i 1 4 i.i 1 THURSDAY, JAXPAUY 17, ins-,. Next morning, however, the matter ! volumes. At thu end uf a few years Toisnot Home: Mr. Charlie Peelo Wilmington Review: Robert I , i i ..L... t!,..u i., i. r:.,,r '.,f ti.;.. ,..,,... l...., t... ., t i.... ....1.......1 ji... WHS SIltlStaetOlUY SCtttCll WltllOUl I'mvo ... v., i,in,,i,. 3 "nruiu II 1 11 i .' . ijiiii . ' ' , loi.M.:.!, V. II M II . mm llf- mu further proceeding:, the editors hav- 1 ' i ei " ' i ' " in oilier cities, with ativaniage to in- in Hie lire, ami aoout JNttH) of it Deiiig at a time wnou t lie slutting engine fully vindicating Judge v owle. : crarv men and historians. In spit. , ''old and silver, was saved, i approaching. The whist In was blown u..f a u." me enginocr. inn was noi ticaru. as Miscellaneous Advertisement. Library, for general refer- maniac over the subject of religion. W. W. It. R. track in this citv, nei His example might be imilated Laid Monday he threw about Si, 200 Eighth street jestcrday morning just j r cities, with advantage t. lit- in the lire, and about !W00 of it being at a time wheu the shifting engine was tT A T.nNnflW 1?Hitnr i iMu'o we do most . emphatically coil- ot Mie presence ot this immense "I..I . i!,.10,.,' . - ileum the action ,f the 1 te. aids edit- " t,v "l c'')nr.! . ,ls 11 nl" colored plasterer, who live, two miles '"' "as quite flour, ana I no en t iiiuiieii'ni'iii! i ! i ii ii ti-ii ciitci s oi nsniii'ioii navti ueeii . ... 1: , ,,,, ;K C0J1M 1 I I hhS. I ors ,a publishing the alleged libel, ()) mM vest ot town died 11 FINANCE We desire to call the attention of yet we are gratilied as a brother Inirsi f .......i t . ,. ,-, - . IHMII ilil im IHIOU III fllllUll money mi a online, notary oi men it . ... ... :.. i . . i'i i ... the justices of the peace oi all tno ; j"...h.ii ". V"""V '".'"wi. ,s , ki hw una 3 , wti. saving a little too much spirits. . .. ... ... . ii ...'.. tl... . .. H..U..L. ... i. A.,.1 mii uiirsd uroviilcil Willi liliriirv luvom- . . . .... 1 counties or tho atate m general, ivuu , - . " . i He went liom.i ahout dark unit enq . i f.-muilwr liiini'ii.u ft'fiii. ,i-lii..li )t jliii.l mis morning. sdav ni"ht hr,I,,'t nn" lll'oU the shoulder and rated whis-: '"""'k ''"''''dly to the ground. usdav and " V ich spirits, -this morniii. l News nm particular, to tUeUr especially ,leas,.d to commend ; '"Htions than any of its size in !' ; Hed the conieiits .,f a pint tlask at one thorized to ount.es a ' tinanco , ig tlwit he 1 ad be. n deepl.N v, longed , lt w , lll)ly f(Ml l)y tl, Hllpl w of in a )r uu, vM bQ .. It wiU l)e e lueutioned this y('i oni nor resori 10 siimiuaiy vio- copvngni puoucainins noin auiuiira .... . M.iiw.a H,.. f l.ij ,....ii. and miblisliers; ami it is, moreover. matter, a tew aays ago, to one o. on. , - - i . ..,... ,, ,, UBtii 4 u M. i Hill. iillL Silll'Tlll Hie luiici'ss in im , .. . ., , i 11 I i . ,. .. duilv, except hundavs and all hoiKti to vindicate him. wh(;n u is 1(t Ull; at 1M his incident may b a timely warn- books and periodicals are inaccessi committee ; and, as doubtless : intf " hoiiio of our journalists, though j from want of shelf-room By a hber and hloan shot itvof the iustices in the St ite the great raiitv of lil...!!s-procccd-! ' instruction of law, a little circula- nig every shot. ityof the justH.sintlH ht ti. - - (, I , t.ng ibrary .s kept oI;e , son.n of and held up h. his predicament, we would', 00 J , I the departments, for the use of the twice and miss of this county in importance of their in their several counties Oommitteo". We meutioned tupi Statesville Landmark: most intelligent justices and he sta-. S0IS ted that he did not before know that J "w News and Observer : Wo are au- statn that Raleigh is to ! tobacco warehouse and that it ; ady for uso September 1st. oiumodious and as tue hrst Ii,.po u;ill nil ,.,.( 1J, ,.; ! nlni;,n 1tu Near Amity u ., t, . , ,, j,,...,,,.