3 ?4 .1 - A i , '2 ' ' 'M'i' 'I - cuiiii"e in pontics n I jfy (jyhntluun Jiicffird I ' reader win j A w,.Mi!;,it s clmiio in p. Iii ics lis , Oil I Wiisliiiiirtoii Letter. almost doliht the statement w ln'l! vo THUlISlrli. Al'(H S r ' !. iss:!. I ai-no.-.m-c th:tt v-;: W. W. llohlcn 'lr-nn .in- liejailur Coi ivi.,,!!-!' ia. ) All lmsmsi.ie Statue. : St i .i Imi's I!ii t iinlaee. Tii.- largest st.il n- cut made i- A at'hin;-..'"!! col ft "li.'li iil of (lie . ' , i ., p.,,.... ,, l ! 1 i-;d I wiiles: Another spot for 1 " . . " ' ' , . i piLi-u-rcv will shoiilv inMi'J t is lo !.:- erected I .New rh ii.irl.or. , s ,,s f the I 'otomae, I he Oov- ristc!lancoiis Advertisements ---- - h:e lei't the repuijiiesin party! Yes. Wihw.ton. 1) ('.. ii" is. "t 's 10 ,,H u 'V'-'' cti.i.i. i:i jn-'i sivutvl the title H. A. JLONDOIV. i:tii-or. ! i. lms pth'isl:-l h card in the JW- : '"" ' house. 1 i- In ,vr even iJi.ut ihe to ;i!-et; id. VA. -I ;.ioi. lan't eoitntv. 'ei-h News and Observer in wld.-b lie' 'JW "fx(" "! .'"T'" -T" '- '""Hed Coos-nsof hhau.s. and is V. about .mi- n. YVip'.:. e.-ii. P.KA...virH newspaper .-"!st;!(.slll:lll,(,!slll)loll.,1. ,.,,.., n!::,.:.l,r.,.f H?'. ?.T"r'!-:.VlV;n e:.:'..,1. and iet-n.le.l t-re,.r,..t ,he ,!;:;?:rV!'e 'rv,U'-!v v.-r" aversion are to he d p. i-d 'Jiuf the repnl'li-.i'i part v. ami will ,.,,.t and ':h: ! .-cites la- of. I.ih.-i iy Ki:V-''-!'.u llie ( .V,?,".,.-,," , .'. r -V. oidrd. Nearly every person wil i hW,v s ;vo -lis 1Vils,ll;s ) , ,, her ..f Jo- eot.niiy I..- Wovl.f. A '"mi- coi a e-noii.h -it of !' i 'o, .e's 'en -eK. r.i i i-. a'..'.i!ta r,' trovrrs olvihiv so-i'i ;ive iu" n-asoi USHent to tilt:', ana yt'I loo :rf1. j. ; sorao esteemed lfi Hent to tilt:-, an.l yet too o i"-., He is in a-ttite pouti.ian aa.i H-ifi-'Hit- ;'itei.-.i .na. ,i:ii.sv.. t'!ji:-itli;i:l;ut Tim. ; im-.- tie !;.!. , I j.r.;. ny owi;.,i .-. the .rao of or mo-t H.niuhJe un.1 n..M ! lin,,.tit.ss js Nllll,w, illtten,ea hv V" V""'" "Vl " '""".V"" u" -t : '.LOLlfallier of V.a-hit.-lo:,. ni,o-e teen1n,rethn,1wi!lin.ln:.erl.,ve ! lht. ,,.,.,,. r aeaun-.atie MieeeC, XThZ l-X VZu' 'XZ vNi.e,, i! i-.h.v. h,t n.,aes,,i,.. ;VV,;: ..V' lW i'' V." U "i":;;" n .either nllo.a-tluT jass,,.!., , lu.x, Vt,u.. :the l':it- ui iVliee. wJ.e.v they w t ' I ean w r.i-will -ive vom a . ( t .i ,;,,,.1.i lr'. )tain ti.e supniaaey ori- l i. u ; a,-, it!e lo i ,- H-.. o.i to ,iie '''. a ot Us iiiaiUu.U-. Hi- (.,.M,'jv j,. ,j ,.n?S). ,. idfjmentHorheiiiir nti.luiy iiithfiu-e J TllK KV.(i .,a. .;... ,mli S. I'la-tiea!' '- l'i 'h nv.-ceie.-t-. too 1:i,l'"k' ' ,'!''.' ,'.;i'x'" , T' I'li'i ;:,t''' to ninrk the -ite LATTA SIYATT, WHOLESALE GROOERS H CHIffl ME1IS, HALElC-n. IJ. c. ahkxts roil rm- "cklkiiiiated VAN WIELS Gil FEEDER AND CONDENSER. - V.. iff. .11 .!- ... e . obtain i.,A ; . , ........ .... .. ." ...-.! . . '.' . . -,f..V.a! 11. 1!. I'll.. .-, - :i ..I" -OUI'.e'.l l.V -.-:-tlo.. ",'umenr fn s.ah e hey fo.-et, ,,,,,.,,,1,. ,:,n t.-,,,,. -he arena of .;';, Ik..,. .-e'ie-. :!.J K . n -nhj.vt of '1. runt nrL'nieei-.t at.-s n." "-i ' . ,.,, , 11. ,...1 .: ..;. e.i, !':!).. ,x i:it .air u . e m".-ii cut -o-ii -an.i -. i.ce:i.:i. ,011. our . personal :duwo. Our hL-a of nc-.