I " ' - ' - ; THURSDAY, MAY 31. ls:J. local ascoaas. W9 Summer toxins to morrow. i WTTbere will bo a largo crowd in ' town next Mond iv. thai bchi;,' the day for tho magistrates and eommis sinners to meet Persons wishing to have wool carded would do well to read the notice of Mr. James Pace, published in another column. BSTAt the hut meeting of the town commissioners Mr. Npoiico Taylor was appointed constable of this town, and will make a most tli.-i.-nt. ofiiecr. Sr Three thousand dollars worth of Goods seuing at I'ost at the store of .7 15. Harris. His store is every day ci twded with eustouiers. (lo there at once and save money. '",', , , I narm-nuio 1V.nae". " , '' jinu Avery s iwuiue rmovei aim 31 (Chatham Record Georgia Stock Uows Hunters ltti-:lh(i.in .i:.limK n,aking it 174.001) mer a I riend, A att, Holand ( lull uml illHt1Rl ()f im.OOtl as heretofore. ! Avorys one horse lWs: Cult ival..rsjIf lllo Vl,iwti(u f the .ru.,ei ty in and full line of plow eastings. Mer W.n. r..l o imvj! mm tn 1..-irn ,. , , , . i the blacksmith tiadearidonetole.ini coach imuitiii" None need apply coaui jiainuiv. in o . that cannot wove a trood moral ehiir- 1" old. Apply to Harden Bros. Ac Co. ftfcir Among the new goods reeeiv- j ed nt Jjondon s this week is a nice lot of Ladies' Collars and other Luce heck wear, Hoopskirts mid Fancy goods. If yon are going to Com mencement call at London's and gH your Gloves. A few pair of Gents' Patent Leather Pumps, something nice to dance in, very cheap. Lou don keeps the best and cheapest aumtry .-soaps. . T ,"TT . ... .iverv largo audience in at tendance. ! : " . . ..... . ' , Summer Goods, consisting of a gen- received men siock 01 o il ing aim oral Htock of such 11s is ,'cin-iiiily i- found in 11 first r!:iss hIi.it. 'Miles' LiiJit'.V Shot's ami Iiiunl-iiiu.U' (iiii tloincn'n (liiitirs 11 sjK-.-ia'.ty. ,ir Htock of Millinery (nio ls is vi-sy c tMisivr. Mrs. Laura H.ni will lm found in that depart incut : slit: will bo plcasod to serve Iut liieiuls nii.l custoniorK with the verv l:itc.-t si vies. M9"k errand otler. Tmiidoii will for : tho uext twenty (20) daysnllow a dis- , count of 25 per cent. 0:1 nil Ladies' and C'liildien'ri trimmed Hats mid i Uonnet.s for the cash. Jus! o think! A Hat that sold for S5! last week c i i ' now bo bought for S3, also heavy 1 deduelioiiH ina.te 111 11 e;rcnt laany other yoods for the ca-.li. No i- tho time to make your inom-y go a long war. Call soon before they are all picked over. ACo-inviI'Knvi Mr. John Wicker, of Moore county, mid his aster Mrs. Stephen Johnson, of this county, botli Jiod the same night last week. It was quite a icinnrkahlc co inei 1 ueuce. - A D .iTnt.- L.v.-Mr.T). Y. While. ! ,.t u 1, ...... ..m,;,. 1, w !.,., i.i : to tho U.COM--S mils, '.a, 'a tolweo.T'.c woo-ls are fcU of .huksgti:,- leaf raised by him that is ipiito a curiosity. It is a double or twin leaf, each hu'f of which is exactly the Name size. Newspm-eii 15 t:u "VEits. A post mast - ( er in this cminty informs us that, on j every mail day, two or three loafers bang around the oHlce trying to bor- j row som neighbor's Itstoitn, and ye! declare that they would not take no ' aorry a paper. Of course that is only : an excuse for their sliugiii'-ss and moivativss. The world is m t b up of : all sorts of people and sitttli as these j arc thrown in. in order that wo iiiav Heo to what depths of meanm ss man can CoMn ent urn- of wta of tin ably. A person can cat supper Here anil breukfast next nioiiiing nt Char-, 1...... ...! ....4 I 4' .... route, as the sleeping cir goes through without change. Thin it I i-ertwnly a vast improvement on tho I old way of trav..-lling. fall. ! r , T ..... ..!... r..,. iiw, .,v,vUl fv,., il, i.l..!,.,.;' recte.ion Uio yunl ol tin- t.apo l ear . M r w I i 1 1 V i I H It ill; A . K ottTAm.KTuAvr.!.uso.-Tboir.. 1 Pan forth Company, fallerson. Aew " V;. .V T commodate lho incre.iMvi di mand f..r , V.r.J:!:Z:,!: ' convenioticos for travelling arc in : Jersey. An angfineut s are now ho-1 "i- " ' " l; " ' ' ' ( ,..,, , ,; Ilt uf (!. , ii,.- m. ,... .i... i...r-i . -i ,i..