- ' i lidavs, . Wright its mauship one day mat week two men, , t (lf ,.,i i...nra t..,ra .;n and Sloan, tried their marks. ! . " , i,,,;!,!;,, ,! ted that he did not before Know mat " """ wlien it is not open at all. Halt its mansmp on eacu oiners namis. tnut ere two years have elapsed to-I the iustices were authorized to elect 1 This incident may be a timely warn- l,00ks and periodicals are inaccessible ! Wright stood offand held up one hand -n , t, , ()f h()nor j ... ! l. e . .1 . I f 1 ..t .A. ..It IJ,... iiliil S null uliol ..t if tl.n.. t.i.i.x THE ALL BIGHT Cooking Stove. Tlio uiiilurli;ni'il,Siif Ai-iiic fur UiIh t'elflirntod HUive.hiiiiHiiiiiiti in Uio put rile Ibal nvor TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND Of tllOHO HUtVt'N liAVt tWXMl S",I, aild tllAl lU OACtl lttMtauie (hoy linvu given Entire Satisfaction. PRICES VERY LOW. KT Write fur Drocrtlitlvo Oauilnguo and List ot Furulluro. uch a major are in his predicament refer them to the law on the subject, , which will be found by reference to section 758 of Vol. I. ot The Code. ; It will there be seen that "the jus , tiees of the peace at their meeting! on the first Monday in June in each year, a majority being present, may j elect by ballot three discreet, intelli- j gent tax-paying citizens, to be known an ln 'fmiilii'M i'iillllllilll'1'.' ' TIlC M " - . . ... , ., ... . i .,!. ital now, ami since tne recess duties 01 Ule commiliee in e wi iiu in , . u " . . ,. ' temper of ( oiin .sineli seems to b in this and the remaining set ion oi m tll( Chapter 18. Section 7"8 is compiled If liroics-uuis are miv mdex of inlcu from chanter 71 of the Laws of tinns the present Congress will b 1871-72, and h:s therefore been 1,l"t """"i clerks, but upon the liberty of th- press, and I ii-,.!!.!,-..! utility. So the neo:le here , when he counted that while vc use it we do not abuse J are taxing themselves by subscription weren't but four. ii. aiul Sloan shot, at it three times, miss-1 -tt .,,,. ti.i.. ;i i.,,u,-4,- n. . Then Sloan stood off i nnilv f (i(.ti(, . t()wn ftul c01Iltl v po j hand. Wright hred i,,,.i ; i,.,,,.i ... 4i.;u i r i missed, but after the third i ir...i , ,i .i,i :i i,,i i,!u ' .. . . t l i II.. l'l i ; I . .1 1 v,i,.,l , l, .wiiiiii ,.,l,l, lunv ; tins, ot course, lias no si oi .hi . ne.a.. . new in us u.-ok .kh. , ,wt We,h)edav week, at his house on Our Washington littler. Knuii i 'iir ll'V'ili"' I'l'me"1"1"11'.! Wasiiin.iT.in. 1). I'.. Jan. 12, lN.sl. An air of business pervades the Can- the his lingers there tho fa.m ()f A M ' n i(, Harnett1 county. He was in nonareut irood lists, on which, no doubt, Mr. Coreo- . ij.ii.lsville Weekly : While a couple 1 health just prior t. his death, and the rail's generous hand will appear, to being joined "in the h..!v bonds coroner pronounced the death as sud- found an institution that will be at 'of llmt, jIUllv ,, Thursdav of Christ- den. but natural. Crawley's wife lives least somewhat like the 1'ubhc Library ,nl(rt v0,.. ut ih f;M.trv,' when the in Raleigh. Tor some years she and ofl?ostoii, or the Mercantile and ,10sthm ,V11S ..sL,,,! if .. .',. . ne could' her husband lived nuar't. ; show caiiM' why tiiev should not marry, : Charlotte Observer: Jiiumin Kil-1 ;a very pretty young lady handed the lift young clerk in Rilly Taylor's! oflicialing minister a note staling that restnuraef. was monkeying with a! i the bridegroom was engaged to the double barreled shut gun yesterday j 'writer. Quite a sensation was crea- rnoriiiii .i, id came near servini? the I Apprentices', of Philadelphia. ' I'hono. A (iood M a ii (Jone. law for twelve years. The bill was introduced into the Legislatinc by Treasurer Worth, who was i lieu the Senator from Randolph, ami was in tended as a check upon the county officers, a majority of whom at licit time were republicans. In a few counties these committees were elect ed, but in a majority of our counties the justices have not exercised their authority in the matter. Randolph was ono of the few counties that elected a finance committee, and her experience has lcen highly satisfac tory, and her finances kept in good condition. M. S. Robins, esq., has. lor many years, been the chairman ; I )emocrats. Fri'iii tlu Ni'Wh iili.l Olwrvur. in tic direction wl attention to duty. I lie d- ain oi .ir. neorgerv i -aimer. - I " ........... ,.ui ..e u ...g j,.., .... I If i.-otrs-uns are mdevof inteii- "r Kh'hmond. lias been a' ready no . uon iinsianuing uie pi oiesi. tue coroner and a Dig local lor the ticed in our columns, but we cannot nson Times: On hist Saturday ' '"'server. A colored man was stand- Ion.- i-..i,...,l.ere.l for its viiIiils ami allow t lie occasion to pass wil lloill a , L, lt two c ored nelsons frozed to '"K i" iue si""' waicmiig urn jming its goo. w H ks. Thi re is talk of lob i.ies and lobbyists, aud no doubt they are heie. c.iiisid'-ring t tit various sciii iiu s .mil int. l i sis ttbich need their aid. but the I'lcnt ii:diraiio:is are lil.it tiieV vll! iilid ! :.ir. 1 i'klll:; if till 11' It turns di'I'i ud u on si;:-ee.