THURSDAY. MARCH S, lssi. H. A. LONDON. Editor. " Ckbtms iiieniterHof the Senate wast- unjust and oppressive system of ta - , . . , i i . ..:. I the greater part c.f two dr-ys lis a.-,'... ; eck in vuthr;n' themselves on n eoidi ' : as the veriest set of demagog'.;- a that j Ti:k t.i:.i!i vnr.i: did not adjourn j sver disgraced a tk-li1eialive b, in i on last Monday, :u was expected, hut tfortb, Carolina, We allude t:. il-eir '.sill probably adjourn tomorrow. ction in regard to the Inllfothida Since last Saturday the me.nbet,, the isanhig of passes, hv raihvad have served their eountry wish, ut i.nmniUUM. A the nalu lia.i killed the bill to establish the rail . , ...... ii. i.. roaci eouiniissioii, .tuh-h mo (wpi - deuiauded. and as it might bo alleged that this action was in - fluenced bv tlie passes Us.u dto th. m by the "railroad computes, the J ... eeuators taougUt tluit tin; d..i way of clearing themselves of Mich a Huspieiou was to foibid the further issue of passes. Rut th.ey .li t not til-a t, ,l..,-;v.. H,..i...-Iv-iof railroad .i i IMWSes witnout making ou:ers Keep thciH company (for "misery loves company") and so the bill also forbid the granting of unv railroad pass to a,,y judge, solicitor, or other State officcv. All amendment to thd bill was a.l.M.lfd niakin-' it an indictable offeuee for any inaii t.i accept a free pass. Another imiendment was adopted forbidding the issue of a Pass to editors, although the introducer of the amendment stated that he ; - their diameter. The bill to ma!: introduced it merely as a joke. An-! a change in the organization of t' other amendment was adopted that ; Hoard of Agriculture has passed th all members of this Legislature who hae used such shall render them up to the President of the Senate and pay over to the raih-oad companies the of travelling they have lone on them this session. Of course tlii. was done to prove the sinc.'i'ity C' of ;heir aclio.i in passing the bill. The i ;!1 uiiii all the amend inputs passed it. raiu7sii1y ! ai-g-course it w ill i.i a become a law. this fact no l senators to vo;.- f fharncte!!.:--1 by "a buue-oinbe fart ding the i-wtic , .f editors, of cours.' ctind and tliiitl ! iii.ij iii-.ics. but oi' pass the Hou.-o an.i 1 the kmiw ledge of '.iht caused many it. I; v.tiA nily S. i.a!-.r Kvaii.-. a e." As to forbid railroad passe- to , thai is the pui'i si bumbuggery. In !:e il -- p!act these passt; el. i- mil e editors for a "valuable con- t-rali- n ' -t-; lawyers call it). ' ciug pa hi for by ahettising the si .ii'duh-s and other n .tices of thf- railroad .r..,-ai lcs : and even if fhey were given wiilo;:: a ct-nsid.-ra-tion no L ,'is!at ui'e can con-.titu:ioi -ally pa s 'a v 1 i forbid CoX(!ltKSsadj .ll! !.!-d at i' o'.e - k on lust Sunday, an ! t! ' co.i;,i; is to be congratulat..i! tie -reiipoij. f we re gard ifcusihe iao; ;' it ;:. ate eini that has occurr d in a g ti..i -. I'l-ii Congress 1. a-broi:., lit i!i;; iaci' not only upon the political par!;, that Nutrolled it, but also tij on the l.arion tfllOSe highest iv -.- i otly '.i. Mid at tl- !;'. . lei; .11 !;.' J-;-i pie enndemned ii in ihe .n-.r .-.m ma: . lipr. There r ! - h..s i;fve.- be. fore been a Ou.gv, .. in u!;-.-L so f.--.v of its niei-jbers h: v- !-..-. i, i.- -h .-'i Ll both biaiicl disgraced itti! Iris 'ihe C sumed. -vt ihe I'jwi i after week- in a -ci-i;.i! otBceB, resnliiiig hi t 1 jnble '-dead-loi-k." as a.'t! i a c-il, "A'eek after week tin- by'.. : h li! r-rtivo- body in the world --tho digni tifdi?) Senate tf tiir 1'nite.l States was wrestling with the momentous quest ion as to who should bo i!. doorkeeper! It reVh- septes incr-di hie, and yet 'tis true. u:,d "pity is 'tis true." Tin':-; Senate w i'.'. becausp of the tiv ie-h. :; members, M'alinia'- . f IIIHI' -iblo of its lia. w In i f thoreby gave the coigi 1 :' i! :;: '. ! to the l-epiibli.-aus. It i . :-i r, .i. 1. lAle because i f tho iiun.ber of i.s pi-esiding oflicers, of whom there were four Arthur. Be.N ai d, Davis and Edmunds. - d itself ut the The Hou autset 1 by electiie.' Keifer as its Speak- l' having as its leader such a er. find imn as "Seen s" Pohe.