Chatham Record. BATES or ADVERTISING. H. A. LONDON, Jr., EtiiTon and rnornirroB. On qure, one Insertion, OiMaqnaro.twoluscrtlunm ' One square, em-ini'iilli, . t.r l.v 2.W TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: 4)n coiy .six iiiouttia One cow, tUiue lugiitUi, 1 l.nn - VOL. V. PITTSBOUO', CHATHAM CO., N. C, NOVEMBER 23, 1882. NO. 11. ror larger dvcrllscmcut liberal contract' w IU The 'oiintcrxign. Ainu ! tho weary hmu-s pass slow, The nijdit is very flnrl; a id still, And in the mnrslu-3 far be'ow I hear the benrded whip-poor-will; I senrco can see n ynrJ Rhcml, My enrs nre strained to witch each sound: I lienr the leaves about me shed, And the springs bubbling, through the ground. Aloi'B the beaten path I puce, Where white rays nuirk iiij sentry's tr ick; In funniest glirnbs I Foem to trnco The foeinun form with bending buck. 1 think I ituw him croueliiiig low; I stop nnd list. I stoop nnd peer, Until the neighboring hillocks prow To groups of xvnrriois and near. With ready pace I wait and watch, Until my eyes, familiar grown. Detect each hnrmlcss earthen notch, And turn gucrriki into stone; And then, ninong tliu lonely kjiii, Tlenenth thf weird old tntip trees, My silent marches, I resume. And think on other times thuji these. Hweet visions through the silent lmli. The deep bay wiudow fringe I wiih vine: The room within in soften: d ligli'., 'J he tender milk w hite hand in" niina. The tender prcsmire nnd the p.-iuo Tint ofttime overcame our s wh That time when, by inyterioti". lnw, We each felt all in nil t each. And then that bitter, bitter day When came the final hour In par!, When, clad in soldier's honest i;ray. I prewcl her wrcpinu to my he nl, Too proud of me to bid me stay, Too fond of me t i let mo gn, I had to tear iiiyscl f away. And left her stdtied in her won. Ho rose the dream. piiMied the !.t:'M. When, distant in lie- d.nk-ome yh-a, Approaching up tho awful height, I hen id the solid inarch of men, Till ovei Mubblc. over xiani, And fields where law the iroldcti shcif, I wvw the lantern of the yuard Advancing with the iii,-ht relief. "Halt! Who goes there?'" my c'in!!e:ii.'i cry. I rings nlong the v.ntcJiful Iir.. " Relief!" 1 hear n voice reply. ' Advance, nnd give the miuiler.-ogn !" With baoiie: at the charge, I wait; The corporil fives the mystic spell; With arms at port I chargomy mate, And onward pass, and nil is well. But in the tent that night, awake. I think, if in the fray I fall. 'in I tl mystic answer makii Wl eri- the angelic sentries ca'l ? And pray thai Heaven may so ord lin That when I near the catnp divine. Whether in travail or in pain, 1 too may have the countersign. Vi'f-.iiiiH . i' Iii it a. THE SILENT PARTNER. 'Vcm have a sal and strange ex pression to-day, Edgar, which troubles me," said Clara ISeiiton, addressing her . allianccd lover. "In fact, you have j not seemed like votmelf. since t In i death of vor father, four mouths j "' I""'"' "" , : " . " ' , t,,i vwith a pile of books and papers with me it be had il"ii- anything oT . , I before him. which he xva.s endeavoring ! that sort," said Clara, with anarch The voiing man s oiilv answer xxas a ,'" 1 '" .. . . .," ' .. ' i i ,. to brine in'" some order, a visitor was look, sigh, the meaning ot which, however. I - ,. his fair companion understood. ,,. announecl. and the next moment b- " ,.h yon i repeated Edgar, w ith though the subject had never ,,een i '''asping the hand of Mr. Hlane!.- j an expression ol su.-h , bcwilder referredt;. between them. Thev had ! well-known fried of ment that his young w ife ,,.M m-t been engaged about a year, and their j wedding day, although not definitely decided upon, was looked upon as mt j far distant. In the meantime, how-! ever, Mr. Alison, Edgar's father, had i become seriously embarrassed in his I business affairs ; and matters had grown continually worse, unlil the climax was reached, rendered still IV.