r ll TRADES THAT AUE FATAL. (Iw iMiirtnct Jim 11 muni tinitin t'lilliiu In conversation with a prominent insurance journalist, the Mil.jcit .1 unhealthy utctiiit ions was l.roai lu-il. nd a New Vork Ft ir reporter wa- in formed that thoilscnds of xvorkuii-n were daily engaged iu (crt.iin alino.-t fatal trades. "There are many net up;!', ion." siml the insurance man, "that are specially danffiTous (1 use the word in contra I istinclion to the term niiln :i it 1 tut ) to human life. 1 mean -in !i m enation- in w Inch a.'ciilents are likely to happen, if extraordinary care is id uso.. Those woi kineii who in painting; tic douses have to ..(and on .i .-ii-pcn ! f-fiijin', lumeinir olidi lw a siti".!.- rope, literally carry their Inc.- in I Ic ir hands. Masons ami iTicklayer-i n' i;." d in the erection of liiih liuiMine; tan I in im minent dan-rer of their live-;. m.Iois. li.sherinen, pilots, cne-ini crs. drivers of locomotive?, and ear drivers all pursue dangerous occupations and live every moment, as it were, with the rWk of lieing killed; hut it is not to tl-e-c tl.in jteroiis cmpl '.xiiient.; I refer xx In n I speak of I'iom' that come under tin head of unhealthy one. There an trades in which thoil and- are :;. it i. .:: their livings that are ;i' - ilul iy fatal in them-olvcs." "And are the- fatal tr.el. a- v.'" call them, css.-tili.il to the -I'-i-i : I modern ei ih .-at --n .-" "There's He- rn'n. I I i-n : M --n that tlie-e Imi -In!, I'M. Hi:- XXllilll IIHilelMlle 1'c W iM'kefs to -lleh all al l swellinu t he dea''i r a'- .i I ol 'I. ill . iu.; on m I --I I ellli-teries, ai i- ..lino-! .el n "I essential, hut rally nei. a the welfare ol t lie u! - . ' "In a word, yon mean ! . it i i Useful ocat Ions, in ! 1 1 . 1 1 women and iiJ,i:i n aivemj-i..;. I.tiia' Site del nineiil.il to Icaii !i, and -I life." "That i s... I u.uM call deadly iudu-t re-... I'.c ' ax I In t i hut a poor all. or. l-m h work is he.i'.i h-dc-t i-.i no.', xx !.; , fnl tiling to . en-'der. " "Will y.-u n . r -.riy of the t la h .- in- li y ll ! .. Iiealiliv.-" l-lell "Well, there an- t!i. and eopp,.-. 'I h, ai i , tin.- trade a, in allx poisoning. It . im,' a hr. Uddlip. sicknes and disease nut II n i'ui - ref uses any longer t--pm up .x.'i, tie 'i nhle in ju-t a : an i di m m! a ivi k..a ine;. I5r,is . an I c .pp, p.x . tin i r iu health, and die viet nuM-i ' .r t r a ;--. The factories, in whi'-h i-r a-- ai.d -p-pt r an- 1 1 1 - I . ? 1 1 : : i -' I and vx.,- ed. dirty places as a ruh-. In .i ! I t .n tin attic-sphere j leavily .line, I n.ii, particles of metal .u-i. xx ;,, i, it ,c :i, the jit r. peneir.oe tin- l.i'i a,. I o- -troy in an itis:.j,ai. manv--i' il-.- l....,e- the nntort una: e -.v.-i k 1 1 : -n xv ;n. em t foiistant ly iidial" it . Tin - iiict.i: p. ! -oned air enters and 1 1 run nu - It human sc-tom .-.o thoroughly a-' e!..r its seer. -t toils and (r-pi r.i" .- :i. I in proof thai tin- Mo ..I .. tin v .,i,,n. i, is vitiated m.iy h" found in 'In I n t that the op, rinve. thu, their linen worn to t stained with a en cm h m heated, preen hi ,i.m.i pi r from the .1 -res ol il,. it their throat ami al a a , affected .'ocs without hlood of sie h person i fhat de.,T( e that tin ir l-i u .,.. till I'h. i' . lolldx I'll, Hid t" iii- xx oiiuds nil rai. im I with dlfu-iiltv. "Von draw an i I nl the report i-r. 'Here Is a I il e; , ruddy cln el,s. hfi-.'lii c j iu ii with ;iit ex .- .ci'1 . '. a aai I In .il h an i c.aa!; nie year- t In p."-. I .oa liioMlnetils. lull x igor, held for -nun nf foreman m a l.ra-s eai.n. u tory. Mis health fa d-d hnu: a victim of hli ml 1 1 si'iiiiij;, i f los ileh-ti rioiis eiuyl. x n,i never recovered his 1 ,. -. 1 1 1 ii . fatal dust had pi m trate.l hi - fa. In xx a - i e-ii II it. II. h-r the -x -t. III. .'! the Hud lorrui'tul Ins I I I. II Ic factory, tniveh-d. tried il:.iii"i 4nd a nexv life, hut ex a-n the ( 'lieal skill xx as ow cries to n t. I an .-, I,, xx hi, h health. There w as i,.. n ine.iv ronld di-dodgf the fatal dep. rurifv the vital i ui -r nt ol !.: hodv. lie lingered for years, hi- istctiee ii living ilea' li. and liuallx went doxxn ! the grave in the priui" of manhood a martyr to his deadly craft, f ax ing a wife and live child ren dest it ui"." "There are. ol eoiir-e, other trades which I suppose ymi would rink a unhealthy he-mlcs hr.iss and eoppir working?" "Yes. Victims of deadlx- indu-tries Tiiav he found among lapidaries, -teel grinders, manufacturer-of pants and w hite lead, iroti-inoul ii r-. maker- of crindst ones, saxx vers. ea-l-peti--il mak- . ers and a score of otlur-. without siieakinn of such employment.