fy (Chatham Record THURSDAY, MAY JL1P83. H. A. LONDON. Editor. fan Riots in the Northern States of (he Union we of no frequent oeeur fence that they do not eein to attract much attention, and yet if they oc curred in the South another 'lUcon ftruction" would he threatened us. The moHt turbulent portion of the United States is now north of Mason's and Dixou'M line, it is attested by the liitiny of bloodshed and ' Violence that are there daily enacted. In a ttiugle issue of the New York Herald, one day last w eek, w e not iced any number of murders, and in addition thereto three conspiracies bt "striking" laborers. One was a Conspiracy of shoemakers on a strike at Marblehead, Massachusetts, who attempted to assault two u.m-union tuen, but were prevented by an em ployer, who drew his revolver in de fence of the non-strikers. Another toas at Troy, New York, where the police authorities claimed to have discovered a plot supposed to have been concocted by striking iron taoujders to blow up by meant of dynamite a tenement building con taining sixty inmates, among whom are a number of non union uiolders. And tho third was the most serious fcf all, being ti very extended riot among the striking coal miners in St. Clair county, Illinois, who ma le open war upon the officers sent to restore Order. So violent did these rioters boconio that tho Governor sent mili tary companies to suppress them, and a bloody fight cn.aied. ia which quite a number were t-hot. Nor were all tho rioters men, for a large num ber of enfuriatcd women wives and daughters of the strikers joined them and openly defied the officers Of the law. Ohaklottk is one of the fewtowmi in the State that we had in-t seen much of until a visit there last week, and it affords us pleasure to speak of our pleasant impressions of that prosper ous place. It is very favorably hva ted f:.n-acomn!crci.i! mart, being quite a railroad centre, and trains of cars On six railroads are running I here at all hours. It is a great tow n for ma chinery, and we doubt not thai more fiteam engines, cotton gins, presses. tec, are sold there than at any other pl.ler in the State. The two princi pal machine shops are ow ned by Mr. ohn Wilkes, and Messrs. Liddell A Co. AVe visited the shops of the latter and were surprised to see the amount of work done there. The Gsteeiucd senior partner possesses fpiito an inventive turn of mind and has made great improvements in the engines and presses made at his fchops. which have acquired an en viable rqnitation. The citizens of Charlotte are proud of their water vvorks (recently established), which they find to be rt great convenience. Tho private residences are the hand Boniest in the State, and many of them have beautiful and well kept laxvns and grounds surrounding tin 1:1. Tho stores fire large nu. 1 commodious buildings, and their propiielors do a largo business. The graded school lias probably a larger number of scholars than any other in the State, and certainly is conducted in a more Suitable building than any other. The cemetery is beautifully situated and contains many handsome monu ments. Charlotte has grown great !y in the past few years and will doubt less continue to rapidly increase both in business and population. The Axsnr. Convent Ion of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the diocese of North ('aii 'ina assembled at Charlotte on last Wednesday and adjourned on Saturday. It was largely attended both by t In clergy and laity, and it deliberation were pleasant aud harmonious. The very important question of dividing the diocese chielly occupied tho time and attention of the convention. It was discussed at much length and with considerable ability, mid was decided in the affirmative by a large majority. The dividing line will begin on the Virginia line at the eastern boundary of Northampton county and run in a Bouthcinly direction so that tho new diocese will include Hertford, Bertie. Martin, Pitt, Greene, Wayue, Samp aon, Cruiberland and Itoheson and tho couuties lying between them and tho Atlantic ocean. All west of the above named counties w ill retain the name of the old diocese and have the present Bishop. A convention of the new diocese will Lo held at N'evvberne. on tho 10th of December next, when ami