0lailam mtf. T? .A.. TKR or ADVERTISING, On eijnare, on ".nwrtloa, OMnsr, two lnrtVns 3m (Mjimrw, en nmnth, TERMS OF 8UBSCRIPTI0fi: Otii eofT. rr. One wn, three month;, VOL. V. PITTSB01lO CHATHAM CO., N. C, DECEMBER H, 1882. NO. U. Ifnr largor wlvertlatmtnti liberal contract wlB QFfy (Ijlhafhnra jurord. H. A. LONDON. Jr., ! miTOR Avn rnorBiETou. ffhf Ctettem Orer and Over Again. Over and over agnin, No matter which way I turn, I always find in the Cook of Life Koma leon I have la lenrn, I rmist tnko n-y turn nt tho mill, I mud Rrind out tho golden grain I mutt work at ray task with n resolute will Over ntidover again. We ci'.nnot measure the need Of even the tiniest doner, Nor chec k the flow of the golden sands That runs through a single honr. But the morning dews must fall: The nun and tho summer rain M'ict do their part, and jerfonn it nil Over and over again. Over and over again T"h brook through the meadow flow... And over and over again The ponderons mill-wheel ow. Once doing will not suffice, Though doing it be not in vail:: And, a blowing failing us onco or tvriou Maf come if we try again. The path that has once been teid Is never so rough to tho feet; . And the lesson we once have leiirne.l Is never so hard to repeat. Though sorrowfnl tears may fall. And the heart to its ileptlir. be driver Py the storm mid tnnvpost, we need tsem nil To render us meet 'or benven. SAVED BY A DUMMY. "I think, mem." cmd Salina. "there' r, '. man in the wood-shed, a hiding vi hisserf." "Nonsense !" said Fanny Clifford, who ww too much accustomed to Sa lvia's sighH and mysteries to pay much t attention to them. "Who should be in 1 th wood-shed and what should he be I there for?" 1 Tor no good, mem, you !ny be very sure,' sat.i salina. compressing her thin lips. Hadn't I better go j over to Mifton's and borrow their big I dog?' "Certainly not !" paid Fanny, lean ing hack in her chair to realize the effect of that last blue pplash on th" petals of the iris that she was painting in water colors. -You said there was a tramp hidden in th coal-cellar last week ; and day before yesterday you had Mrs. Mifton's hired man up with j n lantern to go through the barn, be- cause you were certain some one was j there." "And I'm certain of it now, mem,' I fid Salina standing very straight, j with her elbows tightly grasped in uo'-to manage my own affairs !" both hands. "But Jnsiah. he's Cud' And Salina vanished, in a hulT. stupid, a eoach-and four could ha' j driven out before him and he not see . it. Andasforthe mysterious sounds . in the coal-cellar, mein, how w as I tu . know that it was the cat knocUn' j down six hyacinth-glasses? Noise is I noise, whoever makes it. tint ihis , time, mem, I'm morally certain." "Oh, dou't tease me !" said Fanny, j addinir a touch more of ultra-marine I to the extremest edge of her flower. "We may be all murdered in our beds," gloomily observed Salina, "with j Mrs. Dedbrook's diamonds in the house ; i and I'm 'most sure the letter which , told . .uthevwas to be sent here wai ! tam; ered w ith !" "Oh, Salina, don't be so ridiculous !" said Fanny. "You know Mr. (ieorge ain't a-comin home to-night," added Salin.-J. "Why, of course I know it ! Didn't you hear hm, ten ,ne so.' retorteu i,t : And me, and you. and Miss Abby ; all Htone in the house!" nerr.isted ' the woman. "Yes," said Fannv. absently. "Sa- i Il, , .. r.,,1,, no little clwol:,fe for supper, and broil those tmut Mr. ' . t. ..v.:.i.. . lieorare Drougni in ; aim an ua a oiih; ni ely browned trrid.llP-c;.ke with- o maple syrup." Salina tossed her head. "Well, mem, just, as yon please," s;aid tdie. "Onlv don't ray as ynu haven't i . ...,,! i "No. Salina. I won't." sa-'d Miss Clif-1 ford, with provoking indifference. The tun Misses Clifford and their I ! brother had remained longer at the old ; stone house than usual this autumn. , Ordinarily it had been their home for j the three summer months, ever since old Uncle Griflith Griffiland had died and bequeathed it to them. The fur niture was old, the odd