iimwmm ti (jjjhafham Record H. A. LONDON, Jr., EDITOR AND ritUl'ItlETOH. r? A.TE8 or ADVERTISING. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: j I Onix-ify, one year, nt ropy ,iix mipiitliB i.on Din' copy, Uiroo ujuutti-, . . jo ; One iqiure, on inarrtlntw Oaa quaro. two luwrtloua. Doe ninare, on' iimiith, 1.0 VOL. V. PITTSB01iO CHATHAM CO., N. C DKCKMBER 28, 1882 For larger advert Iscuuntt Ilhornl oor.tr.irln will Ml w i ii NO. 1G. Drifting. The title went out Shining pebbles nud hIicUs that lay Unthe shore, at the beck of tho wliite-nrruotl Kpray. Weut out witli the tide. The tido wont out And n hutulrsj ships asleep on tho strand Sprang ii. nml awny from the hateful laud Went out with the tide. Tho tido went out And a life ns fwwet ns n life iniuM ho, Drifting away to the unknown sen, Went out with tho tide. The tidcenmo ii: Tiie pebbles and shells, with tiir waves' dis dain, Flung from their arms to the shore again, Came in with the tido. Tho tide c.nno in The weary 8his from their voyaging, Laden with many a precious thing, I'uine in with the tido. The tide enme in Rut (he life, as sweet ns a life might be, Came not back froi i the unknown sea Came tint in with the tide. l-.'millr .1. Ilnt.hlnrk A FORTUNATE JEST. A certain young man. living not a thousand miles from the city of Lou don, had at the age of .me-and-twent v, Immediately thereupon the fair wi a! her friends a-sembb-d about him. and sought to make him believe that they could make life, pleasant for him. lie w;n fond of ronipany; full of life; Willi norestr.tM.it. save bis own coiisi i-nee; an 1 he was easily led on into the glare an I glider of convivial i njoyiic ii. Mis mother had died whi n he was a youth of .sixteen, and his fat her had I ved hat a year long.T. And he had n i near relative to guide him. Oueo he h i I loved a beautiful young irirl. but his dissipated course had frightened her parents, and they had forbidden him their house until he mid truly men I. This had so an. ;,"rei him that Ik? ha 1 torn the image out from his heart, resolving that he w mild never be a slave ! A Mil he was living a brilliant, gloj io'M life, he knew - ,r. at least, Ic told himself so. II drank deeper; and, an on, he came to the gaming-table. In hort, every vice that a wealthy spend thrift might tind fleeting pleasure in, h indulged in. And th' circle of friends (dung closelv. Thev swore bv liini- I , wl n-i I I him a trump. They drank his wine, and robbed him of his money; and if a iimv source of pleasure could be found, they all went in for the enjoyment ami he paid the bill! One day, after his eye had become bleared and his step uncertain, he met the girl he hud once loved, in the street, lie rvad pity in her sweet face, and ."aw tears in her eyes; and he tried to steel his heart ; yet he thought of her until his wild friends were again a routxl him. One day he went to the bank and drew out a thousand pounds. That night he sat down in his own apartments, with his own wine upon uio snienoaru, aim ins own cants upon tho table and plaved with his dear friends! The wine (lowed freelv. he .... ... V drank deeply, and tho game went on recklessly. Thev plaved for high stakes, , inn junyeu i.isi aim laic. On tho following morning the young man awoke with a bursting heal and telling eyes. Ily-and-by he called to mind the events of tho night, lie iooked into his pocket book and into his purse. Empty, both! And ho re membered that ho had given his checks to various members of the party for largo amounts, lie found the counter foils, and they told him he had drawn his checks to the amount of over two thousand pounds ! Hut what of that? Ilefore night he had drank brandv enough to steady his uorves and make him once more happy, ving in a Washington theatre. Mr. Another evening came, and again :,,rc,an. who was 'then a mere bv, tis friends were assembled round his 1 H;VS . - Whenever I could get tweiitv o'Kird. He hud got up a grand supper ,iv,. ,.,.n(s f ,, ,,.1V ,-,. ., s,.., , W(,lt for them this time! and after tho var-i lln, 1,,.,-tr the tragedian ;" and his ions courses of food had passed in or- I memory of his appearance and a' tion dor, came the wine and the toasts. ! is ni,wf-,sh and ,1 ar. after a lapse of And one of the friends, to whom a .seventy-three y.