;i . v. . 'i .. .' are t hat a - a Sa , , .-a:,. Call .! : ' p, Ik 1 ,!,, ;!,.-: i :.o :. -': . h as !:,. ..ii.. r d- i.i.a-i at-. Th. ir -a eat taia tin ir hli- id sii C ii,.-!'. m.d th, ii for.- :...y it.i.io' toil t rap ,!.;-: ..ti.:t; f r l... i,. ry. l'or '...- ca .ti c, ;,il ,h ne cl ;.ts la!:' - , i -h ei ! J 1 t.aacv t h. w di t;.;.- i , -v t , b. V-..I I'm ei .!! I mmim .tt i;ai. I ' uiiu th. j i.i. ,.t-i t ia, ty tie ti- -at.d a!i i l.il . !, , a ai.e.lallt- liIlIM .1 at t ' ;;.- I ' ird. !'. ia ti.e .t . i N, s Y ak. If thi- i : li.ioti-h the e.ir i. .r one in. .: i. w.,i li..v- i...n 11 ! h d to the j .i.t.. 1, el lie- e. Uli- tm. huh i.b . !., .1 i ..: iu .'.,..! i- ,tppo.-e 1 to I e v, , I ; 1: j 1.: 1 t i the Cillllil'.,' 1.1.(1 1 ! .. lilt;; Cell tie a, li 't eniy y. til' li t at a:i .i la.e if s jo.'l; ta'i-ov, r o , i,:,:. !,., I n doii ,s wiil .t. a I .. 1 to the W .1 hi;..' .:.);! d o the c ; ,':'. 'J'i.-- o'l-.-1 i m i- v.h. re do Ih i c li-rn. W. ;,p. . ' d tim f..-. . ;: ; 'i'e.,i the N. o.i. M. tad 1: "l'loai tale. - c .a h i ,. C,,-Ih- I ho i -a it ap; , o !i. .! I ol i :-lv if. e-1-1 :. l.o I. 1... i i. .- the c m. Iii- -f: ta w i.ic'i ;.r . . '-... i e me, h 't -he n, d- e. f a. r i .-p1- tn.-in ti.e 1-! ,ml that e- l:-.-t.- ol j'.' -iat d. v. ! 1 n.d and V .is. 1 1 , i n.uny I.-, i I c ii.se, tl,,; eoio. tm t.oni wli.cu ei I... act ot the in.: -. ;i .n's le.w, la .illy a -h-iif the i ii.- i,., ,,(., r land. , in tm- p-i-t f--tl'- m I 'as h ii;e,' con.. lota ill te. livintiie Sc iinhmm in c iietr es M-lnl li- mi ie people thai, !r. ! i, ,d, f-r w hi. 'i the hand le a-ilf i.i i be bhin c I .' any ore . hj c's t,. th- 1 I'- poltivl.s !'a!y -ii Ms l.eally a- many mil ilet o l . a- Ireland, ami litte- Swn. rhin i .-ends twice as many ',. J'lanc. ; so ih . - Kaliemiu. Jbiihtnd -ii d- us t .v. lit , imo - a- m.iiiy a I'.'liU.i, which -'ims sti 111-.', tilid I I line; u.v ei '. o- n, foi.r I iai- s ,.s m i :, lis A 11 st 1 1 I. 'it.. I'litiieli-t is an in--T. .. ! .. n;u;. i:t,iiy on i .i.-t in- aiVai; .- Ill i '. i 1 . ie. Ti.e ipo'i.'ll (f a r.lll'opeiili COIl f lem-e tiMttl- J '. V.i i ,n i. Ihiil'.-l is still b.-ii,;; c ,m-i U-i.-.i Alabi j', y old. lei the c- s-ation i.f t in- '...1 k on tm- foi uiici.t mns at A ii -II bin but th.y ii it, i be. ii coin, It-led hi fan- ti.,- .-1, h r air.v I. J". I M ' I I'll, pl-tb :i' ioVer- iior of S ri: ii ( ',ir. dit. a j iemi -mil to p. tit i iu.n. iii a Ne.v V .ik C. int, and w us ,-( l.- need to the pelii'.i l.ti.uy for six tn. nth-. At h me. 'i, t!:.. Spatii.-L Society f if tie- Abo iti in t,r hhiva iy S--ii.ii elji'-al Was d.-le. II llCi-d f.-l' Lot fulliil i'n. 111 pr,ei,.-i he m i lu In-fure i ti- tn;,r: . ih - I! jiciieiiie the l!et (Jtii.lc. ' ri i-i i why wonnii vel y w hel'-il-e Piilkei s ( iin-.-r i'oliif is, In Cause th, V have ii . mu d by ,Xp li. !n' ti.e I e.