-t.; s i h pleasant eomrad with the d-.vs t ing ma lc for the mai.tifaeturo o a -'-?' ' - " ' , ' ; ny business and the addition : """v!,M " ",1 1 TtlAovvt ... go-coaches. Wewcrereniiu-iel la.ge number of .,( tgHt cars, A:c. - - . . , of l v sf()(.lc CJ. I'ryor. ; M-iy , '- ; s on a recent trip to (. har,,t!c. . , . , , , ,, ' of the Caue 1 1 ar .V ndl.iii Nallev I!. , ' ' rhlii-g all night in a b,l, where; A Fmim. For tho ouoour-; 4 li i s j V:i-1 ii or hail jii'it reci ived i within tin,,,,, f. , d,ysU,n; )JZ !V, sleit fiounaivund ivstea oninl.n! M j-(:n;'iit of our Chatham la! mors wo ' tf ;.. i rt.. r , i.; i ruiii.iafr a ::no iios.i tn- railroad on n... i,:,n.i,i. i. v- i.. -1-. xiv u .n.v i., r'i A ltEFKKSinsa ltux.Th hearts of.;for,.. ,...v,.. w0 Heen tl.eso ci oi-hko woll ! our rouiitynieii were, made gmd yes-! terday by a most refreshing rain, thai j foil throughout this section. The long continued wet and cold of the I winter and spring ha-1 greatly retard-j cd tbo farmer in planting their j orons. ami alter tnev were pianieu , . . . i , i t ho dry weat her set in and . hreatened j . . ... . , to parch up tlie young p. ants, ami consequently tlie limners liait iiecomo very despondent. Yesterday's rain, I however, has great ly clna red them, i us it Las revived vegetable life. Aoed CiTTZi-N Dkad. Mr. Thonins i Cowan died at this place on theni-rht ! of tho 20th inst., iu the eightieth year of hi agfi. He was born and reared in the city of Wilmington, but hauled from tho stable. Of this great to l-'.dentou to visit friends there. She I asserted that some cotton was killed. J for many ytiarn prior to the late war j quantities w ere used, the livery stable is a charming girl and doubtless leaves ' bill this is doubtful It is not belirv bo bad resided on his valuable l jce ! enriching tho farm and tho farm sup- j stricken hearts that do not "speed the J ed that wheat was hurt at all. Fruit I plantation known as '-Old Town." ' porting the horses in the stable. ' parting guowt." Twenty-five, years ! was not injured in tho least. Last1 and situated on the Cape Fear river A'e wish that there was such a farm ! ago to a day wo understand that a lire Monday evening, at s-ippor, the fatni in lii-niiswiclv couiitv. Irom t. hero bo reinovt removed to this place in 1S(!2, be- j ,.0lIi,, S(. what our soil is capable of i heth City where it occurred last week, .onoof the "refugees" from the .producing. As the stock law prevails and That it destroyed two more build r-ountry. He bad been a paralytic I ;n that tMccklenburg) county the'ings. The tiro at thattiin..- was prob-, more than thirty years, and bad; tiohls were all open, and the great uihlv accidental. Fire in IVr.pii-; ing low for-mor suffered greatly for tho past few ! years, ho that death was a relief to bim, and be was prepared 'o die ; and wn cannot dmibt thnt nov.-he has re- Ioined that saiuted wiij, for whom j be no much grieved. Listinu Taxsh. Aflor lhe second i ?.Ioinlny in June th tax-listers villi lii-iu their work of listing tho taxa- j bli-s of tho nt.y. We iiro leiptest-j ed bv ono of the tax-listers to pub-' lish the duties of tax-payers in 1 i m t i 1 1 ; their property. All vi' can say is that anv tax-paver can npplv to the, ;(..t r.f l,w t.. iilni. C Ill-mi- ! fiifm u i i- i ilk- m nle.l nifxiiini.4 for ),;,,, (() miswer, and these answers j,,, (R11 w, ;to iiuis :f or "et the tax-! , f ...,.:,. f,- l.;,,, j - : A NnsANcE.-l'or sometime past our ciiicn.s have been much unnov. d by aiiuisauce I hut will now be abated. e refer to tile use of benn-slioot-eis" and slings by some of our boys. On hist Monday a boy was severely cut (Mi the hea I by a :,;olie t brown from a sling by another boy. and. although it yas acciiV nral. yet such ti-vi.h-iit may occur again if this dangerous lilniisemi nt is permitted. The town I'oiumissiouei s have, then-fore, adopt ed nn ordinance forbid bug the u-:e of these dangerous toys, and any one . ,iu(,iii. 1 1... .mil A ii. ... .... ........ .v,. , l 1 . An IsiT.r.sr.! Y.i.rvnoN -The as- sessors of this town nship have iucreas- of the real estate , ,..,',..:,. I all the other townshijis has been in l creased as Jiiueh as in this it w ill . . , .. , amount ti aoout nait a 'iiinion dollars , ,..,. Vv e doubt however """" " ,.U,ll"t' SlU l niunv t ()XVII.n .;4 )i:ivt. ,u,.,dj so ... . ' i ... . i , 'rent an increase, and vet we do not , ,' . ,...,,,.:., . i iiv ' ; i the assessors A l'l.EVSANT O.CAI-loN. AVo niUl'Jl regret that wo were not here, on wist r i iiiav. to an cmi t ne closing exercises of the rittsbo.o' s.-iintilic Academy, because from all that we have heard it was a most pleasant occasion. The. exercises were held in our commo dious court -room, which had been most tastefully decorated with llow- j t.vw. ,m.I1H. 'j llt.)e VM a atnoirir tn ni iieir.j' the parents or i . ...1.1. .;, . 1 7 ' , , , '..,. 7' ! J 1 ... . . .. i dolph. All the s-liolars did Wei! , ' , - V- n nall.-'.UUT Watclimati: Jr. d. li re:' et ing much credit on themselves ! v'rL'st'11 ll 1,H ,uout;'- j Keeti has' an order f-.r sixty-live and tleir accomplished instructors ' Durham Recorder: Tlie fruit eroji ;thiu--;:i. 1 feet oT North Caiilina )1 nn 1 w h(-re all di I i-o well it would be ! in 1 mi ham and Person counties i-; !..v pine, froiu Onr-lm, Nehra-k-i. unj ist to d'seiiiiiinaie. A gold medal ! good bet ter than it has been for 1 Tl:e desigiiolle I'loce ss for t Im tv-:it was aivariled 11 .ii:ss .nary .11001 e : for seho!:M ' Iiiii ; silver medals to . Mi.