little, three- cornered rooms were small and incon- venlnf thp lariretiines shut out the I daylight from the lozenge-shaped win- some sign, two dark figures slunk past , states are cheap affairs when compared dows ; but In spite of all these disad. her like the procession in a hideous ; with some to Ik- found abroad. In the vantages tho air of "ancientry" that i dream, and vanished through a cellar cathedral at Milan, the body of Cardi lingered around the place was very en-1 floor, w hich she could have sworn she nal Barromeo is enclosed in a crystal ticing, and Georgo Clifford decided that i had safely seen red early in the evening, casket, magnificent with gold and sil he could do his writing at Tower Pines j recovering her senses as fast as she ver trimmings, and set with precious as well as in the city ; while Fanny and could, she hurried through the long ; stones at a cost of fxOO.fHHl. Abby, a brace of very enthusiastic I wft grass to the rescue of the two help- i Near Salzburg. Austria, a mine has young artists, delighted in a circular- walled studio, where they could have a fire in the great, open chimney-place, and there was a north window over looking the distant shimmer of the sea. Bo here they were, now that the chill winds of early November were shaking the last hrown leaves off the trees, to the infinite disgust of balina, tho su perstitions, who much preferred a city flat That dtimeetic damsel had just van- ished down the winding stair, which she declared was destined "some time or other to he the death of her," when an opposite, door opened, and in ran Abby Clifford, the younger sister -a tall, red-cheeked girl, wit h hair as black and thick as an Indian's, sparkling brown eyes, and a huge bundle under her left arm. It was too dark to w ork longer upon the. blue irises, and Fanny was sitting in a reverie, before the red glow of the burning logs. She started up at sight of her sister. "I ve got it, Fan '."'said Abby, waving the bundle around in the air. "The whole suit complete, with the dearest old canvas hat into the bargain. They used to belong to Mr. Miftoa's uncle, who was a whaler, and finally died at sea his Sunday suit." "Is it too late to (ire.-s hiin up?" said ! Fanny, with animation. "Hut he's down in the library." "Well, we'll go there." Raid Fanny. "We c;n work there as well as in the studio; and we shall run less risk of : S-tlina'.-i interference. Salina never jean forget tha' we are no longer little j girls of ten am! twelve." i Tlv suppc, served up in the little round room, before the dying glean: of j the log-;, was exceptionally nice, j Fanny anil Abby were in exuberant ipirits. and praised the chocolate, trout . griddl"-ckes with enthusiasm. ,a!ina wu as gloomy as a prophetess. -i ,,niy hipe we shall get through f hi-; night alive," si id she. ),. as ,,),,. n,ado the' same ,,.,.,;.. iin av erac. three hundred (. ,,f ),. three hundred and sixty-live ., lay-of the year, neither Fanny nor .Abby paid much attention to it. Hut a.-, she passed out, with the last di.di from the table, Sarin.1, paused close to Fanny Clifford, and asked, in a sepulchral whisper : rc them diamonds locked up'''' They are in my deskV" sai l Fanny, iivlp.fferently. .Salina lifted her eves skvward. lTiyourdc:;kV"shegr,.ane.l. "Hadn't ? 1 -Mer t.ike 'em and put 'etn under; in- pillow V" i el !( ..ii.le li..,- ,., ,,lilrA4 i.t,sn cr-d. sba rplv. 'Oo, Salina, leave "I'll g" lo !"', early,'" she said, grimly, j,, herself. "It ain't no use M-ttin' up 1 (, j,M,ij ..(,... n, g,Hls of jieople as Won't t:ikt i trnldf for Ihoiuselvcs." , just sht. ;,llllut t ascend ; j1h ,( (.alulI(i jhOlacbeth-like, to , , , , , , I her room, she suddenly paused. "Them three hcinstjtchod hand- k'vhers o' mine are out on the grass. i-blnaohin'." she said to herself. "And the bl.n k rlouds in th West mean wind. I don't w ant them handkerchcrs bliiwed awav. "1 11 go it and fetch 1,1 ... " - unlocking one pernicious iock. rauna sallied I'-rth, shading the candle, w ith : her hand; but the first iuff of fret-zing, . pine-perfumed air I lew the little ilame , out. i 'n. burnt, .ii bv tbi niishao. however. , , . , ;""'' ', ! a opposite me o. "l ' " ' way, sue inougni. But as she was turning in the in- '.enil"'! lirecil"H .1 oK." , , ; suddenlv -.t the reddish glow of a lantern, that was almost instantly 1 ol'scured by the slide. "tiracioiis; Uiougui .