- re severe, as well as unavoidable, by the general prevalence, at the time, i f business failures. While still working with every nerve of brain and body, in one of those desperate struggles which so often end in either success or death, a fever, induced by the iiitense excitement, had terminated his life, Irn'inirhis affairs in almost hornless confusion, while his wife's health was so shattered bv the terrible shock that she was reduced to the condition of a confirmed invalid. Edgar, xx ho had graduated a year before, and was then at a law school, dropped his books and came home at ouee, to see what he could do in the way of saving something from the wreck of his father's estate. Clara Denton, his allianccd, was an orphan, ami jHissessed of n fortune amounting to about seventy thousand dollars, w hich xx as under the charge of a prudent nml careful lawyer, her guardian, while she was not to be per mitted to have control of it until she would be twenty-three years of age. Well, Clara," said Edgar, breaking it painful silence, "at our engagement, I supposed my fortune would be alaiut equal to yours. Noxv, I scarcely dare to feel certain of being able to sax e anytning. I he only part of my father's once large fortune which is in any measure available is his factor, still at work, earning a little money. It mav possihlv be saved from the wreck, 1 ut it will doubtless recpiiro some yorm to bring out that result. There are many largo claims against the ostat ; and, working as I must single handed nnd alone, the out-look seems almost desperate." "Do not let these troubles make you despondent, Edgar,' said Clara, affec tionately. "At the time of oiirengage iruiit we were expecting to be married j within h year Ol' course I do nut !-' dollars, by which his alfairs wore sire to hasten that event in any way ' brought into working older, had been I that does not seem to you best. Hut paid in. And w ith the view of supply ' my life is shut up in yours. If you . ing the large nnd rapidly increasing i xvere absolutely penniless, it would nt ; demand lor those patented articles, ' make a shadow of difference with inc. further sunn wi re added, until by the I have enough for both of us." end of a year, the whole sum thus ad- I "I know that is what your generous vaneed had amounted to twenty thoii j heart would suggest, my darling !" re- sand dollars, and the business vv as no - plied her lover, with deep emotion, ing on prosperously. "lint the prevailing sentiment of this! s(i kited and sustained by the as- world is of a very differenl character. sjsfanoo thus opportunely alTordc.l. ami Already sly intimations have conn; to ,i(.Vl,t jnff ,,u energies to swell Hu me to the effect that the loss of my tide id' returning fortune Edgar found fortune would not be a very 4.rius tj1(. tj,SM. passing j;viltly. (Hi several tiffair to me, since 1 have a rich wife ' ll(.,.!lsj,,ns . r,.,Mi,,,.,i hj-s ( artnor thai in prospect, which I wasshrcwd enough . j,,. wu. itt iji.,tv to draw out a few to secure in time." ' thousand dollars of Ids part of the pro ' "Let these ungenerous insinuations ,,f the business if he desired ( pass for nothing, Edgar," said Clara. ,)( Mr. n, i,aid always re vvith i'iiet dignity. "Von know they j,,,, th.t he had no present need for have no power to tomb my mind for anything except what was m ssary to an instant. ; I '1 have been thinking this matter J over a great ileal lately, ( l ira," said ; Edgar, pressing the little hand he :n wedding at length arrived there was no holding. "And while 1 have not the u,(,(, f)1. ,.. And as Edgar remotest th--light of ever disregarding ., jn v-n the hand of t!ie fair my engagement, 1 believe it is better gir ,.,. ,is i.ri,i... for us t,i w ait a few years ami let me 'j( w tlli, p.., 01.t iK,ppy eoii eiideaxor to repair my fortune, with- .j,,,,,,. ,, ,,., v j.-at -t his out anticipating any portion of yours. ))lll0 .m, ,, . harge V ire now only nineteen and I ! ,i, wjth hax ingseied tlu'opportnnity twenty-three ; we will be young yet for j t SV(1 from pecuniary ruin by some vears. 