- as 1 ooks. printers and linkers, who, while not inhaling tuetalic particles, hnat he a ' noisome, feiil atinosihere, and work ' loxv estimate the value of the grade under eircumsl.inces alike iuimii-al U pr.luet - an he raised or iJn each, health and l..iitte-s." the first season. Il may he that a far it f ines a 1111esti1.il in this ,ir of ' mer w ith a large herd of grades thus enterjirise and competition iu industrial progress," said the reporter, "whether , those who f. at a lameritahle cost. necessary Cut fatal trades, should trnt he regarded as having some claim on legal protection." "Most decidedly," answered the insur ance man, "These operatives who toil only to tlie victims to their work. I are .vll'sii'i iii. ing lcnef.ictors to man- ! kiinl. anil society has a tlutv tnvv.inl . (,,. xx ii idi sholilil l)o lierfoilneil in a philanllii-oiiie spirit." "What is your plan of compensa tion r" "The. fated toiler-, whose lal on l-e-m !'.' mankind at the risk of their own heal'li. and whose lives are daily ini peiiied and wasted, should receive soiin- legislative protection which would compel the cv. uers of factories and workshops in which deadly industries are carried on to make some provision at least tor th- families of their w o-k- I I NK KAItM AM lUtMf. Iliei-rli'il.l Hiiik. I tin-d h,ii ol sassatras i pm aioiin I di ii d ti uil will protect it fioin W Is. vli.'litly diuu'y lurniiiiie may he made to ..o like new hv applvina eoa! of ure nil. To remove oils and varnish from silk fahries u-e henzine, ether, and soap very cautiously. To clean and polish tot toise-sln-ll. Use a drop or I w o of mi ect oil. and ruh it in tla-i t ' 1 1 1 li I i. To iv,, hail' nun :hlv with the hall ot the spots If I II VI! It u take of Vill-ir. two ounces of s-. ! o.l. one ounce i-i' t u r pel it .lie. Ml and app!-. - ilh a llanm-l cloth. I 'o cc an -e poid lain saui'cpan . till i in in Ii ill Mil ol Imt m a er ami pu' in ' '- ' IN i- I I I'-'e pu.. lit III of poW del .1 I : n. an, I :. i ii ."il. II tin- docs n .' re . all i iii st air. scour w ell with a i I -III i ni.l ei w ilh - p and horav I'o clean dec, inters, lake some soil 'r o,; ii i. il ; oc' I apef. w i t ;iml -"iip it ,ri i i-o'l ;l up in small pic es and pi.' .a to the di cant i-r w it ii -oun- u ai in a'i i dinke w ell ami t In-n rinse w ith i ! ar cold w ;i r , w ipe tl ut-ide w ' i h a di i l"l 'i. a id . t the di . af'-r i mi l i i dr-. I i .c! kti;le of it I tl: el'l'li' i' I: a in- . I'd l ! I lit lilt", "saa.. May thinly ei'hef w it'i a x i . ted plan.-. I'ilt ,io ;i I if ii r to i ox . r th-- hot i -ai . I eel then a ciiplui .. i . od he. ,, ii.-dg x :i h p. p" f - :: a.- 'U-. In li la rly hot Ihtoii ji I I . ,1 ,.. n he sci X ed In- iped up il t Ii,n (o 1st of in indix idual ileep Xi- h':" , tv a' th of w.li :'. t !, -. eleis o I. re id lease . a :.. akla-l la'-le. ...i cd !' ii ill of ..llf . en,. i.ut 1 1 r m I' -I. i ill a t- a-p.- n :";' tin r: i ! u i .-. I t h.iir . '.' t II fl'.t'! ;.'in tin-. i ai li I I I- I X K I' I 'at 111 t eveli Ilei - , 1 1 ; 1 1 1 ' - i it"ii ! : id., a -n e w it h on. i ' ' : i I. i ""i: nl i t -o 1 , . two I. a ; ' : '- ir i la : tar. silt it i ti a la: .. h. I. n ak ''ll-i e eif.'- into the pan I i a' xx i II. tin n add one and a hal i u, .ml- Lriaaulated -:i.'a.-. half i iiplu! ..'i I .ill. r, . all tol li"Ji' and . IVIInl, II l id elie I iplll lullk. -ir ,i 1 1 a I urn on ly . now add gradually tin It in . heat w oil, flax of xx it h . Ii or ,i i.'.-i it v ill make tw rati ; . ,il, 1 1, row a handful "I ui' rant . -a -t me ! i .o-iiis into M . I'l x si u i pound of p. a . w ill lea a I Iii 'll of oiip. I he pea s!e u'.d he xxa-in d and '. ..iked III col l XV I'l l " , r lliirllt. thell h" I ookeil III n . . poii - of water, w it h gi-i-.' sjai ii, i :u'.' A pound of h . or a ham hoiu max he 1 1.. i led; for seasoning, add an . 