-.uiiia, on ooui tarily stepping back, in her terror and '. amazement. , 'Confound you !" muttered a gruff ; Voice -U1C I'leniM Ml ' "l e 01 .uiwio hired man. What, did von want to ",w H uht f,,r' The slide was rusty, apologized i second voice. "It don t matter there " ''ut ,hc rat" ""J1 j' ' hoPl' t- " w,,,,w , , I was (larkeneu long ago. i ciiip on; I'm lit to perish with cold and cramp : in that outlandish hole. Let's get the ; matter over w ith." i And while Salina w as striving to ! overcome the terrible weight on her chest sufficiently to cry outer make: less girls in the old house. ' been found which seems to have lieen "I always knowed it would be so," abandoned at least 2,0H) yearsago in she thought. "Oh, dear -oh, dear; it consequence of an inundation. Bodies seems as if my feet was weighted with ' of the ancient salt miners have been lead!" discovered among the debris tolerably Finally she stumbled in the tangled well preserved. Among the imple-flower-beds; once she caught her ankle ' ments were wooden shovels, a basket in the down-hanging loop of an old made of untanncl raw-hide, a piece of grapevine and nearly wrenched it out j cloth of coarse w ool, and the remains of joint. But at lat she reached the ! of a torch lsiund together w ith tlax green spare in front of the door, just a.s j fibres. The disaster which flooded tho it flew orcn and the two midnight ma-1 mine had evidently been sudden. rauders came stumbling out, dropping their lantern in their frantic haste, "You fool!" muttered tho man who had carried the light, "why didn't you tell me there was a man about, the place -a great, burly sailor, with a cut-, lass half as long as himself? You told me the coast was clear!" "As I live and breathe," whined' Mifton's hired man. "I never knew of the fellow; I don't know bow he came there; I can't understand it at. all, I - " "Don't stand here fooling!" savagely uttered the other. "The whole neigh borhood will be in an uproar directly. (Tear out! Through the slied is the best place!" But Salina was too prompt tor them. Itefore they could escape she had se curely locked and bolted both the. shed doors on the outside and fastened the soli.l limber shutters of its solitary window. Aiol then she rushed to the house and ran shrieking up the .stair way to where Abby and Fanny, w'ith streaming hah and shawls wrapped around their shivering forms, stood on tli't lauding. "Salina, what is it ?" cried Fanny. "What is it, SaHna?" reiterated Abby. "We're all robbed and murdered!" screamed Salina. "That is, we would have been, if it hadn't been for that sailor with th" fntlass. And how he ever mad" his way into the house it beats tue to tell!" Abby and Fanny burst into hysteri cal laughter. "It's the 1'ioil'd." r-aid Fanny. "The J:iv figure dressed lili a a sailor in old Deodatiis Miflon's Minday clothes, with tiie rusty sword that be longed to the suit of armor." breathed Abby, down in the library! We ar ranged l.im ("-night so that we could begin to .sketch biiii for our naval bat tle scene early to-morrow." Well, I never" slid Sa'ina. -I do b'lieve he's saved our lives; they thought he wai alive and was half ;-cared to d'atli. Now I'm ag"in' to rin the b'g 111 fr h"lp." And n rut'd bell, whih had hung out of 1 he window for half a hundred ve:ir.; re:nlv to be rnnrr in ciiuno sni-li possible cnu ryiKv as this, presently iiung toi tu us iieep-toneii warning m 'the sileni f the November night, pulled by a!ina's energetic arms, Aid arrived in a ma rveloiidy short period of time. The two burglars were arrested and put in safe keeping until tli' uld he eoiuinitted to prison. Old S-piire Milton, who was more ania.eil