THURSDAY, JAXr.VfJY ... H. A. LONDGIJ. Urtilrr. KKSl MIMi UOHh. Aftcrthfirolaationn:idenj oymonts of the Christinas holidiv;. .yer. bodv .... . . .. . ' flndrt it rather uk'somc to f-furiii" work and n ttle down itito tho oU ruts :d regular tontine of our daily duties. Hut the lio'i.lilVM havo gone tbo world nrtin moves on with iifi busy bustle and strife andtiiiitioi!. lid ore long (for the months flit by no rapidly) wo will u'l be looking for- ward to another Christmas ami :u; other now year. Anil thus wo drift along the current of our lives, mid are but "Rnipiy (iuWiIm m Itic rM inin ..f tlmo, P'ira ftlld forx(. ti'h ltiMilsnli'l In AM hour' " A WOKLirS KXI'OMi I UN. Tbo proposed intfiiintional imposi tion at New Orleans pioiuiscs to be quite ft itiri-8s. One of iis a,;, ids, a Jlr. Moicliead, has recently vi-ated our State in ordei to secure a proper exhibit of its products aad resoii.Tes Our Stat iioard of Arieu'tui e ti:l prolmbly luiike an appi opi ialioii for that jnirposo at il.s n. xt nieeti.-i";. Ti in understood that our otliibit ;.i BoHtoil will bo liddod to un.I sent to NtiW Otie-aiiM itftor la in- i '.iii.i,t d ill our Stuto exp.isiiiou tiel fall. It is Htatcd thnt Hlaokwfil's li:iha;i 'l'-. Imcra Company wiii i-xj.; i d iu';y thousand doiiars in maki ;;;.-ir ex hibit. 'J'he Jjeisiiii nr.' t.i' S, iiiii Cnrolinn li;i- tipproi-riate 1 t -n tho-i Bind iloilar for tlio exiiiliil. of that HtntP. The expo-ill- il i', to open IlCXt Deceiubrr n:id v. i.i no d iii. be attended by oiowds of N iiilu-rii iis itors. Rl'TLKIt'S t A S)i i A ' V . Notwith.-.t:uidi:;u' I.i- leceiit .ef, at for ro election as(5ove:n-n ol .'ia..i fbusf tts (rem lJutler sti.l has Pre-i dential aspiraiioti -. anil may yet piovo tnublso!lie to ototf a.-p.riint -i. lie is ery wealtl.v. i- u man of imilrin-r Mifre-y and of remail-a.n' nbiiiiy, and withal is unscrupiil-'. in the u-e of fii money and l.ii.iin-. We .,ave re ceived a Copy ..' 'l'a.h: r 'ii.ilNil'iii llpel"v.hieh has It ei-nt been i -.1 ".. lisliud in New York city ami wLo.-o mile object IS evident iy lo eh Kn, ief Our next President. The copy .-c;.i on (and doubt ies.s . t,t e ery . -di tie in the I'nitod istatesi -.! iln , u pi -turn rf iJutler ;nd a .on,' and ne. si ulogistie biography of niin. !ii Aauie for President ami tl- ' ' (fen. Boatman, of Texa -. for Vi.- Pre.-id- nt ire pi inted at- the I:' ml of its . li'ori:.! kItiraii a:nl their cUims wnmry .id orated. Jin- we hope nr.! b-'i-vo. that all his efforts will be in vain and the people of th'! ('lilted States be pared tho disorace of having such a man as Beast Hutier as their Pieti dent. on; fokksi'n. TllO pel'plu of North Clilteitm do Hot appreciate the va'ii" of their for fflUand the importance of preserving them. We are plensed to notice hut Our State Commissioner of Agricul ture, Hon. Mont ford ?de(fhee. is bringing this mittter promiii'-iitiy to the attention of our fii'iuers in a Series of artw-bs pub'isbed in the "ilonthly J.iibi tin , u p' rioilicai isHtied by our Depart ment of A-ri M " Tl, r.-t- of Vi.-tl, fViro. lina are not aurpiis.sed by llu.s(. of any otln-r State, either iu t heir extent or iu the great, variety of tii'dr titu bern. And doubtless it is because of their grout extent and variety lh-u their value is so little anpna i.ited. Every year our farmeis e.ear their "now Kt"ollild.s" and thousands of aorca of valuable trees r.nuuaHy cut down, rolled into pi'e.-. and b irnt up: Or split into rails to build ai'. I n-paii fences to protect the crops aom the depredations of half-starve, cattle, whose value is not one h,-'f as much as that of the fences bail: to ke-p them out. In many States laws m . enacted to encourage the cu!ti;ition of forests and money is paid for planting out trees, especially alone; the public highways. In this Mate. ti however, tite trees bordering on our ( highwavH Boom paiticu!arlv iltioiiit il . tn destruction, which inLdit iitford a moat refreshiug hIiiuI. iu the sum mor. Not only tdmuM our forests be preserved becttiise of th ir intiin iu,t 1,. ,.f ii.i, beneficial eflVcts upon health and ! i- , ti.,. ut.i...