FOB THE FAIOl ASD HOME. Earthing up Potatoes. J. L. Jenson, a Danish agi ieulturist scientist and experimentalist, lias is sued a buck in which he claims that earthing up potatoes is a preventive of discus. He says those varieties which root deepest are most free from disease, and that the spores of tin? fun pus which causes rot are convoyed through the atmosphere to the plant, and can only icaeh the tubers 1-y lu uvj carried hy rains throush the earth or by dew;! down the main stem of the plant. He recommends eartiou up potatoes as a protect saying that, though the yield is not in-n it-ed, a re markable freedom from dlseae is no ticed where the plants , sro rftrUiel up as much a t';ey will bear. An Kinrrlmrut IVItli Mi-nnlii-tile., A Southern amateur i;;irit.-n''-r e cured slabs from the saw mil! and bored two-inch holes in th-in lilte n inches apart and laid tlo iu v- : : 1 1 ide up on the edge of some boils nd -et a strawberry plant in iach h"!e in Au gust. Such n profusion of straw l' ' rics as he had from ea h of live ex. pirimeiital varieties was a iiht worth beholding. When o!l; r straw t'errics in the neight'orliood were all dried up by the j;rea! light of that season, Irs u re in porh ciii n. A half iint or nior were tak. n a! a time from ea' !i plant. I' was but little trouble ( keep the rii'::ii-!s i'ov i, Put the net :-!!..: the plants rortdi"! In Hi lu'lf. y be crop was a failure. I'm kilt;- Isut'.f-r In Hrlne. In I.ti-Liti-I Hit. fn I u ;n- :,ii-ihn.l i f pack :!!.' bl.tti-r ill ' ril'...' li:!- i t i iT b. i 11 in use: "it is t ) pao too bntt"T in x 1 1 1 1 1 ! i ..I of ii.e..; ii. w hicli aro put in ,i m:" I ! !' tie. p o , - . i'l.-r-i-bags o"M h. M ai. 'ir tv 1 p ! and w in n 1:11. ! are I;, d : ! ).'' a:nl packed .iW.iy in ! l!;'- in -. ; a;--ca-ks, and In a I d i p ;u ' pic kled p. i iv i-. T h" ! n',1. r .1! al -orb Ii" !:,on -i : t : ;s .ir;.. v pc from a1 in p':'Ti. c !: i 'iv I oped in an an'oi ptb- i n: I a:id is Hicreforc n' tn-h -a:-, fr n 'i.uuri.. excepting Mr a t!.: . mir in ternally trom Wi' l-.v !:, ii. c i;ra! prooo i ,-:!-'. f!j ,- a.--! v. hi. h i-. due to i.iic . 1. ini'i' :' ! v.y.'X -agoi ( l.n.tos;- , in (he 1 n't. -i- i:it . liiil:; ( lactic i aoid .1:1 1 ii s tut. i bnt;. n ai id by a vv. II nr.!. i-'o,,I . n.i. ..1 i raiis:'. moat .on i i the V:: . ul-. Hut this i iialog.-- s on .. Iv ''.a the butter io. r !y nr. .-. 1.1 ii and ,eTcea!ie t. aii I h ' T'tii o'!i' or IllSte IS lb . I ' oil Wli.e'l Ui.i. ii; pi'.jach rancidity." tMilifl.iivi-i- e-il-t n I, e fur I nftl.. I 'roll's-.. r I'm-.'-' r.uid. !' tli" !!.ia! Airr.eiii-ura! . ! . v .-,..t has ulili-V I I :i V '.;.-i ,o hmhly i ceoinim ii.! . -a . r see.!-, alio ,i. ' ! l-r :t !. i .i'y... -Iinvvs t';:i' il ( out r n- i r- in 1 ! t 1''. (.-:- cctit of fat and J1' to io or oont ..f protein Mil -tiuv i , and li;s. then-!. -re. a nutritive value '.mi'-nM! '!i;.t ol nest oiiliii.iiy feedinu' "di ill's, !e-;dei which d is an a ;;viMh;- I', od to i at tie. I-Api riiia n's mad.- and report-d upon at tiio ' !t .i i .a A u'l o h'i io d In stitntc appear 1. 1 -how- that !h s e.-,e wiien fid t-in:lili cow- Mil r-.vf-. the ijiial ty and in rea-i to.- i.uiti'y of milk, the butter from vvl.i. ii is nls,, of exceptional ''so'linm . l'or draught oxen and i'a't. ning bull t!ij f. . d i-also report'-.i i-iiir . eel!cnt Like all coll' ol'l a, d u . r seed-cake umt be fed with o'lior materials, llcugh it i ciaiiaed it can by given in l.ii'.'. r .piantiti.-s th in IllO-t oil Cak--- Witliiiu ill effect !. Vdvncat.--. of the suntlovver claim that il will produce in. no .;r.ii. to the acre than crn. Tlic Km mal.e good fodder aii'l tic staiks .c-,. good fuel. Tie' di'-nvb-iiv. hi ::.r- to be that the plant -ooii ei an i t',,. on which it is grow ii. )''','; Wrhl. Ilmv to l.ili.r Ilnn'4. Wittering knits, -ays a -.viilor. is ene nt the mot nnpor'ant '! the ciiltur.' of hoiisii ,;..t :. n spei ial car.- -i. uld bo do ot Plants ought it-t to I o w, .. need it. It will be ev i.leiit tl require wetting if, on taking I from the pot. it cntmbli : t like dust. A sure sign is to the side of the pot. near tl:. with the linger k:. e. i l forth a hoilow ring, thf . wa'er ; if there is a dull : is still moisture r-n -ii rh i" plant. Plant . ma I in! bi ., than once or twice a da dear days they require i.e r than on damp, cloudy days, other hand, the earth must :!l".': in i-1 very I to it. d ili.-y . a t;(.y be earth , pjeees 11 lt -i tin I't 'ii on, v. at.r "Hi tie n.