-ars. Two y, ars later largo cheek had been given, got up to . s;HV bim again, when I'.imic th-d to oiler a sentiment. : Georgetown fr H ill inioiv.' where he "Fill up! (ill up!" he cried; "while I ,,,, ,,,, ,,.,;,, , f,.m a printing give you the toast of tho evening! I .,. ,,, ;fc ,,, , ,s,,, j,..'. Here's to our sober and thrifty host ! j S(1lal ac,m;lill, ,.,. nf the two I, -gun, May he be ever as sensible as ho is at ; all( continued on very inl in. ite terms this moment!" j lmtil y.iw went as rnitcd Mates con- It was drank with rheers-threo j sul t Tlmis ;l , t1(.ri, Mr ,.,.. time three. ! , . , , , ,, , . .. ! corau has selected the spot w here the it i ,a uun i iui iiiib iiijii, i ii.ii. mo ment tho spirits of their host seemed I to fail him. lie became moody ami i abstracted, lty-and-by somo ono ban- ; tered him upon it, and asked him what ' was tho matter. I He answered: ! "I was thinking, did Tom tell the; truth when he said I was sober and thrifty?" j And thereupon they all cxcleimed: "Of eonrsn hs ili.l I (Hi t w Avr t man soberer or more thrift?" 'Hoeaiise,"purs'.i,.d the hosY, palhet- "ically, I shouldn't want it friend to lit' on my arconnt!" "Olio! Sensible to the last! Fill up!" ltut Hit1 host would drink no more j He hade the others enjoy themselves ' as much, and as long as th-y pleased. ! hut they must excuse him. j Without him, however, tho sport I lagged, and when they found there was to In- no card-playing they soon dis persed. And after they were gone, the young man sat down alone and thought, and tho word "S ,h;T and thrifty:" "Sober and thrifty!" rang in his ears, and he j repeated them aloud. And then he repeated : "May ho h-'ever as sensible as ho is t this moment!" And then, with n smiting of his clenched hand upon his bosom, ho exclaimed, "Tom did not lie! I will not lot hint lie!" On the following day thi'votith went to the bank, ami win eloseted for half an hour with the manager. On the morning of tin1 tet day a paragraph appeared in the pap-rs, an nouncing: "Wo arc rn! her ,aiii",l to announce i." i . i i more than two years ago, has lost very p-iny. Misfoi I ute has In fallen him: false friends have be! rayed him: so thai now his hill lor less I him a hun dred pounds has gone to protest." On the it t day alter tlii ; tho yoiu.g man i we w ill call biiu l'red went to ' Tosn Ainb rly, to whom he had given i'lindre-ls and th .11 ..imb. and n-ked l.im for the loan of a Inn lied pounds. j " 'I'mi my honor. Fred, I wish 1 had it : hot, really Th-yoiiih wade 1 to hear no more, j lie tn,-. half .. -u othei, ,:n I with the saui" IVMiit ; save that one man, who he I won two lhoii-a:il pounds from him at one Miting. offered to give him live pounds; but le' Wouldn't lend him! I In n Fred went to hi soi.l oil' his I nt uit in c. an iui;aud from thai time rooms and gave them was l.,.,t to :-i;rlit for M-ver.il months. It wa getting toward-. I'hristuris timciha' a sm-i dy paper came nut ,.u a certain morning w ii It a ji.u agr.iph whieh. toa certain M't. w.n startling: "We are happy to -.late a sad mistake Was in. l ie a fi H lu-:tii inec in the .innolllteclil- lll id llie utile lo.v; of Mr. I! V, foi l tine. . ,-,d at tha' time been Very till furl II li:l ,-, and, through some range mistake, a bill of his went to protest ; but he is all right now. the manager of the bank where his ount is kept informs us that he will honor t he vmiug man's cheek for a huudrod thousand pounds with pleasure. All is well that ends well." Within foiir-ainl-t w eiity hours of that time I-' red was in receipt of a doi n gushing notes, from as manv dill' 'rent individuals, offering him jmy help in their power to give, and heg gii.g him to remember the old friend ship. Only one of them did he answer, and that was the note from loin Amberly: Do von remember, Tom, that vmi once oilered a toast in my rooms in honor of myself: and you railed me '""r ''''cr and thrifty host.' And I resolved in my heart ol hearts