1 w ill direct my energi-s i .. v;, ,,r ., i.eiress to this work. I will take hold of the manufacturing business my father h it, adapt myself to it and make that the use of my life instead of the profession to which I had been expecting to de vote it. I must be a business man, and I will try to be a ireful ;.nd sip ssful one." More conversation followed, which we have not space to detail here, dur ing which, however, Clara ipicst ioncd her lover with much interest in regard to the condition and character of the j pr.'perl y he wa endeavoring to save; j ami they parted at last, mote firmly bound, mi far a i related to their future . (),,. paper and looked inquiringly at his hopes and expectations, than ever. It vis-a-vis. -'I'll'- purchase of Mr. Ulan had been agreed that their marriage ,.,ard's interest in the business must . i i.i ....i i . i r. . 1 i.. I Clu-.'j I Slllltll', HIM I,. 1.. .T I I' , I l "'I' txveiitv-third hirthdav, uul-ss by h lara s ! i own desire, which she felt certain J would not be entertained or expressed, i She stood looking after her lover until J he had passed from view, then wafted j a kiss after him from the tips of her pretty lingers, and returning to her j room opelpil her writing-desk an I be- gan to indite a letter, xvith an ex pros- sion upon her bright fiv e of mingled i archness and resolution. I Two days later, while Edgar was j . . ii it... r.... i his father. Alter a f"v preliminary remarks, "Pray tell me, my dear." he cotil in expressive of his deep regret at the ued, "how much this assignment has sudden death of Mr. Alison, the visitor ; y.mV" said : i "Twenty thousand dollars, with a "I have been talking a little in re-j little nmre," was the reply. "I loaned gard to your affairs, Edgar, xvith the . Mr. Hlam hard that sum through my lawyers who have the management of j guardian." your business, not. of course, learning j "And that xxas the money I received anything from them except what I felt . from him!" exclaimed Edgar, whilxa certain you would be perfectly willing light broke over his fa- e. "I now set to have me know. They tell me that , why he xxas willing to accept enough the business is by no means in a hope- j from the business to pay the interest less condition. There i- a considerable ; on the borrowed money, but had no amount of real estate that can be saved, 1 occasion to draxv anything more. And 1 understand, by paying off encuin-! now tell me the w hole story my dear." brances on it, and I believe you also , "Well, Edgar," said his young bride, hold some two or three patents, su- turning her radiant face upon him. . P"s('" nxauaoie ami ... . 1 1,10 """'uifaet.rTC of articles to which I tht' fi','t,,r-v is '"'"I'""1' fwr w,"rh' xvith a little capital to unng mem oui. ;,iways been deeply interested in my there would probably be an extensive i welfare. On that day when you so demand." ' perversely refused to anticipate any of "All that is so!" said the young man, my fortune, and 1 made myself so in who had been listening to his visitor : ipiisitive, ;is you doubtless remember. xvith peculiar interest. "Hut. single- handed, I am virtually powerless; and j the wide prevalence of business failures j has rendered it impossible for me to j procure aid that I might otherwise have j obtained." '1 have no capital," continued Mr. Hlanehard, "that it would be right for I me to put in jeopardy. The most of my property is in real estate, on which, however, I could borrow, I suppose, for a term of years, and at a moderate j invest it in the business. After look interest, so much as you would be likely i ing into the matter carefully, he to need. The iiioKtioit simply is this, decided that an investment of ten can I put the money thus liorrowetl i thousand dollars in the way it xxas I into this business in a perfectly safe made, ' and afterxvard ten thousand wav" 'more, would be entirely safe; as per- The suggestion thus made xxas like a godsend to the struggling and em- barrasscd young man, and he at once applied himself to the task of making it available. The result was that xvith- in a few days an arrangement xxiis nuule, by which Mr. ltfanchard became I a silent partner in the business, with a I half interest in everything. What a noble old man Hlam hard is!" said Edgar to