-t 1 1 allowed to dry out entirely, I'm that is also very injurious. In wo: tin r theui the water may be ioured on i i Mich a way that it w ill run out again through the hole in the bottom of th"' pot. If the earth gets too div it is best to place the pot in water, o that the water will saturate the di: very gradually. They may be w,in ril at any hour of the day, c.xeepi w ben the sun is shining mi the put or has just left it, for the earth gets h t w icn the sun shines on it. and thpn if tim udd water is poured on it it will .ol off too rapidly. The best time for water ing flower in summer is in tno eve ning, and in winter noon i best. Well water should never be u but always use either rain water or nrooi; wnter. It ia important that the water should not be lower in temperature than the room in which il is to be u,i;,tl iiou.ehui.i 111..M. Cod-fish balls taste mu. li nicer if an egg or two is: mixed up with them. To keep eel cry linn, place in a tin of cold waier If this is not , the cclerv si ion bt comes lim : . Coinlen-cd milk. Icafeii nil with an egg an 1 a littl- p.dv eri.ed sugar, lint . is a good Idling for n am put!. A very iiioo si:!., dinner-dish is made hv ( ut'ing in. tine a hait-hea l id red a! b ige, season wi'Ji p.. ppT and salt and co'. er w i'.li v in.-uar. lit' nMerod t'ist placed under ham and e.o-s or i ci; is very nice, crve a pie.-e of tin- toast with a help f the st i r ham mid ci A Plivsabni's l;iiiiiiti oil Rdiicatieii. In an article on rcnial" I'ducation from a Me li -.d point of View, print cd in ..(..; '.()(. .1 hi' .'(.v. the wnt'T, T. S. loiiston. M. 1.. says: There are a good many reasons why b;. si. ians slioiild hav e opinions about t'o cdiicaMoii of v.iii'h ra'i'.er dii'li rent from those lieid by i and of (Lo proio Their w hob- art is foi of tl.e linluau bi in: 1:1s (lev, !, and lib. .lea h. A ill all his functions are -t of the id lie .mil educators b d on ihe study iiis I resinning 1'irs... hi;: decay. .-true! ur- s and tcln'dy i.;.,u:red l.-.v a days be a oi...i-t in bides nro. A d t.r must tio-.i physiologist, and a h.v sjoh the lecntai as vv eil ,i ft.-tl'-m ..f man in his r ing In fa. t. it is one ol I lu j i the physiological mode ,,f man nature that nam is h whole boi'.v and iii.nd luv rune of inquiry. itiidv ing hu--oked on a- a togt ther a niuty. in wliicii they eaiuiit t-e studied .'.art from each other. J'lien the practi i a! aims . no'di-ni iio-.t io:!!'-. f. on i . b d on this enlarged study of man. are getting '.. be niere atnl Mi re coiieen'rated ' II in- a --.i't s f- r the prevention of .li-cas.-s. and no' merely f.-rt!"' r cure. T-. pre. v i tit ! :. as.- in- m not . on'r"l the con lit ens of life, lsecially in youth, when tli" human being is m...? atneiia I ! to influx:,, es for g 1 an i ;! Mi..t an'. ( thevvli -le future 1;;,-. nm -t "i.c ' r. gaiate th--conditions . !;:., .i l.-ai'ii! is to be preserve I. The doctor i n-N that health lie u'ls far liarc than a g I digestion, it means a cuuci.iis sens,, -i will-being ad over, contentment, power ' f w .-r'i, i apacity t . r.-sj-t . vil ; jii:'.ii lie s, .m l, to some i t. ;it. goo. Morality. P means a sound m nd in a : i n I body. 'I he pi'oi r-s, and the lia to -I . f eiba at 1 u nie'oubt .lly in:' ,-n."c health -U'ongly. If tl.e elm a!-ir l.a. lamagcd t!ie bealth. the ... tor is ,-x pec! e. to put it right. An impoi tan! part of tlic physj. ;-ri's duty is s!-i.v the sum total of a man's: he -.-btary b It'll i,. ,i s, and Ins bodily vv . a . : s! rung ; o'ut-. v hat is commo'iiy e::!!" i coti-t ;t in :o,i. lie bn-is li.a' ida a !i..n .n iii-iisy of its modern f-ii-!ii n.ay I e e;t!,i r a i!io,t ii.-b fu or a inosi ,ian geroiis pri..- - to n any i on, t. tut ;ou. In I'a'l.tlio lia di i ll phy-li iau is rather ib-pos, d to :-. ' up a- tlu'skiii.-d . ng neefoftiio hum ni in.iehine, ai' l th. author. t itiv e i-vi- n.- i' it jr.-jer ti'.aiment in a!' d- b purine nts, b.-th wla-nit is -..-..rkltig fi.htiy a-w eil a-, w in n it g. u-s w rung, I he ( einihiin Cmv. Tlierc is in- re mi" lit in the common cows ot t!i- country than they ge; ! it b r. say s a wr.ter in tie ,';..' ,V )'. , !;., i In;-tie in tin- ini.-pain I ring that the tlioroiighbrt .1- g. t. and the tie l'oiiglibrpds the si aiity. bare and liar 1 ' r at 'cent the connaon s!..i k g. fs. . and a lew g. in-ratioiis wdl sirbce to bring tb'-iii both to the same level. The thorottgii'M eds are w hat they are fi'o.n goo! f land goo I t r -atment. II'.w f the imuioin cows re spond to ,-i little more g. uer.eis supply of !'o 'd than they are a e;!-,t,,nie i to enjoy i- well illu-traied in the ei eri ence of th ; ri'senl s.-as.-n. pavorod w ith an a'cnndani eol'r.iin t make t'.u-h p'l -turago. the cows whii h di-pend-d wholly gra ing. have been better supplied vvilh fool than they u t ally are, and th'- i'--ul' h .oie.ething like t wen'y-ii vo p. r cent n. re butter and .hies,, than tiny ;o: n-i.cnel to tua'.