THE FARH AM) IIOr.Hi:iiOLl. Application of Potmh. It is romnionly uri'il ;in;tinst mix- ing ashes or other alkaline lcitilii rs with barnyard manures, tliat such mixture literates ami wastes tlte am monia. This is a Slltlii lent ol'ji'rtioll against compost inj; in the luirnyai-.l, where the ammonia, if liberate 1, is jretty sure to bo waited, lint in H.lying maiiuns diieelly to tln soil, it is important to make the nitrogen immediately available. Tlii is best done by selling it trie, when i! at I'lu-e unites with uli. les of the so.l and is retained until n.-ed u;i by i tojm. (here is jirubal'ly also a ail rieli soil, a ;;,.1( effect from iota--h iu mak.t'.n mure latent fertility avnda' le. Thus soils not hit km;', in potash ore often bene fited by light ai'l'liealioiis of wood italic.. lVeeds on Walk a. AVhero garden walks hae been pro perly made, ami the weeds never avow ed to seed, hand-weeding alter a shower of rain, and rolling directly the surface will hear the roller are in in:iii m practiced with suecess. But in R.uMens where gravel walks are extensive. and. fts sometimes happens, the gravel is of , , ... ... a coarse, shtnglv eharaeter, which, it . , disturbed or Lroken up, involved some "1 ilitlieulty in getting a firm, smooth surface ngain, a de.-trnctive agent of some kind becomes desirable. Almost everything that destroys the weeds takes the bright red color out of the gravel; but apart from such draw backs walks maybe Kept clean cheaply by the use either of salt or sulphuric or muriatic acid (marine acid or spirits of salt). SirlecttiiK I'oor Srcil. It i3 a matter too little regarded by farmers and horticulturists that the election of poor seed, or thai from poor plants, or the uc of any inferior stock in propagating is a potent cause , of the deterioration of varieties. Many a grower has raised a poor crop be cause poor seeds v. ere .sow n. Huiiukeu grain may produce a crop, but the yield is almost inevitably int'iri, r This fact is recognised by good farm ers, What is true of is also true of garden vegetables and lveiK Flower seeds selected from plants which have grown on poor to;!, t have been stunted by drouth, are not fit to be sown, rvieh seeds, even if sown on good soil, and the plant? given good care, pro iih ' weak pi,:. its. They have alreadv begun to -run out." l'lowlii.; In Hie Oirlinril. Many farmers still wrap i.igs on the ends of long whiilletrees, to u. op them from barking orchard tree-. It i- a far better plan to employ wn short whiflletree:, in.-tead i f n.e ordi nary Jong ones, for thi- lari.-i. Whiffletrees tw. -thinl-'-r i i -i I a!;' a long as common, nnsw- r the r.i o.e ' admirably. The-e ie i d no w imiiiig oi I' rags, and they allow ti e ti .ru and ' ' plow to pass mm h ie an r the t ee. It v is also u questionable Ian t i. ; 1 oxen in an oreh.ird, a.'li ,t. affirm that they can g. I m i:m 1," " trees with om n than wi'h I,, ;-.s '' Much time is lost in pi .tor -m!Ii oxen, and, if low hann a,. o . ,. 1 tuted for the ordinaiy I i . . n- .. horses will an -wi r t lie purp, i ' a, Well. As simple a leu in e , .- ; !!e ' Should be en.plove l ill .in Id . I, aid, ' as limbs are alw ay- ab Inn,; .;; t; -.-!-.-. appendages. With du- i-auMini, one can turn a furrow away ij.a,, ; i , , ry base of a tree, without injury, by a horse team. How to Urrtu The coaehmaker.-' .! , Wheel. .' indorses the statement that few- people are aware they do wagons an 1 ran iage more injury by greasing too plentifully than in any other way. A will-made wheel will endure constant wear from ten to twenty-live years, if rare is taken to use the right kind a: l proper amount of grease; but if thi not attended to, it will be ' alter is ! 1 U! in ; five or six years. Lard shoul.l never; be used on a wagon, for it will pine- trate the hub, and work it- way .ait ; around the tenons of the sp ikes, and : spoil the wheel. Tallow is the I. est lubricator for wooden axle-trees and I castor oil for iron hubs; but mi.ny i f the patent axle greases are eV.o excel lent, and have the merit of being cheaper and more eonvenh at t , :!. Just grease enough should b" appla d to the spindle of a wagon to it a slight coating. Thi- is b. '.t than more, for the surplus put on will work out at the ends, and be forced ;.y the shoulder bands and nut-wa-l. , ml,, the hub around the outs do r t. , boxes. To oil an axle-tree to-: wip the spindle clean, with a ! t li wet with spirits of turpentine, an apply a few drops of ast. r the shoulder and end. One 0 ful Is sufficient for the w boh Sloek Journal. till II 1 Ilooichold II lut . For ordinary wood work use w hit m-r to rub the dirt off, and ammonia Copperas mixed with whi , wa. h upon the ctllar walls will keep vermin away. Crusts and pieces of bread should be kept in an earthen jar. clos lv covered, in a cool, dry place. Lard for pastry should 1 e ie ed as hard as it can be cut with a knife. It should bo cut through the Hour, not rubbed. A good way to utilize fruit-cans is to ! turn them into fin.wr-; . t -. thi:i bore a round hole i- tlie I and III! I' nil the I,,;. I;,! , H;it.. alter teariiv; oil' the -.ii or, brow n or ;m en, nir v. i'li ll"ver piot ill ' s and i,n.