-ion. B it the 1 greatest on'., age, j.,.. trated by the House was it.i action in deciding the contested election cases. On last Saturday, the verv hut dav of its session the House voted to ' Cook, of Iowa, in the place of Ciitts, and fluid! adjourned without any Tecision in the case of Lee ngniiift Richardson. This it:o..:ciH:d! th l.iy iu the ilci-i-'."n of contested f-lec-;,.u cases cannot be too severely deii'.une eJ. The closing hours of the House were very disorderly. The members were iu session all of Saturday night, and acted in a maimer not cah-ulatt .1 to enhance their dignity. They amused themselves by t hro .ving papi r balls at the heads of those who wre asleep in th( ir seats, and laughing and joking; like tipplers in a bar-room. A taritt ami revenue lull was linallv oamiiei u. vv rigur, supposon io oe rasseJ that is a sh un and a f,-,,,.1 U .Southern planter, wh.i registered at passed that is i slum and a fi.u.d Tn,(uon' ,,' York, as hue it will reduce the revenues of fr()m K,ll?i,con)h() c)niltV( NrtJi Car he government about S-'od.OilO.OOd ,,)nill Ci.iimittil suicide Isat Pii lav yet it li uo substantial relief lo the night by bhouting hiuisulf. " 1 A tariff and revenue bill was linallv .jrreat body of the tax payers. The! Tilt' Work of ('dst.-"::- I wLolo history of tll-w tariff uiul tux . From the New Yoik- llt-ra!... legislation, extending over two years, The Forty-seventh Coiigress, which show the total incapuvity of there- ctAi0 to end yestorday at noon, , ,. i 'will not nit a in y ci I'Uii.iiuc page in luibhean pnrtv to deal iih such que-1 ., .', . : . ,,. '.; l; . 1 1 Hid (. ongres tonal I.istorv. li vti.l lions, and t'ui'U- utter iinv,iliingnoK little or nothing tli:it itossl.t to ban to afford the neeessarv relief from an and it did a n iiuhei of things thai il : any my i-.cciii iuu miuuu t-.ui.s.uv ...... j of showing their patriotic and im oif;.K ,l.u-iin ,' V5ut. as , ocuiou .... ! this does not pay board bills it pan ; last long, nor should the people ex peet their legislators to serve with- . out proper eompeusution. The very 1 i. ii... :,. o . f .,i. - . men, wuu 1 Legitfluturcs in the early days of the ; session, arc tho lirst to leave wl'.en ; they eease to draw p. r diem, and ' those who work industriously a:e the i ;., il... , outs nm. ... ....... ; are gratilie.l to Know inai an in- 1 members from Chatham have re ' niaim d at tluur post of duty, but that j is not surprising to those who know them. ; We hope to be able next week to , inform our readers somewhat otitic ' nature of the new laws enacted by i this Legislature, but at present wp hardly know what bills have piv I'd ! H"se with some amend:-. ei-U tr- tli. I ill as passed by the Senate. As we understand it. the bill provides tor the election of one commissioner from each Congre nal district and also retains the (h '. rn.'r. the I iv.-i dent of the State Agri.'.iUural Society, and the President of th- I'ni iv: ity. and appropriates s'i'i) a Near to the Coloretl Ind.i-tiial Pair. The lb has passed, by a vole of hi to -!. a 1 iil to pay :?7" a to every din ahled soldier oQI.p State who s.'i-.'.l in the folded, rale army. A speech in fav.-i (if it wii male by Mr. Ilay.i. of lo'la . on. who v as a soldier ii, the Pnion army. Th- IIo:-s, ).; :i railroad i-ommission bill .-huilur t -..;; that was i:.t r. .!.:. -1 into tl.e Senate i:l i'e.ih-.l t ) ;;... that bc.Jy. The l id to it district the State itl-.e same referred to he-t wee';- !i;. passed bot'a h :; i s and hasb- ' ein a law. The bill to extend r !'. i n ihe is of the Wt stein N ath farolii-a railroad' has The Ifousp has j'a-si.'d a bill to j rohibii iishing on S-.n: lay, im Icr a! of on,- hundn ,1 .Pilars. The V.!! 'v ii.g addi;i -:ial trust -es of th-' i'ni v. rsily hav .' been el- ct-i, vi ' : IV 1. Husst'll. I!. Stiayhcru. Jt H W. ;V. L-:e ir. P. K !Ve. T. M II- !t. .1. P.. Mo- re -,:,i T.J Jar vis. one-half of them 1 :::, :aeu.beis ..f the Pegisiat lire. Our iPilciirii I.etl.T. N C. M. i.h ;. P It ..l;i: Tin- P-glslat -ne i si. in al.d w :'.l pr, b.ibiy re -t i f t he Week. TiiC ih lil.l ivm-ihi!!. ; at. tin ir l.o-t - ' ttel- t !i III W I-: CM et.d. P. uf. -ua; voted in tl:- -en they ill'.- O, !;; . .ire I'h.t:.: on t- 1 ei le'.