"-,:Tiiyiiiiiiifc" fllhe dhalham 3SfforJ . .- . i - THURSDAY, JANUARY 24, 1H81. H. A. LONDON. Editor. mm ii .. j . . ii ; ' . . ... .' . campaign cord against him ; Senator . S'M) colored. Of the females 5 were his head in her lap and found that he CHATHAM'S KX HI If IT. j 0"r people. r.vcryi.o.iy win mimic (..,. ,s ,,,. al.tojul from his ; white. f.S colored. j was dead. Mr. Booke was in good ; this fact an d yet no thin-,' is done to immense hut somewhat gloomy pile. ! During tne twelve mouths from health at the time. Mrs. Mary The county of Chatham has ofli- mil()ve t,;s hindrance. The news- and his State has reared and kicked November 1, 1HS-J, to December 1, Allen, who lived at Miss Kmily Camp eially declared through her Board of i .mp,,rs publish long articles on the up against him : and now the near ' 1NN.J. tin re were received from the ' bell's, was found dead in her room. Justices that she will have a "cred-1 BUi,jo(.t tti,d the jud"os at everv neighbor of those last mentioned has courts 4:12 convicts. Of these .Vi j Mrs. Allen had been sick, but had ftable exhibit" at the State exposition ... . to be held next fall. As will be seen ly reference to our local columns the Justices of this oounty, at their meet ing held here last Tuesday, uuant aously adopted a resolution railing trpon tbo county commissioners to tie such steps as will insure ereditable exhibit of the taried re- ourcea of onr county ftt the North Carolina State Exposition," and wej are quite sure that it will be the ttleasore of our commissioners to I carry out the wishes of the justices. . , mi ii And bo we claim for Chatham the . ... ., . . honor of being the tirst county tu k a. tt i- n .- Horth Carolina whose authorities ' iave officially taken action in regard to having a proper county exhibit at ih o 'hin" Slate exposition ' - ,. ,, ... We are not only highly gratified at tb action of our justices, but we are , , , it , ., . also pleased to know that it meets . , , ... With the approval of our citizens ' , generally, lliia spirit proves tnai or people are becoming aroused to the importance of properly informing the world as to our resources and thereby attracting capital and immi grants to aid in their development. Tbe resources of Chatham in foicst. field and inino are unsurpassed by any county in the State, while her water-power is simply incalculable. Her location geographically is most favorable in the very centre of the State and her climate is remarkable for its salubrity The North Caro- Kna railroad skirts her eastern and; V'T. ;'n " "f , , i , i ,iflgnts. thrt the present ( onirress northern borders; the R.re.gh and j ni(,(,t t,)(i PMll.,tlltioIls ,)f ,),o Augusta Air-Line road runs through ; peoji'e in compelling the surrender the southern poitiou of the eountv bv railway corporations of a number fbl 16 miles ; and the Cape l- ar it Yadkin Valley road enters Ler south- ern boruer near t.gvpt ami runs through the county in a nortu-west- rnly direction a distance of nearly 30 mile. So that Chut ham has coir venieut railroad facilities, making her accessible to tho outer world. . But we do not now purpose enu-1 erting the inducements offered bv lt 6 . 4l . .. t ,. r : Chatham to the capitalist and lmmi-1 grant. We will do that hereafter, as we tare often done heretofore, and, rould now urge upon our countymen ;..,v..r.,o.i.il,..Ji;.-il,..,-ieompaiiv , , J , .. .. . . ,. . Mbres and see to it that C.hathuiii xiibit shall b "a creditable ono in very respect. We appeal uot only j an the eountv nride of our citizens ' Wttili.iVn.morvi.iliti.i.i tll eoantv'a material prosperity. Huu- dreds of visitors from the Northern i Statea will attend the exposition, and tliov there see a "creditable" rv. libit of Chatham" resources they will be attracted to this county and Ill(.t uil1 T , S(.ott nllll .in SO doubt miury will be induced to his point he even claimed that the invest or settle amongst us. Il will Texas Pacific grant had already laps Unueh ai advertisement of Chatham . ''1- 11,1,1 lhed Ii'- through t.r .. , . , .. . , t, . ritorv uiion which he was reallv a Aa uu State 8 exhibit at lioston was.. 1 ., . , ,.