THUUS1UY, JANTAKY K h8d. H. A. LONDON. Editor. CoxorK-wMAN Cox I ms uitrodwcd info tTlfl House of 'Vpreseiitalives u ltll (a copy of which In- 1ms kindly Kent us) that we hope will puss, li pwvkKN that in nil (use of coiiti sted rlectioiiH the coiit Jtitiiiit shall not he allowed ny compensation to dif;nv the expenses of his contest, unless tin Houho declares by resolution Unit there wan reasonable, ground for the rontest. and in that fane the ;ontwt aut shttl! only he allowed his necessary ixpeii8. which shall he itemized mul duly sworn to and which in i.o case shall exceed the sum of two limit 'and dollars. If ihis hill is i and t!.c litw is enforced it will save many thou.sani.lH of dollars to the iiatiot.a! treasury. It has bccoi'ie too common a custom for defeated candidates for Congress to contest their succe.ssf.d competitors' seals simply for the pur pose of niiikiri;; money, as I ' uigresn has usually ullutvcd all contestants a sum about ctpial to a member's salary to pay their expense.. liuL'ed these Mberal allowances to coiitestanls seemed b I n bids for all iltuuted CUi filiates to make contosis. Another reprehensible prnclii'o of Congress has been to delay action in eattfcs of contested lection until just befor adiiiurnuieiit. It lias often happeneil' that .'. uceessful contestant ebtains his seat only a week or two ftefote his term expires, and nil the while his seat has been wrongfully withheld by another person. This is .oiiictimes done by way of compro mise, 'uch itlie contestant and tfie sitting member) being allowed to draw full pay, but it is a compromise at the public expense ami altogetlu i-wron. Sroc.KsTioNs to the Legislature, as pi) wlvif ther should do. are cot!, it: r from nil quarters. Among the iva: ileiisihle are those lt i-ently .nade by fho Wi'iningto'i and w hich we hope may be f.tvt rahlr cot:si,ieted The Star suggest.-'. First, that the law in rt-rni'd to filling vaeiincit's oti the Ujai',1 of Magistrates "f the sev eraf c"ii;-.t:es be ciianged so as to allow the iloard to fill the vn.-uiicie.s Slid not, the clerk of the cunt, as at present. Second, that the law be so ciianged as to forbid anyone from being on more than two ollicial bond At the same time, and third, that County Co iniissioiii in shall he for bidden to accept as sureties oti o'li. hot -Is per "vv re t resio'ents o!'. inl not owi'crs of real estate in thecoiinty win re the otiill- live and the Col.i miKsitinii's hold o:;ice. I'osTHii-. on h ;i rs will pt'ol ably l i rei'" -ed by Coiigvess, at its ) res. ut ftessioli. fl iilll three to two cent.;. ( ):i ihst Satunlay th Senate, during :i debate on the l'o-.; olhcc Appfi pt i:i tiou bill, adopt, d :i!i ni.e ndun i l making such n red ict;.ui after July 1st, lSMl W'e iioj-u ihe House wni (oncur in this amendment. ;.nd i ur people be allowed .' enj y cheat t r piistage. During tiiis ilcbate Si-uaior Mdiiiunds urged the consirueti, .n of the po'ilai telegraph at lii si bt-i v.'eell the great citli s and eUelab d gi.'ldil- lly until every posr otuce in l!c country shall have or be in immediate reach of a postal telegraph. This certainly would be a great conveni ence, and f believe it will be done ih a few years. We inay then obtain earlier election returns from certain Counties in this State! A t tro:: pnssed flii f tht ()uc . !',.eb:t)d h this S.'iiie a it v c ivs ago, which is the first time that any son or daughter of any Fiiropean potentate ever visited North Carolina. This Princess is the wife of the Mar quis of Lome, (who is (tovernor (Iru eral of Canada and with her husband and a small party travelled through this Stat o by way of Wei Ion and "Wilmington tu Charleston, where they embaiked on a Ihitish vesi.el and Muled for Derniuda. The passage of so distinguished a party through our Statu attracted but little attention, though it is said our neighbors in Greensboro' were terribly disappoint ed because the Princess did not visit that aspiring town, where hor w elci ime ivould hit i been even warmer than that recently extended to the uIuK of