-s M-itti- II ie mid Krdic i.V:i it v 1 mill a silvor : sun lur l'liiii't nio.kl to Master Charles ISrcwer for j it.,, .v,..,.,! imnroM-iiieiil. Theso : wt-:v dclivereil with nppropii ' n hlllV;j ),v Jj,.v. V. It. Law. The ! .j.vs were (.peiu-d with prayer ' )V j ,v. j; 'i:;is. ' : u ,. n.p nleast-d to hear of th" 1J0111 isljinr con-lilioii of this 1 Xi-ellent ! school. The liexi session Wli! beoili on the first Mondav in July. Thk l!. F. .V Y. V. H. H. As so Judge i raves was favorably iinpress mr.y of ourrradeis in tho westi 1 11 I e,l with the idea and stated that he p. of this county arc dc-ply inter- ; hoped at no far distant day tho cotin 1 in the early roiiip'.etioii of the ' lies of r.'isylh, Sloke.i. Surry and Capo l'( ar and Yadkin Valley rail-j Yadkin would not only consider, but road, we take pleasure in copying I ta'ue steps tor the erection of such an fro'ii lhe Half igh Xews and Observer i ii.stiiution for the reformation of those: what lYesidoift Gray has to say about j whose otlenscs wet o not grievous and . , . t ,11 "!,' lirei'.f.altoiis to begin liueli laying. out cross ties. We Hit cross ties. ie ei'.-i 10 i--l;:ii i track lacking on the 1 t of J n'v. Tin : woi k will begin sii,ni!ian( uosiv at the it.iill' toward Greensboro', and fnun : Kavetteviile toward Shoe Heel. We expect to l.iv. sav half a mile of track lav. Fi ,l Kavetteviile to Shoo h'ei I iiil?t miles. v from ttiilf t'i Greensboro' ol miles. There is of j course ci! :. b lab!.- 'work to b- done j in K-v c'ing the roa I bed. for ill some j places this has be. n w.t.;hed or worn ;o.vay somev lial. aiel inert- ere a lew bridge:, eiilve'ls. c.. b b- built. Tin. lir.f ,hi!e.iei,t uf ste-1 rails for the ,-oad has been made. This is of Newborno Journal: Or. H. O. Hy. ill, tons, from IVrlh Amboy, Nevj"f Kinston. lasl week performed a ler-a v. Four ie-v, lirst-classlocomo. ; ,viji d. scribe a larin that we recently jsiied near Chariot to. It is owned t:-.e. have iiei-n p-.tiviiase-i i.oni .oe,--. '' ' P iadkin Vallev ltailuav Co.. to ac- Ulisnuiu uuaui i uii uauxi. i . t .. ii- i .i. i.i'"" ,v V "' ' ' '." " pmprietor of a large livery stable jn that town. Tho fann eiiibrace.s abr);lt 200 a-res in cultivation, and the erojis now growing on it aro corn. wheal, 'oats and clover, and never be- calltvated. The soil is .somewhat similar to that of this county, and this farm, a few years ago, was a Kassafras ,,, tirl.l. of which wo have so many in Chatham. The average yield to the acre is 35 bushels of wheat, 10H . . . .... . w lll-IL-. 11,1 i,.,K , M nf nuts mnl 4 Ims he s of i -" - ...... corn. There are now about 7.r aci rs in clover, which was being cut at tin r visit, and instead of the ;s of hand-mowing t used thai cut 10 or 12 tune of our slow process mower was acres a day. The clover wan of most luxuriant growth, tall and thick. , ' ,0 ials and wheat surpassed anv'largilv attended. The Association ; that wo had ever seen. No inaiiiiui- ' lated fertilizer bad ever been used nothing but compost and manure ' CleOliniu no thnf. om- comitvinen expense of fencing was saved. i At Sherman. Texas. Mrs. Hume recovered Silt) from Fox. a saloon keeper, for Belling whiskey to her ! , husband, who n a chrome drunkard. 1 State 31CWS. T!alc igh Visitor: Mr. 1. D. l'agc, mi of Dr. J. Y. I'age. died at his fat lit r's re-.-idoiieo, fit Hoffman, on the Itakigh .V: Augusta llaihoad yester day, and his remains were brought to t li is in v this morning, .nr. rage was - years ii,i. ana nil lcumins ut trtkeii ten miles in the count ry. to his grandfather'!; residence, for iiilermeiit. Tr,,,,!,,,,. n:, in Melville t.ovn-d.ip. found a fox d.-.i , '' relations ami can bo seen about three weeks ngo. lie killed the j l"tf nourishment from tho breast old fx and secured lire young onenlj' ' .uotUeruuvmpanv tvith the which be i-arried home, and gave them to nu old eat whoso kittens he destroyed. She kindly nurses ami watches them, utid really seems to I give them more attention than cai.-J generally e their ymnig. The little; foxes are thriving, but still retain their j native cuiiitingiicss. Montgomery Star: Montgomery ottntv is cidentlv making rapid ad- vaucment. Iter lirpeiitiii interests are attra-'ting altcuti-m : her oak and ,,,.;i v !ir, bei:g convert' d into wagons, r,: (,Uv hau lies, etc: her farmiiiLT operations are bf-giunii t- conipare favor.ildy with tho of other counties : her people sue building up. and patronizing their schools. They ; are buying less on credit: thev are working harder : their morals are im-' proving. r-.u.... ri.. v.. u.i.i.,i,. listened to a inaulipr or more tlior- M -. . Tn.i.n ( :;ii.,f.i-V charge than Ju.lge oluiei s to the Caswell grand pity. One mat- . . ?,..lf 'U,',U be i-umr tei no sti.uk that mio.iiu oc lung through the ears of all in' the State. Hsaid that a tilthy, dirty jail was an I ofl'eiise. a shame. It should . be ex- oiiense. a s name, it s 101 ni . ne ex- I ... ;.. i .... i ;..:i 1.1 i ainuieii ami every jau u.aui: .1 m-, i. He said that the poor houses should be neat and comfortable, nml no bard unfeeling man put at the head of lliem. Lenoir Topic : A little boy four or five years old. the sou of a Mr. Wm. Hefner, one of our ciliens, fell into the lire last Friday morning and was so severely burned as to cause death in 12 or ir, hours.