- tnsspasser if that grant was alive, tor North Carolina. Let us all then T1(, T,.xus .l(.jf,(, ,VPIlt (ow. Tom tako an active interest ii; aiding our Scott, broken in hea'th aud defeat-d ouniy autlmrities in making an ex t in purpose, sold out to Jay Gould. .,tr r.r -oi.,l..i'fnl ources and varied products, and as Chatham occupies the ceutral posi- j lion on the map of our State so let iv the central posi- " n. ,lttrJiion id exposition : s make her occupy tion and be tho centre 20 A I) SITKKVISOKS. All the public roads in this State are placed under the supervision and; ,ntrl cJ th,. nnstH'.H of the .-a.-e'"" V " .''" '"'' "P , " i justices are constituted and styled the "Board of Supervisors of Public ' Roads" of their respective townships. ! . . .. . tI . ; la many justices have recently been , appointed and may not be familiar with all their d'tties we take the lib-: rty of referring to the law prescrib- mg their duties and poweis in the ' t tha cmtsit'ul ti tvt- It wl . 1 1 1 fitnl llit. matter of the public mails, w hich is : ontained in chapter 50 of vol u him I. ' f The Code. We allude to this sub- ject just now lecause on next Satur day week, being the tirst Sat urday in , February, tho law directs that the justice of every township shall meet , at Borne place wiiuin uieir rowiisiup , , . i . i , i . 1 . lor the purpose of consulting on the subject of the condition of the roads ki their'township. At this meeting 1 " Viey must elect some one of their, number chairman, and divide the ! roads of tbeir township into portions '' And appoint overseers for naid sec-1 a: v ,i .... I-1...... ..i.v. i,'.V "" " "JV - ' ""J "'i.Mewart frst Saturday in February was fin- (led ont as the day for these meet-! ivga, unless our law-makers very i n l.i il. t it.: "n'J "" .. t ... i , . p ! m of tie year when the subject of ths condition of the roads" needed j more attention than at any other. Cert iinly our public hndiwavsat this J 1 T wason every yu- are al most i-j Ue and their condition appeals j ! to amid w i-lintey-ee relief iliev enn to ; ,. , . . , , 1 fill 1.C1 SOUS IU U Iti' II Uliu-i I'lVl them. The condition of onr public roads for half the year is one of the great- i, ;, i, .,",., u (i,n iiroou-i-itv of ' teu uf evm. ,,nlrt in ev,rv ,muitv icnu 01 rii j ,,,.. tl0 g, !U1d juries on the same j Mlbj",.t ml,i H;i ; Vain. Our high- ways are no better now than they were twenty five years ago, and our people seem content to drag along as their fathers did before them. And this will continue until we have a l0rjilatiiro that will change the SJ.stem 0f working our roads. A STKAMKK SI NK. ft,, l,.,f Tl. Ill-u. Lli- III. . vfi.IIIIW.l- fit I' ! . , of Columbus lilving between boston , t, , i i . and Savannah was wrecked near Oav Tt , , , .. . , , . Head, the eastern end of the ls'and of Martha's Viin vKid. ami ninetv- seven persons were drowned, only twenty nine of those on board having 1 ""v ... j been rescued. The scene as described ' t.,- !,., u,.vi-..v toirililA in tin. ; ... , extreme. e well lenn niber passing v . j the scene of this disaster, on onr . ! vovte'e fioni Nortolk to host on last fall, early in the morning as the sun .. .... r ,. ,.u;, .,,,.1 si. . ... si.i.'(i was in such striking contract to that depicted by the survivors of this appalling ship-wreck. Our Washington Letter. IFrom ur lN-culiir tVrri''iiI"ht. ' Washington. D. C. Jan. l'J. 1SX4 It tnav be set down as mi estab'ish- ed fact, barro-.g the absolute purchase of ' of fovfp:ted 'and ;'i-l!:t s. Thello'ls' Committre on Public Lands litis n'readv decided upon a number of 'most powci fully to tho snpci isors these grants, the most important of' Among these wire four parties of , merchant, left home, and a few hours which is the Texas Pacific, which Mr. excursionists, altogether numbering later was married to .fas. I?. Oari Tluntiiigton is trvimr to gobble, and somo two huiiilied. Northern men son. the liviii" skeleton at the dime ! there is no doubt that the committee will be sustained in its report. A 1 fierce fi dit wi'l be made bv the lobbv. 1 nit the current appears to le too strong for them, and the eyes of the 7'"r?