dhatham Record. CWtem P A.TES or ADVERTISING. H. A. LONDON, Jr., EDITOR AND I'doj'BlETOIl. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: One w-naiv, on? inwrtl'.n. Piiapquaro.lwn InwrtlnnS" Jnei'itur,'iiiii"iith, . fi. fnf ro r, fn r. -fiiiroer ,.t iii'iiiiim OmnHi three montti., - VOL. V. HTTSBOUO', CHATHAM CO., N. C., DKCEMBEK 7, 1882. NO. For largir akfi '.llif-nts lltrl contract trill I'll lion , I like llifwp plum tlmt j nn i-nll weeds Seilo, luirdhiM-k. mullein, arrow 1 hut knit thrir routr mid sift their s"'ii Where mi) yriissy whet ! track leads Through po'irtry Iiv-w.ij? narrow. They fringe th- nc'tri-d hill-idii fietc.s, (iro-.vn old with cultivation, With Kuril wilil wealth of rustic i-h.-iriin As bloomed in Nature's mati'in linns Tlii- lin.1 liny -, of i-ivat.oti. J hey show how Mother Earth ioivs lot To derk her tired out places ; Hy flowery lips, in hour -. of rc-f. Atfiiinst hind work she will pro'.-it With hoiiii'ly nir-i ami grit-en. Vou plow the nrbiit-is from her hill. Hew down lu i in miitiiin laurel ; Their plaro, ns beft she ran. ho fflU With humbler blotwoms ; so ?he n-ilW To rlo-H' with you her .ii,ini h rili- yielded to your t-.t wi'li pio-l Hit free, primeval ch.ri ; Blip brought yni dr"n of l l"ii gr 'i You Miy : "How dull ;;ro.v-. hoW p'lfV, 1-1. ic Vou "I ft h Her ui'dwood i-oil joi env m'-J : Tormred b;. Ilt and !i i:r r. ; I'll' leave tier for a year or IT". Ami see ! she "tands and l ui.-h- at j 1 1 A il Ii linrdb'e'k. in'ill' i.1. jari ' V ' Pear K'irth, ll'f world ir- hird I !'! ' Vet lb aenV lu- alh cpiiiI-. i - Into the life of flow, r" lik- the And I hf.lo-.vn a' b'. Anions v " I- '"i l ,;ra-- - :. tHE MAMELUKE'3 LEAr. There .'re f'-w IM"ie -tiil". i I iri-lsiape.; in tli- whole of a. though there trial be tinny liaiel' 'iiier, than the pat), rani i I i aii". v lt- ii an-'i.-nt an-l modern M . 0 1 tt i i lr t -stind rrpre---iite'l -'-I- by i I - -. A a ni-re picture, th--I raveh-r nm pi-rhr-ips give his preference tothe t-ovtting f'-d - lilTs and (cna-ed . ti'.-t .. of ( ir.in, the lliagllilicent eie-cen' ct while iimis. , K'liue-unting tie- gieiti l-.piitg bill oi-l sparkling water ol A'gi- is bay. i the Mrmige htile i.i:;h's ncM ol t ' 'iislantnie peielod -'I the Minimi' o p. t pi-ndii ul. ir i ra-r. ami cm ii- l' -l -n all siibfs but one b a hideous 1 1 1 .- s 1 1 .".'Ml feet in depth. Till iu lb.- piiim CMpie Jiiiinghiig ol Ihi pat Mli-I the present, of ipiiin lia-tein l-ail ari.in and jaunty Western ii-.ili-.-li .it, C.i-. M aiidx al-'ii'-. Jt nin-t 1m n tied. Iio'.t 'M l , 1 h a' tin lat" Khedive's elforts o make his capi tal a cheap edition of Paris have had anything but a s.tti-fa 'oiy ie:-uli. Moslem cities are a cuiiM-rv ative its tlu ir inhal.ifaii'.s, ntel do not take kind ly to the btii-tliiig ti- w l.iti'.lcil notions of the West. The Miitrhi.i liai'dens, indeerl ( w hich form tin- pa'i nft airot. are a charming foil to tin- hot, dusty p'ain all armi'id; and too, is the long avenue of date palms extending from fie Nile .-illiiosl to where t ho mi;'i!v t reats of the pyramids are o n l.toiiiiug against tin- rich tropical sky on the li -rder of the everlasting desert, lint there is a garish, oflciisiu- smart ness a'ont every street of the new 'Isiiiatl iych (Juartcr," with its tall, while hotels and bride-cake like villas, and inclosed gia-spl.-ts sorely in need of watering; and it is iptite a relief to turn from this "niiule lo-oidei'" town into the mae of dark, narrow, Oriental f-treets around the ba-e of the eitadel hill, yvhere one may st ill see w hat tin great city yvas in the days when she first received her Arabic title of "A! Kahira." Here, indeed, y.