-: It look like a cold winter for tli. lobbyist who works for a contingent fee. Con cerning tariiV icgi.-Lli. in. there is a good di.d of talk aiioiit ail alliance betwien the Uepublicaiis and high tari;!'l )eiiociats in pre veil i the passage of any hill ; and no doubt there are these on both M.lrs who would bl.e to see sue1; an alkali -e hi ide. but those who umletstaiid tiie s;t,:aiion km that there is the sam tril.iite to iiie t wl.oin .orlli aro lina owes such a debt of gmtit udc. Mr. l'lilnier was as.sociated in busi ness at one time with Co. John A. Young, of the 4th N. ('. R'gimont. anil when that regiment suffered so heaviiy around I'ichmon 1 it came about that Mr. I'aimer's residence becam.' a sort of hospital for ii. lie oi.i iied liis house and took our wounded soldiers in and tended them ;ani' probably fractured one deal linear this place. Sunday morn- "m" """nig 'ie gun, wiien mere ing last Judge 'I'homusS. Ashe met w,ls a sudden and treincn loos explo- with tpiite a serious accident. He sl"'- The gnu had gone olt and came was crossing from the Orand Central l',,,ir 'illun'-' tlu' k('-v s lU Hotel to the Cost OtH. e when he slip- 'harg'e of shot .assn.g within a I on the ice and fell heavih to the nicnes oi ms ace. ami faring u 1 ii.. ..... i.. .,i..L-,..i in, "ig noie in ine wall, i ne young man and conveved to Lis residence ill ,r,.-''l't 'w ' was loaded and the buggy. I pon examination it was ' nianner in which he was informed of i-..in..i ff.o In. 1,1,1 .li-lo.'-if...! liiu imLli. his mistake scared him almost to tleath. HARDWARE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION.. SASH, DOORS ACTD BLIIUDS, Largest Stock in North Carolina. JULIUS LEWIS & CO., Sins or tiik Ooi.den HoRst Shok, 224 ruyettevillo St., opposite the Market. January 10, 1S84. RALEIGH, N. C. AT SAMPLE S. BltOWiVS mrr j.k ih a.i iTiaillBIllHll lUIIRjlU iurc, GREENSBORO, N. C. The continued mild weather having made the Fall and Winter season of lSSli unusually short. I iiud I have too many goods on hand in some lines and in order to reduce stock have made a A OEMS MARK 30 SWEEPING REDUCTION ill all the caie possible. Foitilli atcly lie as a man of some means, and he did not withhold his purse in ministering to the necessities of our North I aiolina boys. And after wards he connected himself with the diversity of -viiiOii;aiiec v orps oi inciimomi ami loclie.t iiiai'V ot our wouiiileil sotti- of small bones of his leg. Hi been coutiuetl to his bed. has since oeiiiioii iiinolio the 1 miilii'iiiis tins question as ..ivvniK aim ug the i"' s fiv.n the bat: le lields where they V tl'Mi lte woil! 1 devt lop l:Y 111 agony. i lie msi iiit.ui 10 t... i ..!..!. : 1 ...;,1. lis u.-t. nm or- t liit re.isoii t lie e- i""eii "if uuei i "its noiuuiin, sum OI iwumoipiiB ci.ii.iiiiii.M-, ,..i, ...in , - , , . .. V,,i f. So..l. rs to iw. "vvus ,. , ,. . . . i .., . ; I'Uiiiic.iii it aoiis are anxious u Keep " ,,..,,,.1 Lis two excellent assistants, has ren-' . . ,..,,.,,. ,:,,, Mr. ralmer's." And so a thousand 1 11,1,1 dered that county most valuable ser-1 ti,.. .jw;.. o- ..... . m i-others couhl testify, irrateful even i . ! , , ' , . 1 . '. '. .,. l..,,.. "..,,',.,,. ,... f,, about ei Yice. une reason wuy some couiiues possihie, rreseieiitnil cainlMalcs is a "", 'i' i""i. .... ii v i.riitiiiii iiii. ii. in i ......... . i c .i -. ... . .- .. , r phi- l 1 1 ir 'ill. i:ii Hi,, inll.i u-illn Mil. ,.i ... .1. . . i . i ii. ..!.'. i ' man who. in Hie cliosen line oi ins . " , " : " I inotigu in a oruise.i aim nemoraiizeti , dutv. contributed his time and naaiis : "u"-1; ' . J". 1 ' . , combtion. One of the funniest in-! iock oi f t.i.lontH f u. jut0 snap occurred t I tit Reaver P.uu. When the train Newton Enterprise : Wednesday !Kt,,ri"''l at that ;.!a ion Ia,t Tuesday. ; afternoon Mr. .hic.b Hu.hsill took bis 11 P''" goi on ami , ni into i:,e Lave not elected a finance committee is that the law heretofore provided 1' it'll. lilg ll.l con idoi s and public lo.-.ling for the election to be held in January ; , iu ei.nven- and it was ditlicult to secure a meet-, tl,,,,s ,,. j4; u:. h.l:, i . et i.tlv declar ing at that inclement season, and v ed v ry p. siiuelv i h:i t he is not a think the Code Commissioners very ' i-mdidaie. and people Iwgin to think . , i i ii . . r.,.,,. he means it. I think he does, tortile Wisely changed the time to June. . , . ... . ... J , , . , ' "L ll'.lne 1 Kill;.. it knows tnat. llo. Before the adoption of our present rtili.sUnili.,K is iUt n,..s, State constitution every county had , man in Si..