- through the press, are t ... close noon them to render the j.ur- (ll0 of cnonh votps pntietible or poss:b!e. If the Texas Pacific had been built under the law making the grant, the would liave been entii'ed to 14.nnn.00i) acres of land. Hut the COInpanv ftd1l.., 11T1(1 BmIllloi,e,l the worki ftftor ,avinr earnestly besought Congress for other aid in raising momy. w hich was refused. Its chief argument was that there ought to be n southern route to compete with the Union and Central Pacific. ' jt here came in Mr. Huntington of the Southern Pneihc. who defeated tnem i.v setting up that ins company : would bui'd the desired competitor wittiollf ki il tui.lv n ri.1 wiilinnt Oovt-i-n. An' conies the virtuous nnti ..I..'.l,. IT, .i.,,. ...I... t. ..:l t : . t;pon ho of tl)(, T(,xmh iVilic. and presents Jav (iou'd's order on th" Government for tl i fourteen million acres of land which 'tlieTrsas Pacific would have K ,,n : ! entitled to if it had been built The i enterprising Gould havin.' no desire i.. i..,;i,i ti... ......l ..l.i.-. .:....!.. I-. I It tilt- I , '.tl t. lllHoilo lllllll'll over to Hunting'on, for whatever he ! cou'd make out of it. the land "rant which he himself had no more tith- 7,M 11:1,1 '" n' al estate .n.tn . .11 ....... I I ... I .... . T 11 A.. . t h lngli 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 : t ; i ' M It is gratifvini' 10 otisei ve 1 nar tie-seiienif is going to be heavily sat down upon bv Con gn-ss. and that some portion of the v(lsf t'n.i'1,,.v M.osed to be i,, the grasp ot those w ho have never given HUyiWlUt, f,. it. is , rvtiUtr , tie-public domain, Sour body has called attention to the cir ious fact that it is unluekv for llsr'' statesmen to buiM ' big .1 .1 . ., t nouses iu m asnuigron, atei t tic recent defeat of .VI '. Peii.l (-ton seems to be a fr sh illustration of this peculiar truth. Ill licarlv everv case, even as t if i i , .. , . far back as Douglass and I.reckm IH ge the pnb.ic. men who have attempted a tine permanent M-sid. nee here have fou, t ,t, the erection of a liiuusoleuni for their political hones' msteai o a pa nee. Neither Sprague - t I "or Ms tatir r in law long enjoyed the i stately mansion with its large ,r .,i il. ............. ..r c:..i. ..Tl 7, , ',' ,. 1. s icein. winch is now a iioardiii" house. Attorney (u nenil Wi liannt wits on of tin- hi'st to lniil h lino snlence in the rew part of the est , " ', , . , a cimX L'l It'll l.ltll T.lll In. if ofl.i. W. . . 1 " btiilt what is still ca'letl , The Castle " further out. It nearly ! hurned tlown twice, and Irs family ' have onlv occupie.l it for a shot t time lately. (leneral Butler erected the ..... L.l.mn .-ll.r.ifr. mn,,.;,.,, n I'....! t r .,- toI mL which culd not have cost less than 100,000, just before he n'ent out of nalional polities appa ren'.'.v "'r good." Even the leasing 1 it seemed likelv to prove almost equally fatal to the prosperity of Senator Jonea, of Nevada. "Boss " Shepherd only completed his tine lunistr alHUtt I lie tllllO tlie mill ll W;IVC ClllUC I i"ime in his fortunes ami sent him to ,, - - . . i i I . t lie .Uexieaii mines aim nis nouse inio ; tli'- hands if ii receiver. Mi-. Robe- sn ,as not live.l in liis house ; Mr. Biaine only a short tiino in his : Mr. Windoni's was directly used as a iKe,i ne p.anK m t,mo. lht mvesti.'iition beine conduct- ed by Mr. Springer's committee into the atlairs of (ho I'epartinent ol Justice is developing a very interest- ing state of facts concerning various United States marshals. It appears that nearly every marshal has taken care to yet a good deal of Government moncv in the wav of fees, and that numbers of them are short m their accounts. Ex-Marshal Hall, of Pitts- burg. it. is said, made !l.!0.(MM un- lawfully, and about a dozen others owe the Croverninent from .lil.H()il ueward. This is a nice state of facts which was nut suspected outside of the Attoruey-( ieiier;t!'s otlice. and the curious part of it is in the indillVr- ence shown there and the utter lack of accountability and responsibility .ixacted by that department. It is said there will be some loud music v u,.u lm. mvesi lfjmiuu geis now n io the Star-route trial and kindred mat- when the invest i-ration i'ets down to ters. Phono. - Our State JIiim-IUII. Kruni Uit-Ni'wh au.l oiiw rvur. The geological iiiu.