-f ;.;.Ul',r.v ..((,. MANfl'At -n'KKi At' ATLANTA. !A. x """-' ' " - '' ' '' v--!--' 'I-iii.h (':. 'M i:.".i-IH... Im-m rattiul. bnl If-lifl-i; l- - l:i n I . . n-hi.-i. -I 111:1 -hil.'. ;,!'4 ,;.,.,,., - inte.ii-ei-t t.tre-t ea: e-aul i.-lor ! ) f. t -onare anl .'in teel la-li pCrsOlial amw... llur t".!.-a or lie.- f ;.;.,,,,) ..v .,((,.; .. ;-.-.tni.aral iw iv la a! e:i..o.li.-ilirt are .-on! 1 11.1 papers in that they :ee i,te,h .1 io h , ,,, , ,lt v. . Wll, cvmv uK.viv,. XVa e :'-1'; ;M furnish the ruhhe .lh the !.!.: jt,'!,;,!!,,,.!,,.,.., ,,,., !'.:';;',;.'. '''..'.'i;... Coe-.'!' .h-' V.'.-'h-'' that una- a! Hews. nti.U. eoitMin e-litonal eotti- ,., .f;.0 ,.. .-mntry a'al ha 1 ...".V,,, ,'r ''V.',:. .jo-t:.. .. ,'., ..U. :! I rcailny he t.-il. r -i 11. .iv t.in-i,lrv. ' . '':,'V j ' ;il;i.i t'. ti i:! I'.e.sti .i. ii 1! i.i' tl M I.. :.!.- .-!' 1 , . as'iii loll s i -i'!v i;o'i'.-. m11 lie 111- len-td Ii:e reinriiii.- el I.:-: ;iie-! -t . t'H ment upoa tnc vrn.eq.a: 101 e- .1 ,.,.ul.t, j ,,,;.,.v i,wi, oil;, no the Jay to ,;ive their rca leis 1: a la. ,i(.,.s IVe'oaiily 1'..- aw 10 -; :.:.'! and interesting info, ni iti.ai. 'ihe K.h( (, t .,1 :i ,: . readers of a lle sparer arc '.ot nm . lYci-leet l'eaeliatian'- (.':'l-.::-.-: eeniO'J tlout I lie .ers..i-.al aiV:.::- wa-. a most hiiiliant !a ver. -.m-I 1- . . ;1 !.-v. 1. tl- -' 1: an.l .t . iilu-r. li i.i .: ;... .!.ieii e. i-! - ' :! i I ;. I'i-.K'ie - uo '.hat :!:! In . : e: !e 1 uj. !.., X ... ! ' WTNK1.K (MS IS :f Alt: Wiili mm I 4-'.', 'i ni rox ei -ial wiilcr hi had i." the likes ami ili'.ikes oi its coma-. and an editor who 'ills ihe eoaieo.- S1.JH.1U,1. of his aA" with denunciations i f Other cihtors los not tunash hi- ).- ,,f tji(. te!irraj.i o.e auhscri'oers wi:li 1 1 . .-1 whi.-li tncy (,.,).. s-'j!i:;i!v I'Me-d Cave pant !uia. Ine (;:';.': els o eilitois shiHlhl not he !:i;:i 1. .! ' !':. the nul'de any ieor i::aa tee p::' :t. quarrel-0? o'.air i.ui: . hl-.n.s A;..i rrt "hile liiis is t.a. yet it i- 'n qucntiy M"-y e.;:iiiot t.' j.': oneself utiil irj;.:l! i;:.!.t . if- 1 .'.an . -toi vi".'.: i 'y. '.a- ' -:. r : no tl," Sn::ths.t.; 01 t ut : o. I v o. r the!, e, i-,,. v:i!i tiie ca- e l.' I i. :!. I ,. I , 1. ., . , : .:, , 1 1 , . . . !- i - ai..;. in M-i 1 .'. !. liMi'lvt-. a- ,.';,...:'. . .1 ,. eo.'v:..il af.-i h ' " h hh' tlait ,.,, !,.,w ,...;, . i. a'uay- t-ted I'e.wi ( i l-'ranee it is f,iv '.'i.e -!..:.. I : u, !'.::::,.! ! -ao'd :ta: - 'I'll. ! e i- I10 tie .1:. ,,.! lh.- ;,! !i;,-n !.. '! '' ''' ,; 1 ' ' !y 1 e.i.'it :ii ;e do. a-. w';.-e . v, v -!,:;'. 1- les,': :.!:oi.. :-ot n :; list :r;d-i!.,' t ii" .! tl.ru .-lav - vo:r i-f i.n.var-l l ' " i"ai i PIS -V "V. ' ,;a V;--.;.,.L'.v-A,f ..... .':ytf iSTAMTAL r -. ZWsJ- ; A let tiil e ihi'iU-.iion of die j.r.-f;- isi lt-,.'iit I ;ti u .1. ;.li ,if f .tl Joel ; 1 ::.l.i i... :.:-s the v-ii-t V. all of the old , . it t lo oi ... :'." I.e.t !'. !,'; In !!;.' as (...-.J .1- t'.t .lay ii.. v wi re tat-. Jed ' ' ' "!" from !'.':;; I iti l. I.ow 1 : : 1 1 . !u,. et !i- v-v . ";'.','';. ... . , I , ' ' '-I--"'; VM,"V'"''!" ' "" " ' I"'"' '' l'l''.'i '.f iii'tklui; a muftitno , " " ' ' .ir.i-i! i'i.