New Castle." Fri.soMB n.A'r rrnv is always tlis giwtingnnd uomi'timcs absurdly ridic itliniB. Thin ocenrrrd to us when lending the speeches made by pome of our legislators at the recent re flection of Senator Hansom, one mem ber in the eloquence, of his zenl stating (hat Itansom "has reflected every virtue that could adorn humanity"! tt there atij nian now living of whom this could be truthfully said .' We greatly admire Senator KiiLsom, ami heart dy favored hits re-eltclion, hut as a friend of his we must piotesl agairst such fulsome llalfeiT. i Nkw Yohk city furniuUes the most extreme cases of wealth and poverty. ' ' Certainly no city tit Anient u contains so much poverty, mi; ery itnd wretch edness, aiitf we doid't if any city in the world contains man of greater wealth. This has hi all suggested, to our mind by a sta.t)iurut lcceiitly made in the "New York Sportsir.ui:." ' which says that on ":w tiftt rti..if. a , f"w days ago, twenty S'" thou-sind sleighs weld ihiic.ia I'.nlial I "at ';. Thtso t-higlu. with the homes, if pliced one behind tho other, wouhl etend over a distance of fifty seven . miles. Calculating each vehicle to .contain two persons, many of them being family turnouts, would give ."0,000 people out for an airing. This will give ninny of our rural rendois an idea of what a large number of persons tluie are in one city who do ti.'tl.ii.g but seek pb a-Mi.' c a isti-dx r greater than twice the mtmlvr of in habitants in the eountv of Chat!. am .' At 'i WKN-rsof a most appalling rat ore have recently occurred, by which hundreds of persons have met n sud den and painful death. Those acci dents are more numerous than we have ever before heard of in so shoif a space of time. Jctst week we pub lished the burning alive of three hun dred persons at n circus in Ku.ssia und of soTenty-live persons in a hotel at Milwaukee, in Wisei nsin. and lid. Week we publish accounts i f a powder explosion, by which nearly fifty men were hurled to death, of n laihoad iveiiletil thai Killed more than twenty. Mid of a steiini'r sinking and drown ing ur.ii ly live h' nulled In: man beings ! In addition to these wet" many other accidents, by each of which some ila f ih iett perilous were killed. What a teat ful Liirvcet has f)eaili been reap Our Italoiuli Li tter. W, n.m. N. C.. .Ian. :!. l.Vs.5. P.X!. K: oi.ii; 1 1 a vote coul 1 n . e le n he!, Ml w-eli. en Set: .'.? : . n s In"' lis t i li move he S! . tc C - pi tol to Wtimn g'on, wh.-re th stle ts le paved, VY .hub. '..'ton W'li'd hive III i tl tile C;lpl':.l of tie Sll'c, but thter!:iy the -nil s! ::t In g'.'Iy and to thiy a nan . ..i with if ' cress I'.'e'ttv: lt;'iet wilnout any btloys n. ol I I" life sc v III:! 11; I'ii'.i'll-. 1 i ere i . now but utile m-ed i f rt m -v in;: the cnpiioi oil account of the mud. li may be a matti r of sou.e lit'h in'i it s: to our ic. ni ix to I,..,.., h, w on di ill in I is -ct vf. at Ihe hand of the rtsido g , , i: , Mr. Wom.ifk i cl airman i I c..mniit lee on K des and of J ui.t Kiias and is on the ei'lnliiiilei s on tin- Ju I cm iv. l'i. p. s:'i t,s .n.ii (i;i. varic-s, ,,,, ; ot, lu d.s' i letmgih" State. .Mr Musi, is on t.ic f iloMiig'cs . Fit; n -i , Inl-i i.a. hi pt.'Vt iii"i.t., .e. in.i. ii-r .ttoii tt i S:: i .' :c-, it.. I on 1'ui ! print.; g M; i.,i.i -r nee is tn Cot p, r i l. t.s, L -nf, 1 u: .i. i.ll'l bind A - 1 1 1 ! 1 1 s, it : I l'.:i:il,.i it,. I luiitnc. ."so y. ur t l.'.i: tinn i- i i a pos'ti ui t.. w r if 'le y v int to and it is ry ev i.h tit ti :i they n il onlv wal.t to but are w. tkllig hard. but Coii.imra1 ivt Iv litlht work of itthl Work s lu . ii trail e. k. M , i w r ii i.iv I, hard i c - Mi:; ',( gelid'. il in. po 1 1. n.ce lll'te. I W ll I. Ill th" j ;lt I he I line b-Ml.g 1 do n f 1 1 1 -' Hint e e d e. mi -st; t lie c le 1: 1. v.oik, part icu'.o !v (ii the I eve., e, i'i.ey have llo ir h .1, s flii I. Nt in ty eveiy lie laber ie:s I e-n ti: ki-rii.g on luai i 'in l.ipi r hi I, whn i, prevciil.s !:.:- nt l pi. ns Hear ct It a ill churches lu tho Suit; The only fear is that li.u legislature tindiiig the ptepli! are. opposed to prohibition will o to the i pjio-ite extreme. It is certain from li cncti..u of certain Seuatuis in trying to obtain a repeal nr moiiirication ol the t.ct v.locli ft i bids iht sile on Si.ti iiv, that th y :ire in ftv .r of free i:i;mr und nl - i -hii. o Sunday. T.vo i..,.s ii iVe been j . 