-t-lli'itl isst a w. rk. P 1-. ii hand and ha, i ie. tit. r i f '.! lis i- iii be pass, ,1 ii. to s.-e !,i c.v man-. I ills e in a day now. But h;ii' spi eh makiiic. is indulged in. The house to.Pv passed a railroad commission bill somewhat similar to the one reported by the minority of thf eommitl-e to the senate and which was killed in the senate. If the hi,! becom-s a law it is i "pet-ted to has.- a ' -il .itl. nd aiice of the Legislature ih- i t d:.y. as t.ii.o te.'dhs of the m.-ui!" r-i are Slip "st'd to ! r;'.U'.';d.t-....S f I" the p. .!!-.. !!. 'ihe Legh hit lire today el. Cte.l tills tees of the l':,ivei -i:y. ' S.-v-n :, li tiolial tru-tt-r-s wevo elected to be chosen of j ersons living nenr by and who would probably Hi! end meet ings. It is rather remui !.abi' that ('hat hum. the iieai"e;,t county to the Piiiversitv, was not honored bv an appointment, while the nam-; of two "r U,1Ti' I''t""i""' "'." wen- sug c 'a v i ' ' i live i.-f the seven live ov, r one hundred miles from Chapel Hhl. The Legislature hai elected the mage '-lies. Quite mi excitement was caused when tin nit or fi'o.n .'.l,...,lnllt. 1.1,., w ,1 .',,.-., ,.-..1,;,.r.,t Livot ami vott-.l against" the riomi nces of the t .mmittee because 'three negroes wi i- appointed in hi coi ntv. It is useless to sav that most of the democrats iinine.iialely cLa-iged their vo'-'s and ticratched the j'.dgci-omb? i-s. It is geiieia'lv ; -e.ii'.ted that, this has been the ban1. '. working Pegis lature since the war. The si'jiiifc ami house uiim: r of bills have t ach ex- . ceed. il oiks thousand. Many a pag of foolseai has been foolishly and uselessly wa-t"d. Tho democrat ie eauens has decided not to materially aiiipml the election law, fH was sug gested iu our last might be done. . Z. not to have done. The single mi iiu-stl nianlv liu'ioi t.iui J ami 'o. i.t .:- t!,.t law pas-ied m the. whole cms.- t,f two veitr.-. w:i the Civil S i viee u,.-m bill, v. hich owes its h mg a, , h.w to a democrat .Vnaior, Mr. Pendleton, an I as a lopte.l l.v the 'jri.S & ll(,lll:ililll,(i f,. Wlteil Mils V ill;;:ess'l ill iccem her, ISSI the republicans found i . . 1 tliemtelves hr tlie lust tune m many t years control. ,. twin, .pure. y l''s' .. . . , l , tplesnolis. ire-iiieii; euu ; d tlie .Soullu-rn iu. sti.)us l-.v ,jH Message, in which for llif first j time in many years there was not a 'w ird about "the S.mtli. II. s ' M., is-ve hKe his s, j Jj";.;; j.f .., , . tio;i; , !..,.t . .;. thiaiic-s. ji-r.-vn, selxi. e. Tolhe-etl ii. .1. ! mainly r. ;-. 'n: i nd.i IK ,-: h;i' '.' I., tl- : !'.ll a.-.t aK'-litio:;, ii-ivin lMi tie o ' -i. i 1. ... I ... ...' . .. ,!,.,,, u .,, v :i ,-,.iul mati ;t, tij ' Pennsylvania!) and j ..i.kng ini.-r. st-,. ' the nUt ig.iora.U and h ast caoablc 'Z .-venimeut. Mr. K. it. r a', ono ar- , (h 1..:,11;;lu.,.s f.- ;l j. ,1,1,,,, ,r scs.-ioil. 1 mi'M nt . i. i.i long t q.-; i--!ic-.' coimuilties wi.t would hive be eo:i;itrv. but tro ,;i-, I., tiieir I vahiabl -olllc t. . l.-f: o!: owie.! to tlie j,,M,.rs Mr. II -bt -;on a;-' are. 1 in tin three or foit.- important places in which such a P'Tson r.aini il'.v sc. !:- t , . . . i ... i .1 i ' P-';1"'' ' ',,!,-..';' ..' i lvil;.v;l, Wi".a:'n,i-J.t have ,p..-;,,, Th- l'lvsid. :il a-. 1 S taw of the 'l'r. a -ury i .1 ! i :it :il rt vm.n . i t ne lUinl-': .1 n:'.,.i'-iis: r. fuse 1 to remit i lent I '-c :ni:ie:!d-d the I'epilbli. The t.-leS. pi oi;-i lieiiis veto. ; I.-ll.-.l- i evpi s i lit Hi s : the l i p in . .I. an I r. ;:i --i d oci '. ne r and harbor bill s i scan- pa lra i . -el,' d : il-d t! dig,!-!.-etl-'lis j thai aud id fe! ! i: i f au:h t.pri - w :iii The .-,!y tlie t'u t ( ' i:i::-:i. -'-h i-.nie-i ot th- T.-tiiii !', ';..: .my f ,!! :i im o Vs.:i .,1 both -1 '!1 av ..-let th !-,,! m!! ha-. P-.: !e-tot! c ( '' .'. '' vi-i t adem 1 1 v. v'-d.M.e ': h- t'u t W (''. It 1: 4 o IS ,1 1 1 - i- v - -I h .1 thin P 'IM I t . st U-s; it :;.'l to l:-e of r- d Old . l.-f-IS.' rcfil-e M'llu-i o-dd "VI i I i I 1 I I- ,;I.:p s ,.f iht- ! a Id a th- Ion.; th ,1, 1 I..I tl : chtl-r.'-i. ilit-i l a: tax , part i- so fi 1 ta.-s but re .o!!.',-: Is. v t ii:".' i P i P i -i'-r , Ti ¬ t.i-; i.rt-: f i' ill-:.. - the - t; w .ii.-n pp. i: i:i:,-i ! -. . . ' ihlee .leV-.i- f l .-.