where a name for the new diocese will be selected ami its Bishop elect ed. "While the new diocese is much smaller in area than the old one, yet it contains about tho same number of communicants. The next conven tion ft the old diocese will be held at Atshevillc, ou the 2Sth of next May. The Cuion-vtion' of tho Czar of . . I Russia. OU l:st SlMl.ilV. was attended with the most imposing errcitioiiies ! nml amid scenea of gorgeous dor and magnificence, unaiirp; prohahly hy uny pageant of the pr two lines of soldi. -;s slaii.ung arm 10 ar" 'Hid extending a disianee of i lght ; miles, and tli: oilghoilf nil the cere monies every precaution was taken to protect him from as-i's.-irntiion. ; Although Alexander III was thus crowned -Emperor and Autocrat of All the Hussias" timid scenes of such , splendor, and is the ruler of ninety ... :n ..r . ,.,, ,-,,( tin w vitlier to be pitied than envied. Pouhlles he feels most keenly the force of j Shakespeare's line. "I'llMUl)' Ili-H IhP llfll'i Hid' WINlfH ft I'P'WU." Anothek KiiLU.ivit is to be con strurted in this State, to be . ailed .i i i i i v .... u t i: rue iiiciunoim nun .u. in .aiiin;i railroad. Ir will run from Kichnioml. Virginia, to a point on the Ihih-igh 'and Oast on railroad near ltidgevvay, and will greatly shorten the distance ' from Italeigh to Itichmoud. It will 1 probably be under the same manage ' nient as tho It. ci (1. .and It. A. A-L. railroads, as Mr. Robinson is one of the chief stockholders. We hear 'that twenty miles of the proposed road is under contract and the work of grading will begin without delay. Ti e engineers have been busily en 'gaed for sevi ral weeks in .-urveying the route, among them beit-g our former ton usniaii. Mr. John L. I'owan. ' w ho ha established quite an enviable reputation i:t his pr building of this roa I portion of the Slate communication with cities. The this nui.'ii ipiicker tile Noriltelll 1 A Taj or S t e;i in boat. Among the many u-i.-s to which paper hits been put. the lal st is in b.uMilig a steamboat. A despaf.-h from Troy. New York, dated May 2.')ih. says: A tirm has almost cotnpleied a 'paper sn amboat for a l'liib-irg 'company. lis hugth is tv.er.iy feet. It has siaiiiig capacity for twei.ty- i live persons Mini a canyin:,' eaj iiy of three tons. Thesliealing a ....'.id ' bodv of paper thrceeighths of an : inch" thick. A bullet from a distance .of four feet neither penetrated nor made an abrasion in it. i . Oar WaIii:iglo Letter. Il'r 'ii . 'ir r.-h'.i.n' ...rr'.-i...iHl.in.; W.isHiN .T' N. IV ('. May S.t. The Siar rouie trial has nearly spent it .-elf and must come to an , nd soon. What, '.! l.iay have been the hopes and expectation at it earlier stages of those who d.-siie to see justice done, there is now mi almost unanimous opinion th'( , failure w ill bethe'.iMl'.i. And while luouars have been spent in mistrials there are a good many people who begin to count the expense. Ti.e time is coming whi 11 tiiat trial will lie point ed at as one of the most out raeemis and extra vacant thai t ver occurred Nobody knows how much that trial litis, cost. Brady and ids gang, as 1 believe, were and are rascals I ,-;iii not depute that fact. Tie y made money, as I believe. 111 ihe i;,.'-.t ras cally manner, but I would iike to have the holiest, hard ii-led farm, r and mechanic look a! tin i pciisc of lie trial. The gnvei nun nl has alirady spent almost as much as it was robbed of. and the end is not vet. What do the hard-working farmers, mechanics ami laborers think of payinj,' lawyers sl'it) a day for Irv ing a ease .' Is it any woiid'-r that the ea- 0 lasts months. iustad of days? If I was a lawyer and wa -citing 100 cm- jsiiil) a day. I pre sume I should not be so impatient. Hut ii is a shame, just the same. If .x i., . .... 1 i bv Ihe job instead of' bv the dav. I . iliVn.lv believe ,he trial would h'ilvt. I been'ov er long, long ago. It is said. ' r 1 ,.., ..... i',,., ,...:, 1 : I ...'i in.,,. ..,. n. i n in,- 1.1, 1. n. eieil. I lliat J5!iss is paid .1.() aday, and that , Mr. Merrick and Mr. Ker each rc- ceivit !?!