(!jhafham jurorl H. A. LONDON, Jr., rorroK avd ritoeRiFTOK. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION! or I ADVERTISING. . One nuus, cue !uartliB, . Otwaqutre, tul:iwj-tljiis,. 3rfoniar, rti in mUi, Otir Mr r. on jwir. onBvr,ixiBMitb tie ear?, ttive urnrrnti, -! VOL. VI. l'lTTSBOUCr, CHATHAM CO., N. C. SKPTKMBKK 188:5. NO. 1. iSL1 The Phantom Mil p. The anchor1! weighed, the harbor putt, Away! away! the ship flies taut. The ekij'pei's vile in at his tiide, la lun .he scuns the tlutkruint; tide. 1 Fear not," tjuiith he; "theu'rt Mile with iup, Though the lirnd himsell fliuiild tail the sea!" And merrily ho' the lnei'.r; Mow, Over the sea the ship doth pi The eea Kiw black, 1 lie wind blew hij;h; "A nhip A .hip? ' tin fraitors ety ; I)uii Bank the hlood-red sun in Hume, But nearer still the ves-.fl came, She had no nails, no ours, tin rrewl But neaier, nearer Mill niie Hew. ( ne loue, dark uian on deck they hue, They can heHr him iMtihin morkiityly. The skipper Mood with. Irozen i-late, His men were white with wild despair; The teniMt ehrieked, the sea was fliitiio And neai er still the atrunue idi p mine. Down knelt the skipper's wile and prayed "God ut the Bailor, send uid." Each ttoiiv s.iilur bent his kuue: Save u, U Lord! w rv to Thco1'' Hurrah' Iluti-ili' the sfll is done! The phantom ship is (;iiie, i- gone! The wind aie lair, and fur I lie tide; The fkipi'er'i, wife is at hi- side. He hol.l her hand, he raimot Npcak, A tear mil down hi? rugged eheek; And merrily ho! the breeze blow, Ovei the Boa the thip doth j;o. frrirhk K. II r.it'iriilt. Miss Lehman's Method. A l"tig stretch id' white, sandy beach, dotted here and there with dark piles of -hming sca-wt i d . a 1 .r ex panse of restless. hca ing billows lap. ping with frothy tongues the gleaming shore, tempteil Helen l.i liinan t" paine ami linally tosit down, ev ell though it was the iniilille of Hie summer after noon, ami the .-mi was pull I ing dow n a scorching heat upon tin unprotn te, rot k- ami glittering sand. Miss Lehman hail a 1 t ;iI- 1 rt m u h-I hat aii'l sun umbrella, either of which w as suilit mid toproteit hi r fair miii j lesion, anil if Marry Ashland was not tl ghllul climigh ! likewise pro viile for hi:, ow n comfort, he must -nf ft'l' t lie i oll-l'iptf in es. She had im In . ut the world -aid so. II, el she vei ti li e look of pain and di-gust w huh. lor a iiioiin tit. playeil upon the gi nili in.ni' la"' it would have i.ill'il lorth ti" pity not the slilit' st. He was not ol,jjre, to tiiuain with her. There wa- the h"e. ju -t al.oe theiil, ami he eoilhl lllld the lo.di-t phiee on the hro.nl. Well-sll.liei iia. as, where he i oniil lie nnilist urhi d all the aftenioiili. It certainly seemed erv (ooli-li to make oneM ll so inn oinfort aide l"i a lady; lint for Mi l.elmi.in lie woiild have sat for hour- in t li.-1 Imii i lot In -mi tin hot im Us. and undi i l'oii" tor ttlle.s iuiiuilii'iahlo. pioldi-d ; lie would smile ii f hi him oi .t-i"U.ilh. lint Miss l.ehiuan ,h very silent and 'iae that ,d ti 1 1 n, and pool' Ashland hitched at t mi his warm scat without lira win"; troiu her one smile or cm u a look of a'pp'ci iatioii. Cettiny tired ut sin h thankle-s in.ir tyrdoin, he hurst loith, alter several inoments of sileiiee. with: "What i.lhe matter. Miss Helen?" "Matter? N'othiny' t'an't mie think without having somethin;.' the matter with tliein?" she asked, sharply. The P'ntleinan -darted at her ear nestness, and meekly replied: "Yes." "Well. then. Mr. Ashland, what are yon talking admit ? I was think In.'