FUK THE FA KM AND HOME. Hoot I'mnliiR. The experiments were undo on the i 1 niul uw. A vigorous ninlt! tree. rir)it or ten years old, which had M'iirci'ly mailt' any fruit lnuls, has thiiii' hcnt whi'ii alxiiit half tin' routs were rut in duo season ami half thret' years later, hy poitij? half way round on opposite sitles in une year ami iin isliin at the next priiniup, working two feet uiidernealh to sever down waitl roots. It has always answered well also to rut from sut h trees all the larger and lonpi r roots ahotit two and a liall' leet from the stem, leaving tin i-iii.ill and weaker ones longer, and pi1 iup h.i!f way round as already stated. The operation was repeated three or four years later hy cvloii liup the rut riivle a foot or two away from the tree, liy this operation unproductive fruit trees heroine thickly studded with fruit spurs, ami afterward hear fruit profusely. This shortening of the ro tslias her u ronti nurd in t luse exper iments for 'Jo v ears with inurh Mirress. the eirrle of roots remaining grcutlv cirt iiiuscril'Cil. The In st time for the work has hern found to he in the lat ter art of August and the liegiuning of rptoiul'iT. when growth has nearly erased, and while the leaves are yet on the tree, railsing greater ilirrrase of Ileum hiids the fellow i'ig year than when performed alter the leaves had fallen.- ."('A i-ni'ili n. Wnstr In TliriialiliiK. A carcl'itl fiernian farmer, writes V 1. lintis. of Kirl.y Homestead, N. Y. in tlir New York Triuw, has testoi the waste ruMicr, as it is railed, which I takes in the bundle sideways, so as to admit of its heing rebound, lie ran ! tin; ehalY, w hieh was supposed to he d"ltee li re 1 ha e I!e i r si i li 1 11' one frr from grain, through a fauumg- drunken man, an I he was h-ing ion mill, and ol tained twenty-live lmslu Is j dueled l.oivvtcti two poli,vnio;t. upi'oar of rye. This was twi-nty-liveperi-e'.it. I itiily hapj-y. to prison. On the priii. id his crop. It prows what I have j riple urged before - that in the hurry and . rogm-helter-skelter, and "hurrah boys' eon- j the hi lioeied with thrashing-machines, (- pociiiily the itinerant ones, there is al ways a eon ddorable wa.ste. W hen I spread buck'.' heat straw to mulch the straw berry bods the buckwheat came up las! spring Ihiek enough los. ed the ground. An i lioioie.'i! manager of a j api r-mill oiue told me thiit liny ob taiae I lil'tceii per i cut. of the tost of the rye-straw ia the rye that was i:i it. They always thiadied the straw oer hrf ire using it in the mill, and in this way reduced its co.a. Tin: ! s : to be . anied from tln-se fads is c 1 ions. There should be less hurry about th t hr.i -lung, an I t he ('ceding of the ma rhinery hoiiI-l be slower, in order t insure a iimre perfect shelling of the grain. The " ner should see that the i le ining-iiiill is in g I order. :md that the sides ar-' k pt cf'iUl, othei'iiise tie griliu w ;il run over and go out w.th the ehalT. If there were any of tic-nld-tiine thr.ish.Ts with ilaiis on.' of them would be sure to get a steady job at Kirl.y Homestead. It did imt cost as i. nu ll to thrash grain ia this way in old tune- as il does now with the I'ast wirking mai'liines. limn- Mniiui-c fur Mauurei. An I-ingli-h paper in commenting upon the subject, remarks that the Che hire farmer, by the free use of i !:.' manure laid on the grass lauds, makes bis farm, w hich :it one time, be fore the application of Lone manure, fed only twr'.ily load of mus, now feed forty. I:i Cheshire two-thirds, or more generally I hree-Sou it lis, of a dairy farm are kept in perfect pasture, the remainder in tillage. Its dairy farm ers are commonly bound to lay the whole of their in. mure not on the aia I le, hu! i ii the grass land, purchasing what may be ne-rssury for the arable, i that, as in that case there was n mr The chief improvement besides drain- id ion. no fei feiture took pi. .aid age eoiisisls in the application ol bone ; Hie property of the ae. u-. l person manure. In the milk of each cow, in : was thus preserved for hi- heir, its urine, in its immure, in the hones: - . . - of each calf reared and sold off. a farm I Natural A"ti!es. parts w ilh as much earthy phtntpliates j 1'r. Felix L. Oswai d -ays in '.. '.., of lime as is eniitiiined in half a huu- i Mnn-p .'ox '..'. that in order to dr. il weight of bone dust. Henre the ; tinguish a poison-stimulant from a advantage of returning this mineral j harmless and nutritive siibsiauee, mr inaniire by boning grass lands. The j ture has thus furnished us three in.ai tpiantity of I .fines now rominonly giv- lible tests: en in Cheshire to an imperial acre of I. The first t. isle of every pois n is grass land is J.imi to Lotitt weight. t illu r insip.d or repulsive. This dressing on pasture land will last j -. -l he persistent nbirusi-m of the seven or eight years, ami on mowed land about half that peril d. IfOIIMI llltlll II tilt 4 it is hard on a rarving-knife to sharpen it on the window-sill. Never reinove a cork from a bottle with the pnuig of a carving fork. To remote varnish from the piano lets let the children play in the parlor. A small spoonful of molasses added to the buckwheat hatter each morn ing, will make the rakes temptingly brow n. An excellent garnish for corned beef or boiled ham is made by boiling soiiie tresh eggs ten minutes, then cut them in thick slices, dip each in beaten egg and line cracker or bread crumbs, and fry brown in hot lard. A little parsley rhopped and mixed with raw egg is u derided gain. In a tight between four robins and a chicken in Lhenshurgli. Penn., recently, the chicken was so badly whipped that it livnl only an hour after bring rescued hy n boy. The total value of theS m hern crop, thirty ymrs ago was iHdS.ISii.