himself, after the ar rangeiiient had Kten completed, and the first installment of ten thousand pay the interest on the money he had ,r-ovvod. W hen the dav aarccd upon for the About a week alter the return of the young couple from their w eddiug tour as they were at tea one evening. Clara said, looking up at tie- same time, xvith a bright and happy smile; "I had a call to-day, Edgar, from your obi friend and silent partner, and here is a littl" document In- left xvith me, which may perhaps interest you." Taking tin- paper, Edgar read an as signment, for value received, conx eying his partner's half interest in the fact.. rv to his young xv ifo. "This, my dear, is a very cxtra-'fdi-mirv all'air!" be said, as he laid dow n hav taken a large part of your for- r i tune." -Perbapi not ipiite so niieh ;n you imagine," replied Clara, gayly. "What ,,, you consider the vah f the infer- est he has now assigned to nu'V" - kmixv." said Edgar, "that it was Worih forty thousand dollars to him from the fad that he has been offered that sum for it within the last two mnnths by a wealthy business man. vv, urged me to use my inlliicnee with him to part with it." i.n.. .. i..., ., i,.. i ., i . ii ; ,, ,r ,.i refrain I rom a merry peal oi laugnier. ..tlle conspiracy was simply this. .Mr. Hlam hard has been an old friend of ur family as well as of yours, and has in regard t the exact state of your business affairs, a blight thought came into my mind. As soon as you were gone 1 sent for Mr. Hlatu liard. and after telling him the whole story. requested him to find some way by which my money could aid you. The only way, he said, would be to have j my money loaned to him through my ' guardian, and he would then, if the ! securities could be made satisfactory. j feet in every way as the security he had given me for the momcy, ami for the payment of which, to my estate, : he was making himself responsible, j even in the event of his investment in your business proving unfortunate." i "A noble an generous course on ins I part, certainly !" said Edgar, warmly. "Hut had you any security that ! would have been binding on his heirs : in the event of his death?" j "Yes; although, of course, I had determined that any possible loss that ' might result from the investment should be mine, not his. I had his written obligation to transfer his w hole interest in the business to me on the cancellation of the mortgage; he, at the same time, leaving it entirely to me to give him whatever 1 thought best for his services. lie was not disposed to take anything, saying that he would rather think of what he had ' done as being prompted by a regard for our unit ual welfare, and without any hope of reward. lint I thrust, a thousand dollar check into his hand, and placed a ring on bis finger, which he will wear. I am sure, as long as he lives. And noxv, my dear," she added. xvith a gay laugh, -alter this display of my coiiM-rsitiotial powers you will no longer regard me as a silent partner." "Perhaps not." said Edgar, rising from his .-eat. and bending oxer Clara's chair, while at th" same time he took . her face between his hands and im printed a fond kiss upon the upturned lips. "Hut a most a-ceptaMe one in either rcsp'-ct, since I shall have hel for life, And how can I thank you. my darling. f-r having so nicely and generously given me the benefit of a pari of the fortune I was not xvilling to share, unlil I could bring to it. as I can now, a full equivalent; while, at ! the same time, I have the delightful 1 realisation that your ad of kindness ! has not only been the means of ensur ing my fortune, hut has largely added ' to voiir ow n." I Tail Lincoln's Fast-Dny Picnic, ! If there xx a ever a boy in danger of I being --.spoiled," it was the youngest son ..f President Lincoln. Much of the time it was impossible that he should ! not be let! to run at large. lie was : foolishly caressed and petted by people I win. wauled favors of his father, and who fook this way of making a friend I in the family, as (hey thought; ami he ' was living in the midst of a most ex , citing epoch in the country's histoiy, ! when a box in lb" White House was in a strange and somewha' unnatural 'atmosphere!