( ,.f ..i.', cannot ho given too much attention. It has been insinuaio 1 that tho and Commissioner MeGohec is doing; "tp.iostioii was jmppod," but wo ore good work in writing it up. inoiiiie.l lo dono! that. '1 lie pro-.vs- sion, oomi t s - of four buggies and A tOliUl'X'TION. 'about a doe!i on liers b.i' li paraded . , i , , i i'i in -ipiil i-itre-'i-nndi-i-tvhipand spur loan item copied m last week s ul,, .pping frollt f a limuin from the News and Observer . loading st'u tin- i'in.K was taken ahowiDg tho valuation of property from i no boy and the .si -ret divulged. in thia State in 1HH.'! it nbotild hav been stated that a considerable por tion of theso figures wore obtained by iho editor of that paper dircc from the countioH and in advance ef iho Auditor ' report, and for whiek iournalintic enterpi ise we now take pleasure in couuuendiug our oiiti tu- poraiy. I'tdsoiied h!i Lts'i:. l'r i ill"' liRtM;-oihtvit. N.vs ieeiivcd in th" cii v vi f.f'tti.'O i.'t 'riiotl of 11 silll!!'!! It! '1 fatal ooi-ioiiinjj affair tlmt ieei!i-ieii ll-:i:' 1 ! -iV Dam. lit I nun county, last Sumluv iinn'iung. !c..u!liii in tile d.a'.iii-r Mr. .). C. Mursb. a young i-i-vier. i'fl Uiea'liio I fnt, i? sh !iie.-.s of tin wore. i if l.i -. friend . Th" pari y oi.;.iii:-d bv all liint were, by , . ;no .lnn.-.-.e!:;! -.ii! me-in . impregnat i d will: si : ,i . hi: ice I: Itl'l :.!- th.l! OI1 !:-l S.!': lav I : i liii: Mr. M.'t I:. nei-oMpu-m-l ;. f.-.r TVf.::ii- I'i top-mi. of MoigiiTiiott. and M.-ss-s. .lanes i'niylin :i:i,l Keote H.iiir. of Monroe, went out to Mr. Miiishs ;irv homo, a shoit i ii-t riiifi1 fiont PeaviT to spend l.lie d.iv. Mr. M: i in I livcutlv e.ieip'et -d a tie v re-.ii leiii''- 'in, I win p.t, I MiM-.!: ii it for oiv.ipinoy ly himself mid wife. 'Die putty al I lii lit (lie 1mi:i-"i ill due til.M' l!id bi't al.f.l. t ! ill" ; pie plied for theni. tl.ey p.lo e. !, 1 to h it - n,.,j cif.- s con -tiint ,'1 one ol tin' mm ot tins .nr. Marsh and his fiieiids partook iplite fn.vly. Short'v lutef eatin.' t liev Acre nil ii Mo'.etitiy sick, an.'i il . As t he w hole o! thecrrn -jowii m i , . vi l.-nt Ihat s im. ihii; was sn:1 in Michigan. 'vVi -coii;,iu. Mm wroii:r- i'lie '-vh-.'e pai'y were put ,,.,(. :l,l Dakota, added to l.a'f ot to and m.-tieal a'.-.: :-la:ice w.i. at ,;,., j,Ii1A i,i (:,,,,., I.U 101,. o:i"e sllliltil'iliel, I r. .-.liel 111 t a ri .e l. an I on making ioin.-eii' k (-lainte I with the Inptoiiis. saw at on.-" that ii was a case oi 1 1. m -.on, If.' set about lliiuie-ilalelx doi.i what !.- i-oiPd lor tile red f of the llll ' l t.inate vi'tiius an.l soon had (lie satisfaction of seeing Miss I't tecsoli .ind ioss)'s i'.o :iii and 15, air sho.i in si,'nsof iii t( -1 i-iu. lit. Mr. M..i -,h. i wr. I' a .' d to ;a.;y ,1 --spite ail i tloii-. and a iillle lu foie , he expired. Ne.l.s of tin- ad alV.l.r . nci.y spn ad and a. le-.l.t h.iM' I: "11 a ;!i,lt d -a. -t' . xcite in. ni v a- ri i ai. d. I ': . A -ii'- a:t I e e. . e I a - i-i :!;i'r t'l i i. r h.i 1 e J ne ,.n 1 U ir omblii.- 1 e!V .. i - vn-'-i Ii, it' ll for '. le,i..,o ! 1. I :. .i. I. I:i;; ti.-ree -aii' i, is. At one time it -. -t iio.i'i i ; i' u none i .;' i Ih-m . , in.-, i.i: .i:'i i-r :, i iiai- I h-s ,o ii.lpf . s;;;i , ,ii . t' t toil i- ni-v' .t ii.o Si l. '.l ! A;i 1 V 111'- .V..I I v.-:-.- f-llll. e I'.il'.-. s'! . 1 1 ' . e l'ai An Mr. An-: i'i 1 .1 i in.ii tin- ''- ' :'-'-' colli a.lit'-l l ipia'itit; '' 1 i.e e'os were pip'. li, -aver I 'am. Ill ho, I;,'. tii-'iu fioin a n i n.iti:i,.r; !ir-e, :t.,v 'in' I 1 i.i.i. f i'i th . I ss ill l'i. nielitioii I't .ii.-kin- IJtiel. oi I- n .li. . t ir. . '.!:' A i t u n. c..nt. : l!ei , f.i.l IV-o:-In. was a had ,i iv a in Miss h- 1-.. '. t'.;; liuh spie. , ill lolll. lie o to ail' lie ! ..i-.l '-. wh . .": in -i atitt o . i . i 'i lef a! iiis -a. 1 eii.inii,. T.i,-.i-.n; is sjilll-d to li.. ill-it! '.Vittl v. -.ill; .