-!i by a i topal varnish. 1'i'ta1 ,n are iitieli I . ! i'-r steamed than vi hen boile.i i., t! ler. Till a pot of w.t'er m the i'. when it i l oi!i:i i !,i e o r it w ith a perforate I ) t mi, h ' ini at: p,.tato,,. er, a:i I n v. ill I e ,i, a meaix I'ut on tin .:e, aiel v. til t ,1 ii Pep)-r as Comlimi'iit. I'he ci'ii hihi'iitary .ilip- ! pi :; i i taieN very hih, and anion.; ;-;:tr ,:u people, I 'nuli-h are pi rh :' tl.e :! tiddieted t pepper. Tin.- ivielinu li'.ai v spin' may be procured under I!., ! .-i desiirnatii'tis of w hite an I M:i., pep; er, the distinction, how eer, iiit beitiir in t botany, but in th.1 mule of ; r p;.r atU'ii. I!hii-k and white pepper n me from the same '.taut. All pepper bhu k i.ri'jimillv, but the b!a' kne-s r-- I sillo's in a llI"'riicial skin. I f th, 1 my I ls ,mul ..tirtl' V'1;11; "'' ,M1,r"- I'unui'i in iic iiiii i eoe I e i ; mil n we.' cutioio ue removeil preuous H ijnii' I . ' " ! mtr, then the poWi er will have a tin i , 1 more or less approaching w hite, though j never i.uite white -in this coii.-iits the I 1 j only difference between white and i black pepper. The black pi pper plant ' is indigenous to the lta.-t and Wi st 1 Indies, and it also gr"Ws in vnm.itra, ( .lava and other i-lands of the Indian Archipelago. Two erops of berries ! are produced in the year, but tin' sea- ! son of ripen. ng is very irregular. If 1 wholly-unadulterated pepper is r"- quired, it should be bought whole and ' ground iu a domestic mill. I'.-.-uuht in . a state of powder it is almost invar, ably adulterated, si ei ial inured:. nts being sold f r this pur; are ki.'uvn in e anmer The two , lied I. an ! 1. P. !., the iir-' sitrn.ting "v or dust" and tla .-ecoiivl -dirt of pepper dll-t." Ilotll may 1 e ilrsiTll'i'-l a- the sw eepings, more or le-s eontaiuinaied, of the wariiinuse iu w 1: i, !i peppi r i.- "I. In 'el litioll to ers bla k and w hi! there i- another kit er. The fruit of t! ,arv Use, per sort le '! shn;e! as berries, but a.- clonaUd cylinders withr unde! ends. It is of more u. e, how ever, a- an iimred.a nt ot rattle luediiiiies than a- a eon iiiM-nt for human stoin.u as. rhiia l.oai-e Kellii,';' first Snug. There will soon be a 1 iogr.i; by of Mi-s Kellogg, written by Mr-. K.-l'ogg. 1 he i ireiinistau -e a! tendin.' the sl.ig. :ng of the lir-' -'tig by Miss K. tioi- re.ated b ll lotlier I. on, si- was lit! nine mouth-, old. V, i t 'n-t i.ii:- . an I I. a I the '.llteit:- a little .. tie I ii r h in. I I ' 'I .1 ili-. a-e M.. lata! ann-!..' t ,'!i '. itii - a si lil .'..'..Ii'. -I. Wel-i.,, V.Oi' ;'il 1 that h i I o i was always oi, . eiiiiehi'd in 1 1 n, igni.' a t.ivnr:1 pi nnt and 'pie ii.- -,e oi tie j ;.i:i:.i;.o.,. i me dav l !r t le ., ai w a s.f .n : upoa the 1 :' or. I, i n. to m i,t'. r a.-t-:i.-h:u. nt, le- 'u in oil singing .u porler! time . 0 : u .e th :,g all-: h d to, who h .- . ' :. , J,t, ue, i ii, e ti,: I i ad -d iiu: o u.j . i o- ! her, ' I he I a-.y W.ll t.e.' I '., i; l-o.', t,e b,! y Wi'l die" M, t!, i I e:,'a'. ! l.a-t tntig l!i', i the room, epet ting i,l I l.ii. the i luld i:i the agonies of ih.iti.. lily to ei -lam,, 'Noi, sense! What ;t;i o -, daughter': There ii nothin; tiie j ! ma ter with th' ehild. -ee, it is erow- ing at you now.' iiut. mother, 1 ex- I claimed, 'thn" nine months babe has j jii-t been singing wo"derfully tie 1 nur-e's son:, and it is going to die ; I ' know it is" and I went almost wild m ; i my alarm. Hut the baby del not die, ! ; and thank (lod that it didn't, for it ! : was iiorn to mess as oiuy nn: ae eiia l ies.- the hearts of the w rld. 'I'ni storv of our daught t's -otr.'." sal,i Mrs. Kellogg, "liovvcvcrimpioba' le, iml'Tpd from ordinaire events s iiev.r. lhe!e-s true. I could not ac nt L-r it at the time ; I cannot fully do -, now. 1 did not then know loov to in terpret so unusual a happening, except as a warning. In the light of subse quent events 1 in ny now perhaps gni-s nt a more pos-ible solution." !! Hi" .Imlgo I liter, i the Jl.ui-e. .leifer 'ti's great bight and -I nor I'gere exposed him to lull ll 1 ni.i ill" I l oin his oppoli tt -; his So, i p:et e. i!li t!ie,u was "Long Tuln." V i!,- in Id present a more st riking or s n jular contrast than the lig ires of 'ii. .Ii Hi r.oti mid (ion. Kn ., the one ei v -Imi t, the ol le r lank and lean, and iinu-ually tall. They luippeunl to iiei tone Illuming on the steps of ten. Washington's lodgings. The two "cnllomeii appro. I, le d limn op,o - ie due, tioii. and airi ing at the s.,me iiioiiient. a contest in e'lijuitte to k pl.n e In t ween them. Idle g,-l,er-al at the head of an army, and full of its i hlvalric politeness could not t' ink i I ;im -i gill liefore the eo-eipial head I tne I lepai tnn nt of stati-, while the -is i 1 olhci r of the government was ci;;il!y averse to t iking precedence i I tin- military, and they stood for some moments, c;r h drawing L.c k and w living the other forw aid. In the midst of this enterta.ning scene, the notorious Judge l'eter-, the greatest wit of ls day, iiiiiie up directly in front, l'ereciving how matters stood, i;n 1 casting a sly glance from one side I to the other, he pushed boldly between them, exclaiming, as he passed : "i'ar i don me Lentleinen, if in my hast.'