lit) (ijnalham Jfrsrd TiirnsiuY. .it i-Y v ishi. LOCAL IlBCOIlSfi. knyThc summer is over li'i'l' g Hi". ejTfio to tin1 imr'ion nr;! S.eur day, mill bay yourself iieh. SurTThe voting i"1!- about here Imve recently 1 is t some very ph-asa:;! picnics. BttTThehe.nilil'ul moonlight iii;:h!s nro luiicli enjoyed especially ly the Courting couples. PaTW'o me iii.ltbi !o Mr. A. S. ttoLerson for ii lot if (In1 large,! llCetH t llUt WC IlilVC CVCI' l-Ol'.l. Oi'.' rrould be enough I' hivg family. gsjr You are lo-dug soiin' f t !. good bargains I-. 'in.; o'l'ere I i. L " lion. 11' is o'l.'l ii'g gol; .---i-llnin ever seen in ihi i 1' !:iee. fur ' And lie is selling laetu; so. ii' ycl ueeil a?iyihiug yo.i li t ! b -.'.:: noon. Uea.l his r.dvcni icineiit i: this paper itnd profit ly ii. lie h.-i, a rvi.i. stock mul they must he sold AT OSl't fttir An Aivtmn will be hold at the rUm-o of .1. R Harris on iwv s-.tur-tfay, tlio lilst. Tim auction in dm morning (from ', to 1 o'eloc!:) will be inclusively fur l.;m; .: ami in t hi- a:' ternoon for nii'ii. 11. ;c is a line op liortunity to get spU :uli.l b.i:galn. Tim stock of floods is si ill l;u ami Veil assorted, and ' he o:d. SoyJiift to thmk yon can get a nice p:iir (Slows a! 1. mdoi - t r l' cents, Linen Jl;eid',;creliii I- a; i I'entH per dozen, nice Towc'... e! : a Wgn. for 11) cents. T-.b'e I'mib, very cheap. .L.l.l'.oi. if oii need any lio:; mlcerping ,'. I . yo.i ha I h :; co: to Ij ia.loa'.i ..r ii.n.t.. A i'.-.v o. th oileii;) S'lifl-s Iff! . IJ--!it.-iit'i ! the b.-ttoiu has .l.ti.'.! out of go ids nt L union's. Uring til - money with you if you wan't t bay c'.itip. The DavFoi:1; '' This is tin- u mm that tradition says was given bv the Indians to the country iium..d;a,e y RlOltnd this place, and Wis tlias 'allt'd I'l'i-a.l-r i! iit'.i 'oi-UVi r'i It TV ami ll.nky rivci s and in (! siiannt ; ttfiisoii is always di i'r t lian any otin-r jmrt of tin1 ri'inil .. 'I hi . . . i ; . i : : i ' i: has ci'i laiiily di'si i vo l this inmi.'. : ! . whih-in tliirr poi tio"s ,l inc cm:;! tlll'10 lti'i'il l :V.'dlin;;' :a;!i ' ovitv frw ilay.,. ill ilus i- . i :-.! 1 1 I ;. vv havi1 not h u s.i I noiv.l : i;i (:. Contrary the -in;.s and vt';;. ;,i;i m oi nil kind aii' MilliTin;,' j.'i'. ai.y :h vaiit of rain. A Ki.orr.isiiis.i S --no ! . - li r. ici'civcd a iii-i nt I'.'i'y of "lii Uulh'tin" t;mii!isiii'd a: I! !i.a.. Trim.,) in wiiu'h a;i ar . a very imim plillit'ltt.'ll V liotirc of t'," ci'i .lii',' (;--r-is'M of'i- I'ori A i.. m" whi.-li l'roi. T. A. r..!l U u a. I'tnnpiislii'd pi incija: and v, hois known t many of mir roadi-i s, h.v -jiif reinovi'd iViini this .si'ction to Ti'iiiicssf,' sc i';al yrars ao. Win." w rc'ri't tlial itnv riii'-n i' onr riliiiily or Siair sim-rd oi'ii ;..r. c!-." whoro. yi-t if t'u-y will jr- ' a:i- a: yn plcasi'd to ili'.n'oi" in.'ir n.a'i-.- ju thi'ir lif .v' Tiit' Iii'Vrior t'tr.iri. The sei.ii ana ia! t-'rm oi t'n rior t'oin ; of this co in; v !. last M m lay. and all la.1 WiVH lillishe. 1 yc .i i t di.y. I oiite u simi .-'.(; i n la:i.-.'. Tuesday th" crowd b in;;- r there were no eas'-s of i; linportanee ! i ic 1. The f"il the rases dis( " ' : Slut vs. .John Wom'ole -: nolle iirose.ini. Stilt n Vi. laicien Williams h.l- v. a t ei ail ; oellV- - -K'liii-v rroj. no!, pros. Stlltf VS. William Falls ll'Veny hubnutted. and judincni susi; !i.l cil on 'pavm! :il of eo-.ts. Stiitt vh A. ). Oldham Jli ni'ivin,' i'1'on verdict of not j,'.n:ty. State vs. Charles K. kins -As-a:i't and Uattery snbiiill I e.l and jn l,; llicnt Hiisjiellded on p:iyiil"iii of rusts. State vs. Ci. V. M iv, Sr.. V.' i't " !. Moiire. 11. M. (1. V. M iy. Jr.. Albert Moore, ami iho;; l.l.r, This indict ment was for the al'.V.iy that took liiace In-re ai the hi-; election. Ail llm d f.'od i;i! -. iejt (r. W". May, dr.. who wa ;e.' quitteil by the jury. M'.bmit I ! ami judgment was susjn tided on jiay Miont of costs. Stuto vs. Amos Hrewer ami .lohn Webster Al'l'ray dismissed for ffiiut of jurisdiclion. Stftto vs. Charles lliil and U ss lliil Assault ami liaitcry verdict of not pfitilty as to llo'js ami guilty as to Charles: judgment, a tine of S.l ninl costs. State vs. JJryan .irrougbsSci. Fa. Disniisseil. St nte vs. T. C. D.'iison Assault a.i 1 Mattery submitted and judgment suspended on payment of costs. State vs. Elites l?ryan and others: ilefeuilunts allowed until next term to pay costs. S'ate vs. W. li. Mitclu 11 Trespass verdicl of guilty: judgment ar rested and defendant discharged. :-.t;-:. vs. Unfits Lasater Oisttirliing ' loligious Congregat ion dismiss vi. State vh. G. W. Oldham Selling Mortgaged l'roperty dismissed. Stato vs. Dave Johnson Carrying Concealed Weapon verdict of not guilty. The defendant in this ease in a well known colored man of this place, and has the rep u tat l mi mining the colored pcop'eof being a conjuror. Ho did le t employ any lawyer but argued bis own ease, and it is suggested that he conjured"' the jury. ' I'lioii:: V'.'i.'i'T --T!'