than anv one else at the novel 1 accomplishment developed by his hired man, remained at the lonely house all night to protect the two young artists, and laughed very heartily when he saw the naval dummy which had served so good a turn in frightening off the cowardly thieves. ieorge ClitVord reholved not to leave iiis sisters alone again until the rc- inoval to the New York flat was an ae. 1 coniplished fact. As for Salina, she had now a valid excuse to traverse the I whole house with a lantern two or j three times a night whenever she ..,. U ,1.. . picasco, ctiei io s t oj, ,i . wi-ooj, mm a burglar alarm. Sljilt ..,, tll(,r,.-rt no .,li' when it. may happen again." llr.l.KN FOKItKST (i HAVES. (MlM'IXiS FOR THE (TRIOl'S. A walrus produces about seventeen gallons of oil and live pounds of ivory. Frie signifies in Indian language M;(, ,j)kp Tdp piano was first tailed the ham- ppr ,li(rpsichl,nI There's a magnetic well at Fon-du-Lac, Wisconsin. In Cuba, the coffin is rarely buried with the body, so that one coffin serves for many funerals, being sometimes used for months daily. During the Middle Ages, when the social distinctions of the people wero sharply drawn and defined, the hat, by its form, its material and its decora- tion, waa the chief indication of the social position of its wearer. The costliest coffins in the I'nited Til K STEP, I. MAIPFV. l.nnh nl HnniP nl Ho- Inslriiinriil. ef II Minnn Tori lire I cil hi He- U'liair In a lei tor from (ienuany, desciiptivr of the instruments of torture used in former times, an American journalist says : In an adjoining tower is a room where Wiere are preserved a number id very curious instrument-, of torture, used in Xnremberg hundreds of years ago, before the days of jails and peni tentiaries. There are thumbscrews ot tin; luosi approved patterns, and hemlets for gossiping ne n and women. A singularly cheerful piece of furni ture, is a large, heavy wheel, on one side of whi -h stands out a large, sharp piece of iron. In the glorious days of old an offender who hud to be punished with the w heel was stripped naked and firmly bound to a plank, face down ward. The piece of iron on the w heel was heated hot and the wheel wa rolled up and down ami across the victini'1, back till jiistieo was satirl'oci or the vi' tin: was dead. Inasmuch as the spike wan l"ng enough to go half-way through t he man's body, and was always In a'"d ; red hot, the victim generally died, and justice w as entirely satisfied. It was j not as expeditions as the guillotine, but it was just as certain. T he only man . who ever survived it was ad judged a j magician because he survived it, and j was promptly beheaded for being a ; magician. That settled him. He didn't liother Nuremberg ;iny more. There are also displayed s it-lies made of line threads of steel, which were laid on the bare back with great effret. A little of these things goes a great way, but on being told that in the adjoining tower i th- "stei-1 maiden," you get over your foaluir.h ness. Year party js taken in charge by a guide, who shows you a largo assortment of horrors before you come tothe chief one. as a sortof preparation. There are stoi ks of all kinds, gags for tattlers, handcuffs anklets, and cradle, th bed of which is tilled with spikrs. in which old-time offenders were faith fully rooked to sleep a sleep from which there was no awakening. There are long tables with a screw at the top and bottom, to which men were . 'trap ped by the bands and feet, the screws then turned, till the unfortunate man was torn apart. In another poin is a large iron cage. In those cheerful days. when a merchant, baker or butcher : most flippant are awed into something was found selling bis goods by false like reverence. During some of tin weight or measure, he was placed in ' bloodiest days of th war Mount Ver this cage and carried all through the lion was treated as neutral ground, and city, with his name and trade fastened soldiers of both armies were seen fra conspicuously in front. A Her making ternizing under the trees that guard the grand tour he was taken, cage iind ' the tomb. all, to the river, and ducked again imd ' Frequent description cannot dc.