-.e if. t'.ie 1'ir-t half of the seas .n. J'he.r products are always large when the season is faveii.ble for a'i aimnd ai. c ol grass, but when, in the vicissp tildes of thf weather, the heavens tire !c s g- n. rolls, and drought makes teed un i "i't utiately short, milk and its products dwindle to th" opposite ex treme and there are loud lomplaiuts of "so, ub-i ovvs," and the ow ners begin to look around for I ctter breeds. It is a good ii'.ea to look for a letter breed, led by a gray-eyed young lady named but it w ill re iiire a pretty sharp look- Jeannette Fmerson, w ho teaches school, out to lind a breed of cows that will and whose father retails bad whiskv in give full ret urns from halt fare, or do ' a shanty saloon. There arc- 7m0 pen auv 1 tot- than the so-called "n.ti ive" I pie in Butte, of whom luo 1 are 'hina eow i when there is a hu k of food to I men. Saloons occupy the hi st blisilii ss make milk from. locations, and gambling goes onopcnlv Wneu our dairy ft icn Is have such in nearly all of them. ample opport unity for witnessing the ! iiii;c;eiii-i- between full and scanty ra th us. why can't they utilize the hint and see to it that their herds have full fare all the season, whether the heav ens smile or frown. A litUe compara tively inexpensive preparation for soil ing with green food in case pasturage should be scanty would meet an emergency and secure returns so gen erous and uniform that instead of de spising his cows it would inspire an in 1 Imation to admiration and gratitude. f TOriCS OF THE DAT. President Arthur's cabinet is thus Ascribed by a writer in the Troy Times: "Brewster is the most pun1 I tilious member. Frelinghuyscu the ! most aristocratic. Lincoln the quietest, Grcsham the ablest, Folger tin most , judicial, Teller and Chandler are the j two who keep track of things generally . ana the hardest workers. I How the world lias progressed w ithin a century! (icorgo Washington, the first president of the 1'nited states, never saw a steamboat. .loim Adams( the second president of th? l'uito.1 ! States, never saw a railroad. Andrew Jackson, the seventh president, knew nothing about the telegraph. Abra- j ham Lincoln, the sixteenth president, j never dream.-d of such a thing as the , telephone. The New York th-m.t says that most ..f the heavy gambling in New York nowadays is dune in the fashion able club houses, aaiong men w ho in dulge in it more lor "sprt" than m.-nev. They lose their money vv it h out chagrin, mil never play with ; "professional" gambler if tiny know him to be su. h. These are the mer w In. ,.s,. -. ; ii to si..'n a irght with out . lis;. b ring it worth talking about but wli". u Vol thi'l ss, never visit gand-iing "lie'ls" I ccan-e of llielr lcai o being ' lleeel" I." The! i nicti'iia! i a rtsobi'.ioi Pka.toi..- as i U leans , n t i.r. IM. a iss.",. pins i o. in.' ni ra ;'s 1 u.itTst i an-l ("ottor Xposjtloli. I'ed by ..f the a!i"!l-l! l'"!tol ciat ion, will o en in New ie lirst Mojulay ,.f pen 1U I i ontiiiiie until May dl "his evpo-.ti ii wii! led only i r.i; e l lie cetiteiiniii' a' niv er t I.e 11 - ! export i'.ll'll el ' ott"I t :i t d st;,.,.. but will al-i itti vnat loiiai in. lust rial ex p This expo. lion U to be l-e l, b- an ;;:e joint govern:. P. aiitus U-piCsol I n! and tin a--, 'cialioti. ie I li t Nati 1 1 a The re'urns as t . inag-' of foreign ulrii s e..;;la'ns -on,., lilt- re-l .ng fa '-. In Urea: brita.n ie. gold vv a f ined 111 I".'. The b,-st i-s'iinate ,, tl.e ...,id e.-iu eil, ilhd.oll ill till I":..t. d K.o. -'e-ui io.i.'i ,' -ii pound st'ibiig. and. a pap-rm- n.y l'l.7Jl.lltH poun,, si,.,-:,,,. I I,, r,,,l eoinage o( I'l.l.uceui I ss.; ,,oi-.:;ite, to Il.TU.l""' tram -s. and the .-dver coinage ti. 7,1."':'.-'''.' traiu-j. Mr. P.urih.ird. di-r- tor of the Phila.'e Iphia mint, put-tin- b t.d j ap. i . .villa' ion of the thirty i g .' : .:.. i; a! countries at f' t.'-'IJ.'.'J' ', '.'.' ! : the gold crciilati '11 ill 51. l.Mo-'i,-! I V'l'i'. and the silver Coin at Ihe I. ote Ion ';').(-. finds that thf n 1 1 in 1 r of vvat. -'a - mann bid ured in l-'uiland is vea-ly beeommg l.s, an. h s.. and tra- - the 1 .111- of the do , rb'.e to i!;o use of new and ile 1 ei,ii..i,s by woikt.K-u l"-th in Auii-riii ,;n I w ;t, 1 rkiiid. "In A no ri. ii," ii -ay-. cryi'iing is ibli'- in a largi- a'..-, W b.le W e ; till Stick til thf lu-tii. ds of our lol'ebithers. Here tin o.' eicu! parts of ,1 watch ai'" mad" il; oi ' r.-nt shops, oi- ibffeieiit portions ol lie country, and trotted about tr-ui 1 o-ictoth.'- oilier. In Am. r.ea a com j pb t.. vv :vh i' made in . lie building i (!ne Aiiiei e an ho'lse alone made Jul. OOi 1 w, itches hi"' year, w l,il" nur tota produ' tion was not more than 17.', n. 'urns to the Cniti-d si.ito; bureau of sta'isti- s contiiiii.-to show u marked decrease in the n'imber of imniigraiit I arriving in this country compared with . the stati-'ics for the I: and previous ; years. 