. most pro 1 Wilson Adva'a-n: Mr. Jolni l'iiH'h, lilii' v, i,..';,! Ill n !;', ,. la i.l-.l of is i-avi'd .''iO'.) poi:;nls of rloviT l'lMIII oil-' jO--.;i; J I o. !,!,';. . J S'J s!(HS wll ! ;'h . t lllCI' f )!!l'l!l-i of ,IM U"!!', 1 IV till' I'll; I yii'hii'd 17')'lrra!!:s. Tins was l'owti I'ntiiii,,'. l-A-Slnii'T I'oi'knU, of ii)on th" faVui of Mr. II. A. Itunis, N'ash, lias left for jiarts unknown, of llli k ny Mountain townshin. who Mo was hi hind in his luvount S"). 100. lias si nt Ihc liu'ah of stalks and the His hond is ood and (he Imiidstiion wheal totho l!;:;-.i,..i'.s nnisi'um.whi'it' will havt to niako t;ood tho los.sis. iho ip..-ivd-i'oi;s roi soo for th'-in- .--Tho fastest tinu- cvt-r laaiio 0:1 thr st'lv.', th" trnll; of tho siaii'iiionl. Y. .V V. I!. I, was rasdo by thi' fast Wo ar.' inform.-.! hv Mr. V. 1 1, 'mail on Monday nk'hi hy Tf-ni Law i'.l'owi r of iMotlifi- in'lilii' yicid of llior. o oiijjiiic ii'iiuh'T thirty fo'.i!', wli -ai. II' civs that Mr. (1. I'. ' rmininjj t ho disf alii',' of 1 ll'J miloti, in . 'oro, iiui:in. of Sloo; c .-oiiiity. :awi'il i hours, and 'M' ininnti". 'I'd ;;io 1 oaai! of Audi"!' sicir,; wluvt iMid.onr lvadors an i.h'i of tho .-pri'd v.c h' r.'.l i!u vi from !' oatarts, and May mention that tho I driving us; , no fi'iti'.ra'is. j wheels made !t li! revolatioii!; to tin.' : minute. S: -v.mi::: V:srro:;s. - In ahlitiou to, Jf,,r,..,iitoi) Alounlaineer : Tiioech the isitors tomn-town, whose nntitoH . t,m,., ( viminul 1 1 , ('. Si'.-rc-.t who we recently pnl.'.isla d. there have ,lullll(.,'od hi;; wile and child in this 1-eo.i within the past few days I .so, v S()11(. v,,.lrs .,,,, ,tll v.lio was follow in;;- arrivals. : .M'-s Kilt le t , and eonvieted and then sct.t t. l'iane. oi '.,i.';;ia: Mis, ICnililil White. ,,,. .isvl,,nl t,.ix ,,f ;llS;i:,;;v, of Missisvpj.i: Mr. A. 15. Held, ot W.1S .',, Wednesday l.rois-lil hack to So ilh t'aroau i : li s. l'.va Y inst.m jj.,,.;.,,, .An, l,,,!.',! iM ui, ihu mid children, of j iankhnton: Mis it will be remeu'ihen d that N.'tiie Ma.vl.ali. of lli'.ei;,!!: ?nr , (.Srapcd (mm tlie a-vlum nt iLii ! Me;s W'ii.:;.-;d. of !t: I and was im-cU-d on a '!' my ; -'I:-- I..S-.V (l.vrell. of .. ..i,.,,.,. f ,.((!,. siealiie,' nndei- th..' V, -li.r, 'virh:--; Mr. lieu Wdliauis. ,n. llsMm.,l .,j.. 0 TIi.m. M.diin. On .i, ( and Mr. Ti.liias William- r(.,.,isjtilin (Vom (i..v. he has sou aa.l family and Miss iKn u ( iravo. jM,,,n turned over t the North t'aro of t'aswed county. lina ant horii ies. Ifesti!! IVijus in- - :- . sanity and is very violent. If it can A '! :i:v TiiiK! ,- Some ihiys a;ro lie cslrdilis!i:d that he is no! ins'iue Mr. .1. i). A. I., aeli. of this low nO.iiii. he will lie resentenced and liuiiu". as mi-ned a brood of 21! y.iiiijf t urkies. ' he has already been tried and coii- an.i. while the ladles of his family vieieil. and cvoctii i' m w as stayed tin deca'.red soiiie ihii-l' had stolen Ihem. n.vuliut of l.t.s lllle'i'd insanity. he was inclined to think it w:e; a, ,, ,,. . , .. , .... ,. , .. , , , ,i ' Alamaiiee (ile-imr: .lol.n 1 errv i. a- to ".a his j'.ieli of hounds. In a . 1 . - . . . .' short time the dogs were on a trait ' " ' , ' . , , ,,i.( S.iturdav. 1 he null is stopped at and luierau cci. :u ; e'lase . ,. , ,. 11 ,, . , i mi ,i i. . noon for dinner, but on tins oeete-iou an o,-.i to. win no doubt h:i'l leen . . . . . . .: 4,, the wheel could not be stepped: so li'a-'i in ' on tuevouug tm kms. An- . . . . . . , , , , ,. .; , ... -., he lii'iid-giites ha 1 to be let down ot h.v lemau ot tins township m . . v . . , , , ,. ,.,t ' f and t!i? water shut of! Irom the water- tonus ns Us, In' ami t-.o or three in . . , , i house. When tie water had run out !i; -: ii. 'i iboiv U'l I !.-! a large number .,. , ... , , . , . , .. ,. . ,i of lie wal.-r-ii'iuse the hov was tound i, ', r.i:e' eh :.'k ' -. Ol.t timillv t'.iOV - .. . ,, , , , , ' , . , ,i . . call:;!', ill l ie V.lK'il. MVilig one leg si;. ',. . in caS'hmg the lliieves. .. " . " . . . ami one arm cut oil. lie was missel v.. i i wmv mm ;s. ' nhM ! oVIoi'k. but no serious alarm Was felt about him. The w a' ; 1 -house A- At ! t -: mm if .tt-i:.f.. -On last js L,.,,t l,.k, ,1 and besides ti,e do-r S'tiid-sy it!'tenio,:i a negroboy. lianied t Iktc is only a small opening large I i " (iiiiuoiv. wa-i aeeid 'htady killed ,..,.,, f,. ',, (,, j-o through. A by K'.i'.'