1 1) tVU Ulfc tAKH AMI HU.ttt. Summer Maunacinent of 1'lga. Every ariner sliuiild make tho bent of his resources, (iniss is a cheap food for pigs, and a most healthy ami irtlit alilo diet. Much of the profit on pigs must come from a proper use of grass as a summer food. Sum have e pressttd very grave doulits whether pigs can be fed at a profit in pen all their lives hut we do not think there in any doubt about it. For. if tin best feeding will not pay for tho food given pigs, then they must be considered un provable animals-a position wholly untenable, as it has been abundant Im proved that the pig is the best utilizer of food on the farm. We fully In lieve in the use of grass for pigs, and. if obliged to keep pigs. constantly in pen, would cany the grass to thein. purely as a matter of health, but better health will make better tlililt. We know that pigs will pay a profit when every pound of food from the fust to the last day of their lives is charged at the market price. Hut this reiiires full feeding, with due regard t" every pre caution for health.- .V'o.( I. in. Stork ."itni'il. Ho.,' Io l'rotf-t rritit from Ihsi'i-Im. The advice given below i. selected from the writings of cierioni eil hor ticulturists: Oils of all kind-, are deadly to inn.-! insects. Kerosene can only be used by diluting with water. To mix iN with water, lir.-t combine them with milk, then dibit?, a de-ired, with water. Sour beer and molasses attract moths, spread on boards placed in the orch ards or on trunks of trees. Paris green is cry effectual w hen it i an be well applied; one pound mixed with t'.u-ti-ty-live pounds of ilour or plaster is suf ficiently strong. f London purple use only one part by weight to fifty ' parts el' llour or planter. The coin m ground beetles, the I.I' e-W inged Ihes and the w ell -know ii"l:ilv bugs, "are old j friends ol the lim-ii. ultoii -t. and ; should be protected. A ; regard, the noxious inseits. the ciMliiig uia li j ranks, IVrili'-tiintiw lie... ie a;ly at the top of the list. Paper or i loth hands are used, applied c . rv ten ,l.n Ihroiigli spring and early hihiht. and in loimeition with the n-i of a proper wa-h. The apple tree borer.. ! which there are several Kinds, arc em n i i- - of the apple, the ipiim-e. and .-"in- other tiees. When observed, i-nt tin lavae out . ith a kni'e and I.H" a le 1 "I tarred rooting felt about the collar of the trees to prevent further raag-. I'u-tings of lime are Hl'rrt n.il with the cherry and pear Mugs. ahuui!,i!'t m moist regions, -m li as .il,.iut Pu.ct Nmnd. The plum curculi. w l.il. i not here yet, but i- perhaps on the w ay, is an enemy t hat ..it pri n' vm not be compuTed. There is n. t vm .l known except the jarring ,"i i --. t-i commence as soon as tin- fruit set-., and jar the tree ihree times a week for a month. This shakes off the i urculio bitten fruit, and it should be gathered up and destroyed. The steel blue fee tie know n as the grape Ilea l"i tie. nip. the vine in the bud; the larvae feed on the leaves in the summer. The l i e ties are jarred oft the win--, in the early morning, over an inverted umbrella, or lime y used: for the larvae, alum water. One ounce of alum to a gallon of warm water destroys the straw berrv worm, so does white hellebore I .1 1 : 1 picking is about the oidv n in. 1 y for the gooseberry fruit worm. I he 1 ur rant borer is troublesome, rut out and burn all infected brain lies. ,. the same with the raphern tuiggird ler. I nrm nnil l.ni'tlt-ii .ofi- Charcoal is good for hot h hog old poultry. Don't neglect the cucumber and melon v ines. Ifoopskirts hanging on poles a re said to make effective scare 1 rows. Orivr1 the mice from the shocks of wheat standing in the fields by scatter ing a few bread pills mixed with arse nic. The chickens must not have ac cess to the field however. None of the tuberous-root ed grasses, like timothy, are suitable to perma nent pastures. They cannot stand close cropping nor constant tramping. Pasture grasses must be fibrous and deep-rooted varieties. Timber should not be cut in early spring, as tho wood is then full of sap. Whenever the foliage is greatest, dur ing July or August, is the best time, and the hot weather being favorable for seasoning, timber keeps sound long- I The Fa rum's llmnf .fmini". says 1 an ex-judge in Ohio county, being short of work stock, hitched his milch cows and heifers to the plow. The ex judge now says that as an evidence of his success he has left over in his cribs 600 bushels c. ' as tine corn as he ever raised. In villi.. h1 Fork. Pry some thin sines of salt pork; when done, pour all the fat out ot the frying-pan. leaving the pork in it: then pour sweet cream over tho pork and let it scald. serve w ith baked potatoes. FfW 011 Tmist. (irease the pan or skillet you'wish t cook the eggs in. and salt the water. When it simmers not boils carefully drop into it. so not to break, one egg at a time. .Thsflioulil be water enough t'cov r j thetn. .Before they are hard, remove with a small, Hat skimmer, and put each egg on a piece of hot, buttered toast. Hnth ! V.sf'i.v. Boil them ten der ami scrape; slice lengthwise; put three table-spoonfuls of butter in a saucepan with pepper, salt, and a lit tit. chopped parsley. When heated, put in the parsnips, .'