- It was supposed he fainted and thus fell into the lire. s an evidence of the terrible consu- of a burn this little fellow I . , , . . ,, , . . . . . ... scicua ico nui mi-n-iin mi 1111 niimui, an-1 when pulled out of the fire, held - I,, (l .i P.l piiill liis; i,i.itl.(.i- fi.vei blv several a e.u ,. 1 nei v i- .1 11 -e -u-v , 111 the Ivecoi di.-r ollice w hicll r.x -it.v. , W. W !, Icn used wl.ilo K-;in.ii; tho m inters tr:i l,! uiidi-r Mr. D.-mii- Hi ad ihe founder of this paper. Tiiis ! was while lie wa 1 unite yumi''. Onitinns. Mr. Win. ( )wcns. one of ilu this case when he was hiidecn years j old he wrote, t ! t "I will try from j new to ninkn 11 man of lnvseli'." How far this res, -In: ion wm c.irried tht' : hislorv of N'oith Carolina will tc-11. : Winston S.-ntin.d: The grand Jurv :; .,1..,,. . 1 ..i'm-,1 .1- -o,!l ; , .1. . U11,,'ui.,i ni,, ...,l.. i-i .4 r .. i. .?.?.. ..,..,.,. 1 ;., whoso ideas of morality not too tic :l,ravi'''- I I Durham riant : Thoro is a gentle- j 1 m:i!i im t-i'vu whohas been in the habsl , (v a fixed fact. At the meeting at j uf Inking three drinks a day nt a cost Greensboro on lho '.lth of the direcl.- of thirty cenis. His good wif-. being contracts were mado for sU-cl ,loMrou-,of saving. all she could propos- i rails which will lay one huiidred miles cdto Kitiply him with drinks if he ' uf (rack, and one thmi-and tons an; tfi I would give iicr ten cents -very timejb'i delivered in Vih:r.i:;'!,n iu thirty lhe took one. litr was ngreeabh. jdavs from dale of conhvet. Thenioii- Thereiijion sh.; iiivc--ted iii'ty cents and coinmenced business. When he took his fourth drink, to her astonish ment she discovered that, t'l() stock was exhausted, and insl, ad of making a prolil. she h.id loct ti n cents on .!: investment. Shu has eouu out of the busine: succc -si n operaivn on l nomas nui Afier pavin-r frei-bt. comniis-ionsj .1..'. i.'.i i:ri..' ; iu ... .1. ,.:,., , i - , ftf,0 e4iUt)rm ' j 1 n ,1 i e -vr i LM"oro G": M e lr-arn from Stt-admaii. near Sanford. in this eo .-ii- i "M V.'T u ?,w ,n. I ,,lt HU0Ivl.CS a.l"-' I" 1 follows tho cow about in the woods and when the pig wants to suck the : ,hp f.tl.p f,.,u ,x min rolt la; t Mmidav. ! cow lies down. Or. II. Ii. Shields j A mtcr beloa-ing to ' . N j was called last Friday to visit a very Allison, of Fallslo'wn' town.,! o. is go tit.fortunale boy. (eo. Ilorner, Jr., of alK)llt Uil, wi(h a '.(.h1 fj ... . mis cmini. i-iuu .ie..u.i. .-..oi, , in i n liKin in i mi un i. . r ki-ein s i- . . -o . - , 4 , . .....i 41. n nwln nvmfiel in ir .vlti ! it, and it tired off inflicting a I u ...... .... ,- j- r I aa i wou i"1 M..ra pcoplonie shot , ahorse-!",!,!,,1,'"ll,1,.v, !U nU?t ,thftU evcl" ! hilv0 b,'r" h,lot ,n s,1-,,'fi',,s0- ! F.lizabt'th City Economist: The 1 Chowan Association last week was I rtivided. tho naiim being n-.ained )v ; the Churches an this side of tho River. Miss Ilirie, of Pittshoro has gone ; occurred on tho sumo place in l.lii mans. On Wednesday night the burn land stables of Jiitiics II. Hyatt were! consumed by tire. It wits tho work ' ! of an incendiary. This is the st cond ! tiuio Mr. Hyatt has biilt'erod, iu this way. Lineoluton Press: A cat bc-l-niging jlo a man living on tho plantation of Hon. A. Costlier, near town, on last i week gave birtli to a litter of kittens, j f t In iti was killed in soiuo way j ami on Monday the c it. after a long absence from the survivors, returned tenderly carrying a voung rnliuit. which she deposited in her bed willi i m M iens, ami lias ever since c-niu- bited the same iiM'eelioii for it that she j shows tu lur own oli'sprhig. The rub- ! bit, seems to be finite route ntel villi News nml Observer: Quiie a sen- of course, built on tho spot selected sation is reported at JJogera' bridge by the majority. A short while utter .' over the N'ciise ri'.cr. Yesterday a it had Ik -on dedicated a great storm number of cattle v. re noticed near , took up the church and mowd it to there running wihliy as if pursued. tl,. oxact spot which had been se!'-' t Suddenlr the cause of their fright up- :ed by the minority. Monday. May iii-arnl in the shape of a black' "coach 1 1, a terrible cvclone passed! through ; whip" suaki; ten feet long. It would t luc-.