4Z THURSDAY, dANl'AUV 10, lss H. ALOr.'DON. Editor. THE STATU KXl'USITION. Wo cannot refi.-mi from repeatedly calling the attention of our read:-is io the propose 1 state exposition, h. Smine wo regard it as a subject of Cbo highest. importance : indeed we believe if tin- proper interest is taken that this exposition will benefit North Carolina more greedy t!t.".:i ;r event that has occurred dunicr muiiv years. As heretofore mentioned by us. it is ever, tnat Me credit system is too propoaed to liold the exposition mi- i niuch abused, and is too often inj t der the nmuageiuei.-t of an iueorpo-1 l io.is to both theseaet and the b.,yt.r. futetl company, and in a recent issue j Merchants are frequently so anxious Of tho News and Observer i-pulni-.h-Ii their goods--to lmve the ap ed tho proposed eha-'ter a: tides of ! pearauce of doing a large business incorporation. The corporate name that they do not exercise proper eare f the company will l- " The .rlh t Carolim. State r.xposiiion". and iis;too Vnsinews will be. "the holding of a" ' '''. exposition of the proibn-',.; ;lu,l in dtltitries of the Staie of S'oilh I'aro lina for the purpose of aiding the development of the resources of the State and inducing the i'lthix of capi tal and desirabie iiamigration into tho State." The capita' stock i f the company will be ti."i.iii, t be divi 4cd into .-hare.- of .-i.'i each. an. I the HtoelJiol.h rs are r.ot to be individ t l!y liatile for the h bis o! the com puny. It is dei-iiab c tdi-it t!- r.'c betaken by persons m a.i p-'fa ef the State ami iiius a w ;.h-.-piva 1 interest be takei: in the exposition. For tliis pui-poM- cepi- s of ihe i-ii-.tr-ter with esphmuUiry ii f.ej-s a"" '..ir.g Bent to persons iu every county in Tltiug tiielll to bei.ene stoekte ..ilers. There should be. and vre hope will be, a iargf nuiuber of slocLhuhlers in this county. The several counties are ni-i- if quested to ha.e c. :.:.;;. eX!.;i;ts at fcha exposition. As much space as ii desired wil' beailotti d to any county. in wiiich to di.-ii readv w e In at ot lay its exhibit. Ai- .4i.ll:,' cutitn'.s be- ginning to p.-ep 811,1 we sil'.ce.elv will plep:l! ;'!l ttieir , Man:,-. . n O t'ii.ithai i : s, ; oi;d to none. can do U it ' i:i '"..'y make the lI'.-ii ",'e. i ' Te. up peai to oar co.ititv :;; ii i.':- :t t:;ct!: selves ;:.l take an r.etive o.net .'.t i;: this ii.'.po' tarl n.atti r. We notice that -o-ne of our ett; temporaries are objecting to tin- ex position being held at Ka eigh am! are suggt .-tmg oihi-r towns as nnr. suitable. A.i v.e i..i - to -ay to il.i is, if tli.' e:ti.. n- i f other towns wi-ii it held in iheir t- s: - lei i.ui.i s.:' gpribe for a majority of t!:,' stoc' and thu.- be eaabl -! to control tho action of the company. Let then: back their wishes with their l iomyl If a majority of tii-srock!;ol. ; those who t'liv li.e:.- !...!: y -- t- sj j tho e position to be lie il Hi il tit :,. sr anywhere el-, . ot'uer persons o - pecially those who pay nothing) have ao cause to nmi'' i:t. We would like to sec the pub.ie spirited citizens f all our lart'e towns enter into a lively competition in this matter and subscribe largely so as to control tho location of fijc exposition. Both branches f ('ongr. ss reas seniblod on la.-l Monday after the OHual recess for the Chiislmas lioli daya. In the House of Uep.reseiita tives a perfect t'oo.l of b,,!s w;.s poured by our patriotic Ucpiv.-cnta-ftives. every one of whom wished to how his const It U-"tits that h' was "giving i hem their m-mey's v. i;ti,." Tho total num'." r of bill., i'ttro.l.i, c! that day vva-. t''"i a ii'e,'ty good be (finning. They re!-.:- I to a.i sm: ud every subi- et of h g;s'.,jtj.iii :!..'( nn bo im.tgii:. d. Of course tin great bulk of them will die in the hands of the various committees, to which they are referred. One of the lost absurd of t.h number was thai introduced by a demagogue from Iowa, uuuu.'d Weller, for the relief of soldiers and sailors of the late war and to restore to them e-.pia! rights in money payment with the holders f government bonds. It provides for the issue of .V,)0,onii.iim in Tr.