.i Me her. a son of Mr. M. coroner's impiest was held whi.'lr said II. M. .,",. ouei,!' tiie u mi..; respai ted ,i..,t i,,,v ,..,. tl, J,i.s death by ae- ciii.'iMoi' thi, county. I'm, imill the l.teulal drowning, information thai we can li"1. it' s.-riKs that Mr. -M -lv.-r was absent Creenville Ke!lee!or: A severe from home with all his family. ccpl sioriu i-;!ed ( ireeii-. i!le and I lie im Kiifits. a'.a.liib.m! f mil ecu years old. ' h:de vicinily l.s-l I-'riday evening. who ','.':!u the d"ee,is.'d was p'ayiug I he w iud w as vi i v high and com-;!- :i'm,'., tile 11 id in : po.'t' picked l i'.ihle d lliia'.e was , lone. Tiees Wen- no a r :.ii which Im sv.pji i.,o I was bl,e,V!i do n and limbs and fences sen;. e!':'i,!v':.,:. v. ;.'u w i.ii-li hi'-th eiglii lie telvd about promt -cuou.dy. A trie ,v ,;,;.'( . ;;.!:;.!;. I'll ' e' 1:1, h I V ' U ! !l C Ml id I M V. .1 . .1 . Ililflis .v.','. v, : i 1 .1:1 1 I h" : i : i i . ;,.:'l bioketi in two by the wind and fell wa-. ..'..oi ..'ael;'., h. a !. c;.:isi,..r bis aero.,s Lis paniry. ,m-:-.;.h; ; the h.'ie-e i .i t ,t ,1 I: is a vcy u;i;'.'.,-t u-' and breaking i, is e:..- !;, ry. ,e. About ;; vs.-. .;;,,( juuel, i. be'rerre; i evl. the inie iime am.tla r in in t!u yard a ' . of Mrs. i'.'.b'ib, !ii ( 'oi;;;h ton. Mr. ,.v . w, 1 1.iiiis' lie.t o..t.r nei-'ni-or. w as blow II .JiiUC CV,s. up by the! t.and fell :te,o. he,' pantry, rerii.igii in the same mn;- '1'oi i'i i! Sutinv Horn-': A Ted n;"'- Light ning st re. k tie' s!ab,es of m.m le tie n.i ,le of iiii'l Weaur f Mr.!- i'. i'aii i.-k. who iiv--. iib.m; i,ew-.-:' ..wi,-,n:p in l'l.!,;e.'oi'ibe two and a l.a!.' m".es from It-re I count v. while driving along I lie road billed a line nm:.-. The covi r- 1 is! Suud iv morning on Ins way from ed an ana ofaboiii t!,:e mil.-s af'.U!,d an all ui ;ht s d mee am! b.u I.e'cn in he b".i; and la-lcd abor.i tweniy the !.eig;,b.i.'h I. fell dead from his ' mi mli s. A !,. avy fall of rain a. cm.- ,..a panieil t lie i ind. Hill.-b.r-) Ob-iercr: Mr. C. W. Sa'.isl)nry Walehma'i : A new g-ill !.', od. ;' i'Ii :p 1 iiil! tov, !,..hi. was mi.." i, i',,'.v 1-i:!,;' opened on !!. V. bitten by a spi !!. duly t!, while I .anier's property. "u!- s -et of plow:;'. 1 fe . .1. V IV sj.'i; f. .; some- Satis' i'.iry . The vein is l.'.i'ge ;-.,l 1 lis:, ii,; ! 1: ws, ."'ii l.e u,.'.ih! i 1 re -'. pin sp.e i e 1 i 1 1 ' y Old miu- rs eu- li n we lire -! i I io lunrn thai !, ;r:ige-l th-re belime it ilm best this., i . li-ip-. o'. urn a':. I ni 1 so.ia be well yei lilseovered in the county. -- Ii is ... . i "i liiii to be iini;.' a coi,,mo!i thing W !i:.:i'.i ;'.:! .'.ir: i ).i:n:g a severe . 1 ,. ,.. lh m-!-r si um !,.:, i',s,.d over Al:,,.,. ? Uu ''l T T' !;.,!,. ,m e"-,;i". ...ith.'i'.n.lmaC.'i,- . ''"" '" l"r,,,il.v- ilalhoad. o.i . ; st .-.; the i" ll,ot- ilenee ot i ' I . . lo.itis .i!i. i i;,:.;' cons:, i, ran, e ... , . , . ,. , ,. , . , ,, , , A. i.ipe -ei'il.uneii s-".. re liru'.-. i-"i.i .I.e.,', to tee Ie;:,,lie ;. t.i ne ! ri" . . ' . . , , . ,, , , ,. . i , i , ,, , , a l i 'i hm !.-d bull n i !:,! !y I-.).' .-lit !, u l In; c. ... .'.-. i it m r-veral ,T .... , , ' ,- i , , ' bv linn. Ihcamm-il v.a ; !-. ;.! ! i " ''' '" !) gentle, i.m! Ml'. !."'e ei.;, .,-.! : liu -i; h Vl-ltor: ('!. lit' i'atiih. .-i:tii to feed or iv i ;he,- at .emmii a. Mivor of I ' die. I vi 1.' : 1- .,. , ,,1 , j'.eli dotm . (' i . v.'s e th-' ai ,1 u;,e ; :',-:e :ii lit home ,,,? turned u; m. ; i,,l ' I mm :. in tieil ;.o no:i tie- ilih, of hi-all ,,;.;iii..t the joisf : a.i 1 is!!"wing up d:-ense. agr.'i ' ;,ei-..s. On l".st t lie fl - s:1 1; tos-' d him ii.l o i." t i'.c ,1.. !' :', lav the saw ,.iiii. t'lgeiln r with whieh. f itiimtti ly. pi : I I. in: bey 1 lo.iM.i ei .i l.i.uber. belonging to j u. ,pu;.; f of fun In r ihiiiv.','. ' Mr. Mr. N. M. No;.-i ,.. of Middle Creel; is laid ui, !',,r sev.:-,! l ivs by the i'.wii .hlp. thi.. co. n.i y, was c in.-.uim .! injin ies l eei ived. - .'."n. al t hi e .nmo by lire. is the order efihe day. iioydeii's A-hbovo Cornier : Fr ink Fiigh of w oiid.-all and road em-iue left ('.,!. '!'own.,!.ip. licensed ol',""il I u.-sday moniuig : -r Mi. v !'a letvin;-- Killed his '.,i !,.., l- or la . t'.VMiship - th" b, st wis a' r-i:.,;:..; s,e vcrs M-o. was anvs!"d and lodged ,!"" "'' ,!"' -:ly InMei, I ol a tm i-l Mil. Olled.IV lf i Week. --Wlllll I'oril to MglCll.n- their pi-oir.