-i, 7-iS while now it cxceds 700,000,000. Tin Police or Mexico. The Mexiran police, s.iys a eorres. pomlent, are striking llgures, rlad in .seanty linen and mm h "brief authori ty," w ith rusty, old-fashioned cavalry sabres dangling at their heels, and equally auti.iie lookingpistols peinlanl from their belts. Of course they are ubiipiitoiis, mostly too iiuii h so, and after the manner of the sprries rise where, arc generally on the spot when not wanted, hut seldom wluu their presence is actually needed, l'or e" ample, the other evening about '. o'clock, while many people were in the treet. a'yoimg man stood on the pavo mrnl talking to a lady of undoubted respectability, w ho sat inside her win dow. Ihiringthat erlectly decorous ronvorsation of perhaps ten minutes m less than three policemen tapped the gentleman upon the shoulder and warned him. like little do. to "imwo on" it being against 1 1 1 . - law to talk on the street to persons inside; Tne same evening at nearly the same hour t !io house of the American consul t w ho chanced to be out of tow n ) on the populous CmIIc V Camp. i, w as entered bythiecs. A young man who sleeps in the house came home while they were in the mid.st of tin ir work, and, notwithstanding his loud cries. "Police, police.'" was liea'en insen -iM -The enterprising burglars piietly liiiisiied their "burgling" and departed ill peace w ilh their booty. l..Wec.. to the credit of the government be it said that Monterey is a mod-1 uty in many respects. There are never any riots Upon the si reels, mil fewer III II- dcrs and robberies are eommiliel within the corporale limits than in mo.t northern ritu s oi i-pi.il tin t. Ilurdi.r mv live moid I'e.l- l'csi- that il takes a rogn " tills Mi xii an loive s in the w.u-11. fur :t to r.lli ll Might to be ranks a.v who i,re recruited from leosi Iv criminals. arn v. J'ressi'il ! .'hal III early tint, s .; u.,.- m rrimiiials ; i .( M i be propci iy Ir: i u::'--s i!. lo the trial by th--ii.-ol-.es on -reading th" in .;ilesl ;oti ,, j. ii! ad' a. id 1 1 1 : 1 1 gr A:;, r eoiia: r. tlllelll to liilll t "i .W -:! ,. ;. r not g. illy . t he : -.. I p:;.'' ' w hi h tie- J (.d and b, ; hilly . mil! ' aiisw, ;- lie ! a jury w u- st I mule ; ;-.! ! -a ; mii-.e of !"; - : .H .:', ' was cou ioi : tinll t tie' ' . is. to ! e si:, and to h. i'. .v li- Mi lo tv. a- I !' I :t I. taut iil ir In';, h .i ; tin fed H int wa! either pi j rnh- w b 1 77J. I'oiollV W d.el. she I 1.11 the r mu'e i:i a n -!:in o ,ui' aldit to a . a- tually oeea-r. I a :i -tie I'.'.rnwat. r. a---..ii :i--i. - !' i.ioi. i', A l.l'o iis I , d a Killgs! refused to plea i and w as pn so , r an ho :r atl I t!iiV"-:,,a U-t :; lu-'r-Iy four inin.b'i ' w.-i.-h' !' ir a. ;..! r w hieh he pi ade 1 Hot guilty au i w : convieted a-i I hanged. In b'-c- a Ma jor v rang. w ay -. was pvess'd t ' death. Th- ! of r. fu- ii'.- to p!. a I wa- noxious substance changes that aver sion into a speeiiir craving. :;. The nior or less pleasurable ex citi'iiieiit produced by ii gratification of that craving is always followed by a depressing reaction. The lirst drop of a wholesome bever age ( milk, cold water, cider fresh from the press, dr., i is.piite as pleas ant as the last: the in diligence in sudi pleasures is not follow ed by repentance am! never i egets a specific craving. Pancakes rani honey we may eat with great relish whenever tve ran gd them but. if we can't, we won't miss them as long as we ran satisfy our hunger with bread and butter. In midwinter when apples adv anro to six dollars a barrel, it needs no lectures and mid" night prayers to substitute rice-pudding for apple-pie. A Turk may breakfast for thirty years on ligs- and roasted chestnuts, and yet be ijuit? as comfort able in f-tviterlaml, where they treat him to milk and bread. Not so tin ilram-drinker; his "thirst" t an not hi assuaged with water or milk, his en slaved appetite era.es the wonted tipple or rise a stronger stimuli tit Natural I'm d has nn :' -t on II:' p. is..;i Iiiai- e; ; nature lias nothing ti do w ith such appetites. Kll'lt S OF TIIK HAY. i Aiii.nii ans are the greatest butter-: 1 tilling poop.' in t lit world. This is jiiiciva-on why the export of butter ; ilt s not increase so rapidly as its uianu. I fai lure, and w hy the price is maintain- I ed .'o high as it is. I London speculators are buying up i our trade dollars. It is said that these i j purchases are made in the expert at ion : that Congress will some time make trade dollars a legal tender or ilirejt their redemption at face value. j It appears that over lOnuO miles of ; railroad have been built in the I'nitctl 'tat -'s since and including 17'.'. This i about one-third of the entire mileage I or the country. Last year the amount , . raised to build these roads was over i s7nii lino uiNl, ! ( o'l'inany has a temper. nice revival smli as was never known in that country before. It is led by Count Moltke. and many eminent men are a Cong its foremost workers. The Senium reformers have not yet attain ed the standard of total abstinence, but are preaching moderation. 