-li the cattle, the bl avs sounding hi-o those ma-le by -i (l ii!. The. cat- and big stones though n-ver w:t lle we re la ally cxh.msied. with out-1 i-.essed one liefore that eaus.-d so mir-h .-t retched tongues and blood .-hot eyes, damage and exciti iu( nt. Some of when a party of the-p.-c'. .tors all:. :k the hkil .-tjiie.-i wen-, witl-.ovt anv x ; i i'il tlit snake which l.Miiih ste-.l no fear : ,,f lliem , and was niter much t-lV ut killed. This is the pinm-cr snake story ()' w season and as such is entitled , 1 0 cred. the snal I , nee. lho pcruus who saw snake are reliable ones. T?iitlirrfni-illmi V.finlii.i-. A shoi-t ' .. . . .. lliuu; null i: 111.3 i. 11 1111 1111: iiiiM-i.iir, wi of Mormondom were in this county, I holding iiraver meetings and !thcr servic.rs. and' the result is that , 1 women from Duncans Creek town-:. , : I,..ve ,,1I,.,I .... stakes, ioined I ,ie ! iSiljllt!4 ,,,1 are now on their way to i .., Tini.nTsii.ii u-i.n their mode of . ... : ,;l,t,slu, which was done at 1 1 o clock ; it nisrht the parlies baptized being divested of every ait iele of clothing, i Miss Mary Sattou, living in Sulphur Splines t Avm-hip. comuiii led suicide last Monday by hanging herself. She had in some way secured her own hands with a chain and was found hanging to a little saplmg. her le.-t . " " y ik 1.1 : .. . k u.. . o. . , almost touching the ground She was 1 01k Cotta-.; Organ on the key It - have been married on lho 2 lth of'l " I'l' lhis w he; this month but her lierrothe.1 had proved faithless having h it tlio conn- i.,.,. .i.:..i, ; ,.,....1 i,, m. )...., - ri - tho cause r.t her act. ... . . mem 01 siiipuuri-i icn ",'oi'i 'i is pi , noiinced a sm . SlionM this jin'ive true, luiniier as it now exists (largely pl-Cilla! IV(-) WOUH i.'iVO pttK'e l lc M- iuml; fair work, with rcaso:.;:! (-!n,loyee.s at t'ni Moror.ey tnachin' simps." Lad his rioht arm badly laecr at ed there on Tuesday. He was finish -n stjin;1 rejmirs on 1 die cyliiidcr of i ihreshii.e- nia.-hiiirt whc'.i his shx-vi ' "io uimw 1 emg 1.1 mo- lion, drag'ii'i-' 1:1 nuii-.lit urm and ! euiting ii in a verv f--ari'iil uciniier. : i No bones were broken. -Mr. Caleb i Line made a narrow escape at a barn raising 11 tew days ago. Jlo was gel- ting down oil the wall to go to dinner, when by some mishap h fell about 10 feet on very hard ground, and the top leg he had been notching, fell up on him. How ho escaped without biokeii bones, or even with his life, can in. ver bo satisfactorily explained. I Kavetteviile Observer: Our Cnpe j i-Var and Yadkin Valley Railroad IS ' ey for the same, was posited in tho bank. i.-sed ami de Ono thoua:i:l for which is lhe number of 1. Messrs. A. JI. Villian In ns, Jr.. nie now n-l Mr. .lames rcT:ttt i ,-i l I 1) Yi'- . , .,' v, I I :-llig. V h:le . I ,il, 1 lidotlicis l..ic lil lo Cllt eros-t- tak"ii big contracts ties lor tne i ape rear .v laiKin ai- ley K. U. The syndicate h is no idea , of hailing i I tho woik is done. j A la!;je nev. frame buiidiug is bt int. ,. , ,. i. . . ii i-.. i, . . . , ., i ,ii '; ;' liiu-. 1 las ha?, oeci-iiie in-,-es-ii v 1, r . ,i e .1 .. I new iron and other heavy height fori tho Capo Fear VadUin Vallev road j ! will pruuttuiy uu .noiijiit . iur ii.ei. . -ii i .i.i.. .... i .i.i i... i. ..: - St-ilesville Landmark: A y, U.UI of Mi- I! It I'liinbs. of ( '(iiiioi',l ,,ilvnJ ,,,..,.-,. v:,i..n. i.j.i. :.. i (r0(,iinL's tii'uing alier him. It w not I- ' r. ;- i . i i i . i . . i . i ..i kiiowii wnei? tie -'oi ineni lino nn- oitiy leasrMllllllft OOlli'lllMon IS tllat lie I .. , ., . i,4,.i,.i ii,. .,4 1 iwlf -ri,,,.! w.,s i(c ft ,,,,,,1,,,, fr m-sday morning. !:M. over, tion. This is verv late in i-ost. Wod-1 all this sec- tho season ; for frost, and it is ipiite retnai liable that it did no more ilainago than it . did. Potato and bean tops were bl'tckoned iu places, but. it is not ecr- taut that any sort of gi.rd.-n Mull suf-. fered any worth speal.ing of. It is iiv oi non. m. ji i.odoiiis .ale oi pickles which had been bought, loose at ft grocery store, and shortly there-. after all were taken very sick. Tlioy , had noted and reimrke,, upon the pe-1 cubar flavor, and directly after tea tin whole lancly was tai;en with voimt- ing an -1 continued very sick for some time Mrs. I'obhins h:i been confined to bed ever smco. M ap bobbins and the children made an early recovery. : Vil.-rm Advance: Wp pay Hyde county this tribute: It has better; churches, schools, and public roads ( than any county in which we have ; ! traveled in tho State, anil that is nay-1 ' ing a great deal. We might say much about, the hospitality nml intelligence ; ol Uio penpn their iiidustrv. and. correct business habit-, but the paper is iiiii. unit r must iciiiiini uhmim ..