hq (Chatham M ? cert! THURSDAY, JANUARY 17. 18M. LOCAL RZCORZtS. 'Look out for tin X murk ! : Tun c. f. At y. v. u. n. Tin- ti-.i.-K- was livid mi t ho Cap ) I'Yur iV. Yadkin Valley rah road us I'iii us Libr-Hy. mi llisl Saturday. This stlllioll i-i in till' nortl'-ca i conic:- of Randolph nil ml twenty miles from (.ircensbiro'. A!" along the lino of tin) road, itt poi.ii.-i : where it i.-t thought depots will b j located, .stores tiro bein I'iitsb ro' hvByitnm's intersects with petues, find tUo luxes have boon griiil-; ' tin- o!ii' by Moore's near New Hope, uully coming down, and the present l here is a load lending from White indebtedness oi tlie county is no l ro..s in Orau of .Ml.. P.c.isi..! New Aflvcrh'seiiieiits. M. t. somas, w. e. Nomas, county liy the way burden at all to a people who desire "iV "'VSL"0"" lniivli and Hack- lirosiierity and public faciiilies us! ... nev's X l!.;ids to New Hope, but the well as protection. Look at the dif- I I1 XfU'I'IW iV Ht'H load leading from Pittsboro' by By- ferenee in 1S70: a debt, of forty ' JX L i,uuw V i ii in s :ri:es on lv Jones itrove to ttiousaiid dollars, taxes .m.in on the EinoEHBH. mvu Prim .... - small towns will soon spring up. CP Tlie winter is more than half , What a womlei fid effect the const rue- gouo, and no one regrets it. tion of a milroad has in quiri.ening t - j the energies of a people and dcvelop- wneu you com.- u. emu. ,,, tuc resources of a country ! l oil LI1U , XVX IV !.. II. i. e. ir i built audiClianeilbll. I repeat that the bridges SlOO valuation of property. In 1KH3 i is y.u cv iaioi at. .Moore s and Isviiiini s do not serve the debt very small ami tlie taxes (.i j the pubiie interest of (his section of or 70 cents, on the 1011. Now is it country which Mr. B. nays he thinks not strange indeed that the county (hey have drawn from the treasury ollicers at their last meeting failed to as heavily us any of us; this we , make an appropriation to build a The Oi'NTF.i: Mir.nr.it. We are much pleased to learn that the little Gimlet girl, who was so severely wounded at their old stand. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND week pay your subscription WST llead the advertisement of the Bynum Manufacturing Company. pgm "yj0 ncar that our popular ' ........ ....... .. . . u , except, mose om i .ow tax) scaiioms on t is sit time on me nest routi in mo i er kraut . "'i' ",1- . -- .ew nope, iiu also says me uriuge emony, leiuung uirougu a illicitly ; fieely admit, but where is the prop-! bridge at Henley ' mill, which they I RnfJIftllSQIflN fcS FRP1I erty 'which our money paid for ? 1 know that this section of the county I MUI"I"' InCnynHR I O, answer that except Moore's mid By- couid not dispense with, even for one Ny- 1(J Exchange and No. 15 East pt .Moore s and Jiy- n ii in s ,ve have a matter ol fact none year, without great inconvenience f I Register has gone into the sauer business. Ask him about it. nnd will s.oon be entirelv well again. She seems to be in the full possession ST Mr. James K. Johnson, of Gulf ! of lu'1' f'-eulties, but it is not deemed township, killed eleven patridges, a I'ludct yet to sui.jeci her to a trii few days ago, at one shot. : -""id"n. Wo do not. think ... . it proper to say what steps will lie W Letter Heads and Envelopes taken by the .-minorities in eoiiiiuu iuted at the Rkoicd ollice in the ing theiiivosligatioiu.f tiiisdiiib.;;.-.i! crime, but llie public may fi e: :i-,.i'.u v.t that everything possible wi.l Im d un to bring the murderer to pimi-.ii-ment. printed neatest style and at the lowest prices. BJST'Miss Kate Hanks resumed the exercises of her school, on last Mon day, and solicits the patronage of her friends. ar Yp hear that Mr. A. L. Jones lias boi'ght the "old Long house ti;ud ud that Mr. J. if. Hea len will move therefrom into the Leach house. al Egypt is thirteen or fouileeu miles settled part of the county, and the Iroui ljockvnle, una the people on , river wiiniu lour nines oi tne court the South side of Deep river are ' house and one of the most impassa compelled to go by Egypt or Lock-. ble streams in tlie SUite. I know that vilie to get to Pittsboro'. We are a large number of. the magistrates amply abio to build a bridge between ; never travelled through tiiis part Lockville and Egypt, which ought , of the county and coiisccpiciitly they to have b-eu done ve.