. 1 dash through thick and thin." SEVKX MOl'.NTUNS OK IT.MSII. Tlkv lruiiiliit-nt. I-l Vti'miiott tk'ltti uiH.e ftiu A nifi'ir.i ii I'tiV.ic riuhidelphia has tin iim.-I. ills in guished honor of fiirui-hiug lir.'.t fat woman in the .-how in; -m says the t '(, of that idy. Ilanua'a i ' -tiTsbx, w ho lives in 1'raakfor I, i the largest, the heaviest, th" most attrac tive, ami, despite her rapid approurh to the half century anmvi isary of her binh, the handsomest of all l'n' bit women. She has been ou th" stage since W'. an 1 ha ma ! b.'.-.-cN ' money for hei:.c;r, I'. 1". liaru i n ai I a host of other s!i. -wuieit who h:; . at Mil ions times exhibited her and le r husband. John l!,it;er .by. wlm nets :t her agent. In striking eontr.i-i tol ii ponderous l-tt. r-haif, t!i hu.-.b.ia 1 is one of llio thinnes1. men in i r- a' : n. Tor years he made a lii by ex hibiting as tho-lix i:ig sk.leton." but lately the revenue fr, nt his wife's at tractions has been siidieiently large l maintain both of them, and John has now what the show people all -a soft snap." Mine. Clark, w ho has been know n in the show world im o lrol. conies next to Mrs. Iiattersl.y in the order of seniority in the t at woman bisiiu-ss. Mie weighs jOJ iound-. and is about b" years of age. si,,. w;is married when she entered the busiti n .m l little is known of her exet-ot that she j hails from an obscure t nvn in Illinois. ! The Mormon i oinmunity is entitled to the i red it of at least one fat wo ' man, in the person of Annie WomK i who at the tender age of l-l years j brought out her !'." pounds aoidu i is for exhibition throughout the coun try. Miss Woods died about tight , years ago in her Jlst year. he was known as the -L'tah fat girl," and w as said to be of Mormon parentage, her j father, according to rumor, the 1 possessor of several w ives. I Aiiothe." fat Woman, who recently : pa-sod into the other w orl I, is Mine, lowers, v. ho d.ed about twoyiars ago. :ie v is a native of New York state, ' and v eighed oo7 pounds. Her age at , the time of ln-r deaiii was .SI. I T "Airaati iiiantess," a colored i le iy i f enormo'.K proportions, for ! whom the ,1,1:1:1 was made that she ; I 1 1 the arm of any person in !': w..rld, w;i- only im exhibition 1 a' "iit two iiiout!:s, ere she, too, died, j v!ie a! w ays refused to nlh v her real j na.lie be kliow tl to the public, illld j d.d n t live long enough to become a i i'-hri'v in the fat-v oman line. Ate tin r heavy-weight female, who bails t'r 'in New York .-tat", is Ada l.higg-. w ho is now on exhibition at M;.wa :kee. Wis. he is 21 years of ag,, unmarried, and weighs 510 ! I omuls. ! A foiiue 'tieut girl, named Amelia Hill. latest comer in this branch ..: -I. w l.fe. Miss Mill is- not yet U y a: - ! !. nut her weight has already ! i !a -1 pounds. Mti'l she h 'jics to ..;ers w!i,i have had fat women thi if rhar,c, generaily agree is i las- oi curiosities is an ex on in ail p -rects. Thev are hat tii ee'deii! :ih av s , f aiiiiable disposit ion. and easy to git ai .lig with; always enduring the discomfort- of travel - from which they suiter more than most people wit;; philosophical good humor. In irit : .at: i r of eating they are not par ticular, erlinary food being good enough for thi in, and thev do not 1 generally expect to have their appo- : tiles paint ered. Oitell the fat woman I is the smallest eater with the show, ! and in no cise are they known to be j va ry large outer-. j They are, of course, not adapted to ; tr.ivfl with Wii '. n show, as they i c iild not endure th" fatigue nor the ; vehicles the strain. The salaries of ; lat VMUeiii vary from I t to I - " per ! Weel., accor iilig to -I. e. Weight, Hp. I peai am e and ability tube attractive , to the patn ns ol the show. None are i pu.d L.wi r than th- lirst figure named. ; and but lew are content with this af- 1 i ter the lust season. ! .l.i nines'' Kiini'iiils. j The iir-t indication of the death of a j Japanese i- by the tinning bottom up jo! all movable things in th-house and ; ly the turning in-id" out of all his ilothes. A priest arrive- oil the sei tie j and pray, w bib fro a Is of the de ' ceased atletid to the details of jjrave- digging. oolVm, et While one friend in j ro! e-iot creueniy stand at the door ! to receive visit, ol i ,d iletlei Irolli all j con, i r. W li. li 1 1 1 orp,e ii w,i le d it U i la l iu a u !..!,- shroud and place I in a ' lig post lire in one of the j eciihar I eolliii of the country, on which is j painted his free pa-s to heaven. The