- til il is our pleasure to visit the county again. There is. in Sv.au tarter, ; the county scat of Hyde, a Method.!,! church cuneermng w h.d, we heard a , very remarkable s ory. 1,-n he church was built s e ci, . a s ago to where it shoulti bo located. It was. Speights Kridg-v A correspondent' 1 writes. -I have oft"ii read of cvcl"iies air-'eiation. as lai'Lfe as hen e,,".rs. 'lhe storm swept down houses and trees us it passed. Mr. Ueamon's shoo at ' this place was entirely deiuoli-hcd. Several men were in the InuMiug only . ! a few minutes before it fell and it is : 'nli.i.tcf ii mii-iinln flint tti(v wei'ti Hot: . ... . .... i . billed. iLc crops were na.iiv uam- j aged, but no lives were lost." , , . ... ... . . ,' Thro brothers name- Sm.tl. killed . ;;v "'" "n"ed tec.ll. e. H,-.enwood. lenuessee, on last Sunday. ; At Lawreiiecburg. Indiana, a bus !l..,.l ,,...1 f.olw.i- wtww.. ,1m, .est i- ren . - - .i utat ion had become very ttllensive 'was tarred and feathered at mid- night by his neighbors and driven' fiom the place. . i ! Look ri.TC. j Do not be deceived when you go to- , V'au ia," V- 1. ' new impioveiu. ...s. j . ,.. e.... more reeds ainl is easier to con itnl liiint llwi fitiK nml run i mi liliv f.il'lbo 1 , . jirico I st:n now asking fur it. It con tuiiis "J octavo couplers : is in no other for the money. 1 can sell any st vir al any price. If yo-.i do imt think so call on or write to 1110 aud I',' con vinced that this is holiest oran -ld in the Slate fi,r th( low i rice. Wiir- ranted fur 'i v';irs. Ko! 1 bv me only. 1 1. ( iyxis, i;ialio. (.'I.a'.iiai.i Ce ; ('. jTXIE H A R E B T 3 . 1 n.-ji iro-.l rr Tin; Iik.miui l y I XOr.ms, AVYATT .c TAYLOIt, j 01:01 i:i:h commission vi:i:'-ii si.s. I N-i. ;i Es''li:uiu-" nii-l X-i. 5 Mur'ln S:- . I IU1.IU.1U. N. M .y ... inns. : I.'OTTON M.Uir.l. i'-. js - i - i. - i i..,w mi i iius!, WHOLESALE OKoer.KY MUiKF.T. M-,t Hulk.C I SI.,ii.it., CllllV.-l.hr.l 11,'llilM, Lai-il lit t 1-,-Hnel, l-'atiuly, 1 r'ai-,,- j s..i, : h,-:m, ;-. l,i-i--. r, a'-liii, !' r, i I la ,- I Aoj.l, 'l ;,. i . 1 Miii'ir- ;,!-,! I V.-II..W, '.I'.,' I (ill.lnlli.'.O.I ! Iliitii-r, .".1 1 i 2', i k, ,.::.l li.-..i. c ' T11 111' ll a .1-2 . llaU'-'llii: 'I I-, i-.-w, nrrow " "l l, l-i-l- IMU, Ni'V.' Advi'iiisciiii'iits. WOOL CAIJDIN'O. I : rti- 'iii-T . 'I-., I.l-H I tC. in v t ' .-it K-ci ',-r-,,i i i.-il n .til ..f :n l ui r,. .-in i I i n -I, n .,.i... il.,- tli'in lrui l-,l- k'' I. A', line ' ii-i-i, i-1 i-.1-. Ii. i-w i-h .-m l :: -.- i-. i ,:i-...i- ...-i, ai-i-i. ,- will n -t -I . t-ti'i.'. i: -'- 'iry, mi l link l ,,ul ,,.,,, .., ,1,-liinl. cu-i-tii- -I. .-r - iii.-Miii; t--wi-,i, th.-r -l I ll .-1,-ill! ,'11 ! II. , n i-.r I- 11-lM : .r- , i-"i" - ,., iv...-i,nu- u,. Xir 1 ' jmy ii, 1 -:i. ::mi-v ,N. I ' 1 1 ' 1 1 tin- link 1 will i . ! -i-.-l ,i. r. -.lAMfc-. I !! 1 I. i. il.,- .'i ll .li ll. s. i:i i ii w as. 11 l:. VMM. .1 Y.-n. Ik-i. Sl.-ty i. l- i. PATENTS. F. A. I,pnwN. ' 'IMlir'f Am'Tl.-nn an1 j plini I'a'rii'r". WnhliiK-i'ii, P. C All Inif ltn'H(sn- in m -I Vat.-iti, wln'Micr wrni' M 1'nttMH i out o "p idrt tviiri. iM.-mpHy Ji.ti'iiil'.l to. N. .-iiaro' Ma li- iiuI'vh a mtcui Ijfjai ut. -l. N-n-I I-T cm ii lur. j J. T. GRAHAM & CROCKER, Attorneys at Law, .,,..,.... - m a... imii-ih -f I'liatli'iMi r-iunl-r- ' ILI.-im-n l i- i,uimi" nuywiiun: in ui" nii. Y " . ... . , PATEfJTS.IiIis! jn'lto0n''';v,'l;';l,i: nil. O. C. r,rr, hl,.n,l,'llr,- - l.nll,. . -I.i I'. n ncr.. 1.,-wlH .1.. lilt. ,11 ,-. -r,- li:;iv, l it'l- i-au.i.'i.i-i t lli.k r. , l'.,vli:,;iH.tr, asliluniou, v. u Ii-l of lut-lrui-lii.ua lic-u. i mmjrnTrrr M A P T!TR A TF ! Ri lM 11U11, lUAullJlllAHlilJ . oi-Ki, k no.viin or commissionkhs. Chatham corvrv, riTTHlv-H,!', N. C M,l.v Hill, H-K4. Al-tl.-H...n lui vim: l-,-ii ni.nlf t tin- Xwml of i ('.iiiiiiIk-.-,i,-1-h I liM-i,,' III,- ll.,nr l "I Mii.'Ik- ! Iliil.i ..t Cli.iu,ni Ciinly l. ,, -..1,1.1. 1, r III- ,,-Mi.-ii I ,'1 nn rt-vr.',on'i,-i, i-r i-ull-lmi: nn-l i- i , 1 1 r I n m il,, I I I. It - -,v,-r H.iw riv.-r iin-l ,'i- l-r,-. i.,n, ii l? h. ri i,v clvi-u I" il- MiiaiHiruli-K "t i-.il ' ,-"inCv . Xlt "'nX'l'ul- iVZi'TjZ- m-v' tii.-u..i. io 'r-.- t-n-miw n)"y Ani." "I'li.eii.'Ar.i '-ir r..i..mt-.-i..i.on.. i.. u. iai.ink. cirk. i.i i i licvl , ! Il T1-v C'nlnvi ll -trwIlHV. ' "ATV i 1 l:MS, Mli noN.M. HOME-' J . 1 l I " s 11 Aiic;.liiirio.Tiann,liHi km It '.T MM) SCiai' lnn;-lil nml H--M. Lnriro hi. 1 iiniiii.sr -iac..a inin. oi ttoruc-i-Law, Miioi'.., i. t . to vigorously push a business, Itrcnplh to study a profession, itren'li to regulate a household, strength to do a day's labor with out physical pain. All this repre sents what is wanted, in the often heard expression, "Chi I wish I had the strength!" If you are broken down, have not energy, or feel as if life was hardly worth liv ing, you can be relieved and re stored to robust health and strength by taking BPOWN'S IRON BIT TERS, vdi'th is a true tonic a medicine universally recommended for all wasting diseases. 