-irs ago. tie know but little of our trouble and dis- Martin Streets, RALEiaXX, W. C. WE (1AHKY A LARGE STOCK which wo offer to tin; trade at very low prices. Scliool, Ti- achkiis. Oil lust Thurs day, Friday tiud Saturday U"v. 1'. II. Ltv. our cuh-ic'il count - su:eriii- nt of p'.ib.ie in.it nictii .-.ays he is not opposed to building bridges (glad to hear it.) b:i he is opposed to high tiixes. Si) am I. !!itl let us see for our information. Fourteen years ago when old scaf folds across the rivers and wooden e. -lis in our jail .was marching baud h.-iu.t with those who cried low advaiit.-ige. The bridge ut Moore's is of no use to this seel ion. i.or is liy mini's. They answer the purpose of those sections of country nliere they are situated, and justice deiuai'-'s that this bridge be built without further delay, which every well in formed man knows can be done dur Snf If yon need a Wagon or Buggy call at Hardin Bros. V Co., who have ft good stock on hand. If you owe them an account call and settle it. .-u fciT We are requested by "Minne haha" to slate that it was "Lady "Washington" who was the heroine of the Hleigh-sceue described in our last issue. icuueni oi iiuniic nisi run hi;-, -.cis , , . .. . , ... Ij-im'v eii"-i'i-d i-i the ex-i- rm-l hit of ' ,:IX,'S w'mf- Wil "H- taxt s on the l()0 ing the piesent. year without mcreas-applii-.-.Mls'i'oi 'cekitieatcs'to teiu-1, i j vnlm.Iioii of property I answer ing tlie taxes. Timre never has been tin; public schools. H has liiudiv : ,l,,1!'"11' luu ''l""" ilow j a special tax levied to build any bridge tfcSTA white man. tunned Tom Joiin non. from Hickory Mountain town-' Hhip, was committed to jail a f-'W days ago upon a peace warrant sworn out by a negro, named Buck Marsh. 1 furnished us the following list of the .ueo.'ssi'ui ones, viz: tlrst guide, lo H. VY. Lovd : second grade. lo.J. M. F.vlwiirds. I". S. Andrews. I . ! hir hie;-. V. I-'. Claridii. and Miss Lou i E. ?l:i'iu : and l!i-- third gra 1-. i i J. li. I'it i until and W. H. ihaud. holh cii ore 1. Tin; .-ippli.-.m; who parses Mr. iiiiw's se.irciiiiig' exuiiiiiiat i. n.s is I'tiily en: died to the cert tii.-aU- a.v u.h-d him. -tan Is the ease now? utter havin j veiy recently built )erhaps the best , tiirl -house and jail in the State and , several excellent permanent bridges since the war. There has only been a special tax levied to build the jail and court house and that combined with the general taxes is much lower se-We give SPECIAL ATTEN TION to the sale of oo'rrorv. Make sale at highest prices and returns at once. Produce sold on commission ut small charges. L. Serai advances made on cotton stored with us. A :ents for Pittapseo Guano. Agents for Pocoiuoke Super I'hos- 1 pliute. Agents for 1-ish Hawk Guano. Agents for the celebrated Stone wall Col t on Piow, the King of the Col ton Field. Jilllilary 17, 1HM. M. ' l iN.l. -We Mu is :-:; that tlie me. ting of our ni'igisl rate lo be held h--r- net l ues lav. wi.i he well iiltenil.'.l as it will b- a meeting of unusual importance. The spcei.;! object for which the meeting is ea!i ; ed is tlie con shii i-.tlio.i of the .pies tion of disi'oui i toii.g our Inferior Court, and in this coiuii-cti-iu we would call attention lo two facts: one is. that a lore. -v. eeks" .-is-ciai lerni of t'le superior court has just ; been held ill the lieiglib uilig coilliiy of Moore for the Iri il of civil cavs. Ii-c.