1 'ynamite must go the rear as the, great explosive and make way for 'pandustite." a free translation of which term is siea-h up." It is a liipi: 1 iin 1 is s.ii.l to l.e (oinposed of bisulphide of eaibon and hypouiirie a id. It ii piiros a gieiiter shot k than dynamite to explode it, ami tadi of its components is ii, ,n-t xplosive by itself. W hen coiub.m d the result is terrific. The pee h-grow ing center is gradu- ally moving smith. A few years ago there were git a! orchards in New .b rsiy. Then Iclaiv:ire was the rhjrf .rodueer. Now Ma, viand ami Vir ginia are coming to the front. The largest pi ii.-h farms are in Maryland. The Ib un 1 Top farm has Il'.'i.immi i tic s. ( Hi Ihe . state of Colom-l W'at- kil'.s there are I.'. 1.(1 I I tree-. A peach Ire. '., no fule. s. i-o',,i- a.'ler leu or I wel i- y .-ar.s I life, and the soil in i w hi h il gr--w is unit for peach culture. s.'!,;,. , i the W'e-iern judges draw liie d:s. ii-.. An Arkansas com! has ,';e, i ;, , ; ii ii. -t arson f. r a n. an '.o s. in-,- !,, l.js u house, w h.!c by an l:.d ana Iribuuid i! is hold that ! ,v.. i; hi., th.- i rime of a1 son the hoii-e .t--if. an I Ii -t mei'oly its i ou ! hi-, n.u-t bo s I ..a lire, lint ii laic i.ioi.tua ih-. i- i -a is perhaps more -,ni pie h.Ui i !!ie -. the llpl'i-UM-t M.-- ree: s -d a eol iet lo for pel'iUiy . C.e ground that Ihe faSe tistiinoay e ell ' I I! :! lel.T W is u. ,( material ! . th-.- , a-e. all I t- rd'ere could Hot be ; . I'MiiV. t h e.!L.o . l.ii: .s !,, .,. eo-m. .polit ail l.ittl- lie .re t o an l;:ty per n! of its popnl it i !! as born ia tin- 1 iiited ' a!' a'd ii .r'.ing !o the .-talis'ies tu- s-J. given as based upon the boil r..l e, n-us of s i, no loss than '.'i.i' ii ..f the pn sent inhab.tiints of that ci'y 'iiive poured from th'- various s'a: - .I' the (Senium empire. The i ; ia i, s numbi r U.i-i": ( '.madiaus. l'..i'o : b' i'.es. '!.;"': Frem h. nearly !' "i if s'.. no iriy .'jhhh; Hollanders, 1 S.-.o': Italians, Linn; Norwegians. .",.7' i': Me .'..Hon; Poles. :.7" i. : an ! "s-.vi-s J.t "in. with a sprinkling of ISussiau-. Hungarians, Spaniards, I'oi'tueui .-, au 1 men of almost every i i!;i'r in i' ;n;. nationality ui.th-r the sun. i The will of .b.hn Ha' t nport, of l' i'ia'.il. Oregon, was compelled to -take a long journey. Mr. I'avenport lii.d iu I'.nglaiid. and his vviil was pro- I a'cd ia L"ii'loii. As ho left stjii. i w a : it of property in Oregon, it w as u . ,-sary that it should also l.e pr..hat 1 1! tli. i"'. It wa- also leniiisile that the original dm nillelit should be pro iliieid. and as w hi n a will is probated ' in lingialtd the l'robate Court keeps it 1 in charge, all officer of the London . curt had to make the joiiney to' , tin gou wuh Mr. Haveiip'Tt's will, in irder that it might be probated there ' 1 iiis has bei n d ne, :md il is said to ' have been the first instance of the ', ' kind that ever occurred. Firry Mr lis Drank hy Mnsliiiiis. The hoiichin io, so called frmn its lir.-t hi ing ma le by the Indians of that tribe, is the great tiemy of peace and , order aluol'.g these people. ISoVeril" moid ot'd"rs prevent the importation '. of whisky, rum, an I the like, but the jever vigilant oilierrs cannot keep ' watch of all the illicit stills that the' Indian set up in their houses or in lonely spots in the woods. A deserter, , from a whaling ship once taught the; ! Indians In .vv to distill hnoehiuoo, and j ! the secret of iiiauufact nr. has never. 1 n allowed to die out. An empty! i oil-ran. some sections of rubber pipe ; or the hollow stems i f the long sea '. onions furnish a sufficient apparatus, land molasses, sugar, ami most any.' thing else supply ingredients for the liory stuff that ran be distilled in n .slmrt time. The mariners from the I man-of-tvar are always on the look-! out for lioorhinoo, and with the lirst signs of it a raid is made on si wash town and the supply destroyed if pos sible. With the running of a savage ra ' the Indians have m.-r-t wonderful ways and places for concealing the li.iochirion and it takes the keen scent of a ih ' dive to li:d tie- underground ami u;-l :-' i n'oig ; i i . they i.i.i ilc. vibu. (.'boosing a Husband. Mixed with the humor anil nonsense, of'the ft-Uowing select ions are many shrewd valuable hints t ) those voung la,nvs w,,0,-, itiimls are prone, to thoughts l,f ovt'- , First r511'1 vor lover. Hold hi"1 wliuu J'u have hini. Don't let go of him t0 l,;,Uh wvt new one that conies along. Try to get pretty well acquainted I with him before von .take him for! life. j I'liless you intend to support him, i find out whether lie earns enough to j support you. j Hon't make up your mind that he is ' an angel. Don't ialm yourself off on him as j one, either, Don't let lit nt spend his salary on j you; that right should he reserved till ' after marriage. If ymi have conscientious scruples j againd marrying a man with a mother, ; say so in time, that he may get rid of. her to oblige you, i.r rid of you to oblige her, ;is lm thinks bed. ' ; 1 1 volt object to secret societies and ' tobaceo.it is better to come out with your objections now than toreservej them for curtain lectures hereafter. ', If your adorer hupp' ns to