-hake and turn until the mixture boils; then lay the pars nips in order upon a dish, and pour the butter over them and serve. 1'0V, ' .!' lii:i'Hii:h. - Pare and takeout the lores el the apples with out di viiting them; sweeten and roll each apple in a pi of crust made to' taste: be particular that the paste is nicelv j. iiii il. Put fhe dumplings into lion red cloths, tie them securely and put t li 111 into boiling water. Keep them boiling from one half to three ipiarteis of an hour, remove the cloths and send them hot and ipiickly to ta ble. ri'.VKI.S or TIIOll.HT. Pet fiction is attained by slow de grees: she rcipiiics the hand of t inn. One of the griat.st blessings ou can enjox is a tinder, honest and in- ; lightened conscience. I Infinite toil won!. I not eiiableyoii to ; sweep away a mist, but by a -fending j a little von may often overlook it ' altogether. So it is with our moral im proveincnt. We wrestle fiercely w ith a vicious liabi', whii h could have no hold upon n.s if we ascended into a ; higher atinosphele. j The seen t of ,1 1 heerl'ill life is not j planning toest..pc -orrow. which can- j Hot be; but nerving the heart t meet ! sorrow, and smite i't"ry out of its unwilling hand. j A slender ai .piaint. im e with the j world must eouvime every man that, ao ions, not . i'.i-. are the true criteii- . on of the attai hmcnt of friends, audi tha lb- no t lib v 1 rv ,1 pr. slOll.. ; 1-v.ill a'"" urc 1 mark. f.ii troin being tin I it. const it uti d that even a Man i- lode or .1 w old I' trieiullv r. 1 oii'.tioti 1 n ib!. to b, .11' in lUld'T tin most I'J'i I e i. I hat w hi. h si tin- to cxh.llt a man whin it is debasing him, and there is that which .'-coins to debase Inn vv hen it 1 . 1 baiting him. 1 nr pivgn - i- a t.e'e i . like that "I a m. ii who had lived through all gen 1 rations pr.'titiltg by his oA a experi ence and tha' el his f How -. I.ihhI Wind lor the Mule. It ems a I, nle strange that . t-w muh .- are ii.-.i ' in this pi 1. e and in New l'liglaud. a. 1 o'-.i aied withotlur part of the oiii; rv. In la. t people have h'tle idea ol tlie mull '.. , ap.n :ty. A Market street ! . e:y man in -piiiig-I 1 Id is aM:.. t ing 1 on-i li "able atten tion by a'tachi III"!! el dri ing a Ian y matched pair 1 to bis family 1 .image, a 1 om- ! in in ".o'l'ln i"i 1 dies, i hes.' came iroiii Minnesota, and are rated thereat s "ioo, more than any except t'n- v 1 rv 1 1 t hor.es. At the ..uth 1 si."")' 1- not rcgo'ded as viry high fori a pa r oi the right kind. I! are good for tin ir ti 11 111 tii s an lumron the j load, and they seem to have no idea of j wh.n o i to misbi hav e. A pving'.iiid ' man. uboiomeilv had ihargenf the' r. pa.r. o!i a long C.ilitoi nia ti h graph : bm . -ay . th.it lie drove a iniih tint ' 1 . ill. I m. ib.- his mile in thru minutes 1 without any trouble. The horse-rail-, road coin any have worked ,1 par of tin little fellow s for seven yiais. am! , during that tiin there have bei n only two days when both were not able to do lull duty. The siipi riiitendeiit says j that they an make t wo or t line more trips a day than a pair of horses, and tin y cat only half as much. Their dis-po-itioii i. warranted as A No. 1. ex cept that a green driver will rullle their serenity now and then. The company owns one otln r muh. which proudly helps the Watcishops 1 ar up the Cen tral treet hill, and is rather a gorgeous spci I ach w ith his white ily netting and his stalwart negro driv 1 r. Aside from these there is a plebeian pair of mules whiihar udeiniie I to draw an ice i art about the lity. " 1 'ir!- lit-nit!!- mi. Kohl from Peruvian Hirers. The whole of chin amba, (Perm, 5uys a correspondent in Iron, for a number of leagues above and below the temple of the sun is auriferous, and the inhabitants of the province of lliiamebis, through which it passes, obtain by washing the sand, and by means nf sheepskins. Jihi.iumi or :im.. t it" dollars' worth nf gold annually. w ,,,,) nil the skin is eit out until it is about halt an inch in length. The skins are llu n anchored down, with the wool side Up. by means of loose stol es placed 011 them, in and be low the various rapids, in which po sition they are suffered to remain from six tu twenty-four hours. They are then carefully raised nut of the water, turned wool side downward in a hatea 1 tub) of water, and thoroughly wa-hed: the gold falling from the wool ot the skill is finally collected from the bottom of the hatea. sheep were unknown to the Ineas, and as thev had obtained an immense amount ! el' gold from this Pactoh an stream.it is piesuuicd that they used the skins nf thellama and those nf the 'vicuna. The above will not only be of interest to the general reader, but will also furnish a wrinkle to the gold miners &;.,o!:!i lv siteated, nilMHtKVS COM'MN. School Out. Itovs) iin.l Kills Come uut to piny, Put 1'iaik Hint tittle Ami at inly iiwiiy. (.'mm! wilh 11 shout, Citmu with H I'till, Cuinu null iiy itiilnill, Colin 0111 nml all. Tlii'i iu Clii'tiii'3 nml lieuii", Anil swi'i t-sccnU'il clover, I 'mil' 1111(1 I'll-ieH, 'I'lin ivlmli ni.lti well I nut', (tni in the m'. 