- w. !. a- i'. !..i.-. 11. i: 1 "i-.i ;:iii..in ii..uiii,it , . thj; inns auk MADE OF Till'. l:.-ST CHILLED I li O X A N D MOST Improved TATTIIUX. The ;..-.vi..i SAWS of BEST HVfiLISri Steel '"'hp AM. XKEDLK I'O I.N TED. ! .'in :t- ' :,. )., .1 I 1 . 1. . 1 ' ' . in 1 hat which wt .:!' ': icim. Tii... is:i tout h 'c' hiiai.r.i n c irre i... 1 frd a ,;iai ileal of ii i:m.-: in. ; a'nl edit 01 s .ire ;'.:..c :t!'er tie iliey i-.ke olla r Jai-f. w.i' -aiu i:ai. . net hal liy a.'d 1 he .'.!'. :.ijf taiely. t.at de.'s ii .!.. .o.y 1 .' 1 - i increase tlie iiitaiher oi tls.-ir siih-cr; hers or ea ;;u l!a :u la pai'lh "steian .' We are led : 1 In -. :.T 1 t-ythe recent 1.1 : un-.i ' r. r-y ' ' "- li. t .vein two n! ::..:'.''-. :i'ni ;:.'-! ''a. I'r,.; - o ii:-'---. ilirh'cr.i ii e.l in :':u i it.-. o..,h ciiriou- ..s wt'1.1- i:-el';:l of thela if. ' 1 -' -..eti ot !,.: chai-i- !i-f 1 ,:iii-,'.-'i,-;i i-tivt-'lis ami al' nr. :: .;. 'r, '.or ti.e , ::.! ;it',s !-.'e!l aca-..-.i ov tl-';.. A- ' st.i.l hy !; ia- i veck. .i;.re."-. f-o ";-; ' M.l.-ii 1:1.,!: on one side an I too .,..,...,., .,, 1,,. C lli.liy I'.'.lltil- !! tl'.e e'l-r 111. -1 . ik'- e;-,i d a li;o,:;h. ..'id d'f 0 .'- 'i.'t 1 an.- ! :e .;:: at. - :i!..i I : 1. ; :'ai'n!c - 1 !; ! "! V a ie r a i-i i .-a ''.! " ) ' ,.' 1 ; 1 . Th. .' ..!-i- of ; ; 1 1 !:. ; .., .-: nker.- hi.. . v:m.t tia i - t . ot :i. .;':-. lie.le ! 1 i !'': .-.lid e:i ! e el le. i'.i: -M.'.oitM. . ', . 1 wl.i.-h i -"el the si rlk. ! - I- '-, . h-l-ed :i ! -"rt "I a t! ";,.'. ' ' d'.i 1 i.e. I'.1! hungry nne.ih- "1 I v. as -1' .,.! f.:';:l t" ' ! !:": y "' 11 '" '"'" ' 1 .ii'.; a !.. in a loe n.-ii'!'i: ever .-.I'terwartl . ,1. I'.-c j; -i .: !-! .-,.-iiire.l praci i-.-a! .... -i.-i! .'.; if :,'. r. .:!:!!'. a-ai was of naae r. cint .-... -a.uetioii. swii-i.i. .o.s . in i: oci '.pit-.! hy tie I'Vei.-.., - ,,i ;j,t. pi.ie 11 ly. S-vr al yee - :i pally of s 1 01 1; :- r. ia: 'ill' M, 1HKI ,1io. .11 ii-.l -.;i-'.e I -.I'!.' , o .... .. '"':" '.-'';.' S;Vi, i.-:!-v I'.v.rts : I t'i-l! ii tt-..i. ; :!. i 1 1 ! , : , 1 : . '.' ill I. i I. a-iu e 'l I 1 s:.:c. I .1 - t,.. a ! !, ;'s :.-id . j I.. 1 1-. e . ' ... 1 : '. i 1 -ee. : j : : Tie- I;- a l. wi !' oik.-.l ! .i'i I the l'.h. !.:..'..! ' s .; ki'.-!.'. o" v l.ota I o ' ; . . .... : . ' 'up 1 iy... I o i t le- ':.. !: ir M - .-. ;-. .-.) ae i re.-a.' a .-. . r .-ad ihe t.iiipit' .i;.... Tin- !.;;!-. i -1 ee'. -. v. It;.-.; !.t.-a- II '.. .: : . . t h .. a.; i' - h e- hi.-lv 'a. She! are;. i ii 1 :i:i ; ti-.i .. . .1 :; i.n-1- . I ."r 11! hrii k- fi e.i the '.h. i:.., v l.ich . -. e siiii-.i -pa it. I; . -.!. I-.. .I in uiaho---al: as n il . l'i 1 1 hi t i : I i ) .lace. -i .'. .-hi 1. -ah'.,: - "I Wi sii a:. ! !.!,.. i. l. i. :o i v I., a l M'. t'h.n. of "h" :::. !. t al ! :ta ;I. was .en! II to . t ! 1. in i a- t -i and - can- !m 'in d. tl.. . 1 t pel w:e. .! -1 .e-.i. d. V , :, ih, -.id ..; ' ,! a. the ;!':.. id v,:i i l .: , ,1 l!l. '1! ti.e li'tiiiihttioii wall a- .!s-.-le,'('d .l ; '. sent in. 1. 1- i.i. laiatili:;-. 'I lie s!c l'i' is ie.'C. es I i:.-. . - i-. ; ! ' I' ie! -ih 1 1 ;i , I, . .;, i: ,(i..l ii,.