. Would you liko to hear my tlMHIKllt.t'f" "Oh, yes, alioveall things." "I was thinking of that fircat Imdy of water In-fore us. It so reminds me of the liveff of sonic people whom I have met -so full of restless yeamino; --always coinitifj and piinf;- never jiiusiiifj, never t i r i n r. nh, it is so btrange, jet so raiid and heautiful!" "Yes," murmured the martyr, mov ing uneasily, and thinking that it was indeed very strange, very grand, and very beautiful. "And yet it ever tells tho same. Mine, story the 'something' for which it yearns never comes. Suit is with life. AVe ripeml u life-time with an itching void in our hearts, and die still longing - " "Yes." Helen Lehman turned with an ex pression in her dark eyes, w hich siioke: "What a stupid creature:" She modified her meaning to: "Mr. Ashland, you have not. heard a word." "(Hi, 'pon my lionor. Miss Helen, 1 lieard every syllable! Don't you think that it is hot V "Hot? Very comfortable, I was thinking." "ISless me, I am unite baked." " Then let us go to the hotel." The gentleman arose with alacrity, but as he walked along he felt uneasy, for he w as not quite sure that he had pleased the lady, and rather than dis please he wnnft have willingly sat upon the hot rock fur another hour and suffered without ft murmur. Mr. Ashland was in love with Miws Helen Lehman. ; 1 1 I had been a jn-rb-et slave to her caprice all the summer. He had met In r in the cit during the pp ii edini: w inter had .-ecu In r in all the gor 'd hi-r ball room tin s. and li.it been awed into worship by the fla-h i f her diamond and glorious dark i yes. 1 t tie- sea-l-le she W ,l Hot h-s heaU lilal in h"i rube, il wondrous lace and -ilk. w hii h cau-e.l -o Mini h envy among th.-hnlie- eotiin;a Muall for tune, they all said and A-hlatnl had become I he low ie-l woi-liiper at hit' shrine. To i ip t he i Inn.i . t In re w a- a le w anhal a pl.iiiiy-ilre--eil, thoiiu'litiul- luokiliu: -liobuily" . who -I I up 11 the pia a cool a- a m, umber." look in-; out -caward with an epre--sioii in Irs i 1 1 a r eyes very like that w hh h h i I -h ioe in lb h ii Lehman's a few 111 t II lit - bl .ie, and lie Wolil"'l- nl il hi . t hoii'.-ht - wi re the same, - ho is thai. Mr. A-hland r" "Wi r "Why. that line-look ing m in on the pia.'.i." "Itoii't know, never laid eves on him In f.. re. .nil thing lo w'. I f.iit'V." I hope so. I'm living for a i hanL'e.'' tl..lL'hl she. I "-hall I liml out who In-is;" a ke-l i tlie a i . ..in lat iii-j shland "Vis. .1..." j "Well. I will a; -..oi, as .-an. I don't tor a luoiintit jmaiui- tha' vmi'll , can- to Un in him. I. a n ally he doe-n't appi .0 to he , l ,.,y." Tllle. I. Ill it Vmll't lout M'U to in j 'I"""." ( .,,,',, i,.t." ' I hal . r iM iiinu. in the large pai- lor Mi. Ashland e, -.. al..nu' I where Mi-'Lehman -a' talk in-.', and whisper- Well. I loiind nit hill 'in i i ll i tug Ihal f.-llow.' " ' io mi. and tell me al oul him." "lie Is tlol.oih ;,t ,,11. Mi-s III l- l. poor artist, ur -..aiethiiiL' ol that kind. N..I Woith a .-. ut. Aid. n ..d ." " I'h, ink von or .nir trouble." I' wa . a (. in hiu he" I eli man. alii r learning Hii-. e uld haw lua-le the .i iU,iiiilaii. "I I 'lulip i e.v ' s,,ii and coiil. ti, ;it In i i w ith sin h marked pohtei'i-ss! I' .pole pu.- I' d r A -hi. in I. and he n I. .un. I him ell in a painful po sition. I in- . d'ow be.jau ! hauler : him lo e.i --, and all him a "tool" and oilier pretty naiin for thus allow-ill- Miss l.ihin an to ilriw, -ail. nad poet I y. and U.llliler ollt llpoll the bea. h w ith this - po .r w n li h. " It wa-all w r will to tnat him po litelv, but uloTe wa - Hie tu-rd o lnak jlii! so miii hoi hini ' l Would never do. ,'U1. -o he e...e. to put a stot t" ; it at ..in . "We a''e lU't '11 led. .111.1 so lie thinks it ii-. hat in in llii I iiil' w it h I n --on. but I w ill settle matters at otiec.'' It w as easier said than d-in-. Mi-s ; Lehman was -o i ross and stratcje that Ashland, coiilideiit a- he was, never approi hi d her without lieln.g timid and wonderfully ".shaky." lint at la-t. mie iiiorniiiL'. after see ing lilex sou's head Very i lose to Miss ; Lehman'-for a full hour without any apparent rau-e, he i r-ol i d to put mi a hold lai and propose. ' "Mi-s Helen." he bcL-an. as soon as an opportunity presented itself. - I have been d ing to speak to miii for se el .d d.n ." ae youV Well that is rather un- ! pli asitnt." j "i ih. no, thank ymt, not at all." "What have you to say r" '(h. nothing that is -ws -" j "Well, go on." I "The fail is. I aio tired of single life, and want to ;;et luai l'ied at once.'- "'cn wise, indeeil!" "I think so. Will, of loiir-e, ymi uiiilcr.-tar.il that I have a great regard j for ymi, and I think I mean, are you j - that is w ill mmi have iw'f" "lilc.