V-'i A - ' 3 (l n::ih:tm )i Thursday, d '.:; imp ek n. iw. S2" Hahy Nkw Vim:! i 8T- Farewell to Is-. t! l"3y"Turn over ;i new leaf ! MBT Prepare to write IS 4. ftfiPIlow did you enjoy 1 hristmr.a ? KST Don't begin the iuw year in debt for your paper ! JKT"A lot of new blank dc Balo at 1 ho IIk.'iiii: office. for CQu Go to j'ynniu it II. 1. n's for your Christmas (iooils. Tney liuv. a full supply. t&" KieciiU term of l!ic Superior court of Monro coiinty iil lie he'd uest week for the trial of civil ense. SOTWe (uko pleasuro in calling at tention to the eill'il of our e.-lecnieil wiuntA'iniin, Mr. C. C. Ilainlet, uho is Htifl with Mr. J. V. Galley. K3"Mr. S. 11. Fen-y. the instruc tor of peri!ii:iiishii at j'iea-riut i. i i-e Acailouiy, is .s"ie1i'.i;v th.- vmation at liis father's near t'lie.-tt-r, in tiiis county. flif Hardin, 35ros. V 'o. liave o-.i hand a nice lot of lue-;;i.'s. ,li r-t Ac, also a lot of one nil.', t. ii.irsc Vayons, which wi!i Jm soi l eii ap for cash. 6aT"Tho Xew Anierican Sewing Machine. Xo. 7 the !!. sinii' nil... n -,. lightest running, most i..!..;,. a:,l cheajeKt Machine, un- sale by V. il. Leonard. ... ler"Mr. John W. Hutch has had his . election to he held here, on the oth Merchant mills thoroughly reiiaii cd. day of .laiiiiaiy. is of intic.h iinpor and is now prepared to grind both tance to the cilizers of this coiinuim lueal and llotir iu tiie b.-sl manner i(y, and we le.pe the ipiestinn to t):t and witiiout deiuv. i voted iii-.'ti will receive tlm eot...si,W- - JTho attention of fanners is called to the advertisement ifMcsTs. -i. ii. u .. . :.. .... ..1. . .. ,-. u.i.i-u iv owns., iii a:,-...,' ......I..... The reputation of their .Phosphate is world-wide. Semi for t -ncuiar. KSylt'.'ad advert isemeiit of Car bonton Hieh School, wlmse principal is highly r (iiniiin iid.'d by the lie.;i citizens of his o' Icoiintv. t-.ec .iiniy of (!o!uinbin-rona-'e. and is wort :.y ni pat- W .) ".-.- y.'i. commence, and n coiiinieiii ,' il; ' i'.-'.' London's ani set I due iiitn. eit'fr All old !i"t'!i;ri: a . fore new oi.es a; n iiii's:i. ;-o i,' yen i credit 1 ct.ise.t c.il! ic c !.!'. !; e liUVlii's ,.i,s P-fOiio of t! to ri-iit i'.) !!:.le Wntilon's l.es'c. art gd'tory. Y large and s;i! picture f itiii i--s ,e, .,vi.j :. !M a wit. chair;. house oini cornices, c;isv uients Ac. ri"Hai'i)V X-w Ye ar to you nl! '. W. L. London takes tiii.. opp..rtuni.y of thanking his nnny friends :m-l custom, -is lor th"ir kind les-', and iili oral patroiing-1 d ;: 'iug tie.' p.'.st ,":i" and holies they will c.i.iiia'i" it, ibir ing thi'i'.cuiiig year. ! v.'id try a i 1 do his part both iu fiirni- hing a com pleto stock, and giving a:! a.vomiti datioiis he can by s.prire dealing. A C .ns Cra.osrrv. Mr. C. M. Ya--l)or)Ui;h. of Cape Feai iovush:p has presented the Kk .'eiu.'s museum with two well developed ears of coin in the same shuck. CoNiiitFssMAN Cox ('o:ii-!.iv.K::rrp The Ausou Times, whose editor is a clerk in Congress, pays the fallowing deserved eoiiip'iuici.! to t''e iupiv Heutative from lids diss rich "Gen. Cos was a brat. and battle worn veteran of the -Lost i ause." and has won iu Wushingt-.n univ.-is-nl esteem by lib; dignified and nnti iv bearing. He rep: esi i.ts tic nieiio politan District f tiie State, and though the success.)) of e. long Iin.! of distinguished pi'cde.a s. he fills the chair wiih honor to hin.;.' !!'. and with a marked d-vmiou to the interests of his coliMitiiciits." ... ; messenger was uiiuiciliateiy sent lor j crackers (luring Christmas we. I. Infkkioii Covin-. As will lie seen in . the coroner, and soon a crowd of ex- j This made some of the harkeep. is in a not ice published i.i auother columu. ! cited inaglibors was assiunbled. digiiant. and Saturday, it is stated, a meeting of thu justices of I ho, L'pon the arrival of the coroner a I Ihey distribu'i'd t.veuty-live gallons peace of this county will be held jury of imjucst was empanelled and ! of liijuor among the crowd and also here, on the 122nd day of .tanuary, viewed the dead bodies. A few wit-: large quantities of lirewoiks of all for the purpose of considering th. ncii s veio examined and because of kinds. A regular pie-nic then hega.i t i. . I :..l.: 1 ..'