'ii :.'ii v- ilh a few c!o is -t in k iu it . all I" la to, and ahuiil forty w ho u'raui of pepper. An oiim e or I x o of iiirar xx id a Id gr. at Iv to the rnhue--o this, a- it dm s to aliuost ail -mips. At the end of three hours -iiuun I ili. lasstlu -.up t hroiigh a xx ire sii x e or i olander. xx ilh tin- aid of a potato lua-in t. I t.x hr..x n soiiii- '-ipiaris i f si. ih hii al in lard or drippings, and .lid ,i-l hehoe -erx iug. or -i i e these r..'i'"'i., a- I hey are oalii d. separately, t.. he add' d a' plea-uic I'i -an-soiip i i.ix he i.i.i'1.' in a similar m. inner. .1 i .' a I iri -n't'ii ist. P.irr-ltl t-il -nock. A-a rule 1 mi hied -tuck i- not the la, -t pfotitahle f'T farmers to keep. M my xx Im fax e 1 nod to hrci , a herd ol uio,ooi . '. 1 1 1 11 : 1 1 - have fad'd. The cost to liegin willi is large. The w riter i-eei nl Ix i-ili-d a herd of .ler.-ey cattle, nine of tie- l oxvs in which had cost many hundreds of doll. lis. The pro die ! in th-sh anilmilk from these animal- is not so much over that of the grade row as to warrant the price- paid. The management thai cloe hied stock r-uuires is Mil ll much I'nat or t han I hal of grade stock; that i- 1 ro.scs In t xveen the pure hlood and th'- native st k. I'ur hi animals ami 1 tione. like the one ahove men- of value as hret ding 1 e-nt res. ffotu which the great mass of ; eomiiiou st ick 1 an h, huilt up. Al a : produced thru- put ran afford to keep two or hlood animals for further .. . 1 , ..11... ' i prio elnctll ol Ilie Iieru, inn III lllliuv eases it will l.e hetterto replenish the pure hlood from one of the centres of such slock. It is a national hle-singthat faticv farmers, as they are sometimes called, are pleased to make such large investments in pure blood stock, for by this means the y of any liroe.l i kfj't up. It xxcnl.l In- a calamity if !v""l any cans I ho carelullv in. ill- :ijed herds sli.iilld all he broken up an I si.ittilcd. ll is thivti!;!) them that the whole live .sin k of t his i omit ry is to I e iinpioV i d hv a -JI M lu ll pi' ll e.-s of irra diiij;. In lliis import int work the le: s foitine'.f.ivoio l stork r iisers may lind a pivli'al-le lU!d of laher A"i" '- t.iiliiiil .tliiiiiirr. I! is a inatt-.-r of jfivat surprise that so many farmers allow the liipiid con tents ol th n- I arnyard; to he via-dc-d iw ,iv into i i- i-ks and i i ci - in -t-i I of 'Hiliinr ii iu fcitiliii'j: their hud. .-- w dl it ever I... nth. I wi-e until pi.ijier ails an- lal,' a (o piei nt ii. TImto ceil ciily would he no eii at troiihle in iloiiie; ..o. All that is ti s- sary is oii,'.i round pit or tisti-rti of slllhi lent sle jl.-t ollt-iile liie hafll- yard, iind wall it up with -tone, firmly eiiiliediled in i eiuent mortar to make i' ixa'crtio-ht. A trench n t of hluid ditch ahollt a tool III depth the sides of w Inch hi he also w alh d w ith stone should then 1, dii',' all alomr the lower siilc of tin- avd. close insal-' tin- fi lice, for the pli'po.i- of i oll luc' nil tile ll'pl.. li'olil the aid to tin i I-'. '. Ii'o.u w hi' hit I" he pu. aped . ; c.p-la-l as i, co.li d. into a liv -' ai" el i a ;-. p'.i. . d hi the ,:nd e:id o a w a- at" i.. h i. ih d (.. w In t-c-, i r w ati'e.I. ic I" ail i a pi it I hi:. I , . a , i- 'i 1 1 X oti-:x I a I " mi In ..-I Hi:. I" . t--ml a pi it it w i' h a i an I !o- l'. n end I 1: ! hi- w a- c. i-x i.ieaa t-t I li a-, r . h" i.i i l-lin-p -t'H-k. tlx e f.-i it htli .,il-. an 1 hi il Ii I ill. !i In I' - a I Ii t ! . I a i.'ii-- a.. : i I. i.'tii. i ' . il",.,t"d '. ' si., rt int. r . a I - hull lot t!i he P,;l, OX. I ii. i,. . ii i: i- ,i. i,c the I. . ai;d it i- i ar n '."I- f t . the Ian I U . ta-t i It! :i'l ii'nula' 1:1 I i' aay I ir.;'.' i I a . ir-1 :y ' I,, i niacin '. il i'. la. e, we laaj'i.lx .a m y u e.x In im; i i. mil, is in- od : ' i 1 1 f. a: iv i.,:i. . . in- lie . ' 11 1 .11.; Ih i 'u-,' r, . . r at 'd .-it i :..i'id :i n-ii. he ', !!; I . ' . I 1 rid t ipht-l i N i w ,l of P. I .-' I is I .. ..'..-ui jr-.o and pi.i l" ' ii "II nl... I, xv M i a h I- ll! ' t in 1. in .e i nd. I. I"l'h. . I ll d 'II I X . I - - .-. Ih lllile XX e -are an Colli at Ih I. in I'.- I l.c cut ,ri -I talc . ' a el .. lliild miles ii '' I a'! ol It vx.il le-t o, will i oi t.iin two -ll -1 i in li. of XX ill. h XX ,11 he t ho a t he in. i a sp hi ,,t 1 ,1'id lll' i'ldvil hr dge. hi :d-o o r t he ( Ihlo, al ..ii" fed in ! io."h. fiicre .. r I u:-.; i'i'.'!'.-.'. i's Vir- loin'. x pi. I'-, hut si ui - j III -.in- I. ;.i; N, 'v v.. Tien i- l.' ll.-X ill. arc lie I. jiiti a. 7. .. . I' i h. ma r li e ii', ,. I . the 1 hail hind.;,.. 'in;, i, , ale. I. '.'J ' ..I Ma ,n . -. . . f, n- !,7 .' ' I ' i t . a! II111..I1. M,--i-ip; 1. t; hrnlee nt; hri.l-e I '.'-11 feel ; udha, near l'i-e ,i m-s J. -"'I feet; It IIIIIICX, -ll-pel-oll . r I!,, lad a -unci. Xi-r tie lioiiihax th- Mi hl i. lee , . 