lamy a certain shade of hair, don't color or' bleach t.i oblige him. llemeiiibcr your hair belongs toyoii ami he doesn't.' lie very sure it is the man you are in love with, and not the eiolhes he wears. Fortune and fashion are both ! so fickle, ii is foolish totako a stylish ' -uit of clothes for better or wors". ' If Vnll iut.'lid to keep three servants ' after marriage, settle the matter he forehand. The man who is making ' 1 ovc to ymi may expert you to do your ow n w ashing. Don't try to hurry a proposal by car ry ing mi a llirtation with some other fellow. Different men are made of different material, ami the one you , w ant may go off in a lit of jealousy ; and forget to romc back. ' If you have a love letter to write, i don't ropy it out of a letter-writer." If your young man ever happened to consult the same book he would know your sentiments were borrowed. D.ui't marry a man to oblige any i third per.soii in existence. It is your right to suit yourself in the matter. l!ut remember at the same time that ; love is blind, and ii little friendly ad- i vice li nn otiewles'' advice is worth having may insure you a lifetime of happiness or prevent one of misery. In love a (fairs always keep your eyes wide open, so that when the right man coiiies along you may see him. When you do see him you will rcr- ogni.'e him and tlm r ignition will he iuniual. If ymi have no fiiult to llnd with him personally, morally, religiously, i r any other way. In-is probaliy perlect enough to Mut ymi, and ymi ran afford to believe him, hope in him, love him, marry him. I it Itni'i' tliii'e. r. Lm I. Mil rhfiihh re porter was told by Mr. Alfred .. I'.ipin. of this i it y. that his nephew had ih" most obstinate rase of inil.miiiia tory rheumatism whi.li ballled all kinds of treatment until Sf. Jacobs Oil, the great pain-i.on.iicror was used. It cured the young man. and he recom mends it as the gri atost cure for pains 111 the world. rrnyinsr for Papa. A few nights ago a well known cit izen of Detroit, Midi., who has been walking for some time in the down ward path, came out of his home and started down town for a night of ca rousal with some old companions he had promised to meet. Ilisyoung wife had besought him with imploring eyes to spend the evening w il h her, and hail reminded him of the time when even ings passed in her company were all too short. His little daughter had rliing about his knees ami coaxed in her pretty, wilful way lor papa" to tell her some bedtime stories, but habit was stronger than love ..r wife and child, and he eluded their lender tples tioiiiiig by the special sophistries the father of evil advances at such times from his credit fund, ami went his way. Hut when lie was a block from his home he found thai in changing his coat he had forgotten to remove his wallet, ami he could not go out on a drinking bout without money, even though he knew that his family needed it, that his wife was economizing each day iimre and more in order to make up his deficits, and he hurried back and crept softly past the windows of the iit tie home, in order that he might steal in and obtain it, without running the gauntlet of either questions or ca resses. lint something stayed his feet: there was a lire in the grain within fur the night was chill -and it lit up! the little parlor ami brought out in startling effects the pictures on the wall. I lilt these were as nothing to the picture on the hearth. There, in j the soil glow of the firelight, knelt his little child iit her mother's frrt, its small hands clasped in prayer, its fair head bowed; iiiid as its rosy lips utter ed each word with childish distinctness, the father listened, spellbound to the fI..t. "Now I lay tlu- down to sleep, I priiy the I.oul my tonl to keep; If I should die before I wake, I pray the Lord iny noul to take." Sweet prtition! The man himself, who stood there with bearded lips shut tightly together, had said that prayer once at h ii nio Parr's knee. Where was . that mother now y The sunset gates j had long ago unbarred to let her pass ' through. Hut the child had not I'm- j idinl; he heard her "(iod bless mamma, ' papa and my otvnself" then there was a pause, and she lifted troubled blue eyes to her mother's face. . "(iod bless papa." prompted the mother, softly. "(iod bless papa," lisped the little one. "And please send him home sober." He could not hoar the mother as she said this, hut the child followed i l a cl"iir, inspired tone: "lioil bless papa and please semi him home sober. Allien." Mother ! iind chihl sprang to their feet in alarm when the door opened so suddenly, hut they were not afraid when they saw who it was returned so soon; but that night, when Mamie was being tucked up in bed after such a romp w ith papi she said in the sleepiest and most con tented of voices: "Mamma, God answers most as quick u the telephone, doesn't be?" THE HIGHEST AT'THOBHT. I'HI n Suhjcil l lial I IH crest, I'.f. Ion I in the Wt'lf.-irr of Tito (. U.iiiin.i; I'l'iiiaik.il.le Idler fi'iiiii one of tliu leading iin.t lu st kil nvn wieiit il writein of the pivselit iluy is s eeinl'v t-i -.