-troy again, till it was thought that his lesson was sufficient to prevent rep"tj tjon. Wife-beaters in those times were severely punished. They were furnished with close-fitting liclinot, front which j heavy weights were suspended. They Were given a conspicuous place in the public square, appropriately labeled, and placed in stocks, with heavy weights attached to their arms ami feet, and there they sat the live-long day, subjected to the jeers and ridicule of the town. Scolding w ives were put in cages, with gags in their mouths, and exposed in the public square. You are shown all kinds of beheading blocks and gallows upon which noted Washington from France. On the villains had gone to their reward, way the ship bearing the gift was cap while the walls are covered from top tured by pirates. When they found to bottom with pictures of the practi- that this marble w as intended for eal operations of the various instru-; Washington they took an opportunity ments that filled the room. ,,f landing it mi American shores, and All this preparatory to the steel it was forwarded to Mount Vernon, maiden, which is kept in a room above. In the South Carolina room hangs the precisely as she was in the days of her portrait of Anne Pamela fiiningham. usefulness. You arc shown what ap- she has a refined. thought ful face, w ith pears at first sight to be a rude statue of a woman clumsily hew n out of w ood. The guide noiselessly opened it, one door swinging to the right and the other to the left. The statue was hollow, and just the size of the average man. Inside were straps by which the offender was bound, so that he could not move a muscle. All the doors w ere lined with long, sharp, steel spikes. strong and thick. When the xirlim was lirmly secured, the door on the left was slowly but lirmly shut, and the long spikes went into his body, two being so arranged as to pierce his eyes. Then the door on the left was closed in a similar manner, and he would receive another complement of spikes, the closing of the doors being done very slowlv, that the torture of the man in the embrace of th" maiden might be prolonged as. long an possible. The very last spike pierced his heart. After remaining shut up for awhile, the straps were unloosened from th" out- to e, a spring was touched, and the man fell fifteen feet into a cleverly- constructed machine that ground him up as tine as mincemeat and dropped him intothe river Mow. making food for fishes. An adage amended: Birds of a feather fleck on new bonnet.-. !IIK ROMANCE OF MOl'NT VKKNON. n Autumn Vi-U lo tlie llotio- tool Tetnl) of nhlilfif-lQii ,-ll 'u0'i. Iti,M-li.. This'isthe favorite sea -."II f"l a M-.it 'o Mount. Vernon, and dining th'" months of October am! Novi inber the average tuimber of visitors is larger than at any other time. N'ever is the piaint and beautiful old homestead lovelier than in aiitoiiii:. I! was in 1'iM thai Colon. 1 John Washington saw thai Mount Vernon would have, to go by the auctioneer's hainm-r if something cliil n't turn up, And here comes in U,e romance of Mount Ver non. A woman who l ad been a con firmed invalid since her nineteenth' year raised a fund of f,i2' .M' ', and embodied a plan that gave Mount, Ver non t" the nation. This w as Anne Pamela Cuniiighum of South Carolina, she Wrts an only and ii lulgeil daughter. In her childhood she had visited Mount. Vernon, and v. hen she resigned all nf. lil'eevept that, whieh could be t-njoyeil in a sick room, in her early woman hood, she took hold of a project, to buv .i,,nt Vernon, or. rather, the project took hold of her. It i; one of the most singular instances of indomitable energy ;md practical perseverance recorded. This trail woman, from her sick 1,(m, aron.od an enthusiasm, especially among Southern women, tha resulted in a splendid success. he inspired Fdwarl Fverett with Ipt spirit, and his lecture on Washington ponr'd nvney into the trea-u'y. Sh" interested Mnie. I." Vert and Mr.