5"! N. KrciKnt St., IV.hinKre I'r.iinn tlic war I war. ;n- Jun-'.l ir.tK-.-.t;iT;i. -M-y a pi-.c .f a stitll, 1 r.:?.-r 1 f l on . il i-vor since. Abeut four yair.-jvi it l.rni;ji:t nn j..ir:ily n, wl.ii li kept ice in iv it'ctitlu, r.r., thcbesl (1'ict'irs In the tity said I Could r.et live. I nftered fearfully fr..m indigestion, and for overtwo years could not eat solid fori and for a tare portion of lhe lime was unable to retain even liijuid nourid incut. I tib-d Diewns linn 1 -liters nnd now ailer taking two l otile 1 ni:i able to j;et up and go ar--':il and am raj,iiily improving. G. Lu Kta. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS is a complete and sure remedy for Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Malaria, Weakness and all diseases requir ing a true, reliable, non-alcoholic tonic. It enriches the blood, gives new life to the muscles and tone to the nerves. A I ).M I N 1ST It ATO lt'S X )TK!K j llnrliitf iiiiiilitli-il if ' mliiiliiisirnl ' uf : .l.-iiii,-. M',,:ii:..-k. 'I iiwl, I ii.-i-.-i.y v.. noil 1 all (., i'-.ii-h:i ii' Iiofiis ni;;isn.l r-iii'l tl.-.-i-l'-nl i.- cvt.e ii Hi,- .-am--nn-, 11 - r i.-.-.i- o.- l.'ih -l-o ,.i M.i,. 1-.-4, J. A. UuU.U Iv. M.i t.Ui. 1 - I 4--. sJTATl'. OF XOUT1I CAP.OLIXA. - -cut N'i V or I'll M I-AM In lit,- , 1 1 .. -, 1 ..- Cit.llt. A"r.- I S. 1 us I v- r .. AIM- 1 ll.-n-l.T-.!.. ill'- ,'--i-.' !. ii,'-.iiiii .l.-I.M H.-n-l. ; -ll ;o-. i.h'-l i. N-! I-. Ii-p-'i SIH11 l-i lil !! i--ll-.ol-s Al-i - ! li.-:i.-i-..ii, ..ii-:-.-l. t.. -,ir ,...:..!. ,., a: !,. - i'l. ,-. "li III.- I- ll .lav .liil -. l-- ;. an ; I.I-o.,- - . t .-ii - - .; 1 1 -. 1-. Ui . 1 1 1 . .i - nl 11 inn - ii-i I l-lil On' II11.1I l.-i-'Uli;! --r -ni I ,iN- .11 I.,- la:-., -li. W. I- . 1 ill hill. i., O. S. c. May rail, l'-stl. ! 4 DMlXlS'l'UAI'OitSXOTICr. .'tt Ji-i -i 1'iniiMi"! s .i.lnili,lstr;a.,r 1 ,-h-iu, ,,i 11. s. s .,-,!, .-ui .,.r!.i: In. I .I :.. -al l 1 -Ht.- an- I..-I-.-I n -: I ! I 1.1,1k-liH'-lla'.- i-'e i-i'-i,l l I-, te.-i ; r---n- l;ai ,-lalm ii'aiiiHl m.i I ,-j.'i',- lm:--. i-I'-nit llioi-i 111 .-ii .-i 1- 11- :ii -i iy or M .v. l-M, or ll-'ll.-.- Will I .lij.l '. ' I ,11 Ll t ... it- ! Vt-l'V ! c It. ' oi l. A I'llll.l.Ull-, i l-it;-ii,.ro-. N. c, .M.ij s, 1. SOKTOAGi: SALE. 1JY VIII - .I" 'I I T .-X -l l .rljj.-w , A- lit,- I ! Wayli,. Ail- 11 l.y W. M. '-,. ii:ii. .-ll UK- ;Jhil .l.iy.il .1,1,. If-,, I will :i i--r , -i-i. ni i ui-!l,- len-ii'-ii m ii,, barn I. 4 mi ,-..,ii-i I., u - ,..r In i iah.n ', .-ti M .n lay Un- I'll i In v f .1 - i . i ii' A" , a ,1 1 1 y - -aw ul oliiil OIN Ul.l a ; i.,vi. I,. t-, ol iu INOINI:. l-r-.ti-. wi... itn.y ,I'-Mi-: , .A iiuiii- .--i. 1 itiu ttn I ,-it -tt- !,-:. -t " : ,l,iy ,'i --i!--. --an 'I i-, t-y -.illinc--i: M. 'n,..n,:,-. Hi i ., i !,-, :. ji..i.,,ii.-,.. ji. ,. LiMiii,.., ,ii y. May la, l-M. 4'.4 : TATi: Or NUKTI1 CA1U)LINA ' -CUV.NTV H ( 11 ATM M. i In it..- suj .-rhtr I'tutrr Mi ( ir" ii, n Ji tMiui.'' ra'i -il .l"hn ir'.' i, Mt."iilj( ("it - a! - law .tun ti I'l I'll'.. -is wl i-.-i ii.iuh -i ri. uiikii' wiij .i .l uii.-rt itii.l Job j h ( , ir . I.-., a- I. ! 1 Thl i. a . irinl j.:. linn f-r lliml a.MiioI ; ! ati'l .Hi.-iiH-Mi .r i .l-ii . 'iim;i.i-; rati-Mi i h. r In' 't:' s: : jiii( ?. ): ai I tw :m I dlsini' '.- ' uii. b ti:ii'.- ar' nt. k. i n. "i .Iain.' mi I ,1. i.li Or'.-:i, l. - f-' -l, I-.-ii-l' i i" c-Mry at'. ' nt. i ii--i r. .-. ni- "1 an, nv h-ivl- u .lill- I n. i... an I i,.j..Mr i.i Mi.- - -lil.-- - i i -..- ,.-(!; ..r tl c-'ii'-i :li.a .i iy- ;n".'i s -fv, v i.-rt-.i!', ii-.-i , Id. i 1. j'.n-H-r -'f iimf t" i-l-mr i'TV t'.'iitiilaiii'. i if ; i"it. iii '.viil t-' ial. n t !'' ii,..t'H'ii. . Mhj i-i. iv t. v. i . iMiii.i:, r. s. i'. T.VniOi' XOKTII CAROLINA. MllU'lMn.'iii i V- I li KM i lim n: ci Ki'. .1. . v....:-i i.. .-: ii i -t.t 'f. - ..r Wi.i. Un:-1., Uk'alu rrauUlm M-i' Hl.-l .Mht-i'. Tut.- t- u i-f. .-"i-IIm; '..r ilt-- Ileal ii"',"!iit lia l -.':'i'-'ii" i'l "I I'l.iilT'- a f iii!iii-tr.i. i"M .-1 I. is iiit' -';iii' .-, f.-. iT. an i in't'i l'y j vi'ii ..i ihi- .l.-a-ii-l'ii't-. i' UH' ."t:i?.. Ha-:l M . , at. I Maril.a -I. Ha'. h. Vic u. htl.li'.Mi "1 (.lalimlTs ' li.ti-;;.-'- arc m -t .r--i'.-n: ' il r. n i.t il.i-tiini i.'-ii-a! Hi- M '' t Hi" t'i.-rU ..r I li -li-i 1 1- , (' ..!" -.1. I -tiurv ttiivii '. :'.--.'u i!l-'H't'i!i, a-' I a.i- w. r .-r I - ii, ir ..i-iii.t. !' '.; 'ii. -i.i . hi r-r -r.