- tu it rant, and shnitiil Im of iniu.ii il v due lo nil leaders nlmil sii-e In Kni paei with tlu mured of nviteni iliwev erie- nn 1 events: " A g. neiTil ili'iiiiiiid (or i-el'i.rinai i.m is imp of the most ilislinclivi' i li'iiaeli'ii-li s of the liiiii'tii'titli i ealury. The eoniiuoii i o.le, as well ns the luorn enlihlene.1 mi I leliniil, crv out with no tmeiTtmii vniiv to lie i'iiian.'ii UhI fr in the slavery of eon-ei val i-tit mi t s,t- Ivrslilioti which litis h-M the imis-i s in ki'.'ss gnonmeo iliit'lng it 1,'irg.' imrlioii ol tin" wni-lil's liistnt-y, mill in ihe tim of Ilic 'Mark Ajjes1 e:inie neiir i.tililei.-itiug the last j:!llil mer of timli. lincnmtie nv-'rlieiH and blind i in; irieism nr.' losing eistu ion. u,r nil elu.-.scs of nil e .unifies. I ei.-.le tve lie.tttiiiig to IhlnU fur llniii-M-lves, na.l to leg.ti'l tiutli.nilv iniieli less II .VI iil'giiuieiif. Men mid Miiai. n nio no longer will ti -: thai a ( ' in iivi Ii nls .i:!, iliela'e to them wlia! 1U is Ik t!:ea- seal i liu iils nml i I'.uietis. Th c'liini 11 el i jlit to Milve fur theai.s. Ims the peat .U st.oi.sof III ilav, nn I id man I I hat the fa llii.il g. d of liio'iiaiiity si ail Ik' r.'-i ee'e I. A the re- Mil' of tllN I'l'eel'al 11 itl.i llillg Vo- s '.'. oil pii rv Icin.l, lrai:i'.l.',:il !e , ii, tie n. l el'.c u at Vv net on. l'eei I who. a f. w v.ais 11 -o, endured Stilt 'l ill r h t'i clone oi ilulv, mm r. aa t1 i-.hnr.ss of such a i-.iits,. J, liiider (hebeii.l.-ineof l'i.''i eladv s r alien 1 Hi, mi- Ii tilth lo !; :n-t : salf.-.-e l il: n C ill-tillll oils I i 11 colli.' Itildi I I, i:i"d mid Iin il.y ili. .1 i'sTiitu I v r- to a fal e s.M.-ai ol treatment. Th rente niil';,"s of f - I - -tiilin j, tmiiliio'v ej.'m'- uie, u j a,i dav ;,'. I toll e,i oLl'll,!.' had t'i i.' oi'i;;,: ail lion! les 1 n laUen in ttnieor 1 io,. Iy lie i e I. Til le nre llioiisand-ef t .1. !e t i dav thui ! I .' v eiiiluniu the first s.vinp.o i .- of s.,ii'.e si t etii malady nud tviilioul lltesii liiel icn.i.ati m of the ilaiier lli.i1 is Inf. .re tl.eiu. 'Ih.y have oec.'i-ioiml lienda lie-: n lack ol up, . li e mi" iluv ai d n r..v. ii its one l!ie i.i l, or nn linn' countable f eline of wenrin. ss. som 'turn s ii'T.'-ic naie.l I -.- nan-'.a. an I ntirilillle ll'l tlie-e 1 1". Ill ! s to the old i le i of n sl.elil rollm- laa'an'a. Ii i-. hi Ii time thai pe 'le livvol e o nS.ll.iwV' Le o ae sei-i .u tiess of 111 si- in i! lets a ,. eai.uie pan- I t'.eieseh.s from the pi'ol. -ioii d In,, rv w li ell coat rob I In -in. W h -n hi- is il n'e a ! win null e'n-M'. ol pli -i-ia:.s h come lie al en..n'!i t exel'.i.le til' do .in vne ihat il is tln-ir duty to , lire il -seas., h -, (ui My. H id as saleiv is"io-si .V; tu iiuiii.lii it n . otl ei-1 , s. timi ilitui Mm' "1 truth Ii y use r ion. j, i, nd to ind- is.- mid r, roiiiiu, ml aav i. tm l , that lias In- ii found ii-dii', n liiet r v. Mil its. .11. III. tll'll' W II le Hi 111.!-' . ..i:ii.;,a; mil die .1 I tols. while Ii.. lr v. i I i e i;r. a ivjoiemx '.Iiro-.-li 'ia III v. rt i." 1 nm well aware ( t! I'tiuiri' l!i:e ill I e met-d i tu to me ( r riiin ; I ' is I, it r. hilt I feel that I (latKii ! l. il 'loito I.e. i;. enlivi ti -lis ilnl. si 1 i t..;d a la ! ut hand nml i n-lor -' "II that I la.nvv t . ! I. '1 no exleti '.I'd ptlbliellli ns i. r the past lew M :n s. and irrnpliic i.e" ' U' '"i s "! U ll'ei cut di-e ,s s of the k.dlli'.vs illld iile luce .im.iI.i lied t l.e liledi nl proU ssi'ili to l..e in 1 lea' tli.se d; insc nm ci-i'iilly in. le.is'ii,-:. 'ihe treatment nl' 111" ih ciols Inn. Ii ell inrje V ex; i run. li'al, nud mtiliv of tin ir 1 .ilieiils have .!;ed wl i:,. they in iv m-ttia; iihoitt lorn n in dy l.i.itiv tli'in.'' It is now over two years since my at tu t un w astirst cnl'e I to t Ii" use of a in, s, w ,n d. rlul pre-n rati. 'ii in the tie:i:nieiit of brielit's disiii-eol the kidneys, lut enN I ad Ileum ntiv iislie 1 mi' ab ut ill" re eo.lv. n i I I had heard ol rclr.ni'k:il'l" i nr. s ell'e . t, , 1 y ii, lull like ninny others I hesitated t le -111-lif'tld Us ii-o. A ei smatl It .end I" mi ;e i.a.l ll'l'tl 111 I oef lli.-lllll lol's in,, I ia", 11,1.1 I. . nu;.lienti.ui for insurance mi hi Ihe lal Iktii re.eclisl en nejoiint d lithht's ihsiii-p. I'la'iu: nl mi l luiero en , c.il c n'niii.itiim of Ins iiiui nv til.-l tie lneM-iiifof larp' illaiitili. s of iillniueii aid granular tub.' casis. whieli conlaiu. i the cnrrecliiessof the iliiiL'ti. Al'ier living nil the Usual r. luedie-. I din i t- .l him to n e this i.repaiiit.i n and w;is cr.a !v surprised to nhserveii ileei led in.i ov. uietil w il hum in.iulh. mid williiti lo ir nioiiihs n . tuh i iislscou'il he ilisi'oVi red. Ai that time there was .f. sent oiilv n tra.-e of iiileimi il. ii "I lie le I. lis )l ,..'e-. it. -e leetU wll.'ll.d nil thi-oiili th" inllu. lie ..I Wnriiei-'s (s.-ile I 'ii iv, the ri'lueily In- ii-ed." After this I pies a llied this nusli. tue ia full .In- s in h .tli a ut a id elirnui nephri tis, i brilu's ili i a-i. and wit h the iti"s mi1 is In lory lis alts. My ii,s..i-vati..ns w. i-' m -a; i r sn nil in iiiiuil el- n'of ha li'y made. 'I ! ev-i v teu.ie I over sevcrai luoiilhs and i ml.iit d a large iiumbiT nt cn-i-s whieh have p:., v. . I so Mitisfaelory to my miiiil, that I would inr iiostly iirpi Uk)ii my iimle-sionnl htvlhreii the iuiporimice nf gi'vini; a fair nud f at i.