-. P.ul I am bound to say jthat 'fad. although he doubtless had I his w its sharp, ii'-d by being in such jst range .surroundings, was m-ver any thing else, while I knew him, but a ! boisterous, rollicking, and absolutely real boy. (ireat xxas Tad's ciinoMty, in Hiil, to know w hat was meant, by the President's proclamation lor a day of I fast ing and praxer. His inquiries were not satisfactorily answered, but from the servants he learned, to his great dismay, that there would be nothing eaten in the White II"iise from siiii rise to sunset on East ay. The boy, j who was blessed with a vigorous appe tite, took measures to escape from the ' rigors of the day. It happened that, just before East Day came, the family carriage was brought out of its house ' to be cleaned and put in order. Tad classified by visiting scientists. Thoinp- stood by, xvith feelings of alarm, while I son has a garden in which he is now i a general overhauling of the vehicle cultivating coffee plants covering three xvcntoii.theeoaoliuiaii'lusting, rubbing, acres of ground, and the whole of this j and pulling things about, ipiite uneon- j js surrounded by a single banian tree. ; scions of Tad's anxious watch on the j The wonders of this strange land have i proceedings. Pretty soon, draxving out j recently been so impressed upon the a queer-looking bundle from one of the ' (ioveriimenl of New South Wa es that i boxes under the seat, the man brought ! orders have been issued interdicting , to light a part of a loaf of bread, some ' the destruction or removal of plants, ' bits of cold meat, and various other 1 t rees or seeds, ami the tenure of the fragments of food from the larder, residents limited to yearly leases at the ' Tad, now ready t" burst xvith anger pleasure of the executive of this 1 ami disappointment, cried, "Oh! oh! colony. 1 give that up. I say ! That's my East ' "' " " i I lay picnic!" The poor lad, from A Conjuror Astonished. ! dread of going hungry, had Hermann, the conjuror, is a pradi- cautiously hidden, from day to day. a cal joker and likes to play (ricks on portion of food against the day of fasi- people, and being verx skillful xvith ing. and had stood by while his hoard his lingers and hands he succeeds in was in danger, hoping that it might astonishing a good many. Hut he xxas escape the eyes of the servants. astonished himself not long since in He was consoled by a promise from South America. The Pall Mall (lazette his niotlier, to w hoiii he ran with his relates that during a performance at . tale of xv oe, t ha' he should nt suffer the house of the governor of Monti hunger on East Day, even though his video he undertook to mvstifv three father, the President, had proclaimed a , day of fasting, humiliation, and prayer for all the people. West I nil la Superset Inns. It is considered very unlucky to tell seemed overpowered with terror as he the name of a boat before it is launched, extracted from his nose a living rat. A calabash turned upside down in a I'ttering a cry of fright the Patagon- ; boat is a sure forerunner of ill-luck, ; iau withdrew, and the company coti- either in weather or tishing. The oil gratulated Hermann upon his success, obtained from a shark's liver rubbed While receiving their congratulations over the skin is a protection against he suddenly discovered that his watch the attack of a shark. Fish brought was gone, and that his chain bad gone into a place where arrowroot or other with it. His purse, too, had tlisa- starch is being prepared prevents a peared, and bis eyeglass and poekct- ' separation of tho starch sediment from handkerchief. Half an hour afterward the impurities suspended in the water the chief of the Patagonians returned, used. To turn your lsNits upside down bringing the missing articles. The brings loss of money, and to open an savage from whose nose Hermann had j umbrella in a house prevents your ever . extracted the rat had emptied the eon marrying. Never wash your hands in juror's pockets i the moment when . water which another person has used, he was pretending to be overcome w ith 1 unless you first make the sign of the terror at the unexpected apparition of cross over it. When a glass cracks the rat from the tip of his nose. ' suddenly in a bouse it foretells a death. and a horse stopping before a house and neighing is also a sign of death. If acock crows in a house a stranger may be expected. THE CltrsOKS OF OCEAMCA. Mi-nune Oiwnvrrit-n In II"- Woiilli I'licIHe A cliiny or Ainrricmi XX Inileri am a l.nnu I-.I.