-.euru is. as has been said, the tine ,t in the South, and is one of the best known in the . oun- tiy. Yesterday a repoi ter dropped in there and spent hall an hoiiriu pleas ant conversation with .Mr. '1. C. Har ris, who is in chin ge. l-'rom him it was ascertained I h.il dm ing the eh ven ninnths from l binary to lccem!er, lvs.'5. there wire no less than (!.:! I visitors to tlii- museum. Tin-attendance cadi un t. I li during that period was as follows : pebru-in CiS'i. March 7."i.". Apnl i;:!'.. .May 4s(l. June :". .July (ill. August "nil. Sept. -m her luii. October ('.''SI. Novt lilbi-r (ii'o. 1 ei-em her oill. Among these vi.-itors were r''lTV :'" v V ' .!wo,,l-v; six States oesides Ni.rth I arolina. and of six foieign couni.ies. This state- m.-nt of the number of visitors, which is accurate, w ill attract special attci,- lion, tor it is one of the best proofs ol the fact that so miic'i attiution is' being directed to North Carolina. drop in evcrv .lav. and manv cmie here, spend a dav or even several davs in ilisiiectim.' the museum, then o away to where they aseertaiii the minerals. c. they wish can be found of .he best quality or in the greatest quantity. Here is where the actual ; cash value of the museum makes itself manifest even to the most casual oh- s!'rvt1' It is an outward ..ml visible OI l,,e '.sources or the tate. . it..- I . I ., vi'iuiii: tw im- iiiust-ii.ii now are business men. who are "look- ing around. ' as the phrase goes, "on their own hook." To show how people are being nt traded to the State we cito tin- in- stance of Mr. William Hart, a Scotch- :l" excellent wooil-woi ker, wlio , w,ls s,'!l' 'vhienls in Uus country eopics of the lioston "Herald" which . ontained descriptions, accurate and full, of Noith Carolina's resources,- and advantages. A dav or two ago the Scotchman came ht ie ami iiiform- cd Mr. I funis that he would .uake his home in the State, choosing Win stun, probably, as the point. The latest ml. hi ions to the thous ands of beautiful specimens of all kinds in the museum arc iialmetio branches from Smith's Island, below llmll.gton. 1 lie palmetto trees there attain a diameter of tvilve uinl even t went -four inches, and a height of from tliiity to foity feet; ijuile tropical, in fad. The specimens iu the museum are large and beautiful. The Wake eountv serpentine, iml l?hi:'1 tlroeN nttei.tion, as the only i'''e specina.,, It ,s we are told, very V!llll;'l,k' for all nisido work, such us "'i"'els, Ac, as it is easily worked, takes n beautiful polish, is abuinlanl and cheap Specimens of . . I specimens oi mameis. 1 of tho lovely tleoh-colored maible of Cherokee county, are shown and ale li.indsonii r than any ever seen here. A few days since a party cuine into the museum to look at specimens of baryte. He f..und that it existed in ipiantilies in Orange county, not a great way from Durham, and nt once went there to purchase the mine. liarvte is used in the adulteration of paints. A large null for grinding it was put up la-t autumn on Col. Ibim boiigh's land til Warm Springs JSarvtc is in special di-mni. d. sis mints of it are scarce. '1 lie museum is to have at last H "Jumbo," in the shape if a cut of n cypress tree w hich is ju-' iwtlve fi et in diameter. This monster isfo arrive ; I t. i il .. i..i :..i. :. . tiflt l .-nil , oil Hie IlilHIgll ,v I IIISIIII I , ., U ,. 1 . ai.d ernes from the n-.tli- ,,, f tll(. state. Where to .., .. : fl,,stlnI,. fr ,., ,.t i , nnv ,,,. .".i ...i .. i : i ; i ,.,., ,, to m ike a breast nit. for n A 'Jlllliu') (tlllt'l ri V Willi, II It'll IS (j,J((, .,1(.r f the new arrivals : at the intiseum. It tips the scales at 1 r"nl tow',s'"l- " "'is county, hogs, twelve pounds and is perfect in form. lsl"''l Hn'1 "!I fl ,,,!- x,,t"- Mr. Harris is now engaged iu mak- I " Win 11 waH "v''r before known in ingamapofthe)iiieof theCa1.eIVar;tl"s w ',,"- h- W A- Bn-e. who & Yadkin Vallev railwav. The road llvt's "'HI' Matthews station, met with will soon issue a pamphlet containin.' ' this map and giving full information . .1 . .. I '. iiKttlt ilin nfilltiti'v nit ifa linn about tlio countrv on its line. - Aver's l'llls cure const i nation, in. prove the appetite, promote digestion. , tr.i,.r,. l.....iri.v .. .n ....