1 .1 riiiany. tliough still sending i a third ' f the immigrants who coim to the s,,, res of the Pnited States, shows the notable decrease, Ireland coming next. The percentage of fal- ling off is in the neigh hm hood of forty ' per cent in each case. This shows ' that the iiilluenees by which it is sought to deter immigration are still! pi. '. all-lit in Fatlu-rhind. However, th- re Ua fallingoff in all nationalities, j though none are so marked as tliost named. As all Ih.oky Mountaineers know, i liinamen aii'l ganiblers arrive siriiul-' tan - usly at booming mining camps, j and soon constitute more than one-half I of the rapidly growing male popula- tioti. The Chinamen wash, cook and ! clean for the gamblers, w hose reckless ! generosity with cash soon enables the Chinamen to sail through thotjoldcn (late homewards. Naturally, such a population will produce strange social result,. In Butte, Montana, there are three distinct sets, the "swcllest" being Dr-spt ration, "tiive 111? your money, or I shall be forced to do a thing that I have never yet been able to do in my life." M. du Bile took out his pocket-book, gave it to the robber, and said to him : " N'ow that you have stripped me, may I ask what you would have done?" The bandit looked lly at his victim and replied : "I should have worked '." - ! ijn.;. SriEMIFIC XCHAPS. Pnrinpr his late journey in Central Asia. Ur. Venukoft discovered the horse, the camel and the goose in their wild state. They showed no fear of man even after some of their number had been shot. Recently some valuable experiments In photographing the larynx and soft j palate at the instant of singing have 1 been made. A powerful electric light was throw n into the throat, tho sub ject than sang a note, and the actual position of the vo al ligaments, uvula, , etc., was photographed instantancou dy. The finding of a small piece of gold-hearing quart, in the gi?'ard of a lyre-bird w hich he was preparing to I stuff, has led an Australian taxider mist to infer that the precious metal exists near the spot, in the Blue Mountains, where the lord was kdled. The region will probably be explored for gold The Puke of Arg.- 'o "' -iders that tin fa. t that s c - . h lolls have gravel and no earth -.u ilmr summits shows thai -i-.,. km.! .i-i; ng the delugi was .'o. hi (.,t in,,',.;- ..iter. Parvvin i eti-iili-re-l the . same la. t lobe due t'' i art hw ioi.s tl lb- IIS-; A co IS, l w i hi-so t vv S pi. UtV of I'O" III f.'l b-i' of I.oti Ion -.v.- ,;,'. "'- gi v , s 1 !,,. toii.-vv i-ig as an instant ii-uu- y ,.r to th e I .- With a smal I iccc of .in an i a lit of silv ,-r ( any silv .-r c .in v, ill -. the in.' placed on oil'- ol th-- .1-ia I" 1 'giiin. and the silver 11 the o 1,: ,-, p, bringing tin edg. s too 1 lor tri- ily an 1 pii-i! I l s. ... a mixture be-ii: a .1 The hum the r-It all ' III H III ot ni rat. I nuuiodiat .; - tin- tootha-'he. h 1,0 at by means of :i I-i I. oxide and car tit I'ngli.-h patent. . i highly ltilkiui . i-i v e vv hen mixed : is ii. ! d v, w.t h air. discolors add last p., .p..!l;o five per . live per c a h:l t ',- . ai 1-iiiie aeiil itself I re-!, ici a! a'nl gives it an . heii used together, ill s ,.: n.-t l.s, than tilty u! n-.r more than seventy- it. carl". nic mid to not v c pi r cent, nor less per 01 nt. of carbonic e pn-erves meat un- iin -re than !o,-i liian 1 w 1 utv oxide, tl: lu.x 1 banged, and ' a ,i;ot be -et on fin Mi"i..r HaMueoi wlio was detailed ly th.- lloyiii in vc-i ign'e the 1. il to the late , .-ps of l'.nginei-rs to irises that may have a: lr. pin- on the island of Is- hiii. finds, i-i.ntiary to the views ! expressed ! y Professor Palniieri, that ' tin dost rue'.!--11 was the result, not of a subsidi-io t- ,.; the cm t as induced by a-, e ..'is -otution, lui' of true vol- ; eanii a I iv i'y whi'-li is st II resilient in the i-lan I. and which at intervals maiiib -'s t-i-lt n the form of seismic ii, oven, cuts an.! tlu-ru isc. Tho town ot ( a-.ifi . ;. ! 1 Mood over the intersec tion of In-- two j i tieipal lines of si-Nnii .-ei'vity, and consequently at it- lo.-us Prom tie 'at est reports regarding th" etc I- ra in llgypi. which became, epidemic last Summer, it appears that the germs of the disi use are always pre-int in the Nile diita. and oulv 1 wa.t the circumstances which go to Hour .Icvi-Iopiiif-nt to make a pestilence , at any time. The dist-a-e dues not seem to be imported. It has an abid- ' iiu'-pla -e in the country. Now that I'.gvpt is so iloselv connected with the j great ilistribiitingceiitres of commerce of the world, the Hi ml uport of the js.-je-itii.i Commissioners wall I e looked for with interest and given an atention worthy of the subject. Pri'idng 1 Woman from Sl.iverj. The following extract, translated from A .1 -.