1 1 widen I. -,;.,e tl.t eld "tptalt" law one b.-lng .ii .::.,.. I i.snlheii lit, so l:.e', pas-(...i u.-e und Hie vei b i' n t el I ief i lni. Any loin. nl slut ill's nrc liskilig f..r mine iin.e Lo coiled taxes. '1 licit are u inniylui'a li.ul ihu finance cumuilttue lnie n ceoimelided a ge! -end law on the Mil ji ct prunting m thllgt nco to all the. hLdifls ol tht Stale. Tin; e..:,iiuit It e on redistricting the JStste has done nothing i t so it is impossible, to iy n him t 'in 1 1 tin wiil fall. Tlifiu heeins to be, It ;enertd linpressi in that tihat'r.ui is unely thmotrulic mid coulaini i.o nn, n hi giblti to Cungn-Ht, so ,e c .n I e thrown in any w here it i i iy .suit the wishes of son. e a-pin.nt. A s'roiig elVu't will In- matle to keep llm pres ent Fourtli Ihsinet ns ntur .ike it is now as can be, with postal ly the t-l-ceplloli tiial (iiaiui Ii xi f tl out. N .ll h;.s y, t heeil done wil.i tin I'lli the rti.iti-H iuttfest in lUe Ciij'.e l eiir ami Yadkin Vitlh-ji lUit I'tiutl. lint I have ho dolllit soliiC siltU bid will bt pa.-n d mid that roaO completed. The prospects of the Muilalid Hit not so tlatleiing. Was glad lo e sheritl' Urewer and Kev. 1' li. Law in the city to tlay. Thu sht ritV is on his way to ( boio' with a colored, iiisniit) person. I understand jour woiihy couutv Hipuiihtd.deht of l'ublic Instriic'ioii went betoie tl e Hi u e committee on Jviucation wiih ugtM.I many vahiablo auit ll Unt lils to the nditsjl law, wLich his expeneucu has shown him the need ol. It is a pity thut inoie ol our County Supt I i.ileii.n nts did not feel the same interest in the disci. urge ol otiiu.d duties. tt. '.. Our Washington Letter. I l"n -in xtir irijiiliir oiriii'iii Wamun.iion. I).C.rJiin. -Jn, lvs:i. Tiie llepubiieun Natioi,al Commit ten held a session lit ie a few davs iiiio and iiad somt lliii! of a time living It) ih tt'l'tiiitu' how t he l.el I u ' I m : I . . . nig be ( i.oseii. ai.-my sci'tta d to feci i..i.t the delegates to Ci 'l:el.l loll shollltt oi' t iie nit mi., i s it made n I v hi i ie dim i t iiiw t he I ii.ii ; wn.-. done . a tliele Would be 111 lie c'.i;. m : for tha candidate any way ; olla is wiiosro thciiisel.c.s atidulious or the n .pre sent ad ve. ol in 1 1 bi i ion, w.iauai to lui e things lived to tht ir advantage. It was on the whi le a rather gloomy athering of leaden, wholly lackin, in ami spurt of the "grand old pnitv'" ia Us harmonious und prosperous davs. About om incident was the tesL..ati,..i ol !ai 'route I'liiseyas I't t'tt tary ot t::o ( ',!i...,i: o c. I'iie i' N'MHiii'.i h ..!er. a ,;i. : l 'an.t ' a:..! I:, a. ! : ;' di .' ::ui :;t. whs reet ited m Tin re was an ntnnhiphcte inn coldness about the room which set -tiled to W. Mrry, a;uht Iho old fellow, but you hac and we can do nothing for ot 1 1 1 1 1 was w ht n we piihlieopitiioii and i as we have many we are too wt al. !o' elidt avol .-d o ; could hav e deft d irried y ou I hroitgh atiothrr, but tew Dolsey in h;, let ivc hiiiist If a f i -t which though it supplies what their liervoiislies:. ; ed to oiler him I Mr. IWtcy i i-use! not '.iie' to be ih si !ful hi l. ! 11 1 liis ei .i'.-.-i.. a. s in i.igld have i.cgii ct he cert'ili -ate l,:eh I f.;ii..-!;es hues ed. I is "fe-t It M l VI Ollli forth thai but for D u ll , 'bablv h ive lie, i. a craiit1 Metoi v in lsNi, Inat a;; in as Si cictaiy el the ('oin:..i;ite enormous collections .f i.i,i,,ev !.i . I.heral di-;.en.-all..i f "soap I'l.ii.'itia -were Know :i to ami apj ed bv the candidate (of fit -id-lii and 01 id Vice I'le-t.h i.t. tiiat with h::.i rest- d the "supieiii" responsibility ' fir fhv results of the catup.'U.jii. and tiial if ,'IIIV hi. .11 lias ever 'l.'si rve.l :- e tudi of pally ai d Lis l. I'.'W citi zens l! is tile sell sa nli.'mg. .it 1 1. uii'. and indefatigable S W. 1 . -l'r .. And vi t theie are peo le callous i !i. ".;li to Keep iisKuie what the ( I lietlt 'i cl'i '.a.