. ..I ':-... , ; . .. 1 l ,i. .. . . .: i ,i. . i , : 1 a . :j. . .. ' (JUCHllOii 01 auoiisuinjj our iinerioi Court. This is a question of much importance) and every magistrate, i neighborhood, and named Lewis i ar-; W4.re deiied. and when thu police at who can, ought to attend this inui t-' rer, Fred. Johnson and Frank Me- teinpt'd to make arrests of violateis ing and vote for the best interests of , the county. v will not presume , to suggest how ihcv shall ote, hut 1 will be pleased to publish short com munications on the sn'v.vt from any of our couutymen, who may desire to express their opinions. Ki'iiscitiUK Now. Now is the time to subscribe for the t i i-::: i b; ( ciise you have more lime io read ii. The nights are long and it is a lciM.ie season when j-ai cun sit down by your liresi le and read ai! the nows oi the day and thus keep info; iced as to what is going on aroun I you. During the coming y iir the ;M- .i:n will 111! espi'cia'lv ii:'eie ti:;g a-; i: is the year in which roe e'ected our Prcsideut, Govi'iiiol', ( ong.cssi.n u, L(gisli)iure, and county oliiceis. and cverv voter oueht to be informed as to the issues that will It. discussed ho as to vote iutobigentlv. 1 h" ltEcoui) will endeavor todiscuMs these issues fairly and advocato the adop-'. tion of ihose measures that wo (hinL : ! bunt calculattd to piomole the pros- pefity of our pi-opie. Will not our subscribers urge their iicigl:!).iiB to bubstribe for the coiuiug .)ear ? i ! Ni:s:-I'M F!; TT.!.!Ti.V Y. It H Clisto'l! .iry r.iv n. ,v( .t'l ;j o !ui!iilu 111 i ii! in mas and (Mint : i iss.'i, and cui.'-.i 'j-.n-nilv there lire vry few pub lished (hi. vivek. The IL e. to., how ever, n ver omits an issue. 1nt is 1 'i! Iliii-.ln-tl e,ci V Th.llsd.tY US regular as th dav ei.na s and never fails to inn!;'.' in weekly visits to its ninny I li'i's. We iii,p!'Ci:it" what n dts- "I'I,,MI " "'"' -li.i .Jill ,.iii -ei i'"i I p a wnom woe'l WlltmiH tut U' paper ami Itn S'i'li it is issued every we. U. year niter your, wii'i 1 never n.i omission. We are lotli pleased and promt t.) m.i'c this. he i 'ails; liiii . t. ' linnet can say tlm same il We Ilill).. Oil!' subsCribiM. will evj!n...s t in ir apjuci'iHtinii oT our i rt'.'ortH hy pviiinptiy renewing and; lindu.'itiLf olbcls to Miliseiiho. i Giii;isrMsDsY. M.f.iy licarlrf. Initb ' old and youii. were fail of disai) pohircd l:oU'S wlien Chrisinnis morn . v.Ms usiinred in with a dreary rain.; v. iiie':, c.i ! a decided ditniper ujiou ; ai. aniiiiato and iiianiinsJe cro.it ion. , and sadly nut) red -o ni.i.tv of t!:e an-, ue.iiii.uenjoui'nis o: tne icsuvo : riKIi T., nn., Mr.,, ,.,. day. A few venturesome hoyn deticd Mny i-h-Ii r .y y.ir .i.-In nuui'i' nf ih b.-p, , tiit rain a:i.l the occasional poptti hih- i 1ii-i:i.ii iiu-ir imm., iii.-ir i-i.'ina-tin r"- . !of lire crackers made known their '"' ,lls ',-r,r' '" "'"i"'""'!; " i n--Ipresenee on the streets. Now and (;k":,"1ll,n um,B-" '"r '"" """' l" 1 1,., 1 1 i '"' ill. 1, .1 ...... ,. 1 HIIJ.IH I.U BCl U i Kilppiu;.' kUui llliou the m,idd' tail ' wa:k li.il Hie streets jeneraily did 1 not remind one of thocrowds usually , . seen on t 'h list mas D.iy. A'j)iojn iale I .icrviees wire held, as iisuai. alt tic I Kptsc; m.i! cliurch wni.'li was iuor ljcaulifu'ly and tasi. t'tilly deeoialed , than ! Lave ever lie fop seen. Ma.sy , '.xid dim. els were eiijoycd nild the' I'apjiy re-iinions of fiieiid.