-as ary notes with which to pay to sol diers and sailors the d:.'iVre:ice in value between the u: -niey paid to thctn ests before Cnngre. and -'old. te-cther with S per cent. ! -Mr. Hunting! m '-uV interest thereon. This would doubt -less meet with the approval of all ex federal soldiers, but would not be so cordially approved by the tax payers af the country. We. lira p!e:i:.e I to note thv.t the House coniuiiltee has agreed to re port favorably the bill for the relief f Fitz John Forter that was pa-isml Ity tho Senate ;it its la.it sess:- u. W e incerely hope that justico will at lAtit be done this officer and his fair naino bo vindicated. It is thought (hat Congress will adjourn by the first of June. Many Representative.; will doubtless wish to return home as ooa ns possible in order to canvass l9t their re-noiuinalioa. sntr.w tii.k r.iii.rKK.s. Tlieie liu-e heen, dsn her ( lit p-ist I'loeili. in. ire ii!rcinit lie failures in !i:s .it..!'' il.uli in tin- .-.-uiu- p: i it?'1 for several ye:, is pa-l. and (lie end is lnt vet Tin.' cause is n.serilied ti) the short corps find the dlihc.dty of m.il.in- ti'UIS. Ill liu1 often I ' ,ll'''' ll;iv" '" 1 :'" u n s l Ollll Ol o, in. i i" ' i . i- -us i lie Sta'-'. ! failures !;.'ii one "t tee u .ivies' iricd ru Su'i-dttsry. a see tion where c ttoll is !u.! IHU,!i t'tto'l- vat-d. cantih Tin will always o en-' as lh-' d ye! i! is no do-i'o mer-' ere,!:: fai'ur- s a i is used, it v. Tie r v'uig credit : and then. cUst:iu.i freiflen! iv buv articles vvhi.-h ' they do not rci.'ly lie, 1 simply be , cause they can jjet tin iu on a credit Ilenee it is. when th" crops i'ui'i. t always hear of merchants f-ii'.ine;. .The lust plan is to p;,y a.- you e. aud no, sjund your crop before it i 'madel Our U a-Nliiiiuttni Letter, l'r in Ti- its, .ir 11. ii. 'ir ll New V p.'iaie t ) .1 e . Wa-hi :e .Viet- !io:i le do'ies; ho ii: La ; i'p 1 1 i-sl '. ii v ii ii:e a .an v -it - . i.. to.h a-.id . hav el!:. N".' - al ti.i n won. b. top!-1, i lit iii-tr.y yea .si.''e o,d ihii. over a' a TM.-il of people to sei a display nf line toilet - lh. , wit! m .I,,:.-i:t. oi' il..:ii-,;,iy nmsic and ii'o :i,l :.; u; "t.l- 1 the g. ; urn.-.- ol' - i i m.-i wi h -ti :ingo i-i sen!:l! ives nf :ie In eo;n i .s.tla.ini - t trale. A b. - Ii g' .tt tile Aim-: i .1 hy el i -I :i, il 'in a;, 'gll- p li:l m t , lof t; .- i-,.. .... . I- that, the ioee- i. Mr. !, 'an. tall ha- A; roii,:, iti, ins i'. to i.e.: t 1 M-.i; ; tii.it tin- ; a result, d'-iiii d rap - ('. ;t is . n hl'is w with U' tie- ap vav .'. lliV. o If .p.r: ,res.. i- geh-.-l ;. e.li u;- a tl.ls n ""l:e;-.. '.!,-, I.,-.;- i,- sits is!:,, he.i,.; the tabic." is an apt sa;. ;t'g v.hiih e,-act!y tits the piaemo- M)-. s. S. C-.i on the list ii; Ho-i-.'-eommitr,,..,. So. whi.e no one doiilus tliat bv length ,'f M i ', ice and preen. im-nt att..imneii; s Mr. t'n;, if he ..l.-siie.l it. w:;s i liiitle I to tl 'nail m o. ship of the Commiitee n ', ., i.,-.i Aiiuy-". y.-t tin-re is p-as-in 'o !'e. i iaai'.'- i th,.t the duty of looking a tier the iiit' i'-sts of niir decaying n:y .-hi u'.d have fahiii into such eapab e h in Is. Though tie- Naval Al!',.rs m ty ;; .mi iialiy be the inferior commit;. e. tie is no ,picsii,.n that at tie- pie-ent time ii is vastly the nn.re i .ipnrtaut one. The herculean task nf rebui.-l ing the navy has ja-t iieen ing,i;i. and there is nothing tn pn-v, t " i . ei'tii Hpl'f'. priatiotis for the op-pose e.eept tm' fear of t II'" j. I ili-i v V'!::.i, -e, :;i, to ha, e t- lei e t ,: :,' -o i- ly up. -ii e-.ery Uej-ub.i -:;, a I. : -. ,s I rat ion. Mr. Si t.-n v ! .i i ';. .e t- h: 1 1 i;e-i -i l wit a f v. hid, .alter ! pom: mi nt ol ' si r..'.. r-.-t. r. t: o.il.l air. -,iii i nave. oi not w:-,i,:ie- n-rvi v'iiand.er is verv e,;u.iiv.- on ti , jeet nf new m- -e's. !l- :- I,'.' t, j sli:pin:i. i.-r himse;f. b-u he ha; , , us to be iutinia;. '.V t.-'i ,:i:o!e 1 v. lib ii man who is Mr. '-.h;: !,.. ich. whnse oittotm y he h is alw.tv- liven I lu re , is even ta.k ot an inv ,-.si i.u ion int,, jMr. ( ha-nlh-r's iiie.imd.-. in order to an.i mil why Uo.