-s h; :,.,' - diiV... ent places i vhieti a. -. -oi ding to the stiitciuent if e':p.ft'. will lead t more Treasury appeals and gei-era-uneertr.iitty than any pr-e-ding t iiiT. and wl.i -h v. i!l f. the imn; !;:;'.- al telitioll ol'tll-::it Co::e-s-; t a in -w rei'i-.on, an i thus ke-p all iinles trial entei'iu i s in n stale of ui.c. r tain' v to a. con,)'!:' h thi n-i-e oi legislation. s- ei .i !.''..' tie' n-pub'.i ca.i -. a 1 pie. I a gi .' rul'-. vi..: .-i jii-ee.'.h-nls ef lie- I! -s. . a- i. in Me. as Mr. Tuck- r a---' '.v i e;:,.-i: k-i. .:i thi i r-p.ib'.i. au tag rah .d a collecting more than two hundred tiii!:i"iei of ' d-irs ,'r .mi the peoph-. w'r.hout allowing til" ll '.:!' lo cm si h r it an I aim 'st wit'ioiil ailo'.vi-:,' it to bo read. This i-i the bi". f and had record of this it-ii.hli.'-iu ( ' .'igre.--.. li show incapacity in the patty l-.-.d is to deal with those b i-iin -s auors w:... h art to be h-nci-.'. '. i'i tli- i. l hug 1 lii fore Coiigi-ess : it shows n p-,.p. :. sit y to eti'ava'.'.i".c- and jobbing -. i li.,l . a 1 st-.-.-'ig as i biive got be yond the e i-it'. l of the upright ni-la-bers of th pa'.y. and a reck! -ss dis regard of the p.-..; !,'s comfort and wi h'are which ie.-ists mi the retention of needless laxe-s and opposes the ino-it in cess.irv r( forms of bed 'aw ,. We shonld lie ,orrv ! helvv- t!i i! the next I'ongie s v.iil ! as inoiu- iieteut and as wii'-t.-ful as t'.iis ni:i -t f.x,,i,.tlp W. rse it cannot C-mg-'sS Inn Hi'jn ( i .ii I .!();'!) is a f.-e to (illi't.iu's l'-.vver, I'liaihs '. II. Peed, for .1. h iiiling I. im. I W Pratt, j .-. si,'.- . t of li e ban!. I of Mobil.', whi.e i't eiiipii'.'g t. pi.. ' I etween the cim of a f-e aht tian. hi ' Poui.-ivdii' ilejM.t, f il and wad run over aud kide.l mstautiy. - Sing Lum, a Chit.rso r.inrd.-rer, I ho was to have be cxeeuti d I s: j P.iday at San Fran- i.-eo, Pal., liung- j ed himself in hi cell during the turn- poiury absence of the guard. Our Washington Loiter. , i N. C. Aulii'UI.'l Ex.pki.imi;nt Station, I Hl'LLI tin No. IP irr..niourr.Uur(.rroi.p..u.lpiit. j The following nit dye of ollieial Washing ros, D. C, March II, ivl. j samples of have been coiu lYot.ctioii w.i,:. tl.e battle i i tli'i P" Sialion Klteo Jatiuuy I IVI.TISI. ... i.. ll.C.lUs III III .Il ' Hon f e i i si mm salt whippe I into i the p.i. Jv't i 'iu' (;..- h u -!ai t.'f iL--.11.-1 in tiie .o.l.-e and xiccn pub ,1 , ! I'ii: g U.n .ugh i: iry I'.'i'ivr 1; ei .'.dim l -alive li t . e I ouse might in lie sehale 1 ..- most .X I . oi .il in a ! if' i' ivc ,' .,, n,l.. Tv leto iiun-eoiiciir I . allowe 1 to vote tin- Oilier vav. I-,, ' .1 'il1 te.My a in j ; i i t v w.'i !! have ! m U d for Ihe h il as is ca'ce fr mi 1 1 it; ' i .. . i... i.i . i.., .. - i . , ., ", .. . , .... e i. I'UL iv iiui lil t! 'iimuc i up ior I. ,. .1... ...I.. ,.., I. I in. J ' . I 1..L L' 1 LI .9111 II D ill 1.' it 1.11. Kll.l . . . . .. : . ......, ..,. ... , , j,', Pm,lliu,.,. ln,l ,1,,. ,VM,:t - , . , . , . ;.v -n i. ifpor.ct from llii-i m -c..l.ed en ifei . in is H"t a re-i-i u worth talking ..bout. J-nlge Kii'.ey and those act ing with loin pu-fi-i rcl f.iiiiire to I he p i, ' f any lull that I.1Y eti d lie lo'"siif Ct-lta.ll in'eresls I Lit oe ! i ie 'o pi o i ct an I f i v- .r. Tl.e i upiiol !. .s I c"i fx ediie.-'y ).. 1, ..!l ''(!.' v.- t (t,,- lim.t We: k I f ;l.e tiling Coi sc-s. J o.rlcii.H . . . . . . . . ft... lae i e n p i,-K-o, ami an ut ' i oui- Hi-ali i iM ilemi i.'. lias pervu. ie.i inn win l.'l ip' bi g. The evening Hfssii .us pp-i.M.i tub" isp'piallj inter, sting , 10 v.sHois, judging from their eagr- . i.e-'i Mi -v :.l ltiii:iZ up the hill. The j h hi.-o draws bis'. There is morel slugging r p T t e, t i.'Ht'-j m. i.t. au I -p C'leilhtr ol ut. .iv in the, V T hell-, tiiati i-i tl.e sella?.'. Ti e r-t-nj I he lit lie- they I tc. ivti; on s icii "if e-i iih. ii'-l ihe mi lit ii pes : eiitcr fill v into the spirit uf the pio 1 -i ciii.--. A iio.:. t her ti n sh -.v is h. ttt-t ihl'.l -i . lI'CUs. ' Y.-ii wi I See ' a 'r.-ti: ir .not an.! ii.'i.Lev tine from no.v on in the h -use," was thn inf-'i iieitioii coi-li.ied t onr eorie- 1 pendent i a: in lie. w. i I. I y a vcii-u.n 11 use i-itmilo i-iic ; and then !n- a dtfd, "Ai-i-iit a in d id :. i. I lil't m.