-s oiir hi art. no." "No!" ' "Certainly not!" ii, you'te trying to tease nu-V" -No. I am not." "Itut i onsider I have been so atten jtive, and all thai, you know. Have i vou no reward to make me for all ; 'this?" : 'None whatever." Hut. Miss Helen " "My dear Mr. Ashland, we may as well come to an understanding first as last. The truth is, I am already en gaged." "Lngaged!" "A cs. to Mr. Creyson. We are to 1 be married in the fall." i nli"" ' Mr. Ashland's moustache drooped ; pi reeptiblv, and his appearance, as he ! dragged himself up lo the Irotel, was J rather of the sick chicken order. "Poor fellow!" Cupid chuckled in fiendish evhulta tion over another victim that night. Ashland did not make his appear ance until he was fully recovered, and - able to answe r on- of the many in pii-1 l ies in tin- follow in:.' are. rs maimer, i ' We nun "I the world, my boy. git j used t-i this smt of thing. We get toughened." "Yes, il-oe -ay; but it seems to me that 1 should i,o a milder process of tougheiiiiii;.' " ; -It's all the saiue. I assure vou." "Perhaps so; l,t I think I s',m,l, reillv ..reler ,.,,-1 l,. I,, Mis, I ,.l,. mail's method." - ..." Urn;. Drinking a Tear. "li'ivs, won't drink without ymi ( tak- what I do.". -aid old .b.sh s-piilit in ie !y to an invitation. He vn.h a toper of long standing and abundant rapacity, and the l.ovs looked at him in . a-touishme id. " The idea." one oi them replied, "that ymt should prescribe conditions is laughable. Perhaps ymt want to for. e one of Mitir abominable mi t urcs ; low n n-. Vmi an- chief of tin- mixed : drinker-. au. won't aeree to your condition-." "lb- wants to run lis m on ca-tor oil land br.mdv." -aid the Judge, who j Would w llhnglv have taken tin oil to' j g.t the biandy. I "No. I'lll sU,ire." lepljed Spillit. I "Take n . .liiul, and I'm vvithyoii." I he bo; -, agreed and -tood al-lig the bai. Lei one tiitiied to -pillii. and leg.irded lion vv it h inten -t. j "Mi Haiiender. " said spillit. "give, ; me a gla- oi vv ali i ." "What, wall r!" the I...V . rv l.unied. "Vi-s. water. t'. a ii-w drink on me. I admit, .md I i j t it's a si atce article. s. vrral d.ivs ago. a- a panel ol II, Weill lislmig. We look a lilie i hale e ot vvhi key along, an' had a heap 1. 1 inn. 'Long toward evnin' I got j .. .-it nl drunk, an' trawled under a tn e an" Weill to sleep. I he buys tliaiiK up all the whiskey an' aine bai k to tow n. Tiny tie, ught it wa-a good joke ' ;llse they'd left III.' mil (here di link an' told it armind town will iglilv bluster. My -mi rot a hold ol Hie repott an' told it at hmne. Well. I laid un. let that tree all night, an' win ii I woke in the m.. ruin" t bar s.il my will i.;lit thai' bv me. -he 1 lldii'l -IV a Word when W"l,e up, l ilt ; she ...it. r 1 1 1 ii 1 1 I her bea.) ,ivav. I got ' up and looked at her. -In- -till didn't I s,i n.alnii'. but I Id .. r that she 1 was i hukui'. 1 w i-h I I. .i. -.uthin to drink.' s', I. I lu u -be in- k a up what sh- foti h ; with her. and went up to vvhar a -pi ing bded up. an' ,ipp d up a cupful an' totch i' To pie. .lis as -'ue was handin' it ter me -In- h-am-d overter hide her eves, and I -aw a tear diap in the water. I Iiii-k t!,e up an' drank the vv.iii r and the ten. an' raisin' in v hands I vowed that I would never alter ilniil, iiiv w lie's tears agin; that 1 ' had I ii dm, kin' thein lor the last t vv i'iil i , ii - an' t hat I w a- goin' to -lop. Nun bovs know "ln it was that h It me drunk. Vou was all in Hi--gang. iiw me anotlier glass m i water. Mr. Maiteiider.'' .1 .',-, - - ... I A IVr-Mc nt "Mnnlitw." , A iletectiM- in cut y -aid to a ew i oi k ii portei i mar hired to shad- 1 ow a parly, or a sha low, as we call him. get - about 2 a day and epi-iise.s. and i-paid toi t;ie time he work.. . j shadow is evpi.ted to wabh a man frmu the time lie get- up in the lllolll- ; ing till he goin to bed. If it happens i that a party must be ,-ha lowed night and day it re.piires two men to watch ; him. A shadow mu-t watch his man ; closely Without himself being seen or i allowing the parly to liud out that he ; is being shadow ed. I I t the -.had- ow. for instance, and tell him that he must keep his i yes on a certain man whom I designate by brushing on the shoulder with my handkerchief. Then I enter a place, and as the man comes out I pretend to see a bug oil his shoul der and brush it oil. Then I go away, knowing that until 1 give the word that man w ill never be out of thesight of in v shadow. Tin- shadow takes him to iliuiicr and hack to his plat e of imsiiicss. 