-l r.rut.. everv function." Thev are pleasant t( - l .' n.. ... tt.:. ....t: iufct", LTI'III It; III men t lot 'I it I loll, yrt. thorough, seaiching. an 1 powerful in Hiibduifi" disease. At Andover. New Brunsw ick, on th H.lh inst , the thermometer indi - cated a temperature of 52 degrees below zero. i The State Penitentiary. From tin- Nrwrnui.t Hlwn , J lie report of the warden if the peinieiiuarv siiohs, that the total j number of convicts In tho Shite Do - j eeuiber 1. 18S.J. was 1,01:). Of these i !.r0 were males, ami (!U females. Of the male 11:5 were white. 1 Indian, , were wn.ie n.a.es. .,; colore, males 1 Indian male. 2 wbire fmnn na. '1 II colored females. Of the 4:52 piison - crs recetvcil -10 were married. 21.1 single, 1" widowers, 1 divorced. 1 widow. Of the prisoners. Wake sent 27, Mecklenburg 22. Xew Hanover 21. r.dgecoiubc 1M, Halifax lli. Forsvth 1 1, Wilson 11. Duplin 14. WavnelH. Kobeson 12. Iredell 11, (iiiiiford 111. L. noir 10. Pitt It), Warren Id. 15er tie. Caldwell. Camden, Cherokee, Pare. Davidson, Graham. Harnett, Henderson. Polk. Rutherford. Sinulv, Tyrreil and Yancey sent none, The terms n sentence were as fol- lows : ;"2 one year, 7 one and a half years. 12(1 two years, 74 thice years, lid four years. 7S live vcars. il six years, S seven years. 1 ten years, 1 t welve years, 15 1'n't ecu yeais, S twenty vears. :l for life. All the convicts are in the new cells. .i ii i ne con .eis are in mono and the hospital is now in Hit ndnii rahiy heated mam building. 1 he IfOspital wing is marlv completed and in this the sick will soon be ipiar- tered. There are hospital wards on three tloors, the ro uus numbering six in all. the diiiictiM. ns being very large, and the lighting, ventilation. etc.. admirable. On t In- lower lloor two of the great loo. is are to be used as a chapel and Smu'ay school room. A heavy partition wail separates the looms, but at one ell I this does not reach the cro.-s wall, so that cue stain ling at that po.i.t can see all over both rooms. V -ry soon the old woo.leu dining hail, so many years in use as a chapel, will be no longer used. Everything at t he penitent ia ry. as in all the Slate insi il ui ions, is progressive and in the line of im ploveliielit. The tower of the east tier of cells is rt ivii.g the finishing 1 1 inches, and considerable interior w ork is going on. Marry his n Skeleton. Kr..m m,. x. t ant oi,.,.rv,.f. 1 Monday hist Miss Picrtha Clear, the pi 1 1 v daughter of a I'hiladelnhia imiseiim in th it citv. with whom she htnl become infat tiate.l. W-tlnesdav tin. bei.le .if t o .I n- m-.w n r,,,;..!r maniac, who. imagining that she was still wih her nionstr.isitv of a hus- band kept crying. 'Oh ! takeme away from him! Take me b.ck home. Take me back. Take me back." On Tuesday the girl seemed to realize lier folly ami went home on pretence of getting some clothing. Arm ing Tiiere sue was kiii.iiv received iiv nir parents, but quickly relapsed into a delirium, from which she has not vet recovered, struggling and crvingout ;ftM the time for help and deliverance. The father of the irirl savs she has fieqiiently given signs of being de- inente.l. ami that a divorce w ill Hppli"d for as soon as the girl know what she is doing. Oil Ulld Wiltl'i f'r..in Um N. hu.i oi.sertr. An i vperiuient lias been made as to the feasibility of laying the surg ing waves by means of oil and it ; has proved successful. Two dollars i worth of oil was forced through ; pip'-s out into the harbor of J-'olke- stone amid the breakeis, and when thegiolnih s of oil reached the surface theetlect was magical. In half an hour there was not a sign of broken waters, where it had just been so rough that no boat could live in the wild waves. This plan of "calming the doubled waters." at least twenty centuries old. should now be put to practical im.: No vessel should bo r. gai .led as complete in her e.piip- nient that is not furnished with her "barrels of oil." John I'.gati. ex-Speaker of the New ' Jersey Assembly, has been sentenced to imprisonment at hard labor for j one month ami a tine of S.'i'MI for an i attempt to bribe a member of thoj Legislature last winter. j A gentleman by the name of Brown. 