1. lows Hem ill h 1 In- n 111 111 sun, 'li'i'll ml; iin.l ivutlei l-'ol I'hil.lren to 1'iMlie; I'm hook, mm. I shite, unit slii.lv iitvuy. N'miitiiin's lu re, ii's time lei pltiy. - I ''ll 11 hi II ill II HI .'. Iall3 'h S.inl'iii. One day Patty ran into the lnuis" with her yellow hair a tumble, and her blue eyes sparkling with excitement. '.Mother, 11 in..! her." she cried, lnr little brown hands Muttering like the wings of a bird, "the bees are sw arm ing." sure'." asked her mother, doubt fully. I'or, you see, Patty was the least bit in the w mid like the boy in the fable who cried "Wolt ! Wolf!" when there was 110 wolt. Not that she meant to he. hilt so many bees would ily about making sin h a buzzing in the warm spring sunshine, that Patty w as ottcn ipiite certain that they were sw arming, when they hadn't any idea of it, A;:d thai i ; why P.ittv's mother asked in a doubtful May. "Sure?" "Yc.s'ni," ..aid Patty meekly. 1 1 r mother steppe.) to the door. True enough, then was a roar like that of a very small waterfall in the air. and over tin bei bives Moated a little ll.i. k . loud. "I do believe they .ire." she said. "But thev're Hot all out yet, I guess, ami w ill not begin to light I', r .;onu little time. b'lltl d'OVtl to Mi. .lessop's. Patty, and tell v.uir lather no. I'll go," with a sinile, leiiiembt ring that Pattv bad gone I'm- her father once fore, w In II the ing alter all. May I go mother'." a-Ue. w ere not sw ai 111- lit ami Watih 'em. Patty, dancing heel and toe mi the while kiti hen Moor. Yes. put on Aunt N abbyV. shaker and don't go too m ar." -' Patty got int.. Aunt N'abby's lig shaker bonnet wlibh was so much t o large that you could not see her little found f.li e. null s Icel.ing iplilO .sine it wa- there, you stooped and pe, ,e. in; and the brown 1 .diiti cape almost leached tho heto of her short skirts. Then Pat'y went into the garden and ,0 down ..n .1 hn 1 the 1 ileum- her bid. she w. it. bed the dam iujc black swarm tint I her eyes giewt heavy. I'he sun shone brightly, the wn st wind biow about lnr warm and soft and fragrant. The i . 1 v-. ing of uuiny bee grew louder and louder, until jt seemed t swallow upevery other sound. Then the big shaker began todroop. and that was all Patty km w . until "Patty! Patty. 1 hill! I on1 t ir lor your lit-"' i his vv as w hat ailed Pafffy out of Dreamland. In t lather'- voice. h cp and hoar- At in -t sin wondered where she was. There wa. a roar, hki-distant thunder, in her ears. "Poii't move. Pa'.ty dear. D.-n't btt your head!'" Thai w as lnv mother The words sounded t Patty a great wav oil. and there was a t nimble in them and a sob at the last. Wli.it could it mean 'f Patty was frightctic.l, but sin was ,1 brave little girl, and bad always been taught to obey, so she sat very still w ith si arcely a tiiir nf an eyejnl. and presently she felt t he big shaker gently lifted from her head. "All right:" said her father. And PaMy loo-kul up with a little 1 rv to see the shaki r Aunt Nabby's shaker, truly, but bigger than ever with that, great chisicr of moving, bit, .ing bees hanging to it disappear within an empty hive. Then Patty laughed, "hid they light on my head'." she cried, jumping up. What fun:" But her mother took the little girl in her arms, and carried her into the house and cried over her. Mothers are such queer people. 'That shall be Patty's hive," said her father, coming in later; adding, with a twinkle in his eye, "I've heard of a bee in one's bonnet, but 1 never saw so many bees on one's bonnet be. fore." "r I." said Patty. laughing still "They shall make me some honey to pay for that." - Youth's nmirniiu. Tho .HinNler'. Wife. 'I'lit minister's will must tiold up his hiimls when tluy an wpary; like Mom's 1'cl'iri tlm Atiiiilekites, ho ought to hiiMsi ,!s'"(.i'l 1'iother: like Aaron on om siili ami 1 1 . i r mi tin othei. It is I'lea-atit to see that Hie inothers in Is rael an octicraMv ili-isel to hej a voiitio mini-tor to i'hhI a littiti; roti ianion lo Ii,iii Ins lalmrs. I'li iiiictii;' our iiiiiiitrinc; lircthren, our i tinc-i vmhiIiI In as tlreary w ith out oiir pie I'ti' t as a Mowi r fiar ilen vvitli iiiitliin.' Imt stalks, us a iniil liiht sl-y w ithoiif a star, as a Mimlay coat ,,f , it i . ,, ni.r lit'itort'il lnislmnils vv 'if hunt il Initio:! . Wiestllns With a Hanoi of Flonr. Our sehno'iiiates are few and far between now. Keath has carried most of them away and those who are left are w idely scattered. How tho roads of life do for'.v and some take one and some another. We are till like pickets skirmishing around, and one by one get picked'off ourselves by the common toe. I had liked to have got picked iff myself a day or two ago. The wagon ha 1 1'onie'fiotn tow n with afew comforts, and one wa a barrel of Hour. Mrs. Arp and tit children always tome to the south porch when the wagon coin 's for tiny want to see it. unio.iihd and led go d for a little while, an 1 so when the hind gate was taken off aad Mrs. Arp had wondered how we would get out the llour, 1 thought I woul 1 sh iw ln r what a man could d . I rol e I tin barrel to me a I stood on the ground and gently eased it down on my I mv. My opin on now is tha' thu-e'is a l eg