-I. A letter from Sidney, New South Wales, says ; Some years ago, the New Hi -i I fori I xvhalers who visited the South 1'aoiiic- and doubtless one or two of them are still living--found an island nearly inidxvay bet ween what was then known as New Holland and New Zea land. In climate, in Mora and in fauna it differed from both, and presented many of the paradoxes not uncommon "t "ie antipodes. Ilearinglhat the (iov eminent of New South Wales had de cided that it was the best possible position for observing the next transit of Venus, your correspondent visited the place last month. Nearly an hour before the (iovernuielit ollieials put in an appearance, onr vessel was boarded by a whale-boat's crew, steered over the reef by an an ancient mariner, whose dialect xvas so familiar that I at once asked him what part of the Stales he bailed from. "New liodford, sir," xxas the re sponse. "IJoxv long have you been here?" was my next query, and tin- reply xvas, "Wall, nigh on forty years, I guess." During a stay of ten days on what is the nearest, approach to a press man's idea of the land of the lotus eaters, I learned of the man who for well nigh half a century has not beard from his friends at hom Nathan Chase Thompson is a native of Somer set, Mass., ami virtually does all the work of this island. Henry Wilson, a native of New burg. N. V .. was put ashore there from a whaler twelve j years ago to die, but still lives and is bale. P. Johnson (colored ). a native ; of Pennsylvania, is also located there, as w;h also a !i'st"iiian, named Leon ard, whose relatives may not yd know that he xvas killed two years since in a brawl by the fath-r of a h-usekceper of his who w as left on lie- island by ; the whaler Alabama of New Hedlord. There are n if i ion- than half a dozen adultson the island oiitsidethefaiiiilies of those I hav ment ioue.l, and those look upon Thompson as a sort !' Smta Clans. The w hole plac, is only six miles in length by about one and a half wide, and of this fully two miles is taken up by Mount liowar, which rises sheer from tin-sea on the southern side to an altitude of 2X' feet, and Mount Lidgbird to a height of 2,.".nii feet. For about four miles north of the latter the soil and foliage are something ap proaching the miraculous, the former consisting of decomposed Vegetable matter, intermingled xv ith guano par tially denuded of its strength by tropi cal rains ; palms and ferns such as no portion of Australia can boast of. and banian trees only equaled in India together with eighteen other species of shrubs and trees which have been half-savage Patogonians who were present. He stupefied the tirst by tak ing an orange from his nose; he aston ished the second by producing a series of piastres from his hair, but the third William lilood, of Council Bluffs, Iowa, has had bard lin k as a married man, having bad seven wives and buried six. Jtlood will tell. CUITINb'S K)lt THE II HIOIS. (inns were used at th" siege of anh gosa in 1 1 1. The artichoke xva-s brought to Eng land, from Hraz'I. in I1"'-". An aitcsian well of Lilh-rs has been in lonstaut flow ever since y. The horse is ; native of Africa, whence he was first int rodm-cd into Egypt, and thence into other countries II. Pcreiv al says that if population goes on at its present rate, in 211 years the world will have reached the fright ful average of 7mi inhabi'ants to th square mile, HulTaloes in Dakota snatch their ponderous fun-heads against the tele graph poles so vigorously that mm-h damage and inconvenience are caused to telegraph op.