7 ! ci. and ti, i' i hi ,de. at N'i.i-ara. J.J I. I'l nli clin: li- I ha meter. C.ntennj th. 1 d.n I -h,, id hi- t.nl. th "Yes. sir. xo "And 1 hax. 11 h-r a i "Voll Ii.lv.-." nd this i- Hie 1,1th po.t.,1 1 ar.i haxcsint lie- regarding thedehl.'' T Ihilik it l-the liilh." "Now . sir. w Idle I cannot pay the deht for peril. ips aliiitlu-l- year. I pro pose to pi'oleit my character as far as pos-ihle. IP le are twelve txxo-cl-iit stamp-. oil can u-e tin in iu sending nu- twelve inolithlv : tatcinilits of ctitint. and ran thus save your postal card time d 1 1 1 v lei lilies at t h" same It is said tii.il the taih-r has 1 redid ,1 the t xx cnty-foiir c nt feels that he has sn n a1 count, ami d more of the deht than he had any reason to lu-j f.- An dderly lady in Athens, (la . owns the original maniis 1 apt of 'llnine, Sweet Home," a- written ly John t llw ard Caviie. The words of tin i poem as fir-d written are all interlined. I -,i.,l ttwr.. :oi en. I. : ri n r l-v- ; xx nil "' " ! pr.-simi from tin writer to the lady who now tint, is it. in tne om uax I'avne xxas devotedly attached to her, and she has many of his letters. Mn , has l.een offered a large sum for tlu J manuscript. DAI BUTZr." A Visit loa Fuuioiih Juialirr Suitue. A A'okohiinia (Jajidnese) letter tothe Detroit I'rte 1'rti lU-scrihes in pictures, que language a visit paid to one of th i most famous of Japanese statues. Thu Tai Hut 7ii, says the writer : T.'arly Sunday morning a party of three of us started from Vokohonia on a ride to the far-famed statue of Dai rut.u at Kaiuakuia. Anxious t.t avoid the noonday heat as much as pos sihle. we started at early dawn. Our road led us along the canal through th" outlying illage.-i in the siil iirhsof the settlement. The peopl -were ju-t he ginningto rise and c i-rything i-ci p the canal appeared I rt di and In t I fid. I kingat theslugi-h watcisoi the anal covered with shun, ami inhaling it odor;, whii h i .line up on imh hand, we censed to wonder at tin' rapidity and lalalit;, wii'i whuh dis-ea.-e.s especially , holer.l arose and spread among the native people. It VV:,S an iinim use repel w lien w e i t ossed the last hi idge of the canal where it tntcrs a long rl, through the rm ky lulls, and found oui'-i Im - iu the open ' niry This cut i- "in- made for the heiu iii ,,)' ti. K,.t trade, and took two e;l I's to lillish it. hesjiles tin t lav of a largesiiiu of inoiu v. It i- looked upon hy the .laps as a hig piece of ngiiici ring, la axing the canal he. hind u , our i a I wound aui"iig the t'1 ' li' ld .. now pa-sine; throiigli some -in ill x ilhige. ai d then ilmx n a n iriow I h Inn d xv 1H1 tall hii -ln "ir i;h .teniu di xx drop c 1 n -In I i v til 1' alu.'.k ox 1 r Us a pa- ing hy The toad I lie hlMW ol I 'li- 1 's'u:; -aw n ' IX ell.' en . a -1 , 11, led and p 1 ed ill. ui sin. ill lull. .0, . red w ith ! '''. I ' 01 .! -. helo w us. 1 heavy lelcliine . if a-.x ay xx it t I 1 mar 1 h ' lay the t "'ITll 111. lilts. nt a sign of human life hiauly of the scene, I ri. e lields with Ih.-ir CarolT ah.-ml of us. a single coiii. -al hill -eparatcl ll-olll the one hixond, XX llili- ,- valley posit. to 1 lie spot xx In re hilt cl l-l'e, ll-', g;a dual -w. I! t l y a ci -x 0 1 1 tc. Ill sight and la -i the ti.iuie l! - 1 1 t-r tarrxii,; x e lingered Ly lie- gates lie- licld, rose with il 11 the icxv was elided d 1 I's. 1 1 xv it - ,1 ui.igtil- in- w hi. h fully just i- p.Mple had gix. ii il. lu re as long a-, we a i'i xv a pu-heil rapic ti. p.-i-s. :ng iiiiiueioii . villa-re, and small ' mples, I ,- i l - t he . xx avsiil,. ,-hi'iues v he h ai'.- I 1 I" I'.iind 1 x cry w In re. Tile -llll w a - I ginning to feel XelV ., oiuhirtahl" xx h.-n, at I": I'l V. M., -. . Iltefe 1 the ollt skirls of the Village I Kaiu.ikiii a l'as.-ing through the village We entered I ll" ii.llliiil-c temple xi Inch i hi re, and lode for - me time ill ! r the shadows of Ihe great e dar- xv hicii are the crow ning hoiiutv "I lie- pl.ee. The liiuils oflhe lelllple ei-iued very large and and it vxa- not i! II A. M . that we , aught the p ih e- ' i - I i of the --till It'olll t ill' hlou.-e Iii a. 1 Ihii ISntii. ppl Illllg tin -t.il lie the he e ha .1 n iiiark.ihle evpte. aan ol placid r p .-.-; and imt w ith -landiiig its iiniueii -e --e. i-so adiiiirahlx pioportiotieil thai 1 - nothing. if 11-1 If.