proce-sion then forms, headed by tor, ll liearer. and moves to the iiiciosnrc of a t pie, w in re a grave has been dug big enough for two, if th" deceased be married, and, after a lot of lap-trap, is lowered to its final resting place. A mournful dirge is then executed on what looks like copper wash-bowls, a. id everyone goes home t pray for the soul of the departed. Some folks think th" old prov ei In are great things. One of them s iv,; "A man cannot bite the bottom out , :' . frying-pan without smutting Ids m N.ivv what is there clever or rem... : able about that? If it ha 1 said th..! a man cannot bite the bottom . it; i f hi ; noso without smutting the frying-pan. , or that a man can't bito the smut ov the pan without frying hi mne, r something like that, tin i v m:'d I, -something to it to interest an I ius'ili t. j CHILDREN'S COLCVM. Little Umm. 1.1'tlo Sam hrw tlio miTilfsl fjvt, Ami llin bi iUtost, 8iinuio-l curls likowlje Of imy ubeiiib I c!ev the i.kU'S. Iliscliiu is eluli likii pl'ilio rose, Win-rein tlio ilow iliiii nl.t'om u"J n'o, Wlii-poring wlmt Idle ut love; who known Ilia vu:e isswcot nslii liipe i fiir, .My wi iMiuie boy Willi the jJniiiMis lmir. Ami Ike true, bravo eytu el h bluomi line' Itul iilns, niu t:i.l.-"ino ntmiiurr nun u, Kii-li wall die l.o it'll el linn cm new bom, M liey wim nn :ji!ii. (U il ilmUl j .11. sioui, Vi w I10111 lie- e e- I in 1 . liet-'o lliole wt-e fro:,: ii ,. ..,' ei,,- t,, ,.. tteli u, .!. I .. Tlli'V i,lt Oil !l,'. ,111,0 in I'.I e'.,-r') Man . 1, I II,- .O . ;:i Kill I I O I ... I. .11 ! t.',. I I .- I I A I. .1.1 - I .0 - 1 1 .i.i, lag ( . 1 lie I it. VI-llr A din:,. tleman w' I it le with 1 i ::e; ;:t Hi lly, ha 1 tin -.1:1, a la 1 .1 welds said to bim . 11 yi..i-s:... 1'atli, r. I luiv, I,.-, could t:av " one sili-j .1 wl.a! I v. .mid clio, -e I'.i g'e oil :. bi tt thinking Wish 'l it I mini . said the fat in r. "siippo-e the allow ale e be increased to t!ir. e v i.diei. what would tiny be.- Iln-arcful. Chathy:" lie male h;.- choice thoughtfully, f. 1st. id a good 1' ter, sec nd, i t good health, and third, ol a goo I edii-i-ation. His father suggested to bim that fame, power, riches, and various other things, are held in general isteein among m. n. "I have thought of that," said he; "but, if 1 have a good character and good health and a good education, I shall be able to earn all the money that will l e of any use to me, and e crytiiing will come along in its riht place." A wise decision indeed, for a lad of that age. Let our young readers think of it and profit by it. The llonim nml llahlu of Ann. Master Charles 11. l'.olton, 15 years old, contributes an interesting article on the above topic to the Ciyr;i tiuuiilifi, from which we take the fol lowing: Niine w arm day, w hen you do not know what to do. !ind an ant-hill un der a shady tree and watch the little fellows at their work. This is what I have been r.eing. The ring of earth around the in'l-. like the wall of a fort, is familiar, bid the interest ,i:g part of their le me is under gtoiiiid. No thclii Ct.'g th" pi biles out of the hole in the ei i ter. If you could throw it dow n you w-i uld ; , 11, t the way irregu lar, ai:d at the u ! a number of ginh r- ll .-. t a: 11 Hi"-' c;!v. d I v iit !e pillars of are kept on , it is their and, I!, r, il.e chief nn n meet to talk "V i ; ' !." :. a.ters of ti.e loiiy. lint Low ca.i t;.-y ;.dkV rat;;:; aid under the lac : e i c and y m vv ;il -i e two little I r.. cons on tl.e inati, tailed maudi I'ies. 'i he ant ti ueh's ts maniiibb s to ;!, i. . ! ,!s la i-h'-or and tlii.s they -peak All's are very Mrong, pcrse vi'id industrious, so.. ie working a';: iiieh.. an I 1 ha nni an nnt t arry a tone thiV" or four limes its size. I'iiey a: t":id oi swe.-t things. ( Mice 1 laid a pieto of sugar near a ho!", .'. atit soon found it. and though t pice, was many tine. - n large as self, it lifted ti.e sugar ah iVe its he. end .-tartc! for the hill. All wintw.. until the hill wa r in hed. It woui., gi t hold of the siig.o and attempt to drag it Up. but when the lirst pebble was struck it would I' ll ova rand oi r and At las!, ly 1- cling a place so a to gi t a start, by the occasional help of a 1 asslng ant, the sugar w as pulled ova r the hill. I noticed a spider, one day, stop to rest near an ant-hill. The ants soon saw him :,u ! four or live came out They took hold of his legs and swarmed on his back, lie was dragged into the hole and the rest Hocked out to eat him up. The ants carry their young out every pleasant day to lie in the sun, and at the lirst sight of rain they hurry them into their house. These little creatures have good memories and never forget their friends. If an ant be taken out of an ant-hill, kept for two months and then put back into will be received; but if it be placed in another, it will be killed. In Texas there is found the "agricul tural" ant. These clear a place from weeds and grass for about two feet around their boii-e. They then drop the seed of a kind of grass, whose grain they like very much. The ants take care of the young blades, protecting them Iroiii insects, and when the grain is ripe carry it to their homes. Hut what is more peculiar, if the store of food should Ik i oi, ie damp during a rain, it w ill all be carried out tin the (ir.