-i-... iUi'V .,;;' ..i l,e,.s an ia t:.. Im'-a st-am w uisiL-to amio.mee Il-llei: -nr. ii SV.'t . ,ie, will have ox.r eommg. U is a long ; rme is ! e" -U live Inm Jr. ,! ! l.ii-i loom, in oo. rut ion. ' r,v,":;i i"'''11!;;-; wor.:. -.v.., v.:.. I i s i. ,l ll.e' : ee! t l.ieg in ii. not ano: i,. r f i. t : bo'vi.u' and h-ads e Slate. Tiler., is thai can Iio.isi .1.1.1 pi 1 1 rims in opeiu ' lion. 11. cud. r: The JlaptiM ,,r twelve hot -es before, chmch at I'ittsboro is yet without a p:i. lor. Here is a ii. l.l'for some good Statcsville Lauduim k : A eiti.-etiof ;,!i r. Tlie bur.'li tlc re, in c - Olin received through the e:; press m ciion with other cluir. hes, can pay j otliee of this place, a few d.vs ago. a a man now. about Sol)!) in money, and j return of siiiiJ". from a ! ' of Con he would l.ot be allowed to silii'er for fedeiiite bonds which he hud sold to other tilings. This would be but a ; a party in liicluuond at per si. -begimiing. In a few years a good mail 0:ill. A liitle son of Mr. .lames could build up a tine Held. Themis Kidsou. of Shiloh. was gathering hardly a healthier p.lace in the State. ; blaeKbei vies. Monday, whi-nlie w..s . ..,-it e.n i i i bitten on the fool bv a copperhead mston Sitilim 1 : A little colored, , , , , v ' ' . , .... ... ... ., ,, snake. 1;;; 1 1 lemeilics were m cliilil while jacking blackberries m a . , ,. ; , ... , ,. . , . 1 ii, i , slatiilv a pplicil he Moieieil oii iil am in 1 , 1 mar town, one il.iv lust week,; . , .' , , 1 r , ; , . ... , . . 1 and Or. omit almo.t dcsiiaired of m, was bitten in 111-., heel hy a copper--,.,. ... . i i i,. , , ... . , iite. I Ic has recovered, howi vi r. !. nt Ilea. suilKe. I lie in le was loo lougn. . , , ,. ' I h o'vever. to admit ot anv ser ous re- , . ,, . , , , , . i . ,. ... sliomd not allow jlieir clnhlieii to e,i sill s. 1 lie ( ireciislioro t'eople nave . , ,, ,. . . , , ' , o ... i i i ii , into tue olackberrv briars unshod. stv ed the Si em liraiic i roail the; , . , , , , .. . . , , , . . , A storv w inch wn would mat tier 1)-- blai ;bei rv t ram. owing to thii tie- .. . . , .. . , , , lieve nor lirint, except that it is au.iiv ,',,e,,t and lengthy stoppages along L.,,,,,..,,.,, 1,,,. ,,ue.s to us from Olm. the rome. 1 he cypres,,.,, slimes us a eM ,.,. j , ,,. ;hs not altogether inappropriate. f )ll;lt Vl. ft Lenoir Topic: Pr. Spainhour lias 1 clover. Its jiauncli was as tight as a succeeded in obtaining from a Air. 1 drimi, and there was every reason to K.irnost, who lives on tho Yadkin, I believe that it w is soon lo di". Mr. what lie thinks is ont of the most vnl- j Hives sent for Mr. .1. If. Tutum. Mr. liable aboriginal til. ds ever picked up : Tal uni looked at th" calf and said in this county. Il i-' a small and rude , tliere was only one thing 1" be d me. image of a human being with its uniis ' and that wa-'. cut it open and take the folded, made fit serpent inc. The im-' grass out. Mr. Hives said he . age with the legs broken of', is about. : ed it a dead calf any how and told M". ; If of an inch long and A iueli lroiid. Talma lo pr.v 1 will; his surgery. It was picked up by ?dr. Kanicst while Mr. '1'. ton!; a knife, cut into tls calf's hol ing corn and is evidently the Land i stomach and be-au drawing out do- 1 work of the Indiana. ' vei". lie continued to pull it out iiu- u.-.n f.1 I'lO-i-f 'ilinol I'1 vi'irtf i .1. ' W;IS was drowned at (ilencoe factorv last mi l leMii.g irom ! .os:i,i. oi : '' li'i iiei wee,.. 1 , i,e-. i-;i.- i;i i'iv . .". .... . ,' .1 1 1 ' .'.. V really ..umm.l. ! he : Apcn-e a . se "'J "I' '''''!' A.'.' s!e:;,.i a-. I ''l im.ov.iimn ngam.-i l.o:,e m...' scle. I wo l'.ei-e. wa, . !.:. v..;,; :. machine c.tpr.i.'.i of doing live or sis limis much work s-, 1 1 cured ten . , , ., , . the ra,c tc.ii'.ics p:i; e;i,s I list tliey ; til lie had gotten out aim'.;), n ieelc. ' I'.v tins lime tlie siom-nh had so shrunken that t Im oi iiice vves out of reach, mul so they only - " ed up tlie outer skin. The calf lived but ate not liin;,' for a day or two. .Presently it, began to cututsl seemed to improve. One day it got to iis mother and stole n the "milk from the chit In n. They watched to see if it would leak, but it didn't, and then they Knew if it would hold milk it would hold anything. It ii alive and doing we'.'; yet. eating !.":il i il j and citing fig. Newberne Journal- There are in Lenoir enmity thtee brut hi i s aged -7, '.!") and '.'it. The youngc-l never saw a court in session till last April, the m v. i i.'ii'gcst saw the court in ses . i-ion tl'.is wick, tlie oiile.i, lias never seen one in session. Neither of thrm has ever taken a .'.rink of spirits in n bar-room in fact don't use spirituous liijiiors only one uses tobacco in any form, lull one has evil' danced a set mid he o ly oi.". On yesterday i.iorning policm ui Hunt iti arresting Horace Kinscy for a i.m of a city ordinance wlii!" di iv it1;;' i .iws ! iiroue'i I he cil v. ;;..' a '.'low nil the head Willi Ii'-i bitlv i, i-'h h.