-ich got all the cut 1 1 act s .i.,..ide,l Uiider the appropi lii tions of -a.st year. The recent pubiieation of ihe il'tiitiiii; ton-Co! ton corn -ji i;idence not only attracts att.-iitinu t' this grenf railway luagnate. bat it a nnt y io ue:p iiim mucn in ins mt-r- this winter, i allog-iinr uiore man t'.'..i'o0 i-ii.tsot rn.road laud va ei t i ,i.-poi t r. io'.i in'.ti .. ,c i jthes" r-:iiir:,io:is Ii:,.-.-. .-ire ..pevaie.l under his d i eet i-iii ar-d v. hi.i inler-',-st. Hi.- -real f -u. ii In take :'r. ;g!it from i o ; i.i an i New i'.iik bvste.tm ! -.-r to ( bdve; :o'i and ilict'c I.y rail'.vav j to S,:i -'r tuei-c.i. Ii-at ing ti.e Irans- coiitin, i.ta 1 1 eight lines by at least a week lour!' lavs against twenty U. s. In a fe.V months the ,...a. ' r i,: .... t;,.,. .... i .. .1... I'" " "'"' ' ei -, me A'ls-issippi will give him cm!,,,! ,u' 1 eouip.te transrontiti" nt-,1 line of railway, the ocean termini being New- port News and H-vi Francisco. Thus he wi.ibi' the ilrstof our railway m,liio,,.urestore:UiZeii,ed,iea,iiw!ucJi ha i taseinated so many ot them. Mr. Hu.iUngtou sp, ,,d, a good dca' of tliiie in vasiiiiigtoii. always stops, nt WiUard's. His habits arc simple, ami hciuakes nodispVy. AY!ien he wants I w ill bo made to lrinr Sli-trposluiro to see n man he -.-liei-iilly sen, Is for j and llne;e Mills townships witiiiu tin iiiiu. Hiii ngetit here is ?.!v. Shm-rill. : stork law bouudary. Only four of who a lends carefully io Ms ;ni erests, the sivteen townships of I ho comity yel hieh ure ahvuvs before Coie'-oss in remain out. We nre f;!n l to see tin one vav or another. This year it is njees--!iry to prevent the rovoention ol hie 1 exiis-l'iieitu' lnuilruiir. winch, it is hoped, may in some way be eon-1 verted to the use and benefit of the '. .tiiiornia Southern I aciue. l'llONlt. btato rie-vc. t ,' civ.horo Workman : Therein woman ! f.r r ial k whose tir.-t iiu;; ! mii ill. ioMiti ! !it:l:liel,l. was shot and killed on i!,e higiiwa-.- iti.trh: . h eise bv line Ui.ivtiown j'. diring tin war. Hit second i , . . .. .I was a Mr. Mr. i Ut tilV liiueil ,, .... .i , - ... by a wagon rueni. over lum a year . i. i-i' . . . .. ....ii i-. .... . since ner liniii uiisnaii'i. Willi wiiom she had lived ilbont three weeks, came to his end by piteutnonia. (io'dsboro Messenger: The ogir i . i i it .1.1.. ,c l..is .issun w,s, . ,:.si , . .., ...... w,..-., in this citv. Hu'idreds of dozens are and before the hitters sons could conn- . -, , ... ... .,,11. ii l .1 . . .1 o.ulv .hipjted troni thu pond to titifth-1 to his rescue. IV,. en had cut severtu em 'ma: Lets bv hi venial ors. -Tho uglv gashes in his face. One of the . , , . ,, , survev tmtv ol the eW lolk. .ortolK and t'h;ii'.eMo:i Uailroad reached this' pi tee going S.iulh Li -1 l'riday. si. ,1 are now camped about four miles fti'in tliis citv. The Liit look is ouite favor able fi.r the building of Mil id. and it will ptob'i'niy soon he a reality. A-heville Uegisjcr: .V seri -: .id. 1. 1 oee.i, red a; Y:i v lie i! ie e i.ist i'hur-iav i'l-. tu the cai- e-.. h .nilhtig ' -f a ...in. V. ,l.ie ru!bii.:iit. a lad -, i:i- -ixtiei. i, lis old. set his g.ni io-., i: :i,d .:ii in - foot i m t iie ham mer ;. nil,', lh' tliiie so that he fui;;ht iil-.e.v t :,: . -:i.jii ihe mu. .:Ie and deit-r- !:;.!; it' it W.I, h-ad. d. whc'l ihe 1111 - I .p..; t.-.l lo.ul wa-oli eh. irge Illifotlgll the . ..if.;.' m i';'-. ia i. I. en', ring ill. .b r t'n i .. oei p :s .ui;; net a: the ii'nk of pi-- Iicm.I. Ii result d in insui.t I- .-::. l.-ii'lrMe;, allel II-Hi 1 l- t. tte: On Thurs the little sou of ag- d about . or oiiSei-eiid stteet. ther bovs. fell in da ir .birdan I'iiLllip- 1 lesldi i; livi ig will on and on I 1 ! -in illled home wa. lo.iud to In- deal. We are i'.f. .riu . 1 in Mr. M.-l maid pi-oi-.ounc. d ti,e had: cius.-d fr.itu the rupture of an iner in the brain prod'i", I by over iiiU.'U and violent ei.i.ghi'ig. wi'h w hi -h the ii- :! b iy was atta, l.e, j ist l-ef iff he fi !i lie was just recover 1 .g fro,,-! .vh-i ping c-nigli. lis A,l. -it ,-e: On Wednesday. !. I'.t'li. V' iu. t'ollms was shot hi t' . s.ll- "f I'M Ih's.se! Tucker, dceefis e.l. in Nish eoiiMv, by ,bii:ies 1!. i- ! !'