1 living in Stafford, near Fredericks buig. had a severe attack of the ear ache and poun d spirits of turpentine ! in it. which soon produced paralysis, and .h ath. i Monroe Fu.piiier: One effect of the stock law is to make game much ' more plentiful. The old lields being allowed to grow up afford them pro tection from hunters ami other dep redators. Mr. Allison Simpson of Jackson towushin. hin n renmi Lul.lv , , , I""1'1"' '""' ha, given buth to f"'"' Jvcs two M-ts of twins- with in little over a year's time. We learn that, during the recentcol,! snap. itist over the State I st .... i. h""- horse iMdonging to a colored '" '""".V '"'' death. In Bu- 14 l""''""ir at-euieui, a few tlay. ago 1 J"s,1 1'"t,"'"(M' t,JW- .i'I.iIa uln.,,1..,,. ,1. f 1 ni.,,,,K ,,, lu,. 1JM-u,,,,,,,,,. mg his overiv.at pockets of several articles, a pound package of powder,' which it. contained ignited and explod limited and cxnlod- ' ed Mr. Bice, a little iri.l wlt way standing near him with a child in her arms, mvi rue einiti wr n r nri.tu .nel H.o ..l.il.t ll "" -" ". "r.r nil ttrttTici) burned about the face, hands and arms, ! Thu child was blown fiom the gil l's . anus across the room The overcoat was destroyed and the house ciune ' ' near burning up. Fortunately no m.e was dangerously injured, and nil ! 'will recover with more or U-m scara. I -, . " t ... . . ..... . . . . t - Wi'Mon News: Mr. Benny Booke ; niul his wife were walking along I ho i road m Northampton eountv. Mr. liooke staggered, ami Ins wile sup- ! nosed that he had merely stumbled ! ! at first, but noticing that he ilkl not ; j recover himself, took hoH of him anil 1 assisted lain to lie down. She put; apparently rccovcre... ami was as we., us ihiv one of tier n.rn eoiil.l lie lis- 1 pected to be. Climtai the Spiral Slain ISVIsmi.K AliCMlTKCTrilK IN A NEW INO- I.AVI I'AltsoNMiK. "Y.-," nlii n..l, "..iir i lill.lr.'ti lire innrrUvl nii'l IS-.in' nii'l my liii"l'iiii.l Hint I U l.jr mr wluier Mr.' iiiinii w .Ii. I..'..-.. tho Unit. ..ii.-ti riiiiin to wl.l.'ii tl Ir.-l... I.I:.' I c 1 1 1 ; 1 1 1 : . Ilk.' il spiral HIUlt'.'Ast'; Wi ll?-. nil ll.i' lint .inliiu nr.. un. I ..v.t Un Hp.it w.i j-inriiil from, ..nly inn' il.-ti-t furtluT ii 1 1t, stalrM." "'I'lmi'i. ii .r'My Hliii.trAU..i," r.'HiHi'k.'. Iht frli'inl. inu-.ltiu'i:' . uiiz.i.i; Ini.i lh' ;l"wliii; O'ls whl.-ii riKli'it.' I it .i.-iiMiiii ti. tii II-...M Hi.' miinv- U lll'l .w.mI !t.iv,.. "V"ll Lll'.IV Wt' 'Jllll.L ft.. t.,11 - Ii f i.. tli.' hill. II .Mi ' "Snr.'ty w.. .'iiini .i. ini.i f..r niv...'ir I .l'.n'l llti.l tmili nii lli.it l. " -It y .r..v..'. lli.' n l;.ii.'i. In lli.' lei ii:i.'ti l.'.l will. i-Hlniiiiiy r H.ilT.-iiiii;. !..r I lui.' ha I my Kh.-ei.'.r lli.il. N-.l flu.-.' my h.-itlili ux.'ily l.i'.K.' -Imwii. Mv ? fi.'in w us lull ..I ii.itlnrlii. Sly .liL'.'-it.'ti h.'.-mn.. i It -r-.i i lil y lt.r .l.'r.' I mi'l 1 1 1 y ii rv.'s ivrr.' In a w i'.m.'Ii.'.! tni.v 1 was li'.i.c.il.l. ill. Hi . I.' Hii'l Dial Mlilf.nt t'it."ln: It. nii'l liii-l ii" fii-t-ttL::!! ..r Hiiii'l:.'ii i. pi-rr'-i-iii .'Mil 11 1 1 1 -1 1 1 It. .11'.. tl 1.1 .l.lll.'H. .n. .Ii. 'Ml IU'll nii'iit tall."l I., r.'a. li ili.' .s.'ai ..t 1 1 . . n..iil.... Hi.. .Its.'its,. -wl.l.'ii f.'i-iii.).l t.. In- ncakii..Hs ..f all il:.. .il ..rutei 'r"i:rff'.'. until 1 ha l i..'V,ral ai- la. -Us w h;. h m 1. 1.) si Inns .r.n..it 1 1" l..a.'iii.t .-.l.'i.'s'.l.'ti ..t llif sL.tua.-h, 'I'll.' las! ..I lli.'-c was n . s.,.aii. sii iiL't;li. hii. I I wujs civ, -ti ue I.. .11.'. AH tl..' t-rlsis lia.l l.Ht'lallv .a-s.tt. my Itusl.aii.l li.'ar.l ..f III.- miTlls "t l'AKKKK s TONIC as .all III vi is. 'ran! tu J n -t Hii.h t-ascs as mi in-. I i""k It aixl Uii lis tf '.l t tT.'.'ts ai ..i It ii...'ansl 1.. wr- vti'lf my InmIv, in, tit.. licit ih. I.lfssiuc t.t ut'w llfr ha. I ...in.' t. in.. Takinc ii. ..' h.T itir.ll.-lnr 1 ..ii tliui... I t. liupri.vt., ni.. I am u.