-u may take your fill of Kastern associations. You seem to he looking up from the bottom of a well at tin-bright .summer sky, which is only visible as a little ribbon of burn ing light far overhead, between the flat, heavy-bat demented roofs of tin Mrange old houses, with their blank, massive walls and deep t tiltnel-likc doorways. All aroiin you tin- 'plaint, f Id-world life of the '-Arabian Nights" is in full sw ing. The gray bearded bar ber i- chattingto his Arab customer a he shaves his crow n. The la-lcti camel, striding tip the narrow, nibl.ish-iieaped street, almost tramples upon a tur bancd loafer who is too lay to get out of the way. The "kabubki" (st-lh-r of cookod meats') sets out upon the narrow board before him his little scpiares of smoking mutton, each impaled upon its own tiny t.pit. The deformed beggar f ft cuds the sthapeless mass of wires which srrvrs him as a hand, with a sKrill petition for charity. The bare lintbed water-carrier waddles past un der his dripping bagof kin, eyed envi ously by the t uttered, dusty pilgrim from Mecca, who is looking around in eeareh of n bath-house. The veiled woman glides noiselessly past in her f-hroud-liko robe, lik.) a risen corpse, while the gaunt, half-clad, wlid-eyed dervish (religious devotee) stalks through the crowd yelling like a mad nianrnd tossing his bare arms franli i ,Uly in the air. Amid hitch a scene our would hardly be surprised to coii.e upon Khojah Hit -Kin, or Sinbad, the sailor, snugly seated in a shady corner and recounting to a circle t-f admiring listeners cue of thvse , interminable stories which delighted ; the. Caliph Hanum Al-liasohid. Be- )rc you reach the foot of tin- winding path loading upward toth" citadel yon ' u ill be quite ready to assent to tin- old saying that "lie who hath nut wen , Viiio halli iit seen the world." ; lint the gem of the whole panorama i is the citadel itself, which stands iiion 1 a steep rocky Mull' overlooking the J town. True, the massive walls are fast I crumbling tu decay, and it military i engineer would be anything but satis. ! li"d either w ith the condition of the defences or with that of this gun I m-uinted upon them, lint the most ; ivsoluto fault-lindereould hardly object to the stately white front and tapering ; iiilpan ts of the great mostie, or to tho wealth of coloring lavish'-d tipon the graceful columns and fretted cornices ,nd deep, -hi-lowy anhways of its beaut iful interior-a lit nioiiiiiiient of '!l- gle.l'tlf.s of its founder, Mehe t Ali Pa ha. the 'apoiMn of Kgypt. -.l.. ruled tin- count ry wi'ha rod of ;-" ! iii Hi" earlier p u t of the pre-ini . II' III v. Il'-yond Mo- luos.pie, in the oii'i-r aiighi of lite i-'itre-is, ini'l ju-tattlic p ant where the rocky la- .- of the hill upon wlii. b il f-taml. falls away into a r h'-.-r pn cipje.., i;. ... ;i 'pacinii.s ipiadrau gnlar i "urt a aid, .a'. '-d w ith broad flat t'-ius an I encircled by a quiet, shady . .I--HU.I I.-, the back "I w hi. h is formed !;. the iaii-a-i s tlienisi lve.i. As you s 1 1 f thi- pia If.itiglc, a gi.iv-liair. .1 i i". who sc'-iir; ( h iu'-t it. t II; vou in ,i tone ..if i-oiiibre lui.oiiiig that it, i.. (be t'.-iirt of Hi" Maim In1.".-. TIk- ".line r-' t'l at on. e Ut.-b ilf-'i-igottin detail.-, ol one of the grand"-! and gloomiesl tia;;edie.; of mn. rn limes, and fi r any (Ml" whowi-li'-:; to know what Kg pt r.-ill I--, it is wor'h v. l.il- l-i look I-,.' k and see what deed.; win rioiie in this ipiid ;iot on a ct- tain In..- .sumin.-r ev-i.i.n; within the! ll'Olli-U i f ll. f W II" Mill ah I lie evening sun is ;ii .( b.-giniiing to i-'dd-ll th" bold lidg.-.s of the M"ka' t mi hills t ivhicli II, ink Cairo on flu a t . a a I -p i I lci!..einei, mollliled on sup-ib Arab eoiirs-r: and anaud in all lln l-.ii I-iri spli -nd-.r of ll i-'erii warriors, i -1 - gallant ly up the path l-.i'hng to th.- i-ita-h-l. All an- Mont and stalwart iii--ii, ai uu-d to th" t' elh .mo seemingly ijuue iv to it s- their w ea pons a! a moment's notice, against ; either friend or foe. These are tie- I'mnou.-' Ilgyptian i Mamelukes, the hen dilaiy arisloera'-y J of Hie land, who once faced th'- best ; soldiers of Ilouapaite himself beneath the sh i. iow of the Pyramid-;, and from 1 w hose ranks came the renowned Mil-; talis thsl foriuciiy ruled all Mgypt from ; the sea to th- cataracts of th- Nile, Proudly do they lile in through the; gloomy old gateway, rejoicing to think thaleien Meh'-ni'-t Ali P.nha himself, the dreaded iol elllor of I.-ill'-r Mgypt. I thinks it pru-l.-pt to stand well with the .Mamelukes and bid them to a 'Va t in his ow n citadel at Cairo. Little do t hey dr-a n what manner of a feast it i i to h". M.-heiuet is . not the man to lei auv one stand in his m.