- :-!!a' 'uisi-!!II:r .yun. ..I .:.e w:,. .., U V.A I V.M A I 'K f'lA T!!iN;i. SI. ViS. Ill US, SHOES, :;!:.!!!. it -.'ii! fir i. ..--.-:i:t. 8000 DOLLAiiS WOU'VU OF iOOgH AT COHTJJ I in- "iir-i t tuek 01' -duds , , i- i,, 1 j, ,,,,,, ,,p cluithain At and Polo -7 Oi i!;V OiKdiS. Nt YI .s. MilddNKIiV (iOORS, a.: Ji ie!' j:' 'eei ot ., i, a-'l! A- ftli' I i; ie; roaei,. '.'.. ;..,v,r:i fl-iclidsi.:. ii h:i- ' - a e,i, to have cii'io e.l !'! '.mi. y. it friend ih; " n. I ;.- a'; :t I mir.- ot their .-M-.-h.-',' j -per- u iintcli t '' ;;k- ' li ! a., n t'f y have Hilow.-i! 1,-.. -i; . . no r, -. ; t . ' e... and we d.i sin.-, ii-.y ie-pi- -. ii pene will liou p;-.. . :: V. .. d., ; ., ii.ten.d this as a hciu'e" t-. ..n. . .. i-. 'mi; rather as aa " ! !. ! r n t at t)-p ( (), i. re-euieie ! !. t!,,.v l ave ftiveii to a specie.- "I jour' Hi! of ii- ittate ii.' '! l- iu'i dc'.i'.hi ' '- I ' i .i. to' t i her in in h v ' e..!:!i-:i at.' . i :o;k'i! I ; -e :i I 'ai. in p..;-:i;.:.h.'. at the t-n . 1 . -! r I'-s". Ai ilr-1 i-. ie IT 'a V;,.:;,:, apied the h, -t : v ! i. i-..;..r..-iii"!'. ! a: th. ! .-1 i- .':,e as ', ie :' .in ; t.t'i. Thi - i e.-a-.-d i' hy ih.- ! -I W, -; Virginia. N.-w Y.-rk th-- '-ee Ntate in ' h'lt i' e e-i til- i' ' in is:l'' :.i. i i'a- ie:;.,.;ed ! i. :; :- i , ,',- -.!!.. e No 1 h ( ' . I ' '.': 1 -A a li:.- t!.;'.-d :.tie in IT'.'t'. l-u :'; '' don ll.- i:-i ai a,-!. .: :.. i i .1, i.i o ,--t .. . ei;- ii'.f! ii. !; :.:..-.:;:;. ihe o ii ' e .-" . l- ' "ith ('.no I hy law to ih. i 'ii- -.ho 'had '- .;. . . , !...,,.' r,.;,. aad con: ii;.. d in hv i,. a. t: : ie. v. :.:, :. : , . ' . . I ; ! -: n I i he Ip i'i:.. , I.e. .1 ; : i- '! ; i. at i ! ,' - C ie - h h V .'I . 'I', f -. ' ! .:. le ."ii,;.c.;. w ill :. a -c pl:i .i'.i--'. .'. . li e l'o! -.ii.ii .a. ii a. i - to i.i'i'i I he : a ten a I :. - i.i li is ill- l; t :! - . . , : , .. j;. , ; --! , ' ; ; ,. . an.. ,a ...n.-. : -, i i :-i: M' I't.ii V. ; ... .: Ti-.- :;-ei.t " '' ,'. i ili'.-e u i;i he a'.eilt . :. a'id .- ha':' a (h.. : I. .a I. .'i.d ti';- pi in- - o, ';.-.:,. .-a ! in i f J.I :;; .- - . -.i I . 1 1 , to h ' i'l'.i'l-.d :.!'i i-....,-ov. d Ii-e.i ye.:r ;.. i.ar. il i- l:.;ra. .to ..it .. : l.y : ! r. .-!.!(. i.i ti.e c iliiiy ' ii ia-o-i' t'.h-'-- -a - ;.. ;.-(-,..;, ,., -..!. a!' "I r :-l M lii.'l :l p.-!' h ' !i t-i ce''!!-::-.. l. .-!-.,! 1 o' - ! and :'-i!. ir-.c le I , '..f the he-.: h, Vot ih.-i- ' ': i !- -! -' ... ia:.. r. i. . :. ;l . ;. ,, !. .. .. .!:;-;,,;. oi tin- ::. i v. .- .. led a : a. -- oi tin- . . -id. In Ii.o ..i.o it.-, i.vt. l' I'.i i.e.e.ie ot md l-'A.Nt'V (iO'. ) i iS. i fahy.,,, h ,!, ' !!., iOWOX s owbi-iis;.' .he AX' .iQ&2 rOJl CASXX. T I.i -e -oo I- r.ii:-: 1 .'.! :ii'o A l''ri-. ( a.-h will make the price. r.r.-oi.s I'liyil..' "II linn ..- I'.I- il.lo ,- n.il he el are.l the ri'iilllar jiriccs. W hat I niei.ii hy CASH i- U.e la ;. paid tlow ii I.et'oVe the encuhi leave the -iore. i loo yaid- h:--t C:.'h-'i :,' e ... . du.-e.J lion: S cents. " iio ! ya-d- ! ! --at h-i.i . :e,hie, i I o;n nilocelits. i:i-.-.- L;. t. - i. r .'. . . a:- ap . ' i,... . ..f .-i'd ki'mls and iialitien ffoei lit-!. is ,o.. I; -. !;. a. id.' i :' yoar min price. Bouts and Shoe- iic-. iha" .'