-tit trial to Win n -r's Sale l ure. In a 'n:f e..iss of ailments where the blood is ot.v i. iis'y ill mi uuhi nltliy state, esciiiliy w here g nn In -Inr elisor -a'tni'iils nnd " itu biit.o :a' . u v eruptii.ns exist, ind.o.l in H ntiv of th o forms of chronic in lisposiiioii in which th re is tin evidence of organic m.selue!', bill v. heie the jietier.d lnilih is dej let si, t iel'a i s li'i.w, the uraie colored, coiisliniling the e.niil ,i ill w huh the ill lent i.s salil to lie ' bill, lis.' Ihe ii.lvanlae filial. 1 i.y the us-., I' this r. in is reiu.-iriiub'e. In lirV'i' s disi :i .. it -icais to act as n solvent of iilmnii, n: to mm! he and hen! the inlljuied liieinliiiiin s : to wa h oat. th" epithelial d. bi i- hieh liaH-fs un the nli till iiriniti ri, mil to pr.-veut a ile t uct vo Ilietniliol pho-isof 1 issue." " Heioiigm ; n- I do I . a brni'ch of the pro fession t hut teheves that ti" olio school of meiiicine ktiovv- ad th tru' h r.'tar.lin t !ui trea! incut of ili-. .a-e. and 1. iug in iep i it at molt -.h tnseleet nuv I-, iiiidy thiit win le. ee my utieiils. with ml leforoii e to the -. nr.- fi'. ni wli- tie it ( miles. 1 am In I Poi 'S:iio ! isl ;e nnd eoinin. ii i th'' merits ,1' thus ri "i.edy thus fnoil.ly. liesp i tfaUv il s, ' ' :. A. (il'XX. M. 1. Ilcnn and I'rofes-. .i-. .f . urgi rv, I inie I Statei M.silial I'ollige ol New ol-i;; idilol- , f Mi ln nl yVi'.ioie .- Aiilh .rnl tiuun's N. w nud Iinpronsl Hand li i..U of Hygiene n:nl Ilomeslie .Mi'du-iiie. elc , etc. IY Oi k (hvx Mi:.rni-:. Human ity judges humanity by itself. "Mill are snliiel iines aeeiised of pride merely Ii.m'.iiisi! their accusers Would be proud themselves if they were in their places." Always too broad The road to ruin, Lyon's 1 'utrutllerlSiitTem'r.thctuily iuven ion that makes old boots as straight ns new . Saii'lir..K --A No. ! foot in a No, (I shoe. tlwiNToN, Ky. -Hev. J. W. Waldrop says " lUown's lion Hitter greatly relieved me of Ki-uvrnl debility and mdiye.stioii." The lirst theatre ever opine 1 in this country is said to have been tit W liliaiu-biug, a., in 1 ..'-. ;ki:atit iist ivi:itv tim i-: i n-, for Ciuighs, enlils. sole throat, bronchitis, laryngitis, nud consumption in its early stiige. nothing equals Dr. J'ierci's "(iohleii Meilical Discovery." It is also a great hlood puruier nnd strength restorer or Ionic, nml for liver complaint nml netivo conditions of the bowels it has no equal. Sold hy drug gist.. Marwood, tho Knglish hangman, jtist dead, iie.f-r failed l!nlm I '. Never failed, ihi,' Well, periiap ho didn't lull wasn't he connected with iherii-ia n.-tmi ol a good many oilier. A true assistant to nature in restoring tU system to perfect health, thus t ti;ii diny il to rutiidt disease, is Brjwu's I lull Hitlers. Young ladies should not forget Ihat (ioliali died from the i ll'ect of a hang on lus forehead. young, niiildle-ngi'd or old men, tuifToring from nirvoils delulily or kindred n licet mil should mlilrcs. wild two stamps, for large treatise, Wniii.D's IUspiinsaiiy Miiiiti ai. Asso ciation, UuUalo, N. Y. A heavy swell Tho orenu. Wat.tfbhobo, S. C. Dr. J. M. Klien snys: "lirown'a Iron Bittera have given universal tausfaction." Tlie boy who bit into n irruen iipplo reuuirked, with ti wry face, ''l'wns ever thus in childhood pour!1' wii.'T'K !avi;i is ;aim:ii. Worliiiiil nii'ti will eeoniiiiiiii I.y eiii,loj . iliT lr. 1'ienii's .Med.i'iniT. Hi. ' I'll a- tut riirtltivo 1'ellef-." nml '-(lolileti Mi',iu-d liscovtry" eleaiis llm l.lood and sys'iau tliim ircrcntiliT levers anil odu r serious dis. eases, and curiug all sorufulous and ulhsr b tusors. Sold dnvggists. Tito most prominent mnn in tho city is the ft red sweeper. He tills theptililie eye. ON TIIIKTV IMVS TIUAI.. TukVoi.tuc llmrCo.. Marshall, Mieli.,will Hindi)!'. Dve'n tVlebrated l'.h'i'tru-Vollnii' Hells nnd Kh'Oti'ic Applitiiii'i's nit trial for 3ll davs to iiieii.volinnoi'Ohl.vvliiiai'O ullle't 'd with iiervou debility, lust vitnliiy and kin dred trouble, uiiiiriuiti'oitisi'i i' Iy nnd I'mii pldn ristoratiini of health nml tiinnly vi'nr. Address ns above. N. H.--Nu risk is in curred, as thirty dnys' li ial is nllowi'd. The tdiiL'ijini' lournameiit nt IS d'i tiD' i Sullivan and .Mario ilidu't pay. Moral Kil tiinoiv boja pii'fer the pistol. ('Iirolithioncollars nnd rulTs nro chetipest in the long i nn. They Wear longer tliim any nl Iter, nml oil pave cost of wnsliingi "lie may have been a little crooked," re inai keil the iiiidertaker, inoiirfniilly, over the ii inains nl n had bank rishier, hill I Slavs I fall sliaieliteil him." Voa would two St. r.ilrick'a Salve if you knew the good il would do you. hick frost is Ireseoiinf the crops. rne-.sT sn i:i-Tcon-i.ivriiiii., f rom sel-Hod hi. is. i. n th,. ,w!aiip, ,y ('nsivi ll. Il..z:ir. A t o.. S.V, Al, ilulc'ypiire nml KWi. t. 1'nt'i ins "I "have ninv tr.k. u il pn C r it i.i all d la l 3. I'l l -..-n ils- .'. l.ue it rnpeii 'i- In nil ntli.'i' ni'-, t'.iMii.n iivsi.s. tne,., pimple ,i louyi, sl.hi ran .1 hy using .lump, I TiirSonp, nmdi' l.v C:.sn.:i, llaiudA I'a., New Vuiii. When n hen rel re for (he liiglit.it is itiite pi oi er to -peal: of her n a loosier. lion. II. ('. I'lossninn, Jersey f'ity, fiivsi "I i i.Heied with iheiiiiiatisin for yeiiis: m. ti ll!' to leave ihe house for month: tried almost ioiu'lhiug without relief; finally loo' lr. idn.oio's !(.