-mbeis .re going oui. p-ii.aps ii, ,-er lo letmti tgut.i I C 'i gle-S,4;.l:d I.i If teil'hs of li.eei "i.i have s.ini" j el I f.- al.d .1, a h s In !... lo run 1 loehiii the, last 111 .e.iivs They 1 tigii imp eaUi -.u in tin inlt it stii. : manner, v. u ciii t!. i on i oil it, and tHe ga eli. s ii,l ba-.- fun t nough Ie l-o,l a iife I no ." lit W,.s Mghl. Tin.' senate ild II -I io :;s much us I'.Ml d ill th: y of iarii oil' pi a lire I lips hir ing th vtie.iliMn. l:.e pi. p l-iti 'ii or a V !' s i e- j.-iik inp aj ; . .urs to have li.hiii tiia i, ti.ei- will tie no :. o e M s i-.ippi i iv. i i'l'i n s to inti-.f, and n-:tor i ai'r.iatl P, plij ct w..s no! pits... I. Mr. A'. 'i i ". I 'ri ilc a pr- p-.M- ! a s:-.- ;'.i I. at !, but a p r p.i w.b !-:. f.d la t he a.l l u!' ii ip-,,:.- pr t n I- :i ...n ". 1 g . i e ( in ai'.s -r til' A.-iicu' ii'- ' c--!i.ite il p it- s s.e.'ji ..'i .1 by Si I. 'lair lug. ills in i Mi. M. !-;s,iii. T - s . .i l i i,i; , , g ! -ii V ie, .:. : l.i.l, v P 1 oi ;h ..Mh. . h I'or K id.- a 1 in's n:e f,:i ir ; i,- its - p: -'1 n.'.lllu if ei eiHi- hlK i- ! i iK as a i:i i"t of ; u: r pi.ilv. . ' !, u-e.l its' (in l-.- it. .1 ..! -it town H I "si. i'.pi d," a-, lin y b it th: p -i ved t I) . P 1: is lib.irhig :!-K .1 : i- ih- if h. l).,ls. ut Wi .t..i l i l I ! :an i ll ii t:,? I t'l-r ll't-i i d l:,Mt v;r bid sc. c e 1 in in- !;- -cl.tV ll If. th-'ll i II lis'e ! !:c .fi) e ' - .1 boi 111. Ill, In.i l.-d hi- g l oil .;- 11 '('.. g '..'III HpjK ll l; in ;i- r 1 . f CO ih I n. ; In' ; ..- !i in. I it n . IP- I 'mi. th !.-:, ;! il a . '.. - I o f l;s.. i thr.-c bv 'he I.I i.f ! anv d n - I ii.t. h V. t- 'h I.--'; v.- I the ook, . 1. -c i.t: i n P . :,i . H t :i' l! is , li Ie. :',.. . to p. .'! :, -i fevve I iv i h ai. lU ( .'.I so. B I for I t! at h -v:l h Ke ero'-vd. . . i Ii r t-vi'i lis. I siieii a . heck as Ib'ttlell e .ct iliid. is tht t'u st ray of C"I,ho'ii : i I hey leive sipn ' "d out of I. is -. ii.-o'iv . Bu, ,, .,h. r of f i t , !--.f. rl's 'I.t ial, which every i a-.- i.ts ;.s H i.., does n A on a -i, i! t-lell in ' he least. The f ct .t ! , I l-i! d's I a-i-.M whs v itte - jeto s'u;. t-r even ii to u (-h ek p iv b'e : i ll,' fid I !;' v Ii-in.- been 1 : '.- . I':,- n f:.-a! of tl e V- : ; f.i- b ks ',. d - i . i .! 1 1 .! ii is ace. ptf I ns pi-, i f i. .t. -ii .In im.i'i, I'.s !. eiiuii y 't g-ir -.- ' .mh : . ' -in ,:t - The oi i'ii ni i e. hhu ' ntiivtrsid h.-re (hut ti e for the de- p, s,- , tV l fi-C.ipe i'l'i ii r i.i-h Mi.inti bid'ire ( li p... i i f m- iiibcis of ti e j iry to ii -ii i t-1 eh iir duly, e i i . sen d . s that are Le-u-e'i I. id :n at nut n Ui:!v hS i I e.Mi.ed. Iiir.'Mh' g ti e a I t .-, i-i icii .b,:i - appear in .: I U It set II s woieiei Ml li.,w r esfiiped buri;lHrv mid leitl-V 1 le rc was a ei feetl -I.. f nbbirg u.d iilihouid, f oi. a ... .1 I' M lel.ei ! c. I I S ol tlelil'it, (lie itt'tet'l il'l'i ii - to hrtVo been :,8 l l p. rt in pie, ii'mg leeoTeiv, r-xt-ept on tNe ' iviii. nt of bi'gj lew'iiils, 41-' lie 1 1ll ;s w. ie in tiikieg what .iil le t belong to tlie-n. We even tin.) . ill .1, as in Pie c ,sc ,-f the Chnstiaijcv , j' He,-,, tht! ih tt clive suggested and ; I - .ii ; . 1 i..i 1-. i i, s. Tlio Di-tiiet ..t i ..I... ii """"""" l-'-" " u '':" "'' t c, ii io- ,-nt I i.a: I In y s, mi to Ii i v e ina ie u,i liu-ir .lining their in l U.u'.'eiK-y Hi- e;tv wt: not govertied !o any ap( If -.a'o:c cti-lit. Tliel'-es-e e ! h .- t ik.-u I.i-, time to li..d the Pisirct eoiiimiMiioiier, an 1 . i. ti-ii! l.v ili-ii x like one of thosi ', l .ssie f, lh,Ws del who went mound ; .. .. ......... , nh u lantern lookinR f.u an honest urn... If the President will turn hi, eve- ievy f,o, hi own "grand old part)" hu wouldn't tind the object of: Li fc-.aieh to dillieult. Puomo. ttiih a laiitcrn looking f.u an honest Value of lYitilLters. I CI.).- lyjJ Aeid Phosphate, Atlantic , 1 hosp'iateC.i., t lim U-s'oii, h.t, , saui- l....ii.n.......i .i.-,eo,.,,S: Av; - . ; pimspuoi ic I I i .i.i, pot i.ili ' ' I"1' c "t. ItilatiVi eoiiuiier. lal vale.