-.-' piovi-.i lo ii" iptit" M'lioiis'if :s'i fatat. Tiiis boy !b. . :. we h'lirn. has lie. u a cripple for a long titiie, 'oeing -parti illy pm alyv.ed mi one side. 1!' this lie true, there was cer tainly no , i rees.-i i y for the oiiieer'n using the force lie did in making the arrest. No ollicer has the right, to inflict pmiishmc nt in Makingan arrest, no matier how abusive his jirisoner may be: the infliction of the- punish ment is for the court. An ollicer has (he light to use till necessary force in making :m inrcsl, and has a right to defend his person, bill no l'.uther. i FayetteviSle Observer: Mr. S. 11. Parker. Superintendent of the poor house, has in his possession mi an cient J'.ible. :M!i years old. Last: rimrsday. "JSih u'lt . a bright young Jail named Willie 1 ' "ivcr. while play ing' about in Mini's Mill, in the south ern suburbs of toy. ii. was by some means caught in tho gearing of the machinery, and w is dreadfully injured and bruised before he could be extri cated. The community was pained : to learu last Tuesday m-ming Hint j Mrs. C. ii. Mullet t h'nl been badly burned i:i kindling a lire. Sim used . :l!ie oil can. which eploded, etr. e!op-: ing her person in the flames which 'were with dtiUeulty extinguished. Her injure s arc very severe undpaiu t'ui. but her a; tending physician hopes liny are not dan-erous. - Last Tuesday timruiug Mr. Martin Orady. , night vvats hman at the railroad, went ' lo his breal.t'i-i in s: emi:,-!,.- his, us,:-;! hei.lih: b.;i. imm- .'.ia!' ly ' ai'f r ; ea: ing me I while in t .e gar.'.eu with: hs '..if.', il" eompi litied of ;;Ti:i! Ji l'll bi'twciii the shoulders, an. I w,;s obliged to lie down on tic pi ti-a. Pr. Lilly v ..s summ.'i:ed. hut a very miuui-s a':.'r hi., iirriva1 Mr. tiredy' b'.e.Uls'd his la-t. Tim olhcr PlolT. ie.g d'.!:i,.;;' th" rain, while (. I. Ni.o-.i and .'vndre.y M i-. n '.vre get ting out . lone in (lie .".iv'.-nal groin id.J. they h, ;.,',! a' noi.e. mid look ing up. tin y saw an obi-el descending '.iiro'e.''', the vr. of wiicil they m-U' eel dl d ill bri-i'l il .- ''" fall, illld it ..;n;ck thecailh wiih li'iie injury. I', v.i-i a small while l'L- -I'op Hi nl Iv a few il iys old. ami t! "'f.s'l of itr fall from sway above is undoubted f i...,"i" i' wes bei'e:' . i' i; 1'bv :i l.awk vhic!. !.-..-d i- :m..i o.i !!ie ptvy. ( it e,'!-..t'.i o l'"..',i-l : Mmiroe Thon-i.-.i.;!. who lisr d th" t iv-s in Oreen to-, ushio to,.'.. .1 ea: el'ul census ..f tne dog . 1!" '"- '"Is 'AM dogs in th" township i'gai'-. I 17-" perso'is ' v im pay a poll ta. whi- ii makes a i'lii!;,:!! i,vi-r Iwii d.g-. i the p ill. ii'.!:- I . a I'.'ie sho.'. !i. 'U' till' io,U,i. ii 1 1. :;.'.. ;s '.'a!..--. ; . a mai'mmi'dica! ei iiaitiiv ihal mmiou i-' ;r-"itig I'' be ..' .re. , i-ml hi jber. Timing (ireeii thou '.! lamgi'v. v ' ".! i;!:eep i.l'i." , ;i. i in ih ' :.i v. What a p;;-,,i,e.: 1. , limeh ai. M.. PI .i.,m:. live mil .. i--: ' ;ew!i. was ' 'ee-cd a fe.y d :-. s i" by removing a 1'iine of glass, e.ei! eli the Sumlay i.'l !imu boo!. ; si"!-, n. The log... s left the l.ib'.c. -..lob!. Wil .-..,! w'e.o put :i f-w i.-rp in a private i.ond l.i-' spring i, - :: , -ed to linil thai id live !:, -mbs old these ii-;!, v, i;:l,e.l from !! io -'I ouu.'e.. - wi'ho'i! Klii' eo.-t or oil'.', except lie' le, i..b. , f ,. M... p-md -. d the shooting of ;. few t .!:! s and d i-'s. Will our p.- ; !' n i-.aiti v. 1. ' . i! t !i. . . li.'i ,v':,.''i i1 .- is .... little :o ni... them 1 '1 lie il' ; i;.iiy i'1.1 '.'..-. heird l.e-t ni ;i:t. Ac, .':'.:..;g ;' old folks i; v ill !,. i-l,! tli"i e la-ii.'i, until the kil'ln ;' ll".t i l i:"eils!io,'.i. w hie'.i i lac s it :ib ait !'.:. ri'i d time s iy October 1 i;li. -- A friend from ft n!r.' (li. vi I I'.vn.hiii says a child .vie. b oi n ill I. is neighborhood lasl week which h is si le w'ui: In rs ami a mustache. In'mg out the rubbi.-h in Ihcdy Fork a lo;r was splii open which was t'llh'.l vvilll saiid. clo.-elv -packed, in the middle of whieh was a vcrv lar -;'' turtle. The turtle had evidently neiu while ipiite small and the log tilling up with sand pre vented il , escape. Tho impression is the tree had been ill the creek for, many years. It was alive and hearty ami tieai iv as large as a l'onr barrel. Cha-iolte Journal: Mrs. W. M. Mstilnws, an old ladv who is well remembered in Charlotte, dropped ih ad at th" le.