-e.ise t in-cl lliiiuai cases oi-cii- l l nearly all the time of the n ui-.r ; terms : and the other is. ih.it in the last ; f ',.. A . I. i :.... .. i commend to the patronage of our j ,,". '...j.' r ',i. "M'.'.,';ol- rcuatTS- icoiirl) it stared that on ae,-o: toe Ci'imie.i! cases '.lie civil i ;wi!l not be n-i'-lie.l til tiu-ieim ."xt luelttli it- ll.-.ii.b which stands as proud monuments than tiif-y were ten years ago. and it is well known tuat the county l.-. much more able to build up public necessi ties to-day than she was in 1S"0. For the sake of our credit as a peo ple, and for the sake of humanity to ilil parts of the count v don't let it be . r ' i .i...t i... . ... . 1: .1 tupiiiiiu iiiui. v.i- are i en ngi.-iiiiug ill iiusi for- our day ot prosperity. Tax Paveu. ; heiore t:e ir creators -.vho can today ; boast ol paying only . or 70 cents ' !;tx o.i the iUii valuat i-iu of projierty, ; Wi:i j.ei .uaueiii property cause lo-ver I taxes'; l-ich i .lusvvers. yes. Mr. B. complains lli.it Many of the tax-pay- h is in the county don t use ; bridges i.i.u-h. Thev are very OKTGAGE SALT:. V,Y VIU- lUKi.l II lll.-l-IKili;.' I l.. l. ll..lliul.v UnliiTl I'nt'.i. nn.l wir- "ii ihi 4li .lny ... Janimry, r.xa. 1 will x.-i; i:i miM. . mIi al II uri- 1.. i-.i-f . -r i.i '.h,. ;. .mi i.r l-ii'si-.p .'. N. o., (,n MoXi-.w Ui" I II l-.v .1,' I Vl.iiiiirv. lssi, an uuiti vl l.- l i tilt-1 -i-- ..- u... -im.'; ..; . in ll:ii.,wn iih "K.-irmviii.-." .-. ij imr it.,, nnvl.t Wic.smii 1-ni'ln aii'l ..-li.'i--. :1a i'. . ii .i ot. I'u.-c la i'liiili,iiii I'.'Uiiiy, iiii.l .'l.t.iiiiiiii,- ii.-i.v A. u. lioiir.iisos. " Jnimary lii.JlM. Iih. tilii.-i distance from I not! Arrived at London's this week, ft lot of ladies' Overshoes, men's Artie, nice lot of Bedsteads. Bureaus. and another lot of those splendid Sewing Machines, the "Light Huu ning Domestic", the be.it machine made. fcirWo take pleasure in calling attention to the advertisement ol those enterprising merchants and. genial gentlemen, Messrs. M. T. i Norris tC Bro., whom we cheerfully ' in residing i i , ... i . ;i. ge si reams, im u in noes noi it... it u i ,t rt i , " . .. . J Ion. llenrv ii. I'avne. of (Jhio, lias .r.!':'!,'ft.h" " s:,t-V01t been elected to the' V. S. Senate to m- on the opp.-Ml.- side of a WiHUtvm, Hull 0()) r.lulk.tou. nver Irom Iheir (.-oiiuty-sile. Jle: :savs if i uii.ierlaki! to 'tight, for a' 'J'be body of Charles Dehnonico, bridge Willi a poiiiieal weapon he : the noted New York restaurant man, hopes the party that has kept Civil wJls Sunday in I'm woods in I Light s from my door will stand stead- j New Jersey. He died from exposure. l.isi. .ve. j .ion t pro lose any politi cal light. I only stated that the i le.noi-rats in this part of the county ; were clamoring for a change in the! system of county government upon , 1'ie grounds that if ollicers were1 elcei. .1 by the people they would feel more responsible to their consiitueii-1 FACT FOK THE PLANTERS & FARMERS Col. J. N. Browning, of the Texas Legislature, represents a district pop ularly known as the Jumbo district, which is made up of 07 counties and comprise about 01.000 square miles, or nt iuly one-fourth of the Slate. Ktiiu Wrought in tint Forest. !ll Ot S& When viiii come to town court , week be sure and call at Loudon's nnd see the bargains he is offering. Has a full and complcie slock. Wou.d call the Meii-han.--. attention that he is Agent for Coal.-;' Sj.ooi Cotton for Chatham and i. s.-i; it .leiiven-d as low as they can gel it in New Vork. Infkiiioii Conn-. The semi-aiiuua! term of our Infeiior Court will begin next Monday. There are now nunc than 40 cases on the docket. A few of theuiare for larceny, but the great er portion me for lighting, and for re tailing Ihpjor without license. If tho weather is not t - inclement there will probably be a large crowd here, especially ou Tuesday. ph eo.oiiy. ph l.a-i an l:.