()() a day. You will see. therefore that 0110 item of expense foots up :)50 a day. .Air. Ker tuiked seven days-cost .U50. Jhi-s talk- ed eight days-cost 2.K0II. Wilson : taliied hix days cost '2.100. In gi rsoll has talked four or live days, and theiH are several counties to bo j heard from. Nobody but the lawyers I seem to be getting any good out of the trial. The accused imv their bh' :;uia u, counsel out, m in,, money sloieii. and thus Uncle Sam foots the i vvhoie lull tor two years employment : of this entiro crew of high priced at-! , ii,i, ? , 1 tornes, to say notlung ot witness fees and ail other expenscs-iill fur nothing, prolmbly. 1 , Amoag the great commercial trans- aetioim of these days are the mhIch of ' enonuous tract h of land in our vves-,' tern ai.a southwestern rdatcH and ; out. ee.iturv. Extensive and exieu- ri,,"l 1 """ 1 ' ' . i ' Vv ' . , meie shell, la front win mi. olltec , rVe ia from five to seven feet hkh I fi S 1 S s ; I tfraW T-VaJ sive ,.. .ionn had been nnikin" '"pi ""''" cajntalists nave ileti'i iiuue i .f (lu, milin botlv ,,f the building. ! and bend under the weight of fullv HVilH'-kjr $ &5k sue p. p...uo,W !,., .. nun , t t before .t shad be whi,.U ,riv. photons. e.U-.. developed crai... The bat lev is about H ? " tr f.iPA IT for wee, and even thing pa-ed 1 :,, la,,. Not long ..go a tract , ri r,.,. in , ,. ; ,,. f ,;)r.,,(:f nnifor... g.owth and ff?- : li IjalH? 1 s ; without any mis.-.-.-aage or mv.d.-nt. : h:.ul u. t evn as .huge i u; slate of w (H alw , H, i ,.M. suPs.u tl,' li .. Meev.r k,w anvw!.,,o. i h' 5 , ' 5'.? 1 ii1 W& lird ilt had been predicted that the V.ar , t'oiim-etu-tu and cany halt the s..e Wt.lv U(.hv Above th.-.-e I Jlcneath the waving grain tlu. vl is i ?! - fei jiHfl' Yi tM2 , would benssainated. but noattempt ""'; '-'"';l ' ',;' v Mails was a large hay h-'t. The tire , u.il se.ded with .lover and otvi.ard r ? ' fe? WiU8. lil ft fT , , , , ,f ,v ... ' fu.rei,ie!Tns,n;rcitirns,.f ( , H..,l.lv s ,.,,!;, hat none oM.,,;4.m. W1...1 ,.e v, -r a-o was ..- f-lti . ,StH,! U was made and lie safi.v j,, O tVl.,, .,, Wl t ,,K ,.,r by u.cse vve,e saved. ' -Inongl, two were m I LiiU is now a p.radis.r of ? ?P 5 - i V 'i SgT througu the dreaded ordea.. Mdho.s .,,.,.,, tl ,,,,;,! buudu-g lor the u!., , ,, h:l. s ,,,. ; Tj. .,dva..ta;v of.,a..s c.i- M 5 ' ji! ? -"i i".- llMW3 . upon ...;ilio..s of dollars were expend- , state from wine, they secured the ilw;!v. y were fn.nucas usual, and ,,ue is lmppilv dcaon.l.ad bv a t:-: il, --'5 V ' L" ' illlilfli edit, the preparations, aed hundreds "'' . ,!".' 1,,'l " dallied Lack. No,,, el the ichns ! ..,,. i.e.: will, the farm on l!;e I f i J S I f i ' i--'i of ihousaa.ls of persons thronged 'M"ilU,,,ai' of f-'W' slors has xv(,,,. ,au,p j,, ,,. M;(1(;t. ws ,,,, iw :.hi, uf . -A f.uit H V " r ; - W-" ; llias capital to witness, he grnd 'Z wTbriwT ti "I'Y-.d. h.. wa. v,ge,,b.le nuii, ,,.s,( d here at HHHHl t,,. w.,, i. , T. . i asleep in the trout olhce. lie wa, ; ,,..,, to d.: on a ti !al tni. Jt was T) n QOODV Affent. pageant. I pon the d.iy ot the I 7.ir s was so !o tsMv d, .:w n !!;:! o! ! r . eat t,,,,J. ,.., by a poundutgon thed.H.r d, ,i,,,l b. ri:., from f:.a;!o,te to Dan- . .. Tir CuwU S t ! entry into Moscow hepa-..,,! throagh tr-t-ts ,. s::- .an.h e,,, er.-. y itl..i ,,-.. tLl ,K l..;!.:.,d hl-.t a viile in .is l.-.iu-s and k-cp..,:! of the M:".v 10- ,S"?- I,,U1- Ctj N" C' loiTHoncii u ioreiyn capitalists, ijielbeing lnvesieu. inirin ine niieei, HUCci-hd of btoet -raibCi'B and wheat- 'yearn luevious only Keventy liino grow crs upou the hitherto untouched soil which Aim heen opened to the .... i I l. ! 1 im m V"'" "J" '- "' to this country millions ot Luv.u tho owners ot which an- 1 V.' ! "H i . I -catl'c ran; into tlu Within a lew .i ivs ;(.m acre the cotton belt of the ;,;,:tc of Mis sisippi and 4(N).(t',( jci , s i;. the wooded country in the so.itliei n e'td of that stale have been sold to a tin:, of bankers, who are said to r j ' capitalists in (iemiariv. and th,c other tracts ol Hie same size m tne south land enough in all to make a state linger thin New Jersey are soon to become the property of I'ii ropr'in .investor. Oilier sales of areas so large that tiny atl, acted public attention have been recorded fl,,,,u " ti"11' the last , v ,.'.'.'...'' Thei ' seems to be nothing in these purchases of principalities of land to cause alarm. If the propi rty were to form the bases of great hereditary estates, from which no one could hereafter buy a farm for himself, the investments would demand more cartful coii.