1 Hen. 10 ins supper, ainl . then down town in tl veiling. Then j it is thai his hardest work begins, lie may have to suddenly hire a li.u k at a i big expense and follow the man out on j a carousing expedition, lie finally takes him holue at liighl, seciirt ro rr ami catches a lit lie sleep himself. The securing of a co i r is sometimes the most iliilicult part of the work, for your man may live in an ari-tm ratio locality w here I here are no rooms tor rent. I h iv e know ii mir man I'loland to sleep night alter, night in a coal hunk on tlie street when it was nip ping cold. There are in New York certain banks and large corporation, that every year along about the holi days have cadi of their men shadowed about a Week. At the end of a Week a lull report of the man's habitsi haunts, style of liv-ng, ami even of his week's expenses, is given to his employer," I.It.lllMV'i. Il l:flr'l I poll tin V ri mi' - I" A short time ago a. item was exten sively published '! r lig th - t il. iiiii stances of the death ( a thild troiu frigid caused by a Momder .torm. She was ten years of age. and having been roused fl'olll sleet 1 y the thunder. il"l''"r"' permission ' lllo' llel "s bed till tin to -hare her -'mill was oM r. This w a- refused Im-i i I she grew -o fpiiet that her jiaren' ,.-ut to -ee what was the matter. - n 1- a'lnd the child's bedside jllst '. tjn,,. to set; her die. Another iiic' l- at t-f death from fear of lightning e as repott. d li. -u Cl'-vilaiid re-tilth. The vjetiiu w ,t. an elderly lady who lived alone. An unusually -harp and n--.tr i!a-L. ti-lli-w -d by an in-taut cia-h of thutid r. iivei'caini.' her tha' she fell to the Icel and died, as 1hoiiL-h the ctirrciit had pas-ed through her. Whilu cases o sin h 10 tn me terror au-cd by light ning aie i arc e-. i ii rarer than de.t'h Irmu Hn -ho. I. !t-ct, b ar of lightning in a less int- n e (. nn is bv no luean illii olliluoii. II I- a notable fact that i oiirageous aii heaMhv nn n are sum, -tines very unpleasantly alli'ted, il not with teat, at all t v .11' - vv ith 1 sense ot ai Hie di-i -omf'-l'l, leit "ip after a sharp 1' ash and in -i.it.' -. p... -ion. but I i bat- a -torm appro e i,. -. hilling the progress o the t tn -1 their djsi omlmt Im r- asi oiite otu plain of la-situde and h-- id e be bi b ! .1 storm, due. il"Ubtless, to the ab-ii,i of o.olie iii the air: i thi I'-, a- Hu i!,t-ln - --II r lllo I' fre.plelllly . 1 pel i-le 1 nausea, and -oiuet imes an unpl. ,1 -ant ipiivring about the abdomen. The-. are symptoms that ; mpany a. ute terror soiuetiines, but tin -en is probably absent. How to ;i for tin phenonieiioii i- u-t Mipj'osing that itsiauscis pur jective. wl.v should solin- .eoplc 1 I- V ub -llllei and others t-. ap-'V or why -hould the same per -on setter at oil-- tmn and not at aitothei - - a general Hung 1 hildren tin 11,4 fi ar lightning or iv.n tlmiider. and adop- vvb,. hive ..n;. -UUel'lJ.I le.lV overcome the dice! 10 .11 lolls W .IV -, A icollnl Who We'll. I take relllge ill atl-.s. ' .hi! ill'! I -tolio. tor in tan. e, and giw way t.. He- 1.10.1 uiil'easoiiing terror, mi I cing warned to im-tcr her fear- lor the sake ..t the woiid. ring 1 Ink I may I nitm-lv 1. Itcvcl of appi eheti-ioii -luiing a -.toim in rse, reason i.!- u- that tin chaiueof being killed bv hghtiimg 1 so s.,i,dl as to be haidlv apple, i.lble. A. 1 ..riling to the stab n n-u-ol l-7"i. dm mg that year eigli'cin pi. .pie w 1 re kill"! by lightning, win!.- b-Hv w. re uiurdercil; P.il 1 omiiiit'ed -ui. id. . I'.i' wen- drowned. J7" vv, ie l ilb d I tall and i ! by kicks r hm and Innle . Water, thcivfoie. is Iw.n'v lime- .1 daiigi rmis a- light unig. and the hot-e . 