-i and iein, '.IM'S rendered the social festivities, of tlx day elvecdii iy plcasitut- ; Toward; sunset the c;oi:ds l)e;'an to; ,. , . , ..,!.. I-'- ' ' 1 " ' 1 i su'' ' '''Vl'""'i H'.i ie..'ir.iiig day. ; Tuk SiMiK Lw F.;.K;'Tio.v. The , at ion l tint, ils importance so iiiitoh j deserves. A huge majoi it.v of those ,, it!,i,, , I,,, ,.,,... i ', - 11 ' " ' : .- ,;lV(. it.rcaiiv ngi.stcicij ami it is : ( lumgJit. that nearlv every one win register before the day of elect i- ill. Let everv voter lvii)cn.'o..r Unit he . . ... i must l.gisier heluie (lie day ot elec tio.i. or iic cannot vote. W- since! ety hope that tin- advo cat..: of the stock law will n su. i's-fi;!, and if they are wo ilou'o in a !' w ye.tis liieir oi.pou. nt- v. - H. At lei-:t suc'i u.i- t sr. i iel:c. of otii. r coiiiii.1;; '' . sc-1 i hi, law. '1 ... Ig.'.t 1" f:i!.i i'll" :!!' -!;.).; ,... f.-.i l ri :;:',: -i. , c. if !;e 'i ts ;im 1 any ,t, iiii'i'ii its advantages aid bein ; W" a.i:i.!l !'; .! Ih' .e arc. many ' ii'i.is wiicie it w-i..iid !.-t h pr - i'i 't'l'.pt I in- .s'.jeli Ian, !)!:' We mi i.iiuv,- oi any i inn tin.', w !'.- ncie beiief.iV.! Iy iis ad..j d-. .111.1 : loo .orv or district now ed. ..I. i. M'o- ; A U-Ci;. ' uunrnvok.-d th:'.! v, !:-iv ) Mr.;, and ilia . The most ilical iiKi'de: ' of wa-i i-'iiii-in last Su ur- nutie.t in tins count v. d !.:,.;h t. Tiie vi.-.im:- oiii woniei, and a iittie jjiri. Mrs ' O.ivo Cunt,-, nearly '' years oid, , ' her ib'.'.ii'. it. Miss Jane, about (, and h,rgraii.l-d;iUghcral)out iSyc.irs old. The two v.ii.'iieii Jived alone , about four miles soiitii of this iiiace, ' id. on last S iiidav iii nii:ig, Mr.1 Baxter (' lii:er. and wiio lived a SOU 4e.,it f th disi. old I'tdy iii'i! from h"", v. nt to her house an 1 found ids ns.'tii.'r iea.l i i one Oe, . a)i.t in an D'her his sister, ii'id lying by her side was hi-i lit-I.e daughter (who bad gone llu-e to spend tin: uighO bare ly iireatlitng. lie at- once called in some iieighb v.'s and what, a horrible n: in '1 tiieir eves : J tie women s IicmIs weie badly crushed and gash- .I. tiieir brain.-: oor.ing out and their I b (.... s)uctii4'd on ihe bed clot lies, ! and both cold iu death. The little j gir 's head was fractured and bloody, j but isbo was still br.'alhii'g, though J unconscious. All of them were lyiugi 4)ti llieir sides iu a natural sleeping: position, and apparent !y v. ere inur- deivd whil'.! asl(,ep. Nec.r the gate : was ioiU.lI a blooilv axe, '.vl.vii un-; d.mhted-v was the instrumeiit of ' tneir deaths, i here were no signs of robbery, not lung was missing. A j iin: suspicion. ejci'.n'.i oy tiicn t'vi- denct. three negro men living in the; Cienabau were arrested and confine 1 1 here iu jail that night to await a 1 further examination next day. Next ; day the jury of inquest met again. ' ami. alter hearing all the evidence : tlial could then be obtained, decided there was not sufticieut c.tiine for the fuither deicnlioii of the pi is. i.ers and ihey were accordingly re i I. 'I'll- ji.n v coiiliuiisd their int. -1. -ti..;'. ster t".y but could m. - . sidii-.-iciit i-fide!tc) to jus'iU ' . of any one. but "mili'iiei v. I out" and we co-.O lent !y pre. lit . Hi lt a author of ihis most inrocious ' .clii.ie will y. i be i ".iisicted. Ot co'ii:-,.. the pcrpei ration of so shocking a murder has sent a thrill 4.f horror throughout, all this section and inn produced intense excitement. We an; pleiv.ed to hear thai, on V("-- ti-rday, tiiere were hopes en lei tinned that the little girl might recover, and. ' if she does, sue may be able to clear up the mystery. Pieces of her skuli wore removed and her head skilfully ' trcc.aiiiied bv Dis. I$udd and Hanks. ; It is thought she was awakened by I the murder of her grandmother aud j aunt, and. as she raised up her head, wad ulriekiiii with the murderoua ' fieudi .1: a ( i iin" our quiet ami Pli'SiSiinl Wivlll'S. Ai ' l,n I inec-ltu: "1 il, f. U.,vi.r wit? r-.-i'l 1'V Vr !';i'sli..r' f.v--etini t!io J. .1. .l.u ki. ii, v.-tii. Ii at iir iiiiatiiiii..us r''i.ies ;is r.''