- parti, he could not b. it finance committee, and since that ' Vetch The t!. ,:h :r:.s ;4re n aliv all at sea i'i t !. matter and : heir h ad ers admit th;.t they have no prominent pet I tui the ice ami teii iieavitx to tne ' ' ' in prices of Ibatlymade Clothing, Overcoats, heavy Roots and Shoes, Ladia Cloaks. Dolmans. .Jersey Jackets, Shawls, pieco goods. Rlankets, Quilts, Men's Underwear. iVc. iVc, iVc. I now offer Heavv Overcoats at ?2.00. !?2..r)() and !?:i.0O ; Ciood' Overcoats at t.l(. ?".();) atid (()(): Fine Overcoats at .!t.OI. 11.K and $11.(H) ; Heavv Suits at ?4.00. $l.r0 ami ..".(I0: (iood Rusiness Suits at (;.I0. 7.00 and S.0(l; Fine Dress Suits at 11.0(1. ! 12.50 a-id $11.0!). This is no humbug and no juke, but a geuuine markihnvu in pj-ires to reduce slock. wooden awnings in front of some of Kir. i7,iii.t,iin l,..n I... ..r,w.. f.-,,,.. I I offer six via! banrains in Hoots and Shoes of all kinds. Mens and Rot' the stores to be pulled down. On ; HS t,.iit w-,,l down the aisle, open-' Hats, and Ladies' Cloaks and Shawls. Monday last the suaihig here was tin- ,(l (!h, ,i(,or HI1 j,,,,.,,., tJlr ,). ,,iilt. y,)U un. .'iHv invited to examiue these goods ami prices and you mo usually line, and most of our young ; f,.. ij .u.i ..n !.; in l.iu wl..,.., 1... .1. ..'..., .... took advantage of this nu c , The somnambulist mayor tore thromh : lfosnect chalice. im last naturilav night 1 i.ri.n. il,i,.l.-,.t .... 1,; I L- ..... 1 , 1 1 , i t o'clock the store belong- , .... it.,, ,,.,,.,, ... ..;,. ,:,,.,.. ' to Mr. J. W. Fort, across the Cape , jMlt ilh u, 1,0Ut s ,,., , ! the -ho darkey is not yet exactly salistieii that lie is a live man. Mayor Daiuron. of Shelby, met with n Mneriil.-tr ne.l tiri-itic itiwliiin on the layetteville Obst rver: A move-1 Air Lin(. ,., (l f,,w lts .,, f,.om mem will soon be set on foot for es-itlf f.fiVct.s ,,f wJ,i,., j,,, ms ,lm,lv tabiishi.ig in this town a public ' (lt Vl.t ,.,.(.lVered He was on the ii.nary. Our Town C.mm.issioiieis ch".'... MM1I trilillt wlii.-li was mov are ordering a great many ot the old :,, ..l,...., ,.t :io ,;i..u honv ..,.r JCi.vi.miwr is, issa. L-tfully yours. SAMPLE S. BIIOWW. to those heroes who were for the cause that was dear' time the county commissiorieis ; most of the counties have appoiutt could carry to alleviate sutl'eting, coiuiting it compensation that he was reiideiiug sei ice battliu to hiui. In Uicbmoiid. it is true that others iieled nobly, opening their houses aud receiving the sick an 1 wounded from other .Males nut no other res ideiice was so particularly "a Noith Carolina hospital" as that of Mr. Fainter. We gratefully lav a memo- ,'rouhd, with most of his goo Is. R. !. TGMtra k li, Nos. -11 ani 4'l Ntm ru si nr. I'Kiisi.n st., FAYETTE VILLE, N. V. i caiuliil iie whom iln-v finance committee from them-; t In .ui"h. Fdiuumis 'is considered rial tribute or his grave ami but ex Hie custom in i nlioMt tin ir I.M-. .1 inn., l.m iu press the sentiment of thii county, but we think it ought i ""l hkely t.) be nominated, and says . . . , , .. . . ! he would not run if he was. Thev S M lliumvili. ll.l. I Till. nM:iTiin I'i 1 1. . ... .1 , u in . v. ...... .... .......... . ... , ., .....i ..l; .!.- I : 1 1. . s.-ieri nee ami "I'li.-roslI v in ine navs i - t i .. .. i. ... , . , t. nit- l.iiimii; ti.M.iu u in i.iii.-oiu, no - r - u culling iwo in uer uiigei s. X or nuttee be composed of men who hol 8(,hlt. t,mik nillt (lU ,!. k on the that put to the test the virtues of ; innately the bullet missed the boue no county otnee whatever : otherwise . strength of his father's name; but there m'"- I of the leg ami the wound is not eon nth- down from the ia-k to prepare ; , 1 ; ' ' '' "( l 1 s ,,vr' ' ' for a rabbit hunt. He thought it un-; "',,r- ,'."" Ilu'1 11 1 I. " loaded, wiped it out and and put. H ' r ami kept it on a shell in the store, cap onit for his hule two year (,U t h ' man e,,t ml he ton.nl Nmey ; daughter to pop Wink- she w.'s pass- ! '" nl:n-.it discov, iv that had p.st been ing aroun.i.o the pr. .per place his ! '"'l,1, I he beer stood on llic shelf., little live vear old bov. um-erceived. i b"(. u" sl-,m o a hotli' 1 ,H' "''i"' I pulled the trigger just as she was in ; ,!":, "" ''rm T.mto mi