-t sunny day and dried, and then brought back. A Mat. ri il Di-linetio'i. A yotinir ni uther of the most ad vanced tvie, .siii.l to u great liuly, on introilui'ing a frien l : "1 li;ivi the lienor to intrvuluee to you my intimate, friend B ,who is not sueh si goose as he looks." The friend, stunr to the juic k. sail to the lady, with a smile: "That is tho only differcneo l et ween us," an the three bur.-t into a lu iirtv laush. Lore Mp, Loto My Do?. I A large lady carrying a small dog is an entrancing sight daily met with in our large cities. Poor children cannot 1 be taken to ride, but 1'ido can; starving ; babies cannot get anything to eat, but j Fido has a nibble at woodcock every I clay. A dog is worth so much more than a child that he must be petted in ; the parlor, while the shrivelled beggar ' is sent away from the basement door I without a crust. This is civilization : of the refined order yes, this is ! pure and unadulterated religion. You see the child will have a chance in the ! next world, and so He.. :.. oia r he gets II., iv t! Letter. There will be no ) o,i(yin h-avi n. read it is r-ally a . to hilp him .starve and so li 11 r-y him along on the road to glory. ; lttlt the dog, the pug dog, the darling, eurlydiaircl little pet, doesn't ha e any heavt :i tn look forward to, ' aitti ugh it is c;.!"iit that he ought to hai,a:nl for that reason he should be , tlen'id with every possible colisidcra I tiou ia this, his only life. The dog 1 star r, . go-. Ii. side, the pug has such ! a charming way of sicaiii.g into our all'ections and of rousing ail the best ! element of a woman's nature. Next to a gilt-nlged prayer-book and the j inn ol religion comes the pug, undoubtedly. Sometimes the pug I eoiee- lirst oil the le t ; I ut this state of I all'.iirs is wrong. Wicked men in the community, know n as pick-ups," make I Use of this lender tie between A dog and a woman and thus earn an honest living. Tiny pi, k up the dog and then lie in Wait lor the reward, ami rejuat the operation until the lather of the household e rc--rs his opinion in n vi ry 1 inphatie and a somew hat profane and naughty in:t: tier. Said a very gen tlemanly di aler in canines: "The ladies as owns dogs take on awl ul when they are lost. I ley go cr:i:'y. They can't cat, and make tt red hot for everyone. The servant girl gets discharged, and there i more boo-hooing going on than at a lir.-t i lass funeral." such things are very sad. To lo-o a pug is an af fliction isrli cd, but the little children who gi I I0.-1. or who have been worse than !o-t ovt r : lie e tli. y were born v.i 11, who , think ab'oiit .b-hnny or Kate while that ,1, ar, mi cct, Li .nil . ; ;,l pup i.-out in the 1 ..Id and ha in. l.iau!;. t to levi-r hi l.i'. . ring foi ni 't ll'd o '.', .Voy.O . A Lawyer's I'riv iloge. "Lawyer.-." siv- a ; alii ring ei-:.-oii, -are a wotuh i dully privileged iia. Put yoitr-i li on the witness stand, I,.r example. You are an average citizen. Y'oii try to pay y..;'r obligations. Yen attend to bii.-ine: r -. You are as holiest as your fellows. You taken glass of beer now ami then, and vmi know a I pretty woman when you si,, her, and j you wouldn't be a decent fcilov, if you didn't. Iiut the minute you get on the I witness stand, wit 1 1 a m "lorn lawver in front of you. you begin lo think that you are the bigg. -t m oiirnlivl in the world. The lawvir will make you out a thief, a liar, a drunkard, a I. her! in ; an atheist, and everything else that's bad. lie may n-k y m if yoti ever served a term in tlm penitentiary. Of course, at this the opposing counsel objects, and then the counsel say, 'Well, I don't press that question,' and so you, the poor witn. --, are left, half the audience t Linking that you have been in the peinti ntiarv . 1 f you are a new coiner to the pi ne, with only a year or t w o of ie-i,h m c, ymi are sure tO he di -gr.l I. ll Voll ii'ppi id to the judge, he w ill tell y. 