.ie' "f Hi" iin i ii'i'is i.r iiSii .!eu..i,.. lu lail'lls'iHii;: I m tin in. ni :p(r.. tin- Lyceum III.' ly.'eiini i W is !'" r.'B.l, ;,., w,il,n-iv mi t.. mo t'l.-Hnnri" tiiie.'.i. iiiriuM 11 ever In mtii I. 1 (, .n-iuiv l. tvii . An H..r-Hi il ! .r . t i..euy t.i ilul. r, lurne-l ever "fli'li l i.t, .-tllliictl 11,.' ti'Tupf Ii-.m I M j;-.ii"l III.- 1.- I.uiis.'ii kvl il.'.. I.ii.i av Sinno w r.' sluTi. oi inn's l".. I'.'ib. H .!. w.'i i. i. mi mii I i..r.'H I. ivlil' Ii mi;M It. Vt r-.iiK. 'l in n liiirn ' I i'iiii'i.iii''iHiil! ti'i'.'iiiu v I'l. ii.--.. Hi. ui.' irw a lv. nlliiv III' Ir WHi'. H. ..IIi.th daliu- liis ih'lr ii!U". Tli.' ri'il llf'ti'M In ilio .ky. llu'cuii.!, wiliii'imn wiih K"li, M U'.in.'. 1 1 knew all l!iln w.iul.l l ('.'in l lu tlm liK nun, or "Tlic II" 'Mil'". Inn In! .yr fin Ii nf un vr'iiliuy till Pslm.l lu my mil.'!. TIh'IimII lnyftr..iii..r.ia.:liliii!! TIikkiiiwUvii was klui. S'. I K.iw i , tlm Hi'nr.'li, !. I 111 n f.' link"!, rhyriii"., I will Rlvo I'a.'I. my wl-.li f..r t(i (.-'k..! ('liilntnms i N,.x, ,,, MM- Ij4W ,, j,,, J1W May lil . ft' rm r..r "Tin' llmui'" Iki cMniml lih hii.:vm.. Ai.'I may II I. .in; !! il.o T" til.' S,',Ti-;:ity M fXli Am! Ili.iuk- ... r llu' ! ri'.' iic.ioh hiiii.Iuif.i . .'in- a. iii"si i!i'i'.';in's, ,r.' bi. luta givt'ii uur ' Illi'i'liluT:.. T.i Mr. mi l Mm. L"i.J..n, mucb t Cliri-i'.nias' .mi.i ; clutr. I'., tlip ;a; . -.un i . i-. j . i -1 i:y, ninl 'j. ili'.ni a liii'i.y ! ii. yen : T.i Vr... mi l Dr. H.r!. nriy ili.-lr llM- v.r 1. iru. A;.. I Hi" lr n! w iyn m"'t u lih un, .M-.-ly "iii'ivli.K ' tl H'ljolll'll." ; Miiy Mr. .'iii.l Mrs. W"ili k'n i'iiji ..f li.i,i,u'." li Hh."l t.. ii... i rim; H.,' ,',,i:l,l II I iimr..-ki- Kl-i, Ih. v liuv. l"li v r.:.--. ..,.! i.W , , Mr ., st1sl.u,.,.iui..gw.lu.wc'ii.,u,..ir ! T. T.'imnl.. nii'l Stt.-.!. -limy j..rrow in''.r rn'.ei tin- : nt ili.'lr .-..l. Mr. mu) Mrs. IW, I li..(n tli")" n- lion. Mny guy, Hinllliii; .. nty In. wlUi tli. 'in Uils yivir. T..( .il.nu I Mrs. .Vlii. y,ili.i'i.'i.tln'.'siitilii.si'iis..ii T.i Mr. K.ui Iiit a:i'l imnlly -.'wry l.i.sslng wliMu .11. : Ml-V ,r'4' i-r.-w.-r navo tn iUy Snl" c'''' ! tin-(jr-iaS's! i.r J..y. Hli a iwuvublr fruit lir I Mr. IlnuIir..!! i ' in, "l.lki' Un' linn i k, tlmi In mhl mvnii lirnvon Tli.- war i! wl.lrlwlii,!-, mi. ,ltu Insli ut wavin." : T.i Mr. m..l Mrs. II.'ii li.'ti. i May tl.in:i.riMiuiwtllo brim tli.'iii many Imi'py li"iirs. : Kiirr'imi.l".l liy tln'lr 'lii.li'i'H, an t ilu-lr l.tauUfiil I f1"W.'rs. j T llmfltraiiir..rs tliaL hiiv.. inovc-I ariitunl us, : V iv sM'i'i .'-.ii'.'iii'ii. i.i as. un I th.'Mi ii!i-..i- isii 'iri' r.'iiii'l iii'i'iiv. Mi I. e.-. .".-''r I'.-.irli., In I- lu -lis :i' I'll '.irii' .:.- Ki.'. .', : i.!.,-, :' , ii,... n I .Snai.l.-, ni-s i, i.v..- i;, I N. si.-. T'l-:,... I a:i-l Inn Ai.;. i il. '. :i,i. ..I.. ai. i '.riy tli.' it.r. ii! r.-.u, ii .I -lil l .'ti.'iiu wi:h us I, -hi' i-euiii, Hltll llii-lrintlsi.- :.,.-, wuhi.ul piiinls'r, ;e ;' -y il; tu.;.r--v.). , '.v. fiu'-ei' Tliu C' . ii ; . To i;lvi' ..-4sir.- s. il' 1.;. i at..! s..air. An i ii",v t. in.-Kin- i.-.i ; lu- lu-rry; tl." in .m.-uis a If ihs-ti('. -!iiu,ii"is ',,:!!,., - iru.' I".' iii.v-'. i iij 1." Jiy ius mi.! I .v:i h', Ii'.; llu' S'-llir-i'ii-si iuni ,r"lii l.-silll.' aui! i;ity, T" ir -r II. ;iu-t i,:.".s. Aim: ijv -r l-l'i.-l: at y..'ir :.-iv!isr!ii.i.. I. I !;V" -i!il!',i i ni;v .iii'i k ai.y Haws. II "!',- Hi; :'"'ir sl -'liiiif-, ..i.I Sjnl.l Clans. On ' i !i 1-o. t la llio t'.wn, may every I.I.' I III! .l..h.;iu I 111 l-,!i l.