-itiiy tor tii.' iier-.-aii-il ai: i for tie- fsmi'y nf tin Mr. Maisii v, a.s to hi-i le-.v i:-: to d iv. .Hid ' -.vli 1 into for soine ; line put h.- d b-eil-l'ed ill III iiit: j,uir; it j am y. en for hilsi y oeeli- All A iti Us i hi; .j ok'. I.'. :!'i .-:ir. rp.m 'l There wa Iding near l.iwu riad in is usual i,n o- of (!,.- l.'-.y. ,;..t slid ! u. "Alter I,, ,ny h id be n i about h.i f o.-r. one .lav iisi n sueli ot-e - ion . l' f-lil'IV llll ' lite in ii ri::-'. sui.l an 1 dih! :t y'i'.i':n' man '!' on- up. and while lc was taking Lis hoi so from t In b.igoy. hitching, d.i.-iiiig pants, .Ve . !)!, i Nick'' put it- into the minds of som of tie- l.ii.-chiev..;i.s ones to ' ,'.ay a iri'.k" on l.ini. Si ent y and s-ert tly a y.ei'h. about lift eon m.hi s ntd. in. h t-i:'.y cntiVeyo 1 into a ,-,.o:a ;in i c ,;;.:. ; Iy ri, I in oi,--" e itijcs, e.eii i-i hat and v. ii. and so 'ase.n.i, -:: g . I; i - a - -;,i n: , i i niei, -, . .j ie u iince. .v is .i , li i lii.iy ii on . ,v. i i , .ice. ii i nt of t ne i : ' i : '.a' e'.t i ', i iio.g wu.s t :;(, -fiil'.y arii.'i-e,! to.-a i eiy foiina: in le'i ai i. Iweeii ti:-- ".a".- vo;ii-;' ui. i.i' i.e 1 tin- "forward yoi.-L" h, .voina-i'-- clot In s. Jn iLi' i-.:lM' of li:u'- .!'..! while all "i.-e.t nc i-ry." t!te iiitro-inelioi, to. i, piaee, all I rig'ii .t.vay "il imi; ii!.ehut cakes.' Some -,i -.'( sf-d a d. iso to (i.-.-t, uiia. Agreed jo by ii... an 1 initio entered mor'- ne. nil.-, iitio in,- proposal iiiun newly inl "o. Liced pair. 15:1-', .'ii-s. oiei liiiiu-s 3 H-iii lilhoUhee,! n ii "' a!' ca-ne to town ,'.. and espoeia'tb did the y-m:.g nan :.:. l his inioi esiin',' gii l scorn to njoy the trip. In fuel, stone of the .(rv watchful and curious ones sni iii.,1 nw.e.ii .,1 ;-. ii.i, i,;. was s.-c, iviti. bis arm caul. oi.s'v and .... n.ii-- e.,..i,-,.',. 1 ., 1 !..-..-..; 1 The court house at Mrook Ifiivcn, .Mississippi. Mas burned by iiifcudia ri(is Sunday night. A.I tue records were de .troye-l. The iiil.i'i'iial revenue collections iiis for the lu st nvo luoiiturt ot the liscal year iue il, less tluui during IUW Lot l l-seuuilltJU I'vi toil itVJl t.iu . I Tiif en. jts r iss.-j. J. P.. D.xL". Stati.sti.-hin of the A.-i io-.i'l m a! ! ,'i'Mi t in. ur. has iiist comp'ete,! pre 'mi'.ary o.-tuiiitcs of the i.i incuta! e; oos 'of th-eoi;ui rv tor tli" ye-r J.Vt.t. which Hie !,i be piint ed ii- ;t ' pco-il report for 1 1. 1 riuiu r. 'i'hev that ) .1 aloes, a., wt-'.l a i ai! ofher roofs, a.-d (ats. i,u e l'i on u oiX'ii iant.y and ie'.d"d ab ;i: iy. 'I'l.e a rn j-e yield of Porn ner Here ''or the 'I eselit year, !o.lerivs is nearly :n'.i.-:ies -or more evaelly b j !!' imi : i;n y esiiiiii1 - 7 li wliieil i.lV!it eelil. ies-;li;ili the Hverue yield for a seties oi'yi ai sior l..".il.iMi(;.S.i.". bu.-hel.-,. Tlii-i stnnds for the u.'iuiity of the present ei .iji. Tin' ij.ia.i.y. he suvs is another eon si lei Hi :on. If so't corsi is eribb.'d in niiis-, . and ufier ti te.v weel.a miiil and moist w.-iither is ba liv in- jure 1 of eveii spoi.ed. it do.-s nt change t lie fact that the co. :i was jji-imii und h:w vi-ted. It is doubt. :. true that the iiui'.ltv of corn north of the parallel of 4l den-i s is worse thiiu for many years ai. I hi inert ase i pfac!ieii:i the amount ot slioi iai i,,.!-,!.-, I l.v I loiiniui- oi b, Iowa a'-id Ni ! i asLa would male -i in.- (I i,i.i!O0 bishel,. only one fni! th of the whoh'erop a powsili'e ,h-p: eeia! i-.n ot tO per cent, ill ail ot It woili.i be eoinva.e'it to ten pel' cent, leduelioli in the value of tin- entire crop. ),ir Ii ii.ois iio.-iit n.aki the .piaiity -U n r cent, less than ati i.' race in thai State. All el't'olt . ii- b.- iil.ide inter, after the worst ciop nas been fed. to tisi Ihe ; la. lie ii prop, s . .. tin t !' th 1 ' to Vi-Vi r. ipiiia- I : Illc. "l.t lueri .i.