-.-tl::iiil i Neilher Moor.- no,- !! in.!, liil'elioi- Coint. bil". in larger coituty 1 1 1:1 i iuiut .if-.oie or i : 1 1 1 !: 1 1 1 ill every te,-,:, .f oii' I i'.-rior com t a.i the business ou the ,' civil docltet is disposed ol'. I ,t.i -.e ! we have an Jiu'.-i i.ir Court to try the minor ci Mima! cii ;es. I lie bridge .i;ie:ioii will also hi discussed itl the approaching iih ing'. nnd we hear thai appropi iatious 1 will b-.' asked for to build bridges at ' Meillev's and Love's on If.iW iive'-. hii-li iii v friend B. will. 1 be iierc. admit. As to Civil Rights. I, li.iw dei.i-essiiu' it is lo ,.e nf thiiik the l i.iie.i-..i instituted it Hide- ,(.s cut ,j,nv in the midst of a nobh; I pendent y and 1 am informed thai , jo,.,.st. How saddening it is also to lie- bid has been repealed by the. , s..e that lliiu spot in the midst of your ! e.-lp o.-' the same party. In eoneiu- i Otli'ivio abundant hair. Slop it at! a ;i I wish lo say i hut. ihi argument , jJV ils(. t)f pin-i;,, i;lj,. j,.,. j is b l-A-a-n two of ihe best of friends, j j-',,,-actual eilh-ielieyt Ids f.llilolls i and I wiii join hands with him m i ,,,-iicl,; stands at the head of its class. ' saying i ti.it.u wo nave goon com-1 Kit.gaiit for the toilet, delicious in mis.donei-., and magistrates who I odor, and restores the original color be.ieve will luete out e.pial justice to i to imir or f.i.li..! nt)i!icif inn . ; Vi; i; milch respect to yon, your j (.;,.,. t.he hair and scalp in perfect .,.(. j vauta'o.e paper, and all its readers, I, order. J. . Haoknlv, :i( the old Woodward irii p on !)e river, at Green's on Rocky liver, and probably nt other points. liihlgc at ih-ii ley's Mill. Hu-knfy's. N. 0.. Jan. 11th. lS.St. Mil. EniToa: I am o;iosed to ii'-wspaper iirgniiieiits upon county ailairs, but jusiiee demands a small -lia.-e in oiir comiiius in reii'v lo Got.r Coal. We hear that the! "Continental Coal Company" is pre-1 pared to till orders for coal or coke I from its mines at Gulf, in this coun-, ty. We mentioned inst October that an agent of the company had arrived there for the purpose of thoroughly testing these coat mines, nnd v.e arc pleased to learn that the tests show valuable deposits of excellent foal. 1 Cmaxuk or Aiir.xrs. The railroad; agent at Moueurc. Mr. i' A. l.son. Las resigned that position and gone to Littleton to accept the agency ui that station. Mr. J. F. Womble. oi" Raleigh, lias become Mr. Wilson's (successor nt Mot. cure, and we doubt not will give as much satisfaction to tho public as his polite and efficient predecessors. Dv.-ki.mso 1Si:::nt. On tho fith im t., Mr. Stephen uob.a.-i.ui. who lives in Orange but near the Chatham line, met with the misfortune of having his dwelling with nil its contenls consumed by lire. No one was at homo at the time, and it is supposed tn have eaii.dit, from the tiro left in fl.A firft-iihici. u-1, ii'h was thought to I mid goes oac; to th linvn been carefullv covered. i ''"'d th'-' eoiini v Giiovi-:, CfiATiivsi Cot-NTV, N. C, .January 'Jnd, 1SS4. M,vit it ii:i. r N'.tl-.M of ilpmliH nn.l inarrlninw liisurtf.il I froo. olilluariCH clmrged aev.-n ociiim a lluo. EntToit Rk.-oi-.ii: Christinas has j " ' ' ," .. passed oil' very quietly ill this see-! h.' k.m.hIh'o, .m'tiin miii insi.i i.v u. In order that our planting friend throughout the S'jite miiy be nimblcd to procure and uno BAUGH'S o-RAW-BONE-i PHOSPHATES! PURE DISSOLVED RAW BONES in1 othr.r old ortnl.lliiliryl brnmts of n'ir trsko, u well an 1IM.II liHAOK III I. tl l( M.s i r ranu.