-(!., vvhidi foon i-uivil Silver is the fashionable tnetiil -save in trade dollar shape. Tliiiiimtul I l'" Timlin mi'- The propiietoM of l .e worl 1 r novviied C ii o'.ine tho tm'iir d Hail Ue!o;ei- -u-ori' put n' 1 '-s tli in l.' iHgiilloiiR ilt n lane. '1 Ins id.e- but an idea of iis iuunmsc d, m ind. A.liioiidaeli Mm ray i soon to lecture on American il. voice. Atli-r Three lln. Mr. CiiMtti W. Moi'ias, " l''i g!e" oll'ee. 1'i'l-a'.ehl. Ma .., write. Mny '-'.". I'S'S: " l'i r icU'tal lemali my wife's niother i Mis. Amy I'o.i . e h i. I In en in a veiy r carious e. n i li.ii vv.ili d:o. y o- l r g'.t's ili-i a-e o! ihe ki.ui.y;. i.nl hiving ii-cl nil me ln.il- t.:;,! m. ,-tir. I..r In r re-tm-ntion in the hue of In altne'it hy our lendui.' .liy-irian. nud ki.in.y;. i.nl hiving n-ed nil me hod - .-.lid haviiu- fa l. -.l I.i I er.eiit I er, hi r ftinuly de o. .!. .1 ol sce.llg her relieved, and gave h'-r nr. 1i I ii. llappi'iiiiu to run iieros ilu ti s liitu.iiy of fl M I . Havvlej , wh i htid lieelioi re I of siiii lar hid liess liy u -ing Hunt's liemeil; , we ai once rocuiil a bottle of it, nnd rom ii eaci-1 gi- ing it ns direcli'd. After it-nig it three da. slut was h far improved ill '1 she roil I .oi from hi rind lo her chair without I'.- -i-t ..nee i a cir.'iinislnnce thiit had n a hap- ene ! for months'. I'r.iious lo uisill,' it she Wis lioul I.'. I. more or les w.th sliort laeilli. reauiriii:.' n roli'luiious fanning o keep iu r aloe. This gradually unproved as we ivn'i1 II d ill.' n-eof Hum's Item d.v.iind oa Ihe fo :rili botlle she was nl.le to set up all day. She was bloale 1 terribly in both limbs m il I md) upward to the lung. The 1 n il ,!..) Ihe liloaiing left her bowels, nnd now she I : i:it s.v. .11. n iil.ove the knee, lb r kidneys Were vi r.' 1 a I al the lime, discharge l.e tig (it a Moody eh iiactcr and emit! ng a iekei: ingodor. I can say that the eliiin-.o in her en-e ha-1 oen wonderful, nml Hunt's lUmu !y I as wo.-ktd a mirec'.o in her." O ae of .lersi )'s prettiest wild 11 iwcr- is call.-.! ii.oo-i-hiiie. Satisfactory K. lilrnre. .1. VV. iin !iii. VV :i.....s! Ilrauii.-I. ..f Aa-lin. T.-., in.', "I no-1 a IniTi.il.iifc Or. Win. II til's UV.satn I i t' .. I.e.,-- f .r tin-lout j. ir. an t lion (.'in I a mi . : ie a s -lalli' nii.il.rni.-s 1 linvo i-.-fr lii'l ei my ! ...... , .i I -.ii " -. I'..! In nn. I i'mmi l'.,:oiini.i nm. al li ... .- M r., f C .fi."; .n. IN. i .isfii.l nm i.tHKr. I.y llr.Crei n' Oivjii niilr l llilli-r 11. 1 rial lo. I t.-m.-lr l..r I-l.'I'oi. ItHii-lv l-i ! rf- -:i at. nil ih-.r l.-r ..f l!n. sr.in. , .-..ra,,,:.. s-e,lTi-ari.i.:at.rrli.tl.lUlt.'o..,.n. 11. i.-.. iii-'ai' r.tlli. rll!- Ki'inlali nn I lie llnri'. Tv en'v '.i'.c cent will buy this I10.1U nd inill. d lo be the most perfect work 011 t le ih-i a-, a:: I C iie for the Horse. Ad.be Hal'. 11 ote Nevisoaper Vnion, L'i to :'.'.' S. Ib.'u'.a) mi- e! for a copy. A'.oul Ihe only troiibli that come Hingln are I'u-sy old maid. hmUm RE! Rlioiimatism,CNcuralgLi, Sciatica, Lumbano Backache. Headache. Toolhaclie. oie'!l..'..nl.lrlJln..t.prnli..Hiul. IIhi-ii. Ieilil. rl llllc.. AID All. IIUIHI lllll'lltt l-" ""'.. p.,1 1 i,j .,..ii.ti ., 1 i...lt..;rr.I.. K. 1 .11, ll. uit. eir,.eli..i,t m 11 I .aweinc.. .a Tiir. en v in ks a. viiiairB c . (Su.-. ... Vw.tLt ) lUll."""-. M.I-. I rr Sinicululors. R.Lindblom & Co., N. G. Miller & Co. u un.l . I naiiilii-ri.f l.i V('!',, y. CRAIN'&nPROvVsiOM, BR OK ER. VI. in!,. rs ..I nil .r..iiiin..itl Ceilili-i l.t.-lian,... Ill N. .' Veil, . I'le.MJ.i. Si. I.IIISH.1.1 MillVililkee inval".l nml..! w.ro i.ri.wi. I'll,. .v V.i.i,. Will '' u i.rJ.-r nn.nr J-.'IHIU, til HI I. ..a ii i.nl i r-i.ii-stiMl. Shii.I f-.r e.reiimr i-oti- iliirn, ItoliT. I.IMMII.OM 4 l!l.. ft nFM.iKiri-oKnrsT hooks m aoi.ts n! I in tin'. Iii.-lialni llmlirr. Iliiille mill Ui I Hem en. -.'.. l'l. i..,i..'i-r)l o lj- li'.-' ?(" 1 "i!'"iL' 'i IL ."'.l'??1!!. .l'ili.''i-i.!'- '". rDIIII)ll miMVIIsilK V IIAIIIT1 niri'il UrIU IVliil lii.tm- willlii.il ihi ii. II'.', "( inr II. ttUm wm t ree. K M W.ioi.i r M n u i.iii' ini" wniiiin ei.'-i. ... . .:.!. ..i.l.ip. I.V ,:..1. I .r 'i.r. llll'tll IV I1IHI-.I. 'CeoNilMT I'lllStlStll'n.. N.'WlUry,al. Vilely PAINltSS CHILDBIRTH. Full prtii"il m tr,..'. A,l Ire-H J. II. II., Ilox IOI. Ililllnln, N. V. nl Ki-st ,.;. i.h rwliur-l il .,T ri'.ll . 1 1,'SAI. I'lail.MIII so wO IMt f..r llliistr-li'.l Cnliil-.g't Sii-.-nn liinntii-s. s-n Mill-.'l r .i liell I liKilli i'.Mll.l li.t.l llllilrlll''lils. A II. I .i...,ih...r. I', nn .ill sum An i i.-n'nir.il VV Vii k. I'j. TinTITI rWiim "'if. F..U lf..nrii- V II K r IimmI.t- Kew Tnllur Vi.l of l.lltlliri.nill.illOli aiMIUI I II, I io.u.ll, O. ftUI.. , n" ! iv .1- ll'.uiH. s,.iln(,j,, ,v,. on ,', frrta $ai!l it. i A.llri.slin-ll.V I'll.. I'.iol.n.l. Mb. io. M,i. 572 I m i- ii . it Ii! a i.i nt Ii..iiihi..i-i1v iiin.l"- I'o ,l moil tri.,. Aililri'st I'iiuk A I'd.. Anienitft, Vl, l-inniiint. I'rn "i of vl. Li! A Ml lit i: Mh.k 1 it Ii-I i Battle 600,000 Volumes, the choicest liter.. ture of the world. lOO-iYr.e lV.:n-c?i:0 fete. Lowest prices ever known. NOT Mild by iti'iilt-rn. oi't.t forcxaiuiiial.cn I) KFOUG iiiiyiucnt on tvi.leiiee of pood faith. JOHN II. AMMl.V. l'ubli: ucf, IS Vcsey Slrret. Now York. 1'. O. Ilox 1 - - 7. x j TH I'J 1 A 1 1 V. What a l.u1e the little child is in the d.m-.estie f.int.r.iy ! . How the mother gives oflicr own life and s tren-l!i to wwotl t.ic l;;o ofher blessed little youngster I 1 low the child kicks, and laughs, and crows ! 