i-oot. virr.Vsi ront of the muze. The wftM , ast.mished storekeeper. Hisbeerhad 1IAT.S, (?AIS. IM )(), SHOES, DRY GOODS, lliousainl I ,.,,,1 i, uent. off Keii.bni-ft bill hearts when we thus feebly recall his tlrMi-h tl.c lleshv part of her leg!1.1 kindness, his hospitality, his self- :llJ)t l0w the thigh! and also slight-! fi' frozen solid shattering the glass bot tles that fell to the lloor leaving the: AC, AC., ! Gentlemen's Fine Clothing, TIIF REST OF ANY HOUSE IN j FAYETTE VI LLIi : It is simply because I take psrtiou ; lar pride in offering to my patrons j such j CTTL3I3 JL2TS r?.:sEc I us will save them tho trouble of look-' ' ing elsewhere. I aFvery garment sold ia gtia ted in Fit aud Quality. you would be appointing men to . is not much sent imentai polities now watch themselves 1 A man may make 1 n Y,,ul'" ini-olu is a very clever , . . . ' , . yentlemiui. but tlu-re is not much a troou county commissioner, ami vet , . . , ... . . , , 6"" """v . I'resiileiitlal tiuilier in bun, beingipiile not be as expert an accountant and , an ordinary man ia all respects, (b ner-, financier as is required for a member al Logan i t really in the field, and is Of ft finance committee. No com-: ! stronger man in many r. spi cts than missioner can justly consider it a re- 'Art'""-- tf ,l"'. l";-viu!ing iuio.i is , . . "'at neither ot th.se two coiiid l.c flection on hnn for the justices tolwhiil if nnlliM,,,i (1,I1.i,,.lin;, elect such a committee, and we doubt the importance of (hi . to the li.pul". not that many of thorn would wish bans John Nheiiaan has lately gather- it flf iir t hero WOU il he lit) at - "l " imi'eius io i.is ol.l uooia Le Know that a gallant omeer Hi,,.rti serious, from this count v. who had been sc- ' ,, .. , . .. ... . ., in i em on iii-.eiie: io 111 ine young men who left Warren in De- 1.... 1.. . 1 1. . . .1 f..: i . l-.-llliil-l l.isi, l l lit IJ1I1 Iv I o 1 1 it'll 11 ifljlin Air.toi.i'.j ozon beer standing on the shelf in uuHCVU II.'V..II,.,.vr ...wl I ' the shape moulded by the buttles. The stranger paid ten cents for one XT A "D TJTJST A "R T? I of the cakes and carrying it to the train thawed it in a tin cup ami had a good tlrink. this is a fact verely wounded, was most kindly taken cart1 of bv Mr. Falmer. En. James (t. Scott, estp. a prominent citizen of Onslow county, died 'ast week. lie was one of flit1 seven Man-1 ditional expense iucurred, because Ihome i rt tt nd to liileve John will niil-. it lull l,n ii,. 'I I,.. l.,.l...... the finance committee might be paid of Uu. j,.,,.,,. i. ,. .Uirir for some very the name amount as that now paid i rich uian who will buy bis way through, to tho county commissioners wheu That is their unlv chance, acting as a finance committee. P;'kig ..f lobbyists and the n-.eth- w i i i ii i- I ; , t of securing legislal ion. reminds HDMITIiri W UIW WlUjVll jUl ill-. , J(, j .( because the justices of this county ; Uiim -s. For are instance. .that thev are iloing tolerablv well in Wil. I ..lZrZZa a... 1',t'XrtS F !' !"","' "fU,i tUy Kl ' (T'rs of Hohleu's inipeachme.it trial North (aroliiia .Statistics. there of digging holes in the ground ; j,, lM71 1 rrrnii lit- Imr.ls' aIiuhiiiu'. ! for posts, and could 111 ike a dollar a i m There are in North Carolina t!lt:3 thiy by bar 1 work. This reminds us Pl-TTlll'IT h.P mIMI ti? attorneys. 7:b" boarding houses. 'J70 of what we said last issue, that a man UllljIUilly, hit) Lf)ilal UlJllrt. hotels. ti!J0 contractors ami builders who will work ami save his money can j in-visiw.k AiieiiiTK' 'tcjik is a :kw ino- J.-ji) druggists, 214 distillersof turpt n- tlo as wt il or better here than be can j i.n; rccN mik. tuie. 'Jlit t'ta-tili.er agents. U.tiT' gen- in Texas. In Texas a man must work "Yiw," Mtn hum. "ur.-hiMr.iiHr. m.-irrini ruM eriii iiierciiaiits, 2iil mines. 1.02I mills, or starve, for he has no. friends or kill ; iukI my imiijiina hii i ! i..r .,ur unci r c.if :171 iii.iiiiif.i.-tiir. is 1 lll tilivaieimm folks to l,if niiiin. Tl is iii-i,1..sj . ' mu.-li - . .11.1 l.i.:.