-w In ht'ttrr hraltli than 1 hair t.rrlt r.r a l"iic Hn.r." ilMra.'i lr.i"i Int. ru.iv with ih wlff.f t:v. I'. lV'iry, la-i..i'.. lla.tist i iiiir.'li. t i-. k, jntss. A HOME DRUGGIST TESTIFIES. rtli!:tritv at lioni.t is u t aln lli.. l.rft lr-,1 .. in. ril. hut Mi' nit il. II;. I" thf l-.. t u..ii ..r iisrtf that I lli. r in. .1 Ml.'h lllio. ri.al ;..i.'! Plalr, ati.l I'u.imri, ai..l a in u t, ii t-.ly. "HH al. ..'..I'I'.-, ."j Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Thr f..!l..ivii:.4 1, tt.T fr..in ..niM.f i.itr l.rt-kii-Hii .M'i.-s.i.'l:ii..'i!s Pru..r...;. .-ii,.u,l hc f iiil.'f.-st lurvt-rt .-nil -j it: RHEUMATISM. ESS v. rt' th:.l I o"Uil it-tl mm. ti. m ti.r lt'l. r ili.', nl:. ait h. I n i, . I M'o r.tl r.i llli". Mllltollt lllll.'ll if illlV !' lii-i. iiiiiil t took Am it's s ,i: r .i n i. , , . u. ,,f I. "ttl.'h "f ttn.-!i I '...'- .'.'.ii( .-:. jy .-llti'.t. II. or 1-.:.' .ilii.;.::-of voiir S.liA- I-::n.i.. .ti,.! i -:;.! i. i.i it li. n i.'iml I .--put.-t i-i : . T!. n. ...v fin..!, ii t.i ll.'. t.'i lit t'.i- V .' irl v r.'iil ::;.. la.- ti, ,t i i- ll.r h-.-l I.. I nr. UI ol! Iril 1 I llio i . r. :i i inns.- i., Mav l.i, l-.'. Kiv. r St., Hiit'M.'ii.il, Ma Ol ni- Anmmw", r in tl..-1 .. .t. II i,'. t i i.r."i-..ti,.n 1" lorn l.n r. iii,.i.ii ..ill Klii'iiiu in tin us ariiialh t'..t.T.-.l '. ..f hi" lio.lt nml ro:. . I l.y .m n h r.ili.'.itt! in Ajt l s m . .rt I on. lis nl.'rraii. Horn lli i lillii.lt. Il. u.nt S I KM I' Villi I t. Alinaliiic lor . I'lil'l' It! II IIV Dp. J.C.AyerA Co., Lowell, Mass. Soltl ltyall lirugMln; ?l,n !.ttl'. forsi. Happy Now Year! Fanners save vour moncv bv calling al W. L. LOUDON'S and buving vour lie keeps the Lamest Stock ia fie Csiiiily, and any II. ing In for von on tl lias I; .-.shi.ri .1. h. g, t Hr 'vrci-s C ins r ,:. ri.v on Him. "Olii;u cHiLid.D." nrNTF.i; CHI f.ld'.D." -LIVINGSTON." "FAUMKH'S FHIKND." "KICHMOND KKNIT'CKV." and WALL'S I.MPIJOYF.D i'LoWS. DOCBLF. SliOVKLS AND (il'.OKtilA -Sl'OCK.S. Would c.ill vour especial atteiition to the "JI ANCi )CIC s:.--k as b. ing THF, BKST PLOW MADlv Any kind of plows, farming imple ments and plow casting.. I'll iii.-lmi on short in. lice. SliOVKLS. I'olIKS. COLLARS. HAM MS. TBACF.S. AXI'.S (the best make). COKN -SIIKLLF.BS. NAILS (all kinds). HAUDWAKK. CFI'LLKY. DUY GOODS. GltOCKIHKS. IT' UNIT l it K. tVC. LONDON IS MAKING iLUUUUUUii 1J1 UQOJ in all kinds of WOOLF.N GOODS. FAT It A BARGAINS IN CLOAKS. JACKFTS AND JF.BSKYS. Has a large stock of BLANK FTS nun u hui ov iu iv TUF.M I'.NDt )FS SACBI ITCH. HKADYMADK CLOTHINO. very cheap indeed. Has a full stock of SHOKS and BOOTS, just lec ived. LONDON KFKI'S TIIK hi Sewing Mm M i n ..... t, .... ow. i are iudebt- 'i ,'..; ,.iU ! CAUi AND SFTTLF AT ONCF. ' sii..riui.moui. iiiim.. i..ng fri. ii.i." j i Old accounts MI ST II K SFTTLKD befoi-t- new ones an- made. You j hav FAIB NOT1CK and if j your credit is refused i 814. it is your oivn fault. W. L. LONDON. fttulxuv, 2). Cj; J&uiutry 3, Ibttt. Miscellaneous mm mSmm HARDWAHE OF EVOY DKSCRJPTION. SASH, DOORS AND BLINDS, .Largest Stock in Worth Carolina. JCLIUS LKWIS tV CO., StllN OF TIIK CloI.liEN Hl(l:SK SlIOK, '2'2i rayettevilh- St., opjiosite the Market. Januarv 10. 1H.S4. SAMPLES. Bls.OWN'S Maiuinotli Double Store, GREENSBORO, N. C. The continued mild weather having ninde the Fall and Winter Heason of 1SS: iimisiiallv short. I liml I have too many goods on hand in sumo lined and in order to re luce stock have made a SWEEPING in prices of I'l-idvinade Clothing. Overcoats, heavy liootsand Shoes, Ijatlivs' Cloaks. U'.ilmalis. .Jersey .Jackets. Shawls, piece goods, Jilaiikets, (guilts, Mi us rudfiwiar. tVc tVc., Ac. I now offer Heavy Ovci uts ai s:? oil. S-2.5M ami S.'ldl); Oood Overcoats at tylM I. S i.llil and Sli.Hl: I-'i ne Oveic, liits at S'.l.llll. Si l.ll'l and 11.(1(1; Heavy Suits al Si. Oil. S 1 "" ami So.llll: (loud Ihisiness Suits al .Sii.oo. s" 00 ami SS.DO . Fine Die.ss Suits at sll.uil. sl-..