.' :.v i l-.-.n. .'o.i,,i., ;ii i'micv (hinds; for t. Li y.ut p. e l anvthiie' cull ui, a ::... t n : ir;;:.'. I '.-: - a -'.;.;. he.o. a I a I oi: r:iv ( ' I . Ih iih-iii'i'i r, an 1 ry O I-. Notion-, ( 'io i'in .'. . it.j. S! iocs or HaU ai New 'i ork i-o-t i;; CASH. N'.'i' nN i'l.ME. I ntciin hnsincss. i he-e prie, - wili hold lililii I tt ll.i r it ,., ( 'il'll so-ill if nil W i-'l to -,. e Moilel . ii. .1 O '.Y :,;-! r t:..- I--a i .ie i.ii'.' tin in'--'' I" il..- in.'i e 1 1; pi lei.:- li. he, . ai'trv. v.. a;-: w.,..t,, riii-iioro". n. .. .1 ui v i j. W. L. LONDON. i'lp.oy v. . i , --i v . - ! T -. i I ' 1'. Tiik -rii.a.-of thi- Si:-:.' ar, met "I- I he 'ia riiary io.'I V ;; V h. e; ; ry yva" p.-r w Vol k or ahis-i, 1 h" the ;.ii;ii.i f ' -.i::- .- .!.' -yaaia i liph- i tii- coaditioiio! the ,'-a.-.ti .:!: ie j- -ui-:. -ti ve-y e.-i--:i-. 'pi spcciile p.-..i:--i:ip.-. a,.'! dan'.; the isl" i '-'1 "-'-!-i VM.kef their A .;:.-( toe' t.l.V tiiifd p'iict-. Ti.e l.l.-l H' -l1 Itill-I m-I' a o 'T'i:.- aii i'ne i-i'i ,- 1 1. - -.-' ;);.. f.o.-i id i roads in their ,.,-v, .-hi,.-- ;o,il n. ik.- o'- '-'i' p i-e tti l-Iti t"th. a n-port thereof to ih- i.-,a i. re , I. ! ""' te: : the sup, rior an ..f i.i.-ir .. pi. . ' in t s:. i t i ia f.'tirte. t.ih p.:. held th.-i.-a;..-.-. 'I'I:. -w faith: 'i''-! '. x:-.. tr.e.iihi S'ls U.ai I he jiid.e oi ii ei ,.-.!-; .-hali . ai! lipoa :he eic:'; . cem : for .-ll -!i i. ; ";i- -md d,- i : ihee, ro a"d ela h';.-.'.i: ha.- i.i a n mai m h.-i-. oh :.-. the I'., i .a,.; ,', of j!,, -rand .jury. .In ! ;,'"l Neia a !..!. 'oh a-:el,i ;.!..i li.ih -tah -'' '," m Mip.i.i-.r- win. -o n.ak. " rnpiihy ase.n.hno tin- -cale i! '.'a-;, al'p ! Mi. ii teport are e-ii-t.v .' a nii-de - i., j !.,. r. 't , laeanor .-.id may i.e 1', 1 ,,r in.pri- V'llhlie Dae li Itieti t -. v. ... -. Olicl. 'I i.e . .:-!.;;, a "f v pal.1 I'M'. .- S- V -r IUM. .1 - i- road ia the S!-:t, i- :!-- i..ou.h- .it ;,,i...i..-...c.-.it:,-.tf..tt.-.-.-..i...-:.. : - -; , , . '. pni-ae ili'iai'i'i :!-. Iiaxi Ii. en -.ii 'i I: :!.-. i the ttet.T.-.t. .t auiatid a ry . . . ry- f,,a .1:.i11..., .. .,,..1,;- ... ' iih-v.-a.-: ! , ! year I'y siviiMi olVe- r- : it- no ,,., ...... (, ., , ;;. , j.,,, ,, ,, . ;,, t..:iciiiii the i Oversecis or superv .-"V are ever, or '..lot, '.ileitis. Viho w;ii r. ad : h. m ' that I.e..,,,. ,;. , x, y ie. !:.;.. I U -, .,- :,. i ii.i-v -V s.'n -::'t m - :i'!"tl 1 ee i ..-at i.e s ; ..... . - a a''-a.l e.;-. . I. p, ,"t wiili -. -o. i i..at ; .. .. : ;. j'-, o.ea.-.l.iily .'.,.-;:,.-, itame '! fit- l'i !li! - i'.i iitrv. . !: v al e ai w . ., ,,v 1 . . xP'i I- I i . i '.i- tdiv 'or. a .,! I'a a ! -i hi;:, w i.;. ii - t "i l.y a i i a. .. '.- , i i i, . Ah- u. jA i .-.. i isc ovJ., Man I S, at". ! A Toi;v at n . ;;: r.w. sale.m i. X. v. ; d I .a a ! a 0111 . 1 1. oo.e e oeeepie.l. f.-. .:! ! " ',d .'! t! . o.a. - a i . 1 1 ; . . '! 1 1 .'.-. ,.-at...,' it.l.i.is. wi. iiri. rtiie '.. ...,.; I'aaU id. 1 a,' min, I f..r ilirm ; ... I 'Hi-- .e ,r....ii- Vfai'-i....nn llmlr on 1 .- 1,,,'i.t, , w. .,li, ii ji.ur iinlfm, .'.-:. :. .-ft ! J .; .-ir.-aiiith una his1 wlml tli.a CEO Y.. KISSKN k CO. aie.t.y ;. Is.