-.H. fl'.'lll Rlllle, II. 111.' Wlrlll lit a Mi'l'.'l lt ilei 'h News and Observer! Mat tlwws & 1'riuce's cotton gin. near; Chalk LeM-1. Harnett county, was ! burned last Monday. The loss was j total and there was no insurance. An i en.'iiie and saw-tuiil were all saved 1 Dr. John W. Page, a well known ' Citizen of House's Cret-k township.; dropped dead Thursday cvciiingahoui j S o'clock, just as lit was retiring. He ; was al the residence ol ins father, Mr. j Aiid"l'so!) Page. Dr. Pace's age was about 4o. and h was ihe youngest of j eleven sons. Yestt rday afternoon! the examining commit ice, .Messrs. i Wotuacli, Piirnell, llobins. G;een and Temnle. eoiniiieted I heir ex'lliiinntioit : of th.) books, coupons, warrants. ,'.c , ; in the State treasury. Tliec.xanihiation i w.i.-; Ihoroilgii i.r.d sciirchh.g Every-' thing, down to the small' sr voucher. I for the treasury department, as weii as for all the charitable and penal in-! stitutious, was found to be just right. ; From a gentleman of this city u ho returned yesterday from the: town of riockingiiam wo learn of si-! rioiis tiouliio al t lint pince last Sal ur-' dav and the nit;bt of that d-iv. It appears ilia! the town authorities i u-- bade thu use of litiw..ik and lire- ami ine place iis siirreu in us ecu j tie, wo are told. The authorities of the ordinance, they were set upon and beaten. Ouo olli'ter was attacked ; by three men ami quite lal!y hurt, The row continued until far into the night, at inidiiight, being in lull swing. Last August a negro man who eloped with a white girl, the ; daughter of Ml. Alex McLeod. 4,f Moore c unty, was cup! 'tred. br.etgi.i ' ' back li- !l"ys"i and lodged in jail; there. '"lie of rial 11egroes.it up- , e i! -,, l, came in.ligi 'int a' the f.it ; , of ilio negro's beijig in jail and cc-n-siMi'fil to release him and destrov certain evidences against him. even if h id to burn the town to ilo il. A week ago a lett'-r f.oni amgro from rvthcr placi loa !v'yssr neer . was discovered, and Ibis gave some details of Ihe plan. The tine lix", for the liberation of the prisoner an I (he destruction if the (own was last Friday night. A close watch was k.')t and aimed men guarded the place. Of this f ict the conspinilors .oust have become informed, since in. a! tempt bus vet b. eii made, .bum s Lassiier, a negrt) sj-id to bo the ring- leader i:i the uihiir, was aires! ed Sat-( urday and is now iu jail at Hocking- ham. ' : i lea of bv ,1'.; c-t . . ! 1 1 '(' j iK i- ui (Mituly ! tint lVr'in:!:! hi I'm" Foii'-t. do Il lit !! l.'iid.-st i'f l Ilul)!'! : forest. IfoW sil.,e:ii,;i' it is als'i to see that thin spot i" 1'ie midst of your etherivise ah'iiid.u.! i.,iir. St-.p it at- once I v ui" us," o, lvi.-.'1'a li.i i' li.il- sai-.i. l'or ac'u.il elHi i. i:e,- tin., femous aitich' ha:i"!s at the i;.-;ui . its cl.tns. r.ic..'rtiit for the toilet, delirious iu odor, mid restores ti.e oriiiiid ci!r lujuiv or faded hair. i.m imicul. IIS a bllUT. Ol'Clll .liiil tlpjiticilllull keeps tiie hnir an ! scalp in perfect order. p-N..tl or .Wtl.!. a-i'l iiwrrl'ip" (tvi). oi.lui.ir! -IKI'1... -..VOI, Cl llis Ii Illll. At th r v l it in'.' n( tiv- iTi'l'V ffiUi'T. '.'i tli.. njili Iiiki., I'J C. i;. J-lilin. Ii. .1. I'., .Mr. TiloMts II l'i:i TY in Mlirt Al'l.l sr t: mills. All ..f eli'H!l.i:n ril.IllVT.'N -IDi:. Du (I,. '.''I, Sun: . by )'... ii. I'. M'..'i". iir. I.r.i.is I' Iii.i.i si'.'.s tu Mlw l'Miv I'm... I) WIS. KX t'i;t;'l".l "'. N. C . ' . ..ii Clirli'tu.-is i:v', l-:i' U.'.'ii.-I, ls ,I.(1. ir el Iut Hije. ll'l . I' ll .;i!i!.!l llili"'s ': Iidk in ilie M'V.jiity lli ii a es a a v s . l;i-ii'.i'i('.l f..i '".ii; r,i--..iii iy .N'OKIM.-i. WiAlJ it TAVr.Oll. nit. i. I. as .t commission Mi;ii( HAMS. M. U l'X'-!iiiiif-i sii-l N". R Miu-lln Sih., U. Liti.u, N. e., Ii"'. sii.i r '.'5. I vs. COT tt)J 'JAIIhtT: li 1 Ml l -lllng, Mi : iin".. Sl.l. t l."W f! l.llllR, Sutllis, - wi.'oM-.s.M.Kiii:.)! -i.vy MWVT- ! i-""i" iiiilk.e lls .'s, k I ni-; sh'.ii;, . : i . illil.lf.s- il tf .il. , 17 ', i l' n. I-!.. r.-ll !, 1'.' I li'i'-i rniMily, Ii. . C,- II, ..-.) 1 Sill. I, : u.-.r.r. . r l.ai-ri'l. I I luuv ; Hrif ;i-i : i ii.) j i.i-. i.e. liii ! l.ll.'.T, 4J j I'i.i.s, :i. : r-.i-u. r..v!, .2 ; Cili''k"IIS. I'.'i-ii. 111.-. C..iuni''ii, I...s, .i.'w', ari-iv.