- ' ' Aha. a journal published in Morocco, will show that even poor slaves are not entirely-devoid of human sympathy: "A short time ago a slave woman was set free by her master as a reward b r he. excellent behavior and industry. She began work, and her wages, added to what she had received from her former master, enabled her to sav e a moderate sum of ii.onev. One day. passing through a street, she heard the auctioneer selling a negress. The conscience el the former slave was touched and her sympathy aroused by the remembrance of her former life. In a spirit of sublime charity she bought the slave, took her to her own house, and dei hired her free, and the two women are now working content edly together. VhU-agn Times. Shaker Costumes. A decided change in the dress of Shakers ha taken place in the last twenty years. Skirts were formerly quite plain; now they are laid in length wise folds an inch in width. Jn other words, they are kilted, and in the soft grays and stone colors, with the silk or muslin neckerchief crossed over the bodice and the clear cap shading not concealing the whitening locks of hair, the effect is that of a gentleness and serenity suited to the age of a ma jority of the wearers. The little girls wear white caps, instead ot handker chiefs, exactly like those worn by country girls in F.ngland half a cen tury or less ago. "I say, Jenkins, can you tell a young tender chicken from nn old tough one ." "O! course I can." "Well how?" "By the teeth." "( hi.kens have ne teeth." So, but I have." Tlie (nndidafe, H vi. o. 3. C i.x, in the "Youth's Companion." says: An incident of the personalities of the "stump" was re lated to tno by Cicn. A. O. Scales, a member of Congress from North Caro lina. "When a young man," said the gen eral. -1 ran for tho legislature in my native countv. At one of the precincts, as 1 passed by a crowd, I noticed a man one Sam Stewart whom I had known from childhood. Ile was en gaged in earnest talk with the crowd, and as I passed I heard him say. " 'I ant agin all lawyers, ami though 1 like A.ti. scales who is one I will not support him on that account." "1 walked boldly up to the crowd, and asked what engaged them so earnestly. Sam repeated his language. 1 said, "You (ill me with amazement. I am as much surprised as if it came my own father. Yon have known me from an infant, have dandled me on your knee, and your wife has fed me out of the same spoon with her own boys. I have hunted, fished and played with your eldest hoy, who was my namesake. You had just as well vote against that son." "Ho hesitated a moment, and then turning to the crowd, said, " 'ttentlemen, theni are facts; just as ittle A. (J. has said. He was r.llers an honest boy; and 1 know he is not law yer enough to hurl. We can all go for him.' "And they did." A Hood Frlrnil to Ihr lilnrr. San Francisco. Consul A. F. Bee, of the Chinese Consulate Ollice, ex presses himself clearly in saying that he. as well as his family have suffered severely from rheumatism and neu ralgia, and that medicines were used in vain. At last St. Jacob's Oil was tried, which effected immediate cures in every case. The Consul regards the Oil as the greatest pain curing remedy in existence. A Sharp Witness. Fiiiring a recent trial the following occurred, varying the monotony of the proceedings. Among the witnesses was one as verdent a specimen of hu manity as one would wish to meet with." After a severe cross-examination, the counsel for the government paused; and then, putting on a look of severity, and an ominous shake of the head exclaimed, "Mr. Witness has not an effort been made to induce you to tell a different story V" "A different story from what I have told, sir?" "That is what I mean." "Yes, sir; several persons have tried to get me to tell a different story from what 1 have told, but they couldn't." "Now, sir, upon your oath I wish to know who those persons are." "Waal, I guess you've tried 'bout as hard as any of 'em." The witness was dismissed while judge, jury and spectators indulged in a hearty laugh. ADVlll ETO CON- IMIPTIVES. On the n.'earimco of thu lirst symptom", ns general lielulity, loss of ftpix-tite, pallor, chilly seiisntions, followed by iiiuht-swents mid cough; prompt measures of relief should ho taken. Consumption is scrofulous dis etise of the lungs; therefore use llie ure-it nnti-siToftilousor blood, purifier anil si remit h restorer, l'r. Pierre's "Gulden Medical ls. covery." Superior to cod liver oil us n nu tritive, nnd unsurpassed ns a ppotornl. Pit weak hm,;-, spitting of blood, mid kindred nlVei-li'ttis, it has no erpmb Sold by .lnii.' fists. pur Ur. Tierce's treatise on Consump tion rend two stamps. Woni n's 1is-k.nsuv Mfpi. At. Association, Buffalo, N. Y. A Sure Cure-A 11. An old Newport lady is a great be liever in coal oil as a cure for every thing; in fact, as a cure-all. she's gt coal oil on the brain. And a