'i tk.i' you are Hot obliged to criminate Voiii -ell. te. A cowardly lawyer may anii-o and brow beat a brave loan en the w itiie-s stand, iind there is no rnlr, -- f.r the w itiic. If he avi i,ges bis wrong out side the eourt-hoiie, and knock- hi persecutor down, the Lrav e man i-suit to jail, for the members of the bar ,-t.ltld together liken baud of bandit-, ll i. imt alone in the court that law y. is have a license that them a privileged class. There is scarcely anv thing that a lawyer can't do under the i over of, his diploma, lie can arrange conspj. , racy, perjury, bribery, and a doz n crimes, for which he cannot be pun ished, because he is a lawy, r 'eoun-el.' He can take a fie for anything. If it is crooked, he is all right. Ic ,,u-e he is 'counsel.' If a journalist should do the same thing, he woiil 1 be sent to the penitentiary." Tlic Terror nf l lie v-nlli. Jasi'lk, Fi... -.Mr. lhardman W. Wilson traveling for A. (J. Al...rd -Co., dealers in Firearms and Cutlery, Baltimore, was pro-t rated here, with the "break-bone b vei;" he a--i its that in his own, ii well as in the i.i.e of' others, the only thing found to relieve this painful malady was st.Jacobs oil. This wonderful pain-curt' has the en-: dorseinent of Mich men as Lx-I'ost-master General James, Senator Panii l W. Voohies, and an army of others. j An Ideal. Almost every one has an ideal home of his own a hav. n of n-t w lu re the husband and wife both L their own way in everything; win n ihe children ; never cry; w here the servant are mod-! els of honesty and industry; where the dinner is never late and is'alwavs well cooked; where there is no peiccptible washing day; where the sweeping and dusting are done when nobody knows it; where selfishness and bad temper are never known; in short, a little heaven upon carih, inhabited by thor oughly angelic mortals. Ibmies of that kind constructed upon a scientific basis and served hot, like stcmi through subterranean pipes, would meet a loiig felt want. Nearly every family would subscribe for oue. Lore's Younir Dream. i In the life of every young man there is a time when ha lirinly expects to commit suicide through unicipiiteil affection. IIo lives in Arawiiita'a smiles, nnrl w hen that 1 roincs totally eclipsed the night is tilled with ghusts and hobgolilins. A little arsenic is close at hand, hut somehow he doesn't ' take it, for it has a business-like look which seems to say it can't bo trilled with, and so he goes about his matter-', of-fact affairs for one day more, and is surprised that he gets along so well , without his first lnve and has become -so much interested in his second. ' "Ooldem Medical Discovbt" (Tniile msrk registered) is not only a soverriirn ramed for consumption, but also for eon samptive nijrht-sweats, bronchitis, couIik, Spittinir of blond, weak lunp. shorlue-s of breath, and kindred alT.ctious of the throat tnd chest. By druggists. Help others and yon reliere yournelf. Go oat nnj drive away the cloud from a dis tressed friend's brow, and jou will return with a ligliter heart. TO LADIES miflprinB f rom functionnl dornngemenU or nny of tlio rninl'ul disorders or weakness incident to their box. Dr. Pierce's ti Uise. illustrated with wood cut.t nnd eelored lilmos, siiKCcMs sure means of complete self cure. Sent for three letter postao stumps. Addre-s Woiij.d'h Discensabt Miuucal As sooiation, Uullalo, N. V. Mnny peoplo wish they might live their lives over iiyaiu; in nino cases outof ten they would only repeat them. Tnlike other cathartic-. Dr. Piereo's 'Tel lets," douot render tlio bowels costive after operation, but on the r.mtriiry, establish a permanently lu-ultliy action. Jiemq entirety rf!,'i'''i3 no piiriieular fine is required while Using lliiuu lty druggists. We should do evcrjlhiiu we can for others if only to ih-sipato tlio thought of what they oiuil to do for us. All rain in tlio nervous system, wind colic, enoiip,. Ae., eyred by uniarilnn Xtnsine. VaurN'iDKiritui i- rine cured my son's fits, writes Mrs. si. M. Purkliiirst, of Girard, Mich. " Kniiali on Corns." Ask for Wells' 'Hough on Cornt.'lSo. Quick relief; complete cure. Corns, warts, UUUI0U3. One pnirof bootssaved every year by using I.vou' Patent Metullio Heel Sliiloners. "Itongbon t'ouahs." Knocks a Cough or Cold endwise. For chil dren oriulults. Troches 15c. Liquid 600. The Might or the Pen. Oh. tlte o-nte.r's voire i a tniclity power, Af it (vliei.- nloiig lln crcoii, r.ul ihe fe irV-s p1'" 'in nmroswayo ermen, 'lo nornid ti e (iraiscs of Carliolino. ISiii-liu-Pnhln." Quick, crmipleterure.iill nnnoyinij Kidney, Dlaiidcrand I'rinary Disease I. Druggisti. Ton tiysrrisi. iMnorfrrioN. itppresston of spir its and m'ni iai ilel i:u in their various forms ; h'mi as a i.p vi niie agaio-.t fever and skuo and ele r iiiteri.-i" ui.t ( v, the "Kerro-riiiisplior-i'iiI 1'lixir o, 1'iiii-o.i," niaile lv ChbwcII, liizar.l .V C., N.:. V-rL. tul sold by all DniR-.;i.-ti. is tlic U- t totiii-; ::i l f ir piOirnts recover- ii from fuvi-r er thi tiickness it has no equal. Mr. J. liger. importer. ?A Cliff St., N. T., te.l nil his sick fun d , if they take three li .tiles of I'r. Klinoie's ll.-G. nud it fails to C ;ie tlieiu. he will pay for it, beenuse three bellies cured his wife and oilier friends. Occasional doses Pr.Sanford's Liver Invis on.iur w.ll keep the liver in good order.bnrb. riles! file.: Piles! Sine cure f,.r blind, Weeding and Itchina Piies. One liox li:i cured wei-t case of '.O je.r-i st.i" ing. So one lue.i sillier tivo imuiile-of , r ie ing William's Indian Pile l,;..od t iiiuiiii nt. b nli- orbs tumors, allays :tc!.t!!ir. net a p'.uilice, gr itist.uit relief. 