-iderat'.iu. J'.nt these broad acres are going into the hands of speculators, and in the course of time they will be hrokui up ami par celed out to settlers. The purcha sers will encourage settlement and cultivation, tin t 111 this way enrich the country aud rapidly extend the area of civi'.izati n. Their great resource.-, mtiy enalfe tl'.eni to .jive to the so.iih ti new -.v-tcni of a,: vicu! ture where it i-' most in t led. ami wherever t hey may go they will in ctease iie Mat 1' 'lis vv eah.ii and pro ductive capacity. Si long as they d not interfere with the , uergy of those who pivb r to make homes and ,,, t!: b ads for t !.rl:ie!Ye.-. u 1! lent .sr.i-.tal.ee o! wi W ill d ) much Ihv Cl'..;;ncs. ijood lll't'l " I'M. -No. The fatal Pistol. , ir: it I A votit.;,' man named I son of Mr. C. Smith. . I: . I i ! ! ; 1 1 . t '.thai 1 lis county, ii:- i w ith a sad dea: h. Week, .'til ell a-voiml of c.trryin lilaliv pistols ill his poekits. g t"" The boy worked with Mr and ou last S:;e !:;. 1 el-'- home to -it mother, w ho lived a tai.t iii tin' co:iiitrv. n ry Va!k r. is eeiplov failer and IV I'll. .nil Siilllll left early S'.ir i iv i iorni did ii"t return ..hmdav. did li"t lit urn .d.nd a v. and. i:;s h' p "being badly need' d on the farm. Mr. Wa'lo r set out to hunt fr hltii. In quiry revealed the fact that they'in- 1 iii-m had never been to his pale:.',-. lioine. and they knew nothing m' his u li reaboiil,. .V patty of neihhois be'.it' a search fori lie n.i.-.siiig young man. an. I on Eiiday la.-t I hey w.ie ri '.v ar.h d. His body. v ry much (! i iei'p ised. wa-i fone.d I v iug by a br.'.i.eh i.e.r .Mi. V,i asi.nt. A shi rt di-t lu.-e Ilolit win-;" I.1-. iiody W a -I'o.ci I v. asa st 1 nr. bei i v palch. and in this a pl-i.-: I i.al bceng' d lo ihe deci asf. I vv as !' .:ii..l. ii'.I letic-s w, re si i 1 1 to ,-ho,v t'..a"' voiiiig lad hi 1 11 .-i' 'I w'niie in the .-! la-v bei iy patch, and t hat he had dragged him-.s.-'.f I ti.e bi.ilu ii lo d'e a. one and out of l.iai'iiig of anybody. It U siipu ised that in stooping down to 'Mi hcl" si I a.', berries ihi j.i.-loi fello-.it of i.is li.x l.i t ,Xp led. the ball ,-iiiei'ile-- his bod. ii. the ing a i h'lit !.iu t lul ! l.u vv nu, I. The :,.-: hav e ocean I on Sun 1 1 and. ;'r '..1 1 lie na: an- of 1 death is tie .;;;!:! t-hc.,e ii..-s.,:,.. day. TI..-I. -,ly ! 1 Ihe vv , a.h- r lllltil tl;. Friday, v.l.e-t il wa., .Use 'Oil'.'. d. l!-.lei-li's 1 iid list t ics. , l:.-:. '.-'i v. .ci I ' M-T.-r. There are now in this city five woo l-woi'liing establishments: live 'wagon and carriage Manufactories: i 1 1 fee iron foil mil ie; I wo sllops vv here iiai'roid ears are made; one boil, r manufactory: one collin manufactory; one plough manufactory : one cotton g;iu manufactory: 1 wo tlouring mills : one candv nialiufaetorv. These , m- l'loy :o. out iiicti. , 1, ere are 11 .so . , . . . 1..1 - . . Tl 1 a i'HHf-trv t elotlutig tor ,l,e "htuesale trade, whn-li giv. s e,.,p!..y- J;'''"1 l"lU' 1V"",V' " I hero are also book and job printing . ., ,. 1 . . . . . " .tiib'.i.shmeiits which employ abmil , , ,i . , . i oieln.le u mimiw l- of an. .''I nutulcili. ..1 lii'l'iilu in iiliov.. , ,ii.u t.ot Iments. such as wagon repair shops at ...................... )v ";h '""'"'y wago,.s are made; h.,iW .,,uth h11',',k: ,1,iU"j .iM:ton"i "f . 1''t in-" 'lt... w.U-P vvh.cl, are rut, , ... .............. . . , ;.. .. ;..,. .. ;.i. ,.., ,..- .. isiwi.-, i.sj jn-i, ,i.ri ix .., itni, ii.- i .- , , Juinis Lewis A Co., etc. i The oat crop throughout the Slat. ; of Arkansas is reported excellent. r raiico is at war wi, n .v.a.iagascnr. having bombarded a town and in- vadeil the island, t -,r , , A Dr. Moore. wlu!f under the m- ,, ,. . , ., ., .. " uT ' I T ," V "Vrt at H" l T ' fll"1 -"d Samlers. litn-iicL- ,11 inutoi, enn-i,;i, uir .nci:i tot at "Wit Lin fright ecu months (!."it) miles of railroad have been iiiidereonstrue-' tion in .Mississippi, over ?i.iiii;(Mll) inilc t.f road wore built. I Vien- i.,,,,,..,. satislied wit i the small return ,i i .1. . i: 4.. s ,. , : .. l. " .... .,,),;, . ui.i inii a sncci OI I us n .ic. II. m i.ii,iioii io Kic n.ioin . assed v.clded by investment: at home. .. . ,M . Noble, on Salisbury . rlcl.l in Imrhv ..'