-r. Ui.. Ilttto .nm mai l.i J.HI private schools ami colleges, 30J go all the way to Texas to look for saloons, l!)4 tanners. lHo newspaper work, there is n plenty of it at your and Plinthi'' ollices. and '24. lumber own doers. Hail thev felt so disnosed 'il'""'"1 dealers. I' lit re are .'10 railroads. The the young gentlemen could have done ; fri..n!irii" V.1'" !'"','. '.i ": , " 't'-'i'i' population is a million and a half. The better at home than thev are now do- i "i!'1''.1' "V- :'. "." ' li 'r'"" ""' "''" ome ipieer n.cn.jtso is natural, instead of bt'inr ing iu digging holes iu the ground. inic ui. :ii. lan. iii..uk-ii." al alter year f,.,,,,, in,,,, I..,,. ,,,.l ;a lliu' ,,. .. I 'Surely w ,'iuim..i. mil i, r myiplf I .Imm'i tin, I FLOWS, CASTINGS. HAMES, I ! COLLARS. TRACE CHAINS, &C, j i CDXKKCTIONKRIKP, i i 'Tobacco, Cigars and Notions I wldVu ilu- i lr. l-. I,f. : Atatri'ib"'; w. urn nil ! Ihe tt t wi. s!nrtt.l ir...... IMUllliU llk, ti fpl"'.t .'iiiin i; .ir,iiin I .,r - y in, ilririw ftiritiiT p.r (loldsboro Messenger: ... . , .... x T 1 f ... : .l. ' I.... . .. ' . .. will meet aere. on next; iiiesiiay, oi uiu numiiv .u a . pro ,i ia ion in ei. .. in. ti.. - . . eeui. x lit i e. it i' l.ii.t.iiti tai tun. i i.ere ,..... , , . ., , m.. m u--i ......... , wi. ..in, i .i in ,i , -i i ,,iii.'i in i itt- ti i-r-1 i nav.. ii.'t'i nt ine transaction u oiner inisiuess .ilia I-.. .. ... ;i,;,o(i.ini(i ijoise power of wuter they might then adopt a resolution ."d"'"'; " m t o,,n a,as i.,r pnoto j,,.,!,,,,,.,! OVw uluiost tt.e prondbgfortboe!e,.tionofafina.,ce' ntire State, which would turn 110.- Lntattheir meetingin June. t J l 'g t ir'mlb!:;' ,,::i:r:;n',i:',;U t which tooelintf tkoy will also thnt ut(,l : jy.i ; 1m r.. miuk -s :l VvoUi of Vuivd Statt.M 1 Thert wiv ni county coiiiniiHHum'r tin time for their election hrtvimr hvvn vlnuiM d JiHlltMH fftuh urn Hit1 m. pr"Vlit. ih 'lOvni -i in it ii -i urii'ii'i win aiHiituy or H-uriTitti;, tit TWp Hi-t:. I'-tijf Hlri'-c my ory llouseiu lhisrity.il. attempting Sr.U to pull till uts bi' its last Monday night, a.Ti mi l j m i . -.. ti, wrti iimi :ti. 1 ifti.l irn'ii,. lirn lii-i.l- , tin, 1 1 i',1. l,,, i ts llllifc'lll'l. ill'' Ii'l.' Hill Ul-.t Cll"ll! I'I,) lllf -. ' hi. i'i'"" ii, un. I iii.. it.. strrnirUi nr all,,,. I.irt ! tirPl.-rni f trom f i ..ooti to Id. u)i io iter tin terms (if tl a ear on is.t,i '!,...,,.,,, ....iij ...:,i. i:ni ., work done t'.r the i iviinnuiit. In- .... 1 .1 "'. n I , , 1. ... 1,1. Il l,,IH,llll., I III. I..,r .' .... .. . by The Code from August to June, j u,,,st ,,. a,,r,i,,, to (l Wasningt'.n W"" ' "" '""'' t-tMHiOspmnk-s. . . .. . I bidder if he is as low in bis proposals : LIBEHTV IS NOT LICENSE, 'as an outside bi.hb r. 'Ihe way the' State TJewa. , .. , Dei'Mi t'iient of tho Interior intt. i n rets 1M lioerty 01 me press ,s esseiu.a. n js f(,1K) . ji . ' Statesville Landmark for tho preservation of the liberty of , pnposals. If any f.neign estub- e!;t. of Alexander county, had the the citizen. Suppress the former, : lishmcut is lower than i'ett is, he is misfortune to los" bis house and all and you destroy the latter. It is to : 'ked it' be wiil lo it at the ligures of iu '""teiits by lire Wednemlay af the interest of 'every citizen that the ' tho l't st l.itbl, v. and he. of course, ; ttfn..H..i. liberty of the mess be maintained ""i l -V' ',,"tl;l,,t ,s t!l,'' Monroe En.piirer: The election hberty oi t he puss l,e mamtaim a, u. huu fr a HHwwl and we will go as far as anyone in 0f work of a certain kind. For all ' ,!l0 stock law .pu stion resulted in Ha maintenance. Cut there is a wide other kimls of woi k nnd for all woi k : a majority for stock law of KCl votes distinction between "liberty ami : 1" " ?l" 1 11 "t aim aoove , Uiul at a meeting of the county com his K i t l..i siiuare oft just above ' '''"" "'""''."i'i .inu. miviii i itvh tie-knee It was a singular accident, ' .ii.i-nM.-wiii.-ti .'.'m.-.i ,. i... Tki,, ..r iiu iin markets the lar for h" was l-nliiii.' t.V his boots bv "ri:ii'm--r"cr.-s...l un il l liil ..-v-nil m . l II -'s I ! 1 . 1 1 1 HI "I.. OOOIS IM ta,kBW,.h 111) .lls.-HIWir..lllll ill,. 1-OH--I1I, tl.e ol.l alel sliilia.' l-ietlio.l of placing -"i,i.v.-M -ii , f Hi.- .i.-ni.i. li Tl,.- I.im- ..f u-.-x.whh the foot under the knee joint of the'? .,miiu-hlnm'l" ill. I I was .-1-M8 li.i.l i.uriutiiy oiiposite leg ami ea'chintr the heel of ti.-ar l ..f id.-merits ..1 l-MiKKli s -toMi-iW ..in in. .. . . ,1 1 , , , .. , H(!-,r,inl In Ju.il u,-li i-iim-s m mlin.. I l',i II ninl tl.e lioot 111 tin- band. A family of t.-n ii. k - .i .-itr,-t ,-u n B...:.ir.-,i t.. i-r- rocs father, mother nntl eight six 1 V11.I1- my Imi.Iv, mi Ui,,iK)i tin. MivmliiL' .if ll.