-t -u.de- -Ihi.l' thi, ixceihlit m, i. cine ..Mici l.ies dcspo.idi nev, peli'idieti hi ahielie, imliest ioli ,p:illi in th- back mi I knliieys, ami clln I tlolllles. f the sex. Ih n.e dulllli.ll. r.ulc(l Colors I'cstnntl. Fa-led or -riiv Imir f,n adinliy le covers its yoijtl fill colo- innl lnstie bv the n-e . f I'liiker's Jl nr Ihihine, an el. uut ilressii .-, a ln.md fur lt.-l-.ii ii am i mil pa fume. Our Washington Letter, il'i'.jiu ..in- lt.vulitr C'.ri,'.-i.,.ii'li'iit.) Wasiiiscton, I). C., June 10, "ts2 lu the minds nf tlioce Coii-ressiiieii who h.we an idea nloe nml liHyond p.ilit.cid turmoil illid spails of elliee tin re are jii-l now u rious r.llectioms eiinceinin' thestiiios so piev.ileli: ..v. r the country mid thi' v.iri. m as-piit-ef the c.inilicl b. -twieli eaiital alid h.hjr I'he preportions of the pi.s.nt .spike iir, idi . aily sliidci'iit to cuii-e .ohci'mle, fid so complete is the ei-ini" -tiou of tiiides ntmuis tict tln.-c fainilinr wi;h tiu, , it' j ct cent, n I that a ham'iaal thousand me, i in many different tindos nmy still bo IlloV, d t l stl ik, silllld llll-otls ! l'l' ill phll'.OUS. It is til, belief o! s ni" well-it, f lined noil that over pio.biction and tiie conl iniied depti Mi, ion of for ijti mm ki ts wilt, helot't l . llii'eti.bel i .n-e tli, stoppa-, of m-mv in.lu-tiiil wmlis; and t lint th, siili'. , in-; and ih-c -intent intuited then by w ill tend m l ioltsly to iuere.tse the h lin ef di-s.-iii.-faetioii amon-opiliitivi-s eveiywheie. Jim fust .pits-ion is not wh.-ihi-r these strikes al e roper remedies. "I" w hi) w ill suffer lie -t by them. l';.d .llhtidiv the ,-tiil-i rs'-. t th. ,m 1st of it, and it may la- 'h it wi.rkiii-ua'ii wii! hum in time li nt it d..i s not p iy to uf elf one's m .-e to sp t- his l.iee nml that F. me f liie iii talrary f.atnris ef then HI iot,s collhl be pi'olilabiy i li 11. ill a t al j but the ta ai i pie ion for le-i-1 ilor.- 1 1 it-t col si.i. r is: " hat aie the 1 1 id I'alis. s ,i ...i,;.' t i t OS con. ii ioli Ti.e I, iihiican m- j lityiu C. , lien--- has so far (nlii. -y ni-lei-teill lilhlce the bill lens , f au ion (. r.loini cur m,i,ptai!. system. A :,;-ii:i-i. at th, sit .iilioii shows thai n.-ily ',' i.i l-H. ft U a year ale e. -Ilccl j i 1 Iia m the pi-ople in i 1 e than tin I ioM I I, In, lit has liel d f f. M .l.opo ,i,-s, biii.ii i. s nie t i many lu iu-l i n-.-. ..I e e I.t Hilled ill the face i -f i p. s I. r. n , w i, h ale l . a I I y t ac p. epic ail ov, c t i i count i y , mid cv-, i iy i.a.l. Win n Mr ll- witl I'lov.-.i the . tin r day i'r.iin . :'a. i d decuim lits that a l'c, u-y !va i.i i 1'., -.-. i i. i t If. 1 comp my had m nlc a d:ioi let of 77 per ci lit. nml had I ;;r 1 C.i.ei , .--in, ii ii-tetie I to him wit. i ho -i.i.l in', test. Put h t th. m no-.-;i o.i.-e i l,e woi kin-nit n and f.inier-n.