from ,.,, ,. ',,,. v ,,., IH)t . , , .,.,. ... And when the( uriMmas bells were ringing Fred led the dear girl of his old-time love to the altar, and took her hand in wedlock, promising that the night had passed, and that the morn ing had dawned upon a new and belter life. The Author or 'Home, Sweet Hoaie." Mr. W. W. t'orcoran's generous en terprise of bringing lnune loan Ameri can grave the exiled dust of John "Howard I'ayiie. recalls tho aged phi lailthopist's remilii.sccii, cs of the poet. He saw him first in 1 m '.. wlem I'ayne called "The American lioscius." was poet's remains are to rest. It isa tri angular plot, near lie eastt rn ul ranee of Oak Hill cemetery, on the crest of a hill, overlooking tie valhy of Hock Creek. The place is marked by a soli tary, magnified it beech tree. The re mains will be interred next spring with appropriate ceremonies, and a plain, massive monument i reeled abov c them, bearing onlv the inscrpl ion; .Ions llw.i:i I'vvvt:, Author of "Home, Sweet Home." Horn .lime it, lT'.'i; Hied April 10, 11:2. THE FAMILY DOCTOR. Ion't start the day's work without a good breakfast, is adviee given by -. ';l,t'.i II ml I It Monthly. To relieve toothache apply to tho troublesome tooth a tiny pieee of cot ton saturated with ammonia. A delicate child suffers most from neglect of its lower extremities. The worst result may follow from chilling the legs. Hy a law of transmission, a feeble Hioth1.renf,.ebes her child intending imd fondling it, even if she does not nurse it. ). not eat in a hurrv. Masticate I your food well, and do not make the stoniaeh perform work that the teeth were intended to do. A bit of cotton batting sprinkled with black pepper and wet with sweet J oil and inserted in the ear will inum- . diat. ly cure caraehe. A tiaspoonful of the white of an i egg. well beaten and mixed with lemon j juice and sugar, taken occasionally will relieve hoarseness. Tlie .MHn,nis' Mud. There is a g I story told of the Manpiis of Wnterfoid ( Lord t'harles Kercsl'ord's uncle) and the way he served a young fellow whose indiffer ence to the lives and limns of other people when out .-.hunting with them had gained for him somewhat of a reputation. The young man, though he ought to have been deprived of hU gun lionise by special art of parlia ment, was the .sun of a duke of stii-h high standing in the political world that nobody vi nt uied more t hau a mild remonstrance with him for his care lessness, and w hile few card to join a shooting party of which he made one. his pi mil ion got him invited where men of hiore caution but less blood Would have been excluded. II so happened that one October but It the maiipiis and Lord .Ion-line Clinton llie young man in ipics tioii found themselves staying for the shooting at Wollciton park. Lord Or ford's place in Norfolk. There was a large parly staying at the house, and more than one fortunate i scape from Lord .loci-liiicV, rckl'.s gnu was the nighily topic in the smoking room. Secral of tl," iiieu had already be, n gra.ed mi one or t w o occasions by shots tired at close ipiarteis, ami one who had been his nearest neighbor one morning had one of his w hiskcrs and eyebrows singed t If by a lla di from a inii.le heedlessly placed within an inch of his check. Lord .leceline paid small heed to the remarks he heard, and laughingly treated all that was said as a joke, lint Lord Wnterford smoked his pipe in silence, only joining in the talk solar as to confide to a friend, who sat mar, his determination to put an end to th ploit should it conn Ming man s ex his wavtodo . It is said that Lord .loecliue over heard the remark but said nothing. At all events, next day the party w cut out as usual, and, as chance w mild j have it, win ii shooting an outlying cover. Lord Waterford and J.onl .loce- I line .-tend ten l'c-t apart. In the midst j 1 of an excit nig battue arabl.it started out of the bushes and rail between the two. Lord .loceline, disregarding all j orders to tlie contrary, leveled :uid lire I at it. 'I le1 rabbit got safely away, bul about a do.'