-iv : Il-,e ha.od.tv ehi-fs. w i I h their tierce curag" and 'urn ..infor.abl" nmrket-pla-e. The live lingers of he, notionsof independ -ncc. have long been Wl'r" ,,,rn "" w,,h, M' , . . , i.i i , . ninccr-i. Il.-r arms m ere ih-eplv scared a burden to him. 1 1 In- intends to ( as I 1 - , . . , , ii, r with Blowing irons, rurally shy ivat he does becollli.' absolute master of ... ,. r , , ,. , . . burned to death slowly. 1 rom firs! to al l-.gvpt, he or th v must go; and he ; 7 ' , ' . . ... ast h-r luatlirdoiii lasted for nearly has aln-ad--m.ele up his mind which'" of the two' ,t shall be. ,",,,r- Iu all their pride and sple .dor the Hi er since that time a s-M-allcd -von- doomed inc.. march int.. t he fatal , rt- ' '" '''""" preached vard. whciice thev ar- never to return. Miccessive fourteenth Sunday The gate shuts unperceivi.i behind '"'"' 'l'"'.v tl, l'"'''l" Til"?"r- tliein as they i-ntr, while a crowd of obse.piioiis servants jn-ess around them to aid in dismounting, li- up their horses and niarshiil th- "noble ihiefs" to their appointed places. In the lad glow nf .sunset ( for this Strang" banquet hall has n- roof but : the open skv) tho well-spr.-a-l tables,1 and colored ian.ps. the crimson hang- , ngs of the encircling ,ade, the; dark haiidsoine faces and rich dresses of the Mamelukes, made a goodly show . But. although most of the guests seemed in high good humor with every thing, one scarred veteran, with a long gray board hanging ou r lus : '"' ul l J brawny chest, liniked ominously grave ; '"urder. and gloomy. j He lost no time in communicating "What ails thee. Father Hassan?" his discovery to the Taiigeriiiuende au asked a tall, haiidsoine lad beside him. thoritics, and on Sunday, the lMh of " I hy face is as dark .-is the peaks of September, when 'i clergyman on the .Mokattam before a storm." i1'"'' ascended his pulpit to preach the "1 am but ill at ease, friend Said.'' : iMlth " coiillagration sermon," he pre answered the old warrior. "Last night faced his discourse by announcing to I dreamed that a wild hare ran past! the congregation that recent inquiry me, and thou knowest what that fine- j ''t' the origin of the great Tangerinu lHl,.,s." ende lire had completely exonerated Evidently Sai.l did know, by the rete Minden from any complicity with sudden clouding of his bright young, the authors of that catastrophe. For fa,.,.. j many days before and after the lire slut "Well said the wise man, that an en- had been lying on a bed of sickness eniy's gifts bring evil," pursued lias- many miles from Tangcrinucndc. Sulh san. 'Mehciiict Ali l'asha loves us soqucntly she had been w rongfully ac tio!, and here, in his own stronghold, ! ensed, sentenced, tortured, and done tn who knows what he may do?" j dea'h itli the utmost barbarity, an "Ha! think'bt thou that the l'asha absolutely iunovint yvi'iuau. means treachery?" cried ho young chief, with u fierce gleam in his largi black ryes ;nnl a significant clutch of his jeweled sword hilt. "If it be so let him beware, for he who beats the thicket for an antelope may chawo to rouse u lion ! But all this is idle talk -he dares no! !" -He dares not," echoed three, or four nf the others, with a disdainful laugh ; ami the 1'en.st began, Lung and merry did they revel ; but jn :ls their mirth was at its height a .shrill w istle, sharp and ominous as the sen-am a uliun, pierced tin still night air. Instantly the hangings of thr ciilonnadH fell, and from behind the pillars, w ith a flash and roar liko tin1 oittbuis' ..I' a thunder-storm, a dcn-lly voll.-y of musketry came crashing j among the revelers. i In a moment all was confu.doti. Th" jbdraud Mameluke sprang to tlu-ii f.-it and gta-ped th- ir swords and dag gers; but what coiild these avail against : the merciliss bull--Is that hail-d iip'-n t!icin without ceasinirV lovvn th'-v : went, in, 'ii on mm. and aui.-ng tin1 first that Icll vu p'-"' old lla;.s,i'i, whose gloomy prophicy i a but ' t'-i . truly fullilled. i 'l t even in this d a-Hy p'.ril. "k brave V'-uii;; Mid 'lid not lose hi: pres j en- o mii. I. At Hi" livst al inn hf ; had ' pi ung to hi - lo-ra- and nrtied i' I but the oul.r gate was Mm'. Theiv : w.i only on ehflnc lett. s th howl- I ing linil'lelel's closed ill t-i lillish theil : work. Said . pin red his horse iiud dart' -! j liK" an arrow throuuh the d-iorwa;--' l .eLng fu'tn the cl auiaiteto tin- rain ' par' (hat overhung the j.i-ecipi'P. j An exulLing yell broke from hi-Mii.