- ,.t it.-'ii ; " ". I. .r ..un I Tli.'s.. .fl"i' r,. f ir Ir N'ew Aihoitisrii'.f'its. lllFEiilOR COURT. X..I1C. Is linri-l.y ulvfii l-.at r nii'iiiI nf tlic Jii-.il. 'us .if Us' ..'i'.'i "f r.i.i ii-i'ii "lin y v. lll no h.-l I nt 111" .s.ii-i li,.ii'ii'..r sal I .'..nut;-, al Vt ..'.vK-k M...H ln"s Ky Hi.' ."Jii't 'lay ..t .Ini.uari, Ism. f..i' l!i.. I'lit-',".-.- .ii" I'.'iil.iisiia; lit.' ,.!.'stl'.i ..r .s.'.ih Uiiuii.u llu- ii.'l.lltirf nf !iii l..'. : !'.i Curl In i-oi.t cuiiiy. A fail ai!imlii'i..'i Is .l.'sin l. I.. )i. r.XI.ISI'.. Doi'. V, ts"a. 4tB. Clerk, fc. CARBdMT0NHI3S SCHOOL. I i:.S;.I.l'-l ; Second ' ( j.".ssii Ai. ssinii (.:! .M-.i'Ui:MT!CAL. is l.in. 1 1. ISSt. .iti". It- iic 1 is i"-r ii- '.!. 'ff KPN. V 1 V. -WiTi!- T -, I "f J p "J V, 7 X. v 15 jZlti.li. IRALTIJ C'Tir, N. C, DiJY GOODS. NOTIONS. HOOTS.! SHO MS. If TS. CI.OTIHXG. AC. n'-vAU orders wi1: receive prompt ! Hllentioii. I I'.-c. r,, '.-si. i vn. TUK PLASTERS a FARMERS Iu nnli-r tLtt our pl-.tit i.e; 1: i;'U!is tiucuyii'mt t'-.i Siiie i-.ni Vi i'"i'I!-i t ri.t'iirc u,i r.Hn AS RrTpc IT sues u&i ti i PURE JiSSDlVED HAW BOIfS n t'thT -11 o-sfrf'-'.-V.! . -Mf t-s i rv-i.ta1:', tw r.! a i i uk'.m. ;t r.it n i-i"-' f.ut.iny: Ihh-m--."ImiIi l'.'riili-;rrpt itl' m-!ltii;-r ;ii -t: 'UVtl'T f . '-irriT tiTiAsn nt tun iiif.'o.Af.i: n; ii i . Fr tlii rotiT-p.ti''tif"r .f n-;r r tit: rn, i t,. ' f.'ishc,! ;, fir,,:! i.i :jl'( Ail nclt'r- Kc.-t i i hie -i i.M-rc r-?i T-i N'i.i; tl ri'u-iiMi: i i -.. Si f i j rrl'.Th t, t:i" 4td i ; .ti't .i. : $u-tut VT Ill'lflflltf, m If -.'iffMr.-.J 1! iiclliitHic. tP"V.'tii f'r our i'jt;''ii .-ivi iull .Kf.-i'p-t;-n iv.-l v.-!-!-.!...:,!,. r.r r r r 'niid:; n! Ift'tintl of I'imi. ! rcii.,-iit. ts,vn fi l'ori'.it.hi.-o. Aittdi d uil iiiij. .;ri..-. a: a . ,!. r t . RrCS! .O"5 m-i isn'tTy ct PMTirriu- .-.n AUllit !., KftLt !M-..t, BXMci'TOb's' NOTICE HA V- i liu; ii.'illtl". an lie- i.,i'iit.. s ,.f Tliii"ia S. i).,W'l. .1. --u'' 1. ft.' li.-iyS jjiie u..l,'e 1.. all ....'- s- lis h"l l;nr .'lai:ils ialll-l --ai-l leeoleul !'. e.v liii-lt iheiu to iis .'ii or ue..;'t' IS., --ri i : t mvi.t li. eemi., r, ls. 10I1N A. imwi), lli-i. '.'U. is -..)..- I'.l.U V. . O. HOW 0. MIQiriCACEMY, MALE AND FEMALE, LAMP.SYILLE. X. C. i Till li.siiiuii'.n N plwuanily i.liiiate.1 In Cliai- ; J f m V" ""-".'-'. V. . , i. . W-- V t i " i r w - snicesviii. ani !.. mi .i-iiu.. i .muuari. irm, an.i e..uiiiu" i.i week- uiui.-r tin.! u, :eke lessons is vi us,i r. ..rr.sT.! i tut imiii... i))..n:' , a.-...i'.i r.-!i-ii.iii.'lii. . rales is i" . .1 ( 1,-r f'.ii'l r 1 .'..-' "li !.! t" '.!.. !rii..'l..'U. E. .1. i'OWlll.i,. Principal. ' 'u- V.-ir. Chail.ai.i Co..'X. C. ' i!. A-L. il. 11-; DELE. j i -I.e.iv.j I ;n n m alia in I r, a in H .1 a m CliAN'tiL F S"in- N.i. 1 -1 -'.-.- liulel.li, (' I v, Al. ". ll'lt.il.- ! I" ,S I It""!.!- I- -' .' 111 I Kevsi-I " ! m I Manly li . Ill 1 ftUH l '.' '.' t 111 s,i:i: , 1., u. n, ; i' ..,. II 1 , i'i t M ,i ",i 4 I". . iu .a 4.i: it m I fi ;'i a ni re I'. Jl H in l : ills 1. l- J III nil " mi a in ' 1 vt n m '; ti a iu llnielf!). f .Illll III K.-y-er l'4'l.llll ii -' I, .111 I ' I Jl II j Anne llalllli I, I ." H II. I ni ll.'lll.le Mil C. C. atel ail i. Dili,. Tl-u.ll jue'1"!'';;'!1!!! uie uhu utii ' iV1','.'V';;?lVi'ieui!!e,mu bii-m.i, i.:ii,-i, i.iii.-iii at .'...hi a. m au i rriv ' '' ' 'mns c. wivpiu, s.ii.i.iiiii..u.im.. eM! .'.iiii'i'.i.'J'.i , ; i i : r . roil i;; .,:. an; ir. ih ;:n-m., '("in. fi-imk.! ti l-npal'Ie' vh i""."1- i .a. v.i-.. mi ! s.'i nu.j.h' ii."'ii: ' wli 1. , T-'llllt' In it.' ' Hli I :im, i i' , l-if.'i-li"'. ai i III II .' .l-UIV ' 'Him '.-t itrj ii i.g- in-, fi. : U I'llnmry .-!- J i i- :n; ."in- - "r ! i: .l.iii. il. 1 I..H--I e. I nv.k u. .-i.ii..-. A.-'"i.i:s .1... , I''T Ml.'ll.JI. ' T'll'.l"!, ln-l II. i'l"l.',-s ,i. ! 'llli.'ll'Bl. J.i "'. au. lux I ..111.'