-n of the shot intended for it lodged in Lord Walerford's legs. j I lis bed; happened to be turned at i the iiiohK n(, I ut wheeling around j whin-lit a .-ign of pain, ere the rcver- beia ion ha I died away, he called out in a loud tone: "Whoever tired lhal List shot hold up his hand!" Lord j .loceline, fn the bravado of the moment. held up his hand w ith a laugh. Hardly had he done so when Lord Waterford ; raised his gnu and let him have the contents of one barrel in his palm. 1 Fortunately it was it defective cart- J ridge, from w hich most of the shot had i fallen, else it would haw been a bad dav for Lord .loceline. As it was, lit j carried away enough leaden pellets' amonghis linger-joiiils to make a sadder i and a w iser man of him, and cure him l olioctively of the peculiarity that had I made him a terror in the shooting licltl. No one after that had ever cause of complaint against him. The Tomato. F.nglish travelers, who write about this country, are usually surprised be-aut-e the tomato is used almost as gen erally as the potato. Thomas deffcrsoii brought tomato seed from France, where he saw that that vegetable was extensively used as food for swine, lr. lio Lewis used to say that the too I'reipiciit eating of it bv Tinman beings produced salivation. The Italians have taught Americans that lin- tomato sauce makes macaoiiti more palatable, l'.ut there are many poor cooks who hide their shortcomings by putting the tomato in t vci vtlish; so that one chef recently said of another: "Oh, he'd put it into a church plate," THE WELSH CHOIRS. Orlvln of ii I'rriilinr unlinii VV i-lsh l.nir nl ( hums Kinging How Hip , heir Are rormrtt. 'J'ho custom among the Welsh of holding musical contests is very old, having its origin in the meetings called Kisteddvodan (the plural of IlistcM-, fod). which were a sort of competitive examination for the clceiion of chief ' hards. These bards forne d a very im portant and influential class in the coiiilnunil V : thev Kent alive the na- ,;.,, ,,. )lV Mirrin- ; j,.,,,.,, (). (h(. .j' end , ... , , . ., ioi-ii ,,in esioi . in lie i, inetr power was at times such as to make them the virtual rulers of the nat.u. As varlv as '.MO A. I)., King Hovel Dha found it necessniy to revise and limit Heir privileges. A cent ury and a half later ;rj(iith iii.-C.nah still further ro- strained their pretentions, and their ! power gradually wa I until it van- jshed on the cn,pie.-.l ,. 'Wales bv t he Knglish, when, as tradition sav th, , bards were nithlc.lv cxt-rmina'.-d , a tradition that is n.-v. happily n le gated to the rapidly inerea-ing num- her of historical mth-. These Kistc ld o,an wt re id In Id at any slated time but when ihe,.hV,. of chief Lard became aeaiii from death or s-'in-' other reason. 'I ley were gathering', to which all who cmld by any liniiii attend. Hocked t-a.r. rly ; they wer-- al ways, al leas! in i al ly times. In M in the open air, some sheltered valhy or loping hillside I . - -; 1 1 ; r generally chosen for the purpose. Her- the balds ii d with each oilier in st irring up t he pa triotism and cntltuM ism ol tle-ir a t audience, by recounting in rugged vcr.-e the warlike deeds of the kuigs tad the wisdom of t lie sag--s of old, a--company ing tin ir recitations with lie Welsh harp, cail- d crowd, or crow I h. when he who .-ii-nil-ed to the higlcst pitch llie fervid : -nil feeling that cliara- teries i peoples, w,:s chosen chief barii e ac. Initiations of lln llll! il llde. Allerliie cn-pi.-si ,,f Wa!- b l.d Wiird I., in IJI. the powerful inll't. nee of the ba id-, was broken, lint le- and the sllcee, dill'g sovereigns, I'ecoglliillg the value ol -1 1 -1 1 alli'-s. endeared a-, (hey were I'rotii old a.s.-ociat ions (., th, popular lieaii, wisely encouraged tin poetical and th" musical aspei-ts of the 'iuild of I ion i, wiiil" tiny r.itvl iiilv curtailed I loir political power. The la-( sovri'i ign to make any .-pi rial on -.letiui-nt cone, ruing the Lards was Lliabot Ii, w ho in l"iiw issued a cotii tuissioii for the holding ol an lii-lcml-fod, at fjerwys. I'ui the aueieiil spirit was dying , -ill, and, from ihal time (,, the present, the efforts of Ihr.s associa tions have li.