-ini-.s a-, tli.y ru-lied alt.-r him, thinking that now they had him fast, I hemmed in as he was between theii lli-iel--d weapons and the fearful gull '"yn-l. but im.v "t-w Hi- Maincl'ike. One delimit .slioiit.oni j lie elloiig bound forward into t he empty I air. and th'- lcr.-" and man vanished into the fa'h.-ntl- : d-j 'bs ..f blackness i Ivbiiv. Hi en ih" ..a- a;,'" soldiers turned away in hoir-n I 'in the sight of that i desperate h ap. lit'le dteaiiiiiig that ! th'-ir picv had e-i api d lii-m after all , Yet soil was The horse was killed, ; but the daring rider escaped with a i i.i-oi.eti limb to die lon-f i cars after in it distant land, upon a far nobler battle liehl! Our I'liiilim i'. Tardy Iti-pa ration. Tardy reparation has nt length been mad" to he memory ol a mortally wrongciMieruian woman, whose name has been unjustly held up to public scorn and contumely in the place of lu-r birth for more than two centuri'- and half. Intlu'iiar l'-lT, says 77 .',u-hu Till -jr ',', the l ily of Tangcr iiineiide was destroic. I by lire, and two i ears later scc'al p-rsotis wer- tried, condemned, and cccutcd at Branden burg for a-ls of incendiarism, alleged In ban- caused Ih' calamity in ques lion. Among 'ho-'.- who suffered wa; (ircte Miiidcn. the daughter of a Tait gcrmuend" patrician. Mi" was strip- ' "'d and chained to a I: post in tho lililemle cliiircn. Jills uiscoinse m- scribes Crete Minden as an aboininab. monster, th" refuse of mankind, whn burned down her natiie town to re venge herself upon the municipality for, as she believed, withholding hoi mutiwii innciuamc. ., w..s., t,,M ,",,,i"",,t ,,v,",l!'t' '""''" '""'. " v''h M""'"" 'Kr as a nermne. ma, suggest, an investigation of Ihe documentary evi dence connected w ith lu-r case to Ludolf Parisius, a member of the reiehstag, ami this gentleman found out that tho unfortunate woman had most undoubt- LA1MDS' I)EIMIITMKj:. I bfihlnn Null .. I'eathcr fans are fashionable. Brasses are again revived in bric-a-brac and objects of ait. Black dresses an- in lavor and are often made of two materials. Nonpareil velveteen is a desirable material for ladies' and chililrens' j dresses. Plaids are fashionable made up w ith plain goods matching or harmonizing , j ,;idv. Itonian gold is fashionable in jewelry : and the demand is f--r light, graceful patterns. ! Cashmere is worn in all plain shades of color, and also brocadi-d in small de-i signs. i flocks introducf-d in pottery pla-pn-s and hung upon the wall are counted with passing fancies. 1 Thorn are revolving lire-screens which produce line efforts of eol. r in ( stained and decorated glas. Wry pretty frames for photographs i ...... .. ... i ,,.i .... i. ; ,.,.in,,,, tin,. I, i fruit and flower desirms bi-incr Erencrallv : n ' liscl. ! Velvi-t, Olt'-itian repped silks, bro caded satins and silks, with large ; figures, and sometimes brightened w iih gold t hreads and plain sa' ins and plain j , jim ( . ,.' , Mlksarethe Mutts used for lb- rieh-t , ,, , , evening dre-scs. 'money, whi.ll she minted uiwly. The fashion of framing the front . she built auotliei i..m ,ou and rfi-d breadth of a skirt gives gn at scope to Tn, ,., , Mi, i , j i i,,,.,, the emi'loynu nt of an iiv.in-ilcr.il.I uhidi wa -1 . n ( . .1 1 '' .r-il wa lini quantity of handsome material, and ! Aiioui this lini.- somo of the--in.i-ninny '-.short h ngihs" of rich brocade, grabbers'" disputed her tub to tl,,- land velvet or satin may be most advan , tag'-oiisly used in this manner. Th'- bodice is often of ihe sain- mad-rial as : the panel; but where this citiiio' be .'iccoinplisliMl, a portion can be in'ro I flui -ed as trimmings, such ir revers. plastrons, or pelerine and -n fl s. For dancing toilet' are imported i e ry beautiful transparent silk inn litis .-I 1 exipiiite texfun-and linisli, w i'h sinch largo flowers, su-h a- r"-e and carnations, dropped upon palctuiied j grounds, ( n- pattern in these fabrics shows a pah- tea-rose, yellow ground brocaded with pah- pink aalea. and foliage, and a second pattern, already made up in Watt. an style, ha-; a ground-work on pah- blue, scitiered over w ith blush r blossoms. and swe.