-. I on a m ar appioa. h. It is Mix fn l lii-h ami li,lilx--iv leet iu 1 I I'i II 1 11 f el'cm e, the i.e . hi im; eight and a half led in I' tieth. The km-e 1 . thirty-eight f.et "i diaiu 'lei' ami tin thuiiil. three and a half feel ill l in uinl, 1,111 c. It is , a t ;n si xi nil places, the hues ol jointure I sing plainly seen and repre-ents the - ' I silling 011a pel. -t,d with hi- legs cios-cil in front of h.m and his hands , la ped. It xvas 1 a t in A. I. IJ'.J al . he desire of one of the "Shogillis" or nat ix .-gox ernois. Ihe casting ii hol low, ami one icdi.-c- more fully its im 1.1 a-.- -i.'e when standing inside ami , ciut; the ladders xx hu h lead up into ,'n- iloine-like head The inside is ..tol up ai a ! tuple with numerous I t'i siatms arranged around it; sides, i'i-.il. i!; that a lia'ixe photographer : id taken Up his le-ldelioe here, for the 1, 'po-e of suppx Imt; xjsiloi i xx ilh p' -raphs of tin -lalue, iiii.l always 1 i-ous of improx iiil' our oppoi tuiii I',-, liiethieeol II- peicheil olirselx es ui ti e ..'mi's t'.uiiiL nails and had our 1 , tnres ta a n. It is hy sii. h colli ra-ts 1 the i-ie of the human frame with ' . iiii'iire that the photoerrapher hest presses ill ; pu ( ure t III- illllllesity of heci-ling. It I-said that at Nara there - .mother 1 a-ling of the same image, 'hclaiiof vv hii li is sixteen feet long, and yet the tught of the statue is said to In-only liitx three am! one-half feet. In all theirca-lings. whether large or mall, the workmen have devoted themselves to their tasks with an in tense lux .-for them, and now here in all the world ati letter hron'e work Le i.iiiml than the work of "did Japan." There ate many secrets of the trade that they still keep, notably the iui partingol a greenish ting.- tothe metal vx hi h is piodii' i d in the ( a-ting. 'Wh. Was It Yon Siii.l." No man, s.-iy- ,tn I'tigli-h xx liter. evet i-n joyed life im . m keenly than Anthony Troll, .pe. lb- was full of common en-e, jet b dicrously ol -tinate and perver-e; roaring and spluttering, ami wholly incapable of argument. Once e ai.d a party of friend' were in con cUxeat Mil l y Same suhje, t of in.-p-riau,e xx is In ing considered, and r-ine one made a toiggi s.toti. Trol I pe, engaged ' .. i-onvcr-al ion lit the oth-r t ml 1 T the room, at once raised he. hca I and his voice. "I ddl'i r from you eiitiicly," he roared, like a bull at ii red rag. "1 diifcr funi yoi. entireyl! i'i' i mis it yr,t mill f Sayings from the Chinese. Human nature came tour. perfet, but in process of time our passions have ciirnipli d it. Di sire not the death of thine enen y, thou would':! desire it in vain ; his life is in the hands id' heaven. Obey In-aveu, and follow the orders of Hnu wlu governs it. Lovejour neighbor as yourself ; h i your reason and not votin senses be the rule of your conduct. Do to another what yon would he should do unto x oil. Thmi only lie -1-esi this law alone, il is the Inundation and pi in iple of all I In- rest. The tongue, xylii. h is y ielding. n . lures; the teeth, uhi'li are si ubb. 1 n, peri -h. lb Iter be ii dog in pea 1 e than a loan in an .111. in by. I'o x iolatc t he la xx i - t he same 1 ni in ill tin- Ciiipcroi- as in the siilijcil. I h- In- iris of the j pie are t In- only legit imate foiindat ions of t he em pire or of legitimate rule. Tin ise w ho labor with their mitt. Is rule; those xx ho labor xv ilh their bodies are ruled. Pope says; "Ami ll who think till govern those xx ho ' toil." ) A vacant mind is open to all -tig gist ixuis ii- a hoi loxv mountain nluns. all sound-. hci the tri e is felled i' - shadow di appi ar-. 1 Desertion of tin- gr at xx In 11 li-al'oi 1 iiuale by pai-.i-ili s. oil 1 iniiol ..( 1 ip t v. o skin '-it "in . ' ivv . 1 A hunt lo 1 1 01 1 ion. 1 in iu. winds are like an arrow il"-i to the iiiaik.il woin. m's hke a hrok en Ian. 'I h. riiin. se . all a bin I' ling ft II. -vx a paper I i.r. r. uvct.l .iui; ii thing a hum lib.ii-k mak iiil: a h, ox. Who .-pond th"ir liarity mi remote 1 objects, hut neglect tlu-ir Lunik, are said to "hang, 1 lantern on a pol",w hi, h is si" 11 from alar, bill giv es no light below." Tin-gnat, r li-h int the smaller, the smaller cat tin- sliriinps,,md I he shri nip are obliged to 1 nl mud; said xx ith n I- i t relic.' to rut'-i's ..I ihO'i'i-i nl 1 la .-,-s. I Path m e, .mil tin luulhi riy h at I n ' Collie il Silk o, VX II. I Tin 1 ii..t tin- llatlerer; in thy day of -ua-hine he w ill gix e I hi ee p unci ! of I. int. r. and in thy hour of ii'-cd den; Ihec it I I'lllllli of In: ad. A woman's loiigue i- h. r .