-t ie.e! it ei.-ir!;. and t i k it over ..n o ihtms- his. N'niic of tl. pi. po ni-.i s i nt. ilidn. i by the Way a; .1 M. ans C, minitti e f. l loppie- .' i. o I!,:.! iae- hat i I", i.d ,'lli Mate ii d i. h.f win re it i- mo-t i.. e.ie.i Mr. Ivatey p, pes il till iii.O,. (j,, li.N on bi.nl. ei.pit.il an d 1. ink eh ei.- l.'.il what -" I Woidd that, do th-!-.! i t - p oph' wh i e every ml eh . f ,1 -n,e-; ie I'eiisi.inpl i. m is taxed in tia- io'.ie-ti'!' same col p iialn.ii oi , a. pit. il;.-' '- 'fin' ai ty e iai us l,a ;'.l...i y d i el.d thai it would Lot b. --.I juiicy. ill icv ef thi- e-.iidn-i '..: ..i, .- i -led . h cti..,,s, t i, ,;,Ve Iia taX !! I al k I'll lt.il. Til . wln.l, ti i d. ' cy . f the p. , al l.c in parly is ! iv. i , f :. I.opo.l- s ;:..: cj i.4i-t-ie.,n-t the common people, an I th. - m r lie- iie-iieM.l w o, 1, i ne men til .1 i ,i that tm V i nn tail ,s. ie their , . ii ii.. I , .-'.-by snpp,, ! in-evet v bil, in al i f pi' l, clloli bl.-ilent .'orwaid to . t :. , tc. ir t. s, ih- so. .;,i r w iii t ;,c t o d .-oi.ii- -ho -a of i tli. , from tin- illV ma;!i d ,. I mi 111. hi by tii, ixlrava- , :i.it' til d n i i-tiae of the lb publi can f.n ' v. 11. o' I ! 'li.i 1 prf.pe-ty on Wash il e'oti 11' 1;. lit-, I.o.v b. in-sold ilii Ie, ,'ne I, tlli'i i , is ussuei lie. I With clli; N .t.i i. d iost, ry ia so many ways that m,w i.' ni di i I ,1. i ci Me- ale . ! , .n C-reat.-i J ''''.,. . .'oii-t laie than iii Ni a imk ot a -'-i.e. y a !-. re 'Jh-donal M.ui-iou, '""' ; a. . , .11 (..,:.. ... . . ... T-.- i- a 'i I 1 in in i ii , .,1'ln'III I ll.'ll il! this colli. I. It Was bllill in IThhhx Ih.;;. rM-i I n , the hil-b nid : .1 ii - lair !..;..!. ii who mid "no" d.-lid.-div In (bin lid Wa-hill-ton. i Ai.nn l this matisi-m, wlm-li coin- pl'.h'Vi, 'hi!i"enV ; ia, -in 1- iixi. wof llalh 111 KlVi r U1,1; 'l.islaai.i.iv l.i.l !, ol,;. I-, ii 'I S olliid, w. ie fnu-llt st V- j Sl,iy is, D-n. . Miit.l.eJ. xoiut.i :.ai X Iia! tl. s. i,o labix th il . f th,- Cr, t.-ed K. xs Inn. w la a. ."iOD 1 1... :.i-.n, ... -!,.;,, ' M,. f x .. i . ! i. ; I ... .in .iiii.'iic in neiois, i ,lli( V! H1..I. 1,-if-iy.Me. .1 ,.-eph and Louis 'jSi.in. I i.i lux . 0. i i, .-licit. i-i I cm nth its io. !. All. i it cmne into tin- ns.-.s ' si fth. w.althx Fr. nchmiiii ash il -ton i; ade it his he.i. ioli tl tels for .-. x.-i d months, and A iioii Dnrr w .,ul l have s!ax.l ih. le us IoiilT a-Madame : limal's money la.-Ud, only M..da,ne iii: nun in i ii.-cin i,iii- M-eoini hu-l- ii'd tmtt'i i, i! In r estate nnd mil In, -i if, s...'ii it. i foi,, theav, ,,.-1 ceixin-Colom l alter asi .xe. t-' lion-! ex lie ...ii . .f i (iiix'Ocul s vxi-e t Ltt'ss. How-' ;j .'x,r, Ibur i. Hini.d in th.-t slioi!1" pel d to -J.cl d $.;.') 