..I rv il,a Em 3 j ?3 1 IZ K W&S&aSZSSm tff ft -HiM. aEEggrS. lis. ii.'Lini' ni nu. nil iroiii Lilt live m . i in .- t miurm-v mw nil i rur ni'i-n - t i. - u n r r. r rwrrt. I es-: Knowing that Ihetw of our ..mm-. sh,vt The wooden buiUii.- was a ' thing ever sec., in this country. The IlljflrHi U&SWSWt '' 1 V '"'! ! ' : ! 1 :y N. eo:;e!;ui,-it. h : I h ,t thft-i'd f daf r.it.l she tr;un peisf .ne b'ltr V' -; 1 , !: -''"' ing bat a few mini:-. an. I had I" c , ..idiiivs.- 'ih,:.- were Ive fruit jys 111 ti:evve-l ..-lie pa - c I .,. ,). i whiet! vv e.e t he f talis. , .,.,.1 a caboo-e attached t. the hand o t: , i..';t l ir ;. i .i...... i.. . .i ... n ..o . i Instructive Fire lit Iialel.h. Kl, n,n Sown ami Otoi-rv.' At 11. .VS o'clock Sim. lay iii;jht the j ii oi oiiare. im I h'-ai'M ashoiil and t. liin-if saw tls' tiai'ie burst from .In Iniihl'ii''. the t'" i' portion leiii; ll:e t:'st on It, could 1 ) not hin He run back but ... 1 nest riin;re noises lie , , ii . i. i . ..t.ini in , r.i : . , i l ' .1 ,li 1 1- -, 1 1 eie ; I Me cars u re w t . i veni u.i. ' I ina.ie iv uienaii ro sreo noises aitl t.t p,s-.iile tune, ami it fdc cipen Ihcir kicking, were ..Sinning. In a im-nt to d iy -roves a success, a tiain few minutes all was :;,l. and the w,ll be run re-idai Iv and n lore' felt horses died as thev fell. The build ing a ; a tinder box and Ihe frc spri a I liht and left along that side ol ttie square. The Wooden she. Is belonging to Williamson .v l'pcli:,i- h. with li.itr contents, "Jill bags of fct tt.i'.ei.s. an old carriage, some cotton tics. etc. were burned. These were on the soiithside. and the liame then des toyed all ice house belonging o A. W. 1 'raps, a shoe shop he:oiigii:g lo Council Allen, (colored.) a snii ;. simp belonging to T. I-'. Biivkwi .!. then bur, i,-d a Irante kitchen belong ing ,0 .Mis. lileasoii. a shed, and partly destroyed a kitchen in rear of the house of Mr. It. l'endt. ,m Marian streit. These buildings were all of wood, and mosily small. On the no. :;i . Lb- of Noble's stables a small w ooden sl.ed belonging to 111 ewsti r Co.. in which were stond oid stoves, etc. was burned, and next (o this n:i o.iiii.Hise used by Mr. .John Myall a a sioiehoiiM. f'r lools. , wa- -ti oyed. 'I hen a kit .ii 11 and hou-.e a s' Iii 1. 01.se 1 1 , fi jij. (, the house of Mr. lia M. ckwiih. eoi !er Ih.rgell and Vi'isieu v i,t reels, was bltrnili;;. ne of these v. a i occupied by a negro tenant. In rear of Mr. J ieek ivtth s ho., -c. tittac'm t 1.1 and forming a part ei it. was a hmg siu-,1. a ilotib.e kiich in This was e.i.ii. iy destroyed iy tin- and being puiied liowti. All tit'e fencing, logci... r v. i;h sc-.cial vvell-ho-'-e.-. etc.. a'01 g titeetitiie S.i',., b-.try sin e! sid-- .,; ,.. block, w.-,.-d -riov, d. Mi. lieclvvvil li's lims,. ii -e.f w as on lite, bill at liie hist mi iinni ( he 1! .tin s were slay, d. It was u,e iii-;i'est lire licro in vears. In ail. t .vi ve bt.i!, lings were burned. The wooden lioiis. s4 and fences I'cross Sali-biny street) cai;;-it lire half adoen tinier, but We;.- extin jjilished by Ine clicii.i.-.t: enyiac a. id i'y iiind pauijis. VI; the buildings mi 1 hat side were in imunnciit danger. Ihcw ster ,V Ci). n.a I : ai more ad their wooden La! y. and also (he vv iliiloWs of the shop. Brjg.jV win novvs Wi re all cttide d :i!id tic tear vva'i of t iie store v. a im. ns, '. h.i Showers, of sp.ilks fell tar beyond l'.ti I lev i;le t. reel, laiucden s :o: e muiouly escaped binning. tj.iid: as lite tiie splatlg ,:.!. 'ife work e;i il was sloii. .iaiij, i. i.siy s'o.. there v ere serious i ! 'iuM fi ,.m the I'.giut.illg. Krtilai'kiih!,' Use; iV.-uii Deal!;. lo'e 11 min:'.'.,- i Isl s,.l Ul-il.lV. . ! stu.! ill- ol 111,, .ing in the -. uls Faiit. . Co I. ..v. Ai Vicli t'-o-.i ili.iil! iv.o nu ; o. :o..i. a ..'Ille. ,i!i..,,... i m ui ar ; In o - 1 and !!! on epness whil'el ic. el' a p! 1 eipice ,'pe.i 1 1 1:0 1.11 u id roel.s. fi-oii, '"her p: e.fic-.1- fee; inio a . . over -." l. e! d. To ki i. him in his . 1 ilou.-. :.' .i d Ills colli - y.".:: n man ti.nu I., c. i.tiity. approacle ., - hi i s v, hen lie s i j the 1 ocKs, whose si . him i. cvn ihe slope of 1 " feet, and df l.a'.