-word, and she doe- imt h t it I II t. Uidi I' I. It max be laid .low 11 a- a gri a' 1 -1 1 1 1 1 1 I I hat tie a' . li-h or poultry ia a s at 1 1 I ih c.iy 1 a 1 1 1 1 1 1 he . at . ri vx 1' h siil, ty . r-iin e sy tiiptoin - of irritant p ! soiling hax.-so lie. piently ari-.n ire,, this cans,-, lint ;i htil 1isider.1i ion will show us t he iiiipo-sihilil y ol draw ing a hard ami fa-l Inn upon I in point. We icli-h v. ni.-ou xv hi- h h 1 I'iirlially iimlai goiie de. ax , xx 1 1 1 1 1 w . ai ome is ji 1 1 he. I or million iu a simd ar 1 mi, bl ion. Aim in. poultry to be pill liable Mint he I l e .l, yet we do not scruple to eat game wlu.h i far a, lvalue, I in d 1 oiiiposit ion. Tin re is no ih ni l that 111 many 1,1 vx. a, guided by our palate, 111 d- t - -mining xvhat food I- w holecome for 11 ; . while mat, y ot us iiil nioldv 1 he sc. a I hili.Hiiau w ill svx allow had ego., and some races 1 11 jox li di xxhicn xxe should 1 oiisidi 1 put 1 id. I-veil a-regard-ox . tors, xx In. h are gi nciallv 1. li -,-,l in proportion loiln ir f re duic-s. il is.-ome-tiiiies a luatt.-r of ta-te. Cor example, it is rccr I. d of the lit.-t inoiiai-i h ol Ihe house of Hanover that In- object..! tothe Cnglish native oyster as being dclicieiil iu flavor. It was privately suggested by a shrewd courtier Unit the native oXsti-r -hollld he allowed to be come somewhat ..tale before being brought to the royal table. Tin- king ill once ifcogiii.-ed the Max or whiih had always phased him so unit li at Ih ri'eiihau-cn, and gaxe orders that iu future he should always he supplied from that particular bid. Ihe absence of t-X ll t oli-eiplcui c llllir eating food which had mult rgoiif a certain amount of del ax is ilollblless due 111 many eases to the completeness of the cook ing pro cess: but t his tloes not miiilate against the general rule thiil food iu any stale of. 1. cay i; iinxx holt-some and should he avoided. Ol lale years there have been many eases of poisonous symp toms arising from the use of canned 1111 .its. The cause appears mainly to have been improper method-of 1, in ning, or of the use of meat that was tainted before being canned. An ex amination of t he outside of the can is our only available guide a- regards this ( lass of article. The load of the ran should be slightly concave, where, as if it be convex it showsthat decom position has coinmi need within the can. N.inctiines through careless sol dering the prcst rv etl art ii le becomes oiitaiuinateil with It ad, and poisoning hv this sub-taiice is the result. (10111 II'.. 1 . Half the trouble in this world arises from the sin of yielding to passion. Temper increases ten fold by action. If you speak you will say too much and the more you -ay tin- more pa-sive Voll will feel. There are times when it is right to show proper resentment, when manhood or womanhood is in sulted; times when sunn thing ought to be said; hut wait until the sweet hy aiul by then xn w ill know xxhatxon might to say, and often when xve thus wait we shall respect ourselves lUore to keep still, and let the sinner go re buked by our silent contempt. An Age of Suspicion. Tl'll'v, I !ih j , ;o.l il ;e i f sll.sl.ii !( 1 cx,n ! s. ( apt. V. A. IP -v,-, .1 ! .In '.ni' .' V. '!:.. t'.a i.'.."; .' mis' j 1. .l,a . -"i'i.. . ' !. -. . : : . 11 I. ! n .10 ! !'.- 1 1 : 1 1 - ,-. 1 I... i.f.er r ''y I.-. 1.1 -,i.,a: I :a. , . a -I I x ' l.e i :... ai.'i ic I ... I is in.-;'. . '::. v :i- in.'.- 1 i.;. -I .1 1 . 1 . ltd. I i:i, i. no -n i ii -n...-;. .','. Viv-..n'- I'i:- .-.i.---i ri 1 1 - r 'v .nl' I '1 I :.!. -i .-;,.;::i.; 1,-c.,i, v ; . ll c. :l en - I 'no. I ; i .1 i .-. I'.,. .. . ne; aim ; : ml lili'--n-t:iiiiii' I : i'l 1 i il- . 11 . .'.:: 1! ! I .- It. .- - !.-. ilv.-- ii .11 - : !t -. . 11 I : II l'.: a-.s of I ' . i . ai ..! v 11I1 cii'i I c.. ml! - 1 ...'. 'i ii . ' ...1 ..1 . 1 ..a. ufi x - 0.1- 1 ie 1. n. :,'. ..",,! , ii'i i .c 1-. I ' 1 in ! I . v, X, .',''. loci I nl ,11,, a 11 y I. '! . Hid iV ( 1... '-ij. ; -..-! 1 ; di . 1 :. "1 I I I I..- i.t im t failing ' !l l. e I to III Ih- ..l'.U V iV I .1 1 XI- I 1 1 1 '' ; 1111111 ...i'i : 11 I'liud. I ,e 1 1 1 t.'-.e 1- tint I v ,i.' . I' liriinil l,-,l!'r I sriipf, .1 I n K 'il l.. .11 t. a c, . I.t 1 , lo l n TrryntrrsM "' rv "On"- ' '' '''- '" ""' 1 ' n-ii' ' ' "" I ' .II It . I ..... II . k '-. -I ,;.. : ic ,- .. i- . .