of to id in that bainl. for my knees gave way and 1 w.is lallieg baekwarl. mil to keep the barn 1 irmn niadiing me into a pancake or somethaig else, 1 gave it a heave forward and hi her go, and it gave me a heave backward and let tne go. and 1 fell on a pile of rocks that were laid ar umd a cherry tree, and they wen rough and ragged and i-harp, ami tore my h it arm all t ' piece, and raked it io tin bone. The blood : tn amed through my shirt sleeve and I was about t faint, for blood always makes me faint, when A rs. Arp creamed for camphor, and the girls run for it, and felon I could stop 'cm they ha 1 1 aiupiii'f and turpentine lire all over my arm. and 1 went dancing ar mid like I was in a yaller jackets' nest. It liked t" have killed ni". shore ctuif. but al t 1 r w Idle 1 ral'icd and w ent to bed. 1 haven't use I tha' arm nor a ling.r on tiiit hand till now, and go about sad a'ld droopy. But I have had a power of sympathy, and Mrs. Arp is good - mighty good'. And nw I'm in li lix. for I can't shave but one side of my face .ride nt! a iy is coining ti, morrow. Well. I used t. lould let down a barrel of Hour I used to could but rolling .wars will 1 hange a 111, in -anno ilomiui w id te l. I reckon by the time I get my tuck broke I will begin to realize that I'm not the man I us dto be. but. a V obe says, "if 1 could call ba.-k twenty y.ars I'd show "ein." The next time .1 barr 1 of thnir eomes to my house I will e,t two .skids tvvellty-live l eel long and let it roll out, see if I don't. 1 shall get well slowly very slowly. But Mr-'. Arp a-ked m this morning if I cmil In't pick the rasp hemes lor dinner w i'.h one I a id - said she could sw.ng a little b isket round my neck. What a thought fill, ingenious w Oman. III it .1 . l.'tlcr.Writlmr by I'ioxt. -I'm. I believe, the only person en gage I in the business in Chicago." sa d tin hands mie and I right lady whose biisine-s card bore ti e words. " l.ct'er vv 1 iti r." I hav e w ritteti 1 t tets I'or ladi. s li ', trotii th. ir wealth and surroundings, you would suppose could do 1 he:r own corresponding. 1 have, however, found many su h who on!, I neither spell nor w rite plainly no,-ej re-.s t heir i.le.i-. I have writ ten a 'g' ol 11 any letters for p rsoiis w ho make no pretense of their inabil ity to 1I0 -11 tor theiiis Ives. I " tit, the bulk 01' m. patrons c ine to me not be cause they are unable to write, but b .ill. they c.miiot e. iiunaud evpres hion for tiieir th nig..t ' "What are the 1. Iters about gene rally ' 'W'e'o. t hat would be telling. But if you won't s ly 1 told yon, tin y are iiii'st'y letters of sentiment. Tne K eater part are lve letters. You think that persons would pn fir to write S'lch l.tterst'ielilselves. S it hey . i win 11 the s iitiiiu nt the.' breathe is red. But tl eleiters I write are tho e oi 1 c asioii. liaeh party tb-i i s to im-pre-s tin other with cpistd itory hcau li'S. and not having any thenis Ive well. I furnish Dies' ntiinents f. rthetn. It's vt-ry iasy, ' she added, with a ilavor of cynii ism. " There's a regu lar stock "of si ntiinents f. r all ueia- sions that plea es 'all plealike. If .nine gentli men wlio arethe pioild pos. - ssors of glovv uig letters from ladies knew that some nf tiieir friends had "thers from ollu r Lubes, but m arly all ilike except in words and all nnn ng fn in the same sour e, they wouldn't be so proud. "Ladies write much alike, and so, for that matter, do gentlemen. I no tice one thing about the la'tcr. how ever, that is peculiar. Young gentle men up to the age of t wenty-thiee or t vvciity-foiir are very effusive and gush ing in their protest at ions. I'r.m that age on to f.uty they grow mere guard ed and cold. Thty are afraid of r di iile or M'lnetiing. Pi rhaps they are sii-pi ions and distrustful. But alter gentlemen reach middle life they re turn t 1 youthful ardor in their letters :f sentiment. (Jueer. isn't it '" "What other kinds of documents do you turn out "(h, letters of condolence, of con STa illation, of ceremony and so on -letters that are meant to impress the receivers and ate out nf the power nf t'.e apparent wrlt,rs themselves to const r in t." ' 'hi- ; ,0 Ilt rahl. A rorkt-l I'liliipfiniotl. Ir. '. I. I'.arhaiu, Smit-hampton Co.. Va.. emlorseil it. When a small thin lull of virtue anil seeily cure, can in sure aptinst suililen iltsith ami violent pains, it ought to ho rarriotl ahout the nerson as il pocket r oiniianion. Dr. Woi'tliington s i iioiera ami i "liii riio .i Meilicitie is recommendi'il hy i niineiit ihysiciiiiis. -statesmen atnl ministers 'the hot ami surest euro for all Minis of stomach aii'l howel complaints. Prior- 'Jo ami r'" cents. An Kililor's Daiiglitor. " Papa, can't I go to the Mtore ami ,ot in.' a now iln ss'-1'' Why, chilil, ou have pot plenty of (jootl ilresso-." " Vi's, papa. 1 ut they are out of stylo." '"Nonsense, t'rl ! the troos always lonio out in the same style every spring, ilon't thev 'i" Yes, papa, ami they always look green, too." Papa, st-iile - t"Ono might kn,w ho conltlii't got iihcail of an dlitoi's ilaughti r." i "AU riyi.t. st to tho. store anil get a ilnss." II iii'iclil ( ll'. IV;.) l i t tiiv',c. One of tho liost rules in ronversa