-i-ll cllielly i.ilecli-d to plc- i.erviug t he scanty p-mains of the au icnt poetry and music ol their people. -1 1 t to the ciici'ur.ig -nienl of their !"""l"'i national poets and In this Lit t r respect thev h.i e not as i yet In en pi'oiluitive of any very im portant result s; t he mere fad of a poem r musical composition being by a ua i tive author, ami in the native tongue, jhasl n held siiHieient r-a on to give I it a hearing wit limit any iig.trd to its 1 merits. I At the present time, e pi eiaUv lUllolig the Welsh ill relinsy Ivaui.i. they have taken a much better direction, namely, : in the forma! ion of large choirs for the study of the choruses of lie gr, at mas ters, and in this way they at-' doing a great work in spreading a love an 1 knowledge of the Ilia -I er-pieces of : Handel, Hark. Haydn and Mendelssohn. So universal among all classes of th Welsh people lias this o c for chonu singing become, that il may with safely ( be said that no other people have such a w idely diffused a, ipiaintajice w ith the very highest cla.-s of mush- as Ihey i have. This is the more remarkable, when we take i.it" consideration the fact that both singers and listeners : were, for by far the greater part, coin- : posed of millers and their wives and : children. The members composing a choir are i'fen scattered over a wide r- tent of territory, so that regular weekly or even mmthly meetings of the choir are impossible. When a new chorus is to be learned, the various mi inbers will procure, if they can afford it.onovopy for each member of the family, or. if the work is expen sive, one copy for the whole family. Then the neighboring families will lucid once or twice a week at each other's houses, tie best reader among them is appointed lender, and they go to work with no instrument but a pitch pipe or tuning-fork, to master the fugues of llainii I or Haydn. When all these small pari ics have uiiisl, -red the chorus which they do so thor oughly that they commit it to memory a meeting ol the w hole choir is hold, numbering from ten to lim e hundred, in some church, school or ra-.lwa station, and tie leader of the choir himself usually a miner holds a grand review of the work done bv his lieuten ants. The whole work is gone ovel carefully and lh"ioueh'y, and, aftei the singing of some , f the old hoiui' songs in their inot her tongue, the vari ous groups separate for the Jong walk ! or ride through the woods ami over the mountains, to repent the process with i another chorus. Tin- choirs that live , in the neighborhood of towns have, of course, many advantages over those that luivc to conduct their rehearsals in this fragmentary way, having the opportunity of fiouient meetings and the constant presence of their regular lea h r. and, in somo instances, Uiu aid of instrument. !!,inf-l np Life in New York. "What doyoii think of the ipn-i-r lives led by janitors' families? 1 know a janitor who has charge of a big build ingd'iwii Mroadwny who has four little to!s of children, and tiny don't get low n into t he reet more than once a wi-kor.-o. Two of thnii were burn in the sivuiiih story of an iiiine-iiso iron building, just under the roof. One I' tin in to my certain kn-.u ledge ha iie cr be, n iow n in tie street ;l all. That's a fa--1. It , ill be ,l-,w n vuic lay. Il was b rn only l.i-t week. Where do v uii 1 hiii1. I he rhiidi't ii's )d.l -i' round i-? Il is t'io roof, and a rare, g I yard it is, ton. with ll-'Wds grow ing mi il. and everything ju-t like a g I. biL'. paved v.'e'd. Th. re is ;, high ledge around He four sides. there is lei ,kng. r of the yotinga, Is" lalllng off. And lien-arc riot hrs-lim-llere, ami tubs standing about, and clothes-pins hing mi the ground everything so ii.: urilyoii might ea-ily imagine yi.iir c!i' in sum, body's I a k- y.O'd. Tiie liliMr II seldom -ee a IV thing of th world down ho..w; a'ld tlu-ir mother har-'ly ever do.--., for Ii hasher hands full taking care of tie, ,-ii!igst. rs. Th-re is a nice !u b d life foryo-i, tii no danger of avnoy- .Hicc from prvi'lg lieigabo-;. There is something a'treiive a'-i'i' i', to... .lust think of lie j ! lilor a! dark shut ling up the :,-' p! i and I iirilig the big iron do : ; v ii h him .ef inside. Tie t'e !e is, w t 'i l.i i.imily ao-un him. :nid all lie w i Id .