-int.'i el is ii I... 'Ii.. i ;i . it it v a. c. a: ; d i: i-. M lc ,ii IL:.. nnlil'iiis V il.ti Is Hit t-i p..lli- e :,- i-X.l. ! I I II- h I.. is tL .i ;':; d The tl.l- I l.ll i tii ti-'i ' of CO si. i; rhe ,- l)i l : in 1 ' .. -n o Lie li'. I he : . oi'll , piau! i 1 al ii -e in Hie -.mi iii ii.,,.r d N- i.ra-ka i t; .ii 7il.i. in I .i. oily ot' a i. i :i ii. t: :. Mi'c: ,' nine I ai op.: J.'W II . ;.;.! ..f Kiii.-as, is m,,-e n I i :.- ' i.u.-v'.i.i ,1 il-i-1 IV 1 n 4': tJ i.i,. I! l-l I. a.- ... iiiVe.-1 i'-.itioli if . :.i n pi , '" -1 ; e- ii .i s c..n 1 r- i o n :: V t,.aii has , p.-sv.liie. H.'.til of lss:i. y.-artl.iit h.i.-. just ,. iiiuiber -(' Noiih C.-ito,: iiim ne- i-i tlo-ir co it :.. - over to t!.'' l.iaj-1 ity." lead wile im-n of S'aii if ej,i aiiiliti'-s aud of h , ... We .-anno; oivi . i:!.',- to r. ptod-.i'v a T!i( W.n, !i I'.U .n 'J -le Vile Ui: fop Itiilioil, : . i 1 1 iis. f ill! bin w e ai . sad!:;. An tin- dead of lwT '.v. re tl.j t : .Toll. Jo'nii W. Sliaelo-'f nd. IJev. Ir. W. T. iho .l.s. Cap;. -ph.-n A. 0..-.,lv,-'i,. .1 W. Il iiper. !;r W:,:. P.. M. f. an. Ih v. W. M. M. !i:.v.ili. ..Iii'b- .loin, M Cioiid. Kov. V.'. il iJ.lss. Col. KdMiild I!. Liies. Col. iaii.I Coli-iiian. Maj. Sam u l ( '. Ui tt. Chili a-s X. li loiins, Hon. J. T. fi.-a.-h. D.uiio! W. Courtis. Dr. II. W. (fieui;. Or. Siiiu Vt'e.tmoreliiiid. Wi.liani J? Oi'.os. Cupt. .John W. l.llis. (ie?: Alias J. Da.g.i.'i. Capl. A. P. Jllilt. Pel. L( .-non Shell, ("ol. J ,1,U MclCie. Pr..f. C..iy I), (bandy. H ni. AbiHIn S. ltelleber. lit. -i. !. Iiittlo- john. Amos I ', daiili. r. Or. M. T. V.'.lddi.!. iloll. Wader P. Pom. U.-v. Oscar I. hii-lil. Co', (jeo. Wo;. ham. Cap. Win. j'.iggs. Rev. I Jr. .Join, puis, i ;.-v.;ii ib:: .i ird.tii. .lames M. l'ooi. A.nliinr H .V. i. Kii.road, H-nij.:-.!! U. H.immond. I Jr. i- "i-ge W. :-.i,ii-"ii. li.-v. li i'. Cole. I'eK-r A. l ii. is. Or. T. !. i 'Uch l'..r i. Or. U. li. I ba ton and Or. V. W. (ireeii. Among l..ose who h..d b. en e.hrol s or weie editors at t lo lil'le of ;i,iir ieaih iveio Col. Lile.s. Ch ivies N. I!. I Ivans. ( il. (J.-oig.. Wortiiitin and Capl. in. iiiggs. (ioii'iniiii'iit I'rintiiig. r'r-'iii T.'n- i'llii'.-m' oirei.ia:-. Outin-'liie last tiscii! ve.-ir there was oi int. d in t !n t-iverntnent I .tut in.; Oliiee. by ol'tler of Coiioiess. I f. tpi.7f t iloeiiiueiils. v.irving front a i.iiir, i-oiiimitteo repoit ol a siugio pa ;o to the poiid -ro'ts Me llon! and Siirgieiil History of the War." whi.-h has one thousand p i,,es t' the im- uiiie. Fiiwai'ds of lii. ! ' volumes of "' ' ' ';' au,i s,11t 1,11 during tins same pcrio.t. The i-siio of tlie "('im-rressioniii Record ' for the: second session of the Forty-seventh Congress reached its,- "oil volumes. Tin-re were printed lii i.IK Ml copies of eulogies on the six members who died in the second si ssion ; some of these eulogies were volumes conlaiiuug l-d 'iges of fijiecclies. Of tin- report of the Com- tuissionerof Agriouit.ii'eU'.JO.dilU were primed. This hug.-oiiice, to ox cute its mountains of work, employs 2.1IMJ poisons, whose tlniiy pay aggregates , .fa.itui). Tho list of faiiures in ihe United Stat'H ibn nig tlie past year is very heavy, over leu thousauU having ot Mtmli'i'fil tin' Wniii'. One. A .l'".;itcli to the X w Yoik Her- all from lt:i'eidi. X. .'.. dated D. '27tU, says: 'On Monday moi ning. 17tli lU'-t., Willie ;iti;:iis. a white lud. sixteen years old. Wis found i- ing de.iil hour Lis father" house four teen mil s lYoin t his city. TlieOro- tier's ilioiiesl develoni I fa.'ts wliieli u'ted in the urrest vest.-rdav of .John U. Pool, whit", nineteen years of ::,'e. He disclosed t h partieiilnrs of t'ie riime. Jiinpiiie; ttie iiiit. Upon ..i-!.t...- veaisof a;e. Wiilian.s und onelo-.irire Peeb.isweve rivals for th, :,tVee:ionH of Miss W ilkins. sis. coll ). wiili.rn.s. wiiiie, who is ,i i ,. l i.i ir. ;.,, . tdcitiie lilUKblet .at. ..l:llls I .1 tnf.i f bi 1 lei bv ' I e "Vs f ith- or to eiit'-r tiio ho-i.