-rM in.ikinH ilonii'.lnli Fi-i'liliz-rM, wo rr ni-Uina rti.'iii IIIIO:i T lo ! i.rnu ri l..r t AMU ut our WUOLKNAI.K PIUCl- s. For the ronvontence of our rUMioinrrH, wo (iv.. rinl.liHli.d a d.tx.l in NOKI-ol.lv, '! -Ith Hi-nt l llHlOi.mr.' rr.n l-j Nhlpord r.iiuillv fri.lil Norlulk.if n-f riwl, tlw rni.il. to cusl fli.i Hum.' at blu er' l-.i.t ur lunUiiin, ua if nblipt-il from lliillhnorf. gSeml for our .mt lil. t invinir full dotirif tl'.u auJ h l.olrn.ili' .r(.'f i.f olir Mtuiidiiril irnnd 'ul Hone FerOliy.i rN nn.l iil'I'i ovrii hormuliM. Adila-rtB nil luuuinui mil .ml. is it BAUGH &80F38 103 SOUTH ST., BALTIMORE, MD. Wo riniiio-ifully Invito tlie nttPin..u nf LaiIIiib In our ul.-it'iiit nnd uiiu.'it.M.iu.l uasoruneul of ovvry arildo rc i.iro.l lu II. 1 1 1 no. CARPETS: MORESQUE, "WILTON, AXMINSTER. SMYRNA, BRUSSELS. MATTINGS: Plain ami rnui-y, 1'i dltloiont grades. RUGS: Aii Immense line In all Iz.'H. 'ind latent u.'slgiu.. OIL-CLOTHS: A largo vn.rk.ty r ialtriin In nil wlJtha frum 4-4 l. li t. LAMB'S WOOL BLANKETS: An elegant wrtm.-iil-r.ilxHii, 10-4, 11 4, 1J-4. WOttTHINGHAM LACE, CRETANES, HOLLAND, OIL-SHADES, SCRIMS, A bwutlful K'hMh- KuniHlilfie onttMy now So Curlaliih In lafjtnl plain llr&. TABLE DAMASK, CARDINAL DAMASK. CREAM DAMASK, WHITE DAMASK, CRASH, DAMASK TOWELS. DAMASK DOYLIES, ! TURKISH TOWELS, EMBROIDERED TIDIES, MAHSK1L1.ES AM) KUSSIAN SPREADS. SHEETINGS. 4-4, 9-4. IM, 7-4. H-4. V-4. 10 4. 11-4, 1 4. l'lLLOW CASlNti, 4'.' nn.l '. lll.'lK-B. MANTEL LAMliREQl'INS. HARTSHORN ROLLERS AND EIMTIRES. I'll AN K W. THORNTON, .r. 7 . ! North Hay St.. i-v v a'i-'j-1-: vi 1-;, rs . ; . 0.'t.il.vr'i.'., Ihxi. :(:. FIRE I FIRE ! ! cnEEivsBono, w. c. Is in (lunger oi' bein J51JIINT any day or iiitilit. It costs but little to insure it -is THE NORTH CAROLINA HOME ISSORAECE COMPANY. The Best. KELLER'S IMPROVED GRAIN AND FERTILIZING DRILL. Give it a trial and be 'n vineed that it is tho only perfect ch fl on the market. Wo are Factory Agents for the Hugei-HtoTvn Horse Rake, South Bend Chill Plows, Tropic Cook Stove, Gothic Air-Tight Cook Stove, Harvey W. l'ac-e'H Celebrated Circnlnr Saws, Henry Diston's CVkbinted Circular Saws, Old Dominion Nails and Refined Bur Iron, McMayhin's Spokes and Rims, Stephen Ballard At Cos. Leather and Gum Belting, Fairbanks' Scales, Van Winkle Cut ton Gins. 1884s All classes of hiiildiniis insured it rc;ion:ible rates, nnd nil losses i promptly paid. IV prudent and insure in time! I?e warned by the burnt buildings of your neigh 1 Kirs! II. A. LONDON. Ageut, FlTTSHOKo', N. C. Oeccmtier HO, 18WI.-3in WHOLESALE DEALERS IS Dry Goods, Foticns, Boots, Stes, Hals. Mas. - PARASOLS, LEATHER, &C. Agents for Odell ManuTacturing Cos. "Forest Hill" Plaids, Cottomides and Seamless Bags, Cedar Falls Manu factiiiiiig Cos. Sheetings and Yunis, r . & H. Fries' Salem Jeans, J. & p. Coats Best Six Cord Spool Cottcu. Also. Agents for Allison A Addison's "Star Brand'' and other Fertilizers. We keep in stock a full line at ; lit v, .liiiik-hu-r of K.lwnr.1 l-.m-nx. I Happy Now Year! A .Wondekitl Esi-api:. Some day-j ago, the four-year old son of Mrs? Overby, of this place, fell out of the vehicle in which he was riding wit !i his mother and one wle-el ran over his neck. He was picked up appu rently dead, but in a few moments my Jiighly i-steciiieti frielul. .M:i: 1; iKlllllll. He MlVr, t 1 jiiive em-.l in regard to tin- situation n' bridges a Byi.uin's n,-:d Moore's. He also Mtys. that in hi-; opinion a direet din: lii-l th iVoni thee. mil hoil-'- couid strike Haw river in the ueighb-irhood of Love's luii! ; in tiii.--. Mr. J. is hon estly iiiistiiki-n, (beciiuiio tliero is no h. ii(e.,ter geiiCi-iiian in the county in i. ty i-p'i.i m thf.ii he is), a lbe- nosth from I'iM boro' v.iil j.iiss in li ssiinin oil" n.'li ui (Jvniiin's bridge. He rays that I said Moore's biidge was1 .Southeast: I vii,! So.iihcateriv. not Mmit ln';i--.f . J-ie id are luii. more t iiiii- .-..-veil III tips lie nil t.'l-eli ; th'! instance I'loill M.I.U '-'s id I Hum's is t( Ii toievi by I li'' public ai:d only road Hading fioei one to t'e- oilii r : if this is not so I will puyth" tost ol' ii i.urvey. M.