-),l and SlU!. This is no humbug and no j..!r. but a genuine markdowii in prifos to reduce stock. I offer special bargains in Knots and Shoes of all kinds. Mens ami Boys' Hats, and Ladies' Cloaks and Shawls. You are cordially invited to examine these goods and prices and you md save money by doing so. llcspectfully yours, SAIYIPI.E S. BROWN. M. T. NOUI IS, IjiIo of Norrls, Wyatl Ai Taylor. w. e m nuns, Ijitr of Norris, Mar.' A: t 1 1 II 1 1 . .M. T. Norris & ISiu Whosticcr el Norris. Wyalt Taylor at their old stand. : WHOLESALE GROCERS ! AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, i No. Ill Kxchange and No. 15 I'.ast i Mai I in Streets. RALEIGH, X. C. T, CAKKY A LAUdi: STOCK , ! which we offer to the trade at very low prices. j rr-We give SPKCIAL ATTKN- : TION to the sale of (JOTTOX, ; Make sales at highest prices and j ret urns at once. Produce soltl on commission at small charges. Liberal advances ma h- on cotton stored wit h us. Agents for Palapsco Guano. Agents for Pi lie ike Super Phos phate. Agents for Fish Hawk Guano. Agents for the celebrated Stone wail Cotton Plow, the King of the Cotton Fieid. .'miliary IT, Issl. HsffllLLAN BROTHERS, FAYKTT1 '.VILLI-;, N. C. . Have in stock 100 Cooking Stoves for both wood and p Mil, which we are selling at Manufacturers' prices. Also ' a large stock of pieced atid stamped ' tin-w.i:k. stovk l-li-i-s and Kl.fKs. ui.- i VAXirn iifssn and common siiKi:r-ntox, sin.KT 1-oi'i'hi:. soi.m.i:. e. It will repay anyone in want of these goods to call ami see our stock r and juices. j Five second-hand Bkasly Stills for ' sale. ; lh'..lT'JS,W, aillH. ' sVWU Ma? -C tnr. Hi. F-.t.-i '0 l ' FVIirVITUKK! I All KrBi..H 111 iifl of Furnlti.T( -lll .lo wi'll M ' .-nil ii.n II. e. OI.IVK. AM'X. S. wh..l.'in.'Hir". ! In ih.. iimimlf itirf of itvt'rv ililuc iititlttl iu Itilit linn. aIwi, niiikf . tvi .Illy .I (i.niim. : I'r.Mlutti uiki ii lu khi'Iihuico. h. c. olivi; Alt! Ixk. -mi. imn im. Advertisement6. THE ALL HIGI1T Cooking Stove. Tho iiiiili'rlRiii'l,Hili' Aiti'iitp for HiIh ro.obrftttxl Siivi','niiiiiiiiiii' in Hir nillli'iliM nvor TWI-:XTY-FIVE THOUSAND nl IIii'm' Sluvfii linv Ihhmi aulil, unj Hint Id rnrh liiHinni'0 llii-y linvo giwn Entire Satisfaction. PRICKS VERY LOW. r Wi lir lur IHwcrliiUvo Caialugue mil Liiil of tMrnli lire. ItALHKlH, N. C. REDUCTION S. KHKETZ SON, fayi:tti:villi:. n. c. Forntnrfe Dealeis and Undertakers, Kr.I'.P always on hand all .izen and styles of Collins and Caskets. ; v We have the haudsomest l-'uniitilro Store that has ever Iwen in Fayette ville. We have on hand ami are receiving daily from the northern markets the largest stock with tho greatest variety that has ever been iu the city. Come one, come all. We will tako great pleasure in showing you around, whether you want to buy or not. Old Furniture repaired and mado to look as good as new, at a very email cost. Oi't.nVr , l"s3. ' iitit.ir rtvi'it. WYATT 4 TAYLOR, It OGERS AND X... ia Soiiili h.m Mnnln St , ItALFKill, N. C. ll'ivlni; tills tiny f.irin.tl n ii..nnni'rithli wo rf"i..'.'iriilly K.illi li Die uitri.iiii)i.t ..f our fnrnu'r frl.'ii lii un. 1 1 lint int rs iiu.l l In- .ulillf gt'iinr.lly. I All ..r.lors wilt rt'i 'lvt. ir..nii: nlKiiUnu. -oiisj;fiiiifiita ..f t'olt.in fin. I ti1('niry ,rtNtiiis3 ;i..li.'.'.l, 1 Wt- lutv i Itaii'l it ruu Ht,K k lil.-l, will bn ...t WYATT & TAYLOR. January 1, ism. .FAYKTTEVILLE, N. C. ' FOB NOBTH CAKOLINA, to liuy jrtnir 1 Building Material, SASH, BLINDS, DOOUS, SAWED AND TFBNKD WORK of nil kin. Is. s.tlnfa.'U..ii itunranlttad or nomf roiiirnt.l. I r. sM'.'.iy rnll your aUimttt.ii to the InrKmt sl'., kot UNEiui I COMMON t'l'ltNlTCBR In Iba Sidle AT Wnoi.ESAI.E AND RFTAIF. PRfCM. '''If y-iu .'mil f..in t. ll.c rlly, wmd win ytr r.l.'i s, nii.l 1 will glvo llioni promii .nd iwwm '-uUiq. lteecirulir, J. L. ALLEN, Faykttevh.le, m. c. ; OtHt.ltrr 2 18KI. 3lu ll. K. FKTTY. ! 1 J I l!,ii.y.ttftvillt Mtreet, iuvxEiaii, sr. o. I tnko iili-wtiii-K In Informing my old frlrn.ta unl I'lisioiii. rit Hint 1 Intve rttfwuily roturnisl frrnn lliv NorUiiTn miirki'lB nnil iiuribniHxl an onllrrly NEW STOCK DRY GOODS, Ladies' Dress Goods, SS0S0 -UTD 300T0, nnI "vrntll"K tiftuitlly fnuml lu flrt- Tim want I nir ipkIh ro lnvtv1 to examine mf Uwk iKitrfi liuylugclitf wlirn. k. e. riiTir. MuvciuLwr 1, UM. AT r. .1 ''.i PiltlW'WJil CPM Mmmmmmmtmmm-