-.: 1. d !... .;,.. th of low-,. K l.ao : Pi.! ,-5 Tr-.i 'a! i I. . : jJi 'i;c.l tii ji;-... i I; h i I, a hai'diti;.. ., -lane , ' . .-, : do-.' n. I :.' 1 I i'i Ite.i ' he ' '.I-''. .1 :-.a ;-,aii.. i ; lie.- i. II,,.,. I - i a - ; i 1 1 I-: i ' -. Iru e i,' e.l I . li- 111 ' iia oh TIIK ALL BIGHT COOKING STOVE. ! .. ( -.i-.i. -.!. :..m- ,i.ii:n f..r thin wlohratml M-ti . Ul'il .'i't '- ! Ill' illllL' llllll iiVtT i V. I VI V I I V i; TIIOl'SAND ,... S,,,,,. );- ,. .,. B1J H,nl Q BV-J, .11. .. li.lVf (JIV.mi la:., ... -h .. i3 Entire Satisfaction. t PitiCES VERY LOW. "' i:-i. . l'.-s.-iltiuvf I'Mul'iKiio and List of i in-:..;. in-. I,,. f tin-' conn:;. v.ht :e ihe she t !! :.l . .-t I. :.: 1 i ..' !:.... ... I .t I'.I. .: :i :.. i.i . , .1 ....... ., itdoras the ..Ji-'.vi--. 'oil! api-i ifr- o h .iil,..c road-; n;e :n : -'' ! rona.ti.a. ,,.,),,.,. u,r ,.,,,..,.,.( ,ian '.! i;,.-- Hat 1- thi-pi-',:,.p:.o,i co. iei i ' Is :iaoi; ,. ., ..1 f,!,d its way .ft" :.'..-:.:.;- . h p. ay it true lint all oe- puh -e 1 ..a. 1- ,ire 1 i.e !.;e..l-- ' men ie . can laak'--o. ,-i I-' the !..- ." ; : iliaoot.dcoa.oi'.,!. ' V.'m. w.i! -s, M llr ,,ilt ,l"' a"'J,'e-t part wni !., --ho-.y.-j,. ;,... w , . tal'o.lii iw iv. a .' i. ii a'-. i;. t... I lls II ',.il. Il-lli". ..ies kii. i IV . . t . ( . .( " 1 ii!- I- tl pity. .eeail-e ti.e-. ,lo,-i! i 1 v. .i :; -,..;, t : .,-, ,it ,:, . ... ...... M. ii 1 ij..... . .... ... ''. meiits eonta.iii itiacli inatt.r ot ti.al :.- a.-.- e m-'aMiy :. -. , -i ... ...-.j plain ill its reipiire.i.eiii.s. liii,rcis vahie t'.iat is net to he found , '. ..- lei !.;.:.-!..'.!. a , i t,,. .-,:.: the supervisors, w ho an- -worn .:7:e- wh.-re. vwntpi- ut- pcr-on h - ! i .i.-.-;:,: ;.; i; ;. ;. -, ; ia!s. to in: ke t ': an anal report.- of ,,(.'"' : !" ::';', " " i'-''' ' Sc. t, ,;,l-.r p-::,iv. I'i., lw....i. li.i ,...'f...i-r '..' ""' ';'!i'"ltrali..li of tin if . :n-." I .- i.ni.a- f ihe.sma'i i.o-.s occiii.v lilt- In a.t. iiei thepal'lic land or pen ami tin- juaad.;- .a p.e r, p, IMC J-lM-e. ' -oa-o. ,. ,. o. ... s.rci-. ih- ,..-tory of t:..- pi;!, fro deiiver these report- to the :atid lie finance-, the indiaa ,pie-(,on and jnrvi tnd the -land jarv are Mvoi-ji i-niay oth. r sin !i i: ipiatant -aliierts. t-O dotil.arililtV. '-ec'-aise ,,.,,-r he had to the,C ,l;d .. ,. ,. . a s- leeoid.- ol ( otiop ,sto:.a! l:.i,els. At the appp.nhieo term ..! the ,;.s. ,.(.11).N- , ;i..,,,S :tll.i .,'..,,!,,,. mipeiiar coarl ot t his coniilv. l.hhil fifty ,,! ..jty i.nu.nes of whi.-h are h, ''ins on tin. liili oi .-".ileinli r. let i--ne: eailv. 1 In v are a leine o -e t a- e.i : le! i - !: "ar pot: i-.l. . I h .., ,,,..,. A'tli.ii t:- a:!s : : . p.- :, ",. a i.i. a: i - :..-. 'I I.e :.. :. ,',..., ''' 1 ' ''" 'd iff ni.-i.n ie.ii.iim . ' - .,.1 a,.'.. Wo ... , r , .-.!, ti.,. i.o i a , ..,;..., ,,, w ; l - w to. a. l. e al u a. Jliinhvsir4 of Hvi'iT Dcsrriptioiit Sash, 2)oors ami Eilinds, t : It -r .. ar --I LP I. a i u r stock in xckth cakolixa. June IN. lss;. BALEIGH, N. C. e - '. ii".-,., t;,,.,. f '.n'e i-.in h-p I . . . .-.I , . . ' :-. : .;: ti l, t . Fertilize Your Wheat if Yon Want it to Pay Yon. Lveii-ilannVd . .,";.. X-'a'o " r'i" "f th!:" r... , A'KS A.MMONLVT ld AND ACID I'lIOSPf f ATES, '' -i T:: ,, ;!.