-. J. sums ilii a !til -j'.. eosi ul b, idifes. U'.ft one ever Wli.lt. was lie c.iUHO of that large expenditure made inlSTo.' Tiii' answer is this: Every time a biidge is eii'.itd l'.r the cry for li- lii- s is r.ii ;e;l. and the result lias b"en (until lately) Ihe building ui' those se.ttl'olds which would only iaat six or eight years, and the iv-.ii t was a perpetual repair and rebuodin-'. le-.its have happened that I know of; I no midnight cutthroats : wo are a 1I1;1 civiii.ed people in this part of their-- count v : we are farmers, mechanics, i hohnumy.-ai hi rei.ion. -in Aii.riain town-. Farmers save vour money by callin , , . . . , , I flllp. III" Hlll mm., L.:VIM tlollSAOAV, 111 III.. Mcrciiiiuts and machinists : we labor: niiy-wniii -nr .i iiianKu. to make an honest living and to pay i . 'at our part ol lie taxes to Diainlr.iu a T 2 E -SZAESTS Koi..ri.l tor Tub lti:- iid by WYATT t TAYLOR. UUOlKUs I UM M ISSll.S ill.-,' ; Ko. 1-J Si.ulh Hid.) Vn- Mi. St., liAUEKili, X. f., .Intio - civil om ! ii!!ient. and to iiuil-t uji uch public neces-iities iH-irereipiired ' to m.tke :i iii-.i-ierois and happy! country, it'id we are proud to know! ! ii-it tin- good old Noli il Si iiie stand.- J at the head of the lisi, as appeared I in tlie great Boston exposition. An.ll ligill llel-e 1 WISH lO W1V Iliai tlie ! fl, Mlddlllic, Department of Ag.ieultmv deserves j "J""""; MliMu m-i.-h cre.ut iur thi'ir uiiliring andS.JuM. Mi.vcssi'ui eltorts winch have earned ; . ,, , , .. . ,, -.1 WHOLESALE OlloentVMAKKET. to the doors of the Northern capital- ( a, ,,,,,, isls the evidence which has proven I Uuik.e Itld.-H, 8J-Ti'j I ln-:.,t i.nrri-1, l, .(I l,..t Y,.l, i' ii,,,, ,J n,...,..rs, i swf.it. COTroSlfAIIKtT: 1 10 v i'il H tot) W. L. LOUDON'S ivs "the wo garden spot in which to invest heir j I-'Jl',1j" i iiiiies iui.ii-i." ' citpitii! : ami the Creator of a.l things i l nmi n.is cciiai'i'.y ire.l-.-sli!ie-.l that t hat ham eo. mi y should be the ttower-spot Ki. - . t. rollnpd lllllY, e..rn ".'Ml, 0. ...(.. -i-i. i .-...lie. ill" n.u.-l .......I in ! Cui,,,. is.-.: four riversruniung tnrough ! 1,-iiids; ).-.,ide.-'. the itK-xliaiist- 17 I'l l. .1 l'.Nl.-ll IIS I'rl'vl Apple 111 I 1-..1T.-.'. fam 1 stiu-iir and buying your mm mm. He keeps the Largest Stoci in tlie County, and any thing be h.-is not. he will get for you tin the shortest notice. Hi: Kr.ri's C oxstaxtly ux Hanh "OLIVEH CHILLED." "HCNTElt CHILLHO.'' "i.lVIXfJSTON," "FAKMEKS F!UKD." n i c ! i mo x I k I-: x r c t k y," " iand WAfdVS IMi'i:'l-:i l'J.OWS, .'.' 7 5 I d: V.-II..W. u-r. .1 li i able deposits of coal, iron gold, and many oiher hidden tiea-u lies, ai go to show that Chatham in a very short time will be one of the ; i.io-,i wealthy counties in the Stale. I'lie riti'.roti'l one running through i ihe cistern and another through the western part of the county, will cer : tr.iii'y encourage those having capital ;to invest their money in mining ami i muuui'acl in iug in a climate where he revived and was as cheery as ,i' "hi.li lias ma. te taxes lng'ner nislea.l , inen win oe no iree.e up in winter erickot. His escape from death was j "t lower. II our Ion -taJUers na.t not uini Miere tne lieaiin oi uie couiur doubtless owing to the thickness of ! t i"v taxes au.'l ha.l built J cannot be surpas.,ed east of the tho wraps around his neck and the ' '"'d covered bridges lift v y.-nrs ago mountiiii.s. softness of the mud in the road. : lat! lW exp.-iid.ttire of lSV.1 would i But we v, ,11 drop water-power and .... . , have been Mini to the present geu- utiiteiii!. and. to show ! he energy and A Peculiar Dooumi-vt. The fol- cianon. Mr. B. stiites where that i prosperity of the county asa farming lowiujr is a literal copy ol a paper large expenditure was made. Thia ! country, we will compare the cotidi- writing recently received by our i we admit : but what hem-tit upon the Uioii of the finances, c. in the year l'..rt.. l-.i.