-.e. l."i Sipiday f liiL'lit. 17lh inst.. he eonreale 1 him- self n- ai the house, irmci v . il Ii a rule, to kill I'eeo'.es, Pool i'.ilij,' near by.! A man's foi in eaiuc do,n the path from the house. ia':is tired and the man fell diad wi'nont a -ti ii0'.,';o. liha.ns thi n ca'hd I 'in o see las vi-.-tim. liie 1'ittt r tuiin .i up nit- f'n e of tho dead man. and at ouco burst into tears, ..oii'Lf "It is Wil- lie, vol .loo. you hiv- I.i l'-.l" Wil - iia.i.s then threatened l"! wif Ii ,1 ;!!! if I lair, aad sa:d i ra! a' toi.Mil. i .lav v'i, iicns i!. 1 Poo! ,ir. m ai' ii'i d a, ilii ior 'ourt. to m i was .in. jail hi l i -l.-tli I i:i It is e.sjn -i;ii . I tl of the public debt Dooohilior is about t'.e red'.ietioii ; the ni' Mill of fj.illlii.o.) I. (h-nerai ( ii ...i:t fell on an walk in New V irk. a f.-v, o and puinfiiiiy .nj -ir d ins ie; i'ls"' ..bred his ,vas -elile.-i iiupi i oniii. ioit. i le i.i -I : mii. lii.iit I ; . . V. ; I . an.i ami op.-;i .lc. -Patch re a i oner v A l.ll . 1. li mit - a !': - -e.-ilti's ...s lli' es. in ; .ri I an i ... a: l.oii ui I. Ml ai iii'-it 1 a i-i-i'i ii... i a-; .:' V. 1 1 ' I I- n.. - -f ,i..n n-l a- p. io-r t;. mis" 11 j t j;.- J IT.; !i of ins niin i ii.iiiy t iii'oiii: l.ii'l, u'l ills a Cliili L'i'S. --in- tin- l'.-.dy. WiiPc a nr. Os .mii a 1 ..' Ni .t I' Ilisll- i Wil. ib .r(i l-'i il l bv ii'tnl C.ltholi,- lli-l. t i,;h' eel; v.'i ail Wiiile a on i It i.ian wori.ri' u v -r- li;.'L,i:i il tiio-:-'. in.1' s.. , aier w, ir'ts. , i,., .' h in-,' ine -i' 1 hem. o,.t a' om-e. live ba 1 iy injure i. po-.toin-.-s !; X..:th o.pti; ,-! i-s ;,a, ii.- -n t! J. - nn. at lie The IV.'.. w Ca'o'iti i ,,f ti a l led i-.the lif-s. a-.-1 t a- iixvd ai i H i. h ; ti'l:1; Kin. ion, i--i-!i nt -i! , ii.. i-i i.- to; !.-J';. l.f i:n. il. .-'i.i. ill. a An examination in!" i ii. lilUt-i ' l.l ill o., i:,o,V. I Oe feplll used the at ' il e mad- I cebles. I and lii t' I ti l l.l ol ."sjupei in i'X dooi- t- ;e .-a-iita- : it his wife ii' ui the pav ;.s ..f Con'- J-. li. - .1- , f ;!,e Holl a- ,f !!-l.-.e-. fei.-ah, the ii.-t thai and Li- -oil were pl;u e i , .11 l... -v.-i'li the s--s-i .;.s gie- s. v in n ii oihih;: W is d and '!:.'. : i mi..oyees -,m ' .;,'.i-:i !'omili:tl d l'ies. which periililte tie-in lo ;- main at hoiiii- ltoariy a.i tin- time. Ti.o t 'ial receipts ftom internal revenue for tin firit .six months of tl..- tis.'a! year ended to-lay a''it.-JOl; 'receipts feu- Dec'luiief .'.!, S.'i."i.'i":i i. Tiio o.ttim ite !i. l ie bv the Coii.r.i'h -inci-of Inlei n;tl K venue of of receipts for tho tlsca' inling .bun- ii.i'h. l"-st. Wil- .PJO.'tMI.!illll, I'.il'l the teceiis for (tii- iti-st f-il inoii'.us -oe.ii to conlirin the accuracy of hi . jii'l,;iiieiit. Cliiilo.te Oii-ervrr: Last Wo.l tie.sihiv night a strioiis , .,.jon occur rcil on tiio Western North Carolina U'.ilro-id b.-: ween a p.isseiig r and a iii-.t.-iial train. Knoii.eir .' H Ed Wiiltis. of the Pitsselioi r train, is sup posed to lie fatally ciu-h'-d nlioiit the should. as. L ist Weill; sihiv iifter noon. iis a fn-igiit train s;a oro-sing the tlesiie over Long Cle- li. on tin Cl i-Jtel lllid Lelloir Nlltrow (i.lllge iiiiilro id. a 'rue!; utid-. r on.- of the cars broke and li.e wheels junipi d troi.ij tile r.liis. Li.o-.-king the tlesiie tii!;vs ' mil of p i.-oioii. and tr -tie and train H-.-tit d --'.:i to the ground with a t. r ri bio crash W iliiaui Siniiiioiis. a brake-: man. and -ba- Hern'.. r-"i: tin- tiieman b -tli .-.. .red. V.eiv killed. Ail the Irani hands escaped with small br uses. The Ire-tio t Liit v , feet hieh. -A 'n-.ui st.irmou theTth day of I Jeeember is sotm thino; iihiisual I for this section of tho country, but it Mine last 'I hursd.