few even ings ago, while some old women friends were calling upon her, one of them re marked: "I don't know what's the matter with my .Johnny's knee. It's swelled, and it makes him so lame he can hardlv walk." "Hathe it in coal oil," said the old lady; "I'll guarantee you it'll cure it." Another one said, "My Sarah has such a dreadful pain between the eyes." "Well, all slit's got to do is to rub it well with coal oil three or four times a day, and it'll cure her," haM ily re marked the old lady. "Well," said the third woman. "1 ain't got nobody sick about my house, but if a body hasn't got. trouble one way she's got it another. All I can do I cannot get my Jennie to stay at home of evenings." "Hub her with coal oil, atnl I'll guarantee you it will surely cure her," returned the old lady, in good earnest. Rightly Punished. Druggists have to keep their wits aliout them in Paris. One of their number having been convicted of adul terating sulphate of quinine, has been sentenced to a year's imprisonmeut at hard labor. In addition, he is to pay a fine of a thousand francs, his name and crime are to be published in twelve political and twelve professional pa pers, and should he ever reopen his store, to the dor thereof is to be af fixed a sign: " entenced for adultera ting sulphate of quinine." "KHiH NO MOHE, l.AIUKsi'" for Dr Pierce's "Favorite Prescription" in a prompt and certain remedy for the painful disorders peculiar to your set. By all drug gist. A Boeton singer who ha warbled for four teen years ri commends raw oysters for coughs. WOMAN AND HER lISEAE4 Jsthe title of a large illustrated treatise, by Dr. K. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y., pent to any addrens for three stamps. It teaches Kacceen ful self-treatment. The Chinese are said to swear In Knglish. Most of our etnU.-nuirn have the same com plaint. Fraaer Al lirnu. One greasing lasts two weeks : all others two or three days. Do not lie imposed npon by the humbug stittfs offered. Ask your dealer for t razor's, with label on. It saves your hort labor, and you too. It received first medal at the Centennial and Paris et position. Hold everywhere. Yon would nse 8t. Patrick's Halve if you knew the good n would do yon. Mr. J. E. Ilarvey, 140 Bridge St.. Brooklyn, says: I h.ive no more drt-ad of inflammatory rhenmatiam since Dr. Elmore's Rheumatine Goutaline brouitht me out uf the terrible condition I was in last year." The best and oldest medicine for cure of liv er diseases is Dr. ban ford's Liver Invifc-oramr. Chrnlithion Collars snrl cuffs will not tnrn yellow nor grow stiff, like other waterproof goon. Messmas's PrirosizEB bkep towio, ths only firrparatiun of bief containing its eutirt mcci ioui proptrtuB. It contains blood-mtkini.', force Kmcrstinfr and life-snstainhiir propeilirs; invaluable for indii ulion, dyspepsia, nervous prontiation, Mid all forms of gcuoral debility; also, in all eiili'i-lili-d condilii ns, wli.-thvr tl'10 result of eihaiixtion, nervous prostration, over work or acute disL-iiBe, particularly if ri-miltinK from pulmonary complaint. (.' Mvell, Hazard it Co., Proprietor!), New York. Bold by di uitKUts. The I'ae of Hrm 1'cls. Thon little tricksy I'uik! Wiih antic toys so funnily bestneki I.ildit as the sinnou luid that winirs the air, (Carboline, Caib .lii e nalorcs the hair.) An liiteirMliia Pnlrni Suit. relsonLjo 1. ot Allianv. N. V.. Iia rreov crrd -indeineut of $-,n"?.0. n-.nm-t ('.. T. I'idirr a- Co.. in the I . S. circuit, court, nt i. t nit, Mich., fornn ii fi inucinont nf l.vons I'at nt M. tnl i." Ilel Stilloncr. Thiscniitriv onci s nn of the mo-i useful of molci-n in- ven ions, and ha hi -ved a rumnrkabV snle over (hi i-r:h. tl'itcs imnnv.slu.w"d, having l-e.Mi-oJils n -oil P a'cnivvus qniutcd, b in,: ti C'..nd L.lal of ;:,-".i iu pairs. Tho inv. ulion c ni .i-ts ,,f n in .it nvd-d p'ale fn-t-etiin; to th- outsi !e .. n hoot or shoe heel, arinnrcd to prevent li e enmiter- I'roin I.r. ak in; over n nd tl.e heel iioin vv nr.ii:; down "ii rvontv. Tin alt I'.i' V :;. 11. of tli I idled Hint. s ilee'nrcl t'i l.v.m m' 'iiv;di-l on aec. nut o: mi biNu-ma uv in the api-l e.-i i -n. 'I his was nftcrvvni-.l c -ircedbv the r-en-mis-i-cerof in i c -. rdnnct vv i ha Mfp .il ni" 01 I 'on-ri -ew niithnritnt it A- - tm 1 wis conm ciKul 11 M:iy. lss, n ) er--etiial injunction w.-:s elilcinc'd in Poccinl. r, an I tho cno Has referred to a master, wim lopurtel the d iiincresns .;!,s:i, ,ut on mo tion tliec.iiirl double I th.-snni", and .lir.-i-teil judgment t 1 beent.-i-i d ie.-ninst d- fen !nnl! such duul.le damages with interest and crts. e Inv-'VIni lilnr ImliistrT. Thec remnrUidilc items pour inloonr oUco daily. Mr. H. S. pci x.t u, vvilh the New Homo Machine Company, of ( ranue, Mass., vi -c, May '.'