-t pea . . . "nl li t'in. Middv Morgan, tin-woman stock-re- " porter of a New York paper, taught an 1 insolent policeman a valuable lesson the other day. This fellow mistook her for a wanderer from the back woods ' as she was walking on a wharf near the Battery r tit ly . ami loudly ad vised her to "walk overboard.'' Mie quietly took his number, reported him at his station, identified him when he appeared at the end of his watch, and had him suspended for t w o weeks with out pay. Th" astounded rough tried to beg off, and his fellow -ollicer shut him up w ith the remard, "Served ye right." V-tv f.rk'M llnimlilljl .-hnnl ;m. I id ymi ever see siu-h pretty things as the boarding-school girls of New York? says a writer in a city paper. They sally out to walk every after noon, rosy w ith th" strong airs of this low gneiss island; demure as nuns and representative of all places, hut th" native New York type prevails with its ' brunette skin, gray eyes, height of figure, almost manly countenance and carriage, and well-iurned feet. The Philadelphia girls have gentler, more submissive faces, the Boston girls have more beans in their skin and cult lire in their serawn, the Baltimore girls have lost their old reputation and prettier faces are now seen in Washington, beauty in th" West is very poorly or ganized, and too corn-fed, but there is a thing called "style" about these Manhattan belles which makes every one of them th" model (or n carved (ioddess of I.ib.-riy, A MoiiKin Kr.riif-. n Rot In .lllit-ftrf-nn. A Sydney i Australia paper says: A short time ago, Mrs. (, A. p. Me Arthur Campbell, formerly a resident of Cnonatnhle, di-d inguished herself by a deed of admirable bravery. Mrs. Campbell was a passenger in a steamer from Hong Kong to one of thenorthern pons ot tiucciisiaiui. ami one day a hie in glass houses should not throw little boy about four years of age, to .st.mes," originated at th" I nion of th-i whom the lady was much attailn-d. Crowns, when London was. f,.r tho fell overboard, the accident occurring first time, inundated with Scotchmen, through a sudden lurch of the vessel. Jealous of their invasion, the Puke ot AY ith the exception tf Mrs. Campbell - Buckingham organized a movement, and the man at the wheel all the pas- against them, and parties were formed sengers and crew were at dinner. for the purpose of breaking th- win Without wailing for a life buoy or dows of their abodes. By way of re divesting herself of any clothing, and taliatioti, a number of Scotchmen simply say ing to the man at the w heel: smashed the windows of the Puke's "Pon't tell the child's mother." Mrs. mansion, known as the "Class Hons. ," Campbell plunged into the water, swam in Martin's Fields, and. on his coin to the boy, and held him up till li'th plaining to the KiiiK his Majesty re were rescued, t lie steamer having been plied : "Sti-iiii". Steeuie, those who promptly Mopped awl li boai lowered, 'live in glass houses should be lareful Xcither the lady nor the boy were much how tiny fling stones," -- .1. wir the worse for the immersion. AUxamlu htntva. A Smiill 111'innlnir. Alt Irish washerwoman who wat among the earliest settlers in l.eadville, Colorado, has succeeded in amassing a large fortune by her own industry. J Ic r slock in trade sin cam- con wisted of a pair of tubs and a Wilsh- hoard. Hie began bu-im ss under an "''' P'ne tree on the hillside. ha ing n i means of hiring a house .-he so-.n, however, got togeiher w ith her own Imnds a rude slab cabin, and a business WiS g""d at two dollars and a half per d-..'-n for wa-hing. shegi a-itia!ly b-gaii " lfovide for her wants. he got a camp stove, and after furnishing her , comfortably, began loaccimmlate """" '''"' l"'.'-' "' P''"'v i:l Hie iliicetion fd lu-r liibm, and alt.-r a w hi.- sh- cin. loved 1 1'l-'t.-t - to jii't up a log hot) so. As tliei w -i - a i!'-. man. I for mint-is' boarding '; n -,(., lliis enterpri.siiig woman c"Ui!iei.. i. abandon the w asl-l ub and -t aid ao-...i.'.. in-hoiise in In r ii-'V clili'-e. Inth-i idea sin- received gnat ineoura'n in. tit, and the h"iie wa ; opened with flatter. l,r"l1,','l ;- In this yontiiiv s!ci prnveil to be ', i r n.