-1,1 Ih- S',. FIRE! FIRE! Ii? in daneer of hci'i;; P.FIFXT any day or ni ..lit. It -iKts Imt liille to iniiiire it HCHTH CAR Q Li MA HOME mSSMNCE coaiAii.;"'-i;PV;:!?i;;-ri's- and Tivtiini;' e!.-e von . au rail tor. 1 Ad ViuiNof r;,l joriANGiis. appl:-s i.!:ro-.. All . lasses . at reasonable promptly paid of buildings bisured . r.'it.s. ami all losses prudent i.lld lilslil'C III tilile ; He Wiirii- d by the biiriit buildinM : ( f our nciiihbi.is ! i II. A. LOMKO;. Agent, ; l'rnsi!..i;..'. N. ('.! I D'H'CIKl'rT V". 1KS3.- .lm chatha!:couhty!" Ml Vc-niGa Spriajs Acatoj. ts.'11'.lastlcyi'iir mm 11 Tins Tliiir.-.'lie. hi Mi.J. w';!, "i.--. liny. rniir.'Nji.'il. ,i.'-'t l"- t.-lit il 1.1. ! l Iil 'Ii:!l , l.nn,".ia-'-.- ;.;"ii, i-ii'ti'i'ti 4.1..H. I. .,il'.. We .!-' 1 1 i -- -c v. iil i'h t..r I1...SP 1 1 all. 'ri-. "...i -Ii ., c,ili..i'. . .in-, iii-'iiiiil '..aiiiuij!. F..r i.iirtli iil ii'sa'lii. s " o T. I. i' :.is, a. r. ,l'.:::-s. s. D.i'. in. is). i nni'ij i.ls. --1 ii i.i.' Sy nil ! ,' l' . J' 'll l'liltlll Su i. ! !; ii' , ;ii" i.nie ! g ANI At h;. , h- , . i :.ii's:...i . SAi.il '.y . fiiM c. I'., ,S'',.l. ;.''il'i'U!: FAYMTTEVILI.E. N. C. ' Have in st 1 ! HI Co. iking Stoves for d c :.ii. which we arc lifil' Lifers' . rices. Also f j iei i d ..nd staiiiped I both woo l i : riling at ?.( ;a large siocl ! TIN-'.i iu-. s i' i ; k i n i s ami n.r: s. .a i - ' AMtl' livssl.i ail. I COMMON SilrtKT-lUoN. ; sijkki coin l:. sol I'l l:. ;.. ' It will repay a.iy cue in want of these goods to fill ! and K-ee our stock ; and prices. 1 Fire second-hand P'i-ANi.vS rii.i.s for mi GF MM Favettevillc ;Cau learn something of gr a! iutpiTt-i ance to them, free of charge, bv ciiiliug at " " The Red Sign 47 mil 2 on ejxxsst. Also F.F.F.F.F. ;';. Fixn. Fi.Ksa. Fisr. Fascv. Favii.v ;:;OCKKIPS : v a AN : li'-al pnrpi' fo! 11. SCAN!. FM N. A;.'. riMi.i : N. C p; yy?-! ".v c f t n T n ny i l i ' Fii I'lire Hi'l it. i well l-i .'".!l V I' -. N IV Y. li U.i HZ -li.-.- I '. Hiltl;. Il, . -,!.',! Ill U.i I 'H'V nt ('"ll'.lis. I 111 U.i' mat. 1 tukt'It t'l ik, h tf( H. OLIVE Al FA, IMC. i'. lss.l.-Jli,, : :Qii&r.7?X Alaivvar &i.M&--k. LAM 1 1 i o,k Si U V ft y to p-1 f1 S3 ! Ml '1 .j I rt ft some I t:-i now ri llrJ ' ,' his , LONIiOST'S vhcri' h" will tii.i!t: I'H M-plcrs k Cnristmas. He will ! in, , mil',, u. r.' Ik .'v,-ry v.i v.-l-li i iil ii: Ii' k un:ll Clnir.t. l l 'Sl'if a " 'MA M. ! South 1 Send Chill Howh j I oNiiiiN' in n..w r -lv lt,ii IimII'Iii,-g.....li air! j 'I'...,.,;,, f,,..l, 1 ' J can i.i,'nni. ,i.i .m-- ,u j 1 '"'l'1"- ''ouK oto-C, LL-!. r.OOKS. j Gothic Air-Tight Cook Stove, I C'Tl t:JST.r AS r.Uri'w, j Harvey V.'. I'ace's Celebrated Circuit? FllOTOiiKAril am - ArrOGIlAI'iri Sawn, 1 :r.'l-!',M.1'. V n '.(,,'.,X. . i,Iell,y lion's Celebrated Circula j .1 !'AN'i:s!' ..'DS. j , ,il S' ! If f !5 (is I'f'i.'SI's DI-'KSs.fVft I Dominion Nails and Kefined Baf C v.i:.S. SMOKfNU SKIS. CHINA ANI iLs.sVAHK. MA-TOLK'A U'AI'.K. VS. ToV PISTOLS. WAGONS. FKs, lMtFNKs. DATKS. l!TSiys. (Ti'lJAVTS. ClTifONS. ( i (."( a n i ' i s. :, ; : i i-;s, n i: i s. CAWI'i) CO-iMS. 1 1: '!..;s. i'lAt: api'LI-x T( ) M A To KX. ( ) VST!'. l.S. SALMO N'. V, U F.I ILL. L.r.S'J K.iX. SA KI '!X vl i N .VF.ATS. v.tiis jji ;f.f. o r m;:al. ilFClv A ;H;aT r?, .; il. L1.'. ;'.Yb'i !'. Ki. A'! 1 K, c;:i stai;;- i. kxti? :::s. s;1!- :,-;. cm:!:si:. C'ii ii '! !!i!S. i '.i 1. 1 ,S. liEAVV liduCKiHiX i LONDON' S is the be t pjace P ' SKYWXG MVCJGNK. Jl . i i- ,',.,' lie. lis J tl h !d-.M. .l.o.sj0. ke..n,rlic l.AKt.KS,. j ( '1 i i ,.1.1 I a;. 1 liLS'f assoi tnient , '' - "" I LON'i )' v j s in 11. e now i I'.lll'lt v. illdllceuielit.s to cish cils( i iincl .-. i jLOND'iN k.". i',.. he,! li:a' efi "'''.I CLOAlv.S. i '.... i LONDON has Vg lot nriJilllHl 0 )t)i.S. i III" on 1." ed i ' l; 1. litOX'S ir ll'l'-.'1' d . tm nt 11 kl i it ::!. 1- : 1 .- n. (fSt-KS? ttfl-, tS5ft fIf -.??! n:::!-'i r 1 ,r-1 u iri itii.N i.