-.. e .11 . .-t .1 : 1 :. .1 I . ; I r 1., .'jf.'ir l-'ini. X'. . 1 !',: , .... ' .: I. nl.. ..( Or. Win. II ,11 l.'l 'in I , I' I . . h.. '. 1 .i-,t I , , I - ','!', ' 1 '" l"'",'''t '""' " Il.'i'i v 'n 10 i-o'lr llll-. I'i" I., a s .-i t -r ,' !. t'.i ,. 8rM. I .-..ii in. 1 In,. 1 1 .i,,i, 1 -,i l.l in . 1 1 -, 111 ! ll '- i i- t '.. J. ).'l r. lei II ...j si'.-ii -: : -...,.. r.: .,11 .1; , : .. ,,. ,t .m:1,i,. ''Ill lc ii. i.l i ;n . ll- i- . -I .. . ii .- i," I .i.. .It- ... . i .1 .. -I . I , X I .' - I I -.ei 11 te .'. li'.- V. r ,, . .. .. t. ui '.',.. "l.li Xv- N y' . .. .1 '-'.' 1 I" i'" 11 I'lllUl'l I 111. I I.L .1 l-t li.mvil CCIviEDY -'-;:.;.,; . F ""- Vi : ii;; i;'iii;,:ii::i:;;ii,ir,i".i:' t j i l''t'i.... ,, a r!!i!d:ii'"''',l"''l',,,T;:i ;j;,'i:!!i:i. ni!!";::n :!",:t- j ' ll'i ii;l!tliiiii'iiwiiniii!)'i '; iit i.i. ii' tfawn, t" 5-i:':Vo:-Ai':4: J r.'ftr? OS I M FOP. E I.. -... i,,. : . ii i:n i.i ii v iis.'i, I-:. .;, at. ia. Sci.i' i 1. 1 etnh.Tjo, nit ti it !:i I- 'i' .-.ii. .' '.I'il.ifiiK. Si.i'.i. l.ird.'.T. i;i I- X . xx n i.inos, ..!!' llS. Soic-.i; '. tuts. Bruise. I I-'- 1 III I I -. : - . .i M l)N. Al.-I ii ".. , ' . i; i" rifTv r,".i ) r,:ntr. -.. - I.i -c-'-l-r. 1 j:.:Ji.:rSMI,,- i . .'i.i'.;:.. ! i . -1 ir. s i . i . .. x. 3 W:MlK ....I I J ll I... ' V"' fc -nr 'z'?5 v C" if; pf-.r"x K'Vjr;r-, ' 10j.lU:i..;':.:;i?!Uy!t liiiSia, pnwisitts's ci m AentS'-ricsiieiTus Re.idy To-d '.y! iosiali Allen's Wife's liiw Fook Called "Miss Riitard's Eo. III OI'M XX Vl'l'l Mi I lilt IT V I in, -, . i, To I I t-l I.. I I I .1" ' '. Ill Is 'l.l '-.'- I - N. .1 - .c . , ... v a ..- i , - o.il' 'I'l' IX.II.'lllllll'sl.l'l. .. HII X :;i 11 Till i V, I'i. ilii, li IiiIiiii, I'n. x I ) 'I'll.-.- vv i liin" I al-.e nu Hex 1 20 r.OTTON FUTURES UrUlffc.9 " I lice on -0,.,, tn. full , MM) i,al,,.u I-. I. Ill I- I . I Iii X . i i...i-s;fiii Mr"lirr. I,. ., i l.l-., k. M VX Hill I X.NS. I. A Sawing Fado Easy, I'JUK'U LlhUIMAS ry thu Aif and fV'fc pociju m iiiwrni'-' irirv-.i. r-i;.- uii.ii ':n uWii'toK-frx kadpkBu,Uiu4o. k ul full irttoiir AUB.rv I a v a l rt I I Nervous uudi i v. ptM.-iPwp, I iwm.f M.-m h-r iiwi-m. i.t f (ho .linl f It Ml, t II . I .iw, Mf.tktltf , l l ill IT'iMU i. ii m. l I 'i -Hi il.irv lt.-f.it. j fill r. . .1 I I :r . . fit f .tni I wll win! it.y I i. t i k. 1 1 . (i.tj.. s t ...In.i.Hi t tlir. I I-' 111! , l 111 i ! l'.,.i. iw ' ti FRAZER a ff m A r pa a mm A XI F R R F A S F It n L L UllUil Ulil - ra ... . .w- -. ok.il I H7 i'. Mil I I H 111 XXI.I UK, " -jaTri m-.Jc a "I'' i'i'-''i-iih'-siioiint, -4f.as5lSSiJo' s i-i'Pi-ii. fnl, s.t a.i,iiiiiii( C.-J"'- 8,1 ' " '. JVji li.l I w all El SENSiait ?7 I-"""" ' " -'r- -'i' i" J -JC L'RU1BV '"iii. U AT !. u, t"..r. X . Il.'.l V thlunllllr,:...L.t-l.lMil n ii.- en-,,.- . r i - f i - xx t K'ti.i a-, ,1 vi i ti in If : i. . i. ... I I i H.. ,v f.,i:5 a. line :lt. y. i. hi . If I Mt ' I nl I i I's Kit KK. to- -iii. c ni''i i ti i 4 i;t v i i.xh i .i f .-.i.i. ia k.r-uUtiiT iiu-j.i, o ii.t.ir. tin. l. a. ki..M a, i'i-i.m.,I -Toik. 1 l-i txMtl ,:ui Butlif I..... 4 ircitiwft (rw. ' tt. OLt'JIoX Ttt b-j t'O.. (.hk.so. III. 0t xJa.vI'7'v,', V t. m "" ,u Ai 1.1 i iri.xi; cw. ir.u.u.i. .rT' ." r. .' "'I V. Vrr, i'Tus-.r..'i.'is..i.V.'iii. ' t fir w t rm r..r o n r -t mn.i rmt- .' mM,.( I'i, s.rul li .'.U.n I n l.l In. ..rf Jnof MlN.iT n' ' : a-!'. M. .-, Ol!ErJ5. '"I."""""' V' '" -M. I'' i-i I .- . N. ioi. I', S;"v.l,'.;..o".,Vo;''. ,;'"' "' ."v'."! 11. I . Iff tu I rlf, l-illHui; s,.V.n..'::Ji,'i,-:'l'.a: $S6 Vaint::;..'!,,', lz ir 1 i : 1 v - 'r si mi i ? . ' ' .Js I ' Vl-lflTAKT.T) COTipOnTTT). I - 11 I- -i.-;v.- t n; I i nil thnur I'nli.rul I o.Hiliil..'M XTntuMW , .'.iititauii to uur b.-t fvwulu pupnlii.lsa A ! .lici 110 t ir W iim-ii. Inn-ill' it lijr W inilil. I'o I'HiT'l I f 1 o iuii. Tlir firratml Ni-.l,'l liLro-rr? Sinrr tlie fljal f ll'ttorf. f7- r- !' tt;-. ,. t . tl In- WwM - ml ..-iru m o ill.', I-, ...i-l.i.i.-1 1 0,1 .vc . las'.li.ly nit llvtno- -1, iir.i. 1, r.-.L..,..i:.,. nalur.-.l I ono to ' rvr-. nti I . I iiilaim m ioIi-i-li..' k rt ii.c.n.iti lli fna r s . f . , ; i 1 - u . I .1 iv t. itli n-r t.infl. r iTTIu it-linj lUn 11 -11 1 Prcscriha It Frcflu -61 11 rem n. fulnlii. .. i..i il-n'T. rl.ilr.ij-f nll.rnvln f..r m.inil 1,1, n.il 1 . 1. '.-.-i -V.-...II -..-cf tlie n.-n-o.-h. i Tliivt t . Liu" r-( ti it 1 '. .1 ti. r.vl Int--l-nln, lt.