-cur.-ly locked ,-ui. I , is a s good a li iic in a ca t ! villi I he hriiige draw :i up and the i,o i.i' full of wai - r. bui ev iti w In-n i i'ci du"i - are ..,-ke, i!,e janitors are al v. : - si, ut i,i -..,i the world. Th.ro is a b .ek of bud lings in o: f the principal i-u-iuess centres of the , ity all ab..ut tin- -.''a l.cighl. Ilach build ing ha ii jani'or, and c;c h janitor has hi- lainily. V. In ii the i-uler doors ar" shut ami locked an 1 no outsider can by any po.-ibiliiy make his way in, the janitor's fain. lie i begin to visit. The roofs form their avenues and botile. vards. their grand proiuenad". There i s soiiii I bing - liglil ly i ui ioiis ai.oiit t h.a way ... living, i n't there; having you leigiib..r ilio'iping in through the o d' ius'ea l f coming through the door? It is something lil.e the way of living of II Id cave-dwell, -r-s in the Nuilh- w est. .V ir )".. , Tine . The Siiiirres Winter Habits, John liurroiighs, in an urti.de in t !io ' '. n! a ',", speaks , is follow s ol' the cun ning of ! le- r.-d s.plil'P I : -I h.iV e said I !e .-d sililTel docs not lay by a : 'ore of food or winter u -e, like tlie chipmunk and w ood-iuice; yd ill lie fall he solil 'litnes boards in a tciilat ive, temporary kind of way. I have seen hi i savings butternuts and bkek w al'iul s -tuck In i and therein sapling- and tr.-'s. lear his lest, some times carefully inserted in the upright fork of a limb or I w ig. One day. late November, I counted a doen or more black walnuts put away in this manner in a liltl" grove of o.ms(s, chestnuts and maples by the rn.t l-side, and could not but smile at the wise for, I hoiig!il of tie rascally xpiirrel. His supplies were ptoha'ilv safer that way than if more , la'ioral ely hidden. They were vvcfl distlibllled ; his egg. Were not all in one basket, and he could go away from leiiie w ilhoiii any tear that his sloie-holise would be broken into in his absence. The IH-xl w eek. W hell I pas.srd t let way, the mi's were all gone but two. I saw thesipiiriel that doubtless laid claim to tlein on each occasion. There is one thing the red Mptirrel knows unerringly that I do not it here arc probably several oilier things i, that is, on w !ii 1 1 side ,,f the butternut tie neai lies. He always gnaws through the shell so as to strike (he kerne! bio.i ! -ide and thus easily ex tra ( it. while to my ryes there is no i l, i ii. d iii.u k or indication in the form or appearance of the nut. as there is in the hickory-uiii, by which I can tell win I her the edge 'or the side ol' the inca' is toward inc. l'.ut examine any number of mils tin, I the squirrels hav e rilled, and you will I'm. I thai tie always drill through the shell at the me spot where the meet will be ino-t cvposed. II stands them in hand to kie" and tiny do know. )oiibtles. if bul tern u i s were a main source of my food and I w t ie compelled to gnaw in to them. I should learn, too, on which side HIV bread W .is buttered. LADIES' DEPARTMENT. F,iltion Ni,trn. Heavy armiire brocades are used for fltilside garments: Crenelated edges to fancy house jac kets itre a growing fancy. The fur set of a fashionable young lady is composed of a pelerine and a innlT. I'ndyed beaver will be much in vogue for caj.es, collars, mulls and bands. Very plain skirts are much worn, but not to the exclusion of more elab orate ones. Colored handkerchiefs are brought out in the loveliest combinations ol iesthctic colors. Flush is in high favor for carriage and opera wrapt. in dark colors for the former, and light ones for tie lat lor. Standing military linen collars, fas tened with a gold or jeweled butt '11, are iir.-t favon'c.; in plain leek lin gerie. ! While felt poke bonnet s trimmed , with white uncut velvet, w hiie feathers I ami some gilt braid, arc worn by young , la-lies. i Small, white tulle scarfs are twisted around the nock and taken down the i fr-nit of the inside ,,f the wai-t like a li-h'i. j li'uby, very dark plum color, ami i g Id.