tion is, never to say a thintf which any of the company ran reasonably wish he bad left unsaid. t I THE DANGER OF OVEU-EXERTIOS. I K Stnlwnrt .linn fleeninr VVenker Thnn n 1 hllil nnd Then Hfcovrrra III J-'oruirr SlrrliHlh, ( II a terloo, .V, 1"., Ohserrer. In these diiysof row in. g nutn and athletic , heroo.n thin hysictil ueve oinnent is mine j i lwi rved th in over before since the time of j the Athoniiiti immei. A mall wh sl.o.vu tho i cli'iiieDiH of idiysie il t ower is loukod up to f IP ini.rn thnn ... tl.B ,lnv ,.f ni.r ihiMmm I rvos-il lv hecmiM ihere hp., fnv Kneeinns ef i wiii-iUvt'lni'i-d nmnhood thau then. Au einissiuy f this lnieer met n ninjni'ii'i'ii' (ITCiiiou of pliysienl tower n few d i)s since 111 the person of Br. .V w. McNaun-s, ot Waterloo. Hid nitwit , w hicli showed 1111 iifnal di'veloimitnt, were as hnrd ai wmid. At Ins ruiiiest the vviilei siiiilii to I inch him in the linns or legs, I lit fi mul it vv li Ily im ji issiblf. A ri'iili iti.ei of wlui' is le.e.l it by 1111 iro 1 111.111 n.is fully 111a le manifest. "Have ymi iilvavs leoa si i-t ilwurt .'is ttits ':" m.iii t d tin news gatl or. r. "Not by any ine-ins " win the reply. " When 11 joui'i 1111111 I vv; nlvvnys stroiu; ami active ,'itnl left thnt I cou'd iiecomplisli nntliiiig. 'I'hi-fei'lmp so to k ns's iim f ine oil one urcvisiiiii ihul 1 alto 111 til to litt 11 1 ox which l,',iir nii'ii fniiii.l it 11111 u--i-l.le to 11 o p J s iiti di'd i 1 pi n i iii il o 1 the vviiis'iin, bill in two minutm trom lint tune 1 was iinooiisri m- ii:ul reiimitied so I t hours anil vv In n 1 tec ivered 1 0 i.ei iiism fl- I vi 111 i tt -1.1 a lar'i .inutility of 'il iod. l'roin ill it diiy I l.cis'iei tog ovv wi nk and sickly. I lielievtd that I had hu fieri it t nni' interna1 injury nud 1 xiu'iieuo d 11 policial detiility, which h 'filled sim lir to tho clTccta pro duced liy malaria. My hack wis very weak. I led nn appeiia. and a' times lo.ith d I '.(. Mj 1 p. were paivheJ and cracked. My hcud felt ns though it wore entire')' i p 'il at ill top and it pained lee on the side uileim-l) . In i-ix weeks tune t unci lalien nvvay irniii : .0 pounds to less than 170. I wan in a most ! wretched e.mditioii. I vi'.is completely d s- I conrni,ed." " Wliat did the doctors say about you " Aluio-t ever) (hi ig. I consult .-d tu It's than n x ditl'ereut phypi ians. i hev all ; ti eitod me and nolle did ice anv hoi d. At th it time I wan sutlermg iut llsi ly. 1 emikl I lint sit npr c it but w is obliu'fd t rest in a , crampe I. uneasy position. I was eompcl e I 1 to urinate ever) live miniiti f, mid I pii.-i.d I over three quart every day, 1 .van not j living. I was 1 ii-tmg. ilneniglu 1 how well I remember it M my 1 wife I a I put the cliildien in lied, when the j tcehiigc.nneoveriiiet i.it I should bve I) it ; a very short tune. My vile ami 1 talked mailers al. over, and I c ive the ininutesl dl- io Minns a. lovvliat sl.e should do after I was Ijone. I was nut in .1 llighty e 11 lui n by 1 any menus for the do tor. on h"iug lovvn j tl.e d v fo Iowiiil". I, a e inegi iul !.. e, i a. ing I e 11 v r ex e.'ted t 1 see ice .'cam, for 1 win Hilli r.ng with Hi ilu's 'lis ..se of the kidneys in its la.-t .-1.1.8 -. Within tho next few cl.i.v . moie iliun iw nt y friend, eaine to b il m. g tod tive. Among the liuinhiT was lr. lolin 1.. ('I nk. II. iiskeil n e what I lent ese I in the way of m dieui s. I t .1.1 him Be then r com 1 ei il. .1 a rcin.-.ly oi' which I h id hi nrd much, hut ill out which 1 wr.fi very i-ke tical. If fa ill were nil elemeiil of I owi r it c ria iily w 1-1 ickiu. 111 mv o.i'e.'' " And s i veil did not try i r" "nn the t'tiiitiary. I did try it and to my siirpn-e it :t"iel t in to Jiist t ie sm . Indeed, It wa the most pal it ili'e thing I had taken into my niouih lor month. 1 ic.l-he.l it. " " And did il cure )en ':" ' I o 1 h ok a if it did :'' ' Vi s, iinli e I. W Im' was il ';" "W,ir..er's Safe Cine." " A proprii tary ine lieine !' nt cii.rse. What nfih.it.' I siipi o e I nee had as .rent a pie iidice against a ive -tise.l im lieiu & any one eoaid lime. N In 11 I was -mil) ing me 'ieine it Ann Arbor. Mich.. I us.dtovo.v with the t est ef the clas- ih. it we wo ild tight a'l s n il icn'obes at all tun. s. Whi 11 a man comes down to the 11-1 hour, however, nil I bids h'swite and f'ietulfi good bye. mi' i buolo.l pie.ud.c ?n-the-oall viiuisli. 1 a 1 nss .re you, icnl any pi me ly tint can cure is gladly w borne I. ' ' And bo.v have vou been since then '?'' ' well or better, thil'i before." " Po .vim still e .ert .v.mr streiitftli':" "Certaiulv . I'm 1 do ret over cert. n forineili. My H'reiith s iiu'r.'.ising every d iv. and mv luallh i- iiiinil er on.. I l.n vv that my I fe w is saved by Warner's Sa u ( lire, mid I bo h-vo licit it 1 th- be-! me li eine that va- ever compound ! by : 11 chetni-t or physician. I am wd ing ih doe tors -ho aid sneer at in" for sm:. :i slat in- nt if they e':oo e. b it 1 h.ve :,iven its truth, and am prep.ued '.o sti.n.l by it." '1 lie above e enenre should be of urea. atue to all w ho a' e sn llennu'. It shows tho de. eptive nature of tie- t.'irible malady: that all symi torn- -ire 1 o iiuum to ii an I that there is one wav by which it cm be nb-o lately avoided. A uas we II 111 !' Witt, Michigan. Ii. a peculiar gurgle ju-l before storms. t 1 k im m . 