-iy iifteruoou nil tie sime. During the i-nrly nftoi iio.,n Ihe skies presented the iipprNiraui.e of a sultrv August d;iv. All uloii'' the ivestetu horioti ih-nso black cloud loomed up, patches of th-cov eloiids'" sailed across the blue vault i.veihead' j und tho sun shone with il wannth th-ll ma le closed doors an, 1 windows un- com oitanm. hhi-k cloud Aboiit 4 o'clock the ha I spread oier the heavens, there was a sudden rise in (ho wind and ati-nilic downpour of hail immediately followed. Tlmdun;- tiou of the lmil fail w:is about i-i . minutes and the ground was w hitonei I with the stotn-s for tlfteeti luinutos af- torwtrds. Since the. first of hist November groups of ncn. women and children could l" snot, almost d-iily ;it the depot in Hum oily waiting for the ; train to curry thetu o'i' for homes iu Texas. Ten per cent, of the emi- eranls were from Kuwait county, but large numbers went from Cab-irrus, 1 ! Tioilell. T'linie M..4.t....t...r A t.J son counties. Ouiiii" the past two ' months these counties have r-ent fid- iy two Iiundred and fifty eniieraiits to Texas. il)il:i:ioh mi Spirit: A civil on-! uiui-ir bv tin- Milne of ('H-liu'-toii, ' ii presenting Xoithern eapilnlists. is ntiritfeil making a i reliiiii'iary survey of l'ee Dm-river with the view of reli , deling the miiiii" i ivi.alilc for Mat boats I frosii the narrows in Stauly teClu raw. I Th MlulieKle HJ'l iseutod atv said 1 f n possess nnilo iii"!ins. A younj; man bv nam of II irlii ld. residing tiear , ihe irderbt! Spiinos was iici'idetitallv shot 'hi ist ems day. A buckshot en t. r.'d the tmrt of the unfortunate , nmti s back, inflicting n puinf ii but is ; '3"-l- ' dau; . nms wo, nd. : ;V!"r" r!M"; M'' )V-' ; -"I'-v. at IV..n Moi.tjron.ery county, , w;im oeiiieo lasi ,-iiiii'iiv infill. iiusn ' - ' 1 iiisMiaiiee --i.oiro. xi i is thoti'dit that tbo house was first robb"d and then tired to conceal tho ! "..,o,,,. li-ih i; h sit. 'f : Mr. iilamson 1'av'e I'.i. d at I, i-; residence in Morris- ville. Wake e -tnty. at, one o'clock this mm niiio. at the ii'.'e of oihty-Hi-ven years. Din im,' tho progress of the .stain r air in a collision oecur- red l.e ir Younesvilie on the liah ili ii (i.i.-ton road by which tvo or 'three p art ies wi rc kilh'. I and several i ' : I ire. I. Suiis were bloii'dit a;.'ailist t'"- r ii; ad 'tiiorillos for d niiaures. Iiuallv it i.'ireil to D -rich. Col. Walter ('lark : 'ish-.o. !',. i . ns refer" s. i . coi i l e ; a w as l eached ye- tenl.ty, aa 1 t'ie I. !!;r are t l.e amount of d i'ii i:;es a.oti d. d : 'Soorj.'e S. Haker. Adiiiini-ti it.-r of Di:!li,i IV.rv. oolor e, :d;.!ii:..,-.-;.iillow,.ls..Oi. 1,-ssS-JOO paid to wife of di ci'iseil and released Itv tier lo tie- l:i!io!ni company. 'teor;.'o S It-iker, ndiiii'iist ra! or of II. II. Itn, colored : d.-miaos allow i d l iiil ). l-'s ..t.") p -.;. P. the falher of the d. ee.i; -I P. II nd iiiin -tral : of W i. r.-ti A'.st,..., , ohu.-d; ...eil al! -iw.-d 1 .." . less S'J.'i ) :iliiie lii in f o I ii, deceased W. V . iii, :n. i'diiiiui m rat or ot Crirht ' -!'-t il : e l : d i ii-igei allov. ed S l. ll I. ii. ej.iiuin ti. C iliins, white: dam ii.' -. lilio-.veil .-I-; In nee iiiid costs i iija'.uii! I! Collin.-. -.. '.i'e. d-u-i e.-es ,!i i.i ! ix pi ace and costs. jienj.i ii. iu I' -t r. ci i. ui. 1 ; daui.c'es ttiioiv e.i ;:7-M. Cine II -in is. d.uiri'e.s al low. !M I - Wi-.ins. cWed : diin: iit', .- aiiowod six ia-o :t:ni o.-ts. W. T. f.ippitt. uio'i-: judgment ataitist ; 1 untrV for e.. .h tn this . a-" it was !o lad ll'e i-laiii'.liV had iaa.l. a s. iiie- ' in. nt vobi'iinrily i i . ! i the road. Ho ciinue.l :;.).IMiil. Ciialii-H lis Spiral Stsirs. in vi titu.K ;i' nit:, ri-ai. in a xr.iv ' : eii;.. ina.-.i-.. , il l. " lii .-'.'Mr. in.i i,n 1 ie -1 . : I ii. i I I -I: : -,.n we;;, r lire I :-.-: 1-- t!; ii-ii. mi's i-.tni t.. -. Lif"' -. .- -!!. i..i u- .'le' a -j (oil .; a. I :l. iiim- in.:i -ir- itinl i-u-r r.- I '!' i' . i . ' '.. : :- fiinL.-r .u, 1 I r - tt a i lu.-i-iinir ft Ui I, on .- 1,1. t H,l i .-in. iy. ... ij . - i .