. tin 1 now in a critical condition i '.. ! .- w- a g -ta i-.l tight, parlicipa-t- ! in bv ;,. a'.v ail who -.'.i-r.- drinking. i,. m..,.i; i :..' ..... .-.( t. .;.,,..! . .. t i , ., l . .", t ,i , ti i ,. i towrs;,),,.. has a tio' ol the rel.iinl , ., , i', i , i ; i, .,n ... ; i ono V l.lil.. '....., ..l.. II ,.llt ,,!. 1 l.V Y Is. mid Mr. I. V. bb. if (bird- 1 a - a mom !,s ,,1,1. tin.; l-.;::.ds. Wilson -.. .1! Wi i:'h contitycant le ileal in the hog line. V.'-ns:.,!! l.e.'d.i: J. U. Minti-.. of Sf dv Uidge. Stol.es (V. killed si; h"i,s. 1:5 i:ioi,ih., uhl averagifig 'U" -o.!ii.l ac!i, and J. T. Joyce of lh- v'a.-e k;l!. don.- which weig'c- . i HI ,;- :. W. A Li-',., ef X'v ai.el! ' ive. ic: ! a ho:.' kli!;i.g 1-l-t -i' v I ii'ii v . ; e i..-i - : t ,-ioou! "00 p- -pi . 'J"'! of :ii. ii. ten cents ten I '!' a s ; il.t of tin- l:-'s lai est hoc. n s gae.ss to t ike th-money nr. J. U ill N.-al was tic wiiiii- r. gin-ssing TO'.l -o-,:nd -. a-.d lh. m ar, st Wins aetui.l wi n ut was i0S. Next ru-.'ss was i M. f,,r his horn.- a few miles. listant. lb on S-ntinel: There was never w;li on foot and h id not pr 'ed.-d ". irn-: ?l.-ii i r den.iuid for dwelliiin-houses. ' "' 1,11,11 '"' 1,11 h.v u"' a.vsnle, i)eii,;r r . ..ill ...ol. ...l : 1 i ... ! Iti-'liev how s the time to hillld ui' mr toiVfi atal get Well ,ai I for your investments. A ncm claiming to be of the timi of Wheeler . Wil soi, SeA-i.g Machine Co., ail. Ill soli "f the form, r gentleman. fttopi.-d in ilit h l'. diit last week with Mr. Amos T iilair. He reinaitied about a week an.i then hired n horse from his host ard came to Winston for a few days il- i.i v, r rettiri.eil The horse, sold to a party le-re for S7'1. was r, vered. 11. - ilit f m i le his ( sciip. . l ids world is ft.il of rascals Look out. .s;r v i.l." iti7''U : A fi'i- ud vvntes enemies lacing each other D-lmid u - i'.- a,, i'. '.ld Cn ek. V-.itic, v county, shotted guns, the news th..I tiny making in. miry t'.r the own, r of a lost were again friends, .stt.l !rtp An ea-le was .' i.ti.ied On the Sth of January, lslo. u full m ar ( i l. David I'r.'it'-tt'-;. witii. a trap fortnight after the treaty of peace ;n 1 chain lui,;e enough t- h-iid a dog, was signed, the bat tie of New Orleans ttiri'-iad. 'lie bird lu-a tun -I seven t he most btoody and deei ive of t he I'-.t I'roiii lip to tip It was shot twi -e war vvas i'ought by tJeneruls 1 'tick by Mr K. M. I'toiVett bet', r,- N. Hall. nhu.n and Ja-.-kson. It was fought Sr. and Will Wilvni came to his aid when the warring nations had made That day it ha I fi ighte'e'd one man pence two weeks before ; but news on Doe Cove Mountain nearly ,,nt of then tatiied as vv imi ami wave bulVet his w its, a-t it screamed oi the air and ; ed the sailing vessels of that day, rattled tin-chain-., l.iaking iiois. s so and l'.ick-nham gave his life as an unearihly that it seem-,1 to the flight offering to a war that had been cud e'ied man the i-'.vi! One himself had '-.l by treaty, and Jackson was made come to take uini awav before his time. President bv the battle that hhouid (i trt.en-.i'uro 1 atriot : l-.ver since' U. , i' "I'rar bougl.t the( nldwell mill n" has been working upon it. until : now he in-onouncis it tirst-class if-, everv n-psect. and as a homing iiiill . , 1 ,. ,, , , .-.pmltoitnv. I " used to make two or t ie- of llour but under 4 liroeess . . . ' ' ' ' , r a l"'''' ot liisoun invention, lie now onlv one. which is fur uiiirior to .--t grade of fa iiuii iiour umier 1 1. . ,.1.1 c .1. ; 1 -l i lie- mil l.isue niei, h;,i. IIiIS is III, achievt ment in milling and one likely to r"V,,iutioiiie and supercede tho 'id plans. The making of but one grade ot ilour anil thatgrnde bt-tter than tiie best hen tof'tre made in this section is something of which Mr. F - n rar nmy justly feel i'rou.1. It will we, reii-iv anv miller to l'o out to Iiw .... , " w !""' 