-.-es . nl. i-el ma-l-j uiom-y and san-. it. )', tie- gr -i-.t'i ..I th" city her hou ..- ijn.iiiv got lil-i in the vcrv eeiii re, .ml a- tin- -! r. el were laid mil. il nrov ed In o ciiov :i le. and tried to ui-possess h-r. but the "l-l lady had so nviny d-t. rn i i 1 Iriendi among the inin. r that tin- n . -it was given up. Sei-i-al months ,yr,, re used an ol'l-i-o t-li th-'il.ind d.-ll.ir.--for lo-r pr-perii, and since thai tun-) has built a two-.t-.rv block' f rout ing on ,1 llesjl,.e ,lelli. -sie ;.lil lives in her log house, but intend ; to .-,n- it, down and creel a i-.vo .toii block in in place. W hen her jinproi .-in. nt ; ai l i ouijileted she -.u'l ban-an i'n oiii--"i more t ban a t leu a'ld doll 'i s p. r inoi'l h a pretty g 1 i.-.oiil of business sin. ss for an admitt. d. I wa h' 1" "in-oi. t : i m -1 Life's Mnrkcry, ,-( i i l ' tC .!i-.liie- doUgllllUt ." l!'-i:i" b t l.. Ivy's loic- i; h-i-ky w ilh gri-f a ; s!i" sp ak.- tin-: .- v. ..pis, ' and over the dimpled check that looks r . . , . , , . so fair and nliil" in the inooiihght th" , . . . ,. . . blushe,, an-ch.isiiiir each oth.-r in laotd essioti. To her right are the Cat- skills, their summits bathed in a 11 I of silvery light, while at their ba" lies the pki'-id llu..s-u. its shimmering surface reflect ing Hie tw-iikling .-tars that are looking dmi u in all the .silent, splendor fr-iii the azure zcuiih. Ii rectly in Inuit ol the girl, and lending toth-tout ensemble ,i soft warmth of coloring n.-t otherw ise obtainable, is a large jar. luiineilin'eh h hind it standi Hercules IVrkin ;. "I am going away,'' he sa-. , Tie-girl docs not n li. Th" .-ha-loiv of the doiighliiil-jar conceal; the look of haunting fear thai passes a -r-'ss her face, and the whit- lines around th drooping mouth are not seen by ihe oil" whose wolds ha-, e i aiiscd I heir presence. "Shall you miss me.'" h- said." The litt!" white hau d that rests tpmi the back of a chair is trembling now, and in the deep blown eyes there .ue hot tears of sorrow and pain. Sndde.iy Heine speaks. "(i- away." she s.iys in agi-ni.'-l tones, "(io aw ay before I tell you that, which had best remain unsaid " and sobs choke lu-r utterance. A great light breaks upon Hercules, stepping quickly to the girl's side he places his arm around h-r. --Tell m- truly, sweetheart," h" says, -do y..u love liu-V" For answer she places a soil while arm around his neck, ami as he bends over to kiss lu-r the other hand reaches forward, feels cautiously around tor au iistant, and then, with a, wild , cry ol tagony. Ih-in" M.t'leskcy falls forward in a sw o iti. The doughnut jar is empty. -' .'-o,.. Tn'iii n'. Origin of r Familiar Phrase. Th" ol'l-ipiotcd saving. Those who Where lie Kept His Revolver. A traveling man writing to th I nin mi i i-iiil I'l'in Ii is Jntirii'if gives nil account of how two men sought t-i cub a drummer out W est. Thev didn't rob hint quit'-as much as tiny thought Hiev would. His na was FiMi-r. and he na, inakini; a trip through th" Western country, wli-re if reckless men ever caught a drummer ina'f -place ami could g.-t tin- droii on him. th-i- were pretty certain of a good haul, as the victim always had lii"ln i . I i.-h-r had h-ft th" hotel Mill had wand' red down a lit'!'- creek to enj tin-fresh air, and had wand a little clump of I lees. T-vo ni'-ii w.-re sitting nn-i.-r tie tree watching his h Il.--s appro.), h As h- got within a few paces . I lln ,.i they --iiilileiily jumped up a. id oin- :' tli.-ln b-lf ."l a long i a ' i icy .'i.-i :-' d told tin- uuiortuna'e , ,. I Irav.-l' r to h-ld no his l and--. C; ! n w ,e; pr.il ..l-!v I in nio,t a -' to.di -i :i.;.n in the Mai" at thai In His km-i s sidle ..g. t in r Iii. i be .. . inc.: i i grow shol'ii r sink it:'-, i.'m ' If. a ; :! w I e I he i 'i i ' j i. '..I.- of I ii-d.'. Hi; h.lii-ls. I. -cm y.-r, well a- ...,' ,!.; slriiy plug hat ui-.tat'.' iv. Ib-n.i: I.-., badly ...-ar.. I I" h l.-'i '-. r-ua ;- ':. but tin -" (!' v I l-i i 1 I 1 i-d wa-. d a-vl '!-.' t bk- a sy :ine.- ! .-it' ! ; a g i'. "f l l a i ...,i, a! -i-.-'-' to I 'li to. i'l-ip .c:o - ii ' ,i, I- ,!.p-o..;" ai-oimd ( !.i.ii,mi a ( :. i ' -. . 