1 : 1 1 1 1 : n 1 n . . Dr. li. V. PiKiii'K. Hiillalo. N. Y.:- I have a friend wliosullered terribly. 1 pureha-ed a buttle of )our "Favorite Prcsciipl en." and as a result of its use. she is pei icctly well. .1. HAII.IIY. Hunleli. N. V. Hi. l'ii n-i 's "(ioltlcli Medical I M-covei y" i.Vd 'I'lea-anl I'urgalive Pellets" puiil) iliu j "U.IM ltll.1 I II I I ,',,-,'"""' (Inhiith didn't live lung enoiigh to accn-v Pavid of an uug'iu rous lluu. Pr. II. V. I'll a.ctr'. liutTalo. N. . '' , -.I'm inanv niontl's I w.-s a great stiilerer. I'll) -icians could .ebird me im relief. In my despair I coiioiii need llu n-e of )our Kavinilt! I'ri-criplion." ll -peedlly effect ed my entire and peinianeiit t tire. Yours thioikfntly. Mks. I At I, li, MAX I KK. Iowa Pit). la. When iiiiincii men nit- licit. 'ilulu'c- iii pokcr-i'l'iyiti' ilc Miinsloil front iiir i nil the rnu'o. l.AliiKs'A oliiUlri-iiVhools.V slioos cannot rim over if I'.jonV I'.-itciii Heel Stitlners nrc um iI. If lit Irish rcely vv.-int- ter pester lie Kn lish why ilon't dey sou" 'em soitie .Mi-xii.in hook iinetitri? I 'RHirrhnl I In- lllnililer. Sluicing irritation, intl imiiiatioii. Knhiy. i rrniary i-oiiii'l.'inits. i..:'. J liv Hiiclni.uil);if 1. i Ine "vHiilnco in lein' Inn fo'.'teil is Hut yo' rim i-'it mo' leather lit ile sIhh st' i'a" mi's' folks ter ile sum' 'Mumtit er liiom y. KiihmIi l ornt " -k for Wells' 'Koueli on t'onw.'l.V.IJiiiok ri iiefi ronil'leteruie. rorns, warts, tuiiiioiis. 1 ilon't want to 't loy no mini tint hit's ter dtive oxen ter go fern tlortorwhcn I pit sick. Thnl lluahnnilnl nine Is Hirer times the mini he wa- liefore usiiij Wells' Htiilth Ki-newer. 1. lrnu'ist. It- rredit system '11 make nny lmhine-.s lioiiiii for a while. 'hr I ontrasi, . . - Aa the snhle is to ermine: nf t-mnt tononr a i-onl to iilabasler: ns aoot lo ilrivon snow, so is r.trholine, the perfection of all llRit Hencwt rs. to all other ,reiirations. j 11,. who li.m innney Im fri,-iiis--witlniit money no tin inls. As n reliable remedy for indice1inn nnd n ' rertnin rare for dyspepsia. I i.vsthink i"l,u itniiht stands first. Oasiiusk 19 ill ll'l-IHl fotm. Isolil ly dnnrgist'. lm:; .1- m i -In' lolks it" 111 w,,'er " lit re elo-i- mi mi calls il.it ballon". No mntter wlmt your nilinent is, Brown's Iron Hitters will surely heiietit you. I.nve hiilh-i'haiins to sooth an noliing hi'itrt. Snine "lie says it makes ton. Bonn! annov. W. Vn.- Prs. Kewlon.V Ulnir rpport Hint llrowna iron iiuicrn n, c ,'"" gtnernl sutisfaction. The I ulj's hnnd is the index to her heart. WoonnrHRY. Mil.-Hev. W. .1. Johnson snvs: "I hnve nscd llrown's Iron Hitters in my fninily, nnd lhry hnve .roven splendid htidih invicorntor.' Hiiiiiifss consists of two things, truth and wisdom. TrnrsT ano io:sTiiin-iivrBf.iT. fi-nmu-Wul livers, i.n ihc sravslmro, l.v faswill. Hazard A I'".. N.V. Ahsiilntrly pure and sweet. I'aticnta nli.i have oni-e taken it prcf. r it to all other. I'liysiciaiia ftcclare it HiiN-rinr to ad oihcr oils. TnArrrn ha mm, face, -unpin n, nii.-h akin cim il by iihuij. Jiiins r Tar Soap, made by l.'aawcll, flaar J A Co., New York. The tfreatest friend of truth ia time; her prentest enemy is prejudice; and her con sbmt conipniuoii is humility. . I woman r ricnu, JliTltii b"n tnmttilfd fop tinny jem with kl tniy iHieiw, with io-nni puin. In ni bi k n1 limt. mj aiiMnx wpw t linio. fury b lljr w.i1Iimi-1 wh .Ii i Micotuttie hiwi'ilal for trentuient, wliu-h I ilnl 'i lha awitrnnf a frirml, tout found notnlipf, "t I'-n! iil ' tniMirat)i nnlim, anil I hud i.n nn fill li'ip" ' "' until my hwtianil wan advim-d In im lliini'a H.-ni.'it liy a Irieiiil that had ilwd it anil bii'ln jiro ii'l iviT t.w l ,lr.,.,i. n.l Lnliii'v tt.ml.li.. I iirm iireil a li.itlli-. and h'l ' ' "ni'.li.ll ot Hi hi.ll In i-l..n I '.-n o ... "'" ' ,h- hl, k- . "";'." Imil'ti e..mni. lm-.l in m down, mi'i m m.-tlt,i nil , nim li l.-!!.'! (ur 1 hail I.p.'..iiii- l.it.l Owl nil I ! '' ! tn'Micit ni iprymiH h. It a.i reiillj iIi,.iti. i Imwil with llioi.lh. p tputililei. ami I havn ul dmr I l...lili, anil am able to (to nijr work an I attrnl Io I ll.m.ilii.lil ilutiHs, which tiforo ha.l hi'fn liurilnn t ' tlie. Ami I inn nly thaiik llntil'a lt.-inr.1j (or II'" l.i allli an. I li ipi'ill 'i. whirl. I mm oni.-y. anil e-li'i-m it 1. un it .riol ot.' met iliey t icv J"" tl"" letter in I. I. nil 1. 1 110 ,.i.) a ,IT. ..lis I '! men-" tl It wli'ii ami II inirv , 11. 1 . -ui 1. i', "' ' 1 '" tli.it '' y" ..: ,. t,, 11 veli .inin. - I 'l fen"-! 110 ..'.' iviU. He' II ', I! .1. a "i I" "I w.'liiinV I0.1..I. V. .1 an' l I I '"1 10 tte I r I ie'r hrii. tlt, , It ).... mi ill le- I O'.li !''". vii; ;. vv vi. ia: w. j II..I. II. .I l-miili, llli. I'l-ni "l Si I. B-i.t.-n. April .'... I- il . llauutiui' Mr. II IIMIM, I .. !s-.i llnsicr'n Priiise, fi.- ni....r on Cn.l. rn Knili. -i'l. II...I .1,, ..1.s "linn. ...."I U.iiU'-i K in ly. tlie ur.a' leitnxy an. I lii.-r iii,..li..it.'. in t l.-unily l..r m nOo. P nan r.'i'..m. ni. n.li'.l I'J tr.' i, !- hi I'n I -111. "il h wli.. '. 1 . 1.s,.ri .