1'rei.iin d oiilv f,. l ies, ot plivato p.i i-. Ma.lel for !. l Med. Co., t'liVilauil I I. After Three llnvs. Mr. CtiAm Ks W. Mniiais, " Fng'e" oftlce. PiitsiVld, Ma-., write. May -'. lsKt: lor several month- my wife's nuitlier (Mm. Amy Hoy. o h i.) In en in a verv ) reoarious een''i tien wuli ilrop-y o- V.r g'.t's disca-o of the l.iiliiiy-. and lineii: u c.l all me. hods nnd niea-iire tor l.i r ie tieatinn in tho lino of treatment by on:' lea l iur phy.-ieians. and having la lud to I one, it I er, tier family de spaired of feeins her relieved, and cave her up lo die. 1 1 1 1 1 pi i in; to rnn across the tes timony of n Mrs. Daw ley, vvh had been cured of sitn.lar siel-n,-8 Lv n -iinj Hunt's Remedy, we at onco I roe in d a bul le of it, and com ineiieed gi' n it a- d r, cied. After nsini it ti.ree dnvs -ho wa- so far improved tint she could re: from her bid to tie ohair without uiee in e r iiiiisis'u c ttiat had n n hap 1 eiie.l for Previous to ta'in it il,e wis tron' 1, ,1 more or !e-s with short l ie.iih. reniiiriiii.' a con innous fanning .0 keeiilier r.lne. This cr i.lually improved as wo enntinn -d i hd u-e of Hunt's Remedy, and on the fo rdi bottle she was aide to set nn all tiny. She was b!oa:o 1 ternl-Iy in both limbs nnd In dy npnitrl to tho Iiins. The t. n h ilaythe tiloaiiu.' left her bowels, and now she i not swi.lh n at m e the knees. Hi r k.dneys wer.i vcr. I il I at the time, discharge tiring ef a bloody eharaeter and emitt nz a sieken-ii-fjodor. I can say that the ehan e in iier ra-ehasl euu w.ui'l ! ful, and Uunl s Remcdw has worked n mir: e.e in her." Twemv- o-ir Hours lo l.lve. - Erom John Kuhu, Lafayette, Ind., who nnn un ei that he is now in " perfect health," we have the following : ' Ono vtararo I tsall rprwarnnre, in thola-t , ttn.-e-of; ti'i:i. Our best physic ans ' C :vn inv H'P ii". I tlnn'iy got so low that ourilopt r si d I e ml I not live twonty-four hour-. My frien Is th -n pureh uod a bott'.o of 1 r. Win. Hull's l'.al.nm for the I.ungs. 1 wl.i h hi mfl ed me. Ic niliuued until I tiok j nine bott'ei. I n n no v ia perfect health, having used no c(h' r me heme."' H hnt Ri' you? If ;t i a ennuh, take Piso's line, roiil i,j tlruei.-.s. cts. Ti( iiiiiiiuiiwuiui"'.l'ii' in" 4; !i!,,:'!ii:ii!iniiraiiiiii!,';;;;i:ni'i' THE GREAT GERMAN REMEDY FOR PAIN. ltt llevi's and cures KHKIMAT1S1I, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago. ntt'KtniE, HEADACHE, TOOTHACEK, SORE THROAT. Ql'INHV, 8WELLIK09, HIRIN, Soreness. Cuts, Brulitl, KIIOSTD1TES, BI lt, tCALDff, And all nthrr bodily acbes and imtiis. FIFTY CENTS A BOTTLE. x.ldi.ysll Drnssl'ilasnd IL-Hlfis. liiiecdoua Id 11 lioik'ii.Kin. 15 Th Charles A. Voaslsr Co. I, a. TOOELBS S CO.) Halllaiara, Ut, I. S. 1. .'iiiniiiiiiiiminiiMM i!lliHliiiii!ii!!!! :;jiiil.lil,-!tiill,,,11iJi l''&licIIIIIIUUali liiii'- --C')f ffi'imawu.,i Jin I -"i,,lEI H i ii., ,.ii. '"III fJIUSTAf Survival of the Fittest. a rixiLT Mr.Dimg that das hkalkd HILUONS DrUINO ii TEA 08 1 A DALM I lia EVERY WOt'ND OF MAN AND DEA8TI THE0LDEST&CE8T LINIMENT EVEIt MADE IM AMERICA. SALES LASGERTEAN E7ER. The Hoslcnn MiKinnrr I.lnlmpnt hat been k-ion l"r innro lli:m tliiny-flvr vcais us tlii' li ol' K.l I.iiiliufnis, furl vian an 11 j.r:ir. fm iixiHy arc inrfrrr 1 1 ii n over. It euros whim all ii'-nttmtps skin, tenrtnr nml niiiKcin, lo lira very boue, BolO It It s well-known fart that moat of the Horse and ('aula HnwiW old In thla coun try It ,,rtl.i's; that Sheridans Condi tion Ponder Is a1.soli.lely pure and vary valuable. Nothing on J irth will make lirnft Iav Ilka Nhcriftaa'a 4 I I ,: iiilll'lliiliaii iiilip:!! ;ll,n;;.:.l'll'Ji.!,lil t nnrllllon Pitwdrr. Ikne. one teanponnful to each pint of food It will alio irTcn and rura IA f I-? rr J PUnl PDA Il. Cholera, . Sold aTerrwhrre. or aenl by mall for tvniWIVIall wn Viabnrl) ji nntI in aumpa. Also funiiahrd In large cans, for brrcdera' use, price ll.OOt kymall. (110. Clmilara sent FKEB. I. 8- JOIINHOJi A CO., Boston, yeas. Thousands Hastened to Tholr Craves! Belying on to-timonials written in vivid glowimi lnncuate of some mha-'ulous cnre9 made by soma largoly polled op doctor or potent medicine has hastjned thou-audsto their urnvcs; btl e.ini in Ibeir almost in sane foiih that th j same rairado will be performed cn thom, and that theso testi monials maUo tho cures, vvhilo the so-rallel medicine is all tho time halcn:ng them to their graves. We hivo avoided publishing testimonials, as they do not make the cores, although we have THOUSANDS t'FOM THODSANDS cf them, of tho most wonderful enrrs, vol ant rily sent lis. It is our m. dicine, Hop l'-it ers. ma' e. the uies. It hai neier fa hd at d ve er can. We w 11 (jive refer ence to any ore for any di-, ojj e milar to their own if tlovred. or wil refer to any noi'. hlior, as iln io is not a nci -hliorheoJ in the known world bnt can show iu cures by llep Litters. A L0SIN0 JOKE. A rfinim-nl i.Sr-lciini of P,ltt--ir lr1 trt a 1-i1t pnti.-t't "li., i?i,,-..iiii)ln:n;rK.l . er , ,.nTii!i! i I li ti 11, , nt h -. in '1 eitv l-i rii... I mr, ),,!. nijiy niil ".. Hop llf.'Hi" Th laity t k I in ,l'iiM nn I n ,-I 111,. 