-ideuce of her son. W. M. M.tithcw .. Jr.. in Prov idence low nshij'. t hi . c. ,un:y, a ft vv days ago. Tne cause of In T .lea!!; is supposed I.) have been healt disease. --A emi-o-iiv at ll.e count v por ho use is a1 i o!o:.'d man called 'Sam." who em open his mouth until it measures 1 iie he., in circumfcicnee. --A colored i.iati named Milt on Forney, was yes Im. I iy sent to jail for culluig b pi.-ci s a sad. tie ami loi of liarnes be lo;.gin;; to Mr. Alien Crime, in . hoe eini'iov the imgro formerly worked as a ilrHy msii. This .iecc of vamlili.-in was roi::,ht by the liee.-o out of sini le spii". --Young P.dhh. d.m-hti r of Mr. Vt'i.i. II. Trcloir. who had becii Iving hick '.vith aa af fection of tho brain at her father's! hoil-v in Ihls city for several weeks' past, died Sunday af moon nt 1 ; o'clock, and IheeireuiiiKtAiieesattend- i iug her death were peculiarly sad. About three weeks ago tho young girl fell from a tieo mul received ;i ; ' severe contusion on the head, back o! the ear. From tliU h'lt't she soon siiil'ered the nm:-t excruciating jmin. : :nid though closely attended by ti physiei'i sheeontiuiied '.ogrow worse. A few days ago the depi cssion in her : skull was discovered atid was found ; to be softening. The soi'fem'ug coll , tinned until Sunday afternoon v. hen the young sulVerei died. A crowd of Charlotte people will attend tlie Louisville Exposition, a parly being already made up logo. Frighl re ports conic I'r.m all tin.- mines of the county lately, developments being of a richer charaeli : than ever before. All the mines appear to lie doing well ami paying handsomely. Aslieville's drovtlh. l-'i''.m It.,- New. ici'l OI...-I v.'i'. Ti ii years ago the taxable properly of As la ville wa, assessed for taxation at about S.".tH.('.)!): the next year ill :;i."iii.iii)il. iiml so emit itin'mg on the ascending scale until 1SS2. when it reached a million and more. Last , year the increase was over a quarter of a million of dollats, and now the iiuioimt of taxable propel ty is a million and a li If. The increase of popula tion ha-, been equally as notable ami t :the improvements nee even more' 'apparent. Fine buildings, splendid ; ihivcs. niaciidamied loads and ntag liiilicent bridges at once adorn the city and illustrate the public spirit 'and enterprise of thu residents. i ! A slight shock of earthquake was, i felt nt t'airo, Illinois, last Saturday I ! timrnitig at about - o'clock. As v. lien Slio was Voting. j 'I have used l'arker's Hair ll.ilsam and like it better than any similar: ireparatioii 1 know of," writes Mrs. Lileii I'erry. wile of Ii-v. !'. Ferry, if ' t'oidhrook Springs. Mass. "My hair! ! was almost entirely gray, but a1 , dollar bottle of the lialsam has rcstor- Cil me soilness, ami ine erow n coior i,!i;,,U:li.,,tvvasyo,,,.grn,,a - .gle ing the Lal -am my hair has stop. pel falhii',' out. and 1 tiudthntit is a l-erfectlv hiirmiess lllld agreeable : d Ihe soilness, ami the brown color .er lil I'SMIlg. The I'm til. oi' !):iiIi;i:ii. The '.m ler.-igticd has 01. '.'lied, inlhe town o! I 'm ham. N. !.. a banking houe. under tec nam'- and title of "1'iii: livvK or l)i-e, iwi." with ample means for the transaction of a gen eral hanking business. '1 he rapid and unprect dent! d growth of Durham justifies me in tin- lmpe. (ban in creased hanking facilities are demand ed, and will greatly add to tlie general prii..peiity ot o'.li' people, and to the success of new enterprises, yet to :"' The ImsiueKs of (he bank wil! be conducted Ly P. A. Wiley, es.j . for ! thirteen I'as'ii. !' of the "Cltiens ' National i'. -.n!: of i; .e'gh. N. ('" It is proposed to iiiiv and Sell' Mock -i and !!..uds: to Make t 'oiler li ills at ii'.i accessible points, ill. lie: Lowisj I'.i,!. -: ;,i Nee..i inSe t.o.m.s;. nis.'.mul i'ap. r: P.-.ty mid ti. 11 Ia cliaiir. : Leccive Deposits, p.aynble on I ) 'man ! or ot herw is" as may be agreed upon, and to do such oilier legitimate bush; -is as may be olVeicl : in tiie lire of basking. Voiir p.lilli'.i.'m'e is so'.ieitid. ' W. '!'. P.i.e i.wn:. , Pi-.'pi ii lor. P. A. V.Y.:.v..C.i,!.;.-r. . Ol-ie.l U', . ,'l...l :'. , oMs:.:.. V. I.... l.-.'.l ll"s ill X.'W ll 'l"' 1,'H " ,. ,. .-, : j .',-. '. I IKli..... . , 'l Ill" ll ll l',o i-.'i is VV. Vle.Mi'.l.l . n.'i-l is ynr. 11,.' ,1.-, le- Km : ii, li'.'NO V?- s,,., II lll.'.'.;lley- . .ii." ,., thi- li!..s: pr-illlllii lit, an 1 w 'ii iieiny li-l.' .il l ;e. I i l 1:, .Mii: ,1:-,.., 111. ,ll. r.'..' leu- Ill VI' l l-.'l.l I..WH ..... !-. W ii.i.ia.m In teN. in Villi Til AEESTS. i: i.n. ii..i ilium N.llllliS. 'VATT i ill" l'V TAVLOli. i. no, I'..;, v i ,oi M I---ION M Kle ll V'l s, ' -. n.i ,. 1. ei .ii, ! N -. :. il.a'U" si.s., kvi.i s.i.. .'., .ii;v r. is. .-I m 1 1; in;.-. . i-iim,-,'. -I.- i .1 5t, i : i.i:,.i:o..':::;v Mvr.urT. ; l'i.l,i:,i-- I , I 1 Hi Ii I I'.'A. lies, I'.i'T , li.'