1,'tH) t,f ln r luouey Ml fill tinting his .Ah 1C".II Klid oilier -ihiliiis. ."M iihtllie xv. is a Iiiin.lt' : l-h.t.d-r by I in li, Mi-s Folly l;-iweii,i hiimh-otce. iici-oiiiphsht-d iind enter- j '. inii.-. She was receive'. t itii hotior a! t,.e C( lil t ofjjotils X VIII l.ll'l also at tha- ef Clnnl- s Po y v.ibl ibl. i. c s ol im niture and pii-tiiit-s lntv. ii laioi.td Iti the In, Use until recently, i In the piih.r, when- occune.l th. ' -U-l t lixed muni ii'ii bet wet li the rich i widow and the xvelii-.' l't-Mpi:,ndel'P I , f h.r I -rtnne, hue-,' a la rye peril nit j i,l the Madame an l a small h-l in e ol i Anion Jiurr showiii-; his heitd and! siiuc.l ii r. In one corner of the par ; h r sto .d u licivy blin k l-iither trunk, i once thtf prop, it v tf Napoleon I and ' pi. si i.t. d to Ihe Mad tine by ( leliera' ' IU 1 1 ram I. d he tiuuk ben is the tiieli- j t ion of Inix iiij.j itccoinp ini.-d !annpai tt to Moscow and of t-liiwiii marks of i buiiits. Massive nidi-boards over tlilie hundred years old, quaint ami heavy old itilvcr, a clock loug past it. two liutidredth bilth.hty , solid elioliT i eha nher fut lillurc, a chandelier oniv j I lie propci ty f (leu. ral Miircuu, aud other tibj.ets. f n.tc.e-t to the coll. a'- ti.r of lliin-- oil nml historic in. umoi.e- H, .elicH. Al. xitnder Hanoi :,;;. rTTT7FlxTC I u'h irepel'lv iolji.iit.1 lliis e.stnli , I'l'.-.-.-n-'-'l ! . -ii-in.' l''-i 'lO'ii.'iii "i U"' l'""'r UJ.J.X)ia)J . ii ii . nr.! Siu.r. in, e.-uri. nii.l ..ll Hh v.i.I .-l.tlm- U eli'l I lie tomlwif Aiiiliihcti IS Hot VclV lllt. ,,,,. i ,u. si e.l Kit.a.ii -u far tli.tniii, iu Ti Unix Cciuttiv. 1'UvN'J. Miscellaneous Clotisiaig, JcEfits, Fiiniisliiiig'S, And Hats for the Spring and Summer Seasons, 1882. In Htibiniltiu-' this advertisement to the public, wo rre justified in asserting, that our stock in every department is the lar-esl nml most, complete ever displayed this side of New York. Our elolhin-' is most relia ble, as we maniifiictiiretheiii ourselves, nml til'st-class earmetits only. We are constantly studying the demands of our patrons, and invariably iusin in- them bolto.n piices. OUR CLOTIllXIJ DKPAUTMEST is stocked with tli, best l-'orei.ii and nomesti, looms, and of the latent de-. ei-ns and styles, ami we rail .special attention of the ladies to our chil dren's clothiii-. Anion-; them, the Den-rcniotit suit, something new eiitiielv and onlv to lie found in our establishment. Our Genes' Furnishing Department : is most cNiuisito. and has all the uovcliies af the i cason in the line of Vndor i wear. Neckwear, J losi-ry, (dloves, (Juf.U and Collars. We call special j attention to our open work rm'.-.-vv.ear, such as thu French I Lace, I.i sir Thread ami Jiidbri-'-aii Goods. ! m'R MAT II i- simply iuimi lis,, as we luue ail the ; season in I the country ami tstraw, rioii ana Amoii-' them a line of Kespi-rtfull.'. BZBYAsiGZn BROTHERS, LlMDINti ( LOi illKHS AM) TAILOKS, Favettevilie Slre.