- :- j.ri'ci e y the -an, e a, thai of )ALj!l ' Tlie Best Ti-rtilicr Mad.! for Yheat and Oats. Novt'iu Dtjiot Ileal i-i-.ii-. a ;,...: . . .i. tie ai'u'.- teg. In ;. :-,,..- ,i,. via.. leu !.:,i;,i.;-.- ,,i i -1 . .I., i ,-t . I. '!.., w i' .lr . 'if !::- !,. vi.f. i!i tlf .r.'i..u-.. i',ii I,, U.e 11.111- "I . .1. - e 'ii ii. i XOIUUK. WVA.TT TAYLOK, CO'XXOl'i CGlZSilliSUiOXJ IVIExlCUANTS, lt.v '. c. CoN-li.NMI.MS Sol. li II KM. lili.ai.-I l'i,!. K AND PlillMlT KKTl'llN'S H UA II ANTEED. ) r fi'., '.!.., .' 1 lllllfl- .1,1' l ..III.').. Ii,,. tier ..f lS,.,.,,s .,..allill..-B.-l...i I- ia a. i-.liv a -!.-. iii-th ,. ,.f ,1... :a-.- te. In :i !w I'l-aee. upon the oeca-:.... .. tak;.,:; V!'. " " '''.'' f"f Ms -eat. -:e, !..., 1 1 '"' let 'i-"'"'.v- ie.;;:.'.,;.,,1, ,- any .in !;, i, Im.v. . iM-'-ii I n.'Vi lay ,,l S.-I.:.. (iil.-r n.-x-. I . 1; t. II , -a ... i.-.' ....'- i). oiiis on pi" i ii ii iii -! pieinii ii i i-siii.i eai n . ii.;iie ;i leine oi , . ,. , . . - - . .. . . ... ... . ,, .. ...;C ., : ... , .. inf.n .ii-ii,.,, when aa, ...,! v ...,.!..., i "U. !i''A ia ,h-. M' ' - ot I hey are a, a, :...,. ..: i.i-.m-i-r .....,.!..! l. a. I.:.,.-,,,,. S. c. n.u r ,. :-:. " , , : and lor iha. re:,-,, 'theViai,!,. to h, ;'"-"?"V uu, :,,' ,1, i.: ' ! " n Ih :m,-h of .',,. ,.,...,,.,.. ,,y; lu,tV,U'" ' W"1'' Pi'-iaed. Thefanltisnotmprin, . "! I;- I" ' .,!, e' '." P ' ' v ' V,".' ' "'i1'1 II. ..V. i..O.M)(V let us see wh.ee hum ,t is , Mu- . ,is null,,-, all hollh .!...:!.,.-., H, jes Mat e .,, any w h.le :: . w !:;., . ' ' - a,ik,n a.:.-y heard someof the se nisrs h, ,.;- ,:,. 1, n.i-ht he ..mined, hat h, the "X ' " " Im" ."' ' 1 : " J1 - , j t,,,"",,,"l '. !" J""p - eoiPity say that ,l,,y would ,h.,y - .'i u'.WlZ 1 'Ly I x 'ZutX J M U WIW niakin--tneir reports the. c ar nidi! -i.. . ., . .... . ..... , same as if h,. ,.,:, av. i l-i-n w.iii.. uue .-,,,,.,.1 i. M it lit H iNilallUti Ueady for Sliii'llielit. Send veil!' Di-ders to 'OI(!:iS, W " ATT V TAVLOli. pmv'N wool carding; eeit w ,iii,' one -utia. i , in- tt'.ai-ai.d, of hri.-k insi.ie tl,,.i -t .'.-hade, t-a- ie in tlw. ..- .11. ..; .: . niaKin-iiieir i.-por.s tin , y,-ar nt.ti; x,.., ii:,,.,.., IVI..I- an,e as ii hew;,, aah.p.,,,; the week hefole i-oillt. hi ol'h.f lo .. " ia le nieanl .me it , .;. .. , ., . ,;, (l-.ail I if I'.il.iiM :. .. .lirnal. , ...... 1 ' 1 " L'ive the overs-aers miiph- time t,,p,;t i... ...... ...:.. .. ..,...,...,.; ''-'O. , i I l.a n- u ,,, I ,:,.,-. - n in ti.e walls .., t,,. i .i ..- i- .. .' a Iii 1 11 ia..oii mill,)ijs- ti r .ie. c.i iit." ! ec -: i,..i s m-,,,-,,.,, :,nd for th. their roads ui paid condition. We ol ih.-.r i.e:v..! ,J. ad wi:l pay the ' S-.x-,;,, ij,. ,;,: jf-il! it CI, ...- ' - ('Hanoi: or .sciikdcij:. lileae ill...- J ' ,s.":.i. lie ,n; ... :, .. , .. , Iii. viiii,l. I lie lehv sw. 11,1,1,',','. hi A. .1 :', . Uel.-l,.,. tltatti... v....... ...I . r 1 ,u . ol K OI " im ,se:i.nii nun men w in c. .nie I o i ' iiiewaes ildiheotht wiry eosH ami trulie. This is a ih- eonn.'ry edilui- with a ion- piece ''''.' iV!'' :" ' ;"' '''"'' ' -hi'i ii.".. leisure season of the veur a;id everv r.liearsin-- the many virtue- ol ti.e ; . " ' ' : '- La.