-w ll't. t.n't 1111111' In 1111.. Tukiiii; ho ntliiT nii-.ll'-llif i -"ti- Boys' Clothing j A SPECIALTY ! Money will bo refunded if not ex actly as represented bv Successor to Hknkv Elsoh, HAY ST.. FAYETTEVILLE, N. C i 0,-tolui- J3, 1(M3. They oiler u large stock nnd pood A p 'I0U:-r, Rr Cr sehvtion oiVvervthitigtliat one could X XVclUiWllj. 06 UJ' wish, ami the public will always lind , FAYETTEVILLE. X. C. tlieni preparetl to supply their wants. r. 11. tomlinson ( o. ; Wholesale and Retail Grocers, Oi-l.,lK-r25. I8K1. Sins. ! I Ktflu ovcrytlilng uituklljr fnnml In FI IJST-CLASS G ROCK U V. OllDKKS 1M.0MFTLY FILLED. fr-V Tin. 1 ilii'iw i,(' f 'Imllui .. .r. FnrntQrie Dealeis and Undertakers, invited to examine our stock before f.r Ei;i always 011 hand all sizes and huying elsewhere. J styles of Collins ami Caskets. . 3"- We have the handsomest Furniture Store that has ever been iu Fayette vil'.e. We have on hand and are receiving daily from the northern t stock with the greatest variety that has ever been in the city. (Unite one. como all. We will take great pleasure iu showing you around, whether vou want to buy or not. Old Furniture repaired and made S. JSJIKETZ & iSONJ FAYETTEVILLE, X. C. J. IU Allen, FAYETTE VILL10, X. C. FOli XOliTH Cli0LIXA, In buy your Building Material, SASIT. I5LIXDS. DOOUS. SAWED hildreii. living on Mr. William ii. 1 e.nu.-.i n.iin.n,vi. nn,i nm now 111 i-itT ti.-niiii to look as good as new, at a very small ami t t'ttvpn wiir?i.- 1 . 1. .- . . tUmi I linn-Imvii r.ir iil'.iu: Uiiib." . ' i AJIIJ 1 . U?tlU H IJltK i ii ir s lam I. near tvilisiou, were uurn- j tMrn.., tr-n lntrrvi.-w win, u,.. wlt..nf k,t. r. cost. ; of ll ktiuta BMI-tunlun cunrauiMd or mom ed to death iasl Sunday night. The ''""' h.u.i fi.ur.-n. e.,,i, r,K,k. mh,, , oci..tr as. ltwa. I w wiui.c i Ling is wranictt in mvsterv, i - - uppos.,i ,1. the" house! IMTTRTflR miTRT illl UillUll VWUllli but it is suppos,.,l that, tho house caught lire and fi il in on them, or they were suffocated. No one knew of the house being on tire or the traffic end i JOB P. WVATT. I'lllLir TAYLOH. N'.tli-fl 1h liprnliy (tlvrn Unit u incoiliiit of IIik Jti!.tl,-ifi ni lli- hmi'-h of CliiitliHtn rouiity will ll li.'hl l lli murl-lii.iiiienf kiiM iiiiiiily, i! I JuVlin-k ,1 e . . ... .1 , , a. "ii iiitvuiiy tno -jjihi ua.- .. JHlitniri . nvi, n-r of the unfortunates until their charred tin. .uri.i.i.i.-..nsi,i.'riiik- tii.m.u.n f .iii..h.h. . l eiilliilw were fnii.nl Mon.l-.v i..,,rii.r mmiuK llif ImMliiie "f lli lnfirl..r C'.url In nl'l , Asheville Citien: Mr. J. L. Itan- O'Utii'. A full Aiteuil.'iiii-.. n ili-lr.-.. L. K. KXI.INF.. Doc. 27, 13. 41. Clt.rk, kc WYATT & TAYLOR, GROG K B S AND ..ii i:i...i . i ...i 4t. t... ' what his contract calls for lie charges missioner li.-l.Tli.t r...,.i.... .bill, of I'.iineot.ilm i.,,1.1 ti. -Hceue to i.uei , ami ueu i... - l.i.. ..n.lt.a II..,. .TV V 7. . V " ... , V V "V V .1 " ' V nr. . itrrt Ti.nnrt t n nn..nn er degenerates into the latter Uok tt Vaeht, am, "6 'Zl r e X" Z 1 ZZrCXTJ UUA1KS. ly, makes expert- month. ' acre for :!1D 4 1. On Tuesday, the , ,, i , i , one aiiaii exceeu us iu n ciMitit-iiiua-, gressiiieu iiatuisouu lion. We are led to these remarks! sive presents to th mou. uu iuo icu iu iu.- - i ; i.-ilson t.U-n.,. T wcki oouit.l lliilij Mr the tlist time 111 bT wi incident which moduecd tiuite '".'f""'' "''. s nas irieniis y '. K "V t le history of tl , r 1 nte. p ropi lauonai omuuttte ol buth , . ' " " ..."'i;.iiowii- .i a sensation in Raleigh last wect;. In , il)(lsi.s, ship b. fore Christmas Mr. Hymau llt j' the last issuo of the Sinithileld "Her- ),-. Joseph M. Toi er. of this city, i "stu" fount, a ham that bad been riu. wives am! liters, and aiwavs has friends on ' lorn, vom.nmt.! oi uutti 7. ... V , the road was t,w l,UI,d. Arrivitiff i .i-U : Si, l ,'.IUC Vlll ISI I111IS .111. IIVlllllll ... .... . . . . . . . - lit if, uu,,! Ki.i.i. r... i......i.r.. ii... r i . ... .... tUt.,i, t. ...... 1 .. 1 1 1 ... 1 1....1 ..... ........ i .i r, r i.-ii, ui,: I'I. -Kise pll M. I in H ot tills citv. ! . '" "'.iu iu.ii "on twu ti-irL- l.r.vo.i.l I. 1 .... 1... n .......... ' I i... i.: , ... i-i i- i there siiie.. I In. wur It ,vu l,.-.l . uu... . ns,u , unuiiii mi ms jjitii ions -jiii in hooks'.. . - ....... f v. .1. il. has turn- i "lm" u ' .-' .'" te. Mr. rill, W.M , " "v " I Atfi-nt fur the nli of tliorpli'liraipil FnNK LIM.vli.E.1 t'HAi km nmrti-1 y MHk.'H'int s.