1 t 1 I tie- mule are .ioiibh ilr-i-i v nrj the lei tor w hii It a thunder -tollu pi" Vok'-. Moreover. I' -i'lll I be -ll-ovn. 11. 1 doubt, that nil' ! n' "I H" ih at hs caused by lighlnnig Weie-b" to foolish exposiiie. -in h as taking lifiige beiiea'h a tree or 1 airy ing an umbrella during a thunder st.inii. These facts, or th-ir general iib r elices. are pretty Well 1-iioVVII. but tli y an-powerlt-s-to i-ievi ut ingln. in ; solution of the in st cry is that m-tvc, I out ol tone and tlaei id may be -list c- Itlble to SJlbtle illlblell.es llet l-V healthy persons: auothei is that the head vanes from habit rather than invthiiiif 1 1st-, and in.iv be ovei'ionu ' by the exercises of will power. Then ! is a current belief that lightning ihm i ! strikes twice iii the -auie place. Illacktiioie, the brilliant laighsh novel i ist, however, professes to have data to 1 prove the contrary prim-ipa-. so in ,i liiinian beings an criu d. nan -ly that a person who has once bun -t ru. I. invites a repetition id the blow, and is in greater danger than oiu- wh.. ha nevcr had that utipleasjng expeiii ine . - '....iVi .... A liiirantie Lnlci pi i-c. The La-t aim Wist India k cumpany of London has boldly ciu- , l-.llle. I .1 F'h nn 1 j-i I-, . 1.1, 1. s.,nil. ,'.,., rial 1,, ,,i,liel , 1,1 1 i -t a failure. This is th sru. (j,,,, f dorks at Tilbury, on the Thames, opposite liravesend, ol -m h magnitude that Hie (,...'.. s.,y - -tin w .li.. this duck extm-ion promises to be the most ri mark able that even London has ever w it iies-ed, and will h ave all other ports in the woiid far beh, nd." They will have a tidal basin with a depth ol forty-three int. and the larg'-t es-els ailoat will go in and out without regard to the tide. The contracts . all for lour dry dm ks with a bdal length of 17:Hfeet.a tlo.it ing derrick with a lifting capacity of Iihi tons, spet ial w hal ves ami abbatoirs for the cattle trailic, l.niin lineal feel of quay berths, from forty to lilty miles of permanent railroad tracks and a large hotel for the am muiiioda- tion of passengers. "Tilbury is cer- tainly at a consiilerabbjJvli'nie from London," says the ffrut with Hn- tailw.i;. 'a. ilit.es t-i be organueJ, a !,.., ,m!.- iO'.r,. i,-s w ill really he a i , I .,) K-t u'ldmii.- ot Mi gt a' iinportani e, w nue ii I.- that, with tli-- hug'i - pn -.-n! - a', and they - Ul 1 :i-i.il' adv.ei' ing I- H,i ,ti..alie of a tew . - - '. i', igati'-ii. with its . . : , 1, . ., a, . 1 1 , . . ling- aie o ii " mu-t I i ..ii'i.c t- hailow s .111-1 !"gs. an i -i -a tminag-' and pilot- ii 1 1 i Use ad antage." ill !-, tl nn lft ion . W.'l'l u I'h'ii wo years and a I m at has already ball. .'lap- nil ii: tipn.iv. It.. lli.ii '. .in. I oi tin I mill l-l,, in. The origin ! egetai !es i- an int'-r-e-'iug study, and in 'la-pages ,d .V'.-- Will be o,l!,. this a. Ill' of w In ! th- ! I plan'- 'ha' wei l.iim as our ov, n bad th. ii origin. Li h:- I- cli'ly p:!1 !l-lnd invt-t ig:i-tlo.- ,. 1 - , aii'. agl i. 'lit Hie ot th" tempi M'. ii. !!-..! A-ia ..n-l luiope. p. 'an tump I'-'l- ice c- tbe origin 'd the ! ii- Mheiri I'uvope. and tin- a' i '. t.. He v tern i ".t-ts . L'o. i v, beie it, vv ;ld -t- k ma -till be I...:-, i Pn, -! , ,. wh:. h is a I..... I i in' -. ''. in oiy , but i.-known aiuotig ii- . b,, ;b a a . ry ' rouble-.. in" Wee '. i ben.. i v dd 1 1 i b" w -tern Ihma- iy a I I ,,. . . , I h. onion w a- i . o ; t i, .ai, v . -t. in A-m. Theioin- iiion l . in in - to ha " 1 nn . -, i .... i o, -t, , 1. 1 -t ,t... t vviis intn- loci i ..t.. I'mi.;,. by tn- iyali.s. pi. ' .. ! 'I'M 111. legion .ollth o the ' a - .c. I I., i. ti. aitis .a ent:l- haw be. ti I. .no i ,u ' In -v, j lake ilvveihllgs a t hi Pi. .-t c.e . tip. plant w a- n ii i i t.. w . -I . i n -pi. Hii e- " and t th .a,.,,, a . , opivation tin re. It IV I . ai'. I w ir.l . o i ,. . to Lgv pt. I h i h .-k p. a w a i .11 1 e. I foil t -ol it 1 1 o t In- I an. a -.ir- a-l and vv t bv I he A iy an-, el lo l.nioj.e. I hi . ai i. t ii- I" III. e.l '.'I !l V.-ditcl ra ,. Hi. I .in k- MltlO'lu. d I1 md i !.. i.tb- into v . -t. i n a i "I 1 1 .in iolh legal i all t ! ' v a fii , iv h. a' a- .b iiv .Mi v i . ,1 !!: : I I md I '"Ml. I in tin- lu.'St -i, i. il' -I an. n id -W il e ! Hi. C tit" Ml M. -. eV'-t. lloHbtlul III' " 111 " If It -t la1,. dwlhiig- ol ' tel. lb ill. ll!i. - lo tl, VV lid .! .. U ,, thl. .'I': .!,! I. V bl re ' If -t.