-n brow ii are the sha les most in j Vogue tor Velvet cost limes for the j proiin iia h: ; .tie of tie latest import'-d Freeh polonaise i have Louis N I ' waistc.a!; I -i'ld pockets covered willl o-doivd vlk embroidery. .tau'ity. soft fell -."lisli ha'.s much I re... inoliiig those worn by gen' h in -n. i i p.s-:n:r .veltv for ultra fndi o:ial!" young ladies, j M irab.ni' fringes, ,f i-leuiHe, in w ide bands that nr.- more like moss trjni j tiling than fringe, an the great novelty j ,f tie wini-f. I On soft of the I' tri . riding habit . ! when the corsage is of light i'-br, a : horse's lead ill brieh' eoj.ir is eliibl'oi I cie on th-- c !! ir. I'.,-tugs and tin- "'Irilllllll' l'," e,a;,y.. A w e!-!v now n i -iiciii r i d traveler v a s l.t-l wi ek iul fo du- e d by the land lord of the hotel at w lech he was stop ping in Minnesota t- t!e landlord'.-dd.-.t and handsome dangbl r. "This is my gal," said tie laud! n l. -'e", up itid a cuiiiii-.', but you can't trii-' her. I'm I ry in' to ,ri v e soi,e I'mili-h n' i - hi -ut of h.-r h, a I, uii' I'll do ii ..r I I! break every bone in lerb-dv." Mo l.iifst inlo te.tis ;ind walked away. Tin traveler m-x; lii-.iniug. with hLs tlnv "nig trunks bcbiinl the wagon, driv ing overlotle railroad station, overlook vv alking on t le .. t I a y.iiing si ho .. mast r. w hose a-.puiinlaiiee he bed made at the In lei. On his iu ital i.ei the school tea. her got llo the seal by his side ami rode (., tie siali'.u with hint. As tin-last trunk w as 1,,-iug t .ii llie platform, there was a terrible rumpus leard insid" of it. Th voting teaeh'-r, rudiitiglo tie traveler's side, xelaiun I: "h's Ncliie; f-.riiod's -a.-, Mr. I t In l out." The (nv b- hurriedly unlock. .1 bis l run!., and a - tie threw l,;t k tie lid. tin- a la f tin- landlord's daughter np e.tre-l rising .nil of llie trunk. She s:.o. t rcmhling u pun tlie pl.i! form, t hen burst inl (ears and sobbingiy b Id le r ..buy. I.-r foolish not ions" were ler hue for i in poor : school i nasi, r; nnd !iey ha 1 1 lev i -eil this plan for escaping the vigilance ,. lu r father. She tell on In-r knees and begged not t i be s -llt back. Tin-traveler's heart in, -lied, and he stipeiin lended a grand w oilding for then at SioiixCity. The only pay le g.it for I weiily aug'-r holes liore.i in his "sam ple" trunk wasa kiss from the bride. Chinese Filial I'iel v. The mother of ;i young gentleman being ill. le secretly prayed that bis own life might redeem hers. His prayer was, however, imsim cssful, I'm the lady died. Thereupon her sou, unable to lake up his ill. ode at her tomb, owing to the duties he owed his lather, visited it three times n day regardless of wind and rain : and when his fat her died he built l.i III-, If a III -h hut iit the grave of his parents, with only suilieieiit room in il Callow him to crouch in a most un-asy attitude, and continued the hist sad rites long after his three veers' mourning bad expired, lie was found one day in this wretched dwelling by the local ntiigist rate, engaged in ptiticl u.it ing I In Vi king for tie hi neiit of the m iglilmr- illg si udelll s. Ills example has had a most ennobling effect upon the people, and he is now rewarded by the be stowal of imperial honor. -', Ao, (I In' 11,1 ) (of ill . There are said to be three hundred professional runners residing at lav rc-de-lii'iici'. Mary land, w ho make it com fortable living by shooting red-head and canvas-hacks ducks. Compensation. Ch inees Hint lire seeiniti losses, All will, recompense me I, lest, l-'oi- I he food In belter iioHelh, And the better inlnhest. W hen the Sprinn's frail flowrelH wither. Summer ruses take their pluce, And when blooiniiii Summer leaven tin, Jlt ihi robed Autumn's rndinnt nrwe eks tin- u, i, ids ami fields with lory, Cntil Winter Bt rips Ihcin Imrc: Tl.cn the vshilo snow flowers tilosisom J it the K'i'i'dt-li of llie nil'. Si e ! the I c.