- I ii-i i I ., ui ..ui !.: f .l.tMU li ) lhs, !..r .ilsi-.-ll 1",' I' -lll-t ill s,l sl- I. i.. i; i i : i'. . .It' ?BA?;XLL TTTT T Tl ' ihhb CHAIRS. I ion V il ...i win- li .--.I el.-l r.c nr:.. U '.V. I.i I il'SK "ll. il... I iV ni.-l . IHIS. li ,!ls ir. .: I 1 V--I. lMANsi.U-. I Eli. Sj-ilil1 O: i. u:.i;r.i., ill ltllAM, "S. W. T. 1'l.M KWI .vii.rv, . 'li.s!ltt'. IT. I.l-lll. tl. ns li- i'.-li". .,i.ti-i" . n oKMisn .ir . riifu ,,..'tl-l" Wlsl.tts ttn.y I f .11:1 1. Will ' uy lllt-l sell sleeks Jin-I l-n I-i ,-ll lh' 1,1 -si !!.v..tu',c I. -nils. Will Imy .lli-l s.-ll 1 X--I. t' 11 llir y.r h ,.p Kiri..f Bl flir- rt-iii r.-.i.-s. t'-iri-i-Hii i.ti.-iii-" s,-li.-tusi. Attention. All I t ieu .i. .iir."l iii it -.-i'imiie-lnn .,1 i.y, N. ('., : i-iiv-'Hcil; . u.!i will. -,l n,- ..-m.-l i-.rn.i.ri- l.l.le 1-. ifll.-. I a n mill "-in ryiiii! ..n rny "lii l.u- :. s. ,,! ri air- 1 1 lii li:m-. I ... ks, I ..! liiii'i' nil liilli-l a ell -!' t"l " Oi- erleH, r:..ii-.-i-.i'.i ri.-s. stt.-i'i eiiler. A---. ti. s. 1 1 Ai.-fi :u. N..V. iWli. Isi-ll. (il I.K, N. C. rmv it Hi-v. .-. le It A l -,s nli I'll re. 1 s .1 I Ui'ttV ' lll l. It. o-i :.l . A. . ftc-.r-'Af,. -ts. . mi.-: r.iMi s'--. -. . v. i :n .ii :. c , --r l.:, ' ir s ,. ilt-.tttlt-J'-llt.l.'O Ii. & A. A-L. It. CHWOK OP SCIILOULK. N". I -!,,. I n.i. a- U bv.. j i n m 3 14 it rn JL.ll- I-, l art, .- t - i-in ii.fiii.-i l . in I II- (Tn, mi f :.i e hi I K--..s. r f r.i . i, i !Mil.-'s ii c i,i I m. .nu ll il". . III 1 I It'll. -lull I '.I, , ill Si.lf... .'II :l. Ill I ih.l"I II 1" p hi i M liro 11 li . iii Mei rv Oak 1J mi p in Ni-ir lllll 1J i" i m I Alieli sr.iam Mm oitkn sim - " - .! ',!!!!!! '"1 ',!'"' i l'i h iii i 4 i,.r. h m 6 :ih h ni r. in h hi r. ... a. in auk m 7 mi u m : 7-Wnm n.iTmrtn I ml in fury 44 ii m rrlv" 1 45 " m 1 Arr,T" m'HK " ' m Ti -tin iiiimisr t n.iiiiiei ttfiic. .1. liuiniwr -ji-imi'in m iihi.-i.-ii iui nil fMiiin ..ntli. Train : I he liK-lli i v i,.-ui rr-t. -.. u- tin, wi-i im,KT rsi -it "I1.''''.' - '"v, i:hI''k'' i -" m mi KrriTc. . JOUS C. WlNDKtt.SiiiierluHTiaeut. SSuccU.ancous k mim iu wm AT SAMPLE & BROWN'S Masnmoth Double Store, GREENSBORO, N. C. i ne eoiu iiiiikii iiiiiii e:u ner. Hit iur S io.s. iii.usuaUjV kikhi, 1 nun 1 iiiivo and in order to reduce stock have made a SWEEPING in pricf'H of lieadvmado Clothiti;,', OvorcontN. lifuvy Boots and Siloed, Ladia (.lloaks, Dolman.s. .fersoy Jackets. Simula, piece ooodh., ULuikota, QuilU, feli'n I'liderweiir. .Vc, .tc. I now OlVef Heavy Overcoats al !f 2.0(1. !?2.a() and !?3.()0 j Oood' Overcoats at ?d.'llt. .!'). Oil aad $li.OO: l ine Over.- inl.i at .s'.I.OO. J?l l.Otl und fll.OI)' Heavy Suits a! .oo. $l.r) and $5.00: (bind Jhisinos Suits at ?i;.(HI. $7.00 and !.(() j Fiiie Dross Suits at $ J1.00. $i2."0 and 14.00. This is no hiunini'' and no joke, but u ''eiiuine miukdowu in price to 1'ciHieo stock. I otVer .special 1 ir:ritiiis in lends mid II . ts, and lehes Clonks and SLawis. Yo.i ai- eofihalK invited to examine these yoods and price and you eaa save inoii' y by dome- mo. Kespoctf'.illy yours. N.iV.llll-.T 13. 1-KI. THE 1 9 fi1fifiT.IT GEO. S. SflSSEN & CO. Manx's., I'APTO't AT W i TOWN', If v.. ii w-cil l)i- I.-.I .-.::. -i wt-i-ali I IV..- . Htmiily iiiii-i "t ii,.i --.ii i in, :. I ' w,,.-n in . I. j - .1 ,-. i . ill, a.-. : - - .1 !,- t.uv,- us, 1 : is it c "i-l", FALL TisADK Q A O mil 'mm 1-2.'! ai.-l PJ ') Kay. iteiilie Sin-i t. PtAliKK.'ll. .V. ('. Tin of Cf: ittention of the oood e'tiens ham count v is ( raw ..-i.dlv call .1 to out new sloe,; of 7 A Kit f.nd t7iPsTE'EIl i0TK).S, BOOTS and SHOES, HATS, K lth-l. tli li.U t'ltV. (m, Style aiiii Fries. W. i-hii oi y.-u m-!!.-. uui- .,ii, tr"!il.l". nii'l I IjITi- Tf.' l Biclsm. a a :i i-trry (o: l.-iiliir. Our 'vw bolci'lc liopartincat : Is Hi We TU-k ,.ll y -ni- in-v. I in.-. n i. a, lull. ii. I -,s a- : ,.i ik I !.'! C. Il -III- . ur si..r i. i'ji en.iiii. v. I.-- I .-: i-!i ', 'i-.l-s, l ..III :.: Ia :,. si, I fi-.