'i'"J -The , "'il is only 01m mile north of town, j Htates.ville Indmirk: Mr. Fphraim i Sciv, - - s. of FMIstovvn to v.ishi,., has ! on his place a voung pig which wins born vv.th only one hind leg. The other leg is oil just nt the ham and the pi- hops about like a rabbit, 1 ho eh'ort having been success' :1 m I Tui nersburg and Olin, an attempt ' stoek lawextomlin:; but we would ure I ; our menus on cither m,to ol the pies- i Hon to abstain from all violent or n i l tutim methods. This is a ,p;estion .about which good neighbors may hon- jestly dilVcr, and neiiiicr pariv should I seek to annoy the other or induce miv i breach of neighborly relations by harsh j expressions which it will be too late j to recall after they are uttered. Hickory Press: Mrs. Simmons, n I very aged lady, who lived with ber son in-l.-uv. Mr. .lohn Waisoe. in the ;:;;ihitrh; of the town, caught tire while in bed one night about two weekssim .... 1 ..-.1.1 '.in...., 1 , ! .. 'I,- it,.,, . I... .1:.. I il ' ',..ii. ..I. . ... .. . . ... tlaiost iiistinitlv. Nile was Vi-rv ui- i , . , ., , . , ..... Hint in',. nmiiiL! uri ii iii'ii le i.'e ,uii ..r I ... I ... il... . I , ......... . , in in-ii mi me ii;i.-i i-.'.i vi , i. I w r,,,!.,, t,f Wi!kesboro, went In Mr. J houias t'allinvav s ti remain the night and after being carried to i room he culled for Mr. (V to cotne and i cut his throat. Mr. C lain lied at his Ulircasoi:able request, whereupon Mr. i ........... t I.:.. ........ .,.:f.. soitsalso receive. I mitines. .nr. t , ileii was at once confined and onThursdav nioruiug he was conveved bv Thomu.i J. Hula nnd Mont. ilburn t- Wilburn t" the Morganton Insane Asvhim. He had onc' before shown signs of iiisanitv. ' i Moor,1 (5aette: We were inform ed that Mr. Daniel W. Mcioi.:i!d of tliis cottuty has a silver watch which has run over a hundred years. Its age is iiiiknoivn. The ca-.es have been oiii throu has a 1 uge and patcln-d. Ills loci; tu. if is I'ljii iiiv as old as the tin Law Lou's .-on las! Christ i. el il. . . I i I i I'ii, I. of this county on iny, had a vi ii .f g.'v.- Iiowder. fU -Old some loh co und Went Otit .: til' distal IC"' ft .ill t ie ilo'J -e M lit re lie fetii. i a m lit ! lee that he thought he would climb and try a project. He iir.-t pu' some powder in the bottom of the pipe, tiu-ii liilin," it with t.ib.iei O began tosuiiike. Sm !! the tire burnt the tobacco Mid ignittd the powder which llashed and caught the powder in the vial exploding il, tiie pieces (,f the vial cutting hi- lace and eyes badly. Mrs. John Kelly tried ti e plan of feeding a pig twelve months instead of a dog and t he re sult was '-iV pounds of nice pork to hang up in the smoke house where, there would not have been a pound if she had fed a dog with the same food. Chatiotte Observer: Capi. S. 15. Alexander vesterday received by e pies.s rem Sionii;oiou, I'uiui, a regis tered Jel.-t-y i;ei;, i, si month i eld. for whi h ie- paid S'it'o. On; f.u-;.. s have lately been turning their atten tion to raising blooded stock and it is a gnii-l ;,in ,, tlii- times. Mr. V. J. i'.vers return".! to tic eitv ht t nigl't from atnp into Union count v ,n , . , 1 . mi-,-, whore he hail gone to see Mr. Davnl . - . , IY w" mlu 1''"""" ' -''r:;'"' "j"' t'on. lr. Orr was a memoi r (. liist North ( aroliiia Cavalry i'l ih laie war. and !: i -I earsa-.i lie ! ceived a Fed-lal tenet i:i bis fool lh, bullet struck Mr- br inoic t and passing thre'.igh, it lodged in the other foot, where it remained up to t!ie timu of Dr. bvcis' vi.sit yesteidav. l'r. ibi era located I lie bullet in tie tut work of boles m Mr On .s i.. : and by a smi a! i.i.mipiilat: n suc-.- ieti in getiit.git oi.f J i, woimi w,,s sew ed up and Mr. O-r vvus given the bullet to put away and keep m n more comfortable t.i c e than he La I h. , n carrying it sine the war. i.lsi SatiirdiiT ni.ht. n necro nun tiHined Isaac I'i'ii.ian h ft Lauriiibiir:.' lui"" " vinsne. atei uer.t ui"i li bo-lv was found in the snow. frozen rigid. 'I he March of IVogess. Kr-'in tin I'hllH.l.'li tilii T.n.n. On the 24t'n of December. ISli. the trtatv of l.eace that closed the War of 112 with F.:. gland, was sign- ed at (iiielit by the English and ' Anieih'an Commissioners : but the hostile armies were in the lie!. I far f. ci,..,,. i r.