-i'.cv led:',- of r., v. h:cii he fed over a ol al. .nt M lie ot v-.-i ; vv 11. M-irie .!.i-lr.l;;,' over the loci-, c-'i'dil .oil il'most p ;.;, ,1. h s above. Iml I: was calmed 1 .11 seeing , XClt 'lllf tll l.ilu t-eramleiiig I I'l oce, di d lo out of the vvaler l.'-pi'u tliin: with .sc.iicelv.iin injury. evceiit a few sciati ln s and brnis Il was certain' v a narrow ,cape from death. Adtln'ss Vosii I.. tU'i-H ( Hi pf'ully. iii..,ii..r..' Ivri. t. l-'our million 1, Iters rea. iied the dea 1 letter ollice in the past year, and of these lll.Uil l were not 'even ad dressed. There is no'tpiestioii ah ull ihe gross careh ssness of .uuiliii.' let- t rs to nobodv. nouliere. The now .ienrei. v nior.. ........ ,..1.,... ..111. il A ";" "l,V" null in.r ot tl,, lo OOll 1. n 1.1. ... .... i .....nr ll lion Allien brought in s,uii,()(ll). 'II postal at.lhont.es so niuel, care in ; ,iU" ,,f 1,V,,," IrourMe to dehv, ,- them where they ..,,.,,. i . i... i i . , . . . . ,., . ... iiM-reu. inai u n tter , ..on ihi, siai , v cry rare'v n-oi's ... .... , . - s wrong. I he it st t tin" is to a hlress I , , 7 .i ,m"s " 1 '.I'liiss ....'..,.. .,,. M.((mil lo a, 1(.SSlllltl uft(,tl j,.,,.,),,,,,,!..,, .si(i(.s ,1 correctly and plainly. Nothing f)f rats, nioles and other dr ought o be taken lor granted. Il is . miu hut ,ie U t ,mul (lf all w;ls ....... ... .'l.iu-b, i-ouiiiiei, llllilf t'.MV IIS ill full. ! At ihe county elections held in Vir ginia last week, the democrats made great gains. A jury was siinmioned to view the body of a ic.' o wio died suddenly at Ant hoiiy's Eei rv. MiHs. M'hen (he blanket coveting body was re movci it was discovered Unit death i vvus ciiusen uy snmiipox. mi. I (lie jury "djonriied .iieiiiitutelv without a verdict. Greeusboro' l'utriot: Thirty crates of cheiries, twenty c, sites of t'c,:s, five hundred chickens and lortv tuhs of liuttvr. were, shipped ly express from iy pai'ited and stetieih .1 It is ,,"-ir-e l that a retrnlar ftui: and vejrciahle ' train be run throiie-li from some noint n - - i in lirriii'hi to New York in the short-. want will be suiirlicd. The sju rd of the train is about :l." miles per hour. A party of 1'liiiadclphia and Boston capitalists, reached here last, night from a prospecting tone in Chatham county. They have been looking for coal and make a very favorable report. I'liey express the opinion that the Chatham coal lands possess grout posMibilit i,is. and that t lie Cape Fear ,V Yadkin Valley Raiiioad will work wonders fur Chatham county. On yesterday Mr. Wm. Collins had the grass and clover in the Episcopal church lot mowed. East night he lay reaming of how fit his ,-oiv would soon be. after devouring lite af ri-aid grass but. on going after i! litis morn ing he found, to his great, astonish ment, that some person or persons In him unknown, had wilfully and felon iously rol bed him of his hard earned elovi r and grass. 'J he man who is ni' in enough to r-'b a church van! we . di hi't believe lived in these parts. A'ter twelve months of 1, aid work, day and night, il e great stone banier in the pat!, of t'te Wesfefii N' nili faro lina ieiiiioad has been loercoiue. Oil the J !rd it.-t. the Is.dsoiiio light of day i.elt tt. d tl.. c, !os.;d pile ,.f sbme known as Co'vee tunnel, ihe ra.lroa l c.i.iii-suv h as coiniui re 1 the last oil .; e i" in its pail; and onward lo tile niouiii i f ll;.' Tennessee the iron horse w id now ipetd. It will hike i.e.ulv a in nlh to get the foundation leady !'.r the track. The tunnel is .si'l fee I I"i,ig and has ,o.,t in the in ijil.orl.ood i f .-Jtl (KiO. Chari 'ile Journal : A ye-sener r 1 .'pot Is ! ..at :i It VV I V I 1 HI;;-. st,iCl . lui.r men board:-. the liain a! Ihevaul -, ou the Carolina d-mra! Eailtoad. un der tile inliilelice of liiplof and behav- e.i it I .:.' .Ils.y. I le. v ioid Hull' pistols iiis for tho fun of liie ihiti'' and io scare, h.. ,0 s. -ir. M f. M'.el'S. of this lliV. left MStl lav Li.!, of t beei ti v. Mv, t vei.iii;; for lioslou via liie Cililsl i'. eai't v iny with him a rochet full tie iiciic-i 1 ore mar !..n evir . la!-.. :i from a mine in this eoun '1 In- ore vv as talii-n from Mr. 1-' l.'.ud in Chest, ill-1 1 count v. South Ca: .Una. al a .h plli of liftefii i ! Ii. 1 'W ll..' siili .c, . and i-. tiillio.sl li.ii c .