-i-iy t.. 1,1s lii.-...y , r,- i,, Is, i,i,. wt'.l lt,ttu ,t" Hi" -Hi I lt'lil. I'lM'.MIl.eil, tli.-n- I .HI Will llli'l "III- .l. . WluT" Tiio Latest Style, Tho Lowttt Prices, Tho Etst Goods W. H. & IL S. TUCKUU tt CO. si.ifii.u-r 40. Ihki. E. I. WMM & CI, -. II AM' PI NoliTii Sii'K i lillS iN s J'.VV KIT KYI LLK, X. C. IS HATS, CAPS. LOOTS, S1IOKS, tV-C, &(.'., ( KOf ' K I K?3" Ufa vy and I.iuhl, EARDWAES PLOWS. CASTIXliS. HA.MKS, COLLA1K TKAC.'E CHAINS, &C.. CO.NFKCTKLNKHIKS. Tobacco, Cigars and Notioua. They oiler a lariro stock nud goMl ... ,. .! .i . ii selection o everytlilllg tllilt olio COUliI ' i 1.1. . ,". I t: :..:il ..t .:. 1 wish, and the pttolic will iihiavs hud U. 11. TOMLINSON iV CO. n. teller a tsi-ii. S. JSI1KETZ & t-'OX, FAY KTTK V I LLE, X. C. Fnrnturie Dealeis and Daaertakers, 1T l-'.KP alwavs on hand all mos and We have the haiiilsoinost p'urnittire Store that bus ever been iu pavetti villn Wt luivo on hnn.l nml nrn receiving daily from tho northern! markets the largest sloik with the; great est variety that lia.i ever been in ., the city. ( Veil., one. crime nil We w ill tnke , fr.-Ar ot.':isiii-f in isfmu-itifr r.ti nr-ouml-' , ; , . WI1CIIUT vim want to ouy or noi. Old Funiit ure repaired and made . 1 ,. to look an yood aa uow, at a very biuall , oi-ndxT , it". Advcrtiscnicnt". inane ine ru ill it l l liner st-wnur oi i . j . i- luo luiuiy uu(l lu uhuu 111 BUUIO liuea KEDUCTION Shoos of all kinds. Mens ami Boys sAr-iriE s. unowrx. mm SALEM l. 0., N. C. thru It 'Mm', tli" '.l...v n.llrrx,. . ar am- I "Ui.lry. una Uiink ili ilomnJ for ibM limn i'.iil. imy .rurl..u. jmur beh th-Mr rt.-.u.-h .. in.c. nl.-li fuar erdrra, i.",-;isl. N-ii'l ! i iri'iilr.iii uitl ar-owbftt Him GEO. F.. NISSEN i CO. '. toitlomcn's Fine Clothing, TliK JtKST or AN1' HOUSE IN FAYKTTKVILLE. It is simply because I takeparticu j lar piide iu otVering to my patrons ' such w ill -.ivo thclii the trouble of look ing elsewhere. t'..Vi'.vcry gariuent Mold is guaran- tetl iii t it amt Quality. Eoys' Clothing A SPKC'fA T,TY ! Money will be refunded if not -aetlv as rt presented bv : ' ttm i w'ram, Successor to 1If.!ky Ki.sov, i!AVST. TAYETTKYILLJ; X. & A. E. Eanldn & Co. I'.-V YETTKVI LLK, N. 0. Ki-i-i. .v.-ryililim' usimlly f..iin.l In f TI KST-CL ASS Cf IK )CEUY. OliOKPiS PJtOMPTLY FILLED. t-7 Tlie eitiens of Chatham are invited to exiiiuine our .sto'k befure buying , I,,.w,ero. Oil. 25, 1S. Sniit. J. Allen, I FAYKTTKVILLE, N. C. FOi. NOUTH CAUOLINA, to buy your Building KSaterial, SASH. LLIXDS, DOOUS, SAWED AM) 'tTP.VLD WORK ef i.U km-in. Siuistiiet..ii Kimrituiwl or money ; r.'iiiruisj. I r.-.H.r.-: fully e.-.ll ynur intviitlun li Hi nrwt t.nii;f riNr.Hii'i o'MMo.t; rruxiTtBE in ut Kliltl. AT WHO! F-SAI K AMI nrTAH. PRICKM. j ru '" t" ni my, a, m ynr I ! I. i s. 11111I 1 wall l-Iv.. lliciii iiroti.L.l und hximob ' ltUi'llll-n. j V.v.'t,. L-itiilly, I J. L. ALLEN, i Favettemllb, c. j o,.t.r js. isra. am KOUTH CAltOLINA. OllsTIIAM COC!TT. In tiik si i'tiii..u Oicut. T. w. Oiiiilsana'liii'r.r I.ui-tni.Ilurucll, OwwuimI T. I.. 1. (lillllst. Tlil Ih a ornoissllni: fi-r I he flnnl Kplllrmant m Iln- sinte r Um liii" Liu'Ihii, mid notion lit iH-rei.y Kio'ii ui t-r.sliinrs nf Bitlil itii u bt i,rwni nml pnnent ili.-ir eliilnis lnri,ri mn mj "f.l.i mi M.iii.Ih.v, nut Jnuuitiy, iMti. at whlt-h ,im.. wi ,, i w in .r.-sss.i ioik..Aiid" wtwth" uniiiti m ailmlnliiiraior n Stsl. '. F. F0V8HEE, C. 8. C. Dr.:-13. lhn.1. C'. R. E. I'ETTY. lit t (( villo Htreet, lULLEXGU, N. O. ! tnk plf.'L'ouro In luff rmlnff my uUl frtnnda n4 .N 'l ih.-rii itiutkt'ii uoitl iiurclitrnxl mi finlrflj' NEW STOCK oil- DRY GOODS, Ladies' Bress Goods, aiZCZa A2TD 2C0TC, Hint .tvHryllilni; tlml Is iitniitllv found lit a "rn- , . ... Irnw waniliu; ifftilB n-luvlnsl tn fiminliM, m i.o.b buyini!6i..-wi.eis.. li. K. l'ETTY. I Ni.wiuijer s, inm. 'li VI Id' SI

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