..l r. Ill, ,1. I I I I't le 1 .Vl'l'll-.-. I I .-I'lllll , 10'. I C -I'l.v, lll.,l."i, ' 1 su.'ir -M.,.,1. v...s,i .-!.,.v. 8-,' "e.i. i I'l. mm -, X. '., .i"M i e-alllli.'il.'.l, I'l M..i,i.s. .- , met. r, I-",.''' i'i..'i. ): u i . i'..i-i., ia .. , I l' .ik. h.ii. i'-.miii.,ii. ;u , . io i.ih-i. r..,i .. l;:i-':i:,.-. - '.' " 11 '.j I ciiiek.'HM, a.-. .T.1.1 'I'l,',, I. I'll', ui'!-. ..'. i .-- Ht. ,'11. e r Lull .... 1 W) 9 V Tlie...' .ri,'.'. .ii',' lar,'" l"l,. l';illl.t.....-.l ll lllls, l.e, I',' New Advert isriiinits. Pitn ci run liiiLri 1' ur ei ll... l vevis i,.r mill I,l. .s ;ni. slui.Ci-I -, Ul. i'.l i- .-r. at eir. llv-ilj. i, iei.1 It .11 !',- ' I.. i- a i.-rm y.-'ir. I" li,r,,i-iii,i;ii,ii ai'i-ly t-' n.i i.'i-iii,. .r ri.iii., , iiaiii,. l-.,r furiliiT II.OVI H VVFNT. i M -ii' iir.-. S. C. inifvisTK toi;snoi u r. u.iiiii.' .I'l-'ii'i' '.i vl'Miiiisii-ut, rii en' I .11- 'I- .-.-.,- .. 0,i' 11,1- , 11 .1 e I" KM ..'i i.s ll' I I- ' ,11 , ll . .i.'lSl. 'I" i-s 'IT .f III- .-'CI .i'.'i'.l,.C Ill, siilll" I.'l I' Ul' II' "ll -.r l"T !.' .ll" . "I'll .lav .,1 lull . t... . litis I, .' l.'i ii lit Li' .l...l l in :,c.',.rih..i.- i-i ,-.i.-.-v. i.l I.vs ll. m.v.vN. ,lu!i i. IS, I. 4w. 4 n?,iiisTi; vrous'NOTKT.. i II .t villi; .,,;:i'.l'l,' 1 n- V l:..l,l,.MI -I- lllUl lli t ill fi n I . t II. i'. I .e. t. .'.,'.'i'ilsi. I. lu re- py ii I i t.-r... I.. I. av, . laliils ll'lfti.l L ie '.. . ',!M. ,-. l.nli .lay Inly. iw-l. July l,i, !.!. Ci. I., n. in; van. ). L. 1,1.1'iN. TRUTHS Ti.e 1 loo.l i- p.... f ..i'.r.l,m'..:i S :':, it iinr.l..i:, l!'!'.'i'i.!i evry ..-.rt i t o.iv . hp i mil. ii i. .inc r.i'l liili. (;.' .1 le.'. li'.i i. ill')"" mI'Ic. Il' ,!l,.'.oi: li.l. ill li', 1 ll.l- M -.It'll t'li .'.'': Mm' .in.l ; vi ii Is v.'.iy Imliivc it out i, le i:nf,- il 1 1 I till It li llic hli..,.l. '1',-ss fails .lie well Kr.ntv-i. ii.el tie' lii;;lit:-t niiti'i'iilii". !it;ivc lle.l i i!ii)-ii l,ul ieai will le'.o.' tin- 1'lee.l tn in. in. -an U I'ltnli'.i ai ; aii'l ab" l ! iiit 1 lie ie.ii l,ii!itrto ni.i !'. !,ci. tin- it".'.!i, aii,i' livad uii.c. i-'i-i pre' iii;i:rietis. Hl'.oWN'S lR, .N 1 . 1 1 : ni ' illlher diilily sinl ipii. Uly i. -.-iiiiil.iK' wall the 1 I,,..'!. .ml; in;: aii-i lK'ii:lln ti -ia.; li, nil i till,.; ,!i:..-' tii.ta.c tuna any Mrt t-! tlie "yin-in, ami it v ill el.ic'uell ti,0 t.-.tll, C.'.usi- l.ts I-r...!-.i: er i i-ii'.iie.'.lieii, is e.-i tivjv iaj.i.l-.-i. Saved i ClilU. r.w.. St., f r-. M. I .-'.. i -, ei.-.. ;-:n.o- t'l-.n e.c e . .i.iiiiiii.'.i- C..ii ,.t ,i lit. ml 1 li . 'l 1!k.,ms'-. I. lev 111 I 1 1-1'-. Hi ;i l.'llti; iHl'i ir-!,,r..lS.- f. r rev il.l'llJili r, I wv-i llioroiilily en. unci v.... w ,.tilK mi.'.- nil1! I xiiMii'ti'li. n. I I. .yiiii; ! ,.l ilei ..' i!.i,tl,ltr, l'V II.- t.'eil ic ttUnise, in-J-r l!,e c f iniii'-nt i,i,t.i, i i'.. 1 i ,s 1,-l'n !ti Lclit-ve l!,.,t iii..s rt-ilj .ni.-.l Ihe j,r,,j;rt..s t-l liu- ile.-l.-f, t'HI. lu my e-.,t su: pi I" l-.ft- 1,-y il.,'.,-li. tfi 1,-ul ...l.i-n en--- l'ii!-iii.t-w.N's l,.-l I'll li-:;s, .ip Lri..n lu ni'litl ...n, t now is ,:.:i'.c rt.l.,i..-.l I-, f.-ili.-! lichti. A rtuli il. n, filler Imii.iii t. luw .i",nn i.f (',.-iMiiiipli,.u, ni'.l viien i!,t toii.iilif il l.e i.iii.Uly s.e.l " I'. i.ic -. n- re ilMiir.1i" nr., ttlii-ii n:lirti,i-,l e,e c-,.i-r sisi, i t... lukinn Cht.ivN'. Ikon lirii.n-, rr .p.ei.l,. ! " is a Koutl (.'int. i.'ii- li." AUUHAM I'llLLfa. Pie w'i; Iron Itn itl'ii-iiiiil-ly c.i'.'is 1 lyspt'l'si.i, linlif.slieli an'l VVt skiii'SS. iiml renili-rs ihf urctt-st relief .Till! i't-m.'1'.l lo .LI'...)1IS Mlllrrill fnmi such vviiMinn lii.t.iM', .in I'nii suiiUJUivi:, lu.'ucy Cuui'liuis, etc. ,H. voerii mpallVl S v ?ilt M,'l'1.,.: x ti,i,i.,.i mt t-i itt .n.!-.;,.' im.;' f'V "hII "$71 iI.mi n- .V lie Is li.'l-.'l.f li..l!il.-l ... I .' illl'l J ! I" III ill.' :..r i in-1 'i.tu ,f i!,.. . ,.'n". ion. in v.. i.iv. .-iii.T an i sei vt.-i' ,,! llii-i -line it. 'is . a,,. I .'in.iv.'i' .r -leluill- '' - i In- .l iliiUT s liii'l im'. "I J l I-: n.'io . I , . -. -it i ...... .. tt. I'. U'l' I .hill.- -.. t..i.-1'.s. sum:. Attend the7) S7 Of Ki'imirliy I nlvorsily. LrinjTtoa, Ky. 1,Mt n ..ii.i.I. t- 'I- 1,,', I' ' fir ,1 .1 I'l .,..k,. 1. i...ul -'. I it (lprr l. ft, ...f.-r.-IOt:, t,'t',.V.'lu'i tlu.l, .: le-ii, 41 Nil,-. I.l y.-r ; .,.01,1 .. .... l t . . t.1 ntti.. Fall p.., .H , 1,'M. - .ri,.-0... .llrp-, W. R. SMiTH, Leninmon, Ky. CITIZENS N A'l ION A I. HANK,;iit. m. . ROTARY timi. t ll- ,ll',' -.h" ' ti.-lil I, i- l 1,'llllie.l .-I. i ., a i.-.i. ! oTVlV ...ii..! i -r a.- s-,',' II VI. 'low. I'l,. .. ,- I..SI ii ni I've.y lnrai.T "i.