-old. A liiilicullv o.'cti, 11 d ill ill', if. .'-'1't I . whi.- d a m. IS eo--. vv. 1 ao, 01 u an. ! betueen Jlio. Has wiiiif : - l.idriet a v 1 1 v 1 ri. . result. Si adorn ;. beard, and Mr. -.vv., ll. rid eiiliiii 5i 1 half of it out. ltd :;. vi,:, '.j.,:! d 1. : :.;'. .. ir.sp 1 ic;i n. in fr .tn I'll .11 'I-; - - ' - tis't 11:1 I -I I' r shop ,' --A . !"!,. 1 h'.ve i-i nam Cal 1 v. i'ii imp' 1!' it l.y 1 r. v.-.. eid iv a:- tempted I ' cut h cum: v : ; v near . Ill Hi. l' ..;. nud I ).,'.. 1. '!. !. en v.-I, r i : r .illid I fr ::i vmi of i;v- b.v i, -h - .ii i.r .1 el pulled a Li,; he v, .1-1 goi:i:; to vvoei in , an 1 ct went .-::'. le.in 1 the infill i. il, 1 I; v-i.h- I to ,;. .-.nil .is n. 11-; i.s f. r Mr. -J.,. !v ii lo Mr l''l u li s , or:.!:-.- where he'-ti- :.-: - d h.r' -I.:' . I t . 1 him ai d ' ;e. v. ni : i 'lp 'ii ! e I ioid her that ' in i 1 '1.11 t. '1 he i). l.ll. '.i.'ll atid !id the viild. ftiih j u:d ( love behind ' her. J-.ist a-i lie canghl up with her. , she slipped and fell, and tho knife lliat was (lin.r.l at Iif-r throat vvfiitj. wide nf ilq tuail; nnd ptis-.ed throiteh one of l,r r litiiid Atlhis jiinclure, tho husband, frighte ned at the aticn- ; lion ho was a! tract Ing, left his wife; with the knife in her hnud and ran. ; The eas. of Mr A. 15. (iillespie. for. an assault on Mr. Willi',';, H. Hiiiley. ; iluring the last c-iunpiiiu'ii, w ('tilled . for trial in tin1' Infe.ior Court vester- : day and eliciied a good deal of inter- j I est. lillesiiif was found ruiltv and; ...,,, , ,i i ,., ii... . .... i f r,) nu. s. Major J. . . ". . ' . . .fs. Major J. (1. ; Ibin is who n i ntly purchased the old i s,m.v f;inil, fa,.,m.' w!(, ;l liv,v (1:V,-; p,nin yesterday. Mr. V. A." Eeevei is the ' al;,, llis ,,,,,! is (l ,,e;lt. near the cilv, h;,s a He to work eurlv in Ihe fore- , i e . , , , aooii. and lv tin, icr he had n owed up i 1 r il . i ii ' alaj tthcil tvvetitv spreading adders n.ado in the aftirnoon. when Ihe ! u-tonished fartiK-r phiwcl up a female i dog with nine bull pups nt her breast. The plow-share vvus run. dug over a I hollow lace in the ground where tin . eld slump had stood when it raked J j ;'his family. This was too much for j ' Mr. Ileeves' nerves, and h unhitched j I i lis horse, lirmlv declining to plow I fn, ,,.- ,,,..,... I,f ti ..M , 1 .,..!.,., 1 l.o could fet somehodv to vvulk alone; Uvy liim witli a donlilo harreled shot I i l'uii. as hd didn't Lnow vvhnl. I.. evi,i. f i 'next. ' lv tui.ivs of wire ', ue an I were ie :,r Miscellaneous YORK COTTAGES V.'IIKX YOl n a Bi LOOK FOR THE BLACK FRONT STORE J. (5. HRHWSTKR & CO., Harinre, Tinware. Stores. Faraini Impleaieiis, k, k. and buv your COTTON HOES. CHAIN ('!1A!)U:S. CRASS BLANKS. COOK Where you can get the Most Goods and Host Goods for the Least Money. AOIINTS for and offering cheap to MEUCHANTS "1I ,'OXT S foVVm.lt, all cra lcs. r iiowivs si'VMi.viai scv,.li. tim iii-st male K.i:rn s... 1 Kr.iiosi'Ni: 1.11,1 vi.vnnix si v, itrrv oit,s. Itr.VllMrroN chiton' mil l,.vNTr.!;s llor.S, fte.. ve. Write for j 1, ici s. We give prompt onlc.s. April ' lSf:t. XOKKLS. WYATT ts TAYLOR coTTcrc corviisiissicrvi mnnciiAXiTS, it vr.i:i(;u. .. c. CoNsiuxvh:nts Scvt ii i i i-.iv lltioiKsr l'tycti vni I'iiomit Itl'TUitxs (If auanteed. Fertilize Ycnr Wlioat if Yon Want it lo Pay Ton. l.atit) SACKS AM MOM AT ED NI ACID PHOSPHATES, TI I ;,.st l-Vrtilic.' Made lor In Shipmei.t. Send your ordi r.ii.'irii. n. '.. H.-iii.'t to f i in, i mu ItAl.HKJII. X. ('. Gli AM) OPKMNfl NEW GOODS .'u: ' 1 1 (: ' SPRTTJfl Sllll IH WMl uii.iu.ll v.i.a uuciiiiuii iuaiuj, w. fl'er :i larire and attract no st )cl )l..ss Cools. Mil;:., Co.. Is. Die.., Yli .i l.ilicns. D iaie.-;i. s. hams. . i.-ii rv an 1 ( Ladies. Mls.is. ( icutlcllleli llll l El-lei. '. Si 11 ivis: for Cl.ii.ii Eoys: Jbils-. (I ,!! Ken's! Cas-u,:. ic. .le-.!,-'. Coll :: 1 .' I: lurl H. .-..-. K. ; Carpel-. M. Kvervl! in- NEW. Clf )ICF. and 1F.;-1!:aE!,K i: 1! i-:;V (.( !.)IS line ;;t oopul.u- 1" es. I . si ji'...S lor ea-l liioiiiv. I ..- slit ' Io ;;li 1.1 11 v on are in Ihiliiull. Satisl'u :io:; U:tl-;-,ii. d. W. II. & It. G. TUCXiiii & CO. Vnr. li iv. in-X i Mm Tackle BepartmBnt. I T. If. IJHKiCS A. SONS, r.Ai.crc.u. n. c. Over ninety different sizes and' kinds of HOOKS. Japanese Bamboo Poles, 3 (nicest and largest stock.) GILL NKTTIXa, (ilLLINO THItKAD. SEINE TWINE. mixxow mi' xi "rs, NET KINGS. LAKBlflG HE'T FRAMES. srrNNMKS. SWIVELS. r.'i.i; ill's, l'oiiii.r s.