-y did w;tii all the money he look to li.duina. ami heartless, enough to I- how long Mr. 1 'i s. v is to si, lite. 1 in kit l iu: out of pilsoll. We i.l.o hear hints about W.tshit.gleii that there :ile other tut inbeis of the col. ill.,: tee who 'iie quite :c li:i!e cal culaied to relit ci credit ui . ui the I 'mil it ittie as th fiiiii 1. adviser and co p it tiicr of I'u'olv I he women's t l hts people arn pre pal ing f. if t he .ill .U ii l'i'..! el.o. ..'i tf ! he w Mint, stif!'i a,. !- -. w l i. !. 1- :il , ays held in Washington dm iti' s. ssion ef Congress. Ii is by some corisitj tiid tin most a .'i".,' e i tit i f the s. a-.'h. ill; 1 hoWt M 1 dls'ij J 'Oil, ted the in-.1 1 le . of ptogle.-s ll.ay feel, they diiov tl.iir si aif't s v.;iii the c'ti 'I' ci ituiiiitti 1. d. ..I. .1 to I'l.'hl. ti.. m ai ill ihe I.. .'11,. I. ess 1,', eltl i,e I il is -.I ;;Af,:.b 'f, 1. 1 .11:1 lie - t any 1 1 ly s i over 1.. ii an 1 1 ' ov t! . .'-! !., v I . !We. f t'le ! i v'o:.: n : ti..- I tot. 1 1 wl.ic'a is id hi'.i.l.ate of t.ithiili;: itiuy I it 1 -. :h to v.i... e spiuring ii - Hld tile ,t. s. !-', .ui- V sj to I I.' 1.1 tl.ev date to m l get sate d.nvii ol: Wl! i. L' feat I t g does i. .-e: ,;:..;ves i.i ti.e I Old Mgol ill 1 a s iin.i 111 1 e- Ii 1st in llsli 11 t.. . 1. s. ;i:.d indeed if i .i '.. it out u 1 s , . ni i lie .;i lev ir : .1: 1 I : . has ,. so. I ; I:.t i.i, has la t :.. n.. 1 lb a; t 1.1:11- lliil.lls lis mat ss this Sel.Kll 'I 1; J I. mii chase s:L C '. i .0: ;.. ,m ;..- tt oll eacii. ah i.r h.i.f a !:..!..:. v.'tit';; lui t.iro' s inw nled In ;i iiostoli .11:111, and sup ply th' ill to t t 1' I Ici'LloU tlistlii't 111 the liiittd States. Just what tl merits i f the machine are ;tic 1 hiitu not but it is been able to t ut suit of a ci'titliv.mce with the ba.l. its' pii.sitd on an t inbcss belt, for the iip ost tl 1' ii'p'.v ' l pl'evtliting flaild 'ipoli lie fill. iciiise. lull .is 1 lie ei. -et en, j i.i s wou.d handle, ami I 'ivioly l.o..ji; v .th 1 wry l-au..t. ;..e .si . a..; . ..; .he mm,, is not apparel.! lie oi ly ci : t.iinty on ll:e fa-'e !' li.e n: !!. t l'i turns is that the wli ) nialii s tht- ui.ichii.e.s would be snddi made enormously rich it .Mr Hoars proposition shunt. 1 be adop:.ii,. Sp along of ischineii. while walking do-' u the Avt uue one luoi nine rect iilly in company with a :;d:at"r the nam'..' of St nat. ir l'iumb was mentioned. "Did ymi know.' aid i.e. "ilutt S'.nnlor I''o and Wi.ittiaw Held w 1 ilked in t ne si.iue olll'ictr ut one t.lne. Vu.ii' hinn'ob Col ic- p. .l.deji! pli a. it d igt.'.'l mice. ItLid the i.l,t r coin .1. ued : "Plumb whs fort i.iau t f tt little wietily phpt-r in Xelii.-t, t )hlo. of w l.ich lb id w:is editor, and thet worked togilhi I' for iplilc. a while. I'.olh have Ml uck tui li 5mi those days. I he unliiiiovi: editor of the uisignitii ant vvei kb e,,i h, with lay (iould and dim Itl.oue, made money and married mi!!...,,.-;. His foieman went west of ihe Misst.uu and Yauoiit on,' lo use a stin t tt 1111. p: -t at the right tim-. I am to,l h is worth Sl.oun,iMM)iirs.1.!!,iii,tiiMi.'' 1 'litNil. The melt iiig .'.now' und n et-nt heiivv rains have cutis, ( Iri sm h iu the lieighl. hood of !'( it Isbuof. The A 1 jiotttnttox river has i.vtrllowt-d its bunks, s'lbim igi d tl e low n.ndj and 1 1.V1111I the ji tlleslli the livi r bulge tpi iiiti'ies of lumber iiml iliifi-wood uie lheiting ihovii the Mrtiiiti, ami it is feiil etl that Ii llllibel s ul hmlgi s and 'vnctn in that etuiiitiv b.ive bet n . washed awi-.v itiul ihat other iliitiiiige hits Ii eii none, lieai ehlou, N. I hit i,e I IV i I . I'., is van iujiii, and the lo 1'oUloln aic Ulidtl VtuUr. . I A Kail road Horror. ! j i A tcleiMam from Sin Francisco, ilited 'JOth, Rays: One of the most nwfiil nrrfoil I neciih tits on recud this nidi of tl., Ricky Mountains oecnned at mi! i earl v hour thin