-lr ni I . api 'v I.. M.ii el: -j j. e:.n. ,ioi:n s. evMl SI 1.'. l'l'l.l,,.!'.,'. N i s i r mm C!! ;i. OP Sv'liilPPI.P N... 1 1 li v ' ' " V ,ii -i:i i i-ir I S ,li:.,r-l .',1111' I',.. I , M.ii.s-I'.'el.- K-v-.-r II. '11:1,1111 II:.' 'I''. -ell II. , lll'l'l,!'.'! ni l1 ,! :,'l " ; iCIh. Ii.'.I. ,';iv... I. i i III '.'.I-l ).. III. : mum win m.ll, sni ,,-in'i ItlJiLlJJ'J X.Jil. l ..ll'l!.,.'. Ill !' ,' I'.'' 'll.' I , ' 'IL a. li. Mt-.m.i rr. .1 lllV t -. 1 - . -IN. TO TAH-FAYSHS. N.,11.... i I-..-I'..'. ii"", Uni 'I .'iiinN-l ,11,-rs ,,f U HUM "'.' Cli.l'lili'll will III 'i'l ,11 II 'Il' li., use. .HI tin's ml M. M i-It III .Vli.',i-1 li'-M. l-'l-lli.. pur,...,- ,.r ii'iisiiu: ' mv IN-" " '1'" -i'V'ii' I..wiisI.ii,s in,. ! .ii lu.f .-ill .,'l-s..u- ..I.; in.' ' U,i. vi.liiiiil.,ii..i 11.,'H ;,'.i" o: , "r cil-'- niii'.init "f n i-Iiiii-j:.- I i- en i '. i;. seo't'T, ciiuii in. in- July 1'.', is IN. r anisu,i" .ix rnisi AM'i: 9 J ..I ,im , r.l, I'.'l 'In' sil-i'rl"l'.'"Ul'l "i Clinll'ieu v . Ill i-l'' in Hi'' - le " ' ;Mi.'nMV.-'-'iV'-iiii'--'i."'r.i' Misi " UiiV ill VllU'lNt. ll-'1- S "I Liii'l "" "' i wrlli ls ; ir i i',-,', iiisal'l m y. ..liiauiius- I in. a im-'Ui.T ira.-i a-i uii; 'in- in'." ,i,iaiiili'..r .v.) ii.'ii-s. I.tli ira.'N iii-liii! on' -mul' ...iii.'v.'.l l,i w. A l..iv ly I" Tli.,iu,is ' w e- i'.v I.h-,1 .l.ili'.l At. i ll H.ll, Is.'"'.. 1 w i'. roi suit, c mii. July '.ill'., Us. EVEIIYMAN "! Ought to INSURE AGAINST FIRE -t Tin:- NORTH CAROLINA ill! 11111 r.,r lui' l'i'i' iiif..i in.Aii..n ni'i-ly m 11 A. LONDON, .lis.. Agent. J. leoi. Mi rbBor.O, N. C!w, x. c. GRAKD OPENING OK WSY7 GOODS run tiik m : pii 1HI Uii ,). We cH'ci- u large and attractive slock ! of j Dress (.oods. Silks, lllacli (iootls. Dress Trimniingn, Linens, Domestics. Oing-' ' liams, I i'osiery and Gloves! Shoes for Lrdies, Misses. ; Children, ( ienllcmeii ami I lov K ; I lais : i (ieuih men's Suitings, and ; t 'as. imercs. Kentucky am- ' ' ' lomiili s . Ifo'.ise Ke.-t il.o (ioods, t';.r i. slettiligs. Ac. Kvuvti.inj XKW . ( HOICK iind DKSiilAl'd.l': in the DRY COOl IS lira at popular prices. Lest goods lot- hast money. Le .lire to call wlu n oti are in : IJaleigli. Sat is I'm t ion guiirantewl. W. H. & M. S. TUCKSIl & CO. , Mur.-li I-'., li-M. JOIi ESBG RO7 HI SH SCHOOL. ' Jonesboi o', Moore Co., X. C. ; Tin' ii' ni t..,i-..i "t U, li- hlrflity'i'ssrul s-.'liool will 1.,-i-ai .Inly ii,' !. lv:i. i-'..i' I lu-ihiii' Iiif.'ni.iii i"ii n..yln 1 i-ji. -. w;i.j.i vm e. nu n, 1'riiR-li'iil. .iiuic'-:" ii, t. zn?.2e&T&?&. school, ir-'ni.'.iii. a in mm.) i. l :.!'. t-viiN ' v HH1..MK s. uiiii'i-ii PiiAi-illiiir S.-I...'Ih I,, l- II...... In A.. II. Ill .M'Mlll.NS. In AllEA "I rvi .i'...a: ana ui ,ti i j.iu.'iii t.-r I'Iivhical. ci'L- Ti UK. The lT'.Vti'.)ii will begin August; 1-t. lss.!. M V.i. It. MIViM VM Sllli'l. Hli,t''.,;.M s, 1..1..I l'. o., ormii' C.i., s. c. Jj,S S EVjlllS & CO., ., v ., , . , f, I i. I l.l.r., I.., - -;; ''' '"' - ' ' Machinery usisia.j hi Engine. Saw and (Jrist Mills, Cotton (iins. Presses, A'c., tV:e., W.' i,n.. In ..,',; ;i .. -I M l.'.'li.,n ir Kixunil l:.i;,.l llii.-ii:-.... ,i, i: I,-,, r ,....r, ft- m i'. In 2.'i- ,. .I.,-, ...i !n.'i, 'T. r si'M t vi. txiirei:. 'I-.N"I'... 'I'l..-.- In n. -1 ..l ..'!i i;.Ih will lllnl It l .lli .; Ili'.'i.-t ', x.-iiiill ui' si.., li l.i l.iri' puis i h.i -ii';; , n In re .11 i.".. .i. Ii.!1. ' .' i.-e-irli' I. 1"!, ell .-ei.- s.i.e-, I iivll.-HH... N, O. .IAS. s. i;v A.SS & CO. I'.llV ... is- I. Largest Stock OP 15ii&iriiiir and lies Xosih Carolina! i'or the !;.-. !'sl cash juices to mr&zzz Ann DEnrns wriiv to '.'.!. T. Li'.AClf .'v ('("). i'M tm:;. X. C. I'. V. I.I II I ,-.-'. ! I. .'.., -.. V iii.-n-.;in nn l ; .'. All u u. lues., o,n. I,.-, l I..,',- il,.' I'jit.-nt i,..l ,.. .1 I... N.i n j. mi nr. !. Si'iul f..r ; wr'i? rpnp ready E.-m' for f, CAT ALCCUIT& PRICE LIST. 5!E?A?t?i S!3L2Y& CO. KOCiiiiiTti: N.V. i-ti'jHA:-l Sir.ta. CHICAGO ILL. 2CC -20C Randolph St. mm & SH08KE3, Ateeys ai Law, in. -.f cl-.iOeim i-Minity. . ,-itii vvlii-t I Hi llto Hlftio Iwi Mutual lifs Association y Of Virginia Ol'l'i rs the following advantages over other life insurance compuniis: I,!. It does not cos! One hull' to carry a eerlilieale of membership in our Association as in old line life insur ance companies. -nd. Our A-'.'-.'ssm. nt Table is lowcf tlii-.u in ntiy other life insurance company, association, or society. :ird. Our charges are at actual cost of enrrying rislis ; our policy holders are our treasurers. The utmost caution is exerciKeil in accepting none but Bound riskn. Tith. Not more than :000 curried on any life. I s. w. JAcitsou. Agent, Juue 21, lbH'A.