-.ir. I ol le.ln y tn.lllili.i. an. I I Unit It ) "-' ..sM.ri "nl...l nml w..illi iih u.-iutit 111 ..!.!. My ,',' is lining it for ily. I'.'p 1a. anil In" lniitn. I i ia,.i.ll llcii I rlii-erfiilljr m.l..rsi. It an a (mini? uii'.lii'uie of r.-al merit, and 1 w.iulil n-'t I'.' Willi. .nt it. "a Al-nliT. I-SI Woman is iiuliirallv- a timid, shrinking creature, bill it sill tile bathing nut that reveal-lit i .shrinking the most Ihhnl I We -...... Dr.Worthihgtdhs (diOLEns ((ramp AND &RRH0EA 0VLR S( YEARS 4 hii-lrrit, l'rnmi". IHurrhim, iimiwcr tutipliilnl. I r.iiplti. . tH s tj. THE CHAH1IS A. VOCr iJJJ GQMMNV, . t DYES. -W-ftPIa. ir-v Best Dyes Ever Made. rvrfon pu.k, vrnnt., on cotton.- ORESSI8.-COAT8. SCARFS. HOOUS, YARN, STOCKINCS, CA3PET RACS, RIBBON8, FEATHERS, ir any ''"c rr i fanry article easily at l v Tfivtly ei krcil to any nil'. Illn.k. Ilmnn. I.recn, til"-, en.-tit. I nr.llni.1 K.il. mm', al l!r....... oll.r l;r.M n. Ti rra I nun ami !0 ellirr 1-. Hi .1 r,'. j WAT.-ntt J Vaai .Ttil Dur.it'.". I'ji.'hpi.',ei.;M'l j color ont to tevrV. of encda. llyoubavr rc.-r j ncj Dyeslrv I'.ici-o imiv, Veil will Ifil Mjrhloil. P..M T itnw.i-ta.or itrot ua 10 rrnta a'i.1 y i coliT vr.ir.lPd ant poa'-Pali'. 2 1 ooli.rril nr- pl.a and a aot crt'a.i.'y cTnlva-'nt for alio, atamp. TiVELLH, KK'II lil)-0N A I O.. llurllklon,Vt. GOLD and SILVER PAINT. Bronze Paint. Artists' Black. IVr Rihlmtr V-iiuw BaaUctn, Krann-H, Van.rr Phan-Jr lien. and tcirjU KimlocfornnmrMt.il work r.'uil t(5 anv of th-1 ht-h pr r-d kinda n'l rnl.v r TA-i. l: i -.rv .i dr'i TCi't.r prut-p.'.-.. fn ?n M I I l, II KIIMI A tl O., llnrtlt.tun. I. Aftntein! 5-TON t -n Ui. -.l I.-.O.-.C.. II aot m. ni. rl laii boi l i n I. Ul. Wartaol. fttt. fat trr. h.at a-.,.. ms of binghawtsn, FRAZER AXLE GREASE. Ilc-I In Hie ..rlil. lo'l tlie c inline l:crv IMirKtiiii Im. iitir Irnilr-iinirk Hint I. iiiu.1,, .1 I rii.i'i. KOI. II I V I II X 111 III: OPIUfVl HABIT Cured Painlessly. null iii;iiiti nln tin rol o. i li-f-itfij li M al prt-si rip r- .iltin-a ti,. lliM'ov-rt or. DR. S. B. COLLINS, La Porte, Intl. CONSUMPTION M nt"Hlj diH., et Tn'.iim-ni -- f ii'ia ffi n .fi-i t'Uff" f 4 i v fitM jmrlifiliir i A Mr-- Plot. U. I.. Mlltl.i:, Sitllln iinia I liim l o., ( iiMioriiiu PAY UNTIL. CURED. CURCS WHERC All flfC f AILS. li-fh l ( 'lit: 1 1 liy rup I h.I III 1 .!. .-'iiiil HV liniK College of Physicians and Surgeons, ii , i. i i iioki:. im. T!' r.rn. i.i-al a.ti ..nt.'y. s .. il,i ... .. n.e tni.ui I Cl.ni, .. hi'l-l ntl'.iv 11. -.ill. Matfrnita an.l Nlarjlan.l V. nw.ii' ll.....l..l. all ..I ..In. I. 1. ..K I . Ih.h KCIi.-ol llil..l.vii'3l ai.'l I li.'lin. al I -alotat..r inti.l ..I iVHrv wtii.l,.t.'. Al-i-l l. r a ,:il.i lift. TllllMAK llHl.. II.-..II. ;fli N l ar.-y Sti.-... HEART ii. ni.Aivs iIi:kt rl itl-: . . 1V......I.I... ... I I.' ilk A DISEASE, I. O H.. '-HI.'i.'1'liUa..'l'a. rcc a'km y...i'..nl..n T.-rinaaii.l i nut II I trea s?DD AiLltem II. Iliillell .1. t u.. I'ortland. Main. (lOl.l.MWS' KiiMiii s.1 '..ll.-s. Newark. N .1 . Term, l'..Mti..lis lor i:rN.I'i..l.s. W'ritit lnr eireulars. il. Ml KTOPaCa SOMETHING EVERY LADY OUGHT TO KNOW. Tlicro oxislsa moans of sc ruriiit; u soil and brilliant ronijili-xion, no inailor how poor it may naturally be. 1 1 n "run's Magnolia Jtalin is a tlolinito anil harmless arti cle, w hich instantly removes Free klos, Tan, ICcilness, Hough iicss, Eruptions, til arar Flushings, ne., etc. So fleliqato nud natural are its effects that its usn is not suspected I v anybody. No lady lias tho ris-lit to present a distttriired face in iocietv Mlien the Magnolia Halm'is sold by all druggists for 73 cents. i 1 x?s ,'., Ilti r,. M vi'l. ...... .1 . II f - Tr.,ir. ni,. I'm ffirs W ! i ail iim loan IBM . T.lsft ua- I ;t r. Hcv,at opo lt.inis l'.l.-t.Chapri1 llnn l r I tr 1 ni.. Il.un..ri.. v-al-lii. llrll.l'...S.lrnes i-r f.. t.t..iii,. . jl'j.i tc . ll I.Iiim ir.iri.iny. s is,.. are. Ark -...u drnn - -i Klil. T il l to V.' 1 uHtiu airts.U .N. Y i turn. - : tf no tx SB If and If. ll jnu rp puflfrmn from poor htuHh -tt UtiKuisliiitic n -t-t ol -sit knnl, ttk vliw r. if you arf mmiily ai'ittff, or if you 'fti 1 we.ik and liir.t-. without vhtuy knowtnn why, Hop niltorn wijl i-uroly ctirr jrtni. "If yo Mi r MmtBtrr, tn-rl Iit ovrrtmpil yourHf with your pnBtornl dnttcii, or a Mn1hir, worn out Willi mro and work, vt n nmn of I u-vinri or laborer weak 'ciietl l-y tho it rain rf y ur evtry rlny di.t'fi. or a mm of l"ttinit toiling nvtr yoi r miitiidrt woik. Hop Bit ton wlii urely Btrtungthcn ynu." ' If yrtn nrr ffufferint fr-m anvtTfat;nrf or dtinkmir, anj ' imtiM rtti'ii or ilti-i.iintmn, or nrr y unit and cmwinR tw ' f.'-l. a ti Hi n tn cr.ir. 'Or it n a n th ritik-ti-p( on t I.tim, ft Hi- '':.'., iv wltiM-n, and fr.'l t'a' in ( i,t i ' . I "iiioimic, t'm- in; f ' 'it-'t'nl M t, v "v i I hit tr.it n , , " U ll :i t'.H. Mini tint, i-nd iminrf i"it i U 'v, i . mi cady, nuiil'ii h v.i I m , H'i' hiiu t in vht ytm ni'fd n J.1M y ti i e i h t, 1 1' i Ith and v k II kii mt iit1ifiir ijn((-itiit ir snf. ft'iiim li' iti :iny t-thi r ! tli nun -rnii di't'-i: rn tf tli --t-mv'h it iM-wo'-t, it is )'t tirown faiili il yi-ii rtnmn ill. If jniin vHn I i tu finny with nry form nf kltm-y d f. n , f-ti.