-.i ('.lll.il. Ill, Ui.fk'Ci,-. Tl (6 IHI j O'-ei.li.'kO-d, I IlMttiT, 1 I ') I 1-rk, M :,:. DOl'ChK SHOVELS AND (HlOlKUA STOCKS. 1J M I CIll.-k.'llH. i.i'iv. nm.w (per li'.x' " old. ,..-i I. nit U V TH."...' iri.-. nro f'.r Urgo li.tn. Ximv AdvrTtisent'.'tits. FAa FOR SAli. 1 will wll "li I'.'iif'.iial'l'. l.-riihi n v.ihi.tl.l.i fiirin n.'iir On- Illll, ( iiiciiiiin .-..iiiity. .-..ii iimliiu- avi M'-n-M, li.itfi.r wlil.-li Im hi nrlitiniil r...t ..f ..iiL, hl.-k'.ry, Alw. -J Ii-tkiu, m t ywrn. ..Id, mid Ui Inn- :l. A..ly lu. !. PAIiK. Jit., Ml. Voriioti KprliiKA, N. 0. January 17, 1K94. 4t8. 'i"V ! Would call your especial attention to ;'." the "HANCt 'Ci stock lis being .5 THK BEST rLOW MADE. ;., j i ar. Any kind of plows, farming iniple- : incuts and plow c:isl ings furnished " i on snort notice. SHOVELS. l-OKKS. COLLAhS. 11AMKS. 1'UACES, AXKS (the be,t ma'o ), COUX SIlEldd'.LS. NAILS (all kinds). IlAUIMVAUi:. ClTId'.UY, DRY b);i)S. CilOCElHES, i T itXITUlti:. AC, LONDON IS MAKING WHEN VISITING Fayetteville Can lrnrn soinething of great iinort aiice to them, free of charge, by calling at The Red Sign No. 47 PERSON STREET. Also F.F.F.F.F.G's. Find, Fiiesii, Fink, Fancy, Family GUOCEiilES. Forsip and bri; Wines AND LIQUORS. for inedifid juirjioi-ps. It. T. SCAN LIN. Agent. F.uEi-iiivii.i.i:, N. C. which we ofl'er AT WII0LKSALK ONLY. Merehar.tK will find that they can buy goods as cheap from us. and on ' bettor terms than tin v .au by going farther North. Give us a trial and be eonvinoeil Greensboro, N. C, Aug. 1. 1883. 1865. MIA I 1884.1 0i-...ijur-J3. tHHii-anifi. MsMILLAN BROTHERS, FAYETTE VI LLE, N. C. FAYETTE7ILLE STEEET, ItALEIGH, N. C. LEADERS IN HARDWARE of every description. BUILDERS' SUPPLIES, FAINTS. STOVES. GUNS, AMMUNITION, and the largest stock of SPORTING GOODS ever in Ualei-h.at hot torn prices. Call and examine our stock and juices. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Write fir Descriptive I'irculars. Don't forget tlie place, 2-20 FAYETTEVILLE ST. lu raraiJillEO.' SEjii fitted for Casii LSTO with the pres.'iit (IXHl). In Is7( the count v owed about forty county coinimssionors : iearth are those Pn.tges to the pi-opie "To the Honorbio Coinmissione! s ' who live loo far oil to use them .' of Chatham County Albright town i He mentions the bridges on New thou.t.ind dollars, (us the hooks of . .. . . t i 1 , ill.. ... I.. I ...1 .1 ...... . ....'.I.... II I . . . 1. . . OUip tliell IlilS Ulll A per llsiotl gin, iiopi-; mil Hill pioui un- iney iouiiie 1 1 c.i-ii.er will snow 1. lilMSimii , up to oping A new read by A. F. Co.!cili.eii desii ing to cross. 1 law i iver : j year were one dollar and eighteen! Mill leading in the direction of liberty I Win re there is no streaiii thei c is no cents on the SHI.) valuation of prop- j we havo as Menv live way.-, ltoad j biidge required: as to X.-w Hope uri erty : the county commissioners (lb1-' Jear creek we can eto-s them on a I publiciin-;) had se'd all of the import- log, but Deep and Haw rivers mo !:i:it biiiges in the county for a very; iiuiiii-i.-tiibie without a bridge or ferrv. ! sin::il ipti'Mli.t of money j count V' lie atso ineiiiions a Teriitjiiu bridtre ord.-rs were oniv worth fort v cents j ulwavs on hand. ut .Moore's and Love's, which he says , in the dollar, and the common class! X1(lil. lm)Uo. Fair pi ices and honest I cost, one S i o(t, tho other Sj. lot). 1 1 hicight t hat forty thousand dollars ( lojilin.'. Now if, al that time, the coinuii.,sion- wouid not be paid in forty ye; rs and j j.nM7y it. ihsi. (,, i ers had bunt covered bridges they ' thou' old rats who knew wb'-re the I -- - would hae saved tf:HiH) wliii-ii was i cheese box v.ii.-. made money over-1 CA r flC I HMtl i I'nh.