7 1 a .. a or I'l-.l-o The ,e ! H ..,.-,! ...i..... III-! . l!' 'I'.l le 'p l.i. ;- hi ' I 'I' - ' hi - pi .i-d Io .. .1. al ''.. in I-'i !- i. thr--n ;U I..-. I .;;'., . ... !., ., I h" .lo . Ill' .t ' :e I ! i i i - e . .-. a-i I 'h'-'l tb.il 1 1 , i I ; 1 1 ; r lian-l i" d ' lla di i..,ui l-hind th-. tall '!.,. . l,.;- l-a.-k ae.l',i, W ' 1 1 .1 cti..l . (r ir' .. -lie ' ii'll ill i' . Th- r- w i-i- I - o r--p i t . a ' :. hand . anie d'-vn I-, 'or. , io-1. ,, .,: bcliiud l!i" plug. I li" bo;lri,!,i n a:i thr-w up hi - h Old . .-.ud ..ml, ba-kwi-'i I bull'! bob- l.'-t -..in hi . .. whil he t.ii ..hining p 1 1 1 : i'.ii-l ..ii tl- be '. I l'e ! f i h. ad wi' h a h an n' a. i .. ; the ' !''--.' W t..' tl" i nt;, I I r !'.. ',-iV ii,- - i 'r-1 ;-''-i!;:i" 'I . w .; . dl.e ,.'i ; r l.b-r .-b. ; , d a g.i.. or.lel ' hoi 1 up hi ha-eU w :' h el. ala lily ""in -t . . If nt jiiilgiii'-lii. for I t : -' i a" had I...-' that w ild !....! . and had draw 'i a b.-a-l on that chap that ant l-u-.'ii":-s. T!i- ( ,r.ii' ! trcinl-liuu ".a-, but a i !ei cr in---, and when lin higiiw ay man t' k I,:.-1 ye iioin Ii.-ln-i '. to watch that treiiibliug. while hand, his si;ri ii ing p, littler Ii . inn d why tl coi rei.il I i.i- eli-r wore coats iiiau- of stilf goods, ell' so a- to inak" t'e collar Maud -i:' !'r f-.-t-.t H e b.e I- . ! the neck. tjneeil Victoria's (odd Plate. No liiin 1,1-siai'h. I-l-.r q -in -u-Asiatic, not even the ( V ar of all If--, llussias, can ! a-t - sii'-h a s.-i -. f plate a- tl-.a' ow n.-d 1 y (,"ci !i Victor:, i. tiiwhos" guests il i. oll.-n xhi!-itci en hllL'" biiflets at cither end of tin ..inqii-ting table in st. ; -ir-e's Hall vases. lab aiix. ' :i . and i .-n.li l.ilo a." all w r -uglit in tin- pr- i--;is mi ta'. H. Ilct value of w hjcli i.. .-a d Io e. i d two million-, si-.-ii-'i-. ("oiispii i,.ii . Iiniong the tioph-i s are tin- mimic h i. bird and tiger'.; !n ad. tak. n from Tip poo Sail- eighly i-dd year-, ,'g--. at-.d pis -H-nt-'l t" In r Majesty's gi audfat her. King tieorge III. '1 he !y n- hi,-.'s b",!,. and tail an- i .imposed . f sohd g"!d. richly st udilcd witli bt ili.ci's. ruble-, rineiel Is, and pe.u'.s. The tiger'.- le ad i-nce served llyi'.er Aii's m i-ti i l l! s- - S a footstool. I js ,1 t e-.si. "d mode', fashioned in solid sjhi ri.-hly g'.'.t, ' -tusks of pick-crystal, ami i' totigu- . -f pure gold. Like l!i- b -i-b-r.!, it f- !! int.. the hands of the l'.,'i-!- a- th-M.-rming of Si -ring.ipatani, i-.i-.-r. 'I';p poo. its i.i!o..-,is owner. m hi.. 'ha''i. Bees llriieti Out of their Business. Among the lat.-t i i.-tin-, ,.j fore-g-.i ronipctition are th- 1 sit K t i . 1'llibT the baii-ful i'H'.Ui U. e i t th- I'd impoi tai ion ol a sp-,.i i, ,i . l.i; d f w,. lalh-d ccri-sina. inai-ul.t- nred in An I riii. the na'ive indn-t i-y j, liwindlni:; it a rate which threatens it withcv l.;i. tio:i. (if c. P-.!ia. wlii'-h l -ais 'aim' I'd i'i"ti to !! iii'ine w ,i that o!-o-i-.iargari:;" doc- to .hi.iy i u'ti r, li" li s . ban 1 ,1100.1 'i i" p .ni"! a: - .iniiu iliy unpolled, eh a i'.y b v u' ::i I In- i t , 1 1 -fie t ure ol la-,-, i -. -i h" ii ppo, - incut ly in a'! Km -in ' hur.-hi -s Th" pri.-e ol wa h i- fa"- ' n-idcr In-s. ot 'oinpcliuou with ccn ,':n lr, ;n th;i'v !i sclelliecn rouble- ("I- po'llel. AT this price l-c.s ;.'-e r...a"i.,l a- hardly :' li t hi ir keep, a-.'l ;n I," did fl' t !':- le-n-.i i r-ip !..l- '.ii:.-i Iroin l.i""l (o li.iMil pounds per a 1 - to 1 1 a. I'.ytli" tiew la,-.ll an import .I 'll' ol a roiibhi a p -end I a bei-r iiuposed on ceres.ia; !. -,..-.. Ijvg io lln- .V-.'. '., it w ill have to b- rai-e.l to (en ri"il-i- ' i r 1 a ch.o" . . V" A a' u i'-o.i . i ' t"-1,' "ii i.i "ii ' it; -.o-ind .':! l- i .-..-1 i . t j.ri.pi ity m 'l I ..- Ihir- 11 ,1-.. The Climax. If III- tea wa- too hot. tho rofft-o ton cold, 'I his ihin:; was to" new, or the other too old, The (.nimbler would e it. no doubt. He'd .1 -Vll II- he tl jht of tin- faults of hi frii li-1. T"s:i at the b'lll "f tl,"-.- wh-i pr.-teml That Ih' ir fi ii-n-l- I'-im- no fault.i to Cn! oil. Ilia H." nor t of his fin-ows was rcarliod u hdi. ."a. Jay. S' - wi:!; that a neighbor took j-iiilo to ih-1-la.i V, .