- '.'2 .VS. oil a..;i!m n: .1.. i.'i- .no i mi-i h-hh .iinu., Mcinm.iii iv Co , 2i Second nr., i. irimme, saii.pi. i hi nuuiny. c uraiii-,: Avail. il. e pli ij Hone, a. t l 11 Ml p. r ivnt. liuluiivi- eomim rc.ul 1,1.- ISO. . ISSti Aeid Phosiihuto. I,. & It. T . ... I. ! . I. 1 .1 ...1. Ui 1! .1,1 - ----- , , -- I Iil'ltllll6 IV l.iuiri. I.i ntiuiu Ob.. XJt 1 1 J . , sampled ut ilining-ou, con- tains: -. .isl plios acM U'Jl, potush 1 S!l iier cent. lb lallNe com- lueiciitl value f 22 O.S P.)i") Amiiiolilaletl D.s.solved Done, Jno. M. i tyinaii ,V: Co , 2 I S. c md S t, P. t tin. i I'e, Ml, sampled ut Shelby, (Miliums: Available plios. ueid ',) i-l, ammoiiii "J 4 . p it .sli H per cent, le-'alive c.iiiiiiiei eial !!5. PiLK) A iiiuoi ia'.'d S.ibii'ie Nawisaa fuiaiio, N .Mi-sti (inaao (!... Witmii-g-loll, N. C , sampled at Wdmin-toii, contiiiiis: phos aeid ti-o-, ammoiii.i '.' io. poi ihIi 1 2C per i b-iL Pelittive coiiiiiieii-i tl Vain.; Ji'J 7 00. 1 J.'s Standard IJuuno, f hcniii-d Ct). of Ciiilon, II'J and 'M S. C.i iil 1 s St., H i timoie, Kiiiupled at Pa ii noa.r eon tains: A Villi, phos. . a-h L'.iS:i a 't.i O il, a inn una 1 Ol, l p-r ei nt. li.-ia ive value j jmT-.P I l'.iJT. P.onc ic Pi i uviaii t'iu uio, i Ppshur (Iiuiio Cn., N u f.'U, V i , sump el at Siioe Hid, cotilail.s: I Av ul ii'te j I n-., ut'i'i -,l liii, iimuioiiii ."I (H p "ta-ii '.! t-i eeiit. K litive, colinii. ici.d v.-ilue f :i"i t'u) l.s.77. bl's I'.di I.t SlipelpllOM- I pl.atc of Pi n-, Uia Ih y P.-ri lliziug - Co., 21 Kooy St , 15 'slt.ii, L p. Dei-I i-ch. i h A-e.i. S Cli-nles Si..' I !..! e. sin. Id at 1 1 i i ..( il . c.i.t i-.n.i: --AMiilablii phos. nci l'S lti Miiuiioi.ia 2 (i!S, potash 1 77 pel- cent. lli lanve eomu'eici d value $:I- 10 P.I7:!. H. itisli Mixture, P. B. Whit - m.iii, I'll S. CLaricS Si., Baltimore, sample I ut lMii ham, eoiita-.n-.: A;.ilal l-i phos. i.cid 7", amiiioiiia ' 2 11, pot ash 2 ;VI p-r cut. Beeuive, i-oinin v ilne j'2'.l "i:. ! l'.MiS l).:ini'U. I .-. luble B Hie, With ! tun, WIiii ii ii A; C , Wi uiii'gtoii, 1 ifl , I sia'.pled at Sal .bury, eoui. ins: ; A v.j. able phos a id 1 1.7',) pi r ri'i.i.'ivs .' iiiiije cnl value j:j;i ")S. : 1 i .". 1 S t.ivt d B'.l.e l'nosphute 1 of P'.ii.e, .1 .hi) S 11. cse .V Co., ll" Si.uih Sti'eet, Pnltimore, sii;i:phd at' Setlliy, conlaius: Avail ib phos acid lo "", jo'.itsh 1)7 perc.-lit. ICul- a', ;v - coe, Mi.-i end v:t.u-- iJ'PoS I.I if. P'n.lii Acid Pno-pl. Htf, W , C. Pec c. C '., Ag. Ills, ChalieSloll, S. ' I ' , s.i.i pi- d ut Co. a- ud, c 'iiliiins. I Av'i'.iib.e p'.ios. iici I lO.IJit, pota-di j 2 "I pi r e -i.t. pi'laiivo comm-. rt i .1 ! w.' i. iJd'J.i. j It'll) i:cell-liZ.l Soluble Phoe phile. L mg A llg bile, 117 S (lay! S' , Bdtiii.oie, sail pled at Wibon.j e .iiliiin.-.: Available ph-'.s. ail 10 -2!) ! n-ioii.a 2 .) i r c nt li I. it IVC miiieiciiii vi.lue ;'::iJ.2T lss'.i. I-'o uin 's Pi i-nd. lb-ad A C.... Bo P.Ic.lIi. a id D21 ft' e d. $ I,! (J. 1121 Nt w V.. k. sonple.i at'aii.s:' - A v'.i,,.b!e p)..,s'i.i i 2 (2, poiusli 2 ll) P.-niiivo com. i en i -.1 ahit ('has. W. Papvi v. Jr., Pirtctor. A KtiollA ''unit. t'l.'l!, I1.. .Neu - l ie. t I I IT. A eas- wl ii h ; vz'-s the 'a x ris i-,a ' - if .1 c ii i : on ! e . . Al III. Y .il oro H -i si ti - olh i I Llit i. il. -i- i.t- it ii - li.g ) ft l.:s i 1 0 --.Hi is wi h I.. I s . ii si.b- th- .h- i- A ! ,-r porter took i In sh-eH down s' ,;: .. t i ' I.!,.: !." th- t-i, u -eii.- t a :u! - '..! ie'i foil ids 'Plies I, !- !'.( i l mi in 'i,i, The b i,.t 1. ft tLe h-i-s ii the f':r-l l! r while h went o lo. .1; efter some other n.att. rs. A "in. i' ;.l oiit town" came into the hotel oil':, i where the shoes had bten placid.!) was aecouipunied by a linn .log, the property ol an j i"iiil!' tit iie i)ler i f the' Ba'.-igll I'ltr ! Tl,.- dog mi:v the .h appropn ittd ol,e. ih voiire I the kid top, tht-u re i iu in d with his casuid human ac .,u:.ii:t'i: ee. () i the return of the' p"t ' er In could not tin I the fhoei--, ! in,. I Mil-.poili'd to Ihe 'U's', wl.Oj e ii.e.l.wn and l.iitiS If in.ngedi: j siun li. I ll ail' i:.e li ii : c I t It sic n s wire found Thin danniees w. r deiieiii.ii d. B:i' 'hov:.s ihe pall) to Idin.e and liablt. in the inaltt-.i wi'.s ihe (iilcstiori V..s it tl hotel pr-pr e'or, the pmter, the m;ill who oviiic't Hie nog, 1 in- man wno nroiigni the .1. to tl.e hotel ? Il is a 1'"'"'- j lion P.iW'l D.tvis, i f Illinois, was) n ai l ied at Pavett. i Ie, N. ('., ou hist 1'iie-ihiv. io Mis Burr, a r.