-'nl, mil ! uic'i,'. Is ixUn- j. - u i.'-'ii y i"i- 1 1 11 nf. ; t jr lbs tnre til Kl.tte 1 m. tt.lul ol-1 lll.tr "'' t'i).--;ou.nl l unarpamc.l. i.Tni !'. rrvKiiAxi s iii.oud ri i'inrn mi. I 1 ! -co 1. 1 . v. , . I, 'II - 1 I '"I lie. M---I. "I .- ! 1. 1 I i ''li 1 . Hi.- ium, at lifctn uniii i.r clu..!. 1.. .-t ..u Ii..' ii v i-. r-.ll, fie Cniii.vm I nti I ':: 1 ..I ruin, r nrp prrnrf I nl :...1.u-. I il, XX, 1. r I ATrti.n-, I.T -.11, M -. Irl.nor rllti' r. JI. Mi ', .It. sf. r fx. h. lit I v , n. . Dm form i'i .: p i.fl -i i ..ii i. ". ii.titi'i-.,.. 31 ..rl...t f . i :l..-r. Mi . C. il.ti i n fro ty n.i'ni-un l li lien of lii'liaij. K:i. i.'Fc 3,1. tl.i nt. 1- iiilc't umi.iiliC V-f in.-.lciit I lio win, Tt I Vi A V. I'lVKHAM 1 iiJl-il' ii.) "f Oii'linr. .'ii'. nl '. I i.'-i. ihl liv a'l lli-.i.inislM.-u Cl It N I 4 r Jfsi r.M-t-v. " '.,! I-i -V-kliMiil II A li UV.l.U l-iixOVT.U T!,-: ' .-;:rv c'-::i: for n jir,;i!t.Mi". 'V ti I.jlifjT L V i i, ; ir (xx 1 1) i V.. i1 al n K 4 : ,:i:i i I . . - I l v. 1 f . i i:,ciat .-o 1 1--. : "v !i- r li j action, h It li n fURt! CU-' ," -r fill IF D!S&;AGh$ of Iho LIVER. Tl I.e.- awa's .'i -'I n -! l! '. i isyt i nj.ortanl rr-vi.c i ' ' l .'if, -v i Ii ( -nC .ty it, I in. I j i, i . t : h .... .y ,-ti -n ... tv : . , i ! ; . . - 1- ' i i . In ecoiiiU L.J1I, cL.-cl ' . 1 - ; .I'-.. . . . " ? . - l -.i, t-Tcry , I il-.- i j --c'lrtn 1. 1 . - .- ....'.. i-. ---l- - i ' ' ' I "t- 'r- t i.ci.- rv i. :'."-.cist'-. r.i-.-i. ' i V-iv'-'J---!!-' - - i i ' . 1 i-r- t , . J llr-'.::: A: i e :'. -. ."' : C it!, TO MEN ONLY, YHiJiiU i)L'J, V"l " .'S i . s. . . ,, ...irv, . ' ' ' v i i . . . ,. , i . i , i,. : am, X . V ' vi m , , a a. , , ,-,., ni- .- : . a i . I . i . i. . . . i i,,r,, li -M . f II i, i .i '. i..- i ,..'-'. i.. i t- I.-. ..e. . ' l".'. '. , ' I .- I' i .'.c'.".i I i - i c- . VClTAiC KIT C.t r.MX.VA, MICH. -if M tl- I' "1 lul. ... ' m nt.-l. c ftSVSnH v J:,i',:.,, I CURES AftO W (, . I. . v.i.. o.n. -. I i inn, t ,t. . I I. ,. .1.-1 I i. ..i ia - ii n - . I ii i ) i 11, I i -iv ol.it Jliirnl S.o.,f l-r.-lii. i, i', lii.t.il ulira I tl x I I .1. H"li. .rl;, I.. i-ln i I Klilnt., it tl ll.l II I 1. 1 1 - lltll" I. ii -. .... l..'r ..f Olltll H M IH INI- it i. p-j tv Ant . i.w t'JJXJ Pf 7 ' -' ''i-'iiiiif.l n.J i . i : "au XI , l , .; iicimiMt. . i i f tan Musi HI Ml.FSi: fiT IhK'l 1 i ' (mm in 1 1 -ir nu ni" fi.i."n 'it"'itri in, i..i-Ml i'l. tne fiii--i I' I r- Mi hli M'j I nu tie- Tin' ihii-e iniiiit'i iH i n't r July oi vfiluitio ! itt ui i'h I ( ..uii' - ni 'I Mtti:. hi yio p"-Li if luifi', i ttir t t r . i .-si w ,mi ii lit--, Mt-rii f, i inrnjuut j r.irv. ir;irN, hi ) irt'iiuUli infui nui iin ul 1 h' ' 1 i'vr. i i'l-1 W -II N'MNtiS l)I.XHilll'. I'lil.li.h.r. j i; K.i-i I eli sii-i,-t. Ni iv Viii-l.. Sji.i.-lr rnpii'i,, 1 ivi-niy i t-iiti-i jenny touliM'ii.iioi., 1 xxu ileltam. mm, mi ti I r-.t . 'in i .. . i n.iti i. t r.M . ( t,;pp u,i.m Ft Tirn . I nifin ri f..l curt.. I . I I II- Kl 'll.l I V ii.io. 1 raobtit ( V Or t-it I INti ;n A! rriuMv I.i .'iip 1"- v. -l . -- i il ....- utUfnnaift 1 i,.ii,w . . I. i ,, , i v .hli.'t n ei. f. So,- 'l rue l"r li i .1 .1 i r. I . e . I luj liil.-lnl '. nn..ilx. CKi- l, I -..il l.-t t-.-i . ll 10 il BuUU.,: . 'i-i ,:. ' .11 i.i'.,i i . . Ai.u.c j I'i. ll v. l-iAI. , ll.l'.-. t...l.M i HEALTH IS WEALTH! I lit. I I. Wl M N I 1 F AM iMt S I'ilt TM I NT Mf l.'l llv-i.-rm, H i'fiTiiulNi-in. Nir He.i.l.ift.', M.iti .: Ii i.n'i.i.. I-n-. .l Mfm ri. I'n ii. ure tl. , t nu-It .iv-r i tt rn n . thi h If.iiU i.i mi m. .1. i I'.-ith. On It.- utm ri't Hi t H-. 1 4i ll In ( i'. Ill i:,4 I'll' 111 1. 1 . l'r irfwl I. ..Ml. I llli ll- Hi I M 1- 1, "T 1 li ! -:V.' il'.ll.tl-. M-ni i iii rl i 1 1 1 -1 i I -. i-i i-i t .; . Wf(iim- nt .! t . uii ii.i) t .. V.I:i t Ii im iv. rue. I I V I.T .'It ) .-. . .' Il.l l .' I ix I , . il.l, tM miii ii I ll.i- I"., i ite i mi. wi i li ti k r.i tiilt-i li ri'ttrti I lit- 1IH 'IU il : i - I ' I li. i il i'. II I iflMl I turf. fiir-.t.-.. I ..niv Iv (., .1. I.I lilV 4imrli liiltf N. '. I li tt-'i - I ) Kiiiil ,-ronii'l tj nltt iiiltfil In. rulnl- rPiincrd I l-".-i'- v ...-.- m-nw ' YQUKG MEN If ' Wm 1VIrrai lo t.lil.llnk Al tinu taii.u.i ,. in i,.. JAuetTlli ! tKft9fll'""'--"'- ' -.l-.n'.lllf.lr,. 10 vlCy Al I, .MSK.Jl,,, H. ilUi'l. XI,., . i t xiANiu-siMsscoi.i.i-t.K , 1 1- S ' N"""- -V'' tX...,,..-. I $72 tJ,,.!.: "Aa i-j;?ti' .Auiu.,; ( ' i 1 it.';j it.u', i.t in: