FOR THE FARM AND HOME. TarrlHK Corn. A correspondent, of the Mirror and Fanucr recommends soaking corn in lar water to prevent crows from pull ing it u n. For a number of years 1 have practised tarring my corn, and niy process is as follows: I pour hot water upon it when I am ready to plant, and let it remain in the water about two minutes. I then pour oft" the water, and for every two quarts of cum stir in a piece of green tar about the mzo of an acorn. The corn being warm melts the tar, nnd every kernel is nicely varnished; then, to separate the kernel, stir on a little torn meal. I never knew crows rmrthecorn worm to trouble corn served in this way. iuballmte nr Italia Hoeing and the Ire pient stirring of the surface of the soil are good sub-': slitutes for rain. Those parts of the ' garden that are most freijuently culti vated show the best results. It is probable that corn, watermelons, toma- , toes, Lima beans and cabbage, and pos.-.ibly oilier plants, if well started in fined, deep soil, may go through a two-months' drought without very serious damage. A deep, well-manured soil suffers much less than a shallow soil, snibsoiling and manure are to a jcrtain extent substitutes for rain. Moisture comes from below, t'nder- ; draining is also a safeguard against drought. The course of the drains in the garden can easily be marked in a dry season by the ranker growth i.f vegetation above them. Irrigation in many parts of the country will pay Ilie soil, if well prepared, could use to good advantage twice the quantity of water it receives from r;tins during the iry months of the summer. rropneatlng Miruba, Test Methods of Propagating Shrubs" was the subject of a paper read before the Massachusetts horti :ultural society by William trong. Mr. strong advocates, as the cheapest and surest method, the propagation of shrubs from seeds. 'Where one is in baste, however, grafting en strong md congenial stocks must be resorted to, nnd it is by this means that some nf the rarest evergreens are multiplied. The stocks are started in pots, and , when the sap is fairly mining side grafts are inserted in the dormant . scions, and then packed away in a shaded frame in the greenliou-e, keep, i ng moist with sphagnum. In a few weeks there will Le a large per cent, of Mahlished plants. I'eciduoiis shrubs are n Teased by rutting off the soft wood in .Inly or August, in 1 oxes with thrfe inches of soil and an imh of line sand at the op, pland iu .-haded frames with d:ght bottom heat. A cheap mode .vith many sorts is to make ripened wood cuttings iu autumn, bury in 'umdlcs bottom ends up, sheltering :"rom rain and hard free: ing. and plant ut in early spring. Cutting maybe aken from most g!eenlioiit' shrubs Jarly in spring and tiny will root read :ly in a propagating bed. Tins an swers well for nses for winter-cut lower.. The much admit d .Japanese maples. Al.idi thrive only with shade and noisturc, were reported as not suitable for ordinaiy culture in this country. A new aalea i.l. i, from Japan, winters well and llowers superbly. Many ni w si edlings have bi en raised ivhii b are reported t be suited to our "lin. ate. The single Japan rose (iwi fi'wso is pronounced a very promising shrub- i'..'' Y'Jfk 11'-.;.. 1 eriliuic Mirrp. You must not collect a large flock of dicep 1 cforeynn get something for them to eat, and that something must be :ln ir natural, that lood is grass -er.iv! that is sodded and perennial. The stoinai h of a sheep is small and te cats but little a' a time, and he wants that little very often, say every :wo or three hours; hem e he should fie where he i an gather his own food The tendency of all kinds of grain md dry provmder is to make sheep jiihealthy. A little grain before settli ng to the shambles is useful t i help fatten, but tat itself is a di-i a-e and ihould be avoided so far as possible in ill breedinganimals. I.ikewiseshoiild the (ther etreiiie--vi., poverty -be iVoideil. I have seen sheep dcgi ri' r nte from povuty more in one genera tion than they could be improved in :wo or time. 1 see much in the papers about sheep loving bitter weeds, nriais. sassafras and the like, and they are good s-cavi ngers for a foul farm. My sheep love the cultivated grasses oest. I remember once to have killed some sassafras with sheep, but 1 also killed some of my sheep. It Will done by confining them too long to the same teiritory as well as to the same food. Sheep neid to have their pasture riianged at least once a month. And this now pasture is as much to force them to sleep in a new place as it is to give a variety of food. Xo sheep ran he healthy long that sleeps on the same place ami over his own excrement every night. Fnrminy H'orH. Ilnuarhnlil lllnta. To keep dried fruit from becoming wormy scatter among it pieces of sas afras bark. When ivory-handled knives become yellow theyeftn be cleansed by rubbing them briskly with emerv or sand paper A small piece of salt pork boiled with fricasseed chicken will impart a riekness to the gravy and the flavor will bo better than if nothing but but ter is used. Here Is something for the young mother who must tend baby and sew: Make a largo s inure pillow, and for this hens' feathers will answer if the feathers of thegooseare too expensive; cover it with bright-colored calico or bit of cretonne; when completed lay it on the floor and put baby on it on his stomach. He will amuse himself in many ways, and often learns his first lesson in creeping here. Me will lie and pull or kick a' the ilnuer. on the carpet, and will kick a i l r dl and gain strength in his limb-; and :n o -casional accident caused by v getting too near the edge will n t a 11 right a baby who ha proper spirit and deter mination. COUNTERFEIT MONEY. II In tiro.vlim Almmlnnlv l iiiiiuimi.-.l 1.1st of llxil llllli. Cashiers of large lie nantile establish ments complain that i-uintertcit mon ey i in circulation toan almost unprcc cdentel extent. Note of t he denom ination of are said t b most com mon anions' tin counterfeits, but much care has to be excrcNod to avoid bein I j victimized by people attempting to J pass bad $') bills. If there is but one ; flaw in the chara ter of an individual, I that Haw is found in a willingness to ! part with money suspcted oi Icing bogus without making sine before ot- j fering it. There aie varieties o! lion esty, and such, a test would be com- , plete in detecting between two Kinds, the difference separatini: which i far i from being marked in the ordinary j events of buying and selling. Most j people, when called upon t" d" ide j in reference to whether a bill is good, j examine the engraving and the quality , of the paper, and if these appear riidit have little doubt remaining. Many j worn good bills, however, ta.i to ap- ', pear to the unskilled eye as nicely t n- j graved as some coin;!, rluts. and very frequently experts are on ertaiu. I'eo- . pie interested in silbng oiinterteit detectors i arry with tiiem go d 1 i ! ! .- which appear to be had and o i l hdU : which appear good, simply to : onvuu e people who have too gn at i onlideiieo in themselves i om cniing this matter. The only cmin'tTli :t s m eir i. latum are on banks as tollow s: Massie husctu -'-I's -n X.i'iotial l.a. gle of I'.oston. f.'s . n I'.oyNton. i. bl and Facitic i l'.o"t,.'i. I'c lliam of 1 . .1 hain. To asset of lt!l lliver. la ie- "'or of Leicester. M. reliant of Nt w lie I ford. First of N-.rtha'iit-.n. th- bridge of oii!!il'l-id..o.,.i'f!l ol Wesiii.M. '""'--on lir-! and lovee of Post .n. M' rc'iaiit ,' t.f N'.-.v I'.c llord and I'ittsoold of Pit's:. eM. New York - -?J's on I '!iio; ,.; Kinder hook, Union of Linderpark. Ninth. Ma rine. Market and "t. Ni- ':!. i- ! N.-.v-York; .s i n M i'iiiI.i t uii r." o! A'e sterdaiii. Pawling I'.iw'imi. lVr' Manwix of Koine and "late I'roy; f Jo's on city of Albany, i "y of Ao bum. Fanners" and Mannia- turerv of I'.llfl.t'io, first Ol I.e.- land ol Ne'.v'ourg, l'ir-1 Croton, Marine. Mark.t Mi roh. nits', I!.i:ii. of on of New York. Pirst. i t ers' and Manafa t irc:s keepsje. l ast ,a K, 1 lb tv of lb - host. r. ( i'ii' i'ti! port. High A jueriean, haai. "". Iicive. -t.lte and l'.iriir of I'oll.''..- k. Flour ' : : iloaio. -ir. aeitse of yr.n use. Mutual of I'rov. "aratoga i oiupany o! Wa'eriord and Watkins . f W.itKins. llhode bland J's - a lllinde Island, of ew oit. Illui ii- s.Vs on Pirst of Aurora; First of Canton: First, t entral. man. Mer.-I.ant"'. Traders' and Union of Chi- ago; First of Peru and Fanners oi Virginia. Peiis!v,i!ua s.Ys on Pirst of ll.uio ver and First of fauia pia: l"'" on First of Ilanovi i an I l'ii "t : lro,. qua:l'i'son Fir"', and I'liird l'inl u delpliia: Jo's i.ii Poiiitii of I'iiil.el l phia: b".fs on bank of C.iiuuu roe of Pittsburg and N-eond of Wdkesb.irre. Mil higan s'.'s on People's of .l,e k Soli. Connection' s.'i's on -lewett - ily ol Jewett cdy: "'s on First jf Portland. Wis- otisiu - "' s on First oi .Milwau kee. Vermont- rVs "'i M"iitcj , lier ol Moiitepi lier, and First of i. Johns, bury. Indiana tin's on Lafayette ot La fayette, Muneii; uf Mum i', Kiehinorid of l!i hmond. Maryland - ifl'i'son Natiunal Lx change of Pialtiinore. Ohio -lm i's on Ohio of Cincinnati- Pesides the abov e there are in circu lation stolen notes as follows: $Ys on Osage bank of Osage, Iowa, and the ' National bank uf Pontine. III.; Alo's on : the Merchants' of Albany, the Nation- , al uf llarre, Vt.,tln National Hide and ! Leather bank of I'oston, and the Third I of New York city; Ju'sonthe Mer chants' of Albanv. N. Y., the National bank of Marre, Vt., the N. II. and L. of Boston, and the Third of New York city, and l-VJ's and l'H.s on the First of Jersey city and the National city of Lynn, Ma-s. These notes were stolen when unsigned, and the spaces for sig natures of presidents and cashiers are fraudulently Idled. Nebraska claims the largest apple ever grown in America. It weighed 29 1-2 ounces. CHILDREN'S COLUMN. Wraatlrr v Spi-ller Our John has bpguu io si'ell; All! he ia very proud, lie stand up sirttixht his brunt eyes snap, Iln spells extremely loud He My. I hero's no use studying, He knows it nil so well; In liict, hu thinks lie knows much more Thiiii the Hj'e!ling-liok cull lull. Uul Roinoone hiinH to ninninin's cars liejiiii Is I lua .film Inn "iniswd." 'Hnw is ll.ii., ili-iir?" lKl u.ks, while John HeiiM to tin it im.t wist; eYe-i'M," lonKiii ilown, "Will Kieegot up me" (v!i:it a Irown') "Jin fn lis i he hesi," iin.l here Joint brums, "Uul I can wieslle linn down.'' Cool Cheer. Tl-lio 'oiirnsr. The bravest boys are not always those who are ready to light. Here is the story of one who showed the right spirit when provoked by his comrade.": A poor boy was attending school one day with a large jtat h on the km e of one of hi trou.-ers. One of his schoolmate made fun of him for this, and i ailed him "Old Patch." Why don't you light him r" cried one of th boy i. -I'll give it to him if he called me so." "Oh." said the boy. "ou d 'li't sup pose I'm ashamed of my patch, do you Pur my part. I'm thankful for a g 1 mother to keep nt" out of rags. I'm proud of my patch for her sake" Tim wa nol le. That boy had the coinage that would make him success ful in the struggles of life. We must have courage in our struggles, if we hope to come out right. Trunin r Trnvr. liven about the commonplace dollar of the United Mates there is already a shadow of romance, says the V'u'i'i i nifi:ii'"h. A dollir appeared la.-t winti r in Philadelphia w hiih created quile an excitement. It b r" Mm date of l""! an 1 was held at two thousand dollars. Dollars of tha date are so rare that each one ha ; a ped.grce or sern s of af fidavits to prove it g"tiu ne. The r a on for the arcity of this coin is said to be that almost the w hole silver coin age of that year was sent into Atrha to defray the t xpetise- of the United Mates expedition again.-t Tripoli. An. o'her statement is that it was sent to China to pay for a cargo of h a. i-vi r the reason maybe, it i. certain that it any boy who read the .;;,.;'.;; sh-Uihl find one of tllC.-e c litis h" w oi:!, 1 h ive suthcicnt capital fo pay f.T his education. Other A intra an coins are still more rare. Of the live-dollar gold pie. e struck i:i 1"1'. tliei -is said to le but a .-ing!" o io in exi-t' m c; this js owned by the King of s'.tr !ei. The oiitlo in coiifnh racv had stlili-k just Imir half dollars wbeu the tiiin' iu New Orb an . wa. ci d. I'h.s coins are held a! l.C idoll" pra-i .-. A glamour ot in :! ry and romance also hang about certain hoards of buried dollars along th- coa-t. Kid-! the pira'e. is uipo ed to have buried large stores of com. dum-h silver, etc., which have never l en discovered, al though scan h has been made for the stolen tr asures from Maine to Yir- ginia. Lalilte. another pirate, is hi lieved to have buried his treasures in Petite Ance island in the center of a square on,e, l.y fniir l;iv-. The negroes from the neighboring town of New Iberia have. course, dig hole wherever lour tie s grew mar t'r g. tlu-r. and Me-re are many ulucited white im n w ho have grown old and poor iu soeking this visionary treasure. An odd contrast to their course is off. rod in the story of ,i Louisiana 1 intT. who, m the same m-igiiiiur- hood, cultivated a I' vv sC rile a re, Nothing gn vv pro-pero'i"!' for him but children, and th- wild cav i mio papaver plant. In his efforts to devise a way to support the children. In t irn ed to the cav It v as a we. I. bat he saw in it his opportunity. Cod does not send even a weed in vain. He experimented, succeeded in extrac ting the juice and in introducing- it to the market without middle-men. His wife and children helped him, the little family manufactory became famous and its i.w ni r ie h. while his neighbors grew grav in vain searches fur Lahtte's spoils. CLiri'lNOS FOR THE CURIOUS. All the sycamore trees now in ci it land have sprung from a little tree which Mary Muart brought from France and planted in llolyroml The Sutro tunnel, which was driv en through Mount havidson. in Neva da, to inter, ept the great Comstock lode, is four miles long, and ro.t ii it i,i n hi. The Opcloiisas (La.) -uihr an nounces that a lady in Carencro, who is seventy-nine years old and has only been married a few years, gave birth tu a child recently. In the Uruguayan department of Paysanda, the wile of a Brazilian plan ter had three plump girls at a birth, on the fourth of April, and all three had complete sets of teeth. Although only two years married, the couple have already live children. Long-toed shoes v.ere invt ntcd by Fulk, Count of Anjou, to hide an ex cresenee in one of his feet. These Vi s were so long a to be fastened to the knees with gold chains, and carved at the extreme point with a representa tion of a church window, a bird, r some fantastic device. ruxoEST rAR.usR.iriis. It ia easy to see that there is always a man in tho honeymoon. How and where the gallant grocer's clerk makes love Across the way. i A Brooklyn boy can imitate with his mouth the sound of a lawn mower. His father is going to try and imitate a thrashing mie-hine. Tho man who wouldn't h t bis voice fall for fear it might bnak.wa as bad as the fellow whs didn't like to turn out his mustache fearing it Wouldn't come back again. "Some men unpleasantly comb their mustaches at th,-. table." The man who can pleasantly comb hi. mus tache at the table must be a pretty skillful pr.e tit inner. Meiiiiis having !' di d in making a sti amboa! out of paper, it won't be long before an inventive man will pro duce si railroad beefsteak made of pasteboard. A young lady of New Orleans, who recently performed a n aMrkable teat in rowing, has been pr s. ut. d with a 1 cautil'id yawl. A smack would have been more appropriate. The Chines e.'a;oM at Washing ton at t, iido I every pei fonnauee of the riri us when there, and declared that they had enjoyed i. ..thing so much tiince Congress ad journed. Hostess Now don't slay nut here all the evening." Host "We'll join you iu ten liamitf .." Host' s " Miss Tct chv is going to sing you know." Host-"O! vm 11 sivau hour." Paper is ii' W employed for the cou nt ruction of doles for obs'Tvabuiis. It has also fo.-a long time be n ulil 17ed in the t lire of Western mining ilaiui" and town-hip specula tions. A "poi i;et guide" for instruction in the art of swimming has been j u'n lishcd. Win n u bill ovcri.i ard and don't know how ti.iwiiu. all you have to do is to f eel water and rea l your guide. Where did you ? t your wonder ful power of language " aked an ad miring auditor at the close of the lecture. "Oh," replied the lecturer, with a laugh, "1 u-c l to work in a barber's shop." "Is that ah nit the right h ngth.sir'r" asked the skillful barber a . he lini .bed cutting hi- customer's hair. "I like the Miles and back, wa. the response; but I wish you would make it a little longer on the top." A Pennsylvania man hasapplied fur a pension I eeaiise he lost a tooth during the v. ar. I he la' t that he lust old' one t ."til woi'ld "it III to indicate that he nevi r go! iic.r enough to tin front to chew hard t.e k. The Apa' h" Indian, it is said, can march from thirty to b rty miles a day without becoming Mm-I. It is really a pity that tho Ap e he cannot be (ivilicd, for he would be just, the fellow to accompany his wife on a shopping excursion. Two gentlemen w- re talking the other day about their siiccis., in life. he came tu Baltimore, just after ihe war.he didn't ' have a second shir' to his ha k. 'That's nothing." rep!;-1 the other. "When I came to Baltimore I did m t have any shirt to my l a. k at all." lie was born there. ! Well, there is one tiling sure," said Mr. Job Shuttles, as he li.sed a discus sin on the wmiigsid' Ines.s of every thing in general; "there is no justice in this world, and it makes me blue tu think of it." True. Job." said Patience, "but the reflect inn that there is justice in the next, might to make you feci a great deal bluer." Blotting Pa per. Large manufactories are devoted ttj the production of blotting paper, which thus becomes an important article ul commerce. The demand is always good, and subject to little variation The sale of blotters is very large, but it would be larger if insurance and other companies ibd not scatter su miny advertising blotters. Blotting paper is of enmparaMv ely re- cut origin It is not so many yt.irs since blotting sand was an arthlc of foreign export and domestic. u;e. Foreign sand cann from the Mediterranean, but Block Island b. a. In s supplied Island Some of the merchants of to-day re member when, as i h rks in :-tationerv stores, they occupied leisure hours anil rainy days in putting into ei nvenient packages blotting s.'.nd that came f'oin Block Island by the barrel in those pointed shallops plough the main nowadays. The use of blotting sand ' led to the inaniilacturo of sand-sifters, which in itself was an industry of some magnitude. A piece of paper Lad dis placed them, s.ind and all. A K. lli nl llir Wnr. Dr. F. Warren, the eminent physi cian, late Purveyor (leneral.C S. A., imvv a praetitii io r in Paris and widely i known throughout the Ninth, w mio niiicialiy: "lr. W'oithiiigtoti's Chol era and liiarrho a Medicine has long ago en joyed a high reputation, but It in and out of the Army." Other ) bv i-cian-. of high Man hug rcei.iiiiin rid it. and with such t iidoiseiiu lit it U rci ng nied ius a sovereign cure. i The largest milk pan on rerord has ha- been ma le for an Iowa creamery. It will hold ;ihi gallons. Nebraska claims the largest apple , ?ver irown i Aimtica. It weighed U l- ounces. A TETERAX REE FACTOR. lilt rum I lie, I'ri'srnl I'lnnm nnd What lie Hum to shji I jinn n !ubjrct Tliut Aloi l.lii'il lltui. .V,w furk Timr: N'enrly forty years una a yonng mnn. of nnusiial endow menln, beKnn to mold publio opinion upon a subject of vital iinportftnce. Like nil pioneers, lii enrly elfortu Were un Miccessful, but his ability and tho value of his work oon won public (oittiitpnce. and to day there i not a villnne or hamlet in the country that has not I ecu inllitenri d by Dr. Dio Lewis. When, then for1, it was Lamed yesterday licit he contemplate J lite estnblish it. oat nt a Inre uuig iziiip in thi city, the fact was dinned fo itiiporltitit that a repre sentative of (his paper was roinini sioued to see lion mid ascertain the truth ol (lie rumor. lr. Dio Iwis is n Bi'titleiiinn of sixty j ran nnd two hundred pound, with snow-white hair nnd beard, but prolmbly Ihe most per fect picture of health iiml viyor in the me tropolis, lie is a hviiit; exponent of his teiichitip. ami notwiihsiaiid it; Hip amount of wo k he hits nlte uly ilntie. pi'umis.'H Hlill creiilvr netinty for yi'iirs Io lone. He re n tveil the intt rviewi r most rotirlc:n ly, nnd in reply to a question said: "It ib true I have loato Io Now York to establish n monthly ninuMZiiit-. I hnve coma here forthesatne re ion Ilia' I went Io Huston lwcniy live yen e ago. '11 c.t l'o-ton wn tle let platform in the eoticry front which to s e. k ol' idiiriilion. Newport, tins now be come most hispital letoproi;ilv five thiiuulilR and especially M to iiit"tt:iif,lit' on behalf of I hy-jeiil trtiinnip. "1 have ri-nson to know Ihe ront and al idiiiR illli rest of the Antei u n'l e .pie in this fithject. Thry linvp roittp to renl.zu that the future of our roiintry ivots upon our physical vitality, and especially upon the vtcor of our women. My new masnztne will hear tit t titlo ' Dio Ix'vvts' Monthly.' nnd lie ilevoted to Siiniliiry and Social N ieneo. 1 hope through its pages to ill'iiiKUtale n new departure lit hyyienp." "Have yivi not written several books on the siili eetV' " i is, nine volttmi n, and some of them like 'Our tiitls,' published by the Harpers, have hnd an enormous involution, but the best work of my life I shall Rive Ihe World in the new magazine. Forly )enr of skirmishing ought to conclude W illi ten years of organized warfare." " Doctor, what i the oprnsion Of this now interest in health qtio-tionsV" " It has potnr through sufTerintr, which frems (ho only road to self knowledge. Ti Monmch. henrt, kidney or liver fall into trouble, happiness is none, ntul then people five attentmn to their In alth." " Which of these organs is mo-1 f rpinontly Ihe viptim of oar errom'r'' asked Ihe reporter. "Within the last few ye its diseases of th" kidneys have crently miilliplietl. When I was engntd lit pr.ieliee. thirty live nud forty years ago, certou- dim me of tho kidneys was rnre: but now distressingly lreiiuettt and tntal." ' To what do you nttribute this great in crease of kidii. y troubles:" "'Io the it e of taimii'niini; drink, n lul tfrated food mi l irregular hnbils of !i.e." " Doctor, have jou any e intideiice in tho remedy nf which we he.irso mu h n ivvalajs, WaruerV Safe l.'ure:" "1 believo in th" o itte of prevention, rather than in a ion of euie." " Ittit have you noticed the remarkable tcsiitn.iiiiiils of Wnnier'a rein-dy?'' " I have, and confi-s th it ti.e,- hr.TO puz z'ed and a -tottisheil w.o. rheonui eiiilalii.ns of t roprielaiy mein.-ine' it ial y ci.ti.e from iiiiktniw n per-oiis ie-i.linj in Im-k eicnlies. Hut 1 si c- 111 ntir tn.i t reimt ilile It 'WSi.ep -rs Ihe wannest prniso of W. rnei's Safe I are tinm ( ulli i'l ot -n . ni, it ,.ll,..r ... r.n, I oclnble i It si- -,t.a '.!,. r-.n-n:- 'I'.. 11...... .....!. I . .1 1 ...... . a.' i mil' an tli'n a id" tuny he profc-siona1, hut ii is iintiiiitilv. No pl.v-ieni!i e in lor.-el li nt va'u ihl" nd Ii- ti..tisro.iiit-.M.ileriii.M diPaliiivp-l rungtio-n I. I s.ii-Ii siiiin-i-j lu.i.-d lllll.:.s-..l will III s i lonil .if w,tiu-...i s llml 1 I nri lia . I i I ollh-i of W.o tier's S ifi I uv' at a in.lL'hbnr. I iul' ihier stole, mid nnaly' d on of them lo if il eoiitaine l anytime... oisoit"i . Then I took thrt e of the po s l ibe l dun; nt otliT. and to nnd there was ii'.llung injiui uts 111 il. I do not lu-it i'e i .-pj tliii if 1 fntittd my kidneys in -e-n iis Iro ih'e. I -h mid Use this ten civ. hc'-iiusi. of the ho elesslies of nil oiiliuiirv In a! lie nl. and luciu. when n l.iiiiiir. 'l tnti llu'eut rep it d ie persons mule in the suupincut that a certain remedy lias ci.r .1 tie in of a 1:1,1 'p n a' 'ily, I cl o sc 10 In 1 1 vi that t lev - e k the trulh. " lint as you iiiny kt'iiw, my I'leat i nt re-t in lift-ln in pievi ntn n. l or folly yeats I I ivi I d 0:1 I in Oil-lii al. I'lK of tl ephiise of inywotk in ,( vv laighoid wa- iheisUili jislinu lit of the Ladle.' Seminai v at IeinR t.-ti. Ma-s. My iiini wa- lo illustnuc tlie I o sjliihtics in t,,. j (i sical Iraiiiing of r rls during their school hie. This ins ituiinn be -atne, before I If It it. the largest and most Micce sful seminary for yoimgwoiiieii nwnc I and 11 01 1111 jc-il by one peisut in ntir country. 1 sat down to 1 1 tit it r evet y day wilt a family ot tun handle I pci-iilis. ihe remnikahh' 11 -1 lis of this iini-i'lu traili ng niiion 'iils w-ie gneu in my pn) er ibh-he-.l 111 Ihu ,..a'i .-luii-iiVmi i'ii-11 ir of Dii'embir. sL'. Hi sides 1 est ibli-lie.f I hi- Normal Institute for riiysu 'id Training in llia'mi, nn I for ten years was its I'residcnl and Manager. Dr. Waller ( h it'iiing, I ir. Thomas Ho kins, l'ro-fes-nr Le.'iiaul iaal oil ers were among its te.n hers, and more than four hiindied per rons to ik its di lnma and went out into all pans of the land lo trach th" new school of gy inliiisiics. And now the years lelt lo me I propose tj devote to the inng.-i.- me w hich I have come here to est ibltsh. It will be tho In' gi st periodic il ever devote I to this field of literature, nud will present Ihe hundred and one questions of hygiene with the sanpli -ity of a child's t i'. In this end nil so-calle.l leal mug will be subordinated, i he inapt. . lie will he more 1 r 1. fs illustrated, and will s:i t.e t ; re.n-h 11 high place in the roiiiideuce and lieaits of the pi ople. Inn few weeks our fust number will appear, nnd we shall fondly hope lor it ti hearty welcome." Ti.e fads above narinted are indeed most import int. It is giuiifying to know that ti.e lifelong 111 erteiices of a gentleman who stands without a e r in sue 'essfully demon strating the 1 riiiiiplis of hygiene; whoso I cart h. s always been ill sympathy with the atllicti d. and whose brain lias ever been na tive 111 plaiiuiiu' for their relief, are to bo given to the 1 uhlic through thepnges of a magazine. And it is specially significant Hid 1 n of positive of rnre inetit that a pro piivlarv medicine. even vvth such high stand ing a Warner's Safe t'ure is known to have, should be indorsed and recommended by a man so able, so reputable and of such iiiiLuiinl renown ns Dr. Dio Ixwis. "VVhal is the worst thing about riches'?' asked a If teher. " Their scarcity," replied a boy, and he wn immediately awarded 11 prize. Nervous debility, the curse of the Americtin I eople. imii.cdi itely yields to the action of Brown's Iron Hitters. 'The "l'e 11 In." or Hut peach of China is revolutionizing peach culture in Florida. It is Hat like n bi-i'itit. Kfokck. town.-Dr. E. K. Fuller says: "I have ii-cil Itn.wnV Inm Hitlers 111 my owu family with excellent results. Durtii r one of the recent hot days the llrooklui bridge descended In within Lk' Ii 1 1 '.1 niche-of ihe water. I'nloaded in the coldest we.ilber it would be two feet higher Kiv liHuvr". N. - Dr. N- "-"beov"-snys: "I i riserilic Hrown's Iron Paten and tind it all it H recommended to be." An 1 IT01 1 l making to build a church for deaf mute- 111 riiiladelphia. "Itouiih on II m." Clear' out rals.inice.ronches, flies. tiedbtiBs, iints.skiinks.ehipmuiiks.gophers. I.V. Dysts. "Your sin will surely tind you out," said Ihe good mini lo his way ward son. "Don't care, dad." replied Ihe young reprobate, "o long ns nobody finds out my sin." "llurliM-l,bl." 1 he Qtiipk.conipletecnre.annoyins Kidney, liladdir, I rinary Diseases. 1. Drnggifts. "Mil. is Ing Itr.tncli nn awful dirty placer" child what made you think Why no toy Why. here is 101 ndvertisement tnnt s il ii waslu d by the tide twice a day. say t'tilnnrl Seller's Ff WnlT. The Colonel never made a siieeesg of the f P Water busiiiex. but Csrbo mo struck a l,.eiaii.i with l elroleoin as its base. If your hair is thin nnd fnllinu out, try IL Km dialli rule Ironi yellow fever at Yera Crtiz. Mmco, is said to be fifteen a day. Tun habit of miming over boots or shoes corn-red with Lyon's t'ateut Ifoel hlillner. The population of Corea is said to tie ".LtM.HTi.. of which a,"itiO,ai7 are males and a7.H,o.iU females. Chrolilhion collars and ruffs are cbeapes in thelong run. They wear longer thavn toy other, and you cost ot wavabing. Jenny land lia en" son, rn offiof r in tho British Briny, nnJ .wo i1. iiiliteis lm'.ily murriod. irT OF AM, IV. R. V. Finn k, RnfTiilo. N. Y.: ). Sii- My ftttnity hits ttst'il your "Favorite l'r ncrlptfoti" ami it hits done nil that is rlninit'd for it. It is the best of nil iirei iirnlions for female coini'liiint. 1 rcroitiineitil it Io nil my customers. O. S. WA'I'KftMAN, Pnik.'gift, Iliilliinoie. Mil. Pon't t.liime the Kill who miirrics for money. Doesn't lite i.renel rr ninrry. .;Ol.lI N -111)11 l. Dlst V" for nil fXTofiilitiisiind virulent blood imisons, is s.feitir. Ily iliueihls. There are '.'ll.not) iterc of vviilernii'lons in Itiiikc Collllly, (ieoj-i.'l. i nt. mi. Kirs-, dyspeptic or eoiisti paled, should ndihiss with Iw stnitips and lu-lniy of case lm pam phlet, Worn ti's I i-i r.sAi,v Mi on ai. ATION. Hull do. N. Yi Nlnety-thiee tin it iiaiu ccics ol land wete I hutted with limber in Kan :e- 1 .s year. till lintiitin.' lioiil: line, IU. l'.'inorc's, 1('." llliain St.,iY.. is the. i. .i.i' . i 'rr'i i i.,c..i 1 1 I for ihciiiii'itistu, mid In -I leu eil) known for kidney, li er and si.mach ills eases. Ahiiiulanl proof.. Si ml lor cin'iiliis. Yineennes. Indiana, lm a Inttti r dish Inc. ory wliivh tin n.. out s ',0 n lo W.V.:i) tide; ir tiny. The I iny.i-r h' Nrriisf. Is the besl in the inai lo'I. It is the m nst i conoitiical and elietpest, one box la-iing n -long as two of niiy other, line grea-ing will l ist two wee!; -.. It reei ived lltst po i'iiiitn at Ihe Ceitteni;tal nnd f.-u is 'x-.oi!i(iiis, n! ;o mi'ilal-at vaiii'ic- Si an pair-. Hit no other- I he (Viir's crown i-lull of iliain.ui d-ami pclirls, and is (.'really iidinin .1 I y Id, tutclc. Tor sore fee or bullion-, II: nllell joint -. i s. coin: r.uri.'k'- Salv.-. The rcpo; t Hi it Ann . ii-1 via - -i tiding infer mil inachiiie. to IIulIuu! oi u.'inati d in the fai l that a vt --el Imm Nt w liih aie landed two er iles of ciii'iiinbi t - in London. Vlntln r s.iv.i'1 Wm iii -.vittii. Infallibl". Insti ll ; s, hiu inh ss, path'irtie: feveiisliiiess, tislliM ue-s, woiins, t'oii.-tij a tloil. .'.'.'. Years do tiof m ike old sagef illlike old men, they only Castkine cur. s ibt-p p-ia- W hat ninre do yon want .' A-k your di legist for it. Cms iliihE is in liquid hu in. Those vi It i hope i even for tl i . no other life arc (lead Wnlli Vlnrr nml srp, S-mntllv. Mr. .John W. I.'in.r, IVine -i of t':p fi.tle Kchool, Troy, N. Y., w iites us: "i n .v. N. Y.. April 7. lss'.. '' Having bo 'II nltlie e l for several veirs past with iltne , the cait-e of w hich was iin Miown to tin. for a lonu' tfti". nnd my on: tinned il-.uli.lily gellni.' lo be of ,-o set ton -nnd diKtiP-iiig a char u t-r ns 1 1 enii-e real Miviety Willi my l imilv nil I fri'Mtd . I bei'-nue SittsMel upon c'o o line illation th d the cntise of my hiekni- - ,u tin- dei a 0 I roielt tion i f mv and livir. Al this Im e by neetili tit it fro II I. who had similar simp ! i III .fi IVCII lit' t I It It IS 1 1" I ' I h I V t 1 1 I It 1 1 II II I ("in- n iii'ii'- iiiiiii on- ,.i on- Heme ly. ""'I per-ml d rn- to try it. I I iinmedial. lv e.iminfiice I inking it. and fio:. 1 "i t bollle b. 'an d. impio e, and it- I C II 1 1 1 1 Hl' I "- nil -Ol ' .iiii;i.i I 'HU 1 can sleep 'O indly. walk bene', am front pains. a"d Ihe m " e e inticl.s of h a laehe fr nn which I -ullcreil so mii.'lt have disiippi are 1. and I c ciroely pcotti fltittt s Keuie ly for nil pie p i e, fur wl oiiimeinl 1 p i es tor wiiicli 11 is ndvcrtise I. I will add 111 i';n- ii that my wife has used it very sure 'lully for pre venting the alt. ick- nf sick leeliche with which she had been nllhc'e I Loin youth." Alinnst Dlslii'i-rieneil. A proniinc it citven -ends us the follnwin." sf.t e nelit: For S"Pi'iil years I have b en very sert o is y afllii Ie I with a si vi re pain ill 1111 h ick, which I I"IL' supposp 1 to b.. Iiinibn.:.! or ih.'iimntis 11 of Ihe bac'. More ieci nlly tin pains Iciil b"pomi' n o'e s,.i,.ie. so miti'li so that it vv 1 1 vvi'h dtilicully that I was able lo Hel out of l""l in the iiion.iug. I had trie I various remedies without any tipparant tel ef. Ily Ihe enitie-t solieiiiil oa of a friend I 1 o.n nieltced lluut's liemedy. nboitt three weeks nt'o. nnd its instant iiieous benefits are wo i derful. for I Inoe hud no piittts lit my back since taking the tir-t three doses; mi l am relieved fio 11 Ihe pa 11-, aches nnd elni:stne wenklii ss. the painful yinplnms that Usually nceoinpiinv disetee nf lle.i kuineis. All I 1 ponlidi iilly expect to be completely nn I per manently cured by Ihe n-e nf it. 1 most cheerfully re"oniriicin! Hunt's Ibancdy to all who tire alllui 'd witu any kidtn y or lner disease. WILLI V.M i. AUNnl.D, vvnlinu S.ieet, J rovidcnce, Jt. I. Mnrcli Lt. lvsl. A nnble, il ing iu boots .a bunion. (JOIERA (JrAMP IARRHOEAI 1URE ' USED V J OVE It YEARS. l..r Cknlrrn. t'rsmp. Illnrrhira. utrrr. .Mmnii'rCmplHliil. Iylpli .-..!- -I 1.1 1.. nt I ,m..i 1. 1 1.. I, .1. It" I . SOlf.l Hnnlrllrr'l M.'ITI eh llitti'm nii'i-tt. On. aiuri'iiii nli nl I :e .itii'iinl nintiniil pill- ptiy win. Ii al .H-M'llt .n-v.iil 1 ll m a prilii'lly I'lirp i'pi mill. ri'infty. - rillt.rn Ills tti thrM ' impiirtiiiit iriiH'il ins nl a previ-nl ivt. a t..nn: nml nn alli-io-tllH. Il li'llltl'-s tlm ImsIv Hunin-.t ill i.l r In it. ilm-irjr t hiMn: in (hi tntir I -r l y l I-niKiii-t mul IimI rr (iM-rnliy OH3EC3!II12223 ti Hll All lUf IAIIS. BU'isish Hyrup Tsstmsisiil ri lulling. Kn'rt hy ari.emns. AGENTS WANTED?,:.' minntfHi II Mill knit icrr-n fur whirh lh-T w nlwnys m n- rirnilir nl firms in Hi ,rti-hlnr M HVVVIIHIK Iwsl Kn.nllv i Kil ls 1 kmi n nun nl 1O1 II I.l I, ami TOt: ci.innleli' in J' miniltM II mil slsn knit a nnl vnnelr nl lulu y unra fnr which Ihi-ii. is alwnys a rt-ii'tv nirki-l s-ni lm curiilar ami trrms m Oik Tnouilil. Knllliim Vlai tilnr r lua tranoi strn-i, n.n.i .n. Ih.- PATENTS & PENSIONS i. I. DiFlrlK, Alt'i-at-Uw, Masali flan it Sr. fol c uatilsrs. Maaklngtvo.D.C. 80 MIHHT tino uriltna nantr. in M..l.r. wilh ra pndar. nv mail Ol .x KconhuV Tills IIVil I'o OPIUM Slorehlnai llhll 1'nrH In l l.i 'll da TS. Noamrllllt arpat. Uu. J. isrici'HKNi., irf'bauou, oina. (iFNTS WANTF.n fur th Hil and ins I'lclorial H.aikii ami Bililas. I'rn n-itii.-fit II ri-rn-nl NatniN-l. I'l linaHlsn Hi., l'hil P CD FF " "HEALTH HELPER" I HfaiaWerliH tllIOi. H H H .1 IIM.H.inI...N T OKIU rVlal h.-nn- oilheut nam H..k nl nir tlciilanrant lrrell M W.siM.t.1. M I .Allanla.i.a aei.tfl pT.taat hnma. Bamflaa wnrlh 1 'ra. $9tOa.J Art.lrr.-,llnn A '... Crllei.t. Me. (lOl.tMANa1 Biiinaaa(lla, Sjfwaik. S ,1 T-rma j an. P(iniina Inr grariualMa. Wula fur cirtailara lannn f 1 nntnt traa , Purtlanil. Mama- r ita in hmira. Fn io Arwnal bl.,81. Looia.Mu. 11 a itaj- at hnma aaailjr maila. I'nally I aultll Ira. Talis A On., Aiiinata, Ma. SfMIE no IRI).- laa Mrti..n A.a.111 N. Y. itaoBM aad H'MU-ll , raxgnl l trBa:iat (irics. DR.WORTHIH&TDHS 4A In .-It , JtV.V .'t.- fuc At f.YP!A K. PIKKHAM'8 VTiaF.TAT.LP, COMrOTTNT). I - .1 I. live C nro rrntl itioac riiliiriilt'omplnlntaanij IVenkaMSAt an f.nnnioti lo our b:'t fcrunlr poniilullon. A nt-iliiliie rnr Wnmnn. In trnt.-.l hj atVoiss. l'ii ari'il tiy a Woman. Thr lmi.t .11. .11 1M -n.rr S'n-IU Paaa ar lllalarfl -f!l r Tivi tti. itrimti'nt lnt", Invlirnralca aod h-ii.n .r.ii-.lho.irtvil.- r,ia-:lvivi,'lf?so:.s.ilrltr and r.nna' y In Oi.' .1, p. io.-l"ie. fiti .ti:r-ll I mtm tolha r. 1 m l- laitsnii t!ii ji-ii.. .-ii,- kntn-ivnin the train rn . r I- 's pi ipq: ni. i-n- ! - iiaav r I11.1?. '.Thyslchnj Ibo It an I Tro icribo It Fuclf W It n-n -c f liiiiie -1. (1 a il i 'strnyj atlrravlng f..r Hen ;!.mt. a-. 1 :;-! u v.n -.nol tho alnt5 'tl. 11 .t f.