-- bl-ollgh!. tor the !hl lime, to li,'llt. Mi;ii ii look of di--! "ii'- t; i o J sh-"k his v ; is ,d : I i. "...i-.- la-n I tho;!,-!:'. -v-iy m-n-l' -, -'." he - - I. !,,. . th.. tl.i:..: I- .l-iia.- pei feet I. v rihl t " - , .I s . )'l (.I1M PAI! Uih'APHS. T.::,'- i- :t g-'od 'i-a! i-h-- a tiitile. P j, i.. a-, r t-i I - a'.- ad -f lini" th 11 bl 1 ;. ! !: a-. A .! .i I- - !. Th-- f i i.i:'-: "f i' I "Me 'cry A us , -ii ;,'. -i I- ' Tl M'.u-iit'g ( ..I in,. ..:' .'!,- ;...s chugiogthi, ...i 1 if ;.rl - w'.il ..tick. . n c- n w ''.' 1-' know . i ;; i' areo'-r;. - ;,;r ':i' c -I'ling I " ?" I "iii.ng ; " -i j.- i-N. of course. F.ith-i . !':!' '. y--u ougal to ! a .b.n:f.5 ' w hip -e h a ..mall l-'-y ." l-'iitz. --Win- s..,- A"-ion ii hain-.d to whip on .-" I io y i i . -I ::.) "" .--1 p,g ;" a -k- d a iniiii ' r .a' a 1 -i' m i. iau. ' ' ' rtainli . siv. t'li.-a '.ir, pi-:.i-; ui.---iiiig and fall I a e' ing.'- Y ; W ii h iv -y. u m 'i --' HI" bii 'ii ,1 iy .. ..! ,'. y.-n- I -: nd ; i-i y '';' aim. ma- .-" )'. . .c; '- i- noi' v Io it i..t to . a'l on then." 1 1 ( -i 1 o " p. !iier say - th" Ani-ric-ei people if. not rrruiiible cuoii'di. Bn th, -n ,e ha, l ot ue I th- meric-m pcpc ,it bi -al, l.i -I t illlc. 'cl-...1 lean w ho ba . b'en t h"rr (.-illlee-.i 'lii.. ..II. th' liiciilied thin" ai""it ii in i- ti i- with, i poh'tat l-tin- diii'u 'ii'y "f K.' iing it sei i'e , t'liail- . dear," sin- murmured, as -o- sir. i.e.! ai- ug th" other evHling. and "a -"I up ;0 1 1," -w 1. I firtva in-iii. "w ho h is "eiitis and w hich i Ad :.! -'" Caution in Hi" pn misi - : 'Hadn't I bitter prav for rain to-day. deaeoiiV'' s:iid :t iiii'ii-ti-r. "N-.t to-day, doinini-. I think," waslh" nid.',t reply; "th" wind i-u't li;.'!it.'' "What a:c i gg, hi . inorniug .'" "l.ggs, of ...ure," .-,-r,.. the deal-t. hti:..vi,dy. We'd." a. '..Is th- ciisto. in. r. "1 am g'ad ol :t. for line lad I I onghl of ioi: w. re chi-kcti-i." y.-uug loan ivhil" out -earching ..r h: I'a'li.-:'- pig. ; ted all Irish man a - oi!o- , ; ,' ,-. e y oi; seen :S stray .;g ai ".nl In -i '; " Pal responded . "Faix. h.ei i-e-'d i-l! ii stray pig from any .-th. r'-" ''l ln a , n-i r uu-.d." s.rd tin d-nt i.-t, h - Ihie'dy, a, li" tw isle, the tooth .it oiiii'l . i: v t w i' " to loosen it up, in-. r mind. ! won't hur'." "No." g.-i-.p- d the i ic -ni. I know it won't, but it does now. and that's what inter- I s ., me." A i cr. old lii-ly on h. r dcath-hi d. in pemti n! sil mood, said : -T have been :i great sinner for more than eighty fill's, and didn't know it." An old colored u ownn. who had lived with her l"i ii longtime, i-M-laimed, "Law?, 1 know i-d :l .'ill tin- time." A lady had in h"l- employ .ill ey rcll. a' girl w ho had one tan!'. Her I'.iei v. a -alw ays m a smudge. Mrs. - t rid Io tell In r l,i wash her lace w ith i iit offending her. and at last resorted lost it.gy. "Ii,. ion know, Bridget," sin- vi ma; ke.i in a comidential manner, "it i.. siiid j ion wash the !,i'-e every diiy in h"t soMji" water it will make mi l ean-:l'ii! i" "Willil?" answered then i'.i Bridget. -Mire it's a w -tid-i i i- ii-, a-r t '-ied it, ma'am !" Waiitcil, a Husband. lithe a pcrs recent iy appeared an a. ei -nil ot ii young woman in Dakota, n ho ad', en :s-d bo- a husband in tlu . !i n, i.-lc: i-l!c slang of the Far YVcst. Alio' her story of a simihir character collies Iroin this villi, tint raillluclled him I Au oli'e . r of th- Seventh Cav. airy Kc-.-Mi i nl at Fort Lincoln, l,i kola, is - -. id a let i-r from a woman who owned a ranch near Miindau. wlii.ii in substance lead a; follow-: "Ih ir -1 : My lu.in, pel haps, you kin ii . i dead. I biiri. ,1 him Thurs day. I' ; c.-iniug on spring wiw, and I :ii" ii Iota-w i-inan w ith a big rauelic at-d tl." Indian-, .iK-iit. 1 don't inilid the hid, an-. H.e fed devils, bill I have I"" ic itch w "i k ..f any w "man to do. If ; i ' "" - iiny ;.-rgi ant iibmit ,o bn i!ia-'"ii d out. or ;i private, if be Is a go m! lean. I v. onl-' lik- to h:i f loll ji bs-ni in- ii-..-i' huii. I ;' h- is ii steady iii. i. bl.e ,- ..rk and w ant.- a good home, I w i many him, if v. c think we tan g -t ;i!oiiu togetlu-r. II'. a good (haiicc b-r.iiiy man. Plea '. iiu-mr,"

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