11,11 flxm wiii. ll -ll i-l-l.l-ll. I wriliit(H'i,f i,,,liowfil iiiess, d mllill.asllH cotl b,m a 'sH,t puliulit. rrt of DocTons. The foe of doctors is ai item that rer n any persons are nit re-teJ in. W e bolievo tho schedule tor visits is 1.00, whieh would tax a man coutined lo his bed tor a ' ear, and in need of a da ly v;sit. over 1,000 a year for mo li al attendance aloi.e ! And one ingle t o'.tlo of llo;i hiitcr. taken in t me w uld sa.o the $1,000 and all thi yea 's sicl.ness. A LADV's Milt. "Oh, hm I di wlph inv siiln wnn a cfnr And soft us ynura, Mid a livH t-i h r lrtan,. "Y.. viin cnailf lni.ll., it i.," annw-.-rpiH'-tt ft i nit. " How ?" inamraa tliarnt UAj. "By ui.ii.s Hop Biltora: Oiat tnikMa .iiro, rl.-Vi l.l-Nitt aul t,lui.iu,ug baalth. It did lot na. aa jruu iibkaiva." OIVCM DP BY THE DOCT0E8. ' Is it po-sible that Mr. Godfrey is up and at work, mid ei: re I by so simple a rome.lyr" " 1 assure y.m it s t;ue that hi in enti ety on-el, and with uot'iinu' lut Hop bitters, and only ten davs no his doelors iaie liim up and sai.l he iiiu.-t oio Kiduuy and l.iver trouble A SPECIFIC FOR Epilepsy, Sihismf, Convul sions, Falling Skknctt, St. Vitus Dance, Alcohol ism, Opium Eat- in, Syphillii, Scrofula, King NERVE rill, X'gly Blood Diseases, Ztysprp- j' I 1 1 I i I I i t ."ut, nervousness, Xerrou llcn.'.ww, Hrnin Worry, JHuoil Horet, liillousnesa, ( '.,(,,, n, Nervous Prostration, kitlruy 2'rmJli nml lirn;ittiirilifi, fl.&O. s.ini,le Ti'litiiiinlnls. ''Samaritan .V i . ,m- ,1,,hl' w.-nit.-rs.'' Ir. .1 i. Mi l.,-M..i.i. A!i J.nnli r City, Als. "I feel it lay iT.:t v to ie oaiiiirml it." I ir n r. Laii .'li'.in. Clyde, Kansas. "It rnred whtic i.lo- ian- f .ili'.l " K. v. .1 A IV ie. rti-nvor. Ps. AVrTCorrespondrui e Ireely unereil.-i tiie r. s. a. eicssgt.-dWdTcd.. st. loszrn; mo. At III i.-.ri-t-. 0. N. t 'lltratiin, AtDt,!(. T. AXLE GREASE. Dent In Hie n orlib ! Hie lO'iiuine. Kvorv pnrlinuc leis our irnile.miirU nml l nun l.iil Iruifs. s.111.11 I IMWynVlllf. fl, !Sp?eiilnt tifs. R. Unub'oni & Co., H. G. Miller & Co. ft UJ V II.IIU !. ! CRAIN di. PROVISION BROKERS. .vr'itiiT ,.l it, i ,-u u-i. ii I'r . 1 , l.ti-ii uitftsa la V .rii. fin,- ik-.. M. 1. 1 in ,.i I Vll..a .kej Wf n.ivt. ,1-.,.,. i.riviit i--l -.-r, .1 H,r4 batwnmi ( l,ii-iit--..,ii I N.-,v V .:... Wiil -wi',.n ounir Jil ltfiui lit !IHN ;-.u. ''!. s ia'.inu uari,wui;it ll-rltr. L.mniCi. SsP'ttlf.OP.FS-' Ot-kst. i'c,ar,test. at ID. .nil, tili.-.l'ier m-.d bio, ., nn-l uul r.-,l .taureefpv I f .m ...... a ,.n.l rk.d O-Wi rli...,n,i't: m, ,ii, l iml. . a-int-vVi.V.sS K'. u.i,r..lKli,s o. Ilno.nalh la-n (-.. Bn .11 a i,l ,ljH.,-iiiln i, wi k-all Inrma'il ihr.-mitr d i T I. is in 2 t.. I.' wi-U n-lians istUrrimnlory in 1 d-iy. I 'i.a rifHr to Itomlr, d- ..I ta'ia I Is ipla.-nri-d who). .id ia rn,a ..ryl.i-nir !. .,. v t,nUltllO. hirililiS. nn-1 Oil- t,l ir,Bi. A-i. ro ir drive st I.. . i .1 . it bt .lclin,.- -a,l t" na it tlj liutiiiDriHiMi. biai .ra, A.lainaAU ... i'w VV liliamal. ,. Y GOOD NEWS TO LADJESJ 1,r,..ito-t isiliuan 'toT of. fi r,-,l. Ni. ,..." in I" st up ,,-ir r mi r l- i lens ...... .t,. I at'Siuti. I-,,, V aaKuMt'lliaa a.l'rti;r!HTt7T!..e 0 nn I. n - ,l ILinrl Moss i. . s . ... ti ,1.. dim li.i- nifd r.l"l T I s.-l. I r l , , iiiju rs kii,rai TIIK liHI AT All: KTA.N Tl-.t ll.t P. (J. B..a .. 31 ami -. V - St.. N " THE BEST. ILOUN d LIGHTNSHfi SER l, Twa in... i. ,,, i .llK-.n n n.l 1 li mni j aH.aoliil.-lT lir-l-,- ii -m l'. ' ... hlne In IBS tvai HI. M.-iil o i 1,1 ,1. nri niil l ara. -nr I Hi,, ,iil...l 1 .ii,i -ti. nml f'li'cnlnr 11." A,,..v THE WlWtW :W. JU MAI 11. Mi IU, bUaua or Vew 1 Ol-lt. "THE AAAE ICSMn BICEW -' V-T. PRICE MS tS-ARRA NTCO -S'CVC W"?.5! LSI P.?T a.aav hi.1. f T 4u"-a. uf ann PROMINENT H.yV' AMERICAN DISCOUNT TO OEKURS a CANMI5ESX GU GiHwinn. ...shMiaavn.l of m.f ft Hi Vitf-t "kind nl of Inpuf," '.III aVAI.fAlll.K 1111 A.I il.. ill' I.Ul...,l Titint. M nOls, 1'HINTS, AIII I.S PATENTS, ropv. UKiirr-, in i(;v. in isisl K. JJlrribt ymttr iir i. tw-n.1 2 BtAmp f.-r -r. ito-tkun (IIA U, ,. . I.;'t. lla.,.,,.n. n.l. fc'S til. IK D KlttlR L I. I. si.l' .l A i.. A'.-al. l-alalto 111, . I :al..rii I'lniiM, w.nd M'U farap. TYP 3 NATIONAL, 1 1 l-iv VVFa Camiiiiik Mil will" " ' l."i ii"iii. I'r:... jioania, ;I NTH W NTI l (. TthlMil and ralol , tt iiii iVti.r al H'."k nnd Hibira. I'i,. rwliiood 8S par caul. NaTKlnaL I'm. IX, 1'hil.i.k-llilitoJP. a-7 aw-. k. 9 li a ilay at h'.in. pnily mads. C'o.tlr I At. outlil lrf.,.a 'I'Bns A I ,.. Anauat.. Mn. ! a wnek in l Addraas II I'lHKNiX eErTuKAI. will enra -mr O'lncti- Prlca jic. lit r. Ilov. , r t wi, r arvi PiV... i hmv,mt Ilan li J ,.r,..ll,..,- S l !'.;ii!l..s. ii-i.-m i'f f....l.hanili ;. i..:.wir,i,n-iy.-iiv,-. i:.AKy-urdm k-,e. i,i- ., 'U t.i Vi I sin-.-l. N. V ii 1 1 1 irj CURES WHlftE fll ELSE FAILS, tm jl It.t,lC-..llKIlSyrll. 'HJJII K,KJil. g nnnun ibhuij. n n m Kt-HS LAY