n.orning on the Soii'h- ' ;eru I'atilic lUilroad, when eighteen p sseegei s ill) J wo Hli'epiug oo .cll potters lost tloir Ines bv beinf: ciiishvd or burned t; ileithin the w It c!:i d (' O S. T' tl or twelve other pri son t r i St I i ni-ly il jilted. hat is Know u In teas lie I h rough orov. ll iiol I I'm in leaves San l'l'aiui-co run' iiitiriiiui' at I v. en' v Inilliltt s li 1st nil e oV. t:k. Thu ll iiil Hi t star'e I u.sterdiy morning consis'-d of a locomotive, one mail, ontt expres-t and Imngii.e ear, two sleeping c ft hen, "' er.ttiiary pnosei.. er coseh and a smoking car. On the train wcih sixty passenger, two-thirds of them bound 'or 'he Ka.t. The train reached Sunnier St'iti.ui i.b'.llt th-vt n o'ch . k list li!':ht, I aving I r'i bit two or three suits f clothe, m .it- a run of III I miles since ' c. t u,-u ) lint wits nut ma'ie at Stu l'i anci.-(, r what is Kn-wn home, in c p.-nd mor. Ihm $'2) inter as tie Tulare division At Sumnel est, never ivw win -muted or mie I, it is customary to tiil.e on a second j leeomotiw to ass st in e r-vinsi I I.e. rain over the Teh ich.ipi grade, Uiich , commtncis near I.' W,.... rises at the rate if 1 "20 feet in tl e mile as far as Tel'sehapi summit, where tin- Moii'ive division will ot lime form a junction with the main hue. The lo t ! I t re pn i.a s the Si. rra Xevada aige white r bnatsi'li und fortes 'he Siena d. Siii Kifiel rurge of mount .ins, which ex'einl to the sca townid l'oiitt Arguili'i. Th" toil. tiuie ascent seems to have I ecu sifely made, for the lia ti real h td t In in i..'hborheo I if Tfhuchnpi In ,c ion. foriy-st-uui miles from Snmmr S'littiut. between twelve und one o'clock, for just belo tv tl:t jiuii' i'.ll the Irii'i wits slopped for the purpt s of 'cutiit't; out" t r disi ng ig iuo the extl i hu'Oiuo! ive. Willie the eh:ii,i.e was hemg made the Miring of, in nne unknown tvt, receivt d i baekwai : "i p'-tus slid before niiv- tiling cniil t done the ht Ijiiess train win! ih in le oig down the frigh f il gride, the pee inciei-tng more and more as it pr .i.-eede I. b'-ir over four miles this ten ible nice conuuiit d, 1 1 if cats leaping and bolimling over tin' I'aiis in their mad. heading ciiecr, iiitt 1 the foremost t-lei pittg i o aeh t,the '.aiii now eoing brick w Lid ' jimpid tleti'ick ami wi tit tinnbiii g tivt r tm elih n.Kliit lit tilt cell feet high. Th" coujihiig bet 'Vien the two sh p rs held fast and the Second sl eju r f i io.vtd it companion with it lerilbh eiasii. cany in- with it the mail, ex- le-s and b: gg :ge cms, SiitiCely iiad the sli epiiig coiichts alt. I box cnstiilb'li in a shn'tticl In ap together than they nil cnug' t liie end wde sunn cnnsinned 'lie s- eti" lent ensued w.ts a terrible mid Intirt iei ding one, f .r nearly u l if the occupants wtie jamuod in the ..!! I i-i iiml were slowly rousted b .i. ..tti In for- the eyes of tin se who had la- j p: t t scaped but weie ill nbl-i to elY.fii i.nv sncci.r or rescue them. Ci ii s i in 1 shru k for help were hear-', iht 11 faint e,iHU.s t,f jmiii, tf .tl ail was Setlliitg a Coat ro lien ti.e S iltinviile I.Kiniii.nlk. I ivo lli.iivi.lll .ls nf tins place re- ct i.ny ti t. I a tlilli.'Uitv wliieli It riinmi- r Vi si arc in-.'!! 'ci in a tight. t. her puiiies inter that is. as t-ancv lei t .1 a .d the ei.e aili'i r w as pi ol. .bit ' a ui.iw " Each, however, cbtimcl ihe a.lvtu.ia 'i' nil'' e ich Mlbsi tpien' h b niMeil pubtcly if IticoltpleM and I- I. minced hid a ! 1 r:iiy wrh 1 it'll .ni l t pit '11 ts. T s 1. g w . nt 1 11 f u -t vi tal days, ut.'il t-everal of "ih" bo s " u hit had bt t ll told both hides ot tht htoiy more tiiinsthnia few. nll.:i d fd' II 111. ii : i 'th 11.1 nt of the m.illil Hi ill-pule in 1 lie only in.iiiiu r in wi icn it c .ul i I e h' tlied. In hi:: bt it'.i.t It .st of the phy si. id Ite.n 1 an .1 t. ti e two 1 titties, upon f ti i r gti iiti i unit eipl'd Itlfus The ene noes agieid to imtl.e Ihe t'S', und il was denial. tie I o iht ni that i. Iter the ci ntist, tin mailt r how it went, ti.ey hhi llld make friends Tile ti I'mn Wt re Vieiil t 1 and last Mo 1, day night wus Ha . upon as the time and the c t '"'i phitl Hit as the place for Ihe It tei initiation of the controversy. I In-p. nty was vi ry exclusive, being composed only of the bruisers, tiuitt tit peit) und judges. Tub champions .'uvi-sti (I t'u 11 scivi s of ha's, eo iis, 1 ...iar- a d vests, 'l iny Weie xcaichcd !. 