.t, 1SS.1; I Inve y.nui Hunt's he only in my family for nvrr.ien year. Myvifo was troubled with calnrrh of the r. suffered intense pain in the kidneys und loins, and a dilution was accomplished vvilh the R-e.itet of m:ony. My friends thoiiirht th it she could tint recovor. We tried ai.d medicire :. ami alihi-nh bitter nt limes she would grow worse nuain. Showiisnbliued to ure the uiiiial as many us fifteen times in ni.ii.dit.nnd was growing wo'so daily. At t'ns time my ntteutioti vas rnlled to Hunt's liemedy. and I concluded to try it: ntid after u-ini; one botl'e she vv..s 11 no ul de-1 bi tter, the inflnmnintii n was reduced, and the Wider more natural. She beuan to t'nin in nipetile and fe't no pain in (lie I nek and kidneys. Hie could attend to tier housil o'd work without 1 nin. and this h:id been a i;ret burden to do. even the IL-hti st kind of work. Alter usinu fix lotlles bin- was roinplcti-ly cured. Since then I hnve had ocens on to use Hunt's Hemody for I due) a id liver com plaints, and found it to be j 1st ns represented, i.nd I consider it a uio-t vvondt i f I iiipdicinc. I would not be without Hunt's Ilcinedv in my family: and I have recommended it lo in v friends here in iran-e vv ilh e.iinlly good results." A Quick Recovery. It gives us j;r. it p'ensnro to st'lto that tho merchant who was i cpurie.l b ii'nt the p int of death from nn at lack of piieiiiiu.uia, has entirely rccovere I by the use of lr. AVm. Hall's PaKim for th !.u ur. Nalnnilly he feels grateful f..r th b- neili.s from using this rem slv, for the luiu-s an I thr- nt; and in giving publicity to thi-i-t item.'nt we are actuate 1 by motives of ii' lu- Ix-ii.-'t lion, tru-din;; that others limy tc Km-fliel in a eimilar niaunor. '-WoalwHvs keen l'isro's Cure for Con sumption in the house. mms THE GREAT tin nri Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago tackachs, Hcadaihc. Toulh-.c'io. SJore Tli". Ili-ulses, Hum-, I'ro.l HiU-. a-b n iiiiiiu iiiimi v ruvs imi uiirs. S! I t.r DoiSS'ltH '.! I"1" " " I '"J I'M'" " I. n-"in. ii. in 11 I mi- .1" .m THR Ml KM A. WM; I I I it ro.!n MUSTANG Survival of the fittest. A FAMIIT M! DtriNR Tn.tT n.tS TIEALED PILLIONS Urr.lMi i-i tEAItSt A BAI.ll FOR EVERY WOl'KD OF MAN AND nEASTI J THE0LDE8T&BEST LINIMENT EVXli MADE IN' AMERICA. SALES LAEOER THAN EVER. The Mexican Mntantr T.lniment has ticin kuoivn lor inom than tliirlv-tlve years us tli 1" st ot alt J ililliii'lilH, for VI :m anil llenst. Its sales) toilay sn inruer than ever. It cures when aU oilier fail, and penetrates fkln, tenilon ami iniisrie, 10 the very bone, boh) everywlicrc. GOOD NEWS TO LADIES C.n.111 t iniluiriii-etn ".er i.t firi-lt. Now'll yi.tir I m - to c.-t ul or.l-for our re'sl-r t."l Tei mi. I i 'nlleen,nl .i al e niti- lllll. ..Ill hill' ill. V 1,,K 1 l,.n T.-n S i. . r Iin di n." H.c r o-.l 1 D nn. r -1 1 Hun t M. r. rlu:l i..irlKii!iuii alitnt4 . r-le-l Ti.ih l M-l. TIIK I.UIIAT AVII Itll AN Tl' A '!.. P. O. Hoi UK.. ill nd ..I V -- M New Votk. V I.r :i I 1 di. 11. -1 moan i. :i ll..-m r-f Lni. I .. nil . r..l. t 1 -in-. I I.O" 11 . I tl l.lNi. -II K- 1... und i'irt-i I, .iv.. On-i.i r.-'iirn 1 il .. K.a ..f UTS. H ll.EI .sV 1 mt-rtf lo K.rii tl-.o w.i I I' lyi-s BcH-.teid other, bar 'i--r.i.nti f, r I.. .t n.iwr rwfplvlng ncura. Scn.l.i 1 Hi.- I01.1- I w-.rr.iit my f .r 1 I .11,1 1 m-lr. CENTS ajjv A oopf of Bijou dltioo'of GODEY'Sffi 8ndfc stamp to Publilher. Hm II. IIIMillniti-li.liIri Vn. PATENTS, ropv. mi. hi -s, iit;.. .Alll I.H. I1I I-.SI K. "' inrrHm. Urn I lliniM l.,r -n. Ikk os Ph. 1 si 1 . Pi.eiomi. will can. fo.ircoiath. Prr IVi. mi Kl I V I I 11 nmmm mm mm H . veulK.n 1. Utilcr liian con I nea.. Il.i klnit Cuuiiti wiuvipitia it li. lii.rrl,.. ., I lJPieoiS Cln-iilar. vnt Kr'H. field II. Di Tit till . .11 IIIKs, B 9 Ijj 11 .WOMAN CAN 1 Qs'iWPATHIZ IS'iWI'ATHIZCWITH yJ-y'v;oMAN.; .0 LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. A Hure Cure for all i n.HAtE WEAK MISSI'M, Incliullnar I.encorrbira. Ir rcatilnr anil gainful niensirnatloBi liiilainmailon nnil I'leerotlonof Ihe Moinli. I'limitinf, IMIO LAI'MI'M t T1CUI, &C. rTPl tiwnl to the la.-te. eltlracUmi snit Imnrrllttw In lu citi rt. It I. a heir la rn-KnaacT, and n ialn iluriiiK Libor and at n cular peiloda. i iivsi. sistiT id ritrsrniBB it riuEir. rVFoa all Wijikxwes of the genrratW oivus of either fi s, It I. (.reenil to no reniffly that baa eref been bror tin public 1 anil for alt dlnraiM of th Kuwrra it la th. Grmf. l UmtJy In th Worlii. t&K I D ET PI.A IXTS of ElCbcr Re Find (i real Uelliflo I la lae. I.TSIA P. PlNKn AM-S BLOOII PmiTTFR will .rail., nil' 1 vi ry Tmilt-r nt II111.1..IH th. I he wiiiie tune wUI pixf t'.na ami stn-nirth tn the nykii-in. A. iiuu-vulluu in reaulla aa the Compound. tfDnth IheComnonnil and Dl"ed Partner ars pre. pnrrd at 933 and C.v Western Avenue, Lvnn, Vaea, I'rii-o of either, l. Hli hotlli for iv. The Compound lawn! by mall In tho f.irm et pllla. or ef lounges, na receipt of rrlre, l per Imi for either, atra. Plnkhara freely an-wera all In-iulry. KncloseScent stamp. Head for pamphlet. Jfeiit ion llie raprr. nrt.vni E. insmiAM's irm rn.ia eiira (Vnittpa tlun. Hiln.uiiiicamlI.irpl.lUs ot U10 IJr. Si cents. -Sold by ull Drucslnta.t? (i) HN lliil BEFORE -AND -AFTER Zlecttte AF(l!aa:si arc 9i:t 21 rays' Rial, TO MEN ONLY, YOUNG OR OLD, WM rr mUTrli'i? mm. i: ri ppniiTY, l. '? T VlTAI II . I It . r Xnn Ktili' K AHl Virt. u. Wasumi , ,h!