-rn el el ,at.d -till l ii. ..i-.go, i, i .., it i. very and i' may po--ibv an u'tp a'.- I .lemative troiu I A- to bai lev. th.- mhab- I' 0:1 - . tp a', d ...vv , .1 P'-M.l! :.,l I Ii,.,, l the i dvv. Ihnu's nil- I a a 1 1 t v. . . v.. a e, and the six Uilel - l ie b" nn r I t"i,i. t ii - i U I In- art- i hi I vv i ell t he a and t !: t a-pian . but led hiug i a .1 Ha - ..at au. O'l'. oi clll I Hf l.iH. i .,) o! the pair lowed I i'lf I. I hi il. b II, Wile deliv- ! i 1.1 ill. .I'll. f I pi i III ' I i. t i,,e ol I lie t VV u r..w i d v ai i v . ., i l:.-y an ' he i nil n at I I , ,. f 1 M ! -.,', e. VV hf ll b.lVe -Mice I si,,,, , t,, I V,., pi i ' if : ! t v i io.i - t . . an oi gin in -out h i a-l. Ill l.'i', c. I I lake dwellers e.ti.. tie io, ,. Lrmi.e. tid not know it. I.'ii I'l iiy "fill i-.us !'. ult iv at ion near I nut I '. I audi. lie -1 1 J I ,o-e, t hilt the iyau tngr.it : -it s we-tvv aid tint pi Luiope and an n d it oiiw ai'd. 1 1 it - -i em al -. to have originat-d in i. a. t. in laitop. . they are loimd not at Iter t ha ti ' he I ii . .n. age in -w it - rr land. I i. in I'l i'v'- nieiitioii that the hi i -man n - 'I o.b im al, ii i- i mii-hidcl th;ii it wa- not . ii. it. . by H . lo-inaiis. I lie ile Is llldigi Iflls I'l W tllll 1.1, W III If e Jl - II ( VV - I al'l leil to ai ioi, i ,. ii-it i ies by both iyan and . met:, i, tee-; bu1 it d d led lea. h I hill I b el ore l.'J I',. t . I be atlllolld. though -o i hai ,e 1 1 i i ' !' ot Mi dill 1 1 a lieap i mi n 1 1 I" -. -i "in- I" h a fa' i v e of Wr-'eltl A -bi and pel hap i .n e,-e. A late a- the Hme "I I'hny tin Irnit were known toil,., I,',. man- a- Nines grai.e. I he W lid -I oi . - o our peals and apph s .,i n, to have been ittdigen on-to -out iiei n I., nope iiud we-ti rn -,,i In b'l i l In- Vtvaii inviision. then teioain- a' nd in the "-vv i- lake dwelling-, flu .piiiice is a native of oith I'cisia. and se n, ; t,, have been lilt rod I lot" t.i -ti I n Lit rope ill pre- llilltlin Inn l.'ein.itiis of ,i form ot the point granale have bt i ii loiiml in the sll.ll. I ol III. pl. io. ellf.lge III south- t in Frame by s.iparta. but it dud out undwa. n iiitiiiiliii ed Ironi countries ad"iniiig Peisiii in prehistoric times int.. the Mi ihtt rram iin region, of winch n i-. now so characteristic a fea t ure. The priiiiit i e holue of tl live vv as apparent ly the eastern shores of Hf Mediterranean, where the ii reeks tlisi i.vercd the iiselul qualities, lite Ibituaiis learning t heiii hit -I. I he tig has hit it- remains in quaternary rocks in Fiance, along with the teeth of F.lephas priiui genius, but its pre historic home must he sought in the ' southern Mediterranean shores antl j lands, where it survived after probably Uhing n Trance. t StIENTIFK SCKAI'S. Incandescent electric lamps are used In the carriage lamp- of II, iron Puths child, of Vienna, -torage batteries placed under the c. a. hni.iu's seat an s;iiil to be capable of carry ing a charge of electricity sufficient to feed th lamps for one hundred hour.. M. Charles Montigny, of I'.russels. has iioti.-ed that not only does h' aumra bni'alis increase the sejnti! liiti-in of stars- as other observers have noted - but that magnetic dis turbances produce the same effret even when acr otupuiii' d by no visible auro ra. Th" in.'l'leb' r' is -'r.'ligest f,.rst;irs in th north. Ilect-ntly one man was taken very ill ami another died from the elici ts of handliug poisoned hide, 'iheieisiia rci-oii why hides should not convey t.i-r:ous ftiid 1 a'a! lisi-ii-i -. like cloThiiig. -im- years ago." says He .v. t;ji. . i'i m. "in iiiijioitei of hide,, in New York di.-d trom the . fleets of a bi'c or stMigol a l!y whi-h inhahi'eil the Jolt Whelf his hid Wen- -t.'.e.." I In re are rejmrts from several pints ot -Wedeil "I il h!tlieto link no v II iljid very i.