-l i-e. ,,f. W. I .1, nm nmiw.i WH IS YOUR CHANCE !!! B Y VIKTTT. or ax ASSTCNMllNT made to me by J. 35. HAKIMS 1 WILL SELL AT COST for cash, during the m-t T1IIKTY DAYS, his Eirrmn stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE, consisting of all such goods as are usually found in a first -class store. Tlusc poods must bo sold, and great bargains are offered. Country Merchants can replenish their stocks nt, low fig ures, and it will pay them to call at All persons indebted to J. H. Har ris are requested to make immediate payment, and save costs : and all per sons holding claim! against him are notified to present tho Hamo to iue within tho next frt davs. H. A. LONDON. Assignee, l'ittsboro", N. C. Mav 17tb, 1SS3. flirt 'SPUING STOCK THE NEW GOODS Are Now Here, and They are Y Kin: I'uKXXT AND VERY CHEAP ! I w-iiil. I Inform my frU-.xl ni-l rmti.mnr thrtt I lutvo Juni reiurnvl Ir an iho.lv,rUiiirn markoti Willi n fffl 5 fill SUM OT GiN wlil'-h 1 ii"W --iT.-r us ! .w . ran no Iir.I In any niitik'-i. N-ml 1 --.ill jour " ,i'. liU. Mention 10 my vry hire.- Hi...-ki nl ! Lais' Hals aiiJ Bonnets, ranffin l;i prl 'r -m o-i : ran pi n- . 'l iniv - i '--. "-l-'if !J n,le. 1 or piico yoii WlKh. I ll I !. ' ' GATIH8. SiLKS, PLUMES, PL-OWFiIlS AMJ tfAH-JMX j y.j -:.-U of j Dress Goods i is very pretty, comisting of ! SILKS. CASHMErlES. mN TINGS, I Nl'XXS YlilLIXO. i Al L ST Yf.KS OK LAWNS, ! (5J;HAMS. ! ik)I i;li-:kacj: skitixos, i it.i.valks. c. j Xice lot of Mack and Colored SATINS j and other Jnss Ti iiiiiningti. j LACKS all styles and prices. I HAMM'Kii and other Edging. I Can give you lb'- bed CONSIST you ! ev r -a w t r the money. i llOOKSnlins. j LTI1"..S LIN I A' Dl'STEliS, I GLOVE. 1 lAXDKEKCHJEl'H, SCAHKS. LVDIES" MISSES AND : CJIIEDUr.N S l-'ANCY HOSE. Can give vott sumething sjiecial ia j JJl'TTONS from ,r cents per doxi n (n c i.llv sold for Ll cents) up j I'AKASOLS. FANS, and an;, liaiig ( l.a- a lady vmiti or iict-ds. Come, and see us. Now, gents, von linvo. not boon forgotten. We Lave a splendid stock "hehmd boy clothing fr. M tl... , -ti.-:i (..--1 ..-..ii. .11 1 :li,. Hurst Omul mere. S h'lidid stock (;. HAT'S, I.XTHA CHEAP. S IIOHS : from a common Bkooa to the tines' h.i:- 1 inade Oaitkhs. M -li.-f S'M,!-. !:uVS kiiiI CliAVATS. off-rll. i.' -l-i,-. Ii!ii,' i.-i. liiMIII.TSiin.l I'MIUll S!. Oil's. !;-! l'i: I i,s. :-M 111, 1 it 11.- ' TNljnilS.lCoM.Altfl Ilardwnn'. Tiinvaro, Crockery and Furniture Have somchtni: v.-rv itl-,- iet'1 v,ry i-Iioau ,q l.l I.s- i-.-,,s an i :i u;;s. Dr :s. Paints, Oils, Leather, COXKECITOXEIIIES, wo h i l ilii Cjiii Isi-s, I mi l'n-tt'-h Ciin!'n. ,,r;it:;' I .I'lil-'liH. ...;niUl.', l-JUilUKU, l.uisillti.&C. All klltils I'.-Uhtili'f lil)li.'iii01its autl (iroct'i'ios. Now, uv Pir;i: win! w 'ty wln-n wonny M"0 try Im k''' ; t y Uiiiiu'. ainl I thltik wo linvo uonror t'V riiiitj'haii miiv ti.-tjsi' N-.rih '-rS.tiih. If you ii'- i iu iUitt-j t- liirt- iinl clvf us a rail nml wo Hitl i y and i-i n In pri-cs nrt I sivhti. W. .ili.l 'til U..- I-.-inr.-r-' J.I!. 'illhill t.t III" YOHK 1'AKM . o1.lH. i il.ai U mail". w. l. LorJDorj. Mti,r,'. N. c. April in, 1 ss.. OK ALL PLANTS, FOR ALL CROPS, F OH ALL CLIMATES. nM(':" I.i t I'jirim-rs. Iiir.vst rrpit grow .-I I ,.,'1. -I h,-.ll lll.lll'l',J alii wll' r.J; UOI1C6 1, o - .1--. t r.i r Iti'Kt erit ,1 ,'lily Cu- 'i-,.t nentout. I -nr. ..r,rlnKa TIIH Yllltl! IN TUB IJKRVriX'P t-!-! '.t llUt.l. TO Yi U H. N IHIOlt. It In. - r-w n'. ,1 Htaudarit vmrletlQ ii r:.m,r, V -i '-. li-t i h-.I Trw Seed ana !'!:, . S ;..- I !: i'l-: t'jn-iy a.iiiivHS. HIRAM SfoLEY & CO. Seedsmen llucticvUir. V. uj.it t'ht4ri, iiL The Largest Stock Of Hnii'U'inir anITios North Carolina! I'm- ll..- lov-e.-t cash pricea to GW;?.H3 AND DEALEKS writ-- I . !. T. l.r.M'll .V CO., Uai.i.ioii. N. C. FAint VOIt SALE. j FOU S.U.K ON 7i ! YKARS TIME I A l,ITr.I.K FARM. nvo iillw-iiOi wi-sl -f nilhh,,r--, N.C.anfl olfh iii.l.-. Iimi,i I iv -in On- H. .V A- A 1,. nii-l ih (I. r. . . V. r.-tn'-a l Tho tiirni r,.niiilim fOtout 4n0 i- i .- . i.f win. h I.' , n un an- in culilvatlim. It la ' iH W.H--1-I w-nii f n-s-w.-t ,,iik. Iih-k-ry, it-vw-.a, Ii- i,i.,.. 1t..iiiivs mrn, o-tten, wlifnt, .. .' ....,. ..,,,., , l rl, 1, l.illnm lni.il. villi ii 'li,H-ky nvir. Hum linllltli-8 f,r tunklng ,...1 ni.-iniir,-. imii tinj-i onii'l-l ' mmfnrtftliln dwtltnfa ,,iin. -ei'l "il, i-i- ciilml'li- iiuiliuuiHia. I,-,,- --liii i-riu hi- IiimI. lie- l.r nuili, r liit-riiintl- u H.j,ly to, Pli. J. ll. Ilt'IlMI, l'litsljiT J-, N. 0 Prr. 7th, IKS2. r.m. LOOK HE11EI! EVKRY MAN Ought to INSURE AGAINST FIR IN THE NORTH CAROLINA HOME INSURANCE COMPAST TrilK Onmt,iny hnn Iwrn In Bttcceeifnl operation f,,r t'-tirie-'U yi r, mul Always Pays Its Losses. It, I- ffifo, Hii-I -.lTnt, nml pyi promptlT I1 U LIIlitrtM. All i'li' ',t lnmirlil i-rnpertr lnUr uii riwiml'l-' trm. Nnw In the UniB to lotural Fi-r lunlKT lnfirmili-n pi-ly l II. A. LONDON, .T., Aeent, Eoplcraliir 1. 3m I irrBBOIlO. . 0

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