-it, mul wlil'-h i'illill..t Ik' rl,i-luil Cr IU l.AUll I I V nn.l ie mountain section of . wiv!. w. l. lo.ndo.n. lire. , 188.1. THE BANK OF DURHAM, luitii.V-i, iv. aid" anneared an editorial aecusin H T a Vnrt of snl.oi tuition of : 0 the LlOlai V ot I ollgres t, lias turn- ' " ,l" uxe- lr- r,.,i.l . .. Iu. '... V 1 1 W. T. BLACKWEM.. P. A. WILEY. perjury atid of attempting to l eating il iT; ,Z , .w'w T''A U! " C"U n.--. ,.u Ik. ,.u,lr.,l!,.n nf , iu,i-l,i!n iiiin-ili-i- .- , . . .. . " l,i l.i.l ...it.... in ........... .1.... , M,se il oni tils ll-iiu. Hliil leaving WIS wikK.w may li-Bcmnl. will buy :.n.l wit imjiMiiiH.". v rapiut s ami oiui umi i-.'s pulilisiied JV ) .,..,, on an muocent inau. Jutlgo iowle. the tl.tily press i n the .1. nth of noted 1 Wilmiiiffton Star iminmlmlDU 1 .1 , i I Wli I flOlll .1 1 111 . Tl i I'hai'llt't t IS. '1' 1 1 1 Sl III'.' 0 1 1 I'll f 1 1 1 1 1111,1 SlIlllV kIoIII. ill fill- ,-itvolillln '..... 1 1,., ........... 1 f .. .1. 1. ! ,iumi,,i,i.,vij ill i i "' I.,,-, .... ., nn.l ii.i ei. a passage uiiotigu 1 n i r n hm ml T mm mi i laiepherd (who was then holding !uu''1nl, Sl.'"'u for j. vear ol.l daughter of one of our citi-, the drifts. These in of the cuts, i1 U fiifc. ji 1 J. U II ! Wke court) a warrant for the arrest ! . i- 11 't"gpu- j ens sioo, , usiking witu womier ami were ten feet deep and thirty or forty Wake court) a warrant tor 'ine arrest , I(.al fl10tionaries or similar works, j and surprise, out at a window at this feet through ; but br rushinff into I tne iwo euitors o i-ue paper, ltn ,ne assistance of friends and ; -to Ler-; mgular phenomenon. Af-jthcu, with a full head of steam, al, j a.i ..! m Kr,...,,r. w. . w.,. tP jHMorii. duiww ouuui, i'o" iiiD.ii'ii.- ouri, ,, nunu o.sns nit. icr w niciiing lor some iimo me soit, ! were successively tllisseliirio s .... 1 .1.. !.., l..,l l"'' "' "'' m"'rn i.-riii. nuii,iiyi During the recent he slurtetl with the en-due to exnhue rum rnt. 0"rr.i'ii.ii'iiM"iii'iii. N... 11 Snulli KMc Marllu Si , 11ALEI0H, N. 0. Havlni; Hit dy fonuttl ft r..irtn.'tnhlp we r.-triilly iMIcil Ibe tn.uAKt of our fnrutor frli'iitlii nn.l cul 'tiinn. Hint Un ixil'llr Koin-rnlly. All or.li'ra will nvlve ,rninit niivii'.luii. Oiiolfiimniui of luUnn nn.l roriury pr-uiun. aIU-ltod, Wo have on hnuil a full l,-k wbloli will Ik. im.I.I "W' WYATT & TAYLOH. Jauuary 1, 1S. I r.-.i-tfiilly cull your mtunllon to lh lariml muck nt FINE an I tTOMMON ri'ItNITl KK la ih Statu AT WltOLESALB AND KKTAIL PRICES. Vlf ynu rant .unin to II, f rlty, 8ud mi) your onl.TK, anil I will ttlvo tlinm .ri.uiil aud ponmaa aii.-nlloii. KmpOL-lfully, J. L. ALLEN, B'ayetteville, k. c. October 23, 1SKI. Sni i.. nf libL Thev were brought I "trongly in the direction of facts ami a n i u i , ,,. . I statistics, is just making an extensive to Raleigh and after waiving nn ex-l,; JmUjf(t in , bft. MuiastioD were bound over to court, j betical order, ready to be bound iuto NOHTII CAHOLIXA. f IIATIIAM COl'NTT. IN TIIK Si i-KHI Ut t.'iit UT. T. W. OilltlBAd mlmT nf Lurlau llurnmt, dM-manl L. J. DaitlH. This la a iiriH-piHllnR Cr the Bual Kctilcmnt of , tin. ii.laiocf tl.o laic l.u.'lnu Hiiruoit, aul lioil.i. Is ' mu.114 to be ter watching for some time the soft, ! were successively niercpd and the i " "i""1 h-h-olimc. a(... n .c. b..tingatfK , t.rhy (iven t. ail rmiifra of aai.i white Hakes cominc down h1, i I 'tm-l . ,.l. 'i n Vw I 'be manufaoture ol every UiIuij noe.ll lu ibis ,,r..ut ami .rMii tb. lr rtalms i--. WUlie Iiahes lomillg tiowu, SUe Haul, track W as made clear to the mouth Of , Uu. Mao. niakeasie-lHlliy..f Oiftlns. i .'m. i M.!n,lay. ilal January. Iff K. E. PETTY. l l"ii.V4ttvillt Htreot, RALEIGH, TJ. C. I take plraaure tn Informing my nM frti.n.la and riiHintnere that I luivi- rct-nily rntiirued frnre Ibe Nnrtlii-ru markets aud iiurcluunil au entirely MW STOCK DRY GOODS, Ladies' Dress Goods, CH03D SO 070, re mo al my everyUiIni; ll.al Is unually fouad la t Ors. Ob mainma. Got, must lie sweenim? the Swaiinanoa tnniu.l ami th tmi.. out heaveii;aud set, maiama, how i came through to Asheville, though go white the dust w." 1 iuy no fartlier that day. I'rudui-e taken Iu exchange. . H. 0. OLIVE, Von. K. ltM!S.-Jm. APKX, N. C. i.mm in. M,.n,li.v 'Jim Jju.uarv. I.-M. al wl.i.-l. rlawi store. Ume and I'lai-e I will proceed to lake ami stale Hie Tlinae want lint ipnls are Invited lo eumlhe my aiuiit of TImib. W. iHtttls as admliilsinilor of sloik liefure buying etaowbere. Lul-uui BurueU, decwu.i-.l. i It W PKTTY WM. T. IVUSUtlC. C. 8. 0. ll0,.niJer B.1IM3.