-j tfiiiptitiK rititth ti in tnxnit'iil, nml turn for a cuie to lion BitterK. If you am an k with t lint lr-ril'l-r B!i-ki", N rrotiMi-'M, joi will ttul a 'ltnlro in (i eit" in 11 p Htttrit. f you an a frtMUiPiitfr, or a mfildnt, of n.tfthmitic riff tii t-arrioadi1 yoitrpya. tm nKn t tin i "iirtv:- nf nil countrifft innlnria, imlt nnr, l'ili.-ti nnd (ntoi m t I ml ft-vi-ra 1 tl-i- ii-i of Hop Hilttft. If y.'ii hi vi riiKh, pin.ply or pM"W kn, bad b.-f-it', H-"i liiit r" will li t' j"-. far f-k-n. rirh IiIhaI, l'- -.! n I li"jii!i aid h'Milt'i. will lo mi Id fur n c.iv- Dr y will th t rur r h.!,.. lint p In-ilnd !m'. n a'i.1 wifrt, ni.tnr. in 'tl -r fh picltir'tf h'-nlth by n tiii Inii n tr 'l.'. dfun;hi"i. ran I to't'. .., ii,,.-, i LYOIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND, 1. :i l'i tivi I 'urn I'or i II itm.e 1'iilniiil I iimplola'a an4 ITraknraaM ao fitiiiiniin lo aar beat fcaiali pnpulatlaa. k leilii iin Tnr Wni'iiii. Invi tilprllijr a Woinan, I'ripareil liy a Woman. T.. llf.M "I'M Vlwrf S'ii- tha tl.-a al IHatar;, t -1! r vii.'i t'i.. ilr-vpnisr apirit. Iti.lirrate. ani h..rn..-i.i . Ih.'. r rT'i. r lli. ll .'i islvaai-lnnll. Hv an.1 frniTi.' alo tie-. tip. n' into- l in- natural lustra totha a- e ar. 1 plrMtaon I lie p:ilo cli.H-k f ivhiub the treah r.'. i ..f lili-'s-prii't- a-i.l early aummertima. t "F'hiiichtu Uso II anil Prescribe It Freeh "TJ ll rem -o. r.iiiiln. s, fl it-.il-riej'.deatriijra alt.railna; fer rl.ii..-lint.il'.1l.'!:!i'..weilin'i't lh al'imai-h. II t f.-l-nr "fb irln.-.I .nn. e.-i-lir fal-i, .'lir''t an 1 lui t .. lie. la ala.iv. .i i-ni irirntly i nr. 1 t.T It. o.-a. Tot Ih.) cure ml' Klilnry 'urnvlalnla of either ae Ihla i'ompounit la uiiaiirr0si'tl' f i r. nvKtitir. m.orni ri iiififr w- , , ,. ,j ...tik'e .'i l.'iin- i- Ir. in ih lii . l..e. l -lie ten - a-l Mr. l.iTlll CI 1 1; - .y.U'Dl, Of UJ .u nuu.nti uri'lilM. lu-l t "tl li.'.tnfc 11. It -thtli" ri.mi-fi'inl aiel 1IIk.i1 P'irlO r ara prenarf 4 at - a-i I -Ti V- i .t.-rtl Avenue, I.vnn. Maa-. rrleeof elt:er.$l. Mv lii.til. a fer f - S-'liI t'T mall ui ttie fnrm cf ..:i', er ef l-js-ajea, en r.'. i ipt nf pne.-. (I i-r he forcilhi-r. Mr. I. nUiatii freely u..wn all . Ileraoi Imvilry Eii.i"iw It-.slamp ScaJforpamihlit. v., f,nillr .i .ni l l3 irlTii.Ml I.VP1A K. rt-'Kn.'M S LlVItt 1 11. I.i. Tli. v rui r..u.liiil..ii. I.iIuiumji uil ioijluiy "f ll"- liver, as cent per l-i. 4J-MiUI by till lriiKKii. u HAS BEtZN PROVED I The SUREST CURE for KIDNEY DISEASES. Tc-n it hn bark or disordi rtd wrina indl, , .. . .. .. .-...-. o tu pm nr Mm : E Ur..-ITATK: urw KidiHy-icr al once,tlm(r- cits icr3nmp!i.ltf)inrt it wiii-ti-otnlily over- ooiti'' t.u tlioa;.o an-l rctrro hcnlthy action. 9Ae For compuunu pocunr In d U I W 9 to your ex, huoh a pain i'idwenktinwi'1, Ki lnoy-Wgrt i;, miaurpawd. .ii it will act pror-rtly nndHfcly. Eith-rR' t. liiccntlnenw.ruloiition oftirme. brick tl'ibtorror.v"Uvpo3il-B,nddMl dru-Khfing patn. all lily y if 1-1 to Its curative power. IV BOT D BV ALL DRUOOISTtf. FriM tl. i "Mr, re bin l.iwri-HfP. mv lnwn-iimn.' nn-li Phillip ' li'll-M, -f M-Hkmn. Vt , "wn. M-'iM frmn k uti i- . !. ThM-Hkin f I"h fag nhon Iik alftM. kidl-- V..rl .i.f a.Mi, Apr IS A SURE CURE for all diseacee of the) Kidney and LIVER t It ha apeciAo aoUon ou Uiia moat important organ, enablln It to throw off torpidity cad lilcuon, atimuUUng the healthy aecretioa of tho Bile, a-.d hy kecpinc tha bowela la Iroo condition, effect iniiareiruiaruiar.uiTKr. aVIsll-eavio Ifyouai-rouffertnijrroin IWICllUllua malaria. navo ine ia...., aro biliotii, dyapeptto. or conftliatcd. Kidney Wort will auroly relieve and quick ly cure. In Uie Bpnim locleaiiaeU:e6.vetera, every one ahoiild lake a Oioroujzli conrao of It. .1. SOLD BY DRUCQI3T8. Prlcr 8 1 . tunlff .1. ' l'nwir4 nf i, i.i-t, i tiMt Kitir.fi Vi"t ! i I'iiMc-iIi H, plfii-e. FOR THE PERMANENT CURE OF CONSTIPATION. No other dlacaao is mo prevalent in thla coun try aw, ronai i nation, and no remedy h even equalUHl tha celebrated Kidncy-Wort aa al irure. what-ever Uie oauao, however onttinate tho oaiwf, this remedy will overcomolt. nil E?i TlUfl difltr,-Mi;ia com- I i O DUint is yery mut to be complicated with oouati pat ion. KtdncyWort btrenaTthena tho weAkenrd parts and qnteklj rtTvm allkiudaof Pilea even when physiclana aid jTiMianea nare ooiore lanea. 4 V Wit you have either of thei frounlee PRICI $1. lusE r Orufciatt, Sell Ui-ttttfr'ti St..m. h Bitten, by -n creaains; Tital pmr, and if ndf-ring lh phjMtal funttiorn rpfftiltir snd arlit--, kp th nyirtem m gmd working inltr. and p rot eel nit Nata-mii-vl dineaMe. r'T mnMipHsttiin. dyapep-it-a nnd liver com tUint, nrrmiim , i.ln-jf and tn ' tnAtir ailmnt, it i MivnlMahlf, ann n dordfl a Wire rtr-fenc ItMinot mHliirial f rfl hlNtul! rtTflKT inn nl- iratwn of t-mrh ilitsM ir tn the t..m- K..r--el7 ill Ifr. uracil aiiJ wl em a-nertllya -3TTE"BS AOK.MS WANTKO f-r hm Bst an-1 iMitpt-aall-ui Pictorial Boos and Htbl.w. Pruen red iced 31 percent. National Hi huuhis ( . . P.uU. Pa. 70 a we-ek. 913 a dy at hrnneetmly made- Cost If ' (wiattilrM. Aidi.M THUS Co., Au-juiU, Ms. ., V " v

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