-I. ,.; ..-i:-- '. S. Ik ().. KALF.Kill, X. (J. t-$" ( ird.-rs sent by mail wiil r.-ciive prompt attention. I, LI'ilU I i Vl f i BLK " -OMST" -TP '.VJWoaH.-ei TJE I W. BUEHAEI, I AVlliTl.VIIilii: St.. IA!.i;i(i!i, X. ('. SSALIill III m m mm mm IIF.ADsroNKS, olti'l'.lis t'ltoMlM i.V l'il,i.l-.i .'1 ;": o'.i. on wii iii-. ion I'lui f min i jzkks IN STOKK AND U. Si I .an ! S,,., i i- 'i'ini -a.y It.,; I . ,- I , I-,-. M o .a '.Me a In- - W! .. an I n.v .'.,;k-1 '-. '. i. u l ' . 1 M ;t. I ' -ra Cofcs. Susars. I'iour. TIcw Cuba and Slew Orleans ?tIoi?.c.scB, and a Ian lino of othur goods. a- . a . I- wi!t n. - -I I .. I. u- m t .- l. I! I'a - it i. an. I ail miarniii.-p.!. W' .;,l,a-..i, 1. i.ille 1; I 1 If IC ,- , ' 1 -. ' I l.aall- I.t. -I A. t-1 I'll '.-I'.i.'.a-f in 1... J lie I IKl iitTi-M-U ' "-CiViV J l. l"'Y V'V'I'T TAVLOIt. . ji. N. .'., Mafl. 1, -a w .i.i. f.t'V : ti!--. 1 S.-W ii'a ' . I I . i ! U . in i i . i: a ,i I m; I II . . w n . I, I -il i' I- i. i'n ;: ; mi i. ,. a i; '. 1 a a I CI ,-, l . ! e .. l'l OO ' e, a 111 I Vol. I.-. Hie l-.l a, . ; l !Vi: VI. M.S. ' .- ! ! . . ie- I. . n i ' i - .' '. .--.!:.,,:. a I. .a. 1 ,. -.Pi' T'i 1 !' ?y - , .-i,: ..I i! c. r. U.I N'A '.....-..- - m i., , i r n. v. nil,. a, ..(., -i, i i,-i HI- la-- lli- i.'l'i I l y II,- ,,. ,ai , T- I an ' i.i. a - ' '-''.-" 'I"';' l"-''""' ' )' ."I'.V'i",' i".'. a'a I i-a'n -a'r- '-Vc.'l 'XV'-l iw-uiv' .I.e.- a a r Ilia s.-r.l 1 U.i- - : -. ,la n. i n,' .ai i-r-. i I'. I', .fell; C. C. IIlXVZLiIT, l'el HI'-! I.V ,f .'Ilil-l lMl. WITil - T 1t "YTTf T" 1 'V" fj X I.tL; JUJ jJV I. or i:au:m ; ii. x. '.. - m: xi la: I s i mm, shoes ji HSAUY'trSADE CLOTHIHG, it vrs. o-.t. f".'"The best ;.oo,l-sol i at low pt i rmrtMt.imtuu dvr-am P P. f ! H F H M A I P R" ! I lillltklt XJ limn ui' u 'I 'ic I.-1.. ".-."...-! .ni!M m, -i i- .oii.ii.i.c.i I,..,, n "lisK'rfnils ti ?s::-js t:.---.: v W s "f H.irf?!on irfosa?. GiflGERTOKfC A Pure Fam.ly Medicine that tlever IntOKicatcs. If yi.ii a.e a mtlt.ii.c r-r fintir. wnrti nut wi'.h oveiw-MK, or a iiiiitt n.ti diwii l.v i..m,iy ui i.w.isc nuiil ciutiei (ry rkKKaV iiiKt( i -M'-. It yon jrc a Iiwyer. intmlcf or h i-Hitc m .n c ii-tuuti by menial miaai t .-ti.xioit, c-ici i. r'i t..kC It txiXlCrftlt.g bt.il)....'. t., but U 1'AKKtKi Oi lt 'ICONIC. I 4.iilnve DvpM.K Iili im;ai m. KtJney rr !nt:,.ry 1 Mnj.b'iM, f-r if v" " tr wiin .1 ; d.'xj,Hif ot iM(,;ii:s.M,ni.. c.t uout.i. WxXHitfri.ervc ywii cm Utan i t-y IMi-K! u. ttl'.OKtt 'lONIt anyuis-.uctir ur iKjit-. injime a stwuuuiit t ikr "iiM,tR l..-.t.-.,i itt .tvi'I i-vi-r-tw i'it..u vtiii iijui tin lnr- t,rA a- I-ut i I never tiuuAK tf. It tvevi ) ii...,!-.,;-,! t it JVJ your. III- .1 en . l a ... S'r irk. i-, GRK.xr j xvisii r.i'ViN i i.u.ar eizk. JlUi S s'.e..ii,ini line, xvn-h i wurn.n'.x. I."tii.' .11 Uia Is "l l.ui'l - oil I "n--nt lllilj I, lts-J. Vlas a I"- -e I..