- vi knit u. now as we have bauds to vork them their hunt no ifiowo nerd of this ltoad than A toad has for A h:ir the old horining It oiid leads right st run to thet depo and others roads leads to the name depoe that I'ertision dont Meiicliiu that that lioad runs A croxs T Ihintings L:md nor Mic:ij;ib Tike land if I Mistake not And I ob Will ti(k" in exclmugo for SIIEEITN(bS AND (iOODS. at their Store. Flour. Outs. Com. Whent, Uacou and Lard, at market prices. The attention of Farmers and Mill ers is called, especially to their make of 'B" SHEETING for Hour sacks. A good line of DHY GOODS. NOTIONS. HATS. 1JOOTS AND SHOES. (JltOCEIiI IN. HARD V A 1 1 E, MEDICINES, &C, JtC. in till kinds of AVOOT.F.N ((K)DS. EXTUA liAlUJAlNS IX CLOAKS J CKKTS AND .IllltSEYS. Has a large stock of HLANKETS which will be sold id a THEMF.N1 or.S SACKIFICE. ItEADYMADK CLOTHINti, von cheap indeed. 1 SsS3 i Charles Haigli, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C, TEALER IN Groceries, Hardware AND GENERAL M ERCHANDLSE. I Have in slock 100 Cooking Stoves for i both wool and co:il, which we are selling at Manufacturers' prices. Also Consignments of Cotton. Flour. Al'o., solicited and prompt returns (guaranteed. October 23, ihki. am. i i A T I ' h.t l.v 1 1...... ..f l,;..l. i..v..u f ...1 I !....'.. 1 I...; j.:,... i ...l,.i. JOOllO li, A rum,,. w, . y ""'.' ' " n'; - " j ,h .......... . , lll..( , nn ,.,,,r of citrt 1 , 111 -.Ml nl Urn a H VOU UO ITlVe lliem j. Older some , mm ""H1 ""'"'I'o 1 ' " y un in -nu 'an oi wiucu nave iieeu i.nni, omuiem .-..uri n..ii i.r in niii..nr, on Monday tin' liodv Will l'av All dained 'n We dont wasted ou New Hope. Haw, Uockv want oure Land all Made in hieways ' and Deep liveis, to say nothing of Iloitdn I cood Right A good Di'.d : Heai- ei eek, which, if 1 am not mis More but dont think that it is Nea-j taken, lias a scaffold near Ma-, li's tuj I will Kcinaill youis fraternity." j residence. And he is also mistaken iu stating thut tho load leading from ... 1 1 1 , I. II .Illy ..I r r.lllll Alii 1HM. n ll,,l ll.,l A llr,..ba iin.i inie.es., niiniv " ' l,,.l Ii, M,i.Ui. w i.,wnH,l,l njJ.,l,,,,K ii,,, n,,,iM duriii" the hist six or eight years the ' Jrm- l. uuu; i.w.i rinvt anu ..th.-rx, n.h. i i i-i. i , : -i ... 1 1 tli'liiK "W'.-n ..mi.,I OKIniriw. Il will im ,11- couiily has built a hrst class jail, and V,i,i n,,rtBi,i i lhn.iu. j perhii'os t he finest court-house ill the TKHH.i-Om-iiilr.l .Ali,..iiri!i!r.imi.lx niontlm State, li to say besides several good bridge -urliy, Imtrlnir Inutroat from tu. rogutrnl f..r nothing of the ordinary ex- j J' ' S,i. TIV-WA1IK, STOVE l'H-KS nnd FITRS, n.. vanizkp ltrs.-i nnd common- shkkt-irox. ! SUKKT COl'l'l'.i:. SOI.DKH. &'-. It will rep.-iy any one in want of these goods to call and see our stock and juices. Five second-hand Brandy Stii.i.b for sale. 0.-t..lr 25, Wit. 3m. Has a fu1! stock of SHOES and 11 la'- Kto( k "f ri,w'l "d stamped J'.OOTS. just received. LONDON 'KEEPS THE hi Sswifig Macs Made. I hopo all my friends who are indebt ed to me will CALL AND SETTLE AT ONCE. "Short Hltli-mi HI" make l"im rrlomK" Old accounts MCST BE SETTLED before new ones are mad.'. You have FAIR NOTICE and if your credit is refused it is your own fault. V7. L. LONDON. Pllli.l.ro, N. C, .IxliUfiry 3, lttbt. JONESBORO' HIGH SCHOOL, JONESB0RO', MOORE CO., N. C, THE next session will begin Janu ary 14th, 1884. For information apply to Fh .k. WM. C. D0UB, Jan'y . 1K84. 6ts. Prineipal v. C, 0, Hamlet, with J. P. GULLEY, RALEIGH, I-I. C. UE.II.ER IN DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS SHOES, HATS, CLOTHING, &C. B-TAll orders will receive prompt ' attention. Dec. n, imo. SXECITTORS' NOTICE. ITAV- Inn iiunllflml us I tin nxn-uumnl Th.ir.-i Bow.1. .I...-. HI....I, wo li. rol.y vlv. u-.tl.-i" ... mi H iiK li. l.lInK -lKliT.it aamunt rain .l. .l. nt i rI. Iillilt ih. ni ui u ou or bolorn ilin 2111I1 .Iny of "-"--.. ir. 4'IUn A. IHIWI). W.o. Down. lire. l, lhnj..-OIt

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