-i Siu.'lav r ii.'.i-f 1 1 1 i 1 s areeiepioy ,,11' -1 -i i.v it.-nt sVp,-ess train. . i., , i'i ;o,i ; II ei !. t - I" i i "! if,., in t. in k. r : I . '., ! M ..!' '.' i . in : . i'i..,'i'..i ""' I- "l I - 1', , . . m :...... .. II I. . IH . M ,,. u,v 11 I. . in I Mr: : v 1 1, it l: ' . ii. ! N.'.v na.i IJ - , III ; ; ,'V S". -J-J..-IH.' l'. A. I.rmi i-.-v. .-'l,. it..i- .a v.. i' i !"". ;ii'l l'"i--. i.'.i I.., . .i!:i'.j "... I', c. el l..,-lii.'. ii n -. i.-i wi.li laa I. -. i,ii".iT I..;, n- i l.ii' tit i. ia..- .'.- ,i,i- i, a -. :,," ''' -imIi"! '" 1,.11-Kf lill'l.' III. If - i. I'.li. lll In . itf.-iiiHr. .ICS. C. liliOWN ;!'!;;!;; (inzDNs national bank, I. it- tie"-'' w.rk Vfp ...ii uike out all ot I tin I'll.'..- 111,1 1'Hi.ll Wl.fll .1..111... Itir W.KH IS DAllnr llu... Ii.ii. I ni- k.sl. All iliftifiiHt.imnr mruir . . I,, a,. I ;., hiv.Ii ni.il eriiw the wo., I Willi nmta I S.I. I ..r .'l'''"-f -""'I' cnnsi. will ll"l l"l. we win an inn f..-.-.-1-uiir. II ni- .ry, ami ninko no i-liarim Inr II I..C. ll. . oin: of u.f Inr.l. c.n.i.,ninrn must brhiK - - : :,,,-:. ,.r -a.. l,i riolifr.,ll In ! will ii.. i a-,, o.ir in if I mif-xlxili lor Uill orS oni ..I. w.'.ithl.ii.' ll... tolls. I'lilll lh Lrliik-o i u-lii. -r .. ,,ii,."mII giuliuiiitl w.k.I will lilN4iiadarnw ll,,-r.,-r. JAJII-.0 rALt. ?:.iv Jl, lhKI. Hill ;; ! a in 4 11.1 , ? r. a in , i; -! s in ; ij ,i in KAI.KIOII. IS. . ROTARY HAPROW. iili.lliVni .i.-i"'"'11 i, road oi.eh, t(, lc well forked, li.-ivl 'l" 'tIp' 'w' -It' ' ! h Z IZuZa,' TuTi- ,Z 2 l'r" "V "' '!'."" "i-nv,'"il.,.,,i..i. j '".'.!, n'! aio..- linM!.. hLo! ! ' '" ' f ? :' r ,!t,:,;:-,, 'll ';;;; - ..- m,' z;,,:ic. tiizj:: , n:...;:':::::r.';r'::.,c,:: r rr;;;.r;;;rr.i: the hols lined ilp. l'o d.is liiileu. it al.so'uleiv impossilile t tm.l.'- S it '..l-ind ht- i a . .'iliii,. 1 the to h-r .'.a,',,.,.;,.,.,,,.,, j, ., t ' m- : a' la.l-ii.-li ni, i- ll.-i(fh K - an.l "ry lumi-r ..m :li: a. ii.iv,'..i.i.. A .. i i.r if notl.il.- else, and ,t will help some p, . .pi.: hcie ve i: e.,-1 - i-e y eo,,;lp - E.,---t ,-..,;.. for Tl ... ,..,. , ,' ,. " , , ' , ',' ' "' I ' "e r'.-ur .-n " "! " ' Tt-rur '" neatly. ,t..Puh.,Ui-m: n .v.u.try j.., naa lea, t ,-a: eh,,,- i.oie, a. i,, 1; ! n I I Tii i i 1 1 i ' aliio.a.i , , . ., , . , ! '''" aai' .-' -i a,,n. -Hx - '" i iipi!...-.. , 5.. e. K"r wound, ili-faAa or nlhr itina h. niln.ir rhll.lrvn oHrnui 0inlUna whru .lentil i-i-snltti!. Claims ra- (,..'.i. I, r.--i"iivt.'.i. Iti.-r.b-.w. Niuiity. ba-k pay .....I atrf' l..ir.'.'H .'tii.ilnt'.l. Apply hi inw. ilnlay .,..,ii..'.i jour ritfhis. Mfi! by law. A, I Ii.'m.. wiili -iiitni'. i tin nl.l 1'Bmblli.l.isl firm of I I'SON co., M,..i MfjB ai.,1 l lalin Ayvulr, VII t S;., ii-.,lnrfi...i, P. i:. jrilll. loiiv ,-. w im.i ii, t.,i,,fi ii.ifiia.'i.i. M.ii.le '. iw. 1. vt 4 V i :''.i'.''i hi'ih1ii, anil WAli. I I I.V.I' M'lalli'NM. HOMR J. il ' s-!-.ierrnncTIanilnH k'.' I-of l.ivo si iar I- -:.:,'., an -I sola. Lorn K. it ',...1 111, Oil s- .'.;., ,.s I'.ii.l. Ho lou wiuil I in- "-. S. l'. , ,., . i. ,.r I. ... I, - r. '.... . Tlf n kM, All.i.H.f ill !.., aslillltf tou, U.C