-iructive kind ol i aterpilh-r whi-h is giving a great d' d -d trmibl. to 'he liiriii.i's and anxiety to the whole population. I' i- gray-brown, with deep gray stripes: ii- appearand is ino-t i ., nn,, on alter ram lb- work on the trips has bet n s- -erioiis a--to demand th" as-j-t.iuee of the g.o enuiuiit. The o.i!ii..ii K -aid t-. be gaining gl'.-und aiiioiig metallurgist.. 1 1 whatever itie' li.mi. id -tiengih i- de sirable, an alloc is prelerabje t. pm. lliet.ll. Hie o (lie J e.l' -1 ,'b-li l. tl-'ti- 1.. the me, ham. al value o ii"l i- its tendency t,. ciy-tii h." . He v, -nit being the ..mie vvlii t II- I Hf . j 1 1 ! I . a moii-ti r gun m- -hip'- abb ipm tin- lendt ii- y ot inm to .-iy -biili. may be prevented bv 'he a lifixtni' ! .a b. t nn tab. Pi..p -p.. La- a . it- tha' Hi- meet! ha- g'ow ii old iv times ii- I t-' a- He earth, a otu pn i,!i .a tl,.- ma.- and i adiat nig -iirbi. ,. 1 he two bodie lo.ikiug it i v id, .t,t that ih" . arlli' Miteiu.il In .it was originally -inhi i.-t-i to I i-t six times as ..itg a- Hie i ,' . supply . u I he ei y mod. rate . -uiuptioii. then fore, that only tvvclw nolholis ol year, h.r e pa--ed i to i tie eaiHi and the moon were a1 Hn mini st i ge o planetary life, this a-tioii.,-tiiei -how- n. 1 1, at sixty million- 'I years must elapse l.e..ie the r.nth Will have leached Hf -tag.. ,, lib thrmigh which th. mo. n is p,- ". p i nig .Lipancse (lliji i t I t ilt Ii in:;. The t.-ai hers iit th. .- ho.. I im- Mr son-ut Japanese iiuhle- in loki" ap pc.tls to have hit upon a ii"tab, method o teaehiiig .iv:i,il g.ogra phy. In the mirt behind the s, ,. building is a phy -ji id map 'I Hil loilllliv. between i " ' alld ni led long It is made of tint and nn k a is bordered with pebble.-, which look a little distance much like wa! Fu ry inlet, river and mountain is prodm-ed in this modi 1 with a ii. I lit X ill. I' to detail which i-untitle! fill. Latum ami longitude are indicated ly tell graph w ire.-, and tablets h"W the po sition of the cities. Illgelllolls dev ice are employed II, lllu-' I'iil mg hot. mi. st ui I ies also. Foi example Hie pipe i i"us'rate,l by a picture showing He cone, h at and ilissei ted llow t r. st t in a J t :ni' which shows the bark and l"'i giluditial iind tran-MT-c setiion- ,.t th" W I -Su'll,:, Hall Worm ami Hall Snake. Iin mountains furm-li In any strang tmius ot hie w Im h the dry , l. valley- lio i l dt velop. Hid rotten pine logs in t.. be the favorite !' t o a lo.nh in. . i eat ure w hu h I half- w ay be fell a worm ami a sink,.. Ii ,- t vv Usually a loot long and lie.nly an lie h in diameter, w ith a head like a snake. and a di ad Iilinsy. blunt tail. Il is ,. a o. between a ditty grecti and ii brow n, w ith. .ut ,pot - or st ripe-. Ii I- slow of uiov i im nt. cold and i -lain my to thetouch. atnl set ins to be nioc ol ;i jelly Ibaii bone and luu-t le. Il i l'fgiird.d as Ii.it iiilcss. and thewo,. itieli pit k il up and handle it can lcs. ly. h:iin t '',( A'-'' ) '('. i .;'.. , Arnund iiiiiiesv ille. Fla . the rai ing and shipping of the I ui biur s.pia-h has 1 it- an industry. It iind- a ready sale al I lost on, and is used al most exclusively for making pies. In shape it resembh s a turbine vv le i I. whence II takes its name. ,;,s th. color of the pumpkin and look , like a kershaw. but is lim r and of a mm, delicate flavor. The vines bear hea jly. find continue bearing until about I'm 1st of August. The prices vary from f l.oO to 5 per barre'. Montana is paying great attention to ooi hy artesian wells. Noiuctirar. .soiiin'a I 'Vnk V'i'i will bt- -,: 1 lo k"u Tim! I .mi c kept v.! uii "y in my heart. An i tl.al yoin I ,.-.,! ' s 'nn- lioan- was rtallj tijl-te. Al'li.MUll lo.d.iy c v nli '.i'l r tipirt. s..ii c ii.iiii. when i.ti h:iv-lii -1 iiw av frotr And l ! v lie! In ilH'iitnitig el the pft-t. And -a lb Il.n k .. nli 'iiii iik- hu missed, V.mi will u i.i"'i,!i -i in v iiu'-iRiul nt ln't. Ill i' imij inn' !u pu-s. s.iine ilieary night, Ann n day tf:il has I en Laid tu bear, Win n yu'i an- t-t .iiv. I,t iiit-M. f Hint (orlnrn. An I -iin ..- l- i.i ii. i.. i i.iiil-.rt inn to care, Tint yo'i v ill i I.'i-' vein ti't -I i-jch, to dream 1 1 ten ii ! Ui i- tali 1 1 .j - I: aii'l huhl, (1 u -oiil i. mi la- Mi,i...'liii,n 'ock our hair, A j , i ,.i,-.i ,.. N rjofia In v out heart'! a- u- f Ki ' 1'... t .M'U vi ii! iciiii ii.l'Ci, and be elm! 1 h ti 1 - hi.