-iv-'w i vPi'iajviii.-.s t-:Kii . v.-,. i '..uri'l. I'.l 'ii ff l,ft K-h V-J riiiK'iit tf cvmi ,t!!t !.n I in : 1 a- ! arii' l" r ;i,:r.s! I j A I i Pi ITS: jMOHSlSoi'P.. V.TLTOX. i AXMiNSTI'.lt. I SMYPN'A. PllFSSELS. fATTlN'OS: I lain ana Fau-v. la , 11 tT.-,-.-..! ,-ra,l. I III "t-S: n lm.ni hi ii. a'.! six-;-, m l latest ileslpus. OILCLOTHS: :y i-f .nMt: t.t- In ail u!-rii fr.'tn 4-4 ! I" w . S WOOL J'iLAXKKTS: An .-I.-..ei. as- i us a' - :.-. 10 4, 11 4, Vi-. WOllTHLNGiiAM LACE. CllETANES. HOLLAND, OIL-SHADES. SC111MS, A I'Wiililtilt l.i".s. S'.lue'liim; entf,'.-ly new t. Cili'Siliis lu li,.'eaii ,!.iii Hlyl". TAHLE DA.MASL. CAPDINVL DAMASK. CUEAM DAMASK. WiUTi: DAMASlv. CllASH. DAM vSK '1 OW't'.l.s. DAMASK DOYLIES. Tl'KKISH Tt)WFJX F.MilLO'.l.-KKLJ) TIDIES. M AHS'.I! l.! N. M ssiN s.Ciil- AlsS. sHiirnvcs. t i, .'.-I. r i, ;, s i, x, lu, n 4. vt i. PILLOW CASINO. CJ aiel 4i" tin-lies. M .VXTEL LA' 111 ' 1 ! ' JFI NS. HAUTSHOIIX KOiiLLIlS AND ITXTFilllS. FUAXK W. TIIOUXTOX, .r. 7 .v l North Hay St.. i'A m i 't iiVii.i.K. ?i.c:. S. SNKKTZ m i'AYi.'n l. ILLil. X. C. 1 Fsrritnrin Bealeis and Uncertakers, ! I IP i s!' i. : hand a'' sii" . ma; t'a:-Let.- aiii 1! . si ( criai are ! !; ii Fa :-!t - , :ini ana lu lls' in..! lni-;i !. with I lie : V. 1 bis !i in t!..' .-r!. t I let mi ; i'i gi'ea. win ti I ' (..!... i Cost. W. will take! n ing you around. ' bay ol' lot. I i ii e.l aud mad j a , at a very small i I Oei.-S FRATiKLUfSVILLE CHAIRS. I t..r Mi. sale i f Dieis.l a.- lie.) l'llSK UtlK. ilia-li" I'V M.-ik. l.ea.'.' is S..11. ai-.l 1- .1 l,e .'.V Ilej l.u- . i:llll,n'V lllul . llANSUil. A !;ew I..I i.I Mi, -HI lll.ll v.. L. LOMJO.N. ifi tz 'jit tl n Ait The liewt. KELLKlt'S ntTIiOTK) AND FE11TIIJZIKO Give it. a trial and be : jnUATN I vinccd t.'.at it is the only perfect drfl I on the market. I Wo nro Factory Agents for the j Il'i'tfi'stown Horse Hake, lion, McMiiyhiu's Spokes and Rims, Stephen 'ilhutl & Cos. Leather and Gum Helling, FnirbanJis' Scales, Van Winkle Cotton Gins. WHOLESALE DEALERS IJT Pry Goods, Fotiona, Boots, Sks, Sals. 0iobrellas. PARASOLS, LEATHER, AC, ! Agents for Odell Manufacturing Co'ii a ; "Forest Hill" l'laids. Cottonades an-3 'Seiii.dess Ha.'.s. Cedar Falls Mann. ! fill-luring (!(j'H. Sheetings and Yarns) IF. A- II. Fries' Salem Jeans. J. it P. il.X II. lues Sa Cm Jeans. J. JkV P - CoatM Host Six Cord Spool'Cotton. i A r ... i nr. o 1 .'.veins ior .Miison it Aauison a Star F.raml" and other Fertilizers. We keep in slock a full line d mi which we offer AT WHOLESALE ONLY. ! : - oai.ts v. ili iind that they can buy i.' i m ii , i-i,: up from us, and on ! ik-: t. fi.is t);aij thev can bv ;,''-) ,r j-.nher North. Give us a dial and l. cwivin-ml rei i's),,,;,,. x. c., Ang. 1. Ifi83. KOHPJH, WiTT J T1TI05, GBO0KR8 -AND- G2SISSiGIl WilS, 1.' t.v. li.-iiii.'.. l iar,. j j;,, ,8 t Mm HALEIGH, n. a Vi- take (.l.iHuro In paiiiiur tlioaumttnai Mi .'liHiith, liliiiieri. ami FariiinrHUiourlwiwiina ' ""- '"' tll. Our U',n. f as lll..'1'al lie nny i.tl,e' Iiuiihf In Un. tra.lk W, make Ui.- sale, if is.u,,., . , ... i y..-,ir ii'ii-iciureiiiB. will niAks AiiTaiMM mm isain.'Wlieii.ii, - ...!. "' AC'lilK till' !',,!..,. I !i"sl.u!eai.. Sioiu ,i o.tl..u llnw. XOIIRIS. WYATT A TAYLOR, Se.letul.er 14. ISM. S.SG5. 1883. mi. i imi & mi 220 FAYETTEYILLE STREET, i:LEIGII, N. C, LEADERS IN HARDWARE of every description. SUHDERS' SUPPLIES, PAINTS. STUVKS, GUNS, AMMUNITION, ind the largest stock of SPORTING GOODS ever in Kalcigh.ut bottom prices. Call and examine our stock and prices. Satisfaction Guaranteed. I Write for Descriptive Circulars. Don't, forgot the place, r.!J FA Y ETTE VILLE ST. 1 Ics Elai-rh. C7 7 FAYFTTEV1LLE, N. IT.M.r.K 1R Groceries, XIardwaro AND ( i F.XERAL MERCHANDISE. ( -oosi'iiinicnts 0f Cotton, Floni V( soueiiou amj prompt rrturnn .. ,,.,.. ,,i,..l Ocii.bi-r ai, 1MKJ, F

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