-. Cora Mown" llitchie, .m l in l'io it w,n aecomplished ; the JeMi. e, tin- j t,, f Washington, and 2't a res of laud belonged t'i a national association. The Legislature of Virginia errant'"! a very sensible charter to the as.oeiat ion. I'll" capital stock was limited to.V1",. immI, ft wa; granted in perpetuity, and no disposition of th" property ronld be mad" without the consent of the Legislature. None of the Wash ington family thereafter w,r; to be in terred at Mount V"iuon. and the key ol th" vault w as thrown into the ',ito-tu-'i" river. A round i" marble tombs of Ceorgeand Martha Washington is a wooden llooring, w hich if stepped upon starts an electric alarm at the house. Through the open irai work one look into the brick vault, wtlere there are only the two t uiibs. "Hats off" is the string'-nt rule at the grave; even th" the interest of the hoos". Year by year improvement ; are made by tho regents. As far as practicable every State has a room, ornamented with relies of revolutionary times, arranged in th" style that prevailed at Mount Vernon during the lifetime of (icneral Washington. Hanging in the entrance hall is the key of the Hast ile, sent to Washington by Lafayette; ,md c or the door ofwhat js cal!"d the state dining-room is Wadiinglon's field -glass, placed on its perch by the hand o Washington himself, and never since removed. The mantel and hearth in the dining-room are of marblw, and ex tremely curious. Thcv were sent to deep, meaning eyes. The attic room which Mrs. Washington h"sc atter General Washington's death, and in w hie h she died, is in ahno-t the iden tical condition in which .-he left it. Ina 'piaint littl" drawing room- Nelly Custis's drawing room is the grand harpsichord, as large as a modern grand piano, which Washington gae her as a wedding gift. Thi was the grandniece of Mrs. Washington, not her daughter Nelly, who died unmar ried at twenty-two. In the grounds stands a rose bush, where, tradition relates, Nelly Cuslis received her first oTer, and walking around this rose bush six times brings every young lady who believes in the spell an offer of marriage within the year. The place is managed upon the most , ra,-t i : I plan. The greenhouses are j ,n,u, ;, source of revenue as well as : ,m, f;irm. only one boat is allowed to ,.,,, passengers there, and the entrance f(r f a ,ii;,r fools up handsomely f, ,,,) f the year. In the old-i fashioned kitchen a very go.nl lunch, ! ,n,,v be obtained, served by colored liters. A superintendent is employed, j ho k(.rps t, ,,;.,- j g,,, order, and if the General and Mrs. Martha could j return for an hour no doubt they 1 would smile approvingly. A H I'll It K. MIFF, OPERATION. i l.tl'l M inrnir, Irmnn nnMroIH bv Ih l KiOK-oir Kliil,'. "I have th" pleasure, gentlemen." said Dr. William II. Famoasl. at a 'clinic in the l'hilndelphia Hospital re entry, "of introducing to you a young man who figured in one of the most wonderful fi ats of modern surgery." The person referred to was G. W. Lytic, a good-looking ami well-dressed man of t w enty-foiir, residing at Con iioIInmIIc, and his only peculiarity was a deep siar on the left check, lie was warmly applauded by 1 he students. Dr. I'ancoast then gave the class an ac count of the operation, of which there bad been but three performed, one .nil in London, Paris, and Philadel phia, and whicl nsistcd in cutting apart two (hildren who were congen it.ilty attached. The operation was performed twenty-four years ago by the cMer Dr. I'ancoast. when the vumg man at the clinic was an infant of sevm months. The child was born with a hideous appendage growing from the left, tlieek, and which was nothing cl.