-h.tivo cf . II n V J (In. n. 'l l,,. .,i.iiIm f.iili.,1 (o eonfirm the . . . ... Mill o litn ( Ills ol .att AlKlliHoll as I P-'".sier a! A-neulle aid P..:. K" a, Marsbul of the W e.u ru , A b-i.-ket el orange carried iy n ste.i lien 1 1 1 v .ua Wart ix;tm.iiio by the Ne'V Velk i- s'..m house Mi f Ui.d lo eoiit ue. ti'IU p:t k.gcd of eig.ueit - h ai.i 4.70:1 eigam v v,, ,,!,, P IC ,t,.i l-i.-.t nCli.-i' 1 acls m one eoinpciiing Hi" libigna li n of a IPui-e Meiiogi ..p',,er in or I. t u, ,v iii ,,!.ew a siu.ciiie owing i lie inStlVi. bi lrtceil tlio luteliug (f P jiigr. . D u ne t-i,. I',.-1-. si v. nth Ci.ngrcs. It) (iTil lulu uiul j ' iil le-iolulioiis l av. lai n in'r..,lii". ,t ,u the t'V-i lioiH'S i.SlUS iii the lb. use and J.CiVJ 111 ill'- S naif.., and of these N"ri hvii bten ii.tio.luce.l in lUe House ami a.w in , (he House and ti.iV in i.,,:,.,, I lie Senate Uiirin jus. l"-d- I" iiu-joniy of thtse nuiu itu tlie com they wire rdc-m-U. (he Senate during too B.bsleti wi.nn mo uouse. ii'' "'!;:;;;;;;;;;;,;;-;!,;-',,,,,;,,,,, n,,,,,,, lljciimu i-a nin i Miscellaneous III order that till may be able to use Baugh's Special Fertilizer we are now selling it direct to farmers Re;jn08d vholesale Prices for Ti'izq per Einglo Ton Three t:i) Tens for - tvu n ions or over . . i I'''1' Tim of "JittH) lbs. in good bags of III .'III !lllS. We (i.iaiuutee the following unalysuir Ammonia - - - - - fj to G Ter cent, AVWI.V.II.K UoNK I'lIOSl'IlATE -- 10 to 12 " 44 Sri.iMi tk or I'or.vsii - - - 4 to 5 " " This iirtide has been uhihI for years in North Caroliua with excellent resultfl, and we think ii. will pay a'l Totieco Growers to use it liberally. Addrtas all ordefs und intpiiries to BATJGH&S0NS, J.immrv P 1SS.1. :?m. AMIilOrjIATED SUrSBFIZOSFIZATB. ANALYSIS. Commercial IVrtilier u;J3. j Keeeived from Commissioner of Agriculture in Air tight Can, Water j 212 degree P. 17 22 per cent. Soluble Phosphoric Acid, C.d'.'J IJevelted 44 Total Available Insoluble Nitrogen lUash H,,N Commercial Value Per Signed, M McfliiKi:, (.'omiuissiom r of Agriculture. ' e Will sell til ihove Kirst I 'it the following 1-nv price-', free ou board in Baltimore, ll) ton lots $28 per ; ton : ton lots S2') : less than ." tons dll ; we also olFer at lowest prices a j t'u 11 line of A? ! !MCP P l'PK VP f HPMIlhVLS, for making Ilome-Mado Fer- . lilicr. Send for our book about Wrvl. Ju-i. 1 1. iss:;. t r. i XORUIH. WYATT TAYLOR, COTTGrj CCIvlIZ2SZ02M rilZnCIIANTS,;n. a-. c I'OV-I JNMKN 'H Sol.Itll!:l), IIliillllsT PlillK AM) 1'IIOKIT HKTCIINS ( i t'A U AXTKI.Dl Fertilize Yocr'Beal if Yon Want it lo Fay Ygu. l.-iilU SACKS AMMONIATPD AND A(Tl) PHOSPHATES, Tl.e Best 1 l lili.i r Made for Wheat and Oats, Now in Depot Keady for Shipment. Son I vour orders io -NOi:iIfi, WVA'I'T V TAYLOlt. lial.'lfj'i. X. (-., S.'i,ii'inlier 7, :iis-J. liALKIGi! MAIiBLE WORKS. u-maiiUBMoim I W. DURHAM, 1-MYKTTKVII.LK SP, IPVLKmil, X. V. DEAIEH ITI m m mm emits II K A PS'I'O N KS, ()i:!I-:!ts I'h-'MI'I I.Y I'll.l.Kl) ANt (Ml. lilt VVIIIIK Foil I'll EmuTsstus U!,-!Ar." CICLLY J,L.ALLE200.. JAVKi TKV1LI.K, X. C MANPFA'J.T P.r.PS OP I - A N ll -s ' WMOl.tJSAI.l-: AM ilK'l AlI. Ii-:.V1.EI!S I -in-, ; Furniture, H Mi, Boors Kiill(li-rs Matn-'ial (iener.-tlly. Pactoi vim Mumfonl Street. Sales Booiiison ( been and vlillespie Streets. 'i-i ii : WOODS A..D TltflBERG OK 1 vi I pjin.i , cl.uli. il 25. "Tho"i "f sii.-h frii-m lnBlinm Hint mnkim tlii-'il ii -ei's-n i,.. I- Uii vry li- wrvlco Unit lln iul..- r. . r 1 1 1. 1 n,..i nf llto South tun .In llii-ir.s.M i-s.-Ni-w V.irk W..rl l. Tin- very lliiinr n. . ! I. A V,". ) luip wmk tor Ulti S.Hlo " Wllllllhliill S Hr. "A tliiii-ly riiI vuluul.lti iiilill'-ni.,ri. Mum .rev. i.f grt-.n Kt-rvi.-c i, Uiti smu". " -i'li.n!..ini .l.'iiriuil. Mr. llnl.i linn d.,nr Hit' smi n urrat st-ivl.-e.' l lt.--r.l-r. "O' nu ll Uioreiith cx'-'llt-n' o Hint It tliwrv ,. W.,.i ,.r,-ul,i-.i,.ii,"-Niw.livill.. iTiiiu.) ''' tZ" In '"mi. . llnlf.1 linrirT. Ill uiHlim 'JT-j im'M hi. ii. i urii'.