1 w-tip ns, ami ion-, he'll. r f.mii i, ttie 1 1,1 lain W..B rung Up ..l.d the 1 li tt 1 itiin 1 ent coinn ei.c d. Skill lllii itd w.tli pluck and eiuliirani e to iii.'ike un 11 buttle vthich wniild not have ihiiic discredit to the pnz ling Tin' comlnitunts winked upon each ui bet 'a coiiniei.Hiuts with em rgy an I 'llo". Hen's und faceH were pio-fm-ily ibus-tui'i d with iimi s and ibu gi'sms, and when, at the tmd of l;l u.iiiu'es, one if It e bruisers Wan 1:. ncke I (ml i f time all. I thu coutesi ti- I.i: v 1 clou- I. Win 11 tne judges announced the ie suit, the ktintktrt) wiped the blood nut of 1 1. 1 if 1 y i s, shook hands, pu! on their g ii mi nts and h ft the tit Id u( combat, n-nttidif not. suiisticd. Aii Important Hill. A (b spalcli from W-ishinton snys lhat a bill Hs intr.iibicetl into Clou gres-t, oi.' Miniility, hung the tune lol ttie li e. t,ng ol the 4'.ltu Congiess, Inst -t-hs!,,!, iilt, 5th ul March, lHKo and l;,t sec. .lid session ou tho 1st Monday in ,1 iniian, lortC, ami each C..i gn tl.en nfier on corresponding days. It .. huh Ht 1,0 change in the lime for election of rcprt senluti vn to Coiij. rtiss, I ut is intended to so change exisiing lifts ihu' the ttruj ot each newly tleeted (Juligl'eH.siiiiin hhail be- gm it bin il time alter the t let-tu n, iiiid ti i hat tiv li new Coiion rH rhall ' met t hhoitiv alter the election itihtiud ol limit ii iiit.iitbHiifteiWHtdaiiHlinvv; the idea btmo that to Ihe repre-en-i lalives f esh liom the onoiih. hIiiiII be I con.mittt d the dm ita ol 1 sri vtiiu tin t I t tul UiH f i.kt'Limr Iml leuls , bitioii whicli Hie people ihhv indicale ul ILe )oiis ihut liity Wttiil ttyne. A Model Fanner. t'lOIll tll llnlil.sll.ini .Mi-rHi lli .' There is-in tLe eouniy of Greene, eh veu miles fr m am railroad town, a Nimtll farm with less iliau two , hum I red HIT'S hat. was Valued 4S years iig'o a J 1,000. The present owner '" in i isseKston of i ls : years n;ii at a aiel h 'S r i enil Win ii t lie re it nation of $'2,000, u fu e l ji; iioo f,.r it. ei i mviii r came in JS yeais nj..,(i . lm, ; possesi- Iio f ouils b-i! u wife, he had just taken foi In It, f r woi'mv Ni. other nronerli' but it bullae and provisions. At the c nun e H-euient of thu wr li had tivt ;ikelv i,. oro. h, tluriiitf the , vnr lie eleureil $..(I00 in confederate "crip, which h lots on hand. Since ' 'he war t, bo h.. bought and pai 1 for five hundred a-res mre in i sum., county all ma.le on the tame t "ia'l 'nr-n. Ho has never usd any , feit.l.. r,, hns never b oht any p(,.k "f eorn tor his own f-nnilv like, never nt vir paid more than $10 to lawyers, I never lull any public, ulliec, nuvei i w is undtr the ntlii ii o ,,f stronif' ill lil.L- .ig i I -..:. i 'inn of fruit. sun never nought n tree, has six chil-: dren, and bus given them a rirat clnsn li me education. i This is about li'ty two yearn! old, lias never been h w 'm-ss in court, I bllt once, Int is oil ef I, l,t, un.J UiH a I siirp'u.s on h .ml. lb- has i eter h an etl money f.r in .v Hum eight per. cent., has ulw ivs p.sid liberii to the preael er, irnl l .st, hut i,,,t leust, Iims ' always ai l the t-.h r ifi advance. r - i . t T.,,.,;!,! , it ii ' ' " ' " au, P.irtMin.iiit!, (V) r,,,,.,. I) ta I- - f the ternl 'e s' ffering and death of three men from exposure ;.u I cold on C'i'iitiick Sound. X. C. I.hvm rendu d Wu.-hii gt 1 he men were p-i ig.e I entire; b iht; rt'veie s''iling in tttid, I e n I e s ovei tal. siorni winch p's. d ovi r Unit section hist Fri lay r;li! the hint was ovir lurite l while tee oceui:inls vure eli de ivi ring to :n"k uboiit. One of the nu n w as drow in d 1I1110M jrioiiodintelv, b. ing ehi'Ied by the icy w t.