-e than an iinperfectlv de veloped infant, with hands, feet, and t rank, but ro head. The operation w a' pcrformi d at a i ti i in Jefferson Col lege, and was witnessed by all the phy sicians of the city, among them being the elder and younger Gross Dr. Leidy, Dr. Dunglison, and others, who have since become equally Caucus. Jt was considered hold surgery at that time, but Dr. Pam oast was confident of im propriety, and accordingly performed it, with what succcs was shown b the presence of the patient himself a quarter of a century later. An inter esting f at ure of the operation is its having been pcrfoi me'd w ith the i ra sciir, then a new in:-t runi"iu. and th' lirM o the kind ever n.'d in America, and brought from Fncpc by the elder I'ancoast. It is hi ill j;i ih" po's'ssion of Dr. I'ancoast. Fpoi; i--.-.--t -n th nioiist rosity w as found provided with heart and gu-tro-alimfT.tary tract, a well .is the organs ali'adv I' liricd t. Tlicasc attracted c'"n-idi -r.ible attin ion ibroad. and at tu request .f the eminent .urgon. vir James I 'a get. a (.i t of the detached mass and a phot", graph of the child bcfo'.e t :e operat ion wt re furnished to the museum of ! Bartholomew's Hospital, London. Dr. I'anioasl exhibited a copy of th" da gcitrieotxpe scut in ir James Paget, and said be would have a photograph of the otmg man taken atd r the in terval which has now elapsed, and which tcstilie- to th,- wi-ibiii and suc i ess of the operation. Dr. Pancoast is positive in bis belief that all double : li ibl e n. dp h as the Niamcse twin.- -hoilld be severed by the surgeon's knife Tlii , V now - Ipe w as dete iiiined by th" po..l-lii.irtcm held Upon the nil' e famous Siamese twins Chang and F.ng, after they bd h'c'i brought North by l'r. I'.mcoast and placed in I he museum i.f a medical in 1 1' it i.ui in Philadel phia. The Itussian l.niiuu.ice. Th- Ku ian la a pec uliat I the At :ne. v i-i i cs a i Hi-respondent t.mta 'ci.v' it nl i'll : some ot it i tit ir-taken from the Greek and seiim from the Latin alphabet, while others again are quite original : besides sonic of the Latin let1' i's have an eiitirch different meaning ; thus the p, stands for W, the P stands for 11 and so on. Mv ignorance of the language w a -perplexing and sunn-time-; put me into straits. One night, rather kite, I w ished to ride back to the Hotel d'Furopo where I was staying. I called a cab or "dro.ski" a-- tin y are called, and men tioned the name of the hotel. Cabby shook his head, did not understand me. 1 repeated it ; li go ; called i;i the aid of the policeman, but did nt do any g 1, he knew just as bltle what 1 wished. 1 v a. about an hour's ride awav from the hotel, but trusted to my memory to Iind Urn way back, and told the man to go ahead ; "ff we went at a slashing g.ot. At first ad went nice; we passed some hridg' s and monuments which I, having s-cn when coming, remembered. I knew I was right ; but a slvit time nft. rwards we were lost in a maze of short, narrow streets, ami then I though' "where the deuce i the fellow taking me to'." 1 made him stop, got out, went it.! .I six or eight houses to male inqu.i i-s. but did tut Iind a sen! that understood me. A policeman, who came up. tried to help me, but could mt. Suddenly hedarted off, collared a ragged, more than half intoxicated individual, and brought him before me. I addressed him in French and German, and to my delight, bespoke both languages and quickly set mutters right, tor me. I did not w ish to be caught in a siniilrtr predica ment and inquired the next day what the Hnssian was for '-Hotel d'Kuropc, Michael street." It runs thus: "Fnre benskeia Gastinitse. Michaclovvskria ulitze." ! managed to learn that bv heart, and had no more trouble after wards ill finding my way to the hotel. A Winter Sunset. The day bud her n long and gloomy, Wear w nil iiii-I and tarn. A day for llu hi art ! b' ood o-i Sorrow and ln-s and p it::: Hut there camo with t'n- li;jhl of evening, A wind that -wept away AM the shadow nf dar'oie.- i'it of the M-i i : 1 1 - day. ! thy life. O pilgrim, veniy, Veiled f.