- Bt,.l l.fii.elfu: y i-. mm iiiiie ..r ,... i... u'I'l. .,:l I,, r.ilnrfi I n.iilM Il,.tllil,l. .,r Hrii,. i y i. .ts.-ii, , ,:. nay. wti.i mny i I In .iiiAir.ri,- "ii ( u-rm I'T t'liln-r "f Hu- iiieli-rslu-iii' l. If ii . ti, i, li.-t I a: your lorn) li--.k atrc, miilli-t , .M i ;u I on n.-iMi.'. ,.f Hie I'li.-f. l y i:. .i. .v so', i'iilii.:ii-r. I' ...Us.'IIi-m and StatioiiciH, Ni'.W VoitK ; ou P. M. II ABB. Publisher, Kalcigh. N C. Fotiranry is., l -sil. T ATI : O P NO UT 1 1 r.VIK) LIN A t-l UATilwicorN i V-lsTiii:sci Kiii"B('t iir. II ll Willi- 11. Hs a l l'l-.lH'r.l-.T of r Wltson. .If i." I, it,: iin-e ir--,!- ,1-ia, II an I "; s, Tli - I- ." I I"'' I"" I "v "" !'I"""U" ''T "ii ll ii .' .' s. : a. i.i, -.- "f In- ii eiiii.t'r.i:i"ii. hi. I li , e.lM 'B III'' I'- '1 'I '. II,'- -lll !. IHl.k". ,,,,,1 ' .ui.l wl.i- liom -ii'i. Kil l ".il eum a-ii. .1-in.i, Kvn.y. J"i"lli'.n. I'll'.., . m,y. "'" """'T? .., r,. ,..,,;, .an.-i i.. nn-i a.. r i li ,'toii, Hli-1 itiiswr or .u'liiur ... inn. ...... -,-..- M iicli i, 1M Ws. . u vVi,(IXVif .'.H.T' .US, f..r U.I, ( Hill s, f r Al.l. - P, SiTt 1 Vef MrCyJ .IATI I. All rt.-:,.li nil) i-,. i. -I wnl ...a 'Ay iVtN' V r7s Y- l.-rnin ii.'d I nri.i M-iil -i'niin..l n.-tnjnn ll.-l i-irt.ifi.1 'il A ( l" IfA V'yltoC'ilianxt t r ,i.-. I;, i ( i i -, t.;::. . 1 .U,i r t H'i'. i fMlt.tmmm Tl ' ll Xl' hit, .! ' riilv li-ls. . .1 . 'C.i !" oiJ ' '.' i to FOflU SCtBS. i jt ........ , , ,h .-.. i. i.-i i Advertisement". for Tobacco and Grain, of North Carolina, at tho following' Cash: - $ 35.00" 100.00 - jj.uu 200 !bs. each on board cars or vessel 103 South Street, Baltimore, Md. BOS" Kai.i ioii, X. C, April 21tli, 1882. Healed : K M lhjual to Bone Phosphate 18 60 2 f.S 4 5.C3 P'.l.") 44 44 Ainnioiiia 2.37 2.17 Ton, (2000 lbs.) $35.75. CHAHLPS W. DA1PNEY, Jr. Ilaleigh, N. C. Plitss Fertilizer, (privilege tax paid,) periilii DAVISON &. CO., IIS V. P.mii.ard St., Baltimore, Md. m mi Honrs, T A IIP K I S, (.!. SA nsl'-AiTinN (HTAUANTEED, It I-: I 1ST AS.l 1)1 sKiXS. & CO. Rochester, N.Y. Chicago, LOOK HERE!! EVERY -31 AN Ought to INSURE AGAINST FIRS -IN THE NORTH CAAOUNA HOSE 'NSMIICE COMPANY. This C'.nipmiv Ii.-ih l,.pii In itui-i-Mful opersUOD ("t r..urii't'u )i-urn, and Always Pays Its Losses. 11 It silt,', ami jt'ilvmit, nii'l ,nyn rnmU)r all ll l lllili'S. All .-I.isrmi nf Insiiritl.l-i ri'iicriy Insured 'ii inrms. Now In tho llm to lusural ! 'or furl I, it Infurniatlon pily lo IP A. LONDON, Jr., Agent. So.wml,er 1, lKSl.-3m I ITT8UORO. X. 0 CIIAXOE OF SCHEDULE. To tkf t'(T.i.-l 100 a. in. aumlny, Mny 15. 1M1, Nil. 1 Loiivn I No. J Lti Kulelli, ejiiy, Al.i-X 7 l- i in llnmliit H li'. p in l!.'M-mau h :ti . in Ki-vKi-r h .,: i in 1 llt.i.' t; p m M.uiiy V 3'. p m Ciinu-riia S Ml . in Snuixnl 10 i. i. ni oci-.'.-l 11 17 1. m M-'in-um 11 :it f in Merry ('Bk l'J im . in New lllll 1J .In p m I A piX asoam Il.ira a il m SM in 4 III am 4 1.6 a m iwam twain a.tam HI a m I uo a ra lliim Ni-w lllll Mt-rry Oiik-i .u ni.-uie OiMpniil Stt.f.iril Oiini'i-iin 1(1 U.-rl Ki-vncr Ai rtvii llHiiil.'t, 1 16 a ill I Arrlvo Balclgb, 30 a. in 1 03 p ill enry 1 41 a ru Tniln niiiiilM'r 1 ctinm-iK m Hmnlrt with C. C. ll.illw.iy f..r clui-lolu- ami nil miIii'.k anuili. Train inonixT -i i-i.uiiwtii m UnleUli wlili Ui llalclgn k (i.r.iion f..r nil 1...IIU- n .rili. Tim 1i. ul Kn-lu-li! irnln, wl'li paHsmiitir ciiai-lt aea.-lit-1, livin-a Hal.-lcli nt 5.00 u. in. auU arrive al '.,:40 u. m. JOHN C. WIN'DI'lt, Suporlntendenl. a')KTr.A0K SALF. KY 1TI- I...-..U,,.ll il,.i IhI . lav. . f A I o 1 1 . IHH. 1 Kill Hl'll al , . . . t .iii,.,,.i for ll' III" - I. rt Li lirrtlior la I'I iu hu'. N. e. "ii SATfltl'AV il.i' l.'Ui (lay l V .i . li. 1 :l. a na.-l "f Inn I In llaillry i(tiililp. on lu y fr.-i-fc. on whl.-li 1 almaifil h mill known a-i l.e k' mill. n U"1nliiB li'' Inn. In "I A. 11. Cliaplu, J. I'.. !.''irnri'i,rl.'.l ami oil. him. l-Hli. K, 1IMI. '..) TIIOM.I J. (XAI1K. LAND ';ni:ii it si-m-IiI v. ami WAIU l:N IS. lii I IOVAI, IIOMK I t i '.il I I 1. 1 11 ICM ' nil knill i.i MM semi' tvnelit nt. I li-'ll. I.ira s . k ie. I iiioiti.-'i i-..n:i--i i. ii-1. i. -.,.. ! 'o.-.i.,' I, I.' 1: iv, wrl-n A. A. -rllW .

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