-iuty of the morning 'J'tirn to flowing (jold lit ihmiii; H.eal lutes of sunset jield them To the radiance of the noon. Tloiiiuli the Uarknesh follott in ilnyliciit Seciiiunlj its brightness niiirs, Vet theiiilit id crow nett with bi-iuuy In the fjrnndenr of the Mars. So we find full coinpeiisntiiui For all change- life dot It bear: Sun mid dilute nlike are pleasimt. And the wot Id is ever fair. 1 TNJIIM I'K Vt.KAI'HS. (ioud-for-n..thiiig:-0. ( in the beat - Vmir heart. The (Tow is it shy bird, but he gCIl(T illy has , au for alarm. Tie ,.i i.-t way to "jail up" a stoVO istos -nd it to t lie j aw nbrokcr's Wln-n a p iw.b-r magaine blows up it .an, we s.ij.pusc, be railed ikish liter al n re It i- dae.geroiis to ask ;i vv, in. m idlo jie.t;..us when she j.s adding up a gtoe, ry I ill. Il.ti-.h has le'hiiig s.-ii.r than a woman's heart, unless. pet!ia;i.., it be a tomato in the piime oi I,;,-. "What madde I n; ." said the mail. wa- let that th- p-al i based , I ut that 'In- sympathies !' tie I'o!'- ; look ing oil Wife ;l ag.-lil, ,ne." 'I h - l.ii L'e.-t bar of g Id i i r i :,.-t in I'l" I'lli:.-! M. !':- i ighcl ...l ,. llli.l All invitation t-i walk up to the bar vv oi, !, have l--eu ac-j-tei! by :il: t any lean. "Weal iiiipi.ieie-" ui laitiK d Mis. .shoddy. "Here is ii iiiiiu iijiply in g by lei r lor a sit oat ion as eoaehuian vv h sign-, him-sclf Vo;ir ohi-dieii! servant,' ami 1 have let even I!:.. light ol hiring him y. t." In lo.ii'.'iiiig thai young Tiiupin had jn I i'ecei', etl :iii inheritance one of his eled.o.. - li.ls'.. i. - d t i 1'. -, III hi bill. "Oil. lloll't let Us Si-:lk of thosi) Ihmgs." sai-l the y . iii-o niiili. "I h.tvo llll'ow II ,1 Veil ,,, r the I ast ?" Mr. .1. .1. II. lir.-goiy say s that an iicre of land may contain six tons of worms. Suit ie;iy : I ut il.Mr. (iregory ev er tried to dig ;i l. . of bait on ten minutes' not ire of an invitation to go lisiiing in ;i dry line, he knows it. don't. A few years ago a fat lellovv asked old sir Francis Iiurdelt, while in Par liament, for some position, saying- "lloli't you remember me? I used to be a page." "Well," responded Sir Francis, you have grown into a volume." The sting ,,f the bee, it is said, is scarcely discernible under a powerful magnifying glass, lint the man who g ts stung by ,i bee seldom has his microscope with him, and always imagines that sting to be about thesio of a red-hot crow bar. I thought I'd call round," as the ball said when it came through the window pane. 'I'll get sipuire with y on," soliloiiii'ed the housemaid, hid ing it in the cupboard. Then the boys i ailed round, but t he housemaid made tluiii pay for the broken square. Th" London l.nunt says that people W ho sue, . ol't.-ll il I'e t he dealt h icst . A siiec.'csits th,, hi 1 circulating and thjows off a cold which is trying to settle. This medical opinion is evi dently made in the interest of snuff, ill id t he public is not yet up to it. ( be of Curran's friends, a notorious and Im ky gambler, getting entangled 'in coiivcrsiit ion with him, gradually lo.-t his temper, and al last said, with great vehemence: "No man, sir, shall trill' with me with impunity." Cut ran (riveted him by saying : "Play with you. y,,u mean." A gentleman in India, putting on his boots, felt ii horrid priikly object, like ;i centipede, in one of tin in. With great preM-iice of i.iind. instead o withdraw ing his foot he forced it v io lently down and siaiupcl furiously though enduring rvpiisilc agony in t In-jifocess. I'm! it was not n centipede. inly a small Harking brush left t here by a careless servant. A scientist says; "The palieooir cockroaches are li t iuguished from bv ing species by having live veins in lite wings instead of lour," and "have a .! ided ineso ii.- a .poet." This is highly imp-n, i.i. ; bul a woman, when sle : -is one o th.-s,. insects, will Hot rare whether it l,,is live or Ii I'l cell veins in lie wing. She will scream, draw Ini' skiiM tightly about her, and givt t'e biu' sit. h ;t v iol -ut rap with an old : ! t'i.l' it W ill II I e lilol'e of il lltaslicd I ' :tl a lit o'e :..eet. 'I il'- V o--i ' ill ssl bici.ii.d ndlli iii pounds o. I- produced i'l lie rnitcd State! if f : ' t?. I 5 I: I' I r A . it- Vv i jf.;' . -' H r. i; . 7 . ;i S"- a ' Ih (." Il St-: n K; ;;

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