-ra'ovs. The machine-made nail may be said to be of comparatively recent dat" when the antiquity of the handicraft art of nail-making is considered. 1'nti! ninety years agonal! nails were forg'-d. Some idea of the minihiT of people once engaged in the trade may be gained previous f the era "f the nail-making machine. f.o,"in) nailers wen- cmplox-d at "lie time in (he city of Itiriuiugham, each family forging its own nails at wind might be termed dome: tic forger . This is still d"iie in seme sections in tierinany. The rapid increase of populat imi in Manitoba has stimulated tie- inventive geniuses of the Dominion to contrive houses that may be portable and quickly put up. A man in Hdlev ill.-. Ont., has planned one that is in three foot section, and dovetails together. A house, for ,i h"lel or boarding estab lishment, has been put up a' Winnipeg, over 1 i.m.i feet long, two stori'-:; big!: and div ided into apartments sullieieiit to accommodiitt- 2"''1 po-sts Th foundation was laid on Tuesday, :ni the bouse was completed -n t hi- Thin ; day following. A eorrespun 'it '.f liv J.iM'Vil, f.'o'e says that il is the cnstovi of the fishermen of (Yvlon iowhistie fortln ir bait. Oiiareeint isit t" that island, he saw the v. ,iy ii: which it was done. The fisherman ran il-ovn some yards to meet an advancing v. avc. agitated the water, and probably th'-sand also, with the lingers of one hand, and then r.i.s backward, whistling all the time: when the wave retired he followed it s re treat, and seemed almost invariably to find a long worm left on the sah l : ' the point where he had agitated t!:" water. On being questioned relative to this singular procedure, one native replied that his whistling acted as a charm to the worms, .vol caused thep; to rise t, the surface. THE FAMILY HOCTOK, 'Ai."ii.--For warts Dr. Foot.-'s Health M'liiHihi advises sufferers to try the appliea ion of kerosene tw ice a day after scraping tin- surface a little. It will cause 1 1. em to depart. Cum ll'l-; IN Vol i; PllVsii i .. When you take counsel of a doctor giv e him your explicit confidence. Do tint permit any friend even though the fr'eiid be an experienced old mother and nurse--to diMurb the coniide'i. c in the doctor. Follow-no adx ice that is against w hat In- has said. 11 you lose confidence in him get another phy sician. 'I'O PlIOIM i I A SXV P. A T. liell-f ' 'p clover blossoms, steeped and drank freely; can be found in the hay-m.vv if not previously secured. Take car. not to expose one after this .sweat. Penny-royal is an old-time cure, ami can be drank w ith less danger if one has to go out the next day. To Ct hi:;si:m:ss... W hen the voice is lost, as is sometimes the ca-e from the effects of a cold, a simple, pleasant remedy is furnished by beat ing up the white of an egg, adding the juice of one h-inon. and sweetening with white sugar to the taste, 'fake a teaspoonful from time to lime. It has been known to effectually cure the ailimut. Snails. In the French journals a discussion has again cropped up as to the value of snails as fond. It appears that the species of snail which is eaten in France possesses very nourishing qualities. The analysis of the well known chemist, Payen, shows that the snail contains seventy per cent, water sixteen per cent, nitrogen, eight per cent, fat, two per cent, animal salt and four per cent, of other constituent parts, The ancient Itoiiians were well aware of these good qualities, and used the snail as a stimulating remedy for a bad appetite, just as nowadays wc use caviare or oysters, and had a particular way of preparing it. From Italy they were transported to France. They are still a favorite dish in Hohemia, and are dclieiously dressed in the best res taurants of Prague. Mow. Jtise ! for the diiy i- pnssing. And you lie dreaming on: The others hnve buckled their armor, And forth to the light have e,,iU.: A place in the ranks nvvaits you. Knell mini Iws some purl to play; The 1'nst nnd the Future hit nolliing, n the- face of the stem To d;;y Kiso from your dreams ol" the Fidine-- If ginning some hmd-fought field; I If storming sonic airy fortress, r bidding some giant yield; Your future has deeds of glory, (If honor (Hod grant it mav '. Hut your arm will never be -'.roiiger Or the need so great as today. I!ie ! if the pa-t detail's j'1'1- Her suuliiie nnd r!