-.u.i:.,. We have the largest slock and Bell at the lowest prices. BJT( -all and exatnii.o our stock. EVEllYTlIlNfl A FISI1EK MAN NEEDS. . . S. HJ 2, LEA1EKS in IIviuivvviK. FISKIKG TACKLE, &C. E. ANl'i rsoN. llll-lll'llt. JOS. 0. lUiOWX, fa.-hli-r (ITIf'.NS NATIONAL I5ANK, ItAI.KHill, IN'. C. Advertisements. OStJAN. ND THE SIGN OI1 FARM BELLS, PLOW LINES, HARDWARE, &C. 5TQVE. attention to all communications and J. C. lilt Kit SI UK X CU., ltvi.E.tiii, N. C. at t. Oats. .Now m Depot Keady lor AW. V'V'V Ac TAYLOH. til iimaunt uutiuuwt r li it 1 1 1 1 fx 1 1 l ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. I'hi 'c ii'iiti'.ii "f H1I1 p i'Ulir iiPWF fiir In It-V'tll'V ,M' P ,-tltfcf. Il I'litl'fllll All Ulft lMltU w. , 1' uiv i(ti Al'l Hint irt fm aiiKtMl tu bautljr i n.fi;;: roIir.ItlN' XErtS in'ini. 11... pi l.il .,!). nt-hH fri'm nil iuvn o I ll.t'T ll.l' llt-U'l ill AM.IUC.VN NKWS nr.- f!vt n tin' T'Utm.litc liNpitclifw nt Iho wook ir in nil 1 aris r ti. Lultiii. TIiIh ftvtluro aluue IllllK.!4 rnr. v. 1 , si.v nr.r.ALi) tin- HV'V -i,u:i if .-i.r..ii.-ti ni tho wnrl.l. a Il It t. K -k In tiivnm tuiUituI rs j...r;..f . oi.rnc.vi, NKWH, I111: rftinelt'ti' nu., I'MTiairi.htmlTedmpntrl, W ii-lUni .ti, in-lu.ltni: full ii'H.ru ..f lli "t I'liuii.'iii p.iltiK iiiUH mi Ihiiuiialluu0 vt THK l.VH.M wrrxn Itni Vl.n in : . iiTMKNT 1 - .atoitl fin wrll M in.l iIIhisivitIpii -'..-.- r. LlntH r,.r rnln--. Vi,ci.iiil.n, kr.., lug LuiLIidrh unit .1 t Sll'ilemi.tll , I'lolycniilixl, uuUr '"!. in .f. s.lirt' : . I" 1,11. .1 HI.-, ..1 tl 11. c 1 C'li'. l'-uii rv. ni:i., I ., ttCu 1-111:4. f'li.i!H ,ir . (ii-mln.: if.-n.sii- in ri--n!r. ii- n wi-ll i' Itn-il i- i nriMii'iil. it- In el . TiiK KO.MU ,' r .nu tii .it ilMhes, hlnw formak 1 i t..;- ki-i'iuiik! iie wiin lli Intiml ; .u-i-si eri.-r. l-.vrry Itrm of mmk- .. 1 111 11, u ili'.,irtont la '. t I vi-M i-lls l.el.ire .ullli'AII". i.. I'.e t, iiii.t ,.i-t..ii iMrrrsiKimlHiiU c.-.T ra-l.l-.i. Tin Minn.. IVpnrt. I.t KI.Y lilllVI.I. Will HAVfllir k.iii.. . . i.c ulel, i-l 1 1 -III-M lllr prlco ill Ui "t l. VI Oil r. ii... 1 vi'i yiiiinK rolHlhiir In me-r..-r ,-;v:ii;: im r.-iri'fiilly rNnrdii. :' ! v...' I 1.. alt Hie late. .hAMwa ":. 11 ','-... Cr.-i".-, MercliaHilliM., -., mI'ii.-Im fi.iinit u Hie ic.al,y 111 I .lull I.. 11., ..f Til! Ii .i'lVK M'.HKKT. Ii'inii" nml nhnmtl, lirHht Si' .lUnj Ni ..-y rvf-ry w.'rt. n SiTin..,, Iv wmv m, I i -.' Iiviiii., I i noiry. Musi. ni. I'iniiiiiilr. l-ornonal an 1 .s.-a N .if.s. Tii.'io u ni. .m.t hi It,,, wi rid v. iil. ii n'jilci- n,H'-,i tii-wi inniiiT ory weok ii- ili- vv. i-Kly 11. Tula, whl.'h l, iai. (Htnfre, l..r iiue 1. .ilar. V..u i'uu Hiilim-rltiv fit Hiiy llmu. TIIK XKW" YORK IIEUAL1) In a vrisikly fi.rm, A. I. In,. i ITow York Herald, In-. I v. ,,- mill Aim Mircel. Sew York, lu-ff ml r -js, Ir'; -j. j ROTAilY HARROW. I linvn linu'lil Die ctiuty right fur Cbmbftm -.'iitiiy ti.r !li khIp o( ia nl,iraicd KOTAhT It.vi.lioVV, T.'kmi. lmrrr.wB nro the btl In UM, mi', i.v.tji (ivi iii'-r i.iiKlit in liavenno. A model ot Ii niii he wen nt L..nit"ii-H stnrn. Fur price, he., lUTly t'i JOUN 8. CAMPIIKl.L , l'ltlsbnro-. N. 0, Mikirh'J, Ihki. 0. C. XIAIKLST, !J03. P. GULLEY, ' OF KA LEIGH, X. C. W aro ilally rm-clvhut new goods fnr th Spring, mu ll nu ts.y.li'ii'K, lli lnur nml Mllos' gontlrmfn'i tl lll.l B.'Wi"! SIliiOM, lilii), mu, luw cul, lu l, RllM. I .lull, s', MIkhpk' nmt Clillilronr' buUon Kit. Btanca. VVi r-f lit krcji Dm rotolirnui, l'uar, Bhlrt. AIM li-i ti.Ki.ta, rimi8tliii, blMw,ii. nm. unblacbf , W ill:.. Omuls, lllliliiiiiH, llutu.ns. Hinol Hllka, Lace nml Iia.clnctt, nml nil oiIht pis kept In a full firy Uiimlii auiru. BrmnmlMT wn keep a fnD Itock ct C..ihln. Call anil m ut whrn In our mai kel. Airll l-J, 1. 3nm. J L. ALLEN & 00. i-AYETTEVILLE, U C. MANlT-'ACTURlUtS OF AND-, Wuoi.f.sai.k and Retail Dealers ' IN, Furiiiiure, l:i Sliiii, kn AND Kullders' Material flcnerally. I actory ou .Mumford Street. Sole I.'.' 'iiison Green ami Gillespie Streets. Nnv. li, lb'i. ro.

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