-ipiircl many days to carry to the : tlev.-t bnve li..i.,i fnn.rlif ti,,, ,,.,.. i. ..t ... .i ....u.,, . '4 'ii'pi'i-i, .s,i,i.-e um last WrtV wi.,, Kngiand. was very: puiutcdiv exemplilied in the Time's llf Vester',lav. O Donneli. condemned ' f, i. I,1,,,.,i,. r ',. ,i. ;r I'll llie mill, lei ot Caiey tllO Ultorni- er whoso case attracted world wide . . .ii.,... interest, vv.is executed ut :U2 vester- ,1.,. ...... 1 .,, -..,'.,!.. ,i. 'e .1. day n nng und at o o'clock of tin- same' niorm;,.;-. ,u- thn e hours earlu r, 1,,. A,,,,,,,.,,,.,,,.., ii, 1.,. t, .. ..11 .1,1. , 1..1111 11 ni ,'i i.vi.eul ,.r I ..tit I. lis!, ed in thi s, columns and ready for delivery toie.ulers. In the mean- time, the report had to be made up in loleloit. e.ilii. tl to .New loili. te.e grujilH-d to l'hiladclphia, carti'ully all tll.lt etlitetl set up and Mereotypcil, but 1,-., .1 ,., .....l tl... ... ,..., . .f , 1... .. . , 1 . , ., e.ecilLl,il re.t.i iii,ee IlOUls bulole lUe London hour f tbath. M m , -r, , T. - ' t, , 'im!, "f J' ', ( "l, V,T 'i',nr L , ' v " , U P " V " -o ; 1 "V, a juris, p r- -i1'0'1 th m J'-ig!it,'-,.i thousand weavers 111 lhigiand are on u strike. i"1 A butelier at Xcwa'k, N. J., lit his tiro with kerose'.e. il lit his shop. too. H" ran out andtfave the alarm. ran back lo save his jnonev. was over-1 I eoiue bv smoke and h.irn.-d to death Cliiiiteis tie Spiral Stairs. i INVISUII.K AliClllTKiTflif IN A NEW INti- I i.sn rMisowiiE. "Yin," Hlie Milil, "mir rtill !n n are m.irrliNl Hint ; K 'tii. an l my lei-' m. I n l 1 sit i.y enr wluirr 11 ro ini..iiw. wi' ilt.l lii't ir.. tin' lliili1 miiw em. to wl.t 'ii tin-olr l". l.ltf is. K..!i,i.-.Mn llkf h.1i :U I s'ttlr.vwn'; wi'iui'itll tli.- Uim iimii; v,.r; ' Hit' nit w ntiirtil fr.ii.i in. uilr." ; "Tlines a ir.".!y il! i-Msi"ii," nmrk"l lT fr, -. 1. tit ii-l.irl . rfiiiiii; Mr." lh. cl.wlnrf imhIh wM.-h t-iillici-l .-, .i.-ls.-iiii h. ;iT fr.m Hie lniiny iii l" . I . "V .ii kii.iw eaiiii it st.nil.nl- tl. il ill.' lull, 'h..i-li." s-dTnij . i.tiii. i, .imi mr my.-nr I ilmi I nii'l !iil' 'in- ii.'iwiliy mvM-l ; .. ii.!v.-huh hi lit,, j.. n .t fitieii lii ,vl:li ...-ilaniliji .r hiiilen itiiic. for I linv.. ti.hil ':i) -I.ar. t ih;it. l-in sin.-e my j , tuil'ti iiin'rly t-r.'ki. I..WM. 'e ysit'm wki. mil nl j innl'itlit. My .aK..n..ii invdm. ili.-ii-.uiu-lily lta.-r-.J. rst ;ti. t my ii fv,--. w..-. In a w rel.-lu'il stalo. X j has i.uittuM, a; la I. nn.l th.il w,)i.iii en. ..vine; Ii, an I li.kl ii.. ..'ri.huili -ir iiiiinlti.-n i- I'lTf-Tui iv.ti my Its-tit :i..u-i i...l .liiMns. iiiiiUcul tr.'iit in. iii &il il I., nvi. li lit.. -"-in nt II, o traM". Il"' ilnrtHi. Hhl.ii m.iiii1 :.. Ii,. woiikiiin .'f all Un ; Ti'rtl i.rv'M I r .uTi..ssH.l until I ha. I i-i.v.t.iI at- ,vim!.c..hi "t itii st .ii,.-.. -'i. Tin' l ist ..r tii.ewas! I laekK wla i. mi i.liiM. liir.s nr. .ilmi, i. l tn l.a.',it i a .t,. Is In, i i ie-nally .iis..i. mr lnis:.aii.i Inar I t'.n iiiimHk ..f I'AIIKI Its TiiSIi' a -.. It,- ! VUf (.,m, ln .,,.,.,.,,,,,,.. p.,,.;. , ,,, mi i'- c--i -rr--t ,i .n-i.. n ii.i,miii r-r- va.li my I. .v. in U.. -ui.il liu- ll..ltu ..I l. i'W ll' tM.t ., '.,. ,,, ; f.,k u,,.,,!,,.,. ,.., .,., "i,u. a i.. i,nir..v... an.i mn .. n, uit.-r iwaiiu tluu. ! !ih" " ii r..r a l-ntf iln. ;iv.r-..fr.-i ininu.-w with Hi., wi'.-ot !v. v. '"" 1 "'wi.tisi ''' ''i '' aass. I UNION AUDEBT. MALE AND FEMALE, LAMHSVii.T.K. N. (. il- l.. 'i l -i. t.i .l n...-iiiily st uatil In Cliat i .i-i.., . ii -a' tin' o-.iii'.. Hi..'. Hi a vi'iy ii'H.i ". ..v: i...-nii:. s...-t Sl.'il... Li-' t Hi.. tl.;. Jnll'.arv, IK-.ill--il il I'll liaC!'- i i ir r. ait-.tc. hill way l.ctwis'ii -U rt .i f.-mm.-ii.-i. tilt lull l.f . ai. I "-..ii-e.ii.- 'i'l w.-i ks uii.lt-r tht a .- iiin.-.i'iii i -.! liis!n,.-t..-. l-ii: .-I,-, i .. '. ii ! -i"i I l.-'ls ti i: tlioni in.. Is a ii. '.I in - .-in- .rf. i-.. i sj.u.-l.ii ni.lii.-,.. . i, to I'll., he mi ! ii II i.i' ici.l.-r Ui" .lln a ! iiir i'. i : i-h. rur: .ii rp.iii ;l -i p.-r II I:. I ImiC l.-s'll ll.s . .