-'"io- for Mo chains so c.iivvo' lliy to I "Id you As thrive of i vain 'vga-l; Sad or bright, -lie I- llf'-le evir; Cnl In c plnnt 'in .-.nil- awav. Noi look bad;, t P-ar-i lie- ! -or I if a nobler strife to day, Hic ! for i tie day i passu-g; Tlic sound tlmt you s'-n.c !,v ' ear the enemy marching to but lie; Arise ! for the foe i- here ' Stay not In ahnrpen yo'ir vu.'po"1, ( ir the hotu will .-trikc ;-l last, When from dieauis "f a eotnin r b 'U! Von Piny wake lu find ii y i-l. .1 .'- '-'.' 1TNCKM PAKM!AP1is. NOT Too r Vl'i. Ho dropped my fair in'.o ti e box Willi gcmlc mien aed vviniNoe.e :,i-. ltlack wen- hi- socks with pie pie c "1... J eoled I e v.a- pa--ing f'-r : Th'- ni" h vii pie" i. u cm i piece. The best Hlillg t- -:!-'' ''ofoK ":'.e ing - bl'c;p 11. There's very bttle or r. ' opp-v-i' 1 a red-hot The right kind of .1 dog In a a-' : i terrier to c il do. r.;. If a d"ir loses bis paw rel a p.o ' -i loses his ii.iivv, does 11 make orphan-. ., them? When a man get. iul- s". i-.. o i days he is vcr;. Ii!..- Ib" culprit id . '! times, ami sutlers in a convspondb. ; degree. "Yes." .- ,ii tin- fit In. f -l..l'i"'l vo fence is expensive, I il tl"- hired hi doesn't Stop t" led :''. iov time !.- climbs it ." An exchange contains an ,oii. f on Women vvl... Die Earh." Tho-'- w)e light the lire with k i"-'-,,,. jM f... morning ave np t- die early. Cla'-a looking at the bonnets, etc. , ; -Don't think Hu-y are very h uel M.uie?" Amy twli'.-.e tbollgbls a' - oti the other sideof -4 i; -Very, ' .peeia'.lv the ope v it II t he black HI":- -t.l-he." 'I'll" man who vx III invent sum prnelica! snbst it ut. for Cue ordinary wooden knob I'"! drawer-., desk door,, and the like, or some v. ay of kieping l! nliii.irv knob on. v. ill m ike a ! IIIP- and die rc.-pocl ed. Perhaps the casual reader has u. .-r sm' down o:i a bnz saw and felt him self gradually fading a-vay. If so, h I'.oc-n't know v. hai it is t" form the acquaintance ..( a somnambulist '" boll dog in t he prim,- of life. "What arc the nine i: i:.e-. pa :'" asked a little boy xv ho v as i-ead'ii.; mtll"l"gie.-d lore in the lo'VI' cl.i-.. "It is w Io n tl. home -toiie' is bcie:. in a game of ha ;.-ball, 1 1 !l Ci- pill" muses over it," v., is th" reply. A le-fiircr v..,iii- o I-now "'vba' shall we .1" with our girNy" 1 1 would it do t .. giv e tin 1 1 1 t hive n e meals a day and try t raise them an to help their mothers until tlnv .n.. called upon t" help their !i.i.. bands',' A new imram.ii,! has 'n.-i-n engaged for the family of .In iin !.--- T i . On In r appearing in the niirsi-rv tlnu : by Master Lech: --.Ner-e. papa says I am oil" of those -hil'lr- a that can only be manage 1 l y kimiites . and I'll trouble v., is to ! -I -h .-..-me spongecake ami oranges at n- In dangerous proximity to mean ni'.si ; "Y.-;." r aid I'.u rl. . n f . in. "I came p". ttv ii' iir lining a thing : to-day. 1 had a ciiiniei teit half and I 'was about to give it to a po,.;- blind : beggar who asked for a'ms, but I n sist.-d the f.-iiiptatioTi ami got an old apple woman to change it iy buying . live cents' worth of fruit. When a California panther see; a poodle and ;. young woman lie eats tho poodle and b-aves the yn iag -.vomaii. He probably reason in I bis vviy ; If i I eat the girl and lb" poodle, that vvili be oniy o:n- mcil ; if 1 always eat tim poodle the girl v. ill always gel atiotk.r, and I can always be sure of another imal. ; A scholar in a public school whobad been over th- m:'t of Ada, was re viewed by the teacher, with the follow -ing result: "Wha' is geography V -A big be.-k." "What, is the earth 'Composed of?" "Mud." "No; land : and water." "Well, that makes mud, ! don't it "What is the shape of the ! earth V "Flat." "You know better, if I should dig a hole through the earth i where would 1 cniiv out at?" "Oat ! of the hole," u 9 t.i