-r. All olhi r chltlg to tl.' ves-'i-i's keel Until forced to lei go iiy (i t. intense did and the jostbngof ih,; bout. The third man, w In s lianin is reported us Watirlield, held oh to tho keel, and was Washed ushnio, idler llaviug j hi en in the pe.M-tr.tting witter for over I tiree h.-uis. Winn found 011 the! beach W ivrlb Id was frothing at the; ti'iutlh. Ins limbs were 1. 1 r.blt swollen in tl bin.., and ins tonsil - winch wasj "Is 1 very much Mia ;n, p n'ru 'ed floni his in. nit . It is expt ed'd that he will !i. bo'ii fie t ll", cis of his ter-; llbht ejpi I i, 1. re, 1 Nimv Vurk's Newspapers. j Fr il..- N.-u v., k IIitbi.I. Tell thousand, nine hundred und i ninety I've tons of 1 moiti iiti'ii and; 1 1 riodtc d-i weie sent during l"' yuar ! through tic New York Tost OlhYc. to news bi 1 s. a i ics 14 11 I regular suhscri-1 Tue ni'e of in.H',ige on this I chis8 of ma'ter ' two coiits pel pound, "itid th" receipts iimotinletl to ! J pi'.I.Stcj SS. which ii twenty-seven ; per ceii I. of ihe HiTuregnte inunilllt of I a similar el iss of mail matter, le etv- i 1 d by nil the post ol'iices 111 the I'liiled ; S jites. The litimber of new-papers and 1 t liodic.ils in New Ym k wlti.'h .re iii'iiied in this is 7.SS, ami urtt ; clissnie.1 us f. llows:- I) lilies, 41;' semi-weeldle-i, ''i; We. ki t S, Ull'.t; i semi ui u.tii.i"-, -17; inoiiiiiliiH, '.ilii; hi s, ;iiiaiterlies;41) There is a aver se of thi'ty-livH Ions 1 f liew.-papi n at d 1 f 1 i, tl cut mailed , evirv 1 at ;it the New Yolk l'ttst . Ollice. A Tcriibh' Explosion. till gram bom San Ernucisco, hit! I il-t. nisi: Shi.itiv lifter fnuri o'ch . el. Mils stliornooii Inn city v ji , sii'tktti by a 1 e.ivy exph sioii Ei.ur others f.. Howe nt intervals of four. Si Col tlS, HUil H lleilsO CollilllU OI ci its, huiI a nense coluiuu tisiug across the bay was f.tif ivfit evitb of armther, atlih-il lo Sill tlCIvflt the in 1111. roils powd' r woiks disuRterh Ih.t have occlll'itil Hi the vicinity.! .V In it-f tt legrani nay the gi nd p ' .lei estabhshiii.-lit Wel H iklevl station, four n.iitis 1101 1 h of Oakland, tv. s blown up and nn- whi'H nun; mniii 1! Conk and be: e-n forty and liflv I '1. 101 r-e wore b o,t 11 to atoms by liie t-zpl sion. Nearly Ihe entire! place was ticst roy id by a Cre which j begun immediaiely .tlti r t be exphtiou. j .Strainer Sunk. j A cnblegiitni nnnouncea that thei Cimbrin. of the Hambiiri-American ' .tie, has been sunk in the tb rimtti Ocean by It lb libit steamer. There I were l eaily five hundred pasheligerM , on I 1 tiro at tic tune. M 8' nf them , were tii'gr in's on their wsy to New 1 Yoik. Tin ir fate is uncertain. A le nt v Inch has arrived at C'nxhaven I has landed th'rty-iiine persons. Six ; htfithieis have been sent out tu feiirch for ti e other boats of the Ciud ri tt. j A later eab'egrani httttes that il.c . are no hopi s of any more, pen-ousi having I evii saved, ami that the niitii her .liiotned will reach Dearly live hut.tb ed. U'llJ Wl'ltMIHIC. AVhat iiudifK l'dorehltni Ctihjfiie we'couie olltveiV bldy " ti diet table i.4 its 1 isliiio fia0'ialice itud rich, il iw ery odor. (innd Ad vice. Ymi will present mid cnrelheyient- er part of the ills that nllhct iiiMiikiud in thin ir any mtuou, if ymi keep! ynnr ntoiunch, brer ami kidi;e)ri in perfect Working order. Tln-ro it tin j medicine known thut. does thin snrelv as I'arker's O ' g' r Tonic. Will keen 'oltr lih' ich iilul pure, nil I tive yon - -I l. id It ut little ; Sue ulU r vohliuu. Miscellaneous AIIMOZffXAT: SUPEHPIUDSPIIATS. ANALYSIS. ('ouiiiieii'ial l'rlilier 3d3. deceived from lloiumissiouer ' W ,i,.i- i.t t-i.l.,., !. Soluble IMlosphoi ic Acid. lleverted " Total Available " s.W I'.quul to Mono Phosphate 18fi0 Insoluble " " 2..s " 53 Nitrogen u Ainiiioiiiu 'X37 Potash 2.17 Commercial Value Per Ton, (2000 lbs.) $35.75. Signed. I'M A Itf.KS V DtltVKV T. Hon. M. Mi-Ohkk. Commissioner of Agriculture. Ih.leigh, X. 0. We will "di th above !'i isi Tli'ss Ft'l'l ilicr, (privilege tax paid,) at the Jul... .vi. 1- !. iui.-.m. fiv,. on iv ..d in i;.