-iil Mll-l"" uiul .n-i ii. sin:- I-. '.r-1 -ii. t.i. !i , 1 at ri-a.n'im,.!,' in -I .' until. - ..".-ii- l. . l.-i- i.irtlt.'f lie .t'n.i-; ii .i ly 1-- t'.f ITIn.-lpnl. II. .1. I'OW'd.Ii. i'rincipa!. I'.elle 'oir. Clltltilttlll I'.V. N. C 1" IMPORTANT FACT PLANTERS & FARMERS GFNGRTHCARGLINA I:i oril. r tliitt our tt anil nfi frtemU throughout Xhe HtaU r.my . rnnblrd tn prnraro and ni BAUGH'S PHOSPHATES! PURE DISSOLVED RAW BONES o' -l t'tlr r 1 fsiali'l-In'-l bran,: of nnrmilif', as .-:: mii;ii i.ii iii:: iikiiii 'i.s r-r l-:t:t,. .-. tnitKiiitf llnuii'.l.,il' I'-i-rtili.-rr, .- ur.- ki'lliiiu e .-iu DIKl l T tn Km writ f rt ami ut.iu vv noi.hs.vi.i: ri;t( i.-. F-r tin. r,it,v!',il"np "f 'fir rNi.iiiii'r, wo In., r-1 ,,,l, -1,1,1 ft, . ui ei MMtl ol.K. a. Alt iiriitTs m'tii i iliiltidiarL- ,.m mI,1i.l.(-I iTomellv ironi .irlilU, -r tnv.l, ti. Mtiiii' 1 1 ,-t,t Cio naiiii" nt liurfr' 4 ,1, put tr taiulltiN as it' nliiiiiicit fnuu li.tllittifirii. kl,.ntf nf ,ln,.n Vl.rlllk .1 .nnn.t.J V.--xri-c: 103 SOUTH ST., BALTIMORE, UQ. ,'i ii7'.n l-'liiiil'. iAi Jjiii'.'tl '1 l i I KiO NK :. ai it 'Ao;:K"I.VNsa:i'. A i ' l.'t - :.''..c-..c53 "" ' ' HiKIMZ l-'A Vi". ' f'KVi Ll K. N. 0. j hiii.iJilO Liuu8li0: jiih.lQLLli' j ' I ' ! ii ' al ah . s o"i i mod al! ma s and j IV style, of C-i'ill i- I i 1 Casi.-ts. I 'fc-KSTJ.'l Vllh'. We hive o:! i lllfl 1111, III-,' ' We i.-ivlaehau l l, c. iv rug d.li northern ; with the luatsels tin 'I, litest Vill i, '.si :,loci; hat b is ever been in the city. Come one. cine all. We will take great pi, asiiie in show ing you around, whether you want to buv or not. Old Furiutuie icpahcd and made to look as good as new, at a very small cost. OOt,,R.F 21V, 1I"H8. ' DO ,T ,'If ,,l.,TTV- . 'a ...,.V..,. - iiniiniimi .in. tTm:wi'Eiu..n .... T' w" li""'"o""" '"' I I"" iiumett. uihw,1 I. .i.o.eis. ' " I r" '"r ""' ll"'1 '-t.i-mintof tli...eir....f tli,. ih-,i.u..hii liuni.-c. mi l i...t.vl ti.y v.-,, ,.. nil , r, u, .r.y.t s,.,.i r..v... t.. i.r i,r.....it hi. I i,-. .-..l,l tin Ir i-l illr.-!!. n-:np ic my 'ni.-.' M. ..1.0. :l-t Jwewry. is--. -,t wl.i.-h mno wi pi.t-v 1 -m .riii iniitkeuniint-uftiio r.n i "w. ovuV' ,,s ii,-,.,..,,!,,,. 1 or 1 i-ui-inu ituim-.t,. -1 vv.. r. inrsuiiB, c, s. c. Ift- U, lsW. tie. I) tT t 4 J) I) 1 1 . I.V 1 . H . 1 1 t H N(iK,OF SCHEDUI.F,. nn' - ii.''., S11. -JLiP ; 43 1' hi s 1.5 . 111 I s .r, in h :.; , 1,1 I V 17 , in 11 eiil.a J .Hi n m t V lf-:Tir.i,u S It 11 ni J li .IT h nt 3 M a 111 4 IS a in 4 us a m 5 :'s a m ui 1, in .'t a lit 4? a in 7 0,1 a m 7 XI a m . - inn i-iii, Mimly I -Mill, pill vrr M ie,. r eu'i'. - ' - .u k"-' '.' ,'ni . m siie. i-.l 1.1 .K.,, lOst-..,.l 11 l; i 111 1 M i.. nr." II ', i 111 M. 11 v Ouks I i Ol in I New 11,11 : Is , III I A X "niuTtontt.-t. 'i J.'. V?:. Bitt. J S lmil(tM.r .t ,.,.,.,., , ,( ,, Ul Km,, I'XXTZf, 1 ".i i tn 1 iiry 7 44 a 1,1 KM-ltCi nt .'...hi a. in ui,.l arriv " ' JUilN (.'. WlNiJl.li.suiR.ttiiu-udeut. Miscellaneous i 3 I "TO i mmm-rx HARDWARE OF EVJ-IIY Di:!SCKJPT10W. Lai-gust Stock in JSXorih Carolina. JULIUS LEWIS & CO., Siox ok tiii: (toi.t'cx 1'oitst Siiok, 224 I'ayelteville St., opposite the Market. Jaiumrv 10, IKS I i Sli Iffll WWiJ! AT SAMPLE GREENSBORO, N. G. The continued mild weather having made the Tall and Winter noanon of lss.'l iinusutiHv short. I find I have too many goods on hand in Home linoa and in order to reduce stock have ma le a S WE E PIXG KESH'CTIOX in prices of ibild.v made I 'lothillg. Overcoats, heavy lioojs mid Shoes, Ladkm' ( loaks. Dolmans, lien's riider.n ai Jersey Jackets. ,Vi- ,Vc, ic. I now otVi-r Heavy Ovei coats at 2.H). .'J oK and .:!.0t (iood' Overcoats al sj.iitt. !ir.t.);i!id :Vit:t; File Overcoats a! SJ.lM). l and ; Heavy Suits at jfl.00. .b")i and So.