-. II ,M .'...iia - e a. -. . i . v. 0 le-f 1 an,. a. J 1.- .1 , At;:; . i: i s.-., 1 a a : MIS - . i. Advertisement6. I'i RB A 1 1 T 31 K N T Novelties and Latest Styles of the .sun. ami oi tne nest mamiliicinrers in J. J5. Stetson Cos best luauufaclure. m mm TAIW.KTS. AC .-. I !SI .i'll!. iifAKANTPI'.I). i. i i - r an. i m.-ai.r.s ami supplies DAILY AKUIVIXC .-e-ti- Snil' 1-II--I I ft J.-e. Ollatl... -I'-i... . ii.iilta.'.-, l-'n.-t 'ualiiy A,nni"nlii,. -i i- I a.-.r.-'t. - , I 1 h. -.;.,..'l1i'- U'liarillllei-.l n. I .- Imili, m: ir'n-le hi II.,. inittki.', t.V.'l' I ' : er i!:,.!.- I h -...'l- A. I.i l.-iMwii,.- .iiiiii.,ilii:,-,l 1iimi..1v.-. l mm mm iee. iz. 'i. noanns Ci. CO., "AiliiLE AND GRANITE MonaiiiDiiiS, TiiMoses, Tallets, i '.. A. .. Main Street. Dl'lillAM. X. C. el xil- 1 1 li V .i. I. OK XI I. KIM). M4ATI.Y i : , i i in -an.a , l nri.i I.i .1 -ii Ai l'll.uil.m. rift WPMrioA fifllll,llffT, ijWfU mMlW rCTs 2C2 ...I i-.- .-.. i ii,' l ,,r ilinnliinir. .-I.-Hiiliitt, nn4 il:.-" ..ai. Xl.iiiii.il -.iin-l l.y li. Oill A. Sen, .,,,, N. .1. F.ir .l.-s,T.,tlve rainl'.cuo aud 11- , i. 1 ll,'-9 X. I.. I.OMalN, MOsl.T..', N. C, As-.-ii' f, r cii.Cluiia ci.uniy. Ml : :i-n. 11. IZ. ATvVATER, -XV1T11 'LKK It. WYATT, iU.il-i..'liir Ai h,,rielis Olil Bland,1 HALi:i(iII. X. c. 'Wholesale! Retail I) FAMOUS IX HEAVY (JKOCEIUES, 1f!)!Hlli'.".1 And A (-rent for STANDARD FERTILIZER. XV. ',-;, 11 1. iia.',' m.h k el iliKiDH.in hnhtl oinl nro liilly re, i-ltlniili-i-Hli s.if lilies. X,,- li..pt, i. r,'.','iv,.,ur sliiinoit i.Hiriiui'i:.' frorfl . ar ii i. i. l- in cii.iiiN.iiu mid ailjlnlug oiunuca pat KX'rT 1". A. I."l,iii.-iiai. s ..-li..r ..f Xmerlmn dn.l For . i-n lil.ii.n. XXitflillitf. I). D.t. All liusl.irss n.n ii,."i, . nil l'H!. ii'-, Ii,'Ui.t 'N iorf. th." I'a .'lit olll -. or II," .' 'Uiis. .ri iii'ily Hiiuii.leJ In. No i-liiir-, uin.'.-s ii j'.tii'iil I- si..iir.'.l, hii, (nrrlr culitr uovlD-ll PITTSBOEO' Scientific Academy. C. B. DENSON, Principal. Ttli: Hex' i, p,i ihU liiniiuiloii. ..r buys mul iriil-, w.il I ,-iin Vo.Mi.xV. JI'I.V a, iu..l o.u lii.ii.. i w.-itiv a , k l'ull iniuf...,. In pn.pftriiti.'ii i r in v 0..-H in i'..ll.'K. r lor l.UfHu. 1H. Kir n. ,i- h. ,-i.ii 1 1 aniliiii Iii I'l v'iiil'iii mul 'nlisili.'uli'H iiii.:. i' Hi.- -li .roiir it is.iniwtciit lumlier. 1'ui.lla ,-i any iiu.' r,''-,'ivt .1. Tkhxis: lan-llHi. l,r.".n.'l"WUwr fW.Mi.ii; Prl-iiihi- .-In.-. ... An -Iriil .,r M.i.1. rn Lmihuhk. 'T 1-h, k Keeplne f.-xtri. Ii..r.l tuny l "I. iaiii.il 111 u.ry h.w i ..ef. Tin. wlllhv BUlMMimw Iff Keiir.l h i, I TiiMI 'ii . 'J.i w.'.-kM m ill not i-.i.-ifil lnr l.iiriioularri, a.J.li',wt It. II 1)KNmoN, l'rln, li.nl. May 1H, lw. Iin. w E. ANBEH50S". PrMllaI. P. A. WILET. Ca.hiar. NATIONAL BANK, OF Klil.LIliill, X. C.

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