-lnrrfh ni il ava, r-. i-.Iht t-.iln. eight an 1 1.1. 1. 'i". is iimn ."nn i.inlly cumdl'T lt Forlha i-iit or Klilncf i'ony'alns or cither M lit), foiuiiqunil la uuaurpoaacdl i.'-dm r. riNKiiv-ri in.onn rrtiirir.S K-..I 11 .ili-iif- 1 hi 1 ii- iiui. 1.1 liiniV'i-! Iiein llie III. ...I 'i..l .-10. 1. ni.. fl-el ti icr.'i ti Ih.) f?6tcm of nam 1 iliil l. In-i.l i.u I1.0WK IU p it, (i rmir.vinit nn I !:: i nl T ir!". rare rrrpnraij at : I : W. r:i Aviani", l.y a. Maa'. TrLaol itti- r. SI. tr : Ii .11. s for $'.. 81 nil. v ir.illlnlho firm Of I'.lii, rr i f t V a .1. en ri" 'i, nf prira, $1 p.r bn f. i-i.ihir. Mr . I .aUhv-ifi... ly ni "'"ri all Intt r at liii)n.iy l.iul-si-3.t. la'np. b-'it.l tor tamp!.l -t. . '.inllT '1 n' t n .' 1 iTl t.Ylll V F. rP-KfTAM'S I III il III I, Ih i i'iiii- i' .ll-tipiili 'II, 1'iliOtUUi'IS aJiUl..lll ll' i.H!i- tin H'ii" lit. ".- I".'.. C-.-iifil I. nil I)ru,nlslii.-G 0) Biliousness and Bilious Patients. Pertaining to Bite, Bilious Symj tima, BU lousTuiiitn.rJ.'Ui.iit. TBI K.IMEDT. TI10 I'lli'i'i - is 11 ili nvoVr of th'' hinnnn y-t'.'in. A lei hnicil il tinition of t'let.'rm is this: ''l'i r a niti;.' to the hilf; iii..irlered .11 nn net to tic lull-: ns. 11 fa Imm luliint; il n mlaiit 011 int cxiOis of hilc; n, fniinu i'iiii i r iini nt: ' in...' sj inito:n. The woiil In'c, when 1 i'i !ii . tl in the acn-a 1:1 iil i' h it 1 - to In- nml' lit " il in this .11 tide -i 11 tic. 'ii cor lici; to t'. e l)i "i iii i.n.-., "A j i Slott. i'lciii h. latter, vi en!, nntt iioti fluid ecic'. il l y Ihe Iim i." "A"y il I't -fment if l C I lie .11 on. ! 111:1 life I . itself ill jjieflt ' o My ili-.'iiit'.i'l, 111 Ii.-. ol in 1 etito, ii rid in -Mii.iI ncv," ie ently ri'in n k" 1 nn r. alitor of il Nft lial In In all- i' ni'iitl this - llli cel. 111. s 111" .v 1 1 1 1 fin Ihi r vl.h : '.Somsof t'e f 1 1 1 1 s 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r-. tu n tis'aOlv pioini- n ut: I inn 111 Ihe ri:.'!:t si le. whicli is very s'tisitive to pre-. inc. I In- p un will sonis Ini'i s n j j -i 11 In '' h" itc.l ii ti' It-r Ihashoiihlor li itlc. 'I I-"ic is also iii'alar n.ittif, ll italnncp. 11 'ciise i f Inlliic s in Iho region f the stomach, an I. s...,nir or lalor, tho skin .. -.I l itcs of tho i-tis lini-nti.p jellow, tha tools clay Colole'l I'll 1 tlip llllllu yellow, 1. 1 oilini:a co io s -I' liiin iit." 'I he b ilnni'e f thr ton f niiilnr train of il's nocJs n I nihi l' nutit ci here. Tho I tlimis is, a will he s 'i ti, if an iil'liclii 11 of iricat ma initude, anil of v.".'ii'. lin-.ta of il r ct ami indirect i. cniiini'i'. lh- il..-i ." e is no rpsperter of I crsons or localiiii-'. lis deadly onj im. I laiahlo ill my ii. foim.l in Kir-Nr'.-Wmir. It rets on Ihi- liver ami Lidnrya at tha snma tiiin', anil l.y Us ii i a! 1 1 l.nt i lla i?n rttlinrtto elici ts tiKivin the l o.n L fn i ly. T.ip umrliid .oi o'.s that h ive l ien tho r niss ot nil Il ia, ili-c as" ami .siilleriny will he thiovin oil; ne v life will bn infiirtil into e ery oik.iii, ntul u Iiiii- tints aidu I ill siiim m -tore the utient t i he -III.. ri jsicii.n . of ic:tite nml stnndini;, mon who it" lo I. ir their iirohity, nni te I'l'ileil anil triisliil for their sci"iitifto iitiiiiiiMicnls, hip iisui Ktiln y-Wort in their t.ri'.i'lii'C i refill n 1 1 y. No tron "r evidence of ti e worth of the remedy woiil I s m in to be iicce s-try. Such intl n -i in 'iitsa'e few nnd far l elwei n. W ohml iilinnst Paul th it they weir wilhntit in cedent in tils' his oryof a iiio; rie!iiiy leincly. He that ft" it may, Iio'.vi-M'r. tl e fact r.'ii uiii e-tahlishrd that K u 1 1 ii .Wo. t is a nt Uchlcss remedy, nnd one that iif.d- only to It ti sled to demonstrate its raio uu nt us a he il r of most of the Cnii'.iti'iii maladies of ihe human family. .A DR. f iTT . (BErORE AND - AFTER l Ilictnc Arrllitces ire ict n 39 lt:t' T.-Ul, TO MEN ONLY, YOUNG OR OLD, WHO nro TtfTrrlnj. from Nf-Mor-. Dri'lUTT, LT VT I IV. I.u K I K NKH.K V'tHt R AND ia'B, Wnf.ri'"-. WnaM.-i: , .in.) nil klii'lr4 illrvt'iiM. Si m it Iw f ji tit . -..uu l.'ii- u siora- 11 f Hi Al til. 'u, U Ait M tMtl (!' a fi N- Tf.U' 1 h Kiitixii -t (il-fiv. ry if tht- Mn Ict'tiiti I't-nturv. N'i,i nt .mi e fur lllustiatrd l .iiiM 111- fit . A. I. In- . VOLTAIC BELT CO., MARSHALL, MICH. CONSUMPTION U nt'iy 'lis. ..v.t.-J Tr- iltm'nt - r'- o t(Tct . f -l t im'i . M' intf Itill i.iriuuKiB t , A-Mi. lrof l. I.. MIHI.K, Simla i Inrn, ShhIh I Inra '.. I itliliM mil. :trNO PAY UNTIL CURED. opiu. -MOItl'MIN'LK II An IT. Nn 1'iiv till ri'fnt.. Trn Vt'HlM Cl-lnlilinhf'tl, 1.0.K) curcfl hlHl riifv Ir I-liimh, (Juincy, Mich. a ForSToui : Madam, Tioko" Comploxion belrajs some lniniilialin imneifcc lion, whose mil ror tells yoa that j ou are Tnuned, Sallow and disfigured in ronnte naiifp, or have Eruptions, liediiess, llouRhness or un wholesome tints of Complex Ion,we say use llagan's Mag nolia Halm. ' It is a del irate, harmless and delightful article, pro ducing the most natnral and entrancing tints, the artifici ality of which no observer ran detect, and which soon Incomes permanent if the Magnolia Balm is judiciously used. ERS SSES53

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