1 low the child grows, and is heavier and heavier every c..i And yet she lifts him, and tosses him, and plays with linn, and .-..- s care ofhim by day and by ni"ht. Is it any wonder the rr,,t.ier breaks down? Her bark aches. Her stoma, h fails her. I Iff liver i bad. I ler blood is thin, and hhe s .vj t,!-.t f., 1m ikhm-Iv. Y-s, yes, r,....,ly-v ry ,-ily. (.ivc muthtT :i b nl-i JhiK. ns hon lUttn u She in t ds tin- n-it mi W I Io-kI. v.h:- h i.i -t v. ,1 i.ut there. .She imiet luive trmt. r :-!'.- wiU be a i-..r.itrmt d i.i iav.il 1. Broun' s Iron Hitlers helps woni ai.J weary woinca i..t new lc, cheerfuloess. uwi viaor. Tell all the mothers you knw. I (5 1 m 11 ,'wy,r f W S..y-py v VECtETABJJjOMFOMD. s m i: iv,-1 "uro For nil lbo.pliiliifiilC:nir'.:lirii'M! Wrnl. nc-ce u t-uiuiiian to ottr bi'M rvmuh- iinr-i.-iili'in. A Mi'ilirliiii far W'i:it;n. In', rli'il I'jf i.'guiaa. rn-'-luil Iy a '.lii-c i. The (ir-.!s; I l -oi 'ry siti-f lie- rt :rlrf. "rit r?r:- -i t'" i'-- w! i j :;?:: '. I.ivl :..r.it-.- nnd hiria ..' tV . r.:e i lit i M.i'o. ri-. sn-'..-:! ity n llrat.i1 Ha I!. :. i'.r-' i -notv ii e.Al l-i'irs tDtha ;a . I' liaijuntii. c loi-ii U. fw.m.u tim Ir-.rS ri. a. ..p ;o-li'T n 1 1 iwr'.) snii'i l..;'C. t "iTIij-dclmj Uso It an I P.xirfK4 II i 'Co'ii T3 It ri-'ti. r.iill n o. H. I a! -i -. . : -itr-yj Mlitn.l i fi.r f!i!U,!l.int, .lli.l r !l v.'i w i:a .ot Iho :-.r. !l.u. Iu XI it '.-.lillT CI li'j: i I f ! . 01. I' V. l-is-illll. tii;!.l ti l In U... !i... I) n! y ;: -o c-1'r v 1 1 V Iti u-o. Vorllil t in e crKMin-r V ;'. i!..' ' of s'Uhcr tli! 'u:u;niui;.l t itar.ii ai-'.i,t. imn p. riNKirvvi s ttronn pi'tiiFiFii wia . .... I .-.! . -i : t Ih.hi. i ' th . ..I " l ii r.i. I -o n-.-t'i ( i Hi - l.iu, at I1..IM .u,i..,.l.i! -(.IH I- i I'll N'l'.S'i. P .tli l!n f.ipip.i ai l ir; 1 .'! -vl r.ai.1 r nrc pn-ri1 It: iit I: i ' :: A. '.'. . Iy ii. Sn:'. I", io-of it!i.-r. Si. 1- K !. .. f.,.' I '.. 1-i ia -,i'..ii in tin fenn ori .1. r.r cf 1-u-i : . u lot ! r (I i-rtt f..r..ll..r. M l I', it.lieiifi. Iy -..-.: '.II iwrtu Iwi .iiy Ca-l .j..".1. rUiati. K,..!!.li- i ; .iiiH'!.l t. V-,f ,.!!v lini' I M :tnJ7ft.TI't R I'lVtflttMH IlViilt llll.s, Tl. I .-.I.. I .11 l....ll.ll. l.llKMKUl.4, jiJluiri ley i.r ih-lit. r. i.r. ! i i.. ti-s,il,lly all lirii-.tnl-ls.' . 0) n n t; it . r- -u, ,-r,rjv-r-r,T".'W! .t'x I SAiJ-iSn-&SSSn j M fil Survival of th g Fittest. 1HLU0N3 DI KIMl T.i VL'Al'.Sl Mm I ia. A HA Ml I'Olt tM 11V U illMI Ol MAX AM) ltt:V'sT! THE01DE8T&BESTLIMIMENT EVER flAI'i: l'i A.VIKIlk'.V. SALES LARGER THAI? E7ER. The M.'Tienn Mnstiitur t.lnlment has I , I. ....mi I. it- tleei Ihil-iv flvi- M veins i I'a' I" ol '! I iniu'i-nt's, fot largi i- liiaa ever. It ritres when hUR, 'Ian niul Ilea!, l'i f-ae loiiav arc other In. I. an I p.'ne: rale t-Uin, tenilon nnd tint- -, lo tao Ml bono, fcohl l-yiiiywiitio. i Ifl CCUBRATIB 8 ...,',.',,.., 4 . . ,1,-liantH itu loiiell II I.Jt.r'l Stem... li ll-lli-r. ii I. i-,,ii I ..U i'.ifii.ir. bi.ii o... li. t lenird) I I. ,1 . i. o I ... I nU.-it. A n hii-aii i.i rest.iraifl ttii- slri'iiiilll iltiihitil i-liilliv nl .'is..ilr in... nro s..i.',i.tf nn ,! r I lie ,1,-le III HI IHM i ..'.' Is i.f ..1lllttll ill-er.ti-r,,, llinisttiiiiNr l tni.lt inv.iti.m.it I e..il,-...ll Ull. V,.t nin Lr u i. ...-.'.s' nil. I IVnl ITH k-.-lliTlll)-. Mason & Hamlin Organs. New Illustrated Calaloirui , I lu y. 4to) for m-jmui of ls.s;j in, Indiiio; iiiaii)' new sljles; lies) assortment ,,i' the bcsl anil umst allrarlhc nrauns we liavecvcriif leri'il.an.l at luivcsl Jiirps,ti2 to fiioil.fot cash, easy j.nv ineiits or rented. Sent free. MASON & HAMLIN ORGAH AND PIANO CO. Iliislini, l'i Tr ini'ii! St.; v tirli, '.d liut Hit ht . loea.;.!, II.. VV..I a n Ai... Payne's Automatic Engines. mi jn H WrS..'M4lC v- m ftr.t-.F ltrlulli. Daral.le mill li.i.ni.-fcl "III f-rnlih m ,. ii.,fr in '.hHJu'l in. I .ilfOi'ii' JsJ)?tlM3KE5' H. II. tli qiiti-te l, pVninW, lU3ili, il i.l.'e.- nml bltnnl nn.l oulv r.'nl ia ftuievvir A ili-1'.i..s. . s. .1. ............ I 1. ..i. n I .hr-..., rli.Mitiiiiii-in, it-'Ui, , in!,-i: ., ii.. .Vtsf i.-.i. a nr ttil ., a i-. Il-ni ! h p.- le.s .':e. ling .1 - itli-i'-.w un.l .ij-s.-i'iisn ia ; w i n L.tmsol lu'saiiilr d,"r.. tmh :' l.il.'wei-t -ti-lire. iB'I niiin ili.ry.Dl.t r. 1'i B n f.-r lo lion.tr d "I l. 'i. 1 1 i.e. '. . nn il wli.v le.d I, a I in in n oo tilien !. r.iii-lv t taii.o. Ii irmli'M. .nn n n' to lr n i. Aali in r driii.' el i.. ks i it : ii lm iii-!in"i " o I ! n.r.r it-tu tii'lliimo-li-v. .m. A Jim. A (-,.. Iu W ilium l, , K, Y Cured Painlessly. Th ltinii . lil r n n ll iii iuteml . f UierOft n, nni oun.l iiK. A I I"' U"l I v -I-l M-fi n. ii." 1-ur lull .,iri c i: .M aililr- ili lil.rovrrrn OR. S. COLUN", La Po;t. Ind. AGENTS WAMCD .'.,f.Ywi,".w Kirn'J llllll Vlm-llllir i'W iai. iili .1 Will lit .1 ii it "f M.Tniin ei.i lllil l. "lit Till', i-iii'in'i'l.- "I il u.ini.l.-. Il v.,11 .ill-. Itiot :t --r. il an Iv .ll ii..-, w cl, f..iw.ai'li l'i.-,- i U.v.iys n i.-.ilv mik'-.. .'vii t I.r cir.iii.ir nml I. it,.. .. t1,- I'llaai'iiv Itil.llil .tlai'liilli- I n.. I a I' -.-m i'il Mi U 'i. $1,003 PER YER.:,,V!.1.;:. '..;:; is. il ill i a l . I'.-Mi-i .in I or -ii... in.; Iit lik-.iSil-,i-r i Istrac-Aiies it V...si v.l'.ev t'll'liaihiii.i''!o PlliliSix I'r. fu a I, w.'.l . ire ... re mull. r.l.2-': tlie BookSa OPIUM MIST