- Lip: . e.i.'lii in my heart. Ait I 'h-a J.. in i V Hai' li'iine aa really Un ac. Al'l: i'i.-li l.-'I 'V f a;,,li lar apart. ITMiKM PAKAbltAI'IIS. A h;t!'! i-e - The oyst.-r's. The i.ey not.- --Wile, let me in." A revival me. H:ig -A camphor bot tle and a ! tinting woman's nose. A ci'i,. !i. t I ;... hi-i ! calls his stom al h 11a I'-." b.-ean it is the plate of lep.ll'-'l sj.il ! -. I 'a j ur r w ing-b'.;it - w . n- not the first a-pia' h i ra't H a' were const nicteil of tha' m.itnial p-iper-cntiers wero made veils and yea ago. 1 ..i ., ii..,.i of philosophy has ift v.i ,,i. i i.,oie. how :i woman -hould if ' w h, ! b. r b mil- ale in tht: doiigb-l ii'i a'.. I oi aggii-s ic I'y alights OH hel If A v- w 1 H -!.m t pby - fi -ays that if every I Of ,!v w.-.iild l,t ep a bo of nni-l. nd m 1ln I "ii- o!n-hall of the do, t... won!. -t.u-v.. W'e riigge-t that ev cry bilnily l,t i . t w o bo.e.-. -M-r. y'" ex. laiined Mr-. 1'.. as she aught sight of tin . aim loj'.ll'il, "illst i at t ha' I i a,-. v. bat il oig neck!" "Ye-." r- !l' ! l'ogg. "Hie most re fill I. alh- . a-. t i throat I ever HI ,. m i w, ui.) . aii a boy- ot mine Al a -."' -I'd Ml - Joli . "f illlllts v die. .i.. -it I had a hundred to ii, Hoc Men by Ihal nail'" i- alius iih ub up ,,p.-t - I lore's Aha- Thoiiiji- -11. Aba- 'll.iiin-. Al a- the Night- li.i". k .dl been tool, i p lor -tealiii.'" A -mall b..y wa- a-ked where the I llMil Wa- II" replied. 1 he sjiot in In I.-.im n-din 1 1 ! . .. i-r "lie's head." l'o t i hi- kii.-.v ledge iui'tln l' tlm .el i r a-!. e.l "i an two pTon have same i nil h al ' h" sail-" time'" I In y i if i." -How -' It ..lie should -tan." o'l H 'her'- Iie.t. 1." Terrible loligimi. I'.ai 'ii I'.ih I i ",it i ibnte- to the Paris '' , . a -i i ii i g- history Minder he title .a "An 1 1 our aim -!ig-t th-- licad." The had. in t!ii- . a-.-, ate living women Wh" leg. lid Hii-UI-c'm- .1- "(lead to tin world " I In y an-, m int. the little known order ol the 3 l;tr-tit -l Clares. I h.-e ladii - j o-.i-s ;i i loi-ter m Paris, in w hi' h tin :e a-e eight, m mills, and i lew lay --i-i i i - vv ho ai I as ihcir servant-. !' ,i:i i en . I i he ii'iscnl staff d iiiiii-ai.- nn j, r t w i uty-three years d .u'c. I he t' .t-oii .a this, according to Hal. U Pah t. !- teiliblo enough to iii-1 : t v th. intervention id the state. I'h. rule.. I Hn-i Ian - i e, es-ively -even thai tie, uly all th" professed inmate- die young. Thiy wtat a rough w... 'iin .Ins.. voiii a rope a- girflle; tin y go bi, i. o..le, mi the . old stone it. ! -iiiig. t.'n y m m r warm tin im-elves it a I'm- even tin kit.hcii lire is plac ed bey , 'in I th. i ... . i s.. th- y . :it meat nly "ii. e a year ..'1 I'hrisi ma- day; they sh'ip on a natr.'vv l...,in; they in'tst s.en.l i. n hoiii-every day upon Hit ir kif i s. th. y are only allowed to teak to o in- aiiol hi I on I ar i a-iolis; tin y live i ni in ly on aim-. The abbe-,, thi.'iigh a gr.it ing, assured him that mole than mi-' of her nuns, I h rough cultivation ot Hn - grace of si lence, had aitiially ..-t the power of loriiniig a i ntcm c N e tlmibt if Mr. r.olyli biiii-cll would have ,iijiri.tved I so pro.bgi. ii .i d v . lopmeiif of the i x i' ot) that 'pe.th '- -iImi. silencn j-, ooldeii ' lln ;,io'i dues not -eein lo havi u-pi.ted Hi. it the abbess might be i I, nhng 'In- i inluloiis man of he woild. I an these ladii-. were "in he wmld.'' they probably hid more hail enough idle and purosi less rhat 'ii', lor they were all members of aris loi ratio tannin s, and have thus parsed ilolll oC evt elm- to t lie other. Fitch ti mat c j - ot, ly allow id to be i,iie. bv ter parents mice in the yiar. and the nterview must lake jihn e at the iron grating where the l'.ar..n learned Hip letails which he publishes. Winn a Hill dies she is biiiieil by her sister inns., The ilarmi regrets that a j.hy iician of reuite cannot undertake the ; lutopsy of one of the deceased Clares, w he thinks the results would be prot- - able to Beienee. a fi;

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