(M) : (iood' SJusiness Suits at Sli.tHI. 7.0(1 and &S.00 ; Fine Dress Suits at 1 1 .00. Sl.nil u'ld 1 1.00. This is no humbug and no juke, but a genuine iiiaikdtnvn in priroi to reduce st,M-k. I oiVer special bargains in Hoots and Shoe of all kinds. Ileus and Boy' Hats, and Ladies' I !::'. and Shawls. You are cordially invited to examine these goods and priced and you tn save money by doing ml Ktspecttullv yours. SAF2 S. 3ROWX7. Novi-ml'iT 15. IsR-l. FALL TRADE F $; t-i ;W. h. k 1 1 mm & 50, I l'JIl and I:!."; Fayette vill- Stre, t, Ji.VI.KKill. X. C. The ::tt ut ion of tie- good eitiMis of ( ..aiham i m;:! v is esp, , ii.lly ccled to our Lew .stoei; of VJkLL ar.d VwirCTSr Div (jsOocis, ADTIO.VS, i BOOTS and SHOES, EATS, fiC. Evi-ry li,'irtmi'ni Ifl full aii'l ,"..in.l,.ti,, nml ,ur i bM.-k Is llin lurc-st i" In- r .llli.l ll, tin" ,",y. 1 Wo 1, . III 1 Quality, Style and Price. W" i-iui nivi. y.iti fii-.m-y, tin-.. .,ii-! tr niMi-. an l Blve .,.rfi-.-i sKil-tni-:: -ii ll, --.-i vy I'liru.-nliir. Our Wholesale Bcparlmcnt : le tl, ni't iLini'li't,. In l.-iili-tli. W iisk y.'ii in ,1111111 ini.l h, "' us : in ike eur sl.iro y-'iir li..a,l.ii,.-ir','ps. anil r, - l hi li. Mr. I) I.. wriisTiJi. nr eirch itn. wh" lias I n will, tin-li .usi. s..-nil yt-ars. is -mi .,t Ins ist, r.".lyl rv.. Ills iiiiiny infills, ami will :ilwu ii., .i..i.t mjr ItKvlKVl'aKH, llii-ri" Is bill mi," iil-- wln ri' I yi.u will lln l The Latest Style, The Lowest Prices, The Seat Goods. W. H. & K. S. TUCKEll Sc CO. S..(iU't,iW"r ao, Irtvl, 1 1 Till & 15, mis. 41 am -13 soutu sii.k i-kisson st., I 1 -WYKTl il villi:, -N. ( i DRY GOODS, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES,1 AC, &C, ' (iK()( F.KIKS-Ileavy and Light, HAEDWAHE PLOWS. CASTINGS. IIAMFS, COLLARS, TllACE CHAINS, &C.,j coxnurnoNKiiiKS. j Tobacco, Cigars and Notions. I They offer a large slo, k and good : selection of every thing that one could wish, and the public will always find them prepared to supply their wants. 11. II. TOM UN SOX CO. Ortiilier S, lf:l. :iin. THE BANK OF DUMAS?, 1)1111 IA.I, IS. '.. w. Itocr'.vp 1hiwIii. lutvnlil" on 1'IMVN'ti ,.r erntH wii"K as may I niiiwl. villi luiy hi-.. I wtl nu k and lfla mi in- nt .n mv.., ..,,. ...rm. n i ,'i ) and wil I n hn-'k-io-ii Ui' N -ril. . r t .ir. ii,' al cur- rvut ratus. OvrrutiiuUiii-ucv nltcitud. Advertifcen: er.t. Till-; ALL KItillT Cooking Stnve. TUr wurrMcnfJt S.lo Aintit fr Oil orlobrMed 8ttvof iniiinc' tn i ho juiMlt' tlial nvor TW MNT y-l-'IVE THOUSAND of thtM stovti ItHvo 1'iM-n mdd, thai In ftorb ttiHMlt,t 1 1 H'y lllV f .Vl'H n tire Satisfaction. I'Kin-N VICKY LOW. tr WrtiffiT l-'UI'lllttllO. gi'iil.'.iwi Caliii..;ii uil IJut of KALEIGH, N. C. S. JJROWX'S l)oi!5e Store, Shawls, piece goods, JJiaiikettt, Uuilta. (icnilomeii's Fine Clothing, THE IJilST OF ANY HOUSiS IN FA VII i TKV1LLH. It is simj'ly because I take prtica htr pride in offering to my ptronj such . :,s will savo tiiem the trouble of look ing elsewhere. - tf-.V lively ganiunt Hold L gumo ted ill Fit and Quality. Boys7 Clothing A Sl'KCIAIJ Y ! Money will lie refunded if nol M actlv as rej.n s 1. 1 i bv ' mi i warn, Successor to IIenkt Ei.muw, HAY ST.. K.VVKTTKVILLE, N. C. Oclnlstr , 1HS3. A. E. Han!;:n & Cov FAVl.T IKYJLLi:, X. 0. Wholesale asfl Estail Grocers, K, "i' nveryitilns uminlly foimj Id Tl UST-CL ASS ( t ItOCEIiY. j OUDhKh PKOMPTLY FILLED, The citizens of Chatham are invited to examine our stock befor buying elsewhere. O.I. -Ji, lhh.1. Hnw. eJ, Le Allen, FAYKTTEVIM.K, N. C. FOU NOKTH CAROLINA, I in luiy your j Building Material, SASH. ULINDS, DOOHS, SAWED j AND TFKNKD WOltK uC all kin. I.-, sm ii,a-.ini Buariiuteod or Bossy rpiurtieal. . I riKim'triiily rail your atU'iitlon to the laranl nUnJtut flNEauU tXlMMO.N rntNlTUKB la ih0 j Stale 1 AT WHOLESALE AND BETAIL TRICM. 5TII ynii earn mmo to Ut city, send m ynar i.r.l-iH, ami I win glvo llieiu iiMutpt and peneaa itcntloii. Ilwiiecttully, J. L. ALLEN, Fayettevilli, k. 0. Oc'i.lii-r 2.1. ISA.). 3in II, K. FETTr. lit I Irti.vt t-vill" Strenr, HASZG2X, TI. C. I ml,., iili-iisiir," In ImiiriiiiiiK inynl.l frlciids and riiKinim-rs that I have rnwntly mtiu nnl Ipint lh Nnrili.-ru niarkt'.M an.i iurt-lianU au onllri'ly NEW STUCK DRY GOODS, Ladies' Dress Goods, mid PVi.ryt!ili,(t that la iiHimHy found la a 0rat ,.s n,,.rc. .' !""" -ei'liii." tf I lnvt,..i nzan.ltie my it -k iwdiro buying ulvwtii'ru. U. E. PETTY. MuvdiuUj b, lb9. i J. f

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