( i. .,., u) ton hU $28 per Ion : ;i ton lots Jai ; less limit .' tons ..I'.l: we also oll'-r at lowest prices full inn ,.f li!l!li'n.l'l';Mi nm.nniMr.. i , .r . . till .ITS 1 1 1 , oeiin ior our UnoU Jili'i'U I WIS. " Jan. 11 liSe.'l. liiftfljii Fdits tt km tf Ktrlli Ciftliti! TON order thut our planting fii. itds throughout the State inav be enabled H l"",-"!', ""'1 '"' lia.udi's Kavv JJune i hosphati.'s, Puio DissiJved H Haw J'.ones ami other old cM.d lishi 1 bnimls of our make, we are " spiling: them direct to humors of Ninth Carolina, for Caah, at IIOI.KSAM: I'lJK US. When tln v dircctlv of us we bhip the ....,.s, us in,-, !lM' nongni ior eonsiimpiion. ute law is not viola- ;t,ed' ,T!'is w,vi"ff ," 1'aimers and Planters is verv si.lerable, and br i "'' dubbing together ami buying in tpmntitv. there is also a great savinir j 111 freight, therefore send to us for ii,vs. an.'l send your orders direct to 1 ,1H for ""r fertilisers and yon wiil get them without any middle profit and . u 'ow'st charges for freight. Send tor Dcscrij live Circular giving prices ' "r standard brands, witii instructions lor makiii" " Home-Ma do Fertilizers. CALL Ol; A DPKI'iSS B A UGH & SOTSTS, 103 South Street, Baltimore, Md. Jnimaiy 4. IMS;). ;nn. XOKPvm. W YATT UTLOrT CONSIUXMKNT- -! UII Kti III. oil s! l,o, ,; ANi, pt,n,iM. Ith'TfllNa tJuARlBTBBD. Fertilize Yosr Wical if Yen Want it to Pay Yon.; .SACKS A.MMoXi.Vi I'd) AND ACID 1'IK ).Sl' HATES, The Uest l'i rlih;.i r Made Wheat and Oats, Now in Depot lieadr for Si.ipuiclit. Send voiir orders to INOHIJI!-:, liulriKli, S. C. S'.it.intr '.'y-i. liALKKMI MAIiBLE WORKS. I W. DUEHAM FAYK1TKV1LI.K St., UALKKjll, X. ('. ii wm mm m mm nmm HKAH.STUNKS, TAKLKTS, AC. i:iKUs ritn.Mi'i i.v KU.i.ri' IfT At. I. III! 111 I I' Kill or CHATHAM, StibscriSte for iTHE IIECOKU! The Latest Ucws, , . ci a a VOlIISlV fetiXlO . ' and Genera! will ahvavs be found in the If you wish to know what the LEGISLATURE is doing read the RECORD. .srikscKini: now : SEEDS south! urui v 1111 1 11 . lil. ClI tSSl S, 1 1 n,t r Ain.tH. V.V.. ar" Oi Inl'jr t'nt IrtriDtfm, n . J ."vjli. .': ami .,.! 1 js in urrr, lir:.rt frh it - ti nit 1 1 I lin iliii. I. r (in. si si 1 le.. Vl.rai.u.,U '.' .V .....' - luxury, .lopciiis. l...r. 1 I tlPslllr-itii..l.r.. . - lOi-fs. til..,..Ti. .--1, i III ! . I9nll and I'li'ila I t i..... pri ' .'7I07.11. "f . lit, I rMHHl.BIivl'jnTil. I II F .1-.. ,v..y if ir.' .: '4I0 prir.p i-ssit... i'nS ...aiim-ii I - -nliti.i'iif, 10 t l-llt. HIRAM SIBLtlY Sl CO., Soc:'" atiMiaaalar, . . aiMt t hknniH la. TT1tT T TTTTriTT JJr . Wiil. Xj 1 it V1X- DENTIST, Will fWU t't,Bil HHI "ii Hi" o-.. u. I 31 ii Ih in p. h iin.iiili r.nMlr r?H.!.Tiy' fskjty.y HI" TtS' 1 tlktXM 1 'aZtt,&"ti, Advertisement0. my K ai.kuj it, N. (!., April 21th, 1.SS2. ol Agoiciiltiire in Air tight Can, sealed: 11. -'1 per cent. 2.20 ' nit .vu.-i, ior maiving iiome-jiade rer- "Itlilel's. JJAVIIiOW & 00., 1 IS W. Lombard St., lkiltimor, MJ. WVATT Si TAYLOK. ANI S. I l.tFAiTlOX (IUAKANTEKD. I-Kli l. 1 sT ANi) umn,.Ni. --In, LOOK HERE!! i:vi:iiy man Ought to INSURE AGAINST FIRE -IX THE NORTH CAROUHA HOME INSURANCE COMPANY. '!il i' lm.- tweu hi .urctwful pra!ls f.r li.urimn ram, mid Always Pays Its Losses. Il In Hifi', an.! alTint, mul pityii irnmptljr all Ila lillnleM. All . lns... ,,t liwtirubla pri.perly limimd uu n' U'rmit. Now Ir the lima lit laaaral K..r (iinlicr In.'.. rum. I. .11 ,ly lo ll X. LONDON. Jit.. AtrMit, ptrtnlN-rT, lsRi-3in PITT8BOKO, K. Hll I E'fl 1 " '"'""-- .l I'. K noil "p. vunib sum. rui. 1.. s. enfc. ml offi. p. V nshlnr-'i.ii . (' I ni n vp Lilcno h. II.II '. V. It 1, ir for uilv a-p No fpp pliarrd nn I".. I' a a t ts 11 1 1. ,t"p-1. I rf ri'll.a l.i'Wi-Jnlninot A 1 .... I: . r .. ic .1 l'i,siia-ior, Watlitolo. It, O. t'.:ui.ltt.. r Ill-ami liiiu trw. A. HEAD QUARTERS, tit Si. .II Isi-Mm Kti-ott, Is not miI v jirejaml for approaching HOLIDAYS r.L'T KEEPS HIS STOCK FOLLY UP Prices Fully Down! q q Letidini; IVature nf my btisiness : Buy Oloso.SoilCloso, APPRECIATE ALL PATRONS. Call Ht IIKAP iVA KTKKS, I! A- V.. 16, l"i. tl rKKKOX STREET.