-oi'i tlif- ehe'-ring li.t'nt P'Tliaps for ih'" i-'- the primus" ' if ioy with ti.e waning liu'it. l'ai ,: thai: iionnday splendor, ilichet- lliuii beams of Htnv--, Tlie bi 'tioiir idnrj 'if snnsel Vmy b :'-:i throiiuii golden loir:, - .l.O i'O'c' ,S"l!;l',r. 11 Nt.EM PAKAGKAPIIS, w method of ni.ili it rr tooth iioy. der; t'rin'l your teeth. ' haiacti ristii s of a rich m.i'i: Thi : h ganee of his carriage ami the loftj i,e.., o," hi-- gat". "V.ii hav- :.vly telh, Fthel." V'-s. George," she ba"IIy li-pe l; "they ..-re a ('hristi'i.is p'-e-.cn' !'ii ;:i Aunt I'irac'-." A mvier fell in b've wit!i a girl at 111-' .ighf, sh" Was ea-liv sind'en witil him. and th" tntiie ciairt-di p vv a;1-, My pel V" "Von !,.! .' A bttl I ;, who has l.ecti u.,ed tu ecciN ing hi- eld r ' i t !u r's old toy: ."el old cloth' i ""cut 1 remarked: hi- widow Ma, will I hav- '. ma: hen be dies'.-" Tea' !n i : "Define t(,r- w Scholar. P means to Teacher: ' Const ru t a i d v ,iv a'e.' bol'ovv out." r-entenc in which the won s h"!ar: "The ba i.. properly ;n"d. " i vcavat."', V. be;i it. gets hurt." In the w -iv of tnaiik.s; Young la ly, writing love-letter for the. fit.l.ei! mad. 'That'.! about iimii-b. ivw, i n't it K it' ll more, miss; jn--t maid: ( in" thing pp-a -e ( . ir e b,vi a on'ribution hnrch just as th - :- 1 i 1 1 a';d ". i ii n.'." I iglitning strn- '.: p!.o iu ' Wi -t j ;i .In 'l'-,e "ii w as pa itig it ouud. 'This is Hie fir-t f 1 1 1 - ii.iv t bin;: h .;Mrnrk hi-, pla'e for thri" looioh.;." said thfi i" "-..ii. thought fully. The piMol'i c flep.'rtmf.it ha ruled that a husband has f" coi.tio'. over the correspond. 'ii. ' of his wife. But this lie. ; -on vvi'l i" t pi '.Mil a man from 'arrv ing his w ife's h t'crinhis inside -..-,t pocket three we "llovv to Treat W nf a newspaper art i V'lell dei ipt ' V e. i ks before mailing, man" is the title lc I leadlines are . onion like to I," treat IV ith all". 1 with coiisidrr.it ion. others tion. and there are still others ivho liU to 1.;" treated I' ie cream and i on have been H-t.s. "WcM. Iln' nr. I hear .' the Niirn'.,rg exhibition. Did yon .isit the Gcriii.inii- museum, too'.' uli. y.s. I 'Tim e hour.-! ill that tin:. he -x;t." A cru-i" V. as there three hours." And wh.i ibd you do ' "I v, ;is trying to find old fe " asked : grillins, fav orite What i-; th" reason that Iragons. and d- vils are ladies' llbj. ets for embroidery designs?" 'Ah. because i hi v are continually think ; ig of !h. ir iui-1 iu.'.--," w a ' the 1 ply's iii. k retort. There is nothing sometimes like lulling the nail on the heel. At a rei .-nt I: re in I ! I aw a, ( an., soiu" one sen a telegram to the owner, who was in Boston, saving : - l'r i a s all on lire; what shall we dor" The an-wer came promptly . "Put it out." C irvespondcll' :.f 111. .1 ;.o 'in. wri'ing from c imp in A , ;oua. says thc there is s" brilliant that i ,s. , i, f .. a mining iii'ionligH ill can see mountains a' a distam n iles. ( th. goo lne-.s; w. light here. From Imre dear to the in ion. of seventy . an beat that, v ii can bee iixing ot Bines, It 'vill be n-meiiibf red by those who l.i.i- beet; familiar with out writings f : l!:" list thirty year-, t -,t we have counted very much upon an in. proved race in this country grow iug out of th mixture of races. Herbert Spencer, in ;iing his iuipros-dons " America, says. -It iuav, ! think, be reasonably held, that both bcciiuseof its Mm and th" hcterogcuity of it s compom n;s, th" American nation will be a long time in evolving its ultimate I nn ; but iU uPliuate form will be high. One result, i , I think, li'lcra ly t Icar. From bio i igi. al truths jt is o be inferred that, the .' n'll'i liii.rtiiii Ihr nllinl fori f.'..i Aryii iwf f iiiniii'i th", fr.Hiliiti'ih, n il! yi.e ''' i " ii:'H'- )i"ti v fit! t;jr "f vim Viin n h''s lillini e.r h!'l, and type of men more plastic, "lore adaptable, more capable of under going tlm complicat ions iie. dl'ul for social life. 1 think that whatever did!, ulties they may bave.o surmount, and whatever ti ibulati -n:. they niity have to i:iss through, the Americans niav reasonably look I'm ward to a time , when they will have produced a civili a'ion grander than any tin: world ha ' l i.own. - ''"'' M'juihhj. i: u "ti' 5