-i.-. m.. iili km.lrf-1 it-sn-'Ma. Sit ! . t. i t :' an-1 'tin n i r-fora li"ti if Mi a i in. in.. I !, mi "Hid snw IKMv Hi- ir.ii.;f.f 111 rov. iv nf Hi.- N lif If. nih c. iiiiir., s n. ni ii-fr Illuj-tiuu 1 I'mui'lili t fii t-. Avi-'ir- VOLTAIC BELT CO., MARSHALL, MICH. Payne's Automatic Engines. Rwli.t-l. P.iralil.- urd l-'.nn..wiu.l, rttl .irnl Snr t",rr ur'. , .1-1 mi jrn.7ir. ..ii-', nt li 'it..'iili.-fut .IT. rtenq fir,-,i.i. -M.'- t..i InforiiiNlloa an4 Pri. ... II. W. I'tsa i b.'Mi. II.. 1 I ..imiit. H.y. . .... ..iiu- i-H-iiin-sati 1 . . !'l.t :il.-t UIVBt f's ..-t. iii luiM-imiLir X N. V. City, A'. V. rXn Spt'flllil I OIVS. R. Lindblom & Co., IL Q. Miller & Co. r .i 1 . x-.. V.-rtt BROKERS. '" lia, ll itlat-A 11 .Mt-IUiitTt i. All III H-nf .irk. ' ii ( . ...1 MiUiuhrif. ,1,,... ...r.,;, ! hatwt-ttn ,it vi- i-nnr I t-a 00 o ir 1 ( :-.!! I 1 n- r.r. ii tru flfn liOlir. l.tMUiLUM A Ut.. ur t it lit "''I iii"i1t inr kulne. ... r, st id ten, I t.i-l'!r nml I. ! tii.-jiMr, n t onl.v r-rtl t aifttivp nver r'ltj'iintii m. f"i, 1 .m';iii, iii i ir.i, b ttf lrl 1, tc. ln ni 1 hi m. -. - It Mft I ill m.. 'lvs;.' l.-i 1 111 Wi-K-v ull f Minis "f in-. :i .I't- d tT' hi "J ( I.' wi'ir.i retiavf tD'l iintn-i".iT B 1 1 y. - t K i. f t 1.1 I (J rv'ia. t ! -"tt i - il whu 1. ul li m 1 1'0 n.i-rj'iiijn W'. I'ur. h t .t4li0, b"lltttM, mi. I a t' lo Ii 04. A"k JO T dn:t st I it . it lis tlvi'l.nHti n'l lu as fr ituse ni-il in.-l-n. Elm rti, AiUmfl i U-.. William a-t.,W. V THE fl.M COrWRlN RFk. 'IIU" " 'TV WHITEr5x3:. RUBBER,: UkfS iii'-U .V,,tH:-'i.-.-i-Tsr wtmi 1 lijvo a -.-lluori.nii-.l I r Uii ain.n oi.c.w. n 0-othmi.,lii.l . f c.. ..f the vnr.l Mn-I an.l r. li VAI.I AI1!.H 'I'liK.I MSU o-l tl.le Ol amilT Knit. Una; lni-liliit" '-. invem.-.l- vv II knit mr i.t .I,,,":;..-, v.lii III I I. mil TOM l-lllllllll'll' ill .'"- It .. :! 'Hit 11 nri-11 .111. -IV -.f I llt.'jf w TK. fi.iwh..' Imi-- i-i il..ys 1, 11 ..,.! iiii-i,.-!. .-..'Il I T.r .ml I. 010 I.. III.. J'ttumlllv Kllilllllll llli llllil- I i.. I.. 1 I . .mil .111 Mr-.l. II ..t ill, VIiss S40! iff ft l ife H ht.ltps! It. id the mim Ilulnri ollrc. . S m at'i-iy. I 'hUinn-- ff IIIMTISG I'HIiiSrjI. G NATIONAL TYPE CO. 1'iili.A. luu paRe boob it IVW l MUt t:VI'll til' hOI.V'ilVVINll : 'Jilceilt piwce. Si. W.'t w t'l -'it Ms. Ii. .1 11 .V, Cent v.ilh tula wi. or i- J .r Mitl ll,itlir with l.-tlnn, ur..iinil iMla-e. II. lilCTT-U ftr..Mii.i.rr, N.lia.k. PILES CURED in two to three days s..,l i.r , r. i i.r. I'm... ;!. n.r ti -l A It VI I I .N.'-I'l Kl i I ll.rsi.i IIC 111-11, II. VATl:li-lieri. ii.-.l ll".k 1.11.I HLI.. Aai-ntsln If evory (x.niitv. I.ilu-rnl S.tUrii-H H.11.I Ai1ilist atatttiR r.eri.-n--M, I'. (. Ili-iu. y , l'h.Uili.lihmuPa. I-I 1 1 I T- tin.'ritiu i-iiit-r. "111 l.i-iliHr. " with Ml eil -iilir. I.y null f .r -in: AkiiiIi VVanfvd. UHl I'lilMHu I-.. . Ni..vlM,rii-n. Mna. flTlftTmCI '.i -k.. I.i;-li.-l. i.t m..n.-'i.illius-th ADIIIll mi.l WllWIli V il.tlllT- ar.l UrlU IVI at h.mie mil. .ill I'""- H""k !" Ik.:- arn.enl Iri-r. II M VVouLM V. M n ...llniitt. illY'l'l r''irn mult, run Prrrl.lln JjJJjllc-,5Ciilliil MIKII'I lU.l'l.UlliMU.U. $72 out til Aillrtt-ta Thuk t!o, awi.-k. !-- 'Ii at ii..iu...iisily mil. I i) lijt 'iniii. me. $661 aiddntw II. Ilullrll i; P.iitiati.i, Mums wn, JVrm-iriti.t Hi. ml fit trsfl "li 111 11 4 V m Cirtlm I. (;ami IK K M11.K tin-l.ituim nt. Triti- 3V-ii?n CROI'l', ASTUM.. BRONCHITIS. Neiin-lgia, Khrmmatlam. JOII.S.MI.S AMil.VSL 1.INIUI-NT (for Internal and Eiurntt lh4 will In. tantlv n-lieva llieu lerrlhls dlH-aaea, and will fill liir..ri!iu!i.ii Hint will .are ninny lives Mnt 4,nni,tiir cure nine aa.e out or feu, Vf HEALTH OF WOMANA imS' . 9 IS THE HOPE Wl s ' AS . av K' UK. s Qfi. AN OPTICAL WONDER IZOSZ A Ni v.- r -i;...'.. n-i e 11. I irmii iei"t t 1:. -. 1 r - o.. -i i .I.J..i. W lo : '.- Hi. .hli ..1M.,V. . '-H f. I 1 It. Ml 111, , liu.l. 1-1 11 I .. . 1 . w e 11.ui' 1 iii. i I'hirnidMtvl .--f V 1 )l.';iil-lll tt'i. n I fi r,itt- ttfc- p. m. nil ir', (lui mil OatLMClRFS f3 fURtt WHiRi All ItSI fallt. U lit 1 1 '1 -iiirli isy rti. jr.Vjltw fc h.I. U JOHM.N AMIIIVNK L1NIMFNT t I1KKS Hun.. SB iree l.v mull lm t rleiav a uuinMiil. I'm- lutein. ry, alorbiu. Kidney Tronbka, SJMl .IOHNS11V